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‘The Local Paper’ is published by Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd
Yea rail mystery
d it. Live it.
■ This colourised photo of Yea Railway Station is proving to be a mystery for local railman LanceAdams. The postcard snap is undated, and was produced sometime after the line to Molesworth was opened in November 1883. The Yea Butter Factory in the background was built in 1891. “There is an interesting metal water tower in the Image, bordering Oliver St which might help to narrow down the date,” Lance says. “This tank is in a position where I don't re-
call any mention of watertanks. The only watertanks I know of were the lineside tanks at each end of the station yard. “This pictured water tank is a similar design to the one still surviving at Mansfield to this day,” Lance says. “By dating the construction of the two lineside tanks and the removal of this one, we may be able to date the image.” Are you able to put a date on this photograph? Contact Lance at:
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Minus 4 at Lake Mountain ■ A minimum temperature of minus 4 degrees is predicted for Lake Mountain today (Wed.). Minus 3 degrees is forecast for Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Other minimums today are: Coldstream, 3°. Kinglake, 2°. Mansfield, 1°. Yea, 2°
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sday, May
3, 2017
Closed Mondays and Tuesdays for a couple of weeks while staff numbers are increased. PS: Due to the volume of business, we’re hiring a few extra chefs Country Club Hotel 18 High St, Yea Phone 5797 2440
The Local P aper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 5
B-DOUBLE DRINK DRIVER BLOWS .139 POLICE ALLEGE ■ Seymour Police intercepted a B-double truck driver for allegedly drink driving on the Hume Freeway near Seymour on Saturday night. Police received reports of erratic driving by the B-double driver on the northbound lanes. Police attempted to intercept the driver and after about five kilometres, the driver stopped. The driver was breath tested and returned an evidentiary breath test reading of 0.139%. The 64-year-old from New South Wales is expected to be charged on summons with drink driving offences. Sgt Geoff Shaw from Seymour Police thanked motorists for their awareness.
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 9
Murrindindi Council Analysis
No change after public submissions COMMENT
Council set to approve $5mil in losses
■ Tonight (Wed.), the Murrindindi Shire Council will hold a brief meeting. The seven Councillors appear set to pass a Strategic Resource Plan for the next four years (201721), and an Annual Budget (2017-18). The Strategic Resource Plan maps out a deficit of $½ million in each of the four financial years. This comes on top of a $2.9 million deficit in 2015-16, and $1.1 million loss in 2016-17. Where is the money coming from the fund the Council living beyond its means? The cash will have to come from ratepayers. In adjoining Mansfield Shire, the Council is cutting its cloth to suit its budget. It is reducing its spending, and looking at selling off some of its assets to responsibly pay its way. Importantly, it is conducting real conversations with its ratepayers to keep them informed, and to allow them to participate in the decision-making. In Murrindindi Council, ratepayers are being subjected to a tricky public relations ploy. Much is being made that the Council received 1600 responses to a three-question survey, using the theme of ‘Have Your Say’. Some 400 of the survey responses came from local school children. The remaining 1200 responses contained adult answers to three simple questions. Murrindindi Shire and its Councillors are now claiming that those survey responses give a mandate to the Council to embark upon its four-year plan of spending beyond its means. Of course, the survey does no such thing. The survey failed to engaged some 88 per cent of Shire residents. It is a one-card trick. The Council repeatedly refers to the ‘Have Your Say’ survey in its four-year plan, its budget and its many media releases. Submitters earlier this month made written and verbal submissons to the Council. Replies from a Council officer are in a document to be referred to Councillors tonight. The reply makes no attempt to answer the claim of ex-Cr Chris Healy that the Council is tucking away more than $24 million in cash reserves. Councillors are riding roughshod over local residents.
■ The $250,000-a-year soon-toleave Murrindindi Council CEO Margaret Abbey’s parting legacy to Shire residents is a $1.1 million loss this financial year, plus $500,000 deficits for each of the coming 10 financial years. This follows a $2.951 million loss last year (2015-16). This time last year, then-Mayor Cr Margaret Rae promised a “breakeven result” for the 2016-17 year, with a nominal surplus of $1000. Instead, ratepayers have to cop yet another financial loss: a deficit likely to be $1.1 million. It seems increcible that the current Councillors begin their Murrindindi Shire Council Plan with the words: “We are thrilled to present to our community Murrindindi Shire Council’s 2017-2021 Council Plan. This Plan is the result of collaboration between Council and the communities of Murrindindi Shire. It sets the direction for Council’s work over the next four years.” “Thrilled”? Really? If any Murrindindi family, or any Murrindindi local business, announced two years of extraordinary multi-million losses, and a plan for losses for each of the next 10 years, the only word to be used be ‘devastating’. The approach from Councillors is breathtaking. So is the language used in the responses to members of the public who made submissions regarding the Plan and Budget. The only difference made by the submissions is that the Council has made “minor word changes”. The Council explains: “Many of the submissions either sought greater clarity in wording and content, or provided valuable suggestions on how the strategies contained in the draft Council Plan could be implemented. “Council has considered all submissions and some minor wording changes have subsequently been made to improve clarity throughout the document. Overall strategic directions within the Council Plan remain unchanged.” The officer report explains away each of the submitter’s concerns: Submitter 1. This submission suggested that the budget and Council Plan documents do not adequately address issues raised at the Alexandra “Have Your Say” workshop, namely concerning the following topics: the unexpectedly strong financial state of the Council, need for TV advertising to better promote the Shire, need for a Chamber of Commerce in Alexandra and the
● Margaret Abbey, Murrindindi Shire Council CEO need for a major tourism attraction. munities to support a diverse visitor Officer Comment: “In response experience that promotes our natuto this submission, the Strategic Re- ral assets and a vibrant range of source Plan, which forms part of the events”. Council Plan, does outline that whilst Submitter 2. This submission Council has some future challenges sought greater clarity of meaning in terms of meeting its longer term in the wording used in the docuasset renewal requirements, its cur- ment, particularly concerning the rent cash position is strong in order to wording of strategies and indicators meet these challenges. proposed in the Council Plan. The “Further, as outlined, a range of submission sought improved corcurrent initiatives are underway to re- relation between the strategies and duce as far as possible any future indicators and requested greater decline in Council’s financial posi- clarity around what the indicators tion. will measure. “With respect to the suggestion of Officer Comment: “The submisa Chamber of Commerce for sion contains very valuable advice Alexandra, the sentiment expressed in relation to the further development in the submission has been consid- of the strategic indicators used in the ered in the formation of Council’s document. strategy to “support and encourage “It is proposed that the measures local businesses to work together, used under each indicator will be furthrive and grow, through networking, ther developed as part of the Council start-up assistance, mentoring and Plan Implementation Plan. It is also access to skills”. noted that the strategic indicators are “The development of a major designed to measure the extent to tourism attraction is also considered which Council is meeting its strateto be consistent with Council’s strat- gic objectives, and they are not inegy in the Council Plan under Our tended to measure each individual Prosperity to “work with our busi- strategy per se.” nesses, regional partners and comSubmitter 3. This submission focused on the “Our Prosperity” strategic objective of the Council Plan. The submission outlined some key challenges and opportunities in relation to the future prosperity of the Shire and requested that these be considered in the final drafting of the Council Plan, including the inclusion of an additional strategy. The submission also proposed areas to focus on when implementing each of the strategies under the Our Prosperity section and offered advice on the further development of each of the strategic indicators. The submission proposed an additional strategy relating to the development of an effective identity and brand for Murrindindi Shire. ● An extract from the Council’s draft Plan in which Officer Comment: “Again this ongoing financial losses are predicted for the next 10 years submission contains very useful sug-
Slogans adopted ■ Murrindindi Shire Councillors have adopted a number of key slogans to justify their big-spending budgets: “The Council has set its direction around four key strategic objectives as follows: Our People “Together we will encourage and celebrate diverse, caring and connected communities Our Place “We will maintain and enhance places to be attractive and liveable, in balance with our natural environment Our Prosperity “In partnership with the community we will promote an environment in which business and community can thrive Our Promise “We will all work in collaboration with our communities to deliver the best possible outcomes in all that we do.” gestions in relation to the implementation of the Council Plan strategies under the Strategic Objective Our Prosperity. This will assist in the development of the Implementation Plan. “With reference to the additional strategy proposed in the submission, it is noted that one of the aims of the Council (under Our Commitment on Page 12) is to foster and highlight a Murrindindi identity from a local community belonging and connectedness perspective, and in terms of the external promotion of the Shire. “It is therefore not considered necessary to create a new strategy specifically under Our Prosperity, although Council notes the reasoning and intent of the submitter. Submitter 4. This submission suggested that Council continue to be open and transparent. For Council to include the community in the decision making process, accept criticism, admit when mistakes are made, be diligent in their responsibilities and accountable for their actions. Officer Comment: “It is considered that the intent and sentiment of this submission is already captured on page 14 of the Council Plan which details the values and commitments Council is making with respect to its conduct in office.” Submitter 5. This submission has an environment focus, in particular the protection of the natural environment in future planning. The submission outlined some concerns regarding Council’s focus on events support, specifically regarding the impact that events have on the natural environment. It outlines concerns that open spaces are seen as opportunities for recreation and events rather than respected for the environmental significance and opportunity for quite reflection and appreciation. Further environmental considerations raised were roadside slashing, awareness of indigenous planting, protection of the natural landscapes and the streetscapes, including heritage aspects. “Officer Comments: “Consideration of the need to protect the natuTurn To Page 11
Page 10 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Local Paper
Ash OnWednesday
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Surprise for Gayle
incorporating The New Free Press Vol.2. No 3 No.. 6 63 Wednesda y, June 21, 20 17 ednesday 2017 Published W ednesda ys Wednesda
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Long Shots
Editor: Ash Long Features Editor: Peter Mac Credit Manager: Michael Conway OAM, Fas ction Debt R o very astt A Action Ree cco ery,, 040 2 142 866
Readership throughout: Acheron , Alexandra, Arthurs Creek, Buxton, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Coldstream, Devlin’s Bridge, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Doreen, Dropmore, Eildon, Eltham, Fawcett, Flowerdale, Ghin Ghin, Glenburn, Gobur anit e, Gobur,, Gr Granit anite Granton, Hazeldene, Healesville, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Junction Hill, Kangaroo Ground, Kanumbra, Kerrisdale, Killingworth, King Parrot Creek, Kinglake, Kinglak e C entr al, Kinglak eW e sst, t, K oriella, Kinglake entral, Kinglake We Koriella, Laurimar dale Laurimar,, Lily Lilydale dale,, Limes Limestto n e e,, Maintongoon, Mernda, Molesworth, Nutfield, Murrindindi, Pheasant Creek, R esear ch, Rubic on, Ruffy e w s, esearch, Rubicon, Ruffy,, S Stt Andr Andre S t rra ath Cr eek, S witz erland, T aggerty Creek, Switz witzerland, Taggerty aggerty,, Ta ylor Ba y, T erip T erip hornt on, Bay Terip Terip erip,, T Thornt Toolangi, T attle Glen, Trra wool, W Wa Whanr egarw en, Whittlesea, W oodbourne , Whanregarw egarwen, Woodbourne Yan Y ean, Y a rrck, ck, Y arr a Glen, Y ea, Y ering. Yean, Ya Yarr arra Yea, Yering.
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Independently Owned and Operated T h e Local P aper is print ed under c ontr act Paper printed contr ontract by Streamline PressPty Ltd, 155 Johnston S t, Fitzr o y, f or the publisher Fitzro publisher,, Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063, of the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095. Responsibilityfor election and referendum comment is accepted by Ash Long. C op yright © 20 1 7 ocal Media P ty L td. opyright 7,, L Local Pty ACN 096 680 063.
Murrindindi Newspapers
● Gayle Branch and friends at the Chandon Winery on Saturday ■ Popular Yea woman Gayle Branch was ‘hijacked’ by friends on Saturday (Juen 17) for a fun day, in a stretch limo, to the Chandon Estate, Yarra Valley. Upon return to Yea, a surprise crowd was waiting at the Peppercorn Hotel. Gayle’s serious illness meant she had to retire a little early, but she thanked all for the special day of making memories,
Mercy dash
Grudge match ■ Kinglake and Yea football and netball clubs meet this Saturday (June 24) for Round 10 of the AFLYarra Ranges competition. Other matches in the Division 2 comp. are Belgrave v Alexandra, ThorntonEildon v Yarra Glen, and Yarra Junction v Powelltown. Yea comes off a bye.
Identities pass ■ The June 23, 1987, issue noted the passing of Lou Sichlau at the Yea Hospital, and Jack Baynes at the Yea Golf Course.
Water Tigers AGM edit or@L ocalP aper editor@L or@LocalP a u
with Ash Long, Editor “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”
Your rates at work
Sandro moves on
■ Transplant patient Stephanie Dundas, 26, of Yarck, featured in the Herald Sun on Saturday. Stephanie has had liver, intestine and kidney transplants. A truly incredible and brave story.
Copper missing
■ Wallan Police have apprehended a Whittlesea man alleged to have stolen more than $10,000 worth of copper wire from the train lines in Kilmore East. Leading Sen. Const. Jane Marks says the man was charged by Police and will appear in court in the coming weeks.
● The Murrindindi Shire ad in last week’s Kilmore newspaper ■ Murrindindi Shire Council had to advertise the temporary road and bridge closure of Myles Road, Murrindindi. Did the Council choose to advertise the closure in The Local Paper, which has the largest readership in the area, with 3600 copies? No. Did the Council choose to advertise in The Yea Chronicle, with 637 copies? No. The Council placed the ad in the North Central Review, based at Kilmore, 80.8 kilometres away from Myles Rd.
Local Phone Numbers
● ‘Happy Valley’, Flowerdale. Circa 1930s
■ Yea Water Tigers closed their 1987-88 season committe at the annual general meeting held at the home of Sandra Hanley. Officers are: President - R. Nieboer; Senior Vice-President, B. Scott; Junior VicePresident, L. Helmond; Secretary, P. Batty; Entry Secretary, M. Lyster; Treasurer, N. Nieboer.
Cheryl at Apex ■ YeaApex Club had Kerrisdale lady Mrs Cheryl Ahern to speak on the subject of cerebral palsy at its meeting at the Country Club Hotel. Guests at the ladies’ night included Mr John Sandyman and his wife Sue.
Library warning
Best to Steph
At Happy Valley, Flowerdale FIRE BRIGADES (fire only) ............ 000 Local Brigades ............................... 000 POLICE (emergencies only) ............ 000 Kinglake ............................... 5786 1333 Seymour ............................... 5735 0200 Whittlesea ............................ 9716 2102 Yea ....................................... 5 7 9 7 26 30 263 57 AMBULANCE .................................... 000 Alexandra Hospital ............. 5772 0900 Northern Hospital, Epping .. 8405 8000 Seymour Hospital ................ 5793 6100 Yea Hospital ........................... 5 7 36 0400 57 S TATE EMERGENC Y SER VICE ......... 000 EMERGENCY SERVICE ■ Lifeline ........................................ 13 11 14 Nursing Mothers Helpline .... 9885 0653 Poisons Info. (24 Hours) .......... 13 11 26 RACV Roadside Assistance ........ 13 1111 RSPCA ................................... 9224 2222
From Our Files - 30 Years Ago Tuesday, June 23, 1987
■ A rush helicopter flight from Yea to the Royal Children’s Hospital took less than 25 minites in a combined emergency services exercise to help a badly injured local girl. The injured girl was Kathleen Joy McDonald, 8, of Miller St, Yea, one of four passengers in a serious head-on smash at Whatton Place, Yea.
Our Team
Editor’s Diary
● Sandro Olivo ■ Sandro Olivo is leaving Leader Community News after more than 21 years at News Corp. The Whittlesea Leaders Editor ‘slast day with Leader will be June 30. He will be replaced by Peter Reynolds.
Hearty welcome
■ New advertisers are joining The Local Paper all the time, taking advantage of our greater readership and cheaper rates. This week we welcome ‘every week’ advertisers: ■ John of Brazzen Rural Products, Yarra Valley; ■ George of Steiner Welding and Steel Fabrication, Alexandra; and ■ Paul Smitherham of Eildon, fencer. And check our advertising columns for news from Mansfield Steiner School; Whittlesea Medical Imaging; Noeline of Seymour Laundromat; and Auto Pro Seymour (Seymour Truck Parts). If you would like to use the reach of The Local Paper to strengthen your business, call 5797 2656.
■ Local councils such as Yea - which are worried about library funding costs - have been advised to “keep calm” by Acting Arts Minister, Ms Caroline Hogg. Ms Hogg said it was premature to close, threaten to close or propose other methods to curtail community access to municipal libraries.
Contest for Yea ■ “Saturday saw the completion of the first round of the home-and-away matches in the KDFL competition, with Yea Firsts just holding on to top position on the League Ladder.” Former Editor, Tom Dignam, wrote: “At Merrigum on Saturday, the home side needed to better Yea’s half-time score by seven goals to win - and they did this exactly. In a late revival reminiscent of their death blow to the Tigers in last year’s preliminary final, the Bulldogs got up and snatched victory by a single point.”
‘Springfield Lad’ ■ Locally trained ‘Springfield Lad’ completed a hat trick when he raced at Sandown. From his starts, he has won five city races including the $25,000 Country Plate.
Lions changeover ■ Mark Mullaly took over the Presidency of the Lions Club of Yea at the changeover dinner held at the Molesworth Hotel. Outgoing President Noel Searle-Walker thanked his team for their support during the year.
Gina writes home ■ Rotary exchange student Gina Callander wrote from India, advising that it was only 32 days before she returned to Australia.
$70,000 target ■ Fundraising for the Yea Community Centre - the sports complex at the Yea High School - had a $70,000 target. Some $56,000 had been raised as the Yea public’s portion, with $3700 raised by the Rotary Livestock Appeal.
Your Stars with Kerry Kulkens ARIES: (March 21- April 20) Lucky Colour: White Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Guard against promising something you might find hard to keep. You could be in the public gaze so keep calm and think before you talk. There could be more travel coming up soon. TAURUS: (April 21- May 20) Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Not a good time to make a definite decision just now, make sure you know all the facts first. You could be over doing it so make sure you look after your health and get some rest. GEMINI: (May 21- June 21) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There could be a few surprises in store for you during this period. You might need to concentrate on family relationships and try to work out a compromise, some luck in your love life. CANCER: (June 22- July 22) Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There should not be too much trouble in your finances but do check all fine print before signing anything. Some happy surprises in career matters or business arrangements. LEO: (July 23- August 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Many of your wishes could come true during this period so keep your options open to possible changes. Meeting an old friend could bring about travel or change. VIRGO: (August 23- September 23) Lucky Colour: Lilac Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Good feeling and plenty of energy should help you to achieve some of the tasks allotted to you. There could be something you did not expect that might sort out an old problem. LIBRA: (September 24- October 23) Lucky Colour: White Lucky Day: Sunday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There will be quite a few changes coming up in your life. Some may be changing their address and some may be changing their loved ones. The interest in the opposite sex is heightened. SCORPIO: (October 24- November 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Offers of a promotion at work are indicated. The domestic scene is looking very good. Travel could bring people into your life that may benefit your career. SAGITTARIUS: (November 23- December 20) Lucky Colour: violet Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Many will be feeling very confident about anything they try. People of importance will be willing to further their career new ventures will be successful. CAPRICORN: (December 21- January 19) Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: New ventures would pay off if tried at the moment. Your confidence and energy levels are pretty high at present. The social scene will be very hectic. AQUARIUS: (January 20- February 19) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Most will have learned from past experiences and see the situation very clearly to make their move and benefit through it. Especially where career is concerned. PISCES: (February 20- March 20) Lucky Colour: Pink Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Major changes are occurring around you some are outside your own influence. These changes may affect your close relationships. Old friendships may go and new ones may be formed. Some of you could be falling in love.
Visit Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop at 1693 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Phone/Fax 9754 4587 KERRY KULKENS PSYCHIC LINE 1902 240 051 or 180 0 727 727 CALL COST: $5.50 G.S.T. PER MIN. MOB/ Like us INC on Facebook PAY EXTRA.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 11
Local News
Beanie Festival at Alex. ■ Alexandra's St John's Anglican Church will play host to the Murrindindi Beanie Festival on the weekend of July 22-23. The Alexandra atownship will be decorated accordingly to make the most of the atmosphere of tyhe thiord year of the Festival. According to its volunteer organisers, the event’s popularity continues to increase every year. This year sees the 'Down to Earth Beanie' entry category which means beanies can be sculptural multimedia creations only needing to create the illusion of "wear-ability" - making this category a great entry opportunity for creative kids or school groups. Murrindindi Shire Council's libraries in both Kinglake and Alexandra host craft gatherings on Friday afternoons and there is a range of other groups that get together weekly around the Shire. Murrindindi Shire Council CEO MargaretAbbey, who describes herself as a passionate crafter, said some Council staff had been knitting and crocheting banners in their private time to string up around the township. "Council wants to show its continuing support for this wonderful festival as it transforms the Alexandra township, and provides an artistic, creative opportunity for everyone in the Shire," she said. "It creates so much fun and joy to all those that get into the creative zone, as well as for those who just want to come and soak up the atmosphere and marvel at the quirky (and often very highly-skilled) creations,” Ms Abbey said.
● Chris Price, Murrindindi Shire Council’s CoOrdinator for Emergency Management and Local Laws, gets caught up in Beanie Festival preparation.
Shire to lose millions ● From Page 10 ral environment is captured under the Our Place Strategic Objective to ensure the use of our places and spaces is in balance with the needs of the natural environment. “Specifically the issue is represented in the proposed strategy to “strengthen the environmental sustainability of our communities, protect our natural environment and reduce resource consumption”. “The need to consider the environmental impacts of events is noted and will be further incorporated in the assessment of applications to stage events. “The reference to heritage can be found in another proposed strategy under Our Place to “recognise and embrace the history, culture and identity of our towns and communities” Submitter 6. This submission raised some suggestions for enhancement of the Council Plan. Firstly, recognition of the Taungurung people’s rights over Crown Land and acknowledgement of their intrinsic connection to the land and water resources is important to be included. Inclusion of the theme of engagement with partners, acknowledging that it is imperative that they work together to develop and deliver joint initiatives and leverage funding to achieve mutual goals. The theme of resilience could be strengthened by expanding to include strategies to build community resilience in identifying and responding to environmental challenges such as climate change, natural events and land use changes.
Concerns were raised regarding the lack of a strategic indictor which is specific to protection and enhancement of the natural environment. A further suggestion to include sustainable land use planning as a strategy and relevant strategic indicator was supplied in this submission. Officer Comment: “This submission was from a natural resource management authority and its suggestions reflect the authority’s preference that the Council Plan contains linkages to the authority’s own strategic directions. “It is considered by officers that many of the issues raised are consistent with the current wording of the Council Plan, although not to the same level of specificity as suggested by the submission. “For example Page 14 of the Council Plan highlights Council’s commitment to recognise and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land. Council’s proposed strategy to “strengthen the environmental sustainability of our communities, protect our natural environment and reduce resource consumption” is in direct response to environmental challenges such as those posed by climate change. “The Strategic Objective for Our Place is also intended to recognise the importance of strategic land use planning in supporting the sustainable development of the Shire.” ■ Two submitters told The Local Paper that they objected to their submissions being edited by Council officers, and published in words other than their own. They were puzzled which the submissions were anonymised by the Council.,, without their permission.
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 13
Court Lists Seymour Magistrates’ Court Criminal Case Listings Thursday, June 22 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Krickic, B (22069) v Candy, Bradley Michael. Highway Patrol-Wallan Victoria Police - Bennett, N (36915) v Greenaway, Brendan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Kennedy, Timothy Joseph. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Konings, D (26750) v Daoud, Joseph John. Uni-Yea Traffic Camera Office - Traffic Camera Office v Truline Paving Co P/L. Melbourne Victoria Police - Wells, B (37438) v Hall, Brenden Scott. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Caldwell, M (37460) v Donnelly, Joshua. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Clarke, Shaun Peter. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement v Mccarthy, Nigel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Sowden, D (36568) v Millard, Terry Douglas. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Tait, W (37033) v Nevill, Daniel John. UniNagambie Victoria Police - Fels, T (39715) v Philippe, Jeffrey. Uni-Caulfield Victoria Police - Garbutt, E (35708) b Hall, Brenden Scott. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Williams, G (37972) v Hassan, Robert. DtuSeymour Victoria Police - Warren, M (41378) v Hassan, Robert James. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Mapleback, Shane. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Mapleback, Shane. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Garbutt, E (35708) v Hall, Brenden Scott. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Williams, G (37972) v Hassan, Robert. DtuSeymour Victoria Police - Warren, M (41378) v Hassan, Robert James. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Fels, T (39715) v Philippe, Jeffrey. Uni-Caulfield Victoria Police - Tait, W (37033) v Nevill, Daniel John. UniNagambie Victoria Police - Sowden, D (36568) v Millard, Terry Douglas. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Cummins, C (32371) v Oliveric, Slobodan. DfoSeymour Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement v Mccarthy, Nigel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Dalton, Adam. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Burns, Kristy. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Clarke, Shaun Peter. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Caldwell, M (37460) v Donnelly, Joshua. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Farrelly, Colin Harold. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Scott, Daryl. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Wells, B (37438) v Hall, Brenden Scott. Highway Patrol-Seymour
80 Years Ago Traffic Camera Office - Traffic Camera Office v Truline Paving Co P/L. Melbourne Victoria Police - O'neill, J (40075) v Mckenzie, Keiffer. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Konings, D (26750) v Daoud, Joseph John. Uni-Yea Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Kennedy, Timothy Joseph. Uni-Seymour Mitchell Shire Council - Tapley, E v Peters, Jolyon. Broadford Victoria Police - Bennett, N (36915) v Greenaway, Brendan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Krickic, B (22069) v Candy, Bradley Michael. Highway Patrol-Wallan Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v Currie, Scott David. UniAlexandra Friday, June 23 Mitchell Shire Council - Elliot, C v Dimasi, Natalino Antonio. Mitchell Shire Council Mitchell Shire Council - Johns, E v Crosby, Matthew Lee. Mitchell Shire Council Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Lennon, Mitchell. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Barclay, J (36190) v Petrovski, Anthony Stefan. Highway Patrol-Seymour Mitchell Shire Council - Ward, M v Croxford, Allen. Mitchell Shire Council Mitchell Shire Council - Elliot, C v Gocky, Drahomir. Mitchell Shire Council Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Selim, Christine Marie. Highway Patrol-Seymour Mitchell Shire Council - Elliot, C v Andrighetto, Michael. Mitchell Shire Council Victoria Police - Dawson, C (35574) v Deng, Deng. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Downey, Julie Ann. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Cummings, Benjamin Caleb. Uni-Seymour Monday, June 26 Victoria Police - Wilson, S (29469) v Mustey, Adam Wesley. Uni-Pyalong Thursday, June 29 Victoria Police - Erdeljac, N (40309) v Ginn, Hayden. UniMelbourne West Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Grass, Belinda. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Grass, Belinda. UniBroadford Traffic Camera Office - Traffic Camera Office v Young, Paul A. Melbourne Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Waszczuk, Mirik. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - O'neill, J (40075) v Swan, Jarratt. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Baker, S (23294) v Rogers, Donald. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Poole, Rebecca. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Poole, Rebecca. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v King, Luke. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Page, J (38565) v Knight, Dylan. Dtu-Seymour Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Meagher, Steve. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Meagher, Steven. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Rhead, A (40227) v Collins, Ashley. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Duff, D (35543) v Swan, Jarratt Keith. UniNagambie
Traffic Camera Office - Traffic Camera Office v Lorensini, Mandy-Elise. Melbourne Victoria Police - Hopper, G (31106) v Chilcott, Cameron Robert. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Porter, I (33403) v Stone, Luke Anthony. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Holcombe, S (39769) v Phillips, David. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Oxnam, G (33435) v Bontalik, Brett. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Cook, K (41646) v Monoghan, Chase. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Fairweather, R (24890) v Edwards, Dylan. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Knight, Dylan. UniBroadford Traffic Camera Office Dowell, C v Ogilvie, Jade. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Wright, A (31459) v Stone, Luke. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Poole, Rebecca. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Duff, D (35543) v Stevens, Jan. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Stephens, S (40205) v Kelly, Matthew Francis. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Brennan, G (32577) v Kelly, Matthew. Operations Response Team Three Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Poole, Rebecca Elizabeth. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Garbutt, Leigh. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Mcleod, B (36743) v Amos, Colin Maxwell. Uni-Echuca Victoria Police - Vallas, D (35239) v Treloar, Christopher John. Ciu-Whitehorse Victoria Police - Taylor, Y (36839) v Poole, Rebecca. SocitSeymour G13562597 Victoria Police - Najmeddine, T (39260) v Wright, Joanne. UniNorthcote Victoria Police - Jackson, A (41009) v Mann, Jessica. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Incorvaia, Jason Paul. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Brown, G (37441) v Phillips, David. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Phillips, David. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Page, J (38565) v Phillips, David John. DtuSeymour Community Corrections Centre - Peacock, T v Treloar, Christopher John. Seymour Community Correction Centre Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Gale, Shaun. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Huffer, D (32081) v Gale, Shaun Mark. UniWallan Community Corrections Centre - Peacock, T v Stone, Luke Anthony. Seymour Community Correction Centre Community Corrections Centre - Peacock, T v Treloar, Christopher. Seymour Community Correction Centre Mansfield Magistrates’ Court Criminal Case Listings Wednesday, June 21 Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Letchford, Adam James. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Woodstock, S (39399) v Mccabe, Jordan Alexandra. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Woodstock, S (39399) v Fernando, Prunima. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v Afa, Abdul. UniMansfield
Victoria Police - Barras, W (33870) v Fricke, Rodger.State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Bennett, M (33902) v Declifford, James Geoffrey. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Iskov, B (36626) v Belleville, Corey. Ciu-Benalla Victoria Police - Gillard, P (22715) v Bryant, Daniel James. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Mannix, M (27107) v Moore, Kieran Duncan. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Harrison, Craig Andrew. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Mchugh, N (31345) v Beale, Prudence. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Scannell, M (35182) v Burke, Cobin Colin. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Scannell, M (35182) v Burke, Cobin Colin. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Holland, A (27929) v Hoban, Patrick. Rpdas Operations Unit Victoria Police - Dwight, K (26884) v Mciver, Malcolm James. Uni-Woods Point Victoria Police - Woodstock, S (39399) v Searle, Ross Philip. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Dodsworth, Kent. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v Welch, Geoffrey Alan. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Bullock, C (29286) v Rankine, Trent. Highway Patrol-Yarra Ranges Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v Wyatt, Zachary Joshua. Uni-Alexandra Goulburn-Murray Water Cameron, J v Renerre Pty Ltd. Goulburn-Murray Water Victoria Police - Cameron, R (30078) v Reid, Jaclyn Louise. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Mcauliffe, Matthew. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Traffic Camera Office - Traffic Camera Office v Warton, Brian. Melbourne Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Germaine, David Steven. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Aghan, Steven Thomas. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Letchford, Adam. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v Letchford, Adam James. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v May, Dylan Clarence. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Gillard, P (22715) v Perrett, Kyle David. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v Anwar, Kamal Saleh. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Reilly, P (34803) v Kaufmann, Cherie. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Rowe, M (31920) v Johnstone, Leigh Carmody. State Hwy Patrol-East Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Prideaux, Dylan. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Travers, Timothy William. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Stevens, M (34763) v Letchford, Adam. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Scott, Jason Peter. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Ginnivan, Denis. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Thompson, I (32126)v Donkin, Raymond UniMarysville Turn To Page 23
● FromJune 1937 Files
Christmas Hills Rd ■ Sir, Can anything be done to improve the main Christmas Hills road as the-traffic has, more than doubled since Clinton's began holding motor hill climbing con tests. Three men on sustenance could be employed on the, road to advantage as they f have been on the two back roads for the last five or six years. It would also appear that it takes up too much or the time of the two road patrolmen in looking after the sustenance men on both the Yarra Glen and, Christmas Hills patrols spend much time in supervising these sustenance men. More work and less bossing would give better results. The Christmas Hills road is one of the finest and most popular motor drives in the shire, and shotild be in better order. ‘G.P.B.’, Christmas Hills.
Ladies’ Guild ■ The Hazel Glen St John's Ladies' Guild held the first of their winter series of euchre evenings in the Church. hall. A very large number was present, and the winners were Ladies, Mrs. L. Brock, consolation, Miss C. Verso; gentlemen, Mr. A. Verso, consolation Mr. C. Limmer .This series will be held fortnightly, and the aggregate scores will be published every third game.
Rev. R. Jackson ■ A memorial service was conducted in the Methodist Church, Arthur's Creek, by Mr Wilkins, of Surrey Hills, to commemorate the passing of the late Rev Robert Jackson, who died in the Epworth private hospital a few weeks ago. Mr Wilkins, being a personal friend of the late Mr Jackson, gave a very impressive and interesting account of his life and work as a Methodist minister. He had charge of this circuit some 50 years ago and lived, at the Methodist parsonage, with his wife
Y. Glen Gymkhana ■ The Yarra GlenAgricultural Society held a gymkhana on King's Birthday on the Show Girounds and the entries were splendid in all the horse events, but the attendance was very poor, very few of the local people and society members being present
Kinglake dance ■ A dance in aid of the Mothers' club was held in the Kinglake hall last Saturday night Mrs Chrystie was the winner of the chocolate competition; Mrs Hart and Mr. Bradford winning the Monte Carlo. Mr. Sloan Reeves was fortunate to win the box of cigarrettes. Mr A. McLaine was M.C. The music was supplied by Messrs John McMahon, James McMahon and V. Banks. A nice supper was provided.
Youth pranks ■ Patrons to recent functions at the Montmorency Public Hall have been put to great inconvenience following the actions of several youths and boys, barely of school leaving age, who seem to delight in removing cars parked outside the hall. In two cases petrol has been "milked" from cars. The cars are pushed away, in some cases several hundred yards from the hall. A visit to the hall by police would be appreciated by patrons.
Nutfield repairs ■ Telephone contractors are busy re-conditioning the lines from Doreen to Strathewen. For some time this section' has been subject to fading. At present they are in the section from Doreen to Nutfield.
Page 14 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
What The Papers Say Saleyards sale?
■ Mansfield Shire mayor Paul Volkering has said the Mansfield saleyards will not be sold, but discussion around the site’s future must start now. But the mayor said the door is open for a future sale of the site if council can find an outcome that is “acceptable to the community”. “No sale is going to happen without further extensive community consultation beyond the budget period and through to the years ahead,” said Cr Volkering. “Council has heard what it needed to hear with regards to the saleyards. We’ve heard the message from the community.” Eighteen submissions to council were made against the sale of the site - Mansfield Courier
Photos From The Past
Books donated
■ A free box of books was provided to Seymour Health’s dental clinic by the Lions Club of Seymour Goulburn. The gesture was part of the Lions’ program 123Read2Me. Children who may not have books at home are encouraged to take a book to read. - Seymour Telegraph
● No need for a roundabout in those days. At the Downey St-Grant St intersection.
125th year party
■ Euroa Urban Fire Brigade’s commemorated its 125th year. Celebrations kicked off with a traditional firefighters' torchlight parade from the Shire Offices, along Binney St and to the Memorial Oval. Some 16 brigades joined in the march, all dressed in ceremonial uniform. Visiting brigades came from across the region (and some from outside), and included Nagambie, Shepparton, Molka, Strathbogie, Wallan and Kelvin Grove. - Euroa Gazette
Mernda mirage
■ Mernda Town Centre planning is so far behind it should take on a Back To The Future-type vision suited to hoverboards and driverless cars, Yan Yean state Labor MP Danielle Green says. Speaking in Parliament, Ms Green said Whittlesea Council and Mayor Ricky Kirkham had let down residents by their “failure to progress the development the Mernda Town Centre”. “Over the years the population of Mernda and Doreen has skyrocketed and still the centre of Mernda remains a large paddock surrounded by more than 50,000 residents who badly need services and local jobs,” Ms Green said. - Whittlesea Leader
● Goulburn River,Alexandra. Photo: Lindsay G. Cumming
● Alexandra Railway Station. Circa 1910. Photo: Lindsay G. Cumming
Locked up
■ A popular Healesville picnic ground is still off limits with no fix in sight, eight months after major storms saw the gates closed to the public. Parks Victoria closed the Badger Weir picnic area after trees were uprooted, and toilets, a rotunda, water tanks and picnic tables were damaged when wild storms tore through the region and the Yarra Ranges National Park on October 9 last year. - Lilydale Leader
● Alexandra Cricket Club. Circa 1940s. Photo: Lindsay G. Cumming ■ Yea
Theatre leased
■ Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre Company has secured a five-year lease for its present home at the Athenaeum Theatre in Castella St, Lilydale, after Yarra Ranges Council passed the lease arrangement unanimously at its June 13 meeting. - Mountain Views Mail
Road closures
■ Some tracks and roads in state forests and parks in north-east Victoria will be temporarily closed during winter and spring as part of an annual program to maintain environmental health and prevent serious road damage. - Country News
● Sugarloaf Weir. Circa 1925. Photo: T.A. Fox
● Grant St, Alexandra. Circa 1960
The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 15
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Phone: (03) 5792 3432 Fax: (03) 5792 4369 PO Box 8047. Seymour, Vic 3660 Email:
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I have suffered from diabetes for 20 years wth very high sugar levels and cramps, my sugar levels were always around 18 to 20, since I have taken Cejuvenate, my sugar levels have dropped to around 8 and I have cut back on my insulin. My cramps have also gone. Cejuvenate is a miracle and has transformed me to do things I was not able to do for years. Bill/Bendigo
Since taking Cejuvenate my blood flow to my feet has improved dramatically, as a bad diabetic my foot was going to be amputated, as a last resort I heard about Cejuvenate and thought I would have nothing to lose, after 3 weeks on Cejuvenate I went to my specialist who could not believe what he saw, my circulation had improved immensely due to Cejuvenate, and I never had to have my foot amputated. Cejuvenate saved my life. Brian/Mildura
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 21
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Page 22 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Rural News
STOP PRESS STOCK CLEARANCE NOW ON - JUNE All Steel Products 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Personal Shopping Recommended
The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 23
Local Court Lists ● From Page 13 Victoria Police Robinson, C (34239) v Perrett, Kyle. UniWangaratta Victoria Police Lampkin, B (33527) v Letchford, Adam. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police Murphy, S (32065) v Letchford, Adam. Ciu-Benalla Victoria Police Dowell, C (24892) v Rabie, Stephen. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police Gillard, P (22715) v Newman, Marc Edward. Highway PatrolMansfield G12868447 Dunsford, A (28464) v Stafford, Lance Thomas. CiuAlexandra Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Hocking, Peter James. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008)v Cooper, Jeffery Ian. Office Of The Chief Commissioner
Yea Under 14 Division 2 Netball
● Alexandra and Yea Under 12 netballers
● Highly competitive play in the Under 12s
● Riley Slevin
● Jardine Nai
The Local Paper
■ 1st Quarter. These two sides, Yea and Alexandra, haven't met since Round 3 and the girls were keen to notch up a win against Alex. With the initial nerves out of the way, Yea worked the ball around the court and soon had their first goal. Emma and Sarah worked well in defence putting good pressure on the Alex side and Yea finished the quarter ahead. 2nd Quarter. Yea came out firing again. Grace and Jordyn kept the ball moving towards the Yea end with great support by Shanae on the wing. Abby and Melody took advantage to score some great goals. This was a great first half by the Yea team and the girls were confident they could win this game. Half-time scores : Yea 15 Alex 5 3rd Quarter. Yea knww they would need to keep up their great defence work and really apply the pressure. Once again good passing by Yea hasd the ball down our end and Olivia shot some awesome long range goals. The Yea defenders were really keeping the pressure on Alex this quarter, well done girls. 4th Quarter. The girls were hoping to score plenty of goals this qtr and they come through with the goods. Once again the strong work by the defenders and improved passing this game restricted the Alex side and the final score was Yea 33. Alex 10 This was a superb team effort by Yea, you should all be very proud of yourselves and congratulations on a great win. Awards. Royal Mail Voucher - Emma Oliver. Tiger Bucks - Sarah Garlick - Jacqui Canton
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KEATH, nee Burgess. - Claire 22.01.1936 17.06.2017 Beloved wife of Bill (dec.). Loved mother of Rodney, Christopher, Jennifer and Scott and their families. Grandmother of 11 and Great grandmother of 11. Rest in Peace.
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KEATH. - A Graveside service for Mrs Claire Keath will be held at the Bonnie Doon Cemetery on THURSDAY (June 22, 2017) ommencing at 1.00 p.m.
BEREAVEMEMT THANKS Stubbings, Dawn Hazeldene nee Robson 25/10/1923 - 28/05 2017 Dawn's family send our sincere thanks to all her friends. You have been an integral part of her wondrous, fulfilling journey throughout her long life. Your kind words, beautiful cards and flowers, and the sharing of your Dawnie stories continue to give us great comfort. She blessed all she met with her deep love of life, humour, wisdom and courage and continues to do so.
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 31
The Yea Story: Part 17
Ned Kelly, bushrangers, in Yea From The Story of Yea by Harvey Blanks ■ Between the coming of the settlers, who selected their land in the wake of the early squatters, and the formation of the Yea Road Board in 1869, there is an almost complete lack of any written records. From occasional scanty references in some of the family histories in the preceding chapters, it seems probable that the early settlers were far too busy trying to earn a livelihood and to secure their land to concern themselves with leaving much historical material for posterity. Unfortunately, the greater part of what family records were left has disapeared, either discarded by a later generation, or destroyed in natural disasters. Some families in the Shire of Yea which had indeed preserved their records and much valuable historical material, lost them when their old homes were burned in the great bushfires of 1969. What few details we still possess of the years before the Road Board was formed have been largely handed down by word of mouth, and there is little written material to corroborate them. The late Mr Daniel McLeish, who was born at Woodburn in 1851, ledt a few tantalising memories of early Yea, in an interviewhe granted a Melbourne journalist, Frank Whitcombe, in 1930. When he first arrived in Yea about 1860, he recalled, kangaroos were to be seen hopping along High Street, on which there were only two houses. One of those as a wattle and daub but with a bark slab roof on the site of the present Savings Bank. It was owned by a George McIntosh who ‘had a bit of land and miled a few cows’. Because of the demands of the gold diggings, horses were at a premium, selling up to £100, and horse stealing was prevalent. McIntosh used to keep his horse at night tethered alongside his hut, with a greenhide rein passing through a hole in the wall and listened to a loop around his wrist. The other house in High Street, of similar rough construction, was owned by blacksmith Robert Cockerell, who had his open-fronted smithy built alongside, with a rail to which travellers might tether their horses while waiting for them to be shed. Cockerell made his own horse shoes from bar iron, wrought on his anvil. What bridges theree were at the time, in and around the settlement, were merely trees that had been felled across the streams. Their upper sides were adzed flat to allow slabs to be pegged to them to form a causeway. They were too narrow for horse-drawn vehicles, and drays and coaches were usually offloaded at the approach of the ‘bridge’, and the goods rolled or carried across, while the vehicle was dragged through the water and mud, to be reloaded on the other bank. There are several early stories suggesting that the Shire may have been visited from time to time by bushrangers, including the Kelly Gang. Six miles north-east of Yea in one of the Shire’s most rugged parts, the Grant Brothers had Switzerland Station.
● Ned Kelly According to local legend, Power causing much conjecture as to the bushranger, visited Switzerland whether the dead horse thief might on one occasion and made off with not, in fact, have been the missing a policeman’s horse which had been Sir Roger Tichborne, whose whereleft tied temporarily to a fence. abouts were the subject of considerOn another occasion, when the able speculation in the Colony about Grants were out riding about their that time. property, they came across six horses But no proof was ever forthcombearing the brand of Cathkin Sta- ing, and it is possible that even if the tion penned up in a rough corral ring was a genuine Tichborne heirmade of pieces of stringybark tied lom it was not the lawful possession to trees, in a bend of the Goulburn of the man on whose hand it had been River. seen. The Grants informed the police Another tale of the early days of and were joined by a mounted bushrangers was recounted in 1972 trooper, and shortly afterward the by another Mr Daniel McLeish, son party surprised the horse thieves of Duncan McLeish who conducted swimming in the river. a butchery business in Yea in the The robbers showed fight and 1870s. swarmed ashore to seize their weapInterviewed in Brisbane on the ons, whereupon the trooper called occasion of his 99th birthday, Mr upon the youthful George Grant Jnr. McLeish recalled having met the to “fire in the Queen’s name!” Kelly Gang as a child, and having Grant killed his man with a single shared billy tea and damper with shot, and the other thieves were eas- them at a camp spot four miles out ily captured- it seems likely that their of Yea. powder had become wet and their A familiar haunt of the Kelly Gang guns could not be discharged. he said was a cave outside Violet The prisoners were taken to Yea Vale, where they sometimes “hid out” to stand trial. with their horses. This lively encounter had an unThe Kelly Gang flourished in the expected dequel: young George 1870s, but the other stories obviously Grant and Constable Charles Buck, relate to an earlier era, giving an inwho had ordered him to fire, were triguing glimpse of life in the Shire’s both charged with the murder of the earliest days. dead man whose name was given Until 1855 the only name there as Cosgrove, and brought to trial. was for the small collection of huts They had little trouble in being and shanties where the town now acquitted. The tale ends however, stands was ‘the Muddy Creek settlein an aura of mystery. ment’. While the body of Cosgrove was In that year, however, the surlying on a bench in a room at the veyor-general, Andrew Clarke (who Commercial Hotel in Yea (used as a was later knighted), sent one of his makeshift morgue), it was seen by surveyors, T.W. Pinniger, together one of the McLeish daughters from with a small team to layo ut the townGlenmore who was 16 at the time. ship on part of the old Murrindindi She later declared that on the run. corpse’s finger was an expensive The survey team set up camp on ring on which was engraved the crest J.D. Wbster’s property, Beaumonto, of the Tichborne family - thus but Pinniger himself seems to have
been a guest of Mr and Mrs William Leyden Ker, at Killingworth. There are several versions of how Yea got its name, but they are really only varying aspects of the same fact. One version says that the name was suggested by Mrs Ker, whose opinion was gallantly sought as the wife of Surveyor Pinniger’s host. Another says that Pinniger himself named the town, out of admiration for the military record of Colonel Yea, a Crimean War hero. A third version holds that the name had already been selected by the surveyor-general, Andrew Clarke, before Pinniger ever arrested in the district. To reach a reasonable conclusion, it is necessary first to know something about the man after whom the town and Shire were named. The Yea family is now extinct in England, but the following brief biographical details have been supplied by Major-General W.D.M. Raeburn, the Resident Governor and Keeper of the Jewel House, Tower of London: Colonel Lacey Walter Giles Yea was born on May 20, 1808, the elder son of Sir William Walter Yea, Bart., of Pyramid Hall, Pyrland, in the County of Somerset. He entered the Army in 1825 at the age of 17 and joined the Royal Fusiliers in April 1828. He was promoted Captain in 1836, Major in 1841, LieutenantColonel in 1850, and Colonel in charge of the Regiment in 1854. Posted to the Crimea on September 14 of that year, he commanded the Royal Fusiliers at the Battles of Alma and Inkerman. He took part in the Siege of Sebastapol up to June 18, 1855, when he was fatally wounded while commanding his men during Wyndham’s night attack on the Redan. Announcing his death in its issue of July 28, 1855, the Illustrated London News wrote: “Among all the officers who fell in the unofrtunate attacl on the Redan, there was no one more deeply lamented by the men under gis commend than Colonel Yea. “The late Lord Raglan, in one of his last despatches, says “he was not only distinguished for his gallanrty but had exercised his control of the Royal Fusiliers in such a manner as
● Colonel Yea to win the affection of the soldiers under his orders, and to secure for them every comfort and accommodation which is personal exertions could procure for them. “No one can wonder at the devoted attachment which was manifested toward him” In his account of the burial of the massed dead in front of the Redan, the correspondent of The Times wrote: “I saw in one place two men apart from the rest with melancholy faces. “What are you waiting for?” I said. “To go out for the Colonel,” was the reply. “What Colonel?” “Why, Colonel Yea, to be sure,” said the good fellow, who was evidently surprised at my thinking there could be any other Colonel in the world. “And, indeed, the Light Division will feel his loss. Under occasional brusqueness of manner he concealed a most kind heart; and a more thorough soldier, one more devoted to his men, to the service, and to his country, never fell in battle than Lacy Yea. “I have reason to know that he felt his great services and his arduous exertions had not been rewarded as he had a right to expect. “At the Alma, he never went back a step, and there were tears in his eyes on that eventful afternoon as he exclaimed to me, when the men had formed on the slope of the hill after the retreat of the enemy, “There! Look there! That’s all that remains of my poor Fusiliers! “A Color’s missing, but thank God no Russians have it!” “Throughout the winter, his devotion to his regiment was exemplary. They were the first who had propeer hospital huts.” Continued on Page 32
● Colonel Lacy Walter Giles Yea
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The Yea Story: Part 17 ● From From Page Page 31 21 ● “While other regiments were in need of every comfort, and almost of every necessity, the Fusiliers, by the care of their Colonel, had everything that could be procured by exertion and foresight. “He never missed a turn of duty in the trenches, except for a short time when his medical attendant had to use every effort to induce him to go on board ship to save his life.” Today, a portrait of Colonel Lacy Yea hangs in the Royal Fusiliers Headquarters in the Tower of London, where no doubt it will be sought out by future visitors from Yea to Britain. From the dates mentioned above, it will be seen that Colonel Yea was killed only five months before the township was named, and news of his gallant death could have been received in Melbourne only a matter of weeks before Surveyor Pinniger set out for the Goulburn to draw up his plan. Even so, the link between the death of a British military officer in the Crimea and the naming of a new town in a distant colony in the Southern Hemisphere would seem rather a tenuous one - except for one important fact: Colonel Yea, while still a Captain in the late 1830s, had been Surveyor-General Clarke’s beloved commanding officer back in England. The evidence suggests then, that when names were being considered in Melbourne for some of Victoria’s new towns, the surveyor-general, shocked at the news of the death in action of his old friend and comradeat-arms, asked Surveyor Pinniger to commemorate Colonel Yea’s memory by alloting his name to one of them. It seems probable that when the question of a name for the new township came up at Killingworth, where he was staying, Pinniger carefully advanced the suggestion in discussion with his hosts, Mr and Mrs Ker. Victorians in those days were fiercely patriotic, and no doubt the suggestion was enthusiastically received. As Mrs Ker was almost certainly present at these discussions, she would have been able to spread the news among the district’s residents and tell them first-hand details of Colonel Yea’s claim to fame. Conjecture, admittedly, but it does explain the story that Mrs Ker played a special role in the naming of Yea. There is some evidence that as late as 1888 some people pronounced Yea as ‘Yaw’, holding that this was the way in which the late Colonel had pronounced his name, and it should therefore be adhered to. Such people were in a minority, however, and ‘Yaw’ eventually disapeared as an affectation. Earlier in the 20th Century there was a move to have the name changed on the alleged grounds that it might be confused with Hay or (rather improbably) with Yass, both in New South Wales. The real reason for the move, however, was that Yea found it difficult to have news of its affairs published in the Age and the Argus in the weekly column devoted to country towns. Alphabetically, it came at the bottom of the list, and usually found itself omitted for space reasons. Major F.G. Purcell, who was the local Yea correspondent for the Melbourne Press, favoured a change in name to something with an initial letter closer to the beginning of the alphabet, but the support for such a move received little general backing and eventually faded out.
● High Street, Yea, looking east, circa 1865 In 1867, James McLeish and Today, most residents are satis- Yea found itself strategically placed fied, indeed proud, of the name of as the search swung north-east of Pennington found the alluvial deposYea, even though the memory of ther Melbourne. It found itself a natural its at Ghin Ghin, where explorations hero it commemorates is as dim as overnight stopping place on the route subsequently spread over two miles. A couple of mines also were the fading history of the Crimea War from Melbourne via Whittlesea, Tommy’s Hut and the King Parrot started there in an attempt to find the itself. Pinniger’s plan for the town was Creek to the new diggings around the source of the alluvial gold, and these were named the City of Melbourne officially completed on November Junction (Jamieson). When gold was discovered on the and the Red Line. 14, 1855, and the first sale of town Some rich patches of alluvial gold lots took place at Kilmore on Janu- UT Creek and other areas around the present site of Alexandra, a constant were found at Ghin Ghin, up to 19 ary 21, 1856. Section 8 is all that area from the stream of would-be diggers passed ounces at one. One report states that Police Station to the Savings Bank through Yea. Hotels were established Ghin Ghin in its first year on several corner, and one one of those blocks, to provide accommodation for the occasions yielded one pound weight Daniel McLeish built Yea’s first shop travellers, and further shops sprang of gold from the washing of a single 10-gallon tub, while from a 10-feet the same year; probably a general up. Gold was discovered in Yea dis- shaft a single sugar bag of dirt washed store. Later, as mentioned in the previ- trict itself in the late 1850s, not long 37 ounces. About 1870 the New Chum field ous chapter, he opened a butcher’s after the town was named. Prospecshop in Whatton Place and built the tors coming through the ranges from was discovered - later known as original Commercial Hotel on part of Reedy Creek, probably bound for Higginbotham - but although a small Alexandra and Jamieson, struck the steady flow of gold was won, there his land. Robert Cockerell, who bought two Welcome reef at the head of the Ti were no sensational results from this blocks in Section 9, was a blacksmith Tree Creek, which rises in the hills quarter. In various parts of the Shire a conand wheelwright, and his property between Flowerdale and Yea. Within a very short time there siderable amount of gold was won fronted Whatton Place and Miller were up to 500 men working all along from shallow mines of not more than Street. The neighbouring settlement of the upper reaches of the creek and 100 feet, but gradually as yields beMolesworth was named by Sur- one rich patch at the Welcome mine came lower mining died out. The Providence persisted for longveyor Pinniger at the same time as yielded 50 ounces per ton for three est, and was the richest single reef. Yea, which lends weight to the theory tons. The reef was worked succesffully There was mining too, at Molesthat it was called after a Lieutenant J. Molesworth, adjutant in Colonel down to 350 feet, but as the digging worth where the principal mine was Yea’s regiment, who fell in the same went deeper, the yield in subsequent the Pig and Whistle, and as there was a crushing plant in the township, levels fell away. battle in the Crimea. The mine was taken over by a mining in the district must have In Winchester Cathedral, England, both names are commemorated Chinese, Ah Mouy, and worked for reached considerable dimensions. There is undoubtedly still plenty along with other heroes of the some years on payable quartz. He Crimea, on a brass plaque set in one then leased it on a percentage, or ‘trib- of gold in the hills around Yea, but ute’ basis, and his share on one level whether in paying proportions reof the alcoves. The plaque reads: mains to be seen. amounted to £1900. Sacred to the memory of When the Yea District Road Ah Mouy then sold his interest to Colonel Lacy W. Yea a Melbourne firm who found it Boaard held its very first meeting on Lieutenant-Colonel Fred Mills payabale down to 750 feet, when it April 21, 1869, it had no assets other Captain the Hon. W. Monck was abandoned, after which it lay than a fairly strong belief in the fuCaptain A. Wallace idle, although the reef in some places ture of the area. Captain J.C. Browne Assembled in the Yea Courthouse was four feet wide. Lieutenant and Adjutant Other reefs in the Ti Tree Creek for the inaugural meeting were some J. Molesworth district proved profitable, namely the powerful personalities who would 559 NCO’s and Private Soldiers Inniskillen, which returned up to six sometimes come into conflict of the 7th Royal Fusiliers ounces to the ton, and the Glasgow, Daniel McLeish, James Daniel who fell in action or died of which also was deemed was well Webster, John Sloan, William Leywounds or disease during the worth working, but was abandoned den Ker, George Sutherland campaign in the Crimea, about 1859 because new rushes else- McBeth Grant and John O’Dea. A.D. 1854 and 1855. They were all men of strong opinwhere appealed more to a roving “Not once or twice in ion that would not always coincide, population of diggers. our rough island story The Strath lead crushed up to 25 but in the early years of the Board The path of duty was they would usually unite against the ounces to the ton. the way to glory.” Just outside Yea township to the common interests of Government An alternative theory to the naming of Molesworth has been some- north, the Providence lode was dis- departments, post office officials, times advanced - namely that it was covered in 1859 - 10 years before commissioners of railways, roads called after a Victorian legal lumi- the formation of the first road board. and bridges and occasionally neighnary of that name who had associa- Two men named Edwards and bouring road boards - especially Ferguson, who had been engaged for Broadford. tions with the district. However, there was much early However, at the date when the shearing at Killingworth were Pinniger named the two towns he taking a short cut to the Station when wrangling concerning paid staff. Technically, the first person to had not yet made his reputation, they stumbled upon indications of occupt the chair at the Board’s first therefore this theory seems unlikely. gold. As it was Sunday afternoon, they official meeting was Daniel The development of Yea in the earliest years was purely as a ser- regarded their find as an act of provi- McLeish, but as the Board’s initial vice town, originally a handful of dence, and so this was the name given act was to elect a chairman for the stores and huts occupied by trades- to the mine which subsequently em- coming year - and it chose John men and artisans who depended for ployed 400 men and yielded the large Sloan from Molesworth - his tenure was only a matter of minutes. their living upon the squatters and amount of 70,000 ounces of gold. The Board then offered the post The main shaft at the Providence settlers of the district. When gold was discovered in was sunk only 350 feet, and some of of Clerk and Rates Collector to Victoria in 1851, and the great rush the shoots yielded 20 ounces to the Samuel A. Wall - a man who was to occupy a curious role in the Board’s began to open up new goldfields, ton.
early years - at a salary of £100 a year. Wall was in and out of various paid positions with the Board, sometimes resigning, sometimes being suspended, sometimes being re-appointed after much wrangling, sometimes being investigated by the auditors, but usually emerging vindicated. He had his own supporting and opposing factions within the Board but appears to have played an indispensable role. Before his appointment he was earning a living as the town’s solicitor, registrar of births, deaths and marriages, and a sort of unofficial postmaster. As its first official act, the Board decided to advertise in the Kilmore Free Press and the Alexandra Times for repairs to the bridge ‘near McKenzie’s and further on toward Cotton’s Pinch’. Its inaugural meeting was held in the Court House, the town’s only public meeting place, but it obviously needed a headquarters of its own. It therefore decided that its ordinary meetings ‘for say four weeks’ would be held weekly at two o’clock each Saturday afternoon in Mr William Oliver’s Commercial Hotel. But what was intended to be a temporary arrangement became semi-permanent, because at its very next meeting the Board wrote to Mr Oliver, asking him what rent he would charge for the use of his largest room as its ‘temporary office’. In succeeding months, shelves and cupboards were installed, a carpet laid down and a noticeboard erected outside to carry public announcements. By June, the clerk was instructed to be present in the hotel ‘ofice’ to transact business between 11am and 3pm every Monday, Thursday and Saturdat; but perhaps business was not all that brisk for that instruction was later amended to only one day a week. Until a general rate could be levied the Board needed money for its preliminary expenses and other contingencies, so it decided to approach the Union Bank at Alexandra for a loan of £200 - the equivalent of several thousand dollars today - and then adjouned until its second meeting at the Commercial Hotel on April 24, 1869. The £200 was obtained through a promissory note signed by all original members of the Board. But within less than a month two of the foundation members had resigned, and a new promissory note had to be signed. The resignation apparently stemmed from a decision made at only the third meeting of the Board on May 1 when James Webster and Daniel McLeish proposed and seconded a motion which meant the Board should pay for the clearing of trees and timber and the construction of a drain in McLeish’s Lane, plus the construction of a culvert and a bridge between McLeish’s property and Webster’s, and a bridge over a creek near the Webster property. There is nothing in the Board’s records implying any critcism of its decision to carry out these works but both McLeish and Webster felt it necessary to resign at the meeting on May 15. Their places on the Board were filled by Donald McKay and William Smith, but both Donald McLeish and Jmes Webster were to return to office within months. In those early meetings themes occur which were to return with almost monotonous regularity over the next few years. To Be Continued
The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 33
Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail:
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Seville 19.8 (122) d Alexandra 9.9 (63). Belgrave 23.9 (157) d Thornton-Eildon 6.8 (44). Yarra Junction 14.10 (94) d Kinglake 10.12 (72). Powelltown 19.11 (125) d Yarra Glen 12.11 (83). Yea - Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Seville, 181.26, 32. 2. Belgrave, 151.18, 32. 3. Yarra Glen, 179.35, 28. 4. Powelltown, 108.10, 24. 5. Alexandra, 105.47, 20. 6. Yarra Junction, 75.38, 16. 7. Kinglake, 94.86, 12. 8. Yea, 58.88, 12. 9. Thornton-Eildon, 38.48, 4. ■ Fixtures. Round 10. Saturday, June 25. Belgrave v Alexandra. Kinglake v Yea. ThorntonEildon v Yarra Glen. Yarra Junction v Powelltown. Seville - Bye.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Seville 9.5 (69) d Alexandra 8.7 (55). Belgrave 15.11 (101) d Thornton-Eildon 3.5 (23). Yarra Glen 17.20 (122) d Powelltown 6.6 (42). Yarra Junction 20.13 (133) d Kinglake 2.3 (15). Yea - Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Belgrave, 336.99, 36. 2. Belgrave, 266.90, 32. 3. Alexandra, 172.07, 24. 4. Powelltown, 125.70, 24. 5. Yea, 83.19, 20. 6. Seville, 86.25, 16. 7. Thornton-Eildon, 41.90, 12. 8. Yarra Junction, 44.92, 8. 9. Kinglake, 32.45, 8.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Healesville 17.13 (115) d Upwey-Tecoma 8.9 (57). Warburton-Millgrove 20.13 (133) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 10.9 (69). Monbulk 16.13 (109) d Mt Evelyn 8.20 (68). Olinda-Ferny Creek 9.13 (67) drew with Wandin 10.7 (67). Woori Yallock 24.18 (162) d Emerald 5.6 (36). ■ Ladder. 1. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 185.46, 30. 2. Wandin, 181.97, 30. 3. Woori Yallock, 206.61, 28. 4. Healesville, 202.52, 28. 5. UpweyTecoma, 100.13, 18. 6. Mt Evelyn, 91.34, 18. 7. Monbulk, 108.84, 12. 8. Emerald, 62.66, 12. 9. Warburton-Millgrove, 39.20, 4. 10. GembrookCockatoo, 31.11, 0. ■ Fixtures. Round 10. Saturday, June 25. Gembrook-Cockatoo v Healesville. Monbulk v Emerald. Mt Evelyn v Wandin. Olinda-Ferny Creek v Warburton-Millgrove. Upwey-Tecoma v Woori Yallock.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Healesville 15.17 (107) d Upwey-Tecoma 2.4 (16). Warburton-Millgrove 18.10 (118) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 8.9 (57).Mt Evelyn 1.2 (80) d Monbulk 11.9 (75). Olinda-Ferny Creek 12.11 (83) d Wandin 7.3 (45). Emerald 7.15 (57) d Woori Yallock 6.3 (39). ■ Ladder. 1. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 349.53, 36. 2. Healesville, 329.66, 32. 3. Wandin, 208.64, 28. 4. Emerald, 100.00, 20. 5. Upwey-Tecoma, 89.25, 16. 6. Monbulk, 88.11, 16. 7. Mt Evelyn, 77.72,12. 8. Warburton-Millgrove, 56.90, 12. 9. Woori Yallock, 53.,15, 8. 10. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 32.32, 0.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Healesville 12.8 (80) d Upwey-Tecoma 0.5 (5). Gembrook-Cockatoo 9.7 (61) d WarburtonMillgrove 5.15 (45). Mt Evelyn 19.14 (128) d Monbulk 6.5 (41). Emerald 16.16 (112) d Woori Yallock 1.2 (8). Wandin 16.17 (113) d Yarra Glen 1.2 (8). ■ Ladder. 1. Emerald, 412.39, 32. 2. Mt Evelyn, 348.76, 32. 3. Wandin, 202.83, 32. 4. Healesville, 107.33, 24. 5. Upwey-Tecoma, 80.47, 16. 6. Woori Yallock, 68.20, 16. 7. Watburton-Millgrove, 64.95, 12. 8. Monbulk, 64.09, 8. 9. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 54.79, 8. 10. Yarra Glen, 26.78, 0.
■ A-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Alexandra 49 d Seville 33. Belgrave 103 d Thornton-Eildon 19. Yarra Glen 62 d Powelltown 35. Kinglake 38 d Yarra Junction 34. Yea - Bye. ■ B-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Alexandra 81 d Seville 13. Yea - Bye. Belgrave 75 d Thornto0n-Eildon 24. Yarra Glen 62 d Powelltown 31. Kinglake 39 d Yarra Junction 31. ■ C-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Alexandra - Bye. Belgrave - Bye. Yarra Glen 56 d Powelltown 28. Kinglake 41 d Yarra Junction 20. Yea - Bye. ■ D-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Alexandra - Bye. Yarra Glen 24 d Powelltown 11. Kinglake 28 d Yarra Junction 12. Belgrave 28 d Thornton-Eildon 6. Yea - Bye.
■ A-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Upwey-Tecoma 63 d Healesville 38. Monbulk Hawks 60 d Mount Evelyn 30. OlindaFerny Creek 79 d Wandin 61. WarburtonMillgrove 73 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 24. Woori Yallock 71 d Emerald 28. ■ B-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Upwey-Tecoma 40 d Healesville 36. Monbulk Hawks 62 d Mount Evelyn 44. OlindaFerny Creek 49 drew with Wandin 49. Warburton-Millgrove 94 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 20. Woori Yallock 64 d Emerald 23. ■ C-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Upwey-Tecoma 34 d Healesville 31. Monbulk Hawks 41 d Mount Evelyn 23. Wandin 42 d Olinda-Ferny Creek 34. WarburtonMillgrove 42 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 12. Woori Yallock 36 d Emerald 28. ■ D-Grade. Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 18. Healesville 30 d Upwey-Tecoma 3. Mount Evelyn 34 d Monbulk Hawks 21. Wandin 32 d Olinda-Ferny Creek 30. Warburton-Millgrove 37 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 8. Woori Yallock 47 d Emerald 19.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Yea 13.9 (87) d Alexandra 7.8 (50). Euroa 9.15 (69) d Tabilk 8.5 (53). Wandong 18.20 (128) d Broadford 5.3 (33). St Mary’s 13.13 (91) d Seymour 2.3 (15). ■ Ladder. 1. Euroa, 228.80, 32. 2. St Mary’s, 386.73, 28. 3. Yea, 171.70, 24. 4. Wandong, 111.81, 21. 5. Seymour, 85.09, 12. 6. Alexandra, 44.58, 12. 7. Tabilk, 49.54, 8. 8. Broadford, 30.87, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 9. Sunday, June 25. Seymour v Tabilk. Wandong v Alexandra. Euroa v Broadford. Yea v St Mary’s.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Alexandra 13.7 (85) d Yea 2.3 (15). Tabilk 17.10 (112) d Euroa 3.3 (21). Wandong 10.9 (69) d Broadford 3.7 (25). St Mary’s 11.6 (72) d Seymour 5.3 (33). ■ Ladder. 1. Tabilk, 329.21, 28. 2. St Mary’s, 339.76, 24. 3. Wandong, 148.55, 20. 4. Euroa, 108.43, 18. 5. Broadford, 110.96, 16. 6. Alexandra, 78.18, 12. 7. Seymour, 90.02, 10. 8. Yea, 5.23,0.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Yea 11.4 (70) d Alexandra 0.1 (1). Euroa 6.11 (47) d Tabilk 2.2 (14). Broadford 12.4 (76) d Wandong 7.6 (48). St Mary’s 14.13 (97) d Seymour 0.0 (0). ■ Ladder. 1. Srt Mary’s, 560.42, 28. 2. Yea, 453.00, 28. 3. Euroa, 372.46, 28. 4. Tabilk, 114.16, 16. 5. Broadford, 79.94, 12. 6. Alexandra, 38.70, 10. 7. Wandong, 34.95, 6. 8. Seymour, 8.47, 0.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Wandong - Bye.Alexandra 19 d Yea 5. St Mary’s 17 d Seymour 5. Euroa 13 d Tabilk 7. ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 201.14, 32. 2. Euroa, 127.54, 24. 3. Tabilk, 104.42, 20. 4. Alexandra, 94.48, 16. 5. Yea, 58.39, 8. 6. Seymour, 64.97, 4.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Yea 33 d Alexandra 15. St Mary’s 48 d Seymour 22. Euroa 40 d Tabilk 23. ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 220.17, 32. 2. Euroa, 160.25, 28. 3. Yea, 155.03, 24. 4. Tabilk, 90.75, 12. 5. Alexandra, 53.99, 8. 6. Seymour, 48.41, 0.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Euroa Bye. Yea 33 d Alexandra 10. ■ Ladder. 1. Euroa, 269.81, 32. 2. Yea, 85.59, 16. 3. Alexandra, 41.27, 16.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Wandong - Bye. Alexandra 19 d Yea 5. St Mary’s 17 d Seymour 5. Euroa 13 d Tabilk 7. ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 351.43, 32. 2. Euroa, 331.43, 24. 3. Seymour, 97.10, 20. 4. Tabilk, 111.69, 16. 5. Alexandra, 94.95, 16. 6. Wandong, 26.62, 12. 7. Yea, 36.11, 4.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. West Preston-Lakeside 10.17 (72) d Eltham 8.12 (60). Greensborough 12.13 (85) d Whittlesea 5.10 (40). Montmorency 11.21 (87) d Hurstbridge 12.9 (81). Heidelberg 16.5 (101) d Northcote Park 15.10 (100). Macleod 16.17 (113) d Bundoora 7.9 (51). ■ Ladder. 1. Macleod, 148.31, 28. 2. Northcote Park, 142.31, 24. 3. West Preston-Lakeside, 112.47, 24. 4. Bundoora, 112.93, 20. 5. Montmorency, 92.48, 16. 6. Greensborough, 96.02, 12. 7. Heidelberg, 89.41, 12. 8. Eltham, 69.47, 12. 9. Hurstbridge, 89.61, 8. 10. Whittlesea, 70.33, 8. ■ Fixture. Round 9. Saturday, June 25. Hurstbridge v Eltham. Northcote Park v Whittlesea. Macleod v Montmorency. Greensborough v Bundoora. Heidelberg v West Preston-Lakeside.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. West Preston-Lakeside 14.10 (94) d Eltham 4.1 (25). Greensborough 25.13 (163) d Whittlesea 2.4 (16). Hurstbridge 10.8 (68) d Montmorency 9.8 (62). Northcote Park 22.7 (139) d Heidelberg 7.3 (45). Macleod 9.14 (68) d Bundoora 7.7 (49). ■ Ladder. 1. Greensborough, 251.34, 32. 2. Macle3od, 210.76, 28. 3. West PrestonLakeside, 166.32, 28. 4. Northcote Park, 218.60, 24. 5. Bundoora, 136.l07, 16. 6. EWltham, 70.54, 14. 7. Heidelberg, 61.16, 8. 8. Hurstbridge, 60.90, 8. 9. Whittlesea, 49.55, 6. 10. Montmorency, 36.66, 0.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Eltham 22.9 (141) d West Preston-Lakeside 4.9 (33). Whittlesea 8.12 (60) d Greensborough 8.7 (55). Macleod 13.11 (89) d Bundoora 6.2 (38). ■ Ladder. 1. Eltham, 165.25, 24. 2. Bundoora, 206.32, 16. 3. Macleod, 202.17, 16. 4. Greensborough, 139.34, 16. 5. Whittlesea, 66.46, 14. 6. Northcote Park, 107.36, 10. 7. West PrestonLakeside, 31.01, 4. 8. Montmorency, 57.58, 0.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Dia-
mond Creek 16.24 (12) d Lalor 5.6 (36). Thomastown 13.8 (86) d Watsonia 8.13 (61). Lower Plenty 33.25 (223) d Panton Hill 4.1 (25). Fitzroy Stars 18.14 (122) drew with North Heidelberg 19.8 (122). ■ Ladder. 1. Diamond Creek, 222.92, 28. 2. North Heidelberg, 215.80, 26. 3. Fitzroy Stars, 133.96, 22. 4. Lower Plenty, 187.26, 20. 5. Thomastown, 100.00, 20. 6. Watsonia, 56.54, 8. 7. Lalor, 37.55, 4. 8. Panton Hill, 33.27, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 9. Saturday, June 25. Watsonia v Fitzroy Stars. Diamond Creek v Thomastown. Lalor v Panton Hill. North Heidelberg v Lower Plenty.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Diamond Creek 19.23 (137) d Lalor 3.7 (25). Thomastown 15.13 (103) d Watsonia 13.5 (83). Lower Plenty v Panton Hill. North Heidelberg 23.14 (152) d Fitzroy Stars 7.7 (49).
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Epping v Banyule. South Morang 11.19 (85) d North Heidelberg 4.8 (32). St Mary’s 15.5 (95) d Diamond Creek 12.8 (80). Lower Plenty 19.19 (133) d Mill Park 5.5 (35).
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Epping 9.9 (73) d Banyule 9.11 (65). Laurimar 16.12 (108) d Reservoir 6.8 (44). Heidelberg West 14.9 (93) d Mernda 4.2 (26). South Morang 16.13 (109) d St Mary’s 10.11 (71). ■ Ladder. 1. South Morang, 195.10, 28. 2. Banyule, 185.49, 28. 3. St Mary’s, 161.82, 20. 4. Heidelberg West, 122.84, 20. 5. Epping, 114.50, 16. 6. Kilmore, 8.30, 16. 7. Mernda, 80.32, 8. 8. Laurimar, 57.50, 8. 9. Reservoir, 25.79, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 9. Saturday, June 25. Resservoir v Epping. Heidelberg West v Kilmore. Laurimar v St Mary’s. Banyule v Mernda.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 18. Epping 9.9 (73) d Banyule 8.15 (63). Reservoir 11.17 (83) d Laurimar 5.7 (37). Heidelberg West 11.10 (76) d Mernda 6.16 (52). South Morang 12.6 (78) d St Mary’s 5.8 (38) ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 241.85, 28. 2. South Morang, 217.25, 28. 3. Banyule, 18.50, 20. 4. Epping, 137.96, 20. 5. Heidelberg West, 101.68, 20. 6. Reservoir, 53.60, 12. 7. Mernda, 85.05, 8. 8. Kilmore, 43.09, 4. 9. Laurimar, 35.31, 4.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. Diamond Creek Womens 15.12 (102) d Deer Park 1.0 (6). VU Western Spurs 14.8 (92) d La Trobe University 2.6 (18). Melbourne University 7.7 (49) d Kew 2.7 (19). Bendigo 19.12 (126) d Whitehorse 2.5 (17). Pascoe Vale v Darebin.
■ Results. Round 8. Sunday, June 18. VU Western Spurs 16.7 (103) d La Trobe University 0.0 (0). West Preston-Lakeside 4.11 (35) d Diamond Creek Womens 1.1 (7). Darebin 6.7 (43) d Laurimar 1.3 (9). South Morang 13.15 (93) d Whitehorse 0.0 (0). Montmorency 7.10 (52) d Kew 2.1 (13).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Darebin 7.12 (54) d Greensborough 4.1 (25). Montmorency 9.17 (71) d Eltham Creekers 0.0 (0). Hurstbridge 11.7 (73) d Wallan 3.1 (19). Yarrambat 8.12 (60) d South Morang 4.6 (30).
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■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Montmorency 13.13 (91) d Laurimar 1.4 (10). South Morang 24.12 (156) d Greensborough 6.7 (43).Whittlesea 5.8 (38) d Eltham Black 4.10 (34).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Research 17.8 (110) d Hurstbridge 6.5 (41). Eltham Red 11.5 (71) d Mill Park 10.6 (66). Kilmore 15.5 (95) d Mernda 6.8 (44).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mill Park 13.10 (8) d South Morang 11.8 (74). Greensborough 13.14 (92) d Mernda 4.7 (31). Montmorency 17.15 (117) d Yarrambat 3.4 (22).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Diamond Creek 17.15 (117) d Whittlesea 7.4 (46). Eltham 16.10 (106) d Research 11.8 (74).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. West Preston-Lakeside 7.3 (45) d Whittlesea 2.0 (12). Yarrambat 13.14 (92) d Wallan 1.2 (8). Research 7.6 (48) d Kilmore 1.3 (9). Montmorency 17.6 (108) d Diamond Creek Womens 0.1 (1). Laurimar 22.16 (148) d Mill Park 0.0 (0).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Laurimar 8.1 (49) d Yarrambat 6.4 (40). Montmorency 6.3 (39) drew with Eltham Black 5.9 (39). South Morang 6.8 (44) d Whittlesea 4.5 (29).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Montmorency 1 22 d Hurstbridge 2 17. Bundoora 5 32 d Fitzroy Stars 3 24. West Ivanhoe 3 31 d Heidelberg 6 26. Kilmore 2 30 d North Heidelberg 5 15. Mernda 2 31 d Keon Park 29.
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Bundoora 4 23 d Watsonia 5 19. Heat 4 20 d Kilmore 3 14. Northcote Park 3 29 d Heidelberg West 1 25.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mill Park 7.8 (50) d Northcote Blue 1.3 (9). South Morang 5.5 (35) d Kiolmore 4.3 (27). Research 6.3 (39) d Bundoora Park 1.3 (9). ■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Thomastown v Epping. Eltham Red 3.7 (25) d Laurimar 3.1 (19). Mernda 6.7 (43) d West PrestonLakeside 5.1 (31). Greensborough 10.2 (62) d Diamond Creek 4.7 (31). ■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Lalor 16.8 (104) d Kinglake 1.2 (8). Montmorency 15.15 (105) d Panton Hill 1.0 (6). Keon Park 12.7 (79) d Northcote Gold 5.3 (33).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Laurimar 7.8 (50) d Research 0.0 (0). Eltham 4.6 (30) d Whittlesea 2.1 (13). Diamond Creek Womens 8.5 (53) d Yarrambat 0.0 (0). Montmorency 6.13 (49) d Northcote 0.0 (0).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Bundoora Park 24.18 (162) d Thomastown 0.10 (10). Greensborough 10.11 (71) d South Morang 7.4 (46). Mernda 14.8 (92) d Yarrambat 8.8 (56). Kilmore 17.18 (120) d Hurstbridge 3.6 (24).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Northcote Blue 11.5 (71) d Whittlesea 2.1 (13). Hurstbridge 6.6 (42) d West Preston-Lakeside 1.2 (8). Yarrambat 8.4 (52) d Epping 4.3 (27).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Reseazrch 6.8 (44) d South Morang 1.0 (6). Mernda 11.5 (71) d Kilmore Blue 8.7 (55). Laurimar 10.7 (67) d Northcote Gold 7.4 (46).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Greensborough 6.16 (52) d Kilmore White 2.0 (12). Eltham Red 17.16 (118) d Lalor 0.0 (0). Bundoora Park 10.3 (63) d Montmorency 6.3 (39).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Eltham 16.6 (102) d Wallan 5.2 (32). Research 9.9 (63) d Northcote 7.4 (46). Mernda 9.4 (58) d Diamond Creek 3.3 (21).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mill Park 7.9 (51) d Bundoora Park 2.6 (18). Whittlesea 10.1 (61) d Kinglake 3.4 (22). Hurstbridge 21.19 (145) d Keon Park 4.0 (24).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Yarrambat 4.5 (29) d Eltham 4.2 (26). Montmorency 4.13 (37) d Wallan 2.1 (13). Northcote 5.6 z(36) d Research 4.8 (32).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. North Heidelberg 1 49 de Heidelberg 1 44. Fitzroy Stars 47 d South Morang 1 38. Greensborough 1 55 d Northcote Park 1 27. Diamond Creek 1 72 d West PrestonLakeside 1 31.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Whittlesea 2.5 (17) d Darebin 2.1 (13). Kilmore 9.9 (63) d Panton Hill 2.0 (12). Greensborough 3.3 (21) d Diamond Creek Womens 2.5 (17). South Morang 3.3 (21) d Bundoora Park 2.2 (14).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Greensbough 2 40 d St Mary’s 1. Diamond Creek 2 44 d Heidelberg 2 13. Ivanhoe 1 41 d North Heidelberg 2 27.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. South Morang 5.6 (36) d Laurimar 0.3 (3). Montmorency 10.10 (70) d Whittlesea 1.1 (7). Eltham 14.12 (96) d Diamond Creek 4.3 (27).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Diamond Creek 3 27 drew with Watsonia 1.Bundoora 2 31d Diamond Creek 4 16. St Mary’s 2 21 d Mernda 120. Heidelberg 7 31 d Heidelberg 3 29. Heat 1 41 d Ivanhoe 2 20.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mernda 18.11 (119) d Greensborough 2.2 (14). Wallan 8.4 (52) d Kilmore 2.3 (15). Yarrambat 9.6 (60) d Northcote Blue 5.4 (34).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Heidelberg 4 29 d Northcote Park 2 27. Greensborough 3 38 d North Heidelberg 3 29. Diamond Creek 5 38 d Watsonia 2 23.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mill Park 19.7 (121) d West Ivanhoe 4.2 (26). Hurstbridge 11.4 (70) d South Morang 6.6 (42). West Preston-Lakeside 13.11 (89) d Reservoir 0.0 (0).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Heat 2 30 d Heidelberg 5 22. Fitzroy Stars 2 37 d Macleod 1 28. Thomastown 1 37 d West Preston-Lakeside 14. Epping 1 34 d North Heidelberg 4 16.
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Lalor 31 d Thomasttown 3 30. Macleod 2 31 dSouth Morang 4 31. Epping 2 24 d West Ivanhoe 2 17. Watsonia 4 25 d Greensborough 4 18.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Laurimar 5.5 (35) d Diamond Creek 2.1 (13). Montmorency 9.11 (65) d South Morang 2.6 (18). Eltham Black 11.13 (79) d Wallan 0.1 (1).
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Greensborough 7.5 (47) d Kilmore 4.6 (30). Laurimar 12.4 (76) d Montmorency 5.4 (34). South Morang 12.14 (86) d Yarrambat 2.0 (12).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Hurtsbridge 1 50 d South Morang 3 13. Thomastown 2 34 Watsonia 3 19. Heat 3 v West Ivanhoe 1. Bundoora 3 38 d Whittlesea 21.
■ Results. Round 9. Sunday, June 18. Mill Park 9.10 (64) d West Preston-Lakeside 8.10 (58). Research 21.14 (140) d Laurimar 3.7 (25). Diamond Creek 19.11 (125) d Eltham Black 4.3 (27).
■ Results. Friday, June 16. Bundoora 6 34 d Hurstbridge 3 22. Montmorency 2 29 d Heidelberg West 2 24. Mernda 3 26 d Thomastown 4 10.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 17. Benalla 23.10 (148) d Shepparton United 5.2 (32). Shepparton 16.12 (108) d Mansfield 6.11 (47). Kyabram 10.13 (73) d Euroa 9.12 (66). Rochester 16.11 (107) d Mooroopna 5.5 (25). Shepparton Swans 10.11 (71) d Tatura 8.11 (59). Echuca 9.13 (67) d Seymour 7.7 (49). ■ Ladder. 1. Kyabram, 256.72, 36. 2. Shepparton, 147.30, 28. 3. Benalla, 144.89, 28. 4. Euroa, 140.86, 28. 5. Seymour, 112.22, 24. 6. Rochester, 125.31, 20. 7. Echuca, 108.62, 20. 8. Tatura, 102.21, 8. 9. Mansfield, 78.24, 8. 10. Shepparton United, 46.95, 8. 11. Mooroopna, 56.26, 4. 12. Shepparton Swans, 44.50, 4. ■ Fixture. Round 10. Saturday, June 17. Shepparton United b Echuca. Euroa v Mooroopna. Seymour v Shepparton Swans. Kyabram v Benalla. Mansfield v Rochester. Tatura v Shepparton.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 17. Shepparton United 14.7 (91) d Benalla 6.3 (39). Mansfield 16.12 (108) d Shepparton 8.7 (55). Euroa 12.7 (79) d Kyabram 8.10 (58). Rochester 19.15 (129) d Mooroopna 5.4 (34). Tatura 25.15 (165) d Shepparton Swans 3.2 (20). Seymour 8.10 (58) d Echuca 6.7 (43). ■ Ladder. 1. Euroa, 190.,66, 32. 2. Shepparton, 190.60, 28. 3. Kyabram, 157.37, 28. 4. Rochester, 210.49, 24. 5. Mansfield, 167.27, 24. 6. Tatura, 176.39, 20. 7. Shepparton United, 122.12, 20. 8. Echucxa, 110.91, 14. 9. Seymour, 105.70, 12. 10. Shepparton Swans, 28.36, 8. 11. Mooroopna, 41.92, 4. 12. Benalla, 12.96, 2.
■ Results. Round 9. Saturday, June 17. Shepparton United 6.4 (40) d Benalla 3.10 (28). Shepparton 15.13 (103) d Mansfield 0.2 (2). Kyabram 19.20 (134) d Euroa 2.3 (15). Mooroopna 9.2 (56) d Rochester 5.6 (36). Tatura 16.7 (103) d Shepparton Swans 6.5 (41). Echuca 16.18 (114) d Seymour 1.2 (8). ■ Ladder. 1. Kyabram, 382.96, 36. 2. Shepparton, 221.96, 28. 3. Shepparton United, 168.01, 28. 4. Benalla, 215.62, 24. 5. Rochester, 182.41, 24. 6. Tatura, 105.54, 26. 7. Echuca, 171.67, 20. 8. Euroa, 50.87, 12. 9. Mooroopna, 45.19, 8. 10. Shepparton Swans, 33.95, 8. 11. Seymour, 43.96, 4. 12. Mansfield, 28.16, 0.
■ Results. Round 10. Saturday, June 17. Avenel 25.16 (166) d Rushworth 9.8 (62). Merrigum 19.17 (131) d Longwood 9.9 (63). Lancaster 11.9 (75) d Murchison-Toolamba 11.3 (69). Nagambie 17.16 (118) d Girgarre 5.10 (40). Stanhope 27.25 (187) d Undera 1.3 (99). Violet Town d Ardmona. ■ Ladder. 1. Nagambie, 233.40, 36. 2. Violet Town, 162.70, 36. 3. Stanhope, 232.41, 32. 4. Lancaster, 186.57, 32. 5. Tallygaroopna, 154.40, 28. 6. Avenel, 197.96, 24. 7. Girgarre, 139.52, 20. 8. Murchison-Toolamba, 105.35, 20. 9. Merrigum, 8.12, 20. 10. Rushworth, 90.14, 16. 11. Undera, 27.09, 12. 12. Longwod, 31.64, 4. 13. Ardmona, 0.00, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 11. Saturday, June 24. Ardmona v Tallygaroopna. Girgarre v Avenel. Lancaster v Nagambie. Longwod v Violet Town. Rushworth v Stanhope. Undera v Merrigum.
■ Results. Round 10. Saturday, June 17. Avenel d Rushworth. Merrigum 19.10 (124) d Longwod 3.6 (24). Murchison-Toolamba 11.12 (78) d Lancaster 7.7 (49). Nagambie 7.12 (54) d Girgarre 2.4 (16). Stanhope 19.10 (124) d Undera 6.4 (4). Violet Town 21.20 (146) d Ardmona 2.1 (13). ■ Ladder. 1. Tallygaroopna, 240.83, 38. 2. Stanhope, 401.92, 36. 3. Merrigum, 212.65, 30. 4. Lancaster, 168.93, 28. 5. Murchison-Toolamba, 138.09, 28. 6. Avenel, 156.12, 24. 7. Girgarre, 141.48, 24. 8. Nagambie, 95.95, 24. 9. Longwood, 75.60, 16. 10. Violet Town, 61.26, 12. 11. Rushworth, 53,21, 12. 12. Undera, 42.29, 8. 13. Ardmona, 4.78, 4.
■ Results. Round 10. Saturday, June 17. Avenel v Rushworth. Merrigum 20.16 (136) d Longwood 1.3 (9). Murchison-Toolamba 13.11 (89) d Lancaster 6.4 (40). Stanhope 27.8 (170) d Undera 9.7 (61). ■ Ladder. 1. Merrigum, 456.87, 36. 2. Murchison-Toolamba, 427.17, 32. 3. Avenel, 333.09, 32. 4. Lancaster, 325.55, 32. 5. Tallygaroopna, 186.20, 32. 6. Rushworth, 97.03, 24. 7. Stanhope, 122.71, 20. 8. Undera, 32.24, 16. 9. Girgarre, 33.26, 12. 10. Ardmona, 14.98, 12. 11. Longwood, 27.85, 8.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 17. Rupertswood 16.20 (116) d Melton Centrals 4.3 (27). Diggers Rest 29.22 (196) d Broadford 2.2 (14). Macedon 18.11 (119) d Sunbury Kangaroos 5.12 (42). Woodend-Hesket 13.15 (93) d Rockbank 9.12 (66). Wallan 18.13 (121) d Lancefield 10.7 (67). Riddell 20.4 (124) d Romsey 10.10 (70). ■ Ladder. 1. Macedon, 317.67, 32. 2. Diggers Rest, 333.10, 28. 3. Rupertswood, 231.54, 24. 4. Wallan, 142.15, 24. 5. Sunbury Kangaroos, 129.06, 20. 6. Riddell, 96.17, 16. 7. Romsey, 85.09, 16. 8. Woodend-Hesket, 92.80, 12. 9. Melton Centrals, 67.48, 12. 10. Lancefield, 52.57, 4. 11. Rockbank, 47.93, 4. 12. Broadford, 24.36, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 9. Saturday, June 24. Woodend-Hasket v Romsey. Wallan v Diggers Rest. Rockbank v Broadford. Riddell v Sunbury Kangaroos. Rupertswood v Lancefield. Macedon v Melton Centrals.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 17. Rupertswood 16.20 (116) d Melton Centrals 4.3 (27). Diggers Rest 23.22 (16)) d Broadford 1.3 (9). Sunbury Kangaroos 15.16 (106) d Macedon 7.8 (50). Woodend-Hasket 8.10 (58) d Rockbank 2.7 (19). Wallan 167 d Lancefield 9. Riddell 8.6 (54) d Romsey 7.10 (52).
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■ Ladder. 1. Rupertswood, 544.38, 32. 2. Diggers Rest, 548.8, 28. 3. Wallan, 433.50, 28. 4. Sunbury Kangaroos, 219.74, 24. 5. WoodendHesket, 64.47, 20. 6. Melton Centrals, 102.55, 16. 7. Riddell, 84.97, 12. 8. Romsey, 73.14, 8. 9. Macedon, 58.30, 8. 10. Lancefield, 27.18, 4. 11. Rockbank, 25.26, 4. 12. Broadford, 24.31, 4.
W. Dore. Yarra Glen. Goalkickers: B. James 4, J. Ince 4, J. Clare, J. Keen, R. McDermott, L. Telford. Best: L. Smith, B. James, L. Telford, A. Smith, B. Marsh, M. McNeill. RESERVES YAARAGLEN ........... 6.3, 7.8, 13.13, 17.20 (122) POWELLTOWN ............ 2.2, 5.4, 6.5, 6.6 (42) Yarra Glen. Goalkickers. R. Gurney 5, M. Meyer 3, R. Teijeiro 2, J. Erickson 2, D. Howard 2, A. Bryans, B. Hart, D. Grant. Best: R. Gurney, K. Braun, J. Derksen, D. Morse, D. Howard, M. Davies. Powelltown. Goalkickers. B. Walker 2, T. Robinson, A. McDowell, T. Kelly, M. Wood. Best: D. McGaffin, R. Briggs, M. Wood, J. Walker, A. Moore, C. Ladewig.
■ Results. Round 8. Saturday, June 17. Rupertswood 21.23 (149) d Melton Centrals 1.3 (9). Macedon 12.10 (82) d Sunbury Kangaroos 11.6 (72). Woodend-Hesket 25.18 (168) d Rockbank 0.0 (0). Riddell 10.13 (73) d Romsey 3.2 (20). Diggers Rest - Bye. Wallan - Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Rupertswood, 565.22, 32. 2. Wallan, 479.08, 28. 3. Woodend-Hesket, 143.35, 24. 4. Riddell, 118.13, 24. 5. Diggers Rest, 170.65, 20. 6. Macedon, 80.87, 14. 7. Sunbury Kangaroos, 79.67, 16. 8. Romsey, 35.43, 8. 9. Rockbank, 21.05, 8. 10. Melton Centrals, 26.14, 4.
SENIORS SEVILLE ................. 8.2, 12.2, 18.4, 19.8 (122) ALEXANDRA .................. 2.2, 3.6, 6.6, 9.9 (63) Seville. Goalkickers. N. O’Keefe 7, D. Toohey 6, J. Neal 4, M. Cecre, S. Senior. Best: N. O’Keefe, M. Cecere, S. Senior, P. Bailey, B. Penwill, D. Groen. Alexandra. Goalkickers. T. Halligan 3, R. Norris 2, B. Cooper, M. Coombs, N. Dundas, S. Steiner. Best: N. Waugh, N. Dundas, M. Coombs, B. Cooper, B. Woollard, R. Norris. RESERVES SEVILLE ........................ 4.0, 6.2, 8.5, 9.5 (59) ALEXANDRA ................... 2.0, 5.1, 5.4, 8.7 (55) Seville. Goalkickers: J. Hamill 4, J. Coulson, D. Bourke, J. Krijt, C. Jack. Best: C. Jack, J. Coulson, C. Pearce, D. Bourke, J. Hamill, W. Cody. Alexandra. Goalkickers. L. Casini 3, L. Atkins 3, A. Prescott 2, C. Trainor. Best: L. Casini, L. Aitkins, S. Annowsky, A. Prescott, J. Digiandomenico.
SENIORS BELGRAVE .......... 5.5, 13.10, 18.13, 23.19 (157) THORNTON-EILDON ... 1.2, 3.4, 5.8, 6.8 (44) Belgrave. Goalkickers. J. Brown 8, T. Marks 3, P. Gough 3, L. Foreman 3, M. Johnson, N. Somerville, J. McNamara, N. Rowe, H. Byron, J. Lowe. Best: C. Rak, J. Brown, P. Gough, J. Lowe, N. Rowe, T. Marks. Thornton-Eildon. Goalkickers: D. King, S. Larkman, J. Creighton, Z. Vujasic, Z. King, L. Davison. Best: R. Chapman, Z. King, B. Azzopardi, Z. Vujasic, J. Dickson, B. Musgrove. RESERVES BELGRAVE ................ 4.2, 8.5, 12.7, 15.11 (101) THORNTON-EILDON ... 0.2, 1.4, 3.5, 3.5 (23) Belgrave. Goalkickers: J. Schill 3, M. Francis 2, J. Levell 2, R. Chazbek, L. Ferraro, N. Schill, J. Molden, B. Fitzgerald, C. Francis, T. Riley, T. Carlyle. Best: N. Schill, B. Fitzgerald, D. Cook, T. Carlyle, R. Chazbek, J. Molden. Thornton-Eildon. Goalkickers: A. Sporton 2, B. Clarke. Best: L. Thomas, B. Haden, B. Lindsay, B. Botte, T. Polson, J. Ward.
SENIORS POWELLTOWN ........ 3.1, 9.4, 12.8, 19.11 (125) YARRA GLEN ................ 3.4, 6.5, 6.8, 12.11 (83) Powelltown. Goalkickers: L. Miller 4, D. Rees 2, S. Cart 2, S. Sanders 2, G. Newing 2, J. Moore, R. Johnson, D. Roy, M. McArthur, M. McLaughlin, T. Ashby, R. Goodinson. Best: P.
SENIORS YARRAJUNCTION ... 7.3, 11.3, 13.7, 14.10 (94) KINGLAKE ................. 3.0, 6.3, 7.7, 10.12 (72) Yarra Junction. Goalkickers. T. Wheeler 6, D. Wilson 3, K. Dusley, A. Chandler, T. Sword, T. Armstrong, J. Holmes. Best: T. Wheeler, K. Ousley, A. Chandler, P. Cubbin, T. Sword, J. Welch. Kinglake. Goalkickers. R. Mitchell 4, Z. White 3, H. Prest, J. Whelan, B. Robinson. Best: H. Prest, J. Mende, J. Chalmers, R. Mitchell, W. Graf, M. McAllister. RESERVES YARRAJUNCTION ... 3.3, 9.8, 15.9, 20.13 (133) KINGLAKE ...................... 1.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3 (15) Yarra Junction. Goalkickers. B. Jones 6, B. Freedman 2, A. Smith 2, H. Tindley-Roe 2, J. Russell 2, N. De La Rue, L. Hooper, A. Caley, M. Robinson, D. Boxell, A. Ward. Best: R. Williamson, D. Robertson, H. Tindley-Roe, L. Hooper, B. Jones, A. Ward. Kinglake. Goalkickers. J. Ryan, C. Booker. Best: J. Graf, J. Rabjones, C. Booker, A. Young, R. Pratt, J. Ryan.
NORTHERN F.L. DIVISION 1 SCOREBOARD GREENSBOROUGH V WHITTLESEA SENIORS GREENSBOROUGH ... 5.2, 6.7, 10.9, 12.13 (85) WHITTLESEA ................ 1.2, 2.5, 3.8, 5.10 (40) Greensborough. Goalkickers: M. Haynes 3, A. Stellas 3, J. Grubb, L. McQuilken, B. Bedford, J. Rogersw, J. Callaway, C. Cogan. Best: J. Rogers, N. Riddle, A. Cataldo, M. Haynes, J. Callaway, A. Stellas. Whittlesea. Goalkickers. J. Murphy 3, C. Bland, C. Horman. Best: J. Robinson, R. Dyson, J. Murphy, M. Coen, N. Andrews, D. Saddington. RESERVES G’BOROUGH ........ 6.2, 13.3, 18.6, 25.13 (163) WHITTLESEA .................. 1.0, 1.2, 2.4, 2.4 (16) Greensborough. Goalkickers: J. Rowe 3, D. Clancy 3, D. Shaw 2, J. Cann 2, T. Bevan-Shannon 2, C. Walker 2, B. Woodhouse 2, B. Fox 2, M. Johnston, J. Pickett, J. Turner, J. Pritchard, J. Grimble, J. Riddle, B. Millsom. Best: L. Emery, J. Tucker, J. Rowe, D. Clancy, T. BevanShannon, C. Walker. Whittlesea. Goalkicker: H. Bland 2. Best: . C. Sloan, T. Crawford, S. Dempsey, H. Bland, N. Lacey, T. Behan. UNDER 19 WHITTLESEA ............. 2.4, 4.5, 5.10, 8.12 (60) GREENSBOROUGH ..... 2.1, 3.2, 4.4, 8.7 (55) Whittlesea. Goalkickers: C. McLaren 3, C. Prestopino, T. Holmberg, K. Smith, T. Meiselbach, J. Eid. Best: B. Caldow, J. Eid, C. Fitzgerald, C. Prestopino, D. Smith, C. McLean. Greensborough. Goalkickers: T. Phelan 2, K. Wood, B. Psarakos, N. Jasper, L. Trudgeon, K. Horkings, A. Williams. Best: L. Trudgeon, B.
■ Sunday was a bright and sunny day in Yea,we arrived in Alex in fog and by the time the Under 16 started, the ground was bathed in sunshine. Charles put Yea on the board in the opening minute, quickly followed by Turvey, who would bag two more for the quarter. Alex fought back with a couple of goals to keep them in striking distance at quarter-time: Yea 5.1 (31) to Alex 2.4 (16). The second quarter was a real arm wrestle, the Yea backs making their opponents earn every score whilst creating oppotunities for the midfielders to set up the Yea forwards.Turvey again in the goals, al ong bomb byWischer and a toe-poke from Beattie gave Yea a 21-point lead at half-time Yea 8.3 (51) toAlex 4.6 (30). The arm wrestle continued in the third term, neither side prepared to surrender the ball easily. Backmen from both teams were on top, with Gilbee and Hildebrand leading the way.The two key forwards for Yea ,Turvey and Firmin, both goaled to increase the Yea lead to29 points at the final break Yea 10.6 (66) to Alex 5.7 (37). The final quarter mirrored the previous two quarters,the Tigers unable to really seal the game until the last 10 minutes, a couple of goals to Alex made the boys a little nervous but another Beattie toe- poke and a long snap from Z. Harry put the game out of the Rebels’ reach . Final score: Yea 13.9 (87) to Alex 7.8 (50). Goals: Turvey 5, Beattie 3,Firmin 2, Charles,Wischer and Z. Harry 1 each. Better players: Turvey,Beattie, Z Harry, Hildebrand, Muller and Gilbee. Thanks again to our small band of volunteers who are prepared to travel and put their hands up to help in some way. - Jack McMaster
■ We came from the sunshine to the hospitality of Alexandra who made us feel at home with the fog, and as that fog rose off the ground in the first quarter it was like a battle field from the moors of Scotland. Yea 1.1 &), Alex 0.1 (1). It wasn’t until half-way through the second when Frankcombe lowered his eyes to hit the lead of Chayne Klinge that our Tigers started taking control of the game. Hayden Marks again blitzed with his K.B.-like lateral runs across the face of goals bagging six again for the day. 6.2 (38) at half-time. The captain, not feeling his best, had the coach asking the team to step up and Jackson Grech was doing just that until a courageous back up into a contested mark saw him come from the field after a head knock, but it was Klinge that shone through covering his forward pocket like a stallion and deservedly thumping through his second for the day. Alexandra fought hard but just couldn’t penetrate past Yea’s forward press at a ground and club we love going to. Yea 11.4 (70) defeated Alexandra 0.1 (1) Goalkickers: H. Marks 6, C. Klinge 2, L. Kelderman 1, R. Harding 1, R. Frankcombe 1 Memorable Moments: Not only the smooth attack on the football all day from Jackson Grech but the commitment and courage shown to back into a contested mark that saw him come off showing how committed his is for his team. - Greg Philpot
■ Our second hit out against Alex was their home game and it was a cold one with the starting temperature just 2 degrees and thick fog. The Yea kids were joking before the game that they are "used to these sorts of conditions" and they did handle them well. The last time Yea met the Saints was Round 1 and the improvement by the Tigers was measurable. The fluent connections transferring the ball down the ground highlighted the growth of the players as individuals and together as a team. Awards this week go to William Granter, Chevy Klinge, Oliver Dredge, Aidan Santarossa, Angus Antrobus and Sam Charles. Well done kids.
■ Yea got the first turnover this quarter which resulted in a goal. Hannah C took a great rebound under the ring. Jordyn O took a fall and had to come off to fix her knee so Ebony went into WA who drove well to help bring the ball down the court. Alex 14, Yea 5 Second quarter was a bit scrappy as both sides turned the ball over regularly. Ebony and Teagan defended well, Hannah, Jordyn and Caitlyn were in the mid court and Jordan and Hannah B were in goals. When they came forward to the ball they played well. 24-13 In this quarter Jordan went to GS, Hannah B to GA, Viv came onto WD and Jordyn to WA. Caitlyn continued to run hard in C. Teagan rebounded well. However we still had trouble moving the ball down court. 34-23 Coach Judy made a few positional changes in the last quarter. Ebony went into goals, Jordan to C, Caitlyn to WA and Hannah C to GK. The girls ran the game out well but their first quarter cost them in the end. Final Score: 45 32 Royal Mail Award: Hannah Broderick Tiger Bucks Award: Ebony Edge - Brad Watts
■ 1st Q. Alexandra started off strong with the first goal for the game. The Yea girls worked the ball around with Abby (GS) and Maggie (GA) finishing off the hard work with some great goals. A great first quarter with Yea 11 to Alexandra 4. 2nd Q. A slower qujarter for Yea and where they slightly lost their mojo. Melody (GD) and Jordyn (C) took some great intercepts, and Cassy (GK) put some great pressure on Alex's shooters and worked really hard to get the Tigers back into their game. Yea 17 to Alexandra 10. 3rd Q. Melina took a nasty fall in the last quarter, leaving Yea without a bench. The play moved back and forth, with both teams playing competitive netball. Yea kept its strong lead finishing the third quarter, 25 to Alexandra 13. 4th Q. Holly (WD), Ruby (GD) and Cassy (GK) kept the defence tight, gaining many intercepts. Melody (C) and Jordyn (WA) fed well into the shooters perfectly. Abby (GS) and Maggie (GA) continued with accurate shooting, finishing the game off with a strong win. Final Score: Yea 33 def Alexandra 15 Awards. Royal Mail - Melody Ross. Tiger Bucks - Cassy Wilsmore - Nikki Watts
■ Q1. As the sun finally came out, so did Yea with plenty of great passing between Lauren (C), Madeline (GA) and Bridie H (GS). Bridie Mc (WA) was zipping here there and everywhere. Yea 1, Alexandra 4 Q2. Zoee (GD) was doing a great job defending but Alexandra were putting the score on the board. Chloe (GA) and Tilly (WA) kept attacking hard. Bridie K (WD) was calling and passing well. Yea 1, Alexandra 10 Q3. It was great to see Tilly (C) back after a crash with the cold gravel. Ashlee (GK) was defending well. Yea was starting to have a lot of the ball with Zoee, Tilly and Chloe not stopping. Yea 3 ,Alexandra 14 Q4. Whilst the girls put in a fast and furious effort at times, it was not there dat today. Well done Alex. Yea 5, Alexandra 19 Awards: Royal Mail - Zoee. Tiger Bucks Ashlee - Nicole Hahnenfeldt
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Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail:
■ The 2017 Autumn season started on Wednesday, March 8. Semi;Finals will be played tonight (Wed., June 21) followed by all Grand Finals being played on Wed., June 28. Spectators are welcome. Results of the Autumn Season as at June 15, are as follows: A-Grade: 1. Broadford, 8 wins, 3 losses Les Parker, Sharon Fitzpatrick. 2. Doreen, 8 wins, 3 losses - Bruno Ciminelli, Riley Brennan. Leading Player - Todd Clark, 20 wins, 2 losses. B-Grade: 1. Barracudas, 11 wins, 2 losses Anita Gottwalt, Vasco Natevski. 2. Blue Fins, 9 wins, 4 losses - Christian Piro, Gil Lalanne. Leading Player - Peter Drofenik, 21 wins, 3 losses. C-Grade: 1. Lions, 11 wins, 0 losses Michael Peters, Sharon Lettey. 2. Leopards, 7 wins, 3 losses - Jake Holding, Sebastian Esposito. Leading Player - Michael Peters, 22 wins, 0 losses. Practice and grading will occur on Weds., July 5 and 12. New players and existing members are invited to attend. Grading of players is in preparation for the Winter Season. The 2017 Winter season will start on Wednesday, July 19 at 7.30pm. The Annual Club Tournament will be held on Wednesday, August 23 and all members are eligible to participate. 2017 Winter season Grand Finals will be held on Wednesday, October 4. The W.D.T.T.A. plays all of its table tennis games in the Chandler Pavilion, at the Whittlesea Showgrounds. All grades play on Wednesday nights, starting at 7.30pm. Players of all ages and standards are welcome. For enquiries, please ring Les on 0419 466 018. - Ian Staff, Publicity Officer
beaten last week by Yarra Glen with Jacob Brereton, Tom Halligan, Sam Kidd, Brayden Norris and Nick Waugh coming into the side to replace Travis Carter, Zach Heaslip, Scott Heveren, Jasper Rouget and Jake Steyger. As has often been the case when Alex play at Seville it takes them a quarter to acclimatise to the strange ground and during this stage the home side virtually put the game out of Alexandra's reach with an eight goal to two first quarter. Alex stemmed some of the bleeding in the second quarter restricting the home side to only four goals but even kicking to the downhill end, Alex could only manage a single goal to Brayden Norris. Michael Coombs and Ben Cooper were strong in the many ball ups that marred the game as a spectacle as Alex trailed by nine goals plus at the main break. Seville's multi-pronged and accurate attack of O'Keefe (who finished with seven goals) and Toohey (6 goals) was causing the Alex defence many headaches as was the pace of the Blues small men. Nathan Dundas and Nick Waugh were providing drive from the midfield but any hope of an Alex revival was soon dashed in the third quarter as O'Keefe added consecutive goals early. Jordan Purcell, in defence, had plenty to do and along with Sam Woollard rebounded for much needed goals to Steve Steiner and Heard. Tom Halligan up for his first game for the season and Will Goonan combined to forward where Nathan Dundas kicked Alexandra's sixth goal. Despite the margin at three-quarter time, Alex continued the effort and the hard tackling asked for by Sam at the break paid off for Cooper who goaled from his efforts. Brayden Norris followed up with a long goal from the bottom side before Seville replied and added their 19th goal at the 20-minute mark. Ryley Norris continued his attack on the ball and Heard kept presenting and kicked a third goal late in the term but the very accurate Seville with dominant forwards were far too good winning comfortably 19.8 (122) to Alexandra 9.9 (63). Awards: Alex Standard $50 fuel card - Nick Waugh, Hoova's @ Mt.Pleasant $20 meal Nathan Dundas, Corner Hotel $20 meal Michael Coombs, Corner Hotel 5 pots - Ben Cooper. NETBALLAWARDS A-Grade won 49 - 33: Corner Hotel $20 meal - Ebonnie Twining, Hoova's @ Mt Pleasant $20 Meal - Lauren Steyger; B-Grade won 81 - 13: Corner Hotel $20 meal - Kathryn Veldman, Hoova's @ Mt Pleasant $20 meal - Jayde Cairns. CLUB NOTES Alexandrians and particularly those around the Football-Netball Club could not help to be inspired by the story in last Saturdays Herald Sun and on television that night of Stephanie Dundas's courageous fight. We wish Stephanie, parents Robert and Sue, brothers Chris and Nathan, and the Dundas family who have been great contributors to the AFNC over the last 70-plus years, our best wishes. Last Thursday's Rebel Raffles are sponsored by Holmesglen @ Eildon and Mt. Pleasant Hotel, Reddrops Foodworks / Houseboat Sales Lake Eildon, Eildon Bakery / Outdoor Education Group, Alexandra Quality Meats / Alexandra Windscreens and Yea Chinese Restaurant / Bailey Funerals and were won by Darren Ritchie, Steve Hedger, Michael Purcell, Michael Purcell and Anne-Marie / Melissa Crane. The Holmesglen @ Eildon Jackpot joker card was turned over by Darren Ritchie who won the $1600 so this week, the Jackpot kicks off again at $200, so come along and buy some tickets at $1 each but you need to be at the Club
■ The AFL Yarra Ranges League Round 9 of the 2017 season last Saturday saw the Rebels travel to Seville for two games of football and two games of netball, the oval in good condition and the weather was perfect for football and netball. RESERVES The Reserves were a patched-up side due to injuries and players unavailable through work and other commitments and unfortunately allowed the home side to establish what was to be a match winning break before the Rebels realised that they themselves could be most competitive. The experienced Corey Jack along with Chase Pearce set the standard early whilst Jedd Hamill provided a target up forward as Alex fought back in the second quarter to trail by only 7 points at half-time. Despite the efforts of David Bourke and Jake Coulson in the midfield the home side took a 19- point lead into the last quarter as Alex had missed opportunities provided from up field. Alex finished the game much better than the Blues and was perhaps unlucky to lose narrowly. Hamill finished with 4 after 2 last quarter goals and the Rebels were in attack when the siren sounded leaving them four points short 8.7 (55) to Seville 9.5 (59). Awards: Caltex $25 fuel card - Corey Jack, Alex Sportspower $20 award - Jake Coulson, Hoova's @ Mt.Pleasant $20 meal - Chase Pearce, Corner Hotel $20 meal - David Bourke, Corner Hotel 5 pots - Jedd Hamill. SENIORS The Seniors made five changes to the team
● Yea Under 10 award winners: (from left) William Granter, Chevy Klinge, Oliver Dredge, Aidan Santarossa, Angus Antrobus and Sam Charles.
rooms at 8pm for the draw. Thursday night dinners have two sittings, for juniors and then seniors after their respective training with main course and sweets - adults $15 and kids $10, everyone is welcome. This coming Saturday we travel to Belgrave for two games of football (played at the home ground at Reserve Rd, Belgrave) and four games of netball, the netball being played at the Belgrave South Recreation Reserve, Mt Morton Rd, Belgrave South, off Belgrave Hallam Rd, Melways 75 D12. Please note that Belgrave will be charging entry at the netball court itself. Everyone is invited back to the Corner Hotel for the awards.
Essence Coffee Lounge award Declan Allen; Reddrops Foodworks award Jordan LaurieRhodes; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Tom Rouget; Provender Country Bakehouse award Damon Bellingham; Bundalaguah Engineering award Daniel McFadzean; Parsons Family award Tyson Pedlar; Coach's award Tye Parkinson. Thank you to Sam Kidd for umpiring. Under 14s Netball (Div 2) Alexandra 10 defeated by Yea 33 Reddrops Foodworks award Jamie Baird; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Tarni Cobb; Goulburn River Trout award Amanda McDonald. Under 12s Netball Alexandra 19 defeated Yea 5 Reddrops Foodworks award Annie Howell; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Felicitiy Conway; Bundalaguah Engineering award Taylah Dean. Under 14s Netball (Div 1) Alexandra 15 defeated by Yea 33 Reddrops Foodworks award Lily Hillman; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Riley Thomas; Goulburn River Trout award Hannah Armstrong. Under 16s Netball Alexandra 45 defeated Yea 32 Reddrops Foodworks award Kim WebberLally; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Emiliah Cashmore; Alexandra Physiotherapy award Alexia Andreou. A very big thank you to the above award sponsors for their continued support of our junior footballers and netballers in 2017. Next weekend, we travel to Wandong for four games of football and the Under 12 netball. The Under 14 Div 2 netball travels to Euroa for a game whilst the Under 14 Div 1 and Under 16 netball teams have a bye. If anyone can assist with the canteen on home games during the season please speak to Ros Smith to go on the roster. - Ray Steyger
■ The Alexandra Football-Netball Club junior teams returned to Rebel Park last Sunday for round 8 of the 2017 season and hosted Yea for competition in four grades of football and four grades of netball. Under 12s Football Alexandra 0.1 (1) defeated by Yea 11.4 (70) Essence Coffee Lounge award Max Hillman; Reddrops Foodworks award Brad Irvine; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Dylan Bevan; Provender Country Bakehouse award Dan Bell; Goulburn River Trout award Cooper Kidd; Armstrong Family award Harry Correa; Hadfield Contractors award Charlie Twitchett; Coach's award Riley Kirkpatrick and Ben Weeks. Thank you to Jacob Brereton and Lee Ragg for umpiring. Under 14s Football Alexandra 13.7 (85) defeated Yea 2.3 (15) Essence Coffee Lounge award Toby Prothero; Reddrops Foodworks award Will Dunsford; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Beau Scott; Provender Country Bakehouse award Coby Scott; Parsons Family award Ethan Russell; Smith Family award Jaxon Carlton; Coach's award Blake Lewindon. Thank you to Jedd Hamill and Daniel Rouget for umpiring. Under 16s Football Alexandra 7.8 (50) defeated by Yea 13.9 (87)
● William Granter leads the play for Yea at Alex. Photos: Ian Porter
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 37
WHITTLESEA BOWLS CLUB 101 Church St, Whittlesea Phone: 97 16 1966 E-Mail: manager@whittleseabo wls. manager@whittleseabowls. wls.c
Weekly Main Course Specials and Changing Lunch Menu From $10 plus normal bistro menu Function R ooms a vailable Rooms av ation for y our special c elebr your celebr elebra BREAKF AST A VAILABLE BREAKFA AV 11am AY AND SUND AY: 8amYS ATURD 8am-11am TURDA SUNDA EVERY SA EVER Wine lis om pr emium wine gr owing dis tricts listt fr from premium gro districts
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 41
Metropolitan and Regional Victoria
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017 - Page 43
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Page 44 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Perfect Country Home • 4 Bedroom 2 bathroom home on 15 acres • Master bedroom with BIR and ensuite with spa bath • In ground Swimming pool and beautifully landscaped gardens • large sheds two fully lockable and Cattle yards. $760,000
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Sales Specialist I Stuart Oddy 0402 349 120 w w w .landmarkhar .landmarkharcc ourts.
Landmark Har Harcc ourts Y Yee a 5 2 High SStr tr eet, Y ea I 5577 9 7 2277 9 9 treet, Yea