Culture: Brochure 2019

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Opportunities and funding for creative, cultural and heritage projects @CEDUK_Culture #creativeeurope



Front cover: It will come later performed as part of the iCoDaCo Cooperation Project with Wales-based Gwyn Emberton Dance. Image: Š Cheung Chi-wai

INTRODUCTION Creative Europe is the European Union’s programme to support the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors. From 2014-2020, €1.46 billion is available to support European projects across 40+ countries with the potential to travel, reach new audiences and encourage skill-sharing and development. Creative Europe’s Culture sub-programme supports creative, cultural and heritage organisations through four funding opportunities: • Cooperation Projects European collaborative projects • European Networks Professional exchange • European Platforms Distribution of new works • Literary Translation Translation of European works Creative Europe runs prizes such as the European Union Prize for Literature and the European Capitals of Culture. One-off cross-sector calls have included Refugee Integration Projects and the European Creative Hubs Network. It also has a MEDIA sub-programme, investing in film, television, new media and video games.


IMPACT: BEYOND FUNDING The impacts of Creative Europe are so much more than the funding it provides. Creative Europe supports the UK to build connections across Europe and beyond. This map shows the number of projects with UK involvement that have leads and partners in other participating countries.


0-10 projects 11-20 projects 21-30 projects 31-40 projects 41+ projects




How does Creative Europe deliver impacts for the UK? 1. Economic It is a key source of public funding that helps organisations to grow, creates jobs, leads to more exports and triggers investment 2. Internationalisation and networks It supports partnership development with co-production, networks and collaboration at its core, boosting market potential and delivering “soft power” impacts

UK organisations work with:



Culture partners


3. Innovation, research and development It enables organisations to take risks, explore new business models and be innovative, including through digital technologies 4. Skills and capacity It provides the UK with opportunities for training, up-skilling and peer-learning in an international context, building capacity in the sector 5. Audiences and cultural impact It helps organisations to reach and develop audiences both on an international and local level and increases the circulation of UK works 6. Social It provides opportunities for young people, economically disadvantaged groups, migrants and refugees Find out more

€21m to 184 cultural organisations


of Cooperation Projects have a UK partner


CREATIVE EUROPE’S OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITIES Collaboration is a key part of Creative Europe and the best projects are ideas-led, jointly developed with partners and respond directly to the following priorities and objectives. CREATIVE EUROPE’S OBJECTIVES

Capacity building: digitisation

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• Help the cultural sector to adapt to new digital developments, and encourage the use of digital technologies from production and distribution to consumption.

Develop the sectors’ capacity to operate transnationally Promote the transnational circulation of works and people Reach new audiences in Europe and beyond Encourage innovation (artistic, business models) Strengthen policy making.

CREATIVE EUROPE’S PRIORITIES Cooperation Projects, the main funding opportunity of the Culture sub-programme (explained overleaf), supports partnership initiatives that respond to one or more of the following priorities. Transnational mobility Mobility not just for mobility’s sake • • • • • • •

Improve professional skills, peer learning, education or training Artistic creation or production Career opportunities Reach new audiences Extend lifespan of tour or performance or exhibition Increase consumer choice or access Capacity building of cultural operators.

Audience development Working with audiences, not just for them • • • • • •


Involve audiences at any step of the creative process Develop new audiences and maintain existing audiences Conduct research on current and potential audiences Apply segmentation models i.e. groups/demographics/behaviour Map out your audience development strategy Integrate research and monitor progress – ask audiences what they think.

Capacity building: new business models • Explore new ways of working: diversification of income streams, compare and contrast new business models and marketing techniques. Capacity building: training and education • Create opportunities for training for staff, artists and professionals • Have a collaborative approach to training (peer-to-peer, learn from other sectors) • Help improve employability through formal and informal learning. In 2018, the call also included the following priorities: Refugee integration • • •

Enhance intercultural dialogue Promote shared values and understanding and respect for other cultures Contribute to the social integration of migrants and refugees.

European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 legacy • Raise awareness of common history and values • Reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space.

Night of Festivals was a Cooperation Project led by ArtReach with partners in Germany, Romania and Bulgaria (


COOPERATION PROJECTS Cooperation Projects is the Culture sub-programme’s main funding opportunity and around 70% of the budget is allocated to these projects. WHAT DOES THIS FUNDING SUPPORT?


Transnational collaborative projects across any art form for up to four years.

• EU member states • EEA countries: Iceland, Norway • Other countries, such as: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia, Tunisia and Ukraine • Organisations and individuals from non-eligible countries can still participate as associate partners and benefit from up to 30% of the project budget once the eligibility threshold is met.

They aim to create an impact that is more than the sum of the individual initiatives, and applications need to show the added value of collaborative working. WHO IS THIS FUNDING FOR? Creative, cultural and heritage organisations working across any art form. This includes higher education institutions, local authorities, social enterprises, charities and companies operating in the cultural and creative sectors. Projects can be inter-disciplinary. The project leader and the partners must be active in the cultural and creative sectors and be legally established in one of the participating countries. Individuals may not apply. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF COOPERATION PROJECTS Small Cooperation Projects • Minimum of 3 partner organisations from 3 different eligible countries • Apply for a grant of up to €200,000 • Apply for up to 60% of the total project budget Large Cooperation Projects • Minimum of 6 partners from 6 different eligible countries • Apply for a grant of up to €2 million • Apply for up to 50% of the total project budget The partnership decides how much is allocated to each organisation. Match funding is required and the partners decide how much each organisation agrees to contribute.


Eligible countries can change so check our website: HOW OFTEN ARE THE DEADLINES? The annual deadline for Cooperation Projects is towards the end of the year. Application forms and guidelines are published online several months before the deadline. Sign up to our newsletter for updates. HOW DO I CREATE A STRONG PARTNERSHIP? Time and investment are needed so that you can jointly develop a project and application. Partnerships can come about organically: you might already be working with international peers and organisations or have been referred by colleagues. You can also find partners by: • attending networking events, festivals and conferences with an international or European theme • joining a European cultural network: • looking through our database of funded projects to see which organisations have worked with Creative Europe before • using online platforms such as partner search databases and LinkedIn. Read more tips on how to find a partner:

PRS Foundation’s Vanessa Reed speaking about the Keychange Cooperation Project at the CONNECT! Forum. Image: Linda Nylind

“European and international collaboration is essential to the creative and business development of individual artists and the industry as a whole. Keychange’s focus on giving talented women access to international networks and new markets at critical stages in their career will help them realise their potential as future leaders of an industry that is ready for change.” Vanessa Reed, Chief Executive of PRS Foundation





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Small Cooperation Project led by Creative Carbon Scotland The partnership brings together four cultural partners from Ireland, Belgium, Sweden and Scotland, each paired with a local Adaptation Partner Received Creative Europe support of €199,999 in 2018.

Over two years, Cultural Adaptations focuses on culture’s role in adaptation to climate change. As part of the project, it: • Develops a methodology from each pairing of Cultural and Adaptation Partners for managers of local cultural SMEs to enable them to develop and implement climate change adaptation strategies • Tests how artists can help provide new ways of thinking and different approaches to the challenges of adapting to climate change, with each pairing embedding an artist within an adaptation project • Will result in an international conference in Scotland to share the learnings of the project, and a Toolkit and supporting Digital Resource.

Small Cooperation Project led by Ffotogallery Wales The partnership brings together four cultural partners from France, Ireland, Lithuania and Wales Received Creative Europe support of €198,000 in 2018.

Over the course of two years, A Woman’s Work stimulates inter-cultural discussion exploring how women are shaping the future landscape of work in Europe. The project: • Uses photography and digital media to support artistic collaboration, and the co-production of exhibitions, publications and online resources that challenge the dominant view of gender and industry in Europe • Creates new opportunities for artistic exchange, offering new perspectives and dialogue on cultural difference and commonality in Europe, deepening audience engagement and offering new insights into contemporary European experience and identity • Establishes a digital platform as a legacy and resource that will continue to grow and support further transnational co-operation beyond the life of the project.

Find out more about funded projects:


Small Cooperation Project led by Manchester-based arts catalyst Abandon Normal Devices The partnership brings together five organisations from the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain Received Creative Europe support of €200,000 in 2017.

Over two years, the project looks at art, technology and citizenship in the age of the Internet with the aim of engaging with contemporary and critical culture. It brings together artists, technologists, theorists, scientists, hackers, makers, community builders and cryptographers, to connect directly with citizens in cities, festivals, online platforms and back alleys of the internet. As part of this two-year project, The New Networked Normal sees: • • •

Co-production and circulation of new artworks Capacity building in digitisation and the circulation of art works and debate online A programme of audience engagement through real world and online activities.

Ffotogallery Wales leads Cooperation Project A Woman’s Work. Image: The British Nylon Spinners Factory, Pontypool © Maurice Broomfield


EUROPEAN NETWORKS These encourage professional exchange and capacity building within the sector by supporting existing European creative and cultural networks.



CIRCOSTRADA (European Network for Circus Arts and Street Arts)



European Dancehouse Network

• Networks involve a minimum of 15 members from 10 countries (including five EU Member States)

Heritage / museums

• UK organisations are encouraged to join European cultural networks in order to meet peers and potential partners to collaborate with. This call is now closed for applications. However, each European Network has its own opportunities for involvement and membership. You can see more information about European Networks here: Amateo promotes participation in the voluntary and amateur arts (photo by Griet Dewijngaert)

Art Architecture / design


ADCE (Arts Director Club of Europe) ACE (Architects’ Council of Europe)

European Festivals Association Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) European Route of Industrial Heritage

Europa Nostra

Future for Religious Heritage

Literature Music

FEST (Federation for European Storytelling) Eurozine (Network of European Cultural Journals) European Composer & Songwriter Alliance

European Choral Association

Europe Jazz Network

iMZ (International Music + Media Centre)

JMI (Secretariat de Jeunesses Musicales International)

Live DMA

European Music Council

REMA (European Early Music Network / Reseau Europeen de Musique Ancienne)

AEC (Association Europeenne des Conservatoires, Academies de Musiques et Musikhochschulen)

Theatre Inter-disciplinary



IETM (Informal European Theatre Meeting) ETC (European Theatre Convention / Convention Theatrale Europeene) EUNIC (EU National Institutes for Culture)

Trans Europe Halles

ENCATC (European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres)

ENCC (European Network of Cultural Centres)

European Creative Hubs Network

Culture Action Europe

Amateo (The European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities)




What does this network do?

What does this network do?

What does this network do?

• Amateo is the European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities • Founded in 2008, it includes 38 national and regional umbrellas and associations from 17 EU member states and two programme countries • Its new programme Arts Take Part aims to grow and strengthen the network over the next four years.

• IETM is a network of over 450 performing arts organisations and individual members working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide • Its members include festivals, companies, producers, theatres, research and resource centres, universities and institutional bodies • IETM advocates the value of the arts and culture in a changing world and empowers performing arts professionals through access to international connections, knowledge and a forum for exchange.

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Who are the UK members? Making Music,Verd de Gris and Voluntary Arts. “We are growing in number and in strength thanks to the support of Creative Europe. If you represent an organisation interested in becoming involved we’d love to hear from you.” Jim Tough, Amateo

Who are the UK members? IETM has over 70 UK-based members, including the British Council, Federation of Scottish Theatre, Prime Cut Productions, Sadler’s Wells and Wales Arts International.

Founded in 1983, Trans Europe Halles is a network of cultural centres that aims to re-purpose Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism It has brought together 109 multi disciplinary cultural centres and other cultural organisations from across Europe Its mission is to strengthen the sustainable development of non-governmental cultural centres and encourage new initiatives by connecting, supporting and promoting them.

Who are the UK members? East London-based multi-purpose events space Village Underground and Belfast-based arts development and production company Beat Carnival.

“Being part of what’s happening beyond the rest of the UK is so important for arts and cultural organisations to flourish and develop at home – whether that’s through having a place in shaping international policy, pushing the limits of one’s own personal boundaries or sharing and exchanging knowhow, skills and experience with peers.” Carol Main, Live Music Now Scotland – member of the European Music Council 13



Aimed at publishers or publishing groups, this supports the translation, production and promotion of European fiction, poetry and plays.

This funding opportunity supports European cultural, creative or heritage organisations to work together to promote new and emerging talent though co-development, co-production and programming. They make a commitment to present European-produced content and to provide visibility and mobility of new talent.

It funds the translation of literary work from one European language to another in order to encourage new audiences and promote cultural exchange. • Publishers can apply for up to €100,000, which represents a maximum of 50% of the eligible costs, with a slate of 3-10 works

This call is now closed for applications. However, it is possible for currently supported European platforms to add new partners each year. European Platforms with UK leads and partners:

The funding enables publishers to plan a strategic approach to translation over a 2-4 year period, allowing them to expand their literary repertoire and reach more readers


Successful UK-based publishers include Book Island, Fitzcarraldo Editions, Oneworld Publications, Orenda Books, Parthian Books, Quercus Editions and Random House.

Distributed Design Market Platform

Aerowaves Classical Futures Europe European Media Art Platform European Photography Platform European Photo Based Platform Fedora Platform Future Architecture Magic Carpets Versopolis


UK ORGANISATION Aerowaves (lead) Contemporary Dance Trust (The Place) The Barbican Centre Limewharf Annexe FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) 1854 Media Derby Quad English National Ballet Sadler’s Wells Artifice Books Folkestone Fringe Ledbury Poetry Festival

COOPERATION PROJECTS SUPPORTED: 2014-2018 163 UK organisations are involved in 163 Cooperation Projects with 38 other countries. UK ORGANISATION 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning Abandon Normal Devices Abandon Normal Devices (lead) Actiondog (lead) Activate Performing Arts Aldeburgh Music Aldeburgh Music ArtReach (Events) (lead) ArtReach (Events) (lead) Arts Council of Northern Ireland Artsadmin Artsadmin Augustine Steward Limited BCB BE Festival BE Festival Beyond The Border Storytelling Festival Birmingham City University Birmingham City University Boundless Theatre (lead) British Council British Council (lead) British Council (lead) Candoco Dance Company Candoco Dance Company (lead) Cardiff Metropolitan University Central School of Speech and Drama Cinebook Clear Village Charitable Trust Colchester Mercury Theatre Contemporary Dance Trust (The Place) Contemporary Dance Trust (The Place) (lead) Crafts Council Creative Carbon Scotland (lead) Creative Foundation Creative Kernow Creative Skillset

PROJECT COUNTRIES INVOLVED In/visible cities - International Festival of Urban Multimedia IT,HR,UK,NL,SI Masters & Servers: Networked Culture in the Post-Digital Age SI,UK,ES,IT,HR The New Networked Normal UK,NL,ES,DE REJuvenate European Design UK,ES,CZ,LT Land stewards AND artists NL,FR,UK,HU YOUNG OPERA MAKERS Programme by enoa FR,PT,DE,BE,PL,FI,LU,NL,ES,BG,UK ULYSSES FR,BE,NL,DE,AT,FI,NO,EE,IT,UK Night of Festivals - a celebration of European freedom UK,DE,BG Voices of Solidarity UK,DE,IT,RO CORNERS - turning Europe inside out SE,HR,UK,RS,ES,IT,SI,PL IMAGINE 2020 (2.0) - Art, ecology & possible futures BE,HR,UK,LV,NL,PT,FR,SI,DE Create to Connect -> Create to Impact SI,RO,NL,CZ,UK,NO,FR,BE,PT,GE,RS,IT,HR IN SITU ACT FR,CZ,DK,AT,UK,NL,BE,IT,HU,NO Ceramics and its dimensions DE,UK,LV,ES,IE,RS,IT,CZ,EE,SI,FI International Young Makers in Action NL,ES,IT,BA,PL,UK Shift Key BA,IT,UK,NL,ES Roots and roads: traditional heritage stories to connect contemporary European audiences IT,UK,SE Rostrum+ FR,DE,UK,PL,IT,SE,BE,EE,RS smARTplaces - A European Audience Development Project DE,ES,NL,BE,FI,UK,FR Extended Universe UK,DK,EL,ES RESHAPE - Reflect, Share, Practice, Experiment FR,EL,RO,PT,CZ,PL,SI,BG,BE,DE,UK,HR Take Over UK,PL,EL,IT,RS Europe Beyond Access UK,IT,NL,RS,SE,DE,EL Un-Label - New Grounds for inclusive Performing Arts DE,TR,UK,EL Moving Beyond Inclusion UK,HR,IT,DE,SE European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity FR,UK,EL,DK,IT,SE,SI,PT,DE,BE Playing Identities, Performing Heritage IT,RO,UK,LT,ES Europe Comics FR,BE,IT,RS,ES,TR,UK Human Cities_Challenging the city scale FR,EE,PL,RS,BE,IT,AT,FI,SI,UK,ES Audience DEvelopment STrategies for cultural organizations in Europe IT,PL,PT,DK,UK,HR,ES THE HUMANE BODY - Ways Of Seeing Dance AT,BE,UK,FR Pivot Dance UK,IT,NL NETWORKED ENCOUNTERS LT,UK,HR,IT Cultural Adaptations UK,BE,IE,SE Power of Diversity DE,PL,RO,DK,UK,NO,ES Craft, Art and People Together ES,PT,UK Fabulamundi. Playwriting Europe: Beyond borders? IT,UK,FR,ES,RO,DE,AT,PL,CZ,BE


UK ORGANISATION Crying Out Loud (lead) Curated Place Curated Place (lead) Cwmni Theatr Arad Goch D&AD (lead) D6: Culture in Transit Dance4 De Montfort University Derby Quad Dialogue Community Performance Dundee and Angus College East Street Arts Eclipse Theatre Company (lead) Elastic Eye Emergency Exit Arts English National Opera (lead) European Union Baroque Orchestra European Union Baroque Orchestra (lead) Fablevision Fabrica Fabrica (lead) FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) Festival of Fools Ffotogallery Wales (lead) Freedom Festival Arts Trust Goldsmiths’ College Gravity & Levity GV Art Gwyn Emberton Dance Halle Concerts Society Hay Festival of Literature & Arts Heart of Glass Historic Environment Scotland (lead) Imaginate (lead) Imaginate (lead) International Youth Foundation / European Union Youth Orchestra (lead) John Good Julie’s Bicycle (lead) Kirklees Theatre Trust Leith Theatre Trust


PROJECT COUNTRIES INVOLVED Circus250: Diverse, Real, Physical UK,FR,IE,SE European Light Expression Network UK,NO,IT Moving Classics Network For New Music UK,IS,NO Literary Europe Live Plus UK,PL,ES,IT,HR,MT,DE,BE,LV Creative Futures UK,FR,ES CORNERS - turning Europe inside out SE,HR,UK,RS,ES,IT,SI,PL Dancing Museums - The democracy of beings FR,IT,ES,UK,CZ,NL,DE INTERFACES EL,DE,BE,FR,AT,UK,RO,CY Flâneur - New urban narratives PT,IE,LT,LV,PL,UK,IT,FR Teen Ambassadors across Europe IT,NO,ES,UK,DK,BE SYMBOLS - Culture of Death & Cultural Life ES,FR,IE,UK,SI,IT EX(S)PORTS FR,UK,BE Slate: Black. Arts. World. UK,PT,NL LPM 2015 > 2018 - Live Performers Meeting IT,AT,EL,PL,ES,DE,CZ,BE,NL,TR,HU,UK PLATFORM shift+ UK,NO,EE,FR,CZ,PT,HU,IT,DE The Pirates of Penzance UK,DE,LU GOfBaroque BE,UK,DE,EE EUBO Mobile Baroque Academy: Pathways & Performances UK,EE,LU,MT,NL,RO,DK,BE,DE Memory of Water SE,EL,IE,UK,PL,BE On The Point BE,NL,MK,UK Understanding Territoriality: Identity, Place and Possession UK,MK,IT,BE A Moeda PT,DE,UK Mysteries & Drolls IT,ES,PL,DE,UK A Woman’s Work UK,FR,IE,LT IN SITU ACT FR,CZ,DK,AT,UK,NL,BE,IT,HU,NO State Machines - Art,Work, and Identity in an Age of Planetary-Scale Computation SI,CY,NL,UK,HR FORMER WEST, Culminating Phase: Edits, Annotations, Proposals NL,PL,CZ,HU,UK Vertical Dance Forum FR,IT,HR,IE,UK European Digital Art and Science Network AT,RS,SK,ES,SI,IE,UK International Contemporary Dance Company 2018-2020 SE,PL,UK,HU European Orchestra LABoratory II NL,CZ,RO,ES,AT,UK Women Equal Share Presence in the Arts and Creative Industries ES,SI,UK,HR,FR,FI,IE,LT Collab Arts Partnership Programme: Art in social and community contexts IE,DE,UK,FI,ES,HU Advanced Limes Applications UK,AT,DE PUSH: exploring identity, borders and ‘safety zones’ in theatre and dance for young audiences UK,NO,BE,DK,IE PUSH+ UK,IE,DK,BE,NO Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences UK,SK,BE,EL,IT,CY,AT Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences UK,SK,BE,EL,IT,CY,AT Creative Climate Leadership UK,DE,SI,BE,ME,RS,FR LUCity SI,IT,UK,PT Café Europa DE,UK,PL

UK ORGANISATION Lighthouse Arts and Training Literature Across Frontiers at University of Wales Trinity Saint David (lead) Live Art Development Agency Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art (lead) Liverpool City Council Liverpool Sound City Liverpool Sound City London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) (lead) London Symphony Orchestra (lead) LUX Manchester Metropolitan University (lead) Maritime Archaeology Trust (lead) Matter Organisation Middlesex University Mind the Gap Monteverdi Choir and Orchestras Musical Futures National Galleries of Scotland National Theatre of Wales National Youth Orchestras of Scotland National Youth Orchestras of Scotland New International Encounter (lead) New Vortex Jazz Club Next Level Projects Nobrow North Lands Creative Glass (lead) Not Just a Label Olivearte Open Up Music Opera North Pacificstream Pacificstream Pacificstream Parrabbola Performances Birmingham PRS Foundation (lead) Peshkar Productions Pilot Theatre (lead) Plymouth College of Art

PROJECT COUNTRIES INVOLVED Re-Imagine Europe NL,AT,SK,DE,FR,UK,HR,NO Literary Europe Live Plus UK,PL,ES,IT,HR,MT,DE,BE,LV Collab Arts Partnership Programme: Art in social and community contexts IE,DE,UK,FI,ES,HU The Perennial Biennial UK,LV,NO,SI,DE CreArt. Network of Cities for Artistic Creation ES,IT,PL,PT,MK,FR,UK,LT,HR European Music Incubator FR,UK,HR,EE,IT Innovation Network of European Showcases DE,AT,LU,PT,SE,ES,UK,SI,PL Be SpectACTive! IT,UK,HU,RO,HR,SI,ES,CZ,FR IMAGINE 2020 (2.0) - Art, ecology & possible futures BE,HR,UK,LV,NL,PT,FR,SI,DE Urban Heat UK,LV,IT,SI,NL,PL,IS,FI,DE,EE Unlocking the Maze: Raising the Voice of European Communities UK,FR,DE ON & FOR PRODUCTON: A European Project ON and FOR Artists’ Moving Image BE,UK,ES European Light Expression Network UK,NO,IT Common Cultural Connections UK,ES,FR Materials Designers. Boosting Talent towards Circular Economies. ES,IT,UK Instant Mix Theater Lab Founding Project FR,RS,UK Crossing The Line SE,UK,FR Skills, Practice and Recruitment of European musicians for tomorrow. Audience Development in classical music. IT,AT,DE,UK Future Songwriting FI,DE,FR,HU,UK,ES Ich bin hier. Europäische Gesichter DE,FR,UK Open Access / Experimenting with performance and transmedia creation FR,PT,RO,UK MusXchange 2015-17 AT,FR,NO,IT,IE,UK,RO,PT,ES,NL MusXchange 2018-20 AT,ES,DE,NL,IT,MD,FR,UK,RO,CY,SK I Will Be Everything... UK,NO,AT,ES,PL,DK,DE Jazz Connective FR,UK,SI,PL,FI,IE Flâneur - New urban narratives PT,IE,LT,LV,PL,UK,IT,FR Transbook, Children’s Literature on the Move FR,ES,IT,UK,DE,BE,SK Imagining Sustainable Glass Network Europe UK,LV,IE,DE United Fashion BE,LV,MK,FR,DK,PT,UK Creative Lenses FI,UK,EL,IT,SK,NL,SE,BE European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity FR,UK,EL,DK,IT,SE,SI,PT,DE,BE Opera Vision BE,FI,FR,DE,IT,LV,NL,NO,PL,ES,UK,CZ,EL,SE,IE,HU,HR Virtual Sets: Creating and promoting virtual sets for the performing arts IT,ES,UK,RS Citizen Artist Incubator EL,NL,UK,AT ARTCYCLING COOP: Sustainable and inclusive decorative arts ES,HU,DK,UK Shaking the Walls PL,IE,CZ,IS,UK Jazz Connective FR,UK,SI,PL,FI,IE Keychange UK,IS,DE,SE,ES,EE < 25 // Alternative Routes to Ripen through Theatre ES,PT,UK PLATFORM shift+ UK,NO,EE,FR,CZ,PT,HU,IT,DE Made@EU ES,UK,FR


UK ORGANISATION Plymouth College of Art Polka Childrens Theatre Polka Childrens Theatre Prime Cut Productions Quarantine (lead) Queen Mary University of London Raw Material Music and Media Education Root Music Royal College of Art Royal College of Art Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Royal Opera House Royal Opera House Rural Nations (Scotland) Sadler’s Wells Scottish Ensemble (lead) SeaChange Arts Shetland Amenity Trust (lead) Shubbak Festival Shubbak Festival SICC Productions (lead) Siobhan Davies Dance Sounds Right / Easterman Max Allen Southampton Solent University (lead) St John’s Smith Square Staffordshire University Stoke-on-Trent City Council Superact! (lead) Take Art Limited (lead) Tate Tate Tate (lead) Teeside University The Albany The Arts Catalyst The Audience Agency The Audience Agency The Centre For Digital Documentation And Visualisation The Corn Exchange Trust The Flying Gorillas The Flying Gorillas (lead) The Mighty Creatives


PROJECT COUNTRIES INVOLVED Euranim - Boosting careers of animation young artists with video mapping FR,UK,FI,HU,DK,BE Small Size, Performing Arts for Early Years IT,IE,DE,RO,HU,SE,FR,SI,DK,ES,UK,PL,AT,FI,BE MAPPING - A Map on the aesthetics of performing arts for early years IT,DE,RO,HU,BE,FR,EL,DK,ES,UK,AT,SE,NL,PL,IE,FI,SI EU COLLECTIVE PLAYS! IT,MT,ES,NO,BE,UK,ME Meet the Neighbours UK,PL,FR Shakespeare in and Beyond the Ghetto IT,DE,UK,RO Introspection Music Experience ES,UK,BE,EL Network for Internationalization of Music Producers in Europe IT,EL,DK,FR,UK,SI NE©XT Accelerator NL,DE,FI,LV,RS,UK,SE,FR,AL,IT,BE From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture PT,LT,UK,DE,DK,SE,FR,ES NE©XT Accelerator NL,DE,FI,LV,RS,UK,SE,FR,AL,IT,BE European Opera Digital Project BE,FI,FR,DE,IT,LV,NL,NO,PL,ES,UK,AT Opera Vision BE,FI,FR,DE,IT,LV,NL,NO,PL,ES,UK,CZ,EL,SE,IE,HU,HR Reclaim the future - nomadic carnivals for change SE,PT,LV,FR,UK Dance on, Pass on, Dream on DE,NL,SI,AT,BE,SE,UK,RS The Bridge UK,NO,DE,EE Contact Zones IT,DE,UK Follow the Vikings UK,SE,DK,FI,IE,NO,ES,IS Performance(s) between two shores: Arab Artists in Europe FR,DE,NL,SE,UK,BE Performances beyond 2 shores FR,NL,DE,IT,BE,UK North Atlantic Tales: Untold Routes and Roots UK,IS,NO,DK Dancing Museums FR,AT,NL,UK,IT ELiT Literaturehouse Europe AT,UK,DE,FR,HU,SI Trans National Creative Exchange UK,IE,NL,FR EUBO Mobile Baroque Academy: Pathways & Performances UK,EE,LU,MT,NL,RO,DK,BE,DE Ceramics and its dimensions DE,UK,LV,ES,IE,RS,IT,CZ,EE,SI,FI Ceramics and its dimensions DE,UK,LV,ES,IE,RS,IT,CZ,EE,SI,FI Future DiverCities - Creativity in an Urban Context UK,LV,FI,NO,FR,HR,DE,ES Supporting & Promoting Arts in Rural Settlements of Europe UK,ES,IT,LT,EE Corpus - European network for performance practice NL,ES,DE,LT,BE,UK Collab Arts Partnership Programme: Art in social and community contexts IE,DE,UK,FI,ES,HU Writing Exhibitions/Exhibiting Literature: An Imaginary European Museum UK,DE,FR New Mappings of Europe SI,RS,UK,AT ID : Babylon FR,SI,IT,DE,UK Trust me, I’m an artist NL,CZ,UK,SI,DK Audience Segmentation System in European Theatres CZ,AT,BG,FI,UK,HR Audience DEvelopment STrategies for cultural organizations in Europe IT,PL,PT,DK,UK,HR,ES Advanced Limes Applications UK,AT,DE Power of Diversity DE,PL,RO,DK,UK,NO,ES Give Music a Future DE,TR,LU,LT,UK,NL,ES Bite my Skype UK,TR,FI,RO,IT Risk Change SI,MT,EL,UK,FR,RS,HU,LV,HR,NL

UK ORGANISATION The Nerve Centre (lead) The Seachange Trust The Seachange Trust The University Of Warwick The York Early Music Foundation Ulster Orchestra Society Un-Convention Hub University for the Creative Arts University of Cambridge University of Kent University of Manchester University of Reading (lead) University of Southampton University of Sussex University of the Arts London University of Ulster University of Winchester University of Wolverhampton University of Wolverhampton University of Wolverhampton Upstart Theatre Upstart Theatre UZ Arts Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) Village Underground Walk The Plank (lead) Welsh National Opera Welsh National Opera Writers Centre Norwich Writing West Midlands XpoNorth YDance: Scottish Youth Dance York Archaeological Trust York Citizens Theatre Trust Yorkshire Dance Trust

PROJECT COUNTRIES INVOLVED Future Artist-Maker Labs UK,IE,ES JR Circus IT,UK,NL,RO Roundabout Europe NL,CZ,DK,UK,PT SHAKESPEARE IN AND BEYOND THE GHETTO IT,DE,UK,RO eeemerging, Emerging European Ensembles Project FR,SI,UK,RO,DE,LV,IT European Orchestra LABoratory II NL,CZ,RO,ES,AT,UK European Music Market Accelerator FR,PT,UK,IT,CZ,EL an Orchestra Network for Europe - ONE® is more FR,DE,CZ,BG,UK,PL,SK,SI Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage AT,BE,SE,DE,IT,ES,NL,UK,FR,SI Playing Identities, Performing Heritage IT,RO,UK,LT,ES European Art-Science-Technology Network for Digital Creativity FR,UK,EL,DK,IT,SE,SI,PT,DE,BE Euronoize UK,NO,CZ Journey to the Beginnings HU,RO,RS,UK,HR Q.THEATRE - Theatrical Recreations of Don Quixote in Europe ES,IT,FR,PT,UK Creative Lenses FI,UK,EL,IT,SK,NL,SE,BE Ceramics and its dimensions DE,UK,LV,ES,IE,RS,IT,CZ,EE,SI,FI NXT – Making a Living from the Arts NL,DE,FI,LV,RS,UK,SE,FR,AL,IT,BE POP DRAMA: Circulating of European Playwriting through people’s choice IT,RO,ES,UK Theatres for All IT,FR,UK,ES AUDIENCE BLENDING by ARTS Europe BE,BG,HR,FI,PT,UK Phone Home EL,DE,UK The Chorus Project DE,MK,AT,UK IN SITU ACT FR,CZ,DK,AT,UK,NL,BE,IT,HU,NO EMERGENCE From shared experience to new creativity: Living Heritage/Reframing Memory CZ,CY,UA,NO,UK,PL,LV Creative Lenses FI,UK,EL,IT,SK,NL,SE,BE European Outdoor Arts Academy – School of Spectacle training UK,LT,CY,IE,BG European Opera Digital Project BE,FI,FR,DE,IT,LV,NL,NO,PL,ES,UK,AT Opera Vision BE,FI,FR,DE,IT,LV,NL,NO,PL,ES,UK,CZ,EL,SE,IE,HU,HR Engage.Young Producers. Building Bridges To A Freer World ES,UK,PL,SE Reading for Enjoyment, Achievement and Development of yOuNg people NO,IT,PT,IE,ES,UK EXCITE - Exchange of international talent in Europe SE,BE,UK,FI,NO,DE,DK,LU,NL Let’s Dance! Community-Dance-Theatre project ES,DE,UK,NL Follow the Vikings UK,SE,DK,FI,IE,NO,ES,IS Be SpectACTive! IT,UK,HU,RO,HR,SI,ES,CZ,FR Performing Gender - Dance makes differences IT,NL,UK,ES,SI


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