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October 2021
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Camp Spooky at Canada’s Wonderland
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October 2021
FEATURE Health: Chai Lifeline Canada
Excellence in Education
La Citadelle consistently develops competent global citizens through mastery learning and an exceptional holistic environment. lacitadelleacademy.com
FEATURE Get active: Winter sports prep
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GOBBLE, GOBBLE, BOO! It’s hard to believe, but here we are again – fall, Thanksgiving and Halloween. With social distancing öûÐÜÜ Ķ óáÜĒ Ðâ ÃÌÌûûȣ #ɚá öýóà Đà ¯óà ¯ÜÜ Ì¯»ÐâÍ ûÏà ö¯áà »Ï¯ÜÜÃâÍÃö æÌ öá¯ÜÜ Í¯ûÏÃóÐâÍö ûæ âæ ͯûÏÃóÐâÍö ¯â¿ æâÜĒ öûлÛÐâÍ ûÐÍÏûÜĒ ûæ Ēæýó ÏæýöÃÏæÜ¿Ȩ XÏæ ĐæýÜ¿ ϯďà ûÏæýÍÏû ûϯû ƵƳƵƴ ĐæýÜ¿ əĕææáɚ óÐÍÏû ºĒ us (pun intended)? Let’s look at the bright side: the Ēïó Ðö ¯Üáæöû æďÃóȣ ¯â¿ Ðâ öæáÃ Đ¯Ēöȣ ûÏÐö Ìæó»Ã Ðâ change of our habits and behaviour has been a good thing. 3¯ĒºÃ öÜæĐÐâÍ æýó ÜÐďÃö ¿æĐâ Ìæó áæóà ÐâûÐá¯ûà gatherings with those closest to us is a sign telling ýö ÜÃöö Ðö áæóÃȨ Xà ¯óÃâɚû óýöÏÐâÍ ¯óæýâ¿ ðóÃð¯óÐâÍ for this or preparing for that. I noticed that no one is rushing through dinner and running out the ¿ææó ºÃ»¯ýöà ûÏÃĒ ϯ¿ ðܯâö æó öæáÃûÏÐâÍ ÃÜöà ûÏÃĒ âÃÿÿ ûæ ÍÃû ¿æâÃȨ 3Ē ̯áÐÜĒ ¯ûà öÜæĐÃó ¯â¿ lingered longer at the dining table. We shared stories about our past, we chatted about the present, and Đà ¿Ðö»ýööÿ ûÏà Ìýûýóà æðûÐáÐöá ĐÐûÏ Ü¯ýÍÏûÃó towing behind. Zæý ¯óà áæöû ÜÐÛÃÜĒ Đæâ¿ÃóÐâÍ ¯ºæýû "¯ÜÜæĐÃÃâȣ æâà æÌ ÃďÃóĒæâÃɚö ¯ÜÜɍûÐáà ̯ďæýóÐûà »ÃÜúó¯ûÐæâ Ìæó ĒæýâÍÃó »ÏÐÜ¿óÃâȨ "æĐ ĐÐÜÜ "¯ÜÜæĐÃÃ⠺à »Ï¯âÍÿ ûÏÐö Ēïóȩ 3æöû æÌ ýö ĐÃóà »Ï¯ÜÜÃâÍÿ Ðâ ûÏà ð¯öû ĐÐûÏ ûÏà öÃâöà æÌ ýóÍÃâ»Ē ûϯû óÃòýÐóÿ ýö ûæ ó¯»Ã Ïæáà ûæ á¯Ûà ¿ÐââÃó ïóÜĒȣ ¿óÃööÐâÍ ûÏà Ûпö ýðȣ û¯ÛÐâÍ ûÏÃá æýû Ðâ ûÏà »æÜ¿ Ìæó áæöûȣ ¯â¿ Đæâ¿ÃóÐâÍ what the weather will be like, such as freezing, rain or snow. All this work to prepare and the little æâÃö Ãâ¿ ýð ĐïóÐâÍ »æ¯ûö ûæ »æďÃó ýð ûÏÃÐó æýûĶ ûöȨ BÜýöȣ ûÏà »Ï¯ÜÜÃâÍà æÌ ÏæĐ ûæ Ķ û ûÏà »æöûýáà æďÃó ûÏÃÐó öâæĐöýÐûö æó ó¯Ðâ»æ¯ûö æó ºýÜÛĒ öĐïûÃóöȨ #ɚá âæû öýóà ¯ºæýû Ēæýȣ ºýû # ¯ÜĐ¯Ēö Ìæýâ¿ "¯ÜÜæĐÃÃâ
öûóÃööÌýÜȣ æÏȣ ¯â¿ # ÌæóÍæû ûæ áÃâûÐæ⠿ûæó¯ûÐâÍ ûÏà outside of the house; which would then be followed ºĒ ¯¿¿ÐûÐæâ¯Ü ĐæóÛ ĐÐûÏ û¯ÛÐâÍ Ðû ¯ÜÜ ¿æĐâ æâÜĒ ûæ öû¯óû ðóÃð¯óÐâÍ Ìæó ÏóÐöûá¯ö ¯â¿ ̯»ÐâÍ ¯âæûÏÃó ûĒðà of rush and chaos. You still haven’t been able to have áÃɍûÐáà æó ÃâÚæĒ ûÏà ÏæÜп¯Ē ÐûöÃÜÌȨ XÃÜÜȣ ûÏÐö Ēïó Ðö Ēæýó »Ï¯â»Ã ûæȨ #Ì Ēæý ¯óà »æâ»Ãóâÿ ¯ºæýû ÍæÐâÍ ûóÐ»Û æó ûóïûÐâÍ ĐÐûÏæýû ÚÃæð¯ó¿ÐĕÐâÍ Ēæýó ÏïÜûÏȣ ÏÃóà ¯óà öæáà öýÍÍÃöûÐæâö ûæ öûÐÜÜ á¯Ûà "¯ÜÜæĐÃÃâ âÐÍÏû ¯ öðÃ»Ð¯Ü æâà ºĒ ðܯââÐâÍ ¯ ĐÃÃÛÜæâÍ ÜÐöû æÌ ¯»ûÐďÐûÐÃö ï»Ï night: ƴȨ Ðö»ýöö Đϯû Ēæýó »ÏÐÜ¿ Đ¯âûö ûæ ¿óÃöö ýð ¯öȨ ƵȨ Bܯ⠯⿠»óïûà ĐÐûÏ Ēæýó »ÏÐÜ¿ ÏÐö æó ÏÃó »æöûýáÃȨ ƶȨ Bܯâ æ⠿ûæó¯ûÐâÍ ûÏà á¯Ðâ ķ ææó æÌ ûÏà ÏæýöÃȨ ƷȨ "¯ďà Ēæýó »ÏÐÜ¿ æó »ÏÐÜ¿óÃ⠿ûæó¯ûà ûÏÃÐó ºÃ¿óææá doors. ƸȨ ¯óďà æýû ûϯû ðýáðÛÐ⠯⿠ö¯ďà ûÏæöà öÃÿöȨ ƹȨ ¯Ûà ¯â¿ á¯Ûà ¿ÐÌÌÃóÃâû ÛÐâ¿ö æÌ ÏæáÃ᯿à ûóïûöȨ LÏÃóà ¯óà á¯âĒ ĐúöÐûÃö ¯â¿ ZæýLýºÃ ďпÃæö ĐÐûÏ Ã¯öĒ ûæ ÌæÜÜæĐ óûÐðÃöȨ 7. On Halloween night, plan a list of Halloween óÃܯûÿ áæďÐÃö ûÏà ÃâûÐóà ̯áÐÜĒ »¯â Đ¯û»Ï ¯â¿ ïû those treats. "Ãóà ¯óà öæáà æÌ áĒ áæďÐà öýÍÍÃöûÐæâöȢ LÏà HðææÛĒ L¯Üà æÌ ¯ðû¯Ðâ Nâ¿Ãóð¯âûö "¯»Ûɍ ɍXÃÃâȣ HðææÛÜÃĒ ûÏà Hòý¯óà BýáðÛÐâȣ XÐû»ÏÃöɚ ¯ÜÜȣ Eææá æâ ûÏà óææáȣ æýºÜÃȣ æýºÜÃȣ LæÐÜ ¯â¿ LóæýºÜÃȣ LÏà 4ÐÍÏûá¯óà ÃÌæóà ÏóÐöûá¯öȣ #ûɚö ûÏà óïû BýáðÛÐâȣ ϯóÜÐà óæĐâȣ LĐÐû»ÏÃöȣ LæĒ HûæóĒ æÌ LÃóóæóȣ LÏà æÍ XÏæ H¯ďÿ "¯ÜÜæĐÃÃâȣ Eææá æâ ¯ óææáȣ ¯â¿ HðææÛĒ ý¿¿ÐÃöȨ â¿ óÃáÃáºÃóȣ ɗDýà HÃó¯ȣ HÃó¯ȣ ĐϯûÃďÃó ĐÐÜÜ ºÃ will be.”
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CITY PARENT | October 2021
BABY ˍ N4 E 84
FAQS Are trainers good for children’s feet? If you are putting shoes on your toddler’s feet, trainers that are öæÌûȣ ᯿à æÌ â¯ûýó¯Ü á¯ûÃóЯÜö ¯â¿ ĐÃÜÜɍĶ ûûÿ ¯óà ºÃöû Ìæó Ēæýó children’s feet. How long does it take for baby’s feet to straighten out? Crooked feet are fairly common in newborns. In most cases, the »æâ¿ÐûÐæâ »æóóûûö ÐûöÃÜÌ ĐÐûÏÐâ ûÏà Ķ óöû öÐđ ûæ ƴƵ áæâûÏöȨ #â öÃďÃóà cases, medical intervention might be necessary to straighten out the feet. Should baby’s feet always be covered? Babies and toddlers should spend as much time as possible ĐÐûÏ º¯óà ÌÃÃûȣ ÃöðûЯÜÜĒ ĐÏÃâ ûÏÃĒ ¯óà Ķ óöû ÜïóâÐâÍ ûæ Đ¯ÜÛȨ LÏÐö ÏÃÜðö ûÏÃÐó ÌÃÃû ¿ÃďÃÜæð ¯â¿ öûóÃâÍûÏÃâ â¯ûýó¯ÜÜĒȨ #ÜÜ Ķ ûûÐâÍ footwear can hinder development and cause long term problems. Why are my baby’s feet so cold? Cold feet on a baby are completely normal because their circulatory system is not fully developed at birth. It takes approximately three months after birth before the blood »Ðó»ýܯûÃö ûæ ûÏà ÃđûóÃáÐûÐÃöȨ ¯ºĒ æýûĶ ûö ĐÐûÏ öÃĐâɍÐâ ÌÃÃû covers will keep your children’s feet warm without restricting their movements. cityparent.com
How often do you care for your baby’s feet? If you answer not often—you’re not alone. Children’s feet are usually not at the top of the list when it comes to infant care. However, improper foot maintenance can lead to more severe problems later on. Proper foot health promotes natural development and reduces the risk of unwanted conditions, like baby foot fungus or other infections. You can also spot any abnormalities that may require a doctor’s care sooner. If, for example, you notice what looks like teeth growing on the toes, it could be caused by a rare genetic condition that affects nail growth. The sooner conditions are diagnosed, the earlier a treatment plan can be implemented. Caring for your toddler’s feet involves regular cleaning, drying, especially in between the toes, inspections and nail cutting. To prevent ingrown toenails or scratches, cut the nails in a straight line above the cuticle. Babies are more prone to
infections so open cuts should be cleaned and covered. Infant shoes have become a trendy fashion statement over ûÏà ĒïóöȨ "æĐÃďÃóȣ ÐÜÜɍĶ ûûÐâÍȣ restrictive shoes do not allow free movement and circulation. They can cause serious harm to your children’s feet and hinder essential development. Allowing your child to go barefoot as much as possible will let your toddler’s feet to develop and strengthen naturally. Shoes should be worn on children’s feet when walking on rough surfaces to prevent injury. A professional can properly measure the length and width of your toddler’s feet to make sure the öÏæÃö ¯óà ûÏà óÐÍÏû öÐĕÃȨ BóæðÃó Ķ ûûÐâÍ socks made of natural materials that do not restrict circulation can be worn on cold surfaces. Tight socks and shoes can also cause athletes foot in toddlers if the feet get sweaty and dirty. Regularly check for baby athlete’s foot when wearing shoes, going swimming and in situations where the feet are prone to dirt and moisture buildup. October 2021 | CITY PARENT
r e b octo
Expandable Tote 2.0 This bag is an expandable tote built with lightweight construction, a spacious interior, and a thoughtful design; this bag makes an excellent choice to start each day. Using the zip-around gusset, you can easily transition from morning to night—wherever you are— without having to adapt to your surroundings. Three attractive colours to choose from: cedarwood, black plum, and blue coral. $75.00 CDN available at forwardwithdesign.com and Sportchek
Dance Charades Dance Charade puts a whole new twist on charades. Included is a CD and is compatible with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Take a card and dance like the description and have players guess what dance moves you’ve got and know and see if they can guess. You’ll be surprised at seeing your family and friends create moves even they didn’t know they had. A great active game. For 4 or more players, ages 6 and up. $19.95 available at chapters.Indigo.ca, amazon.ca and anywhere Goliath Games are sold 6
CITY PARENT | October 2021
Clean Start Body Wipes Pre-moistened wipes made with apple extracts, aloe, chamomile, and cucumber to soothe and nourish the skin. The pre-moistened wipes are extra large and biodegradable. Great anytime to freshen up. $14.00 CDN available at fowardwithdesign.com and Sport Chek
Luxe Insulated Straw Tumble 24 oz in 3 bright colours peony, graphite, and eucalyptus. The Luxe insulated tumbler will keep your drinks cold for up to 16 hours and hot up to 8 hours. Includes a reusable straw and automatic innovative seal technology with leak and spill-proof resistance. $29.00 CDN available at fowardwithdesign.com and Sport Chek
Greedy Granny A laugh out loud game that is startling and funny. While Granny’s asleep in her favourite chair, there is a tray of sweets on her lap – which Granny does not like to share. As you spin the treat wheel to remove a treat, you never know when you will take the wrong one that wakes Granny and sends her ûÃÃûÏ ķ ĒÐâÍ æýûȨ Ages 4 and Up, 2-4 players $26.99 available at amazon.ca, Mastermind Toys, Walmart
ba&sh Time to dress up your closet for the fall season with ba&sh. ba&sh is an expression of modern femininity. With its timeless appeal and distinctive style, ba&sh clothing makes a bold statement about your personal style! ba&sh has it all, from beautiful dresses, right down to stylish handbags. $ Pricing Vary CDN available online at ba-sh.com
Speedy Scribbles A fast-action game that tests your memory and artistic skills. A reader reads off 20 words in 20 seconds. The player sketches the 20 words as the reader reads them off to help remember the 20 words for you to write down. The player earns a point for each correct word. However, get ready to steal if a word is wrong from your opponent. The player with the most points wins. For 4-8 players ages 8+ a game for the whole family. $27.30 available on amazon.ca and anywhere Goliath Games are sold. cityparent.com
autumn fun
CAMP SPOOKY AT CANADA’S WONDERLAND The sun settles below the horizon and shadows stretch across the landscape. Trees are barren, almost skeletal. Fallen leaves crunch under feet. There is an unnatural stillness of the night as a full moon climbs into the sky. You shiver almost uncontrollably, both from the chill and growing certainty that something lurks in every pool of darkness. Welcome to Halloween. The Witching Season. We revel in the fearsome and frightful at this time of year, as evidenced with the growing number of ghost tours, haunted house experiences, and other mature attractions. But what about little ones? Surely, they should be able to celebrate the season beyond going door-to-door in search of candy handouts. Canada’s Wonderland agrees. And the iconic theme park delivers with Camp Spooky, a family-friendly daytime running every weekend from Sept. 25 to Oct. 31. It’s the perfect outing for cityparent.com
ÜÐûûÜà æâÃöȣ Ķ ÜÜÿ ĐÐûÏ ûÐâĒ ûÃóóæóö and more fun than you can shake a witch’s broom at. Let’s get the important part out of the way early: yes, there is candy, and plenty of it. Kids can trick-or-treat at various stations, Ķ ÜÜÐâÍ ð¯ÐÜö ¯â¿ º¯Íö ĐÐûÏ ÜææûȨ Since they’re shelling out for candy, your kids are presumably dressed up as little ghosts and goblins. So, head over to Peanut’s Gazebo to take part in a
costume parade at Lucy Van Pelt’s Costume Party. Lucy isn’t the only Peanuts character here. Other members of the gang, dressed in costume as well, greet children and pose for photos. Children can also meet a host of spooky characters, like a vampire, a wicked witch, pirate, ghost, and spell-casting wizard. Camp Spooky is enlivened by all kinds of live music, including a staged musical called Charlie
Brown’s Trick-or-Treat show, performances by the aptly named Pumpkin Patches, and a roving band of skeletal performers, the Dixieland Band, who entertain with Halloween favorites. Kids can dance up a storm at Sally’s Disco Party. Other entertainment includes the side-splitting hijinks of Doo Doo the Clown and Spooky Tales with Snoopy, an interactive party with the iconic dog. Oh. And there’s pumpkin decorating. Pick a plump gourd, bring it to life, and take it home with you. Camp Spooky is included with Park Admission, so no need to limit yourself – enjoy everything Canada’s Wonderland has to offer. Canada’s Wonderland gives children the Halloween festivities they deserve with Camp Spooky, and event equal parts trick and treat. There’s nothing better than seeing little princesses and pirates and tiny heroes and haunts beaming in delight. canadaswonderland.com/ events/camp-spooky October 2021 | CITY PARENT
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October 2021 | CITY PARENT
CHAI LIFELINE CANADA X8E H Z MARYLENE VESTERGOM Where do families turn when faced with a child who is facing a life-threatening or chronic illness? It’s something you hope you will never have to encounter, but Chai Lifeline Canada has become a source of support to families and children. They know that every family member is impacted when a child is born with or develops a serious illness, and day-to-day is not the same. Who is Chai Lifeline Canada? For 15 years, Chai Lifeline Canada has given thousands of families across Canada the professional services they need. This includes support groups that connect them with other parents of seriously ill children, counselling, and emotional guidance, and let’s âæû ÌæóÍÃû ¯»»Ãöö ûæ Ķ â¯â»Ð¯Ü support helping families facing Ķ â¯â»Ð¯Ü »æâöûó¯Ðâûö Ìóæá ð¯óÃâûö taking time off work. Chai Lifeline Canada has built a community 10
CITY PARENT | October 2021
of trained professionals and hundreds of dedicated volunteers who help families navigate these uncertain times, along with the family’s healthcare professionals. Mordechai Rothman, executive director, Chai Lifeline Canada, knows all too well that when a child is diagnosed with a lifethreatening illness or chronic illness, it changes the family dynamic. “For parents, it is devastating news, and regardless of the outcomes, they will never be the same again. Parents have ûæ á¯Ûà ¿ÐÌĶ »ýÜû áÿл¯Ü ¿Ã»ÐöÐæâö about treatment for their child; however, they often don’t have the mental or emotional capacity, nor the knowledge needed to deal with this heartbreaking situation adequately to make those informed decisions.” Rothman has also seen how having to make these emotionally charged decisions can cause disputes between parents about
how to proceed with treatment. “Over my 15 years with the organization, I’ve seen this happen time and time again. Family »æâķ лû Ðö ¯Üáæöû ýâ¯ďæп¯ºÜà when the life of a child hangs in the balance. The truth is, each parent wants what is best for their child, but their version of what that is tends to differ. I also know when parents have the support and guidance, they can resolve disagreements amicably.” Why disagreements develop between spouses There are many different factors involved in the decision-making process for parents with a lifethreatening illness or chronically ill child. As these tension-causing factors mount during stressful times, the main reasons why disagreements develop between spouses in terms of treatment are: ȡ ܯ»Û æÌ »æááýâл¯ûÐæâȨ ȡ ÐÌÌÃóÃâû ðÃóöðûûÐďÃöȨ
ȡ ÃÃÜÐâÍö æÌ ðæĐÃóÜÃööâÃööȨ Yes, opinions may differ, but they still want the same thing— what’s best for their child. Counselling can help parents improve their communication skills and understand the basis of their differing perspectives, suggests Rothman. With organizations like Chai Lifeline Canada and, of course, the family’s healthcare team, parents can start taking steps to help them feel empowered enough to make those informed decisions about their child’s well-being. Understanding you’re not alone and that there is help available is the first step. An extended family of experts at Chai Lifeline Canada will be by your side. Resources: ChaiLifelineCanada.org HeartHouseHospice.com cityparent.com
BOOK ˍ H" .
Inside Animals Ē ¯óº¯ó¯ L¯ĒÜæó ¯â¿ 3¯óͯýđ ¯óðÃâûÐÃó What child isn’t curious and or inquisitive? Inside Animals covers body parts found in humans such as the brain, heart, and lungs— and their other unique body parts, which they need to survive and grow in their habitats. Incredible information that most of us never ask! Ages: 4-8 Publisher: Quarto Publishing Pages – 64 Price: $27.99 CDN
XÏÃâ Bܯâûö LææÛ 8ďÃó ûÏà BܯâÃû Ē óȭ ÏóÐö LÏæóæÍææ¿ An incredible story that takes you through time from the beginning when plants covered the world. Filled with beautiful illustrations and knowledge, Dr. Chris Thorogood explains key aspects of plants and animals that feed off of them, as well as the development of medicinal usage of plants that doctors use to help patients. Ages: 7-11 Publisher: Quarto Publishing Pages – 64 Price: $25.95 CDN
Zæý п X" LȮ HûóÃûöȨ æâÌÃööÐæâöȨ ¯â¿ 8ýûó¯ÍÃæýö HûæóÐÃö Ìóæá EÃ¯Ü .ÐÌà By Tova Leigh Not your regular storylines. Tova Leigh shares with us some shocking confessions that will deliver laughter and moving stories. We all have secrets that remind us that we are all human, and there are times when outrageous things happen. It is a compilation of real stories where people have sent their secrets showing courage, vulnerability, and scandalous incidences. Ages: Adult Publisher: Watkins Publishing Pages – 224 Price: $18.95 CDN
Rescuing Titanic By Flora Delargy We know so much and have heard plenty of stories of the grand ship Titanic. Most of us haven’t read about the tiny little ship named the Carpathia, which saved 706 people. Author Flora Delargy’s grandfather and great grandfather worked in the Belfast Shipyards, where the Titanic was built. In detail, she shares the story of the quiet bravery that occurred in the North Atlantic’s icy waters, known as the Maritimes. Ages: 7-11 Publisher: Quarto Publishing Pages – 80 Price: $27.99
LÏà NâæÌĶ »Ð¯Ü "æ»ýö Bæ»ýö ææÛºææÛ By Bridget Thoreson Inspired by the classic movie Hocus Pocus Bridget Thoreson gives you spellbinding recipes. Hocus Pocus Cookbook has delicious treats such as delicious Spider Cupcakes. Brews, Burning Rain of Death Punch and yummy appetizers of Dead Man’s Toes. You and the Sanderson Sisters can spend a quiet ÃďÃâÐâÍ ¯û Ïæáà Ķ ÜÜÐâÍ Ēæýó ºÃÜÜÐÃö æó ¯ûûÃâ¿ÐâÍ a frightful and spooky party. Yum, yum for everyone! Ages: All Ages Publisher: Ulysses Press Pages – 144 Price: $26.95 CDN
Luna Finds Love Everywhere: HÃÜÌɒ.æďà ææÛ Ìæó -пö By Dr. Shainna Get to know Luna—a child who likes to play outside, help her family, and learn new things. Luna realizes how much love abounds around her and within herself as she goes through her daily routine. She learns how to be kind, to share, to handle disappointments. The story contains simple prompts and activities that encourage children to apply self-love principles to their own lives. Learning through Luna will be a fantastic experience for kids as they discover the value of loving each other and themselves! Ages: 3-5 Publisher: Ulysses Press Pages – 32 Price: $16.95 CDN HC
October 2021 | CITY PARENT
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Creative Colouring à öýððæóûÐďà æÌ ¯ÜÜ ðÃæðÜÃȨ æÜæýó Ðâ ûÏÐö ðлûýóà ûæ »óïûà Ēæýó æĐâ á¯öûÃóðÐûÃȨ
Maze Craze ¯â Ēæý Ķ â¿ Ēæýó Đ¯Ē ûÏóæýÍÏ ûÏà á¯ĕÃȩ
Crossword puzzle
What’s the Difference? There are four differences between Picture A and Picture B. ¯â Ēæý Ķ â¿ ûÏÃá ¯ÜÜȩ
4æ ÃĒÃö æâ ÍÏæöû ƷȨ BýáðÛÐâ æâ áп¿Üà ÜÃÌû ϯö ºÐÍÍÃó öûÃá Answers: 1. Extra spider on right 2. No spider in centre of pizza 3. cityparent.com
– Metro Creative October 2021 | CITY PARENT
get active
WINTER SPORTS PREP X8E H Z MARYLENE VESTERGOM ȡ HÛÐö Đ¯đÿȩ ÏûÛȨ ȡ HÛ¯ûÃö öûÐÜÜ Ķ ûȭ ºÜ¯¿Ãö öϯóðÃâÿȩ ÏûÛȨ ȡ HâæĐºæ¯ó¿ ûýâÿȩ ÏûÛȨ æóÍæûûÃâ ¯âĒûÏÐâÍȩ LÏÐâÛ Ēæýɚóà óï¿Ē Ìæó ûÏà ĐÐâûÃó öðæóûö öïöæâȩ LÏÐâÛ ¯Í¯ÐâȨ ÜûÏæýÍÏ Ēæýó öðæóûÐâÍ ÃòýÐðáÃâû Ðö Ðâ ðóÐáà »æâ¿ÐûÐæâ Ìæó ¯ ¿¯Ē æâ ûÏà öÜæðÃöȣ ¯â ¯ÌûÃóâææâ æÌ »óæööɍ»æýâûóĒ öÛÐÐâÍ æó ¯ Ì¯áÐÜĒ öÛ¯ûà ¯óæýâ¿ ûÏà âÃÐÍϺæýóÏææ¿ óÐâÛȣ Ēæý áÐÍÏû Đ¯âû ûæ á¯Ûà öýóà Ēæý û¯Ûà ûÏà ûÐáà ûæ ɗûýâÃɍýðɚɘ Ēæýó ºæ¿Ē ¯û Üïöû ÃÐÍÏû ĐÃÃÛö ºÃÌæóà ûÏà ĐÐâûÃó öïöæâȨ ɗ Üæû æÌ ÐâÚýóÐÃö ¯â¿ ûóÐðö ûæ Ēæýó áÿл¯Ü ðó¯»ûÐûÐæâÃóȣ Ðâ»Üý¿ÐâÍ ûÏà ðÏĒöÐæûÏÃó¯ðÐöû ¯â¿ »ÏÐóæðó¯»ûæó Ãû»Ȩȣ »¯â ºÃ ¯ďæпÿȣɘ ö¯Ēö óȨ ¯áÃóæâ æóæ¿Ēȣ ¯ öðæóûö »ÏÐóæðó¯»ûæó ĐÐûÏ LÏà ÜÃďÃܯ⿠ÜÐâл Ðâ LæóæâûæȨ ɗ#ûɚö âæû ûϯû Đà ¿æâɚû Đ¯âû ûæ ÏÃÜð Ēæý æýû ĐÏÃâ Ēæý âÃÿ öæáà »¯óÃȣ ºýû á¯âĒ ÐâÚýóÐÃö ¯óà ðóÃďÃâû¯ºÜà ¯â¿ȣ ¯û ûÏà ďÃóĒ Üïöûȣ »¯â æÌûÃ⠺à ÜÃöö öÃďÃóÃȨɘ .Ãûɚö ̯»Ã Ðûȣ æýó áýö»ÜÃö ¯óà ¯ ºÐû óýöûĒ ¯â¿ȣ Ðâ æýó ïÍÃóâÃöö ûæ ÏÐû ûÏà öÜæðÃö æó ðܯĒ ¯ ͯáà æÌ öÏÐââĒȣ Ēæýó ÃòýÐðáÃâû Ðö ðó溯ºÜĒ ºÃûûÃó ûýâÿ ûϯâ Ēæý ¯óÃȨ #Ì ûÏÃóà Ðö æâà ûÏÐâÍ æóæ¿Ē óûæááÃâ¿ö Ēæý Ðâ»Üý¿Ã æâ Ēæýó »ÏÃ»Û ÜÐöûȣ Ðûɚö ûæ öûóÃû»ÏȨ ɗ#Ì Ēæý »¯âɚû Ðâ»Üý¿Ã ¯ Ķ ďÃɍáÐâýûÃ Đ¯óáɍ ýðȣ ûÏÃâ á¯Ûà öýóà Ēæý öûóÃû»Ï ¯ÜÜ ûÏà á¯Úæó áýö»Üà Íóæýðö ¯ÌûÃóĐ¯ó¿öȨɘ 4æ ¯»»Ãöö ûæ ¯ ÍĒáȩ LæâĒ 3¯óÛȣ æĐâÃó ¯û ¯Ü¯â»Ã 16
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Private and Montessori
La Citadelle
International Academy of Arts and Science EXCELLENCE, COMPASSION, DISCIPLINE, ACHIEVEMENT, RESPECT, HARMONY. At La Citadelle, we believe that all children are special and that they all have hidden talents, as well as an enormous potential to achieve. As educators, it is our duty and responsibility to tap into these capabilities and talents and to provide students with a serious and structured program that they will want to follow with enthusiasm and determination. Our vision is to create a school where children are happy and excited to learn and achieve. La Citadelle provides excellence in bilingual education onsite through a comprehensive
CITY PARENT | October 2021
and academically advanced curriculum in Languages, Mathematics, Sciences, Technology, Humanities and Fine Arts. With our proven IB and AP programs, we consistently develop competent global citizens through mastery learning and our exceptional holistic environment. Our educational goals extend beyond the classroom with a variety of ¯»ûÐďÐûÐÃöȣ Ķ ÃÜ¿ ûóÐðöȣ Üï¿ÃóöÏÐð opportunities and international travel, all complemented by sports, musical performances, social activities and academic
clubs. La Citadelle’s innovative, open-concept facilities, exclusively designed with 21st century students in mind, provide interconnected, spacious settings conducive to socialization and a love of learning. At La Citadelle, we develop four main values that ensure our 100% university acceptance rate, as well as our delivery of excellence in education: to foster the holistic development of the child, to favour the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills needed to live a full and enriching life in an ever-changing global and
technological world, to provide the highest national and international standards of education, and to promote high moral and ethical values. û .¯ Ðû¯¿ÃÜÜÃȣ æýó Ķ óöû ðóÐæóÐûĒ is the preservation of the general health, mental health, and overall safety of the students, teachers, parents and staff and we invite students and parents interested to join us to familiarize themselves with our Health and Safety Protocol (in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic) 2021-2022 and to comply with its guidelines when visiting our school.
Every child is unique and highly competent. Children require a strong environment of nurture, care, and attention to develop each child’s full potential. J. Addison School offers a learning environment that enables children to prosper by balancing the development of their social and emotional attributes in combination with formal education that consistently excites and encourages children to ask questions. We believe that the learning experiences of the early years are formative in developing the attitudes, character and skills that students need to be successful throughout their academic journey. JASX is for children ages 3.8-6 years of age, and designed to provide a rich and nurturing learning environment. We aim to develop responsible, active learners for the future who are empowered, challenged, and supported in each and every step of the way. Our distinctive JASX Early Learning program is inspired by elements of Reggio Emilia’s early years philosophy and the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) curriculum framework with a blend of the Ontario Curriculum that strengthens the roots for learning in our children. Our formal program is like no other. While the curriculum is structured following the IB Primary Years Programme, it also integrates the following areas of learning: Languages, Mathematics, Culture, Sensory and Practical Life, 20 CITY PARENT | October 2021
STEAM and Physical Education. In addition, students work on long-term projects sparked by their interest and world issue awareness as an integral part of becoming global citizens. The learning is inquiry- and play-based with a strong focus on the child. Programming is ûó¯âö¿Ðö»ÐðÜÐâ¯óĒ ĐÐûÏ ¯ ķ ÃđкÜÃȣ child-led approach. Teachers scaffold around children’s
connections and moments of óÃķ ûûÐæâ ¯ÜÜæĐ ûÏÃá ûæ »æââûû to the global community with a sense of responsibility. With this attitude in mind, we foster a love of learning, ¿ÃďÃÜæð »æâĶ ¿Ãâ»Ã ¯â¿ independence while instilling important character values. We aim to nurture the innate desire in children of wanting to learn authentically, and most
importantly, to help them grow while developing a joy and passion for learning. This early learning program is intended to develop students’ intellectual, emotional, personal, and social skills. Ultimately, it fosters lifelong learners. We are focused on helping students develop holistically so that they can grow into responsible, active, and caring members of society. cityparent.com
JASX Early Learning Program
Full Time Boarding School (Gr. 7-12)
Elementary & Secondary (Gr. 1-12)
State-of-the-art Facilities
J. Addison School Partnerships
info@jaddisonschool.com | jaddisonschool.com 2 Valleywood Drive, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 8H3 | + 1 905 -477-4999
Rosseau Lake College READY FOR ANYTHING
Rosseau Lake College is an intentionally small, preparatory, boarding and day school that challenges and empowers each student through the adventures of our robust co-curricular, vibrant community-life and rigorous academic programs. As an outdoor education, experiential, indigenous-knowledge-based and environmental school, all aspects of the RLC experience are intentionally rooted in the endless opportunities of our incredible geographical setting. Extraordinary learning is in our nature. We understand that anything is possible for each of 22
CITY PARENT | October 2021
our students. We see very clearly ûÏà ď¯öû ðæûÃâûÐ¯Ü ûÏÃĒ ¯óà Ķ ÜÜÿ with as well as the needs and unlimited possibilities of the world they are entering. We believe in people. Our Personalized Learning Community ensures we work endlessly to understand the learning needs of each of our students, fostering engagement throughout their learning journeys. By using authentic, real-world issues, scenarios and applications, an RLC education is not only meaningful and engaging, but also highly relevant. Rosseau Lake College strives to develop culturally responsive,
inclusive students who embrace diversity and equity. We want our students to be genuine ambassadors, equipped and inspired to engage in current and future opportunities with courage and integrity. When students graduate from RLC, they are able to describe their experiences, challenges, successes and ambitions according to each of the six Rosseau Roots: thoughtful, persuasive, adventurous, creative, self-aware and community. Students leave RLC with the skills, ÛâæĐÜÿÍÃȣ ¯â¿ »æâĶ ¿Ãâ»Ã ûæ take on any challenge. They are ready for anything.
Ready For Anything.
From our campus to around the world, our students are ready for anything. Rosseau Lake College is an independent co-ed day and boarding school offering Grades 6 to 12, located along the shores of beautiful Lake Rosseau in Ontario, Canada.
Learn more at RLCReady.com
MacLachlan College E ɖ#3 #4#4 B8HH# #.#L# H
MacLachlan College is more than a private school. It is a dynamic and inclusive community where teachers guide and facilitate learning by creating real world connections and a growth mindset is nurtured in every student. The rigorous academic program is supported by our active and collaborative learning environment, resulting in successful and resilient students who are well prepared for future success in today’s ever-changing world. 24 CITY PARENT | October 2021
Classrooms at MacLachlan óÃķûû ûÏà ðóæÌÃööÐæâ¯Ü ¯â¿ business world of today where collaboration, teamwork, critical ûÏÐâÛÐâÍȣ ķÃđкÐÜÐûĒ ¯â¿ ðóæºÜÃá solving are key skills. MAC is committed to ensuring that students develop critical thinking skills, adaptability, resilience, higher cognitive skills and the intellectual capacity to think holistically and ¯ºöûó¯»ûÜĒ ¯ºæýû »æáðÜÃđ öĒöûÃáö ¯â¿ ºÃ »óïûÐďà Ðâ ¿ÃĶâÐâÍ ÏæĐ they will meet the future with powerful knowledge and capability.
MacLachlan is committed ûæ »Ï¯ÜÜÃâÍÐâÍ ¯â¿ ÃđðÜæóÐâÍ the limitations of traditional education by developing a bold and creative vision that promotes an entrepreneurial, successdriven and future-oriented mindset that is integrated into every aspect of school life. MAC embraces dynamic learning as a core component of our approach characterized by constant change, activity and progress. “MacLachlan is at the cutting edge of innovation in teaching
and learning theory,” says Michael Piening, Head of School. “This generation of learner, and the world they are growing up in, is very engaged, social and interactive. We constantly learn ûæ Ãâϯâ»Ã öûý¿Ãâû ÃđðÜæó¯ûÐæâȣ creativity and knowledge.” MacLachlan is re-imagining learning to create a school that provides a Kindergarten to Grade ƴƵ ÃđðÃóÐÃâ»Ã ûϯû Ðâ»Üý¿Ãö challenging students to become change makers, ready to thrive in a ĐæóÜ¿ æÌ ýâðóûÿÃâûÿ »æáðÜÃđÐûĒȨ cityparent.com
E S T. 19 7 8
We inspire our students with creative vision that promotes entrepreneurial, future-oriented thinking and skills.
PK to Grade 12 | 337 Trafalgar Road | Oakville, ON L6J 3H3 T. 905.844.0372 ext. 235 | admissions@maclachlan.ca | maclachlan.ca
Walden International School MAKING GOOD PEOPLE
Walden International School is an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Primary Years Programme and it is a candidate school for the Middle Years Programme. Our purpose at Walden International School, beyond offering a superior academic and IB programme to our children, is to help every child discover that out of goodness arises greatness. When you walk through the doorway to our school you enter 26
CITY PARENT | October 2021
an environment dedicated to making good people. You might well ask what we mean by making good people. It means creating an environment and programmes ºýÐÜû æâ ¯ Ķóá ºÃÜÐÃÌ Ðâ æýó öϯóÿ humanity. It means teaching children that the world is about much more than the achievement of high marks and the accomplishment of standardized goals. It means recognizing each child as an individual with their
own needs, interests, talents and abilities. It means showing them how kindness, respect and presence are central to a meaningful, purposeful life. It means starting with the youngest child and staying the course throughout their time with us and empowering them to practice humanity when they leave our care. Walden kids are different. They are resilient, curious, giving and good. At Walden, we make
good people in the knowledge that from goodness arises greatness. We are dedicated to cultivating and preparing principled, »æáð¯ööÐæâ¯ûà ¯â¿ »æâĶ¿Ãâû young people who will become globally responsible citizens. Our balanced world-class education, with a unique focus on wellness, fosters respect and harmony for self and with others; and, empowers students to imagine, explore and achieve a peaceful and sustainable future. That is our commitment. cityparent.com
At Walden International School, we make good people in the knowledge that from goodness arises greatness. Walden International School is an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) World School offering the Primary Years Programme and it is a candidate school for the Middle Years Programme. Our balanced world-class education, with a unique focus on wellness, fosters respect and harmony for self and others while empowering students to imagine, explore and achieve a peaceful and sustainable future. To learn more we invite you to call 905-338-6236 or email info@waldeninternationalschool.com.
COME SEE THE GOODNESS 2035 Upper Middle Road East | Oakville, ON L6H 7G6 | 905-338-6236 | waldeninternationalschool.com
St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School INSPIRED GIRLS. EMPOWERED WOMEN.
CITY PARENT | October 2021
Why SMLS? Founded in 1891, SMLS has been a leader in education for girls and young women for more than 130 years and is the only CAIS accredited, all-girls school west of the city. We believe courageous girls can challenge and change the world. Our academic program utilizes the highest standard of proven best practices and innovative approaches. We identify each student’s academic strengths and challenges, so that we can support her in achieving
öý»»Ãöö ¯â¿ »æâĶ¿Ãâ»Ã Ðâ ÏÃó own abilities. We focus on the social, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being of every girl from Preschool to Grade 12 and work with each girl to ensure she is known, supported and challenged to be her best self. Our faculty members are experts Ðâ ûÏÃÐó ĶÃÜ¿öȣ ĐÐûÏ ÃđûÃâöÐďà experience in teaching and learning designed for girls. They get to know each girl and form a personalized connection to help
her thrive in her education at SMLS and beyond. Our program integrates academic studies with relevant career and life experiences, allowing students to gain a deeper personal understanding of the world around them and to develop as global citizens and leaders. We support each girl’s interests, talents, learning needs and strengths, and our world-class facility and unique Signature Programs equip her to achieve excellence in whatever path she chooses. cityparent.com
e r e h W y of o J e Th rning Lea rges Eme From the moment a student enters St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School she begins a journey of discovery to emerge as an empowered and thriving woman. From Preschool to Grade 12, we support each student's interests, talents, learning needs and strengths. And, our Signature Programs help her discover a world of opportunity and the knowledge that makes her a Millie. We welcome you to visit and explore SMLS virtually at smls.on.ca/apply/visit-smls
She’s a Millie! ROSLYNNE, GRADE 4
1080 Linbrook Road Oakville, ON L6J 2L1 905-845-2386 | smls.on.ca
St. Michael’s College School
EDUCATING AND FORMING YOUNG MEN Since 1852, St. Michael’s College School has been educating and forming young men in goodness, discipline and knowledge for lives of leadership and service. We are Canada’s only Catholic, Basilian, faith-based independent school, educating boys from Grades 7 to 12 in a universitypreparatory programme. In graduating young men who change the world through lives of faith, character, and service, St. Michael’s College School brings integrity, unity, and healing to a fractured and uncertain world. Combined with state-of-theart facilities across our campus 30 CITY PARENT | October 2021
near downtown Toronto, we have implemented best-inclass technologies to ensure continuous, hybrid learning – in-class and remote – during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The result? Uninterrupted academic instruction, the continuation of our co-curriculars (clubs and activities) virtually, the ability for our students to sustain and strengthen connections with their teachers, peers and school »æááýâÐûĒȣ ¯â¿ ûÏà ķ ÃđкÐÜÐûĒ ûæ pivot from in-person to remote teaching when the need arises. Innovative, tailored partnerships with corporations and community
organizations provide our students with enriched, realĐæóÜ¿ ÃđðÃóÐÃâ»Ãö ºæûÏ Ðâöпà ¯â¿ outside the classroom. LÏÃöà ýâÐòýà ÃđðÃóÐÃâûÐ¯Ü opportunities complement the curriculum, enabling deeper ÃđðÜæó¯ûÐæâȣ ¿Ðö»æďÃóĒ ¯â¿ learning, while preparing our students with an authentic window on the world of work, jobs and career paths. We invite you to see our school in action! Take a tour, conduct your own 3D virtual tour or schedule a meeting today! stmichaelscollegeschool.com
We are inspired to serve others through acts of goodness and with empathy. SINCE 1852.
OPEN HOUSES October 26 & 28, 2021
7:30 p.m.
All boys
Grades 7 to 12 University preparatory
YOUR TORONTO ZOO NEEDS YOU! Help support the ongoing construction of the new orangutan outdoor habitat.
New habitat perspective renderings
The new outdoor home for the orangutans at your Toronto Zoo will feature climbing structures, streams and a behavioural research station. The new outdoor facility – open to the sunlight and breezes – will stimulate our orangutans physical, social and intellectual needs, and enrich their daily lives. Guests will be able to enjoy watching these intelligent great apes, and at the same time learn about what they can do each and every day to help orangutans in the wild. We have already received tremendous support for the project, but there is still much to be done. The cost to build and equip our new outdoor orangutan habitat is ƺŕŔ ùÝòòÝăú §ú½ ĻÄ úÄĽ Ħă Ōòò ĦÙÄ ƺŕƚŚ ùÝòòÝăú Ó§ēƚ To reach out for orangutans and make a donation, please visit wildlifeconservancy.ca/habitat or ·§òò Ĭĝ ½ÝĖÄ·ĦòŁ §Ħ ŘŕŚƪŗŝŖƪŝŕŕŘƚ