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■ Yea’s Under 14 Divison 2 netball team plays unbeaten Euroa on Sunday in the SDJFNL Grand Final. Pictured (back row, from left): Olivia Johnson, Sarah Garlick, Lily Undy, Emma Oliver, Sarah Cunningham (coach). Front Row: Remi Pitman, Madie Granter and Grace Cunningham (absent Shanae Baker injured). ■ Yea’s Under 14 Divison 1 netball team finished its season on Sunday. Back riow, from left: Melody Ross, Melina Zipsin, Cassy Wilsmore. Sarah Cunning-ham (coach) and Abby Christie. Front row:- Holly Granter, Jordyn Beattie, Ruby O’Dwyer and Maggie McSpeerin.
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■ Meanwhile, at Kinglake, it was snowing during the Reserves football. Ken Aitken snapped this photo.
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Your Stars with Kerry Kulkens ARIES: (March 21-April 20) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could be feeling the need to be free of some of the responsibilities you have been carrying lately. There could be some travel coming up, but the tendency to go to extremes should be nipped in the bud. TAURUS: (April 21- May 20) Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You may need to sort out a few priorities and it would be wiser to take nothing for granted. Check all communications carefully as the possibilities for errors are great. You will feel happier in your domestic scene. GEMINI: (May 21- June 21) Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Day:Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Not the time to get over excited and make rash promises. Spend your money only on necessities, also make sure all accounts are paid for and that you are not being over charged. CANCER: (June 22- July 22) Lucky Colour: Silver Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Not wise to rely entirely on your own judgment ask for advice. Personal relationships could be troubling you, just try to take things calmly with your partners. Don't blow up things out of proportion and say things you really do not mean. LEO: (July 23-August 22) Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could be craving for some luxury and may even try to indulge in something you can't really afford. Hasty decisions could put you on the wrong track, so check everything before promising anything important. Mostly it should be a happier time. VIRGO: (August 23- September 23) Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Day: Sunday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could be feeling resentful towards any form of restriction and some restlessness is evident. Your judgment may not be up to par, so leave all important decisions till later. Some little luxuries later on are indicated. LIBRA: (September 24- October 23) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: As your emotions are very much on the surface now, do not make any hard and fast decisions. Best to wait till you have calmed down and have your emotions under control.You may regret the fact that you have confided in someone you shouldn't have trusted. SCORPIO: (October 24- November 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could be just a little too hesitant in deciding on something important and you could be missing out on a good deal. However do not let this influence you in future decision making and become too hasty. SAGITTARIUS: (November23- December 20) Lucky Colour: Violet Lucky Day: Sunday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You cannot rely on anything or anybody at eh moment. Best to do the important things yourself and make the hard decisions later on. Your own intuition is the best at the present time. CAPRICORN: (December 21- January 19) Lucky Colour: Fawn Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could find it hard to keep up with things happening around you. There are some confusing aspects operating in your sector. Just let things happen and sit tight at the moment. Soon you will be in control again. AQUARIUS: (January 20- February 19) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You could be asked to help a friend in need. The best thing to do is give all the help you can, but refuse anything that will put you in a n awkward situation. It is up to you to put the breaks on when you feel it necessary. PISCES: (February 20- March 20) Lucky Colour: Pink Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There could be something to celebrate due to your general good luck. Remember a friend who doesn't have much joy in life as you. Your financial situation should improve very much and this will help you to make plans for the future.
Visit Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop at 1693 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Phone/Fax 9754 4587 www.kerrykulkens.com.au Like us on Facebook
Local News
Newer veterans take on local Legacy roles ■ Younger defence veterans are taking on the responsibility of looking after widows, widowers, and children of servicemen and women. The Alexandra, Yea and Mansfield Legacy Group cares for more than 90 veterans' widows across the shires. This includes now-aged WWII widows, several of whom have disabled and dependant children. Legacy Week runs from Sunday (Aug. 27) to Saturday, September 2. It was founded in Victoria in September 1923 after WWI. Legatee Clare Sinclair said a new group of contemporary veterans' families within the district are joining the postWWII and Vietnam era widows in needing Legacy help. “Reflecting our modern defence force, often both partners are veterans or, increasingly, it is the female partner
younger veterans experience a similar situation to the aged when one partner enters an aged care facility leaving the other partner at home as a 'virtual' widow or widower. RSL member and Legatee, Jeff Swain, said Legacy and RSL are keen for any veteran, widow(er)s or dependant in the community to make contact. “Enquiries are handled with who is the veteran,” Clare said. discretion and we have expe“Legacy support to a mod- rienced, qualified people waitern veteran family with ing to help,” said Jeff. “We know there are other dependants requires a different approach from that of the past.” veterans and widows with Working closely with local dependants in the community RSL sub-branches, the Lega- who would benefit from a helptees under President Robert ing hand. “Give us a ring, have a talk Benghamy of Alexandra, are co-ordinating their support. and share the burden,” he inAnd not just for physical inju- vited. ries. “You don't have to be a The better identification and member for us to give you a help with PTSD often means hand.” Contact Robert (5772 2364) one or other partner is absent undergoing treatment. These or Jeff (5796 9353).
NBN now listed for Jan.-June next year ■ The National Broadband Network installation in Alexandra and Yea is now scheduled to take place from January to June 2018, Murrindindi Shire’s Municipal Emergency Management Committee has heard from officials. Amy Jaballah from NBN Co., and Garry Allan from Telstra, attended the meeting held at the Alexandra chambers of the Shire, according to minutes to be presented to the Council meeting tonight (Wed.). Early publicity had indicated that NBN installations in Alexandra and Yea might take place in the second half of 2017. “Installation in Alexandra and Yea is scheduled from January to June 2018,” said the minutes of the meeting which was opened by Deputy Mayor Cr Sandice McAulay. “Many areas outside Yea and Alexandra have already have fixed wireless services available,” the minutes noted. “Fibre to the node has been rolled out in Kinglake. “Marysville and some other remote locations in the municipality will have access to satellite NBN services (which are already online). Access to phones during emergencies has been a concern of emergency volunteers, particularly Peter Weeks of the Alexandra State Emergency Service Unit. Mr Weeks made a submission to authorities earlier this week, outling his concerns (Local Paper, April 26). “With the role out (sic) of NBN those customers with FTTN will not have access to land line phones in power out-
ges,” the Committee minutes state. “Those in Fixed Wireless and Satelitte service areas will be able to retain their copper landline services. “These customers will have to request this with their Telcos. “Important to note that in a power outage, the only phones that will work are old style phones, not cordless phones.” The meeting heard that Mr Weeks raised issues regarding the inability of communities to access land line phones in an emergency in many high risk areas. Further work was required to protect vulnerable communities, he said. “Ms Jaballah advised of support networks such as Networks on Wheels that could be rolled out by the NBN Co in an emergency. “These have been successfully trialled in the recent natural disaster incidents in Queensland,” the meeting was told. Ms Jaballah said that towers used in the provision of fixed wireless services have an eight-hour battery back-up. “Those from emergency
management agencies are also asked to register their mobile phones for priority in emergencies. “This will give them priority over other users if the network is congested. “The service is not available to Councils or Hospitals only those with a response capacity.” Michelle Dunscombe of Kinglake raised the issue of ensuring the NBN Co was working with communities to advise them of changes to service, particularly in an emergency. Mr Allan, of Telstra, said his organisation would be working closely with its customers. Ms Jaballah said that a number of community information sessions had already been delivered by NBN Co. A number of further sessions were planned. Mr Weeks asked about the possibility of ‘Fibre to the Premises’ upgrades to vital facilities such as hospitals and Council offices. Ms Jaballah said there was a way to request upgrades.
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The Local Paper incorporating The New Free Press Vol.2. No . 7 2 72 Wednesda y, A ugus 17 ednesday Augus ugustt 23, 20 2017 Published W ednesda ys Wednesda
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Distribution Readership throughout: Acheron , Alexandra, Arthurs Creek, Buxton, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Coldstream, Devlin’s Bridge, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Doreen, Dropmore, Eildon, Eltham, Fawcett, Flowerdale, Ghin Ghin, Glenburn, Gobur anit e, Gobur,, Gr Granit anite Granton, Hazeldene, Healesville, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Junction Hill, Kangaroo Ground, Kanumbra, Kerrisdale, Killingworth, King Parrot Creek, Kinglake, Kinglak e C entr al, Kinglak eW e sst, t, K oriella, Kinglake entral, Kinglake We Koriella, Laurimar dale Laurimar,, Lily Lilydale dale,, Limes Limestto n e e,, Maintongoon, Mernda, Molesworth, Nutfield, Murrindindi, Pheasant Creek, R esear ch, Rubic on, Ruffy e w s, esearch, Rubicon, Ruffy,, S Stt Andr Andre S t rra ath Cr eek, S witz erland, T aggerty Creek, Switz witzerland, Taggerty aggerty,, Ta ylor Ba y, T erip T erip hornt on, Bay Terip Terip erip,, T Thornt Toolangi, T attle Glen, Trra wool, W Wa Whanr egarw en, Whittlesea, W oodbourne , Whanregarw egarwen, Woodbourne Yan Y ean, Y a rrck, ck, Y arr a Glen, Y ea, Y ering. Yean, Ya Yarr arra Yea, Yering.
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Ash OnWednesday
Yea Saleyards elections ■ The Yea Saleyards Committee of Management will hold its Annual General Meeting at 8am on Tuesday, September 8, at the Saleyards Canteen. The Committee is calling for nominations for: ■ two community representatives ■ three district farming representatives ■ one livestock transport representative ■ two Yea livestock agent representatives. Nomination forms are available from Lisa Elward, CoOrdinator, Saleyard Operations, phone 0419 722 570.
NBN upgrade
■ MurrindindiCouncil is to make enquiries if ‘Fibre to the Premises’ upgraded NBN services can be arranged to the Shire offices, the UGFM radio station, and to hospitals. This follows a meeting of the Municipal Emergency Management Committee (and Southern Alpine Resort Management Board) with officials from NBN Co and Telstra.
Long Shots
edit or@L ocalP aper editor@L ocalPaper aper..c om. om.aa u
with Ash Long, Editor “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”
Later notices ■ Fire prevention notices in Kinglake will be issued later than usual. This is part of a Murrindindi Shire trial in conjuction with Nillumbik and Whittlesea. “This is to bring Fire Prevention Notices in line with risk and to reduce public concern about the timing of (notices),” the Municipal Emergency Management Committee meeting was told. ■ The Weather Link Network showed a minimum temperature of -68°C for Alexandra on Friday.
Fox control workshop at Strath Creek ■ Expert speakers from Applied Botany, Zoology and Ecological Consulting will demonstrate and discuss integrated control techniques including assessment/monitoring, timing, trapping, baiting, fumigation and shooting. There will also be a short presentation by the Mount Sugar Loaf Hunt Club about a free fox control service they provide. The workshop will be held from 10am-2pm on Sunday, September 10, at the Strath Creek Hall ,10 Ferguson St, Strath Creek. A light lunch will be provided. To register contact UGLN Landcare Co-Ordinator, Chris Cobern, on 0413 855 490.
Cr Bisset, Mayor, involved in newspaper firm’s promo
Alan in the chair
Independently Owned and Operated T h e Local P aper is print ed under c ontr act Paper printed contr ontract by Streamline PressPty Ltd, 155 Johnston S t, Fitzr o y, f or the publisher Fitzro publisher,, Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063, of the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095. Responsibilityfor election and referendum comment is accepted by Ash Long. C op yright © 20 1 7 ocal Media P ty L td. opyright 7,, L Local Pty ACN 096 680 063.
Murrindindi Newspapers Local Phone Numbers FIRE BRIGADES (fire only) ............ 000 Local Brigades ............................... 000 POLICE (emergencies only) ............ 000 Kinglake ............................... 5786 1333 Seymour ............................... 5735 0200 Whittlesea ............................ 9716 2102 Yea ....................................... 5 7 9 7 26 30 263 57 AMBULANCE .................................... 000 Alexandra Hospital ............. 5772 0900 Northern Hospital, Epping .. 8405 8000 Seymour Hospital ................ 5793 6100 Yea Hospital ........................... 5 7 36 0400 57 S TATE EMERGENC Y SER VICE ......... 000 EMERGENCY SERVICE ■ Lifeline ........................................ 13 11 14 Nursing Mothers Helpline .... 9885 0653 Poisons Info. (24 Hours) .......... 13 11 26 RACV Roadside Assistance ........ 13 1111 RSPCA ................................... 9224 2222
Editor’s Diary From Our Files - 30 Years Ago Tuesday, August 25, 1987
So long ‘Sheriff’
● Sgt Ray Sheather ■ Sgt Ray Sheather retired from the Victoria Police, after a 30-year career, with 15 years at Yea. Friends and colleagues gathered at the Molesworth Hotel for a barbecue sponsored by local business people, farmers and supporters. Ray - member 12007 - was born at Corryong, involved in his family’s transport business, spending most of his childhood at Kiama. Ray Sheather served with the Wireless Patrol, before moving to Yea.
Hotel transfer
■ Graham Lawrence ‘Clarry’ Davison and Carolyn Doris Davison applied to transfer the licence of the Grand Central Hotel, Yea, to David McG. Allan, of Bottings Lane, Yarra Glen.
Medal for Mick ■ Senior firefighter Mick Wearne was awarded the National Medal by Chief Officer Brian Potter at Fiskville. “Mr Wearne has at all times during his volunteer and permanent service carried out his duties efficiently and in a diligent manner,” Mr Potter said.
Car recovered
● Murrindindi Mayor Cr Charlie Bissett’s Facebook post in a promotion for a paid advertising feature for the Alexandra Standard and Yea Chronicle ■ Fairness, and the perception of fairness, are all-important qualities in every arm of government. The requirement for probity and unquestioned integrity is especially vital for highly-paid leaders. In local government, mayors have strict obligations to uphold high standards of impartiality and independence. Mayors and Councillors are advised to steer themselves around behaviour that might be seen to favour one set of commercial suppliers, as opposed to other potential suppliers At Murrindindi Shire, Cr Charlie Bisset - clearly identifying herself as the municipality’s Mayor - has gone on to social media to involve herself in a commercial promotion for a paid advertising feature proposed by Alexandra Newspapers, publishers of the Alexandra Standard and The Yea Chronicle. The newspaper publishers asked Facebookers if a yellow or brown layout was preferred for an advertising feature, in which clients are urged to pay $512 for a single quarter-page ad. Cr Bisset - who gets paid $60,000 a year as Mayor, on top of her salary as Managing Director at CEACA - was one of the first to offer her opinion/endorsement of the newspaper feature, nominating her colour preference. In itself, perhaps just an innocent, chatty remark. But meanwhile, 10 months into her Mayoralty, The Local Paper is still waiting for the courtesy of a single word of reply from Cr Bisset about the Shire’s advertising contract, which was awarded 4½-years ago to Alexandra Newspapers. Our most recent open letter was published on August 2, as well as being emailed to Cr Bisset on July 28. As always, not a word of reply. Under Cr Bisset’s mayoralty, Murrindindi Council has failed to call for any competitive-price tendering for its advertising. ■ The Local Paper was unable to contact Cr Bisset for comment. CEO Margaret Abbey has a 10am Thursday deadline in place for any questions from The Local Paper to the Council.
● Alan Sewell ■ Alan Sewell - a Freemason who was a member of the Duke of Clarence Lodge, Yea - is to become Master of the Heathcote Lodge on Saturday, September 16.
Vale Nick ■ It is with sadness that we announce the passing of our columnist, Nick Le Souef, at age 74. Nick - ‘The Outback Legend’suffered a stroke on August 3. He was surrounded by family when he died at the Austin on Friday (Aug. 18).
■ In 1987, we told the story of a nearby town’s Police team being sent 25 kilometres into the bush to find a car. The Police overrode the ignition system, and drove the vehicle back to the security of the police station. One problem ... next morning, the Police phoned the car’s owner to tell her of the recovery of her vehicle. The irate owner said her son was camping in the area where the car was found. “The car had not been stolen,” we reported, “at least until Thursday night that is!”
$1200 missing ■ Two men reported $1200 missing from a Ford Falcon sedan parked at Ghin Ghin River Reserve, to Sen. Const. Nigel Belsten, relieving from Seymour at Yea.
McGregor blast ■ Yea resident Rob McGregor blasted the newspaper’s publication of a letter from resident Don Lawson attacking Shire President Cr David Lawson and Councillors. Mr McGregor said the letter belonged on Page 5. So, we published the McGregor letter on Page 5.
Into 2nd Semi ■ “Thanks to a seven-goal victory at Avenel on Saturday, Yea seniors go into the second semi-final whilst other sides battle each other for places - or survival,” wrote Tom Dignam. “Don’t forget that the side which lost last year’s qualifying final won the premiership,” Tom added.
Shire News Media release issued by the Murrindindi Shire Council
Local development
■ “Murrindindi Shire Council's Development Services Department works to enhance the community's quality of life by encouraging economic growth to make the Shire an even better place to live. “Council provides a range of services which, together, encourage and guide appropriate growth and development within the Shire so that it is well-planned and safe for all. “Council looks strategically at zoning and planning for the different kinds of land use in the Shire. “We also identify opportunities in the Shire for growth and development. Our work helps to ensure growth and development protect what we value about our Shire and is also closely aligned with our community's needs. “We also work to identify future development needs, including possible future uses of our land. “We identify the best places for different kinds of development to occur. “We also actively work to remove obstacles to appropriate growth in our townships and rural areas, so we can take advantage of development opportunities that might arise in future. “Our Business Development team works to help create a vibrant economy and ensure there are employment opportunities across a range of sectors and stages of life. “Council provides a 'one stop shop' approach for investors and developers. We also access funding to enable training for small businesses and work with different industry sectors to ensure opportunities for growth are harnessed. “During the last year, Council received 249 planning applications, including: ■ new planning applications ■ requests to amend existing planning permits and ■ planning consents. “We assessed each of the applications we received to ensure they ■ are consistent with the Shire's strategic land use plans, ■ are compatible with other land uses ■ meet all relevant standards, regarding, for example, safety and protection of the environment. “We issued 87 per cent of these planning applications within 60 days - the statutory time limit set down by the State Government. “On average these permits took 37 days to determine, which is considerably better than the average for other small rural councils. “Over the last year, 338 building permits were issued within Murrindindi Shire, including both municipal and private building surveyor permits, ensuring each building met requirements for safety and other factors. “Our team issued 99 per centof these permits within the required 30 days. “Building works in Murrindindi Shire in 2016-17 were valued at $26,240,186. “This was a $7 million plus increase on the previous year and is attributed to a few quite large developments and also to a small overall increase on a range of smaller developments, including industrial, manufacturing shedding, educational buildings and agribusiness infrastructure. “We are always looking to improve our development services and so we are keen to hear feedback from our community and customers about what is working and what we can improve to provide an even better service. “You can get in touch with our Development Services team on 5772 0333,” the media release concluded.
Pith and Par ■ Bushfire-affected landowners should check that if they have permission to stay in temporary accommodation for which permission expires on September 30 next year. ■ Yea Golf Club is circularising entery forms for the Isobell Bett Memorial. ■ Kinglake CFA warns of the spate of robberies from rural fire stations.
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 11
Council Propaganda
Shire works to soften image of Mayor, Crs ■ Murrindindi Shire - through its ‘Communications Department’ - has this week issued a series of media releases and photos which seek to soften the image of Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset and Councillors. In a photo released by Council on Monday, Cr Bissett is pictured with school-age son Harry, daughter Lilly and dog Millie. Cr Bissett paints herself as “one of you” in a media release, with a reference to receiving her own rates notice from Council. The campaign comes as Councillor approach the first-year anniversary of their election in October 2016, and a building question amongst residents: “what have they done?” “Council is working to improve community satisfaction with its performance,” said a news release on Monday. “Mayor Charlie Bisset said the annual Community Satisfaction Survey which was released recently showed there was considerable room for improvement in how Council delivered its services. "It was disappointing to see a decline overall in community satisfaction with our services, including about the condition of sealed local roads and elderly support services", said Cr Bisset. "There was also some dissatisfaction with our performance as advocates for the community, about whether we are making decisions in the interest of the community and about our role in keeping the community informed. "Council scored considerably better on the perception of its customer service and on the level of satisfaction with the appearance of public areas in the Shire, but these were still lower levels of satisfaction than the average for small rural councils", said Cr Bisset. Since being elected in October 2016, Councillors have been asking the community for its input about the work Council should focus on over the next four years, the media release reflected.
● Cr Charlie Bisset, Mayor "We see this survey “While rates and as establishing a many other bills are a baseline from which reality of life, whether we can move onwards you are a home or and upwards as a new business owner or run Council. a property, we need to “The survey was ensure rate funds are conducted in Febru- providing the services ary, which was just the community needs. before we got into our “Those rates groove by conducting should also support the 'Have Your Say' Council's delivery of Project and really the community's long started talking with term aspirations for communities about the Shire. what they want for the “"And, having a future of the Shire. young family and cost "We knew coming pressures myself, I in as new councilors, know only too well the that we have considerable work to do to rebuild community confidence in how Council does business and ensuring people understand the value they get for their rates. “This is the reason we seven Councillors ran for election in the first place - we are all community members and we understand the pressures on families to make ends meet, by managing bills, mortgages and those unexpected costs that seem to pop up so regularly. "Following the 'Have Your Say' campaign which helped inform the new Council Plan, Council is working to better connect with communities. “Council has rolled out a new website, a new Facebook page, and is starting to use video to inform communities about its services and things going on in the Shire. “It is also ensuring it reaches audiences which are not connected to the internet or social media, by using traditional media. “"We are working hard to provide a better answer to one of the most common questions asked by the community, which is 'what do I get for my rates?'.
feeling I get when that rates notice turns up in the post box. “However it is important to keep that cost in perspective. Rates represent only 3.6 per cent of all the taxation collected in Australia. “We probably don't think about the tax withheld by the Federal Government in our payslips each week, or the GST added to every purchase we make at a shop, in quite the same way. “But councils really do provide a huge range of grass roots government services for the relatively small percentage of taxation they collect. “We have recently been talking with the community (via media and Facebook) about the huge range of services we provide to the aged and disabled, assets and infrastructure work, local laws, libraries and child care,” Cr Bissett said. www.know yourcouncil. vic.gov.au
Local News Other people’s money ■ Murrindindi Shire Council submitted seven media releases on Monday to The Local Paper for publication.Almost 3000 words, with the expectation that the Council ‘spin’ be published and distributed free of charge to the Shire by a private company. On the other hand, Murrindindi Council subsidises the publication of the Alexandra Standard and Yea Chronicle by supplying them with paid advertisements, at rates not put to public tender.
Cash required
■ Eildon MLA Cindy McLeish has told State Parliament of funding needs of smaller schools in her electrorate. “I know Panton Hill Primary School certainly is in need of some help, and Kangaroo Ground Primary School as well,” Ms McLeish told the Legislative Assembly. “I was out there only a month or two ago. St Andrews and Arthurs Creek - all of these small schools are in need of an injection of short-term funding to make sure that they can improve their facilities.”
Planning changes
■ Did you receive a planning consent under the Temporary Planning Provisions following the 2009 bushfires? Are you eligible for one, but haven't yet applied? The TPP process is closing on September 30 and Murrindindi Shire Council is urging all affected property owners to check what action must be taken before that date. Temporary Planning Provisions were designed to streamline planning processes to enable those whose homes had been badly damaged or destroyed in the fires to go through the planning process quickly. Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset said Council is urging affected landowners eligible for the simplified TPP to act now to determine what steps they need to take if they intend to rebuild. - Supplied by Council
Page 12 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Just Briefly Yea Market hopes
■ The Local Paper understands that members of a local community organisation are examining the possibility of taking over the management of the Yea Market, which has been held monthly at the Railway Park. It is only early days, but interest has been shown in running the market on the first Saturday in selected months of the year. Members of the current Market Committee announced this month that they are unable to continue in the job.
Councillors meet ■ A number of ‘Assemblies of Councillors’, closed to the public, were held over the past month. ■ July 18. Murrindindi Environmental Advisory Committee. Discussion topics included insufficient members to make a quorum, Greenhouse and resource consumption reporting, Council’s position on the central highlands forests, Council’s position on supporting community led environmental initiatives, review of environmental/waste actions in the Council plan, and the Parliamentary Inquiry into the management of Central Highlands Forests. ■ July 19. Councillor Briefing. ‘Our Promise’ Draft Council Plan actions, planning application - Kinglake Central, community satisfaction survey, school crossings, economic think tanks. ■ July 26. Council Pre-Meeting. Planning application - Kinglake, supplementary valuations, contract award - Training Services Panel, Council Plan - ‘Our Prosperity’. ■ August 2. Councillor Briefing. Food insecurity in Murrindindi, bushfire memorials. ■ August 9. Councillor Briefing. Development Services quarterly activity report, Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance memorandum of understanding, Municipal Emergency Management Plan public exhibition, draft Council Plan actions.
Council News
Officers recommend against Acheron plan ■ Murrindindi Shire officers are recommending to tonight’s Council meeting that a planning permit not be issued for a ‘place of assembly’ at Acheron. Robert Charles Christopher has applied for a permit to change the use of the existing golf club building and land to a place of assembly for the purposes of weddings, functions and general events. Mr Christopher wants the land to be able to be used as temporary accommodation with a maximum of five tents accommodating a maximum of 12 guests (caravan and camping park) and for the erection of advertising signage. Officers are recommending to Councillors that they refuse a permit on grounds including that there is not sufficient separation from the site to nearby sensitive users. The officers say that the proposal does not comply with a clause relating to ‘protection of agricultural land’. They say the proposal is not compatible with existing uses on the surrounding land. “The proposal is not in accordance with Clause 35.07 Farming Zone as it does not support and ehance agricultural production as it has the potential to limit intensive or ex-
● Murrindindi Shire officers are recommending against of a golf club building at Acheron for purposes of weddings, functions and general events tensive farming activities close Maroondah Hwy and Yellow to the proposal area”. Creek Rd is alongside other The officers said that the properties with dwellings within proposal “will have a detri- one kilometre. mental impact on the amenity Five objections and 41 supof the area”. porting submissions were reThe proposal proposes to ceived by Council. also allow: The premises had previously ■ use of the property as a been advertised as available for place of assembly (events) hunting. ■ for up to 12 weekends per Night hunting is dangerous, year said four submitters. ■ with up to 200 people on site The amenity of the land on Saturday between 11am an would be negatively affected 11pm by noise,. said four objectors. ■ with alcohol being served One objector said the tents (to event patrons only) from would create a fire risk. 6pm-11pm Fridays and 2pmThe property currently has 11pm Saturdays. a permit allowing for accomThe property bounded by modation for 48 people.
Are you getting best value from your local advertising? Local newspapers are in the ‘audience business’. Local newspapers should deliver the maximum possible number of readers for advertisers who pay for their space. In the north-east, The Local Paper is the largest-circulating local newspaper in the Shire of Murrindindi. The Local Paper has 3600 copies every week, PLUS more than 1000 readers online. According to latest figures published by the Victorian Country Press Association, The ‘Standard’ has just 1548 copies. The ‘Chronicle’ has only 524 copies.
The Local Paper • Phone 5797 2656
■ The Y Water Discovery Centre, Yea, held a workshop last Saturday (Aug. 19) where participants could involve themselves in European Wasp Traps. Workshop attendees were encouraged to bring a 1.25 litre soft drink bottle or a twolitre milk bottle to build their own queen wasp trap.
External groups
Briefs Wasp trappers
Quarter of works not achieved ■ Almost one-quarter of planned capital works in Murrindindi Shire were not achieved in 201617, says a report to Councillors. Works totalling $2.697 million, of a total of $12.143 million of projects, had to be carried forward into the 2017-18 year. The original budget for the 2016-17 was $7.154 million, but unexpectedly increased by 70 per cent. Works totalling $221,000 at the Yea Shire Hall and Alexandra Shire Offices were postponed for delivery in the 2017-18 program. The Yea Shire Hall works were delayed because clock tower works were in close proximity to high voltage power lines. “Due to the signicant costs involved in making safe power lines during construction and the extensive scaffolding required, work was deferred to the next financial year to coincide with additional facade repair works,” says a report to be given to Councillors tonight (Wed.). “This allows for a more cost effective use of scaffolding and power diversion.” The delay in the works at the Shire offices at Alexandra was explained: “The external facade panels of this building have deteriorated significantly and require replacement. “Due to the specialised nature of the works and the difficulty in obtaining suitably qualified contractors alternative cladding systems are being investigated.” Other delayed works included the Dairy Creek Rd bridge and Drayton’s Bridge, the Alexandra Timber Tramway Museum, drainage at Seal Rock Rd, renewal of the Leckie Park public toilet block, works at the Murchison St car park at Marysville, library generators, vegetation projects, drainage upgrades in trouble spots, kerb and channel renewals, Yea Saleyards development, bus shelter construction, construction in Snodgrass St in Yea, works at Eildon-Jamieson black spot, purchase of plant and fleet, and completion of an “integrated asset management system.”
■ Murrindindi Shire Council has considered its appointment of Councillors to external committees. Due to be confirmed at the Council meeting tonight (Wed.) are these memberships: ■ Central Ranges Local Learning and Employment Network (CRELLIN): Cr J. Ashe and Cr M. Rae (alternate), ■ Goulburn RiverValley Tourism Board: Cr J. Ashe, ■ Goulburn Valley Waste and Resource Recovery Local Government Forum: Cr E. Lording, ■ Municipal Association of Victoria: Cr C. Bisset and Cr M. Rae (alternate), ■ Peri Urban Group of Rural Councils: Cr R. Bowles and Cr M. Rae (alternate), ■ Timber Towns Victoria: Cr R. Bowles.
Meeting attendees
■ Minutes of the most recent Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee Meeting are due to be tabled at the Council meeting tonight (Wed.). Attendees were: Andrew Paul, Adam Budzynski, Ben Giovanetti, Brett Watson, Chris Price, David Hall, Dee Welch, Jo Hunter, John Canny, John Newlands, LenTimmons, Mark Hesse, Mark Leitinger, Maurice Woodburn, Michelle Dunscombe, Naomi McNamara, Peter Weeks, Rebecca Clark, Sally McCarron, Cr Sandice McAulay, Sara Murray and Tony Nolan. Apologies were received from Alan Russell, Charlie Cleary, Jeff Bucket, Karin Morgan, Lorina Gray and Gary Fitzgerald.
Summer safety
■ The Country Fire Authority is working withthe Lake Mountain Alpine Resort regarding summer safety of visitors. A re cent assessment of the Resort car park failed. The State Government is working on developing a Neighbourhood Safer Place. Newer provisions involve ‘site hardening’ to reduce radiant heat to people sheltering on site.
New Resort CEO
■ Gail Conman is thew Chief Executive Officer at the Lake Mountain Alpine Resort - Southern Alpine Resorts Management Board.
Flood Plan OK
■ A Flood Emergency Plan prepared by Murrindindi Shire Council is nearing completion stages. The plan is nearing final sign-off from the State Emergency Service, says a Council document.
Winter flows
■ A move to increase the base winter flow in the Goulburn River has been welcomed by anglers, says the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority. The Victorian Environmental Water holder has added to the base flow, taking it to 400 megalitres per day.
W’sea Fire Plan
■ The Whittlesea Community House Community Fire Plan has been discussed by Murrindindi Council’s Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee. Michelle Dunscombe said the document aims to collaborate with al;l agencies and the community locally. ● Send your local news to: editor@LocalPaper.com.au
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 13
Council Pars Still waiting
■ Three months after Margaret Abbey signalled her impending retirement as Murrindindi Shire CEO, Councillors are yet to advise residents what steps they are taking to appoint a replacement. The Local Paper (June 1) reported on Ms Abbey’s ‘retirement’, with her indication that she would be leaving before the end of 2107. “My third contract as CEO is due to end on June 27. 2018 and I have decided to take the leave that has built up over the last eight years which I haven’t managed to use,” Ms Abbey said in a written statement. “This means I will be leaving some time in late 2017.” Councillors issued a statement: “More news will be forthcoming about the process of recruiting a CEO soon which will cover the period that Ms Abbey is on leave and into the future.” The Councillors did not include their definition of the word “soon”.
External positions
■ The meeting of Murrindindi Shire Council due to be held tonight (Wed.) at the Alexandra chambers is due to hear of Councillor appointments to committees of management under the supervision of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning: ■ Alexandra Racecourse and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management: Cr M. Rae; ■ Alexandra Showgrounds and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management: Cr M. Rae; ■ Flowerdale Community Hall Reserve Committee Inc.: Cr E. Lording; ■ Murrindindi Scenic Reserve Committee of Management: Cr C. Bisset; ■ Steavenson Falls Scenic Reserve Committee of Management: Cr S. McAulay; ■ Toolangi Forest Discovery Centre Committee of Management: Cr L. Dunscombe.
Secret session
■ Murrindindi Shire Councillors are expected to exclude members of the public from a section of the monthly meeting to be held at Alexandra tonight (Wed.). The Councillors are scheduled to discuss a “correction” to the Training Services Panel appointment.
Applications up
■ Murrindindi Council officers say that planning applications have increased in the 2016-17 year to 249, up 14.7 per cent on the previous year (217 applications). There were 255 applications received in the 2014-15 financial year. Some 87 per cent of planning permit applications were issued within the statutory time frame of 60 days.
Permit supported
■ The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal supported Murrindindi Council’s issuing of a planning permit for development at 140 High St, Yea. The VCAT decision was in accordance with both officer recommendation and the resoultion of Council. A planning permit for 1556 Goulburn Valley Hwy, Thornton, was also in accordance with recommendation and resolution.
Job for Cr Bowles
■ A business item is due to be considered at tonight’s Murrindindi Council that will recommend that Cr Rebecca Bowles be appointed the Shire’s delegate to the Goulburn Broken Greenhouse Alliance.
K’lake RAC leases
■ Murrindindi Shire CEO Margaret Abbey and Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset have signed a lease for the Kinglake Rebuilding Advisory Centre between the Council and Leadbeater Group Pty Ltd. A lease for the RAC between Murrindindi Shire Council and Parks Victoria has also been signed.
Local News Rail has been closed for 39 years, but ...
Andrews Govt plans for Dindi rolling stock ■ The State Labor Government is providing funds in this year’s Budget papers for rolling stock in Murrindindi Shire, Cindy McLeish MLA has told State Parliament. The Tallarook-Yea-Mansfield railway line closed on November 8, 1978. No trains have run on the line for 39 years. “If you look at the budget, when it was released one of the things that was coming to the Shire of Murrindindi was rolling stock,” Ms McLeish told the Legislative Assembly this month. “I thought, ‘Gee, that is interesting. I do not know what train lines that is for’, because there is not one active train line in the Murrindindi shire or in any piece of my electorate, other than the historic rail between Healesville and Yarra Glen, which is only one-quarter of the way developed at the moment. “It was a big insult for people up in the Murrindindi shire to realise that they were going to be getting rolling stock, and it really made a mockery of this budget for them. “Another complete mockery for the Murrindindi shire was at page 97 of budget paper 4 - a completed project at Jerusalem Creek on Lake Eildon. “In fact if it was not completed, it was to be completed by June 30. That is not happening, and it did not happen. “I have raised this with the minister. I was at Jerusalem
Briefs Cancer meeting
■ The Murrindindi Cancer Support Group, which meets at 6.30pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month at Alexandra RSL, is holding a meeting in Yea to gauge if there is sufficient interest for local meetings. The Yea meeting will be held at St Luke’s Hall for morning tea and information at 10am on Wednesday, September 13. Enquries may be directed to Marg. Kilmartin, phone 0458 808 603.
H’bridge question
■ Danielle Green, MLA for Yan Yean, has asked in State Parliament about money for sports needs in Hurstbridge: “My question is to the Minister for Sport. What is the investment by the Andrews Labor Government in football clubs, particularly for the growing number of women and girls playing at Hurstbridge? “Will there be further investment to support the participation of women and girls in football and netball for the Hurstbridge Football and Netball Club to encourage these most popular of games in my electorate?” ● A Walker rail motor at Yea bound for Mansfield Creek with the shadow minis- project. It really needs some inter a week or two ago, and they vestment to give new life to the talked to us about the issues Yarra Valley. “It is something that we had there and that this had not hapalso committed to, and I would pened. “It barely got past first base, really like to think that the govbut it was listed in the budget ernment would take that seripapers as ‘having been or will ously rather than just saying, be completed by June 30’. ‘We like it in principle’. “In the Shire of Nillumbik “What an absolute insult to the people of Lake Eildon, who we have the north-east link. “There is $100 million to are reliant on improved facilities to help keep those country commence planning and towns alive and to really make project development. One of the most of what is a jewel in the options, corridor D, is to go through Kangaroo Ground the crown up there. “The Yarra Ranges did not and right through the middle of get much. Areas includingYan the green wedge. “It is quite interesting. I Yean and Eltham get plenty from the Interface Growth heard the minister at the PubFund, but Yarra Ranges seems lic Accounts and Estimates Committee hearings refuse to to miss out. “I know that the CFA in rule out elevated roads in and Healesville needs to be relo- around the green leafy suburbs of Eltham and Ivanhoe as cated. “There is a mountain bike well. That has not been ruled hub that is a shovel-ready out,” Ms McLeish said.
Councils struggle to meet roads costs: MP ■ Eildon MLA Cindy McLeish has raised concerns over the condition of country roads following reports that rural councils are struggling to meet the high costs of maintaining the network. "Country Victorians are wearing the costs of the Andrews Labor Government's cuts to country roads funding," Ms McLeish said. The Parliamentary Inquiry into the Sustainability and Operational Challenges of Victoria's Rural and Regional Councils heard that country councils are struggling to meet the high costs of maintaining their roads network. Giving evidence to the Parliamentary Inquiry, Local Government Victoria confirmed rural councils have a disproportionately large amount of infrastructure to maintain compared to their city counterparts, but significantly lower income streams. The inquiry was told rural and regional councils managed an average of 2200km of roads more than four times that of city-based councils. "One of Daniel Andrews's first actions as Premier was to axe the Liberal-Nationals' successful Country Roads and Bridges Program," Ms McLeish said. "The Premier then blatantly spent money earmarked for country bridge upgrades on roads in his own city electorate of Mulgrave." "Our rural road networks are crumbling and urgently need an immediate funding injection to improve safety," Ms McLeish said.
Section 86 C’tees
■ Murrindindi Shire Council has organised its representatives for Section 86 Committees of Management: ■ Buxton Recreation Reserve Committee of Management: Cr S. McAulay; ■ Eildon Alliance Boat Ramp Committee of Management: Cr J. Ashe; ■ Eildon Community Resource Centre Committee of Management: Cr J. Ashe; ■ Friends of Yea Railway Committee of Management: Cr R. Bowles; ■ Gallipoli Park Precinct Committee of Management: Cr S. McAulay; ■ Glenburn Community Centre Committee of Management: Cr E. Lording; ■ Kinglake Memorial Reserve Committee of Management: Cr L. Dunscombe; ■ Mount Pleasant Reserve Committee of Management: Cr M. Rae; ■ Strath Creek Reserves and Hall Committee of Management: Cr R. Bowles; ■ Yea Pioneer Reserve Committee of Management: Cr R. Bowles; ■ Yea Saleyards Committee of Management: Cr C. Bisset, Cr R. Bowles (alternate); ■ Yea Showgrouns and Recreation Reserve Committee of Management: Cr R. Bowles; ■ Yea Wetlands Committee of Management: Cr R. Bowles.
Yea Show on track
■ The 102nd Yea Show will be held on Saturday, November 25, with a Friday night (Nov. 24) session preceding. The Yea Agricultural, Pastoral and Horticultural Association plan a carnival at the Yea Rec. Reserve on the Friday from 6pm, with musical entertainment from 8pm9.30pm. The Saturday will see the usual cattle, sheep, poultry, goats, crafts, photos, garden, home skills and dog jump sessions. More details can be obtained from Secretary Rodney Ridd, 0417 340 838. www.yeashow.org.au
Races at Alex.
■ Saturday, October 28 - Cox Plate Day will see races held at Alexandra. The ‘Run For The Roses’ theme will be used for the first meeting for the season by the Alexandra Racie Club.
Dindi committees
● Cindy McLeish MLA
■ Murrindindi Shire Council has announced the details of its committees. According to a list to be presented tonight (Wed.): ■ Membership of the Audit Advisory Committee will comprise Cr C. Bisset, Cr S. McAulay and Cr L. Dunscombe. ■ The Chief Executive Officer Performance Review Sub-Committee: All Councillors. ■ Municipal Emergency Planning Committee: Cr S. McAulay ■ Murrindindi Environment Advisory Committee: Cr R. Bowles.
Page 14 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
100 Years Ago From Our 1917 Files
Women’s League
■ Tlneannual meeting of the Alexandra branch was held in the shire hall on Aug, 8th, 1917. The attendance of members was good but unf'ortunately Mrs Kidd (President) was unable to be present through illness.
Social Notes
■ In a recent list of casualties issued by the Defence Department we sincerely regret to notice the names of Privates R. H. Davey, of Greensborough, A. G. Haake, of Diamond Creek, and W. J. Prior, of Research. We extend our sincerest sympathies to the relatives of these brave lads.
Happy public
■ Stationmaster Harrison, in charge at Eltham, proves himself to. be a capable railway official. Close attention to duty is the main. principle, and the travelling public are well satisfied.
Patriotic prizes ■ The Arthur's Creek Rifle Club members have again expressed their satisfaction with their popular Captain, Mr G. Apted, by again reelecting him to. this important position. The Club is to be warmly congratulated on their decision to make their future trophies of a patriotic nature.
W’sea success ■ What can be said of the venture of the Whittlesea Ladies' Patriotic League in arranging a concert, which was held in the Mechanics' Hall on the 20th July in aid of the League funds, is - success. Although heavy rain fell during the afternoon it did not prevent people coming a long distance.
Alex. elections ■ The elections of councillors was held thiruighout the shire yesterday. Very little interest was taken in it.
Yea Dairy ■ The Yea and Mansfield Dairy Company's offer to pump water for the township by electricity has been received by the seeretary from Mr A, E. Castles, a censulting engineer; who was instructed by the Trust to prepare a report. He also received instructions to report on an alternate scheme:
Court Lists Seymour Magistrates’ Court - Criminal Case Listings Thursday, August 31 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Willgoose, Av Matthews, Aron. Ringwood Victoria Police - Mclean, S v Matthews, Aron. Collingwood Victoria Police - Paul, R v Matthews,Aron. Wodonga Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Thorpe, David. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Kehagias, S v Matthews, Aron. Broadmeadows Community Corrections Centre - Insana, J v Matthews, Aaron. Broadmeadows Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Smith, Christopher. Melbourne Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v LoaderWilliams, Phoebe. Melbourne Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Farrell, Glen Alan. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Zerna, Michael. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Batten, S (38514) v Barrett, Cameron. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Sharma, S (37790) v Nicolosi, Benjamin James. Dtu-Seymour Victoria Police - Costa, C (28340) v Zanetti, Michael Ryan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Stones, Jason. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Rowlands, Jacob. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Rogers, M (40077) v Mann, Julie Gwenda. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Duff, D (35543) v Denton, Jason Terry. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Jackson, A (41009) v Powell, Scott. UniKilmore Victoria Police - HarperAdams, D (39902) v Browne, Jacqueline. Uni-Geelong Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Naylor, Sarah. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Neil, Robert Paul. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Linton, Brooke. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Mion, C (40159) v Curtis, Jayde. UniWallan Victoria Police - De Bruyckere, M (33701) v Tee, Hong. Highway Patrol-Wallan Victoria Police - Malane, J (36750) v Law, Jimmy Alfred. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Roberts, P (32777) v Edge, Damien. UniKinglake Victoria Police - Oxnam, G (33435) v Sheard, Jarrod. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Fitzell, Keith Harold. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Dawson, C (35574) v Buck, Kara. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - HallPoulios, D (40888) v Milner, Leigh. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Glasbergen, Wayne Peter. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Briant, C (39120) v Milczak, Zacary. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Baker, N (36147) v Cappelli, Bradley. Uni-Broadford
Contents of Court Lists are intended for information purposes only. The lists are extracted from Court Lists, as supplied to the public, by the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, often one week prior to publication date; for current Court lists, please contact the Court. Further details of cases are available at www.magistratescourt.vic.gov.au The Local Paper shall in no event accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by any person or body due to information provided. The information is provided on the basis that persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. No inference of a party’s guilt, innocence or liability should be made by publication of their name as a defendant. Court schedules may be changed at any time for any reason, including withdrawal of the action by the Plaintiff/Applicant. E&OE.
Victoria Police - Turner, J (34532) v Curtis, Jayde. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Bortolotto, C (40740) v Willcocks, Darren. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Horvat, Daniela. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v Robinson, Jesse. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Bradley, D (36450) v Hogan, Gene. Highway Patrol-Greensborough Victoria Police - Costa, C (28340) v Walker, Bradley Andrew. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Dowson, Hayley. Uni-Seymour Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Office v Truline Paving Co P/L. Melbourne Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Fensling, Corey. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Wright, A (31459) v Hall, Brent. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Mccarthy, Nigel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Porter, I (33403) v Zanetti, Michael Ryan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Porter, I (33403) v Willcocks, Darren Leigh. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Infringement - Victoria Police Infringement v Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Victoria Police - Roberts, S (36542) v Matthews, Dwayne Bradley. Uni-Kyabram Victoria Police - Roberts, S (36542) v Matthews, Dywane Bradley. Uni-Kyabram Victoria Police - Roberts, P (32777) v Mcclure, Malcolm. Uni-Kinglake Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Montalto, Mario. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Dean, Annette Carmel. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Montague, Marc. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Barclay, S (36780) v Montague, Marc. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Turner, J (34532) v Montague, Marc. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Rogers, Corey Russell. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Redfern, J (39993) v Matthews, Dywane. Uni-Northcote Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Davis, John William. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Backx, Antony. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Stephens, S (40205) v Newton, Darren. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Doyle, Jamie Andrew. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Brown, R (27257) v Parsons, Toby
Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Davis, Darren Leigh. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Edge, J v Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Victoria Police - Crawford, G v Matthews, Aron. Kew Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (18457) v Zuzek, Rudolf Joseph. Victoria Police Executive Victoria Police - Venkort, S v Matthews, Aaron. Sunshine Community Corrections Centre - Peacock, T v Sheard, Jarrod. Seymour Community Correction Centre Community Corrections Centre - Ridgway, D v Willcocks, Darren Leigh. Seymour Community Correction Centre Community Corrections Centre - Girgin, E v Matthews, Dwayne. Community Corrections Centre Victoria Police - Sheridan, R v Matthews, Aron. Malmsbury Victoria Police - Dawson, A v Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Kneile, Ulrike. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Friday, September 1 Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals - Gorman, G v O'mara, Diana Mary. Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals - Gorman, G v O'mara, Diana Mary. Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals - Gorman, G v Knight, Brian. Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty ToAnimals Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty To Animals - Gorman, G v Knight, Brian. Royal Soc. Prevention Cruelty ToAnimals Victoria Police - O'neill, J (40075) v Roach, Wayne. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Mansell, W (35552) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Rogers, M (40077) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Roach, Wayne. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Crewe, J (31361) v Falcao, Adriano. Reliever Div 5 Nw Metro Region Victoria Police - Cornish, B (33007) v Falcao, Adriano. UniWallan Victoria Police - Bortolotto, C (40740) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Page, J (38565) v Mcdonald, Wayne Russell. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Barclay, J (36190) v Roach, Wayne Russell. Highway PatrolSeymour Victoria Police - Warren, M (41378) v Roach, Wayne. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Roach, Wayne. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Briant, C (39120) v Leverton, Carmel. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Byrne, Rory John. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Cross, A (32254) v Mclaren, John Charles. Uni-Robinvale Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Newman, Judith.
Mansfield Magistrates’ Court - Criminal Case Listings Wednesday, August 30 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Kergow, Wendy Alida. Melbourne Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Office v Souter, Dain. Melbourne Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Office v Res Judicata Pty Ltd. Melbourne Victoria Police - Pelling, K (35629) v Briscoe, Allan. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Smith, Daniel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Singh, Ravinder. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Watson, A (31257) v Schwarz-Muse, Shane Robert. Ciu-Alexandra Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Cripps, David Andrew. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Kergow, Wendy Alida. Melbourne Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Office v Souter, Dain. Melbourne Victoria Police - Pelling, K (35629) v Briscoe, Allan. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Smith, Daniel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Singh, Ravinder. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Watson, A (31257) v Schwarz-Muse, Shane Robert. Ciu-Alexandra Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Cripps, David Andrew. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Smith, B (29408) v Stephens, John David. Uni-Alexandra Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Office. Res Judicata Pty Ltd. Melbourne DELWP - Paganis, C v Day, Ashley Bredon. Dept Of Environment,Land,Water,Planning Vic Roads - Lanyon, Cv
Grima, Daniel Paul. Vic Roads Victoria Police - Scannell, M (35182) v Hayston, Guy. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Scannell, M (35182) v Hayston-Law, Dejai. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Fletcher, Bruce Colin. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Allisey, K (35025) v Heaney, Benjamin. Uni-Benalla Victoria Police - Nolan, M (31536) v Mclennen, Josh. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Page, J (38565) v Kent, Elisa. UniWallan Victoria Police - Moser, A (32525) v Birchnell, David Leslie. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Crawford, G (37574) v Morgan, Peter John. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Persic, P (33147) v Behrndt, Joshua. Solo Unit Victoria Police - Persic, P (33147) v Behrndt, Joshua. Solo Unit Victoria Police - Major, S (32000) v Shepherdson, Oliver James. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Perrett, Kyle David. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Crawford, Bradley James. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Iskov, B (36626) v Belleville, Corey. Uni-Benalla Victoria Police - Gillard, P (22715) v Bryant, Daniel James. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Hamill, I (22768) v Clarke, Beau Alexander. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v George, Vaughan William. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Collins, Michael. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Community Corrections Centre - Parkinson, B v Mason, Tess. Community Corrections Centre Victoria Police - Smith, B (29408) v Mcmahon, Brennan Joel. Uni-Alexandra
What The Papers Say Marriage equality say
■ Have your say on marriage equality is the message coming through strongly from Yarra Glen LGBTI rights activist Jason Ball, and from Casey Liberal MP Tony Smith. Jason Ball, the Yarra Glen footballer who came out as the first gay footballer, sparking Gay Pride matches in the Yarra Ranges and in the AFL, urged people through his blog last week not to boycott the survey. - Mountain Views Mail
Chopper time for Curse
■ The time is fast approaching when aerial spaying of Pattersons Curse will be conducted in the Hughes Creek Catchment area. The HCCC Landcare group offers subsidy on the cost of the helicopter and chemical. - Granite News
Conmen in the region
■ Police are investigating several reports of a group of travelling conmen in the Mitchell Shire area. ‘The men are offering driveway resurfacing for a discounted price,’’ Seymour police Leading Senior Constable Jane Marks said. ‘‘Victims are reporting the quality of work is very poor and victims have been unable to contact the business after the job was paid for to rectify the situation.’’ - Seymour Telegraph
Finish our school
■ Mansfield Secondary College will ask the State Government for a commitment of between $4-5 million in next May’s budget to “complete” the school. - Mansfield Courier
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 15
Local History
Yea’s 150 years of local government ■ The 150th anniversary of the founding of the Yea Roads Board (in 1869) will be celebrated in 2019. In 1969, the Shire Council of Yea authorised the publication of Yea: A Century of Local Government, printed by Jim Lowden of Kilmore. It read: The Yea Shire today covers some 528 square miles and is bounded by the Shires of Seymour and Goulburn to the north, Alexandra to the east, Healesville, Eltham and Whittlesea to the south and Broadford to the west. Its main roads are the Goulburn Valley Highway entering the Shire at Kerrisdale and proceeding through the town across the Yea Riverland leaving the Shire at Molesworth. A northern secondary road known as the Highlands-Dropmore-Molesworth Road, striking the Hin Ghin Seymour Road at Kobyboyn cutting and junctioning into the Goulburn Valley Highway at Molesworth. A southerly secondary roads leaves at the Goulburn Valley Highway at Kerrisdale and proceeds along the bank of the King Parrot Creek on the east side, except at the Strath Creek diversion where it crosses and later comes back to the east bank. It merges in turn and later runs in the Yea-Whittlesea Road at Peterson’s P.O., which proceeds directly from Yea over Junction Hill, and leaves the Shire at Kinglake West (Tommy’s Hut). Branching off from the Whittlesea Road is the Kinglake Road which forms the Shire boundary until Pheasant Creek and rejoins the Shire at the new Yarra Glen-Yea Road in the Mt Slide region. Proceeding north along the YeaYarra Glen-Glenburn Road, the Break O’Day Road leaves off in a north-westerly direction from the Glenburn Hotel to Flowerdale. Further on a road junction leads off easterly to Woodbourne, from Devlin’s Bridge and proceeds north along the Murrindindi Creek, through Murrindindi and rejoins at the Yea River.
Cobb and Co. had opened up a new route through the area. Most of the early settlers had either been English or Scotch, but now with the mining era came a number of Irish people in the search of gold. Of the number that found the elusive colour, they generally selected a small parcel of land. The income from such farms not being fully sufficient caused them to either take work at the mines, contract work or day labour on the larger holdings in the district.
The Roads Board era
● The Yea bowling green area was said to be one of the camping sites of local aborigines To the north of the township, we The tribe, in common with the and they were forced to sell, take in have the Killingworth Road taking other Goulburn River tribes, spokes a partner, or mortgage their property off from the township across the the Thagunwortung tongue. to a land company. Providence Bridge, forming a jagged They lived close to the river and To make matters worse diseases eclipse and rejoining the Highway no doubt lived off its produce. One suchas foot rot, scab and even caabove Cotton’s Pinch. of their camping sites was located tarrh were taking a heavy toll throughIt must however not be forgotten of what is now the Bowling Green out the district, and it is little wonder that a great portion of the south-east- area. that we see a number of the larger In the early 1850s a few of the properties falling into the hands of ern portion of the Shire consists of remaining blacks worked as shep- the land companies. State Forest. The Goulburn River meanders herds on the nearby stations, they The Yea township was laid out in along the southern boundaries of the being of a friendly disposition. 1855 by Thomas Pinniger, who was Parishes of Ghin Ghin, Switzerland However, smallpox and other later to hold the post of Surveyorand Molesworth, whilst the Yea River European diseas took their toll and General for Victoria. forms the easterly boundary of the they rapidly became extinct. Legend has it that Yea was Parishes of Yea and Billian, and In November, 1824, the currency named after a famous Colonel in the joins the Goulburn at the Ghin Ghin lad Hume and the man with the cur- Crimean War, but history has proved Bridge, some four miles to the north rency, Hovell, and their party unkind to him, and nothing remains of the town. crossed over Cotton’s Pinch and today of his glorious deeds. forded the river near the present The first land sale was charactownship of Yea. teristically held at Kilmore on JanuSettlement of the area ewas not ary 21, 1856, when 17 lots were sold expedited until Major Mitchell had to three successful bidders. journeyed through the area in 1836 These being Daniel McLeish, ■ Long before the explorers in- and had eloquently penned out glow- who purchased 11 lots; Robert truded into the area, the Waring- ing accounts of the area. Hazelwood, four lots; and Robert illam-baluk tribe of blacks roamed It was no doubt these accounts Cockerell, two lots. along the banks of the picturesque which encouraged a gropup, later to Much of the early business hisMuddy Creek, now more appropri- be known as the ‘Goulburn Mob’, tory involves the McLeish family. ately named the Yea River. to overland from Sydney. The blocks which had been purThe ‘Mob’ was led by Peter chased by Daniel at the sale, were Snodgrass, who sqautted on situated from the Police Station corDoogalook, consisted of Messrs. ner to the present day State Savings Hughes, who selected land on Bank. Hughes’ Creek in the Kobyboyn The money was rumoured to have area; Farquhar McKenzie, who was come from a successful mining venagent for one C. Hutton, took up ture which he had conducted in Flowerdale; Murdock, who in asso- Bendigo in 1851. ciation with J.H. Canpbell, remained The opening of the Ti-Tree digat Ghin Ghin; Roderick Murchison, gings in 1859 led to much greater Kerrisdale, and Colonel White on the progress, stores were needed to supSunday Creek. ply the diggings with meat, bread, Shortly after a number of lease- etc. holds were excised from the Soon mines like the PerseDoogalook run, these being: Killing- verance, Welcome and Band of Hope worth, to Airey, and W.L. Ker; and lower down the Ti-Tree came Murrindindi to Fletcher and Cock- the Dunrobin and Enniskillen, were burn; Murrindinda to Duncan to become household words. McLeish; Muddy Creek A to L.T.D. Later came the diggings at Ghin Kilburn; Muddy Creek B to Bam- Ghin; this placed the township in the blett and later Beaumonto to J.D. centre of operations and then even Webster. closer came the most prosperous Meanwhile, we find Habbies mine, the Providence. Howe taken up by Geo. Taylor; The Providence was supposed to Ballam Hill (Cotton’s Pinch area) have been discovered by two shearby Edward Cotton; Dropmore by ers cutting across country on the way J.H. Webster; Switzerland by to Killingworth, it being a Sunday, Donaldson and Urquhart; and Glen- they regarded it as an act of ‘Proviburn by David and Henry Hardie. dence’. These and the aboveruns form The township was also asked to what is now the greater part of the cater for the through traffic which Yea Shire. was bound for the newly opened digThe boom period was short-lived gings at Alexandra and Jamieson, in Victoria, and the financial crash the track through Marysville, not came in 1841. having yet been opened. Many of the squatters faced ruin Four hotels were in operation and ● Major Thomas Mitchell
Early settlement
■ It is not surprising that with so much activity in the district that the Government saw fit to proclaim Yea a Road District, of some 700 square miles, on February 1, 1869. It was not however until April 21 that an inaugural meeting was held in the Court House, then the only public building. The members present were George Sutherland McBeth Grant, William Leyden Ker, Daniel McLeish, John O’Dea, John Sloan and James Daniel Webster. Daniel McLeish occupied the chair pro-tem for the first business to be transacted - the election of a chairman. “Proposed by Geo. S.M. Grant and seconded by Mr John O’Dea that Mr John Sloan be appointed Chairman of the Board and carried. Whereupon the latter took his seat as Chairman.” Samuel A. Wall, who was the town solicitor, Registrar of Births and Deaths and formerly the unofficial Post Master, was appointed Clerk and Collector of the Board at a salary of £100. The first general business was to discuss repairs to the numerous bridges throughout the District, which ranged from Government built to the falling of a tree across a creek. Meetings were to be held weekly on Saturday at 2pm, which was to prove unsatisfactory as later events were to prove. The new Board’s borrowing power was not overlooked, however, and this first meeting resolved that the Board communicate with the Union Bank at Alexandra “for the purpose of borrowingf £200 for preliminary expenses and other contingencies”. The next meeting saw a Dog Officer appointed who “for compensation would receive half the fees and half the fines and bear the expense of prosecution”. John Brakenbury was subsequently appointed to the post. A public works committe was appointed to investigate the works required throughout the “roadless” district. Other premises were required and it was found that a room was available at the Commercial Hotel. Office hours were later fixed at 11am to 3pm on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In May an Engineer, R.W.S. Greig, was appointed, his first tasks being to inspect a site for a punt over the Goulburn River at Ghin Ghin and a suitable site for a bridge over the backwater of the Muddy Creek. Turn To Page 16
Page 16 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Local History From Page 16 Three months after the formation of the Board a rate of 1/3d in the pound was struck. The Board looked around to spend the sum raised, viz. £480, to the best advantage. A Government subsidy matching this amount at approximately two to one was also available. A punt was finally purchased for the Ghin Ghin crossing and the Engineer was instructed to “view the streets and water courses within the Township of Yea”. In the middle of 1870 the Board, and later the Council, started its unrelentless campaign to have the railway line extended to Yea. This time the Board was writing to Alexandra to see if they would support an apporach, for a portion of “the surplus of the Railway loan” for the purpose of making a “cheap railway or tramway up the Goulburn”. At this point it definitely can be said that the Board never acted in the best interests of the community. Persons that notified that their roads or bridges were in disrepair generally received prompt action to have the matter remedied. Day labour was engaged on all such work. Alexandra and Yea showed more than a considerable degree of cooperation in matters of public interest. Alexandra in turn were pressing Yea for co-operation in having the Telegraph extended from Seymour to Alexandra via Yea and the possibility of having a daily mail service implemented. With heavy rains, resulting in widespread flooding ,the Board was investigating a more practical route to Melbourne except via Strath Creek. It was finally resolved the Tallarok route would be the most practical and the Board then set about to make it passable by asking persons to remove fencing, buildings, etc., from the roadway, the track having not been clearly defined. Plans for a proposed bridge over the King Parrot Creek on the Tallarook Road were submitted to the Commissioner of Roads and Bridges. In order to have the matter given preference, Broadford were informed to carry out repairs on their portion of the “road” in order to have it declared a main road. Included in the estimates for
● Yea, looking east, with the Royal Mail Hotel in the middle of the photo. 1865. 1870-71, £100 were alloted to the Clerk, Mr Wilson, for wilful Whilst 1871 was a stormy year as On the works side, C.G. Miller’s Tallarook Road and £300 was allo- ommission on the part to carry out far as the meetings were concerned, tender for £1600 to erect a bridge cated to the King Parrot Creek certain resolutions passed by this the Board accomplished such valu- over the King Parrot Creek was acBoard.” Bridge. able work. cepted on a motion passed on the “That Peter McFarlane Esq. be A few items from a single meet- casting vote of the Chairman, the A reduced rate of 1/- in the pound was struck throught the district, but appointed to this Board at £1 per ing indicate this point.The Board contract for such was completed in in view of the more than normal quan- week” was lost. asked the Seymour Council, who July. “That Mr Wall be appointed tem- was responsible for a large part of tity of letters received with reference Meanwhile, Broadford was into road repairs required, it is doubtful porary Clerk and that Mr Wilson be the Tallarook Road, to collabortae dignant about having the Yeawhether the Board had made a wise requested to hand the books to him with them to obtain a grant of £2000 Tallarook Road proclaimed a main decision, especially in the light of the for examination before the next meet- to cut “sidings between Tallarook road, which would have involvede it ing of this Board.” following motion. and Yea” and assured them that in considerable expense and little Whereas the Chairman (John “there would be a large increase in benefit would be derived from such “That the Engineer be empowered to put all cuttings, culverts and Cairns) undertook to act (as a depu- the traffic to the railway from the costly works which would have to bridges and approaches within the tation to the Commissioner of Roads upper Goulburn district”. be incurred. district in a proper state of repair and and Bridges) without aid or concurIt was further resolved that “the A letter to the Commissioner of employ day labour for that purpose.” rence of these Gentlemen appointed Engineer be requested to mark out Roads and Bridges expresses No doubt this would be an as colleagues, or without even hav- the main road between High Street, explicity the Yea Board’s plight. Engineer’s dream but it would also ing consulted these Gentlemen. The Yea, and King Parrot Creek, by blaz“We have received a threatening be a Treasurer’s dilemma, regard- Board is therefore of the opinion that ing trees and to give notice to all per- letter from the Broadford Board to such conduct, is unwarranted, dam- sons to remove all obstructions on the effect that they will prevent us ing the Board’s rising overdraft. Requisitions ofthe Council bear ageable to the interests of the Dis- said road”. building the bridge at the Junction A visit of an inspector to the Ghin of the King Parrot Creek, a tender intertest from time to time such as trict, and likely to reflect ridicule authorised purchases for “the use of upon the Board.” Ghin Post Office and a subsequent for the building of which we have “That upon any member using report put the office in danger of accepted and the work commenced the Engineer” four picks and half-adozen handles and 28 pounds of white language towards any other mem- closing. The Board decided to get and urging upon him the necessity of and one gallon of oil “for painting ber calculated to provoke a breach up a petition opposing such a move granting of portion of the Broadford of the peace or capable of being ap- and the Secretary was asked to cir- District previously applied for.” the Ghin Ghin ferry boat”. The year 1871 appears to have plied offensively, the Clerk shall upon culate same. Another letter a week later to the been a heated year as far as Board the request of any members, write Generally, the Secretary was al- Seymour Shire disclosed the Broadmeetings were concerned - below down the same and the expressions lowed a fee, say two guineas, and he ford Board’s tactics “with regard to are a few passages quoted verbatim shall be rquested to be withdrawn or would be expected to circulate it the opening of the road to Tallarook from the Minute Book.“The Board a satisfactory apology to be made, throughout the district. and resisting the action of the Broadis willing to receive any objections and also for any insulting or offenPlans for the King Parrot Creek ford Road Board in their attempt to or information in reference to works sive conduct, gesture, manner or Bridge had been submitted to the close the road”. either in progress or completed, they action.. Commissioner of Roads and A later ruling that the Yea Board The motion, which was lost, Bridges for his approval, but an un- becomes responsible for action that will not acknowledge letters couched in rude language and therefore refuse meant however, that there were at due delay resulted in his receiving a may be taken against Mr Miller the to entertain Mr W’s letter now read. least two persons in favour of such letter from the Board couched in the contractor, by the Broadford Board, “That this Board ensures the action being taken. following terms “complaining of the caused it to seek the support of its seemingly unjustifiable delay in not neighbour, Alexandra. giving us the necessary authority to The impending crisis of the Board, build the bridge at the King Parrot caused motion of Leopold G. and telling him if we do not forthwith Downeythe as Engineer, Secretary and obtain it, we will obliged in self-de- Collector be rescinded for the five fence to build a temporary bridge at reasons to follows: our own cost and that is a loss which ■ No money available after the ought not be perpetrated upon us.” With the north-eastern line King Parrot Creek Bridge is paid stretching Sydneywards the Board for. With no money to spend the Shire “urged” the Commissioner of Roads ■ not require the services of an and Railways to establish a station will Engineer. at Tallarook “... as this is the closest ■ The Board is unjust to its point to Yea”. ratepayers paying Mr Downey £250 A series of projects on a number of roads throughout the District, when the job could be done for £150. completed in half-mile sections, and ■ Mr Downey’s tender for the posithe surveying of the road from the tion not being the lowest, it was an Ghin Ghin ford showed that the insult, by his appointment, to the lowBoard made a considerable effort to est tenderers who applied. put most of the roads in service ■ He hacing paid insufficient attention to the King Parrot Creek Bridge throughout the District. The year 1871 works program project. The Board’s bankers were also came to a close with the letting of tenders for the erection of a bridge asked to accommodate an overdraft over the King Parrot Creek on the for £800, which was subsequently granted. Tallarook Road. An option to purchase Sloan’s The new year saw the Board calling for “Counsel opinion” as to Punt for £500 at the site of tghe fuwhether Board meetings should be ture Molesworth Bridge was to be held at 11am or 6pm, a point which considered in the estimates for the had caused much discussion almost next year. To Be Continued ● Large cutting on railway works between Broadford and Tallarook since the Board’s inception.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 17
Magazine Local Paper
RSPCA, Council join to look after animals
● Murrindindi Shire Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset, flanked by son Harry, daughter Lilly, and dog Maggie. Photo: Murrindindi Council how dogs, cats and other domestic animals ■ Murrindindi Shire Council's Local Laws ‘This means there was are managed in Murrindindi Shire, that Team investigates animal cruelty matters in Inside your free Council is currently seeking the community's the Shire, working closely with the RSPCA one report of animal Local Paper Magazine views about its Domestic Animal Manageand other agencies on larger investigations. ment Plan (DAMP) 2017-2021. Community Services Portfolio Councilcruelty f or e v ery 305 for ev G avin W ood ............... 2 Wood “You can tell us what you think about the lor Sandice McAulay said last week'sRSPCA Plan until 1 September". residents in Sports Photos ............. 3 report about reported mistreatment of aniA copy of the DAMP can also be downin the Shire during 2016-17 still came Murrindindi Shire Mo vies, D VDs ............ 4 mals ovies, DVDs loaded from Council's website at as unwelcome news. "The annual RSPCA Report showed that compared to the State www.murrindindi.vic.gov.au/damp Top 10 Lis ts ................ 4 while Lists "We are also running a short survey to Murrindindi Shire ranked 57 out of age of one rreport eport find out what the community thinks about erage Ke vin T Trrask ................ 5 79 councils overall, it ranked 10th highest in aver the management of our domestic animals," State in terms of the number of reports of per 581 rresidents. esidents. esidents.’’ an .................... 5 the Ted Ry Ryan Cr McAulay said. animal cruelty on a per capita basis," said The DAMP survey runs until eptember 1 McAulay. John O’K eef O’Keef eefee ............ 5 Cr"This means there was one report of ani- water, insufficient treatment (for example, and can be found at http://bit.ly/2uLBfOM. Mega X d ......... 67 mal cruelty for every 305 residents in unmanaged injuries) and underweight ani- "I urge everyone to get involved in thinkX--W or ord 6-7 ing about how we manage our animals and Shire compared to the State mals." Mike McColl Jones .... 8 Murrindindi Cr McAulay said that anyone wanting to how best to look after their welfare. And if average of one report per 581 residents. Most concerned the treatment of dogs, cats report their concerns about the treatment or you see something of concern, don't stay siRob Foenander ......... 8 reports poor condition of domestic animals or live- lent. Get in contact with Council or the and horses". Observations ............. 8 "During the 2016/2017 financial year, stock can contact Murrindindi Shire RSPCA - we all have a role to play in ensuralso received 22 animal cruelty re- Council's Local Laws Team on 5772 0333. ing our animals are treated properly," said Council Briefs ............ 8 Council "I also would like to remind our residents CrMcAulay. ports or animal welfare enquiries, including - Supplied by Murrindindi Council complaints about insufficient food, shelter, who have an interest in animal welfare and
Page 18 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Local Paper Magazine
Stateside with Gavin Wood in West Hollywood
Hawthorn beats North, even in WeHo
● Pictured: Marty Rhone and his son Luke with Ramada Plaza Hotel Managing Director Alan Johnson, with a Don Scott Hawthorn jumper that is making its way to Ireland for the next four years, after a Hawks-Kangaroos match that went awry for Johnson and Gavin Wood in West Hollywood.
■ Hi everyone, from my suite at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Suites comes this week's news.
Don Scott’s jumper ■ Seventies singer Marty Rhone is over in Hollywood recording his first country album with legendary producer David Holman at Cactus Studios in the Hollywood Hills. He and his son Luke, over from Ireland, where at international director Rod Hardy's suite in the Ramada Plaza Hotel complex to watch Hawthorn battle North Melbourne with Managing Director of Ramada Plaza, Alan Johnson and myself. So it was two Hawks supporters, Marty supports the Sydney Swans but for this day he was with his son, Luke and two Kangaroos supporters. The winner gets the famed Don Scott Hawthorn jumper signed by all the premiership team. Well, the Kangaroos are still having meetings working out what happened; suffice to say the Don Scott jumper went to the biggest Hawthorn supporter and now the jumper will spend four years in Ireland. It is indeed a small world.
Highest-paid actress
Frankie Valli’s mansion ■ Frankie Valli may be a Jersey Boy, but these days he makes his home in the sunny climes of Southern California. The lead singer of The Four Seasons recommitted to life in LA recently with the purchase of a just-built, 6700-square-foot, six-bedroom, and eight-bath home in Encino, California. Located on a 14,466-square-foot lot, the home is secured behind gates that protect the circular driveway. Oversized windows light the homes formal living and dining rooms featuring custom marble and hardwood floors. Plus, a staircase circles up to the master suite, where in addition to spacious closets and a luxurious bath, double doors lead out to a patio area. For entertaining, the house features a gourmet kitchen with an expansive centre island, top of the line built in appliances and a comfortable breakfast area, where the family can share the most important meal of the day. A plus for Valli is an office area, which is the perfect spot for the singer-songwriter to pen some new tunes, while the media room is an ideal spot to sit back and catch a movie. An oversized family room opens out to a sparkling swimming pool and spa, while a separate pool house comes with a half-bath and a cosy patio/lounge area. Outside, lush greenery and landscaping surround the estate with a true sense of serenity, while also providing plenty of space for entertaining. Prior to the Encino property, Valli, who is the subject of the Tony Award-winning play Jersey Boys, currently in Las Vegas, resided in Calabasas, Calif., in a home he bought in 1994 for $920,000.
From my Suite at the Ramada Plaza Complex on Santa Monica Blvd
Jeff Bridges sells
Moore clears theatre
■ Filmmaker Michael Moore wrapped up his one-man show on Broadway on last week by leading the audience over to Trump Tower to join a protest against President Trump's comments on Charlottesville. Moore announced the move on Facebook, saying he and his audience members wanted to "non-violently express our rage" over Trump's assertion that counter protesters were partly to blame for violence at a white nationalist rally that left one woman dead and 19 people injured. Joined by actor Mark Ruffalo, Moore and at least a dozen of his fans called for Trump's impeachment, chanting, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, Donald Trump has got to go." In a video of the protest, Moore and Ruffalo were seen weighing whether to invite former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci to join in, as he was apparently spotted having a drink nearby. They ultimately decided against it because he "still likes Trump," Moore said.
One more time for 007
■ Daniel Craig, who once said he'd rather "break glass and slash my wrists" than play 007 again, told The Late Show With Stephen Colbert last week that he will return for another James Bond film. "I think this is it," the British actor said. "I just want to go out on a high note. I can't wait."
■ Surpassing Jennifer Lawrence, who claimed the top spot in 2016 and 2015, the La La Land actress is the world's highest-paid actress. Emma, 28, collected $26 million, mostly thanks to her Oscar-winning performance as Mia, a barista and aspiring actress, in the movie-musical juggernaut La La Land. The actress spoke out about gender parity earlier this year, revealing that her male co-stars have taken salary cuts so she could receive equal pay. "That's something they do for me because they feel it's what's right and fair," Emma said to Out magazine. "That's something that's also not discussed, necessarily that our getting equal pay is going to require people to selflessly say, 'That's what's fair.'" Jennifer Aniston was runner-up with $25.5 million. While she continues to receive millions in royalties even a decade after Friends ended, the actress, who appeared The Yellow Bird, also monetises endorsements through Emirates airlines, Smartwater, and Aveeno. Jennifer dropped down two slots to No.3 with $24 million, almost half of her $46 million earnings in 2016. Most of her pay check comes from Darren Aronofsky's upcoming cryptic horror movie Mother!, Red Sparrow, and her Dior endorsement. Emma Watson is the sole newcomer on this year's list after Beauty and the Beast became the top-grossing movie of the year so far at $1.26 billion. Earning estimates are based on a 12-month pre-tax scoring period from Nielsen data, box office numbers, and industry insiders. The cumulative list total is down 16 per cent from $205 million in 2016, to $172.5 million in 2017. While four women breached the $20 million mark last year, only three crossed the threshold this year. The 10 highest-paid actresses of 2017: Emma Stone ($26 million), Jennifer Aniston ($25.5 million), Jennifer Lawrence ($24 million), Melissa McCarthy ($18 million), Mila Kunis ($15.5 million), Emma Watson ($14 million), Charlize Theron ($14 million), Cate Blanchett ($12 million), Julia Roberts ($12 million) and Amy Adams ($11.5 million).
● Emma Stone
Special Holiday Offer ■ If you are considering a move to Los Angeles or just coming over for a holiday to see the star's homes then I have got a special deal for you. We would love to see you at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Suites, 8585 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood. I have secured a terrific holiday deal for readers of the Melbourne Observer and The Local Paper. Please mention 'Melbourne Observer' when you book and you will receive the 'Special Rate of the Day'. Please contact: Joanna at info@ramadaweho.com Happy Holidays, Gavin Wood.
■ Jeff Bridges is no stranger to Hollywood, and the man who gave us the cult-classic The Big Lebowski is selling his Montecito, California villa. The 9,535-square-foot compound, which is listed for a whopping $29.5 million, stretches over 19.5 acres with views of nearby mountains and the Pacific coast. An expansive stone driveway welcomes visitors to the home's front door. Exposed wood beams stretch across the ceiling of the home's grand living room. Sizeable stone columns enclose a glass dining table for eight. A jaw-dropping entrance gives way to an elaborate staircase. Windows open up to reveal lush views of the surrounding property. The home office features its own fireplace and French doors leading out to a roof terrace. A cabin-like atmosphere encompasses the master bedroom, with vaulted wood ceilings above and plenty of windows and French doors flooding the room with light. The home features a detached music studio and home theatre. A stately gate protects the Hollywood star's compound from prying paparazzi. A large circular table enjoys stunning Pacific views beneath the shade of a large tree. Bordered by trees and grass, the pool effortlessly blends into the indigenous landscape. Shaded by a black-and-white striped umbrella, this outdoor living space enjoys uninterrupted views stretching all the way to the Pacific. So if you have a lazy $30 million under the mattress then this compound is for you.
Photos by Ian Porter
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 19
Local Paper Magazine
Seymour District Junior Football-Netball League B&F presentations
● U12 Netball: Grace Berry and Millie Watson
● Donna Slevin, Angus Murray, Riley Slevin, R yan Hill
● Under 14 Div 2 Netball: Olivia Gall, Ella Davison
● Under 14 Div 1 Netball: Ruby O’Dwyer, Ruby Martin
● U14 Football: Nicholas Quigg, Codie Kipping, Calb Keen,
● Ally Black and Shona Gesler
● Keegan Grant, Nathan Beattie, Michael Spiteri
● U16 Interleague
● Netball Coach of the Year: Lisa Rouget (Alex.)
● U16 Interleague
● Junior Coach of the Year: Jason O’Brien (Tabilk)
● Youth Coach of the Year: Brendan Redfern (Euroa)
● Volunteer of the Year: Wayne Aldous (St Marys)
● Most Disciplined Club, Netball: Seymour
● Most Disciplined Club, Football: St Marys
● Life Membership, SDJFNL: Ray Steyger (Alex.)
Page 20 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Local Paper Magazine
Movies, DVDs with Jim Sherlock, Aaron Rourke What’s Hot and What’s Not in Blu-Rays and DVDs FILM: LAND OF MINE: Genre: War/Drama. Cast: Roland Moller (the Sgt), Louis Hofmann, Joel Baseman, Laura Bro. Year: 2015. Rating: MA15+ Length: 100 Minutes. Stars: **** Verdict: Inspired by real events, in the days following the surrender of Germany in May of 1945 in Denmark, a group of young German POWs (mostly teenagers) are forced to defuse and clear a beach of thousands of land mines (approx. 44,000) under the watch of a Danish Sergeant who slowly learns to appreciate their plight. Multiaward-winning film, including 2017 Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Film, this is a superbly made film, inspired by real events, that is a powerful anti-war testament and nail-biting thriller of post-war revenge and retribution. Filmed in historically authentic locations, the outstanding performances by the young cast, most notably Louis Hofmann and Joel Baseman, they drive this emotion charged story with great effect. Beginning with a cruelly tough unsympathetic approach, and soon followed by striking intimacy and pathos, writerdirector Martin Zandvliet has created an intelligent, sensitive, harrowing, poignant, stirring and thought provoking history lesson void of cliché and executed with unnerving simplicity and unrelenting force in its deceptively serene surroundings that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Footnote: A total of (approx.) 1.5 Million Mines were across the Danish coastline alone. It is believed that more than 2,000 German soldiers were forced to remove mines, and nearly half of them lost their lives or limbs. FILM: PERSONAL SHOPPER: Genre: Mystery/Drama/Thriller. Cast: Kristen Stewart, Lars Eidinger, Ty Olwin, Sigrid Bouaziz. Year: 2016. Rating: MA15+ Length: 105 Minutes. Stars: ***½ Verdict: A personal shopper in Paris, who serves wealthy clients, believes she can make contact with her fraternal twin brother who had recently died there of a generic heart condition, which they were both born with, and her life becomes more complicated when inexplicable events occur in her dead brother's house and she starts receiving mysterious text messages from an unknown source. Moody, atmospheric and well paced psychological ghost-story and mystery held together beautifully by a richly refined and compelling performance by Kristen Stewart, under the direction of writer-director Olivier Assayas. More reflective of such haunting classics as "The Uninvited" (1944), Jack Clayton's "The Innocents" (1961), Roman Polanski's "Repulsion" (1965) and Nicolas Roeg's "Don't Look Now" (1973). This is not Tobe Hooper's "Poltergeist" (1982) or John Carpenter's "Halloween" (1978), but a well paced, bewitching and unconventional genre piece with twists and turns in which the emptiness of consumerism, technology and the complexity of present life and the afterlife come together with intelligence, ambiguity and gripping menace. The scene in a hotel is worth the price of purchase or rental alone. FILM: THE ZOOKEEPER'S WIFE: Genre: Biography/Drama. Cast: Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Bruhl. Year: 2017. Rating: M. Length: 127 Minutes. Stars: ***1/2 Verdict: The compelling story inspired by true events of Dr. Jan Zabinski (Johan Heldenbergh) and his wife, Antonina (Jessica Chastain), the keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, and the saving of animals and rescue of Jews after the brutal Nazi bombing of Warsaw in Poland in September of 1939. Throughout their extraordinary journey covertly working for the resistance and saving lives out of what has become the Warsaw Ghetto and subsequent uprising, and save the remaining animals of the zoo, Antonina is under the watchful eye of the Reich's newly appointed chief zoologist (Daniel Bruhl). Effectively directed by Niki Caro (Whale Rider) and written by Angela Workman, based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Diane Ackerman, and on the author's use of the personal diaries of Antonina Zabinski. Performances, most notably Jessica Chastain as Antonina Zabinski, the recreations of the times and production design are compelling, and the symbolic references of dialogue and moments between the understanding and importance of animals and humans are prolifically moving. Not quite on par with the powerful "Schindler's List," despite any flaws or weaknesses, this story is one to experience! The film reveals that only 6% of Warsaw's population survived the war. The Zabinskis were eventually recognized by Yad V'shem for their righteous acts, and defiance against the Nazis. - James Sherlock
Rourke’s Reviews: Studio Ghibli Film Festival
● A lovely moment from the classic animated film My Neighbor Totoro, one of many screening at the Studio Ghibli Film Festival, which commences on August 24. ■ Founded on June 15 1985 (by vice (1989); Porco Rosso (1992); Hayao Miyazaki, Isao Takahata, Pom Poko (1994); Princess Toshio Suzuki and Yasuyoshi Mononoke (1997); Spirited Away Tokuma), Studio Ghibli has be- (2001) (this won the Academy come one of the most revered, re- Award for Best Animated Film); spected, and beloved animation stu- Howl's Moving Castle (2004); Ponyo (2008); The Wind Rises dios around the world. While Disney still remain the (2013). Films By Isao Takahata most famous creators of animated Grave Of The Fireflies (1988); films, Ghibli has managed to leave a very distinctive fingerprint on the Only Yesterday (1991); My Neighindustry themselves, with a body bors The Yamadas (1999); The Tale of work which includes a number Of The Princess Kaguya (2013). Films By Goro Miyazaki of masterpieces that are as influTales From Earthsea (2006); ential and important as the greatest From Up On Poppy Hill (2011) Disney creations. This retrospective (consisting of Films By Hiromasa Yonebayashi Arriety (2010); When Marnie 22 films and two documentaries) gives audiences of all ages the Was There (2014). Yoshifumi Kondo chance to see these beautiful, timeWhisper Of The Heart (1995). less features on the big screen, an Tomomi Mochizuki experience that thousands of AusOcean Waves (1993). tralian families, who have grown Hiroyuki Morita to love these imaginative, meticuThe Cat Returns (2002). lously crafted movies over the last Documentaries three decades, will cherish. The Kingdom Of Dreams And It's easy to see why these films continue to entrance movie-goers, Madness (2013) - Wonderful docuwith their unique mix of strong char- mentary from Mami Sunada (who acters, well-structured stories, directed the incredibly intimate and fantastical settings, and gorgeous, moving 2011 Ending Note : Death Of A Japanese Salaryman, and was hand-drawn animation. Will be screening in selected a assistant director on a couple of cinemas (including Cinema Nova films by Hirokazu Kore'eda), deliand Hoyts Melbourne Central), so cately yet comprehensively docuplease check your local guides for ments the making of Hayao Miyazaki's 2013 feature The Wind session times and details. Enjoy the magic and wonder that Rises. Isao Takahata And His Tale Of is Studio Ghibli. Here is the list of films playing (presented by Mad- Princess Kaguya (2015) - Another eye-opening documentary that man Entertainment). painstakingly covers the long proFilms By Hayao Miyazaki Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The duction process of The Tale Of The Wind (1984); Laputa : Castle In Princess Kaguya, director The Sky (1986); My Neighbor Takahata's first film in 14 years. - Aaron Rourke Totoro (1988); Kiki's Delivery Ser-
Top 10 Lists
AUGUST 20 to AUGUST 26 THE AUSTRALIAN BOX OFFICE TOP TEN: 1. ANNABELLE: CREATION. 2. DUNKIRK. 3. VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS. 4. WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES. 5. ATOMIC BLONDE. 6. THE BIG SICK. 7. BABY DRIVER. 8. WOLF WARRIOR 2. 9. SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. 10. WIND RIVER. NEW RELEASES AND COMING SOON TO CINEMAS AROUND AUSTRALIA: AUGUST 17: GINTAMA, HAMPSTEAD, LOGAN LUCKY, MADAME, POLINA, THE CIRCLE, THE DARK TOWER. AUGUST 24: ALL FOR ONE, AMERICAN MADE, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING, KILLING GROUND, LOVESTUCK, MAUDIE, TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY 3D, THE KING'S CHOICE, THE LOST CITY OF Z, VIVEGAM. THE DVD AND BLU-RAY TOP RENTALS & SALES: 1. ALIEN COVENANT [Action/Thriller/Sci-Fi/ Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston]. 2. GET OUT [Mystery/Thriller/Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford]. 3. KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD [Charlie Hunnam, Eric Bana, Jude Law]. 4. SNATCHED [Comedy/Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn]. 5. FATE OF THE FURIOUS [Action/Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Kurt Russell]. 6. McLAREN [Feature Documentary]. 7. A DOG'S PURPOSE [Family/Josh Gad, Dennis Quaid, Peggy Lipton]. 8. THE ZOOKEEPER'S WIFE [Drama/History/ Jessica Chastain, Daniel Bruhl, Johan Heldenbergh]. 9. GHOST IN THE SHELL [Sci-Fi/Action/Fantasy/Scarlett Johansson]. Also: DENIAL, BERLIN SYNDROME, GOING IN STYLE, T2: TRAINSPOTTING, LIFE, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, RESIDENT EVIL: VENDETTA, BOSS BABY, THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, ALONE IN BERLIN. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON DVD THIS WEEK: JOHN WICK 2 [Action/Crime/Thriller/Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane]. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Volume 2 [Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Chris Pratt]. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON BLU-RAY THIS WEEK: JOHN WICK 2 [Action/Crime/Thriller/Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane]. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Volume 2 [Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Chris Pratt]. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Volume 2 3D + Blu-ray [Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Chris Pratt]. THE DAM BUSTERS [War/Action/History/Richard Todd]. THE GODFATHER TRILOGY: 45th Anniversary Box Set [Marlon Brando, Al Pacino]. CROSS OF IRON [War/Action/James Coburn, James Mason]. FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD [Romance/Drama/Julie Christie, Terence Stamp]. NEW & RE-RELEASE AND CLASSIC MOVIES ON DVD HIGHLIGHTS: THE DAM BUSTERS [War/Action/History/Richard Todd]. THE GODFATHER TRILOGY: 45th Anniversary Box Set [Marlon Brando, Al Pacino]. CROSS OF IRON [War/Action/James Coburn, James Mason]. FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD [Romance/Drama/Julie Christie, Terence Stamp]. NEW RELEASE TELEVISION, DOCUMENTARY AND MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS: LOVE CHILD: Season 4.LUCIFER: Season 2. BLINDSPOT: Season 2. BLINDSPOT: Seasons 1 and 2. SUPERGIRL: Season 2. SUPERGIRL: Seasons 1 and 2.
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DEATHS LATEST NEWS CHAPLAIN. Sidney 8.05.1927 - 17.08.2017 Beloved husband of Ivy. Father of Linda, Rhonda and Louise. Father-in-law of Michael, Kevin and Grant. Grandfather of 6, great grandfather of 4.
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TRUCK AND DOG OPERATOR. Fulltime, part-time, casual position. Based in Healesville. Ring Collin, 0407 307 432.
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CHAPLAIN. The Funeral service celebrating the life of Mr Sidney Chaplain will be held in Federation Chapel, Lilydale Memorial Park, 128 Victoria Rd, Lilydale at 2.15 pm on Wednesday August 23, 2017.
Scam artists reported: Police
DEATHS EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSROOM BUILDING FOR SACRED HEART SCHOOL YEA 3717 EOI are invited from commercial registered builders for a new 200m2 classroom building. Submissions should include details of relevant registrations, references and experience. To register your interest or obtain further information contact: 5c Sustainable Building Design 22 Yamby Rd, Strath Creek, Vic 3658 Tel 0439 174957 email 5c@sustainablebuildingdesign.com.au
SEYMOUR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION 2017 Domestic Basketball Summer Season. Grading/Trials will begin on Tuesday 5th September and continue on Tues 12 and 19 September 2017. Competition starts Tuesday 10th October. Time trials are: 5:30pm for Athletes born 2009-2010 6:30pm for Athletes born 2007-2008 7:30pm for Athletes born 2005-2006 8:30pm for Athletes born 2003-2004 To be held at Seymour Sports and Aquatic Centre. Queries to Tony Best 0429 438 362
● Police across Mitchell, Murrindindi and Strathbogie areas are warning property owners to be vigilant when dealing with trades people that offer door to door services. The most recent scam has been reported to police regarding tradesmen offering cheap driveways to be resealed at discounted prices. The work is carried out at a very low quality and the company refuses to return calls to rectify the situation. Any person with information or who would like to report a scam, can do so online.
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 37
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■ Janet Leigh was a beautiful actress during the Golden Days of Hollywood with her sparkling blue eyes, her outstanding figure and deep sultry voice. Janet was very intelligent and worked hard at acting - she made about 50 feature films during her career. There was a sweetness that came across the screen - I loved her work. Jeanette Helen Morrison was born in California in 1927. She was an only child and when Jeanette was 18 she was "discovered" by a Hollywood talent agent who was shown her photo by actress Norma Shearer. Jeanette accepted a contract from the MGM Studios and left college to try her luck at a film career despite the fact that she had no acting experience. Her father became her business manager and Jeanette lived just off Sunset Boulevard in a little house with her parents. She made an impressive debut alongside Van Johnson in a supporting role in the film The Romance of Rosy Ridge. During the shooting, Leigh's name was first changed to ‘Jeanette Reames’, then to ‘Janet Leigh’ and finally back to her birth name ‘Jeanette Morrison’, because ‘Janet Leigh’ resembled Vivien Leigh too much. However, Van did not like the name and it was finally changed back to ‘Janet Leigh’. Janet played Peg March in Little Women, based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott.
Whatever Happened To ... Janet Leigh By Kevin Trask of 3AW and 96.5 Inner FM She proved versatile, starring in films as diverse as the baseball farce Angels in the Outfield, the tense western The Naked Spur and a great supporting role in the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis comedy Living It Up. Janet married Tony Curtis in 1951 and they made five films together: Houdini, The Black Shield of Falworth , The Vikings, Strictly for Pleasure and Who Was That Lady? They had two children together: Kelly and Jamie Lee Curtis. Janet later said she had a great time being married to Tony Curtis but the marriage only lasted for 11 years. Janet proved herself as a singer and a dancer in musical films such as when she played the
Janet was married four times during her lifetime. Her last husband was stockbroker Robert Brandt, they married in Las Vegas in 1962 and were married for 42 years. In later years Janet Leigh guest starred in television shows such as Fantasy Island, Columbo, Murder She Wrote and Touched By An Angel. She served on the board of directors of the Motion Picture and Television Foundation which provided medical services for actors. Janet Leigh was the author of four books; The memoir There Really Was A Hollywood which became a New York Times bestseller. The non-fiction book Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller. And two novels: House of Destiny and The Dream Factory. In her final year Janet suffered from vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels. She passed away peacefully at her home in Los Angeles in 2004 at the age of 77 with husband ● Janet Leigh title role in the musical comedy My Sister Eileen, Robert Brandt and her daughters, actresses co-starring Jack Lemmon, Betty Garrett, Bob Jamie Lee Curtis and Kelly Curtis, at her side. Kevin Trask Fosse and Dick York. Kevin can be heard on radio She also did very well in Bye Bye Birdie starThe Time Tunnel - on Remember When ring opposite Dick Van Dyke. Sundays at 9.10pm on 3AW But Janet Leigh is best remembered for her That's Entertainment - 96.5FM role as ‘Marion Crane’ in Alfred Hitchcock's Sundays at 12 Noon thriller Psycho. The story goes that Janet never took a shower 96.5FM is streaming on the internet. after making the film and always had a bath To listen, go to www.innerfm.org.au and follow the prompts. instead.
Hey Doc firms for the Memsie ■ ■ Australian Guineas winner Hey Doc proved he could be the one to beat in the Memsie Stakes, the first of the big group races coming up at Caulfield on September 2, after his big win at Flemington. Hey Doc, now four, proved he is right on the ball with a strong win up the straight in the Aurie Star at Flemington over the 1200 metre trip. Prepared by leading trainer, Tony Mc Evoy, he proved fit enough firstup, with a powerful finish, catching the consistent Cannyescent on the line. Hey Doc has firmed into second favoritism for the classic at the Heath, behind the classy Black Heart Bart, who will definitely improve on his firstup run in the Peter Lawrence. Black Heart Bart, in the powerful stable of Darren Weir, always puts in, and is the one to beat. Likewise the Sydney mare, Yankee Rose, coming off a third to the mighty Winx in the Cox Plate last year. Her trainer, David Van Dyke, said that she will do all her racing in Melbourne up to an including the Spring carnivals. On the next line is the Sydney galloper, Le Roman, who is with top mentor, Kris Lees, who has a ton of ability, but may need the run. Former world number one sprinter, Lankan Rupee, will having his second run after a lengthy break, at the time of going to press he was to run the Spring Stakes in Sydney. Now eight, he put in a good run on a heavy track at Sandown, to just get beaten in the Bletchingly Handicap by promising young sprinter, Ability. If he butters up in the Memsie, it would be his third run back after a long injury spell. I am looking at Black Heart Bart and Hey Doc as the main chances.
Connolly the King
■ Well-known author John Macnaughtan has turned his writing prowess to the history of the one of the most colourful people ever to grace the Sport of Kings, in Eric Connolly. This will be the third book with which John has been associated with;
photographs. The final step is to locate a sponsor or benefactor to cover the cost of printing for the book estimated at $10,000 for 1000 copies. What a fascinating read and look it will be.
Miles launch
with Ted Ryan
■ Great racecaller Greg Miles who recently retired after calling a record 36 Melbourne Cups, will launch the book at the Woodlands Golf Club and the National Jockeys’ Trust where they will have their big day on February 27 , next year. It is a scoop by the Club mainly due to the efforts of the top man, John Sweeney who works tirelessly for both organisations. I am looking forward being part of the action on the big day.
the first was a history of the Mordialloc Football Club, with which he had been with for 35 years, and the second, a history of the Epsom Racecourse on its closure, which he co-authored with Veronica Hahn. John started his book on Connolly's exploits some six years ago when researching the Epsom book. He said he was hooked when he found that at the age of 23, Connolly owned/trained the winner of the 1904 Grand National Steeplechase winner, from his stables located in Mordialloc. The thing that distinguishes Connolly from the current trainer is that he owned and trained them from stables that were restricted to accommodating eight horses at a time. Yet his successes included two Newmarket Handicaps, Melbourne Stakes (later the L.K.S.McKinnon Stakes), the Oakleigh Plate, Caulfield Stakes, the Williamstown Cup, and the Metropolitan Handicap. The other distinguishing feature was his generosity. He conducted an open house in Brighton, where his two daughters worked tirelessly to raise funds for needy causes. The title of the Book is Money Lost Nothing Lost Courage Lost Everything Lost, which is a phrase coined by Connolly and has relevance to all punters today. The book has been beautifully put together with 220 pages with over 100
■ The William Inglis Company continues to celebrate 150 years in business, with their August Thoroughbred Sale at their magnificent complex at Tullamarine. This Friday (Aug. 25), the company will get the show underway early at 10am with their first Season Stallion Parade, with the sale getting under way at 10.30am. The Broodmares are first to go under the hammer, Lots 1 to 62, to be brought into the sale ring. They will be followed by the Stallion lot 63. Then there will be the yearlings Lots from 64-75. Unbroken Lots are next ranging from 76 to 81. The race fillies are mares, Lots 82 through till Number 138, and are sure to attract plenty of attention with the breeding scene very hot at the moment. The sale will wind up with race colts and geldings to go under the hammer being Lots 139 to 167. It is always a pleasant day even if you're not a buyer, it is an interesting day at the magnificent complex at Oaklands Junction, right next door to Tullamarine. Hope to catch you there, especially if you haven't been before. - Ted Ryan
Inglis 150 years
OK. With John O’Keefe Next big thing at Seven
■ Rarely have I seen the Seven Network so excited about their announcement of The Wall - their big, new family prime-time show for next year. The Wall was a mega hit in the US and revolves around a bouncing ball - where it lands depends on how much the family team wins or losers. Seven is currently casting for contestants and a host.
Top gong for Michael
■ And the winner of the Outstanding Presenter of Current Affairs on TV is ... (open envelope) ... Michael Usher , of the Seven Network. One-time Chief of Staff at National Nine News, Melbourne, turned reporter on 60 Minutes ,Usher took home the chocolates in the annual Excellence in Journalism Awards 2017.
Two-day bash for Laurie
■ We didn’t expect the farewell bash for veteran political journe Laurie Oakes to go quietly and it lived up to expectations - it went on for two days. First a 'do' at Parliament House with all the big names there, sipping and slapping people on the back. Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten were top of the invite list. Next day it contined, this time with all his pals from Network Nine and all the usual retirement gags were rolled out.
Oprah goes shopping
■ One time Queen of the arvo chat shows, Oprah Winfrey, may have quit the small screen but she has just teamed with Kraft Heinz to launch a collection of comfort foods - soups and pre - made side servings. Branded 'O -That's Good' they go sale in supermarkets in America with no immediate plans for Australia.
More TV about Diana
■ If you're pining for even more facts and film clips about Princess Di then watch out for a new one-hour special on the Nine Network. Called DianaThe Day The World Cried is narrated by Kate Winslet.
Go Fund Me
■ You're no doubt aware of the affair at Seven between Amber Harrison and her CEO boss, Tim Worner. The media lapped up the story and eventually it ended up in court with Amber losing her claim and the court saying she was to pay Seven's substantial legal fees. Single Mum Amber said 'no way' as she had no brass. Amber has started a donations page, going online with with Go Fund Me looking for $200,000. Meanwhile Tim Worner pocketed a cool $ 2.74 million and did not recieve a bonus due the the company's poor financial performance. In a dialogue to the media Worner blamed the network’s poor financial performance - $745 million loss - on costs of televising major sporting events.
eBay Record
■ Bob 'Bongo' Starkie of the Skyhooks has placed his platinum record on e-Bay to be auctioned off to highest bidder. 'Bongo' is adding his signature to the framed record of glory containing all the somgs from Best Of Skyhooks circa 1979. Already the best bid is north of $2000, bids close tomorrow.
Page 38 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Local Paper Magazine
Lovatts Crossword No 7 Across
1. Portion 5. Appliance, ... cleaner 8. Gluttony 11. Coloured-tile design 14. Nit-picker 18. On the sick list 19. The U of IOU 20. Zigzag pattern 23. Chef's garment 24. Scandalous 27. Entice 28. Beeped (horn) 29. Debates 31. Fuzzy leather 32. Crush (fly) 34. Roof edges 36. Fantasise 37. Not even once 38. Toddlers 39. More unfriendly 41. Ardent 44. Certainly 47. Dance 49. Equally balanced 50. Gazed fixedly 52. Bill 54. Recess 56. Restaurant list 58. Throw out of house 60. Most awful 62. Young dogs 64. Rain heavily 66. Egyptian snakes 67. Avoided 70. Measuring rod 71. In control, at the ... 72. Singing voices 73. Finished 74. Cupid's shaft 75. Climbing vegetable 77. Armoured vehicle 79. Dominate (market) 83. Pummelled 85. Unusually 87. Exhaust (supply) 89. Wandering 91. Gratifying 94. Stressed 97. Declare 98. Scenes 99. Questionable 100. Court fine 103. Column 105. Custodian 107. General pardon 110. Pork cut, ... ribs 111. Relaxes 114. Renovate (ship) 116. Frosty 118. Exclusive 120. Expressing contempt 122. Hue 124. Screen collie 126. Vibrated noisily 129. Divides 132. Castle entrance 136. Borders 139. Falsify 140. Quantity of paper 142. Fracas 145. Edit (text) 146. Splendid sight 148. Halt 150. Chopped down 152. Outlook 154. Remain
156. Ticket remnant 157. Become septic 159. Hand-make (jumper) 161. Eiffel Tower city 164. Surplus 167. Essential 169. Slightest 171. Canoodle 173. Happen 174. Periodic 177. Socially excluded 180. Anglican parish priest 183. In an unspecified way 187. Leaps over 190. Pencil rubber 192. Constant 194. Book publicity hype196. Ever 197. Of the sun 198. Musical pace 200. Peace offering, ... branch 201. Male sibling 203. Root vegetable 205. Sport, Rugby ... 207. Willingly 209. Drain 211. Improper 213. Undergarment 215. Powered bike 217. Ambience 220. Portable light 222. Lockjaw 224. Nobleman 227. Recognition 228. Welcoming 232. Kitchen flooring 234. Circuit-breaker 237. Leather strap 239. Golf club 240. Goodbye 241. Warm & cosy 242. Port style 244. Considering 245. Small religious group 247. Booming 250. Stimulates 251. Adversary 252. Type of bee 253. Depart 255. Packing boxes 257. Shattered 260. Skin eruptions 264. Comfort 266. Affixed with spikes 267. Judas' payment, ... pieces of silver 270. Astonish 273. Principles 274. Jetty 275. Craze 277. Not drunk 279. Treadle 281. Seethe 283. In force (of license) 285. Ledger entry 286. Annul 287. Dreary 290. Dries up 291. Follow 292. Salad dressing 293. Mongrel 294. Pose for artist 295. Loathes 296. Paper hanky 297. Sloop or ketch 298. Ice-cream dessert 299. Topic
1. Covering for feet 2. Pained expression 3. Orient 4. Duration of presidency 5. Long narrow prospect 6. Greatest 7. Glove 8. Cheer 9. Ghostly 10. Charismatic 11. Assaulted & robbed 12. Tranquil 13. Bring about 14. Price of passage 15. Aromatic herb 16. Advocate 17. Walrus teeth 21. Body's building blocks 22. Phantom Of The ... 25. Engine booster 26. Befuddle 28. Gently 30. Calming drug 33. Language 35. Compete 38. Toughen (steel) 40. Moral 42. Utter (cry) 43. Location 45. Tidings 46. Wheat tips 48. Guacamole ingredient 49. Furthest limits 51. Dashes 53. Mulish 55. Well-behaved child, little ... 57. Unmoved 59. Relinquish (land) 61. Ready for business 62. Pluto or Earth 63. Suggestion 65. Planned movement 66. * symbol 68. Hard Italian cheese 69. Dentist's tools 76. Likely 78. Much ... About Nothing 80. Fleur-de-lis 81. Jittery 82. Dog, cocker ... 84. Water tank 85. Matures 86. Dozes 88. Wicked 90. Approachable 92. Meeting schedule 93. Diaper 95. Rock or jazz 96. Scope 101. Rainbow shapes 102. Determined individual 103. District 104. Zone 106. Acting sovereign 108. North American deer 109. Prince Edward, ... of Wessex 110. Sluggish 112. TV studio filming area 113. Feminine pronoun 115. Excursion 117. Secretes 119. Pine or palm 121. Notion 123. Unnerve 124. Beach rescuer 125. Caustic 127. Docile 128. High hits 130. The same 131. Cheek whiskers 133. Wonderment 134. Nags 135. Grass colour 137. Deadly poison 138. Fury
Down 141. 143. 144. 147. 149. 151. 153. 155. 157. 158. 160. 162. 163. 165. 166. 168. 170. 172. 175. 176. 178. 179. 181. 182. 184. 185. 186. 188. 189. 191. 193. 195. 196. 199. 202. 204. 206. 208. 209. 210. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 218. 219. 221. 223. 225. 226. 229. 230. 231. 233. 235. 236. 238. 243. 245. 246. 248. 249. 254. 255. 256. 258. 259. 261. 262. 263. 265. 268. 269. 271. 272. 274. 276. 278. 280. 282. 283. 284. 288. 289.
Keenly perceptive Raise (children) Belonging to whom? Hopeless wish, ... in the sky Mountains Labours Is able to Lovable Room base Bladder Decorate with pictures Tiny particle Creep (towards) Beast of burden Here ..., gone tomorrow French brandy Additionally Loose hood Hanker after Hatchets Slothful Dodge Plant seed Written material Elect Deciduous tree Woodwind instrument Second-hand Suit-maker Regal Speaking to crowd Fixed procedure Ward off Copious Legacy Traitor Female relative Hunger Wound mark Bombard Residences Beat up Current units Interim Camera stand Arm joints Each person Sped on foot Flightless bird Bore diameter On fire Lungs & liver Plagiarised Home (duties) Single thing Acidic Civilian wartime prisoner Honey drink Heavenly spirits Half Blister-like pouch Gambling chances Extinct bird Inaccurate Free from blame Allow in Enigma Serious-minded State further Undulating Four-door car Straddling Pester Minimise Hosiery garment Improvement (in economy) Beg Skilled Fundamental Die down Flour cereal Promises Schoolboys Geological eras Handle
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 39
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18 20
123 129
198 203
217 220
226 232
239 245
257 267
275 283
270 277
260 271
280 287
281 288
292 294
291 293
251 254
227 231
179 187
197 202
172 177
168 174
155 157
98 103
72 75
54 60
52 58
24 29
23 28
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Local Paper Magazine
Country Crossroads By Rob Foenander info@countrycrossroads com.au
Relax with Peta
■ Melbourne independent artist and multiinstrumentalist Peta Minter has released her debut album Radiant Creation. Peta's work is described as relaxing music, uplifting and moving that takes the listener on a creative sound journey. With over 25years as a performer, Peta's 10-track album of original work reflect a very talented and unique artist. More info at petaminter.com.au
Katie at The Poet
■ Alt Country singer-songwriter Katie Brianna will do a series of shows in Victoria commencing today (Wed., Aug. 23) at the Drunken Poet in West Melbourne. Other dates will include August 26 at the Wesley Anne in Northcote for the Allan CaswellMichael Carpenter album launch and August 27 at the Bayview Country Art Club, Bittern. The Weeping Willows will also feature as special guests. More info at www.katiebrianna.com
Stars back again
■ Country rock band Stars will perform with the original line-up for one of the last concerts to be held at the Caravan Club, Oakleigh. The November 4 show will feature Mick Pealing, Mal Eastick, Roger McLachlan and Glynn Dowding along with Nick Charles. The reformed band have been touring the country to enthusiastic audiences and new fans who've come on board.Contact and info: 9568 1432 - Rob Foenander
Public input sought on emergency plan ■ Murrindindi Shire Council is calling for community feedback on its revised Council and Lake Mountain Alpine Resort Municipal Emergency Management Plan. Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset said the draft MEMP details arrangements for preventing, responding to and recovering from emergencies in both the Shire and the Lake Mountain Alpine Resort areas. "The MEMP was developed with all emergency agencies and community representatives, for all agencies, including Council, to use in their planning and to guide our responses to any emergencies," Cr Bisset said. "I'd encourage our residents to all have a look at this Plan and provide us with any feedback you might have. “The better we can prevent or respond to any emergency, the better outcome for the community and the more resilient our community will become." A copy of the Plan is on display at all Council offices and on Council's websitewww.murrindindi. vic.gov.au/publiccomment until September 13. Written submissions should be addressed to Murrindindi Shire Council, Municipal Emergency Management Plan Submission, PO Box 138, Alexandra VIC 3714 or by email to msc@murrindindi. vic.gov.au - Supplied by Council
Crossword Solution No 7
Weed invades Murrindindi
■ A new weed is invading the Shire and Murrindindi Council is encouraging residents to remove it as soon as they see it. Murrindindi Shire Council's Portfolio Councillor for Natural Environment and Climate Change, Rebecca Bowles, said the South African weed orchid (Disa Bracteata) was first spotted in Kinglake after the 2009 bushfires. "At that time, Parks Victoria issued a weed alert in the area. This plant is a prolific seeder and there was concern it would quickly take hold in the Kinglake National Park," Cr Bowles said. "Unfortunately, over the last couple of years, the weed orchid has been found on our road reserves in both Flowerdale and Strath Creek, quite some distance from Kinglake." The South African weed orchid is a deciduous perennial orchid with underground tubers. The weed orchids are self-pollinating. "Each plant is incredibly prolific, producing tens of thousands of airborne seeds," Cr Bowles said. "These seeds are minute and dust-like and can spread over many kilometres and they may remain viable for seven years. "The orchids sprout in early spring and can establish themselves in both shaded and open conditions. "Unlike the orchids we know and love, these plants are particularly hardy and are fire, frost and drought-tolerant. "We don't want them in our environment as they compete with and exclude smaller indigenous flora, including orchids, lilies and grasses. "The best way to get rid of these nasty invaders is to hit them as soon as you see them by pulling them out. But make sure you also get those annoying little tubers attached to the roots and bag them up," said Cr Bowles. "And if you find the weed orchids on the roadsides, please report their location to Council's Environmental Programs Unit on 5772 0333." - Supplied by Council
Wow factor ■ Visitors to the Kinglake Library have been wowed in recent weeks by the artistic efforts of the Kinglake Ranges Children's Centre bush kindergarten The Centre's children have created an amazing photo exhibition, capturing with technology what they were seeing with their own eyes. The exhibition includes 22 photos the children took using a mixture of technologies. The subjects include wildflowers, bugs, mushrooms and trees and the playful titles were also created by our budding artists. Community Services Portfolio Councillor, Cr Sandice McAulay, said the exhibition was a fabulous insight into how our children see their world. "Wow - This display really is remarkable," Cr McAulay said. "Bush kinder is something most city children don't have the opportunity to experience and it is a wonderful opportunity for our local children to get out and explore their natural environment and learn how precious it is." "Come and have a look at what the children have captured - it is pretty awe-inspiring!", said CrMcAulay. - Supplied by Council
with Matt Bissett-Johnson
Mike McColl Jones
5. Pauline Hanson in "Burqa's Backyard". 4. A program highlighting Melbourne's roads system."Botched". 3. A reality show for toilets. "Crummy Dunnies". 2. A show starring a pig and a packet of Alka Seltzer - "Pork and Windy". 1. Donald Trump - "Orange is the New Barack".
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 41
Local History
First Mass was celebrated in the 1850s ■ The history of the Sacred Heart Parish, Yea, dates back to April, 1890, when Yea and Alexandra were separated from the Mansfield Mission, which had its beginnings in the 1850s. Priests had resided at Mansfield and had travelled by horse and sulky (or horse only) to the other places mentioned. Earlier still there is reference to travelling clergymen, or a Catholic priest, who would enjoy overnight hospitality and conduct a service next day - in the case of Catholics, administer Sacraments. It is well established that the first Yea Mass was celebrated in the home of Thomas McAsey, apparently on the Yea side of Laurel Hills. Miss Grace McLeish’s kitchen the largest room in the township took on a prophetic ecumenical posture in the late 1850s. Another authentic story is that Cr John Quinlan (the grand old man Quinlan) took on a long horse ride to secure land for a church and associated needs at Yea. The faith that was part of a strong Irish tradition was to survive for over a hundred years and is still continuing. Father Matthew Brady was the first Parish Priest at Yea (1890), and the solid brick Presbytery he built still stands in good condition though certain repairs have been and are being undertaken. The priest, of course, had Alexandra as part of his domain. If those conditions still applied today (Alexandra became a separate Parish in 1949), the larger population there might question why they were second fiddle in the set-up. In a confidential report written by Father Willis in the 1920s, he stated: “Mass is celebrated at Alexandra every Sunday ... the Catholic spirit is improvcing ... almost every third person in that town should be a Catholic. Distant 20 miles from Yea, these people have been handicapped in many ways.” Whatever the travelling arrangements were in the early days (horse flesh, of course) older parishioners can recall the priest travelling to Alexandra on the Saturday evening, hearing Confessions, saying the first morning Mass there, and returning to Yea for 10.30, or even later.
● From Sacred Heart Parish Yea 1890-1990 History compiled by Tom Dignam
● An interior photo of Sacred Heart Church, Yea. Photo: Catholic Archdiocese When the early Mass was at Yea, 300 people on special occasions with Yea - bettered only by Father the priest left almost immediately for use being made of the otherwise now Sowersby, but in 1910 was sucthe second one at Alexandra. ceeded by Father Gerald Byrne, unwanted choir balcony. At Alexandra, it was fortunate that For 40 years there have been two who stayed for four years. several hotel keepers were promi- qualifying weekend Masses so speThe first non-Irish pastor, Father nent Catolics, and the hospitality dis- cial occasions or Requiems are the John Ellis, camke in that momenpensed by the Darmody and Luttrell operative expressions when describ- tous year of 1914, and he hjad over families, and practical assistance ing seating needs now. four difficult ‘war years’ to contend from others, botably ‘Bonnie’ Hewitt, Cost of the church was £2369 with before being replaced by Fawas a great help in the carrying out ($738), of which £661 had been do- ther Vincent Willis in 1919. of pastoral duties. Father Ellis was an accomnated at the time of opening. Sunday, October 26, seems to plished horseman, and had been a have been a great day in Yea - for prominent athlete - in footrunning, Catholics especially. A quartet from cricket and rugby. About a year before he left he St George’s Church, Carlton, joined in the presentation of a Mozart Mass, taught a small black single-seater car ■ Seven months after the inaugu- with the talented local, Miss Nance - the horse would gradually be phased ration of the new Parish, the first Quinlan, organist. out. Baptism took place (Emily Benson), Yea was Father Willis’s first ParThe sermon was preached by Very and James Taverner and Ellen Cahill Rev. M. Maher, C.M. ish as P.P., and was notable by the were married on January 14, 1891. As well as blessing the church, opening of the Sacred Heart School, A wooden church, apparently the Archbishop administered the in June, 1923. There had been Sunconstructed before the separation Sacrament of Confirmation to a day School sessions, one prominent from Mansfield, was used until eatly large number of children, and in the teacher being Miss Maggie Walker. in the new century, when the present evening some 300 people partook of A few people today would reimposing brick edifice was built dur- a dinner provided by Cr Quinlan, at member Father Ellis, but quite a ing the incumbency of Father that time serving one of his many number Father Willis. He was a Patrick O’Reilly. good tennis player, had a few games terms as Shire President. He had succeeded Father James It may be of interest to the present of cricket, was universally popular, O’Neill, who had followed Father generation to note that John Quinlan and saw all sides of the transport Brady in January, 1895. was a Shire Councillor for a mere movement from horse to motor cycle The new Sacred Heart Church 56 years and voluntarily retired in and car. was officially blessed and opened by 1930. Father Willis was later made a Archbishop Thomas Carr on OctoHe and Mrs Quinlan had in 1900 Monsignor and Archbishop’s Conber 26, 1902. present the Parish with a lifesize sultant. The church was well fitted and statue of the Sacred Heart, in The old church had served as a decorated and, had the original plans memory of deceased relatives. It is part-time hall for 20 or more years, been carried out, transepts would still there, but two decadfes ago was renovated to education and have provided for approximately 200 changed places with a statue of the health standards, and converted into more people. Registered School No 1196, opening Virgin Mary. It has been known to hold nearly Father O’Reilly spent 11 years at with 50 pupils on June 9, 1923. Fathers Tim Daly and Hugh Lynch also served three years, or less, at Yea. By a coincidence, each lived until nearly 90, Father Daly dying in his native Ireland. He is remembered for his catechism questioning of children at Mass - an exercise probably directed at the adult congregation! Before coming to Yea, Father Lynch had spent some time at Pentridge (as a Chaplain!). Father Pat Garvey came here in August, 1933, and six years later went to Dalyston (where the church has not long closed, close to Wonthaggi), exchanging with Father Percy Sowersby. Father Garvey was, among other attributes, conspicuous by his single seater car (with dicky seat). Like Father Ellis 25 years earlier, Father Sowersby came to Yea on the eve of world war outbreak, but did not face the divisiveness that plagued the community - indeed the nation - back in 1914-18. Father Sowersby remained for 17 years, the longest ever held by a Parish Priest here. ● Sacred Heart Parish Church. Photo: churchhistories.net.au
Church life at Yea
Ten years after arriving in Yea he “lost” the Alexandra section (Father Ray Beare was first P.P. there) and was able to introduce two Masses each Sunday. This was later varied by the introduction of a Saturday Vigil Mass. In his 17 years at Yea, Father Sowersby baptised 445 children and celebrated 70 marriages. Father Sowersby’s popularioty was evidenced by a packed Shire Hall for a public farewell. He died whilst at St Jospeh’s, Collingwood, not too short of his golden jubilee as a priest. It was his stay that plans to build a new school were originated. It was opened (and blessed by Bishop Fox) in February, 1957, sic months arfter the arrival of Father John Hardy. The school has been added to, and still fulfills its duty of primary school education and the moulding of character along Christian lines. Father Hardy spent nearly six years at Yea. He retired. During his stay he made some valuable additions to Presbytery and church. He also introduced week-day evening Masses. Father Des Cameron came here in 1962. He made some necessary improvements to the environs of the church, with a lot of concreting and the provision of modern toilets. The wrecking and sale of the old schol allowed for nice lawns and shrubs. He also saw the Parish through the momentous change from the use of Latin to the vernacular, and even produced his own locallyprinted booklet, The Mass in English. Unfortunately, his health deteriorated and he went on to conduct Mass (at Spotswood) - and car! A feature in the Sun News-Pictorial stressed how he had courageously carried on despite his disabilities. Father John Daly spent three years here, from 1965 to 1968. He retired, but revisited occasionally, having a soft spot for Yea. Although in Yea for only 18 months, Father Pat Jeffery was here for the ‘turning round’ of the 66-yaerold church. He effected necessary postVatican updating of the Sanctuary (Mass said facing the people) and was able to proceed to consecration of the church. The limiting factor has been lack of a stone altar. A granite altar was installed and dominates the Sanctuary. It was paid for by equal donations from Patrick, Denis, James, Michael and Anthony McCarthy, in memory of deceased relatives. The relics of St Innocentia (martyr) are deposited therein. The consecrating ceremony was carried out by the Archbishop of Melbourne, Most Rev. (later Cardinal) James Robert Knox, on August 22, 1968. Monsignor James Murray was assistant, and in attendance were several former Parish Priests of Yea. Following the ceremony, the Archbishop and party were tendered a civic reception in the newly completed Yea Vicic Centre, by the Shire President, Cr Arthur Bett. There was a representative attendance.
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Local History Continued from Page 41 Father Jefferey moved the Confessional into the side chapel, but it has been moved again to the rear of the church - three positions since the 1960s. Ill-health caused a phasing out of Father Jeffery’s pastoral activities, and after some relieving and chaplaincy work, he died in 1976. Father Antony Eames spent 4½years here, and Father Ray Skehill nearly six. Father Eames njoyed his tennis and the garden. He was responsible for the formation of a Field Naturalists’ Club in yea and nearby districts and some interesting meetings and outings were held. He became Parish Priest at Winchelsea. Father Skehill was in charge during the building of the extra room (art and craft area and library) at the school. It was financed largely through Government funding. Father Skehill went on to do parttime pastoral work at Ashburton. Father Frank McLaughlin came here in October, 1979, and stayed just over four years. Father McLaughlin (a Marist Brother for 23 years and a priest for longer) had a penchant for Church history and his research and writings have contributed greatly in preparing a printed record of the Sacred Heart Parish’s first 100 years. In fact, Father McLaughlin saw fit to hold a lead-up to the big occasion by organising a 90-year jubilee, and this was well attended. The then retired Bishop of Sandhurst, Bernard Stewart, was principal celebrant. Thanks to the generous legacy from the Tratford family (Winfred, Cecelia and Clyde), Father McLaughlin put a number of stained glass windows in the church, painted the seats, carpeted the floor and made various alterations to the Presbytery. When the windows were blessed by Bishop Fox, it was explained that the 12 Apostles and four evangelists were represented, and behind the Sanctuary, the major mysteries of the Incarnation. Father McLaughlin saw the withdrawal of the Sisters of St Joseph from the school, and its full-time staffing by lay teachers. Father Vincent Burke took over at the end of January, 1984. As well as travelling to Caveat, he furthered
● Sacred Heart Church Congregation Group. May 20, 1914. the introduction of regular Mass at were forthcoming. Money was project was a Queen Carnival conraised also from concerts and ba- tested by Miss Molly Quinlan Flowerdale, twice monthly. Father Burke set out to get more zaars, which apparently ran for days. (Queen of Sport), Miss Ethel As late as 1906-07, a bazaar in Stafford (Queen of Charity) and participation by the laity in the Liturgy and further set up a group to the Shire Hall ran from December Miss Linda Sier (Queen of Yea). study the various instructions regard- 26 to New Year’s Day inclusive. The last name was only a teenIt was for the Church Building ager in 1922 when the carnival ing Parish Councils. Accordingly in 1986 the Sacred Fund, with Mr Jim Fynn hon. sec- started, and as Mrs A. Quirk, died in Heart Parish Council was instituted retary, and was opened by Mr. Thos. December 1989, aged 83. with Anthony McCarthy as Presi- Hunt, M.L.A. The winner (Miss Quinlan) and A report states that Curcio’s Miss Stafford (one of a family of dent. Father Burke also supported the String Band performed each after- sisters who worked valiantly for call to Renew by our Archbishop, noon and evening, and as a lead-up church and school projects for many and two loyal groups of parishioners (or finance augmenter to the bazaar) years) had entered their eternal re- one at Flowerdale and one at Yea - a grand concert was held a week ward some years back. have dedicated themselvesto carry- earlier. Most of the artists were from The contest was a keen one, but ing out the five seasons of Renew to Melbourne. not long after it started tregedy Some stallholders at the bazaar struck, when Mr E.J. Mortenson, the best of their ability. had names we still know today - manager of the State Savings Bank Mrs Quilan, Mrs McCormack, Miss and a sort of under-treasurer to the O’Connor and Miss K. Quinlan; appeal, was killed on Junction Hill others were Mesdames Ellis, Keyes, in what was said to be the first motor Fynn and Corcoran. fatality in the Yea district. Also killed ■ Although the Parish Priest is The second big project preceed was a Mr E.J. Goodwin. charged with the responsibility of the opening of the Sacred Heart The crowning ceremony in the raising and administering finances, School. Father Willis took on this Yea Shire Hall was a glittering octhe co-operation and special efforts rather momentous task, and apart casion in the autumn of 1923, and by parishioners have been most com- from the complete renovation of the the school opened a few months later. mendable. old church (hall), a large Convent Day to day needs of the parish A great deal of voluntary work was constructed further up on The were apparently no major problem has been put into four well-known Parade. for a good many years, but not long appeals and other regular or recurWhilst was being built - it was after the end of World War II it was rent projects. opened in October 1924 - the three becoming obvious that the 25-yearWhen the present Sacred Heart sisters of St Joseph lived in a house ild rebuilt school had in the jargon of Church was being constructed, directly opposite the present school the day “just about had it”. there was an appropriate appeal genrously made available by Mr and Parent and public pressure launched and though full record are Mrs Michael Coonan. convined Father Sowersby that a not extant, many generous donations The main fundraiser for the big new modern building was a necess-
When money is needed
ity. A High School teacher, Mr Bill Liston, was a particular driving force, although he had left before the campaign gained real momentum. The Parish was divided into ‘Groups’ each with an appropriate pious title, and they set about raising money through bazaars, house parties, social gatherings, etc. It was a successful effort and building of the present school was commenced in 1956. The last ‘major’ drive was that initiated by Father Pat Jeffery in 1968. As stated, he carried out charges to satisfy Vatican Council requirements, painted the interior of the church and effected some other alterations. He presided over the launching of a Sacrificial Giving Campaign, with the help of Mr Paul White (Cathedral) and a number of young men, who had a not always pleasant task interviewing prospective contributors. However, Parish income was about trebled, and follow-ups of the Campaign have been carried out. It is now a Planned Giving exercise.
Organisations ■ The Parish has seen a variety of organisations, some religious, some social, and some obviously for money raising purposes. On the social scene, the most significant is the annual Catholic Ball, which can be traced back to at least 1929 - the days of Mrs Hugh Sheehan and Mrs Ethel Stafford. It has been held every year since, changing a little with the times. It became a cabaret dinner dance in 1974 and on many occasions has incorporated a debutante set. In 1989, the Parish and St Luke’s (Anglican) held a joint function, when more than 400 people were seated in the new community hall at the High School. There were 18 debutantes presented to Mr Pat McNamara, MLA, and Mrs McNamara. St Patrick’s Gymkhana ran for nearly 30 years. It probably started from one held during the 1923 Queen Carnival, was revised in 1928, missed a few of the war years and finally petered out in 1957, Like the Ball, it raised large sums of money - in its earlier days as a ‘School expenses’ project. To Be Continued
● First group of pupils, Sacred Heart School, June 1923. Back row: George Loughron, John Wallis, Michael Coonan, Oswald Dunn, Jack Leech, Ken McLure, Wally Oliver, Eric Tratford, George Bissett, Ted Hennebery, Kevin Bissett. Second back row: Jim Walker, Lock Oliver, Dick Caples, William Dignam, Edith Oliver, Winnie Leech, Winnie Oliver, Margaret Coonan, Nellie Leech, Fr Vincent Willis, Eileen Tratford, May Coustley, Mollie Leech, Agnes Caples, Celia Leech, Doris Carter, Charles Coustley, Tom Dignam. Third row: Noel Tratford, Alice Hennebery, Ireme Coustley, May Kelly, Ella Hennebery, Grace Oliver, Joan McLure, Rita Carter, Mary Coonan, Mary Caples. Front row: Bill Hennebery, Billy Lewis, Tom Coonan, Gerald Coonan, Allan McLure, Jack Kelly, Ronald Oliver, Pat McLure, Bill Oliver, Geoff Oliver, ?, Dick Coustley. Absent: Ed Dignam, Joe O’Connor.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 43
Local History
Flowerdale families and farming From The History of Flowerdale Compiled by Gaye Hine (1991) ★ The Roycroft Family (Continued From Last Week) Tom and Bill joined the Army and served in World War II. Tom married Daisy Fuller and lived on a soldier settlers farm near Port Fairy. Bill married Mavis who was from Yea, they settled on a soldier settlers block near Camperdown where Bill ran a dairy farm and pursued his love of horses, becoming a fanous equestrian and competing in the Olympic Games. Linda married Frank Daws from Strath Creek. Their sons Stan and Brian still run the family farm there. Maude married J. Brady and moved to Leeton. Charlie married Marge and settled at Carrum as a bootmaker. Mick married Glen Walters and moved to Northcote, and Ted married Neil who also had seven children. They were Shirley, Daphne, Graham, Ross, Lynton, Keith and Christopher (who were twins) and an adopted son, Thomas. All children attended the Flowerdale Primary School over the years. Ross recalls attending the King Parrot School at Cistern Hill for six months, then attending Flowerdale Primary School from 1944 and leaving at the age of 14 in 1951. On leaving school Ross worked at potato picking, timber cutting at the back of what is now Szepe’s poultry farm, then setting up mills and logging the Roycroft blocks. This was followed by a period of working for the Board of Works for 10 months following in the footsteps of his grandfather who had worked on the channel for the Board of Works. After working at the Silver Creek Saw Mills for three yewars, Ross went on to Leongatha hwre he worked at cutting poles for the SEC. Here he met and married Christine. They lived in a caravan for five years, travelling to Flowerdale to build their house at the weekends. They eventually moved back to Flowerdale and had their son John. Ross’s antique business developed when he would fund and collect old bottles around disused timber mills. He now runs an auctioneer and antique dealer business from Flowerdale. The Moore Family by Lawrence Moore John and Samuel Moore emigrated to Australia from England in early to mid 1880s. They were cabinet makers by trade. They travelled inland as far as Flowerdale and that is where they settled. It seems likely that they then took a lease of the land and later Samuel obtained his first land title on May 2, 1888. Samuel Moore married Elizabeth Jackson. They had two children: Walter Ernest (an adopted child) and Esther. Walter E. Moore married Irene M. Bentley and Esther married Harold Bentley. The Bentley parents at the time occupied the property known as ‘The Willows’. which at a much later date was owned by J. Hatchell-Brown. Walter E. Moore and the former
Irene M. Bentley were the parents of Leslie Ernest, Lawrence (self) and Marjorie May. Mrs Irene Moore ran the Flowerdale Hotel sometime before in 1918, at the same time managing the family farm. She was also running a business as a licensed carrier. The transport vehicle was a covered two-horse wagon. Our father operated the carrying business, part of which was the collection of beer, etc., for the hotel from the railway station at Whittlesea. One night on a trip home from Whittlesea on the Tommy’s Hut (Kinglake West) side of where Les Roberts Senior built his house, about 150 metres back along that cutting, a barrel of beer became dislodged from the wagon and rolled over the embankment and finally came to rest either in or beside the King Parrot Creek. Somehow the barrel of beer was recovered but I am uncertain as to how this was achieved. The hours were lots and tiring on the work, and it has been told that it was not uncommon for one of the horses to be seen in the paddock the following morning still wearing the collar and harness, having wandered off in the dark before being completely unharnessed. After our parents married, they leased Rowes’ Flat and were dairy farmers there until the early 1930s. They then moved onto a property on the western side of the King Parrot Creek opposite the Rowe property. Finally, this property was sold and the last of our family (namely myself and family) left the district in 1959. Dairy Farming: During the early years of dairying on Rowe’s property, our father also operated a cream collection run from Flowerdale via Strath Creek to Kerrisdale Railway Station thence the cream went by rail to the Yea Butter Factory. Sometime during the 1920s, the Yea Butter Factory put a truck on the collection run - the route being via Murrindindi, Glenburn, Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Kerrisdale, Homewood and Yea. At some stage before the establishment of cream collection there was factory of some sort known as
● Bill Roycroft ‘The Creamery’ situated on a site where Frank Rowe built his house (Lil Rowe lives in that house now). Apparently the district farmers brought their milk to the creamery where it was separated and the skim milk was made into cheese. Our School Days” The three of us were born during the time that our parents were dairying on Rowe’s Flat. Les and I attended the school at Break-O’-Day. Horseback was our mode of travel, Les finished his school days at the time that the school at Break-O’-Day was closed. My school days ended whilst school was being held in the tworoomed residence owned by Arthur Carver. Marjorie, being the youngest, continued her schooling until eventually she went to the Yea Higher Elementary School via the school bus which commenced the journey from the Flowerdale Hotel. Before school started in the old hall and following the closing of the school at Break-O’-Day. I attended school at Strath Creek in the interim period for about three months. That entailed riding a horse, a total of 16 miles per day. The Moore Family The land originally selectede by Samuel Walter Moore were marked as Crown Allotments 31A, 32, 32A, 33, 33A, 33B, 34B. Apart from some of these lots being divided by the Yea Road they were all operated as one property. Lot 44, in the name of I.M. Moore (our mother) did not belong to the original land selected by S. Moore. This was acquired at a later date and farmed with the other land mentioned. Sheep were run on the higher country. A limited amount of oat cropping was carried out mainly on the southern side of the Yea Road. Catlle were run on the flats adjacent to the Break-O’-Day Creek. The W.E. Moore whose name was registered on Crown Allotment 33B is that of our father. As for John Moore, it appears that he did not select land at Flowerdale. He was married and had two children, Ruby and Hebert. We presume he farmed jointly with Samuel until such time as he
selected land in an area known as ‘The Ti Tree’, about half-way between Flowerdale and Yea. Herbert’s son, Barry, is a farmer living, I guess, 15-jm out from Yea on the Glenburn Road. I suppose highlights in our lives in the late 1920s-early 30s would have been the annual Yea Show, Easter Saturday Sports at Flowerdale with a dance that night, Christmas holidays and Easter time. During the holidays, campers from Melbourne would throng to the district and camp in tents along the King Parrot Creek. Often straw on the ground inside the tent was used as a mattress. Many had favourite sports and would return there each year. Horse drawn vehicles were a common means of transport. Some campers would be brought by truck and left at their site and then called for at the end of the holiday. As time progressed, motor cars and motor bikes became more prevalent, replacing horse drawn vehicles. Regular dances were held in the hall during the holidays, and despite the condition of the hall, enjoyable times were had. Our mother was a pianist and she played for the dances for many years. At some stage of the late twenties the hall must have been done up, as I recall seeing James Morrissey of Junction Hill bring a load of timber to the hall from Yea; the mode of transport being his team of bullocks and a bullock wagon. Yea was the main shopping centre for the district. In the early twenties and prior, transport was by horse and jinker or buggy. Frank Keays of Strath Creek conducted a general store, and a weekly delivery of orders was made via horse and cart to Flowerdale, and several miles further up the King Parrot Creek when required. His store was stocked with almost everything from a needle to an anchor. The Great Depression was in existence during these times. Tramps were plentiful. They were mainly men who were out of work and were walking the roads, begging food and also seeking work. Rabbits were plentiful and trapp-
ing them was a means of existence for many of the unemployed. A rabbit buyer came through the district at least twice a week. He carried bread and tobacco, etc., to supply to the trappers. Prices for the rabbits were very low. Every otherwise vacant hint, shed or old house was likely to have trappers therein. The introduction of myxomatosis to the rabbit population in the late 1940s assisted greatly in reducing their numbers. Some people used to come from Melbourne, mainly of a Friday, to collect tree branches with eucalyptus leaves thereon to take to Melbourne and supply to eucalyptus manufacturers. Their transport was chiefly utilities, and the leaves were obtained somewhere on Juncton Hill. We observed these people going along whilst were were at the Break-O’Day School. As far as I can recall, Cyril Carver was the first person in the district to use superphosphate on his pastures. His method of application was by carrying the phosphate in a bucket and scattering it by hand. Later in the 1930s the spreading of same had become more general, and mechanical spreaders were used. World War II brought about the end of the depression. Walter Moore retired in 1953 ande he and hios wife went to live in Seymour. His son, Laurie, remained on the farm. Walter passed away in 1959, and Laurie and his family left the district, thereby ending the reign of the Moore family in Flowerdale. Thomas Byrne The Coonans Thomas Byrne came to Flowerdale from Strath Creek in 1924. His land at Strath Creek was purchased by the Flowerdale Estate after he moved to take up land in the Spring Valley area. Thomas and Bridget Byrne had six children: Thomas, the eldest son married Kathleen O’Connell of Yea. They had two children: a boy called Thomas (Bon) and a girl called Kathleen. Kathleen Byrne married Gerald Coonan and lived in Spring Valley Road for many years. Mary Anne, daughter of Bridget and Thomas Byrne, married Thomas Collins who ran the Flowerdale Hotel for many years. The Byrnes lived in the Spring Valley Homestead (where George Grundy settled). Thomas Byrne also owned land along the Yea-Flowerdale Rd, a property called Byrneside, and a Bradeys at the top end of Spring Valley Rd. The Coonan family in 1928 bought the property in Spring Valley Rd which is known today as ‘Lowana’. The original owner of this land was J. Evans who named it ‘Kimbar’ after a place in South Australia. Gerry and Kath Coonan took the property over in the late 1930s. The Coonans farmed sheep and cattle, but mainly Corriedale sheep, which they bred themselves, often making trips to the Hamilton area in the Western District to buy breeding rams. Continued on next page
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Local History Continued from previous page The property originally consisted of 11,000 acres but has since been subdivided. ‘Kimbar’ was sold to Brendan McCarthy in 1972, who changed the name to ‘Clearview Park’ and turned it into a horse stud. It was sold to Racovolis who renamed it ‘Lowanna’ and made it into a cattle stud, breeding hereford cattle. Thomas Byrne’s property was also sold to McCarthys in 1971. The Hatchell-Brown Family John Hatchell-Brown had just one ambition when he grew up - and that was to become an entyomologist or work with creatures in some way. Because his ambitions were never taken seriously by his family, he did the next best thing and became a farmer. Working in the north-west of New South Wales and then in the New England area, John experienced very harsh farming conditions. He settled in Flowerdale in 1936, choosing this area for its reliable rainfall, and the permanent water supply of the King Parrot Creek. The property he purchased from Fogarties between the Hazeldene area and Kinlocheil, had the King Parrot flowing through it. The property was named ‘The Willows’. Laurie Haughton also came to Flowerdale in 1936 as the school teacher. They married in 1946 and later had two children, John (junior) who was born in 1948 and Elspeth, born in 1957. The Hatchell-Browns farmed sheep,the Border Leicester breed which they found to be a good producer of both meat and wool. They also raised Saanen goats for a milk supply, the goats doing so well in the ideal Flowerdale conditions that a small stud was built up. One gets the feeling that this family had philosophies belonging to the 1980s and 90s with their appreciation of bird life, insects, butterflies and bees. They kept beehives, and John Hatchell-Brown (Senior) knew only too well the importance of growing native plants to preserve the environment. They built their house to blend in with the landscape, oiling it rather than painting it, and then surrounding it with trees. Mrs Hatchell-Brown returned to school when Elspeth was two years old, heloing with needlework at Flowerdale Primary School. She ran the kindergarten at Yea from 1961 for 18 years. The Hatchell-Browns remember only too well, leaving Flowerdale in 1969, because the week they moved into Yea was when the fires from Ghin Ghin and Junction Hill burned so furiously that they joined up after the wind changes, isolating Yea and preventing anyone from crossing Junction Hill. They eventually were able to move and find their house in Yea still standing. The Hatchell-Browns maintain that while living in Flowerdale they experienced the best years that Flowerdale had to offer. The Fry-WaltersHazelman Families Richard John Fry came to Flowerdale during the 1920s looking for good farming land to take up. He purchased 2000-3000 acres along the valley extending from where Happy Valley II now stands in the north, and southward to Gum Creek, Service Road and also further south towards Kinglake. Mrs Mary Walters recalls camp-
● ‘Flowerdale’ Estate. 1985. Photo: John T. Collins. ing at first in the area near Happy Robert Walters remembers sell- Alan Hazelman in 12943 and lived Valley II - coming at weekends until ing milk to the canpers. Other enter- in South Morang for two years. the house was built. tainment included dances in the When World War II broke out, John Fry’s children, Susan, Tho- Flowerdale Hall. Mrs Mary Walters Alan Hazelman joined the RAAF and mas, Mary, Renee, Edith, George and would play for barn dances, circular was sent to Townsville where he met Bobby came to live in Flowerdale waltzes or other requests giving Mrs with an accident which broke his but only Mary remained here - the Moore a well earned break. neck. other children returned to NSW to Bob attended Kinglake West PriHe was discharged and returned settle. mary after the King Parrot School home to recover. His unit was reIn 1925, Mary married Leslie closed. He won a scholarship and formed 18 months later and he reWalters. They had six children: attended Northcote High School. joined it to go as far as Katherine. Bessie, Ted, Gwenneth, John, RobAfter living and working in MelAfter the war Bessie and Alan ert and Mary. bourne for a while Bob returned to Hazelman returned to Flowerdale Mary and Leslie raised their chil- Flowerdale 25 years ago, playing where Alan started a paling mill and dren in Flowerdale, managing the cricket and football at the weekends Bessie took up running the King Parfamily property which ran sheep and during the 1950s. rot telephone exchange. cattle. As the bachelor of the family, The exchange was run from a little There were also two timber mills Bob lived with his mum in Flower- room off the Hazelman’s house, on Mrs Fry’s property, one in Silver dale. commencing in the early 1950s and Creek Rd rented by Mr Jones and a While some of Mary Walters’s closed in 1970. second mill was situated near Ray children have moved away from Bessie and Alan had three chilEvans house. Flowerdale, most have returned or dren - Leslie, Lorraine and Wayne. Mary remembers the property live nearby. being over run with rabbits. Two men Bessie married Alan Hazelman THE ROBERTS FAMILY were employed simply for rabbiting and had three children - Leslie, (Paradise Valley) and scrub clearing. Lorraine and Wayne. Carolyn and Les Roberts came Other memories that Mary recalls Bessie and Wayne and his family to Flowerdale during the 1930s and are washing outside with a copper to still live in Flowerdale. Gweneth purchased 640 acres from the Lands boil the washing in. married Mick Roycroft and pro- Department - paying 10 shillings an For cooking, a wood stove which duced three children: Nola, Robert acre. had two fires, one near the top which and Lawrence. They built their house from timhad bars across it, the old black iron This family lived in the first house ber which was logged from the area pots and kettles over the flame. past the hotel (on the creek side) until over the road from where the house A second fire was located further the 70s when they moved to Mel- still stands. down and heated the oven. bourne. The property was called ‘ParaLighting was provided by keroTed married Beryl Callander and dise Valley’. The Roberts family sene and tilly lights. During the early moved to Warragul. John married logged the land, sending the timber days people baked their own bread, Jan Carr. They had three children: to Melbourne. but later it came from Mitchells in Murray, David and Neil. They had two children, Les born Whittlesea. John and Jan returned to Flower- in 1924, and Marie born in 1931. The road through Flowerdale was dale to live. Les remembers attending school no more than a dir track, which was Mary married Brian Butcher. in the Hall, Carver’s house, and figraded with a horsedrawn grader and They had two children and live in nally in the little school that was covered with rough metal. Heathmont. brought from Johnson Creek. The Walters children attended the School was reached by horse and small King Parrot school was loBESSIE HAZELMAN jinker or by bike - dinking his sister cated on Mr Fry’s property where (WALTERS) on the back. the Syston Hill residence is now situAs the eldest of six children, Les also remembers his father ated. Bessie Walters remembers having taking the children to the school The school was open for three had many chores to do as a child. sports at Yea on the back of his truck. years during the early 1940s. Part of She remembers helping to milk 10 Perhaps this was the foreunner to the the school was lter moved to grounds cows and feeding cows and pigs be- bus service which the Roberts famof Flowerdale Primary School and fore and after going to school. ily was to provide for the next 40 used as a shelter shed. After growing up in the area and years. Other families who attended the attending school both in Melbourne The bus service commenced in school included Roycrofts, Roberts (where she became homesick), and about 1948 with Marie Roberts drivand Harris from the Board of at Flowerdale. ing seven children in a car to FlowerWorks. Bessie went to work at Tommy’s dale Primary School. Entertainment in the early days Hut which was a guest house at In the early 1950s, Les Roberts consisted of house parties - birth- Kinglake West. (Senior) purchased a red 19-passendays, Christmas and New Year celFrom here she went to the Board ger Federal bus for the state school ebrations to which everyone was in- of Works, then to the Morella Guest bus run, and this was followed by a vited - even the campers along the House at Kinglake. Volswagen Kombi van which could creek. Bessie then went to work at the seat 15. The Polo Paddock beyond Roy- Flowerdale Estate where she was In 1957, Les Roberts (Junior) crofts was like a town with campers employed as a nursemaid for the started the Yea High School bus run. arriving in droves during holiday Tehan children. This bus - a 40-seat McKenzie coach times. Bessie married Alan Hazelman - also carried children tothe Primary
School and then continued on to the High Schol via Spring Valley Rd. In thsoe days, Les remembers, there was no shop at Hazeldene. Bread and milk came to that end of the valley from Whittlesea. Other shopping was purchased from Whittlesea and mail from Cunningham’s Post Office. The roads were no more than tracks and there were only about four houses between Paradise Valley and the hotel. There were gold mines in the hills behind Paradise Valley and around Gum Creek bridge area. In the creek between Gum Creek and Silver Creek there was a water race which was used to extract gold. Les and Edna Roberts were married in 1956, living in a tiny hut wheile built a timber house. They later built the brick house which is at the northern end boundary of Paradise Valley. Les and Edna moved to Yea in 1984. Reminiscing about the southern end of Flowerdale, Les remembers such land marks as ‘Hatties Flat’; ‘Johnson Flat’; the polo paddock behind Mrs Roycrofts; and Mary’s Tree - a large tree under which Mary, the female swaggie, used to camp. Mr Fry, who had owned a shoe factory in Sydney, purchased all of the land between Happy Valley and Paradise Valley. He later sold the land to Ambrose Power, a land developer who subdivided and sold off the area. MEMORIES BY MARY MILDREN (McVEAN) My parents and sister moved top Flowerdale in 1937, and lived at the hotel while our house was built. Jack and Peggy Collins owned the hotel then. The property was known as ‘Kinlochiel’, the total being 800 acres. Several years later the portion known as Gibbs, which is on the left past the hotel going south, was sold by my father. We lived at ‘Kinlochiel’ until the death of my father in 1953, when the property was sold. On service that we had for a while was that of a butcher, in about 1938-42. His name was McCormack and he lived on the Yea Rd, about half-a-mile from the school and he used to travel door-to-door selling meat which he had killed and dressed himself. He drove an old 1929 trick which was not refrigerated in those days. There was not the paid entertainment that is available now, but we didn’t seem to lack any. There was usually a dance on Saturday night to attend either at Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Glenburn, Yea, Kinglake or Homewood. Then, of course, during the winter, numerous ‘balls’ were held in Yea. There were always tennis, football and cricket clubs with interdsitrict matches. I think the cricket club disbanded during the 1939-45 war but football and tennis certainly survived. Also, there was a golf club for a while which was on the Collins property. We always travelled by car but of course school children rode bikes, horses or walked until the advent of the school bus driven by the Roberts family in about 1947. The Carman family of Kinglake West operated a weekly bus between Melbourne and Flowerdale for many years. The mail came twice weekly from Broadford, where it was delivered to the P.O., which was on the north verandah of the Hotel. Some people have private bags but others collected their mail, papers from the P.O. To Be Continued
The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 45
Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail: editor@LocalPaper.com.au
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Ardmona 14.13 (97) d Seville 9.6 (60).Belgrave 14.16 (100) d Thornton-Eildon 6.7 (43). Kinglake 14.9 (93) d Yarra Junction 6.9 (45). Yarra Glen 10.6 (66) d Powelltown 8.7 (61). Yea: Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Belgrave, 152.76, 68. 2. Seville, 172.10, 60. 3. Yarra Glen, 153.48, 52. 4. Alexandra, 115.17, 44. 5. Powelltown, 111.73, 44. 6. Kinglake, 98.26, 36. 7. Yarra Junction, 82.84, 28. 8. Yea, 49.86, 16. 9. Thornton-Eildon, 42.31, 12.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Alexandra 17.12 (114) d Seville 3.0 (18). Belgrave 21.18 (144) d Thornton-Eildon 1.0 (6). Kinglake 20.18 (138) d Yarra Junction 2.3 (15). Yarra Glen 8.7 (55) d Powelltown 2.6 (18). Yea: Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Belgrave, 401.62, 68. 2. Yarra Glen, 374.94, 68. 3. Powelltown, 151.10, 52. 4. Alexandra, 195.60, 48. 5. Seville, 69.52, 36. 6. Yea, 60.62, 24. 7. Thornton-Eildon, 36.10, 24. 8. Yarra Junction, 44.53, 20. 9. Kinglake, 37.47, 20.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Healesville 15.19 (109) d Wandin 3.4 (23). Woori Yallock 11.13 (79) d Warburton-Millgrove 7.,4 (46). Monbulk 16.13 (109) d Gembrook-Cockatoo 6.10 (46). Olinda-Ferny Creek 14.16 (100) d Emerald 4.6 (30). Upwey-Tecoma 11.17 (83) d Mt Evelyn 6.20 (56). ■ Ladder. 1. Healesville, 210.97, 56. 2. Woori Yallock, 192.25, 56. 3. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 183.90, 54. 4. Wandin, 138.26, 50. 5. UpweyTecoma, 118.17, 46. 6. Mt Evelyn, 82.96, 26. 7. Monbulk, 96.02, 24. 8. Emerald, 70.87, 20. 9. Warburton-Millgrove, 48.17, 8. 10. GembrookCockatoo, 35.00, 0.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Healesville 10.9 (69) d Wandin 6.6 (42). Warburton-Millgrove 7.13 (55) d Woori Yallock 2.4 (16). Monbulk 13.12 (60) d GembrookCockatoo 0.4 (4). Olinda-Ferny Creek 12.6 (78) d Emerald 4.8 (32). Mt Evelyn 10.11 (71) d Upwey-Tecoma 2.8 (20). ■ Ladder. 1. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 371.64, 64. 2. Healesville, 345.89, 64. 3. Wandin, 222.19, 52. 4. Mt Evelyn, 107.87, 36. 5. Emerald, 93.73, 32. 6. Monbulk, 85.54, 28. 7. Upwey-Tecoma, 85.07, 28. 8. Warburton-Milgrove, 46.60, 20. 9. Woori Yallock, 52.59, 16. 10. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 25.15, 0.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Emerald 18.12 (120) d Yarra Glen 2.2 (14). Wandin 7.13 (55) d Healesville 2.8 (20). Warburton-Millgrove 8.6 (54) d Woori Yallock 5.4 (34). Gembrook-Cockatoo 7.5 (47) d Monbulk 5.12 (42). Mt Evelyn 11.21 (87) d Upwey-Tecoma 0.1 (1). ■ Ladder. 1. Mt Evelyn, 343.30, 64. 2. Emerald, 316.33, 60. 3. Wandin, 169.32, 56. 4. Healesville, 115.29, 42. 5. Upwey-Tecoma, 92.10, 36. 6. Woori Yallock, 62.66, 28. 7. WarburtonMillgrove, 63.23, 20. 8. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 60.47, 18. 9. Monbulk, 69.46, 16. 10. Yarra Glen, 30.26, 0.
■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Northcote Park 14.16 (100) d Montmorency
NORTHERN F.L. DIVISION 1 SCORES AT A GLANCE 6.4 (40). Greensborough 14.8 (92) d Hurstbridge 9.4 (58). Macleod 14.13 (97) d West Preston-Lakeside 9.10 (64). Heidelberg 7.7 (49) d Eltham 4.9 (33). Whittlesea 14.9 (93) d Bundoora 10.6 (66). ■ Ladder. 1. Macleod, 145.57, 56. 2. Northcote Park, 125.71, 48. 3. Bundoora, 126.43, 44. 4. Greensborough, 113.34, 44. 5. West PrestonLakeside, 120.74, 40. 6. Heidelberg, 94.60, 32. 7. Hurstbridge, 87.21, 20. 8. Montmorency, 75.97, 20. 9. Whittlesea, 74.05, 20. 10. Eltham, 64.44, 16. ■ Fixture. Round 18. Saturday, August 26. Hurstbridge v West Preston-Lakeside. Macleod v Northcote Park. Eltham v Whittlesea. Montmorency v Heidelberg. Bundoora v Greensborough.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Kilmore 17.14 (116) d Reservoir 8.9 (57). South Morang 8.7 (55) d St Mary’s 7.9 (51). Banyule 22.12 (144) d Heidelberg West 2.2 (14). Mernda 14.10 (94) d Laurimar 5.18 (48). ■ Ladder. 1. South Morang, 215.17, 60. 2. Banyule, 197.45, 54. 3. Epping, 172.49, 44. 4. St Mary’s, 173.72, 40. 5. Kilmore, 78.39, 32. 6. Heidelberg West, 85.30, 28. 7. Mernda, 72.30, 16. 8. Laurimar, 49.70, 8. 9. Reservoir, 32.61, 4.
■ Results. Round 19. Saturday, August 19. Ardmona v Nagambie. Muchison-Toolamba 15.18 (108) d Longwood 10.8 (68). Girgarre 14.9 (93) d Rushworth 10.7 (67). Avenel 14.8 (92) d Tallygaroopna 13.12 (90). Lancaster 32.11 (203) D Undera 1.5 (11). Violet Town 13.6 (84) d Stanhope 8.10 (58). ■ Ladder. 1. Violet Town, 199.69, 68. 2. Nagambie, 167.68, 60. 3. Tallygaroopna, 212.90, 56. 4. Stanhope, 172.41, 56. 5. Avenel, 169.25, 52. 6. Lancaster, 166.83, 48. 7. MurchisonRESERVES Toolamba, 107.74, 44. 8. Girgarre, 132.30, 40. ■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. 9. Merrigum, 90.99, 40. 10. Rushworth, 89.86, Kimore 9.7 (61) d Reservoir 6.2 (38). South 28. 11. Longwood, 46.63, 20. 12. Undera, 21.82, Morang 5.5 (35) drew with St Mary’s 4.11 (35). 20. 13. Ardmona, 0.00, 8. RESERVES Banyule 16.11 (107) d Heidelberg West 2.2 (16). ■ Fixture. Round 20. Saturday, August 26. ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Mernda 9.17 (71) d Laurimar 8.9 (57). Epping: Avenel v Ardmona. Lancaster v Rushworth. Merrigum v Violet Town. Murchison-Toolamba Northcote Park 16.12 (108) d Montmorency 6.5 Bye. (41). Greensborough 14.9 (93) d Hurstbridge 3.7 ■ Ladder. 1. St Mary’s, 273.89, 54. 2. South v Undera. Nagambie v Longwood. Stanhope v (25). West Preston-Lakeside 10.7 (67) d Macleod Morang, 243.27, 54. 3. Epping, 230.08, 52. 4. Tallygaroopna. 8.14 (62). Heidelberg 7.2 (44) d Eltham 4.5 (29). RESERVES Banyule, 280.41, 48. 5. Heidelberg West, 91.85, Bundoora 15.14 (104) d Whittlesea 4.7 (31). ■ Results. Round 19. Saturday, August 19. ■ Ladder. 1. Greensborough, 204.11, 62. 2. 32. 6. Mernda, 63.40, 20. 7. Reservoir, 35.97, Nagambie 18.14 (122) d Ardmona 2.5 (17). Macleod, 196.62, 56. 3. Northcote Park, 217.96, 12. 8. Kilmore, 31.88, 8. 9. Laurimar, 30.13, 8. Murchison-Toolamba 13.9 (87) d Longwood 6.3 52. 4. West Preston-Lakeside, 159.14, 48. 5. (39). Girgarre 9.8 (62) d Rushworth 9.7 (61). Bundoora, 149.24, 42. 6. Eltham, 78.31, 26. 7. GOULBURN VALLEY Tallygaroopna 17.9 (111) d Avenel 3.4 (22). Heidelberg, 72.83, 24. 8. Whittlesea, 46.24, 14. Lancaster 14.12 (96) d Undera 3.7 (25). StanFOOTBALL LEAGUE 9. Hurstbridge, 57.22, 12. 10. Montmorency, hope 16.17 (111) d Violet Town 2.3 (15). 37.30, 4. SCORES AT A GLANCE ■ Ladder. 1. Tallygaroopna, 253.02, 74. 2. UNDER 19 Merrigum, 257.12, 66. 3. Stanhope, 356.29, 64. 4. Murchison-Toolamba, 165.37, 56. 5. ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. SENIORS Northcote Park 6.11 (47) d Montmorency 5.11 ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Lancaster, 164.19, 52. 6. Girgarre, 125.47, 44. (41). Macleod 12.16 (88) d West Preston-Lake- Mansfield 10.9 (69) d Benalla 9.12 (66). Euroa 7. Avenel, 94.59, 40. 8. Nagambie, 87.17, 36. 9. side 6.7 (43). Whittlesea v Bundoora. Greens- 12.9 (81) d Tatura 8.6 (54). Kyabram 10.14 (74) Longwood, 88.17, 32. 10. Violet Town, 70.01, 28. 11. Rushworth, 52.82, 22. 12. Undera, 42.45, borough: Bye. Eltham: Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Macleod, 177.27, 44. 2. Bun- d Seymour 5.12 (42). Shepparton 17.13 (115) d 20. doora, 227.53, 36. 3. Greensborough, 142.55, Shepparton Swans 3.8 (26). Rochester 18.10 UNDER 18 36. 4. Eltham, 130.95, 36. 5. Northcote Park, (118) d Echuca 3.11 (29). Shepparton United ■ Results. Round 19. Saturday, August 19. 98.20, 22. 6. Whittlesea, 73.75, 22. 7. Mont- 15.9 (99) d Mooroopna 6.8 (44). Murchison-Toolamba 21.15 (141) d Longwood morency, 55.39, 8. 8. West Preston-Lakeside, ■ Ladder. 1. Kyabram, 295.93, 68. 2. Shepp- 1.0 (6). Rushworth v Girgarre. Tallygaroopna 32.25, 4. arton, 160.04, 52. 3. Euroa, 130.48, 52. 4. Sey- 8.8 (56) d Avenel 8.7 (55). Undera v Lancaster. mour, 131.80, 48. 5. Rochester, 128.47, 44. 6. Merrigum 11.7 (73) d Stanhope 7.8 (50). NORTHERN F.L. Benalla, 116.97, 40. 7. Echuca, 86.70, 28. 8. ■ Ladder. 1. Merrigum, 364.46, 72. 2. TallyMansfield, 82.03, 24. 9. Tatura, 83.65, 16. 10. garoopna, 313.92, 68. 3. Avenel, 311.04, 60. 4. DIVISION 2 Shepparton United, 54.34, 16. 11. Mooroopna, Murchison-Toolamba, 220.46, 52. 5. Lancaster, SCORES AT A GLANCE 183.66, 52. 6. Stanhope, 123.18, 44. 7. Rush61.42, 12. Shepparton Swans, 45.46, 8. ■ Fixture. Round 18. Saturday, August 26. worth, 85.61, 44. 8. Longwood, 42.98, 28. 9. SENIORS Shepparton United v Kyabram. Seymour v Ardmona, 27.57, 28. 10. Undera, 21.48, 24. 11. ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Euroa. Mansfield v Echuca. Rochester v Girgarre, 24.30, 20. Watsonia 7.14 (56) d Lalor 5.3 (33). Lower Shepparton Swans.Tatura v Benalla. Mooroopna RIDDELL DISTRICT Plenty 16.13 (109) d Panton Hill 5.10 (40). North v Shepparton. Heidelberg 25.15 (165) d Thomastown 6.7 (43). FOOTBALL LEAGUE RESERVES Diamond Creek 23.6 (144) d Fitzroy Stars 18.9 (117). SCORES AT A GLANCE ■ Ladder. 1. North Heidelberg, 226.27, 62. 2. ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Diamond Creek, 196.98, 56. 3. Fitzroy Stars, Mansfield 16.10 (106) d Benalla 1.7 (13). Euroa 126.90, 42. 4. Lower Plenty, 162.72, 40. 5. 14.16 (100) d Tatura 3.1 (19). Kyabram 14.17 SENIORS Thomastown, 82.47, 36. 6. Watsonia, 67.30, 20. (101) d Seymour 3.7 (25). Shepparton 22.21 ■ Results. Round 16. Saturday, August 19. 7. Lalor, 47.37, 12. 8. Panton Hill, 40.23, 4. (153) d Shepparton Swans 2.1 (13). Rochester Melton Centrals 19.7 (121) d Lancefield 8.6 (54). ■ Fixture. Round 18. Saturday, August 26. 13.7 (85) d Echuca 3.10 (28). Shepparton United Sunsbury Kangaroos 14.8 (92) d WoodendDiamond Creek v North Heidelberg. Thomas- 18.14 (122) d Mooroopna 2.3 (15). Hesket 7.8 (50). Rupertswood 22.18 (150) d town v Lower Plenty. Panton Hill v Watsonia. ■ Ladder. 1. Euroa, 263.46, 56. 2. Shepp-arton, Rockbank 4.3 (27). Riddell 25.20 (170) d BroadFitzroy Stars v Lalor. 195.34, 56. 3. Rochester, 215.98, 52. 4. Ky- ford 3.1 (19). Romsey 14.10 (94) d Wallan 11.12 RESERVES abram, 204.26, 52. 5. Mansfield, 156.31, 44. 6. (78). Macedon 9.13 (67) d Diggers Rest 2.4 (16). ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. Shepparton United, 144.67, 40. 7. Seymour, ■ Ladder. 1. Macedon, 285.90, 56. 2. RupertsWatsonia 14.12 (96) d Lalor 3.1 (19). Lower 118.03, 28. 8. Tatura, 105.02, 28. 9. Echuca, wood, 274.04, 52. 3. Diggers Rest, 188.73, 48. Plenty 10.16 (75) d Panton Hill 2.4 (16). North 127.38, 26. 10. Shepparton Swans, 22.39, 12. 4. Riddell, 134.72, 44. 5. Romsey, 132.58, 44. 6. Sunbury Kangaroos, 150.35, 40. 7. Wallan, Heidelberg 18.15 (123) d Thomastown 1.4 (88). Diamond Creek 19.19 (133) d Fitzroy Stars 4.4 (28). 11. Mooroopna, 37.63, 8. 12. Benalla, 15.35, 6. 147.7, 40. 8. Melton Centrals, 66.74, 28. 9. Woodend-Hesket, 75.05, 16. 10. Lancefield, ■ Ladder. 1. North Heidelberg, 251.22, 60. 2. UNDER 18 Diamond Creek, 361.41, 58. 3. Lower Plenty, ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. 45.72, 8. 11. Rockbank, 42.15, 8. 12. Broadford, 172.11, 46. 4. Thomastown, 135.27, 44. 5. Benalla 16.15 (111) d Mansfield 3.1 (19). Tatura 21.80, 0. Watsonia, 109.86, 40. 6. Fitzroy Stars, 48.55, 10.12 (72) d Euroa 0.1 (1). Kyabram 27.16 (178) RESERVES 12. 7. Lalor, 27.50, 8. 8. Panton Hill, 29.73, 4. d Seymour 3.4 (22). Shepparton 20.14 (134) d ■ Results. Round 16. Saturday, August 19. UNDER 19 Shepparton Swans 1.4 (10). Rochester 10.10 (70) Melton Centrals 19.9 (123) d Lancefield 3.1 (19). ■ Results. Round 17. Saturday, August 19. d Echuca 5.7 (37). Shepparton United 7.8 (50) d Sunbury Kangaroos 17.16 (118) d WoodendHesket 3.3 (21). Rupertswood 28.16 (184) d Mill Park 41 drew with Diamond Creek 41. St Mooroopna 4.4 (28). Mary’s 9.11 (65) d South Morang 10.3 (63). ■ Ladder. 1. Kyabram, 430.24, 68. 2. Shepp- Rockbank 4.4 (28). Riddell 17.10 (112) d BroadLower Plenty v Epping. North Heidelberg 10.8 arton United, 204.27, 52. 3. Benalla, 208.39, 48. ford 3.6 (24). Wallan 15.19 (109) d Romsey 0.1 (1). Diggers Rest 15.16 (106) d Macedon 1.2 (68) d Banyule 8.10 (58). ■ Ladder. 1. Lowewr Plenty, 157.08, 62. 2. 4. Shepparton, 200.00, 48. 5. Tatura, 110.03, 48. (8). South Morang, 191.79, 58. 3. St Mary’s, 127.79, 6. Rochester, 139.29, 44. 7. Echuca, 140.00, 32. ■ Ladder. 1. Wallan, 528.41, 60. 2. Ruperts52. 4. Diamond Creek, 201.21, 40. 5. Mill Park, 8. Euroa, 59.47, 24. 9. Mooroopna, 57.12, 16. wood, 432.14, 60. 3. Diggers Rest, 431.05, 56. 68.29, 16. 6. North Heidelberg, 66.52, 16. 7. 10. Seymour, 41.75, 10. 11. Shepparton Swans, 4. Sunbury Kangaroos, 349.89, 56. 5. Melton Centrals, 116.97, 36. 6. Woodend-Hesket, 61.30, 29.31, 10. 12. Mansfield, 29.71, 8. Banyule, 66.12, 16. 8. Epping, 40.66, 0.
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28. 7. Riddell, 72.18, 24. 8. Macedon, 58.17, 24. 9. Romsey, 79.80, 20. 10. Rockbank, 25.01, 8. 11. Lancefield, 23.53, 8. 12. Broadford, 25.72, 4.
65.93, 20. 9. Healesville, 52.27, 8. 10. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 28.83, 0. ■ Fixture. Round 19. Saturday, August 19. Upwey-Tecoma v Healesville. Emerald v Woori Yallock. Gembrok-Cockatoo v WarburtonMillgrove. Mount Evelyn v Monbulk Hawks. Wandin v Olinda-Ferny Creek.
UNDER 18.5
■ Results. Round 16. Saturday, August 19. Riddell d Melton Centrals. Woodend-Hesket 14.13 (97) d Sunbury Kangaroos 2.1 (13). Rupertswood 23.18 (156) d Rockbank 1.2 (8). Wallan 19.10 (124) d Romsey 0.3 (3). Macedon 9.8 (62) d Diggers Rest 0.4 (4). ■ Ladder. 1. Wallan, 464.61, 60. 2. Rupertswood, 383.03, 56. 3. Woodend-Hesket, 192.11, 48. 4. Riddell, 126.85, 48. 5. Macedon, 100.57, 36. 6. Diggers Rest, 105.19, 28. 7. Sunbury Kangaroos, 84.33, 28. 8. Romsey, 49.49, 20. 9. Melton Centrals, 43.39, 8. 10. Rockbank, 13.49, 8.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Alexandra - Bye. Belgrave 92 d Thornton-Eildon 18. Kinglake 40 d Yarra Junction 23. Yarra Glen 61 d Powelltown 33. Yea: Bye. ■ Ladder. 1. Belgrave, 342.31, 72. 2. Yarra Glen, 128.57, 60. 3. Yea, 100.00, 48. 4. Kinglake, 105.13, 46. 5. Yarra Junction, 105.18, 40. 6. Powelltown, 82.34, 38. 7. Alexandra, 63.35, 24. 8. Thornton-Eildon, 49.37, 16. 9. Seville, 46.04, 8.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Belgrave 73 d Thornton-Eildon 10. Kinglake 22 d Yarra Junction 11. Powelltown 33 d Yarra Glen 32. Yea: Bye. Alexandra d Seville. ■ Ladder. 1. Belgrave, 185.56, 72. 2. Alexandra, 153.18, 52. 3. Yarra Glen, 150.19, 52. 4. Yea, 157.61, 50. 5. Kinglake, 105.86, 42. 6. Yarra Junction, 95.91, 32. 7. Powelltown, 72.34, 32. 8. Thornton-Eildon, 35.29, 16. 9. Seville, 24.88, 8.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Belgrave - Bye. Kinglake 44 d Yarra Junction 24. Yarra Glen 35 d Powelltown 23. Yea - Bye. Alexandra v Seville. ■ Ladder. 1. Yea, 188.70, 64. 2. Belgrave, 173.51, 64. 3. Yarra Glen, 141.54, 48. 4. Alexandra, 127.19, 48. 5. Kinglake, 123.33, 48. 6. Powelltown, 70.02, 32. 7. Yarra Junction, 28.21, 24. 8. Seville, 0.00, 4.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Alexandra - Bye. Kinglake 17 d Yarra Junction 14. Yarra Glen 16 d Powelltown 10. Yea - Bye. Belgrave 49 d Thornton-Eildon 11. ■ Ladder. 1. Yarra Glen, 244.52, 68. 2. Belgrave, 193.21, 58. 3. Yea, 163.94, 54. 4. Alexandra, 125.11, 46. 5. Kinglake, 70.20, 40. 6. Powelltown, 87.33, 38. 7. Yarra Junction, 31.15, 24. 8. Thornton-Eildon, 29.94, 16.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Wandin 27 d Healesville 17. Monbulk Hawks 42 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 10. Olinda-Ferny Creek 32 d Emerald 30. Mount Evelyn 29 d Upwey-Tecoma 22.Warburton-Millgrove 29 d Woori Yallock 23. ■ Ladder. 1. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 219.93, 68. 2. Wandin, 199.81, 58. 3. Woori Yallock, 153.64, 52. 4. Warburton-Millgrove, 112.91, 40. 5. Monbulk Hawks, 132.64, 36. 6. Mount Evelyn, 99.44, 30. 7. Upwey-Tecoma, 87.76, 28. 8. Emerald,
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Wandin 44 d Healesville 34. Monbulk Hawks 68 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 21. Olinda-Ferny Creek 79 d Emerald 30. Upwey-Tecoma 41 d Mount Evelyn 35. Woori Yalock 49 d WarburtonMillgrove 34. ■ Ladder. 1. Woori Yalloock, 204.39, 66. 2. Wandin, 159.84, 54. 3. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 167.11, 52. 4. Warburton-Millgrove, 139.38, 48. 5. Monbulk Hawks, 125.04, 44. 6. Mount Evelyn, 78.57, 24. 7. Upwey-Tecoma, 74.36, 20. 8. Healesville, 70.88, 20. 9. Emerald, 59.53, 8. 10. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 40.40, 4.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Wandin 50 d Healesville 16. Monbulk Hawks 37 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 14. Olinda-Ferny Creek 53 d Emerald 12. Upwey-Tecoma 39 d Mount Evelyn 23. Woori Yallock 39 d Warburton-Millgrove 21. ■ Ladder. 1. Wandin, 167.11, 64. 2. Woori Yallock, 161.89, 54. 3. Olinda-Ferny Creek, 158.10, 48. 4. Warburton-Millgrove, 133.78, 46. 5. Upwey-Tecoma, 119.84, 44. 6. Monbulk Hawks, 85.58, 30. 7. Mount Evelyn, 70.37, 20. 8. Healesville, 75.79, 16. 9. Emerald, 65.25, 10. 10. Gembrook-Cockatoo, 41.62, 4.
■ Results. Round 18. Saturday, August 19. Wandin 27 d Healesville 17. Monbulk Hawks 42 d Gembrook-Cockatoo 10. Olinda-Ferny Creek 32 d Emerald 30. Mount Evelyn 29 d Upwey-Tecoma 22. Warburton-Millgrove 29 d Woori Yallock 23. ■ Ladder. 1. Wandin, 161.26, 60. 2. OlindaFerny Creek, 135.66, 56. 3. WarburtonMillgrove, 150.79, 48. 4. Healesville, 128.85, 40. 5. Woori Yallock, 125.31, 36. 6. Mount Evelyn, 99.29, 36. 7. Monbulk Hawks, 100.48, 28. 8. Upwey-Tecoma, 68.98, 24. 9. GembrookCockatoo, 48.62, 8. 10. Emerald, 51.07, 4.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Greensborough 1 53 d Northcote Park 1 35. Diamond Creek 1 49 d West Preston-Lakeside 1 33. North Heidelberg 1 51 d Heidelberg 1 40. Fitzroy Stars 1 39 d South Morang 1 38. Bundoora 1 - Bye.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Diamond Creek 2 34 d Ivanhoe 1 31. North Heidelberg 2 37 d St Mary’s 1 26. Heidelberg 2 31 d Greensborough 2.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. South Morang 2 34 d Ivanhoe 2 21. Heat 1 21 d Diamond Creek 3 18. Mernda 1 32 d Diamond Creek 4 22. Watsonia 1 27 d Bundoora 2 17. St Mary’s 2 23 d Heidelberg 3 20.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Northcote Park 2 28 d Diamond Creek 5 26. Greensborough 3 32 d Kilmore 1 18. North Heidelberg 3 33 d Watsonia 2 26.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Thomastown 1 24 d North Heidelberg 4 19. Heat 2 35 d Epping 1 20.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. West Ivanhoe 1 36 d Bundoora 3 34. Hurstbridge 1 30 d Thomastown 2 25.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. South Morang 4 35 d Watsonia 4 23. Macleod 2 20 d Epping 2 19.
■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Fitzroy Stars 3 36 d Montmorency 1 26. West Ivanhoe 3 34 d Kilmore 2 28.
RESERVES KINGLAKE ......... 7.2, 11.7, 14.13, 20.18 (138) YARRA JUNCTION ........... 0.0, 0.3, 2.3, 2.3 (15) Kinglake. Goals: B. Williamson 10, C. Caine, D. Mercuri, A. Young, S. Perkins, C. Booker, T. Maloney, J. Ryan, L. Hendrie, R. Husrt, D. Maloney. Best: B. Wilkinson, A. Young, L. Hendrie, R. Hurst, C. Booker, J. Poecher. Yarra Junction. Goals: B. Freedman 2. Best: K. Wagner, A. Grace, D. Lever, A. Caley, B. Freedman, S. White.
SECTION 9 SENIORS ■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Heid- YARRA GLEN ................. 0.3, 5.5, 6.5, 10.6 (66) POWELLTOWN ............ 2.2, 4.4, 7.4, 9.7 (61) elberg West 1 26 d St Martins 18. Yarra Glen. Goals: R. McDermott 4, R. James SECTION 10 3, B. Muurling 2, J. Keen. Best: B. Ashton, R. ■ Results. Round 18. Friday, August 18. Bun- D’Argent, M. Gower, L. Vanderstadt, C. Moate, doora 6 20 d Mernda 3 14. B. Binion. Powelltown. Goals: D. Rees 3, M. McArthur 3, AFL YARRA RANGES M. McLaughlin, T. Kelly, Z. Atkins. Best: M. Lord, N. Moody, M. McLaughlin, J. Walker, M. FOOTBALL. DIVISION 2 Pote, M. McArthur. SCOREBOARD RESERVES YARRA GLEN ................. 1.2, 4.3, 6.3, 8.7 (55) ALEXANDRA V SEVILLE POWELLTOWN .............. 1.1, 2.4, 2.6, 2.6 (18) Yarra Glen. Goals: D. Grant 2, B. Hart, M. SENIORS ALEXANDRA ............ 2.1, 7.8, 9.11, 14.13 (97) Ashton, W. Goodwin, J. Derksen, D. Morse, B. SEVILLE ........................ 3.1, 5.2, 7.3, 9.6 (60) Marsh. Best: J. Donald, W. Goodwin, B. Marsh, Alexandra. Goals: B. Norris 4, Z. Heaslip 3, L. P. Teijeim, R. Gurney, J. Erickson. Heard 2, S. Hill, B. Cooper, M. Steiner, R. Norris, Powelltown. Goals: P. Miller, A. McDowell. J. Coonan. Best: B. Woollard, J. Purcell, R. Best: S. Sanders, B. Traynor, J. Sands, D. Pearson, L,Eigner, S. Falkingham. Norris, J. Coonan, B. Norris, M. Coombs. Seville. Goals: J. Neal 5, M. Cecere 2, C. Suban, NORTHERN F.L. L. O’Keefe. Best: M. Cecere, J. Neal, C. Suban, A. Mammoliti, L. O’Keefe, C. Trainor. DIVISION 1 RESERVES SCOREBOARD ALEXANDRA ............ 5.3, 8.3, 15.9 , 17.12 (114) SEVILLE ........................... 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0 (18) Alexandra. Goals: B. Podger-Carroll 5, J. Hamill WHITTLESEA V 4, S. Isaacs 3, T. Rouget 2, D. Roper, J. Brereton, BUNDOORA D. Bourke. Best: B. Podger-Carroll, C. Jack, T. SENIORS Rouget, D. Rouget, R. Marsh, B. Burchall. Seville. Goals: M.Atkins 2, J. Wieneroider. Best: WHITTLESEA ................ 0.3, 5.4, 8.6, 14.9 (93) J. Digiandomenico, G. Annowsky, A. Prescott, BUNDOORA ..................... 2.2, 3.4, 7.5, 10.6 (66) RESERVES P. Sequeira, C. Van Dreumel, N. Braodley. BUNDOORA .................. 2.1, 3.5, 8.8, 15.14 (104) BELGRAVE V WHITTLESEA ................. 1.1, 2.4, 3.6, 4.7 (31) THORNTON-EILDON
SENIORS BELGRAVE ............ 4.6, 6.10, 10.10, 14.16 (100) THORNTON-EILDON .. 3.0, 3.3, 6.3, 6.7 (43) Belgrave. Goals: P. Gough 2, T. Fleming 2, D. Noy 2, D. Kitchin 2, L. Foreman 2, P. Van Lambaart, T. Stubley, T. Marks, M. Noy. Best: T. Stubley, M. Brown, J. Brown, J. Webb, R. Fitzgerald, T. Marks. Thornton-Eildon. Goals: J. Newton 2, D. Greed, T. Keating, B. Wratten, A. Sporton. Best: B. Wratten, J. Ashby, B. Clarke, T. Keating, A. Redden, J. Dickson. RESERVES BELGRAVE .......... 4.4, 10.10, 16.14, 21.18 (144) THORNTON-EILDON .... 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 (6) Belgrave. Goals: R. Chazbek 4, B. Fiztgerald 4, J. Levell 2, H. Byron 2, J. Lowe 2, M. Francis, M. Crichton, M. Shorten, D. Bilston, R. Matthew. Best: T. Riley, R. Matthews, R. Chazbek, D. Bilston, M. Francis, B. Fitzgerald. Thornton-Eildon. Goal: J. Allan. Best: L. McGookin, T. Polson, J. Skerritt, A. Reddan, T. Keating.
KINGLAKE V YARRA JUNCTION SENIORS KINGLAKE ................. 2.3, 10.6, 12.6, 14.9 (93) YARRA JUNCTION ........ 3.5, 3.5, 5.8, 6.9 (45) Kinglake. Goals: C. Arnott 4, J. Crowe 2, J. Butterworth, J. Chalmers, W. Graf, B. White, R. Mitchell, R. Pratt, B. Robinson, H. Prest. Best: C. Arnott, J.; Mende, H. Prest, B. White, M. Fitzclarence, B. Hamer. Yarra Junction. Goals: M., Houtson 3, L. McCombe 2, H. Tindley-Roe. Best: J. Welch, J.
A-GRADE BELGRAVE ................................ 24, 45, 67, 92 THORNTON-EILDON ................. 5, 11, 15, 18 Belgrave. Goals: Carmen Timms 27, Angela Jeffery 23, Petra Keogh 21, Lauren Bennett 21. Best: Petra Keogh, Jessica Brady, Kylie Bradshaw. Thornton-Eildon. Goals: Keely Grant 14, Nikki Davison 4. Best: Karina Kelly, Alesha Davison, Ashleigh Creighton. B-GRADE BELGRAVE ................................. 22, 38, 55, 73 THORNTON-EILDON ..................... 1, 3, 7, 10 Belgrave. Goals: Jessica Weisgerber 27, Kara Salmon 24, Naomi Hargreaves 22. Best: Danielle Weisgerber, Jessica Weisgerber, Alexandra Gawley. Thornton-Eildon. Goals: Michelle Sloan 3, Madison Richards 2, Lauren Benson 2, Liana Clark 2, Meagan Dougherty 1. D-GRADE BELGRAVE ................................ 12, 23, 37, 49 THORNTON-EILDON ................... 3. 7, 11, 11 Belgrave. Goals: Amee Williams 29, Justine De Graaf 20. Best: Amee Williams, Kirsten Oredsson, Krystal Hammond. Thornton-Eildon. Goals: Georgina Beggs 6, Kim Casey 4, Sarah Stevenson 1. Best: Char-
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AFL YARRA RANGES NETBALL. DIVISION 2 SCOREBOARD KINGLAKE V YARRA JUNCTION A-GRADE KINGLAKE ................................ 11, 22, 28, 40 YARRA JUNCTION ...................... 5, 10, 19, 23 Kinglake. Goals: Samantha Goggins 26, Laura Atkins 14. Best: Bridget Waack, Paige Stanley, Alice Waack. Yarra Junction. Goals: Amelia Rose Michelle 12, Amanda Nicholson 10, Emily Barrie 1. Best: Rhiannon Crompton, Jessica Sweet, Emily Barrie. B-GRADE KINGLAKE ................................ 13, 22, 22, 22 YARRA JUNCTION ...................... 2,. 11, 11, 11 Kinglake. Goals: Jade White 15, Kelsey Smith 7. Best: Jade White, Amy Teodorovic, Renee Wilson. Yarra Junction. Goals: Sela Taualii 8, Shelby Lewer 3. C-GRADE KINGLAKE ................................. 13, 26, 36, 44 YARRA JUNCTION ...................... 6, 12, 20, 24 Kinglake. Goals: Olivia Turner-Dickason 26, Sally Ann Nott 18. Best: Stacey Chalmers, Lauren McMahon, Olivia Turner-Dickason.\ Yarra Junction. Goals: Cara Moore 13, Caitlin Conway 7. Best: Bo Robertson, Cara Moore. D-GRADE KINGLAKE ................................... 2, 11, 14, 17 YARRA JUNCTION ........................ 2, 5, 12, 14 Kinglake. Goals: Rebecca Gallo 13, Haylee Whykes 3, Tegan Smith 1. Best: Tegan Smith, Carly Fowles, Melanie Gerlach. Yarra Junction. Goals: Charlie Kliska 10, Aylyssa Cole-Sinclair 4. Best: Cara Doyle, Alyssa Cole-Sinclair, Charlie Kliska.
A-GRADE YARRA GLEN ............................. 16, 31, 47, 61 POWELLTOWN .......................... 8, 16, 25, 33 Yarra Glen. Goals: Kerrie Walton 15, Nicole Hajder 6, Georgie Haynes 4, Kellie Hetherington 4, Jessica Coffey 4. Best: Georgie Haynes, Jessica Coffey, Kelly Peers. Yarra Glen. Goals: Georgia Taylor 40, Nicole Moate 16, Kali Fraser 5. B-GRADE POWELLTOWN .......................... 8, 14, 21, 33 YARRA GLEN ............................... 7, 15, 24, 32 Powelltown. Goals: Tayla Morton 24, Taylah McConachy 6, Nikki Armstong 3. Best: Sarah Woodward, Jodie M. Stenhouse, Nikki Armstrong. Yarra Glen. Goals: Sharnie Gray 20, Kate Stewart 12. Best: Nicole Cairns, Cayley Gray, Sharnie Gray. C-GRADE YARRA GLEN .............................. 8, 14, 22, 35 POWELLTOWN ............................ 5, 9, 18, 23 Yarra Glen. Goals: Stefanie Melis 25, Amy Bennett 10. Best: Elise Hill, Jacqueline Gardner, Melissa Greig. Powelltown. Goals: Shelley Gray 10, Christine Cole 8, Sonja Traynor 5. Best: Shelley Gray, Caitlyn Parker, Sonja Traynor.
■ The AFLYarra Ranges League Round 18 of the 2017 season last Saturday saw the Rebels return to Rebel Park and host Seville for two games of football and two games of netball, the Showgrounds oval in great condition after over 30 mm of overnight rain. RESERVES The Reserves, a clash of fourth and fifth with both teams unable to change their ladder position regardless of a win or loss. The Rebels have gradually been building to-
wards the Finals and included David Bourke, Jake Coulson and Matt Herridge to replace Ryan Carter, Jonathan Noy and Chase Pearce who were all out injured after a physical game at Yarra Glen last week. As Alexandra will play Seville in the first week of the Finals, a competitive effort was asked for and the players responded as they took control of the game right from the start with Ben Podger-Carroll winning kicks all over the ground including up forward where along with Jedd Hamill he kicked multiple goals. The second quarter was more even against the slight breeze but the defence led by Corey Jack kept the visitors scoreless at the long break. Podger-Carroll and the midfielders put on seven goals to the hill end in the third quarter and another two in the last to record a convincing win. Seville only troubled the scorers three times, two of which were the result of 50 meter penalties, Alexandra 17.12 (114) defeated Seville 3.0 (18) with the best players Ben Podger-Carroll (5 goals), Corey Jack, Tom and Daniel Rouget, Rhett Marsh and Brayden Burchall. The win should give the Rebels confidence going into next week but its most likely Seville will field a stronger team closer to home. Awards: Caltex $25 fuel card - Ben PodgerCarroll, Alex Sportspower $20 award - Corey Jack, Hoova's @ Mt.Pleasant $20 meal - Tom Rouget, Corner Hotel $20 meal - Daniel Rouget, Corner Hotel 5 pots - Rhett Marsh. SENIORS The Seniors, the earlier game having dried the overnight frost moisture, ran out led by Jack Elkington playing his 100th and were first into attack but Seville cleared. Jack Goonan was prominent in defence early as Seville kicked with the benefit of the breeze and was first to score well into the quarter as the play rebounded between the half-back lines with many ball-ups. Alex was winning plenty of possessions but very few were to real advantage as the standard of the game was poor. Leading goalkicker Brayden Norris marked but his first kick on goal was only a minor score as Seville kicked the first goal of the game late into the quarter followed by another that bounced through. Ryley Norris was one who was handling the ball cleanly and gaining meters with every disposal, Luke Heard was on the end of one of those forward moves and kicked Alexandra's first goal. Ben Cooper winning the hard ball, found Brayden Norris for the next Alex goal as Alex responded to some aggressive tackling but it cost a couple of 50 meter penalties one of which resulted in a third goal for the visitors giving them a six-point lead at the first change. The Norris brothers combined to give Heard a further chance but his kick was off-line early in the second, Elkington playing well also missed before Matt Steiner defended well and Norris kicked his second goal. Seville leveled with a snap goal but Alexandra was now getting more value per possession in the midfield but were astray at the hill end and wasting opportunities. Ryley Norris cleverly got his foot to a goal square ball to break the run of behinds before Jack Goonan added a rare goal. The umpires were busy with the many ballups as both sides contested strongly before Cooper marked well out and after looking for a target close in, kicked the long goal himself. Zach Heaslip, who was showing his value to the team with strong roving, found Steiner who kicked Alexandra's seventh goal. Seville goaled late but Alex had won the quarter and led by 18 points at the main break. The third quarter was even as play again became scrambly with continual ball-ups. Alex added behinds before Seville reduced the margin with consecutive goals. I must have "mozzed" the "usually accurate"
Heard as he also missed from close in as Alex continued to win the ball well but often over possessed it. Heaslip and Scott Hill who had come into the game in the third quarter, both goaled to restore the half-time margin as players broke for three quarter time. Heaslip with the advantage of the breeze, kicked his second goal and was the middle man in a good piece of play between Cooper and Brayden Norris who finished well. Heard used the advantage of a 50-metre penalty as Seville now became a little undisciplined to reset his target. Despite the efforts of the dashing Scott Heveren, the unmistakable Goonan twins and the cool Jordan Purcell in defence, Seville kicked the next goal. Alex cleared well from deep in defense as Ben Woollard who has been in the best form of his career, marked courageously and continued to use his pace and skills allowing Norris to kick his fourth and 66th goal for the season. Heveren forwarded to Heaslip and he did what all good rovers love to do "kick a goal" as Alex finished the game strongly, Alexandra 14.13 (97) defeated Seville 9.6 (60). Best players included Ben Woollard, Jordan Purcell, Ryley Norris, Jack Goonan, Ben Cooper and Brayden Norris. After good performances against Belgrave and Yarra Glen away, the win was the first against a top three team and a boost for the Rebels going into the Finals as they prepare to take on Powelltown in the Elimination Final. Awards: Vibe Hotel Marysville award - Dick and Dawn Jack, Alex Standard $50 fuel card Ben Woollard, Hoova's @ Mt.Pleasant $20 meal - Jordan Purcell, Corner Hotel $20 meal - Ryley Norris, Corner Hotel 5 pots - Jack Elkington. The gate raffle was won by Noel Serong, the points margin was 37 and won by Andy Seja, meat tray won by Brooke Carter and wine won by Alan Parsons. Also, a big thank you to Lauren Steyger and John Westwood who organised the Ladies Day celebrations with everyone enjoying the day and Club hospitality. NETBALLAWARDS: B-Grade won by forfeit: Corner Hotel $20 meal - Shona Gesler, Hoova's @ Mt Pleasant $20 meal - Ellie Hedger; Vibe Hotel Marysville award - Jess Lucas; C-Grade won by forfeit: Corner Hotel $20 meal - Mandy Gesler, Essence Coffee Lounge $10 meal - Laura Westwood. Last Thursday's Rebel Raffles were sponsored by Holmesglen @ Eildon and Mt. Pleasant Hotel, Reddrops Foodworks / Houseboat Sales Lake Eildon, Eildon Bakery / Outdoor Education Group, Alexandra Quality Meats / Alexandra Windscreens and Yea Chinese Restaurant / Bailey Funerals and were won by Michael Purcell, Toni Carter / Andy Dunsford, Reg Savage, Luke Chapple / Elizabeth Kidd, Ross Miller. The Holmesglen @ Eildon Jackpot did not go off and will be worth $1000 next so come along and buy some tickets at $1 each but you need to be at the Club rooms at 8 pm for the draw. Thursday night dinners continue this week after training with main course and sweets adults $15 and kids $10, everyone is welcome. This coming weekend the Division 2 Finals series begins with Qualifying and Elimination Finals to be played at Yarra Junction and Woori Yallock, the Rebels represented by the seniors and reserves football together with the B, C and D-Grade netball. Everyone is invited back to the Corner Hotel for the awards. The Club's Senior Presentation function is on Saturday, September 23 at Holmesglen @ Eildon.
Broadford last Sunday. Under 14s Netball (Div 2) Alexandra 11 defeated by Yea 16 Congratulations to all the girls for a great season and a terrific Final game, they should all be very proud of their achievements. Awards: Reddrops Foodworks award Amanda McDonald; Alexandra Bakery and Café award Jaimie Baird; Goulburn River Trout award Jana Andreou. Under 16s Netball Alexandra 45 defeated Euroa 24 The girls fought very hard to come home with a win and earn a spot in the Grand Final next weekend to take on St Marys at Euroa on Sunday. Everyone is invited to come along and support the girls. On Thursday night there will be a junior dinner at 6pm this week for the Under 16 netball team and their families and all junior club members who would like to attend to wish them well for next Sunday at Euroa. A very big thank you to the above award sponsors for their continued support of our junior netballers in 2017. The Junior Presentation function for all four football and four netball teams will be held on Friday, September 1 at the Club rooms with a 5.30 pm for a 6pm start of the Under 10s and Under 12s football and netball followed by the Under 14s and then the Under 16s football and netball. - Ray Steyger
Broadford 10.12 (72) d Euroa 8.6 (54)
ST MARY’S .................... 1.1, 1.3, 1.3, 3.5 (23) YEA .................................. 0.1, 1.1, 2.4, 2.6 (18) St Mary’s. Goals: S. Brock, J. Brock, O. Munro. Yea. Goals: L. Kelderman, J. Nai.
UNDER 12 PRELIMINARY FINAL St Mary’s 19 d Seymour 11
■ The Seymour District Junior Football Netball League Grand Finals will be held at the Memorial Oval, Euroa, on Sunday (Aug. 27) Football. 11am. Under 12. Euroa v St Mary’s. 12.30pm. Under 14. Tabilk v Broadford. 2pm. Under 16. Euroa v St Mary’s. Netball. 10am. Under 14 Division 2. Euroa v SUNDAY Yea. 11.10am. Under 12. Euroa v St Mary’s. ■ The Alexandra Football-Netball Club was 12.20pm. Under 14 Division 1. St Mary’s v represented by the Under 14 Div 2 and Under Euroa. 1.30pm. Under 16. St Mary’s v 16 netball teams in Preliminary Finals at
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Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail: editor@LocalPaper.com.au
■ This week saw the courageous Yea Under 12s Tigers team head across to a sunny, well prepared ground at Broadford, to do battle against St Mary’s, a team that has plenty of finals experience. It is fair to say that the Tigers went across with plenty confidence, winning against some very strong competition in the past few weeks, building towards the finals a with an understanding that only our best game was going to get the team into a Grand Final. The Tigers had seen some of the best transformations in their game style in the later half of the season, as the intensity of our bottom age players was lifting towards the talent and skills of our top age players, as a coach this was a fantastic spectacle to observe and the team was beginning to ‘gel’ at the right end of the season. The first quarter of the battle was won by St Mary’s, Yea started by controlling the first 10 minutes of the game but only managing to score one behind, while St Mary’s where able to capitalise on their attack and height of their players managing to score 1.1 (7).. Proud of their first quarter attack, Coach Slevin encouraged the boys to keep attacking, trust each other and play hard for the ball, It was Luke Kelderman who was able to give Yea their first major of the game, meanwhile the Yea defence limited the St Mary’s team to only two points, scores at half time: Yea 1.1 (7), St Mary’s 1.3 (9). Half-way through this Preliminary Final and the game was still either teams. It was because of the Yea half -back line and the run of Riley Frankcome and Cooper Holdsworth-Rose, and the ground work of Brodie Davey from the bottom of the packs and
shifting Riley Slevin onto the ball which gave the lead to the Yea Tigers at the end of the third quarter, a goal to Jardine Nai and a "peppering" of attacks on the goals added three more points and gave the Tigers the lead going into the last break. Yea 2.4 (16), St Mary’s 1.3 (9). The Tigers knew that St Mary’s would come out hard, and the backline was starting to feel the pressure, the tall marking players of St Mary’s began to dominate and proved to strong for the Tigers which allowed them 2 goals and 2 points in the final term, Still the Tigers were not willing to go quietly into the night and again they attacked and managed two points nearing the dying minutes of the game, and as the ball was again kicked out by St Mary’s our forwards were able to force a turn over and again attack our goals, not even the speed of Riley Frankcome could not beat the final siren and the Tigers had lost in a galant battle against a very tall St Mary’s team, final scores. Yea 2.6 (18), St Mary’s 3.5 (23). The coaches and officials of the U12’s Yea football team could not have been more proud of the Young Tigers team, their approach towards training, game day’s, respect for the opponents and umpiring officials was be commended, their respect for each other was on display for all to watch and enjoy, and we considered ourselves very lucky to be part of this chapter in their lives, onwards and upwards from here on guys. Special thanks to all those involved in getting the kids to the ground each week, thanks to the parents for taking on official roles in regulating our sport, special mention to Donna Slevin for organising myself and Chris each week so we could concentrate on coaching. lt’s been fun. - Clint Rose, for and on behalf of Chris Slevin
■ 1st Quarter. Yea travelled to Broadford to take on Alexandra, the winner to head straight into the Grand Final against Euroa. From the first whistle both sides came out hard and fast. Remi opened with the first goal of the quarter. A quick reply from Alex puts them on the board but Remi hits back with a second. Yea applied plenty of pressure, Grace and Lily worked the ball well to the Yea end - Olivia shot a goal. Alex led by one goal for the quarter 2nd Quarter. Once again the quarter was fast. Great passing between Lily and Remi for a goal followed a successful long range shot by Remi. Alex girls ramped up the pressure resulting in plenty of turnovers for both teams. Maddie and Grace were all over the court with great intercepts. Great defending by Sarah and Emma kept Alex to two goals. Half-time score: Yea 8 Alex 7 3rd Quarter. Lots of communication and accurate passing saw Yea shoot two quick goals in the first few minutes. Yea continued to apply pressure to Alex and once again great defence kept them to two goals. Great shooting by Olivia andRemi andYeafinished the quarter 3 goals up. 4th Quarter. It ws a nervous start for players and supporters this quarterr. Both sides were desperate for the win and the chance at playing the following week. A great intercept by Sarah at the Alex end turned the ball over to Yea for a goal. Maddie and Grace continue dtheir great work around the court. Strong defence work by all of the girls shut down the Alex attack and Yea won the game by four goals. Well done to all of the Yea players, a terrific game by both sides made this an exciting match to watch for all supporters. Yea plays unbeaten Euroa next week in the Grand Final, good luck to both teams. Final Score: Yea 15 def Alex 11 - Jacqui Canton
■ The Preliminary Finals were held in Broadford, and Yea had a second chance to propel themselves to the Grand Final. Unfortunately at training during the week one of our star shooters Abby, injured her ankle and was unable to play in the game. Cassy was brought in as shooter and worked very hard with Maggie for two quarters to put goals on the scoreboard. As usual Maggie’s shooting was in great form even under tough defence pressure. Last weekend also saw the return of Jordyn after six weeks recovering from an ankle injury too. This saw Jordyn play in two different positions that she does not normally play GK and GS but in true Jordyn-style she worked her best to the situation at hand, well done Jordyn. The mid court girls Melina, Holly and Melody did their very best and worked hard. Ruby as usual put on a stellar performance with Cassy when she returned as GK for the last two quarters. Ruby and Cassy are a great defending team even when they bring some of their football techniques on to the court which gives something to laugh about. Unfortunately Euroa were too good for us and were able to put 30 goals to Yea’s 18 as the final score. To all the girls, you should be very proud of how far you have come this year. You all have had a fantastic year and play extremely well together as a team. Meg and I wish you the very best for your netball future. We wish both St Marys and Euroa all the best next weekend in the Grand Final at Euroa. - Sarah Cunningham
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WHITTLESEA BOWLS CLUB 101 Church St, Whittlesea Phone: 97 16 1966 E-Mail: manager@whittleseabo wls. com.au manager@whittleseabowls. wls.c
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, August 23, 2017 - Page 53
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