Employment News - Greater Toronto Area - August 27, 2022

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BARTENDERS, SERVERS, MIXOLOGISTS & DRIVERS WORK AROUNDHOUSESATURDAYSPARTIESTHEGTA GET ON THE JOB TRAINING & START EARNING RIGHT AWAY! $500 COURSE WANNA BARTEND? APPLY Rentabartender.ca/join-the-teamAT: RentaBartender.ca FORHIRINGWE ARE HIRING FULL TIME, BENEFITSEMPLOYMENTPERMANENTWITHANDOVERTIMEAddress:31-35FreshwayDrive,Concord,L4K1R9CALL:905-669-1222Ext.218orExt.228 • Forklift Operator - Day and Night shift 8 AM to 8 PMStarting rate at $18.50 • Front End Loader - Day and Night shift 8 AM to 8 PMStarting rate at $18.50 • Forklift Trailer loaderDay shift 8 AM to 5 PMStarting rate at $21 Note - NO CASH JOBS / NO PART TIME JOBS / NO AGENCIES Greater Toronto AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 | Volume 35 Issue 17 FREE BI-WEEKLY www.employmentnews.com CN TrainingForkliftCentreFORKLIFTLIC.$49 CALL 905-405-0001forfurtherdetailsseeinsidepage. GET A GUARDSECURITYJOBNOWLIVECLASSROOMINSTRUCTIONMinistryapprovedSecurityGuardcourse:In-class$229–includesFirstAid, Defensive Tactcs & Handcuffing Or Online $89 – does not include First www.centreforsecurity.comAidPRIVATEINVESTIGATORCOURSE$499CALL416.750.4747 Guaranteed to pass the Ministry Exam or you may retake the course for free. FULL-TIMEWAREHOUSEGENERALAVAILABLE:OPPORTUNITIESLABOUR,CONSTRUCTION,POSITIONS,ADMINISTRATIVEJOBS • WEEKLY PAY • MON-FRI • 17 20/H GTA AND YORK REGION • CALL NOW 647-363-6751(

FEATURED ADVERTISERS GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 2 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle Life Insurance offered through Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada. Mutual funds offered through PFSL Investments Canada Ltd. Mutual Fund Dealer. Representative of Primerica Financial Services Amanda Lorefice 1 Dundas St W, Ste 2500 Toronto, ON M5G 1Z3 416-642-2348 Office 647-271-7618 Cell We offer the following services: 1. Free Analysis of Your Financial Needs 2. Mutual RetirementFundsPlans (RRSP) Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) Financial Plans for Children’s Education Non-Retirement(RESP)Plans 3. Term Insurance Individuals interested in a career in Financial Services please contact: WE CURRENTLY HAVE THE DeliveryPOSITIONSFOLLOWINGAVAILABLE:Drivers [Part-Time, Contract Position] We are looking for dependable, responsible, delivery drivers who care about the quality of their work. • Competitive rates. • Part-Time positions available to service indoor newspaper racks, bi-weekly delivery, Mondays and Tuesdays from 8 am to 6 pm • No collection of payments. • A reliable vehicle is required, mini-van. Routes available for delivery throughout the GTA, Toronto, Mississauga, Markham, Brampton, Vaughan, and Richmond Hill. Please send resume and vehicle type distributionteam@mediaclassified.cato: • Full-time (6 days including weekend) • Part-time (weekend, Thursday to Sunday) • Day shift (9 am to 6 pm) • Night shift (6 pm to 2 am/ Fri & Sat to 4 am) (garnishing and wrapping prepared foods and cashier) Dairy Freeze Fast Food • Drive-In Restaurant Short Order Cook Prep CounterCookHelp 1601 St. Clair Ave. West Minimum 4 years experience Serious applicants only • Apply in person JOBS AVAILABLE Calling Recruiters!All ● Do you want to meet face to face with hundreds of job seekers? ● Looking for career-minded people searching for skills training? ● Want to take your recruiting to the next level? Look no further! Career Fair Canada hosts recruitingone-dayevents in major cities Canada!across Or, call us at 1-888-532-2613 visit www.careerfairtoronto.ca or email info@careerfaircanada.ca METRO NORTHCONVENTIONTORONTOCENTREBUILDING,ROOM205 10 AM TO 2 OCTOBERWEDNESDAY,PM5,2022 Media Sponsors: SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES www.employmentnews.com 3Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 Clinical Research Study Birch Tree Allergy (905) 282-1808 atcliantha.com Contact us to see if you're eligible for a study investigating a potential treatment for birch allergies. Qualified participants are eligible to receive compensation up to $7,120 JOB DUTIES: • Prepare estimates of labour and/or material costs. • Estimate pre-contract costs. • Utilize quantity take-off procedures. • Research costs/pricing to determine cost-effectiveness. • Co-ordinate and complete contract documentation prior to project start and adhere to the deadline. • Monitor and adjust contract expenditures. • Approach, discuss and maintain communications with subcontractors and vendors. • Analyze vendors and sub-contractor; continue to grow approved list. • Develop relationships with colleagues, project team members and clients WE ARE CONSTRUCTIONHIRING MaintenanceESTIMATORCo. located in Etobicoke, ON is looking for a EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE: • High school or diploma from a program of 1 year to 2 years, or equivalent experience • 2 years to less than 3 year JOB TYPES: Fulltime RATE: between $34-38/hr LANGUAGE: English TYPE OF EXPERIENCE: Electricity - construction For qualified people only, email the company at delon_biniamen@hotmail.com AllianceIMMEDIATELYRequiredF/TPermanentStoreFixturesInc.Call:905-660-5944 Or email: teresav@alliancestorefixtures.com FINISHERSCABINETMAKERS/SANDERS Are you looking for a new job? Meet with one of our employment advisors online or in-person for comprehensive support. Eligibility: Must be legally entitled to work in Canada, unemployed, out of school LOCATIONS IN TORONTO: 815 Danforth Ave - Suite 100 201- 219 Dufferin St. Suite 1C 1533 Victoria Park Ave. 2930 Lake Shore Blvd. W CONTACT US TODAY! 416-405-5254 | findajob@woodgreen.org woodgreen.org WOODGREENWE’RESERVICESEMPLOYMENTOPEN!


Biking to work may not help people reduce their commute times, but it might make those commutes less taxing on their overall health.


The American Heart Association notes that regular physical activity like cycling has been linked to improved cognition, which can positively affect memory, attention and processing speed.

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From the publishers of the original weekly job and career training publication.

• Biking to work may help reduce stress. A 2017 study from researchers at Montreal’s Concordia University attempted to inves tigate the impact of various commuting modes on workers’ stress levels upon arrival to their workplace. The study found that such levels were lower among cyclists than they were among people who drove or took public transportation to the office.

• Biking to work can lower your risk of chronic disease. Regular physical activity like cycling can lower your risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Adults who can’t find the time to exercise outside of work may find that exercising during their commutes by biking to work is their best and most effective means to lowering their risk for chronic disease.

d) Editorial & advertising content of Em ployment News is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited. No cancellations accepted after noon on the Tuesday of a publishing week.

Commuting is a fact of life for millions of professionals. Statistics Canada notes the av erage Canadian spends 26.2 minutes getting to the office. Few people enjoy commuting. In fact, a 2004 study published in the journal Science found that female commuters cited com muting as their least satisfying daily activity, ranking it below housework. Perhaps that’s because commuting, whether commuters recognize it or not, tends to have adverse effects on their overall health. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Urban Health found that longer commutes are associated with behavioral patterns that may contrib ute to obesity and other negative health conditions.

c) The publisher assumes no financial liability for typographical errors or copy, omissions by the newspaper – other than the cost of the space occupied by the error. All claims of error in publication shall be made by Tuesday noon prior to the next week’s publication, and if not made shall not be considered. No claim shall be allowed for errors not affecting the value of the adver tisement.

• Biking can help you meet minimum exer cise guidelines. The latest Physical Activ ity Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week. Biking to work can help people meet and exceed those weekly guidelines, providing a strong foundation for a long, healthy life.

How biking to work can benefit your overall health Metro Creative

• Biking to work can improve cognition.

Commuters who live close to work can counter some of the negative effects of com muting by cycling to work. Cycling is a healthy activity that the Harvard Medical School notes can help people build muscle and increase bone density, which naturally decreases with age. And there are additional benefits to cycling to work that might compel some commuters to pedal their way to the office.

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4 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 Head Office 610 Applewood Crescent, Suite 401 Vaughan ON L4K 0E3 Local: 905.761.3313 ext. 6| Toll Free: 1.888.761.3313 ext. 6 | Fax: 1.888.861.5038 www.employmentnews.com | sales@employmentnews.com Employment News is published to provide job seekers and career-minded individuals with upto-date, detailed information about local and national career training and job opportunities. It is available free of charge within major city centres across Ontario, Alberta and Manitoba – to stand-alone newspaper boxes at major in tersections and transit stops, stand-alone racks, HRDC Centres, universities, colleges, training schools, libraries, government-sponsored em ployment offices, fast-food chains, major food store franchises, select Canadian Tire stores and other high-traffic locations. ADVERTISERS: Employment News distributes seven region-specific editions, across Ontario and Alberta. Our advertisers can use these editions to target specific metropolitan areas or opt to cover larger areas in a combination of editions, for maximum exposure regionally and provincially. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © 2022 Media Classified Corporation. Employment News is published every Sat urday by Media Classified Corporation. All content within this publication is covered by copyright and intellectual property rights, and is the sole property of Employment News and not of the customer. Reproduction, stor age in a retrieval system or transmission of any Employment News content, in any form or means – electronic, mechanical or other wise – in whole or in part, is strictly prohib ited without prior written permission of Media Classified Corporation. Copyright violators will be prosecuted under the law. TERMS & CONDITIONS a) Employment News will not knowingly pub lish any advertisement which is illegal, or misleading to its readers. All copy and type arrangements are subject to the publish er’s approval. b) We reserve the right to classify all advertisements.


EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 6 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 HIRINGAREWE Production / Machine Operator WelderPainter (tig & mig) CNC Machine Operator Brake Press Operator Forklift Operator a World Class Office Furniture Manufacturer Monday to Friday Full-Time Employment Day & Afternoon Shifts Pension & Benefits 416-759-8757hr.tsg@teknion.comteknion.com/jobs Call Tony Gittens for an appointment: We are one of the fastest growing companies in the fastest growing industry in the world. TraininG provided. no experienCe neCessary. Opportunity for advancement and excellent income potential for those with integrity and a good work ethic. orFULLparT-TiMeopporTUniTy a large north CompanyFinancialamericanservicesislookingfor withindividualsuniqueleadershipability 416-910-3270 or 289-914-5744 C A L L : 9 0 5 6 6 9 1 2 2 2 E x t 2 1 8 o r E x t n 2 2 8 W E A R E H I R I N G F U L L T I M E , P E R M A N E N T E M P L O Y M E N T W I T H B E N E F I T S A N D O V E R T I M E Address: 31 35 Fresh way Drive, Concord, L4K 1R9 Note NO CASH JOBS / NO PART TIME JOBS / NO AGENCIES Forklift Operator Day and Night shift 8 AM to 8 PM Starting rate at $18 50 Front End Loader Day and Night shift 8 AM to 8 PM Starting rate at $18 50 Forklift Trailer loader Day shift 8 AM to 5 PM Starting rate at $21HIRINGWE’REWarehouseWorker (Part-Time) Early Morning: 3am to 9:30am Mon-Fri Day Shift: 12pm to 5pm Sun-Thu Evening Shift: 5pm to 10pm Mon-Fri Midnight Shift: 11pm to 4am Mon-Fri LOCATIONSTorontoCaledonBramptonAPPLYNOW EN.JOBS-UPS.CA © 2021 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark and the color brown are registered trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved jobs.trainingplaces.ca FREE TRAINING INFORmATIONRead • Re-read • Recycle Please pass this newspaper to someone else, or kindly recycle it when you’re done. – Thank you!

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES www.employmentnews.com 7Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 Our Values Diversity and belonging Health and wellness People development Giving back to the community Why Work with Us? Excellent total compensation Continuous training, learning and development opportunities Stable, year-round employment with overtime available Fun-loving and safe work environment. ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks is a dynamic and rapidly growing company that is dedicated to transforming tomorrow. Leveraging bold innovation, dedication to quality, and a welcoming culture, ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks (AMTB) is quickly establishing itself as an industry leader in laser welded blanking applications and an employer of choice. OTHER PROCESSMILLWRIGHTCERTIFIEDPOSITIONS:AVAILABLEQUALITYTECHNICIAN|INDUSTRIALELECTRICIANENGINEER|HSECOORDINATOR OVERALL RESPONSIBILITY Operate automated manufacturing machinery, responsible for monitoring and inspecting the quality of all products in the assigned work area. Making minor adjustments to machinery ensures consistent quality of goods. ACCOUNTABILITIES • Operate and tend to be automated manufacturing equipment, including robotics and fixed automation equipment. • Interpret and understand machine readouts and adjust settings to accommodate for material variance/ quality requirements and thresholds. • Responsible for conducting regular quality inspections to ensure a good quality product based on predetermined standards and requirements. • Assist with machine changeovers, operating overhead cranes to change machine fixtures, and assisting with setting up pre-programmed automation systems. • Record accurate production data in computerized systems (parts per hour, scrap, downtime, & part traceability). • Independently conduct thorough pre-shift work cell inspections; ensuring the machine is in good working order and all safety or production concerns are reported or handled before machine start-up. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and COMPETENCIES REQUIRED • Grade 12 or GED required. • Some college or certification in manufacturing or technology seen as an asset. • Previous experience (minimum 2 years) in a environmentmanufacturingisamust. • Must be flexible and available for all shifts (Days, Afternoons, Nights). • Experience utilizing visual work instructions to independently complete a task. • General mathematical skills required. • Strong communication and interpersonal skills. • Previous exposure to robotic or automated manufacturing is considered an asset. • Knowledge or exposure to welding is considered an asset. • Position requires standing with repetitive movement and some lifting may be required. PRODUCTION OPERATOR Arcelortal+Print+Ad&utm_campaign=August+10+2022&utm_id=QR+Code10c13e5d/?q=&o=postedDateDesc&utm_source=Employment+News&utm_medium=Arcelor+Mithttps://recruiting.ultipro.ca/ARC5001AMTB/JobBoard/7e90af70-170b-4bbc-8605-ef4fMittalEmploymentNewsPrintAdQRcode

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 8 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 OPPORTUNITY AWAITS A p p l y N o w ! FOR YOU! Eagle Builders is family owned and operated Based out of Blackfalds, AB, we are part of a vibrant and growing community between Alberta's two largest cities, Calgary and Edmonton We design, manufacture, and build precast concrete structures for industrial, commercial, multi story residential, agricultural, and civil infrastructure We are continuing to build our 450+ full time team of people who contribute to their community s health, growth, and sustainability If you value integrity, quality, safety, innovation, productivity, and sustainability, Eagle Builders could be the career opportunity you've been awaiting! A welcoming supportive and dedicated work environment that values diversity, equity and inclusion of its employees Employee personality and behavior assessments to maximize individual and team effectiveness productivity and job satisfaction Opportunity for continued growth and advancement within the company Employee Recognition and Appreciation Programs What Eagle Builders Offers: Employee Appreciation Events | Ex: Spring BBQ, Slow Pitch Tournament, Christmas Party Competitive employee benefits Experience based hourly pay Overtime pay after 8 hours a day / 44 hours a week 3 weeks’ vacation to start / 6% vacation pay Guaranteed every Sunday off eaglebuilders ca/careers Let us help you find your next job, at no cost! We help people find jobs every day. Let's get you started. Job RésumésSkillsOpeningsTraining&Interview Prep SpecializedApprenticeshipsservices for Newcomers, Women, Youth and People with Disabilities jobsupport@careerfoundation.orgwww.CareerFoundation.comContact Us www.CareerFoundation.com Toronto Connecting recruiters with job seekers since 1988 Tap into a New Job Market EmploymentNews.com

JobBank Number: 2103006 Pizza Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$15.00 to $16.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

LOCATION: 2953 major mackenzie dr Maple, ON L6A Mail:pizzapizza.hiring@gmail.com3N92953majormackenziedr suite 1 maple, ON L6A 3N9 JobBank Number: 2102960 Driver, Truck (NOC: SALARY:7511)$28.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Richmond Hill, ON jobs@lariimmigration.com JobBank Number: 2102931 General Machinist (NOC: SALARY:7231)$25.00 to $27.00HOUR hourly for 37.5 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: 1848 Bonhill Rd Mississauga, ON L5T Mississauga,Mail:Fax:harjinder@chohanmachine.com1C4905-564-55411848BonhillRdsuite#4ONL5T1C4

JobBank Number: 2101557 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$16.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 2995 Bloor Street West Etobicoke, ON M8X viborestaurantrecruitment@gmail.com1C1

JobBank Number: 2102779 Sous-Chef (NOC: SALARY:6321)$21.00 to $23.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per Mip-Cellars_R-08832reer_Site/job/Osoyoos/Sous-Chef---Nk-awc.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/AWC_Caweek JobBank Number: 2102063 Diagnostic Technician - Motor Vehicles (NOC: SALARY:7321)$24.00 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: North York, BetweenNorthInnities#HiringSectioncrystalcleanmobile.com/career-opportubrandon@crystalcleanmobile.comONPerson:94KenharDrivesuiteUnit30York,ONM9L1N203:00PMand06:00PM JobBank Number: 2102693 Rough Carpenter (NOC: SALARY:7271)$27.00 to $35.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, ON info@btekrefurb.com

JobBank Number: 2102532 Flat Roofer (NOC: SALARY:7291)$32.00 to $44.00HOUR hourly for 32 to 44 Number: 2099868 Supervisor - Retail (NOC: SALARY:6211)$17.50HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekMississauga, jobs.rexwoodesso@gmail.comON Number: 2099378 Carpenter (NOC: SALARY:7271)$26.10 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: 6815 STEELES AVE. WEST Etobicoke, ON M9V rdasilva@trinitybwp.com4R9

JobBank Number: 2092323 Specialty Foods Chef (NOC: SALARY:6321)$26.10 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: 605 ROGERS ROAD York, ON M6M carlosmartins65@hotmail.com1B9

JobBank Number: 2103016 Truck Driver (NOC: 7511) SALARY: $24.00 to $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per week LOCATION: 6550 DANVILLE RD Missis sauga, ON L5T Mississauga,Mail:stargate.hiring@gmail.com2S66550DANVILLERDONL5T2S6

JobBank Number: 2073676 Welder (NOC: SALARY:7237)$26.10 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: 91 PIPPIN AVENUE Concord, ON L4K sales@multitech2000.com4J9

JobBank Number: 2103022 Baker (NOC: 6332) SALARY: $20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 3085 Hurontario St Mississauga, ON L5A alnejmahfoods@gmail.com4E4

hours per week LOCATION: 26 Taber Road Etobicoke, ON M9W Etobicoke,Mail:michael@canskyroofing.com3A526TaberRoadONM9W3A5 JobBank Number: 2102508 Welder (NOC: 7237) SALARY: $24.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Concord, metalexcanada@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2102509 Telecommunication Line Technician (NOC: SALARY:7245)$30.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per LOCATION:week Thornhill, aglincorporated@outlook.comON JobBank Number: 2101654 Food And Beverage Server (NOC: SALARY:6513)$15.00HOUR hourly for 8 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekToronto, ca.indeed.com/cmp/Ace-Hotel-ON clearPrefilter=1jobs?jk=644572dabb4d3e91&start=0&Toronto/ JobBank Number: 2101646 Line Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$19.00 to $21.00HOUR hourly for 8 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: Toronto, ca.indeed.com/cmp/Ace-Hotel-ON Prefilter=1jobs?jk=823348365ff5afa1&start=0&clearToronto/ JobBank Number: 2102423 Construction Trades Helper (NOC: SALARY:7611)$24.50HOUR hourly for 30 to 35 hours per harikaushdevelopments@gmail.comweek JobBank Number: 2101585 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Mississauga, pizzano.pizzax@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2102339 Carpenter (NOC: 7271) SALARY: $26.10HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, homeliferenovations83@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2099551 Appliance TechnicianService (NOC: SALARY:7332)$22.00 to $30.00HOUR hourly for 80 to 85 hours bi-weekly LOCATION: Mississauga, ON REF:admin@hargta.com7332 JobBank

JobBank Number: 2102064 Truck Washer (NOC: SALARY:6732)$24.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per LOCATION:weekNorth York, BetweenNorthInnities#HiringSectioncrystalcleanmobile.com/career-opportubrandon@crystalcleanmobile.comONPerson:94KenharDrivesuiteUnit30York,ONM9L1N203:00PMand06:00PM

JobBank Number: 2101552 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00 to $20.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per week LOCATION: 2995 Bloor Street West Etobicoke, ON M8X viborestaurantrecruitment@gmail.com1C1

JobBank Number: 2101891 Trailer Assembler (NOC: SALARY:9526)$21.00 to $25.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 140 Market Drive Milton, ON L9T REF:BetweenMilton,InMilton,Mail:maele@hugocorporation.com3H5140MarketDriveONL9T3H5Person:140MarketDriveONL9T3H509:00AMand04:00PMSTA9526

JobBank Number: 2103009 Restaurant Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$16.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 15 Gateway Blvd. Brampton, ON L6T Brampton,Mail:hiring.vintagepunjab@gmail.com0H415GatewayBlvd.ONL6T0H4


www.employmentnews.com 9Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 JOBbank IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying. www.jobbank.gc.ca Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES

JobBank Number: 2068405 Construction Labourer (NOC: SALARY:7611)$26.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 841 Glencairn Avenue North York, ON M6B michael_rloureiro@hotmail.com2A4

JobBank Number: 2102557 Truck Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$24.50HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per LOCATION:weekBrampton, jobs.benzfreight@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2097502 Helper, Plasterer (NOC: SALARY:7611)$24.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 1290 Crestlawn Dr. Mississauga, ON L4W 1A6 office@brunco.ca

JobBank Number: 2102614 Baker (NOC: SALARY:6332)$15.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week 35 Brunel Road Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E8 jobs.nirvana Mississauga@gmail.com

to $28.00HOUR hourly for 46 hours per week LOCATION: Thornhill, mustafa@maglighting.comON JobBank Number: 2101060 Sheet MechanicMetal (NOC: SALARY:7233)$32.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Scarborough, s.uallmetalcorporration@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2099577 Food SupervisorService (NOC: SALARY:6311)$24.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, meena.bhangal@hotmail.comON JobBank Number: 2101001 Light Duty Cleaner (NOC: SALARY:6731)$16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Richmond Hill, ON jobs@lariimmigration.com JobBank Number: 2100999 Retail SupervisorStore (NOC: SALARY:6211)$20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Richmond Hill, ON jobs@lariimmigration.com JobBank Number: 2101004 Butcher, Retail (NOC: SALARY:6331)$18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Richmond Hill, ON jobs@lariimmigration.com JobBank Number: 2099890 MechanicHeavy-DutyJourneyman/WomanEquipment (NOC: SALARY:7312)$28.00 to $41.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Mississauga, Non-DrivingCareers/bison.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/Bisoncareers@bisontransport.comON JobBank Number: 2074463 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$21.00HOUR hourly for 32 hours per LOCATION:week 820 Sheppard Ave North York, ON M3H saiyra.dominos@gmail.com2T1 JobBank Number: 2076954 Maintenance Mechanic, Industrial Machinery (NOC: SALARY:7311)$44.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 72 hours per LOCATION:weekMississauga, geoffrey.smith@saint-gobain.comON JobBank Number: 2101544 Cook (NOC: 6322) SALARY: $16.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per

JobBank Number: 2101898 Forklift Operator (NOC: SALARY:7452)$21.00 to $24.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 140 Market Drive Milton, ON L9T

M5R paramountfinefoods111@gmail.com2B1 JobBank

JobBank Number: 2100622 Automotive Service Technician (NOC: 7321) SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 38 to 44 hours per pleby-linejiffylubeontario.com/burlington-1227-apweek

JobBank Number: 2101572 General LabourerConstruction (NOC: SALARY:7611)$19.00 to $23.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 44 hours per week



10 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 JOBbank IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying. www.jobbank.gc.ca Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES

JobBank Number: 2100263 Service Agent, Guests - Hotel (NOC: 6525) SALARY: $17.00 to $17.75HOUR hourly for 24 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 3451 South Service Rd W, Oakville, ON L6L jobs/219933.htmlsandmanhotels.prevueaps.com/0C3

LOCATION: Brampton, linda@franksflooring.caON JobBank Number: 2100845 Service Agent, Guests - Hotel (NOC: SALARY:6525)$17.00 to $17.75HOUR hourly for 24 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 3451 South Service Rd W, Oakville, ON L6L openings/sandmanhotels.prevueaps.com/pages/0C3

JobBank Number: 2101398 Cement ApprenticeFinisher (NOC: 7282) SALARY: $39.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekStouffville, ON info@acepools.ca



JobBank Number: 2101670 Sandblaster (NOC: SALARY:6732)$21.00 to $24.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

LOCATION: Toronto, singhnavjiwan@yahoo.comON

JobBank Number: 2101838 Server - Food And Beverage Services (NOC: SALARY:6513)$15.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: North York, info@laluceristorante.comON Number: 2101716 Baker (NOC: SALARY:6332)$15.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week 230 SANDALWOOD PKWY E Brampton, ON L6Z jobatgrandbaker@gmail.com1R3

LOCATION: 140 Market Drive Milton, ON L9T

JobBank Number: 2097041 Light Duty Cleaner (NOC: SALARY:6731)$16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Holland Landing, ON jobs@berderald.com

JobBank Number: 2097194 Department Store Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6211)$22.00 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week Etobicoke, 2101088 (NOC: SALARY:6332)$22.00HOUR for hours per 1250 St, ON Number: 2101086 (NOC: SALARY:7241)$20.00 LOCATION:week 1820 Danforth Ave Toronto, ON M4C info@cuminkitchen.ca1H8


JobBank Number: 2101142 Server - Food And Beverage Services (NOC: SALARY:6513)$15.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekPickering, hotmamanois@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2097472 Retail Store Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6211)$19.50 to $21.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week

REF:sam.bedandbath@gmail.comONBBM1 JobBank Number:



JobBank Number: 2100905 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$24.29HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 661 Martin Street Milton, ON L9T REF:guage=English&JobID=184192gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?Lan2Y3184192


Apprentice Electrician

JobBank Number: 2098193 Framer, Mirrors (NOC: SALARY:9537)$17.00 to $19.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Etobicoke, tara@images2000inc.comON JobBank Number: 2098201 Woodworking Machine Operator (NOC: SALARY:9437)$17.00 to $19.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Etobicoke, tara@images2000inc.comON JobBank Number: 2100814 Rough Carpenter (NOC: SALARY:7271)$27.00HOUR hourly for 43 hours per LOCATION:week Etobicoke, info@westroseconstruction.comON JobBank Number: 2101449 Butcher, Retail (NOC: SALARY:6331)$20.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Etobicoke, sarajevogrillandmeat@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2101450 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$20.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week4924 YONGE STREET North York, ON M2N sushione.k@gmail.com5N5 Number: 2100625 Automotive Service Technician (NOC: SALARY:7321)$17.00HOUR hourly for 38 to 44 hours per LOCATION:week23Taunton Road West Oshawa, ON L1G john@jiffylubespecialists.com7B4








JobBank Number: 2097579 Assembler, Diesel Engines (NOC: SALARY:9526)$27.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 13 MELANIE DRIVE suite B Brampton, ON L6T Mail:jobs895@outlook.com4K813MELANIEDRIVE suite B Brampton, ON L6T 4K8 In Person: 13 MELANIE DRIVE suite B Brampton, ON L6T 4K8 Between 08:00 AM and 05:00 PM REF: CE-0035

JobBank Number: 2099685 Rope Access Technician (Rat) (NOC: SALARY:7384)$25.00 to $26.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: East York, skyreachwc@gmail.comON


JobBank Number: 2097614 Ethnic Food Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.50HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week

www.employmentnews.com 11Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 JOBbank IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying. www.jobbank.gc.ca Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES



39 Main Street North, suite suite 2Markham, ON L3P Mail:khaugullymarkham@gmail.com1X339MainStreetNorth,suite suite 2 Markham, ON L3P 1X3 JobBank Number: 2099689 Meat Cutter - Retail Or Wholesale (NOC: SALARY:6331)$18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, ynrhalalinc@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2099684 Cook (NOC: 6322) SALARY: $16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Oakville, turtlejackinoakville@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2099681 Assistant Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$15.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week North York, wildwingishpreet@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2099605 Bartender (NOC: SALARY:6512)$16.00HOUR hourly for 10 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week207 Queens Quay Toronto, ON M5J cityexperiences.com/account/careers/1A7

JobBank Number: 2099893 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 37.5 hours per LOCATION:weekUNIT-1 30 RIVERMONT ROAD Brampton, ON L6Y streetidli@gmail.com6G7

JobBank Number: 2099571 Concrete Finisher (NOC: SALARY:7282)$38.00 to $40.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 44 hours per week



JobBank Number: 2097144 Long TruckHaulDriver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$26.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 70 hours per REF:BetweenDorval,InDorval,Mail:nishantransport.com/irene@nishantransport.comweek1805CheminStFrancoisQCH9P2S1Person:1805CheminStFrancoisQCH9P2S109:00AMand08:00PM220624


JobBank Number: 2098003 Long Haul Truck Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$24.10HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week1190 Meyerside dr Mississauga, ON L5T Mississauga,Mail:d4logistics.jobs@gmail.com1R71190MeyersidedrONL5T1R7

JobBank Number: 2098925 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$20.00 to $22.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 35 hours per week LOCATION: 130 King Street West Toronto, ON M5X REF:jobs@glowbalgroup.com2A2benefitsafter6months

JobBank Number: 2097961 Food SupervisorService (NOC: SALARY:6311)$16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Scarborough, arnablamiainc@yahoo.comON Number: 2096374 (NOC: SALARY:6731)$15.00 to $17.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week Toronto, beststayjobs@millennum.comON Number: 2099384 Construction Worker (NOC: SALARY:7611)$24.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 44 hours per LOCATION:weekNorth York, independentbuilddesign@gmail.comON Number: 2099381 Stonemason (NOC: SALARY:7281)$41.00 to $42.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week 6815 STEELES AVE. WEST Etobicoke, ON M9V rdasilva@trinitybwp.com4R9 Number: 2099378 (NOC: SALARY:7271)$26.10 to $27.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week 6815 STEELES AVE. WEST Etobicoke, ON M9V rdasilva@trinitybwp.com4R9 Number: 2099150 Line Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekToronto, recruitment@enquiris.caON JobBank Number: 2099148 Roofer (NOC: SALARY:7291)$32.00 to $42.83HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week North York, recruitment@enquiris.caON JobBank Number: 2099107 Cleaner (NOC: SALARY:6731)$25.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per LOCATION:week 35 Buggey Lane Ajax, ON L1Z mcgupta@yahoo.com1X5 Number: 2096702 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week 1202 Danforth Ave Toronto, ON M4J yegresume@gmail.com1M6 Number: 2099924 Food SupervisorService (NOC: SALARY:6311)$17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week406 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5V dj@myrotiplace.com2A6



JobBank Number: 2098952 Truck Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$27.00HOUR hourly for 60 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, hiwaycarrier3@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2099680 Assistant Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Oakville, turtlejackinoakville@gmail.comON


LOCATION: Toronto, carlos@brlandscaping.caON JobBank Number: 2099557 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 107 Kennedy Rd S Brampton, ON L6W Mail:king.tandoori1@yahoo.com3G3107KennedyRdSsuite 11 Brampton, ON L6W 3G3


JobBank Number: 2098272 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00HOUR hourly for 30 hours per LOCATION:week 7398 Yonge Street suite 1-3D Thornhill, ON L4J hubsushi.resume@gmail.com8J2

JobBank Number: 2099692 Retail Meat Cutter (NOC: SALARY:6331)$18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, ON almarwahalalmeat Brampton@gmail.com


JobBank Number: 2097969 Retail Buyer (NOC: SALARY:6222)$27.00 to $29.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: 1440 Birchmount Road Scarborough, ON M1P hr.choyfoonginternational@gmail.com2E3 Number: 2097696 Extrusion Machine Operator - Plastic Manufacturing (NOC: SALARY:9422)$19.00HOUR hourly for 36 to 48 hours per LOCATION:weekWoodbridge, ON jeff.r@mstbar.com Number: 2097666 Technical SupervisorSales (NOC: SALARY:6221)$26.50HOUR hourly for 30 hours per LOCATION:week 44 Mount Pleasant Dr. Brampton, ON L6Z 1K2 ON Line.ramneek@gmail.com

JobBank Number: 2098648 Framer-Carpenter (NOC: SALARY:7271)$27.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, (NOC: SALARY:7452)$20.00HOUR SALARY:7441)$20.00HOUR

JobBank Number: 2100145 Sales Supervisor - Retail (NOC: SALARY:6211)$20.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week 2049 Dixie Rd Mississauga, ON L4Y applyjobshere2020@gmail.com1Y9

JobBank Number: 2100245 Clerk, Hotel Front Desk (NOC: SALARY:6525)$15.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 212 Dundas Street E. Toronto, ON M5A Inemployment@filmores.com1Z6Person:212DundasStreet E. Toronto, ON M5A 1Z6 Between 10:00 AM and 05:30 PM JobBank Number: 2100230 Finisher, Cement (NOC: SALARY:7282)$37.36 to $38.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per week LOCATION: York, info@aodumgroup.comON JobBank Number: 2098058 Truck Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$18.00 to $28.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Etobicoke, ON Intreedoctors.cainfo@treedoctors.caPerson:343Olivewood Rd Toronto, ON M8Z 2Z6 Between 07:00 AM and 07:00 PM JobBank Number: 2098028 Small Engine And Equipment Mechanic (NOC: SALARY:7335)$20.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week North York, tritanproducts.jobs@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2097813 Punch Press Operator - Metal Fabrication (NOC: SALARY:9416)$20.75 to $23.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week LOCATION: Scarborough, REF:csteinberg@ethanemployment.comONPunchPress

LOCATION: Brampton, REF:kim@wyndalepaving.comON24

JobBank Number: 2100139 Chef (NOC: SALARY:6321)$17.00 to $19.00HOUR hourly for 37.5 to 44 hours per week

JobBank Number: 2100699 Technical SupervisorSales (NOC: SALARY:6221)$31.25HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Etobicoke, job.2022.canpump@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2100532 Food SupervisorService (NOC: SALARY:6311)$16.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 63 King Street East Oshawa, ON L1H Oshawa,Mail:laquintainnoshawa.jobs@gmail.com1B463KingStreetEastONL1H1B4

JobBank Number: 2099371 Roofer (NOC: SALARY:7291)$32.00 to $42.83HOUR hourly for 37.5 hours per week LOCATION: North York, recruitment@enquiris.caON

JobBank Number: 2100387 Driver, Long Haul (NOC: SALARY:7511)$21.80HOUR hourly for 32 to 40 hours per LOCATION:weekBrampton, careerswithkhasria@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2100117 Truck Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$24.30HOUR hourly for 40 to 50 hours per LOCATION:weekCaledon, zealexpresscanada@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2099261 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$23.33HOUR hourly for 1 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week55Civic Road Scarborough, ON M1L REF:guage=English&JobID=184193gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?Lan2K9184193

JobBank Number: 2100013 Line Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 969 Coxwell Avenue East York, ON M4C info@knucklesandwich.ca3G4

JobBank Number: 2099120 Driver, Transport (NOC: SALARY:7511)$23.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 60 hours per LOCATION:week1220AEROWOOD DR suite FRONT Mississauga, ON L4W Mail:employment.5star@gmail.com1B71220AEROWOODDRsuite FRONT Mississauga, ON L4W 1B7 In Person: 1220 AEROWOOD DR suite FRONT Mississauga, ON L4W 1B7 Between 09:00 AM and 03:00 PM

JobBank Number: 2096807 Moving Van Driver (NOC: SALARY:7511)$21.70 to $23.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per week

hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, workwithmetaltmm@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2097904 Garage Door Installer (NOC:

JobBank Number: 2097809 Spot Welder (NOC: SALARY:7237)$17.50HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Scarborough, REF:resume@ethanemployment.comONSpotWelder

JobBank Number: 2098046 Truck And TechnicianCoach (NOC: SALARY:7321)$29.90HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Brampton, workwithmetaltmm@gmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2100380 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$16.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Caledon Village, caledontimhortons@gmail.comON

12 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 JOBbank IMPORTANT NOTICE: All job advertisements have been provided by www.jobbank.gc.ca. Media Classified is not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity or reliability of the content. Some job postings may become inactive after print and all job seekers are encouraged to check www.jobbank.gc.ca for the most updated version of each job position before applying. www.jobbank.gc.ca Before you apply check online at www.jobbank.gc.ca as these jobs fill fast! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES

JobBank Number: 2100395 Ethnic Food Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$18.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Toronto, thaibasiljob@hotmail.comON

JobBank Number: 2099478 Asphalt Raker (NOC: SALARY:7611)$30.00 to $40.00HOUR hourly for 40 to 50 hours per week

JobBank Number: 2099382 Stonemason (NOC: SALARY:7281)$48.03HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week 87 IRONDALE DRIVE suite UNIT 100 North York, ON M9L 2S6 careers@viacON Masonry.com

LOCATION: Brampton, ON streetidli@gmail.com

LOCATION: Evans and Brown’s Line Etobicoke, ON M8W bestfloor@yahoo.com2V4

dhillon_constructions@outlook.comON JobBank Number: 2098218 General Labourer - Material Handling

hourly + 35% com mission per sale for 40 to 50 hours per weekMinimum wage is guaranteed LOCATION: North York, ON allfix.ca/careershiring@allfix.ca JobBank Number: 2097958 Locksmith (NOC: SALARY:7384)$20.00HOUR hourly + 35% com mission per sale for 40 to 50 hours per weekMinimum wage is guaranteed LOCATION: North York, ON allfix.ca/careershiring@allfix.ca JobBank Number: 2098671 Bricklayer (NOC: SALARY:7281)$41.00HOUR hourly for 35 hours per LOCATION:week 7101 Branigan Gate suite 35 Mississauga, ON L5N hrprioryconstruction@yahoo.com7S2 JobBank Number: 2098531 Cook (NOC: 6322) SALARY: $17.00HOUR hourly for 40 hours per LOCATION:week Mississauga, swagruhasdosahome@gmail.comON JobBank Number: 2099931 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week12Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J dj2@myrotiplace.com2V7 JobBank Number: 2099929 Food Service Supervisor (NOC: SALARY:6311)$17.00HOUR hourly for 30 to 40 hours per LOCATION:week406 Queen street west Toronto, ON M5V dj2@myrotiplace.com2A6 JobBank Number: 2098316 Cook (NOC: SALARY:6322)$16.00 to $18.00HOUR hourly for 35 to 40 hours per week LOCATION: 545 Steeles Avenue West Brampton, ON L6Y Mail:sector17jobs@gmail.com4E7545SteelesAvenue West Brampton, ON L6Y 4E7

CAREER TRAINING www.employmentnews.com 13Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 GET CERTIFIED TODAY!! Re-Certification of Competence Driving Licence not necessary. CANADIAN NATIONAL FORKLIFT SAFETY GROUP Secure your career today in one Professional Centre! Certified Instructor for Practical Training WHMISTrainingAvailable ProtectionFallTDG 100% Guarantee You can get a job anywhere!! CN Forklift Training Centre 7033 Telford Way, Unit #4, Mississauga, ON L5S 1V4 Practical Training: Circle checkup (Pre trip inspection), Counter Balance, Reach (Narrow Aisle) Cherry Picker, Pallet Truck (Walkie) & Scissors Lift Theoretical Training: In class Training for your employee one day only! Lift Truck Train-The-Trainer Program: Book an appointment anytime! Safety: Preventing equipment abuse and damage Legislation and Standards ForklliftCollegeStudents,Training$100 forDiscountsSpecialStudents Tel: 905.405.0001 Fax: 905.405.0006 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Forklift $49Licencewiththisyer Programming: Counter Balance Reach Cherry Picker Pallet Truck Scissors Lift Fall 1 SESSION 1 Sep 07 - 18 SESSION 2 Sep 21 - Oct 02 SESSION 3 Oct 05 - 16 75 Earn While You Learn! Average Salary of $18-$24 / hr Best Health Benefits Comprehensive Pension Plans CONTACT US TODAY FOR DETAILS Funded in part by the Government of Canada's Sectoral Initiatives Program. This Employment Ontario Program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario T: +1-888-412-4822 E: hello@hta75.com www.hta75.com Fall 2 SESSION 4 Oct 19 - 30 SESSION 5 Nov 02 - 13 SESSION 6 Nov 16 - 27 Location: Downtown/Airport Area (in-person) SECOND CAREER CAN HELP YOU! 416-292-6050 admin@canadianallcare.comwww.canadianallcare.com Scarborough Campus (McCowan/Steeles) 240 Alton Towers Circle, Unit 302 Scarborough (416) 292-6050 Toronto Campus (Dufferin/Finch) 4630 Dufferin St, Unit 305 Toronto (416) 661-0888 Are you unemployed and eager to start a new career? Enroll today for expert career training! PROGRAMS HIGH IN DEMAND 1. Personal Support Worker | 28 Weeks (Days classes) Starting date: Sept 26, 2022 2. Personal Support Worker | 28 Weeks (Evening classes) Starting date: Sept 26, 2022 3. Food Service Worker | 25 Weeks (Day classes) Starting date: Sept 26, 2022 4. Banking and Financial Services | 50 weeks (Day Class) Starting date: Sept 26, 2022 5. Community Service Worker | 54 weeks (Evening classes) Starting date: Sept 26, 2022 6. Medical Office Administrator | 52 Weeks (Day Class) Starting date: Oct 24, 2022 7. Accounting, Payroll, and Business Administrator 52 weeks ( Days and Evening classes ) Starting date: Oct 24, 2022 8. Medical Esthetics | 66 weeks Day class Day class Starting date: Oct 31, 2022 9. Cyber Security and Networking | 69 weeks Evening class Starting date: Nov 21, 2022 10. Event Planner | 56 weeks Day class Starting date: Nov 28, 2022 ASSISTANCEFINANCIAL AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY Both campuses are registered as private career colleges under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 Not all programs available at the both campuses. Great News — Personal Support Worker Program Free Tuition Fee and paid placement!!!

CAREER TRAINING 14 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 GET A SECURITY JOB NOW!!! Ministry approved Security Guard course: In-class $229 - includes First Aid, Defensive Tactics & Handcuffing or On-line $89 - does not include First Aid Guaranteed to pass the Ministry Exam or you may retake the course for free. JOBwww.centreforsecurity.comGUARANTEECall and book your appointment 416.750.4747 * LIVE CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION! * PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR COURSE $499 Get Trained, Get Employed, Get www.oxfordedu.ca1-866-386-1998Going BECOME A PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER Start Learning from Home Receive up to $13,235 in grants from the Government of Ontario’s 2022 Challenge Fund Sign up today! Seats are limited for the Challenge Fund Grant program For more information call www.medixcollege.ca/challengefund647-558-1058 Our PSW program ensures your learning is exible and relevant to the eld using a hybrid approach: Online Flexible Learning Convenient self-directed learning & practice materials from home Online Live Regularly scheduled with live instructor remotely Externship Real-life experience/placement with GTA employers In-Person Practical Regularly scheduled in-campus sessions designed to simulate real-world experiential situations in preparation for a career Employment News MP F.qxp_Layout 1 2022-06-29 12:23 PM Page 2 Connect with the advertisers in this issue of Employment News and apply directly to GTA opportunities! Looking for a Career? Scan Here:

CAREER TRAINING www.employmentnews.com 15Please GREATERrecycleTORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 CNC / PRECISION MACHINING EMPLOYMENT SKILLS FOR A training program specifically designed to address the potential challenges facing Women in Trades. Eligibility Requirements Identify as a woman Be 18 years of age or older Be legally entitled to work in Ontario You Interestedmust:applicants will be assessed for Math and English skills (Ontario Grade 12 or equivalent) Edwin HeatherSelvadhasHunter hhunter@woodgreen.orgeselvadhas@woodgreen.org 437-925-2190416-759-4540 Accepting applications Summer 2022 for Fall 2022 Start Program at no cost to participants Are you interested in a career in skilled trades? 14 weeks (312 hours) CNC Training Employability Skills Training 8-week (280hr) paid job placement One-on-one career advisement to assist you in obtaining employment Ontario post secondary credits Guidance and information on educational and career pathways Employment Skills for CNC / Precision Machining offers: For more information: tinyurl.com/CNC-Learn OR contact one of our Employment Case Counsellors for more information Transportation and clothing supports, as well as partnerships with employers committed to providing a friendlier, supportive environment for women. What sets the Employability Skills for CNC / Precision Machining Program apart?

16 www.employmentnews.com Please recycle GREATER TORONTO EDITION, AUGUST 27–SEPTEMBER 10, 2022 NOW HIRING DRIVERS! WELCOMING G, B & E LICENSED DRIVERS CONTACT US AT 1.888.540.1709 OR VISIT www.SharpBus.com TO APPLY NOW! SHARP OFFERS: P Part-time, flexible split-shift work schedule P Family friendly work environment P Competitive rates P No union P Routes in Toronto & York Region Family owned since 1951 FREETRAINING! • Competitive pay in hourly and salaried positions • Benefits include health care, pension and more • A high-energy, fast-paced work environment • An opportunity to be part of our unique, people-first culture • Growth opportunities to further your career and your education FedEx Freight is a leading provider of LTL (less-than-truckload) freight services with a workforce of more than 42,000 team members in approximately 350 service centers, FedEx Freight handles approximately 100,000 shipments a day. FedEx Freight provides coverage throughout the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii and international services. The FedEx Freight team is dedicated to delivering the ultimate customer experience through exceptional service, reliability, and on-time https://careers.fedex.com/freightcanadaperformance.

CAREERFAIRCANADA.CA Media Sponsors: CAREER FAIR FREE ADMISSION TORONTO OCTOBERWEDNESDAY,5,202210amto2pm JOB WinSEEKERS:a $50 Gift Card! Register Online www.careerfairtoronto.caat Recruiters: For booth info call 1-888-532-2613 or email info@careerfaircanada.ca SCAN REGISTERTO METRO CONVENTIONTORONTOCENTRENorthBuilding,Room205

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