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Solemn ceremonies throughout region salute peace veterans
9729 5414
■ EXTREMELY wet weather did not deter crowds from attending local ANZAC Day observances yesterday (Tues.), honouring those who served, and died in military conflicts. The services did not celebrate triumphs or victory. Rather the local gatherings were solemn remembrances of those who who had put themselves in harm’s way, and those who continue to serve.
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At Glenburm, Cr Eric Lording, wearing his Air Force Flight-Lieutenant uniform, spoke of the losses suffered by Australian families through the generations. At Kinglake, Peter Crook, of the Yea-Kinglake RSL Sub-Branch, introduced proceedings following a welcome by Chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Ruwan Palapathwala. Ned Pannuzzo, Whittlesea RSL President, offered a Bible reading.
Shop 1/10 High St, Yea Health Solutions For EveryBody 0407 437 866 *Free patch test
More photos, Pages 6 and 29
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● Paul Bannan was at Yea and Kinglake ANZAC Day services yesterday (Tues.) in traditional military uniform, and providing a gunfire salute for the observances. He is pictured at the Dawn Service held at St Peter’s, Kinglake - known as the ‘Shrine of the Mountain’.
D.A.Robinson LIVESTOCK, MERCHANDISE, WOOL, INSURANCE, R/ESTATE, PROP MANAGEMENT 52 HIGH STREET YEA, 3717 PH: 5797 2799 FAX: 5797 2258 (like us on facebook)
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Page 2 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 3
Page 4 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
COUNTRY CLUB HOTEL, YEA Re-Opening early June 2017 STAFF REQUIRED Chefs • Kitchen Staff Front of House Function Staff Wait Staff • Bar Staff Please send details to John Drysdale at:
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 5
Sad passing of Doug Lawson $15 MIL. POWERBALL THURS., APRIL 27
Tattslotto, Oz Lotto, Powerball and more vehicle
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Steam locomotive runs in Yea
● Doug Lawson. Photo: Ash Long ■ The Glenburn and Yea districts are mourning the passing of local community volunteer, Doug Lawson, on Wednesday last week (Apr. 19) at age 91. A service is being held at 2pm today (Wed., Apr. 26) at William Matthews Funerals, Lilydale, prior to private cremation. Douglas Perth Lawson was born in September 1925, a member of a respected local family, with grandparents settling in the district in 1895. Doug’s grandfather was an engineer with the Shire of Yea from 1914-1923. One of the family’s early farming pursuits was in dairying, predominant in the Glenburn area in the era. Doug supplemented his farm income, by providing stock transport for other district farmers. He and Betty (nee Tull) married on June 2, 1951, raising son Geoffrey and daughter Sharon, and followed by grandchildren Lisa and Wayne. ● Continued on Page 12
Local News Briefs Bale Art winners
■ Winning Yea Hay Bale entries have been announced: 1. Pace Fame - Elle Gay ($500 for Yea Community House) 2. - Humpty Dumpty - The Spagnolo family ($250 for Homewood CFA) 3. - Buck Jumping - Deb Bennett / Paula Arms ($150 for Limestone CFA) 4. - Happy Birthday Cake - John Brick and Marilyn Mallia ($100 for Limestone CFA) The Yea Hay Bale Art Competition prizes were supplied by the Yea and District Community Bank Branch.
Forestry land plan ■ Hancock Victorian Plantations are seeking to rewzone land in Murrindindi Shire to reflect occupation and land use for private plantation forestry. The land is in the Buxton, Narbethong, Kinglake West/Pheasant Creek area, comprising 5509 hectares.
● A steam locomotive ran in the railway town of Yea last month. Steve Bennett provided a 45mm Baldwin live steam scale loco, built by his grandfather, to run on the Yea Valley Garden Railway operated by tail man Lance Adams. Steve’s daughter, Caitlyn (pictured at right). “The locomotive effortlessly chuffed around the garden setting for some time,” Lance told The Local Paper. The Yea Valley Garden Railway features the former station sign from the Yea railway station and the 80-mile peg from the Yea yard, which was bulldozed out of the ground while constructing the Yea hospital Helipad. Lance says that Steve was so impressed with his locomotives performance an d the garden railway in general, he vows to return for a return visit. A history group from Alexandra is travelling to Yea tomorrow (Thurs.) to view the Yea Valley Garden Railway.
Latest News
Cash grants available ■ Community sporting organisations across Murrindindi Shire are encouraged to consider applying for support under the State Government's 2018 - 2019 Community Sports Infrastructure Fund. Deputy Mayor Cr Sandice McAulay says that funding is available under a number of categories including: ■ Minor Facilities grants of up to $100,000 to develop or upgrade local sport and recreation facilities. ■ Female Friendly Facilities - grants of up to $100,000 to build new or upgrade existing, out-dated change facilities at sport clubs around the state that cater for both traditional and non-traditional female sport, with a focus on promoting female and family-friendly environments. ■ Cricket Facilities grants of up to $100,000 to develop or upgrade cricket specific infrastructure in-
Clock repairs delay
■ Repairs to the clock tower at Yea Shire Hall look likely to be delay to the next financual year. The tower is in high proximity to high voltage power lines, says a report to Murrindindi Council. Costs involved in making the work area safe mean that the tower works will be delayed until additional facade repair works are carried out later in the year.
● Cr Sandice McAulay cluding new buildings, grounds and training facilities. ■ Small Aquatic Projects - grants of up to $200,000 are available to improve and upgrade aquatic facilities, seasonal pools and develop new water play spaces. Murrindinidi Shire Council’s Community Service portfolio spokesman Cr Sandice McAulay said she encouraged sporting and community bodies looking to gain funding under the program to apply. support.
CFA-related issue won at Tribunal ■ Concerns by the Country Fire Authority about bushfire management have meant that Michael Drapac will be unable to subdivide land at Hurstbridge in the way that he wants. Drapac took the Nillumbik Shire Council decision to Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, but lost. Drapac has a 15.1 lot at 43 Haleys Gully Rd, Hurstbridge, which comprises two lots of similar size in a different configuration. The Council opposed the grant of a permit, saying that it has not been adequately demonstrated that the subdivision will not instensify bushfire risk to people and property. Drapac objected, saying the realigned boundary results in no change to the physical circumstances of the land.
● Toys ● Office Needs ● Inkjet ● Greeting ● Magazines Cards ● Newspapers ● Stationery ● Lotto
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Page 6 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local People
Kinglake Dawn Service ANZAC Day 2017 Photos by Ash Long
● David Thompson, Choirmaster of the Flowerdale Men’s Choir
● Peter Crook and Ned Pannuzzo
● Jan Platek, the Rev. Dr Ruwan Palapathwala, Wendy Crook
● Althea Biber
● Noel Speakman and Gail Key
● Karen Ostenried, Jenny Speakman and Bernie Svoboda
● Liz Kennedy and Robert Coffey of Panton Hill
● Kinglake Rotarians Nina Lund, Bob Burns and Carol Westworth
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 7
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The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 9
Page 10 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The Local Paper incorporating The New Free Press Vol.2. No . 55 Wednesda y, April 26, 20 17 ednesday 2017 P ublished W ednesda ys Wednesda ednesday
Contact Us
Ash OnWednesday
$100,000 ask on wasps
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Long Shots
Our Team Editor: Ash Long Features Editor: Peter Mac Associate Editor: Lisa Hodgson Credit Manager: Michael Conway OAM, F as ction Debt R ov ery astt A Action Ree cco ery,, 040 04022 142 866
Distribution Readership throughout: Acheron , Alexandra, Arthurs Creek, Buxton, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Coldstream, Devlin’s Bridge, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Doreen, Dropmore, Eildon, Eltham, Fawcett, Flowerdale, Ghin Ghin, Glenburn, Gobur e, Gobur,, Gr anit anite Granton, Hazeldene, Healesville, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Junction Hill, Kangaroo Ground, Kanumbra, Kerrisdale, Killingworth, King Parrot Creek, Kinglake, Kinglak eC entr al, Kinglak e W e sst, t, K oriella, Kinglake Centr entral, We Koriella, Laurimar dale Laurimar,, Lily Lilydale dale,, Limes to n e e,, Maintongoon, Mernda, Molesworth, Nutfield, Murrindindi, Pheasant Creek, Resear ch, Rubic on, Ruffy ew s, esearch, Rubicon, Ruffy,, S Stt Andr Andre S t rra a th Cr eek, S witz erland, T aggerty Creek, Switz witzerland, Taggerty aggerty,, Taylor Ba y, T erip T erip hornt on, Bay Terip Terip erip,, T Thornt hornton, Toolangi, T a ttle Glen, Trraw ool, W Wa Whanr egarw en, Whittlesea, W oodbourne Whanregarw Woodbourne oodbourne,, Yan Y ean, Y a rrck, ck, Y arr a Glen, Y ea, Y ering. Yean, Ya Yarr arra Yea, Yering.
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Independently Owned and Operated T h e L ocal P aper is print ed under c ontr act Paper printed contr ontract by Streamline PressPty Ltd, 155 Johnston S t, Fitzr o y, ffor or the publisher Fitzro publisher,, Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063, of the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095. Responsibilityfor election and referendum comment is accepted by Ash Long. C op yright © 20 ocal Media P ty L opyright 2011 7 7,, L Local Lttd. ACN 096 680 063.
Murrindindi Newspapers
● Cr Eric Lording ■ Murrindindi Shire Council will be asked tonight (Wed.) to budget $100,000 to address the local European Wasp plague. Cr Eric Lording is planning to make a request of his fellow Councillors. “There has been Australia-wide reporting of the wasp problem in Yea with commendations that caravaners and tourists avoid Yea and other areas of the Shire between Christmas and mid-April,” Cr Lording says. “This could prove disastrous to the local tourist trade, thereby damaging the economy of the Shire for quite some time to come. “Healesville has reported a downturn in tourism this year as a result of their wasp problem.”
edit or@L ocalP aper editor@L ocalPaper aper..c om. om.aa u
with Ash Long, Editor “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”
Million Paws
Sky at Yarck
Works needed ■ Cr Lording says that all Council street and other bins should be modified to take a well-sealing, auto shutting lid. Cr Lording recommends the hire of a harmonic radar system and diode sensors to track wasps returning to their hives. Councillors will be asked to employ suitable contractors to seek out and destroy Queen Wasps in Aug-
ust to September times, and then to spray hives as they are found in the new year. Cr Lording recommends regular spraying if transfer stations and land fill sites by experts. He says that Murrindindi Shire should advertise widely that aa comprehensive wasp eradication program in the next 3-5 years in an efort to ensure tourists do not avoid the Shire. Cr Lording says Murrindindi needs to be seen as leading the way in wasp eradication programs.
● Outside the Yarck Hall, ‘Sky’ the violinist entertained visitors to the Yarck Country Market this month. He sold CDs of his music recordings to members of the public.
Editor’s Diary From Our Files - 30 Years Ago Tuesday, April 28, 1987
● Yea RSL President Ken Moore takes the salute from Dr Charles Hosking. At centre: Rupert Aldous ■ At the time of his retirement as one of Yea’s medical practititioners, Dr Charles Hosking was accorded a number of presentations including one by the Yea RSL SubBranch.
Cec was Yea champ
■ Cec Cook was named Club Champion by Yea Bowls Club President Jack Christie at the annual presentations. Other awards included: B-Grade: Alan Hoare. Champion Pairs: Graeme Clements and Mario Muller. Handicap Singles: Philip Basser. Handicap Pairs: Philip Basser and Doug Drysdale. 100-Up: Bernie Quinlan. Bowls Singles: Jack Christie.
Carbon copy footy
■ Yea footballers and netball girls made the long trip to Tallygaroopna on Sunday, to return with the same results of the first week: wins to C-Grade netballers, Under 17s and senior footballers; and losses to A- and Bnetball and the Reserve 18, again by a few points after having ample opportunities to seal the game. ● Dr Liz Walker ■ RSPCA President Dr Liz Walker is promoting the Million Paws Walk in which dog lovers will take their pets on an annual fundraising event on Sunday, May 21. Money will be raisd to help the RSPCA to end cruelty to all animals. Local venues include: ■ Eildon. Lower Pondage. 8.30am2pm. Walk starts 10am. ■ Mansfield. Botanic Park. 8.30am-2pm, walk starts 10am. ■ Whittlesea. Yan Yean Reservoir. 8.30am-12 Noon, walk starts 10am. millionpawwalk.
Chris at Bullants
■ Kinglake’s Chris Owen is playing for Preston in the Victorian Football Association Under 19 competition. His father told us Chris was making quite a good go with his run with the Bullants.
Brownies picnic
■ Yea Brownies and Guides enjoyed a picnic at Apex Park. Leaders Lynne Bennett, Tina Gorman, Liz Garvey and Fleur Long supervised.
Pee Wee Disco
■ One of the organisers, PeterAbrahams, said that about $100 was raised for the Yea Primary School from the Pee Wee Disco at the Shire Hall attended by about 70 primary school age youngsters.
ANZAC Day 1987
Yea Rifle Club photo from 1911 Local Phone Numbers FIRE BRIGADES (fire only) ............ 000 Local Brigades ............................... 000 POLICE (emergencies only) ............ 000 Kinglake ............................... 5786 1333 Seymour ............................... 5735 0200 Whittlesea ............................ 9716 2102 Yea ....................................... 5 7 9 7 26 30 263 57 AMBULANCE .................................... 000 Alexandra Hospital ............. 5772 0900 Northern Hospital, Epping .. 8405 8000 Seymour Hospital ................ 5793 6100 Yea Hospital ........................... 5 736 0400 ST ATE EMERGENC Y SER VICE ......... 000 EMERGENCY SERVICE ■ Lifeline ........................................ 13 11 14 Nursing Mothers Helpline .... 9885 0653 Poisons Info. (24 Hours) .......... 13 11 26 RACV Roadside Assistance ........ 13 1111 RSPCA ................................... 9224 2222
● Alan Thorley, of the Yea and District Historical Society, has unearthed a 1911 photo of the Yea Rifle Club. Top row, from left: Charlie Ball, A. Dean, Archie Snodgrass, William Snodgrass, Dan O’Connor, Dick Dean, Hal McLeish, Colin Drysdale, Jack Devlin. Middle row: Bill Williamson, Ted Shepherd, A. Higginbotham, Bonnie Drysdale, Jack Hamilton, Adam Anderson, Harvey Templeton, William Anderson, Jack Forbes, Bob Williamson. Front row, sitting: Charlie Marshall, Tom Hennebery, Harry Marshall, A. Warnick.
● Don McLeish and Butsy McIntosh at the Yea ANZAC Day parade, 1987
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 11
Weather Station Bureau says
■ Wednesday: Cloudy. High (80%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Snow falling above 1000 metres. The chance of a thunderstorm in the morning and afternoon. Possible hail. Winds west to northwesterly 20 to 30 km/h turning southwesterly 30 to 45 km/h before dawn. Overnight temperatures falling to around 6 with daytime temperatures reaching between 10 and 13. ■ Thursday: Cloudy. Medium (60%) chance of showers in the east, slight (20%) chance elsewhere. Snow possible above 1100 metres. Winds southwesterly 15 to 25 km/h. Overnight temperatures falling to around 4 with daytime temperatures reaching between 10 and 15.
Local News
Shire looks set to lose $1 million New Neighbourhood leaders
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
WEDNESDAY Alexandra. Showers. 5°-10° Eildon. Showers. 4°-9° Kinglake. Rain. 5°-7° Marysville. Rain. 4°-7° Whittlesea. Rain. 7°-11° Yea. Showers. 5°-10° THURSDAY Alexandra. Most cloudy. 7°-12° Eildon. Most cloudy. 6°-11° Kinglake. Scattered showers. 7°-9° Marysville. Showers. 6°-8° Whittlesea. Scattered showers. 9°-12° Yea. Most cloudy. 7°-12° FRIDAY Alexandra. Scattered showers. 10°-14° Eildon. Scattered showers. 9°-14° Kinglake. Scattered showers. 9°-13° Marysville. Showers. 9°-12° Whittlesea. Cloudy. 12°-16° Yea. Scattered showers. 10°-14° SATURDAY Alexandra. Scattered showers. 5°-14° Eildon. Scattered showers. 4°-14° Kinglake. Showers. 6°-12° Marysville. Showers. 4°-11° Whittlesea. Scattered showers. 8°-14° Yea. Scattered showers. 5°-14° SUNDAY Alexandra. Mostly sunny. 6°-16° Eildon. Mostly sunny. 6°-15° Kinglake. Mostly sunny. 6°-13° Marysville. Mostly sunny. 6°-13° Whittlesea. Partly cloudy. 8°-15° Yea. Mostly sunny. 6°-16°
River Heights Goulburn R at Lake Eildon D/S. Time: 8.45pm Mon. Height: 1.10. Tendency: falling Flood class: below minor Rubicon R at Rubicon. 8.45pm Mon. 0.44. steady Acheron R at Taggerty. 7.52pm Mon. 0.5. steady. below minor Home Ck at Yarck. 9.46pm Mon. 0.18. steady Yea R at Devlins Bridge. 9.21pm Mon. 0.49. steady. below minor Yea R at Yea. 9.46pm Mon. 0.40. steady. below minor Goulburn R at Ghin Ghin. 5.30pm Mon. 3.42. steady King Parrot Ck at Flowerdale.8.30pm Mon. 0.37. steady. below minor Goulburn R at Trawool. 8.45pm Mon. 1.09 steady. below minor Sunday Ck at Tallarook. 8.45pm Mon. 0.05. steady. below minor Goulburn R at Seymour. 8.30pm Mon. 1.40 steady. below minor Whiteheads Ck at Seymour. 7.43pm Mon. 0.79. steady Hughes Ck at Tarcombe Road. 8.19pm Mon. 0.96. steady. below minor
Warnings ■ The Weather Bureau issued a warning on Monday Night (Apr. 24) that: Heavy Rain which may lead to Flash Flooding is possible in the North East district and adjacent parts of the North Central district during Tuesday morning, particularly about elevated areas. Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms may follow the rain during Friday.
■ Condolences are extended to the family on the passing of Russell Purvis, well known through the Yea district. His annual presence at the local ANZAC Day observances and YeaKinglake RSL Sub-Branch afterwards, was particularly missed yesterday (Tues.). ■ Respecting Russell’s wishes, the Purvis family has declined an obituary tribute in The Local Paper at this time. A private funeral service has already been held.
ANZAC services
Forecasts ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
News Briefs Vale Russell Purvis
● Margaret Abbey, CEO, Murrindindi Shire Council ■ A report due to be presented to Murrindindi Shire’s meeting tonight (Wed.) confirms that the Council is due to lose $1 million in the current financial year. “Council’s revised budget for 2016-17 is now forecasting an operating deficit of $1.13 million,” says the Quarterly Financial Report due to be presented to Councillors. “It should be noted that the 2016-17 revised budget has been significantly impacted by the $800,000 reduction in Commonwealth capital grant funding that was initially budget to be received in 2016-17 under the Roads To Recovery program,” the report said. Receipts from rates and charges have been $37,000 less than anticipated this financial year, “although some supplementary valuations are still be processed:, Councillors are being advised. Council officers say that “unfavourable” fee receipts are components in the budget reults: waste disposal receipts are $26,000 less than planned; home care revenue is $38,000 less; and property maintenance figures are $13,000 down on expected totals.
■ Yea High School Year 12 students have a biology excursion scheduled for tomorrow (Thurs., Apr. 27). The Southern Ranges Athletics meeting, in which YHS students will participate, will be held on Tuesday (May 2). Year 11 students will be involved in an outdoor sailing excursion on Saturday, May 6.
● Back row, from left: Cheryl Roberts, Justine Baker, Jill Maddison. Front row: Lorraine Howson, Ken Howson
■ ANZAC services have been held throughout Murrindindi Shire this week: ■ Kellock Lodge, Alexandra, Monday, 11am. ■ Alexandra. Tuesday, 6am. Dawn Service. ■ Glenburn. Tuesday, 5.30am for 6am. Dawn Service. ■ Kinglake. Tuesday, 5.30am for 6am. Dawn Service, and gunfire breakfast. ■ Strath Creek. Tuesday, 8.45am for 9am. Pioneer Reserve Memorial. ■ Yea. Tuesday, 10am. Yea and District Memorial Hospital. ■ Kinglake. Tuesday, 10.30am. Service at the Lions Club Memorial, Kinglake Community Centre. ■ Marysville. Tuesday, 10.30am for 11am. Service at Cenotaph. ■ Yarck. Tuesday, 10.30am. Service at War Memorial. ■ Alexandra. Tuesday, 10.45am for 11am. Leckie Park Memorial Service. ■ Yea. Tuesday, 10.45am for 11am. March to Memorial Stone. ■ Eildon. Tuesday, 10.50am for 11am. Cenotaph service. ■ Flowerdale. Tuesday, 11am. Cenotaph service. ■ Terip Terip. Tuesday, 11.30am. Service at Terip Terip Recreation Reserve, Springs Rd..
Meeting tonight
● Lorina Gray (Yea Hospital), Lorraine Howson and Jason Diab (Yea CFA) at the Neighbourhood Watch meeting. ■ Neighbourhood Watch Yea’s meeting was held on Wednesday last week (Apr. 19). During the meeting a new executive committee was elected, comprising President Justine Baker, Secretary Jill Maddison and Treasurer Cheryl Roberts.
Concerns over NBN ■ Alexandra SES Unit Controller Peter Weeks made a submission last week to the National Broadband Network hearing at Wodonga last Thursday (Apr. 20). Mr Weeks, who is a member of local Municipal Emergency Management Committees, said there was concern about the NBN’s limited battery backup life during emergencies. “Loss of power at the home or business results in not only loss of internet but also telephone as well. “Currently the copper telephone service is powered from the telephone exchange and loss of mains power does not affect the service,” M r Weeks told the hearing. “When mains power is lost, NBN creates multiple points
● Peter Weeks of failure between telephone exchange and customer after a very short time, due to limited batteru backup, leaving customers with no internet when it is needed the most in an emergency,” Mr Weeks said of theNBN fibre to the node service. Mr Weeks said that when mains power is lost, NBN again creates multiple points of failure between telephone exchange and customer as many base stations are linked together by wireless
links from other NBN ase stations. “So a power failure anywhere along the link chain will cause failures and loss of NBN from that point onwards, and in many cases not just local but wide area failure.” Mr Weeks had a warning for the NBN: “If during emergencies it is planned to use portable back-up generators to maintain power to the NBN wireless base stations (if this is even a current option) may be difficult as in many cases NBN may not be able to access the disaster area for many reasons, such as road closures and fires in the vicinty.” MrWeeks said reliance on wireless in many rural and country areas is too great. This was the case in Alexandra, MrWeeks told the hearing.
■ The monthly meeting of the Murrindindi Shire Council will be held at 6pm tonight (Wed.) at the chambers in Perkins St, Alexandra. The following month’s meeting is scheduled to be held at Yea at 6pm on Wednesday, May 24.
Netball session
■ Netball South conducted a ‘Holiday Program’ session of skills, activities and games at Alexandra on Monday (Apr. 24).
600 rolls prepared
■ Members of the Rotary Club of Yea prepared 600 rolls, with hamburgers, onions, eggs, bacon, coleslaw and loaves of bread, at the Molesworth Easter Bazaar and Auction.
Day at Kinglake
■ Kinglake Football Netball Club and Kinglake Junior Football Club combined to host an ANZAC Sunday at the Memorial Reserve last Sunday (Apr. 23) including five games of football and four games of netball. A luncheon with special guests, VFL-AFL legends Peter Daicos and Dustin Fletcher, was held by the clubs. Sunday's junior football schedule saw Under 10s play South Morang, Under 12s play Panton Hill, and Under 14s play Northcote. Seniors playedYarra Glen.
Plans for factory
■ There are plans to restore the old loading bay entrance at the Yea Butter Factory, that has been bricked up. Photographs of the east (off-roadside) wall of the building, showing the original door and the guttering, are sought by the Factory owners.
Mitch’s scholarship
■ Whittlesea Secondary College's Mitch Allen, a Year 10 student, has been congratulated for being one of only 12 indigenous students across Victoria who successfully gained a scholarship from VicRoads.
Page 12 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
80 Years Ago
Local People
From Our April 1937 Files
Mr William McPherson Wilson
Alexandra Hospital
■ The Matron acknowledges the following gifts for March: - Yea Auxiliary, tomatoes, apples, cocoa, jelly crystals, soap, washers, old linen ; Alexandra Presbyterian Church, vegetables, fruit, flowers, eggs; Alexandra Church of England, apples,. vegetables, tomatoes, grapes, eggs; Mr. O'Brien, tomatoes; Taggerty Red Cross, tomattoes, apples, vegetables ; Mr. G. Brettoner, passion fruit ; Mr. Findlay, tomatoes ; Mr. J. Milroy, fruit ; Church of England Harvest Festival, Taggerty, flowers, tomatoes, eggs ; Mrs. McGorlick, bread, vegetables.
■ Mixed Doubles last Saturday was won by Mrs. Marchbank and Mr. Alex Murray. An enjoyable afternoon was spent. Next Saturday - American Mixed Doubles Tournament, commencing 1.30 sharp. Entry 1s., racquet.
Kinglake Ball
■ The Kinglake Red Cross Ball w ill be held on May .8 The date was omitted from the advertisement last week. A splendid evening has been arranged and dancers should not miss this event.
Hurstbridge thefts
■ Convicted at the Eltham Court on Wednesday, before Messrs P. A. Cooper and J. N. Burgoyne J's.P. on charges of larceny, Arthur William Lithgow and Henry Gordon James, both unemployed of Hurstbridge, were sentenced to seven days imprisonment. On a further charge of having received goods suspected of having been stolen, James was convicted and discharged. Rupert Robert Morton, Beaconsfield road, East Hawthorn, gave evidence that when he visited his house in Flat Rock road. Hurstbridge on March 13, he found a door broken open and a small tank and two sheets of galvanized iron missing.
CWA Conference
■ On Friday last it seemed that the C.W.A. Rest Room was the rendezvous of all the ladles of the district, when about 112 ladles gathered there on the occasion of the Annual Conference of the Upper Goulburn Group. Visitors represented Mansfield, Yea, Merton, Yarck, Acheron, Molesworth and Thornton. This gathering marks the high water mark of progress in the C.W.A. in this district. The decorations, which included the gorgeous tree at the entrance, were the Autumn tonings of dahlias, zinnias and ornamental vines.
W’sea Auxiliary
■ The Whittlesea branch of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary conducted a very successful dance and euchre party in the Mechanics' Hall, on Tuesday, April 20. Prizes for the cards were given by Mesdames Dawes and Arnel, and the winners were (ladies) Mrs J. Taylor (gents) Mr S. Rowlands. A special prize was won by Mrs H. Hyland. Mr G. Allchin acted M.C., and Mrs L. Dalton, pianist. The "spot" dance was won by Mr Mitchell and Mrs H. Clancy.
Arthur’s Creek
■ Mrs .A. Murphy and her daughter, Miss L. Murphy, have returned-home after a holiday at Frankston. The apple crop is just bout finished after a fairly good season.; the local cool stores are about full and thous ands of cases have been exported and, sold on the markets. Beautiful rain has fallen this week and was badly needed.
K’lake disaapoint
■ Great disappointment is felt in the Kinglake district owing to the fact that the local football team cannot obtain entry into any association. This is very. disappointing as the boys were:-looking forward to the football season. The club has a good credit balance.
■ Fr Thomas Leslie, Rector at St Luke’s Anglican Church, explained the difference between constructing a house and building a home, when mourners gathered on Thursday (Apr. 20) to pay tribute to the life of William McPherson Wilson. Bill Wilson had done both well, the priest explained. As a builder-carpenter Bill had built the houses of many Yea families, and as a devoted couple Bill and wife Val had built a home for their family in Miller St, Yea. William McPherson Wilson was born on July 7, 1931, and he had been baptised at St Luke’s Church, Yea, some 85 years earlier, the congregation was told. Daughter Jude said: “William McPherson Wilson was born on July 7, 1931 to William Stanley and Elsie May Wilson. “He and his siblings Shirley and Graham were raised at 108 High St. “He attended Yea Primary and Yea High School and was an altar boy here at St Luke’s where he met his wife Valerie. “He left school to work with the postal service and went on to work with his father who was a carpenter and bridge builder. “Bill married Valerie Callander in 1952 and they had five children: Peter, Robert, John, Jude and Karen. “Bill was a respected carpenter in the district, was always busy and loved his job. He also did evening work at the Yea Cordial Factory to support his family when his children were young. “He was very intelligent and had a very strong work ethic , often saying "find a job that you like and it'll never be hard work". “He had a couple of apprentices that were taught meticulously under strict instruction including his son Peter, with them working alongside each other for many years. “Bill was involved in the Lions Club, Masonic Lodge and was Yea Shire Council President. “In 2005 Bill and Val were recognised for their tireless work in the Yea community and were awarded the 2005 Australia Day Council Citizen of the Year. “Bill had a generous nature and would help anyone with anything. “Bill travelled extensively in Japan and visited Canada, America, Hong Kong and New
■ In a tight draft budget released last week, Mansfield Shire Council will take no new borrowings, will spend less than $1 million on new assets and is hoping to finish with an underlying surplus of $500,000. Introducing the budget to council at a special meeting, finance manager Mandy Kynnersley said social issues had been taken into account when setting the proposed budget. - Mansfield Courier
Council retreats
● Bill Wilson Zealand. “Bill and Val welcomed Japanese students into their home and showed them not only around Yea but Mildura and South Australia too. “He was a sweet tooth who also loved his motorbikes and was an avid supporter of the Collingwood Football Club. “Bill loved his Miller St home that he built with his own two hands and where he lived happily with Val all his 60 years of married life. “They hosted many weekend parties at the barbecue with not only their friends but their children's and the door was always open to have a chat around the kitchen table. “After Val's death in 2012 he resided with his daughter Jude and son-in-law Garry primarily, but also spent time with son John and daughterin-law Dianne before entering a nursing home 18 months ago. “He was very proud of his family and was happiest when they were all together. He had 13 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren and he loved to hear stories and updates of what and how they were doing around the country. “Bill was a humble gentleman, generous and respected , treating everyone he met with kindness, patience and care and will be dearly missed.”
Mr Douglas Perth Lawson ● From Page 5 The Lawsons are described by Glenburn residents as “good neighbours and friends”. Doug was well known for his involvement as Captain of the Glenburn Rural Fire Brigade which he joined on November 13, 1950 (recently receiving a 65-year medal). Locals laugh that the only meeting that Doug ever missed was in 1965, when he was elected Captain. Brigade members put through a phone call, through the Glenburn exchange (then at the hotel), for Doug’s mother to pass on to him, suffering from flu. He was Captain for 17 years, retiring in 1982. Officially, he was involved in 61 turn-outs. Betty served as Assistant Communications Officer of the Brigade. In those days that meant purchasing your own ‘High Frequency’ radio equipment. The early days of the Glenburn Rural Fire Brigade saw members equipped only with private units, knapsacks and rake hoes. Other groups had tankers; there was no Yea Group as we
What The Papers Say Tight budget
● Doug Lawson know it today. Doug put pressure on CFA Region Officer Hec McLaren, and the first Willys vehicle soon arrived in 1967. Not longer after, the Brigade three-tanker turnout procedure, still current, started. Glenburn Rural Fire Brigade, under Doug’s captaincy, was involved in Shire- and Region-wide fire prevention measures. Doug pressured the CFA
Chairman, Doug Eastern, in 1977-78 for a phone line to Mt Despair, south of the Murrindindi Scenic Reserve. Doug was congratulated by CFA official Doug Lade for his involvement in training exercises. Doug was named as an Honorary Life Member of the Glenburn brigade. Doug Lawson was a “people person”. Parliamentarian Jim Plowman recommended that Doug become a Justice-of-the-Peace, an appointment he took for 40 years. Doug’s community involvements were many. For many years, he travelled near and far in the Glenburn Band trio with David and Judy Evans. After the passing of Betty in October 2014, Doug became a resident at Rosebank Extended Care Centre, Yea, where he maintained a busy life. Doug had not enjoyed the best of health in recent times, but his passing has come as a shock to friends and family. The Local Paper joins with the community in extending sincere condolences to the Lawson family on their very real loss.
■ The drama surrounding the future of the Euroa Cinema appears over, with the Shire of Strathbogie Council announcing to volunteers they were ceasing their review into its management structure. Since floating the idea of incorporating the cinema – and therefore removing any responsibility for its management from the shire – council has received feedback from concerned volunteers that the workload would be too great for their group to bear without shire assistance. - Euroa Gazette
Less time in jail
■ Wesburn man, 22-year-old James Brian Lennon, will return to prison with a reduced sentence following an appeal in the Supreme Court of Victoria. Lennon was sentenced in August last year to a year in prison and two years community work for his part in a 2014 incident in which teenage girls, Ebony Dawson and Tarryn Rankin, were seriously injured. The prison term has been reduced to eight months. - Upper Yarra Mail
Charity ride
■ Matt Aldridge has organised The CooWee Ride, a 15-day charity bike ride, averaging a gruelling 107km each day, designed to help veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mr Aldridge said many PTSD victims suffer in silence, but bottling things up is probably the worst thing they can do. - Seymour Telegraph
$50,000 effort
■ The Northern Health Foundation is on a mission to raise $50,000 to help chemotherapy patients. The Epping hospital is hoping its 2017 oncology appeal will raise what’s needed to buy a scalp-cooling machine for use in the day oncology department. The machine combats hair loss brought on by chemotherapy treatments. - Northern Star Weekly
Diamond Ck row
■ Furious Rangeview Estate homeowners, fed up with the Victorian Building Authority, have called on Premier DanielAndrews to begin an independent investigation. In a letter to MrAndrews, Steve Balfour, on behalf of the estate’s action group, said the owners were “sick and tired” of dealing with an “incompetent compliance regulatory authority” that had “absolutely no idea of what its duties and responsibilities to the consumer are”. “It has become apparent to owners that the authority is managed by professional public servants who have limited or no knowledge of the Building Act,” he wrote. - Diamond Valley Leader
Junior brigade back
■ After a long absence, Wandong Fire Brigade has reintroduced the Junior Fire Brigade. Reformed in September 2016, the 11-15 year old girls and boys are learning skills in all areas of firefighting. The juniors have been learning basic firefighting skills including hose bowling, hose coupling, branch operation and pump operation. - What’s News newsletter
Local People
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 13
The Local Paper photographer around Murrindindi Shire Photos: Ash Long
● Philip and Christine Challen of Little River Wines, with Robert Utter of Utter Wines, at the Taggerty Market
● Kim Clements, Sandra Macintyre and Georgie Sinclair at the Molesworth Bazaar, at the Molesworth Hall
● At the Yea Easter Tennis Tournament, visiting from the Macedon Ranges were (from left): Brett Rees, Suzie Patten, Darren Patten, Phillip Beattie and Jack Reeves
● Anna Guggemos of Merton and Roslyn Austin of Mansfield at the Yarck Market
● Peggy Arnott of Acheron and Judith Gay of Alexandra at Taggerty
● Steve Prothero and Bev Reece of Whanregarwen Fire Brigade
● Quillan Palmer, 5, with his father Dave, at Molesworth
● Catherine Rattray, Marj Hamilton and Pat Sichlau on duty for Rotary
Page 14 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local People
Good Friday Appeal collections Photos: Ash Long
● Ross Williamson, Matt Kells and Colin Riley
● Rachael Donegan and Vicki Lowe
● Cheryl O’Halloran, Yea Volunteer Group Co-Ordinator
● Graeme Chisholm and Robert O’Halloran
● Dylan Barter and daughter Audrey, 9 months, at Kinglake West
● Yea CFA Captain Rod Carbis collects in High St, Yea
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 15
Obituary: Ivan Keith Palmer
■ Ivan Keith Palmer was born in Melbourne on March 20, 1944. He was the fourth of six children born to Elsie and Frank Palmer, with brothers Les, Donald and Colin, and sisters Maureen and May. Ivan grew up in Altona, which in those days was still a semirural part of Melbourne. Ivan was able to spend hours roaming the open paddocks and fields, exploring the creeks, and collecting wild mushrooms, also fishing, floundering and gathering mussels and pipis. It was in these early years that Ivan’s love of nature and being outdoors was born, and these were passions that he retained for the resto f his life. Ivan attended Altona Primary School, and then went on to Williamstown Technical School. Formal class room learning was not for Ivan, and he left school at 15, and started work in nearby Spotswood, making gas meters. He left there, and then started work as a sheet metal fabricator. In the early 1970s, Ivan met a lovely young lady named Beth Ridd, who was become his wife. The young couple initially settled in Yackandandah, then Yea where he worked on the Yea Shire Council, before finally settling on a farm at Molesworth, after the death of Beth’s father, Dave Ridd. Their family grew with the births of their sons David in 1973, Les in 1975, Graham in 1977, and James in 1980. Sadly, Graham’s health was very poor, and he was constantly in and out of hospital, which placed an enormous strain on this young family. Ivan and Beth were devastated when Graham died, aged 3½, on December 23, 1980. Not long after, Ivan and Beth separated, and the children remained with their mother. Ivan moved initially to Kyabram, and then to Queensland, before finally settling in Tallangatta in the mid1980s, where he lived with his sister May and her family. Ivan worked as a cook at the Victoria Hotel in Tallangatta, and settled into a very happy life. He was particularly close to his nephew, Glenm, who was more like a brother to him. It was when Ivan moved to Tallangatta that he was able to reconnect with sons Dave, Les and James. Over many road and fishing trips, he was able to establish a strong and loving bond with his boys, who remember these as great times, where they learnt a lot about their father and each other, and created some wonderful memories which will last them a lifetime. Ivan was a man who was passionate about nature, and the outdoors. He loved nothing more
Tribute to Ivan Palmer from his sons and family: Dave, Naurelle, Josh, Quillan and Livani; Les, Juliet, Sammy and Lucy; James, Megan, Caeley and Ella. than being by the banks of a river, fishing rod in hand, listening to the sound of the birds. Although never keen on a formal education, Ivan has an inquisitive mind, and a thirst for knowledge. He could not get enough of documentaries by David Attenborough, and his choice of reading material was National Geographic, exploring the wonders of nature. He had a loving and gentle way with animals. His children have memories of him as a great story teller, who was particularly fond of telling Shnook stories, and this continued with his seven grandchildren. He had developed nicknames for just about everything, and to his children it was like he had his own language. He loved science, and the stars, and spent many evenings gazing into the southern sky, amazed by its beauty. He also loved a bit of a flutter on the horses, and while he had spent many years working out what he thought was the fool proof betting system, he never put it to the test. He would never bet more than a few dollars anyway, and $10 was a big win for him. Ivan was a bit of a worrier, however! When fishing, he would always worry that the fish were protected, or the boys were too close to the water, or about the crocs up north, or whether we’d get bogged or stuck out in the scrub somewhere. His sons would reassure him that it was fine, but there was always that niggling worry in the back of his mind. When asked by those close to him to describe Ivan, we were told than he was a loving father, and grandafther, a great and loyal mate, who never said a bad word about anyone. He was a gentle man, who hated conflict. Ivan first fell ill when he was 60, and ill health forced him to retire from work at 65. He spent the next few years bravely battling his illness, renal failure; it is believed he was the longest-lasting person on peritoneal dialysis, having self-dialysed for the past 8-9 years. This allowed him to take many fishing trips with his boys, and also to spend precious time with his family. Ivan passed away peacefully at the Royal Melbourne Hospital on Sunday, April 9, aged 73 years, his much loved children by his side.
Council News
Mayor’s costs over $19,400 ■ MurrindindiCouncil Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset has accumulated $19,414.60 in expenses in the first three months of 2017, a Shire report states. According to a document due to be presented to the Council meeting tonight (Wed.), the expenses include Cr Bisset’s Councillor allowance of $15,826, plus $327,27 mobile phone expenses, $1657.14 for training and professional development, and $1604.14 for accommodation and travel. Cr Leigh Dunscombe, from Kinglake, had the second highest expense total, at $9241.30 for January, February and March. His accommodation and travel expense account was the highest amongst Councillors at $2319.82. Apart from the Mayor who receives a $63,000 total allowance each year, the other six Councillors each receive a $5297.07 allowance. Deputy Mayor Cr Sancice Aulay takes $476.73 of this in superannuation; Cr Bec Bowles elected to have a ‘super’ deduction of $335.48 for the quarter. Each Councillor’s mobile phone allowance was costed at $327.27; although Cr Margaret Rae’s account was more $376.35. Training and professional development costs for each Councillor are listed in the Shire report: ■ Cr Charlie Bisset, $1657.14; ■ Cr Sandice McAulay, $1657.14; ■ Cr Jackie Ashe, $1435.09; ■ Cr Bec Bowles, $1297.14; ■ Cr Leigh Dunscombe, $1297.14; ■ Cr Eric Lording, $1414.09; and ■ Cr Margaret Rae, $1297.14. Accommodation and travel expenses for the first three months of 2017 are: Cr Bisset, $1604.14; Cr McAulay, $656.30; Cr Ashe, $538.44; Cr Bowles, $773.97; Cr Dunscombe,$2319.82; Cr Lording, $2191.57; Cr Rae, nil. Accommodation and travel costs include reimbursement of costs of travelling to Council meetings.
● Cr Charlie Bisset, Murrindindi Mayor
Local News Nominees wanted
■ The search is on for Murrindindi Shire individuals, businesses and community groups that are making a difference to be nominated for the annual Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards. Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset is calling on all Shire residents to consider nominating an individual, business or group that is helping to reshape and inspire community. "If you know someone - whether an individual, community group or business, who has provided support and made a real difference in your life, why not give them a pat on the back and nominate them for an award," said Cr Bisset. "It would be great for our community contributors to be recognised particularly as we know Murrindindi has a strong community of volunteers." Murrindindi Shire has one of the highest volunteering rates in the State at 31.9 per cent, compared with Victorian volunteering rates at 19.3 per cent and the Rural Victorian rate of 28.3 percent. Nominations are now open in the following categories: ■ Regional Development Victoria Business Achievement Award ■ Regional Development Victoria Leadership and Innovation Award ■ Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award ■ Life Activities Clubs Victoria and Henry Carus & Associates Senior Achievement Award ■ Ricoh Australia Customer Service Award ■ Parks Victoria Environmental Sustainability Award ■ WorkSafe Victoria Regional Safety Award ■ South West TAFE and Deakin University South West Regional Achiever Award ■ rime Super Agricultural Innovation Award ■ Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Diversity and Inclusion Award To nominate someone, go to and select Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards, then "Nominate Now." For assistance please contact the Awards office on 9720 1638 or - Contributed
Here’s where to grab your weekly copy ● ALEXANDRA. Foodworks. 102 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Landmark Real Estate. 56 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Murrindindi Shire Offices. Perkins St. ● ALEXANDRA. Newsagency. 82-84 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Simpsons Fuel. 25 Aitken St. ● ALEXANDRA. Totally Trout. 2/42 Downey St. ● BUXTON. Post Office. 2187 Maroondah Hwy. ● DIAMOND CREEK. Newsagency. 62A Main Hurstbridge Rd. ● DOREEN. General Store. 920 Yan Yean Rd. ● EILDON. Foodworks. 18 Main St. ● ELTHAM. Newsagency. 2/963 Main Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Community House. 36 Silver Creek Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Hazeldene Store. 6 Curlings Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Hotel. 3325 WhittleseaYea Rd ● GLENBURN. United Petroleum. 3883 Melba Hwy. ● HEALESVILLE. Newsagency. 195 Maroondah Hwy. ● HURSTBRIDGE. Newsagency 800 Heidelberg-Kinglake Rd. ● KANGAROO GROUND. General Store. 280 Eltham-Yarra Glen Rd. ● KINGL AKE. Bakehouse. 10 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGL AKE. Foodworks. 12 Main St. ● KINGL AKE. Library. 19 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGL AKE. Pub. 28 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGL AKE. United Petroleum. 2 Kinglake-Glenburn Rd. ● LAURIMAR. Newsagency. 8/95 Hazel Glen Dr. ● LILYDALE. Newsagency. 237 Main St. ● MANSFIELD. Foodworks. 119 High St. ● MERNDA VILL AGES. Post Office. 50 Mernda Village Dr. ● MARYSVILLE. Foodworks. 49 Darwin St. ● MOLESWORTH. Hungry Horse Hotel. 4364 Goulburn Valley Hwy. ● MOLESWORTH. Store.4353 Goulburn Valley Hwy. ● NARBETHONG. Black Spur Inn. 436 Maroondah Hwy. ● PHEASANT CREEK. Flying Tarts. 888 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. ● PHEASANT CREEK. Store. 884 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. ● RESEARCH. Post Office. 1544 Main Rd ● SEYMOUR. Newsagency. 66 Station St ● ST ANDREWS. Store. 10 Caledonia St. ● STRATH CREEK. Post Office. 8 Glover St. ● TAGGERTY. Store. 26 Taggerty-Thornton Rd. ● THORNTON. Store. 1365 TaggertyThornton Rd. ● TOOLANGI. Tavern. 1390 Myers Creek Rd. ● WATTLE GLEN. Peppers Paddock General Store. 13 Kangaroo GroundWattle Glen Rd. ● WHITTLESEA. Bowls Club. 101 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Champions Supa IGA. 2/ 16 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. El-Azar Milk Bar. 13 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Foodworks. 65 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Newsagency. 45 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Royal Mail Hotel. 29 Beech St. ● YARCK. Hotel. Maroondah Hwy. ● YARCK. Store. 6595 Maroondah Hwy ● YARRA GLEN. IGA. 1/38 Bell St. ● YARRA GLEN. Newsagency. 32 Bell St. ● YEA. Amble Inn Cafe. 24 High St ● YEA. Bakery. 44 High St. ● YEA. BP. 31 High St ● YEA. Cafe Christies. 17 High St ● YEA. Country Woman. 6 Station St. ● YEA. Foodworks. 10 High St ● YEA. Library. 15 The Semi-Circle ● YEA. Manna Fest. 94 High St. ● YEA. Marmalades. 20 High St ● YEA. Mint and Jam. 46 High St ● YEA. Newsagency. 74 High St ● YEA. Peppercorn Hotel. 21 Station St. ● YEA. Provender Bakery. 56 High St ● YEA. Rendezvous. 10 High St ● YEA. Royal Mail Hotel. 88 High St. ● YEA. Take-Away. 68 High St
Page 16 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local People
Peter Isaacson AM, DFC, AFC, DFM ■ Distinguished military hero and successful businessman Peter Isaacson died on April 7 at the age of 96. Peter Isaacson, of Toorak, owned the ‘Bindaree’ property on Whittlesea-Yea Rd, Flowerdale, for several decades. He was publisher of the Melbourne Observer newspaper from 1977 to 1989. Peter Isaacson Publications was also the printer, under contract to Long Family Newspapers, in 199192, of weekly papers at Yea, Whittlesea, Kinglake, Seymour, Nagambie and Kilmore. He took an active interest in the doings of the Yea, and later Murrindindi, municipalities. Peter Isaacson was born in London on July 31, 1920, moving to Melbourne at age six. He was the son of Arnold Isaacson (son of Solomon Kramer), and Caroline ‘Lynka’ (nee Jacobson), born in Vienna, whose father Emile was Dutch, and whose mother Bettina Lipmann, was French. Arnold Isaacson’s family were in Melbourne: brothers Isidore, Michael, Alex and Abel; and sisters Rebecca and Celina. Arnold and Lynka married at the Dalston Synagogue, North London, in March 1919. The bride, 19, was 19 years younger, than her husband, who became a manufacturers’ agent, later a printing sales representative, travelling throughout country Victoria. Peter Isaacson’s planned enrolment at the Geelong Grammar School did not proceed, partly because of the school fees, partly because of ‘Uncle Alex’s’ objection to morning prayers. Peter attended various state schools in Elwood and Brighton, briefly at Wesley College, and then until age 16 at Brighton Grammar School. He became the Company Quartermaster Sargeant in the School Cadets. Peter Isaacson became a messenger boy at The Age newspaper, where his mother worked as Women’s Editor on the weekly Leader rural newspaper. His starting salary was 19 shillings and 6 pence ($1.95) per week. He attended Dr Hall’s Coaching Academy and matriculated. He enrolled at Melbourne University, doing his study prior to starting at The Age each weekday at 2pm. At age 18, Peter left The Age and joined Paul Freadman at Coronet Publishing and Paul Freadman Advertising, selling programs and book-
● ‘Pi’ in alleged retirement
“I was the proprietor, editor, reporter, sub-editor, advertising salesman, circulation supervisor, office manager and messenger boy.” To work his way around newsprint rationing, Isaacson added the Caulfield Advertiser and Carnegie Courier to his list, which tripled his supply. Later in 1947, Peter Isaacson took over the Southern Cross suburban newspaper. The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd injected working capital into the fledgling business. He took on involvements with the South Melbourne Record and Camberwell Chronicle newspapers. He became involved in weekly local papers, part of Gippsland Newspapers, which published the Morwell Advertiser, Moe Advocate and Yallourn Livewire. He was part of the conglomerate that wa successful in winning the GLV-10 television station. His cousin, Maurice Sloman, friends with Prime Minister Robert Menzies, was also part of the group
● Peter Isaacson spent some of his retirement time at his ‘Bindaree’ property on Whittlesea-Yea Rd, Flowerdale lets sponsored by charities, local councils and other organisations. He met Anne McIntyre, 16, on vacation from Toorak College, Mt Eliza, at The Milky Way meeting place in Lt Collins St. They were to marry in 1950. In the middle of 1940, Peter Isaacson was selected for the RAAF Air Crew Reserve. He was called up later in the year for initial training school, then to Narrandera for elementary flying training. He trained in Ottawa, Canada, as fighter pilot. His work with Bomber Command, England, from 1942 is detailed in the biography Pathfinder by Denis Warner. Warner quoted Isaacson: “You can’t be too emotional about things like bombing the Germans or Italians. You don’t want to dwell on it. I didn’t. Very few of us did. “That doesn’t mean that you are lacking in basic sympathies, but you are there to do a job. If you didn’t do it to them, they would do it to you.” He argued that Germany had started the war, and it was Germany that first bombed open cities. Peter Isaacson graduated from Halifaxes to Lancasters. A Lancaster’s expected life was 15 to 16 operations. In their dozens of flights they had many ‘close shaves’. Isaacson and crew were given the task of flying a Lancaster from London to Australia, where it was used to sell war bonds. ‘Q for Queenie VI’ received nationwide publicity as pilot Isaacson ● Anne and Peter Isaacson married at The Registry Office flew under the Sydney Harbour that won the BTV-6 licence at Bridge. Ballarat. After the end of World War II, Sloman was also part of a conPeter Isaacson gained special Air sortium to buy land and finance a Force permission to stand as the Libbuilding in Prahran to house the eral Party candidate for Prahran. growing publishing business. He was defeated by 47 votes. He Other ventures included the Sunsays that being beaten was the best day Free Press joint venture with thing that ever happened to him. He Progress Press at Chadstone, Inwould never have started a business ternational Travel, and This Week In if he had won the seat. Melbourne (with sister publications Demobbed, he bought the in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane, Elsternwick Advertiser suburban Perth, Adelaide, Newcastle, Cairns newspaper business, using £400 in and Darwin). deferred pay to go into business. Later, the Daily Commercial News As he did many times in his busibusiness was purchased.So too the ness career, Isaacson enlisted the Kompass Industrial Register direchelp of his cousin Maurice Sloman tory of business listings. for working capital. Expansion followed with the Asian “So here I was, sitting in this two Business Press joint venture. by two office all by myself at a desk In 1977, Maxwell Newton’s era borrowed from Anne’s father, writof the Melbourne/Sunday Observer ing the news, selling the advertising ● War-time Air Force pilot
● In his 20s as an Air Force military hero came to an inglorious end. Peter Isacson purchased the business for $425,000. Denis Warner wrote: “Isaacson described it as semi-pornographic rag, put together with scissors and paste from a sheaf of lurid overseas publications.” The Isaacson business for some time continued to accept brothel advertising. He later moved the paper more up-market. Accounting advisor Ron Pitcher pleaded in later years for Isaacson to close the Observer business because of its ongoing financial losses. In 1989, the decision was made for him when Rupert Murdoch announced that he would start two Sunday newspapers: the Sunday Sun and the Sunday Herald; and The Age started its own Sunday edition. Isaacson closed the Observer. It was later re-commenced as a midweek paper by Local Media. Isaacson also tried the Sunday Territorian business in Darwin, but was thwarted by Murdoch starting an identically named paper. In the early 1990s, the O’Reilly family’s APN group took over the Isaacson publishing business that was recording group revenues of $35 million, but not making returns at international best standards. Isaacson remained as a Director for some time, but the APN group took his company in unfamiliar directions. Years later, he made a diary note that he lamented what APN had done to his business. In his late 70s, 80s and 90s, Peter Isaacson kept up his community interests. He was a Trustee, Chairman and Life Governor of the Shrine of Remembrance. He was a Director of companies including Balmoral Village and Henry Bucks. He was decorated with the Medal of the Order of Australia ‘for services to the print media and the community”. He was a leader with the Cairnmillar Institute. Peter Isaacson’s post-nominals also included the Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Force Cross and Distinguished Flying Medal. Anne Isaacson died last year. His sister Barbara ‘Joan’ Beck died on the same day as Peter (April 7). He is survived by sons Tony and Tim and their families. A memorial service will be held in May. Peter Isaacson was a tough businessman, described as having a “heart of gold”. He could be a bully, and/or an angel. He lived by a maxim: “when in doubt, do the courageous thing”. His courage was often extraordinary. - Ash Long
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 17
Yea District Term II at House
■ Yea Community House has released its Term II (Apr. 18-June 30) program, which includes: ■ Indoor Soccer, Active Kids. Mondays, 3.30pm-5.30pm. 8-week program. Starts May 1. At Yea High School Indoor Stadium. ■ Yea Community Kitchen. May 3, 31, June 21. Session will runs every 3-4 weeks. ■ Women’s Space. Meditations. Sunday, April 30, May 28, June 25. 10am-12 Noon. ■ Calm Kids. Mind and Emotional Relaxation Group for Children. Tuesdays, May 23-June 27. 6-week program. ■ Murrindindi Bird Watchers. Saturdays, May 13, June 10, July 8. Leaving from Yea Railway Station. ■ Basic Computers. Lessons by appointment only. ■ Advanced Mandarin. With Yujuan. Thrusdays, 10.30am. Bookings only. ■ Girls Group. Thursdays, 3.30pm. Ages 12-16 (Youth Drop-In Session). ■ Guided Group Meditation Sessions. Tuesdays, 5.30pm-7pm. At Yea Butter Factory. ■ Power Pals. Strength based training. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8am and 9am; Saturday, 8am. At Pioneer Reserve. ■ Line Dancing. Mondays,6pm-7pm. At St Luke’s Hall. ■ Yea Fitness. Group Training. Monday and Friday, 6.30am-7.30am, 9.15am10.15am. Core Stability Sessions. Tuesdays, 5.30pm-6.30pm. Mums and Bubvs. Mondays, 10.30am. ■ Pilates. Wednesdays, 9.15am-10.15am. Yea Community House. And Thursdays, 6pm-7pm. Scots Church Hall. ■ Vinyasa Power Flow Yoga. Wednesdays, 6pm-7.30pm. ■ Barbara Hayles Dance Classes. Tuesdays. Pre-School, 2.30pm-3.30pm. Junior (Prep-2), 3pm-4.30pm. Senior (Grade 2+), 4.30pm-5.30pm. Adult, 5.30pm-6.30pm. ■ Gratitude Yoga. Tuesdays, 6.35pm. ■ Yea Community Garden. Working Bee. April 30, May 6, June 25, July 30. 10am-12 Noon. ■ Yea Community Food Table. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 9.30am-4.30pm. Foyer of Yea Council Library. ■ Soup and Film Night. Monday, May 15. 7pm. ■ Piano Lessons. Mondays, 3.30pm-7pm. Wednesdays, from 4pm. ■ YAPPERS (YeaArtistic Performers Presenting Entertainment for Rural Society). 2nd Mondays. 7.30pm. ■ Grand Caledonian Hotel Jam Session/ Open Mic. 3rd Sundays, from 1pm. ■ First Aid CPR, Level 1 and 2. Register interest for Term 3. ■ RSA Certificate. Register interest for Term 3. ■ Food Handlers Certificate. Register interest for Term 3. ■ Glenburn Craft Club. Tuesdays, 10am12 Noon. Old School Hall, Glenburn. ■ Community Coffee. Wednesdays, 9am10am, during school term.At Yea Emporium. ■ Yea Community Meal. Wednesdays, 6pm. At St Luke’s Hall. ■ Seymour Health Well Women’s Clinic. Free Pap Smear Clinic. Thursday, May 4. 9.30am-3pm. At Yea Hospital Community Health. ■ Murrindindi Film Society. 3rd Fridays, April-September. 6.45pm for 7pm. ■ Healthy Hectares. April 28, 1pm-5pm, Glenburn Hall. May 19. 12 Noon-4pm. Molesworth Hall. June 16. 12 Noon-4pm. GBCMA Meeting Room, Yea. July 21. 12 Noon-4pm. DELWP, Alexandra. Other Community Groups ■ Buds and Blossoms. Thursdays, 10.45am. Rosebank Nursing Home. ■ Pottery. Wednesdays, 10am. ■ Yea Cub Scouts. Wednesdays, 5.30pm7pm, during school terms. Pioneer Reserve. Scouts. Thursdays, 6.45pm-8.30pm. Pioneer Reserve. ■ Yea Playgroup. Tuesdays, 9.30am11.30am. At Pioneer Reserve. ■ CWA. Monthly Meeting. 4th Thursdays. 1.30pm. RSL Hall. Craft Meeting. 3rd Thursdays, 10.30am. RSL Hall. ■ Murrindindi Woodbourne Community Hub. 1st Fridays.
Local News
Show exhibitors
48th Art Show at Alex. ■ More than 150 people attended the opening night of the Rotary Club of Alexandra Easter Art Show at the Alexandra Community Leisure Centre on Good Friday night (Apr. 14). It was the 48th annual exhibition in the Club’s 50-year history. The show was opened by Tony Pammer, founderof the Outdoor Education Group in 1984. More than 300 staff are now employed by the Group. Professional artist Ron Muller was judge and demonstrating artists. Displays were provided by the Murrindindi Beanie Festival (July), U3A Photography For Fun, Alexandra Secondary College students, Alexandra Camera Club, Alexandra Community Shed/ Eildon and District Woodworkers Guild and Alexandra and Eildon Lapidary Club. President Richard Lovett welcomed the opening night guests which included representatives of major sponsors Qualia Wine Services, Murrindindi Shire Council, DMK Financial Services, Alexandra Community Pharmacy, McCormack Funeral Services, Louise Brennan Solicitor, Fallons Bus Service, I. & M. Simpson and Sons, Elders Alexandra, Reddrop’s Foodworks and McKenzie’s Tourist Services.
● Rotary Assistant Governor Anne Reid with Rotary Club of Alexandra President Richard Lovett
Just Briefly W’sea Challenge
● Easter Art Show judge Ron Muller
Vale ‘Uncle Roy’
Whittlesea Lodge
● Norm and Marie Stace at the Alex. Community Centre
■ The next meeting of Whittlesea Lodge is due to be held at the Yea Rd Masonic Temple at 7.30pm on Wednesday next week (May 3).
Visit to Shrine
■ Two Sacred Heart Parish School leaders, Montanna Dunne and Dominik Ciantar, travelled from Yea to Melbourne on Friday (Apr. 21) to place a wreath at the Shrine of Remembrance forANZAC Day.
Flag flown
■ Former Yea Shire President, Peter Hauser, organised with Murrindindi Shire Council for the flag at Yea Shire Hall to fly at half-mast in honour of Bill Wilson, another former Yea Shire President, Cr Bill Wilson.
■ Cyclists will be on the Whittlesea-Yea Rd between Flowerdale and Whittlesea as part of the Whittlesea Challenge this Sunday (Apr. 30). There will be 110km and 68km courses in the Whittlesea Challenge with travel through local areas including: Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Broadford, Wandong, Wallan and Whittlesea This ride is available for cyclists of all fitness levels and will push cyclists to their limits. The roads surrounding Whittlesea have long been popular with cyclists of all levels. Australian star Cadel Evans grew up in Arthur's Creek, near Whittlesea, and he still rates this as one of his favourite training regions anywhere in the world. ■ Taungurung Elder, Uncle Roy Patterson of Taggerty, has passed away. Alexandra Secondary College Principals Nigel Lyttle and Sue Malcolm paid tribute: “ We are thankful to Uncle Roy for the influence he had on a number of our students and our best wishes go out to his family and friends.”
Parent Night ■ Andrew Fuller is conducting a Parenting For Resilience session at Alexandra Shire Hall at 7pm, Monday, May 8. Tickets can be booked at Alexandra Library, 5772 0382.
■ Easter Art Show exhibitors included Josie Andreeta, HenryAndrews, Tony Anketell, Con Appelman, Bob Ashe, Helen Beasy, Fiona Bilbrough, Kate Bills, Keith Blake, Gail Bransden, Clive, Bullen, Anne Burke, Ron Burke, David Chen. Dorothy Collins, Peter Collyer, Pam Colville, Ross Corben, Juliet Corkhill, Beverley Crisp, Kathy Ellen, Anne Evans, Cindy Ferguson, Louise Foletta, John Fraser, Katrina Gavaghan, William Grund, Julie Guppy, Lilly Harding, Abby Harvey, Robyn Hickey, Claire Hirst, Glenn Hoyle, Sharyn Kendall, Robert Knight, Julie Kok, Anna Leech, Lorraine Kewitzka, Wendy Lindrea, Maya Linehan, Sally Lodge, Ash Lowry, Julie LundgrenCoulter, Colin MacDonald, Loretta Madden, Joel Magpayo, Paul Matheson, Caroloyn Marrone, Janet Matthews, Tony McGowan, Wolfgang Melchart, Alayna Moffat, Kerry Monro, Adrian Moore, Pamela Moore, Heide Muller, Ron Muller, Louise Munro, Graeme Myrteza, Wendy Nicholls, Do Noble, Meg Norris, Susan O’Brien, Leon Pappas, Vida Pearson, Dulcie Pletes, Paul Pozzobon, Steve Prothero, Jacky Ragg, Elke Reid, Ted Rowbottom, Prue Sanchez, Michael Scott, Kasey Sealy, JoAnne Seberry, Joan Semmens, Christine Siciliano, Eileen Slack, Anne Slater, Gregory R. Smith, Noel Stevenson, Pauline Stewart, Alex Stianos, Agnes Szeley, Laura Tate, Diana Thomas, Nancy Thurlby, Rosemary Todman Parrant, Brad Trembath, Jodie Turner, Lorraine Turner, Vicki Tyley, Alan Webb, Allan Weeks, Marie Weeks, Linda Weil, Bernadette Werner, John Whitelaw, Maxwell Wilks, Sue Wright, Alice Young, Robert Young.
Fatal at Alexandra
● Rotarians John Sharwood and John Basset
■ Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a fatal crash which occurred near Alexandra on Friday night (Apr. 21) The collision happened on the Maroondah Hwy, approximately 1km south of the township . Police believe a utility, travelling south, veered across the highway and struck a tree. The male driver, who was the only occupant in the vehicle, died at the scene.
Page 18 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Centrelink exemptions apply when you pre-pay your funeral There are many reasons to pay for your funeral in advance including locking in your wishes at today's prices (for a pre-paid funeral) and easing the financial and emotional burden on your friends and family at a difficult time. Did you know that investing in a pre-paid lowers your total assessable assets and may increase your Age Pension from Centrelink? A pre-paid funeral is fully exempt from the Centrelink asset test. Prepaid funeral expenses There is no need to inform Centrelink about your prepaid funeral expenses if you have a prepaid funeral contract with a funeral director. The contract must outline details of the services to be undertaken, with no more expenses to be paid. Cemetery plots When you purchase a cemetery plot, an interment niche, a mausoleum or any right of interment in a cemetery, there is no need to inform Centrelink. These are not included in your assessable assets by Centrelink, regardless of their value. For more information about Centrelink exemptions, or speak to your financial advisor today.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 19
Page 20 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local People
● Dee Bradbury reads the ANZAC Requiem
Glenburn Dawn Service ANZAC Day 2017 Photos by Ash Long
● Sgt William Matrthews of the Air Land Wing School of Artillery
● John Bednarek of Yea
● Robyn Brown and Judy Jackson (who made 262 ANZAC biscuits)
● Cr Eric Lording offers a welcome to the Dawn Service
● Leonard Sheahan was a popular Master of Ceremonies at Glenburn
● Sarah and Brad Elliott prepare the Glenburn Hall for the breakfast
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 21
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Metropolitan and Regional Victoria
GARNET BAILEY 5799 2007 ALL HOURS Offering a caring and professional service throughout the Mitchell and surrounding Shires A LOCAL, WHO KNOW S LOCAL NEEDS
Prices start from $2500 • Kilmor e • Br oadf or d•W allan • R omse y Kilmore Broadf oadfor ord Wallan Romse omsey • Whittlesea • Lanc efield • R omse y Lancefield Romse omsey • Nagambie • Ale xandr a •Y ea & Dis tricts Alex andra Yea Districts
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 23
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 25
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NATIVE PLANTS & FARM TREES NOW is the time to place your orders for Trees Cheapest prices, huge range Freight, mail or collect. Yackandandah
(02) 6027 1497
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 27
Local News
New firefighters in action Local students at Shrine
● Pictured at the Shire of Remembrance, Melbourne, on Friday (Apr. 21). ■ Primary and secondary school students from Mansfield, Alexandra, Yea and Eildon, accompanied by teachers and Legatees, joined thousands of other Victorian school students at ■ Women were airlifted to the Alfred HosLegacy's 86th Annual Student Commemorapital and Royal Women’s Hospital on Suntion Service at the Shrine of Remembrance in day from the Ghin Ghin Rd-Goulburn ValMelbourne on Friday (April 21). ley Hwy intersection, west of Yea, after an The coach trip to Melbourne, which the loaccident. cal RSL Sub- Branches in Alexandra, Yea and Yea Police say that a visit travelling south Mansfield assisted Legacy to fund, was reon Ghin Ghin Rd made contact with the garded as a success by organisers. east-bound car (which crahsed into a gum Students from each school, joined hundreds tree), which was carrying the two woman and a three-month-old baby. of other students in laying wreaths at the base of Police are continuing their investigations the Eternal Flame. into the incident. At the conclusion of the moving ceremony the students had a conducted tour of the Galleries of Remembrance. ■ Police are appealing for witnesses after These are set in the underground chambers graffiti was discovered on a RSL. memoof the Shrine and illustrate the experiences of rial in Warrandyte overnight. Australian at war and in peace keeping operaRed paint was sprayed across the face of tions from 1850s to the present day. memorial. - Sue Gardner
Bad accident at Ghin Ghin Rd
Memorial hit
● From left: Gerald Ginnivan (Ruffy), Matthew Rowland (Molesworth), Scott Reeves (Koriella), Craig Gloury (Koriella), Sean Gloury (Koriella), Carl Matthews (Flowerdale), Steve Brennan (Flowerdale), Ash Mee (Flowerdale), Mark Ryan (Ruffy), Kass Lowry (Eildon), Felicity Sloman (Ruffy), Peter Anderson (Buxton), Trainer Nigel Parry (Flowerdale) and Trainer Don Cook (Ruffy). Absent: Terri Hutchinson (Eildon). ■ Some 11 CFA members from seven bri- helped during the theory phase. Don Cook from gades have successfully completed assess- Ruffy Brigade and Nigel Parry, Flowerdale ment to qualify as Bushfire Firefighters. Brigade, assisted with the critical entrapment The qualification ensures they are safe and drill at Yea on April 8. competent when attending fires and other inA firefighter must pass the entrapment drill cidents. to become operational, and must requalify anCarl Matthews, Steve Brennan and Ash nually. Mee of Flowerdale Brigade, Matthew Yea brigade hosted the assessments with RowlandofMolesworth Brigade, Kass Lowry Hannah Power, Angela Diab, Julie Kells and of Eildon Brigade, Craig Gloury and Scott Samantha Wareham catering for the practiReeves of Koriella Brigade, PeterAnderson cal assessment. Hannah's fresh baked and of Buxton Brigade and Felicity Sloman, still warm Carrot Cake drew much applause. Gerald Ginnivan and Mark Ryan of Ruffy Assessor, District 12 Instructor Tony Brigade are now operational and can join other Scicluna, complimented the members and crew members on the tankers. their brigades on their high standard. Terri Hutchinson from Eildon Brigade “They all did well on the assessment,” said qualified to work in a support role providing Tony. back up to the crews in the field. Support “With further experience, they will be a roles include administration, transport, coun- great asset to their communities,' he said. selling, catering; all brigades are in need of To inquire about joining CFA, contact HQ volunteers with these valuable skills. District 12 at Seymour on 5735 3100. Ian Charles from Flowerdale Brigade - Jeffrey Swain
Page 28 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
The Local Paper
The BEST way to reach LOCAL People
Incorporating Yea Advertiser, Kinglake Advertiser, Yarra Ranges Advertiser, Diamond Valley Advertiser and Whittlesea Advertiser
Phone: 5797 2656 or 1800 231 311. Fax: 1800 231 312. Web: STOP PRESS Around 12,000 local students will soon be using the latest technology, including robotics and virtual reality, as part of their everyday education. The Yarra Ranges Tech School at Lilydale has been officially opened. The former Swinburne Lilydale campus had its doors padlocked in July 2013. The Yarra Ranges site is one of 10 new Tech Schools being built under the State Government’s $128 million Tech Schools Initiative. The Yarra Ranges Tech School includes 20 partner schools and has a local focus on precision manufacturing, digital technologies including medical robotics, sustainability and renewables, food, fibre and biotechnology.
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DEATHS LAWSON. Douglas Perth. Passed away on April 19 at Rosebank Hostel, Yea. Very dear friend and neighbour of the Joyce families. PURVIS - Russell Allan 19.01.1928 13.04.2017 Passed peacefully at the Yea and District Memorial Hospital where he was cared for with kindness and compassion. Much loved son of Allan and Dinah and brother of Jack (all dec.) Loving husband of Freda (dec.) and father and father-in-law of Jennifer and Peter and Raymond. A great innings Dad - well played. Love always, Jen xxx Privately Cremated
PURVIS - Russell. Loved and respected cousin of Barry, Jenny, Andrew, Lisa, John, Fiona and their families. Sadly missed by us all VIVIAN. Ernest Allan (Ernie) 01.07.1940 17.04.2017 Brother of David (dec.), Marion, Roma (dec.), Lorraine, Dulcie and Aileen. R.I.P. Graveside Funeral held at the Yea Cemetery, April 24, 2017
VIVIAN. Ernie 1/7/1940-17/4/2017 Ernie, you were more of a mate to me than an uncle, all those great times we had together either at your house or mine always having a yarn with a few beers. Your last words to me Ernie were " Please look after Bonnie my dog " RIP Uncle Ernie till we meet again - Peter, Meagan, Natalee, Lauren, Chelsea and Daniel and of course your beloved Bonnie
ACCOUNTING Primarily focused on SME/Family owned businesses in the northern suburbs, BRC A /L off ers the Acccounting PP/L offers following services: • Year end Preparation and Closure • BAS Preparation and lodgement • Account reconciliation • Financial Report preparation and analysis • Streamlining processes • End to End Payroll Registered BAS Agent and CPA qualified Please contact Debbie on
0403 358 624
REC: 13433. AU27974 Brad: 0411 875 207 Specialises in: • All electrical service and installation • Melbourne’s BEST Split System Installation. • Free home site inpsection and quote • 24/7 Emergency break down service EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND WORKMANSHIP FROM LOCAL FAMILY BUSINESS
Room Leader Role Yea & District Children’s Centre is currently seeking an experienced Early Childhood Teacher or a Diploma Qualified Educator for our Long Day Care program.
All Enquires 5797 2730
First Aid • All levels of First Aid • Asthma & Anaphylaxis • Advanced Resusciattion • Defibrillation • Remote Area and Oxygen Resuscitation We also deliver courses in Fire Safety Training, Fire Warden & Evacuation Training, Fire Extinguisher Training, Introduction to OH&S EmergCareTraining Phone 800 363 742
FOR SALE FOWL HOUSE. QIQ Fix Colour bond fowl house. Green 1.52 W x.775 D X 1.5 H Flatpacked still in the box. New. $190. Yea. 0428 597 500. HAY. Small sqaure bales. $6 each. Buxton. Phone Ron 0409 860 867. HOT WATER SERVICE. Mains Pressure Everhot 315 Lt. Elec HWS . Only used for 6 months. Cost over $1000, sell for $300. Yea. 0428 597 500.
FREELANCE MAKEUP ARTIST Specialising in all aspects of makeup applications for special events, including bridal parties, debutante balls, school and theatre productions, formals and any other occasion where you want to shine. Contact Stephanie – 0415 361 755 to discuss your needs for your particular celebration, and I can come to you. Remember that photos are forever so let me help you shine. Website: Facebook:
FOR SALE RE-COVERED Fabric lounge suite sofa and 2 armchairs. $100. Condition: used. Yea Phone: 0477 022 286
WANTED. Room to rent in Yea area. Single lady, employed. No pets. Non smoker. Please give a call 0434 826 839
GARAGE SALE 28 Melbourne Rd, Yea Saturday, April 29 8am-1pm MYNAH. Bird Cages. Decluttered house, $45. Available Tuesday and Thursday at lots of bargains, brica-brac and vintage Yea Men’s Shed. H-K furniture.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 29
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Page 30 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 31
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Page 32 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
dermalogica Pilates
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Page 36 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
What’s On Free listings for local community events
The Local Paper provides free listings for community events in its readership area. Submit your listing by 5pm Friday for the following Wednesday’s newspaper.
The Local Paper readership area includes the following areas: • Murrindindi Shire, including Alexandra, Buxton, Eildon, Flowerdale, Ghin Ghin, Glenburn, Highlands, Homewood, Killing-
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 4th Wednesday 9.30am. Badminton. Kinglake Badminton Club. At Sports Stadium, Cnr Extons Rd and Main Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: Neville, 9716 2020. Every Wednesday. 10am-12 Noon. Playgroup. Nest Nature Playgroup. At Bollygum Park, Kinglake, Play, songs, rhymnes, morning tea and story. Phone: 9716 7314. Every Wednesday during term. 11am-2pm. Meeting. Kingflake Craft Group. At Kinglake Sports Stadium, Cnr Extons Rd and Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: Jo, 0409 175 124. Every Wednesday. 6.30pm-8pm. Cubs (8-10 years). 1st Whittlesea Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Fir St, Whittlesea. Phone: Alan Harding, 0409 515 998. Every Wednesday. 7pm-8.30pm. Cubs (7-11 years). 1st Kinglake Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Kinglake Football Ground, Kinglake Central. Phone: Mel Ennis, 0438 237 836. Every Wednesday. 7.30pm. Table Tennis. Whittlesea Table Tennis Club. At Chandler Pavilion, Whittlesea Showgrounds. Phone: Les, 0419 466 018. Every Wednesday. 7.30pm-10.30pm. Bridge Club, Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowls Club, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: Lyndall, 5786 1839. Every Wednesday.
worth, Kinglake Kinglake West, Limestone-Murrindindi, Marysville, Molesworth, Pheasant Creek, Strath Creek, Toolangi, Yarck, Yea • Nillumbik Shire, including Diamond Creek, Eltham, Hurstbridge, Kanga-
THURSDAY, APRIL 27 4th Thursday 9am-2pm. Men’s Shed, Whittlesea. At Showgrounds, Yea Rd, Whittlesea. Phone: Ken Lennox, 9716 0116. Every Thursday. 10am-1pm. Supported Session. At Whittlesea Community Garden, Laurel St, Whittlesea. Every Thursday. 10.30am. Advanced Mandarin Lessons. At Yea Community House. Bookings Only. Every Thursday, except holdiays. 3.45pm-6pm. Coaching: Kids. Kinglake Ranges Tennis Club. Sutherland Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: 0437 008 788. Every Thursday. Evenings. African Drumming Classes. At Allwood Neighbourhood House, Hurstbridge. Phone: Annie, 0407 102 578. Every Thursday. 6pm-7pm. Joeys (6-7 years). 1st Whittlesea Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Fir St, Whittlesea. Phone: Alan Harding, 0409 515 998. Every Thursday. 6.30pm for 7pm. Meeting. Rotary Club of Yea. At Yea Golf Club, Racecourse Rd, Yea. Phone: Attendance Officer Keith Baumgartner, 5797 2968. Every Thursday. 7pm. Craft Night. South Morang CWA. At Estia House, Plenty Rd, South Morang. Phone: Fay, 0438 717 359. Every Thursday. 7pm-9pm. Chess Club. Mernda and Dis-
Advertise free in ‘What’s On’ ocal PPaper aper. You can advertise F R E E in The LLocal No fee. DEADLINE: 5pm Fridays. FREE ADS are available for community event listings, and are published at the absolute discretion of the Editor. ☛ MAIL to: WHA T’S ON WHAT’S ON, PO Box 1278, Research, 3095 ☛ FAX FREE ADS to: 1800 231 312. Use plain paper ☛ E -MAIL: ☛ USE the WHA T’S ON fform orm aatt www.L.LocalP ocalP aper WHAT’S ocalPaper aper..c
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roo Ground, Research, St Andrews, Wattle Glen • Whittlesea City, including Doreen, Humevale, Laurimar, Mernda, Whittlesea • Yarra Ranges Shire, including
trict Residents Association. At Mernda Village Community Activity Centre, 70 Mernda Village Dr, Mernda. Phone: Brian Herlihy, 0414 973 933. Every Thursday. 7pm-9pm. Community Singing. At Mernda Village Community Activity Centre, 70 Mernda Village Dr, Mernda. Phone: Jeannie, 0438 931 749. Every Thursday. FRIDAY, APRIL 28 4th Friday 3.30pm-7pm. Diamond Valley Vietnam Vets (DVets). At Nui Dat Room, Greensborough RSL. Phone: Peter, 0400 363 143. Every Friday. Afternoons. African Drumming Classes. At Allwood Neighbourhood House, Hurstbridge. Phone: Annie, 0407 102 578. Every Friday. 7pm-8.30pm. Venturers (15-18 years). 1st Kinglake Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Kinglake Football Ground, Kinglake Central. Phone: Mel Ennis, 0438 237 836. Every Friday. 8pm. Alcoholics Anonymous. Whittlesea Group. At Uniting Church Hall, Cnr Forest and Walnut Sts, Whittlesea. Every Friday. 8pm. Bingo. At Yea Bowls Club. Phone: 5797 270. Every Friday SATURDAY, APRIL 29 5th Saturday. 9am-11am. Meeting. Merriang District Landcare Group. At Indigenous Nursery, rear of Whittlesea Secondary College, Laurel St, Whittlesea. Phone: 0456 884 266. Every Saturday. SUNDAY, APRIL 30 5th Sunday. 10am. Seymour District Junior Football League. Under 10. Alexandra v Wandong. Tabilk v Seymour. Broadford v Euroa. St Mary’s v Yea. 11am. Under 12. 12.15pm. Under 14. 1.25pm. Under 16. 10am. Seymour District Junior Netball. Under 14. Division 2. Yea - Bye. Alexandrav Euroa. 11am. Under 12. Euroa - Bye. Alexandra v Wandong. St Mary’s v Yea. Tabilk v Seymour. 12.10pm. Under 14.; Divisoin 1. Alexandra v Euroa. St Mary’s v Yea. Tabilk v Seymour. 1pm. Under 16. 10am-12 Noon. Women’s Space. Relax. At Yea Community House. Phone: 5797 3070. MONDAY, MAY 1 1st Monday 8pm. Meeting. Nillumbik Garden Club. At Melbourne City Mission Retirement Centre, Diamond St, Eltham. Phone: Chris, 9434 2023. 1st Mondays. 6.30pm. Dinner Meeting. Rotary Club of Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowls Club, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: Lyn Prescott, 0402 350 656. 1st and 3rd Mondays. 9.30am. Meeting. Combined Probus Club of Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowls Club, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: Secretary, 9716 1136. 1st Monday. 10.30am-3pm. Meeting. Mernda Senior Citizens Club. At Club Rooms, Schotters Rd, Mernda. Phone: Lorraine Smyth, 0415 305 119. 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays. 6.30pm. Dinner Meeting. Rotary Club of Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowls Club, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: Lyn Prescott, 0402 350 656. 1st and 3rd Mondays. 7.30pm. Meeting. CWA Mernda. At Uniting Church Rooms, Schotters Rd, Mernda. Phone: Kate, 0437 719 838. 1st Mondays. 8pm. Meeting. Nillumbik Garden Club. At Melbourne City Mission Retirement Centre, Diamond St, Eltham. Phone: Chris, 9434 2023. 1st Mondays. 9am-12 Noon. Supported Session. At Whittlesea Community Garden, Laurel St,
Lilydale, Yarra Glen. You can submit your free listing: ONLINE FORM: EMAIL: FAX: 1800 231 312 POST: PO Box 1278, Research, 3095
DATE CLAIMERS FREE LISTINGS Your organisation can make an advance ‘claim’ on a date throughout the year for its major events. MONDAY, JUNE 12 Queen’s Birthday Holiday. Honours. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Remembrance Day. MONDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 Boxing Day.
Whittlesea. Every Monday. 9am-2pm. Men’s Shed, Whittlesea. At Showgrounds, Yea Rd, Whittlesea. Phone: Ken Lennox, 9716 0116. Every Monday. 12 Noon. Al-Anon Seymour. At Uniting Chruch Hall, 15 Crawford St, Seymour. Phone: Colleen, 0422 879 388. Every Monday. 12.30pm-4.30pm. Bridge Club, Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowls Club, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: Lyndall, 5786 1839. Every Monday. 3.30pm-5.30pm. Indoor Soccer - Active Kids. At Yea High School Indoor Stadium. 8 week program. Phone: Terry Redding, 0427 312 561. 3.45pm-6pm. Coaching: Kids. Kinglake Ranges Tennis Club. Sutherland Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: 0437 008 788. Every Monday. 6pm-7pm. Coaching: Ladies Kinglake Ranges Tennis Club. Sutherland Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: 0437 008 788. Every Monday. 7.30pm-9.30pm. Rovers (18-26 years). At Scout Hall, Fir St, Whittlesea. Phone: Alan Harding, 0409 515 998. Every Monday. TUESDAY, MAY 2 1st Tuesday 7pm-10pm. Meeting. South Morang CWA Night Owls. At Heritage Lakes, Estia Nursing Home, Plenty Rd, South Morang. Phone: 9435 6048. 1st Tuesday. 7pm-8.30pm. Scouts (11-15 years). 1st Kinglake Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Kinglake Football Ground, Kinglake Central. Phone: Me Ennis, 0438 237 836. Every Tuesday. 7.30pm. Business Meeting. Lions Club of Whittlesea. At Whittlesea Bowling Club, Chruch St, Whittlesea. Phone: David Cordall, 0418 348 057. 2nd Tuesday. 8pm. Badminton. Kinglake Badminton Club. At Sports Stadium, Cnr Extons Rd and Main Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: Neville, 9716 2020. Every Tuesday. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 1st Wednesday 9.30am. Badminton. Kinglake Badminton Club. At Sports Stadium, Cnr Extons Rd and Main Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: Neville, 9716 2020. Every Wednesday. 10am-12 Noon. Playgroup. Nest Nature Playgroup. At Bollygum Park, Kinglake, Play, songs, rhymnes, morning tea and story. Phone: 9716 7314. Every Wednesday during term. 11am-2pm. Meeting. Kingflake Craft Group. At Kinglake Sports Stadium, Cnr Extons Rd and Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: Jo, 0409 175 124. Every Wednesday. 12 Noon-2pm. Yea Community Kitchen. At Yea Council Chambers. Phone: Yea Community House, 5797 3070. 6.30pm-8pm. Cubs (8-10 years). 1st Whittlesea Scout Group. At Scout Hall, Fir St, Whittlesea. Phone: Alan Harding, 0409 515 998. Every Wednesday.
Local People
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 37
Molesworth Easter Bazaar and Auction Photos: Ash Long
● Ian Sichlau and Richard Forde volunteering for Rotary
● Auction Co-Ordinator Les Ridd with daughter-in-law Kelly Timms
● Andy Russell and Adrian Sier
● Graham Mann collects donations for the Molesworth Fire Brigade
● Auctioneer Aiden Embling
● Ian Lynch and John Bett of the Rotary Club of Yea
● Rotary Club of Yea volunteer Julie Lynch
● Ian Bell and Gary Fitzgerald in the Molesworth Auction office
Page 38 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Your Stars with Kerry Kulkens Aries: (march 21-April 20) Lucky colour: red Lucky day: Sunday Racing numbers: 9-3-4-2 Lotto numbers: 10-13-23-37-39-42 Some unexpected travel plans could bring about an increase in income or a windfall of sorts. Love life should have a lift and romantic interludes should delight you. Taurus: (April 21- May 20) Lucky colour: pink Lucky day: Tuesday Racing numbers: 4-3-2-5 Lotto numbers: 2-5-6-9-15-38 No good trying to keep up with wealthier friends if you cannot afford it. You might have to do the job yourself as someone could let you down at the last minute. Gemini: (may 21- June 21) Lucky colour: yellow Lucky day: Saturday Racing numbers: 4-7-2-1 Lotto numbers: 1-7-27-31-35-41 Maybe you are expecting too much from someone not prepared to give. Keep away from irritating people at your work place. It will take a special effort to keep loved ones happy. Cancer: (June 22- July 22) Lucky colour: orange Lucky day: Wednesday Racing numbers: 8-5-2-3 Lotto numbers: 3-4-18-24-44-45 A period of strong emotions. You could fall in love or get angry with close ones. Keep your eyes open on the roads and do not take unnecessary risks in your work place. Leo: (July 23- august 22) Lucky colour: green Lucky day: Monday Racing numbers: 3-6-7-5 Lotto numbers: 2-15-18-20-31-43 What you say can cause more trouble than what you do or you could be caught in a family friction or a no-win situation. Stay within your budget and make sure others are paying their way. Virgo: (august 23- September 23) Lucky colour: silver Lucky day: Wednesday Racing numbers: 4-5-1-3 Lotto numbers: 3-4-5-16-26-40 Love life should be happier and many will be caught up in social activities and health improves. Although finances are improving someone may claim that you have something that belongs to them. Libra: (September 24- October 23) Lucky colour: orange Lucky day: Friday Racing numbers: 1-8-3-4 Lotto numbers: 8-15-16-32-34-42 Someone close may surprise you. Look before you leap. Many will have a romantic affair, especially with someone from a distant place. Scorpio: (October 24- November 22) Lucky colour: blue Lucky day: Thursday Racing numbers: 4-1-3-2 Lotto numbers: 4-13-14-22-40-22 Older relative may be needing your help and will require some of your precious time. You may be looked upon as the peacemaker. A financial windfall is indicated. Sagittarius: (November 23- December 20) Lucky colour: lilac Lucky day: Friday Racing numbers: 3-7-8-3 Lotto numbers: 3-12-21-30-33-39 Many will benefit from their great ideas. For some their dream, could come true. However, the domestic scene needs a bit of an overhaul. Capricorn: (December 21- January 19) Lucky colour: red Lucky day: Saturday Racing numbers: 2-4-4-1 Lotto numbers: 2-4-11-20-33-40 Don't let your imagination get the better of you. Make your judgement on past experiences. Career prospects look better and also your health is in for a boost. Aquarius: (January 20- February 19) Lucky colour: burgundy Lucky day: Saturday Racing numbers: 3-1-4-2 Lotto numbers: 4-13-15-22-40-41 If you don't have a go, you won't gain anything. You could be in the right place at the right time, so take a punt and take the opportunity presented to you. Many could have a romantic fling. Pisces: (February 20- March 20) Lucky colour: navy Lucky day: Tuesday Racing numbers: 5-4-3-1 Lotto numbers: 5-14-23-32-41-44 Most will be able to get people on their side. A lucky break could put you ahead. Someone very attractive could make clear to you that you may be the chosen one.
Visit Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop at 1693 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Phone/Fax 9754 4587 Like us on Facebook
Court Lists Mansfield Magistrates’ Court Criminal Case Listings Wednesday, May 10 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Baker, S (23294) v Sanderson, Michael. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Tattam, Bodie. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Krickic, B (22069) v Divakaran, Ashish. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Mason, Tess Alise. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Pelling, N (35235) v Madsen, Aaron. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049) v Connell, Matthew. UniMarysville Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049 ) v Guilfoyle, Jacob. UniMarysville Victoria Police - Thompson, I (32126) v Foley, Steven James. Uni-Marysville Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Johnston, Andrew Thomas. Uni-Mansfield Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty ToAnimals - Gorman, G v Huggins, Arthur. Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals Victoria Police - Robinson, C (34239) v Perrett, Kyle. UniWangaratta Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Ball, Dion. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Krickic, B (22069) v Bell, Jayden Doyle. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Dunsford, A (28464) v Stafford, Lance Thomas. Ciu-Alexandra Victoria Police - Reed, R (30544) v Greene, Matthew Jon. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Riley, James. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Wednesday, May 17 Victoria Police - Major, S (32000) v Davies, Glen Alfred. UniEildon DEDJTR - Young, T v Turner, Nicholas Andrew. Dept Eco Dev, Jobs, Trans & Resources Wednesday, May 24 Victoria Police - Gillard, P (22715) v Kirk, Shaun David. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Gillard, P (22715) v Perrett, Kyle David. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v Anwar, Kamal Saleh. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Kaufmann, Cherie. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Millard, Gregory. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Keats, J (23611) v Stevens, Brett. State Hwy PatrolSouth Victoria Police - Rowe, M (31920) v Johnstone, Leigh Carmody. State Hwy Patrol-East Victoria Police - Bennett, M (33902) v Blagojevic, Nebojsa. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Hoskin, Brady. UniEildon Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Sanchez, Tony Lawrence. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Sansom, Mackenzie James. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reed, R (30544) v Cremona, Emmanuel. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Scott, Jason Peter. High-
way Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Stevens, M (34763) v Dark, Nicholas. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Watkins, R (33441) v Frost, Darcy. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Pelling, N (35235) v Jovanovic, Matthew. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Bronsgeest, P (27313) v Foots, Dean Thomas. Uni-Jamieson Victoria Police - Major, S (32000) v White, Matthew Edward. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Debono, Jessica. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Carroll, T (35729) v Reid, Albert Ian. CiuBenalla Victoria Police - Blackall, J (39856) v Van Winden, Chris. UniMansfield Seymour Magistrates’ Court Criminal Case Listings Thursday, May 4 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Fels, T (39715) v Waters, Brett. Uni-Caulfield Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Poole, Rebecca. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Manns, Thomas Anthony. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Dulevski, Ada. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Gruevski, Steven. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Castell, Kristopher Ronald. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Lalama, Anna. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Kennedy, Raymond Graeme. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Batten, S (38514) v Matenga, Martin. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Wells, B (37438) v Gosling, Christian John. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Huffer, D (32081) v Castell, Kristopher. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Mills, K (33260) v Gordon, Chavanne. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Batten, S (38514) v Farrell, James. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Monahan, D (27388) v Russell, Morgan Louise. State Hwy Patrol-West Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Sutcliffe, Kylie Lee. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Carden, S (34092) v Castell, Kristopher Ronald. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Johal, Pardeep Singh. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement v Larkin, Kim. Melbourne Victoria Police - Trimble, J (27800) v Crozier, Michael. SocitSeymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Ginn, Hayden Joseph. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Roberts, P (32777) v Bolt, Timothy. UniKinglake Victoria Police - Duff, D (35543) v Lennon, Mitchell. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Rhead, A (40227) v Carruthers, Blair. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Wells, B (37438) v Lloyd, Makayla. Highway Patrol-Seymour
Victoria Police - Mcpartlan, M (22827) v Whitworth, Vicki Maud. Highway Patrol-Wallan Victoria Police - Brown, G (37441) v Barrat, Leigh. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Bain-King, J (36128) v Ambrose, Michael. State Hwy Patrol-Central Victoria Police - Hudson, V (38001) v Walton, Leslie George. Heavy Vehicle Crime Investigation U Victoria Police - Costa, C (28340) v Manns, Thomas. CiuMitchell Victoria Police - Barclay, S (36780) v Edge, Darren Wayne. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Taylor, Y (36839) v Poole, Rebecca. SocitSeymour Victoria Police - Engel, M (21896) v Hargrave, Turi. CiuAlexandra Victoria Police - Feltham, C (32024) v Driscoll, Arron Gary. Solo Unit Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Musgrove, Ross Hayden. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Dawson, C (35574) v Alvis, Mathew. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Dawson, C (35574) v Norwood, Stuart Ian. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Wright, A (31459) v Sheppard, Kelvin. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Sibillin, D (31691) v Robinson, Peter Stuart. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Mccarthy, K (37669) v Mcnamara, John. Operations Response Team Four Victoria Police - O'connor, J (21636) v Norwood, Stuart Ian. State Hwy Patrol-West Victoria Police - Clapham, A (38007) v Norwood, Stuart. UniMooroolbark Victoria Police - Harper-Adams, D (39902) v Chan, Chun Yan. UniGeelong Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Falcke, Christopher. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Batten, S (38514) v Smith, Mark Darren. Uni-Broadford C'Wealth Director Of Public Prosecutions - Simpson, E v Robertson, Christopher. C'wealth Director Of Public Prosecutions Victoria Police - Malane, J (36750) v King, Johnny. UniNagambie Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Sargeant, Benjamin Henry. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Fraser, P (35913) v Griffiths, Lynda Paige. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Roberts, P (32777) v Bolt, Timothy. UniKinglake Victoria Police - Brown, R (27257) v Parsons, Toby James. Uni-Kinglake Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Barry, Joshua Ian. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Minhas, A (40000) v Ennis, Daniel. UniWallan Victoria Police - Bova, L (31851) v White, Wayne. Family Violence-Mitchell/Benalla Friday, May 5 Victoria Police - Gleeson, D (22146) v Van De Ven, Devin. Socit-Seymour Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Brain, David. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Brennan, G (32577) v Hall, James Leonard. Uni-Yea Victoria Police - Chief Commis-
sioner Of Police (00008) v Wilson, John Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Turner, J (34532) v Khangura, Ravinder. Uni-Kilmore ★ Seymour Magistrates’ Court Civil Case Listings Tuesday, May 2 Mitchell Shire Council v Hassall, Jonathan Simon Gippsland Southern Rural Water Corporati v Quinn, Peter Friday, May 5 Murrindindi Shire Council v Jeffery, Paul William Murrindindi Shire Council v Jeffery, Paul William Tuesday, May 9 Goulburn Ovens Institute Of Tafe v Ott, Kier Murrindindi Shire Council v Boon, Robert Harley Tuesday, May 16 Mitchell Shire Council v Tipping, Janelle Leigh Mitchell Shire Council v Vincent, Clinton John Murrindindi Shire Council v Vujasic, Zlatko Tuesday, May 23 Mitchell Shire Council v Galea, Michael Leigh Tuesday, May 30 Ccc Financial Solutions No.3 Pty Ltd v Chong, Chee Yan Mitchell Shire Council v Brindisi Nominees Pty Ltd ★ Mansfield Magistrates’ Court Civil Case Listings Wednesday, April 26 Campbell, Christopher John v Murrindindi Shire Council Wednesday, May 17 Murrindindi Shire Council v Dickinson, Jane Elizabeth Wednesday, June 14 Goulburn Ovens Institute Of Tafe v Trellu, Margot
Contents of Court Lists are intended for information purposes only. The lists are extracted from Court Lists, as supplied to the public, by the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, often one week prior to publication date; for current Court lists, please contact the Court. Further details of cases are available at www.magistrates The Local Papper shall in no event accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by any person or body due to information provided. The information is provided on the basis that persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. No inference of a party’s guilt, innocence or liability should be made by publication of their name as a defendant. Court schedules may be changed at any time for any reason, including withdrawal of the action by the Plaintiff/Applicant.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 39
Local Sport
Kinglake Football Netball Club. Sunday. ANZAC Week match against Yarra Glen Photos by Ashley Geelan
● Kinglake footballers and netballers line up for the ANZAC observance.
● Ken Aitken and Tom Steele
● Kinglake Football Club player Brad Wilkinson
● Yarra Glen players line up for the ANZAC remembrance
● Andrew Young
● Jayden Butterworth
● Yarra Glen huddle
● Zac White
● Wil Graf at quarter-time break
Page 40 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local Paper Scoreboard Phone: 5797 2656. E-Mail:
■ Results. Division 2. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Belgrave 18.22 (130) d Yea 8.11 (59). Seville 18.14 (122) d Yarra Junction 8.10 (58). Powelltown 12.14 (86) d ThorntonEildon 8.6 (54). Yarra Glen 17.14 (116) d Kinglake 13.11 (89) ■ Fixture. Division 2. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. Kinglake v Thornton-Eildon. Powelltown v Yea. Yarra Glen v Seville. Yarra Junction v Alexandra.
■ Results. Division 2. A-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Emerald 46 d Gembrook Cockatoo 23. Wandin 43 d Monbulk Hawks 31. Woori Yallock 69 d Mount Evelyn 37. Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.UpweyTecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. Division 2. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Seville 17.17 (119) d Yarra Junction 1.6 (12).Belgrave 18.18 (126) d Yea 1.1 (7). Powelltown 13.10 (88) d Thornton-Eildon 3.4 (22). Yarra Glen 21.14 (140) d Kinglake 3.10 (28)
■ Results. Division 2. B-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Emerald 49 d GembrookCockatoo 37. Wandin 55 d Monbulk Hawks 40. Woori Yallock 62 d Mount Evelyn 27. Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.UpweyTecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. Division 2. Gembrook-Cockatoo 33 d Emerald 30. Wandin 41 d Monbulk Hawks 19. Woori Yallock 36 d Mount Evelyn 20. Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.UpweyTecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. Division 1. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Emerald 14.17 (101) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 9.15 (69). Wandin 19.13 (127) d Monbulk 14.15 (99). Woori Yallock 18.10 (118) d Mt Evelyn 8.5 (53). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.Upwey-Tecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek. ■ Fixture. Division 1. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. Emerald v Mt Evelyn. Warburton-Millgrove v Upwey-Tecoma. Olinda-Ferny Creek v Healesville.WQandin v Gembrook-Cockatoo Woori Yallock v Monbulk.
■ Results. Division 1. Reserves. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Emerald 10.12 (72) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 4.4 (28). Wandin 12.8 (80) d Monbulk 1.5 (11). Mt Evelyn 12.8 (80) d Woori Yallock 1.6 (12). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v WarburtonMillgrove.Upwey-Tecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. Division 1. Under 18. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Emerald 22.12 (144) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 1.2 (8).Wandin 13.17 (95) d Monbulk 5.4 (34). Mt Evelyn 16.21 (117) d Woori Yallock 4.3 (27). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.Upwey-Tecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. Division 2. A-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Yarra Junction 56 d Seville 43. Alexandra - Bye. Belgrave 72 d Yea 22. Powelltwon 46 d Thornton-Eildon 22.Sunday, April 23. Yarra Glen 51 d Kinglake 30.
■ Results. Division 2. B-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Yarra Junction 44 d Seville 31. Alexandra - Bye. Belgrave 49 d Yea 31. Powelltown 56 d Thornton-Eildon 21. Sunday, April 23. Yarra Glen 55 d Kinglake 45.
■ Results. Division 2. C-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Yea 22 d Belgrave 20. Yarra Junction - Bye. Powelltown 51 d Thornton-Eildon 7. Alexandra - Bye. Sunday, April 23. Yarra Glen 23 d Kinglake 19.
■ Results. Division 2. D-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Belgrave 16 drew with Yea 16. Yarra Junction - Bye. Powelltown - Bye. Alexandra - Bye. Sunday, April 23. Yarra Glen 26 d Kinglake 7.
■ Results. Division 2. D-Grade. Round 1. Saturday, April 22. Gembrook-Cockatoo 39 d Emerald 17. Wandin 32 d Monbulk Hawks 27. Woori Yallock 38 d Mount Evelyn 12. Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.UpweyTecoma v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
■ Results. 17 And Under. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Wandin 49 d Monbulk Hawks 14. Woori Yallock 25 d Mount Evelyn 13. OlindaFerny Creek: Bye. Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Healesville v Warburton-Millgrove.
■ Results. Division 1. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Northcote Park 10.12 (72) d Greensborough 10.7 (67). West PrestonLakeside 17.19 (121) d Hurstbridge 12.20 (92).Macleod 15.13 (103) d Heidelberg 7.10 (52). Whittlesea 16.14 (110) d Bundoora 16.12 (108). Montmorency 16.10 (106) d Eltham 7.11 (53). ■ Ladder. Division 1. Seniors. Round2. Saturday, April 8. 1. West Preston-Lakeside, 119.92, 12. 2. Macleod, 156.85, 8.3. Montmorency, 143.41, 8. 4. Bundoora, 104.37, 4. 5. Whittlesea, 99.47, 4. 6. Northcote Park, 97.18, 4. y7. Eltham, 72.00, 4. 8. Greensborough, 93.79, 0. 9. Hurstbridge, 75.30, 0. 10. Heidelberg, 72.39, 0. ■ Fixture. Division 1. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. 2.10pm. Macleod v West Preston-Lakeside. Eltham v Heidelberg. Greensborough v Montmorency. Whittlesea v Northcote Park. Bundoora v Hurstbridge.
■ Results. Division 1. Reserves. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Greensborough 9.5 (59) d Northcote Park 6.11 (47). Macleod 14.9 (93) d Heidelberg 7.5 (47). West Preston-Lakeside 20.19 (139) d Hurstbridge 3.8 (26). ■ Ladder. Division 1. Reserves. Round2. Saturday, April 22. 1. West Preston-Lakeside, 210.14, 12. 2. Bundoora, 233.72, 8. 3. Macleod, 197.00, 8. 4. Greensborough, 140.28, 8. 5. Whittlesea, 104.82, 4. 6. Eltham, 100.92, 6. 7. Northcote Park, 68.33, 0. 8. Heidelberg, 62.83, 0. 9. Montmorency, 54.13, 0. 10. Hurstbridge, 32.51, 0.
■ Results. Division 1. Under 19. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Greensborough 14.9 (92) d Northcote Park 6.14 (62). Bundoora 15.22 (112) d Whittlesea 2.3 (15). Eltham 13.8 (86) d Mont-
morency 7.12 (54). ■ Ladder. Division 1. Reserves. Round2. Saturday, April 22. 1. Eltham, 140.80, 8. 2. Bundoora, 746.67, 4. 3. Northcote Park, 127.91, 4. 4. Greensborough, 107.24, 4. 5. Whittlesea, 46.05, 4. 6. Montmorency, 66.67, 0. 7. West Preston-Lakeside, 35.92, 0. 8. Macleod, 0.00, 0.
35. Fitzroy Stars 1 32 d Greensborough 1 34. Bundora 1 50 drew with West Preston-Lakeside 1 50. Dimaond Creek 73 d Diamond Creek 1 73.
■ Results. Division 2. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Thomastown 13.20 (98) d Watsonia 9.12 (66). Fitzroy Stars 19.13 (127) d North Heidelberg 12.11 (83). Lower Plenty 21.25 (151) d Panton Hill 9.3 (57). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Diamond Creek v Lalor. ■ Fixture. Division 1. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. 2.10pm. Watsonia v Fitzroy Stars. Thomastown v Diamond Creek. Lower Plenty v North Heidelberg. Panton Hill v Lalor.
■ Results. Division 2. Reserves. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Thomastown 13.9 (87) d Watsonia 5.6 (36). North Heidelberg 14.12 (96) d Fitzroy Stars 9.7 (61). Lower Plenty 21.14 (140) d Panton Hill 6.1 (37). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Diamond Creek v Lalor.
■ Results. Division 1. Under 19. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Diamond Creek 29.16 (190) d Epping 0.2 (2). Lower Plenty 8.14 (62) d Mill Park 7.7 (49). South Morang 16.12 (108) d North Heidelberg 4.10 (34). St Mary’s 12.13 (185) d Banyule 6.6 (42).
■ Results. Division 3. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. South Morang 14.13 (97) d Epping 8.16 (64). Heidelberg West 14.18 (102) d Laurimar 8.10 (58). Kilmore 13.8 (86) d Mernda 4.9 (33). Banyule 16.13 (109) d St Mary’s 11.6 (72). ■ Ladder. Division 3. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. 1. Banyule, 206.67, 12. 2. South Morang, 196.12, 8. 3. Heidelberg West, 145.15, 8. 4. Mernda, 123.91, 8. 5. Kilmore, 97.01, 8. 6. Epping, 83.27, 4. 7. St Mary’s, 79.17, 0. 8. Laurimar, 54.52, 0.9. Reservoir, 28.38, 0. ■ Fixture. Division 3. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. 2.10pm. Reservoir v Heidelberg West. Laurimar v Epping. South Morang v Kilmore.Mernda v St Mary’s.
■ Results. Division 2. Reserves. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. Epping 12.12 (84) d South Morang 7.10 (52). Mernda 13.12 (90) d Kilmore 2.2 (14). Heidelberg 12.11 (83) d Laurimar 7.7 (49). St Mary’s 11.11 (77) d Banyule 5.9 (39). ■ Ladder. Division 3. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. 1. Heidelberg West, 149.38, 12. 2. St Mary’s, 144.51, 8. 3. Epping, 125.16, 8. 4. South Morang, 187.60, 4. 5. Banyule, 152.05, 4. 6. Mernda, 129.55, 4. 7. Laurimar, 56.16, 4. 8. Reservoir, 29.61, 4.
■ Results. Section 1. Round 3. Friday, April 21. North Heidelberg 1 52 d Northcote Park 1
■ Results. Section 2. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Diamond Creek 2 39 d Bundoora 2 21. Ivanhoe 1 33 d Heidelberg 2 18. South Morang 1 31 d Greensborough 2 19.
■ Results. Section 3. Round 3. Friday, April 21. North Heidelberg 2 41 d Diamond Creek 3 24. Heidelberg 3 36 d St Mary’s 2 19. Heat 1 23 d Watsonia 1 16. South Morang 2 30 d Ivanhoe 2 27.
■ Results. Section 4. Round 3. Friday, April 21. North Heidelberg 3 17 d Mernda 1 0. Diamond Creek 5 39 d Fitzroy Stars 2 23. Greensborough 3 25 d Kilmore 1 22.
■ Results. Section 5. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Thomastown 1 23 d North Heidelberg 4 18. Heidelberg 5 27 d West Preston-Lakeside 2 19. Eppinbg 1 47 d Bundoora 3 16. Macleod 1 43 de Hurstbridge 1 25.
■ Results. Section 6. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Heat 3 40 d St Mary’s 3 25. Thomastown 2 23 d Greensborough 4 13. West Ivanhoe 1 27 d Watsonia 3 23. Whittlesea 25 d Lalor 24. Heat 3 34 d South Morang 3 29.
■ Results. Section 7. Round 3. Friday, April 21. West Ivanhoe 2 20 d North Heidelberg 5 16. South Morang 4 24 d Watsonia 4 21. Epping 2 28 d Macleod 2 28. Thomastown 3 28 d Mernda 2 19.
■ Results. Section 8. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Bundooar 5 33 d Thomastown 4 15. Heidelberg 6 30 d Bundoora 4 9. Kilmore 2 26 d Watso9nia 5 22. Fitzroy Stars 3 27 d Hurstbridge 2 21.
■ Results. Section 9. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Montmorency 1 30 d Kilmore 3 14. Heidelberg West 1 30 d Heat 4 25. Keon Park 32 d Husrtbridge 3 19.
■ Results. Section 10. Round 3. Friday, April 21. Northcote Park 3 26 d Mernda 3 24. Montmorency 2 22 d Bundoora 6 12.St Martins 15 d West Ivanhoe 3 0.
■ Results. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, Apri 22. Romsey 13.9 (87) d Melton Centrals 9.5 (59) Diggers Rest 90 d Woodend-Hesket 44. Sunbury Kangaroos 21.15 (141) d Broadford 7.6 (48) Rockbank 10.17 (7) d Lancefield 3.8 (26) Wallan 12.11 (83) d Riddell 9.11 (65). Tuesday April 25. Scores not available at press time Macedon v Rupertswood. ■ Fixture. Division 2. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. Diggers Rest v Sunbury Kangaroos. Wallan v Romsey. Broadford v Riddell Lancefield v Melton Centrals. Rupertswood v Rockbank. Woodend-Hesket v Macedon.
■ Results. Reserves. Round 2. Saturday, Apri 22. Diggers Rest 20.12 (132) d Woodend-Hesket 3.4 (22). Sunbury Kangaroos 17.14 (116) d Broadford 2.5 (17). Lancefield 15.5 (95) d Rockbank 8.7 (55). Wallan 16.13 (109) d Riddel 6.2 (38). Melton Centrals 11.12 (78) d Romsey 8.5 (47). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Macedon v Rupertswood.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 41
Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail:
■ Results. Under 18.5. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Woodend-Hasket 11.8 (74) d Diggers Rest 4.7 (31). Broadford def by Sunbury Kangaroos. Rockbank d Lancefield. Riddell 11.2 (68) d Wallan 9.7 (61). Romsey 11.3 (69) d Melton Centrals 3.8 (32). Tuesday, April 25. Scores not available at press time. Macedon v Rupertswood.
■ Results. Seniors. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Benalla 17.3 (105) d Echuca 12.6 (78). Rochester 22.11 (143) d Shepparton United 7.6 (48). Euroa 19.10 (124) d Shepparton Swans 9.6 (60). Tatura 14.11 (95) d Mooroopna 4.7 (31). Kyabram 10.15 (75) d Shepparton 5.7 (37). Sunday, April 23. Seymour v Mansfield. ■ Fixture. Division 2. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 29. Shepparton v Euroa. Mansfield v Shepparton United. Shepparton Swans v Benalla. Tatura v Seymour. Mooroopna v Echuca. Sunday, April 30. Rochester v Kyabram.
■ Results. Reserves. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Echuca 6.11 (47) d Benalla 1.1 (7). Rochester 8.7 (55) d Shepparton United 4.6 (30). Euroa 26.16 (172) d Shepparton Swans 2.2 (14). Tatura 14.16 (100) d Mooroopna 1.7 (13). Shepparton 10.14 (74) d Kyabram 7.6 (48). Sunday, April 23. Seymour v Mansfield.
■ Results. Under 18. Round 2. Saturday, April 22. Benalla 10.9 (69) d Echuca 7.4 (46). Shepparton United 9.7 (61) d Rochester 5.8 (38). Euroa 14.5 (89) d Shepparton Swans 3.4 (22). Tatura 12.11 (83) d Mooroopna 5.4 (34). Kyabram 13.10 (8) d Shepparton 7.7 (49). Sunday, April 23. Seymour v Mansfield.
■ Results. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. Ardmona v Girgarre. Rushworth 22.17 (149) d Longwood 8.4 (52). Nagambie 16.4 (100) d Merrigum 7.8 (50). Stanhope 14.16 (100) d Avenel 3.3 (21). ■ Ladder. Seniors. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. 1. Tallygaroopna, 227.54, 12. 2. Undera, 196.23, 12. 3. Nagambie, 157.61, 12. 4. Violet Town, 188.46, 8. 5. Stanhope, 178.86, 8. 6. Rushworth, 173.10, 8. 7. Merrigum, 79.46, 4. 8. Lancaster, 76.49, 4. 9. Longwood, 61.48, 4. 10. Avenel, 41.15, 4. 11. Girgarre, 52.44, 0. 12. Murchison-Toolamba, 52.33, 0. ■ Fixture. Seniors. Round 4. Saturday, April 29. Avenel v Merrigum. Girgarre v Longwood. Lancaster v Ardmona. Murchison-Toolamba v Tallygaroopna. Nagambie v Violet Town. Rushworth v Undera.
■ Results. Under 18. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. Ardmona v Girgarre. Rushworth 100 d Longwood 0. Merrigum v Nagambie. Avenel 16.15 (111) d Stanhope 0.4 (4). Tallygaroopna 13.14 (92) d Lancaster 4.4 (28). Violet Town v Murchison-Toolamba. ■ Ladder. Under 18. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. 1. Avenel, 5275.00, 12. 2. Tallygaroopna, 492.11, 12. 3. Rushworth, 133.94, 8. 4. Undera, 86.18, 8. 5. Longwood, 71.65, 8. 6. Nagambie, 137.96, 6. 7. Girgarre, 87.07, 4. 8. Lancaster, 70.06, 4. 9. Murchison-Toolamba, 70.00, 4. 10. Nagambie, 0.00, 2. 11. Ardmona, 34.44, 0. 12. Stanhope, 28.41, 0. 13. Violet Town, 0.00, 0.
● Wayne, Murray Baynes, Barb Fisher and Kay Baynes ■ Vicki and Greg Clements returned an excellent net score of 64.5 to comfortably take out the Jack and Edna Baynes Memorial Trophy in Saturday's Mixed Canadian Foursomes - being played in its 31st year. The Baynes family was well represented with Barb Fisher and her brother Murray Baynes teaming up with 12 other teams for a most enjoyable day following the good rains. While the newly scarified and sanded greens were a tad slow, and the grassed fairways playing shorter the course provided some challenges but played extremely well. Carl Maffei and Susie Huggins were runners up on countback from Mick Spagnolo and Di Elliot both with a net scores of 67.5. It was great to have Life Members Myrna Patterson and Betty Berkery in attendance. On Wednsday 11 men started playing in the early morning fog but finished in the bright autumn sunshine at Royal Yea. Bob Glenister (8) won the men’s golf competition with 77 off the stick, nett 69. Russell Wealands (18) with nett 71 was second. Alan Pell was Nearest The Pin on the 14th and the Club Award was won on countbcak by Ivor Brayley from Carl Maffei. Bob Glenister also won the putting competition on the recently cored greens with 29 putts. - Alan Pell
■ Results. Reserves. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. Ardmona v Girgarre. Longwood 12.9 (81) d Rushworth 9.7 (61). Merrigum 19.7 (121) d Nagambie 9.5 (59). Stanhope 14.11 (95) d Avenel 4.2 (26). Tallygaroopna 15.9 (95) d Lancaster 8.6 (54). Murchison-Toolamba 19.11 (125) d Violet Town 6.1 (37). ■ Ladder. Reserves. Round 3. Saturday, April 22. 1. Stanhope, 839.02, 12. 2. Tallygaroopna, 281.51, 12. 3. Longwood, 139.22, 12. 4. Undera, 231.15, 8. 5. Merrigum, 155.06, 8. 6. Lancaster, 110.27, 8. 7. Avenel, 77.24, 8. 8. Rushworth, 98.56, 4. 9. Violet Town, 69.17, 4. 10. MurchisonToolamba, 64.75, 4. 11. Nagambie, 34.72, 0.
● Barb Fisher presents the family trophy to Vicki and Greg Glements
AFL YARRA RANGES: DIVISION 2 SCOREBOARD BELGRAVE V YEA SENIORS Belgrave 18.22 (130) defeated Yea 8.10 (58)
Yea were taught at a lesson on Saturday against Belgrave, going down by a heavy 71point margin away from home. The Tigers were competitive early and bounced back from a three-goal deficit to be one kick away midway through the second term before an onslaught from the home side stretched the margin to 43 points at the major break. The score line might not have been an accurate reflection of the game but there is no doubt that the hosts were the stronger team, using their experience and smarts to transition the ball quickly from attack into defence. Harrison Jarvie tried his heart out in the midfield all day long, Indi Kaak competed well in defence and Brendan Bullen was impressive on debut, laying several big tackles. Eddie Neilson did a power of work behind the ball, Aidan McSpeerin was a standout and Paddy Rattray continued his strong early season form with five goals from limited opportunities. It was a good learning curve for the young side against Belgrave, which dropped down from Division One and showcased the importance of putting in a four-quarter effort. Yea used the ball poorly going forward and missed a number of gettable shots on goal early in the contest that would have put some much needed scoreboard pressure on the Magpies. The Tigers will travel to Powelltown this week with several senior players likely to return. - Patrick Evans SENIORS BELGRAVE .......... 6.6, 11.10, 13.17, 18.22 (130) YEA ............................... 1.6, 4.9, 6.10, 8.11 (59) Belgrave. Goalkickers: P. Van Lambaart 2, J. Brown 2, D. Kitchin 2, P. Johnson 2, C. Power 2, M. Francis 2, M. Johnson, P. Gough, M. Ralph, T. Stubley. Best: P. Gough, P. Van Lambaart, J. McDermott, K. Churtis, D. Bilston, M. Francis. Team List: M. Francis, P. Van Lambart, M. Noy, P. Johnson, C. Power, J. Brown, P. Gough, M. Johnson, T. Stubley, M. Ralph, D. Bilston, V. Curtis, J. McDermptt, W. Carlyle, H. Byron, D. Losz, T. Marks, N. Somerville, J. Webb, M. Brown. Yea. Goalkickers: P. Rattray 5, J. Jarvie, T. McMahon, D. Webb. Best: H. Jarvie, I. Kaak, A. McSpeerin, E. Neilson, S. Pearce, P. Rattray. Team List: P. Ratray, H. Jarvie, T. McMahon, D. Webb, S. Pearce, E. Neilson, A. McSpeerin, I. Kaak, D. O’dwyer, R. Aldous, A. Chisholm, C. Evans, P. Evans, X. O’Dwyer, C. Ryan, H. Witton, D. Freeman, L. Kelly, B. Bullen, T. Kirkham, Z. Pell. ★ RESERVES Belgrave 18.18-126 defeated Yea 1.1-7 An undermanned Yea was put to the sword by Belgrave on the weekend, eventually losing by 119 points. It was likely to be a long day at the office for the Tigers with five players missing from the previous week's win over Kinglake but this proved to be the case as the Magpies took control with a five-goal first term. They increased their lead at each change and it wasn't until the last term that Luke Mcaleer booted the visitor's first and only major of the match. Jack Sundblom was a strong presence both in the ruck and the back half, Lindon Young did good work at both ends of the ground and Ryan Akers battled hard in defence. Zac Butler was tireless in the midfield, Jaryed Garlick found plenty of the footy and Dean Clue gave his all, while Charlie Jenkins made a successful return in his first game of the year. The home side were simply too smart, often dropping players behind the ball to repel the Tigers forward entries and rebound back the other way. Now sitting at 1-1, Yea will square off against Powelltown on Saturday. - Patrick Evans BELGRAVE ......... 5.5, 8.10, 13.15, 18.18 (126) YEA ..................................... 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 1.1 (7)
Belgrave. Goalkickers: D. Noy 9, N. Rose 3, M. Francis 2, R. Chzabek, J. Latto, J. McNamara, H. McDermott. Best: D. Noy, N. Rowe, C. Rak, M. Francis, H. McDermott, M. Ward. Team List: D. Noy, N. Rowe, M. Francis, H. McDermott, J. McNamara, R. Chazbek, J. Latto, M. Ward, C. Rak, T. Fleming, D. Cook, J. Marshall, M. Crichton, J. Bartils, J. Lowe, N. Schitl, D. Delbridge, J. Gray, R. Matthews, B. Raaymakers, T. Riley, J. Smith. Yea. Team List: J. Sundblom, D. Pell, B. Middleton, T. Lang, L. White, D. Ali, J. Cunningham, C. Jenkins, C. Stares, T. Hearn, R. Akers, D. Clue, T. Hayes, J. Garlick, L. Young, Z. Butler, M. McAleer, A. Butterworth, J. Wood.
■ Results. Round 1. Sunday, April 23. St Mary’s 11.10 (76) d Seymour 6.7 (43). Wandoing v Broadford. Euroa 20.11 (131) d Tabilk 6.3 (39). Yea 13.7 (85) d Alexandra 2.1 (13). ■ Ladder. 1. Yea, 653.85, 4. 2. Euroa, 335.90, 4. 3. St Mary’s, 176.74, 4. 4. Seymour, 56.58, 0. 5. Tabilk, 29.7, 0. 6. Alexandra, 15.29, 0. 7. Broadford, 0.00, 0. 8. Wandong, 0.00, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 2. Sunday, April 30. Alexandra v Wandong. Tabilk v Seymour. Broadford v Euroa. St Mary’s v Yea.
YEA .................................. 3.3, 6.5, 11.5, 13.7 (85) ALEXANDRA ................... 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 2.1 (13) Yea. Goalkickers: B. Charles 6, E. Aldous 3, J. Turvey, R. Hargreaves, J. Harry, B. Wilsmore. Team List: B. Charles, E. Aldous, R. Hargreaves, B. Wilsmore, J. Turvey, J. Harry, F. Muller, C. Marks, A. Styles, J. Aldous, Z. Harry, Z. Firmin, J. Harding, C. Harding, M. Hargreaves, M. Charlie, N. Beattie, L. McMaster, J. Bulbeck. Alexandra. Team List: D. Allan, D. Ray, J. Southam, J. Sims, D. Wherrett, C. Hibberd, F. McCarthy, A. McDonald, H. Cann, J. LaurieRhodes, L. Downes, L. Jeffery, D. Malcolm, T. Rouget, A. Smith, T. Parkinson, A. Gilmore, T. Pedlar, H. Twining, J. Geldart, H. Dunsford, B. Thomas, D. McFadzean.
■ Results. Round 1. Sunday, April 23. St Mary’s 9.10 (64) d Seymour 2.2 (14). Wandong v Broadford. Euroa 6.10 (46) d Tabilk 4.11 (35). Alexandra 19.14 (128) d Yea 0.0 (0). ■ Ladder. 1. Alexandra, 1000.0, 4. 2. St Mary’s, 457.14, 4. 3. Euroa, 131.43, 4. 4. Tabilk, 76.09, 0. 5. Seymour, 21.88, 0. 6. Yea, 0.00, 0. 7. Wandong, 0.00, 0. 8. Broadford, 0.00, 0.
ALEXANDRA............ 4.6, 9.8, 14.11, 19.16 (128) YEA ..................................... 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 (0) Alexandra. Goalkickers: B. McCarthy 3, B. Humphries 3, J. Bourke 2, B. Jack 2, B. Lucas 2, A. Smith 2, J. Ferrier 2, E. Russell, W. Dunsford, K. Gogoll. Team List: B. McCarthy, B. Humphries, R. Lucas, C. Smith, B. Jack, J. Bourke, J. Ferrier, K. Gogoll, E. Russell, W. Dunsford, B. Miller, J. Carlton, J. King, B. Christie, B. Scott, C. Scott. B. Lewindon, H. Walcott, T. Prothero. Yea. Team List: C. Wilsmore, A. Ross, J. Hamilton, D. Williams, A. Jacobsen, C. Harding, R. Harding, M. Hargreaves, T. Philpot, R. Hargreaves, J. Nai, L. Donnelly, A. Close, R. O’Dwyer, A. Christie, H. Marks, C. Marks.
■ Results. Round 1. Sunday, April 23. St Mary’s 12.7 (79) d Seymour 1.0 (6). Broadford 5.5 (39) d Wandong 3.3 (21). Euroa 8.7 (55) d Tabilk 0.5 (5). Yea 8.12 (60) d Alexandra 4.1 (25). ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 1316.67, 4. 2. Euroa, 1100.00, 4. 3. Yea, 240.00, 4. 4. Broadford, 166.67, 4. 5. Wandong, 60.00, 0. 6. Alexandra,
Page 42 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
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SEYMOUR DISTRICT JUNIOR FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD U12: YEA V ALEXANDRA YEA ............................. 2.2, 7.3, 8.12, 8.12 (60) ALEXANDRA .................. 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 4.12 (25) Yea. Goalkickers: R. Slevin 2, L. Zipsin 2, H. Marks, J. Grech, J. Harrison, L. Keiderman. Team List: R. Slevin, L. Zipsin, L. Kelderman, J. Harrison, J. Grech, H. Marks, J. Crockett, R. Harding, M. Lawson, J. Slevin, D. Ciantar, R. Frankcombe, T. Garlick, F. Archibald, C. Holdsworth-Rose, C. Klinge, J. Nai, P. Moon, R. Ockwell, D. Ingham, R. Marks, S. Clue, B. Birchall, A. Holdsworth-Rose, S. Gregory. Alexandra. Goalkickers: M. Hillman 2, C. Collett, C. Kidd. Team List: M. Hillman, C. Kidd, C. Collett, D. Jack, J. Newman, T. Miljkovic, D. Bell, H. Bossonnet, B. Fitzpatrick, C. Giovanetti, W. Wright, C. Miljkovic, L. Armstrong, C. Twitchett, M. Coutts, B. Weeks, K. Soward-Findlay, C. Hibberd, D. Bevan, T. Meggitt, B. Irvine, C. Hill. ■ Yea Under 12 Report. Welcome back for the 2017 Under 12’s season with the first quarter being a hard contest early. First, second and third efforts from Hayden Marx set the tone for the intensity that Yea was bringing and it wasn’t long before Lucas Zipsin opened the season on the scoreboard before Riley Slevin found his radar with his second crack. Strong hands from Rhys Harding through the middle and great lead-ups from Chayne Klinge showed how strong the team is this year. But it was Riley “catch me if you can” Frankcombe and Riley “he’s everywhere” Slevo that opened Alexandra up in the second. Jackson (Percy) Grech laid a come-frombehind tackle with his forward pressure for an assist and again won the ball from a tackle minutes later and kicked truly for Yea in the first half and their tails were up. The third quarter saw Yea dominate up forward but not on the scoreboard, kicking 1.9. Jardine Nai showed flashes of his talent as well as Sam Gregory and Stephen Clue who presented as our smallest players on the ground but standing tall with their attacks on the ball. Alexandra, to their credit, kept us scoreless in the last and nabbed four for themselves. Alex do look like they have a good side and won’t be easy beats when we meet again. Yea 8.12 (60) defeated Alexandra 4.1 (25) Goalkickers: Zipsin 2, R.Slevin 2, H. Marx 1, Kelderman 1, Harrison 1, Grech 1 Coaches Awards: Clue, Grech, R.Slevin, J.Slevin, Nai. - Report by Greg Philpot
■ 1st Quarter. After a nervous start, Yea started to settle with Teagan Britton as GK defending well with Ebony Edge as GD applying a lot of pressure on the opposition, but not enough to prevent Alex from taking the lead to 8 to 0. 2nd Quarter. Ebony moved to GS and scored Yea's first goal, Caitlyn Broderick as WA led well creating plenty of space. Teagan unfortunately came off injured, but Ebony followed up with four more goals to bring Yea's score up to 6, but Alex was to quick adding 10 goals to bring them to 18 at the end of the qurater 3rd Quarter. Yea made a big improvement this quarter. Hannah Broderick as GS scored the first goal of the qtr with Jordyn Watts as GA playing strong. Hannah Cooney as GK defended well, but not enough to hold Alex off from scoring, Alex kept a good lead, 31 to Yea 13. 4th Quarter. Yea defence worked well under pressure this quarter, Melody Ross as C played well and was consistent all game. Vivine Armaral (exchange student from Brazil) in WD played her first netball game, defended well making lots of intercepts with the ball. The girls worked well, applying plenty of pressure but Alex was too strong in the end. Final score: Alex 40 def Yea 15 Awards. Royal Mail - Jordan Watts. Tiger
the Yea team, but Yea's defenders stuck to their players and intercepted well. Bridie H in GS & ■ 1st Quarter. Alex got off to a great start scor- Madeline in GA shooting some great goals, but ing the first goal, but Yea put great pressure on fell short of 1 goal at the end of the qtr. Overall a Alex to get the ball down to our GAAbby Christie great first game by all. to take the next goal, great ring work between Final Score: Alex 14 def Yea 13 the GA and GS Melody Ross. Awards. Royal Mail: Matilda Archibald/ Tiger Yea held themselves well with some great Bucks - Lauren Baker intercepts by our defenders Ruby and Cassy, CLUB NOTES although Alex kept the lead 6 to 3 at the end of ■ All netball teams wore black armbands in the 1st quarter. 2nd Quarter. Yea worked hard this quarter, remembrance of Amanda Ross. - Sarah Cunningham getting in front and working well together with some great intercepts. Yea was able to level this score by the end of the 2nd quarter to 9 all. NORTHERN F.L. 3rd Quarter. Abby scored the first couple of DIVISION 1 goals after some great passing. Ruby's quick thinking getting the ball rolling through the cenSCOREBOARD tre. Melody's good communication to Melina gave the team another goal. Cassy's good goal BUNDOORA V defending helping the team keep the lead 19 to WHITTLESEA 11. Emma came up from Division 2 to support the Division 1 team and played a great quarter. SENIORS 4th Quarter. Girls are playing a great fast WHITTLESEA ........ 2.5, 7.7, 11.8, 16.14 (110) quarter, Jordyn's fast passing skills and ball con- BUNDOORA ............. 2.5, 8.6, 13.10, 16.12 (108) trol made this a great game to watch. Holly's Whittlesea. Goalkickers: J. Sherman 7, C. ball skills got the ball flowing through the middle. Horman 4, C. Bland 2, M. Atta, R. Dyson, J. A great team effort by all, well done girls on Daniel. Best: J. Sherman, P. Higgins, R. Dyson, N. Stefanie, J. Ormerod, D. Horman. Team List: your first win of the season. J. Sherman, C. Horman, C. Bland, R. Dyson, M. Final Score: Yea 31 def Alex 12 Awards. Royal Mail - Ruby O'Dwyer. Tiger Atta, J. Daniel, J. Ormerod, N. Stefanile, P. Higgins, J. Murphy, T. Atkins, D. Saddington, A. Bucks - Maggie McSpeerin Fairchild, B. Briffa, M. Dyson, M. Langford, N. UNDER 14. DIV. 2 Andrews, C. Sloan, J. Russell, N. Pupillo, M. ■ 1st Quarter. First game nerves from both Coean, T. Falls. teams were soon shaken off and a fast paced Bundoora. Goalkickers: J. Furlong 4, T. first quarter was underway with great passing Hughes 4, J. Grabowski 2, D. Youman 2, G. from Grace in the centre and strong defending Moorcroft 2, R. Dyson, M. Dennis. Best: J. Furby the team. A pivotal turnover saw Remi score long, T. Hughes, L. Vyrne, B. Keating, D. Mitchell, M. Dennis. Team List: T. Hughes, J. Yea's first goal for the game. 2nd Q. Yea came out strong from the centre Furlong, G. Moorcroft, D. Youman, J., pass. Alex were kept goal less thanks to strong Grabowski, M. Dennis, R. Dyson, D. Mitchell, defending from Sarah and Abby. Olivia and B. Keating, L. Byrne, K. Bardon, B. Shelton, A. I. Muller, B. Carlyon, K. Slater, Remi backed it up with 3 goals between them. Carmusciano, S. Dowell, J. Palazzolo, B. Young, J. Lord, N. Half time Yea 4 - Alex 3 Grabowski, A. Follacchio. 3rd Quarter. Yea girls hadnow found their RESERVES confidence and rhythm - two quick goals from BUNDOORA................ 3.3, 7.5, 11.8, 17.13 (115) Olivia and Remi set the pace. Great passing on WHITTLESAEA ............ 1.1, 3.2, 4.7, 5.11 (41) the wing from Shanae and Lily, defence work Bundoora. Goalkickers: M. Brown 4, L. from Emma and centre intercepts from Grace Santoro 4, S. Crump 3, D. Nixon, A. Condello, resulted in four more goals from Remi and Olivia. A. D’Angelo, L. Johns, B. Moore, J. Lord. Best: A very strong and confident quarter from Yea. D. Nixon, S. Mamone, B. Moore, L. Santoro, J. 4th Quarter. A few turnovers from both sides Galea, T. Barrow. Team List: L. Santoro, M. slowed the game down and Yea finished with a Brown, S. Crump, B. Moore, D. Nixon, A. final goal for the quarter and a terrific win. Great D’Angelo, J. Lord, A. Condello, L. Johns, T. teamwork by the girls, you should be proud of Barrow, J. Galea, S. Mamone, M. Little, N. Gardiner, J. Eldrett, C. Turnbull, J. Petrucceloo, your first win for the season. D. Dean Spagnolo, B. Poyser, D. Guccione, B. Final Score: Yea 11 def Alex 5 Awards. Royal Mail - Grace Cunningham. Cuthbert, J. Bennett, L. Patterson, F. Multari. Whittlesea. Goalkickers: L. Deards, M. Tiger Bucks - Remi Pitman Brennan, J. Dyson, N. Byatt, R. Cumberland. UNDER 12 Best: L. Crowley, A. Draper, M. Brennan, N. ■ 1st Quarter. The girls got off to a great start Byatt, J. Chatley. Team List: N. Byatt, M. and worked really hard to assist their GS Bridie Brennan, J. Dyson, L. Deards, R. Cumberland, Hayes to score the first goal of the game. Zoee J. Chattley, A. Draper, L. Crowley, N. Tassell, Gregory in GD had some great intercepts and N. Lacey, J. Barnes, L. Hughes, S. Pupillo, Z. yea put the pressure on the Alex team to regain Pettit, C. Yates, H. Bland, C. Yates, H. Bland, L. the ball in Yea's favour. Alex had tall defenders Wilson, B. Russell, M. Taplin, L. Martin. UNDER 19 but Yea were able to push through to even the BUNDOORA............. 4.4, 8.7, 10.10, 15.22 (112) score 4 all at the end of the1st quarter. 2nd Quarter. The girls got a bit crowded at WHITTLESEA .............. 0.2, 1.2 , 2.2, 2.3 (15) the start of the second quarter but managed to Bundoora. Goalkickers: M. Almatrah 3, R. get the ball down to the court to score a goal, Hillyear 3, S. Christou 2, B. Nesci 2, J. Lamotte, good pressure from both teams. Zoee put on some N. Phillips, T. Mancuso, B. Moorcroft, M. Best: T. Manusco, B. Nesci, J. great pressure and Millie Charles made some Pavlovski. S. Moorcroft, J. Lamottem T. Brown. good leads and GK Lauren Baker did a great Maynes, List: R. Hillyear, B. Nesci, S. Christou, J. job holding her player. Bridie K worked hard to Team B. Moorcroft, T. Mancuso, M. get the ball. Alex led by 1 at the end of the 2nd qtr Lamotte, Pavlovski, N. Phillips, T. Brown, J. Maynes, M. - Alex 7 to 6. Morison, P. Angelkoski, N. McIntosh, D. Halton, 3rd Quarter. Matilda Archibald in GK in- A. Surace, J. Di Jorio, M. Montesano, J. Sterry, tercepted well and stopped Alex from getting a J. Lawson, L. Shorten, J. Ozimek, H. Welsh, D. goal. Great team work in the goal ring by our Wain. shooters to score another goal. This quarter Yea Whittlesea. Goalkickers. K. Smith, T. Holmhad some space and made some good leads. berg. Best: J. Minogue, K. Smith, J. Brennan, R. Chloe Butterworth in GS worked hard to Johnson, C. Taplin, R. Carter. Team List: T. get the ball along with Madeline Granter in GA Holmberg, R. Carter, C. Taplin, R. Johnson, J. to keep the score close, just 1 goal behind - Alex Brennan, J. Minogue, N. Fellows, B. Higgins, 9 to Yea 8. C. Prestopino, H. Bland, B. Caldow, C. McLean, 4th Quarter. The last qtr was a nail biter, M. Holmberg, J. Taylor, T. Jackson, T. MeiselAshleigh Frankcombe in C made some great bach, A. Tofful, L. Briant, C. Fitzgerald, A. centre passes, Alex put some great pressure on Hybinett, J. Carroll.
YARRA GLEN ........ 3.2, 9.6, 13.10, 17.14 (116) KINGLAKE ................ 2.4, 7.6, 8.9, 13.11 (89) Yarra Glen. Goalkickers. C. Tait 3, L. Telford 3, A. Smith 3, J. Ince 2, P. Smith, K. Hudson, J. Clare, R. Gurney, B. Ashton, B. James. Best: C. Tait, B. Ashton, D. Gilder, M. McNeill, A. Smith, B. Simon. Team List: A. Smith, C. Tait, L. Telford, J. Ince, B. Ashton, J. Clare, K. Hudson, B. James, R. Gurney, R. Smith, B. Binion, M. McNeill, D. Gilder, J. Donald, T. Russell, P. Hayes, C. Thomas, B. Marsh, R. D’Argent, W. Goodwin, J. Baughan. Kinglake. Goalkickers. Z. White 7, J. Crowe, B. White, C. Arnott, M. McAllister, H. Prest, B. Wilkinson. Best: Z. White, J. Butterworth, J. Crowe, J. Mende, W. Graf, H. Prest. Team List: Z. White, H. Prest, J. Crowe, C. Arnott, B. Wilkinson, M. McAllister, B. White, W. Graf, J. Mende, J. Butterworth, S. Mather, A. Young, J. Chalmers, J. Chalmers, B. Robinson, J. Whelan, T. Tesoriero, L. Hannah, M. Fitzclarence, E. Robinson, J. Harward, L. White.
YARRA GLEN ........ 7.3 , 13.6, 16.13, 21.14 (140) KINGLAKE ................... 0.6, 0.8, 2.8, 3.10 (28) Yarra Glen. Goalkickers: R. McDermott 6, S. Wintle 5, B. Hart 4, J. Marks 2, P. Teijeiro, G. Filsell, T. Evans, D. Moore. Best: R. McDermott, B. Hart, S. Wintle, J. Derksen, D. Morse, A. Bryan. Team List: R. McDermott, S. Wintle, B. Hart, J. Marks, D. Morse, P. Teijeiro, T. Evans, G. Filsell, A. Bryans, J. Derksen, B. Byrne, D. Grant, L. Bull, D. Tucker, D. Walters, C. Tucker, J. Evans, K. Braun, R. Scott, J. Exton, S. Fordham, M. Oataway. Kinglake. Goalkickers: A. Goodwin 2, K. Smith. Best: M. Newman, A. Westworth, J. Graf, B. Groves, J. Rabjones, B. Hamer. Team List: A. Goodwin, K. Smith, B. Hamer, J. Rabjones, B. Groves, J. Graf, A. Westworth, M. Newton, M. Batty, S. Perkins, O. Robinson, R. Hurst, R. Pratt, C. Booker, J. Koman, L. Hendrie, J. Ryan, J. Young, D. Whitmore, J. Flatley.
Kinglake vs Yarra Glen Reserves started the day’s play, with the senior game beginning with the annual ANZAC Day service at 3pm. Yarra Glen easily defeated the Kinglake Reserves, whilst the senior match was an intense hard fought game. Despite Kinglake staging a fourth quarter revival, Yarra Glen would win their seventh of 10 matches they've now played at Kinglake's Memorial Oval. The match was a hard-fought contest and close throughout the day with both Yarra Glen and Kinglake giving their all throughout Sunday's twilight match. Yarra Glen kicked the first three goals of the opening quarter until Kinglake's Zac White responded, kicking Kinglake's first goal - went on to kick another six for the match and earn best on ground- with Kinglake 2.4 (16) to Yarra Glen 3.2 (20) at the quarter-time break, with Kinglake laying 12 tackles and seven centre clearances to Yarra Glen nine in the opening term. During the quarter time break, Lakers coach Brad Wilkinson said: "We're starting to get our hands on the footy …they're trying to sneak wide and get their hands on (the) footy. "Ten minutes in (to the first quarter and) our intensity lifted …pressure lifted and we started getting our hands on the footy first" The second quarter was intense with both Kinglake and Yarra Glen matching each other in defence and attack with Kinglake kicking five goals to Yarra Glen's six in the second half. Scores at half time were two goals the difference with Kinglake 7.6 (48) to Yarra Glen 9.6 (60). Yarra Glen put their mark on the third quarter and with only three centre clearances Yarra Glen kicked four goals and four points to Kinglake's two goals three. Kinglake were now five goals behind going into the final term. "We've got to get our hands on this footy."
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 43
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"It's crucial, we have to hunt this footy more than …work harder all over the ground," Kinglake playing coach Wilkinson said. Kinglake came within two goals midway through the final term but were unable to defeat Yarra Glen. Despite a slim margin of 18 points during the final term, Yarra Glen 17.14 (116) defeated Kinglake 13.11 (89). On Saturday Kinglake faces ThorntonEildon at home, and Yarra Glen play Seville at home. - Ashley Geelan
■ Results. Kew v Whitehorse. VU Western Spurs 8.14 (62) d Deer Park 3.3 (21). Bendigo 17.6 (108) d Darebin 2.5 (17). Diamond Creek Womens 22.16 (148) d La Trobe University 0.0 (0). Pascoe Vale v Melbourne University.
■ Results. Whitehorse 8.10 (58) d West Preston-Lakeside 5.2 (32). Kew 2.10 (22) d Whitehorse 2.1 (13). Diamond Creek Womens 6.9 (45) d La Trobe Unidversity 1.0 (6). West Preston-Lakeside v VU Western Spurs. Montmorency 3.7 (25) d Laurimar 2.1 (13). Darebin 4.1 (25) d South Morang 2.0 (12).
■ Results. Greensborough 9.13 (67) d Yarrambat 4.6 (30). Montmorency 20.20 (140) d Eltham Creekers 0.1 (1). South Morang 3.11 (29) d Darebin 2.2 (14). Wallan 7.5 (47) d Hurstbridge 7.6 (48).
■ Results. Laurimar 18.15 (123) d Mernda 4.3 (27). Montmorency 22.21 (153) d Greensborough 3.5 (23). Eltham Black 11.17 (83) d Whittlesea 8.6 (54).
■ Results. West Preston-Lakeside 9.7 (61) drew with Kilmore 9.7 (61). Research 7.3 (45) d Whittlesea 5.3 (33). Mernda 8.6 (54) d Diamond Creek 4.6 (30). Wallan 11.10 (76) d Hurstbridge 5.3 (33).
■ Results. Northcote 20.7 (127) d Kinglake 0.3 (3). Montmorency 9.14 (68) d Keon Park 3.7 (25). Bundoora Park 11.4 (70) d Mill Park 6.6 (42).
■ Results. Eltham 6.6 (42) d Wallan 0.0 (0). Montmorency 10.10 (70) d Research 0.0 (0). Diamond Creek Womens 22.12 (144) d South Morang 0.0 (0).Yarrambat 6.11 (47) d Greensborough 5.8 (38).
■ Results. Diamond Creek Womens 8.5 (53) d Kilmore 6.9 (45). Whittlesea 9.6 (60) d Darebin 1.1 (7). Northcote 14.3 (87) d Panton Hill 2.2 (14). Eltham 10.8 (68) d Bundoora Park 2.3 (15).
■ Results. South Morang 15.7 (97) d Diamond Creek 2.3 (15). Laurimar 10.5 (65) d Whittlesea 3.0 (18). Eltham 9.5 (69) d Montmorency 4.6 (30).
■ Results. Mernda 15.14 (104) d Greensborough 1.2 (8). Wallan 10.6 (66) d Kilmore 1.2 (8). Yarrambat 15.14 (104) d Hurstbridge 2.0 (12).
■ Results. West Preston-Lakeside 6.10 (46) d Research 0.0 (0). Mill Park v West Ivanhoe. Northcote Blue 15.11 (101) d South Morang 4.2 (26).
■ Results. Laurimar 10.9 (69) d South Morang 3.5 (23). Eltham Black 5.12 (42) d Whittlesea 1.3 (9). Yarrambat 15.15 (105) d Montmorency 4.,3 (27).
■ Results. Mill Park 10.5 (65) d South Morang 4.3 (27). Diamond Creek 12.7 (79) d Northcote 2.4 (16). Bundoora Park 11.9 (75) d Research 0.5 (5). Kilmore 12.8 (80) d Epping 3.4 (22).
■ Results. Thomastown 12.11 (83) d West Preston Lakeside 5.9 (39). Greensborough 9.3 (57) d Eltham Red 0.0 (0). Laurimar 6.2 (38) d Mernda 5.3 (33).
■ Results. Kinglake 6.3 (39) d Panton Hill 4.6 (30). Keon Park 45 d Montmorency 14. Northcote 20.11 (131) d Lalor 2.3 (15).
■ Results. West Preston-Lakeside 15.7 (97) d Kilmore 13.9 (87). Eltham Red 11.20 (86) d Mill Park 2.3 (15). Researxch 20.19 (139) d Hurstbridge 1.2 (8).
■ Results. South Morang 13.8 (86) d Greensboprough 10.11 (71). Montmorency 13.13 (91) d Mernda 4.8 (32). Mill Park 21.11 (137) d Yarrambat 4.6 (30).
■ Results. Diamond Creek 32.22 (214) d Thomastown 2.1 (13). Research 16.10 (106) d Whittlesea 7.4 (46). Eltham 21.13 (139) d Wallan 5.2 (32).
■ Results. Yarrambat 5.11 (41) d Diamond Creek Womens 1.2 (8).Wallan 21.10 (136) d Mill Park 1.1 (7). Montmorency 10.11 (71) d South Morang 0.0 (0). Laurimar 3.4 (22) d West Preston-Lakeside 2.6 (18). Whittlesea 11.5 (71) d Kilmore 1.2 (8).
■ Results. Mill Park 35.17 (227) d Greensborough 1.3 (9). West Preston-Lakeside 25.14 (164) d South Morang 0.2 (2). Research 32.12 (204) d Laurimar 3.6 (24). Diamond Creek 11.12 (78) d Eltham Black 7.9 (51).
■ Results. Diamond Creek Womens 8.8 (56) d Yarrambat 0.0 (0). Montmorency 5.5 (41) d Research 0.0 (0). Whittlesea 4.8 (32) d Eltham 2.3 (15). Laurimar 14.12 (96) d Northcote 0.0 (0).
■ Results. Laurimar 8.3 (51) d Whittlesea 2.;l7 (19). South Morang 8.9 (57) d Diamond Creek 4.4 (28). Eltham Black 7.4 (46) d Montmorency 6.3 (39).
■ Results. West Preston-Lakeside 7.4 (46) d Laurimar 7.3 (45). Epping 10.10 (70) d Hurstbridge 2.1 (13). Yarrambat 7.13 (55) d Kilmore Blue 0.3 (3).
■ Results. South Morang 7.6 (48) d Eltham Red 3.1 (19). Research 2.8 (20) d Kilmore White 0.3 (3). Northcote Blue 15.14 (104) d Mernda 3.4 (22). Northcote Gold 4.9 (33) d Laurimar 4.4 (28).
■ Results. Mernda 17.21 (123) d Hurstbridge 8.6 (54). Montmorency 18.19 (127) d Eltham Red 3.5 (23). Bundoora Park 11.10 (76) d Yarrambat 9.11 (65).
■ Results. Laurimar 10.9 (69) d Greensborough 4.2 (26). South Morang 13.9 (87) d Montmorency 0.2 (2). Yarrambat 20.13 (133) d Eltham 1.1 (7).
■ Results. Montmorency 6.12 (48) d Bundoora Park 2.2 (14). Lalor 2.4 (16) d Greensborough 0.0 (0).
■ Starting the game with 14 was always going to be hard but the side stood up well against a free running Alexandra. Max Hargreaves and Coen Mark did a lot of running to keep the pressure on in the first quarter until Max got an injury(which forced him out of the game). The second quarter started with Caleb Harding moving into the ruck to free up Coen; Archie Jacobsen ,Daniel Williams, Asha Close and Austen Ross all playing solid roles. The third quarter saw the inclusion of the netball girls which took the pressure off the team in general, Ruby O'Dwyer with her pace and tackling and Cassy Wilsmore with her marking and kicking The fourth quarter saw Lachi Donnelly move onto the ball after Tobias Philpot and Daniel Williams had given their all . Johnny Hamilton got into the action with a mark and two clearances and Abby Christie took a strong mark to push us forward to contribute to the sides effort but Alexandra were too strong, wining easily. Full credit to an undermanned Tigers side for playing their best right to the end. Well done to Archie Jacobsen and Johnny Hamilton on their first games. Best for Yea: Austen Ross, Lachi Donnelly, Coen Marks and Tobias Philpot Final score: Yea 0.0 (0) defeated by Alexandra 19.14. (128) - Gary Harding
ALEXANDRA F.C. REPORT ■ The AFLYarra Ranges League Round 1 start of the 2017 season had finally arrived after a lengthy pre season campaign and the Alexandra Football/Netball Club hosted Belgrave for two games of football and four games of netball, the League then having a general bye for Easter, the Club then having a bye last weekend giving the Rebels a stop-start beginning to the season. At the end of 2014, the Rebels' focus under new coach Sam Kidd was to return to home grown talent and a real family atmosphere and young local players in a plan to build a very competitive team into the near future. The newspaper report after the 2015 round 1 local derby clash commented that "Alex supporters were pleased with the effort and believe that if we can keep this young group together adding a couple more good players we can expect big things from this team." At the end of 2015, the Rebels' focus under re-appointed coach Sam Kidd was to continue with the "locally grown" theme and more former junior players returned to the Club and everyone committed to the 2016 season. At the end of 2016, the Club appointed cocoaches for the 2017 season with Sam Kidd reappointed and joined by Scott Rowan, another product of the Club's junior teams. The majority of the playing group has re-registered and the coaches are pleased to have former local juniors back to the Club with Jack Elkington, Zach Heaslip and Chris McKay returning, joined by new players Jacob Brereton, Will Ingram, Rhett Marsh and Jonathan Pini and 2016 under 16 players William Ellis and Josh Humphries. Maintaining the home grown theme, in round 1 the senior team that took on Belgrave had 20 of the 21 players as former junior players joined by Jacob Brereton as the Club continues to build and consolidate its future. The ‘Rebels Family’ continues to grow and is looking forward to the year ahead across all grades of football and netball, and is determined to represent the community to the best of their ability so come along and support the Club. This Thursday we return to routine with junior training followed by junior meals and then senior training followed by senior meals.
The Holmesglen Joker Jackpot also resumes and is worth $1000 so come along and buy a ticket for $1 but you have to be at the social rooms at 8\pm to have a chance of turning the winning card. The Rebels travel to Yarra Junction this Saturday for two games of football and four games of netball with the senior football game to decide the George Steiner Cup for 2017 with everyone invited back to the Mt Pleasant Hotel for hospitality and the awards. - Ray Steyger
■ The Alexandra Football-Netball Club junior teams kicked off the 2017 season and travelled to Yea for four games of football and four games of netball with several new coaches, players and excited parents and grandparents as well as the Under 10 football team which has come under the Club umbrella as of this year. On Friday (Apr. 21) the Under 10 footballers had their jumper presentation to celebrate the introduction of the Club's first Under 10 team to join the Seymour District Junior Football Netball League. Under 10s football is based around players transitioning from Auskick to competitive football, the development of kids basic game skills, its main aims being for all kids to participate, have fun and develop skills in a safe game environment that provides a positive experience for kids in turn increasing their confidence. Although goals are kicked, there is no scoring, there is no win or loss in these games and there are no player awards or votes. Alexandra currently has 22 kids registered for Under 10 football and train at Rebel Park at 5pm on Fridays, led by coach Jason Sutcliffe. Players and parents are welcome. Several changes to the League sees Heathcote move to the Bendigo Junior League and Wandong enter our Junior League, whilst Puckarook is in recess this year so we have eight clubs with four games and no club byes each week.
Under 12s Football Alexandra 4.1 (25) defeated by Yea 8.12 (60) Essence Coffee Lounge award, Cooper Kidd; Reddrops Foodworks award, Tommy Meggitt; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Dylan Jack; Provender Country Bakehouse award, Lachlan Armstrong; Goulburn River Trout award, Will Wright; Armstrong Family award, Ben Weeks; Coach's award, Tom Miljkovic. Under 14s Football Alexandra 19.14 (128) defeated Yea 0.0 (0) Essence Coffee Lounge award, Brad Christie; Reddrops Foodworks award, Brodie Humphries; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Toby Prothero; Provender Country Bakehouse award, Bowen McCarthy; Parsons Family award, Ben Jack; Smith Family award, Ryan Lucas; Coach's award Cameron Smith. Under 16s Football Alexandra 2.1 (13) defeated by Yea 13.7 (85) Essence Coffee Lounge award, Christian Hibberd; Reddrops Foodworks award, Aaron McDonald; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, David Ray; Provender Country Bakehouse award, Jordan Laurie-Rhodes; Bundalaguah Engineering award, Fletcher McCarthy; Coach's award James Geldart. Under 14s Netball (Div 2) Alexandra 5 defeated by Yea 11 Reddrops Foodworks award, Lariza SaerangRobinson; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Amanda McDonald; Goulburn River Trout award, Tayla Arnett. Under 12s Netball Alexandra 14 defeated Yea 13 Reddrops Foodworks award, Daisy Sheehan; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Jordan Woehl; Bundalaguah Engineering award, Louise Hurrey. Under 14s Netball (Div 1) Alexandra 12 defeated by Yea 31 Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Mia Rouget; Goulburn River Trout award, Lily Hillman. Under 16s Netball Alexandra 40 defeated Yea 15 Reddrops Foodworks award, Megan Gilmore; Alexandra Bakery and Café award, Chelsea Callander; Alexandra Physiotherapy award Sienna Wakefield-Dick.
Page 44 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Local Paper Scoreboard
Local Football:Yea v Belgrave
Photos:Rob Clements
Continued from Page 43 A very big thank you to the above award sponsors for their continued support of our junior footballers and netballers in 2017. Next Sunday we are at Rebel Park and host Wandong for four games of football and one game of netball so we look forward to a big day of junior sport. The following weekend we are at home again and host Broadford. If anyone can assist with the canteen on home games during the season please speak to Ros Smith to go on the roster. - Ray Steyger
● Xavier O’Dwyer
● Travis Kirkham
● Award winners Connor Sier and Josh Porter. Photos: Ian Porter ● Eddie Nielson on the ball Andrew Chisolm looks on
● Yea Under 10s team with coaches
● Josh Porter confronts intense competition from Alex. players ■ Under 10s football is all about participation and with 29 kids in our team at the Yea Tigers there are a lot participating. On Sunday the kids had an opportunity to put into practice what they had been learning at training over the last six weeks against old foe Alexandra. There were some fantastic passages of play with the ball being moved down the ground with really accurate kicking and marking. Rotating 29 kids in and out was a challenge for Bek Klinge (Coach) and Rob Armstrong (Assistant Coach) but they did a great job and all the kids got a go. Thank you to all the families who came and supported making it one of the biggest Under 10s crowds most people had seen at Yea. The rules are revised for this age group with no recording of the score so there wasn't an official winner but as the huge crowd of supporters could attest the winners were all the 45+ players out there having a go. Well done kids.
● Patrick Evans ● Harrison Jarvie
● Ryan Akers
● Hayden Witton
The Local Paper - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - Page 45
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