2 minute read
Farming Nick Green
Look out for deer on a Christmas walk
THE time has come to keep an eye out for Santa and his reindeer friends. We know these special reindeer come from Lapland but there is also a herd in Scotland near to Aviemore. Reindeer are designed to be able to survive in extremely cold and snowy conditions. Their hooves have four toes which act like snowshoes when walking in snow. They are also used to scrape snow away in the search of food in the winter. We don’t get that much snow or very low temperatures on Mendip so reindeer would have trouble living here. What we do have are “ordinary” deer.
Whereas reindeer have thick legs and fingered feet, most deer have thin legs with pointed hooves designed for easy movement around grassland, farmland, woodland and heath, typical habitat found on Mendip.
There are six breeds of deer in the UK with two found on Mendip. Muntjac have been seen here increasingly in recent years but by far the most common breed is roe. The roe doe usually has two kids born in May or June and spends the summer living off grass, tree buds and leaves whilst suckling her young.
Those of us working and walking on the Mendips are often lucky to see roe bucks, does and kids while out and about. I have
no doubt the deer generally see us before we see them as they are so in tune with their surroundings and keeping an eye out for danger.
However, if you keep out of sight, quiet and downwind of them, you can often enjoy watching some true wildlife in all its natural glory ranging the fields and woodland around us. Whilst farms are seen as the food factories of the countryside they are also in tune with the natural environment.
If too much of something is applied to the crops the land is spoiled. If too little is applied crops won’t grow and the soil is exhausted. When farmers farm properly, they live in harmony with the natural environment. That’s why we have the privilege of playing host to special species such as deer.
Roe deer
Nick Green is Farms Director for Alvis Bros Ltd based at Lye Cross Farm. He is responsible for the farming and estate business and is passionate about British food and farming. As well as the business, he is involved with a number of local and national farming charities.

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