United Grand Lodge of Antient & Accepted Free Masons of Victoria
Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge
Newsletter January-February 2017
Welcome to Ivanhoe ■ Jane Sydenham-Clarke, the Chief Executive Officer of Freemasons Victoria, will be Guest Speaker at the ‘Buckley Night’ to be held by Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge at 7.30pm on Thursday, February 2. Also in attendance on the special night will be the Deputy Grand Master, RWor. Bro. Keith Murray, accompanied by Mrs Fiona Murray. Jane was appointed to FMV in September. Her CV states that she has consistently contributed to contemporary Victoria and Australia and its social fabric, through involvement in cultural, tourism, health, property and community projects. The ‘Buckley Night’ is open to wives/partners, family members and friends, as well as visiting Masons. A $40 charge applies (except Masters on the Road). Book by Mon., Jan. 30. www.trybooking.com/OKNX
● Jane Sydenham-Clarke, Chief Executive Officer, Freemasons Victoria
Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge is affilated with the United Grand Lodge of Antient and Accepted Free Masons of Victoria (Freemasons Victoria) The website - www.freemasonsvic.net.au - includes a comprehensive members’ area, and online shop.
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Howard’s surgery
■ Wor. Bro. Howard Purcell is on the mend after further eye surgery. He is hopeful of returning to Lodge soon.
Get well Pete
Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge No 584 Consecrated: July 2, 1946 Meets First Thursday of each month (except January) at Ivalda Masonic Temple 40 Salisbury Ave, Darebin. Temple Phone: 9499 1142
■ The Lodge extends best wishes to Bro. Pete Davies who has been feeling unwell lately. Wor. Bro. Graeme Hawke has paid a visit to Pete.
Temple member
■ Wor. Bro. Ian Gould has volunteered for the position as Trustee on the Ivalda Masonic Temple Trust. He and Wor. Bro. Charlie Freedman’s are the Lodge’s nominees on this important body.
Post: PO Box 1278, Research, 3095 sec@IvanhoeLodge.com.au Secretary Bro Ash Long, PGTyler Phone: 9439 9927 ash@long.com.au Almoner Brethren, who are aware of the sickness or distress of a Member of the Lodge or the Widow of a late Member of the Lodge, are asked to inform the Almoner, WBro Howard Purcell, 9457 2864. The Mission of Freemasonry is to promote a way of life that binds likeminded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences by teaching the Principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.
● Wor. Bro. Ian Gould
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Lodge widow Enid passes ■ Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge regrets to record the passing of one of its widows, Enid Dodemaide (nee Boyce). The Lodge was represented at the funeral service held at the Allison Monkhouse funeral home, Springvale, on Monday, January 16. Enid was an enthusiastic supporter of the Lodge, and keen attender of functions including the annual traditional Christmas roast dinners, and Buckley Night. Enid’s association with Ivanhoe Grammarians extended more than 60 years. Her late husband, Bill, was initiated at age 23, on October 4, 1946. He was Inner Guard in 1951-52; Junior Deacon in 1952-53; Senior Deacon in 1953-54; Junior Warden in 1954-55; Senior Warden in 1955-56; and Worshipful Master in 1956-57. Bill later served as Assistant Director of Ceremonies.
● Wor. Bro. Geoff Brown with Wor. Bro. Bill Dodemaide
● Enid Dodemaide at a Lodge Christmas function
● The Lodge’s press tribute: Herald Sun, January 13
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Well done Bros.
75 years on
■ Congraulations to Wor. Bro. Stephen Carpenter, Bro. Damian Byrne and Bro. Travers Gascoigne on their participation at the preChristmas luncheon at St George’s Anglican Church, East Ivanhoe.
Masters’ group
■ The Masters’ Group for the Northern District meets at 11am on the fourth Sunday of the month, January-November, at the Greensborough RSL.
Grand installation
■ The Most Worshipful Grand Master encouragse all members, family and friends including non-Freemasons who may be interested in our fraternity, to attend the Grand Installation on Friday, March 10 at Geelong. This is the first time in a number of years that the event has been held outside of Melbourne. 2.30pm. Quarterly Communication 3.30pm. Grand Installation 5.30pm. Entertainment and canapes at The Edge, Geelong Waterfront 7.30pm. Grand Banquet Cost for the day’s events is $150 per person, including drinks. There is no charge for those attending the Quarterly Communication and Grand Installation only. Bookings can be made at: www.trybooking.com/OHDK or contacting jedwards@ freemasonsvic.net.au
● Ivanhoe Grammar School at Beaufort House, Yea. 1942. ■ February 2017 marks the 75th anniversary of Ivanhoe Grammar School evacuating to the country town on Yea in 1942. For two years during World War II, Ivanhoe Grammar School was operated from Beaufort House, Yea. One of the major organisers was the late VWor. Bro. Bill Purcell, foundation member of Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge. (Bill was a member of the Duke of Clarence Lodge, Yea. His Past Master’s jewel features in the collarette worn by each Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge Master). The Duke of Clarence Lodge closed in 2015. We still keep contact with the Albert Edward Lodge at Alexandra.
Coming up
■ Saturday, February 11. 4pm. Open Investiture/Installation for The Lord Northcote Lodge. This an opportunity to bring prospective candidates to see the Grand Lodge at work. At Ivalda. ■ Wedesday, February 15. 7pm. Worshipful Masters and Lodge Secretaries Meeting. At Preston.
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Trivia Night challenge
Put Wed., Feb. 15, in your diary
■ District Co-Ordinator Wor. Bro. Eric Williams is challenhing Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge to form a Trivia Night team to compete in a ‘winnertake-all’ contest at 7pm on Saturday, March 18 at Greensborough. Each Lodge must nominate a charity or cause. There is an opportunity for the winning Lodge to ask the Freemasons Foundation to support the Lodge’s charity donation.
Open Investitures
■ There have been changes to the ceremonial procedures for the conduct of Open Investitures of Officers. A District can only apply for an Open Investiture once every three years, unless by special Dispensation from the Grand Master. The Open Investiture on Saturday, February 11 for The Lord Northcote Lodge may be the last for a while. District Co-Ordinator Wor. Bro. Eric Williams said: “The MW Grand Master is encouraging the Lodges in our District to support any Open that does occur. “Kindly contact me if you have any prospective candidates for February 11. There are also procedural changes that will allow the guests and prospective candidates to enter the Lodge Room around 15 to 20 minutes earlier than the previous procedures.”
● MWor. Bro. Don Reynolds ■ The Most Worshipful Grand Master, MWor. Bro. Don Reynolds, will make a major announcement at 7.30pm on Wednesday, February 15. The announcement centres on the Strategic Plan being prepared by Freemasons Victoria. (A number of Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge members attended a Strategic Plan night at Ivalda on Monday, January 17). The Grand Master has asked for all of the members in our District to view a live-streaming presentation. This can be viewed from home or members can attend at the Preston Masonic Centre.
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Chance to go to the Melb. Club
■ The Lodge Amalthea Installation will be held on Saturday, February 11. A number of Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge members will be attending. The Installation Dinner will be held at the Melbourne Club at 7pm for 7.30pm. Cost of the dinner is $130 per person. Please book as soon as possible at: www.trybooking.com/251035
Bank details
■ You can pay your Lodge dues electronically to the Lodge’s bank account (Bendigo Bank, East Ivanhoe). BSB: 633 108. Account No: 144 000 510 Lodge dues are payable in advance on July 1 each year. Alternative arrangements can be made with the Treasurer.
Visit to Old Scotch
■ Our bi-annual visit to Old Scotch Collegians Lodge, at the Inner Eastern Masonic Centre at Box Hill, will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday, April 5.
MAP schedule
■ The 2017 Masonic Advancement Program has been published by District Education Officer, Wor. Bro. Jim Tulk: ■ Mon. Feb. 27. First Degree ■ Mon., Mar. 13. Second Degree ■ Wed., Apr. 19. Third Degree ■ Mon., May 22. First Degree ■ Mon., Jun. 26. Second Degree ■ Mon., Jul. 24. Third Degree ■ Mon.;, Aug. 21. First Degree ■ Mon., Sep. 25. Second Degree ■ Mon., Oct. 16. Third Degree ■ Mon., Nov. 27. First Degree All sessions are held, upstairs, at the Preston Masonic Centre, Bell St, Preston. All brethren are invited to attend. Further details are available on 0447 800 997, or jamestulk@bigpond.com
Northern District membership numbers
■ Total membership numbers in the Nothern District have dropped from 1377 to 1331, from April 30, 2016, compared to December 11, 2016, according to District Co-Ordinator Wor. Bro. Eric Williams: 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ 30/04/2016 45 95 149 198 235 343 237 75 1377 11/12/2016 47 108 135 190 233 323 223 72 1331 “Congratulations to those Lodges who Initiated new candidates this year. The highlight for me is that our numbers have increased in the 18-29 and the 30-39 age brackets. I would also acknowledge the loss to the Grand Lodge Above of so many of our beloved Brethren, who paved the way for the next generation to take up the reins,” said Wor. Bro. Williams.
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Banyule says thanks
■ Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge has received a letter of thanks from the Banyule City Council for our ‘Toys For Tots’ participation in the Banyule Children’s Gift Appeal. “The next edition of the Banyule Banner (January/February 2017) will feature a small thank you piece acknowledging your organisation along with others as major supporters,” said Libby Main, Early Years and Community Support Officer. “This year we had over 370 children referred to the program – up from just over 300 from last year. The program relies completely on community support and the generosity of local organisations like yours who get behind us.”
● Bro. Travers Gascoigne with 60 toys given by the Lodge
Our Lodge Worshipful Master Wor. Bro. Stephen Carpenter, WM Immediate Past Master Wor. Bro. Wayne Motton, PGStdB Senior Warden Bro. Simon Browning, MM Junior Warden Bro. Damian Byrne, MM Chaplain VWorBro Wayne Smith, PJGW Treasurer Wor. Bro Neville Emerson, PM Secretary Bro Ash Long, PGTyler Assistant Secretary Wor. Bro. Lt. Col David Waugh, RFD, PGStdB Director of Ceremonies Wor. Bro. Michael Holloway APM, PJGD Asst Director of Ceremonies Wor. Bro. Rahim Samat, PGStdB Almoner Wor. Bro. Howard Purcell, PGStdB Senior Deacon Bro. Travers Gascoigne, MM Junior Deacon Bro. Milton Tsaktsiras, MM Organist VWo. Bro. John Cantrill, PGIW Choir Master RWor. Bro. Geoffrey Davey, PJGW Inner Guard Bro. Lachlan Gould, MM Stewards Bro. Alex Gould, MM Bro. Bora Akdeniz, MM Tyler VWorBro Frank Jenkins, PGIWkgs
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2017 Calendar Summer Dress
■ During Daylight Saving Months. Option of white long sleeved soft cotton business shirt with collar attached (no arm or sleeve bands). Self supporting black trousers, (no braces), black cummerbund, black bow tie, black socks and black shoes. 2017 ■ Thursday, February 2. 7.30pm. 771st Regular Meeting. ‘Buckley Night’. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, February 9. 5.30pm. Committee of General Purposes. At Common Room, Tom Golden Music School. Ivanhoe Grammar School Elphin St entrance. ■ Monday, February 20. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, March 3. 7.30pm. 772nd Regular Meeting. ■ Friday, March 10. 2.30pm. Quarterly Communication and Grand Installation. At Geelong Pier. ■ Saturday, March 18. 7pm. District Trivia Night. BYO food and drink. Winning lodge takes all. Greensborough. ■ Monday, March 20. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Wednesday, April 5. 7.30pm. Joint
meeting with Old Scotch Collegians’ Lodge. At Inner Eastern Masonic Centre, Box Hill. ■ Thursday, April 6. 7.30pm. 773rd Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. Dinner at Ivanhoe Hotel. ■ Friday, April 14. Collection for Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. ■ Monday, April 17. Easter Monday. Rehearsal to be re-scheduled. ■ Thursday, May 4. 7.30pm. 774nd Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, May 11. 5.30pm. Committee of General Purposes. At Common Room, Tom Golden Music School. Ivanhoe Grammar School - Elphin St entrance. ■ Monday, May 15. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, June 1. 7.30pm. 775th Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. Master’s Last Night ■ Monday, June 19. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, July 6. 7.30pm. 776th Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. Obligation of Master-Elect. ■ Monday, July 17. 7.30pm. Rehearsal. Ivalda Temple. ■ Thursday, August 3. 7.30pm. 777th Regular Meeting. Ivalda Temple. Installation.
Published for Ivanhoe Grammarians Lodge by its Secretary, Bro Ash Long. sec@IvanhoeLodge.com.au Phone: 9439 9927 February 2, 2017.