Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Newsletter.

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United Grand Lodge of Antient & Accepted Free Masons of Victoria

Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge


No 16. SEPTEMBER 1, 2015

‘We have installed in the chair of a great lodge’

● Most Wor. Bro. Vaughan Werner, Past Grand Master, and newly installed Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, PGStdB, pictured at the Ivalda Masonic Temple on Saturday, August 22. The Installation and Open Investiture was attended by more than 115 people. Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge is affilated with the the United Grand Lodge of Antient and Accepted Free Masons of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) The website - www.freemasonsvic.net.au - includes a comprehensive members’ area, and online shop.

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Surgery for John

Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge No 584 Consecrated: July 2, 1946 Meets First Thursday of each month (except January) at Ivalda Masonic Temple 40 Salisbury Ave, Darebin. Temple Phone: 9499 1142 Post: PO Box 1278, Research, 3095 sec@IvanhoeLodge.com.au Secretary Bro Ash Long, MM Phone: 9439 9927 ash@long.com.au Almoner Brethren, who are aware of the sickness or distress of a Member of the Lodge or the Widow of a late Member of the Lodge, are asked to inform the Almoner, WBro Howard Purcell, 9457 2864. The Mission of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds likeminded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences by teaching the Principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

■ VWor. Bro. John Knorr is expected to undergo heart surgery at the Epworth Hospital, Richmond, today (Tues., Sept. 1). John has just returned from a family holiday at Port Douglas where three birthdays were celebrated: Rosemary; son Jonathan was 52 , and Sophie turned 21. John expects to be back at Lodge in the New Year. Best wishes John.

Bon Voyage

■ Wor. Bro. Charlie Freedman is travelling overseas, and will be away for the September and October meetings. ■ Bro. Milton Tsaktsiras has just had a quick trip to Las Vegas, Nevada. ■ RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey will be touring Rome-Turin from October 724. Geoffrey plans to be at our October 1 meeting at which it is planned that Bro. Lachlan Gould will be raised. He will be away for the October 19 ‘Lodge of Emergency’ at which Bro. Alex Gould is to be raised.

Coming Up

■ Bro. Stephen Carpenter advises that the Ivanhoe Grammar School Centenary Concert will be held at 6.15pm for 7pm on Thursday, September 17 at Buckley Hall. The Ridgeway Ensembles and soloists will feature. ■ Lodge members are having a casual lunch from 12.30pm on Friday, October 2 (Grand Final Eve public holiday) at the Lower Plenty Hotel. Pay your own way, choose your meals and drinks, come and go as you please.

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Working bee success

● Wor. Bro. Graeme Hawke loads a trailer at the Hurstbridge property of Wor. Bro. Max Fraser, watched by Wor. Bro. Michael Holloway ■ Some 15 Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge members attended a ‘Working Bee’ at the Hurstbridge property of Wor. Bro. Max Fraser on August 8. The outgoing Master and his family are selling the property and moving to a new address at Doreen. Members of the Lodge thought they could best show their appreciation to Max in a practical way. Max thanked members just prior to the opening of the August 22 meeting. Max continues to have weekly chemotherapy treatment at Warringal Private Hospital. It was good to have his ● Wor. Bro. Max Fraser with family at the Installation. Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton

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‘To be happy, and to communicate happiness to others’

Press coverage Page 12 - Melbourne Observer - Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Melbourne People

● Darko and Meredith Kolosov

● Charlie Freedman and Astrida Cooper

● Past Grand Master Vaughan Werner with new Master Wayne Motton

● MWor. Bro. Vaughan Werner certainly follows the charge “to be happy, and communicate happiness to others’. The Past Grand Master is being nominated for Honorary Membership of Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge at the October meeting. MWor. Bro. Vaughan Werner officiated at the Installation, and brought happiness to our new Master, Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, seen at right.


Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Installationa and Open Investiture Photos: Ash Long

● Enid Dodemaide with Dr Robin Dunstone

● From left: Paula Davey, Dr Allan Davey, Helen Stuckey, Michael Davey. Geoffrey Davey and Caroloine Davey

● Peter Tibballs and mother Lois Tibballs

● Max Fraser and daughter Melinda

● Lt. Col. David Waugh and Val Jones

● Principal-Elect Gerry Foley and Don Armstrong

● David George and Michael Nardella

● Barry Reaper and Bev Werner

● Several pages of photos from the Installation were published in the Melbourne Observer newspaper on August 28. They can be accessed through the ‘Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge’ page on Facebook. There is a link at our IvanhoeLodge.com.au website.

Lodge of Instruction

■ Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge sends an annual $50 donation to the Ivalda Lodge of Instruction. The LOI meets at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of the month at Ivalda Temple, Darebin. For further details contact Graham Pitcher, Secretary, phone 9719 7390, mobile 0419 115 748.

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What’s On September 2015

Meeting with Principal ■ Our Master, Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, made an official call upon the Ivanhoe Grammar School PrincipalElect, Gerry Foley, last Friday. Gerry was a welcome guest at the Ivalda Masonic Temple for our Lodge Installation and Open Investiture on Saturday, August 22. The annual visit to the Principal at the start of our Masonic Year was started by RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey in 2013-14, and continued by Wor. Bro. Max Fraser in 2014-15. Wayne presented a cheque for the Lodge’s annual donation to the School ● Ivanhoe Grammar School Prinfor citizenship prizes at The Ridgeway cipal-Elect Gerry Foley with Don campus and the Plenty campus. Armstrong at our Installation. Wayne is an ‘Old Boy’ of the School, and a contemporary of Astrida Just Briefly Cooper, Ivanhoe’s Director of Devel■ Bro. David McGuinness was due opment. to attend a MAP2 session at Preston this week, accompanied by Wor. Bro. New location Max Fraser, IPM. Well done David. ■ Fairfield Lodge’s meeting on ■ The Quarterly Comunication Wednesday, September 9 starts at for Grand Lodge will be held at 7pm. 7.30pm on Wednesday, September ■ Arm mobility of RWor. Bro. 16, at the Melbourne and Olympic Brian Austen is improving, reports Park in Batman Ave. You can view visitor RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey. the event through the GL website.

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Pith and Point

■ Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge had an historic connection with the Duke of Clarence Lodge, Yea. (Ivanhoe Grammar School evacuated to Yea in World War II,) A number of the Yea members are now members of the Albert Edward Lodge No 59 at Alexandra. Our Lodges exchanges Summons. A Ladies’ Night is being held on Thursday, September 17 with the Alexandra Entertainers performing as Burlington Bertie And Friends. ■ The Leadership Electoral College met on Wednesday, August 12, and selected RWBro Keith Murray, PJGW, PBGP as the next Deputy Grand Master. ■ We are investigating the possibility of a Lodge Honour Board in the entrance to Buckley Hall at Ivanhoe Grammar School. ■ The Royal Freemasons residential aged care facilities at Monash Gardens in Mulgrave and Coppin Centre in Melbourne require volunteer mini-bus drivers. They are also looking for volunteers to assist in the gift shop at Coppin Centre. cagnew@royalfreemasons.org.au or call 9452 2445. ● Did you know that you can view back copies of the Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Newsletter at our website: www.IvanhoeLodge.com.au

Sept. 2015 in Date Tues., Sept. 1 Wed., Sept. 2 Thurs., Sept. 3 `

Fri., Sept. 4 Sat., Sept. 5 Mon., Sept. 7 Tues., Sept. 8 Wed., Sept. 9 Thurs., Sept. 10 Fri., Sept. 11 Mon., Sept. 14 Tues., Sept. 15

Thurs., Sept. 17 Fri., Sept. 18 Sat., Sept. 19 Mon., Sept. 21 Tues., Sept. 22 Wed., Sept. 23 ` Thurs., Sept. 24 Mon., Sept. 28

Lodge Watsonia Daylight M.A.P. Whittlesea Ivanhoe Grammarians Melton L.O.I Killara Macedon Ranges Civil Service Cordiality Garibaldi Pascoe Vale Daylight Fairfield Antient York Sunbury Ivalda L.O.I Brunswick United Lord Northcote Gisborne Samaritan (Daylight) Diamond Valley Vietnam Veterans Melb’ St.Clair Reunion Admiral Collingwood Weston Street United Centenary L.O.I. Metropolis

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the Northern District Venue Greensborough Preston Whittlesea Ivalda Melton Greensborough Romsey Brunswick Brunswick Brunswick Preston Ivalda Preston Sunbury Ivalda Brunswick Ivalda Gisborne Ivalda Diamond Creek Ivalda Brunswick Ivalda Brunswick Brunswick Brunswick

Work Presentation by a Lodge officer on his working life Second degree / Casual dress / Bring passports First degree Planning meeting/Scholarship launch/Wine tasting Continue work in first degree/Obligation of M.E Demonstration first degree Second degree Talk in Lodge Third degree (Tyle 7.15pm) Demonstration Scottish Third degree Talk in Lodge “An explanation of the first degree” Master’s last night Second degree (double ) Tyle 7.30pm First degree Specialist small group training, allocation of charges Second degree Third degree (double) First degree Presentation of a 60 year and a 65 year jewel Obligate Master Elect No meeting this month Third degree Obligate Master Elect Third degree Working third degree / One on one training as needed Obligate Master Elect / Full closing

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Latest Installations

Open Investiture

At Killara Lodge

● David George abd Michael Nardella at our Installation ■ Wor. Bro. Michael Nardella is returning to the Chair of Albert Victor Lodge next month. He extends an invitation to Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge members to attend the Installation and Open Investiture at Ivalda on a special date: at 4.30pm on the fifth Saturday of October (Oct. 31). There is no supper charge for this special event.

■ The Grand Puruivant distributes a schedule each month of coming Installations. If you would like to receive this list, please advise the Secretary. In the Northern District, our District Co-Ordinator, Wor. Bro. Ross Broad, advises that The Revival Lodge will hold its Installation at Greensborough from 6.30pm on Thursday, September 24. Harry Pitaro will be proclaiming. ■ RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey will be representing Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge at the Killara Lodge meeting being held on Thursday, September 3.

This Thursday

■ We hope to carry out the Investitures of VWor. Bro. Wayne Smith and Bro. Milton Tsaktsiras as Chaplain and Stward, respectively, at our meeting on Thursday (September 3). Arrangements are in the hands of Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Wor. Bro. Rahim Samat.

$130 donation

■ Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge has met the challenge of the Grand Master, Most Wor. Bro. Hillel Benedykt, to make a donation of $130 towards the Breast Care Network. The Lodge cheque was forwarded by Wor. Bro. Neville Emerson.

At Mount Scopus

■ We see our Brothers from Mount Scopus and Collegians Lodge at the annual Combined Schools Lodges meetings. Wor. Bro. Izaak Presser was a visitor to our Installation on August 22. He is being installed as Master at a meeting to be held at 3pm on Sunday, September 20 at Moorabbin. The ceremony will be conducted by MWor. Bro. Hillel Benedykt, Grand Master.

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Thanks! ■ Thanks to Cheryl Hawke for providing a cheese platter, and many extras, for the Lodge members at the Working Bee. ■ Thanks to Bro. Travers Gascoigne and his staff for the clean-up at the Ivalda Masonic Temple prior to the Installation. ■ Thanks to Wor. Bro. Graeme Hawke for all his work at, and prior to, the Installation. The garden at the Ivalda Temple looked the best that has been in years. ■ Thanks to our Treasurer, Wor. Bro. Neville Emerson, for his considerable work in preparing the Lodge’s annual accounts. ■ Thanks also to our Auditors, Wor. Bro. Ian Gould, and Wor. Bro. Charlie Freedman, for their exemplary work. ■ Thanks to VWor. Bro. John Cantrill, our Organist, for selecting some special musical works for the Installation and Open Investiture. ■ Thanks to Wor. Bro. Vin Coles for standing in as Chaplain on Installation Night. ■ Thanks to Astrida Cooper for the way in which she proposed the Toast To The School ... probably the first woman to propose a Toast in the Lodge’s 70-year history. ■ Thanks to Principal-Elect Gerry Foley for being so generous with his time, in a very busy schedule. ■ Thanks to our Tyler, Wor. Bro. Frank Jenkins, for his incredible effort in extending his courtesies to 115 people on Installation Night.

Letter to the Lodge

● Wor. Bro. Dr Robin Dunstone, June and Fiona Mackenzie at the IGL Installation. ■ The Open Instillation and Investiture was a fascinating evening and we would like to thank the Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge for inviting us to be part of such a wonderful occasion. My father and grandfather would be proud of your ongoing commitment to the widows and those in need. My mother, June, once again felt more connected with her past life and the value and meaning of her husband's and father's involvement with Freemasonry. We wish Worshipful Master Wayne Motton all the best in his responsible role and the many and varied parts the brethren will perform as his supportive team. I thoroughly enjoyed the pageantry and symbolism of the ceremony and the privilege of being in the beautiful Ivalda Masonic Temple. Sincerely, Fiona Mackenzie

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E-mail addresses

■ Please notify the Secretary if you have acquired a new e-mail address and have changed any of your personal details recently. ■ Are you receiving a copy of Engage by e-mail from Grand Lodge every fortnight or so? If not, please let the Secretary know.

Bank details

■ You can pay your Lodge dues electronically to the Lodge’s bank account (Bendigo Bank, East Ivanhoe). BSB: 633 108. Account No: 144 000 510

Scholarship bid

■ The Lodge is now in fund-raising mode for the second Peter Holloway Ivanhoe Grammar School Masonic Lodge Scholarship. The Lodge’s $4000 cheque is due to be presented at the 2016 Buckley Night due to be held on Thursday, February 4. An invitation has been extended to the Deputy Grand Master, RWor. Bro. Don Reynolds and his partner, Mya, to attend our special night. Written application has been made by our Lodge to Freemasons Foundation Victoria Ltd for a matching grant. There are no guarantees that FFV will provide matching grant. Applications are subject to stringent examination by the FFV Directors.

Enid looks fit

■ We were delighted to see Enid Dodemaide as our guest at the Installation. Enid has been in hospital and rehabilitation, but drove herself from Mount Waverley to be with us.

Wayne’s words

■ “Ladies Gentlemen and Brethren all. “Thank you to all of you for attending our Open Installation. “It is the first time in 70 years that we have opened our installation to the general public, and we do hope you’ve enjoyed yourself. “As I stood today proudly wearing the Reverend Sydney Buckley’s actual masonic apron, I could not be more thankful to every Lodge member who have worked diligently to ensure our showcase evening - was just that. “I am thankful for our connection to the school and to the help of those we come into contact with.”

● Deputy Grand Master, RWor. Bro. Don Reynolds and his partner Mya (see at left).

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Electronic donation

● Peter and Lois Tibballs ■ It is a fast moving world. Our Master, Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, requested guests at the Installation and Open Investiture to consider making a donation to the Lodge’s annual ‘Toys For Tots’ effort. Peter Tibballs (son of the late Eric Tibballs), accompanying his mother Lois, brought out his mobile phone, and made an instant transfer to the Lodge’s bank account. Thanks Peter.

Vale Viv Mortimer

■ The Newsletter apologises that it was unaware of the passing of our late brother, Basil Irving Vivian (Viv) Mortimer on October 15 last year. He was 81. Viv was initiated in 1969, and was Master of our Lodge in 1978-79 and 1991-92. he was husband of Christobel (dec.), father of Keith and Catherine, Pa of Shannon and Justin, and friend of June.

Our Lodge Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, PGStdB Immediate Past Master Wor. Bro. Max Fraser, PGStdB Senior Warden Bro. Stephen Carpenter Junior Warden Bro. Simon Browning Chaplain VWorBro Wayne Smith, PGIW Treasurer WorBro Neville Emerson, PM Secretary Bro Ash Long, MM Assistant Secretary WorBro LtCol David Waugh, RFD, PGStdB Director of Ceremonies WorBro Michael Holloway APM, PJGD Asst Director of Ceremonies Wor Bro Rahim Samat, PGStdB Almoner Wor. Bro. Howard Purcell, PGStdB Senior Deacon Bro. Darko Kolosov, MM Junior Deacon Bro. Damian Byrne, PM Organist VWorBro John Cantrill, PGIW Choir Master RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey, PJGW Inner Guard Bro. Travers Gascoigne, MM Stewards Bro. Milton Tsaktsiras, PM Bro Steve Austin, MM Tyler VWorBro Frank Jenkins, PGIWkgs

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2015-16 Calendar Summer Dress

■ Option of white long sleeved soft cotton business shirt with collar attached (no arm or sleeve bands). Self supporting black trousers, (no braces), black cummerbund, black bow tie, black socks and black shoes. ■ Thursday, September 3. 7.30pm. 755th Regular Meeting. ■ Thursday, September 17. 6.15pm for 7pm. Ivanhoe Grammar School Centenary Concert. Buckley Hall. ■ Monday, September 21. 7pm: Committee of General Purposes. 7.30pm: Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, October 1. 7.30pm. 756th Regular Meeting. 3rd Degree. Bro. Lachlan Gould. ■ Monday, October 19. 7.30pm. Lodge of Emergency. 3rd Degree. Bro. Alex Gould. ■ Thursday, November 5. 7.30pm. 757th Regular Meeting. 3rd Degree. Bro. D. McGuinness. ■ Monday, November 16. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ November - Date To Be Advised. Traditional Christmas Roast Dinner. ■ Thursday, December 3. 7.30pm. 758th Regular Meeting. 3rd Degree. Bro. B. Akdeniz.

2016 70th Anniversary Year ■ Thursday, February 3. 7.30pm. 759th Regular Meeting. ‘Buckley Night’. Ivalda Temple. ■ Monday, February 22. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, March 3. 7.30pm. 760th Regular Meeting. Possibly 1st Degree. ■ Monday, March 21. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Friday, March 25. Collection for Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. ■ Thursday, April 7. 7.30pm. 761st Regular Meeting. Joint meeting with Old Scotch Collegians’ Lodge. Ceremony of the Vacant Chair. ■ Monday, April 18. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, May 5. 7.30pm. 762nd Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. ■ Monday, May 15. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, June 2. 7.30pm. 763rd Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. ■ Monday, June 20. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, July 7. 7.30pm. 764th Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. ■ Monday, July 18. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple.

Published for Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge by its Secretary, Bro Ash Long. secd@IvanhoeLodge.com.au Phone: 9439 9927 September 1, 2015.

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