Foodies Festival Tatton Park 2024

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Cooking live at Foodies

Top chefs cook their favourite recipes in the La Española Theatre. Register for free entry at the Registration Desk. Tickets are released throughout the day and subject to availability.

Swiss Chard Vichyssoise with Sun-Dried Tomato Crostinis

Vichyssoise, a velvety and luxurious soup, finds a new twist in this recipe by incorporating the earthy flavours of Swiss chard. With the addition of La Española’s extra virgin olive oil, this dish gains a touch of Mediterranean richness.

Serves 4

For the Vichyssoise:

100g La Española extra virgin olive oil

300g chopped leeks

300g diced potatoes

800ml water

200g chopped spinach

For garnish:

Chopped hazelnuts

Black pepper

Black sesame seeds

Sprout tops

La Española extra virgin olive oil

For the crostinis:

La Española olive oil spray

8 slices of bread

1 garlic clove

25g sun-dried tomatoes

4 tablespoons of water

15g grated Parmesan cheese

For garnish:

Black sesame seeds

La Española extra virgin olive oil

In a saucepan over a low heat, combine the olive oil and the chopped leeks. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the diced potatoes. Cook for an additional 10 minutes, then add the water and chopped spinach. Continue cooking until the potatoes are tender. Blend with a blender until the vichyssoise is creamy and smooth.

Crostinis : Spray the bread slices with olive oil and toast them in a frying pan until golden and crispy. Rub them with the peeled garlic clove. Blend the remaining ingredients and spread onto the bread slices.

Serve the soup either cold or hot, garnished with chopped hazelnuts, black sesame seeds, sprout tops and drizzle over with La Española extra virgin olive oil, accompanied by the sun-dried tomato crostini’s.

Use extra virgin olive oil for authentican taste

La Española is the sponsor of this year’s Chefs Theatre. Try La Española olive oil in the Chefs Theatre each day of the festival.


2 golden peaches

Splash RinQuinQuin peach liqueur

1 burrata

For the dressing

100ml blackberry blossom vinegar (see below)

25g Dijon mustard

6g toasted coriander seeds

1g black pepper

2g salt

2g sugar

3 dashes Tabasco 150ml cold-pressed rapeseed oil

For the grilled peaches, halve the golden peaches and dress in a little bit of RinQuinQuin peach liqueur and cold-pressed rapeseed oil. Grill on a high heat until easily lifted off the grill without sticking. Blow torch the skin then remove to cool slighly before serving.

For the burrata, remove from the brine and dry thoroughly. Season heavily with Maldon salt and fresh cracked black pepper. Remove core from tomatoes and select an array of different colours and shapes. Cut into bite size, random cuts and lightly season with salt.

For the dressing, first make the quick-infused blackberry vinegar. Take 100ml cider vinegar and heat to just before boiling. Pick and wash blackberry blossoms and leaves and place in a sealable container. Pour over hot vinegar and seal quickly, give it a good shake and chill in fridge until needed.

Combine all dressing ingredients and immediately dress the salad.

JULIAN PIZER is the chef and co-owner of Another Hand.

See Julian in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Saturday 13 July at 1pm



4 fillets skinless

King prawns 12

Mussels 20

Shallots x 2

Leek x 1

Tomato x 1

Peas x 100g

Samphire x 80g

White wine 250 ml

Fish stock 150ml

Double cream 150ml

Butter 50g

Chives 20g

20g capers

1kg Maris piper

250ml cream

250g butter

SEAN NOONAN is Head Chef of Grange Farm Lowton. See Sean in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Sunday 14 July at 5pm.

Trim haddock in to 2 square pieces and season with a pinch of salt and place them on top of each other do this for the 4 fillets then place on a grease proofed tray

Peel and ¼ the potatoes, place in a pan of cold salted water and bring to the boil until potatoes are soft then drain in a colander and allow them to steam for 5 minutes, before putting though a ricer.

Heat up 250g butter and cream and reduce by 1/3 before adding it into the mash work it in until smooth and season with white pepper and salt.

Half and peel the shallot and then finely dice. Cut the leek in half and then finely dice

Cut tomato in 1/4s to make wedges and then remove the seeds before dicing into ½ cm dice.

Sweat off the shallot and leek in a little touch of oil with out giving any colour, add the mussels then add white wine and fish stock and allow to cook for approximately 2 minutes then take mussels out

and put them in a bowl to one side and reduce by half before adding double cream and then bringing it to the boil and then whisking in diced butter. Pick the mussel meat out of the shells, In a pan heat up with oil before frying prawns on each side for 1 minute then add the mussels back in place the wine wine sauce into the pan.

Whilst that’s cooking bake the haddock for 5 minutes at 180c

Add diced tomato and peas into the sauce finish with finely chopped chives & capers

Take haddock out of the oven and place the mash in a piping bag and pipe in a zig zag pattern on top of the haddock and then glaze under the grill.

Warm a pan with a touch of oil and gently soften the samphire.

In a bowl place 3 prawns, and 5 mussels and a ladle of the white wine sauce, before placing ¼ of the samphire on the top and finish by putting the glazed haddock on top


800g chorizo, cut into chunks

1 banana shallot, finely diced

2-3 cloves garlic

200ml white wine

25g fresh thyme

800g tinned butter beans

2 tbsp olive oil

NICK MACGREGOR is the Head Chef of 20 Stories. See Nick in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Saturday 13 July at 12pm

Heat oil and add chorizo. Cook out for 8-10 mins until fat rendered and oil is coloured from the chorizo.

Add shallots and garlic, sweat for 3-5 mins.

Deglaze with white wine and reduce by half.

Add thyme and butterbeans (including liquid from the tinned butterbeans).

Cook for 15 mins.

This can be served with any protein e.g. chicken, pork or fish. Or to make vegetarian add baby spinach & roasted squash.


Serves 4

For the mackerel

4 whole mackerel, finned, gutted and gills removed

4 sprigs dill

4 sprigs tarragon

1 lemon, thinly sliced

Sea salt

Rapeseed oil

2 heads gem lettuce, split in half lengthways

For the horseradish ranch dressing

2 cloves garlic, grated

350ml natural yoghurt

100ml buttermilk

2 tbsp cider vinegar

3 tbsp creamed horseradish

3 tbsp juice from a tin of gherkins

1 small bunch dill, finely chopped

Sea salt

For the gooseberry salsa

200g gooseberries, thickly sliced

200g cucumber, deseeded and thickly sliced

2 tbsp elderflower vinegar

30g caster sugar

12 mint leaves, shredded

Place all the ingredients for the ranch dressing into a mixing bowl and whisk together thoroughly to combine, seasoning to taste. Store in the fridge until needed.

Take all the ingredients for the salsa and place them into a mixing bowl. Cover and allow to macerate for 1 hour before serving.

Get the barbecue lit and the coals hot and glowing white, with no flames. Open the cavity of the mackerel and season with salt inside, then stuff each evenly with the dill, tarragon and lemon slices. Season the fish all over with salt and rub with rapeseed oil. Do the same with the gem lettuce heads. Place the mackerel and lettuce on the barbecue and cook without moving for 2-3 minutes, then turn the fish over and repeat. Serve immediately alongside the barbecued gem, salsa, and a good few dollops of horseradish dressing.

Alternatively, preheat your oven to 200C. Season the mackerel and gem lettuce with salt and drizzle with oil, and place in the oven for 12 minutes. Remove and finish with a cook’s blowtorch, lightly charring the fish and the lettuce before serving.

LUKE PAYNE is the Chef-Patron of The Pack Horse in Hayfield. See Luke in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Sunday 14 July at 3pm


Serves 1

For the tater’ash

50g swede, diced

50g carrots, diced

50g celery, diced

20g banana shallot, finely diced

30g black truffle, diced 100g red potatoes, diced

4 slices white bread

20g picked parsley leaf 20g picked celery leaf 275g dry-aged sirloin, diced 50g dripping Tabasco

Smoked Maldon salt Mignonette pepper Kosher salt

For the mushroom catsup

Coal Oil

Parsley Oil

Beef Butter

ADAM REID is chef-patron at 4 AA Rosette-winning The French. See Adam in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Sunday 14 July at 1pm

Mix swede, carrot and celeriac in one vac bag, potato cubes in another. Season each bag generously with dashi/salt and a little pepper. Seal and cook at 85ºC for 1 hour, remove and cool in bags. Do not refrigerate.

Mix together shallot, celery and truffle with the veg and potato. Season sirloin to taste with Tabasco, coal oil and smoked salt, then mix into veg.

Remove crusts from bread, roll flat and dice to ½cm. Heat a small amount of dripping in a pan to smoking.

Toss in bread cubes and fry to light gold. Drain and season to taste.

Finely shred celery leaves and parsley together. Dress tater’ash in catsup then spoon into serving bowl. Dress with shredded parsley and celery leaves, finish with pepper and parsley oil (optional).


T-bone Steak. Our favourite is Yorkshire’s Finest Salt Aged T-Bone!

Sea salt

Black pepper

Olive oil

RADEK BAK is the founder of Corner Grill House in York.

See Radek in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Friday 12 July at 5.30pm

Take your steak from the fridge 30 minutes before you plan on cooking it. We need it at room temperature.

Season the steak with a decent amount of oil and a sprinkle of black pepper.

Cook the T-bone for approximately 3-4 minutes on either side for a medium-rare finish. The fillet side of the steak requires less cooking, so place that side on the less direct side of your flame.

Remove the steak and place it under some foil, to rest for 10 minutes.

Give a nice final season with some sea salt and serve with your favourite sides!



200g dark chocolate (preferably 70% cocoa)

200g unsalted butter

200g granulated sugar

6 medium eggs

200g finely ground Brazil nuts

50g roughly chopped Brazil nuts

Vanilla flavouring (vanillascented sugar, natural vanilla paste, or scraped seeds from a vanilla pod)

1 tbsp of amaretto liqueur (optional)

Preheat your oven to 160°C. Grease a 24cm round springform or loose bottom tin with butter and line it with a cartouche of baking paper. To make a cartouche fold a 12-inch square of baking paper into quarters and cut the outer edge straight. You will be left with a rough circle that you can press into the baking tin, leaving the edges rough so that you get the crinkled effect once the cake is cooked.

If you don’t have ground Brazil nuts, grind them finely using a food processor. Just be careful not to grind the nuts too much as the oil will start to release. You want a dry sandy consistency. You can also substitute 100g brazil nuts for 100g ground almonds in this recipe and get the same results with a slightly milder nutty flavour.

In a double boiler or using a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water, melt together the butter and chopped chocolate until smooth. Set aside to cool for 5 minutes. While the chocolate mixture cools, prepare the eggs. In a large mixing bowl, beat the whole eggs with the granulated sugar until pale and fluffy, about 5 minutes. This is called a sabayon. Add a splash of vanilla flavouring of your choice and

amaretto if you are using it. Gradually pour the slightly cooled chocolate and butter mixture into the beaten eggs, stirring constantly until well combined. Gently fold in the ground almonds until evenly distributed.

Pour the batter into the prepared springform pan or loose bottom cake tin and sprinkle with chopped brazil nuts.

Bake in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, or until the cake is set around the edges but still slightly soft in the centre. Allow the cake to cool in the pan completely.

Once cooled cut the cake by dipping a knife in boiling hot water and wiping it dry on a teatowel or kitchen roll for a neat, clean slice. Serve slices of the torte with a splash of fresh cream or almond liqueur on the side and enjoy the rich, decadent flavour.

LUISA PRINGLE is the owner of Love From Luisa.


Makes 5

15g vegan spread

40g vegan digestive biscuits (free from)

180g mango purée (use ripe mangoes)

1 tsp agar agar powder

25g unrefined golden caster sugar

150g vegan cream cheese

40g plant-based cream

100g mango and passionfruit juice

½ tsp agar agar powder

1-2 fresh passion fruits

Prepare the cheesecake base. Melt the spread in the microwave for 20 sec @ 850. Grind the biscuits in a food processor. Transfer in a bowl and mix in the melted spread with a spatula. Using a pestle or anything heavy, press the mix into the bottom of the jar, 5 mm thick. Transfer to the fridge, allowing the spread to harden. For the mango and passionfruit cheesecake mix, puree the mango in a blender. If necessary, add 1-2 tbsp of water to make the first pulse easier.

In a saucepan, dissolve the agar agar in the fruit purée. Bring to the boil, whisking continuously and keep it boiling for 20 sec.

Pour the rest of the ingredients into a food processor. Slowly add the purée and blend until smooth and silky consistency. Fill the jar with the mix and leave 1cm space on the top.

Transfer to the freezer for 1 hour at least. Finish with the mango and passionfruit jelly. Dissolve the agar agar in the juice and bring to the boil, whisking continuously. Keep it boiling for about 20 sec.

Take the jar from the freezer, spread a few passion fruits seeds over the mix, and pour the jelly on top of it. Let it set in the fridge.

DANIELLE MAUPERTUIS is a vegan executive pastry chef and author. Vegans Deserve Better Than A Fruit Salad



2 JAZZTM apples, grated

3 tbsp coconut oil

½ red onion, finely diced

½ red onion, finely sliced

1 tbsp garlic puree

1 tbsp ginger puree

½ tsp ground turmeric

300g red lentils

400ml coconut milk


600ml water

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp coriander seed

1 tsp garam masala

Jazz Apples are proud exhibitors at Foodies Festivals around the country. Visit the Jazz Apples stand to find out more

Heat 2 tbsp coconut oil in a large pan over medium-high. Add the diced onion and a pinch of salt and cook for a few minutes until soft and translucent.

Add the garlic, ginger and turmeric and cook for another 30 seconds.

Add the apple and lentils and stir to coat. Stir in coconut milk and 600ml water and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until lentils are completely soft and dal is thick, 35-40 minutes.

While the dal is cooking, heat another tablespoon of coconut oil in a frying pan until hot. Add the cumin, coriander seeds and garam masala and cook, stirring constantly, for around 30 seconds to toast.

Add the sliced onions to the pan and cook on high heat. Avoid stirring too often, to get plenty of colour on the underside of the onions.

Cook for around 3 minutes on high, then remove from the pan and set aside.

Divide dal among bowls and top with the fried onions.


Piccolo tomatoes

30g basil seeds

For the sweet pickled onions

200g pickling onions, peeled and cut to size

200ml red wine vinegar

40g sugar

10g salt

For the tomato consommé

5kg tomatoes, halved

Tomato stalks from above tomatoes

150g onion, cut into large pieces

150g celery, cut into large pieces

150g leek, cut into large pieces

150g carrot, cut into large pieces

8 cloves of garlic, crushed

Tomato juice

1 bunch basil including stalks

10g celery salt

STUART COLLINS is Chef-Patron of Docket No. 33.

See Stuart in the La Española Chefs Theatre on Sunday 14 at 4pm

To clarify

1l egg white

20g tomato puree

½ bunch basil

For the basil & ricotta cavatelli

65g basil leaf, blanched in salted water until soft, refresh in ice water and blend

150g cream cheese

30g basil puree (above)

1 egg, beaten

250g ‘00’ flour

50g parmesan, grated

5g salt

To garnish

Micro basil leaves

Viola flowers

Mustard frills

Lemon thyme

Lemon oil

Cut the tomatoes in half and drizzle with rapeseed oil. Season with salt and pepper and leave in dehydrator at 60c to soften, until semi dried. Store in fridge until required. Bloom the basil seeds in water overnight in the fridge.

To pickle the onions, heat the water, vinegar, sugar and salt until simmering and ensure dry ingredients have dissolved. Pour onto onion pieces and allow to cool to room temperature.

To make the consommé, place all ingredients into a pan and cover with tomato juice. Bring to the boil and simmer for 1 hour. Place into a colander and

pass through muslin cloth. Allow to drain overnight.

Clarify the consommé by returning to heat and bringing back to a gentle boil. Whisk in the egg whites, tomato puree and basil along with a handful of ice cubes. Stir back to the boil and allow to simmer gently for twenty minutes. Remove from the heat and carefully pass through a muslin cloth and chill.

For the basil & ricotta cavatelli, Add all ingredients into stand mixer bowl and mix on low speed for 2-3 minutes until combined. Add a little more flour if necessary. Remove from mixer and work on bench until smooth. Wrap in cling film and reserve in fridge. Use the cavatelli chilled: roll out until 1cm thick and cut into 1cm strips, dust in flour and roll through cavatelli maker. Poach for 3 minutes to cook.

To serve, combine tomatoes, onions and cavatelli in a serving dish and scatter over micro basil leaves, viola flowers, mustard frills and lemon thyme. Drizzle over lemon oil and serve with consommé on the side ready to pour.


Honeycomb adds the perfect crunch and pop of colour to simple desserts, and pairs brilliantly with chocolate.

110g Sugar

70g Honey

40g Glucose

20ml Water

6g Bicarbonate Of Soda

lot, so take care.

Pots&Co are the proud sponsor of our Cake & Desserts Theatre. Head along to see Bake Off stars and local bakers showing off their skills





120ml 7UP® Zero Sugar

1 or 2 tbsp grenadine syrup

30ml vodka

Splash of cherry juice from maraschino cherries

Maraschino cherries, for garnish

Mix together 7UP® Zero Sugar and grenadine syrup to make a Shirley Temple.

In a cocktail shaker, combine all ingredients.

Shake vigorously and pour over ice.

Top with maraschino cherries - you can thread them on a cocktail stick for style.

7UP® Zero Sugar is the proud sponser of our Drinks Theatre at Foodies Festival Tatton Park. Join us in the theatre to learn more

Going green

Join MasterChef’s experience each day of the festival in the Nigel Brown Cook School. For just £25, Yui will teach you how to make her famous Thai green curry. All the ingredients for your cook school session will be provided and you will get your own creation to take away with you after the masterclass. Sign up for the cook school at the main ticket desk by the entrance.

Taste the sunshine

Foodies Festivals are delighted to have legendary olive oil company La Española joining us as sponsors of our Chefs Theatre for the second year running. Founded almost two centuries ago, La Española is the oldest olive oil company in Spain and has become of the world’s leading brands. Try a selection of their oils at their Olive Oil Bar in the Chefs Theatre, and marvel at your favourite chefs whipping up a tasty dip in our timed Alioli Challenge.

Star baker

Join Great British Bake Off 2023 finalist Dan Hunter in the Pots & Co Cake & Dessert Theatre on Saturday 13 July at 3.30pm as he shows off the skills that took him to the top. The proud Northerner and GBBO favourite Dan will chat about his time on the show, winning a handshake from Paul Hollywood, and his plans for the future while he demonstrates one of his famously technical bakes.

I’m spinning around

You’ll be grinning like the Cheshire Cat when you get your headphones on for our Mad Hatter’s Silent Disco. Our DJs will be spinning all your favourite pop hits, so make like the March Hare and go mad for it. Follow the white rabbit and don’t be late for this very important date.

Ring of fire

Setting an example

You’d better Stay Awake if you don’t want to miss legendary DJ and producer Example lighting up the Tatton Park stage. With a set packed with certified bangers, this is no time to be Playing in the Shadows, so get your dancing shoes on and

head to the MAH Music Stage on 14 July and catch him and support act DJ Dave Sweetmore mixing live.

Learn all about the latest and greatest fire cooking and barbecue methods alongside expert James Brace at the Lumberjaxe Fire Stage. You’ll be well on your way to Flavour Town with delicious recipes like Cowboy Butter Tomahawk Steak and Perfect Pulled Pork. Gain a burning passion for BBQ and go from soggy sausages to fiery perfection with inspiration from the Lumberjaxe crew.



Discover a selection of the exciting producers and brands exhibiting at our series of shows across the country.


Aldomak has been crafting traditional Scottish treats since 1932, establishing themselves as Glasgow’s number one confectioner. The delights of Confectious and Bonnie Glen are inspired by retro recipes, passed down through generations of crafty confectioners. Handmade in small batches in Glasgow and loved across throughout Scotland and beyond.

Beckfords Rum

Unleash your inner pirate with Beckford’s Rum Spirits! Discover an array of awardwinning spirits, including flavoured and dry-aged rums - ranging from 25-65% abv. Award winning range of flavoured and aged rums/ Caramel, Coconut, Banana, Spiced, Aged, Delicious Rum Punch - Come and taste you won’t be disappointed.

Cast & Wood

Discover the enchanting world of Cast and Wood, where a talented father-daughter team creates enduring handmade treasures for your home and kitchen. From exquisite chopping boards to charming

coasters, each piece exudes warmth and character, promising exceptional quality that stands the test of time.

Cocktails At Home UK

Fancy a cocktail (or mocktail)?

Then head over to the Cocktail Garden by Cocktails At Home! We’re shaking up a huge menu of 20+ different cocktails and mocktails to keep you hydrated all weekend. There’ll be music, games for the little ones, free competitions and a spot to relax.

Costco Wholesale

Costco Wholesale is a membership warehouse club, dedicated to bringing our members quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. We provide a wide selection of merchandise, plus the convenience of speciality departments and exclusive member services, all designed to make your shopping experience a pleasurable one. We are confident in the quality and value of our products, and we stand behind them with our guarantee of satisfaction.”

Favela Cerveja Ltd

Favela Cerveja will be serving you the taste of Rio - Come and try our Favela Lager with its fresh floral notes and our Ipanema IPA, delivering a fresh

hoppy citrus flavour. Both make a perfect accompaniment to all food. We are proud to be Gluten Free, Vegan and certified Organic.

Fergie’s Kitchen

We are Polish-Scottish couple who share the same passion to make food and bring ideas to life. Pawel is main chef and creative director who dreamt for years about his own venture with vegan food like no other, while Peter holding his back and keep an eye to help turn positive chaos into something sensate.Fergie’s Kitchen- street food that people in Scotland love, with unusual twists- all fresh, unique and full of flavour!

Gattertop Drinks

Gattertop Drinks will be serving refreshing cocktails inspired by the seasonal flavours of the British countryside in bloom. Find them for botanical twists on classic cocktails with their Bumpkin Mule and celebrated seasonal favourites like the English Garden Spritz. Visit their booth for the taste of the British countryside in a glass (or compostable paper cup)

Happy Hedgehog Foods Ltd

Award winning sweet fruit flavoured Balsamics, apple cider vinegars, hot sauces and preserves

Isle of Bute


We have been proudly smoking Scottish Fish & Fayre on the West Coast of Scotland since 1888. Each part of our process is artisanal. Our smokers, located on the idyllic Isle of Bute, hand cure, smoke and slice our product to perfection, Using our 130-year-old kiln, as seen on Rick Stein’s Food Stories.

JAZZ Apple

Perfectly sized and just right for on the go, at school, around home, or in the office, JAZZ™ Apples are bursting with crisp, tangy-sweet flavour and always refreshing. Originating in the beautiful orchards of New Zealand and now grown by specially selected growers in the UK, they are the ideal snack apple and were voted the ‘UK’s Tastiest Apple’ at the National Fruit Show this year. JAZZ™ is an everyday, delicious, fresh natural lift, just when you need it. Perfect on their own as a healthy snack, their balanced flavour means they work fantastically in a host of recipes too! #itsjazztime

Just Baked JustBAKEDbakes

A selection of traditional baked goods. Handmade and ‘just baked’. Bring back memories with our take on old school

cake, coconut and jam sponge, scottish tablet, iced gingerbread and many more

Just Pressed Cider

At Just Pressed Cider we produce the highest quality West Country Craft Cider. Come down and sample some deliciousness, you will not be disappointed! If you like what you taste, head to our website and we deliver to your door, nationwide.


For uncompromising cat parents who want the best, KatKin goes hardcore for cat health. We make the UK’s only fresh cat food: 100% human-quality meat, gently cooked, and frozen for freshness. We’re cutting the fluff, thinking fresh and channelling hardcore love into industry-wide change. So cats live long and cat parents can love hard without compromise.

Kent Cider Company

Kent Cider Co. are an awardwinning producer of craft cider. Stop by their bar for a great variety of all things cider from traditional & dry to cloudy apple or real fruit ciders such as the ever-popular Rhubarb or Sicilian Lemon!

La Española

Founded almost two centuries ago, La Española is the oldest olive oil company in Spain and has become of the world’s leading brands. As a food lover, you’re probably already familiar with the benefits of using olive oil in your everyday cooking. Whether you use it to fry, grill, roast or drizzle, it’s an endlessly versatile ingredient that’s great for adding extra flavour to your food. Plus, it’s high in unsaturated fats, making it a healthier alternative to butter in both cooking and baking. Each bottle is made using 100% Spanish olives, grown locally on farms in the Andalucía region, for the most authentic taste. Keen to try yourself? Experience La Española at your local Foodies Festival this summer.

Nana Rose Rum Punch

Expertly crafted rum punch which blends traditional techniques and classic flavours with exciting twists, which provides a taste of the Caribbean no matter the weather. A taste of the Caribbean in a glass! Authentic rum punch. As seen on ITV Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh.



Monkey Brew co

Northern Monkey Brew Co is an award winning Micro Brewery based in Bolton. We started trading in 2016 and like to brew both traditional cask ales alongside more adventurous, hop forward craft keg beers. With a passion for making sure every beer we brew tastes awesome, it’s proper tasty beer brewed up north!



O’Donnell Moonshine, the once illicit alcohol, is being smuggled in so that you too can experience the notorious tastes of the 1920s with the authentic High Proof Moonshine and range of delicious liqueurs, with flavours including Tough Nut, Very Cherry, Sticky Toffee and Roasted Apple.


Brewing Company

An independent proudly Scottish micro-brewery, we’ve developed a range of craft beers to suit every taste. Our process is self-contained, so from grain to glass is kind to the environment and sustainable with traditional batch brewing at the heart of things, and with Archie the unicorn overseeing everything.

Peppered Palette Ltd

Peppered Palette crafts an exhilarating blend of sweetness with a spicy kick. Our unique offerings include dessert hot sauces, frozen chili cheesecakes on a stick, spicy hot chocolate mixes, and chilli-flavoured ice creams, all designed to tantalize your taste buds with an unforgettable fiery twist.

Pitmaster BBQ & Smokehouse

Since our establishment in early 2021, Pitmaster BBQ & Smokehouse has experienced remarkable growth and an overwhelmingly positive response from our customers. Our passion for exceptional food and dedication to creating memorable dining experiences have contributed to our success. Over the years, we have garnered a loyal customer base, and our restaurant on Wilmslow Road has become a go-to destination for barbecue enthusiasts and food lovers alike. The support and love we have received from the community have been invaluable, and we take immense pride in consistently delivering high-quality, mouthwatering dishes that keep customers coming back for more.”


Inchcolm distilling company are trying to produce spirits with the smallest impact on the environment possible. Pochle has taken 4 years to develop with students at Heriot Watt university and is made from surplus apples collected from the city’s gardens. Awesome with tonic or ginger ale. Come and try something new!

Riverford Organic Farmers

Riverford are mad about organic veg. We’ve been growing it for 30 years, choosing varieties for flavour and looking after our soil, wildlife and water sources. Every day we pick, pack and deliver the very best from our fields straight to your door. It’s all organic and delivery is free.

Rosemullion Distillery

Rosemullion is a family run craft distillery set in rural Cornwall. We create our own base spirits to ensure quality, flavour and authenticity for all of our Rums, Gins and Whisky.

Rotari cakes

Our artisanal Gelato it’s a must on the sunny day and not only, we are also proud to offer the well known macarons .

The Shropshire Macaron Co

Handmade macarons from Shropshire. We offer a range of seasonal, classic and unique flavours all of which are gluten free with some dairy free options as well.

Stella Artois Unfiltered

STELLA ARTOIS UNFILTERED, THE AWARD-WINNING TASTE. Our Belgian brewmasters have honoured the brewing methods of the past to craft this super premium unfiltered lager (ABV 5%). Bursting with natural flavour. Pass by our truck for a FREE sample & savour a Chalice of Stella Artois Unfiltered!

The Telegraph

The Telegraph is an awardwinning, multimedia news brand that has been synonymous with quality, authority and credibility for more than 165 years. Over the years our journalists have reported on the events that have shaped the world, bearing witnesses to history. We continue to set the news agenda, spark debate, and serve our readers on a daily basis.

From its origins on the Strand, to a home on London’s storied Fleet Street, a brief stay on the Isle of Dogs to our current home in the heart of the capital, The Telegraph has moved with the

times, just as we have observed and reported them. Telegraph Media Group (TMG) is the publisher of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph,The Telegraph Magazine, and the Telegraph app.

Three Sisters Bake

Glasgow based bakery run by three cake loving sisters! Specialising in brownies; cookies; rocky roads and giant empire biscuits

Tipple Tea

Tipple Tea is an a canned Alcoholic Iced Tea. Inspired by the south of the US with a British twist, our Hard iced tea boasts a distinctive flavour, a slick design and high-end ingredients. We are looking to introduce Alcoholic Iced Tea up and down the country with the hope people share our passion and love for the drink.

True Origin

Food that has true impact at origin. A premium range of delicious preserves, sauces, chutney’s and pickles that will tantalise your taste buds with their exotic, tropical flavour profiles featuring guava, hibiscus, mango, pineapple, lime, peach to name but a few. All ingredients are ripened in the african sun and cooked in small batches with no added

anything, so good for you and good for the planet.

Truffle Guys

People these days are all about the food. They’re all about quality ingredients and punchy flavours. About making meals at home that are as memorable as they are delicious - be it breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. And so Truffle Guys was born.

Two Donuts

Two Donuts is a father-and-son donut business bringing you a delightful blend of classic sugar donuts and modern loaded creations with diverse toppings. Join us at UK food festivals to experience our passion for delicious, handcrafted donuts. Indulge in tradition and innovation with every bite!

Zymurgorium ltd

Two Brothers, One Idea.... And a million more. Launched in Manchester in 2015. Zymurgorium was born for a love of all things botanical and scientific. We create Gin, Gin Liquors, Rum, Vodka and Tequila.

Theatre Timetable friday 12 july

Register for free entry at the Registration Desk by the entrance. Tickets for sessions are released throughout the day and subject to availability

la espaÒola Chefs Theatre

2.30pm Jack Fields, Örme

3.30pm Thomas Leatherbarrow, TLC Gourmet

4.30pm Danielle Heron, OSMA

5.30pm Radek Bak, Corner Grill House

6.30pm Hot Chilli Challenge

Pots & CO

Cake & DESSERTS Theatre

2pm Annemiek and Marie, The Brownie Post

3pm Bakewell Tarts with Harriet of The Tea Room

4pm Millie, Buzzy Bee Bakery

5pm Chocolate Masterclass with Thomas Leatherbarrow

Lumberjaxe Fire Stage

2.15pm Louisiana Sandwich – fast-fired sandwich with Louisiana Cajun Chicken and Firecracker Salsa

3.15pm Like A Fish Out of Water – salmon cooked to perfection over fire two ways

4.15pm The Taco’ver – it’s all about Tacos!

Different flavours, toppings and ways to create

5.15pm Cowboy Butter Tomahawk Steak –reversed-seared directly over coals and with our incredible Cowboy Butter

6.15pm The Perfect Pulled Pork – meat alone, sauced up or with a slaw or pickle of choice

Nigel Brown Cook School

with MasterChef’s Yui Miles

Sessions at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm Learn how to make authentic Thai Green Curry (£25 per person)

7up Drinks Theatre

3pm The Best English Wines with Tom Surgey

4pm Silverhand Estate English sparkling wine with Joe Wadsack

5pm Citrus Cocktails Through Time and Space with Tom Surgey

6pm Sherry… the new rock and roll? with Joe Wadsack

7pm Modern Classic Cocktails with Tom Surgey

MAH Music Stage

Headliners: Sister Sledge

1.50pm Rock Choir – Main Gate

2pm Busker Tom

3pm Rock Choir

4pm Jordan Phillips

5pm Number 7

6pm Havana Blonde

6.50pm Number 7

8.15pm Sister Sledge

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Theatre Timetable

SAturday 13 july

Register for free entry at the Registration Desk by the entrance.

Tickets for sessions are released throughout the day and subject to availability

la espaÒola Chefs Theatre

12pm Nick MacGregor, Head Chef at 20 Stories

1pm Julian Pizer, Another Hand

2pm Simon Wood, WOOD

3pm Tom Rhodes, MasterChef

4pm Andrew Green, Mottram Hall

6pm Hot Chilli Challenge

7pm Al Rodrigo, Simmer Kitchen

Pots & CO

Cake & DESSERTS Theatre

11.30am Brilliant Bagels with Larah Bross

12.30pm Millie, Buzzy Bee Bakery

1.30pm Cookie Dough Cake with Annemiek and Marie of The Brownie Post

2.30pm MOST Bakery

3.30pm Dan Hunter, Great British Bake-Off

Lumberjaxe Fire Stage

12.15pm Louisiana Sandwich – fast-fired sandwich with Louisiana Cajun Chicken and Firecracker Salsa

1.15pm Like A Fish Out of Water – salmon cooked to perfection over fire two ways

2.15pm The Taco’ver – it’s all about Tacos!

3.15pm Cowboy Butter Tomahawk Steak

4.15pm The Perfect Pulled Pork – meat alone, sauced up or with a slaw or pickle of choice

Nigel Brown Cook School

with MasterChef’s Yui Miles

Sessions at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Learn how to make authentic Thai Green Curry (£25 per person)

7up Drinks Theatre

12.30pm Sherry… the new rock and roll? with Joe Wadsack

1.30pm The Best English Wines with Tom Surgey

2.30pm Silverhand Estate English sparkling wine with Joe Wadsack

3.30pm Côtes du Rhône Wines with Heather Dougherty

4.30pm Citrus Cocktails Through Time and Space with Tom Surgey

5.30pm Cocktails with the 7UP Mixologist

6.30pm Modern Classic Cocktails with Tom Surgey

Kids Cookery Theatre

Learn to Cook with Kiddy Cook Sessions at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

MAH Music Stage

Headliners: Blue

11am Rock Choir – Main Gate

11.55am Duane Forrest

12.30pm Rock Choir

1.20pm Duane Forrest

1.55pm The Humblebees

2.50pm The Superphone

3.40pm Havana Blonde

4.35pm Number 7

5.25pm Maryland

6.10pm Number 7

7.30pm Blue

Theatre Timetable sunday 14 july

Register for free entry at the Registration Desk by the entrance. Tickets for sessions are released throughout the day and subject to availability

la espaÒola Chefs Theatre

12pm Ahmed Abdalla, Legacy at The Grand

1pm Adam Reid, The French

2pm Richard Nuttall, Next Door

3pm Luke Payne, The Pack Horse

4pm Stuart Collins, Docket No.33

5pm Sean Noonan, Grange Farm

6pm Hot Chilli Challenge

Pots & CO

Cake & DESSERTS Theatre

11.30am Brilliant Bagels with Larah Bross

12.30pm Millie, Buzzy Bee Bakery

1.30pm MOST Bakery

2.30pm Cookie Dough Cake with Annemiek and Marie of The Brownie Post

3.30pm The End of the Show Show with Larah Bross

Lumberjaxe Fire Stage

12.15pm Louisiana Sandwich – fast-fired sandwich with Louisiana Cajun Chicken and Firecracker Salsa

1.15pm Like A Fish Out of Water – salmon cooked to perfection over fire two ways

2.15pm The Taco’ver – it’s all about Tacos!

3.15pm Cowboy Butter Tomahawk Steak

4.15pm The Perfect Pulled Pork – meat alone, sauced up or with a slaw or pickle of choice

Nigel Brown Cook School

with MasterChef’s Yui Miles

Sessions at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

Learn how to make authentic Thai Green Curry (£25 per person)

7up Drinks Theatre

12.30pm Silverhand Estate English sparkling wine with Joe Wadsack

1.30pmThe Best English Wines with Tom Surgey

2.30pm Sherry… the new rock and roll? with Joe Wadsack

3.30pm Côtes du Rhône Wines with Heather Dougherty

4.30pm Citrus Cocktails Through Time and Space with Tom Surgey

5.30pm Modern Classic Cocktails with Tom Surgey

Kids Cookery Theatre

Learn to Cook with Kiddy Cook Sessions at 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm

MAH Music Stage

Headliner: Example Support: DJ Dave Sweetmore

11am Rock Choir – Main Gate

11.50am Lisa T

12.30pm Rock Choir

1.20pm Lisa T 2pm Oceanview

3.15pm Kiki And The Noughtie Boyz 4pm Oceanview

5.15pm DJ Dave Sweetmore

6.15pm Example

7.15pm DJ Dave Sweetmore

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