Kzn industrial & business news issue 98

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ISSN NO: 1562 -5702

APRIL / MAY 2016 R20.90 (incl. VAT)

Farmer-owned dairy business bucks trend


he drought has taken its toll on farmers in general, and in those in KwaZulu-Natal in particular. Despite this, the town of Howick in the Midlands has seen the burgeoning of local industry with the establishment of a new diary which goes under the name of Dairy Day. The company was formed in August 2014 and is based on a supplier shareholder model. 31 dairy farmers have created three business entities through which they can guarantee supply of dairy products to retailers, giving themselves an innate hedge against market fluctuations in prices and a bigger share of the consumer’s wallet. Each farmer has a shareholding in Dairy Day in direct relation to the number of litres he or she can supply. Dairy Day holds 85% of the shares of an operating entity running two acquired dairies, Honeydew and Stonelees, and a newly built, in excess of R100 million, 22 000m² processing plant in Howick, which packages private labels on behalf of retailers and brands and produces its own products under the Honeydew brand. The facility was officially opened


in mid-April. The remaining 15% of the shares are held by the Dairy Day Workers Trust in which the producers’ employees participate. The operating entity, known as Dairy Day (Pty) Ltd is capable of processing 600 000 litres of fresh

milk daily, includes cold rooms and production lines, operates in excess of 100 vehicles, and employs 1 712 people. Dairy Day produces sterilised milk, maas, yoghurt, cream, dairy blends, butter, and powdered milk at the new facility and while fruit juice products are still being produced at the Stonelees facility, production will move to the Howick facility shortly. In addition, the company recently commissioned a state-of-the-art butter making machine. The company also has 5 distribution depots, countrywide, in Pinetown, Kokstad, Empangeni, Nelspruit, Johannesburg and Ladysmith. As the market for their products grows, this network is expected to grow to other provinces. “Keeping it local’ was also of utmost importance in the construction of the plant. The facility itself was built by Howick design and construction company ADC alongside Guth a leading supplier of equipment; the 7500 sqm² cold room by Ecochill Refrigeration and the air conditioning and the signage was also produced locally. According to Dairy Day CEO, Paul Marshall; ““Dairy Day has been

Tenders must be transparent and open to public scrutiny

n order to grow, small businesses need to compete for work in the government and private sectors. This process often involves the submission of tenders. This is according to Pumi Motsoahae – CEO of Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company.

It is unfortunately so that tenderers often get little feedback on why their tenders were unsuccessful. They may never get to know that their tender was rejected because they omitted a tax clearance certificate or were scored down because they failed to submit curriculum vitae of one

of the experts in their team. This may lead to them making the same mistake in multiple tenders and submitting tenders in vain, costing both time and effort, all because they did not realise that they were doing something wrong. continued on page two

established to stabilise dairy farm profitability. Unlike other farmerowned or co-operative organisations, we are focused on providing a service rather than simply a product to our customers, who are the major retailers. We achieve this by underwriting our supply to the retailer.” “We know exactly what our own milk producers can deliver and, therefore, what the processing plant’s output will be. Because our suppliers have the benefit of revenue from the plant, we are less vulnerable to farmers choosing to supply a different processor in the quest for short term price advantages.” “As a result we can do integrated and very accurate planning from the farm gate, through the processing plant, to the customer. This gives our customers a sense of security and builds their loyalty to us.” “By the same token, it gives our suppliers a sense of security. They’re not going to be abandoned during times of oversupply, when processors can pick and choose their suppliers purely on price. It truly is a business model in which everyone wins. In addition, this should assist in making dairy farming an attractive career and, thereby, draw Enquiry no: 1 new entrants.”

Issue no. 98

Inside R2b tyre plant investment - page 3

Transport, Distribution & Warehousing - page 7

Petrochemicals - page 13

Water & Effluent Management - page 18

Automation & Robotics - page 22 Company & Product News page 25


April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

Arrested bulk carriers auctioned

ince Christmas last year, two large Bulk Carrier vessels that were arrested due to unpaid loans have been under the watchful eye of the Durban Sheriff. The 80,000-ton ships, named the mv Sadan K and the Zeynep K, have now been sold on auction for a combined total of US$20 million (over R300 million) by South African auction house Clear Asset. The Korean vessels, built in 2010 by STX and belonging to the Kaptanoglu Shipping Group, were arrested in Durban following unpaid loans of US$52.7 million to Unicredit, the company who co-funded the construction of each ship. The young vessels were both bulk carrier giants with respective deadweight of approxi-

mately 80,000 tons each. Extensive global bidding interest, stretching from Singapore to Liberia, UK and Greece, reinforced that despite the market being in turmoil there is definite demand for well-maintained ships. The auction saw individual bids of $9.25 and $9 million per vessel before achieving a notable $20 million for the two ships as one combined lot. Ariella Kuper, lead auctioneer and MD of Clear Asset, expressed positive sentiment post the sale and believed the price achieved was strong and certainly a favorable outcome for the creditor, with the final bids clearing the Reserve levels on the auction floor. According to an affidavit prior to the auction, neither the borrower nor the owner intended

Transparent and open tender process To avoid this situation and to empower its suppliers, the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company SOC Ltd (RBIDZ) holds debriefings after each of its public tenders. Unsuccessful tenderers are invited to a meeting where the tender is discussed, common problems pointed out, the specific items which disqualified a tender or caused it to score badly are pointed out and the scoring system explained. This system not only empowers suppliers but benefits the RBIDZ as fewer tenders are disqualified or fail to reach the threshold for functionality. It also serves to demonstrate that the RBIDZ has fair, equitable, transparent and competitive processes where tenderers can be assured that their tenders will be dealt with fairly, avoiding any perception that there is no point in submitting a tender as some tenderers will be favoured. Public procurement should to the greatest extent practicable, be transparent in its practices, processes, policies and relationships with all stakeholders, while ensuring protection of confidential information. The tender system,however, requires proper controls to be put in place as it creates a risk of fraud and corruption. Tenders can be awarded to entities with no track record, scores can be manipulated, tenders can be disqualified on petty or bogus grounds or the tender can simply be awarded to an entity which did not score the highest. In addition to spending by investors, the RBIDZ is spending hundreds of millions of rands developing the zone and this year alone will commence construction projects worth over R200 million for developing Phase 1F of the zone and upgrading infrastructure municipal roads near Phases 1A and 1F. Given the magnitude of its tenders, the RBIDZ wishes to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Constitution in ensuring that its processes are fair, equitable, competitive, transparent and cost effective. Thus debriefing provides tenderers with an opportunity to obtain feedback which can be used to improve future submissions, increase their competiveness and the likelihood of successfully bidding for future projects. A fair process also encourages tenderers to tender because they know their tenders will be treated fairly rather than not bidding because they perceive that the result will be a forgone conclusion. This results in very competitive pricing. Since introducing the tender debriefing sessions, the RBIDZ has been commended by tenderers who have indicated they had benefited greatly from the exercise.

continued from page one

to oppose the sale making it a clean transaction for the successful bidder. “We believe this definitely enhanced both appeal and value for the bidder”, commented Kuper. Independent valuations conducted in September 2015 are said to have placed the value of each vessel at US$18.5million, but since then the market has dropped dramatically with an increased supply of arrested ships. Enquiry no: 2

Enquiry no: 3

P O Box 1322 Wandsbeck 3631 Tel: (031) 266 7511 Fax: (031) 266 7514 Email: Managing Director: Janet Coom Editor: Jacqui Harris Email: Sales & Marketing Manager: Cheryl Murphy Email: Any news items, press releases, articles and photographs relating to business and industry in KwaZulu-Natal are welcome. All contributions will be considered for publication. Disclaimer: The editor and management of KZN Industrial & Business News make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this publication. However, no warranty is made and no responsibility will be borne by the editor or management of consequences of any actions based on information published. The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the editor and/or management. PUBLISHED BY: Hentiq 1910 (Pty) Ltd t/a THE MEDIA & EVENTS CO Reg No. 1999/019445/07 COPYRIGHT: All rights reserved

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News


R2b tyre plant investment


From left: Riaz Haffejee - CEO: SRSA, Michael Mabuyakhulu – MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Dr Rob Davies – Minister: Department of Trade and Industry, Yutaka Kuroda – Executive Director, SRI Ltd

umitomo Rubber South Africa (Pty) Ltd (SRSA) – recently announced the commencement of the second phase of its R2 billion investment for the upgrade and expansion of its tyre manufacturing plant in Ladysmith. The company is a manufacturer of passenger and commercial tyres in South Africa and is the manufacturer of the iconic Dunlop brand. It currently employs 1180 people, of which 900 are employed at the Ladysmith plant. In his address, company CEO Mr. Riaz Haffejee said, “Our R2 billion investment consolidates our commitment to the South African and KwaZulu-Natal Provincial economy, as well as the Ladysmith community. As

one of the largest employers in Ladysmith, this will deepen our impact on stimulating job creation through increased manufacturing production and industrial development competitiveness.” The direct job creating impact and employment spinoffs as a result of the completion of Phase One are already being realised. “The first of nearly 120 new employees needed over the next few years have already been recruited, and Phase Two will attract a further 300 lifting the Ladysmith plant to over 1200 employees on completion of the second investment phase” says Haffejee. Plans for expansion of the Ladysmith plant commenced in 2014 - with R1.1 billion being allocated by parent company

Shining the light

and increased the total floor space of the New Germany plant from 3 500 m² to 10 000 m². The single day shift operation was increased to a 24 hour/six day schedule and we expanded our team to 200 staff." “We are proud to be the first locally owned solar PV module manufacturer to have been awarded manufacture for the REIPPP programme." Although ARTsolar’s operation has grown significantly through this project, challenges remain for local PV manufacturers outside of the REIPPP programme. “Local industry is struggling to adapt to the ‘stop-start’ nature of REIPPP projects, which present extended inactive manufacturing periods between contracts." "This situation requires assistance from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Unlike solar water heaters, the local PV mod-

N ule manufacturing sector is not protected by locally designated modules outside of the REIPPP.” Based on this, ARTsolar is currently restructuring its operations in preparation for REIPPP Round 4 in Q4 of 2016. The company expects to operate at its pre-expansion capacity, whilst escalating its penetration of the local and sub-Saharan market, in anticipation of once more participating in the REIPPP later in the year. Enquiry no: 5

Storage and Materials Handling Solutions


RTsolar has recently completed production of the final consignment of locally produced photovoltaic (PV) modules in the Government’s Round 3 of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme (REIPPP). “These PV modules were manufactured at the ARTsolar plant in KwaZulu-Natal, for the Mulilo Sonnedix Prieska PV solar plant project." This plant, which supplies the electricity it produces to the Eskom Kromos Substation in the Northern Cape, is the first 75 MW AC size REIPPP project to have PV modules produced by a South African owned company,” says Derek Lawrance, director, ARTsolar. “After winning this Q1 2015 bid, ARTsolar implemented an expansion programme to meet production requirements of this project." “The company made a substantial investment in new machinery


Sumitomo Rubber Industries (SRI) in Japan for the development of Phase One. This initial phase directed investment and deployed resources into the upgrading and modernisation of the plant’s capacity, and focused on introducing new technology and equipment, aimed at increasing manufacturing output of high quality passenger and SUV tyres. With this came the introduction of new SUV tyre models that were not yet being manufactured at the Ladysmith plant, thereby responding to the market trend in demand for these models in both South Africa and other African markets. The value of the Phase Two expansion stands at an estimated R910 million and focuses on the introduction and manufacture of

truck and bus tyres for commercial use. This Dunlop branded product line is currently being imported into South Africa from SRI plants in Japan and China. The new investment will effectively terminate this current importation arrangement and establish a suitable local manufacturing base. The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) approved SRSA’s application for a support grant of an estimated R300 million under the Automotive Investment Scheme programme toward this initial phase rollout. In addition, the implementation of the DTI’s Tariff-free Trade Agreement (T-FTA), will enhance foreign trade and is set to strengthen export activity in key Enquiry no: 4 African areas.

R1.2 billion investment in Estcourt plant

estlé South Africa officially inaugurated its instant coffee manufacturing plant in Estcourt after a R1.2 billion investment into the expansion of the factory. The R1.2 billion investment into the expansion of the factory forms part of the company's R2.9 billion foreign direct investment in the last five years. The expansion includes the construction of a waste water treatment plant, a new coffee processing plant, the upgrading of existing coffee processing and a state of the art coffee drying plant. Since construction commenced, at least 20 direct and more than 470 indirect jobs were created. The Estcourt factory is one of the first three factories that the company acquired when it established its presence in South

Africa in 1916. In 2015 the company launched a chicory farming initiative in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape Provinces in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). “Chicory is a key ingredient in our instant coffee mixtures - Ricoffy and Ricoffy Mild. Through our partnership with the dti and DAFF, identified farmers will supply us with chicory and we will ensure a stable supply of income for them, thus creating shared value,” concluded Pillay. The Minister of the dti, Dr Rob Davies says the coffee plant is a significant boost for South Africa and the local economy of KwaZulu-Natal. Enquiry no: 6

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April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

SA Aluminium industry braces for tough decade


elegates at the International Aluminium Conference held in Cape Town recently, heard that demand for aluminium in South Africa could feasibly double in the next few years, despite pressure from an international economic slowdown and rising power prices. Presented by the Aluminium Federation of South Africa (AFSA), the three-day conference focused on the issues impacting the development of the local aluminium industry, including new insights for successfully navigating concerns which are causing heightened uncertainty and volatility in the sector. Mark Krieg (pictured), Executive Director of AFSA, says that the local aluminium industry employs just over 15 000 people and makes a net contribution to balance of payments in the region of R4.3 billion, according to AFSA’s research. “South Africa is fortunate to have the complete aluminium value chain in the country. We

have a low per capita consumption and there is upside potential given that we have a sophistated, modern and well established manufacturing sector,” he says. The vision and policy environment within which the SA aluminium industry operates was outlined, followed by international perspectives from US, UK, China and Canada. Parallel sessions focused on aluminium in the automotive, foundry, fabrication, construction/building and recycling sectors. An automotive session included an outline from Mercedes-Benz SA on the rising use of aluminium in its vehicles. Other discussions focused on recycling, creating a circular economy and the South African scrap market over the past decade as well as latest R&D developments. Krieg says that the conference met

its objective of providing a greater understanding of the vision of the future of the aluminium industry and the challenges it faces in South Africa. “We believe that there is much potential despite rising imports at low prices with higher electricity costs. What we have learned from our international counterparts is the importance of long term strategic planning and collaboration,” he says. The Aluminium Federation of South Africa (AFSA) is one of the more active aluminium industry associations in the world and has, since 1981, been involved in increasing the awareness and use of aluminium in Southern Africa. It offers its members a wide variety of services, the most notable of which are technical information and advice, education, training and skills upgrading, a range of publications and market industry and business develEnquiry no: 7 opment support.

Cornubia analysis shows considerable positive impact


recent analysis conducted by KPMG to determine the economic and financial viability of the Cornubia development north of Durban shows that it holds unquestionable benefit to the city, its people and the economy. The proposed mixed-use development has been earmarked as a strategic project that will have a significant impact on the social, economic and industrial prospects of the region. These prospects have now been quantified following the cost benefit and macroeconomic impact analysis conducted by the accounting and auditing firm. Appointed by the eThekwini Municipality, KPMG was tasked with determining if the project represents a sound investment or decision, as well as providing a basis for comparing projects on the basis of their costs relative to their benefits. The Cornubia analysis indicates an overwhelmingly positive outcome from the development for the eThekwini Municipality, local communities, and the regional and provincial economies. “As important as the economic and financial considerations are, the Cornubia development is regarded as a catalytic intervention undertaken jointly by the eThekwini Municipality and Tongaat Hulett Developments to establish the first fully integrated human settlement in the country,” states Denny Thaver, Project Manager at eThekwini Municipality.

The development has a large impact on job creation in eThekwini during both the construction and operational phases. In the long term, nearly 285 000 new employment opportunities will be created due to the commercial activities associated with Cornubia, representing a healthy 12% of total employment in the province. This will be achieved through 39 000 direct jobs, 144 000 indirect jobs, and an additional 45 000 jobs in the rest of the province, as well as 54 000 jobs resulting from the economic impact of salaries and wages paid to employees at the development. These jobs exclude the 250 000 employment opportunities expected to be created during the construction phase, representing 20% of the total employment in eThekwini (over a 20-year period). This phase of the project will pump as much as R700 million into lower income households through job creation opportunities, which nearly doubles to R1.3 billion in income for these households during the operational phase of the development. The construction phase alone will also contribute roughly R8.5 billion to the economy of eThekwini, representing 4% of the local economy’s GDP. Once operational, Cornubia will contribute approximately R3.3 billion directly to the local economy, with the provincial GDP being boosted by an estimated R1.2 billion. Enquiry no: 8

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News



Voluntary offshore assets disclosure


ime is running out for South African taxpayers who have not yet disclosed their overseas assets, according to Ilsa Groenewald, Associate Director for tax at the Durban office of BDO South Africa, the audit, advisory and tax firm. The good news is that they will have the opportunity to voluntarily disclose their offshore assets and income and any exchange control contraventions that occurred prior to 29 February 2016 in a special window period from 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017. This follows an announcement by the National Treasury’s Minister of Finance in February this year. “The aim is once again to encourage compliance amongst South African taxpayers and to give them the chance to get their house in order and regularise their exchange control affairs,” Groenewald said. There were three substantial incentives to apply for relief under this special Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) in respect of

offshore assets and income, she explained. “Interest accrued on offshore assets will only be charged from 1 March 2010 onwards. Also, if the application is successful, no under-statement penalties will be levied and SARS will not pursue criminal prosecution for this tax offence.” Another benefit is that only 50% of the total amount applied for will be included in the taxpayer’s taxable income and subject to normal tax rates. Groenewald said that individuals and companies were eligible to apply for the special VDP. “Trusts do not qualify but settlors, donors, deceased estates or beneficiaries of foreign discretionary trusts may participate if they elect to have the trust’s offshore assets and income held by them.”

If SARS was aware of a pending audit or investigation in respect of anyone’s foreign assets or foreign taxes, they would not be eligible to apply for the special VDP, Groenewald said. “However, SARS will still accept a VDP application if the scope of the audit is for a different tax, for example, if you are applying for relief of income tax and SARS is conducting a PAYE audit.” “It should be remembered that the global standard for the automatic exchange of information between tax authorities will kick into gear in the 2017 tax year. Any amount which SARS obtains using the international exchange of information, will not qualify for this special VDP.” Groenewald said that levies would be charged on the assets declared, based on the current market value

as at 29 February 2016. This would amount to 5% of the leviable amount if the funds were repatriated to South Africa and 10% if kept offshore. “The levy must be paid from foreign-sourced funds. Should you wish to pay your levy from a South African sourced fund, SARS will charge an additional 2% of the leviable amount.” “SARS has made it clear that individuals will not be able to deduct their R10 million foreign capital allowance, or any remaining portion of it, from the leviable amount. The levy may also not be reduced by any fees or commission.” It was apparent that SARS was encouraging South African taxpayers to invest in their country, she said. Groenewald went on to say that the Financial Surveillance Department of the South African Reserve Bank (FinSurv) had taken a firm stand and that, if anyone wished to voluntarily make a full disclosure directly to them, outside the framework of this special VDP, then they would have

to pay a settlement ranging from between 10% and 40% of the current market value of their unauthorised foreign assets. Determination of the final settlement amount would also depend on whether they elected to retain their funds overseas or repatriate them. “It is worth bearing in mind that should a South African taxpayer not apply for this special VDP, and SARS and FinSurv discover any undisclosed assets, then they will face the full force of the law,” she said. Groenewald explained that all applications for relief from exchange control under this special VDP are to be made according to the Provisions of Regulation 24 of the Exchange Control Regulations of 1961. “SARS and the South African Reserve Bank are working together to ensure that these applications are assessed through one joint process. Full details of the compliance requirements will be made public later in the year, as the window period for this VDP only opens in Enquiry no: 9 October,” she said.

2017 completion


he Majuba Rail Project is expected to be completed by December 2017. Once commissioned, the security of coal supply through logistics solutions at the Majuba and Tutuka power stations will transport approximately 21-million tonnes of coal per year by rail. The Majuba Rail Project is a component of the Eskom Road to Rail Initiative with the construction of a railway line that links the Majuba Power Station to the main coal railway hub in the town of Ermelo in Mpumalanga. The 68km corridor is the first large Greenfield freight-rail infrastructure project to be carried out in South Africa since 1986 and will be operated by Transnet Freight Rail (TFR). Aveng Grinaker - LTA’s Civil Engineering Division was awarded the project in January 2013 with construction activities commencing in March 2013. The scope of work includes construc-

BEHIND EVERY HASSLE-FREE PURCHASE tion of the bulk earthworks, layer works, bridges and culverts with Aveng Rail accountable for the construction of the railway line and the overhead power lines. Furthermore, Aveng Grinaker LTA is responsible for all construction activities required to get the formation ready for the laying of sleepers and track, comprising of earthworks, layer works, drainage and concrete structures. These include 1 064 000m³ of layer works, 1 200 000m³ of blasting in cuttings, 2 400 000 m³ unsuitable material spoiled and 2 800 000 m³ of bulk fill. The structures and earthworks are 98.76% and 95.92% complete with 55% of formation ready for Enquiry no: 10 track laying.

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April / May 2016




KZN Industrial & Business News

Business achievers take centre stage

everal enterprising busi- impact on the country’s econoness leaders were feted at myby creating jobs. a glittering awards ceremoAs part of Ithala’s developmental ny hosted by Ithala Development mandate, the agency makes fundFinance Corporation recently. ing available to enterprises that The Ithala Business Achiever are viable, sustainable and have Awards recognises clients’ busi- the potential to stimulate economic ness success and acknowledges growth and job creation. their contribution towards develop“Ithala’s Business Achiever ing an entrepreneurial province in Awards aims to celebrate our cliKwaZulu-Natal. ents’ successes by rewarding, Over the past five years, more showcasing and sharing their than 8 000 jobs have been cre- accomplishments with other aspirated through lending activities, ant business owners to inspire them more than 500 enterprises have towards growth and success,” said been assisted and loans totalling Mano Muthusamy, Ithala Acting R1.1 billion have been advanced to Business Finance Executive. SMME’s and co-operatives. The Business Achiever nominees Given the growing inequalities in were evaluated against numerous employment, income and educa- criteria including entrepreneurial tion, Ithala believes SMME’s can spirit, financial performance, straVertical-300x100.pdf 1 11/04/16 5:31 PM be influential in making a profound tegic direction, community impact,


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innovation and personal integrity. Awardees were celebrated across various industry sectors including agriculture, logistics, trade and services and commercial property as well as a special award category for excellence. The winners each received R50 000 plus an additional R5 000 to contribute towards a charity of their choice. Bagging the “Agriculture Business of the Year” award was Lucky Khumalo of Mgodeni Farm, a family-owned business in Danhausser, Newcastle which farms over 1 000 hectares of maize. Ntobethuthu Trading was declared “Trade and Service Business of the Year”. Peggy Ndhlovu is the owner of a flourishing BP service station in Umlazi V section. The“Logistics Business of the Year”award went to Eric Sokhulu of Asphiwamandla Trading Enterprise, a logistics service provider operating in Mtubatuba and Jozini which


he plastic pipe industry in South Africa, is facing a crisis which is threatening not only the industry as whole, but key infrastructural sectors in South Africa, such as mining and water supply. The cause of the current crisis is solely a result of the South African Bureau of Standards (“SABS”) failing to perform in terms of its mandate as well as its obligations prescribed in the Standards Act 2008. Amongst others, the SABS has:• Failed to renew licenses which have expired to plastic pipe manufacturers without providing any indication when the licenses would be renewed; • Unilaterally and without any consultation, decided in July 2015 to disallow partial testing of products manufactured by players in the industry; • Failed to ensure that testing facilities and laboratories needed to conduct testing on products are adequate

and that those persons responsible for the testing are competent. The Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers’ Association (“SAPPMA”) is a voluntary, non-profit organisation that represents almost 90% of all certified manufacturers of HDPE and PVC plastic pipes being made in Southern Africa. “Directly as a result of the SABS’s failure to perform in terms of its mandate, local manufacturers of plastic pipes are no longer able to use the SABS Certification Mark,” said Jan Venter, Chief Executive Officer of SAPPMA. Venter said that these developments have, and will continue to have, dire consequences for the manufacturers, the industry and the country. Several years ago and as early as May 2006, SAPPMA had warned about the potential for the actualization of the crisis and attempted to address the numerous issues with the

New board appointment


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The special category award for excellence was presented to husband and wife team, Mike and Thina Maziya, owners of Super Mama plastics and Verigreen which specialises in disposable plastic manufacturing and commercial property. Enquiry no: 11

SABS in regard to its testing facilities. Despite numerous warnings issued in this regard by and attempts made by SAPPMA to address this issue over the past ten years, the SABS has failed to take heed of these warnings or implement any programme to avoid the present crisis. “On the 29th of March 2016 SAPPMA, through our attorney David Swartz of Phillip Silver Swartz Incorporated, again called for an urgent meeting with the SABS in order to address the issues and the crisis at length. On 15 April 2016 the SABS responded to the letter from our lawyers and agreed to the request for an urgent meeting, the date of which is in the process of being finalised,” Venter said. For more information and updates on the process, visit www.sappma. Enquiry no: 12


he MD of Africandi, Linda Ngcobo (pictured), has been appointed as a board member of the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industries. While the appointment was made last week, Ngcobo has had a long association with the Chamber. Working in conjunction with the Chamber, as the CEO of AQRate KZN, Ngcobo has played a pertinent role in the Alec Rogoff Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Awards. Ngcobo said she was “very pleased” by her inclusion.“It is a great honour for me to be a part of a prestigious board that plays such an integral role in the economy of the province of KwaZulu-Natal. My aim is to ensure I aid in continuing the Chamber’s longstanding and illustrious reputation,” Ngcobo said.

Enquiry no: 13

Visitors: Strictly trade only, no under 18 years of age

Addressing water challenges


ith parts of the province of KwaZuluW Natal currently experiencing the crippling effects of severe drought, it is fitting that the

Supported & Endorsed

@ Featuring

specialises in sugar cane, coal and timber haulage. Sastri Ramiah, CEO of Olive Group, which provides an array of services including conferencing and events, accounting services, property and food and beverage scooped the “Commercial Property Business” of the Year award.

Crisis in the plastic pipe manufacturing industry

> More new products

Organised by

Mano Muthusamy, Ithala Acting Business Finance Executive (back row, far left) and Yvonne Zwane, Ithala Group Chief Executive (front row, second from left) with the business achiever finalists and winners

Media supporters

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city of Durban plays host to the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA’s) 2016 Conference and Exhibition, this May. The five-day-long conference runs from 15-19 May 2016 at the Durban International Convention Centre. It will feature more than 100 expert speakers dissecting issues crucial to the effective management of our water resources. For the 2016 edition, the prestigious biennial event adopts a pertinent theme, one in line with the challenges currently facing the country: “Water – The Ultimate Constraint”. Enquiry no: 14

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Preferred supplier at national site


oscor Access Rental is the preferred supplier of access rental equipment to assist with various materials handling requirements during the construction of Mr. Price’s new national Distribution Centre (DC) in Keystone Park, Hammersdale, KwaZulu-Natal. The rental company also solved the problem that has plagued the MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform) industry for years with an ingenious in-house designed bracket for the safe and efficient lifting of piping. Goscor Access Rental Durban has secured a two year rental equipment supply contract and with 22 rental machines operating on the Stefanutti Stocks / Mr. Price site, the company is extremely proud of being part of this prestigious project.

“Understanding the magnitude of the site, we knew that the project would be too large to manage remotely so we established a site office to ensure top notch service throughout the two year construction period,” states Goscor Access Rental Durban’s Branch Manager, Shirly Smit. "We appointed our technical sales expert, Michael Spoelstra, as the Site Agent for Goscor Access Rental. His responsibilities include managing machines on site, client liaison, site inspections, quotes, health & safety, machine deliveries, accounts, payments, operator training, breakdowns, etc.” Spoelstra has been actively involved on site over the past six months dealing with multiple sectors of the construction industry. He describes the Stefanutti Stocks / Mr. Price site as “a masterpiece that is being put together piece by piece by the best in the business.” Mr. Price elected to build their 68 000sqm DC in Keystone Park which is one of Durban’s largest industrial developments, covering some 1 000 000sqm. The Stefanutti Stocks / Mr. Price site has already been the recipient of two awards, an MBA (Master Builders Association) Regional Award as well as a Stefanutti Stocks

Growing footprint in South Africa and beyond


xponential growth at CMCO Material Handling South Africa has seen the company almost triple in size - with growth averaging 150 percent over the past five years. It launched in Durban in 1996 and, while maintaining the distribution networks in coastal areas, extended its operations to Pretoria, Johannesburg, Magaliesburg, and Middleburg through acquisitions and new start-up ventures. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Columbus McKinnon Industrial Products GmbH and part of the multinational Columbus McKinnon Corporation Group, a global leader in the design and manufacture of material handling systems and services. Global brands include Yale, Pfaff Silberblau, Tigrip, Camlok and Steerman. All products are manufactured to strict European or other International Standards. CMCO Material Handling South Africa’s primary focus is on mining, rail, and industrial vertical markets. It draws on the experience of its multinational network which specialises in vertical markets such as steel, oil and gas, water, construction, manufacturing and energy. With 18 manufacturing facilities located in 7 countries across the world, a lot of time and attention is spent on user applications and product research to enable the company to continue to develop innovative, modern and practical products to meet

CMCO Materials Handling MD Pieter Nortjé and Executive: Business Development, Lebo Sephoti the exacting and varied needs of today’s industry. CMCO’s strong market position is the result of linking international expertise with substantial local knowledge and experience. This has enabled CMCO to adapt international products to the South African market, tailoring them to meet this country’s unique challenges, different local environments and needs. “As an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), CMCO has an advantage over some of its local competitors. We offer a full solution to our customers by supplying own high quality products, maintenance, services, and repairs. Yale has onsite test vehicles backed up by onsite repairs, ensuring quality and efficiency,” says managing director, Pieter Nortje. Enquiry no: 16

Group Award 2015. The range of rental machines that have been operating onsite include a variety of Genie diesel boom lifts including the 22m and 27m straight boom and 15m to 25m articulated boom lifts as well as the Genie SX150 super boom lift that has a remarkable reach of 48m. Goscor Access Rental also supplied Genie diesel and electric scissor lifts. Despite some adverse weather conditions, Spoelstra says that the Genie access equipment is proving itself to be the robust and reliable quality brand that it has become known for, pushing on through severe wind, pouring rain and blistering heat. “With over 22 of our rental machines onsite

and counting, we have kept all clients working at full speed ahead with little down time and when a breakdown has occurred, the situation was resolved immediately. We are conducting daily operations with the mind set of pushing the boundaries and going the extra mile to provide our clients with first class service.” Spoelstra adds that Goscor Access Rental worked round-the-clock throughout December 2015 to ensure that they were always on hand to meet the client’s lifting requirements. With a 500 + work force, the expected completion date for the first stage of the construction of the Mr. Price DC which is valued at approximately R450 million is 31 July 2016. Enquiry no: 15



Tracking concrete lorries T he use of GPS tracking devices to assist readymix concrete suppliers has been hailed by many to be an effective way to improve the efficiency of a fleet, yet there are others who feel the exercise is not worthwhile. Johan van Wyk of the Southern Africa Readymix Association (Sarma) suggests that this is because different companies have vastly different operating models and what is valuable information to one company may be a complete waste of time and money for another. In order to decide whether fleet tracking is viable for an operation, Sarma has compiled the following 7 points to help you decide whether to track, or not to track: • For: Knowing where every truck in your fleet is gives you the ability to predict delivery times and maximise payloads per day • Against: Staff may become angry at the fact that “Big Brother” is watching their every move and may push back to block moves to track them thereby causing labour disputes. • For: As a management tool it pays to know what the drivers are up to, how much time they are spending on the road and on site, whether they are speeding or idling in traffic • Against: It takes manpower to monitor drivers effectively all the time

and the setup of systems can be a painstaking and lengthy exercise. For: In order to guarantee the freshness of concrete or uphold delivery times and service level agreements on site one needs to be in control of the situation and know the whereabouts of each truck. If necessary to reroute trucks to avoid delays etc. Against: Manning and rerouting trucks requires dedicated and knowledgeable staff. When lumped onto an existing person’s responsibility it is sometimes seen as a hassle and is not given the right level of attention. For: A good quality GPS management system can save money in many ways including optimisation of routes, time and better management of driver activities such as speeding or preventing non-work related activities. Against: The cost of the system needs to be carefully weighed up against the will to effectively use such a system, the potential benefits and the requirement to appoint somebody to man the system effectively. For: Modern systems can generate information on a wide range of parameters from locations to routes to ETAs and even driver behaviour etc. Against: When dealing with tens or

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News

The search is on for the 2016 highway hero

hundreds of trucks the associated data that is generated can be massive and has a tendency to bury the user in useless information. • For: Time is money and fleet managers can save both by using the data to streamline their fleets and do away with manual operations. In many instances data can be logged and used for historical purposes such as logbooks, incident reports etc. • Against: Not all fleet managers are tech savvy and may prefer manual operations. • For: There are many systems on the market from cheap and cheerful mobile phone App driven systems, to vehicle manufacturer standard options and specialised systems from professional fleet management companies • Against: Not all systems are created equal and although there are many options out there it pays to do your research thoroughly upfront and ensure that the system you chose is right for the operation. Failure to do so may easily result in wasteful expenditure. “These are just the starting points to consider if companies are contemplating whether to track, or not to track their trucks,” suggests Johan.

Enquiry no: 17


ased on the outstanding success of the 2015 Highway Heroes campaign, Regent Insurance has launched the 2016 Highway Heroes campaign and has increased the prize money from (almost) over R100 000 to R135 000 that will be awarded to South Africa’s top three truck drivers and fleet owner of the first placed driver. Paul Dangerfield, Highway Heroes campaign manager at Regent Commercial Vehicles (RCV), says one of the aims of the Highway Heroes initiative is to raise road users’ awareness of the many challenges that truck drivers face in the course of their work – the daily threat of hijacking being one of the most obvious one. In 2015, Regent introduced the first Highway Heroes competition. The winner, Themba Vilakazi (45) – a driver for Fairfield Long Haul in Howick – won R50 000 in cash and prizes. First runner-up, Dumisane Nzimande (Gauteng) won cash and prizes worth R25 000 and Michael Madamo (Mpumulanga), the second runner-up, R12 500. The 2015 campaign highlighted the important role that truck drivers play in the economy – and how 53-million South Africans would be negatively impacted without the thousands of truck

drivers in the logistics industry who transport billions of rands worth of essential goods to every corner of the country 24/7/365. These essential goods – from vital medication and electronic goods to food and fuel – are transported by truck drivers and without them, the wheels of the economy would slowly grind to a halt. Entries opened on 1 March 2016 and the winner and two runnersup will be selected from the finalists’ shortlist before the awards announcement in November this year. The competition is only open to Regent insured drivers and they can be South African or permanently employed foreign nationals.

Enquiry no: 18

New truck and trailer combinations recently built by Serco for Pioneer Foods (Sasko Bakeries) are now being used to deliver thousands of loaves of bread every day all over the Western Cape, Gauteng and Enquiry no: 19 KwaZulu-Natal.

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Local installation for tyre manufacturer


PC Storage Solutions SA was contracted by a large tyre manufacture in South Africa to construct a new warehouse at the company’s head office and manufacturing plant in Kwa-Zulu-Natal. This followed an already completed project, which was to maximise storage capacity in its Cape Town distribution centre. Both projects, which included specifications

to cater for the customer’s highly-flammable stored products, were completed in the 2015 calendar year – the Cape Town upgrade in May; and the KZN installation during October – in only 15 days. APC Storage Solutions SA was contracted to design and build a 60 metre long and 38 metre wide (2 241 m²) warehouse for the tyre manufacturer’s existing plant. Two single rows and five back-to-back rows of 15 bays, totalling a length of 50 metres were installed. Each row can accommodate four pallet/stil-

lage levels at 8.4 metres top-of-pallet height. The steel stillage size – 1 300 mm wide and 1 300 mm deep – necessitated the installation of steel supports in order to safely store them on the racking. To further increase the safety factor, APC installed steel pallet back stops behind each pallet. “This keeps the pallet flu space (back-toback clearance) uniform throughout the system and prevents pallets from being pushed too far back,” explains Ettienne Meyburgh, General Manager, Kwa-Zulu Natal region, APC Storage Solutions SA. The new warehouse comfortably caters for 1 392 pallet positions.

Using customer service as a differentiator


s consumers and businesses are urged to tighten their belts in light of slowed economic growth, customer service experience is set to become an increasingly important differentiator for local businesses, and one of the main factors that will influence decisions regarding which supplier to purchase products and services from. This is according to Fatima Sullivan, Vice President of Customer Services for DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), who says that research shows consumers are willing to spend more for better customer service and with those companies that they believe provide excellent customer service. “While price will always be important in the mind of the consumer, this becomes less so if a business offers first class customer service to support the product or service.” It is for this reason that DHL invests so heavily in a customer-centric culture, says Sullivan.

“The customer needs to be the key focus in all activities, whether it is improvements in delivery times or query resolution processes. A good customer service department should understand the link between the way customers are managed and handled, and the company’s bottom line.” Findings from the Economist Intelligence Unit: Creating a seamless customer experience report(3) revealed that almost 75% of consumers will stop doing business with a company following bad customer service and that more than


20 Clubhouse Place, Westmead Ext PO Box 10555, Ashwood 3605 T: (031) 700 8744 F: (031) 700 8750 E:

The scope of work was to fit as many pallets as possible into the new warehouse, “which we achieved,” Meyburgh says. “To attain this and meet the stillage storage size requirements, we installed a non-standard beam and frame depth, while ensuring the structures adhered to all fire regulations.” Each of these facilities opted to include APC standard aftersales and maintenance agreement, which consists of two site visits per year for five years. For both these projects APC played a pivotal role in the overall solution planning, with the two branch’s engineers and technicians working closely with those of the customer’s. Enquiry no: 20

Engineering News Half Page Ad TER003_500 000_15 April 2016.qxp_Layout 1 2016/0

half will complain to friends and family about their experience. Sullivan says: “These figures highlight the detrimental impact of poor customer service in terms of revenue loss and reputation, and why customer service needs be a key focus area for a company.” She says that as a result of its continued efforts, divisions within DHL Express Sub Saharan Africa were recently awarded a total of 22 awards in the 10th Annual Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service. “Our golden rule for success is to focus relentlessly on the little details that drive quality, listen intently to what our customers are telling us, and making sure that every individual in our business understands the impact they can have on the customer experience. It’s all comes down to making small incremental improvements every day,” concludes Sullivan.


51 Nagington Road, Wadeville 1422 PO Box 14344, Wadeville 1422 T: (011) 824 5172 F: (011) 824 6172 E:

Enquiry no: 21


20 Clubhouse Place, Westmead Ext PO Box 10555, Ashwood 3605 T: (031) 700 8744 F: (031) 700 8750 E:


51 Nagington PO Box 1434 T: (011) 824 F: (011) 824 E: gauteng@m


April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News

New-generation crane girder in SA D emag’s newly-launched V-Type crane girder can easily manage more than 500 000 load changes – over double the service life of a conventional box-section girder – making it a game changer in the local material handling sector. Demag’s V-Type girder, which was launched in early 2016, delivers safety and impressive load handling rates and, regardless of the model type - can be easily adapted to any building shape, making it ideal for existing buildings, as well as for new construction projects. The following Demag V-Type girders are available; Type 1: The ends of the standard crane girder slope at a 45° angle. The bottom edge of the girder is at the same level as the crane runway, offering sufficient space for loads such as pipes. Type 2: On the compact version, the bottom edge of the V-Type crane is significantly lower than the crane runway. This variant is particularly suitable for projects that offer limited space. Type 3: The lower edge of the slightly raised crane girder is located higher than the crane runway, which offers a gain in lifting height, making it suited to applications with consider-


able space. • Type 5:The girder is significantly raised. Its lower edge is located above the crane runway, which provides for a large range of lifting heights. • Type 6: A combination of Types 1 and 2. It can be adapted to suit the available space, since the dimensions above and below the crane rail can be freely selected. The bottom edge of the crane girder is below the level of the crane runway.

Built with safety in mind, the V-Type girder allows 30 percent more light to pass through, enabling personnel to better see their surroundings, while brightening the workspace. This improved view ultimately results in a safer and more attractive working environment. The V-Type girder also has a shorter time cycle, helping to increase productivity and overall output. It boasts several lifting points for safer installation of the load and has more clamping and attachment points for lamps. The tapered diaphragm joints also replace the solid box-section design of conventional cranes. Tapered diaphragm joints accommodate pressure and tensile forces more effectively to reduce resonant frequency by 30 percent. On average, the V-Type crane is 17 percent lighter than comparable cranes that have boxsection girders. This not only reduces the forces transmitted to the existing support superstructure and provides architects with greater freedom when planning new building layouts, but also improves the relative deadweight-to-loadEnquiry no: 22 capacity ratio.

I-Shift with crawler gears

olvo Trucks has introduced a new member to the I-Shift family: I-Shift with crawler gears. The new gears, which are added to the vehicle’s automated transmission, provide specialised start capability for trucks carrying heavy loads in demanding situations. The system is entirely unique for series-produced extra heavy trucks. Volvo Trucks’ new version of I-Shift makes it possible to add up to two new crawler gears, resulting, among other things, the ability to start-off from standstill and transport a gross combination weight (GCW) of up to 325 tonnes. “I-Shift with crawler gears offers an entirely new scope for extra heavy trucks with automated transmission to regulate their speed when crawling slowly and even reversing. The driver can haul a heavy load without worrying about getting into situations that may lead to costly standstills,” said Malcolm Gush, Sales Director at Volvo Trucks South Africa. “This new technology will also be available in

South Africa where extreme road and weather conditions often have a big impact on a fleet’s productivity, safety and profitability.” With the new crawler gears, the truck can drive at speeds as low as 0.5 to 2 km/h. This helps immensely during precision manoeuvres such as in construction and maintenance tasks. “The vastly improved driveability and starting

capability with the new crawler gears makes the driver’s job far easier when operating in difficult terrain on slippery surfaces with heavy loads, such as at construction sites, in mines or in forests. The heavier the transport operation and the poorer the surface or the terrain, the more the driver gains from a truck with crawler gears,” explained Gush. For haulage firms carrying out heavy transport operations on demanding surfaces as well as regular highway driving, crawler gears also offer considerable flexibility and the possibility of improved fuel economy. Depending on the application area, I-Shift is available with one or two forward crawler gears, and with or without two reverse crawler gears. Reverse crawler gears make it possible to reverse extremely slowly, which is a major advantage when reversing manoeuvres require immense precision.

Making supply chains digital


ifferent to the tourism or marketing environments where digital integration has been absorbed organically, supply chain and manufacturing professionals have been sluggish to phase out what is a deeply entrenched traditional mentality. Prominent supply chain analyst and founder of Supply Chain Insight, Lora Cecere, believes that supply chain professionals have defined their processes as linear and inflexible; trusting enterprise resource planning (ERP) and advance planning and scheduling (APS) to optimise production and distribution processes. “To become digital, we need to define processes from the customer’s customer to the supplier’s supplier and use new technologies to listen, sense, and adapt,” explains Cecere. “This is not the platform of traditional technologies and the belief structures of traditional supply chain leaders. This is an opportunity for Africa. " "Consider the adoption of mobile phones, alternative payment structures and collaborative sharing in economies such as in Nigeria. It’s time that we question the status quo and traditional principles.” Cecere will in June join Flatiron Strategies’ Senior Industry Analyst, Peter Vanderminden; and Oracle’s digital supply chain expert, Maha Muzumdar. To speak at the 38th Annual SAPICS Conference and Exhibition for supply chain professionals, to be held at Sun City, 12-14 June 2016.

Enquiry no: 23



CUSTOM BATTERY HANDLING EQUIPMENT FOR ANY SIZE FLEET BHS Global, Ltd offers a complete and comprehensive array of battery handling products, systems, and services. This comprehensive offering includes: design, engineering, sales and support, as well as the best service in the industry.

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Enquiry no: 24

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News



Don’t let your merchandise out of your sight W hen it comes to transporting merchandise between warehouse and retail destination, merely tracking the movement of trucks is no longer enough, and companies are having to rely on armed escorts and the implementation of smarter security technology to get their freight to its destination. In addition to merchandise being at risk during transport, these goods are also vulnerable in the warehouses while waiting for collection. This is according to Laurence Smith, Executive Graphic Images Technologies. The main risks in warehousing and freight transport are theft, loss and mishandled goods. However, the transportation of goods continues to be one of the most critical areas of vulnerability. While systems can be placed both in the vehicle and the warehouse exit and entry points, their effectiveness depends on the implementation and strict controlling measures to ensure the integrity of the system.

Inside the warehouse environment security can be enhanced through the use of UltraHigh Definition (UHD or “4K”) IP cameras, which offer better resolution and more detail. Because of the high video resolution of these 4k cameras, fewer of them are required to monitor a larger area, which means fewer cameras to manage, fewer network points and less of a drain on bandwidth and storage. This is largely due to the fact that these cameras are capable of adaptive video streaming, which

allows for recording of the video at 4k resolution but allows for viewing at resolutions that meet the viewer’s requirements. Using these 4K cameras and the associated video recorder management applications it is possible to monitor the merchandise all the way from the warehouse, until it reaches its end destination. Each situation is different but, for example, by utilising closed body trucks the freight is not as exposed to the risk of theft.

A closed body truck can be monitored, using a mobile DVR and cameras which can monitor what is going on inside the truck, as well as provide visual verification that the correct goods were loaded into and off the truck. Such a mobile video recording and transmission system also ensures that the load is secure during its journey as an alarm is sent to the control centre with video verification in the event that the load bay door is opened. Where bandwidth availability is an issue, the same technology that is used for cash-in-transit vans could also have application in freight transport. This type of system is effective in its simplicity as it enables remote monitoring of the vehicle making use of GSM networks with bandwidth requirements as low as 8kpbs. Using cellular and wireless technology, live video is streamed (and recorded) from vehicles to a remote control centre. Enquiry no: 25

Tailormade approach to ‘picking and packing’


ogistics companies are key serviceproviders within retail and manufacturing supply chains across the world. As consumer demand increases, innovative products are being developed, and must be swiftly released into the market. This means that significantly more is required of logistics companies than a simple pick-up and drop-off. Logistics companies must understand product specifications, be cognizant of supply-and-demand, and pre-empt challenges inherent in storing and moving goods across geographical distances. Managing director of Dascher South Africa, Detlev Duve, says, “While logistics management, which includes customs forwarding, transportation and warehousing of products, is not a core function for our clients, it is vital to their overall business.” Logistics companies must be able to provide


High speed doors

igh speed roll up and fold up doors facilitate ease of materials handling in and out of large manufacturing operations as well as movement between various sections within a plant. The Traffic CM High Speed Door is considered a sturdy and dependable solution for any medium to large entrance or doorway, and one of the most recent installations of this robust high speed door is at Nampak Bevcan’s Springs plant. Produced by Apex Strip Curtains & Doors, the 8,192 metre wide by 5,621 metre Traffic CM High Speed Door was supplied complete with a sequential safety barrier. Wim Dessing, managing director of Apex Strip Curtains & Doors, says that in this particular application it was decided to equip the door with a sequential safety barrier which functions as a proximity warning device ensuring optimum safety at all times without contact having been initiated. The sequential barrier monitors the motion of the curtain itself and will detect even the smallest obstacle in its closure path. As soon as an individual beam is broken, the system automatically activates and will reverse the movement of the curtain. The barriers are installed in the vertical frame and provide protection for the full height of the door. Made from strong self-extinguishing Class 2 fabric with excellent thermal insulation properties, the flexible curtain on the door is equipped with robust horizontal steel reinforcements providing high resistance to wind load pressure. The supporting structure is manufactured from high quality galvanised steel to ensure optimum durability. A counterweighted balancing system ensures high standards of performance and safety and fast, semi-automatic reopening. The built-in automation unit protects the components from wear caused by the elements. Traffic high speed doors are controlled by an electronic unit that complies with all IEC

a flexible offering that is in tune with the many complex demands of the contemporary client. The company prides itself on gaining a thorough understanding of what is essential to their clients’ service offering and providing a best-fit solution. “Tailor-made service means adapting our operations to meet a client’s requirements. This could include having a dedicated product expert onsite at our warehouse facilities, who will advise on the correct packing and storage of cargo. It might even be a staff member that has been directly sub-contracted from the client,” says Duve. “Our warehousing extends beyond simply providing a client with floor space. We are able to ‘pick and pack’ at the client’s request. A thorough understanding of the product coupled with stringent quality control is paramount.” The storing and picking of products is a surprisingly complex task. For example, medical equipment must be continually calibrated while in storage. For delivery, this equipment should be packaged under specific conditions to enable stable transit to both urban centres and rural areas. Nationwide chainstores that provide items such as clothing and tableware also have their own specific requirements related to detailed categorisation, separation and packaging. This must be done in accordance with the unique requirements of stores across the country.

Dascher branch offices across the country- in Durban, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town – all have warehousing facilities equipped for various industries and customer-specific requirements. The company combines an innovative real-time technical system with highly trained on-the-ground staff

to ensure minimal product mis-picking or damage. “Incorrect storage or packing would create a number of problems - for both our clients and ourselves. Our warehousing system is comprehensive and pre-emptive to give clients peace of mind,” says Duve.

Enquiry no: 26

regulations. It can be activated by any type of remote control equipment including photocells, pressure sensitive mats, movement Enquiry no: 27 detectors or induction loops. DDL KZN 150 x 205* 10/29/15 4:48 AM Page 1










'More you need, less you don’t want' M

anufactured in Brazil and forming part of MAN AG’s multibrand truck and bus portfolio Volkswagen (VW) heavy and extra heavy commercial vehicles are gaining market share in emerging economies in Africa, following the success of the brand in Latin America. The VW Constellation range workhorses have been specially engineered to meet the demands of niche trucking applications in southern Africa. “The VW constellation range is extremely versatile, coming in both truck-tractor and rigid derivatives, with both 6x2 and 4x2 axle configurations, making it the ideal choice for the medium and on-highway distribution segments,” says Dave van Graan, Head of Truck Sales, MAN Truck & Bus South Africa. “Predominantly, our VW customers to date are using the VW Constellation for volume van, dropside, tautliner,

refrigerated and car-carrier applications just to name a few, this clearly demonstrates both the volume and weight-carrying capabilities of the range.” Citing both reliability and fuel economy as key attractions of the range, van Graan adds that the Constellation range has been optimised through prudent engineering of various driveline components to broaden its appeal

in the road freight industry in South Africa. The VW Constellation range includes the 19.320 4x2 truck-tractor and rigid-chassis freight carrier derivatives: the 13.180 4x2 freight carrier, the 15.180 4x2 freight carrier, the 17.250 4x2 freight carrier and the 24.250 6x2 freight carrier. According to Livingstone Mulaudzi, Head of Product Management at MAN Truck & Bus South Africa, “The VW Constellation range has great potential to service a number of niche applications in both medium and long-haul distribution applications. The VW Constellation 19.320 has a gross combination mass of 44 tons, which puts it ahead of most rival 4x2 truck-tractors as far as payload and drawing capacity are concerned.” MAN is targeting the removals segment as a key new market, as well as other ‘volume-based’ cargo hauliers.

Enquiry no: 28


April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News

Enhanced safety at new fire fighting facility

locare recently assisted South Africa’s largest freight logistics company in making its operations safer with the supply of two Ajax flow indicators. Contracted by local valve supplier, Inbal SA, the UK-imported flow indicators will provide essential water flow visualisation when installed at the company’s new seawater firefighting facility in East London, South Africa. The two AJ Series indicators, suitable for 10-inch and 2-inch pipelines, provide essential information on whether seawater flow is occurring through its pipelines in the case of an emergency. “Both indicators are equipped with a double-sided, single-glazed window and internal flap to give operators visual confirmation of water flow when required,” says Norman Moul, Director, Flocare South Africa. Made to order and imported


 #TFLFeelGood



At Toyota Forklift, we’re all about experience It’s not just about the world leading product or the optimal lifetime value; nor the rental options, technical support, uptime and financing options. It’s also not just about reliability, partnerships and complete solutions, or value added offerings and far & wide footprint. Yes, we know - that’s a given. We’ve understood that for decades. But for us, it’s about that feel good experience our people leave behind with you.

Enquiry no: 29

New towing and industrial winches

ARN, through its sole Southern African distributor Torre Parts and Components, has a range of 12v, 24v and hydraulic winches, ranging from 9 000lb,12 000lb, 15 000lb,18 000lb, 20 000lb and 30 000lb. “We have had successes with the 18 000lb-24v winch due to its price point, versatility and compact size. It is used in various applications including military vehicles in SA and around the world,” said Leonard Chester, product manager Vehicle Accessories, Torre Parts and Components. “WARN’s success is based on its product range, service levels and ability to customise winches with features such as the Over Load Interrupter which is an available accessory to prevent the motor from burning,” he said. “With one of our industrial customers, we developed a modification to rotate the motor and gearbox to ensure fitment. This involved a process of creating a new part number and the necessary CAD drawings.” WARN’s Series 18 is a 18000lb24v tow truck and industrial DC

If you haven’t experienced Toyota Forklift, you’re missing out.

from the UK, Ajax indicators have earned an industry reputation for their robust performance in onboard, oil rig or harbour service. The supplied AJ Series indicators are constructed from bronze to ensure they withstand corrosive rust associated with seawater. In addition, the indicators provide shock- and vibration-resistance, an advantage in heavy-duty marine applications. The indicators are simple to install, with an in-line design that provides easy connection in both horizontal and vertical pipelines while minimising pressure loss. The Ajax indicators were delivered to site in March 2016. Flocare is an authorised distributor of Ajax in South Africa, and upholds the company’s 12-month manufacturing warranty on the AJ Series of visual flow indicators.

electric winch. It offers heavy pulling power of up to 18 000 lbf (single line) and has a dependable high-torque series-wound 24v DC electric motor. It comes with a weatherproof industrial contactor control pack and a rugged 32’ (10m) industrial remote control. The disc brake is designed for extended power-out use, and includes a thermal overload switch that protects the motor from overheating. It uses a wire rope with a roller fairlead. The lower-end WARN Series 9 hydraulic winch is suitable for tow trucks and industrial hydraulic applications with a 9 000 lbf pulling power. This is suited to tow, utility and trailer applications. A hardened steel, two-stage planetary geartrain provides faster line speeds and a heavy-duty automatic disc brake provides reliable operation. It also includes a wire rope with roller fairlead. The Series 9 is available in two motor sizes: 4.9 cu inch and 3.0 cu inch and meets SAE J706 and CE standards. Enquiry no: 30

Benchmark for sealing performance and durability


ederal-Mogul Motorparts, a division of FederalMogul Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: FDML), recently announced that FP Diesel turbocharger mounting gaskets now feature the company’s patented High Temperature Alloy, HTA material. This ensures reliable, long-term exhaust sealing, even on the most demanding applications with fluctuating high temperatures and dynamic mechanical loads. The innovative HTA gasket technology was developed in the US,and solves common engine sealing issues caused by rising exhaust pressures in many commercial engines. HTA gaskets feature single- or multi-layer steel construction, engineered to withstand the extremely high temperatures encountered in many of today’s commercial engines. The micro-hardness, creepresistance and dynamic sealing of the HTA materials are superior to the industry standard “301 full hard” stainless steel, which loses

mechanic a l strength beyond 4 2 7 ° C and can crack or otherwise experience a loss of sealing ability. HTA gaskets solve this issue through the proprietary alloy’s ability to maintain design strength and spring tension for an effective dynamic seal under extreme heat and high pressure. In addition, a high-temperature coating is applied for enhanced microsealing and abrasion resistance. “Engine manufacturers have made tremendous progress in reducing emissions while increasing overall engine power and durability,” said Federal-Mogul Motorparts Marketing Director Siya Khuzwayo. “In many cases, one of the most significant challenges we face is finding component materials that can withstand the corresponding increases in combustion pressures and temperatures." Enquiry no: 31

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Three contracts secured for motor repairs


ctom Group division, Marthinusen & Coutts has secured three separate contracts from Sasol for the repair of low voltage motors, the repair of medium voltage motors up to 1 MW and the repair of medium voltage motors from 1 to 5 MW. According to Richard Botton, managing director of Marthinusen & Coutts, the company is known for its technical ability and the provision of a superior quality and technical service, and the award of these contracts is testament to its extensive capabilities. “Marthinusen & Coutts has worked with Sasol for many years and is regarded by the organisation as a highly competent and technically qualified OEM repairer.” The company underwent a lengthy prequalification stage whereafter its facilities in Cleveland were audited for quality, as well as

technical capability and capacity. “Our ability to comply with Sasol's demanding specifications and to render complex repairs in accordance with the necessary quality was a big differentiator for us. We can leverage an impressive 57 years of industry experience in both the local and global market as Africa’s largest medium voltage machine repairer,” adds Botton. Marthinusen & Coutts is Level 4 BBBEE rated, ISO 9001 accredited, holds SANS 1561 LV motor repair, SANS IEC 60079-0/1 flame proof and SANS IERC 60079-15 non-spark permits and has been awarded a five-star NOSA rating. With five production workshops covering 30 000 m² under roof in southern Africa, Marthinusen & Coutts is conveniently located to provide customers with a fast turnaround on all machine repairs and upgrades.

“In addition, we offer the most extensive aftermarket services throughout Africa, covering all industries and providing a comprehensive electrical and mechanical repair service solution on rotating machines as a single service provider, and repair and manufacture of electric motors and components. " This 24/7 service includes both large and small AC and DC motors, flameproof motors, traction motors and power generators up to 980 MW as well as all rotating mechanical equipment. "Our offering includes customised manufacture and design, on-site engineering services and unique motor management solutions that complement the repair business."

"All these elements combine together to provide Sasol with the confidence that their repairs are in capable and competent hands,” Botton concludes. Enquiry no: 32

Local ESD Programme launched


ransnet Pipelines in partnership with the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry has embarked on a three year business development initiative, comprising

of a focused and comprehensive enterprise and supplier development (ESD) programme that accelerates participation of the previously disadvantaged target groups, who fall within the SME category. The programme is run over three years and comprises three interlinked components, namely; business skills development; mentorship and industry exposure. The overall objective of the development initiative is to develop competencies and capabilities of emerging local suppliers to a level where they may qualify for a meaningful access to procurement oppor-

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tunities within the supply chain of Transnet Pipelines and other entities. The programme is designed around the incubation model whereby participants will receive on-going and targeted business and technical support to ensure they are competent suppliers to different industries. The strategic objective of this development initiative is to contribute towards transformation/ broader economic empowerment, as such has a special focus to support businesses owned by Black People, Black Women, Black Youth and People Living with Disabilities. Participation was targeted at small businesses that meet requirements of qualifying as an Enterprise and Supplier Beneficiary under

the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. It should be noted, these are not businesses at a start up stage, but are SMEs that have been in business for at least two years. The Durban Chamber/ Transnet supplier development programme was developed in order to address current imbalances as a result of scarcity of suppliers in highly specialized skills required by Transnet Pipelines, namely engineering; health and safety; construction; waste management and professional services. The programme commenced during April at the Durban Chamber office facilities with 43 participants. Enquiry no: 33


April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

Fluid couplings for power transmission applications

he most widely-used hydrodynamic power transmission technology in modern platinum mining is fluid couplings. Voith’s high-quality range of hydrodynamic technology-based power transmission solutions are available to this sector at a considerably reduced cost. This follows Voith having successfully achieved cost optimisation on a global scale following a year-long focus on internal optimisation processes, such as commercial manufacturing, business costs and rationalisation. According to Voith South Africa Area Sales Manager Gary Allison, quality has not been compromised at all. “There has been absolute-

ly no compromise on quality in terms of materials, processes and manufacturing. Instead, we used advanced algorithms to determine where smaller components could be used to lower cost, without affecting performance.” The hydrodynamic principle of a fluid coupling makes it easy to gently accelerate driven machines. Fluid couplings limit torque, provide loadsharing, and dampen torsional vibrations. This protects the drive system from damage even under extreme operating conditions, while reducing downtime and ensuring an uninterrupted production process. “Our drive solutions are reliable and specifically tailored to each drive system, from individual couplings to complete driveline solu-

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tions. The transmittable power ranges from 300W up to 6MW, making our fluid couplings ideally-suited to the platinum sector,” adds Allison. Despite a sluggish market, Allison is optimistic that Voith can achieve long-term growth in the platinum sector. “Projects are currently very limited, as there are no new mines or shafts being built. This is globally-driven due to commodity prices. Companies have to optimise their resources to stay afloat, and this is where our cost advantage plays a major role.” What also sets Voith apart from the competition is its aftermarket service. “In tough times, operations need to be able to rely on suppliers that provide full back-up and on-site product



support when required. This forms part of our value-added service offering, which is a major driver in maintaining contracts, while winning new ones when markets turn,” Allison concludes. Voith Turbo, a Group Division of Voith GmbH, is a specialist in intelligent drive solutions. Customers from highly diverse industries such as oil and gas, energy, mining and metal processing, ship technology, rail and commercial vehicles rely on advanced technologies from Voith Turbo.

Enquiry no: 34

Safe tablets and smartphones for hazardous areas


KF recently launched a suite of tablets and smartphones for use in hazardous areas, in industries such as oil & gas, refining, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Mobile workers will now be able to take this kind of technology, which is often preloaded with a host of SKF condition monitoring and productivity apps, into previously inaccessible areas. SKF, in partnership with ecom, is to launch a whole family of products, peripherals and accessories that are suitable for use in Zone 1/ Division 1, Zone 2/Division 2 and harsh environments. ”These tablets offer SKF customers the ability to bring mobility to hazardous areas, using the most modern tools and apps,” says Christoffer Malm, Head of Connectivity Room at SKF. ”The products connect to SKF apps, which in turn connect to SKF knowledge and expertise.” The products can be supplied as part of SKF Enlight, a package that includes: Data Collect, a powerful app that turns the tablet or smartphone into a data collection device; and WMCD, a special sensor that measures vibration and temperature data. These work well in conjunction with standard tablets and smartphones, but can now also be used in hazardous areas. Enquiry no: 35

Safety solutions


MG – Bearing Man Group - supplies and supports the complete range of Master Lock safety and security solutions. These lockout and tagout products and padlocks and signage materials, have been designed to prevent accidents that could occur during servicing and repairing of equipment. “It is critical for employers to do everything possible to protect employees and prevent accidents caused by negligence during maintenance and repairs of equipment and machinery,” says Ryan Bassett, senior product manager, BMG’s fasteners, tools and equipment division. “A plant which has implemented carefully planned, correct lockout and tagout procedures, minimises the risk of injury or accidents caused by inadvertent starting of machines or equipment while being serviced or maintained. “The correct safety system ensures there is a reliable key control procedure in place that restricts access to only those workers who need to be in a designated area." "In safe environments, productivity is optimised, as there is no downtime resulting from unnecessary accidents or injury.” Master Lock lockout and tagout devices have been designed for a simple, yet effective method of lockout to prevent a worker from unintentionally energizing equipment whilst maintenance is in progress. Enquiry no: 36

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News

Cost of water in oil

Agreement allows entry to oil & gas valve process market


he ingression of water into lube oil for critical rotating equipment can cause massive damage in the long run. It is an exponentially damaging contaminant which, if left unchecked, has the negative consequence of costing industries millions of rands in lost profit, per incident. Water moisture can find its way into lubricated components via seals, bulk reservoir breathers and general storage of equipment. Its interaction with oil of any contamination level is harmful, as moisture shortens the lifespan of services, components and of the oil protecting the equipment. It also promotes foaming, which leads to rapid increases in metal-to-metal contact, friction and higher temperatures. As a result, water reduces the lubricant’s viscosity and ability to lubricate. The foaming leads to sluggish response from hydraulic control systems and cavitation in pumps and bearings. Moisture in a lubricating oil or diesel presents an opportunity for microbes to thrive and grow. The microbes live in the water and feed off the hydrocarbon. They grow to interfere with lube circuits and can block valves and filters. Microbial contamination is corrosive and can be toxic.


A value of 0.1% water in oil will reduce the life of a rolling element bearing by as much as 40 times. As moisture is absorbed into the lubricating oil, it affects the lubricant’s film thickness and ability to separate lubricated components. The Vacuum Dehydrator and Oil Purification System – available locally through wear control specialist Filter Focus– is highly effective at removal of dissolved, free and emulsified water, entrained gas, and particulate contamination for heavy and light gear oils of any grouping. Overall water content can be reduced to levels below the water solubility point in the oil. Filter Focus COO Craig FitzGerald explains that by raising the oil temperature to approximately 50°C and passing it through a vacuum chamber, water turns to steam. “Even water that is tightly held in an emulsion is removed, along with the free and dissolved water. Our systems are equipped with high efficiency filter elements, which remove particulate contamination and entrained gases to ultra-low Enquiry no: 37 levels.

Compact block valves

he new and, at the same time, smallest of the five actuator sizes of the GEMÜ iComLine is setting standards in the area of miniature valve designs. This valve size offers a flow capability of 2.0 litres per minute, whilst the height of the pneumatic actuator is scarcely larger than the diameter of a 2 euro coin. The small area of 20 x 20 mm is setting new standards in the area of ultra pure pneumatic valves. Developed primarily for customers from the chemical and semiconductor industries, the GEMÜ iComLine product line can now cover a wide range of uses. With a focus on process equipment, in


addition to providing a compact design and high resistance to media, the iComLine series also makes it possible to use valves as a multi-functional unit in the form of a multi-port valve block. Various actuator and connection options, as well as a corresponding range of accessories, are also available. These options, coupled with the performance capability of the valves, open up numerous new areas of use. The new actuator size enables the valves to be used for applications in semiconductor production, laboratory and process analytics, as well as in the manufacturing of energy storage systems. Enquiry no: 38


ectra Automation entered into a sole distribution agreement with Italy-based process valve and actuator manufacturer Omal Automation, effective 1 November 2015. In terms of the agreement, Tectra Automation stocks and distributes Omal’s entire range of oil & gas industry-certified valves and actuators throughout South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. The agreement gives Tectra Automation a foothold in the subSaharan Africa process market, and facilitates the expansion of the company’s Pneumatics Division. Essentially, in addition to its pneumatic and vacuum products, technology and solutions, the division adds process market products as a third leg to its offering. It also puts the company in a position to bring customers from the oil & gas industry into the fold. “We have had our growth strategy in place for some time now,” explains Malan Bosman, Product Manager,

Pneumatics, Tectra Automation. “When Omal began the process of withdrawing its South African office from the country, we took the

opportunity to enter into an agreement with the Italian head office. Their product range quality is inline with Tectra Automation’s quality offering, and the addition of this range enhances our overall solution offering.” The process industry valves and actuators, now a part of the Tectra Automation’s process market prod-

ucts, comprise pneumatic scotch yoke actuators, electrical actuators, co-axial valves, angle seat valves, butterfly valves and ball valves. “It is a win-win agreement for both parties,” he points out. “Omal will benefit from Hytec’s South African and sub-Saharan African footprint, as well the Group’s established African distribution channels.” While there are smaller established Omal distributors in the country, Tectra Automation’s appointment as sole distributor for the region means each of them will now source their Omal products from Tectra Automation. As Tectra Automation now holds comprehensive stock of all Omal valves and actuators, the smaller distributors will benefit from fast order turn-around times. Omal Automation is one of four OEMs internationally that have certification to manufacture valves and actuators for the oil & gas industry. Enquiry no: 39



April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News

Latest reservoir engineering software

merson Process Management has launched Roxar Tempest 7.2, the latest version of its integrated reservoir engineering software suite that can be applied Tempest 7.2 comes with significant enhancein a wide variety of scenarios such as field ments to its history matching and uncertainty appraisal, field optimisation, and brownfield analysis module Tempest ENABLE that will development. SKY002_Man resized Chemical Technology April 2016_2.qx help oil and gas operators generate accurate production estimates, quantify uncertainty, and minimize financial risk. Tempest 7.2 is the latest commercial output from the Total Uncertainty Management Program developed with Statoil and also builds on the long-term collaboration on algorithm development with the University of Durham in the UK. “With Tempest 7.2, we have delivered another stage towards our vision of the integrated, ensemble-based, Big Loop solution where innovative uncertainty quantification and greater geological realism can be applied, and risk quantified across the reservoir management lifecycle,” said Kjetil Fagervik, Managing Director of Emerson’s Roxar Software Solutions.

“The result will be an integrated seismic to production workflow, improved field development decisions, and better investment returns.” New features within Tempest 7.2 include the ‘Roxar App Connector’ that allows users to set up a complex, multi-application description of their reservoir which can be used in ensemblebased workflows - a set of runs of linked programs that can predict how an oil reservoir may respond and provide accurate statistics on field performance. To take into account the natural but unknown variations in the geological representation of a reservoir, Emerson has now augmented/ expanded its proxy with a stochastic component. As a result, a more realistic assessment of the underlying uncertainty in the production estimates is achieved as well as encouraging greater collaboration between reservoir engineers and geologists. While

users may not know the precise geology of their reservoir, they will now have access through Tempest 7.2 to a range of reasonable possibilities and can calculate the effect of this range on oil production. The result is improved and more detailed uncertainty analysis. Tempest 7.2 also comes with enhancements to its Tempest MORE and Tempest VIEW modules. New Tempest MORE features include more stable well control, modeling threshold and breakthrough pressures and handling branched well fractures, improved facilities for sector modeling, and the splitting of models for faster history matching. Users of Tempest VIEW will also be able to conduct more flexible history matching analysis on a wide range of results including water breakthrough. Enquiry no: 40

Expanded metal an economical material


urable, dependable and incredibly versatile, Mentis Expanded Metal continues to be an economical and cost effective material. The manufacturing process ensures optimum material integrity and strength and allows it to be used for a wide range of applications. Elaine van Rooyen, marketing manager

at engineering and manufacturing company - Andrew Mentis - explains that the material is made by slitting and expanding a solid sheet of metal into a web of diamonds. “The metal sheet can, in fact, be expanded up to ten times its original size, losing no material in the process and resulting in a remarkably light mesh,” she says. “And expanded metal offers flexibility because it is available in a variety of sizes and materials.” One of the most important features of expanded metal is its inherent structural integrity and strength. Van Rooyen says this is facilitated by the network of rigid strands which also permit light and air to pass freely through it. The material is also lighter than the original equivalent mass. High quality local mild steel is used in the manufacturing process, but any other ductile metal is also suitable. The finished product can be painted, stove-enamelled, plated and galvanised. The company produces expanded metal with a raised mesh, known as Mentex, and with a flattened surface, known as Flatex. Van Rooyen says that the most appropriate type of

expanded metal is selected depending on the application in which the material will be used. The range of mesh sizes and thicknesses of both Mentex and Flatex is extensive and the expanded metal can be bent, shaped to radii, angled or notched. Customers can select a broad spectrum of mesh sizes, from the smallest mini-meshes with openings of 2 mm by 4 mm and a thickness of 0,3 millimetres to the larger versions with openings of 75 mm by 200 mm and a thickness of 6 mm. Enquiry no: 41

Self-contained breathing apparatus


SA AirXpress 2 Fire is a new, economical self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with customisable configurations, allowing usage in different first responder applications. The adjustable flow rate on its demand valve allows for comfortable breathing and

efficiency in air consumption. The AirXpress 2 is ideally-suited to firefighting, rescue operations, escape scenarios, confined space entry and for search and rescue missions. MSA Africa respiratory and fire helmets product manager Suraksha Mohun explains that the new AirXpress 2 meets the EN 137, Type II requirements for the fire service market. “Not only is it reliable but it boasts an easy-to-maintain construction, which provides low cost of ownership.” With a modern design, the AirXpress 2 features an ergonomic back plate, designed for unrestricted movement,while the chest strap prevents any slipping of the shoulder harness. The carrier on the AirXpress 2 is made with glass fibre reinforced polyamide to withstand high heat and flames. It boasts an optional manual bypass function which increases the airflow in extreme environments. The new AX demand valve comes with adjustable flow rate, based on the user’s demand. This results in comfortable breathing and efficiency in air consumption. An optional manual bypass function offers added safety by increasing the airflow in extreme environments. Zippers on the shoulder harness allow for easy switching of pressure gauge and demand valve from one side to another. No leak test is required once the hoses are switched. The pressure gauge with rubber cap offers increased protection against shock and impact. For easy reading it swivels in every position. The luminescent double scale of bar and Mpa ensures zero tolerance for misreading any information. Further optional features like a second connection for rescue purposes or a retrofittable RFID transponder for easy inventory management complete the economic SCBA system.

Enquiry no: 42

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News



Broader international footprint

xFlow Holding, based in Stockholm Sweden, has acquired the majority share in AQS Liquid Transfer, an importer and distributor of pumps in South Africa. The growth initiative is in line with AxFlow’s strategy to expand its business outside Europe. AxFlow is a major distributor of high quality liquid fluid handling equipment with operations in 27 European countries, representing world leading manufacturers and providing comprehensive technical services tailored to the needs of a multitude of process industries. AQS was formed in 1994 in Pretoria and from its 8 branches the company today provides a nationwide sales and pump repair service encompassing a wide range of pump types. Throughout the years AQS has built a strong

market position in South Africa serving the mining industry, utilities and agriculture. Annual sales exceed140MZAR and and the company employs 103 people. “Having established a very strong market position in Europe over the past 25 years, we have been looking for ways to expand our business outside Europe. South Africa is an interesting market for us and an important gateway to the continent,” says Ole Weiner, President ofAxFlow. “Our growth philosophy is based on finding great local companies that we, together with the local team, can make even better. The owners of AQS have built a sound company with a fine team of engineers and service staff with a strong drive to grow the business further. We are very happy to join forces with the AQS team.”

AQS’ management, headed by Managing Director Gerhard Prinsloo, will continue to lead and take the company into the future. “We, the shareholders, directors and personnel of AQS are excited about the future with AxFlow as a partner. We fully believe in and remain committed to the From the left: Leon Fourie(AQS), Gerhard Prinsloo (MD – economic potential of South Africa and Africa as a whole. AQS), André Nagel(AQS), Olè Weiner (President of Axflow), Lars Carlson(Axflow), Peet Snyman(AQS) AxFlow bring with them a Sitting: Diana Prinsloo(AQS) wealth of opportunities, knowledge and expertise to further develop and exploit current and future markets development strategy that we very much want on the continent. AxFlow has an impressive to be a part of and contribute to,”says Gerhard Enquiry no: 43 track record in Europe and a growth and Prinsloo.

Reliable, maintenance-free cable reeling


owermite, a division of Hudaco (Pty) Ltd., is a mechanical and electrical engineering specialist that leads the Southern African market in the supply of superior, reliable and economical cable reeling systems to meet both customer and application requirements. Cable reeling systems are responsible for the laying down and retrieval of cable in appli-


cations where a predetermined length of travel and a fixed amount of cable is connected to a fixed point while a moving point travels over a fixed line, rail, ground or height at a set speed. These reeling systems carry a variety of cabling (medium voltage, low voltage and milli power, control, fibre optic/data and composite cables for data and video supply) as well as water, air and hydraulic hosing. The system must keep the correct tension at all times to prevent damage during operation and to keep the cable out of harm’s way. The cable reeling systems, supplied through Powermite’s materials handling division, are extremely versatile. “Our cable reeling equipment is manufactured in a variety of materials including, painted steel, stainless steel, and hot dip galvanized surfaces, to suit a wide range of applications such as indoor, outdoor, dusty, corrosive or specific environmental con-

ditions,” states Donovan Marks, Marketing and Sales Director. “The length of the systems can be increased or decreased as requirements deem fit and they can be applied to low speeds (5m/min) or high speeds (120m/min) over distances ranging from 1m to over a 1000m.” Over the past five years, Powermite has supplemented its renowned spring driven, torque motor and permanent magnet clutch drives with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology that enables all the drives to provide a constant torque to ensure the cable is protected and kept out of harm’s way during winding and unwinding functions. By utilising the anti-runback bearing/braking resistive-based drive systems, Powermite achieves tremendous success with system reliability. “Our systems continue to run regularly over

Getting a head start on process control

oad cells aren’t all alike, and taking a hard look at the differences can put users closer to total control. All weight–measurement functions start with a load cell, so it makes sense that a little difference there can have a large effect. The hermetic seals that isolate the strain gauge from the harsh outer world make a good starting point. Vishay Revere seals have been engineered and perfected to withstand severe environmental abuse. Sealing actually takes place at two critical areas – where the strain gauge and element are isolated, and where the cable is brought

out of the load cell – and both require special attention. It’s industry norm for manufacturers to use potting or epoxy for the element seal. Epoxy may test hermetic but it can, over the long run, allow moisture to enter. Since long–run is the name of the game, Vishay Revere uses a precision, stainless–to–stainless weld for the element seal. The cable-exit seal requires a different approach, because it involves dissimilar materials. Here Vishay Revere provides an extra large, extra supportive compression seal . The material that goes into the load cell is an important consideration, too. Again users may not be expecting their installation to take

Reducing maintenance costs through rope access


stagnating economy has resulted in industrial companies looking for cost-effective means of maintenance that will not interfere with their desired output. Skyriders, a leading provider of rope access-aided maintenance, ensures that companies still get the job done efficiently, while saving money. Safety is paramount in any job carried out in the industrial sector and even though rope access has been proven to surpass many traditional means when it comes to safety, much still needs to be done to educate the sector on it. Skyriders marketing manager Mike Zinn explains that rope access presents flexibility when working at heights. “It allows for one to reach all sides of a big structure and quickly get the job done. All Skyriders technicians work with two ropes attached to them to ensure safety. The second rope acts as a backup and is attached to a device for extra safety.” Skyriders has done maintenance and non-destructive testing on silos, smoke stacks, boilers, and many other structures where height or confined spaces are a consideration in the industrial sector. Its scope of work includes con-

crete inspection and repairs, steel erection, protective coating, internal and external maintenance of civil structures, inspection on the smoke stacks in the cooling towers and many more. Skyriders technicians receive training to be qualified for level 1, 2, and 3 IWH rope access certificates. The company has a zero fatality rate, thanks to its strict safety regulations and adherence to the correct procedures. “We ensure that our technicians are well trained, the equipment is in order and senior staff are present onsite, monitoring everything,” notes Zinn. According to Zinn, there is currently a steady uptake for rope access services in South Africa, and he is confident that it will continue due to the challenging economic climate. Enquiry no: 46

occasional acid baths, but its comforting to know that Vishay Revere’s load cells are even able to hold up to that eventuality. Vishay Revere offers most of its load cells in solid stainless steel –a far cry from simple plating. It’s rare for load cell manufacturers to address the bonding of the strain gauge into the cell. This is because the ideal is so easy to define: the strain gauge should become an inseparable part of the metal surface, without losing its electrical isolation. Vishay Revere has perfected materials and bonding techniques, and the result is evident in the accuracy and repeatability. The result is evident in other ways, too: the better the bond, the longer users go on without losing calibration. Enquiry no: 45

several years in extremely robust environments,” affirms Marks. The main gearbox unit located inside the motorised reeling drum carries the slip ring assembly, the spool and the drive units. Due to its supporting function, the specification of the Sund-Aespump Inddirectly 270 x 65* 10/8/13 PM Page 1 main gearbox KZN unit is related to 6:27 the size no: CY 44 CMY K and type of reel. C M YEnquiry CM MY



April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News


Solving poverty means solving water


The Saajhi Treadle Pump by Xylem being put to good use by the Mangochi - district community


gricultural production in SubSaharan Africa is adversely affected by erratic rainfall events within and between years. Farmers in this region have been using the traditional system of ropes and buckets to lift and distribute water from shallow open wells or watering canes to lift water from streams to irrigate their crops. Xylem Water Solutions launched a viable solution in Malawi through its Saajhi Treadle Pump to assist farmers facing these challenges. Traditionally, Malawian farmers grow maize and other crops using rainwater. But as climate change intensifies, rains in Malawi are becoming erratic and less predictable. The Mangochi-district; a township in the Southern part of Malawi is a prime example of an area that faces these challenges. In order to address problems of drought and resulting food insecurity and poverty faced by smallholder farmers a small but significant revolution has been taking place in the establishment of small scale irrigation schemes with the use of treadle pumps.


The Malawian government has also intensified the use of treadle pump irrigation technology to individual and small scaled irrigation schemes in an attempt to increase agricultural production and also to enrich the livelihoods of resource-poor farmers. The team at Xylem Inc. was tasked with providing a feasible solution to drought alleviation and food shortage challenges within the region. With the Malawi Government’s intensification of treadle pump irrigation; Xylem introduced the Saajhi treadle pump to help address the challenges posed to farmers within the catchment area of the Malawi Children’s Village (MCV) through the Katumbiri and Kamwana irrigation - schemes. This project was channelled through Xylem’s Essence of Life initiative. The Saajhi treadle pump was launched by Xylem 2013, through its Essence of Life initiative. The team at Xylem realised that poverty alleviation is impossible without food security and food security is impossible without agriculture. Xylem; through Rotary Club and other stake-

holders, introduced Saajhi treadle pumps to improve the efficiency of irrigation which utilises treadle pumps. The Saajhi treadle pump is the product of extensive field research across India, Africa, Latin America, and Asia that included personal interviews and field tests with smallholder farmers intervened in the sector of agriculture. One of the unique features of the Saajhi treadle pump is the ability of self-priming, via the use of rubber diaphragms. The benefit of the latter is that it limits the number of working parts in the design. The pump is designed for extracting water from boreholes, wells, ponds, streams and canals, then moving it to elevated storage or the point of use. The pump can also be connected directly to sprayers, micro-sprinklers and drip kits to effectively disseminate the water pumped, bridging the gap between purely manual solutions and motorised solutions (i.e., diesel or kerosene). With the introduction of Saajhi pumps in 2014/15 irrigation season, it has shown tremendous changes in crops harvested by farm-

ers. Saajhi treadle pumps have shown significant impact over two growing seasons to the farmers within the catchment area of Malawi Children’s Village (MCV) in Mangochi district. An evaluation of piloted schemes indicated that farmers have had great success over two irrigation seasons since they have been using Saajhi treadle pumps. Due to the efficiency of the pumps, farmers are cultivating larger plots of land with less labour; thereby harvesting greater yields. Within a short time-frame (two years); since the farmers of the Katumbiri and Kamwana irrigation schemes in Mangochi have been using the Saajhi treadle pumps, there has been marked social and economic benefits to both the farmers and their families. An increase in food security and diversity of crops is evident; due to the flexibility and ease of the Saajhi treadle pumps employed by farmers in the area. Xylem Water Solutions South Africa continues to find innovative and cost-effective ways to assist clients both in South Africa and SubSaharan Africa.

Xylem ups the ante for WISA 2016

ylem Water Solutions South Africa is ready to present a slew of world-class products at WISA (Water Institute of Southern Africa) Conference this year. Experts from the company will also be presenting thought-leading papers technology within the water cycle at the conference that is set to take place in Durban from 15 to 19 May 2016. Xylem Water Solutions South Africa; the South African arm of its global parent; Xylem Inc. is one of the leading water solutions companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. The company provides water technology to various industries and houses a large collection of worldrenowned pump brands within its stable – including Godwin; Lowara; Sanitaire; Leopold and Wedeco pumps and water technology systems. The expert team employed by Xylem consistently publish articles with practical applications across sectors – and always remain thought leaders in water solutions.

Brendan van Wyk – WISA 2016 Speaker Two of Xylem’s ace team members; Brendan van Wyk (Xylem Water Solutions South Africa) and Kirsten Meyer (Xylem Water Solutions Germany) will be presenting papers and knowledge-sharing sessions at WISA this year. Both van Wyk and Meyer’s subject mat-

ter ties in with the theme of this year’s WISA Conference "Water – The Ultimate Constraint". Van Wyk’s paper is titled “Effective Use of Ozone for Cyanide Destruction in Mining and Mineral Processing and will be presented on the 15th of May - the opening day of the conference. Meyer will be presenting two sessions; titled: UV Disinfection: A green and energy efficient water disinfection technology and What to consider when going for a UV disinfection system – a review of practical examples. Through these presentations; Xylem’s experts will be sharing knowledge that could also lead to energy-efficient and cost-effective solutions that would benefit customers and the planet as a whole. This also underscores Xylem’s role as a global green citizen. “We are as always excited to interact with customers and key role players in the water cycle at the WISA conference. "This year; even more so as two of our

About Xylem


ylem (XYL) is a leading global water technology provider, enabling customers to transport, treat, test and efficiently use water in public utility, residential and commercial building services, industrial and agricultural settings. The company does business in more than 150 countries through a number of market-leading product brands, and its people bring broad applications expertise with a strong focus on finding local solutions to the world’s most challenging water and wastewater problems. Xylem is headquartered in Rye Brook, New York, with 2015

leading experts will be taking the floor and sharing their knowledge,” says Pierre Fourie; Managing Director: Xylem Water Solutions South Africa. The company will also be displaying several of their world-renowned products at the conference. Individuals; companies and organisations can register their attendance on WISA’s website at

revenue of $3.7 billion and approximately 12,500 employees worldwide. Xylem was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last four years for advancing sustainable business practices and solutions worldwide, and the Company has satisfied the requirements to be a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series each year since 2013. The name Xylem is derived from classical Greek and is the tissue that transports water in plants, highlighting the engineering efficiency of our water-centric business by linking it with the best water transportation of all — that which occurs in nature. For more information, please visit us at

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Water infrastructure market grows A

plethora of large-bore water distribution tenders in the market at present is good news for leading fluid conveyance and solutions provider Incledon. “The water infrastructure market is definitely growing,” Phillip Bawden, national product manager for plastics at Incledon, comments. In terms of growth opportunities, the focus is firmly on bulk water pipelines. “The government is investing heavily in infrastructure. While we do not foresee much by way of maintenance-type work absorbing significant quantities of materials, one has to take into consideration the natural expansion of reticulation-type networks,” Bawden notes. “This means that our growth will come from any expansions of existing townships, or building new areas. While we are a fairly young country, unlike Europe, even our current

infrastructure is starting to fall into disrepair. Asbestos cement pipe laid 40 years ago is starting to fail, for example. This has meant large-scale rehabilitation work in major cities like Cape Town and Durban,” Bawden elaborates. The fact that large metropolitan areas are having to rehabilitate their reticulation networks has resulted in a trend for far less disruptive pipe-laying technologies. The current emphasis is trenchless technologies, which involves pulling a new pipe into an existing one. “That technology is very advanced at the moment, with the majority of the pipe being HDPE, because it is such a hardy product. In addition, the necessary connections are quite easy, while it is a relatively simple system to put together, especially using Plasson ElectroFusion fittings, for example,” Bawden

Researching a better future

E highlights. In terms of growth elsewhere on the continent, Bawden notes that Incledon is capable of piggybacking on the Dawn Africa Trading distribution network. “There is major potential in mining countries such as Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia, for example, which have a relatively small manufacturing and distribution base, and therefore need to import much of their infrastructure products,” he concludes. Enquiry no: 47

Package sewage treatment plant project


qua Services & Engineering (ASE), a subsidiary of Veolia Water Technologies, was recently contracted by the Finkenstein Portion Three Trust for a turnkey package sewage treatment plant for its new township development in Namibia. The energy-efficient plant will address the sewage treatment requirements of an eventual 4 000 people when completed in May 2016. The new plant will treat 400 m3 of sewage for the first phase of the Finkenstein township project, a new development situated outside Windhoek, Namibia, adjacent to the existing Finkenstein Nature Estate. ASE, along with Consulting Engineers, Burmeister & Partners, opted for a 1 200

m²-package treatment plant owing to its popularity and adaptability in tough African conditions. “Our modular and compact package sewage treatment plant is ideal for this development,” says Alex Busch, General Manager – Projects, ASE. “Not only does it lower day-to-day maintenance with few moving parts, but it’s simple to operate and operators need only to conduct basic operational checks and minor maintenance on a daily basis.” Designed in a modular configuration, the package plant utilises advanced biological treatment processes to treat the sewage in line with the Namibian General Standard for Treated Domestic Sewage. The primary, anaerobic biological treatment is carried out in a septic tank, which is then followed by secondary aerobic treatment using an energy-efficient trickling filter with plastic filter media. The next unit treatment comprises tertiary clarification using a lamella settler, followed by

disinfection using liquid chlorine. The treated effluent will be of sufficient quality for reuse in gardening or landscaping applications throughout the development. “The Finkenstein Portion Three Trust places great value on sustainable solutions and environmentally-friendly operations, and we designed the plant to take these aspects into consideration,” comments Busch. Veolia’s trickling filter technology will minimise the energy requirements of the treatment plant, and the development will benefit from the re-use of the treated effluent for landscaping and gardening, thereby reducing costs and reducing overall water consumption. The project includes the detail design, procurement, manufacturing and installation of the treatment plant components on site at the designated plant location. Understanding the importance of community involvement in addressing water treatment issues, ASE will also conduct onsite training for the maintenance staff of the client. The package plant is being designed and developed at ASE’s premises in Windhoek. ASE, which merged with Veolia Water Technologies in 2008, has a long-standing track record of successfully installed sewage treatment plants throughout Namibia and southern Africa, and offers holistic maintenance and support with its offices in the region. Enquiry no: 48

skom’s Research, Testing and Development (R,T&D) department focuses on the main challenges faced by Eskom and there is none more pressing than water conservation and efficiency. Water is used in power generation to drive steam generators, for system cooling and for general consumption, hygiene and cleaning. R,T&D is undertaking several water research projects – one in particular aims to recover as much water as possible from the usual waste streams and recirculate it for re-use. This will in turn reduce the amount of raw water intake at Eskom’s power stations. Eutectic freeze crystallisation is an innovative technology for water treatment and purification and is based on the principle that when water freezes or the temperature drops sufficiently, salts and impurities are excluded from the water matrix and solidify out. It can be thought of as the opposite of distillation which separates substances based on their boiling points. Various salts are removed at different points in the cycle and the temperature of the water is restored to ambient. This results in clean water and a dry salt cake which is much easier and cheaper to manage than traditional saline slurries. The facility has been constructed at the Eskom Research and Innovation Centre in Rosherville and will act as a training platform and demonstration plant for future water treatment experiments. Partnerships with Universities and the Water Research Commission are already in place and Eskom is keen for the facility to be used as a national asset since its application extends beyond power generation into any form of water purification including acid mine drainage treatment. The pilot plant will be able to treat 40 000 litres of water every 20 day cycle to a potable water standard. The pilot plant will be commissioned in April 2016. Once completed, the research conclusions will be used to design a fully operational plant at some of Eskom’s power stations. This will reduce the quantity of water typically deposited in ash dams and increase the reuse of water which will then reduce the amount of Enquiry no: 49 raw water intake.

Improving plant efficiency

apid urban R expansion has prompted

the need to improve efficiencies at wastewater plants. SEWEurodrive boasts a comprehensive range of equipment to fulfil this need. SEW-Eurodrive Cape Town branch manager Byron Griffiths indicates that there are a number of plans for upgrades to wastewater treatment plants across South Africa and Swaziland to improve current infrastructure. He explained that the company recently supplied ten FF107AM132 parallel helical geared motor units to the Matsapha Greenfields Wastewater Treatment Plant in Swaziland. “These units are ideally-suited for a mixing application in the wastewater treatment plant.” What’s more, the company also supplied geared motors for the mixers at the Saldanha Wastewater Treatment Works. “We provide detailed calculations that are customdesigned to each and every client’s individual specifications and preferences,” Griffiths continues. SEW-Eurodrive supplies equipment for applications such as aerators, Archimedes screw pumps, mixers, screen drives, bridge drives and rotary filters. “On each quote or tender, we provide geared solutions that meet and exceed the specification that the industry expects when looking at bearing life, service factor, thermal and gear ratings, and shaft stresses.” Griffiths believes that the greatest challenge in the industry is supplying a good quality product that meets the specifications laid out by industry at the best possible price. Enquiry no: 50

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News



Local water transfer system trials


Water Transfer System (WTS) Project that forms part of the MooiMgeni Transfer Scheme - Phase 2 (MMTS-2) was completed and commissioned on 19 February 2016. The system is currently in the trial phase. Aecom was responsible for the design of the WTS, as well as monitoring the construction for the State-owned Trans-Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA). The project team comprised the Department of Water Sanitation (DWS) as the project developer and ultimate owner, with TCTA as the implementing agent and Umgeni Water (UW) as the operator. Aecom was the lead consultant on the project, with sub-consultants including ILISO (environmental aspects), Nomad Consulting (social aspects), Pipeline Performance Technologies (corrosion protection specialist) and Pipetech (third-party inspectorate). WBHO Construction was the lead contractor on the project. “The timely completion of the project has allowed the DWS more flexibility in managing its resources and supplying much needed water into the Umgeni River system in order to alleviate the water shortages due to the current drought,” J Nyakale, Project Manager, TCTA, comments.

The Mgeni Water System in KwaZulu-Natal supplies water to about five million people, as well as the industrial sectors in the Durban and Pietermaritzburg regions, the economic hubs of the province. The growth in water demand and intermittent drought periods since 2003 necessitated the implementation of MMTS-2 as an emergency project to address the need for augmentation of the supplies to these downstream areas. The Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry at the time directed the TCTA to fund and implement MMTS-2. The project comprised construction of a 37.7m high dam on the Mooi River next to Rosetta, known as the Spring Grove Dam, with a storage capacity of 139.5m³, and augmentation of the existing WTS through the construction of a pump station and pipeline. The project increased the current yield of the Mooi-Mgeni System by 60 million m³/ annum to 394 million m³/annum. Ultimately it has boosted the available water resources in this area of supply, which comprises the six municipalities of eThekwini Metropolitan, uMgungundlovu District Municipality and the local municipalities of Msunduzi, Ugu and Ilembe. Impoundment of the dam began on 26 March 2013, with permission to fully impound given on 13 June 2013. Following the summer rains of 2014/15, the dam spilled for the first time on 12 March 2015, thus ensuring that the system was at full capacity at the commencement of the current drought. The dam was commissioned and handed over to DWS for operation and maintenance on 3 March 2014. Construction of the MMTS-2 WTS commenced officially after the successful completion of the Spring Grove Dam.

Needle punched liner pipeline renovations


ibertex KAVI felts - manufactured from polyester fibres - form the basis for effective coating, impregnation and installation of cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liners, for highly efficient ‘no-dig’ pipeline renovation projects. “Fibertex KAVI multiple layer felt liners make it possible to repair even heavily damaged pipelines using the ‘no-dig’ method, with numerous advantages over conventional open trench pipe repair procedures,” says Lance Woolley, business development manager, Fibertex South Africa. “With these cured-in-place liners, there is no need for excavation during pipeline repair work and thus inconvenience to traffic, production, business or residents is minimised. “These environmentally-friendly needle

punched nonwoven felts are designed to restore full or partial pipeline bearing capacity, improve hydraulic pipeline parameters, increase flowrate and ensure perfect pipeline tightness. “These felts, which are resistant to abrasion and chemical agents, are designed to later accept the saturation of epoxy-based polyurethane resins to ensure efficient performance and extended service life from the cured pipe liner. Fibertex KAVI needlepunched fabrics also ensure elasticity of the repaired pipelines, providing a smooth interior, with no joints. Contamination is minimised and cracks in the yielding soil are prevented.” A uniform felt weight and density is designed to meet exact application requirements, as well as the diameter and shape of the pipe to be repaired, including ovoid, arch shaped or circular cross sections. Felts made for building up layers are produced to precise width and length specificaEnquiry no: 52 tions, with uniform thickness.

Its main components are: • A 5.8 MW pump station taking water from Spring Grove Dam, delivering a maximum 4.5 m³/s. • A new 1 600 mm nominal diameter welded steel raw water rising main from Spring Grove Dam to the Gowrie break pressure tank at Nottingham Road, over 6.5 km. • A new 1 400 mm/900 mm nominal diameter welded steel raw water gravity main from the Gowrie break pressure tank to the Mpofana River outfall works, over 8.2 km. • A new 650 mm nominal diameter welded steel potable water pipeline for Umgeni Water, constructed in parallel with the 1 600 mm nominal diameter raw water rising main, and beyond, over 8.3 km. • The project had to address a complicated pipe-jacking underneath the R103 and the main railway between Johannesburg and Durban, without disrupting either service.

• To affect cost-savings and minimise disruptions to nearby landowners, the TCTA and UW agreed to implement an extension to the UW pipeline distribution system as part of the WBHO contract. Strict socio-economic performance targets were included in the contract with the contractor, which were met successfully, including enterprise development and employment creation. • Other significant challenges posed by the project included the pipeline traversing the Gowrie estate and golf course, major construction within a residential village and work in close proximity to a local school. • Careful attention was given to all social and environmental aspects by TCTA, Aecom and WBHO, with the committed proactive approach by the entire project team contributing to the overall success of the project. Enquiry no: 51

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Ultrasonic bath for aerostructures T ectra Automation designed and built an ultrasonic linear measurement bath for Denel Aerostructures. The bath will automate the scanning of composite components that Denel Aerostructures supplies to a specific line of military transport aircraft. It was recently delivered to the company’s Atlas Road facility in Kempton Park, Johannesburg. The structure is a bridge crane system constructed from aluminium extrusions and linear motion technology from Bosch Rexroth, and is approximately 10 metres in length by 1 metre in width. The system automates an extremely precise scan path across the composite component to ensure the scanning of each part is executed with maximum accuracy. The test will reveal any flaw or structural weakness in the composite material, alerting Denel Aerostructures to components that do not meet its stringent quality standards. An automated scanning process not only speeds up the testing process exponentially, it also enhances its production quality. With the bridge maintaining a uniform height across the scan path, the irregularities in scan

heights characteristic of manual scanning can be avoided. Achieving this precision in the scanning process was complicated by the large size of components. “We had to join two fivemetre aluminium extrusions to get the required length of 10 metres,” explains Jaco de Beer, Project Engineer, Tectra Automation. “Once we’d assembled this length, we noticed the aluminium was creating a minor sag along the

length. To overcome this problem, we had to develop a series of customised struts and box-type frames to ensure they were perfectly horizontal. It is the longest bridgetype system we have built to date.” The automation of the ultrasonic system is controlled by the extremely versatile, highly accurate single controller MTX Micro. “Programming the specified scan path, which it does via G-code, is simple and will be familiar to anyone working with CNC lathes and milling machines,” de Beer explains. “All that is required for programming, from an operator’s perspective, is inputting the correct length, width and indexing specifications.” As Tectra Automation supports such an extensive stockholding of Bosch Rexroth products, it was largely in control of delivery time, and the system was built in less than eight weeks to meet the tight timeframe required by Denel Aerostructures. Tectra Automation also supplied specialised polyurethane backing which lines the surfaces of the bath to maximise the system’s suitability for ultrasonic linear measurement applications.

Enquiry no: 53

2016 training course schedule

MC Pneumatics have released their trainS ing schedule for 2016 which boasts three to four day courses in Johannesburg, Durban

and Cape Town. Customers are able to undergo quality training courses at SMC’s new state-of-the-art training facilities. The qualified training team has National Training Manager, Riaan van Eck at its helm. Courses include; Basic Pneumatics, ElectroPneumatics, Basic Hydraulics, ElectroHydraulics and Mechatronics. Additionally, SMC Pneumatics also prides itself in its constant pursuit for customization and thereby offers customized training courses should businesses require a tailored curriculum. “By designing our curriculum to meet the changing needs of the industry, we are able to offer comprehensive up to date courses which truly drive value in your business, all of our courses cover the relevant, key aspects of fluid power and mechatronics ranging from the basic theory to practical examples to ensure that our customers are kept in-the-know". Enquiry no: 54

Maintaining quality remains a major challenge in the I&C sector


he biggest challenge facing the instrumentation and control (I&C) sector, both in South Africa and on the continent, is the impact of the deteriorating rand/dollar exchange rate. “Clearly the biggest challenge is landing product at a reasonable cost. Our challenge is balancing the 30% rand/dollar exchange rate depreciation along with the normal supplier increase,” asserts Kevin Klaff, director of the Actum Group, which includes Peter Jones Electronic Equipment under its Actum Industrial division. Suppliers have to ensure that they are able to present a value proposition, in addition to top-quality products, as opposed to cheaper

imports from less reputable sources. “The key strategy of the Actum Group is quality, which can never be compromised. Quality is a given across our entire product range, as all of our principals are global leaders in their respective markets." “It is this focus on quality, together with our enhanced customer communications, that will continue to differentiate us in the marketplace,” Klaff adds. The Actum Group comprises two main divisions.

The Hytec Group of Companies, through Tectra Automation, is Africa’s leader in automation technology. We are committed to the supply of high-quality single-source fluid power and automation solutions throughout the continent. Rely on us for a solution no matter where in Africa you are, or what your application involves. With experience spanning all industries, from marine and mining to automotive and industrial plants, Tectra Automation brings you world-class products and reliable service.

Head Office: +27 (0) 11 971 9400 Cape Town: +27 (0) 21 510 7802 Durban: +27 (0) 31 780 2130 Port Elizabeth: +27 (0) 41 487 0900 A Joint Venture with Bosch Rexroth

Web: E-mail:

A Member of the Hytec Group of Companies

Actum Electronics focuses on electronic components, while Actum Industrial encompasses industrial products, instrumentation, pneumatics and professional tooling. All these businesses have been well-established brands in their respective markets. The acquisition of Peter Jones Electronic Equipment, a leader in the diagnostic, analytical and process instrumentation industry, continued this expansion apace in 2012. This was an important step as it elevated the

Actum Group’s product range from a component level to an integrated solutions offering, Klaff points out. Looking to the future, Klaff reveals that the Actum Group has a concerted African expansion strategy. “We are trying to focus more on Africa as a potential market. We have done some nice dollar-based deals there that give us a foot in the door. “Africa is all about making the right contact and almost finding the reseller on the ground who knows what to do. You are not going to find the technical skills; you need to find the guy trading in various sectors, who is able to find the gaps and facilitate,” Klaff concludes. Enquiry no: 55

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Shop floor data collection - the next frontier

n manufacturing and assembly circles, the ability to manage the shop floor in real-time by manipulating an instant, wide view of the company represents direct competitive edge. This is exactly what a leading engineering firm acquired in partnering with AWM360 Data Systems. The established steel fabrication, machining, manufacturing and heavy duty engineering company contracted Human Capital Management (HCM) and HR services and solutions specialist AWM360 Data Systems to enhance its shop floor data collection capability. Guenter Nerlich, Founder and Managing Director, AWM360 Data Systems says its client is using the dorma+kaba Group’s B-Net 9520 terminal which, together with the Logitime software suit, allows job data to be collected and processed. Logitime interacts with Enterprise and SAP to update jobs and reflect the amount of time allocated to each one. “This is the culmination of a vision three years ago” says Nerlich “and the possibilities are being realised”. “The technology allows real-time knowledge of time-related information


Enquiry no: 56

Radiometric aerial thermography

nfrared images and videos from the air - recorded by drones, UAVs and other flying objects - are becoming increasingly important in industrial maintenance. In some cases, the cost savings compared to existing applications could be considerable. Optris, specialists in non-contact temperature measurement, has just released the only fully radiometric flight thermography available to market – the relaunched Optris PI LightWeight in kit-form, consisting of a weightreduced infrared camera and an equally light mini PC which ensures even better flight thermography than before. The Optris PI LightWeight is still the only system available that produces fully radiometric video recordings. The


of what is being produced on the shop floor." "This includes stage of customer orders, delays with reasons and overall, an indication of the true cost of an order. This allows for budgets to be more accurate and the company to be realistic in costing,” says Nerlich. Data management, analysis and archiving are key to any sized operation today and there is more attention today on the ability to source and work-off instant reliable data, than

ever before. “Big data is only built over time when patterns emerge. You can begin to compare work of individuals and teams on the same kind of work and allocate appropriately depending on the urgency or sensitivity on of an order. Time variances between productive and non-productive time representing staffing issues come up as well. Both scenarios are only possible when you have volume of data to indicate real factors and trends,” Nerlich explains. Instant reporting and data collection are always impacted by skills – particularly within data-driven and high-people. "SFDC is the next step from general time and attendance. On the application side, required skill is around the preparation of SFDC terminals and setting up of the various rules for SFDC. The skills are in line with the technical advances as the principals are what is important. The main skill required therefore is the application of the principals around SFDC implementation,” Nerlich continues.

The new PI LightWeight can be fitted with the camera models Optris PI 450 (382 x 288 px) or the VGA camera Optris PI 640 (640 x 480 px). Video recordings of up to 80 Hz in QVGA resolution and up to 125 Hz in VGA sub-frame mode (640 x 120 px) are possible. The unlicensed analysis software PI Connect can be used to extract and analyse sharp single images from the recordings can be started and stopped video data. The cameras are powered via remote control and subsequently via USB from the mini PC and have edited. The system has a special a spectral range of 7.5 to 13 µm. In interface for visual GoPro cameras. addition, four different optics can be USB GPS modules are also sup- selected for each model, depending ported and the geographical coordi- on requirements. nates saved in each single image. The Optris PI Lightweight is availThe infrared camera and the mini PC able from Instrotech. Enquiry no: 57 have a total weight of only 380 grams.

Motor control drives wellfields

ockwell Automation recently supplied medium voltage drives and soft starter motors for Masama wellfields – located about 80 km northeast of Gaborone in Botswana. The hardware was installed in February 2015 and commissioned in June, with the wellfields commencing operation in September 2015. The completion of the Masama wellfields means an additional 20 Ml/day will supplement the existing 60 Ml/day supply of water that is delivered through the North South Carrier 1 pipeline. It represents a significant milestone in the country’s ability to attain long-term water security. The Rockwell Automation scope of the project was mainly as product vendor, and related equipment design and commissioning. The company supplied two PowerFlex 6000 Medium Voltage AC Drives (1 150 kW, 6.6 kV) that will automate the pump system that transfers water from holding tanks to the North South Carrier 1 pipeline. Ducting for the drives was engineered-to-order to maximise airflow over the drives to deal effectively with the heat. Allen-Bradley SMC Flex Soft Starters were also supplied, one for each of the 32 boreholes. The soft starters will play an integral role both in providing motor protection and in optimising the energy consumption of the wellfields. Rockwell Automation has been involved in previous phases of the 360-km North South Carrier pipeline. The PowerFlex 6000 supplements the Rockwell Automation medium voltage drive range, providing a cost-effective, fit-for-purpose drive for new and retrofit centrifugal fan and pump applications rated up to 10 kV. Utilising the industry-accepted and robust Cascaded “H” Bridge (CHB) Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) topology, the PowerFlex 6000 drive provides low-input harmonics and nearunity power factor, ultimately increasing power system stability and maximising motor efficiency while providing simple use and maintenance requirements.

PowerFlex 6000 is an air-cooled drive designed exclusively for induction motors. Designed for smaller field applications, the PowerFlex 6000 supports motor cable lengths of up to 300 m (the PowerFlex 7000 supports motors from lengths of up to 15 km). It supports Modbus, Profibus and EtherNet/ IP communications protocols. Enquiry no: 58

We have your Complete Solution. Johannesburg, Durban, East London & Cape Town Jungheinrich South Africa (Pty) Ltd Tel: +27 (0)10 596 8460


April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

Engineered for simplicity and reliability

Next-generation smart electric field sensing touch buttons


anner Engineering has introduced its next-generation touch buttons for the industry-recognized K30, K50 and K70 multicolour indicators and pick-to-light sensors. Employing smart electric field sensing, the next-generation touch buttons provide superior immunity to false triggering caused by the build up of detergents, oils and other foreign materials, as well as exposure to direct water spray. The K70 is a brand new addition to Banner’s multicolour and pick-to-light sensor family. Featuring a 70 mm touch dome with a 30 mm base, the K70 touch is optimal for larger industrial applications in addition to jobs that require more visibility. The K70 is available in nine colour options and one-, two- and three-col-

our models for flexible performance. The next-generation K30 and K50 offer flexible communication and simplified setup of a single device or multi-point applications. The K50 is available in one-, two- and three-colour models, while the K30 is available in one- and two-colour models. New FDA models are also available, which are constructed from FDA-grade material and fully encapsulated for use in food and beverage applications. “Our next-generation touch buttons are designed to provide optimal indication and lighting with excellent immunity to false triggering and superior electrical noise immunity,” said Matt Hahn, Technical Marketing Engineer for Lighting, Banner Engineering.

“We believe these touch button solutions will be ideal for our customer’s pick-to-light, call button and general industrial applications.” In addition to exceptional immunity, next-generation K30, K50 and K70 indicators are ergonomically designed to eliminate hand, wrist and arm stresses associated with repeated switch operation, requiring no physical force to operate. The indicators can also be easily actuated with bare hands or in gloves. The next-generation touch buttons offer momentary or latching versions. Momentary configurations remain activated as long as touch is present, while latching models start up inactive and toggle between activated and not activated on successive touches. All models feature rugged, fully encapsulated IP67/IP69K construction for optimal performance in highpressure wash-down environments. They are available through RET Enquiry no: 59 Automation Controls.


uitable for a wide range applications such as time control, position indication, control of rotation speed and batch counting, the Hengstler Tico 772 multifunctional counter is extremely easy to use. This electronic preset counter has been engineered for simplicity as well as reliable operation and allows use by more than one individual. The robust housing incorporates an easy-to-read display with large digits (48 mm x 48 mm in size) as well as four large buttons to facilitate adjustment of all configurations. The counter is easy to programme and has


We provide everything necessary to achieve warehouse efficiency in cost, operations and capacity. We consider product profile, warehouse flow – from arrival to despatch – and the dynamics of monthly, daily and hourly volumes to design a storage solution that is tailored to your needs. Our product range, including racking and shelving, warehouse automation and material handling equipment, provides the capabilities to achieve otherwise unimaginable efficiency.

For a complete warehouse solution, contact us today!

0861 61 61 61 •

Enquiry no: 60

Reliable solutions for power

agnet’s extensive portfolio of components for solar power systems includes Schneider Conext SW inverter/ charger systems, which offer reliable solutions for community electrification, residential back up power and off-grid solar power applications. “This pure sine wave solar hybrid inverter/charger system has been designed for optimum flexibility, with switchable 50/60 Hz frequencies available for 120/240 VAC and 230 VAC models,” says Shalendra Barath, Magnet’s Schneider product specialist. “These robust units feature split-phase input and output, without the need for an external transformer. Stacking two Conext modules doubles the system’s total output power and solar charge controllers allow for the integration of solar capacity as required." “Accessories for this system include pre-wired universal DC and AC distribution panels, a display control, remote monitoring and automated generator control modules.” Conext SW inverter/charger systems help establish reliable, high-quality localised renewable

Partner with the warehouse pioneers

three presets. This simplification of handling also extends to the installation of the unit which is via pluggable terminals. The Hengstler Tico 772 is suitable for use in ambient temperatures up to 50°C and is ingress protected to IP 65 and is both shock and vibration resistant. Input frequency is up to 60 kHz and signal times are programmable for up to 10 minutes. The Hengstler Tico 772 is available from leading southern African supplier of sensing, measurement, counting, switching, monitoring and positioning instrumentation, Countapulse Controls.


solar power and enable remote communities to be able to use AC appliances and tools. By coupling to renewable photovoltaic (PV) energy generation through the DC system, the Conext SW inverter/ charger delivers a more affordable AC power solution than traditional off-grid systems that rely on power supplied solely from diesel generators. The Conext SW also combines with diesel generators in a hybrid off-grid system, increasing the flexibility and reliability of the entire system. For expanded off-grid capacity, the Conext SW is integrated with fuel-based generators to support loads larger than the generator’s output. This system is self-consumption ready and is able to prioritise solar consumption over the grid, while maintaining zero grid export. The Conext SW works with the grid to avoid peak utility charges and supports the grid when utility supply is limited. This system is easy to install and configures quickly into a compact wall mounted structure. Remote monitoring and management is available for efficient control and supervision of this system and its supporting components. Enquiry no: 61

Demand for quality cable is growing

nternational cable and accessories manufacturer and distributor, Helukabel, is growing beyond bounds in South Africa necessitating a second move to considerably larger premises in just six years since entering the local market. Escalating demand for its products has once again prompted the company to seek larger warehousing and operations facilities, this time in the more centrally-situated Lazer Park industrial area north of Johannesburg. The new premises will span more than 6000m² with separate receiving and despatch areas able to facilitate multiple delivery and despatch vehicles simultaneously. Managing director, Doug Gunnewegh, ascribes the rapid growth of the local operation to a strong trend towards quality approved cables that meet both local and international standards. Another key to the company’s success is its high availability of stock and ability to stock suf-

ficient product to meet customers short and medium term requirements. “ Just like our counterparts in Germany, we have made room to significantly expand our storage capacity and ensure that most items required locally are available ex-stock. On rare occasions that we may not have stock of a particular item, our logistics systems worldwide are able to slash delivery times to us and so ensure our customers get what they want when they need it,” says Gunnewegh. He explains that until the company’s entry a gap had existed in the local market between low quality inferior products and expensive imported products that were being brought in on a job-for-job basis. By comparison, Helukabel South Africa’s offering provides the latest in European technology at a reasonable price. Its range includes a large variety of fit-for-purpose cabling products that are able to simplify Enquiry no: 62 installations.

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Making inroads in N3 upgrade project


MEC South Africa is undertaking the detailed design for the upgrade of an 11 km stretch of the N3 highway between Durban and Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal. The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Limited (SANRAL) awarded the tender to SMEC South Africa in May 2015, which completed its assessment report of the project in November 2015. It subsequently commenced with the review of the preliminary design,

prepared by a separate service provider to SANRAL. This review was due for completion in March 2016. It will be followed by the detailed design, which will be completed by January 2017, with the construction tender for the massive project envisaged for award in June 2017. SMEC South Africa’s responsibilities include project management, together with geometric, structural and pavement design, geotechni-

cal and founding investigations, geotechnical and value engineering, works contract preparation and construction supervision. The upgrade is a Strategic Infrastructure Project (SIP) as identified by the government, known as the ‘SIP 2: DurbanFree State-Gauteng Logistics and Industrial Corridor’. Expansion of this corridor has become essential due to the dramatic increase in traffic between the Port of Durban and Gauteng. “The envisaged upgrade involves adding a fourth lane in each direction of Section 1 of the N3 from the Mariannhill Toll Plaza in a westerly direction to Key Ridge, where the M13 joins the N3,” explains Dawie Erasmus, Functional General Manager for Roads and Highways, SMEC South Africa. The mountainous terrain and major structural work involved in this project is estimated to be in the region of R1.6 billion. “Substantial structural work is required to widen the road and add

a fourth lane on a steep gradient along a steep side slope in mountainous terrain." "This requires extensive earthworks and geotechnical solutions to ensure the stability of the fills and cuts,” Erasmus highlights. The scope of works also include the widening of the 410-m-long viaduct over the Umhlatuzana River and extensive retaining structures. The original viaduct was built using the incremental launching construction method. “This is an exciting project to be involved in, and one that calls

for SMEC South Africa to cater for all aspects of highway design, including the necessary due diligence to address all the risk issues associated with the difficult terrain,” Erasmus concluded. SMEC South Africa’s footprint in the roads sector is built upon its June 2012 acquisition of multidisciplinary consulting services firm Vela VKE which, since its establishment in 1947, has undertaken many highway projects in South Africa, including previous upgrades of the N3. Enquiry no: 63

Performance and economy in one CoroMill® 745 is a brand new multi-edge face milling concept for steel and cast iron. Doublesided, but with uniquely tilted inserts for a positive cutting action, it leaves you with 14 true cutting edges for superior cost-efficiency. The innovative design offers benefits such as excellent chip formation, low power consumption and a smooth sound, at a reduced cost per component.

CoroMill® 745. Made for Milling.

BCCEI milestones aid industry


he South African civil construction sector will realise a number of benefits over the short- and long-terms, considering some of the milestones achieved by the Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry (BCCEI) in 2015. This is according to Nick Faasen (pictured), general secretary of the BCCEI, who tabled his annual report at the bargaining council’s AGM recently. The local civil engineering sector was the first large sector to settle its national wage negotiation without any interruption to sites or strikes. Faasen attributes this success to “sound facilitation skills and level-headed negotiators who have the capacities to deal with sensitive issues”. “This is a landmark for such a young organisation,” says Faasen. “Bear in mind, this is only the second time that national wage negotiations were done under the auspices of the BCCEI.” As he notes, the signing of a three-year long national wage agreement for the civil engineering sector is critical as it creates “stability and peace” at a time when the industry needs it most. Last year saw the embattled sector contend with an array of issues, ranging from electricity supply constraints to increasing wage negotiations. These, combined with deteriorating economic conditions, made 2015 one of the most challenging years for the industry, according to Faasen. "The development also gives contractors a better platform from which to operate. “They know what the wage bill will be for the next three years." "Removing any uncertainty allows for accurate budgeting and tendering, whilst employees are assured of their annual increases over the next three years,” says Faasen. Last year also saw the council receive accreditation from the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to handle all disputes for the civil engineering sector. Faasen says this means that civil engineering companies who are not members of the South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors (SAFCEC) or employees who are not members of the Building, Construction and Allied Workers Union (BCAWU) or

the National Union of Mine Workers (NUM) now have access to a panel of skilled professional commissioners with industry specific experience. “This is very important as these commissioners have an intimate understanding of the complexity of the issues common to the civil engineering industry and are able to take all factors into account,” says Faasen. He reports that the BCCEI is also opening offices in Cape Town and Durban. These will also

have Dispute Resolution Centres and dedicated BCCEI staff. Meanwhile, official applications were received by the BCCEI from the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU), Consolidated Employers Organisation (CEO) and Federated Employers Organisation of South Africa (FEOSA) to become a party of the council and a signatory to all of its collective agreements.

64 Jet Park Road, Jet Park PO Box 25038, East Rand, 1462 Branches: Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Vaal Triangle Direct Sales: 0860 101 008 Fax: 0860 101 006

Enquiry no: 64

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6.4.2016 14:18:48




April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News

Smart digitisation drives business

t is vital for organisations who wish to keep themselves ahead of the pack, in today’s ever-evolving and highly competitive economy, to be mindful of the models of business and emerging technologies available to help put them there. With the customer experience overtaking product and service as the driving force behind engagement, forward-thinking organisations simply must look to delivering disruptive services and products in order to completely change and improve the way they engage with their clientele. Customers no longer want just a product or service, and traditional methods of engaging with customers need to be reviewed. Disruptive business models allow companies to find new ways of giving their customers the

experience they seek, which in turn drives new and return business, as well as revenue. Mark van Vuuren, Chief Operating Officer at The Jasco Group, recently discussed the challenges and benefits for companies who are looking to apply disruptive models of business within their organisations at the launch of Jasco’s Smart Digital Enterprise. Hyper disruptive models of business, from subscription models and Internet of Things (IoT) engagement to ecosystem models, play an immense role on the perceived value that an organisation offers its customers. Increasing a company’s value proposition requires that it implements an action plan to improve on, or even replace, its current business models with ten-fold results, rather than settling for a mere 10% gain. The concept of

Payroll compliance


ompliance in any facet of business management is critical, hence the focus on accuracy and efficiency in payroll administration. While payroll administration has always been demanding and has to be run by skilled practitioners with meticulous attention to detail and a heightened sense of responsibility, HCM and HR experts agree it has become complicated. Businesses are compelled to be registered with various industry bodies. This level of industry compliance means that there are a number of common pitfalls that typify payroll administration. Some of these pitfalls include incorrect calculation of statutory deductions, failure to submit statutory submissions for example Department of Labour (UIF19, EEA2, EEA4 etc.), Commissioner of Occupational Injuries and Diseases (COID, FEM, RMA), SARS (EMP501, EMP201) etc.

“The financial penalties for being noncompliant are very harsh,” says Ian McAlister, General Manager of CRS Technologies “and there are minimum requirements to be factored in, stipulated by the various Acts. There are several levels to compliance and this can be tricky for many businesses to handle – especially small-tomedium businesses that may not have the available capital to invest more in their payroll/ HR capacity.” According to HR and HCM solutions and services provider, CRS Technologies, an automated payroll for a small business generally starts at about R15 per employee, per month if run in-house. “Outsourced payroll in the region of R100 per payslip per month. A competent payroll administrator would earn about R30k per month,” said McAlister. Going forward, the likelihood is that as payroll administration calls for more specific skills sets, legislation will be passed that will make it an offence to not run payroll on a recognised Enquiry no: 65 payroll system.


this kind of “moon shot” thinking is the marriage of radical solutions to equally radical, cutting edge technologies in order to have a ‘shot’ at solving a problem. Van Vuuren adds, “Companies need to stop ‘making do’ with traditional engagement models in a market that insists that businesses evolve as quickly as their customers’ demands do. In order to meet the need for better, faster and more exceptional ways to interact with customers, companies must dig deeper for solutions that work and keep them ahead of the curve.” Smart digitisation demands that companies look to disruptive business models to evolve and progress at the speed at which the market does, but this does not need to be a complex


outh African tool, hardware and building supply companies will have access to thousands of buyers from over 70 countries at this year’s THABS show (Tools, Hardware and Building Supplies), a component of SAITEX - the Southern African International Trade Exhibition. “For over 20 years, SAITEX has been the most effective business networking platform for local and international companies to explore African markets and expand customer networks,” says show organiser Christine Davidson, Vice President of dmg EMS Africa. SAITEX 2016 takes place from 19 to 21 June at Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, South Africa. Since its introduction into the SAITEX mix five years ago, THABS has become the most popular and best-supported component of the show. More than 13 500 people visited SAITEX last year, and post-show data reveals that light building and construction products ranked 4th on visitors’ priority lists, followed by hardware and tools in 8th spot, and DIY products and garden equipment in 12th spot. “Successful companies maintain their marketing activities especially when trading conditions are tough, and trade shows are an

Coralynne & Associates +27 (011) 849 3142



effective way of speaking to international customers all at the same place and time,” adds Davidson. “SAITEX has been bringing local and international companies together for over two decades, and has earned a solid reputation as Africa’s biggest business opportunities expo. It’s a wonderful blend of exotic and exciting products, ambitious business owners, entrepreneurs, buyers and sellers, all eager to do business in Africa.” Metal roof tile manufacturer Metrotile will be back at SAITEX 2016 after a highly successful participation in last year’s show. “We had a very good show with a lot of enquiries from South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Botswana,” says Sales Director Patrick Nkolisa. “It was our first time exhibiting at the show and we will definitely come back next year.” The visitor demographic for SAITEX reflects an interesting mix of entrepreneurs, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, agents, importers, wholesalers and exporters, For more information visit Enquiry no: 67

The essence of business agility


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Enquiry no: 64

International buyers welcomed

lear, frank and open communication, along with a strong team dynamic, is the basic fundamental common to all agile companies This is view of leadership at MobileData, an established technology service provider focused on payment facilitation and prepaid electronic value distribution. The true test of a business’ ability to communicate and transfer the value of their agility is in the customer/ service provider supply chain scenario. Head of development at MobileData, Hannes Helberg explains. “When a company that is agile deals with a customer that isn’t agile, the delivery of the end product could be very challenging. The first point of departure is to realise and understand that your customer isn’t necessarily agile. Then you must plan and adapt to get your customers on the same journey as yourself. Always keep in mind that your customer isn’t necessarily in the same


and difficult process, nor is it reserved for large multinationals. Companies need to simplify their approach to digitalisation, moving away from complexity and allowing the transition from old to new, to take place in an almost seamless manner. This may seem an impossible task, but new technologies are constantly emerging and can be applied innovatively to answer these problems.

mind-set as yourself.” The company believes communication needs to be effective and transparent, and in an agile world it is always best to focus on communication rather than get overwhelmed and side-tracked by processes. MobileData adds that the second most important thing in agility is empowerment, and having clear goals. “So when you assign duties and instructions to the (agile) team, hand it over, don’t throw it at them.” Criteria needs to be defined and it is important to tell the team what is expected, Helberg adds. This is the empowerment component and is transferred to the organisation, most importantly to the team that handles processes and procedures. Helberg says teams should be empowered to make decisions without management intervention and use their own initiative to get the Enquiry no: 68 job done.

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


The importance of testing in electronic manufacturing T here is undeniable opportunity in consumer and industry electronics, given the staggering size and diversity of the market, but electronic manufacturing is a competitive industry with high standards for reliability and performance, emphasising the need to reduce out-of-box and field failures. Testing throughout the manufacturing cycle is therefore vital to ensure products will work as intended, both functionally and within the conditions they will operate and during transportation. In this arena, Grand Tellumat Manufacturing (GTM), a joint venture between Grand Parade Investments and the Tellumat Group, leads with a turnkey contract manufacturing and testing solution. The company’s experience in the market is

far-reaching, having been involved in everything from renewable energy, energy management, telecommunications, radio frequency equipment, televisions, set top boxes and even baby monitors and gambling slot machines. Duncan Pollock, business development manager at GTM, says manufacturing processes invariably have process failures and faults. “To uncover as much as possible of it, you try to get as close to 100% test coverage as you can.” That being said, customers have very particular testing requirements, “Some manufacture simple assemblies and have very basic requirements, while others need a complete functional test with 100% coverage.” “There are multiple strategies, and GTM accommodates all of them,” says Pollock.

GTM also performs ‘environmental’ testing, says Greg Chin, GTM test engineer. This includes exposing avionics units or assemblies to extreme temperatures, vibration testing to ensure equipment can withstand transport over rough terrains, and testing to ensure a car radio will continue to operate over time when mounted in a particular environment. "Pollock says a manufacturer must accommodate a wide range of customers. “If it’s a large company, we can more easily offer a satisfactory array of tests that meets their needs. But often we encounter first-product entrepreneurs who are stunned when told of the need for testing. This often puts pressure on us to devise a suitably effective yet cost-efficient array of tests within a

very pressing time frame,” continues Chin. GTM does the entire process under one roof. Enquiry no: 69

“Tomorrow’s entrepreneurs need tenacity today”


Unleash endless potential and explore the possibilities with training by SMC Pneumatics At SMC we strive to continuously improve by raising the bar to ensure that everything from our processes, to our employees and even our training courses are some of the best in the world. We offer international courses in state-of-the-art facilities by world-class trainers in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Want to know more? Contact SMC Training Manager Riaan van Eck: or +27 11 568 2407


strong concept and willingness to work hard will only get a start-up operation so far, to go the distance requires agility, tenacity, unwavering commitment and perseverance. This is just part of the advice to those wanting to start a business in a tough marketplace from those who know, with a track record of success and who continue to excel. Integr8 has established itself both locally in South Africa and abroad, and was part of a strategic multi-million Rand Business Connexion (BCX) acquisition. The company has established a high-profile client portfolio, which includes blue-chip clientele and small-to-medium sized businesses. In addition to staying grounded and maintaining perspective, both joint CEOs Lance Fanaroff and Robert Sussman can offer the next generation of business developers and start-ups some good advice. “If I had to change one thing in the way we started the business, I would possibly have given up some equity, brought in a strategic partner earlier on and possibly established an external board,” says Fanaroff. “This would have provided funding/capital for growth, as well as helped us expand and grow a lot quicker,” he adds. “And an external board that would assist in strategically looking at the company from outside looking in, as opposed to inside looking out.” While it certainly is a cliché, Integr8 leaders are adamant that starting a business should be seen as a journey and not a destination. “You need to learn to deal with constant pressure, because it will always be there in some shape or form. You need to continuously re-invent the business, as the world is constantly changing and you need to ensure that the business adapts and transforms as technology, client’s needs, employee’s needs, and the world changes and evolves around us,” says Fanaroff. Rather than wasting precious time and resources trying to avoid failure at any cost, use failures to learn, adapt and move forward. “Adaptation and agility are key,” Fanaroff continues “and will come into play when businesses have to handle change and influential trends, like technology for example, which is continuously evolving”. Management at Integr8 advises that business operators be conscious of rapidly changing global technologies and keep on top of these trends because, as the company explains “new technologies can either enhance or break your business.” This commitment to keep ahead of the curve is vital as is having the right skills sets on board, thinking ‘outside-the-box’, align resources with the business vision, having adequate capital and ensure that clients are always at the centre of the business.


Enquiry no: 70

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April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

Effective municipal management M any of the difficulties ordinary South Africans experience with utility services stems from ineffective management of many of the country’s 262 municipalities. Enermatics, an established provider of smart metering technology and reseller of power to end users, has rolled out a comprehensive solution to demand site management which covers all levels of the distribution network. Low revenue collection and challenges with physical meter readings exacerbate the overall difficulty municipalities experience in streamlining management. “Most of these municipalities do not have access to technology which enables improved revenue collections and protection, remote load control and rationing, as well as the value of access to either prepaid or conventional meters,” says Raj Naidoo, Director of Enermatics.


Results of case study at egg farm

ilcon Filters, one of the leading liquid filtration companies in South Africa and distributor of the MIOX Mixed Oxidant Solution (MOS) biocide generator (made in Albuquerque, New Mexica, USA) has announced the release of the results of a case study at A.B. Foods Inc in Turkey - a 2 million eggs per day egg farm. During the 16 week trial, necropsy and increased chicken mortality rates were observed with the Control Group. As a result, the facility administered antibiotics to treat the chickens. After using antibiotics, the death ratio fell, however the chicken disease (HSN1 avian flu strain) reoccurred after a short period of time. The Trial Group observed zero diseases with the application of MIOX Mixed Oxidant Solution (MOS). No antibiotics were used on the chickens and mortality rates reduced by 62%, egg production increased by 60%, anti-


biotics were eliminated, water and feed were free of bacteria and contaminants including coliform and E. coli and the facility eliminated the transportation, delivery, handling and storage of all bulk bleach. Since the conclusion of this trial, A.B. Foods started using MIOX for all drinking water treatment, cooling pad and coop disinfection and suspended the use of antibiotics. The return on investment for the MIOX equipment was less than 1 year. The switch to MIOX (MOS) was timed well as it occurred shortly before the 2015 Avian influenza outbreak. A.B. Foods reported that although all farms in their region had been severely affected by the disease with over 15 million chickens destroyed, they experienced

zero occurrence of illness at their farms and have continued to operate without any setbacks. MIOX Mixed Oxidant Solution (MOS) is an extremely powerful yet non-hazardous disinfectant that replaces expensive conventional treatment chemicals. Generated on-site using a patented electrolytic process, MOS removes biofilm, decreases microbial load, improves water quality for animal health and lowers corrosion rates. MOS significantly decreases bacteria in poultry drinking water and by cleaning water lines and cooling pads and preventing cross-contamination, poultry farms using MOS have decreased or completely eliminated antibiotics consumption. MOS has also been shown to remove and prevent the growth of biofilm algae and bacteria from coop surfaces and water lines.

Enquiry no: 72

Platinum status for SA company

-KON South Africa, a leading telecommunications services company focused on Unified Communications, VoIP, SIP and Skype for Business, is the first firm in Africa to be officially certified as an AudioCodes Platinum distributor. AudioCodes Ltd. produces VoIP, converged VoIP and networking solutions to service providers and the enterprise market. As the AudioCodes Platinum Partner for the sub-Saharan Africa region, Q-KON SA can support reseller and system integrator part-


But they will now as a result of Enermatics smart metering capability. This technology empowers municipalities with the ability to access accurate, real time billing information, and online billing will ensure all meter readings are achieve, irrespective of where they are situated. ‘We also assist municipalities to better manage free basic electricity supply to disadvantaged communities. Enermatics stores all data received and provides the municipality with the capacity to view historical electricity usage

of individual meters and groups of meters,” says Naidoo. “Our solution offers revenue protection through alerting you to tampering and illegal electricity connections. We offer an improved solution to the challenge of revenue collection through both our conventional and prepaid metering solutions,” he adds. Municipalities can also take advantage of realtime data on an individual user basis – and this will help with future SmartGrid management and provide insight/ clarity when it comes to electricity usage. “As we are all well aware South Africa, like many parts of Africa, is impacted significantly by power outages and load shedding. Using Enermatics technology and its expertise and experience, municipalities are able to better manage load control on the grid by scheduling electricity usage according to priorities,” Enquiry no: 71 Naidoo explains.

ners to achieve the same accreditation and leverage the benefits from within AudiCodes channel partner programme. It can also expose AudioCodes customers to advantages such as volume discounts, deal registration discounts and enhanced NotFor-Resale discounts, as well as marketing opportunities. Depending on the level of qualification acquired (registered, gold or platinum), system integrators and resellers can receive up to 2% of products and services purchased through

a Platinum Distributor from a marketing co-op fund and could claim up to an extra 10% volume incentive rebate on goods purchased through this level distributor. “There are clear opportunities for reseller or system integrators by engaging with Platinum Distributor partners,” says Tjaart de Wet, MD of Q-KON SA. “Being the first company with this level of accreditation for the Africa region is a major achievement and our aim is to transfer these advantage to our partner and Enquiry no: 73 customer base.”

Electrifying performance from your transformer.

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With us you are Number One

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News


Driving a sweet deal in the sugar industry A

dvanced drive solutions dramatically improve productivity and energy consumption efficiencies in the sugar industry, and SEW-EURODRIVE tailors its motor and gearing offerings to best suit sugar producers. SEW-Eurodrive branch manager Jonathan McKey notes that the company is focused on producing energy efficient drives that maximise the load and capacity of mills and refiners in South Africa, Mozambique and Swaziland. “While we predominantly supply geared motors and industrial gear solutions to multiple sugar mills across Southern Africa to increase capacity and sugar extraction, we also provide unique drive engineering solutions, as


factories require varying options for sugar production,” he explains. The company’s range of geared motors are used in numerous applications, such as; horizontal crystallisers, filters, clarifiers, conveyors, batch pans and mixers, as well as in the packaging department. This has enabled SEW-Eurodrive to optimise assembly and delivery times and after-sales service. “Sugar producers generally require a reliable solution with a short lead time. Our extensive geographic footprint and comprehensive

product offering ensures that we are able to assemble the highest-quality, custom-designed solution, in the shortest possible turnaround time,” states McKey. What’s more, SEWEurodrive also provides full field service and support to ensure optimal performance of its geared motor components. “We have service teams that support clients onsite and at all our branches nationwide. This value-added, all-inone solutions offering has played an instrumental role in our ongoing growth in the sugar industry,” Enquiry no: 74 McKey concludes.

Small Business indaba

mall to medium and microenterprises (SMMEs) are the engine of economic growth and are essential for competitive and efficient economic growth. Research has shown that SMMEs are critical for poverty reduction and can play a particularly important role in developing countries. SMMEs are the largest provider of employment in most countries (especially of new job creation) and are a major source of technological innovation and new products. However, the survival rate of SMMEs is relatively low. Less than half of newly established businesses survive beyond five years. This is not only true for South Africa, but is also a common phenomenon in the rest of the world. South Africa’s small businesses, especially those in strategic manufacturing industries, require support and government programmes which can help them to establish themselves.

South Africa has developed an established, diversified manufacturing base that has shown its resilience and potential to compete in the global economy. The manufacturing sector presents an opportunity to significantly accelerate the country’s growth and development by focusing on small manufacturing operations. The Department of Trade & Industry’s (dti) Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) sets out the industrial policy objectives and plans for growth in South Africa’s manufacturing industries. More than a third of young South Africans in the labour force are unemployed. In every province, the unemployment rate among youth is more than double that of people over 35 years of age. If South Africa can effectively address youth unemployment by

focusing on small to medium manufacturing operations, it will lift millions of South Africans out of poverty and place the economy on a trajectory of sustainable, inclusive growth. The Manufacturing Indaba, in partnership with the Department of Trade & Industry (dti), has identified small business as a key focus area for the 2016 event. The event is strategically aligned with the dti’s IPAP goals to encourage re-industrialisation and has grown exponentially since its launch in 2013. This third iteration of the national event, to be held on the 28th and 29th June 2016 at Emperors Palace, Ekurhuleni will include the launch of the Small Business Indaba, which will take place on 27th June 2016. This Small Business Indaba will be a one-day conference specifically focused on the growth opportunities for entrepreneurs within manufacturing who run small business operations. The Kwazulu-Natal Manufacturing Indaba will take place on the 16th August at the Durban ICC.

Pictured from left Crushtec Metso's Eric Maricot, Adrian Wood, Jarkko Leppänen, Sandro Scherf, Eric Bonin

Main distributor appointed


ilot Crushtec International has been appointed as the sole southern Africa distributor for Metso’s aggregates products and services. The joint agreement, which came into effect on Saturday 2 April 2016, is recognised by both parties as the basis for an operational business model that will drive the marketing of Metso’s comprehensive range of rock processing equipment by a distributor with an industry reputation for service excellence and technical support. Adrian Wood, head of global distribution, Aggregates at Metso described the announcement as “a really exciting development. Service is a vitally important aspect of our business and Pilot Crushtec International’s recog-

Medium voltage products. Safe, reliable and smart technologies for distributing electricity.

Enquiry no: 77


Enquiry no: 75

International competition is in Abu Dhabi from 14-19 October 2017. The SAIW’s Etienne Nell, appointed by WorldSkills SA as the South African National Expert and who has been the coordinator of the Young Welder of the Year competition since its inception, has been given the task of coordinating the entire new process. “I am pleased with the changes,” says Nell. “Because of the increased emphasis on regional skills development in the new competition structure, more young welders will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, which is excellent for the welding industry as a whole in South Africa.”

Enquiry no: 76

HIGH SPEED ROLL UP AND FOLD UP DOORS A network of agents throughout South Africa ensures excellent technical and installation support, and quick delivery times. Coralynne & Associates +27 (011) 849 3142


From these regional competitions about 20 of the best performing young welders will participate in the SAIW Youth Welding Challenge over five days at the SAIW premises. The top three candidates then qualify for the WorldSkills SA national competition and the winner of that represents South Africa in the welding section of the international WorldSkills competition. This year the regional competitions will be starting in April and the SAIW Youth Welding Challenge will be held from 21-25 November. The WorldSkills SA competition will take place at the ICC in Durban from 16-18 January 2017 and the WorldSkills

nised strength in this discipline will be of significant benefit to our customers.” He added that over time the companies had gained a mutual respect out of their ability to stay the course for nearly three decades in an exceptionally demanding and competitive industry. He regards the formation of the agreement as a partnership in every sense of the word. Pilot Crushtec International CEO Sandro Scherf explains that the association with Metso offers a wealth of opportunities to both partners as well as improving its product offering to customers operating Modular Plants. “We will be marketing all aggregate producing products within the Metso range."


Young welder competition changes shape

he Young Welder of the Year, the biennial welding industry youth welding competition hosted by the SAIW, will, in future, be known as the SAIW Youth Welding Challenge. It will remain a biennial event. This is a result of an overhauling by WorldSkills South Africa of its welding competition from which the winner gets sent to the International WordSkills event. One of the advantages of the new system is that the first stages of the competition will take the form of a countrywide series of regional competitions organised by the Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges (TVETS) and the Further Education Training Colleges (FETS).


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ABB serves utility, industrial and commercial customers with a range of medium voltage products to enable the safe, reliable and smart distribution of electricity. The extensive global offering includes indoor and outdoor switchgear, instrument transformers,distribution automation products, and switching, limiting, measuring and sensing devices, modular substation packages and ancillary services. For additional information: ABB South Africa (Pty) Ltd Tel. +27 10 202 5880 E-mail:



Nuclear as a source of energy


hen the word nuclear is mentioned images of atom bombs, the Chernobyl disaster, flashing radiation warnings and mutants come to mind. However, some two thirds of the world’s population live in nations where nuclear power plants are an integral part of electricity production and industrial infrastructures. Around the world, scientists in more than 50 countries use nearly 300 research reactors to investigate nuclear technologies or to produce radioisotopes for medical diagnosis, cancer therapy, and x-rays for preserving fresh produce. Nuclear energy currently provides approximately 11% of the world’s electricity and through Koeberg nuclear power station near Cape Town it powers most of the Western Cape and supplies approximately 4.4% of South Africa’s total electricity needs since 1984. Most power stations use the same principles to generate electricity, i.e. by rotating a magnet inside a wire coil. The only difference is the source of energy used to rotate the shaft of the generator. In thermal power stations, it is the steam produced by heat generated either by burning a fossil fuel, through nuclear fission or through

concentrating solar energy. The fuel used in a nuclear power station is uranium. Pure uranium is a silvery, shiny, hard, heavy metal. Uranium production in South Africa is a by-product of gold and copper mining. Nuclear energy comes from the process of splitting the nucleus of an atom of uranium-235 releasing energy in the form of heat and radiation. This process is known as nuclear fission. Advantages of using nuclear as a source of energy are that nuclear power is safe and generating electricity from nuclear power does not lead to carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases that can damage the environment. In addition, the process produces small volumes of waste to dispose of. Some people object to nuclear power stations because of a fear of radiation. Others think that a nuclear power station would explode like a nuclear bomb. However, due to the very low content of fissionable material in the fuel, a nuclear explosion is impossible. South Africa is wellequipped to have nuclear power stations and has a nuclear safety culture, with Koeberg having operated safely for over 32 years. Enquiry no: 78

Welding – the miracle career There is no better career choice for a young man or woman than welding. It offers a wide variety of activities from inspection to administration through to actual welding in a host of different applications. And most importantly, with a welding qualification, you’re certain to get a job.

Welding Quality Control; Welding Inspection; Welding Coordination; Codes of Construction; Heat Treatment; Competent Persons; Welding Symbols; Welding Metallurgy and Failure Analysis; Practical Welding; Non-Destructive Testing – Visual Testing, Magnetic Testing, Penetrant Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Radiographic Testing, Ultrasonic Testing. For further details refer to the Course Prospectus on our website.

Inspection and Control

JOHANNESBURG (HEAD OFFICE) Tel: +27 (0)11 298 2100 CAPE TOWN Tel: +27 (0)21 555 2535 DURBAN Tel: 087 351 6568 SAIW KZN Bus News_160x135.indd 1

Automotive Industry


he use of quality approved readymix concrete in the development of Government housing projects will result in superior quality houses and will dramatically reduce the Government’s need to repair sub-standard houses. Johan van Wyk, general manager of the Southern Africa Readymix Association (Sarma), says billions of rands are spent annually on costly repairs on Government funded projects. However, many of these may be avoided through the specification of building materials that are approved by recognised industry bodies and that employ national standards and criteria to approve building materials. He added that the association is of the opinion that readymix concrete should only be procured from organisations that can display credentials that are in keeping with such standards.


Courses offered by the SAIW


Reducing low cost housing repair bills

“By insisting that suppliers are registered with credible industry associations that regulate members and carry out quality audits, government can be assured that all its requirements are met. Accreditation from Sarma means that members are compelled to adhere to a number of key criteria governing the manufacturing of concrete to ensure customers get what they pay for." “Through our comprehensive quality management system (QMS), for example, we have designed a system specifically for the readymix industry and verifies compliance of our members on a number of key criteria. It is in line with international standards and sets certain minimum standards for the manufacture of readymix concrete, from supplier management to policies and procedures to final delivery of the mixed product." “Verification is required along the way and accountability is assigned at each step in the process. Rigorous annual audits ensure the standards are maintained in line with safety, health, environment, road ordinance and quality requirements,” says Johan. Just as the industry and Government point a fingers at “less than credible shovel, wheelbarrow and bakkie brigade construction groups”, so too should they stop using nonregistered, unaffiliated concrete suppliers that are in effect a law unto themselves. ”Readymix concrete, like many other products, needs to be made according to a careful recipe. By cutting costs or substituting certain ingredients with inferior products the end product will be a complete failure." Enquiry no: 79

Dates, venues announced for SAAW

So, see below for a list of our many courses and contact us for more information on how to bring a miracle into your life.

Oil and Gas Industry

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News

Railway Industry

Construction Industry

SAIW Southern African Institute of Welding

4/14/16 11:20 AM

Trusted holistic cleaning equipment solutions for complete peace of mind. With our range of service and maintenance options, as well as readily available parts, we guarantee you lowest total cost of ownership and no downtime.

rganisers have announced South Africa’s ‘Auto City’, Tshwane, as the host for the 5th edition of South African Automotive Week will from October 11-13 this year. This year The Week - which includes a Business to Business matching programme for buyers and suppliers, an Automotive Industry Seminar, Workshops, Networking Functions and Site tours - will house over 10 000 sqm of trade-show space for the component manufacturing sector. A major addition to The Week this year in October, which is Transport Month, is TDM Africa, a trade-show dedicated to the Tool, Die and Mould making sector. Director Andrew Binning said the focus of South African Automotive Week this year was on market access and the linking of buyers and suppliers across the supply chain. “A key aspect of developing markets for manufacturers is The Week’s ability to bring together manufacturers and their supply chain partners from the automotive sector but also from other sectors like defence, aviation, railways and mining.’’ “As many manufacturer’s growth is driven by volumes, supply within a single sector may not provide the kind of volumes that would spur desired levels of growth and this edition of The Week will facilitate inter

sectoral component sourcing,’’ Binning said. Tooling Association of South Africa (TASA), Gauteng Chairman Vusi Mkhize said according to an MoU, with The Week, and which includes the Gauteng Tooling Initiative, South African Automotive Week (SAAW) would be TASA’s preferred promotion exhibition. A sizeable German delegation of toolmakers has already confirmed its participation, while over 200 international buyers from over 20 countries are expected to seek out opportunities during The Week. TASA will also join NAAMSA and the RMI as Official Partners in the hosting of The Week, which takes place every two years to grow investment, increase localisation, create market access and global insights for the automotive manufacturing supply chain. “The Tool, Die and Mouldmaking (TDM) industry, which represents a market of R13 billion per annum, with added maintenance services contributing another R2 billion per annum, is critical to achieve manufacturing competitiveness in South Africa,’’ Mkhize said. Binning said the agreement “was an important milestone in the development of The Week as the country’s single and authoritative voice and showcase of its manufacturing capability.’’ Enquiry no: 80

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


Partnership builds the greenest dealership in SA of skills. Renu’s turnkey offerings, however, proved to be a huge benefit in helping them to negate many typical hurdles experienced when retrofitting solar PV on such a large scale. This new green dealership not only boasts Solar PV panels that supply all their electricity needs, but also has a water harvesting system that allows them to recycle the water used for the car wash, as well as heat pumps and LED lighting throughout the building. All of Renu’s hard work and careful planning, together with the County Fords eco-friendly mission, will result in impressive monthly savings of up to 16000 kwh in electricity and


ounty Ford has set the bar exceptionally high when it comes to green building, and Durban based renewable energy company, Renu, was integral in ensuring that their first green dealership project was a huge success. County Ford was looking for a partner that could offer them a turnkey solution covering their Solar PV, hot water, LED lighting, water harvesting and recycling requirements across all of their dealerships. George Baikie (CEO) says, “We wanted a single point of contact that

would handle the consulting, design, supply, installation and maintenance. Renu’s track record and expertise in all of these areas was a good fit for what we needed.” The first dealership to undergo their green building rollout plan was County Ford, Kuils River. The project was no small feat. Limited roof space along with having to haul PV panels onto the roof using a 35 tonne crane and rigging specialists, were challenges that required innovative thinking and a unique set

27500ℓ of water. And if the grid-tied solar PV system produces more power than they require, it will be sold back to the municipality. County Ford is able to boast that the Kuils River dealership is the greenest Ford dealership in South Africa, and with the Ford SA endorsement it has set the standard for their numerous other dealerships around the country. Renu is excited to have been chosen to partner with them on this massive rollout project and can only hope that it will inspire many more dealerships across SA to follow their Enquiry no: 81 example.

Extended Guarantees on WEG Products

Acquisition results in the complete power package from top international brands. “Buying the MED business has increased our exposure into the automotive segment, a natural extension of our previous focus on heavy duty American trucks with the Delco Remy brand." "It has enabled Probe to grow its auto electrical offering and has established the company as a major rotating electrical wholesaler and distributor in Africa. The Dynamax acquisition further diversifies risk and enables us to venture into the export market.” Rovelli explains that the Dynamax business is complementary to the starter and alternator business, as it specialises From left: Frank Rovelli of Probe and Antonio in repair kits, field coils and other speSanchez of Dynamax cialised products with other engineering capability. robe Corporation has further extended “Dynamax adds a level of expertise its auto-electrical expertise through the in terms of knowledge of the automotive maracquisition of Dynamax, a niche opera- ket and will particularly enable us to increase tor with strong manufacturing capability in our local production and assembly in order to starters, alternators, field coils, solenoids, offer remanufactured products, spares and regulators and drives. components." Probe Corporation CEO, Frank Rovelli "This enables us to offer a broad range says, “This deal increases Probe’s expertise of rotating electrics, with quality controlled and capability in the automotive sector, taking assembly in South Africa.” our drive into rotating electrics another leap Probe is determined to remain the company forward." of choice for spare shops, automotive fitment "As well as being importers, wholesalers centres, truckers and fleet owners. and distributors of world class batteries, alter“With Dynamax, MED and Probe we are nators and starters, our added value support positioned to take on the larger suppliers as includes repairs and remanufacturing. We are we cover the full automotive electrical range now the complete power package.” – from repair kits to new products to remanuThis deal follows Probe’s acquisition of factured products,” says Rovelli. MED in 2014, the largest independent auto “We look forward to strong growth in the electrical wholesaler in Southern Africa, automotive electrical sector in the year.” Enquiry no: 82 boasting a product range of over 8 000 items


Extending product guarantees is aligned with Zest WEG Group’s strategy of forming long term partnerships with customers, and allows you absolute peace of mind. Tel: +27 11 723 6000

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Equator™ Gauging System



April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News

Robust submersible pumps now available

rowing urbanisation in Africa has resulted in massive infrastructure development and this, according to Integrated Pump Technology, has resulted in an increased demand for robust submersible drainage and wastewater pumps. The company recently extended its product offering with the inclusion of the extensive range of robustly constructed Faggiolati Pumps. Manufactured in Macerata, Italy, these quality submersible drainage and wastewater pumps are considered a natural complement to the company’s Grindex pump and accessory range. Colin Adams, managing director of Integrated Pump Technology, says there are a myriad of submersible drainage applications that call for a reliable and efficient pump that is capable of operating in the often arduous con-

ditions found on mines, construction sites and water treatment plants across Africa. “Significantly, Faggiolati submersible pumps do not only have application in the mining industry but are also ideally suited to general water transfer in the wastewater, effluent and sewage treatment sectors as well as in specialised pumping applications found in the paper and pulp industry, desalination plants and marine pumping,” he says. One of the most significant advantages that Faggiolati pumps offer is that all units are equipped with Premium Efficiency IE3 motors. Adams says this is particularly important on a continent that needs energy efficient products and solutions. Faggiolati Pumps has been producing submersible pumps since 1985, and all pumps are manufactured in accordance with ISO

9001:2008 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 standards. Certified to ISO 80079-34:2011, most of the pumpsizes can also be delivered for use in explosive atmospheres (ATEX).

The pumps have a reputation globally for overall efficiency, both motor and hydraulic. Materials of construction have been carefully selected to facilitate optimum reliability and wear life, and the available hydraulic versions include drainage, grinder, single and multichannel closed impellers as well as high efficiency Vortex. The extensive product line-up, more than 800 items, ranges from 0.5kW to 350 kW and pumps are available in grey cast iron as well as marine bronze and stainless steel for specialised applications. With sole distribution rights for Faggiolati, Boksburg-based Integrated Pump Technology will also be distributing Faggiolati submersible mixers and aerators. Enquiry no: 83

Demand for tower crane rental units


ncreased demand for tower crane rental units is set to continue as contractors see this as a more cost effective option given the cost of construction equipment ownership which has been exacerbated by the declining rand/euro exchange rate. Louw Smit, sales manager at SA French, a division of Torre Lifting Solutions, says that renting such a crucial materials handling tool on a full service package makes perfect sense, especially on short to medium contracts. “The cost of owning capital equipment is more expensive overall when compared to renting the same machine,” he says. “And when it comes to a tower crane there are additional factors that come into play. Tower cranes are not always a case of one size fits all and the requirement on each contract will call for a specific configuration that can cater for the lifting capacities at a specific radius. Contractors cannot always afford to


maintain an extensive tower crane fleet and making do is not an appropriate option as this could jeopardise safety and cycle time during lifting operations on site.” Renting a tower crane also allows a contractor to lower the working capital costs on a project, and it gives ready access to machines that incorporate the latest technology. SA French operates a large tower crane rental fleet which includes both tower cranes and hydraulic self-erecting cranes. The range covers from units with a 46 metre jib and 3 ton lifting capacity to tower cranes with a 70 metre jib and a maximum lift capacity of 16 t.

Smit says that the most recent addition to the rental fleet has been four new generation Potain tower cranes. These machines, which were manufactured at Potain’s facility in Asia, will be used on a construction project in Fourways. An important service that forms part of the total rental package is that SA French engineers will assess the project and site requirements prior to recommending a particular tower crane. In addition the company will assist with site layout to ensure that the best coverage and hook time is achieved to complete the project timeously. Enquiry no: 84

10 ton twins break ground

ne of Atlas Copco Construction Technique’s longstanding mining customers recently ordered two HB 10 000 10t hydraulic breakers to increase productivity at their Northern Cape open-cast mining operation. The mine which produces iron

ore / various grades of manganese ore has been a key account for Atlas Copco for over 15 years. Impressed with the high performance and durability of the five Atlas Copco HB 7000 7t hydraulic breakers that have been in operation at the site for over a decade, the mine ordered two HB 5800

(5t) units to meet its surface mining applications including rock breaking after blasting as well as secondary breaking and crushing of rocks before the material moves into feeders. According to Atlas Copco Construction Technique Area Sales Manager, Amanda Roets, the superior efficiency, excellent performance and unmatched reliability of these heavy hydraulic breakers contribute to increased productivity and improved production on the mine. “In addition, features such as low noise and vibration levels which enhance operator safety and comfort, along with the fact that they have a low impact on the environment, played a fundamental role in the mine’s decision to order the two ten tonners,” states Roets. “With these two heavy weights which are the first 10t hydraulic breakers Atlas Copco has supplied in South Africa, a total of nine hydraulic breakers are currently operating at the iron-ore mine The 10t breakers’ larger tool diameter creates a bigger footprint and the units have a larger handling capacity and deliver a more powerful hit rate, meeting the mine’s requirement for improved productivity. The powerful HB range has an operating pressure of between 160 and 180 and a maximum hydraulic input power of 159 kW. “Our HB range features an automatic start/ stop function for convenience and safety,” explains Roets. job easier and more efficient. The hydraulic breakers are suitable for a wide range of carriers including wheeled and crawler excavators; 120 ton excavators are recommended for the HB 10 000. Enquiry no: 85

April / May 2016

KZN Industrial & Business News




Keeping material moving

he latest generation Cat D6R2 track-type tractor builds on the reputation of the legendary R-Series and features a new cab, an updated transmission, pilot hydraulic controls and a single twist tiller bar for all directional and speed control. “This model is designed specifically for customers who want a robust, productive machine that’s easy to service,” explains Barloworld Equipment product marketing manager, Desigen Naicker, “combined with a proven drive train system and fuel efficient engine.” (Barloworld Equipment is the Cat dealer for southern Africa.) Engineered for demanding work, the D6R2 is purpose-built for applications ranging from heavy dozing and ripping, to land clearing, finish grading, trench backfilling, and landfill management. The D6R2 features a Tier II/Stage II equivalent Cat C9 ACERT engine, with different power rating configurations depending on the track system

filtration. The Cat D6R2 also has a larger fuel primary filter/separator, which has an increased surface area for greater debris retention and filtration performance. A ‘Water in Fuel’ sensor alerts the operator through the monitoring panel. There are also filter restriction warnings for hydraulic and power train filters. On the Cat D6R2, independent variable displacement piston pumps have been installed for implement hydraulics and the differential steering motor, passing on higher levels of versatility and manoeuvrability. Engine throttle speed is controlled by simply using a rotary dial. Setting this dial to Auto Shift activates two additional forward gear speeds and one in reverse. “Auto Shift enables the machine to automatically down shift to the most efficient gear based on load,” adds Naicker.

fitted. A Tier III engine is also available. The standard Tier II powered unit achieves a rated net output (ISO 9249) of 133 kW, compared to 148 kW on the XL (Extra Long) and LGP (Low Ground Pressure) versions. A single stage torque divider sends 70 percent of engine torque through a converter and the balance through a planetary gear set, which translates into more power to the ground. New features to include an electronic clutch pressure controlled (ECPC) transmission with improved

The ElastiTag range from Pyrotec PackMedia is an ideal way to display new information on pack without going through the costly exercise of upgrading the design of actual packaging or labels. It is also a highly effective way to refresh the look and feel of products without compromising the consumers’ ability to recognise a brand. The packaging stays the same, with an extra layer of communiSaitex advert 100x300.pdf cation.

This versatile device comprises a tag and elastomer loop all-in-one that securely grips the product and stays put. That said, it is easy for the customer to remove should they wish to retain it or use it as part of a promotion (a company may choose to use the ElastiTag device to carry a coupon, for example). For those who wish to get creative, the entire device comes in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colours – with a transparent option in the range as well. This makes for a truly sophisticated and eye-catching on-pack communication element that does not diminish the aesthetic appeal of a product or clash with a brand’s colour palette in any way. 1


3:15 PM

Enquiry no: 89

Enquiry no: 86

Power distribution and UPS in a single-system


NS-Up from ABB provides both power distribution and UPS in a single-system solution Efficiency and reliability of power supply in the rapidly expanding data centre business is crucial to feed the ever-hungry global information economy. As a leading technology innovator, ABB has considered the needs of data centres and continually enhanced products to meet everexpanding needs. “MNS-Up is the result of on-going customer-centric product development. Data centres are continually growing and two key aspects, space requirements and scalability have needed to be addressed” says Ronald van Leeuwen, Business Unit Manager for Electrification Solutions in South Africa. “MNS-Up addresses these two areas very efficiently by combining the switchgear and uninterrupted power supply (UPS) technologies into a single unit. No other provider of power distribution and uninterrupted power


supplies is able to offer this level of technology in the market currently”, notes van Leeuwen. In traditional power distribution environments three discrete areas are required. The first area is dedicated to housing the input switchgear which is fed by the main transformer. The second area, in-turn provides power to the modular UPS through either cable or external bus duct systems. The third area houses the UPS output switchgear, feeding power to the points of consumption. As the assemblies are physically separated, a specific level of safety is assumed and

this architecture is well-proven and has established itself as the norm. However it does have significant drawbacks. This topology relies on providing separate incoming and outgoing switchgear assemblies, with the associated power cabling or bus duct, resulting in a large footprint and great expense to interconnect the three assemblies. ABB’s MNS-Up eliminates the need for the three separate areas, allowing for a single assembly housing the power input, uninterrupted power supply modules and the power output (distribution). Footprint savings of 20% are typical for a 500 kW system, rising to a significant 30% for 2 MW systems upwards. UPS modules are expandable in 100 kW blocks. Each frame can support a total of five 100 kW UPS modules, this can be further expanded with a duplication of the frames. Up to six frames can be joined together proEnquiry no: 87 viding 3 MW of power.

Diaphragm valves for oxygen applications

iap h ragm valves are used in the most varied of industrial sectors for a variety of applications. For the pharmaceutical sector and biotechnology industry as well as the foodstuff and beverage industry, Gemü can now offer

its customers an extended range of valves and diaphragm materials for oxygen applications. For applications in which gaseous oxygen is used, corresponding approval is required. In Germany, this is assigned by the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. Diaphragm valve Gemü 601 for small nominal sizes, valve Gemü 650

for small to larger nominal sizes, and filling valve Gemü 660 are just a small selection of the stainless steel valves available under the above-mentioned approval. For all valve types, the customer can fall back on the diaphragm materials EPDM or PTFE. The specified valve and diaphragm designs can cover a wide variety of Enquiry no: 88 applications.

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April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News

Growing the transformer market W EG Transformers Africa, a division of Zest WEG Manufacturing, is determined to continue growing its share in both the South African and African transformer markets. Louis Meiring, chief executive officer at Zest WEG Group Africa, says the acquisition last year of Heidelberg-based TSS Transformers facilitated immediate access to additional facilities as well as best-in-class technical skills. “Upskilling ourselves in this critical market sector and increasing our local manufacturing base was a strategic move that will see greater involvement from Zest WEG in this industry,” Meiring says. Zest WEG Group is owned by Brazil-based WEG and this significant investment in local manufacturing highlights WEG’s financial commitment to its local operations. Meiring says the acquisition was in line with the international player’s intention to expand its global network

of businesses and manufacturing plants. The WEG Group aims to increase its sales yearon-year by a minimum of 17% until it reaches an annual turnover of US$ 10 billion in 2020. WEG Transformer Africa (WTA) operates two major facilities and is poised to reinforce its position as a leading African manufacturer of electrical equipment. The last two years has seen the recapitalisation of the WTA Wadeville operation. Andre Mans, COO of WTA, says that this extensive investment programme has seen the facility undergo a complete makeover with the upgrading of equipment and streamlining of processes. “Today, WTA Wadeville is a modern operation that boasts best-in-class production and manufacturing capabilities,” he says. WTA Wadeville produces standard distribution, power and special application transformers ranging from 50 kVA to 10 MVA in voltages up to 66 kV with off-load tap switch or on-load

tap-changers. Known for its responsiveness to customer specific needs, the facility also has the engineering expertise and capability to manufacture special transformers for mining, industrial, rectifier/traction, converter and thyristor drive applications. WTA also manufactures a range of mini substations. Mans says that, where applicable, the transformers carry SABS certification. The Heidelberg facility, which was previously TSS Transformers, was acquired in the third quarter of 2015 and boasts an impressive 45 000 m² footprint. The modern facility is capable of locally manufacturing power transformers up to 40 MVA in voltages up to 132kV as well as mini substations and moulded circuit breakers. This modern facility houses what is considered to be the best privately operated oil sampling laboratory in South Africa. Mans says this is a crucial differentiator in the market as

it gives customers access to skilled technicians who analyse samples on state-of-the-art equipment to world class standards.

One tough animal “ When a difficult economic climate makes the going tough, farmers can count on tough Bobcat machines and attachments that deliver lowest possible cost of ownership and quick return on investment,” states Bobcat Equipment National Sales Manager, Andre Steenkamp. Over 50 years of experience in the design and construction of compact equipment have been harnessed into every Bobcat machine and attachment. The design principles of quality, high performance, efficiency, durability, easy maintenance and operator comfort are inherent to every Bobcat. Add the remarkable assortment of attachments and each machine is transformed into a tough versatile multi-tool that takes care of a wide range of farming applications fast, efficiently and affordably.










The outstanding power and hydraulic performance, combined with a completely re-engineered cab, ensure that the Bobcat skidsteer loader will do more, do it faster and better than its nearest rival. The superior working range of t h e value-for-money E17 gives this Bobcat mini-excavator extreme versatility while a thick steel tailgate, side covers and oversized cylinders achieve exceptional durability. With the establishment of its Used Equipment Division, Bobcat is making it even easier for customers to invest in a Bobcat and reap all the benefits offered by these compact machines. “Machines and attachments, fully refurbished to OE quality, are available at extremely affordable prices from our Used Equipment Division,” comments Steenkamp.

Enquiry no: 91

Aluminium three-phase motors

he Bauer range of aluminium three-phase 380V and 525V motors, available locally from leading supplier Bearings International (BI), are ideal for industrial applications such as fans, compressors, pumps,

Lifting Solutions That Work.

“It is simply impossible for a farmer to own or rent a machine for every job on the farm. Taking on a multitude of tasks, the Bobcat is an adaptable farm-hand that delivers maximum availability and uptime, lowest possible cost of ownership and quick return on investment,” says Steenkamp. With its innovative design and state-of-the-art technologies, the Bobcat telehandler excels in the most demanding agricultural applications. This compact, strong and agile machine will quickly become irreplaceable on the farm.

Enquiry no: 90

Divisions of

sanding machines, pedestal drilling machines, among other applications. The main benefit of the Bauer range of aluminium electric motors is that it is far more lightweight than its cast-iron equivalents due to the aluminium casing and end shield. “This MS range of aluminium three-phase 380 V and 525 V motors has been supplied successfully to the South African market for the past decade,” says Lewis Hiepner product manager at BI. A main feature is the multi-mount design, with the added benefit of being able to change the feet on-site. This gives the customer the option of having the terminal box on the top or on the left or right hand side, depending on the specific requirements. In addition, Bauer motors can be fitted

with an external brake of either an AC or DC type. The AC brake type is specifically for instant stopping when the power is switched off. Applications include bottling plants where accuracy in the stopping position is critical. DC brakes, on the other hand, are slower in reaction time. This is due to the brake’s power going through a rectifier in order to convert AC to DC, with a resultant delay. Typical applications include overhead cranes, where stopping accuracy is not as critical. All Bauer motors conform to the relevant IEC standards, as well as being designed for S1 duty. This means that the motors can run continuously for 24 hours under normal load conditions. Another feature is the Class F insulation, with a ‘B’ temperature rise (80°C plus a maximum ambient temperature of 40°C, giving a total of 120°C). Enquiry no: 92

April / May 2016


KZN Industrial & Business News


11 years of fibre cement success

nited Fibre Cement Company (UFCC), supplier of asbestos-free cellulose fibre cement products to the construction, renovation and landscaping markets in South Africa, is proud to mark 11 years of successful business since its inception in 2005. UFCC was originally started to answer to the need for quality, asbestos-free fibre cement products in South Africa. Its entry into the market meant that professionals from various sectors and consumers alike had access to an affordable and safe construction material with a range of applications, from heavy siding for school buildings to decorative

lattice for landscaping purposes. Comments Leon Bekker, UFCC CEO, “Over the past decade, we’ve remained dedicated to bringing quality products coupled with excellent customer service to the local industry. A core aspect of our mission and the reason for our success is that we offer a ‘one-stop’ facility to contractors in the line of cellulose fibre cement products.” UFCC’s product offering includes smooth fibre cement sheeting of various thicknesses, which covers a range of applications, including internal dry walling, partitioning, fascia, soffits, cornicing, ceilings, skirting, fencing and lattice as well as external cladding, decking, floor-

ing, permanent formwork and even secondary roofing, eave linings, ducts and ventilation. UFCC also supplies wood grain-impressed fibre cement boards and planks, of varying dimensions, which impart the ever-popular timber look to any project. One of UFCC’s highlights over the past eleven years has been the development of the UCO SolidWall Building System, an Innovative Building Technology (IBT) suitable for residential, commercial and educational buildings. The system meets fire-rating, acoustic and thermal insulation, wet application impact strength and robustness requirements, and obtained

its Agrément SA certification (2012/407) in September 2012. “UCO SolidWall is one of the leading IBT systems in the country. Coupled with Government’s commitment to using IBTs more extensively in their infrastructure development programme for schools, clinics, student accommodation and human settlements, we are well positioned and prepared to grow further into this sector, both in South Africa and abroad,” says Bekker. “For us, this anniversary gives us reason to pause and reflect on our many accomplishments to date; it’s also an opportune time to give thanks, he concludes. Enquiry no: 93

Enquiry Service

Easy engine rebuilds


etric Automotive Engineering has taken the guesswork out of rebuilding the latest-generation Caterpillar engines by offering IPDstyle 123 gasket sets, Andrew Yorke, operations director, says. “These gasket sets mean you simply order one part number and receive one box, with everything that you need contained within that single box, which is a very attractive proposition.” The IPD-style 123 gasket sets are available for both old and new generation Caterpillar engines. The older-type engines require a gasket set not only for the cylinder head but also for the front, rear, central and sump substructures. “You can end up having to order seven to 12 kits in order to rebuild a single engine, which is just not viable. That is just on the older engines,” Yorke explains.

The problem is compounded by the fact that many of the new-generation engines do not even have separate gasket sets for the various substructures. “Thus if you want to rebuild a particular engine, you have to identify every individual seal and o-ring on a parts list and order these individually, which is onerous,” Yorke comments. IPD-style 123 gasket sets eliminate such problems by specifying the specific type of rebuild operation: Style 3 is a cylinder head replacement, a popular in-field repair, whereby the cylinder is simply serviced and replaced, Style 2 is an in-frame overhaul and Style 1 is where the engine is taken to a workshop, completely stripped and rebuilt. IPD has launched gasket sets for many of the new C series Caterpillar

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Name: ______________________________________________ engines, from C9 to C13, C27 and C32. The fact this is a ‘single-box’ solution means that the part numbers for those gasket sets are quite specific to the steering-arrangement numbers. Therefore all customers need in order to source the correct box is the steering-arrangement number of the engine in question. “IPD builds kits specifically for steering arrangement and model numbers, so that you actually only pay for what you need, meaning you should have very little left over at the end, if anything”, says Yorke . Enquiry no: 94

Keeping the office neat and tidy



egrand’s integrated workstation solutions, which provide easy access to power and data connections, also ensure the neat arrangement of cables and wires of modular equipment and computer connections. “Legrand electrical devices are integrated unobtrusively into all types of office furniture and flooring in meeting rooms and reception areas, as well as in individual and open area offices,” says Johan Bosch, general manager, Legrand SA. “With the installation of pop up boxes, power and data desk

grommets, desktop and under desk modules, as well as meeting room multi-outlet extensions, the modern office environment has all power and low current sockets efficiently connected to equipment. “This flexible system provides easy and rapid customisable connection solutions for mobile applications, like computers, laptops, mobile phones and audio and visual systems. A key feature is these integrated solutions can be adapted to the existing furniture configuration and installed close

to the user to carry high and low current functions, without having to drill through furniture.” Important devices in Legrand’s integrated workstations portfolio are flushmounting office modules that are easily configured to meet the exact needs of the user. These units are available in 8 and 12 modules, with a black, white or aluminium finish. Enquiry no: 95

Surname:____________________________________________ Designation:__________________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ______________________________ Postal Code:___________ Tel:______________________ Fax:_______________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________ Nature of business: ___________________________________ Issue 98 - April/ May 2016 1


































































































April / May 2016



KZN Industrial & Business News

Uplifting the community T

Pictured from left: Richard Cox, Toyota Forklift; Rodney Spencer, LIV; Ryan Hosking, Toyota Forklift

oyota Forklift SA, global market leader in material handling equipment, partnered with NGO LIV Village located in Cottonlands, KwaZulu-Natal by donating a forklift to the village. The large deliveries and donations that LIV receives require a lot of man power to offload and having to hire forklifts in order to get the job done has proven to be both inefficient and costly. Ryan Hosking, of Toyota Forklift SA, says “We spend every day helping our customers with lifting and moving their products, the thought of lifting up the lives of the 160 children at LIV Village was an incredible opportunity to fulfill a worthy need”.

Matric excellence

Top students from the PROTEC Tongaat branch hold up the number of distinctions they achieved in 2015. From left are Minenhle Mbatha, Nosihle Khumalo, Mpumelelo Mkhosana, Precise Mbense, Akshay Rajkumar, Lungani Ngcobo and Asemahle Nmonelwa.

With the achievement of a 96,9% pass rate, versus the national average of 70,7%, Protec learners from nine branches around the country, their teachers and corporate funders are still celebrating excellent results,” says Balan Moodley, CEO of Protec. “The privilege of a nurturing academic environment has proved to more than 400 Protec Matriculants last year, that with hard work, determination and the support of the Protec programme, their dreams for a bright future can be realised. “Protec was established over 33 years ago, in recognition of the need


to improve the critical shortage of engineers in South Africa. Through this programme, which runs in conjunction with provincial education departments and with the invaluable support of private sector funders, more than 30 000 learners from disadvantaged communities, are now qualified doctors, engineers, accountants, lawyers, educators and entrepreneurs. “Protec is a national non-profit technological career development programme for senior school students. Learners are selected, not only for their aptitude in Mathematics

Seen at recent SAIMC monthly meeting

He then pitched the idea to Richard Cox, regional director Toyota Forklift SA, and his immediate approval was a testament of the company’s leadership and strong core values. Cox and Hosking both were present to hand over the donation. “I was extremely moved, humbled and encouraged after a tour of the LIV village and we see it as a privilege that Toyota Forklift could contribute to this incredible vision and initiative” said Cox. The partnership between LIV and Toyota Forklift is an example of how businesses can partner with LIV to raise the next generation of leaders in our nation.

From left, Donald Hobson and Abram Keyser, Proconics and Thulani Shabalala, Hulamin

From left, Joseph Hokonya, UIC; Ntobeko Myaka, Hosaf; Ronald Korevaar, Engen and Promise Mpopomo, Afrox

Enquiry no: 96

and Physical Science, but their sheer determination to succeed is an attribute we value highly.” Protec offers an excellence programme in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) that begins in Grade 10, continues through tertiary education and provides support in the early years of the work place. In the school phase, highly qualified Protec tutors provide extra tuition on Saturdays in Mathematics, Science and English. Academic studies are supplemented with World of Work (WoW) and a life orientation programme, computer skills, study assistance and career guidance – a holistic approach to help students achieve their full potential. Learners also convene during school holidays for practical and theoretical tuition. Vacation schools include educational excursions or field trips to expose Protec students to the world of work in different industries, including civil, mechanical and electrical engineering. Learners also participate in national practical projects and competitions, such as the SAICE bridge building, Aqualibrium (Water), F1 model racing cars powered by CO2, steam powered cars and the national robotics competition. Protec learners not only benefit from the opportunity to achieve excellent Matric results, they also receive assistance in securing bursaries for further studies.

From left, Nirmal Narotam, PAS; Mervyn Gantz, Pulen Govender and Xolani Matshikiza, Engen

New appointments

Clive Hitchcock CEO Fibertex South Africa

Paul Linnets Business Development Manager: Retail Lighting, Magnet Projects & Solutions

Kathryn Van Onselen Sales Rep - KZN Aury SA

Shamla Pather Director Garlicke & Bousfield Inc.

Patrick Forbes Director Garlicke & Bousfield Inc.

Jenine Pillay Junior Marketing Assistant Magnet head office

Enquiry no: 97

Four years of injury-free status

t is no mean feat for a building site Linda Buthelezi, Safety Health be involved in its development. We with multiple contractors to achieve &Quality (SHQ) Manager at RBIDZ, have assigned a very high priority four years of injury-free status. said the company laid the ground- to safety in our operations and the This remarkable achievement has work over a long time and that goal is that everyone returns home been notched up by the Richards the health and safety of everyone healthy after a day at work,” he said. Bay Industrial Development Zone involved in the RBIDZ’s developHence, the “Zero Harm and Injury Company SOC Ltd, which has not ment and projects remained the pri- Free” environment is promoted withhad a single debilitating injury since ority of the company. in the RBIDZ and its all operations 2010, when it began construction of “Safety must be managed and and enterprises. no: 98 Phase 1A. everyone - with noMay exception - must 1 2016/04/13 11:21 AM PageEnquiry SEW-Overview advert Easter cape Industrial & Business News 2016.qxp_Layout 1

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