! S LARGEST READERSHIP OF ANY LOCAL NEWSPAPER IN MURRINDINDI SHIRE E E E Local and Independent. Not associated with any other publication in this area. FR PAG Dream it. Build it. Live it. 4 Dream it. Bu 6
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Dream it. Bui ● See Page 34
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■ Wendy Hall and Marj Hamilton join in the fun as record crowds attended the Garden Expo run by the Rotary Club of Yea at the Golf Course/Racecourse at the weekend. More photos on Page 25. Photo: Ash Long
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Good beer Good food Good company Country Club Hotel 18 High St, Yea Phone 5797 2440
Snippets Bec’s challenge
● Cr Rebecca Bowles ■ Murrindindi Shire Council’s Cr Rebecca Bowles this week issued a challenge to her colleagues to to design and enter their own billycarts in this year's MAD Billy Kart Derby in Yea on Saturday, October 28. The Lyons St track is 260 metres long and the race is run downhill. Racing runs from 10am until 5.30pm. "Whether we enter for our artistic skills, or whether we're aiming to create a new land speed record, I'm throwing out the challenge to my fellow Councillors to pin a number on and get involved," Cr Bowles said. MAD Billy Kart Derby entry categories include: ■ Grade 3/4 Schools Class Race ■ Grade 5/6 Schools Class Race ■ Grade 7, 8, 9 Schools Class Race ■ Grade 10, 11, 12 School Class Race ■ Open Community Class Race ■ Creative Class Schools ■ Creative Class Open
Dog attacks on local livestock
■ Murrindindi Shire Council is calling on all residents to ensure their dogs are securely confined to their properties, day and night. This follows an increasing number of reports of dog attacks on livestock over the past few weeks across the Shire. There has been a spike in dog attacks on sheep, with a number of animals left badly injured or dead. Murrindindi Shire Council Mayor Cr Charlie Bisset said with the winter temperatures easing, dogs were more inclined to wander greater distances particularly when spring lambs are being born. Cr Bisset has a farming background and knows too well how distressing these attacks are for our farmers. "It's just horrifying to find your animals dead, or mauled and seriously injured, possibly suffering for hours." Cr Bisset said. "Livestock attacks by our domestic dogs can be avoided by owners being more vigilant.” Cr Bisset urged anyone who sees dogs, either domestic or wild, wandering around properties with livestock, to contact Local Laws officers 5772 0333 during work hours or after hours on 0419 572 425.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 5
Local News
■ Just five months ago, Murrindindi Shire Council’s own budget papers predicted they would suffer a $1.1 million loss for the 2016-17 financial year. An earlier-than-expected payment by the Federal Government has turned the loss into a $3.26 million surplus, Councillors will be told at their meeting at Yea tonight (Wed.). A major factor in the surplus is that a number of Council projects were not completed as scheduled. The Commonwealth Government paid $2.23 million, being approximately half of the 2017-18 Financial Assistance Grant on June 7. This resulted in the amount being reported in the 2016/17 financial year. Family Day Care Services received $87,000 of additional funding due to increased service level demand. Additional funding of $79,000 was received for stage 2 of the Doing Business Better program and the final payment of $125,000 for Advancing Country Towns was also received. Council received non-government contributions toward several community based projects, most notably $165,000 from Insurance Australia Group towards the Building Community Resilience Project. Public Open Space contributions exceeded budget by $13,000 and Vic Roads contributed $20,000 towards works at the intersection of Downey and Bayley Sts, Alex-
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● Murrindindi Shire Council. Back row, from left: Crs. Bec Bowles, Lee Dunscombe, Eric Lording, Jackie Ashe, Margaret Rae. Front row: Crs Sandice McAulay, Charlie Bisset. andra. In 2016, then- of Veteran AffairsexBridge spending Councillors an- ceeded budget by was under budget by nounced that they ex- $44,000. $125,000. pected a $1000 surplus Council spent Employee benefits for the 2016-17 year. expenditure was under $114,000 less than During the year budget $975,000. planned on drainage. Council received The Council paid Purchases of sevunbudgeted non-mon- eral major items of $254,121 to consultetary contributions in- plant were delayed ants in the past financluding, roads pending further con- cial year. Legal ex$397,000, drainage sideration of Council’s penses were$309,748. $112,000 and ootpaths ongoing plant requireCash held to fund $43,000. ments. discretionary reserves Other income exPlant purchases is now $15.2 million. ceeded budget by were under budget by Council had $23.4 $463,000. million on term de$239,000. Interest on investThere was an posit. ments generated an underspend of $69,000 One staff member extra $198,000 due to on fixtures, fittings and was paid between additional cash being furniture. $240,000-$249,999. invested and adopting a longer term position which has deferred the impact of falling interest rates. An extra $65,000 was received for the provision of building control services to a neighbouring municipality. An increase in debt collection activities, particularly with regard to long overdue rate debtors, has seen increased reimbursements for legal fees of $48,000 together with additional interest on rates and charges of $49,000. Reimbursement for Aged Care Services from the Department
News Briefs Equality Walk
■ The annual Yarck to Yea Walk for Social Equality is being held on Saturday, October 14. Bike, run or walk along the Great Victorian Rail Trail and raise much needed funds for the John Wallis Foundation for disadvantaged communities. Phone 9873 5520 for more information.
Big pay at Council
■ Murrindindi Council has one employee paid between $240,000-$249,999. Another is paid $170,000-$179,999. Two are paid between $150,000-$159,999 yearly, and three are paid $142,000-$149,999, according to a report being presented to Councillors tonight (Wed.).
Neil is Life Member
■ Neil Owen has this week been made a Life Member of Whittlesea Bowls C,lub.
Proudly supported by The Local Paper
Page 6 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The Local Paper FREE Local and Independent. Not associated with any other publication in this area.
Phone: 5797 2656 or 1800 231 311.
Fax: 1800 231 312.
‘The Local Paper’ is published by Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd
PHOTO BY GORDON SIMPSON ● Local timber industry workers made their presence felt outside the Murrindindi Shire Council chambers in Perkins St, Alexandra, last week.
Shire urged to reverse its decision ■ The Alexandra District Traders and Tourism Association has formally moved that the Murrindindi Shire Council put aside its May decision to support the Central Highlands Statement which urges a halt to local native harvesting decision. The Council is being urged to put in place a process that supports the jobs of local people in the Murrindindi Shire, including those in the foresty industry. Turn To Page 9
■ MILLIONS of dollars are injected into the Murrindindi Shire economy every year by workers in the timber industry, Councillors were told at a special meeting last week. This contribution is in jeopardy if Murrindindi Shire Council persists with its decision to urge the State Government to halt native timber harvesting locally. Community organisations, Murrindindi Inc., and Alexandra Traders and Tourism, requested the opportunity to meet with Council representatives last Wednesday at the Shire chambers in Alexandra. Mike Dalmau, Chairman of Murrindindi Inc., delivered a detailed proposal to Councillors, calling on them to withdraw their support for the ‘Central Highlands Statement’.
Andrew Embling, President of the Alexandra District Traders andTourism Association, put forward his organisation’s call on the Council to support a sustainable environment in the Shire’s own ‘Our Place’ policy. Mr Embling said his Association wanted the Council to be consistent with its own ‘Our Prosperity’, ‘Our Commitment’ and ‘Our Promises’ statements. Turn To Page 9
Timber boosts local economy, Crs told ■ More than 100 people in Murrindindi Shire are directly employed by the timber industry, a meeting of Councillors at Alexandra was told last week. Mike Dalmau, President of Murrindindi Inc., urged the Councillors to reverse its decision which urges an end to native timber harvesting across the municipality. Some of the companies providing incomes for local families in Murrindindi Shire include: • Johnson Logging. It owns property in the Shire, has a transit site at Thornton, employs local sub-contractors, with fuel and maintenance done locally. • M+R Timber. Employs local crew, with fuel and maintenance done locally. Continued on Page 9
Page 8 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The Local Paper incorporating The New Free Press Vol.2. No . 77 Wednesda y, Sep 7, 20 17 ednesday Septtember 2 27 2017 Published W ednesda ys Wednesda
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Ash OnWednesday
Axe likely for local groups
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Long Shots
Our Team Editor: Ash Long Features Editor: Peter Mac Credit Manager: Michael Conway OAM, Fas ction Debt R ov ery astt A Action Ree cco ery,, 040 04022 142 866
Distribution Readership throughout: Acheron , Alexandra, Arthurs Creek, Black Spur on, Spur,, Bonnie Doon, Buxt Buxton, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Christmas Hills, Chum Creek, Coldstream, Devlin’s Bridge, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Doreen, Dropmore, Eastern Hill, Eden Park, Eildon, Eltham, F a wc ett, F ernsha w, Fa Fernsha ernshaw Flo w e rrdale dale ow dale,, Ghin Ghin, Glenburn, Gobur Gobur,, Granite, Granton, Hazeldene, Healesville, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Junction Hill, Kangaroo Ground, Kanumbra, Kerrisdale, Killingworth, King Parrot Creek, Kinglake, Kinglak e C entr al, Kinglak eW e sst, t, K oriella, Kinglake entral, Kinglake We Koriella, Laurimar dale Laurimar,, Lily Lilydale dale,, Limes Limestto n e e,, Maintongoon, Mansfield, Marysville, Mernda, Merton, Molesworth, Murrindindi, Narbethong, Nutfield, Pheasant Creek, R esear ch, Rubic on, Ruffy ymour esearch, Rubicon, Ruffy,, Se Seymour ymour,, Smiths Gully eek, Gully,, S Stt Andr ew s, S Stteels Cr Creek, S t rra a th Cr eek, S witz erland, T aggerty Creek, Switz witzerland, Taggerty aggerty,, Tarr a warr a, T a ylor Ba y, T erip T erip arra arra, Ta Bay Terip Terip erip,, T hornt on, T oolangi, T hornton, Toolangi, Trraw ool, Upper Plenty a tsons Cr eek, W attle Glen, Plenty,, W Wa Creek, Wa Whanr egarw en, Whittlesea, W oodbourne Whanregarw egarwen, Woodbourne oodbourne,, Yan Y ean, Y a rrck, ck, Y arr a Glen, Y arr amba t, Yean, Ya Yarr arra Yarr arramba ambat, Yea, Y ering. Yering.
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Independently Owned and Operated T h e Local P Paper printed contr ontract aper is print ed under c ontr act by Streamline PressPty Ltd, 155 Johnston S t, Fitzr o y, ffor or the publisher Fitzro publisher,, Murrindindi Newspapers, a division of Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063, of the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095. Responsibilityfor election and referendum comment is accepted by Ash Long. C op yright © 20 1 7 ocal Media P ty L opyright 7,, L Local Pty Ltt d. ACN 096 680 063.
Local Phone Numbers FIRE BRIGADES (fire only) ............ 000 Local Brigades ............................... 000 POLICE (emergencies only) ............ 000 Kinglake ............................... 5786 1333 Seymour ............................... 5735 0200 Whittlesea ............................ 9716 2102 Yea ....................................... 5 7 9 7 26 30 263 57 AMBULANCE .................................... 000 Alexandra Hospital ............. 5772 0900 Northern Hospital, Epping .. 8405 8000 Seymour Hospital ................ 5793 6100 Yea Hospital ........................... 5 7 36 0400 57 S TATE EMERGENC Y SER VICE ......... 000 EMERGENCY SERVICE ■ Lifeline ........................................ 13 11 14 Nursing Mothers Helpline .... 9885 0653 Poisons Info. (24 Hours) .......... 13 11 26 RACV Roadside Assistance ........ 13 1111 RSPCA ................................... 9224 2222
● Margaret Abbey, Shire CEO ■ A number of local organisations look likely to be axed when Murrindindi Shire Council meets tonight (Wed.) at Yea. There are proposals to revoke the existing documents of delegation to the Committees of Management for: ■ C.J. Dennis and Castella Public Hall Reserve, ■ Thornton Recreation Reserve and Hall, and ■ Friends of Yea Railway. Committees will be asked to remit their remaining bank balances back to Council. It is proposed to put the committees for Mt Pleasant Reserve and Kinglake Memorial Reserve into recess for 12 and six months respectively. The proposal also recommends that three advisory special committes be revoked with members to be thanked for their service: ■ Kinglake Community Centre, ■ Friends of Yea Shire Hall, and ■ Economic Development Advisory Committee.
Personal dislike ■ What a great launch of the Dindi. com.au website. It is destined to become the most used portal for all things Murrindindi. I hope the Council dislikes me personally ... and that’s why their
edit or@L ocalP aper editor@L ocalPaper aper..c om. om.aa u
with Ash Long, Editor “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”
Key needed for new Y. Glen toilets
● Bill Verhagen and Cr McAllister ■ People who wish to use the new ‘Changing Places’ facility at Yarra Glen will need to purchase a key from the Master Locksmith Association of Australasia, according to a news release from the Yarra Ranges Shire. The new toilet block with a type two Changing Places facility has been completed in Yarra Glen's McKenzie Reserve, providing improved amenities and accessible facilities in the heart of town. The toilet block behind the Memorial Hall was demolished in early May and works began shortly after to rebuild the toilet block, featuring two new accessible toilets and a type two changing facility for people living with a disability. Ryrie Ward Cr Fiona McAllister said the Changing Places toilet and public toilet block would help people living with a disability and their carers to enjoy the playground and allow them to use amenities close by. Yarra Glen Chamber of Commerce member Bill Verhagen said he was satisfied to see the project nearing completion.
1950s day in High St, Yea
Economic Development unit has not contacted us about the initiative. It would be a shame if they ignored everyone else in the same manner. A headin-the-sand approach won’t work. The Local Paper launched at the start of 2016 - is now the area’s major media outlet. Yet we haven’t heard a word from them in those 18 months. More local Murrindindi Shire turn to The Local Paper than any other local media for local news.
Secret talks
■ Tonight’s meeting of Murrindindi Shire Council looks likely to be closed to the public to enable confifential discussions between Councillors on five items of business: ■ provision of general building maintenance and minor improvements, ■ private mover waste - supply and delivery, ■ bridge renewal program, ■ sealed roads program, and ■ engineering services panel.
Merger latest ■ What is happening with the planned merger of Yea and District Memorial Hospital and Seymour Health? “A focused and comprehensive review of core areas of operation and service delivery of both Seymour Health and Yea and District Memorial Hospital is nearing completion as part of the due diligence process investigating the potential of merging management teams,” says a statement on the Yea Hospital website. The statement is dated July 31. Today is September 27 - nine weeks on.
Naughty corner
● It appears the busiest businesses in Yea on this day in the 1950swere the newspaper office and the Bank of New South Wales. Photo: Yea and District Historical Society
■ Yan Yean MLA Danielle Green was sent out of the LegislativeAssembly for 30 minutes last Thursday (Sept. 21). The action by the Speaker followed interjections by Ms Green whilst questions without notice were raised.
Editor’s Diary From Our Files - 30 Years Ago Wednesday, September 30, 1987
Escape from death ■ Yea High School graphics/textile teacher Kerryn McCullough and boyfriend Brad Parker brought a five-year-old boy back to life after the car in which he was travelling crashed into the Goulburn River from the Ghin Ghin bridge. Kerryn and Brad were paddling in a canoe when the accident occurred. Brad dived for 90 seconds to free Graeme Gergory, 5, from the Ford sedan that lay upside down in the river. Graeme had stopped breathing. His heart had stopped beating; his eyes were open as if dead. Kerryn looked after other car occupants, Toni Ward, 29, passenger Gary Ward, 32, and other young passenger, Scott Ward, 5.
$80,000 idea ■ Cr Ray Hutchinson said $80,000 in grant money might be vailable for the Kinglake area for tourism. He told the Yea Shire Council monthly meeting that the cash might be available in an effort in combination with the Whittlesea Shire.
Cummins Reserve ■ The John Cummins Reserve, east of Yea, was due to open 30 years ago. The opening of the nature park was to be celebrated with a lunchtime barbecue, following a suggestion by Cr Ian Clark. A small plaque was to be unveiled by the Cummins family.
Staffer leaves ■ Peter Dinning became the second senior staffer to leave the Yea Shire Council team, following the departure of Shire Secretary Jim Elvey. Mr Dinning, and Administration Officer, accepted the position of Assistant Accountant at the City of Mildura. Typist/ receptionist Jennifer Fothergill also left the employ of the Council.
Lawson outburst ■ Yea Shire President Cr David Lawson was upset when trader Don Neil asked for the tip hours to be changed. “I resent this,” said Cr Lawson. “We’ll never please them. We may as well keep it open 24 hours a day.” Mr Neil had requested a trial opening of the Ghin Ghin tip from 10am-Noon Mondays.
Wal was Master ■ Wal Ackerman was to take on the title of ‘Worshipful Master’ at Yea ‘Duke of Clarence’ Masonic Lodge. The installation ceremony was to be followed by a banquet at the Yea Shire Hall.
Probe into media ■ Yea Shire CEO Peter Mangan was ordered to conduct an official probe as to how the Yea newspaper came to publish a confidential report to Councillors, before it was made public. “Quite a lot of things are supposed to be confidential,” said Mr Mangan. He said his conditions of employment has appeared in the newspaper.
Hotel satellite ■ A Sky Channel satellite dish was installed at the Grand Central Hotel by new owners David and Lynne Allan.
More TV for Yea ■ Yea television viewers could expect three local commercial stations, in additional to metropolitan stations, under plans to ‘aggregate’ the regional Victorian TV industry, said James Malone, of GMV-6 Shepparton.
Your Stars with Kerry Kulkens ARIES: (March 21-April 20) Lucky Colour: Dark Green Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: 4-8-1-3 Lotto Numbers: 2-16-23-25-33-40 You may have to be more discerning about the company you keep. Your impulse is to trust people on sight. However, you could be wrong during this period. Do not tell anyone anything you do not have to. TAURUS: (April 21- May 20) Lucky Colour: Rust Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: 4-3-7-2 Lotto Numbers: 10-21-28-31-40-42 Stubbornness will not gain any favours during this period even if you believe your way is the right one. Tact and diplomacy will put influential people in the mood to further your career aims. GEMINI: (May 21- June 21) Lucky Colour: Pastel Pink Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: 4-1-6-2 Lotto Numbers: 3-12-16-23-32-42 If you are not completely open and above board, you will be caught out. Your social life gains momentum as many people seek your company. Love affairs could have you in a whirl. CANCER: (June 22- July 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: 3-3-6-2 Lotto Numbers: 2-18-28-30-31-43 Seek the advice of your partner or relatives in any important projects you have in mind. Someone with influence could offer financial backing or something prove less expensive than you thought. For most of you there is a wider choice than usual in their love life. LEO: (July 23-August 22) Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: 9-2-7-1 Lotto Numbers: 4-17-27-34-35-40 Most will gain through partnerships and staying on the known path. Rash actions when dealing with others can be bringing some financial upsets for many. VIRGO: (August 23- September 23) Lucky Colour: Violet Lucky Day: Wednesday Racing Numbers: 5-1-7-5 Lotto Numbers: 3-15-26-34-40-41 Your mind should be in top gear. Energy levels should be high and you are ready to tackle anything. For many a missed chance returns better than ever. The wiser will be working at keeping fit. LIBRA: (September 24- October 23) Lucky Colour: Apricot Lucky Day: Sunday Racing Numbers: 7-2-5-4 Lotto Numbers: 1-8-28-30-32-44 Colour could be playing an important part in your life and most will be beautifying themselves and their surrounds - stick to paler shades for more harmonious results. Past contacts could be interesting. SCORPIO: (October 24- November 22) Lucky Colour: Navy Blue Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: 4-3-1-8 Lotto Numbers: 11-13-29-33-40-41 Look before you leap - with a little caution your affairs will progress smoothly. Do not confide in people you do not really know or your secrets will not stay that way. SAGITTARIUS: (November23- December20) Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: 6-3-8-4 Lotto Numbers: 20-23-30-36-37-43 Do not neglect any health problems - now could be the right time to offset future trouble by giving your body additional care. Friends will be full of advice - be tactful but follow your own heart in making romantic decisions. CAPRICORN: (December 21- January 19) Lucky Colour: Gold Lucky Day: Saturday Racing Numbers: 4-6-1-7 Lotto Numbers: 2-10-13-34-40-44 If you continue to carry the problem s of others, the weight could become too much and your resentment could explode and cause a separation.A new way ahead opens up to many. AQUARIUS: (January 20- February 19) Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: 4-5-1-8 Lotto Numbers: 11-23-34-35-38-45 If you cannot change something then learn to live with it. Setting a good example for others to follow could bring offers you could not imagine. Guard possessions against theft loss. PISCES: (February 20- March 20) Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: 4-5-1-8 Lotto Numbers: 11-23-34-35-38-45 Impulse action will cause accidents. Personal affairs should have a favourable outcome and some could be fanning up an old flame. However, do not repeat past mistakes.
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 9
Local News
100 jobs threatened by Council decision ● From Page 7 Murrindindi Shire Councillors were told that more than 100 people are employed directly with the timber industry. Many more are associated with providing services to those companies which include: M. and P. Coulson, I. & M. Simpson and Son Pty Ltd, Devenport Electrics, Buxton Excavations, D. Bellman, Lopez Electrics, Peter Weeks, Landmark Embling, David Cooper, Webb Mechanical, Lima South Quarries, Keaths Excavations, Bonco Supplies, Bruce Thompson, TyrepowerAlexandra. Flow-on economic benefits from the timber industry are important for local fuel suppliers, auto electricians, truck repairers, road makers, welders, electricians and radio suppliers, pump suppliers, welders, hose fitters, road and gravel providers, as well as home and property owners renting yards and homes to contractors. Mike Dalmau, Chair of Murrindindi Inc., said he was asked by the President of the Alexandra Traders and Tourism to make the presentation to Councillors last Wednesday. The Council elected late last year has started positively, and the perception was that it was supporting jobs and businesses within the shire, he said. Mr Dalmau referred to the Council’s plan where it outlined its goals for the year 2030. Mr Dalmau said many people had recently commented that the Council was great at talking, but their actions were different: “They don’t walk the talk.” Mr Dalmau said Council’s decision to encourage the halt of native timber harvesting locally, without talking beforehand with those involved, put local jobs at risk. Council had not spoken with the Traders’ Association or Murrindindi Inc. He said he was taken aback by Cr Margaret Rae’s comments. Mr Dalmau referred to people in the Council gallery at last week’s briefing. They were local people who paid rates, and who were members of the community. “They strongly feel that you have not engaged with them and that you have put their livelihoods on the scrap heap,” Mr Dalmau told Councillors. “They do not count in Murrindindi.” Councillors faced a strong test of their creditability, Mr Dalmau said. He referred to a unanimous decision recently taken by neighbouring Yarra Ranges Council. Proposals to close timber harvesting areas with a national park were unlikely to create the tourism benefits promoted by some. Mr Dalmau called on the Council to review its May decision, and referred to the call on Council by the members of the Alexandra District Traders and Tourism Association.
Shire urged to reverse decision Turn To Page 7 The Alexandra District Traders and Tourism Association moved at its September meeting to request Murrindindi Shire Council to: ■ put aside the Council decision of May 24, 2017, regarding the Murrindindi Shire Council ‘Central Highlands’ statement ■ put s in place a process that will support the jobs of local people in the Murrindindi Shire and include those people who work in and are associated with the forest industry consistent with the ‘Our Prosperity’ section of the Murrindindi Shire Council Plan ■ puts in place a process that will also support a sustainable environment that is consistent with the ‘Our Place’ section of the Murrindindi Shire Council Plan ■ put in place a process that will engage all stakeholders in the forestry industry that is consistent with the ‘Our Commitment’ and ‘Our Promise’ sections of the Murrindindi Shire Council Plan.
● Mike Dalmau of Murrindindi Inc.
Fast Facts
● More than 100 people are employed in the timber industry in Murrindindi Shire. ● More than 70 are ratepayers. ● 20 are employed at Dindi Mill. ● VicForests employ 11 staff.
Timber boosts local economy ● From Page 7
• Marshall Walker. Haulage sub-contractor who lives in Buxton. Sources all fuel and maintenance locally. • North East Logging. Fuel and other supplies sourced locally. • Hollaway Glen. Fuel and supplies from within Shire. • Rubicon Cable. Crew live locally. Sources all fuel and maintenance locally. • M.J. Brady. Employs sub-contractors who live in Taggerty, Acheron and Alexandra. • Other contractors from outside area. Local rentals, fuel and supplies are sourced locally. • VicForests staff. 11 staff who live within the Shire and contribute to the local economy. • Dindi Mill. Local mill with 20 employees. CDH contracting - local firewood supplier based in Alexandra. Narbethong storage site, managed by local staff. • Eddy Haulage. • R. Kierley. Contracting and harvesting. • Many other contractors and businesses are used by DELWP, VicForests and harvesting and haulage contractors in the Shire of Murrindindi and Central Highlands area. • VicForests support local organisations via their Community Support Program, and are major sponsors of the the Alexandra Truck Show. They support local schools and community groups in around the Shire of Murrindindi.
Here’s where to grab your weekly copy ● ALEXANDRA. Foodworks. 102 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Landmark Real Estate. 56 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Murrindindi Shire Offices. Perkins St. ● ALEXANDRA. Newsagency. 82-84 Grant St. ● ALEXANDRA. Simpsons Fuel. 25 Aitken St. ● ALEXANDRA. Totally Trout. 2/42 Downey St. ● BUXTON. Post Office. 2187 Maroondah Hwy. ● DIAMOND CREEK. Newsagency. 62A Main Hurstbridge Rd. ● DOREEN. General Store. 920 Yan Yean Rd. ● EILDON. Foodworks. 18 Main St. ● ELTHAM. Newsagency. 2/963 Main Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Community House. 36 Silver Creek Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Hazeldene Store. 6 Curlings Rd. ● FLOWERDALE. Hotel. 3325 WhittleseaYea Rd ● GLENBURN. United Petroleum. 3883 Melba Hwy. ● HEALESVILLE. Newsagency. 195 Maroondah Hwy. ● HURSTBRIDGE. Newsagency 800 Heidelberg-Kinglake Rd. ● KANGAROO GROUND. General Store. 280 Eltham-Yarra Glen Rd. ● KINGLAKE. Bakehouse. 10 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGL AKE. Foodworks. 12 Main St. ● KINGLAKE. Library. 19 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGLAKE. Pub. 28 WhittleseaKinglake Rd. ● KINGLAKE. United Petroleum. 2 Kinglake-Glenburn Rd. ● LAURIMAR. Newsagency. 8/95 Hazel Glen Dr. ● LILYDALE. Newsagency. 237 Main St. ● MANSFIELD. Foodworks. 119 High St. ● MERNDA VILLAGES. Post Office. 50 Mernda Village Dr. ● MARYSVILLE. Foodworks. 49 Darwin St. ● MOLESWORTH. Hungry Horse Hotel. 4364 Goulburn Valley Hwy. ● MOLESWORTH. Store.4353 Goulburn Valley Hwy. ● NARBETHONG. Black Spur Inn. 436 Maroondah Hwy. ● PHEASANT CREEK. Flying Tarts. 888 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. ● PHEASANT CREEK. Store. 884 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. ● RESEARCH. Post Office. 1544 Main Rd ● SEYMOUR. Newsagency. 66 Station St ● ST ANDREWS. Store. 10 Caledonia St. ● STRATH CREEK. Post Office. 8 Glover St. ● TAGGERTY. Store. 26 Taggerty-Thornton Rd. ● THORNTON. Store. 1365 TaggertyThornton Rd. ● TOOLANGI. Tavern. 1390 Myers Creek Rd. ● WATTLE GLEN. Peppers Paddock General Store. 13 Kangaroo GroundWattle Glen Rd. ● WHITTLESEA. Bowls Club. 101 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Champions Supa IGA. 2/ 16 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. El-Azar Milk Bar. 13 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Foodworks. 65 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Whittlesea H Hardware. 2420 Plenty Rd. ● WHITTLESEA. Newsagency. 45 Church St. ● WHITTLESEA. Royal Mail Hotel. 29 Beech St. ● YARCK. Hotel. Maroondah Hwy. ● YARCK. Store. 6595 Maroondah Hwy ● YARRA GLEN. IGA. 1/38 Bell St. ● YARRA GLEN. Newsagency. 32 Bell St. ● YEA. Amble Inn Cafe. 24 High St ● YEA. Bakery. 44 High St. ● YEA. BP. 31 High St ● YEA. Cafe Christies. 17 High St ● YEA. Country Woman. 6 Station St. ● YEA. Foodworks. 10 High St ● YEA. Library. 15 The Semi-Circle ● YEA. Manna Fest. 94 High St. ● YEA. Marmalades. 20 High St ● YEA. Mint and Jam. 46 High St ● YEA. Newsagency. 74 High St ● YEA. Peppercorn Hotel. 21 Station St. ● YEA. Provender Bakery. 56 High St ● YEA. Rendezvous. 10 High St ● YEA. Royal Mail Hotel. 88 High St. ● YEA. Take-Away. 68 High St
L A CONFIDENTIAL C O L Many agendas in a single room
Page 6 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Court date set for ex-Cr
Looking for a new home
■ A little birdie tells us that the Yea and District Historical Society might be on the lookout for a permanent home, where it can display its wonderful collection on an ongoing basis. The prominent location on the Society’s wish list might surprise a few locals.
Guy drops in
● Matthew Guy and Ken Maxfield ■ There was no lobster on the menu, but State Opposition Leader Matthew Guy called in at Yea Shire Hall this month, with he and his family taking time out to look at the Yea and District Historical Society Heritage Exhibition. My Guy was pictured with Ken Maxfield.
Flooding problems
■ Eildon MLA Cindy McLeish has raised the question of Goulburn Valley Hwy flooding at Cathkin, in State Parliament. “ I refer the Minister for Roads and Road Safety to the road safety program on the GoulburnValley Highway between Yea and Cathkin and raise my question on behalf of the local emergency services. “The next stage of the project will see the installation of centre wire rope barriers on the Goulburn Valley Highway between Molesworth and Cathkin. “On this section of the highway at Home Creek the road is subject to regular flooding.This causes hazardous conditions, posing risk and disruption for drivers. “Part of the road is often closed. Obviously having barriers in the centre of the road at this point will be troublesome and unsafe for drivers unless the road is treated appropriately to address this matter. “This would involve raising the road above the regular flood line. Minister, will you instruct VicRoads to use this opportunity to treat this road issue at the same time as the installation of the centre wire rope barriers?” Ms McLeish said it was a better option than dealing with the consequences of not having it addressed.
■ About 400 local people turned out for the public meeting at the Whittlesea Activity Centre this month to support ‘Staff Our Station’. Local residents had an agenda: to have staffing levels maintained at the Whittlesea Police Station, headed by Sen. Sgt. Glen Parker and his team. Mayor Cr Ricky Kirkham had an agenda: he won rounds of applause from the crowd when he pledged marches on the Labor Government at State Parliament to achieve the goals. Don’t be surprised to see Cr Kirkham quickly scale rightwing parties to become a leader in State or Federal spheres. Yan Yean MLA Danielle Green, had an agenda but she badly misread the mood. Her speech focused on her own achievements as a State MLA, and how she had won improvements for the Mernda and Laurimar areas. “We’re Whittlesea, not Mernda,”yelled one local. Upper House politician Wendy Lovell wisely chose to say nothing.The Liberal MLC and Cr Kirkham laughed as Ms Green made her speech. “I don’t think the Mayor should laugh, it’s not a laughing matter,” said Ms Green. Police Association Secretary Sgt.Wayne Gatt had an agenda: firstly, to look after his own members, especially those who man the local Police
● Supt. Mick Sheehan addresses the public meeting Station ... but also to underscore the industrial power of the Association, a union of Victoria Police employees. Gatt, a polished advocate, chose to paint a bigger picture to the crowd, whether they wanted to see it or not. Sgt Gatt may be another than we son see on the Canberra or Spring St horizon. Police Superintendent Mick Sheehan had an agenda: he cleverly ‘worked’ the crowd, promising that he would release the contents of his
email to superiors about the mood of the meeting. When The Local Paper asked him about the release of the email, Supt. Sheehan said the document would not be made available to the press for wider distribution. A statement was later issued to the ‘closed’ Facebook group, the WhittleseaTownship Community Page, which has 6587 members. Although the authorship was attributed to someone else, the statement talked of SUPT. SHEEHAN in the third person, complete with capital letters in the way that people’s names would appear on a Police statement. “The guarantee made by Superintendent Mick SHEEHAN to provide us with a copy of the information he was to provide to his superiors has been met. For a number of reasons the communication cannot be reprinted or broadly disseminated but I have had it forwarded to me and been allowed to show it to the Steering Committee of (SOS) Staff our Station. Mick apologises for not being able to send it to everyone but takes heart in the fact that the article in the (Local Paper) adequately brought attention to the issues raised in the community meeting – he included a link to that article in his correspondence to Commander Sharon Cowdan and her office,” locals were told.
Whittlesea House dates to 1864
● Chris Healy ■ Proceedings against former Murrindindi Councillor Chris Healy are to be heard at Shepparton Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, February 28. The Local Government Inspectorate, represented by the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office, are expected to be in legal debate with Mr Healy over legal definitions. Mr Healy is accused of improper use of information whilst he was a Councillor.
Moving on ■ Supt. Mick Sheehan, featured in our main story (at left), told The Local Paper that he is moving on to other duties, elsewhere, in about four weeks’ time.
Dindi.com.au is a hit ■ The Local Paper’s new 24/7 website - Dindi.com. au - has been a real hit in its first week. It was only a soft launch, with a single ad in last week’s issue, and several Facebook mentions. There have been more than 1000 unique visitors in the first week, with 27,272 hits recorded.Watch it grow.
Shy reporters ● This 1880s artwork, by Herbert J. Woodhouse, is of Whittlesea, looking east, probably sketched from just north of Christ Church. We can made out Whittlesea House on today’s corner of Church St and Beech St (Yea Rd.). The township of Whittlesea had its origins in 1838, when Robert Hoddle issued instructions to "survey Plenty River and [the] Dividing Range to Mount Macedon". In 1853, Robert Mason conducted a survey of a reserve and named it Whittlesea, after the village Whittlesey in Cambridgeshire, England. The economy of the township of Whittlesea was initially heavily reliant upon logging, but, following a Select Committee report to Parliament, the Yan Yean catchment was closed to logging to prevent pollution of the Reservoir.
The decline of logging saw Whittlesea become more dependent upon grazing and farming for its revenue. The arrival of the railway in 1889 provided a reliable and efficient way to transport produce from the district to Melbourne. Whittlesea House is associated with the early days of Whittlesea village, with the oldest sections of the building dating from 1864, although it also includes two more recent wings.Whittlesea House was built as a hotel and operated as the Prince of Wales. In the mid part of the 1920s the property was purchased by Neil McKendrick JP and Rachel McKendrick. They operated the property as a guesthouse and function venue until 1945.
■ One district newspaper had some group photos of more than 50 people in last week’s issue. It’s a pity that few people will ever know who the folk are - the photos were not accompanied by captions including names. In other photos, some people received first name recognition ... but no surnames. Journalism 101?
Christmas Countdown ■ Only 12 more Local Papers until Christmas.
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 11
Just Briefly F’dale Quilt Show
■ A Quilt Show will be held at Flowerdale Community House from 10am-4pm on Saturday-Sunday, October 28-29. There will be cash prizes, with quilts will be judged in two sections: People’s Choice – First Prize $100; Second Prize $50 The Best Quilt in Show will receive the Annette Burton Memorial Award, assessed by an independent judge) – $150. The quilt competition is open to anyone. For further information and entry forms please call the Liz Mival on 57801485 and a form will be emailed to you.
Young people link
■ Yan Yean MLA Danielle Green says that the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) has done an outstanding job in engaging, consulting and informing the Mernda, Doreen and South Morang communities. “I seek the minister’s action on ways to further engage young people in this great project,” Ms Green told State Parliament last week. “I am privileged to chair the community reference group for the project, and I am constantly approached by young people as to how excited they are that this rail project is absolutely going like the clappers. “They are constantly coming up to me with great ideas about how they want to see the public spaces around this project. “I was principal for a day last week at Mernda Central P–12 College. One of the first young people that came up to me said, ‘Oh, wow, I’ve got this great idea: we could have all the spaces around these stations friendly for young people’. “He talked about things like a skate park and other things that young people would be interested in, and he is not the only one who has raised that as an issue. “I know that young people are particularly enamoured of the job opportunities in this project. “When I visited Whittlesea Secondary College last year and talked to pre-apprenticeship students you just could not wipe the smiles off their faces, so happy were they at the idea of being able to work on such a fantastic project. “There are two viewing platforms along the railway line, and they are really going to be a tourist attraction for families and young people to have a look at how the project is going. “But also young people can see what it could be like working on this sort of project and working in science, technology, engineering and maths — those sort of things. “They can see firsthand the results when you are trained to do these sorts of things and can work on these great projects. “The LXRA have done a fantastic job, as you know, Speaker, on the Hurstbridge line with the upgrade there, and young people are involved in a public art project. “There are a range of ways that young people could be involved. I had an intern who did a project a couple of years ago and studied what young people might want in this great project and their ideas. The thirst is still there. “I want to thank the LXRA for engaging young people in naming the crane that is on site. My favourite names are Dwayne, Wayne or Jermayne, but I am sure the minister will have some other ideas,” Ms Green said.
Lifting the lid
■ Rotary Club members from Alexandra and district are on a mission to ‘Lift the Lid on Mental Illness’ by raising money for mental health research this October for Mental Health Month. Almost one in five Australians will experience a mental illness every year, and nearly half of the population (45 per cent) will experience a mental illness at some stage in their lives.
Alex. Swap Meet ■ The AlexandraAutomotive Swap Meet and Historic Truck Muster is scheduled for Sunday, October 8 at Alexandra Showgrounds, William Stm Alexandra.
Local News
MLC pushes Minister over W’sea numbers ■ Local MLC Wendy Lovell has used State Parliament to again push for staffing levels to be returned to normal at Whittlesea Police Station. Speaking in the Legislative Council on Tuesday last week (Sep. 19), Ms Lovell said: “My question is for the Minister for Police. “There have been concerns in the Whittlesea township that the opening of the new Mernda police station would see staff reductions at the Whittlesea police station. “The concerns were arrogantly scoffed at by the government, but as feared, police command did remove four current vacancies from Whittlesea with plans to attach them to Mernda. “The response of the community was overwhelming,
● Wendy Lovell MLC with over 400 people — who believe that their town is unsafe and that they are not getting the police service they need — attending a public meeting in Whittlesea last
week. “The removal of the four vacancies, coupled with two members on sick leave, has depleted the station staff by 50 per cent. “The public meeting saw a promise to reinstate two of the vacancies, but the community demands the other two vacancies also be reinstated to return Whittlesea police station to its full complement of staff. “Will the minister reinstate the remaining two vacancies at the Whittlesea police station and guarantee the station will maintain its full complement of staff, being one senior sergeant, two sergeants and 12 senior constables or constables, following the opening of the Mernda station?” Ms Lovell asked in the Legislative Council’s question time.
● You can check on the district’s latest news, 24/7, at www.Dindi.com.au The website is updated daily using the resources of The Local Paper’s newsroom. There is no charge to use the www.Dindi.com.au website. It is another free community service of The Local Paper.
News Briefs Delegation move
■ ‘Instruments of delegation’ for a number of ‘Section 86 Committees of Managements’ are due to be approved at the meeting of Murrindindi Shire Council due to be held at Yea tonight (Wed.). The committees to be freshly delegated with powers, duties and functions refer to: ■ Buxton Recreation Reserve ■ EildonAlliance Boat Ramp ■ Eildon Community Resource Centre ■ Gallipoli Park Precinct ■ Glenburn Community Centre ■ Strath Creek Reserves and Hall Committee ■ Yea Pioneer Reserve ■ Yea Saleyards ■ Yea Showgrounds and Recreation Reserve ■ Yea Wetlands.
Trip to Hanoi ■ Eltham College Principal Simon Le Plastrier has been on a short trip to Vietnam, recruiting students for the Resarch-based school.
Daylight saving ■ Daylight saving time in Victoria will begin at 2 0 am on Sunday (Oct. 1), and ends at 2am on Sunday, April 1, 2018.
Annie in the chair ■ Annie Volkering is the new Chair of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority. She was raised in Mansfield. Annie starts her new appointment on October 1.
Anti-Cancer event in Yea on October 7 The Local Paper Public holiday
■ Friday (Sept. 29) - the day before the AFL Grand Final - will be a public holiday for all of Victoria. Busy tourist traffic is expected throughout the north-east for the three-day weekend.
■ Killingworth Hill Whisky Bar and Cafewill be the venue for the first event of the Yea Community Cancer Charity, to be held on Saturday next week (Oct. 7). The organisation formerly organised the Pink Night Ball . Numbers and money are needed up front for catering purposes. Tickets are selling out fast as there is limited seating for about 80. Tickets at $50 each are available for purchase Ulysees Beauty Salon, High St, Yea. Contact: Simone Sier, 0419 386 208; Sally Pollard, 0418 222 646; or Julie Fishlock , by Facebook messenger.
Welcome Expo for Whit. residents ■ Those new to the City of Whittlesea are invited to a Welcome Expo to discover what’s on offer in theirr new community. The expo will be at the Council Offices in South Morang from 3pm-7pm on Thursday, October 5. Mayor Cr Ricky Kirkham saysthe event will be a great opportunity for new residents to find out more about Council and community services on offer in the local area. “We know we have some 8000 people moving to the City of Whittlesea each year and it can be quite daunting for people to find ways to connect,” Cr Kirkham said. The event will feature roving entertainment from The Connies, a photo booth, tea, coffee and snacks available, and plenty of opportunities to meet other newcomers as well as a Sorry Day Walk. Information will be available on services including: family, children, young people and seniors; wew migrants, refugees and international students; learning and education, health, employment, sustainability and waste, safety and emergency services, sports and leisure and volunteering. The Welcome Expo will be at the Great Hall, Council Offices, 25 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang. whittlesea.vic.gov.au/events
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Page 12 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
What The Papers Say Early season?
■ The Southern Australia Seasonal Bushfire Outlook shows the southern fire season is likely to commence earlier and be more active than usual due to a warmer dry winter and it forecasts a hot summer. CFA Chief Officer Steve Warrington said “The outlook suggests that we could be looking at the commencement of a fire season as early as October and we’re preparing our people across the organisation so come October we will be ready to go.” When The Granite News spoke to CFA Rural Fire Brigade captains from Highlands, Terip and Ruffy they agreed that residents and landholders should already have their fire planning well under way. - Granite News
A-G on notice
■ The Victorian Attorney General, Martin Pakula, will be put on notice by Cindy McLeish (MLA, Eildon) when she officially asks him to visit the Mansfield Courthouse. Raising the issue some months ago during parliament, Ms McLeish asked that Mr Pakula visit the courthouse to inspect its nonexistent security. “When I raised the issue, the attorney general indicated he would come up – but he clearly hasn’t made any plans,” Ms McLeish said. Now, Ms McLeish has said she will take her campaign one step further. “I’ m going to write and invite him to come to Mansfield – he will then have to officially respond,” she said. - Mansfield Courier
Baffling bill
■ ‘Jane’, not her real name, is an 81-yearold from Molka who now lives alone after the recent death of her husband. For the past few years she has put aside money from her pension for the power bill. This bill normally comes in at around $450, and so Jane said she puts aside $500 just in case it comes in a little higher than usual. But last month she received a bill for $1700, reduced to $1500 with a pensioner’s discount. “I couldn’t believe it. I can’t explain how it could possibly have increased so much from the last bill,” Jane told The Euroa Gazette. “I have one small heater and an electric blanket, both of which I only run for a short amount of time just to take the chill out of the air. “It’s a small house, and so it never needs much heating.” Jane complained to her provider, and the company sent her a breakdown of the household’s energy use, which she described as ‘so complicated you’d need to be a Philadelphia lawyer’ to comprehend. “Basically there was a spike over three days in May which accounted for the huge bill. We were on holiday for all of May, and we couldn’t explain how it could possibly spike at that time when we weren’t at home.” - Euroa Gazette
Make way for tree
■ At least one bus stop at Lilydale train station will be removed to save a 100-year-old oak tree. Public Transport Victoria will permanently shut at least one of the stops at the Maroondah Highway interchange to alleviate stress on the old cork oak, which is surrounded by concrete. It comes after Leader’s ongoing coverage of tree advocate Lucy Bastecky’s fight to save the oak – estimated to be between 100 and 130 years old – since 2009. - Lilydale Leader
Flood overlays
■ Melbourne Water has proposed changes to flooding overlays in parts of the Yarra Ranges that are susceptible to flooding. In changes Melbourne Water hopes will better reflect present conditions, the proposed changes will affect two overlay controls – the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay and the Special Building Overlay. - Mountain Views Mail
Court Lists Seymour Magistrates’ Court - Criminal Case Listings Thursday, September 29 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Willgoose, Av Matthews, Aron. Ringwood Victoria Police - Mclean, S v Matthews, Aron. Collingwood Community Corrections Centre - Enright, Cv Panozzo, Dean. Community Corrections Centre Victoria Police - Paul, R v Matthews, Aron. Wodonga Victoria Police - Kehagias, S v Matthews, Aron. Broadmeadows Community Corrections Centre - Insana, J v Matthews, Aaron. Broadmeadows Victoria Police - Infringement - Victoria Police Infringement v Sheddan, Gregory. Melbourne Victoria Police - Infringement - Victoria Police Infringement v Sidki, Kenan. Melbourne Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Shamri, Fahad. Highway PatrolSeymour Victoria Police - Bortolotto, C (40740) v Grant, Aaron Robert. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Price, Leslie Neil. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Sibillin, D (31691) v Hanson, Michael James. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Wood, Brendan Jon. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Foo, Jason. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Bennett, N (36915) v Dias, Ruben. CiuMitchell Victoria Police - Tait, W (37033) v Hoare, Christopher James. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Parker, H (39579) v Cahill, Damien Murray. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - De Bruyckere, M (33701) v Anderson, Keegan. Highway PatrolWallan Victoria Police - Jackson, A (41009) v Mizzi, Paris. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Cutler, J (33931) v Grant, Aaron. SocitSeymour Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Humphries, Simon Vincent. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Pezzimenti, P (32040) v Dierich, Hendrik. Highway PatrolSeymour Victoria Police - Woosnam, J (31061)v Bowman, Catherine. Uni-Nagambie Victoria Police - Ioannidis, C (30723) v Bell, Matthew. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Simmons, Trinity. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Piera, Emily. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Warren, M (41378) v Stevenson, Joshua. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Mills, K (33260). Wood, Jade. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Smith, Christopher. Melbourne Victoria Police - Carden, S (34092) v Courtney, Stephen. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Carden, S (34092) v Courtney, Jason Paul. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Fraser, P (35913) v Whitworth, Jack Daniel. Uni-Kilmore
100 Years Ago Contents of Court Lists are intended for information purposes only. The lists are extracted from Court Lists, as supplied to the public, by the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria, often one week prior to publication date; for current Court lists, please contact the Court. Further details of cases are available at www.magistratescourt.vic.gov.au The Local Paper shall in no event accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by any person or body due to information provided. The information is provided on the basis that persons accessing it undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. No inference of a party’s guilt, innocence or liability should be made by publication of their name as a defendant. Court schedules may be changed at any time for any reason, including withdrawal of the action by the Plaintiff/Applicant. E&OE.
Victoria Police - Gray, K (33459) v Tahla, Eugenia. UniCorio Victoria Police - Heard, M (34494) v Benmasaud, Nathan Timothy. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Costa, C (28340) v Zanetti, Michael Ryan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Stones, Jason. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Waters, Jacinta. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Lock, M (42446) v Robl, Khoner. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Jackson, A (41009) v Powell, Scott. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Voisey, A (41594) v Biddle, Geoffrey. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Stevenson, Joshua. Uni-Euroa Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Bruce, Steven Francis. Uni-Euroa Victoria Police - Webster, B (41109) v Candy, Bradley Michael. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Carland, J (34285) v Gonzalez, Maria Alvarez. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Carland, J (34285) v Tennant, Steven Nathan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Cook, K (41646) v Bethune, Dale. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Dries, Jason. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Roberts, P (32777) v Edge, Damien. UniKinglake Victoria Police - Reynolds, J (31151)v Bethune, Dale Geoffrey. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Holcombe, S (39769) v Dellaway, Christopher. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Rooney, B (37412) v Stevenson, Joshua Roderick. Uni-Bendigo Victoria Police - Howell, B (41055) v Glen, Paul. UniEuroa Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Dunwoodie, Timothy Richard. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Costa, C (28340) v Walker, Bradley Andrew. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Porter, I (33403) v Zanetti, Michael Ryan. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Infringement - Victoria Police Infringement v Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Victoria Police - Rogers, M (40077) v De Graaf, Kevin Daniel. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Roberts, S (36542) v Matthews, Dywane Bradley. Uni-Kyabram Victoria Police - Duff, D (35543) v Stevens, Jan. UniNagambie Victoria Police - Binns Saxby, M (38713) v De Graff, Kevin. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Bortolotto, C (40740) v Cooke, Shannon. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Dowell, C (24892) v Muscat, Grace. Traffic Camera Office Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v
Glen, Paul Anthony. Office Of The Chief Commissioner. Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Gazzara, Katlin James. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Rogers, M (40077) v Zanetti, Michael Ryan. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Redfern, J (39993) v Matthews, Dywane. Uni-Northcote Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Schembri-Collett, Beven. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Schembri-Collett, Beven. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Edge, Jv Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Victoria Police - Crawford, G. Matthews, Aron. Kew Victoria Police - Venkort, S v Matthews, Aaron. Sunshine Community Corrections Centre - Girgin, E v Matthews, Dwayne. Community Corrections Centre Victoria Police - Sheridan, R v Matthews, Aron. Malmsbury Victoria Police - Dawson, Av Matthews, Aron. Melbourne Friday, September 30 Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v Smith, Brock Adam. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Keaveny, Liam. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Scott, Jason Andrew. Uni-Kilmore Thursday, October 5 Victoria Police - Houguet, B (40313) v Hore, Andrew. UniWallan Victoria Police - Baker, N (36147) v Hore, Andrew. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Sneddon, Dean Bradley. Melbourne Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Sneddon, Dean Bradley. Melbourne Victoria Police - Stephens, S (40205) v Oliver, Christopher. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Voisey, A (41594) v Bethune, Dale. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Cook, D (30208) v Bleyenberg, Karen. Dtu-Seymour Victoria Police - Cook, D (30208) v Willcocks, Darren Leigh. Dtu-Seymour Victoria Police - O'neill, J (40075) v Warhurst, Cheyne. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Turner, J (34532) v Zerna, Michael. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Dunning, Anne. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Dulger, Mustafa. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Sibillin, D (31691) v Collard, Travis. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Hanlon, Terrence Michael. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Yang, Vang Chue. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Garbutt, E (35708) v Murray, Steven. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Crossing, J (42422) v Williams, Olusegun Samson. Pcet-Seymour Victoria Police - Burke, M (40361) v Grant, Aaron. UniSeymour Victoria Police - O'neill, J (40075) v Izzard, Sarah. UniSeymour Traffic Camera Office Traffic Camera Officev Dempster, Thomas John. Melbourne
From Our 1917 Files
Soldiers’ social ■ On September 14th a social was held in the shire hall, Alexandra, by the citizen's committee, which sometime back was ap pointed to give farewell to the boys going to the front and to welcome those returning home wounded and disabled. There was a very large attendance and the re turned soldiers turned up in force. Private Collery was to have been entertained but had been called away to town on the previous day by the O C. The hall had been prettily decorated by the ladies of the commitee during the afternoon and the supper, which had been laid out in the committee room, was all that could have been desired. During the evening addresses were delivered by the Rev. A. C. Weber and Cr Baker.
Eildon Weir ■ The school concert was held on Friday night last. Theweather was perfect and there was an enormous attendance. Mr Turner was in the chair and the accompaniments were played in an efficient manner by Mrs Nichol and Mrs Turner.
Rural workers’ log ■ The rural worker's log, ths demands of which were postponed last year, owing to the drought and other adverse influences, will be made the basis of the Australian Workers' Union's claim upon the rural industries during the coming harvest. It rates below those prescribed are paid by farmers to their hands, the members of the union are being directed by the organisers to indicate a protest by going on strike.
Blacks’ Spur Motor Service ■ The company publish elsewhere a revised list of fares and time table. It will be noticed that all single fares have been raised 1s, to meet the continual rise in petrol and store. A fifth car is to added to the fleet. The car will, until further notice, leave Healesville for Alexandra each Saturday, returning on Sunday in time to catch train for town. A splendid trip, and.eheap.
Fawcett ■ During the month of July a very successful rabbit drive .organised by Mr K. T. Popple, took place at Fawcett, with the re sult that the sum of £4 0s 3d was raised on behalf of the British Red Cross. A further sum of 16s 8d has since been handed in by two residents who were unable to partici pate in the drive as fully as they desired, thus bringing the total to £4 16s 11d. The teacher of the local state school wishes to thank Mr Popple and all who took part. The first pupil of the Fawcett State School to obtain the Young Workers' Certificate in connection with the Victorian State Schools' Patriotic League was Veronica Parsons, who brought her £1 on Anzac Day of this year. Since then similar certificates have been earned by Doris Jones, Winifred Coller, Evslyn Popple, Charles Cooper and Leslie Coller, while Rose Popple is working with the same object. Some of these Young Workers have resolved upon earning the second £1.
Vaccination time
■ It appears t hat there are several children from two to five years of age who have not received the inmunity dose of diphtheria antitoxin. If the parents, desire to consider the welfare of their childreni they are strongly advised to attend at Dr. Parker's surgery, between tlhe hours of 9 and 10.30 a.m.. 2 and 3 p.m.: and 7 and 8p.m, for the administration of a suitable dose of antitoxin. Parents who have failed to have their children attended are running the risk of heavy expenses in case of illness, and have not the interests of the community at heart.
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30 day Trial of EMSISoft Internet Security Suite
30 day Trial of EMSISoft Internet Security Suite
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www.northcentralhire.com.au Church
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Local Buying Guide
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What’s New
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 21
The Yea Story: Part 18
‘We have no money to pay for his services’ From The Story of Yea by Harvey Blanks ■ In those early Roads Board meetings themes occur which were to return with almost monotonous regularity over the next few years; the drainage of the streets of Yea itself (“in a very bad state in winter”,the Minutes note), the appointment of a dog officer (this gentleman and his activities were to be a constant source of irritation to the fledgling Board), the provision of a ferry at Ghin Ghin, attempts to have the routes to Broadford and Tallarook proclaimed main roads (thus earning a government subsidy) and the institution of a daily mail service from Melbourne via Tallarook. The story of the Board’s first dog officers can be read with some amusement today, but it was the cause of considerable exasperation at the time. Perhaps the district had a large and unruly canine population in 1869, for the appointment of a man to issue licences and impose fiunes was considered of more importance than the appointment of a treasurer. The first inspector of dogs, was Mr John Brackebury, who was to be allowed to keep half the licence fees and half the fines, but was expected tp ay the cost of prosecutions. All proceeded well for a time, and Brackenbury soon received an additional post as inspector of abattoirs and slaughterhouses (the licence fee was £5), but by June the following year, after several abortive attempts to extract a statement of accounts from him and a demand that he pay in all monies received to date, he was dismissed from office and an advertisement to this effect was inserted in the Alexandra Times. The next dog officer was Mr E.G. Webster, but within three months of his appointment the Board was plaintively inquiring why he was not performing the duties of his office and he was relieved of his post some eight weeks later. Perhaps believing that the authority of a uniform might help in the collection of dig fees, the Board unsuccessfuly tried to appoint Mounted Constable Cooper to the post; when this move failed, they appointed Edward Smith and, with memories of their troubles with John Brackenbury, asked him to find a £5 surety. Mr Smith began well, his share of the fees for the first month amounting to £11/15/0 (the Clerk was only being paid £100 a year) and the separate post of inspector of sluaghterhouses was then awarded to Constable Chisholm at £10 a year (apparently policemen were allowed to undertake outside work then); however the constable was also asked to act as inspector of nuisances. When the Commissioner of Police decided a little later than Yea could get along with only one policeman instead of its normal staff of two, the Board made every effort to retain Constable Chisholm’s services, even asking the local member, the Hon. Charles Gavan Duffy, to intervene on his behalf. However, the Commissioner of Police remained adamant, Constable Chisholm was transferred and the Board consoled itself by appointing Constable Duggan to the same posts at the same salary. During its early years, the Board’s officers changed with great regular-
● The Goulburn River from the Molesworth traffic bridge. ity - possibly because salaries were both treasurer and public health of- temporary engineer, but to his accept his offer to transact its engineerso low and some of the posts offered ficer at a salry of £20 a year. The Board then turned its atten- ing business. only part-time employment. Shortly afterward, Peter McFarThe first engineer was a Mr tion to its solicitor, Mr Coster, and R.W.S. Greig, the first valuer Mr instructed him immediately to pay to lane resigned as treasurer and inspecJohn Tomkins, and the first trea- the treasurer all money he had re- tor of nusiances. The new treasurer was Mr E.S. surer (at £10 a year) Mr E.S. Purcell. ceived on the Board’s behalf. This upset Mr Coster, who Purcell at £10, but his appointment A Mr Smyth was appointed standing counsel to the Board and a promptly resigned, upon which his apparently caused considerable acpost was filled by the appointment of rimony within the Board, and Messrs Mr Coster its solicitor. Webster and Grant unsuccessfully No time was lostr giving the En- the ex-clerk Samuel Wall. Engineering works had, until then, triede to have passed a resolution gineer his first instructions after he took up his duties on June 23, 1869. been carried out mainly by outside “that upon any members using any Reports were wanted immedi- contract but at the beginning of 1871 language toward any other member ately on the state of the district’s the Board decided to employ its own calculated to provoke a breach of the roads, plus suggestions for an eco- labour and set out to equip its engi- peace and capable of being applied offensively, the clerk shall upon the nomical scheme to drain water from neering department. Its list of essential equipment, the request of any members write down the township’s streets. The second requirement was one purchase of which was duly approved the same, and the expressions shall that was to baffle successive gen- by the Board, makes interesting read- be requested to be withdrawn or a satisfactory apology be made, and erations of engineers, so it is not, ing today: 2 barrows, 2 crowbars, 4 picks also for any insulting or offensive perhaps, surprising that Mr Greig was apparently unable to come up and 1 dozen handles, 2 sledge ham- conduct, gesture, manner or action”. However, tempers calmed, and mers, 6 stone-breaking hammers, 2 with any acceptable suggestions. Within six months of his appoint- axles and 6 handles, 2 sets of maul Mr John Irvine’s offer to value to ment, Mr Greig was ordered rings, 6 wedges, 1 cosscut saw, 1 district for £24 was accepted withtoappear before the Board, which handsaw, 1 adze and 3 augers, 3 out argument; while Mr Purcell was meantime decided “to accept the mortising chisels, 1 wrench, 2 stone required to find sureties of £300 before taking up his new post as treaproposal in his letter that his salary rakes, etc. The first inkling that the choice of surer. shall cease from the date of writing”. But peace did not reign for long. No details were recorded of the Mr Wilson may not have been a dispute between the Board and its happy one and that the quality of his The Board was not at all happy with Engineer, but in July 1870 , it was engineering works was not approved John Irvine’s valuations and decided decided to call for fresh applications by ratepayers, is contained in a to adhere to the original ones prefrom a person “competent to exer- Minute for February 22, 1871, which pared by Mr Greig. Samuel Wall’s post as clerk was cise the duties of engineer, clerk, states that “while the Board is willing to receive any objections or in- declared ‘permanent’, but within six valuer and rate collector”. Three weeks later, two Board formation with reference to works months the argument flared again. A fresh audit of the books was members, Mesrrs Webster and either in progress or completed, they Grant, tried to have their own nomi- will not acknowledge letters couched called for and Messrs Wall and Purcell promptly resigned as clerk, nee, William Snodgrass, appointed in rude language”. Three months later, Mr Wilson rate inspector and treasurer respecclerk; the move was violently rewas relieved from his post as clerk tively. sisted by other members. In June, 1872, Mr Leopold They continued to stall for time and engineering pending an audit of at subsequent meerings, hoping that the Board’s accounts, and applica- George Downey became engineer, Snodgrass would eventually be able tion was made to the Governor-in- clerk, valuer and rate collector at a to supply the testimonials and refer- Council to appoint Mr William Down- salary of £250 a year - quite a good ences, which had not accompanied ing of Alexandra and Mr Michael sum for the times - and simultaKemp of Ghin Ghin as special audi- neously the Board had to ask the bank his original application. for an overdraft of £800, having deBut the question of appointing a tors to the board. Meantime, Samuel Wall and cided to let a £1600 contract for a new enginerr could not be left in abeyance any longer, and despite Michael Kemp were asked to carry ‘arge bridge’ over King Parrot Creek Messrs Webster’s and Grant’s pro- out an audit of Wilson’s accounts on the road from Yea to Tallarook. The expense apparently alarmed tests, a Mr William Wilson was ap- from his date of appointment. However, an attempt to censure some members of the Board, for on pointed as noth clerk and engineer. One month later, in October 1870, Wilson “for wilful omission on his June 26, 1872, the following motion both the Board’s first clerk, Mr Wall, part to carry out certain resolutions was lost by three votes to two: “That all motions relating to the and the old engineer, Mr Greig, were passed by the Board” failed. The ubiquitous Samuel Wall wqas appointment of Mr Downey as engigiven a month’s formal notice. The Treasurer, Mr Purcell, and now restored to the post of clerk on a neer be rescinded for the following his assistant, a Mr Cooper, also were temporarry bais and instructed to reasons “Firstly, because we have no relieved of their offices and asked to collect all outstanding rates “that he money to pay for his services after may consider recoverable”. hand over their books. The Board also decided not to the completion of the King Parrot In their stead, Peter McFarlane was offered the appointments of appoint Mr Leopold Downey as Creek bridge for want of funds;
“Secondly, that in consequence of having no money to spend on the roads we will not require an engineer for at least sic months; “Thirdly, that it is unjust to the ratepayers to pay Mr Downey £250 per year for what we can get done for £150 equally as well; “Fourthly, that his appointment is an insult to the other gentlemen who applied for his appointment, as their tenders were lowest, and they can only arrive at the conclusion that the Board considered them not so competent as Mr Downey; “Fifthly, that Mr Downey as engineer to this Board has not givenm that amount of attention to the construction of the King Parrot Creek Bridge as the importance ofthe work demanded.” But the financial situation could not have been as serious as this motion suggested, for within two months the Board was congratulating one of its members, James Daniel Webster, on obtaining the overdraft from the Colonial Bank of Australasia “on such satisfactory terms”, and was pushing ahead with plans to construct the principal roads from Yea township to its boundaries, and asking the Alexandra Shire Council to join in an ambitious project to build a bridge at Molesworth, to replace the ferry operated there by Mr John Sloan. The engineer, Leopold Downey, continued in office until the Molesworth Bridge was built and opened in 1874 - an occasion for great celebration marked by a banquet costing £16 3s 6d. Apparently then feeling expenses were in danger of getting out of hand, the Council (for Yea was now a Shire and no longer a Road Board) asked Downey either to retire or accept a salary reduction of £120 per year “to do the entire work of the Board”. Downey carried on under these terms for another four months, but then offered his resignation which the Council accepted “regretting we cannot entertain the claim for further remuneration, but will have much pleasure in giving the testimonial asked for”. Back into officer as secretary and treasurer, this time at £70 per year, came the indestructible Samuel Wall, although he had a narrow escape at a lengthy meeting three months later on May 15, 1875, when after a prolonged luncheon adjournmenbt the following motions appeared in the minutes: “That Mr S.A. Wall, Shire Secretary, be requested to hand over the keys of the office and all other papers and correspondence connected therewith, he not being in a fit state at present to conduct the business, and the president to use his discretion in returning the same to Mr Wall before the next meeting if he thinks fit”. Wall must have been suitably penitent, for he was back on duty in time for the next meeting, continuing to transcribe the Minutes in his neat copperplate handwriting, complete with archaic spellings, long’tailed ‘S’s’ and beautifully executed capital letters, with many ornamental flourishes. His job was no easy one, nor especially attractive, for in the continued absence of a Shire Engineer, he found himself directed by the Council at every meeting to inspect various crossings, culverts, drains and bridges. ● Continued next page
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The Yea Story: Part 18 ● From Previous Page Wall was also to draw up specifications and repairs, and call for tenders. On such occasions, because he complained he lacked the necessary technical knowledge, a pair of councillors were appointed to accompany him and point out what repairs were necessary. As treasurer, he was also required to chase up all ratepayers tardy in meeting their demands (“the Shire being desperate for ready monies”), pressing them in prison “where necessary”. In his spare time he was expected to check on all geese, goats and pigs being depastured on the Yea Town Common to ensure that they were the property of ratepayers entitled to use the Common and if he found they were illegal stock arrange to have them destroyed. When he rather plaintively reported that he found it difficult to distinguish between a legal and an illegal goat his dilemma was resolved by a Council decision that goats belonging to bona fide ratepayers must carry identifying yokes around their necks. If a goat lacked a yoke, Mr Wall was given the drastic authorisation to shoot it. It must have been a bit much of this solicitor and man-of-many-parts, for Samuel Wall eventually failed to turn up for several meetings in a row, and the Council had no compunction in asking for his resignation and call;ing for apllications from persons willing to act in the dual capacity of secretary and superintendent of works. With no secretary or engineer the two most important positions in local government - to carry on the day to day business of the Shire, the President, James Daniel Webster, was asked to fill both posts as best he could “in the meantime”. Two months later, however, with no applications having been received from any qualified persons, and it being imperative to have an authorised officer to receive monies due to the Shire, Samuel Wall rejoined the staff yet again - this time as treasurer at £10 a year. The post of engineer was re-advertised, to be paid for “at a percentage of value of work done”, but again there were no takers, so the Council appointed one of the Shire’s contractors, John Drysdale, as inspector of works at a slary of £60. Appointing a contractor as Shire inspector, where he would be required to pass his own works for payment, appears to have been a risky procedure, for the following month the Council accepted a tender for him and his partner for a bridge over the Muddy Creek near the Providence Gold Mine, provided the mining company was willing to pay a subsidy of £13 10s. The Council then had second thoughts and three months later, in February, 1877, appointed three of its members to inspect the Providence Bridge and approve payment “only if they are satisfied but not otherwise”. John Drysdale, also apparently, felt he was placed in an impossible position, for he resigned as inspector of works the following month, and once more the Council was lacking any qualified engineering advice. This was especially serious as Messrs Jarvie and Clarke’s tender for building the new Shire Hall had just been accepted (“the foundations to be sunk at least two feet and be of the best stone that can be procured”) and the services of a supervising engineer were essential.
● In some desperation, the Council decided to appoint a Mr Drew, for the sum of £20, to supervise the task. Five months later, on June 2, 1877, the ubiquitous Samuel Wall was re-instated in his old position and his salary increased to £100 a year. But before seven months had passed, with no explanation appearing in the Minutes, the Council decided to “transfer Mr Wall from all his appointments as secretary-treasurer and inspector of works, and call for tenders to fill his post. This time, the Council was more succesful, and in March, 1878, decided that if his testimonials proved satisfactory, Mr A.M. Ross would be appointed to the offices of secretaryengineer at £120. Mr Ross took up his new posts in May, but only six months later the Council decided to ask for his resignation and “in the event of his not doing so he accept a month’s notice, and tenders be called for secretary”. At this distance in time it is not possible to ascertain the reasons for the Council’s continued staffing difficulties. Sometimes the money offered was a factor but apparently not always, for candidates for the offices that now fell vacant included both Samuel Wall and A.M. Ross at reduced salaries, Wall offering to serve as secretary at £40 a year, and Ross as secretary-treasurer-engineer at £108, or (if Council was not agreeable to this) as engineer and treasurer at £90 a year. The meeting at which these and other applications and tenders were received and discussed was a long and apparently acrimonious one, and eventually adjourned without any permanent decision.
Providence Gold Mine, Yea. 1899. However, Samuel Wall was re- £150, while Mr J.H. Sloan thought a tained as Shire solicitor, at normal mere £70 would be adequate remulegal fees, and it was decided to ac- neration). cept Ross’s interim offer to act as There were 22 applications for secretaryat £1 a week. the separate postof secretary, rangVoting on all these matters was ing from £45 to £300 (the ever-hopeclose, and several councillors called ful Samuel A. Wall put hi his tender for a special meeting to consider the of £60). suspension of the Shire’s senior ofBut the post of separate engineer ficers, but each time it lapsed for attracted only two applicants, Mr W. want of a quorum. Woods at £250 and Mr Fred Haigh In June, 1879, the Council de- at £156. cided that Ross should be employed Perhaps the distressing state of the “for three months certain at £7 per Shire’s roads and the obvious shortmonth, the engagement then to ter- age of adequate funds deterred othminate”, but the expiry of this period ers from applying. his services were retained for a furAt its meeting in November, ther month and once again tenders 1879, the Council decided to appoint were called in some desperation for Mr J.H. Kelly as secretary and engisecretary, engineer and treasurer, neer at a slary of £200. together or in any combination. Mr Kelly was asked to relieve the In October, 1879, R.W.S. Greig temporary incumbent, Mr A.W. was appointed temporary secretary, Greig, on December 8. and Mr Ross finally departed for The post of treasurer caused no pastures new. problems. Mr E.S. Purcell was apThe parting was an amicable one, pointed without argument at £10 a the Council placing on record “the year. high esteem they have for Mr Ross The Council’s long struggle to for the able and gentlemanly man- secure and retain suitable officers ner in which he has carried out the seems to have exhausted it, for the duties of his office as engineer and annual meeting on November 18 of secretary, and we wish him every that year, lapsed for want of a quorum. success in his new sphere”. It was adjouned until November In spite of the Shire’s financial troubles, its advertisements for new 25, when not a single councillor officers attracted a flood of applica- turned up. The secretary further adjourned tions. There were 25 aspirants to the it until 1.30pm on November 29 , and joint post of secretary-engineer, again found himself sitting in solisome of them with rather inflated tary splendor facing an empty Counideas as to what the Shire could af- cil table. He then adjourned the meeting ford to pay (one Captain Balfour expressed his willingness to dis- further to 3pm and went in search of charge the duties for £500 a year, the missing councillors; but although while a Mr W.G. Perrot asked for he was able to collect a couple, he £400, more realistically, A.W. Greig was still short of a quorum. was prepared to do the twin jobs for He then further adjourned the
● Providence Bridge.
annual meeting until December 6, but not before Councillor Vier had tabled a motion “That on account of the heavy debt of the Shire and the present state of our funds, the appointment of a secretary-engineer at £200 be rescinded”. This threat seems to have accomplished what the anxious secretary could not not achieve, for the entire Council turned up on December 6 to defeat Councillor Vier’s motion. With the appointment of Mr Kelly as secretary-engineer, the Shire’s prolonged teething troubles were over. There were further staff changes to come, but these were mostly of a normal nature, and the Shire now entered into a period of some stability and expansion, although it continued to be plagued with a shortage of adequate funds, as did all other local bodies of the period. Many of the names of the Council’s eary officers now drop out of sight from the Shire’s records, although that of Samuel A. Wall does periodically surface as Shire solicitor, even if it is only to be castigated by the Council in tardiness in attending to its affairs. ★ In spite of its staffing troubles and the personality conflicts which obviously existed among its members, the Yea Shire Road Board chalked up some solid achievements in the early years. Considering that it had to begin from nothing - lacking a place of its own to meet and any funds with which to commence operations - and that its members were all local residents with their own living to earn, who had to face the ire of their neighbours when they made necessary but perhaps unpopular decisions, the Board showed considerable courage and foresight in drawing up its goals and then pursuing them with singleminded determination. The perennial lack of funds provied a stimulating challenge rather than aninhabiting factor. In fact, the recklessness with which the Board at times charged ahead with a cherished bridge or road-building project, with no very clear idea of how finance would be provided when the day of reckoning came, would perhaps today be declared fool-hardy. Yet the gambles usually came off, and calamity was averted at the last moment time and time again, with rival bank managers being played off one against the other in a bid to gain time and bridge the interval between an overdraft falling due and the arrival of a tardy government grant or subsidy. Sometimes in those first dozen or so years it seemed as though Board members were spending as much time in Melbourne as in Yea, as wave upon wave of depuattions hounded the various ministers and departments, pressing the district’s claims for more money and prophesying dire calamity should it not be forthcoming. That such tactics met with a fair degree of success suggests either that ministers in those days were less hard-hearted than today, or that Yea’s elected civic representatives were exceedingly tough opponents, prepared to tackle reluctant politicians in much the same way as they would a fractious bullock. Although the inauguration of a Road Board in 1869 was both inevitable and highly desirable, not all the district’s residents took kindly to the idea of paying rates and submitting themselves to regulations and bylaws. To Be Continued
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 23
Local Paper
Big crowds at Yea Garden Expo ● Leo
● Crowds arrived early at the Racecourse. Photo: David Anderson
● Terry Hubband and Don McQueen
● Pat and Bob Dewar
● Pat Sichlau and Jim Osborne
● David Ngo, Ken Maxfield and David Anderson
● Expo stallholders did a brisk trade. Photo: David Anderson
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Local Paper Magazine
Stateside with Gavin Wood in West Hollywood
Emmy Awards party for Aussies
■ Hi everyone, from my suite at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Suites comes this week's news.
Meatless Mondays ■ Several studies show that a plant-based diet increases the body's metabolism, causing the body to burn calories up to 16 per cent faster than the body would on a meat-based diet for at least the first three hours after meals. A number of researchers argue that while the human body is capable of digesting meat, our bodies are actually designed to be herbivores. For example, the human molars are similar to those of an herbivore, flat and blunt, which make them good for grinding, not gnashing and tearing. The first Vegetarian Society was formed in England in 1847. The society's goal was to teach people that it is possible to be healthy without eating meat. In 2012, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a resolution that all Mondays in the City of Angels will be meatless. The measure is part of an international campaign to reduce the consumption of meat for health and environmental reason. Americans consume more meat than almost anyone else in the world. The average American eats approximately 222 pounds of meat per year. This does not include seafood.
Celebrating Aussie nominees
■ The Australian Consul General for Los Angeles, Chelsea Martin, hosted an ‘Australian Emmy Nomination Party’ at the residence in Brentwood, Los Angeles. The party was sponsored by ‘Australians in Film’, ‘Screen Australia’ to celebrate Australia's nominees for the Emmy Awards. Geoffrey Rush: who already has received an Oscar, Emmy, two Golden Globes, four Screen Actors Guild and three BAFTAs awards, three AFI's and numerous other awards. It seems that the trophy cupboard is too full for another Emmy this year. Nicole Kidman: Emmys this year for acting and producing Big Little Lies. The movie was a runaway success at this year's event. Judy Davis: Nominated for Feud - Bette & Joan. Kate Dennis: Director - The Hand Maids Tale. Bruna Papandrea: Producer - Big Little Lies. Perry Meek: Costume Design, Ru Pauls Drag Race It is so wonderful to see the Aussies making their mark in Hollywood. Pictured (at right) at the Emmy event was the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, Julie Bishop, with the Managing Director of the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Suites, Alan Johnson.
Hackers should be hacked ● Julie Bishop and Alan Johnson
Spicer’s sense of humour ■ Asked following the Emmy Awards if he had considered the negative reactions that might follow his cameo appearance during Stephen Colbert's opening monologue, Sean Spicer replied, "Not so much." The former White House press secretary told The Hollywood Reporter: "I was more worried about the logistical reactions," he said. "I've never wheeled a podium before. The one I'm used to is pretty stationary." Calling the chance to appear on the Emmys stage "an honour," Spicer said Colbert "came up with a concept" and he "thought it was kinda funny" so he decided to do it. Spicer was spotted snapping selfies with celebrities at the Governors Ball after party later that Sunday night.
Out and About
Porsche and ditch
■ Actress Heather Locklear was hospitalised after driving her Porsche into a ditch in California. The 55-year-old former T.J. Hooker star had the single-car wreck in Thousand Oaks on Country Valley Road. "Her vehicle left the road and went down into an embankment," Sgt. Eric Buschow of the Ventura County Sheriff's Office said. Locklear was taken to an area hospital with minor injuries, according to police. No drugs or alcohol are believed to have been involved in the crash, police said. "She was alert and cooperative with deputies" after the incident, according to Buschow. The actress has struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for years.
From my Suite at the Ramada Plaza Complex on Santa Monica Blvd
Different Sheriff
■ There's a new sheriff in Tinseltown. Sources say that Steve Bannon is getting back into the movie business and that the gunslinging conservative is particularly interested in making Westerns. Sources say that since leaving the White House in August, the former chief strategist to the President has been taking meetings with movie companies. We're told the appearance of Bannon, who has already returned to the media after his stint in DC, resuming as executive chairman of Breitbart News, in liberal Hollywood circles has left some feeling queasy.
Mention this newspaper
■ If you are considering a move to Los Angeles or just coming over for a holiday then I have got a special deal for you. We would love to see you at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Suites, 8585 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Hollywood. I have secured a terrific holiday deal for readers of the Melbourne Observer and The Local Paper. Please mention 'Melbourne Observer' when you book and you will receive the 'Special Rate of the Day'. Please contact: Joanna at info@ramadaweho.com
■ Hackers demanding millions of dollars in ransom have released more stolen HBO files, just a week after threatening the pay-TV channel with a drop of multiple unreleased shows and scripts online. The latest dump includes scripts for this season's first four episodes of Game of Thrones, as well as the script for the unreleased fifth episode. Accompanying the data dump is a ransom demand for $6 million in Bitcoins and the message "HBO is falling." The hackers, identifying themselves only as ‘Mr Smith’, have also released internal documents, including financial balance sheets, employment agreements, and what they say is a month's worth of emails from the account of Leslie Cohen, HBO's Vice-President for film programming. HBO has previously acknowledged the theft of "proprietary information" and said it is working with police and security experts to investigate the matter.
■ Diane Lane and her ex-husband Christopher Lambert held a lavish birthday bash for their daughter Eleanor at Bagatelle in NYC. ■ Bill O'Reilly was at the Pat Benatar concert at the Beacon inNYC. ■ Kiss rocker Gene Simmons was at the London Hotel in Midtown having breakfast solo and wearing sunglasses. ■ Benedict Cumberbatch was at Cut by Wolfgang Puck at the Four Seasons Hotel ,New York Downtown in NYC. ■ Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard saw rockers the national play at the Bowery Ballroom for a surprise SiriusXM show in NYC. ■ Bruno Mars said last week that he is donating $1 million from his Michigan concert to aid those affected by the Flint water crisis. The Grammy-winning star told the audience at his show in Auburn Hills, about 30 miles (48 kms) from Detroit, that he and tour promoter Live Nation are redirecting funds from the show to the charity, The Community Foundation of Greater Flint. ■ Bill Murray was spotted at Gallagher's Steakhouse in Midtown NYC eating a seafood tower at the bar. He couldn't finish it, so he offered some of the shrimp, crab and lobster to other strangers sitting at the bar before he walked across the street to see Groundhog Day. ■ The stars were out in full force on David Geffen's $300 million yacht last week, which played host to the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Diane Sawyer and Gayle King. Geffen's boat was anchored off the luxurious Verdura Resort in Sicily, where Google's exclusive three-day summer camp is held every year. The annual event is held at the $1 770-a-night resort, but it was Geffen's 454-foot boat where a slew of celebrities decided to play instead where he was also joined by designer Diane Von Furstenberg, actress Julianna Margulies, and Disney CEO Bob Iger.
Linda Hamilton returns ● Nicole Kidman
■ Director James Cameron announced last week that Linda Hamilton, the actress who starred as heroine Sarah Connor in the Terminator franchise (and Cameron's ex-wife), would return for the next instalment of the blockbuster sci-fi classic series.
Photos: Rob Clements
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 25
Local Paper Magazine
Yea Football-Netball Club presentations
● Ruby O’Dwyer - C-Grade Best and Fairest
● Leisa Peters - D-Grade Best and Fairest ■ Youngsters Nikki Watts and Harrison Jarvie took out the AGrade netball and Senior football awards respectively at the club’s presentation night on Saturday. Nikki Watts, 17, won her second consecutive club best and fairest on 24 votes with another youngster, Bridget O'Dwyer, coming in runner up on 19 votes. Harrison Jarvie, 20, was the run away winner of the senior football vote count, amassing an amazing 160 votes to win the count by 83 votes to runner up RileyAldous. President Brad Watts thanked the many volunteers around the club and he named Brian Phillips as the deserved winner of the best clubperson of the year. ● Jack Sundblom - Reserves Best and Fairest
WINNERS Senior Football Best and Fairest: Harrison Jarvie Runner-Up: Riley Aldous Most Consistent: Dan O'Dwyer Most Improved: Cameron Evans Coaches Award: Aiden McSpeerin Reserves Football Best and Fairest: Jack Sundblom Runner-Up: Jaryed Garlick Most Consistent: Lachlan White Most Improved: Darcy Pell and Jarred Gilbert Coaches Award: Zac Butler A-Grade Netball Best and Fairest: Nikki Watts Runner-Up: Bridget O'Dwyer Coaches Award: Chelsea Spagnolo
● Nikki Watts - A-Grade Best and Fairest
● Reggie Bell - B-Grade Best and Fairest
B-Grade Netball Best and Fairest: Regina Bell Runners-Up: Cindy Newcomen and Lauren Cronk Coaches Award: Rhiannon Aldous C-Grade Netball Best and Fairest: Ruby O'Dwyer Runner-Up: Jess Armstrong Coaches Award: Fiona Purvis D-Grade Netball Best and Fairest: Leisa Peters Runner Up: Sarah Lobley Coaches Award: India Gillings Overall Netball Awards Most Consistent: Meg Sundblom Most Improved: Leisa Peters Most Determined: Nikki Watts
● Brian Phillips - Best Club Person
● Harrison Jarvie - Senior Best and Fairest
Clubperson of the season Brian Phillips - Cindy Hayes
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Local Paper Magazine
Movies, DVDs with Jim Sherlock, Aaron Rourke What’s Hot and What’s Not in Blu-Rays and DVDs FILM: WONDER WOMAN: Genre: Action-Fantasy-Adventure. Cast: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, Danny Huston, David Thewlis, Ewen Bremmer. Year: 2017. Rating: M. Length: 141 Minutes. Stars: ***½ Verdict: Before she was known as Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior, on an island inhabited only be women, but when a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny. Following the triple debacles of Man of Steel (2013), Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Suicide Squad (2016), this is the closest to the DC Extended Universe actually, and finally, getting it right. Surprisingly, with this first big screen feature debut of Wonder Woman, Director: Patty Jenkins has moulded together an impressive and hugely entertaining super-hero experience, Wonder Woman has gone a long way since the TV series (1975) with Lynda Carter. The beautiful Gal Gadot is spot on as our saviour this time around, aided by stalwart Chris Pine and along with the equally beautiful Robin Wright and Connie Nielsen, David Thewlis and Danny Huston seem to be having fun as the evil villains. Just when you thought hope was lost in this DC Extended Universe, or any other of the recent flood of super-hero movies, the great cast, performances, characters, action, humour, romance, effects and pacing all fall into place nicely, and though too long at 2 hours and 20 minutes and goes a bit overthe-top towards the climax, it can be compared to the genuine surprise that the Marvel Universe created with Captain America: The First Avenger. FILM: VICEROY'S HOUSE: Genre: Historical/Biographica/Drama. Cast: Hugh Bonneville, Gillian Anderson, Michael Gambon, Simon Callow. Year: 2017. Rating: PG. Length: 106 Minutes. Stars: *** Verdict: New Dehli in March 1947, Lord Louis Mountbatten, has just been appointed new (and last) viceroy of India by prime minister Clement Attlee, and his difficult task consists in overseeing the transition of British India to independence. Meanwhile, in the staff quarters, a love story is born between Jeet, a Hindu, and Aalia, a Muslim beauty, and things will prove difficult on both on the geopolitical and personal level. Well made and emotionally effective political and personal period drama succeeds due to the sensitive, respectful and delicate handling by writer-director Gurinder Chadha (Bend It Like Beckham, Bride & Prejudice), if not too soft on such a monumental historical event of change. Good solid performance by Hugh Bonneville as Lord Louis Mountbatten, as well as all cast members, but the real standout is Gillian Anderson as the highly independent, respectful and determined, Lady Edwina Mountbatten. Striking period detail and beautifully filmed in actual locations in India, even though it may have served much better as an epic TV mini-series, it is nonetheless a richly textured, fascinating and worthy enough journey to look back on. FILM: DESPICABLE ME 3: Genre: Animation/Action/Adventure. Cast: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker, Steve Coogan, Julie Andrews. Year: 2017. Rating: PG. Length: 90 Minutes. Stars: **½ Verdict: After he is fired from the Anti-Villain League for failing to take down the latest bad guy to threaten humanity, Gru meets his long-lost and more successful twin brother Dru who wants to team up with him for one last criminal heist, and who desperately wishes to follow in his twin's despicable footsteps to rediscover just how good it feels to be bad. Gru and the Minions and company are all back in this crazy, wildly hyperactive and overall entertaining animated adventure that is sure to thrill the kiddies time-and-time again, though the adults may grow tiresome long beforehand. Slapstick and stupidity rule for the most part, and though the animation is on par with the previously two outings, the film may not the best in the series, but it works for the most part thanks to Steve Carell's due performance as Gru and Dru and those sidesplittingly funny scene stealing Minions., where the laughs that work are the more visual than spoken. Let's just hope that for the next adventure, if there is a fourth, that more care and attention to characterization, plot and pacing are taken on board. - James Sherlock
Beatriz at Dinner
● An elite party is enlivened by a surprise guest in the entertaining drama Beatriz At Dinner, at selected cinemas. ■ (M). 83 minutes. Opens in se- an underwritten role. lected cinemas on September 21. Beatriz At Dinner is hardly Though not as substantial as it earth-shattering cinema, but there would like to think it is, Beatriz At are enough positive ingredients to Dinner still manages to maintain make this breezy, easily digestible interest, even when the script by viewing. Mike White falls into simplistic RATING - *** speechifying. The story centres on Beatriz (Salma Hayek), a well-respected health practitioner (from a poor, Mexican background) who works at a Santa Monica cancer centre, treating patients who are mostly on death's door, riddled with illness both physically and psychologi- ■ (2D and 3D) (PG). 89 minutes. Opens in cinemas on September cally. Beatriz believes in spiritual con- 21. Despite a title that threatens a nection, and seems to be able to feel the pain of those she is trying barrage of crude, low-brow humour, what we get instead is a surpristo help. After finishing one such shift at ingly buoyant and cheerful anithe centre, Beatriz heads out to an mated film that should please movie expansive, gate-enclosed house at goers of all ages. The story follows primary Newport Beach, as she has an appointment with Kathy (Connie school students George (Kevin Britton), a wealthy socialite who Hart) and Harold (Thomas hires her on a regular basis as a Middleditch), who have been best friends for a long time, and always masseuse. Kathy is organising an impor- gather at their elaborate treehouse tant dinner that evening, as her hus- to create new comics for their band Grant (David Warshofsky) favourite superhero character, Capwill be hosting a group of impor- tain Underpants. Mischievous by nature, the two tant work colleagues, the biggest of which is Doug Strutt (John are a thorn in the side of Principal Lithgow), a self-made millionaire Krupp (Ed Helms), who is forever who has the money and the power trying to catch the duo committing to have everyone around him on one of their disruptive pranks. When Krupp is finally able to their knees. When Beatriz's car breaks separate the two, George, using a down, Kathy asks her to stay and plastic ring he found in a cereal box, join them for dinner, but this cor- amazingly succeeds in hypnotising dial invitation will lead to a night of their hated Principal, and takes it confrontation between the humble one step further by turning Krupp immigrant and the ruthless busi- into their beloved superhero. Matters become complicated nessman who will do anything to when mad scientist Professor make a dollar. Beatriz At Dinner wears its heart Poopypants (Nick Kroll) arrives at on its sleeve, with plenty of relevant the school. Based on the beloved children's topics brought to the surface, but none of these issues are explored books by Dav Pilkey, screenwriter Nicholas Stoller (who penned The in a truly challenging manner. The recently released The Din- Muppets and Muppets Most ner was sharper in its view of Wanted) keeps things charmingly people and social class, and its char- innocent, and refreshingly stays clear of potty comedy most of the acters were far more intriguing. Unfortunately all the rich folk time (a whoopee cushion recital is fall into easy stereotypes, while thankfully as bad as it gets), and even Beatriz herself never fully the film is all the better for it. Hart (who was painfully shrill convinces as a real human being. What helps keep the film afloat as the voice of Snowball in The Seare the performances of Hayek and cret Life Of Pets) and Middleditch make a good team, and is well supLithgow. Following her tiresome, ear- ported by Helms, who is very funny splitting turn in the horrendous The as the Krupp/Captain combo. Hitman's Bodyguard, Hayek Captain Underpants: The First (Frida, Desperado) is effectively Epic Movie feels like a little league subdued here, which makes her version of Ferris Bueller's Day Off, sudden outbursts all the more and while nowhere near as good as impactful. Lithgow (Blow Out, that 80's teen classic, it does offer Raising Cain, The World Accord- bright, good-natured entertainment ing To Garp) effortlessly plays the that will put a smile on the faces of Trump-like Doug with a combina- the entire family. RATING - *** tion of false charm and blunt arro- Aaron Rourke gance, bringing flavour to what is
Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie
Top 10 Lists
THE AUSTRALIAN BOX OFFICE TOP TEN: 1. IT. 2. THE HITMAN'S BODYGUARD. 3. GIRL'S TRIP. 4. AMERICAN MADE. 5. DUNKIRK. 6. THE EMOJI MOVIE. 7. ALI'S WEDDING. 8. HAMPSTEAD. 9. ANNABELLE: CREATION. 10. GIFTED. NEW RELEASES AND COMING SOON TO CINEMAS AROUND AUSTRALIA: SEPTEMBER 14: AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D, AMERICAN ASSASSIN, I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO, MEMBERS ONLY, MOTHER! PATTI CAKE$, RIP TIDE, THE EMOJI MOVIE. SEPTEMBER 21: AUSTRALIA DAY, BEATRIZ AT DINNER, CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS: THE FIRST EPIC MOVIE, KINGSMAN: THE GOLDEN CIRCLE, MOUNTAIN, THE BELKO EXPERIMENT, THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE, TOKYO GHOUL. THE DVD AND BLU-RAY TOP RENTALS & SALES: 1. PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES [Adventure/Johnny Depp]. 2. THE MUMMY [Action/Adventure/Fantasy/ Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, Russell Crowe]. 3. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: Volume 2 [Sci-Fi/Action/Adventure/Chris Pratt]. 4. THE SHACK [Drama/Fantasy/Sam Worthington, Octavia Spencer]. 5. JOHN WICK 2 [Action/Crime/Thriller/ Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane]. 6. BECOMING BOND [Biography/Comedy/ George Lazenby, Josh Lawson]. 7. FREE FIRE [Action/Crime/Comedy/ Sharlto Copley, Brie Larson, Armie Hammer]. 8. WAKEFIELD [Drama/Bryan Cranston, Jennifer Garner, Beverly D'Angelo]. 9. ALIEN COVENANT [Action/Thriller/Sci-Fi/ Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston]. Also: FATE OF THE FURIOUS, NORMAN, BAYWATCH, KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD, COLOSSAL, THEIR FINEST, KONG: SKULL ISLAND, THE ZOOKEEPER'S WIFE, A DOG'S PURPOSE, SNATCHED. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON DVD THIS WEEK: WONDER WOMAN [Action/Fantasy/Adventure/Gal Gadot, Chris Pine]. VICEROY'S HOUSE [Drama/History/Hugh Bonneville]. DESPICABLE ME 3 [Animated/Action/Adventure/Steve Carell]. ALL EYEZ ON ME [Drama/Biography/Music/ Demetrius Shipp Jr]. NEW RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS ON BLU-RAY THIS WEEK: WONDER WOMAN [Action/Fantasy/Adventure/Gal Gadot, Chris Pine]. WONDER WOMAN 3D + Blu-ray [Action/ Fantasy/Adventure/Gal Gadot, Chris Pine]. VICEROY'S HOUSE [Drama/History/Hugh Bonneville]. DESPICABLE ME 3 [Animated/Action/Adventure/Steve Carell]. DESPICABLE ME 3 - 3D + Blu-ray [Animated/Action/Adventure/Steve Carell]. ALL EYEZ ON ME [Drama/Biography/Music/ Demetrius Shipp Jr]. NEW & RE-RELEASE AND CLASSIC MOVIES HIGHLIGHTS: BLADE RUNNER 4K + Blu-ray [Sci/Fi/Action/Harrison Ford]. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL 4K + Blu-ray [Sci/Fi/Fantasy/Henry Thomas]. NEW RELEASE TELEVISION, DOCUMENTARY AND MUSIC HIGHLIGHTS: GREAT BRITISH RAILWAY JOURNEY'S: Series 1. GREAT BRITISH RAILWAY JOURNEY'S: Series 2. GREAT BRITISH RAILWAY JOURNEY'S: Series 3. FATHER BROWN: Series 5. BROOKLYN NINE-NINE: Season 4. LETHAL WEAPON: Season 1. ARROW: Season 5.
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WHITTLESEA BOWLS CLUB 101 Church St, Whittlesea Phone: 97 16 1966 E-Mail: manager@whittleseabo wls. com.au manager@whittleseabowls. wls.c
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Rural News
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Rural News
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Rural News
STOP PRESS STOCK CLEARANCE NOW ON - SEPTEMBER All Steel Products 1st Grade and 2nd Grade Personal Shopping Recommended
Rural News
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 39
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■ Hoagy Carmichael was an amazing man he composed more than 200 songs and also had a career as a pianist, singer, actor and bandleader. Hoagy Carmichael was born in Bloomington Indiana, in 1899. He scored the name ‘Hoagy’ from a circus troupe called ‘The Hoaglands’ who stayed in their family home for a period of time. Hoagy had two younger sisters and his musical mother taught him to sing and play the piano. He attended the Indiana University in Bloomington, where he graduated with a Bachelor's Degree and a Law Degree. Hoagy began playing with local bands and was friends with Leon ‘Bix’ Beiderbecke and Louis Armstrong. He began composing songs and making recordings in 1924. During the day, he was working with a law firm and playing in bands at night. In 1927 Hoagy recorded his composition Stardust for the first time at the Gennett Records Studio in Richmond, Indiana, accompanying himself on the piano. He moved to New York City and his first major composition Rocking Chair was recorded by Louis Armstrong and Mildred Bailey. In 1930, he composed the song Georgia on My Mind with Stuart Gorrell - 30 years later Ray Charles had a huge hit with the song and today it is the theme song of the State of Georgia.
Whatever Happened To ... Hoagy Carmichael By Kevin Trask of 3AW and 96.5 Inner FM Hoagy collaborated with Johnny Mercer in 1933 and wrote their hit song Lazybones in less than half an hour - Hoagy wrote the music and Johnny penned the lyrics. Hoagy Carmichael was one of the famous Tin Pan Alley songwriters of the 20th Century and some of his other hit compositions included Lazy River, Blue Orchids, I Get Along Without You Very Well, Small Fry, Washboard Blues, Two Sleepy People, Heart and Soul, Skylark and How Little We Know. Hoagy married Ruth Meinardi in 1937 and they had two children during their marriage which lasted for 19 years. Hoagy was nominated for an AcademyAward for his song Ole Buttermilk Sky in 1947 which
● Hoagy Carmichael he wrote with Jack Brooks. He won the 1951 Academy Award for Best Song In The Cool Cool Cool of the Evening which he wrote with his old friend Johnny Mercer. In his acceptance speech Hoagy thanked Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman for the way they presented the song in the film Here Comes the
Groom. Hoagy had a most successful career as an actor and his films included: To Have and Have Not, Johnny Angel, Bells on their Toes, Young Man with a Horn and The Las Vegas Story. He had an ongoing role in the television western series Laramie which also starred John Smith. After his divorce from Ruth in 1955 Hoagy did not marry again until 1977 when he married Wanda McKay and they were together until Hoagy died. Hoagy Carmichael passed away in 1981 at the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California, from a heart attack at the age of 82. His family donated his piano and memorabilia to the Indiana University and a room has been set up to display items from the collection. As I write this article I am playing Ray Charles singing Georgia on My Mind through the speakers of my computer. Kevin Trask Kevin can be heard on radio The Time Tunnel - on Remember When Sundays at 9.10pm on 3AW That's Entertainment - 96.5FM Sundays at 12 Noon 96.5FM is streaming on the internet. To listen, go to www.innerfm.org.au and follow the prompts.
Elliott praises Pakula for new Racing board
■ Victoria Racing Club Chairman Amanda Elliott has issued a statement in response to the announcement by Minister for Racing, Martin Pakula, of the new Racing Victoria Board. “I applaud the Minister for his diligence in the appointment of the new Racing Victoria Board,” Mrs Elliott said. “I was a member of the advisory panel, and the process leading up to the announcement this morning was extremely consultative, broad and representative of all industry stakeholders. “It is a high quality Board and the VRC looks forward to working closely with them. “Congratulations to the new Racing Victoria Chairman Brian Kruger, and to all the Board members. “This is extremely positive for the Victorian thoroughbred industry,” Ms Elliott said.
■ Racing Victoria Acting Chairman, Mike Hirst has paid tribute to the five Directors who will be retiring from the RV Board in the next fortnight. Martin Pakula appointed a newly constituted RV Board of eight members following amendments to the RV Constitution. Mike Hirst, Michael Andrew and Greg Nicholsremain on the RV Board, while Bryan Gurry, Prue Hayes, Mohan Jesudason, Pearse Morgan and Alice Williams retire as part of the planned transition. Mr Hirst acknowledged the five retiring Directors for their outstanding service to RV and the Victorian racing industry. “On behalf of the industry, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the five retiring Directors for their outstanding service and commitment to Victorian racing,” Mr Hirst said. “Each of these individuals has worked tirelessly through a challenging time to ensure that Victorian racing remains a leader in the racing and sporting communities and to implement strategies that foster continued growth across the industry for the betterment of all. “They can be proud of their achievements during their respective terms and for the professionalism, dedication and passion they have displayed in discharging their duties as
with Ted Ryan an RV Director. “These Directors depart in the knowledge that Victorian racing is in its strongest financial position on record with customer engagement and participation continuing to grow and with the very best racing being showcased locally and to the world. “They leave with a strong and committed executive and management team in place that is armed to continue to deliver the strategies that will ensure a vibrant and successful future for our customers, participants and Clubs.” Key achievements of the RV Board include: • The profound shift in the financial health of RV which has seen a $40 million debt transformed into a $60 million plus Future Fund and $30 million of cash and equivalents over the past six years with RV soon to announce another healthy surplus for FY17; • The significant growth in the returns to owners and participants with over $40 million in prizemoney increases announced since May 2015 ensuring a record $215 million is on offer in the current racing season; • The consolidation of Victorian racing as the product of choice for punters attracting more than $6 billion in annual domestic wagering turnover, which is significantly more than any other state; • The delivery of a broadcast model
that allows Victorian racing to be viewed anywhere, anytime with the nation’s only free-to-air television sporting channel – Racing.com – broadcasting to more than 95 per cent of the Australian population alongside seven digital broadcast partners; • The continued investment in racing and training infrastructure across the state with over $36 million spent by RV, in association with the State Government, in the last five years on major track developments and surface upgrades; • A stronger working relationship with Victoria’s three metropolitan Clubs and Country Racing Victoria underpinned by long-term media rights agreements and multi-year club funding agreements; • A commitment to protect the sport’s social licence through enhanced investment in integrity and equine welfare and the development of strategies that ensure they are central to RV decision-making; and • A record active ownership group which has risen to nearly 70,000 in 2017 with one-third residing outside the State and choosing to invest in Victorian racing. Replacing the five retiring Directors are Brian Kruger, Rowen Craigie, Kate Joel, Sharon McCrohan and Ross Lanyon. The new Board will commence duties on October 9 with Mr Kruger appointed Chairman and Mr Hirst to assume the role of Deputy Chairman. ■ Sensis has announced that actress Jane Seymour will be one of its special guests at the Melbourne Cup Carnival. After its first year on Millionaires’ Row in the Birdcage in 2016, Sensis will return with a one-of-a-kind marquee experience and all-star line-up of international guests. As a multiple Emmy and Golden Globe winner and recipient of the Officer of the British Empire by the Queen at Buckingham Palace, Seymour has proven her talents across the Broadway stage, motion pictures and in television. Seymour’s credits include her critically acclaimed role in James Bond Live and Let Die, Wedding Crashers, I’ll Be Me, High Strung, Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman and Bereave.
OK. With John O’Keefe Cameo role for Rove ■ Three time Logie-winner Rove McManus played a cameo role in ABC's Get Krack!n. I'm sure Get Krack!n is on a mission to establish a new Guinness Book of Records award for the most swear words anyone can say in the space of half an hour. Grossly overdone in my opinion.
Honours for Kasey ■ Country legand Kasey Chambers will be the first Aussie awarded an Honours gong at the Australian - American Awards Night to be held at Thornbury Theatre, October 2 . The Honours Night is to be jointly mceed by Denise Hylands of Triple R, along with Red Hilly of the American Music Association. It promises to be a ripper night.
More bad language ■ The in-coming CEO of Bauer Media Australia, Paul Dykzeul, has come out swinging in announcing plans for the post Bauer changes following the costly Rebal Wilson legal stoush. Changes include closure of some dvisions, senior management departures and statements from Dykzeul telling a trade magazine that he didn’t mind if people thought he was certain names Hardly sounds like a happy place to work. Time will tell if the New Zealander has the answers. And troubles only seem to escalate as Bauer has now lost a string of magazine titles that encompass boating, camping, caravans,and outdoors.
Celebrity court battle ■ Another celeb is embroiled in what could be a financially damaging court hearing in Sydney. Gardener to the stars, Jamie Durie, is fighting his former Manager/ Advisor Mike Curnow over commissions. Thelegal battle commenced 3½ years ago and needs to come to a conclusion before the legal costs get ridiculously out of hand.
Monty’s ‘Show and Tell’ ■ Described as a radio show full of fun, intimate and raw content, ARN will launch Show and Tell, 9am - 10 am from SaturdayOctober 7. Hosted by Monty Dimond, the show goes to aIr nationally and will be heard in Melbourne on KISS 101.1.
Temptations at Sofitel ■ Here's your chance to enjoy the faulous, famous singing group The Temptations appearing at Sofitel, December 13-16. They are credited with 44 Billboard hits including My Girl, Papa was a Rolling Stone, Get Ready and Ain't Too Proud to Beg . Tickets for caberet and show from Ticketek. - John O’Keefe
Page 40 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Local Paper Magazine
Lovatts Crossword No 2 Across
1. Full of vitality 6. Took a break 11. Soothes (fears) 15. Protecting 20. Red-rind cheese 21. Actor, Ryan ... (1'4) 22. Solemn promise 23. Solid ground, ... firma 25. Anglican church caretaker 26. Ethics 27. Public persona 29. Mania 32. Hind section 34. Ruler, Genghis ... 36. Innocently 39. Colorado ski resort 41. Alexandria is there 43. Titled ladies 46. Lessened 48. Hair dye 49. Madam (2'2) 51. Hideous monster 52. Replanting with trees 55. Long story 56. Arrests 59. Beginning 61. Moderate, ... down 62. Ancient musical instrument 63. Skirmish 64. Sadder (state) 67. Women's court sport 68. Legitimately 70. Japanese hostess 71. Obtained (funds) 72. Womb 73. Academy Awards 74. News stories 75. Encloses 77. Proclamation 78. Comes in 79. Behaviour 82. Simpler 86. Jewish language 87. Biblical son of Isaac 89. Minor planets 92. Gambling chances 94. Acute anxiety 96. In a frenzied state 98. European defence pact 100. Caravan itinerant 101. At a distance 103. Requirement 105. Gallows rope 106. Oil producers' cartel 108. Contest of honour 111. Nursery rhyme, Three Blind ... 112. Utterly exhausted (4,4) 114. Discouraged 116. Domestic helper 119. Actress, ... Thompson 120. Ukraine capital 121. Belonging to that 123. Writer, ... Blyton 124. Restore to health 125. Spectators 126. Senior citizen 127. Gentlest 130. Typist's complaint (1,1,1) 131. Hollering 135. Scrapes (knee) 138. Dad 139. Metal pen-points 141. Premonitions 144. Coal mine waste 146. Food enhancer (1,1,1) 147. Excessively formal 148. Sense of self 149. Established (foundations) 150. Golfing body (1,1,1) 151. Devil's abode 152. Improvised (4,2) 153. October stone 155. Feed (fire) 157. More orderly 158. Twig shelter 160. Atlantic or Indian 161. Huffs 162. Throw up 163. Reside 165. Even further delayed 166. Famous record label (1,1,1)
167. Argentina's ... Peron 168. Yellowish-brown pigment 169. Rush off 171. Nimble 172. Donor 175. Tribal emblem 176. Religious statue 179. Squirm in pain 180. Crowd brawl 182. Wine, ... spumante 184. West Indian music 185. Pop group, Bee ... 186. Kangaroo pouch 188. Germination pod 189. Gearwheel tooth 190. Sixty minutes 191. Crack army force (1,1,1) 193. US space organisation 194. Deal with 196. Cereal bowl 197. Trimmed of fat 198. Aroma 200. More scrumptious 205. Wrath 207. City roads 210. Gorged oneself 211. Last day of April 212. Amongst 213. Leading 214. Household fuel 216. Spoken exam 218. Hordes 219. Was obliged to pay 220. In so far (as) 224. Political stirrer 227. Adversaries 229. Optic organs 230. Valley 231. Happen 232. Mad Roman emperor 233. Data 235. Remove (tape) from VCR 237. You 239. Cheeky smile 241. Skewered meat 244. Great Bear constellation, ... Major 246. Scenery 249. Leer 252. Straight (route) 254. Charted 256. Scattered 258. Of long duration (3-3) 259. Cavalry spear 260. Vigilantly 263. Short period 264. Synagogue scholars 265. Make untidy (4,2) 267. Huts 270. Administer 271. Slid 272. Win 273. Nuclear agreement (4,3) 274. Small herring 277. Liberated 279. Graven image 281. Distributed (cards) 284. Sinks in middle 286. Ark builder 288. Luxuries 292. Power group 294. In present condition (2,2) 295. Fork spike 298. The Suez ... 300. English tennis champ, Fred ... 301. Gaze 303. Boats' spines 306. Thickly 308. Test run 309. Blemish 311. Chunkier (stew) 314. Disorder, cerebral ... 315. Screen legend, Marilyn ... 316. Finance in advance 317. Honourably 318. Fond of, ... on 319. Nazi government, The Third ... 320. Nothing 321. Peevishness 322. Alcove 323. Moved furtively 324. Bed cover
Down 1. Do breaststroke 2. Lamented 3. Garden entrances 4. Brief 5. 12-months 6. Despoil 7. Nailfile (board) 8. Fasten (bolt) 9. Legendary kingdom, El ... 10. Take up again 11. Nearly 12. Robbery 13. Egg centres 14. Dress ribbons 15. Beef-cut for stock 16. Senseless 17. Disregard alarm clock (3,2) 18. Tick over 19. Elapse (2,2) 24. Glimpse 28. Work team 30. Irish sweater style 31. Identify 33. Weirder 35. Maxims 37. Windmill arm 38. Part of ear 40. Bridge-player's bid (2,6) 42. Spurs 44. Polar 45. University compositions 47. Concur 48. Risked 49. Mortuaries 50. Helping 53. Yacht's mooring cushions 54. Treated badly (3-4) 57. Seabird with large wingspan 58. Fluctuates 60. Cotton tops (1-6) 63. Detective story 65. Porridge flakes 66. Proportional, pro ... 68. Decoy 69. Scottish lake 76. Plane terminal 79. Silent 80. Bare 81. Perfume, ... toilette (3,2) 83. Brisbane suburb & racecourse 84. Internal 85. Decompose 88. First animals in dictionary 90. Shade of colour 91. Frosted (biscuits) 93. Tottering 95. Drawing pin 97. Incessantly (2,3,2) 99. Word formed from initials 100. Pleased 102. Dummy pass 104. Waned 107. Danger 109. Author, ... Bronte 110. Bullets 111. Non-glossy 113. Powerful light (3,4) 115. Elevate in rank 117. Spicy lentil dish 118. Futile (attempt) 121. Tel Aviv native 122. Side benefit (4-3) 127. Revolving tray, lazy ... 128. Froths 129. Greatest 132. House seller (6,5) 133. Dormant 134. Rainwater channel 135. Least rough 136. Lack of awareness 137. Most swift 138. Blazed trail 140. Deliverance 141. Vehicle distance gauges
142. Capture spirit of 143. British military academy 145. Collects 151. Sack material 154. Spanish friend 156. Addicts 159. Conger or moray 164. Bustle 169. Battle 170. Large pitchers 173. Prickling 174. Baby birds of prey 177. Desist 178. Approaches 181. Foolish 183. Melting 187. Firebugs 192. Firmly securing 195. Standard 199. Inventor 201. Weaponry 202. Carry-on (2-2) 203. All set 204. Charmer, ... fatale 206. Say 207. Employees 208. Deciduous trees 209. London underground 213. Bump into 215. Prosecutor 217. Appearance 221. Take a nap 222. America, ... Sam 223. Chile's tip, Cape ... 224. Singer's solo 225. Narrow bay 226. Quarrel 228. Swedish tennis ace (5,4) 234. Views 236. Bike rider 238. Radio hobbyist 240. Charged particle 242. UK country 243. Speak to 245. Abating 247. Changed suitably 248. Spirit medium 250. Mouth cosmetic 251. Commercials 253. Chore 255. Discontinued 257. Refuses to (3,1) 258. Your school, ... mater 261. Consumable 262. Mood 265. Intimidate 266. Damascus is there 268. Uplift 269. Vendor 275. Peel (apple) 276. Snakes 278. Make bigger 280. Climb down 282. Compass point 283. Exist 285. Carbonated drink 287. ... & nail 289. Euphoric drugs 290. Topped with breadcrumbs, au ... 291. Sprites 292. Called (of donkey) 293. Part of shoe 296. Ward off 297. Stockings fibre 299. Not anybody (2-3) 302. Stun 304. Lodge deeply 305. Store for future use (3,2) 306. Fall 307. Subsequent 308. Anti-flood embankment 310. Door handle 312. ... of Capri 313. Peruse
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 41
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20 23 29
32 40
34 42
114 121
214 221
263 267
273 279 289
292 301
316 319
302 309
278 288
318 321
308 314
238 246
161 166
148 153
129 135
76 82
95 101
61 65
33 41
39 49
303 310 317
320 323
304 311
294 305 312
Page 42 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Local Paper Magazine
Country Crossroads By Rob Foenander info@countrycrossroads com.au
Jett in Victoria
■ The late American country music icon Hank Williams’s only daughter Jett will tour Victoria throughout October. Jett's story has all the ingredients of a great country song. But for her, it's not just another rags-to-riches Orphan Annie saga it's real life, says the promotional team. Hank Williams, who is widely recognised as one of the most significant and influential American singer-songwriters of the 20th century, had a string of hits including Your Cheatin' Heart, Kaw-Liga, Cold, Cold Heart, Move It On Over and Take These Chains From My Heart. Tour dates include Friday, October 20 at 8pm at The Sphinx Hotel, Geelong; Sunday, October 22 at 1pm, Morwell Club.
New for Chess ■ Hot on the heels of his duet with Greg Champion, Johnny Chester rolls on with a new single release. Too Close To The Edge has been well received all over the world, courtesy of Spotify and also features Melbourne guitar legend Mick Hamilton with an impressive solo pulled out of thin air, says Chess. - Rob Foenander
Media Flashes
■ Herald Sun reporter Luke Dennehy has departed the publication, after taking up an offer of voluntary redundancy. ■ Dana McCauley starts today as Media Writer at The Australian. Dana had been Finance Editor in Sydney for news.com.au
Alexandra FNC presentations ■ A large and enthusiastic crowd of 120 people gathered on Saturtday (Sept. 23) at Holmesglen at Eildon which was brightly decorated for the Club's Senior Presentation Night, everyone enjoying a threecourse meal, awards, slide show and hospitality. Certificates of Service were presented in recognition of the following player milestones: 100 games - Jack Elkington, Steve Steiner, Jake Steyger; 200 games Chris Mullins; 350 games - Corey Jack. President of the Ladies Committee, Kath Hedger, also thanked all of her helpers during the year and presented a cheque to the Club, then received a gift of appreciation. Michelle Jack presented the Netball Volunteer Award sponsored by DMK Taxation to Mandy Gesler. The Barry ‘Sprague’ Thompson Clubman award sponsored by Alexandra Motorcycles was presented to Max Church and Sandra Whitling spoke and presented the Andrew Whitling Volunteer award sponsored by DMK Taxation to Hugh Kidd. Roger Welch presented the trainer's award to Will Goonan, Ray Steyger presented the President's award to Noel Serong and the David Welch Memorial Award was presented to the Cairns family. Alexandra Football-Netball Club Life Memberships were presented to Toni Carter and Roger
ond. Congratulations and thank you to Kate Mullins for organising the auction event and ongoing collection of data during the season. Thank you to Rozanne, Corey and the staff at Holmesglen at Eildon for their hospitality and also thank you to everyone for attending to make it a great and memorable event. - Ray Steyger
At a glance
● Corey ‘Cracker’ Jack. File Photo: The Weekly Times Welch in recognition of over 15 Smith and Roger Welch also acyears of their respective service to knowledged for their work and the Club, Roger becoming the third commitment during the year and a generation of his family to receive very big thank you to all the trophy Club Life Membership following his sponsors for their support of the father David Welch and grand- Club. mother Kath Chanter. The Player Auction winners The coaches each presented were announced with Daniel their respective awards in each Crane's team gathering the most grade of football and netball with points followed closely by Ray trainers Lisa Elward, Mikaela Steyger's team which came sec-
Crossword Solution No 2 S P W I MA R MA ON R GE U EN S A
Seniors Results. Best and Fairest – Ben Cooper. Runner-Up – Brayden Norris. Most Consistent – Scott Hill. Most Improved –Ryley Norris. Rising Star – Ben Woollard. Goal Kicking – Brayden Norris. Coaches Trophy – Lee Ragg and Jake Steyger. Reserves Results. Best and Fairest – Corey Jack. RunnerUp – Tom Halligan and Ben Podger-Carroll. Best First Year Trophy – Tim Fielden. Most Determined – Ryan Carter. Goal Kicker – Scott Isaacs. Most Consistent - Johnny Noy. Coaches Trophy – Jedd Hamill and Paul Brooks. A-Grade Results. Best and Fairest – Caitlan Haggis. Runner-Up – Lauren Steyger. Rising Star Award – Caitlan Haggis. Most Consistent – TeAna Wards. Coaches Trophy – Jess Lucas.
with Matt Bissett-Johnson
Mike McColl Jones
Top 5
THE T OP 5 THINGS TOP THA T ARE THAT FASTER THAN WINX 5. A parking officer putting a ticket on your windscreen. 4. An MP claiming for items on their overseas trip. 3. A price increase from energy companies. 2. The AFL removing the ‘Yes’ sign. 1. Sophie Monk finding a camera lens.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 43
Historic Places of Murrindindi Shire
Railway homes played important role ● From Murrindindi Shire Heritage Study - Heritage Place & Precinct Citations. Prepared in 2011 for Murrindindi Council by Context P/L ■ The township of Alexandra grew up around the Mount Pleasant pastoral run. It was first held by Thomas Marshall and John Morris Fisher in 1841, followed by Archibald Thom in 1849, Pettett and Ker in 1850, Donald McKenzie 1854, Charles Ibbotson and John Buckley 1858, and back to Donald McKenzie in 1861. McKenzie was still the run holder in 1866 when gold was found nearby. Gold mining was at the heart of Alexandra's very beginnings. Quartz reefs were discovered near Mount Pleasant Homestead in 1866 and by December that year it was reported by Mining Surveyor Samuel Vickery that quartz mining was in full operation, and that “the nucleus of a township is already formed”. The township was named Alexandra in honour of 'The Rose of Denmark', Princess Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julie (1844-1925), wife of Albert, Prince of Wales. Despite Alexandra's ratepayers, councillors and interested groups instigating of a campaign in 1872 for a railway branch line, connecting Alexandra to the rail link to Melbourne, this was not achieved until the 20th century. “ Promises and plans for possible routes were made by successive ministries until 1886 when a route was surveyed for a branch line from Cathkin to Alexandra. However, it only went as far as Alexandra Road (which became Koriella), Spring Creek near the Five Mile Hotel, approximately 4.5 miles from Alexandra. The line ended in a paddock known as 'Ainsworth's Stump'. The line stopped below Spring Creek due to the steep grades. Surveying past this point meant a steep rise in construction costs. Even so, it took until September 16, 1890, before the line was opened, the delay this time due to fires and floods combined with a labour shortage. In 1885 John Stanley James, the journalist who wrote as 'The Vagabond', described the Alexandra community as 'one of the happiest I
● Alexandra Station Master’s House. 21 Station St, Alexandra know in Australia.' on June 4, 1981. Excavation has reWhen the gold ran out, farming His impression was that in vealed bottles found in what was the and timber-getting became the main Alexandra neither crime nor even old maintenance pit located on the occupations. drunkenness were problems, and northern side of the site. The Yea sawmilling industry that wealth was fairly evenly spread RAILWAY HOUSES AT reached its peak between 1907 and out across the town's populace, a 35 & 41 OLIVER ST, YEA 1915. 'general prosperity'. The first settlers in the Yea disThe railway had arrived in 1883, A desire to increase timber pro- trict were overlanders from New with an extension to Molesworth in duction in the area, by providing mill- South Wales. 1889, chiefly for timber transport to ers with a low-cost means of transThey arrived in 1837 and 1838, Melbourne. port - such as a railway line, finally and included Peter Snodgrass, Yea became a popular tourist desresulted in the train line making it all James Campbell, Farquhar tination in the 1890s, with trout being the way to Alexandra Station on McKenzie, John Murchison, Colo- released into King Parrot Creek to October 28, 1909. nel White and Dr Dickson. attract recreational anglers. HISTORY OF STATION By 1839, settlements and farms A Post Office was built in 1890, MASTER'S HOUSE dotted the area along the Goulburn followed by a Grandstand and a ButThe Station Master's House was River. The township was surveyed ter factory in 1891. built on part of Crown Allotment 27D and laid out in 1855 and was known By 1911 the town's population had in the Parish of Alexandra, County as Muddy Creek until 1878 when it increased to 1,126 and has remained of Anglesey. was formally renamed Yea after relatively stable, despite two severe The land was purchased by the Colonel Lacy Yea who was killed in floods in 1934 and 1973 and a major Victorian Railways Commissioners the Crimean War. bushfire in 1969. on June 23, 1923, and it is thought Gold was discovered in the area HISTORY OF the house was built in 1923 to ac- in 1859 and a number of smaller min41 OLIVER STREET commodate the resident Station ing settlements came into existence This is a former railway worker's Master at Alexandra. at this time. house, which was Railway Asset As a VicRail worker, Ian HemYea expanded and grew as a town Number 585 (once displayed on the ming was given preference in the with the influx of hopeful prospec- house). disposal of the property when the tors. The Church of England erected From its inception in the 19th cenrailways closed the line in 1978. its Church in 1868 when the popula- tury, Victorian Railways had provided He purchased the house and land tion of Yea was 250. staff housing for stationmasters at certain stations and at crossings for gatekeepers, let to the occupants at reasonable rents. As with other Government departments, Victorian Railways used a number of standard designs for their houses, and sometimes moved them around according to need. This house appears to be two Tdesigned railway houses (so-called for their T-shaped plan), which have been joined together. The earliest date on the Victorian Railways Records Card for the house is August 1916, when it was occupied by Railway Guard W. Jewell. Railway historian, Bob Whitehead, speculates that two T-design houses were moved to Yea from elsewhere at that time and joined on this site. As it was on the Yea Station site, which is Crown land, a land title was only created for it in September 1985 when ownership transferred to the State Transport Authority. The Transport Act 1983 restruc● Yea railway houses at 35 and 41 Oliver St, Yea tured the administration of transport
functions in Victoria. Under the provisions of the Act a State Transport Authority was established succeeding Victorian Railways and the Railway Construction and Property Board. In 1987 it passed into private ownership. It consists of Crown Allotment 8 of Section 24 in the Township of Yea, County of Anglesea. HISTORY OF 35 OLIVER STREET In the 1950s the Victorian Railways struggled to improve the railway network to cope with the demands the post-war boom. To alleviate the shortage of labour, they recruited tradesmen and other railway workers from overseas, mainly Britain. In 1949 Mr P. Farnan, Assistant to the Victorian Railways Staff Board, was one of the recruiting party to visit Britain to select railwaymen for Victoria. Victorian Railways sought 1200 men at first, but were forced to revise the number to 750 because of Victoria's housing shortage. Part of the enticement was the assurance of employee housing. Married railwaymen were preferred, because they were considered more likely to remain with their employer, but single men were recruited, with hostels and 'batching camps' provided. In what has been described as a 'unique program in Australia', the solution to the housing shortage was the importation from England of kit houses, known as 'pre-cut' houses, for assembly on site. The program was nicknamed 'Operation Snail' not to imply slowness - the whole program seems to have been carried out quite quickly - but rather because the immigrants were coming with their own houses. In 1949 1500 pre-cut houses were ordered from W.V. Simms, Sons & Cooke Ltd of Nottingham. Erection of the first of the houses commenced early in 1950 and the first eight British families arrived in August. By late 1951 392 of the new precut houses were erected and occupied, mostly by the immigrant railwaymen and their families, but some by existing railway staff. The project must have impressed other government agencies, because Victorian Railways were subsequently authorised to import pre-cut houses for the State Electricity Commission, the State Rivers & Water Supply Commission, the Melbourne Harbour Trust and the Commonwealth Government. The pre-cut houses were made with Baltic timber walls and, initially Trafford asbestos cement-tile roofing. Because of a shortage of asbestos and the fact that the tiles were damaged in transit, aluminium roofing was substituted, then from 1951 CGC roofing was used. Each house came with its kitchen and bathroom fittings and built-in robes for the bedrooms. There were 30 different floor plans for the 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses, but 44 different appearances could be obtained from five basic types. The houses came in a colour range - 'suntan', green, white, grey and cream exterior, with roofs in brown, green and natural - and the colour schemes appear to have been applied 'mix and match' at each estate.
Page 44 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Historic Places of Murrindindi Shire ● From Previous Page
Alexandra main street precinct ■ The township of Alexandra began as a mining camp. Gold was discovered in 1866 and 1867 and the settlement sprang up nearby. The settlement was first known as the Red Gate Diggings, named after a gate in a fence south of the Ultima Thule Creek - one of the boundaries of the Mount Pleasant 'A' and 'B' pastoral runs. Part of Grant Street runs close to the site that followed the original miners' track through the gate in the fence between the Mount Pleasant and Eglinton Runs and on to the diggings further afield. It was also called McKenzie's Diggings, after Donald McKenzie, the squatter of Mount Pleasant 'A' pastoral run. In 1867 the District Surveyor, John Downey intended to call the town Eglinton, after the nearby pastoral run, but instead it was named in honour of 'The Rose of Denmark', Princess Alexandra Caroline Marie Charlotte Louise Julie (1844-1925), wife of Albert, Prince of Wales. The Shire of Alexandra was formed in 1869 and existed until Council amalgamations of 1994 combined it with the Shire of Yea and parts of the Shires of Eltham and Broadford to form the Murrindindi Shire. The following description of the town was given in the Victorian Municipal Directory of 1900: “Alexandra - Municipal township with telegraph station, savings bank, post and money-order and receiver and paymaster's offices, on the Goulburn River, 90 miles N.E. of Melbourne. Township prettily situated. “Chief attraction Alexandra Falls - an immense volume of water dropping in a succession of cascades to a depth of 320 feet. “Country of a mountainous character, interspersed with numerous wide valleys - the soil being very rich, especially along valley of the Goulburn. “Branches of two banks, three churches, shire hall (to accommodate 1000 persons), cottage hospital, library (2000 volumes), five hotels and local newspaper. “Country highly auriferous - large gold yield from mines near township. Alexandra Pastoral and Agricultural Society hold shows. Stock sales held first Tuesday and third Thursday in month. “Rail to Alexandra-road station, 97 ½ miles; fares, 17s. 6d and 11s 7d; thence coach, 4 miles, fare 1s. Weekly half-holiday on Wednesday. Mary Robinson, postmistress. Population, 600. Early land sales and subdivision“ Grant Street was named after James Macpherson Grant, a Member of Parliament, who had put through Land Acts in 1865 and 1869, and was interested in the Switzerland Run near Yea. The town survey established a grid pattern of square blocks (modified where required by topography), with a standard street width of 100 links (20 metres), with a narrower 50 link (10 metre) north-south street dividing each of the squares in half. The main thoroughfare, Grant Street was made 150 links (30 metres) wide. The Grant Street precinct covers land in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 65A facing the main street of Alexandra that was first sold as part of the origi-
ing behind it was built in the 1920s and is the old State Savings Bank building, later the State Bank of Victoria. Alexandra Shire Hall is perhaps the grandest building in the town. The Shire of Alexandra was first formed in 1869, and initially operated in buildings purchased from a Mr Perkins. A municipal complex incorporating a post office, shire offices and courthouse was built at what is now 38A Downey Street in 1877. The foundation stone for a shire hall was laid by the then Shire President, Peter Dunn, on January 4, 1882. It was opened on July 13. The design was by a Melbourne architects, W.H. Ellerker & Co. and the builder was Thomas Carison at a cost of £2,214. The first Alexandra Library committee was established in 1877. On November 18, 1882 architects, W.H. Ellerker & Co. published a notice in The Argus calling for tenders for the erection of a Mechanics Institute and Free Library in the Shire of Alexandra. The new building was constructed by Thomas Carison at a cost of £467. The Mechanics Institute and Free Library was opened in June 1883. Additions to the building made in 1892 included a billiards rooms which provided additional funds for the Library. The former Institute continued as a lending library and community venue until the 1950s when the Free Library Service Board set up the free regional library service and named it the Upper Goulburn Regional Library. It continued to operate out of the former Institute in Grant Street, the location of the current library. A modern addition has been made to the existing library. The library service is currently known as the Murrindindi Library Service, with branches at Kinglake and Yea; it also operates a mobile service. Other historic commercial buildings include the Beehive Store at 67 Grant Street. This is named after an enterprise established by Richard Vining in 1867, with the existing building replacing an earlier one destroyed by fire in 1899. It was later known as Leckie's Beehive Store and the Brigg's Beehive Stores. The National Australia Bank moved into the building in 1997. Historic buildings such as the former Mia Mia Tea Shop are a reminder of the early 20th century shopping experience whereas elsewhere the street is characterised by more recent commercial redevelopment.
● The Grant St precinct of Alexandra, pictured in the 2011 report prepared for Council nal township; land sales were held abled him to building the original Murphy 1895 and 1899-1900, folin Nihil's Store on April 5, 1867. Alexandra Hotel on a site in Grant lowed by Marshall Hutton (1904Rather than being bought up by a Street later occupied by Brigg's Bee- 09) and Thomas Bazley (1910-14). small number of dominant specula- hive Stores. J.J. O'Connor is listed as propritors, this land was purchased by The existing Alexandra Hotel oc- etor 1915, and D.P. O'Dea in 1940. many different individuals. The existing building dates from cupies a building on the northwest In Section 1 the allotment sales corner of Grant and Downey streets c.1920s. were to J. Hofe (No. 1), J. Smith that was formerly the Exchange HoThere have been banks in (No. 4) and W. Bansom (No. 5). Alexandra since the earliest days. tel. In Section 2 sales were to P. The Union Bank had a presence In the 19th century the hotel at this Coughlin (No. 1), H. Johnson (No. site was known as the Mining Ex- in Alexandra as early as 1867, with 2), W. Cook (No. 3), J. Crowa (sic) change Hotel, and in 1895 the pro- the first manager being Joseph Proc(No. 4)., H. Cummings (No. 5) and prietor was Henry Wood. tor Bainbridge. A. Cricton (No. 6). The bank once held a gold-buyThe current building was erected To the south in Section 3, land in 1904. ers licence. Legend has it that the was bought by H. Perkins (No. 1), A tender notice published in the first bank was run from a room in G. Woods (No. 2), J. Kirwan (No. Builders, Engineering and Miners' Vinings' Alexandra Hotel, with a 3), T. Legge (No. 4), C. Harker (No. Journal on July 21, 1903 by archi- timber building soon being erected 5), J. Quin (No. 6), J. H. Osborne tects Munz and Munz of Collins St, on the east side of Grant Street. This (No. 7), R. Hodgson (No. 8), R. most likely relates to this building or was destroyed in the fire of 1872. Saggers (No. 9) and M. Hogan (No. to the Shamrock Hotel. The existing brick building at 93 10). Hotel proprietors have included Grant Street is believed to have In Section 4 on the opposite side Mrs E.J. Whiting (1904-09), Lewis been constructed in 1873. of Grant Street, purchasers were T. A. Grant (1910-11), Joseph W. Ryan Bainbridge was manager until Glynn (No. 1), R. J Vinings (No. 2), (1912-16) and Norm J. McNair 1881, when he was succeeded by T. Hall (No. 3), E. Cornell (No. 4), (1927-31). Joseph H. Waymouth, who served W. Freeman (No. 5), J.W. Cairns Signage identifies it as Ryans Ex- until 1904. (No. 6), J. Williams (No. 7), C. Jones change Hotel in a c.1945 photograph. The existing building was con(No. 8), E. Farrell (No. 9) and W. The building celebrated its cente- structed in 1889. The Union Bank Fenton (No. 10). became the Australia and New nary on September 6, 2003. Early illustrations show that conThe Commercial Hotel on the Zealand Bank (ANZ) in 1951. struction of mainly single storey tim- south-east corner of Grant and A branch of the National Bank ber buildings proceeded rapidly, the Downey Streets was also first estab- was opened at 63 Grant Street in unsealed dirt roads still studded with lished in the 1860s. 1888, with a new brick building mature gum trees. Originally known as the Corner erected there by G.M. Payne of Yea There was no water supply for Hotel, it was rebuilt after being razed to a design by architects Gibbs, the first decade, with water being in the fire of 1872 and became the Finlay and Muntz in 1907. brought into the town on carts. Later becoming the National substantial two-storey masonry With wood fires and candles in building that exists as the core of the Australia Bank, the bank vacated standard use, fires were a significant hotel today. the building in 1998 (and moved to problem in the early years of the Alfred Hamea was the proprietor the former Beehive building at 67 town. from 1868 to 1882, then Charles An- Grant Street). On November 4, 1872, a fire drew Wales until his death in 1914. The street frontage of the Combroke out in the Corner Hotel on the It became the Commercial Hotel monwealth Bank building at 92 south-east corner of Grant and after his widow took over in 1915; Grant Street dates from 1990, when Downey streets, and spread down the Andrew Morris then became propri- the State Bank of Victoria was taken eastern side of the street towards etor from 1916 until 1928 when it was over by the Commonwealth Bank Nihil Street, destroying around about taken over by the Darmody family. of Australia. half the commercial centre of the The double storey red brick buildVarious extensions and modificatown. tions have been made to the original This disaster prompted the forma- building, including the addition of a tion of the town Fire Brigade. wing along Downey Street in the In goldfield towns particularly, ho- 1950s. tels had an important role as centres The Shamrock Hotel at 80 Grant for community life, given the ab- Street was first established in the sence of civic amenities in the early 1860s. The proprietors up to 1885 years. were John and Honora Kirwan, folBy 1868-69 there were at least 24 lowed by James Ellery until 1886, hotels in Alexandra, serving the then Albert and Alice Stillman who needs of a surging and transient gold- operated it until the early 1900s. fields population. Harry J. Jennings was proprietor Dozens of other outlets also had 1904-11, Martin Cruise 1912-16, licenses to sell liquor. It was not un- and subsequent proprietors included common for businesses to have meet- Louisa Finemore, Percy Leith and ings in hotels, or have their offices James Arthur Luttrill by the 1930s. there. The existing building dates from The first building in the township the early 20th Century. of Alexandra is believed to have The Mount Pleasant Hotel was been Vining's Red Gate Shanty, a first established by the late 1860s, pub built by the entrepreneurial Ri- with John Cook an early proprietor. chard Vining. By 1891-92 Mrs J. Cook was ● A 2011 photo of Grant St, looking north-east Earnings from this venture en- listed as the proprietor, then James
The L ocal Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 45
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PUBLIC NOTICES YEA CWA Meetings. 4th Thursday. 1.30pm Yea RSL Hall. Phone 0400 424 888 New members welcome
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24 HOURS-7 DAYS A WEEK 20 FT SECONDHAND SHIPPING CONTAINERS A-Grade,Premium, B-Grade, C-Grade FREE CAR REMOVAL, CASH PAID SOME CARS Truck,Motorbike,Ferrous,Non Ferrous ,Farm Clean Up Conditions apply Tractor,Earth Moving Equipment,Caravan,Boats (Up To 4 1/2 Tons) Full Tilt Tray Sevice TRADE TOWING METRO/COUNTRY
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The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 53 ADVERTORIAL
Independent retirement living and residential aged care in Alexandra
■ Within the Murrindindi Shire the number of residents over 70 years of age is expected to double over the next 20 years. There has been a lot of information in the media about aged care in Australia of late and a lot of that information relates to independent retirement living and residential aged care. Are they the same? What do you need to know? What would you like to know? This information can be confusing for anyone, let alone the people it's intended for: older Australians, their families and friends. The staff and management of Kellock Lodge are looking to share information about the services and support that it offers. Kellock Lodge is a 50-bed residential aged care facility (sometimes called an aged care home or a nursing home). It also has 14 independent living units which provide both the privacy and independence sought by those who no longer wish to or are able to own and maintain a house and its surrounds. At the same time it allows them, if they so desire, to join in the many social opportunities and enjoy the surrounds which are fully maintained for the residents. A community information session will be held at Kellock Lodge on Saturday, October 7 between 9am and 11 am. Interested members of the community can participate in an informal morning alongside other locals who wish to learn more about retirement living and residential aged care in Alexandra and the broader Murrindindi Shire. ■ Visitors can be shown through one of the independent living units and find out about the costs and benefits of this type of retirement living. ■ They will be able to see the link between the independent living units and residential aged care facility with access to leisure activities, dining, excursions and a lot more. ■ They will also be provided with general information on the entry into residential aged care, respite care, the care provided and the costs involved, with the opportunity to arrange for more specific information that suits their particular circumstances. The population forecasts consolidate the view that Kellock Lodge will play a major role in providing independent retirement living and aged care within the Murrindindi Shire for many years to come. Being informed now can take the worry away in the future. For more information please contact Kellock Lodge on 5770 2100.
Court Lists ● From Page 12 Victoria Police - Burke, M (40361) v Hilton, Andrew Joseph. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Swan, Jarratt. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Mcleod, Thelma Joy. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Walley, Jay. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Berry, David Graham. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Mizzi, J (30000) v Eldarwich, Nafz. State Hwy Patrol-North Victoria Police - Hughes, M (42479) v Heslop, Jessica. Pcet-Seymour Victoria Police - Grant, B (28598) v Tennant, Elysha Clare. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Coates, R (23978) v Rising, Phoenix. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Holcombe, S (39769) v Knox, Hayden. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Paine, Kayd. UniSeymour Victoria Police - HarperAdams, D (39902) v Davy, Philip. Uni-Geelong Victoria Police - Fidler, T (41595) v Ryan, Matthew Dean. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - HarperAdams, D (39902) v Browne, Jacqueline. Uni-Geelong Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Delaney, Gail. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Baillie, Holly. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Hore, Andrew. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Baker, N (36147) v O'connor, Peter. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Grubb, Christopher David. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Tuohy, Morgan. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Thomas, S (40419) v Kipping, Jesse. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Engel, M (21896) v Momcilovic, Lee. Ciu-Alexandra Victoria Police - Pert, J (38687) v Newton, Darren. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Boxall, T (39656) v Horton, Hayley. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Briant, C (39120) v Milczak, Zacary. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Field, A (34736) v Momcilovic, Lee. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Baker, N (36147) v Knox, Hayden John. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Bennett, N (36915) v Hepburn, Simon. Ciu-Mitchell Victoria Police - Barclay, S (36780) v Hore, Andrew. UniKilmore Victoria Police - Batten, S (38514) v Tuohy, Morgan. UniBroadford Victoria Police - Bennett, N (36915) v Ryan, Mathew. CiuMitchell Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v David J P Pty Ltd. Melbourne Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v David J P Pty Ltd. Melbourne Victoria Police - Barclay, J (36190) v Hore, Andrew. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Barclay, J (36190) v Penrose, Brett Noel.
Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Wright, A (31459) v Hore, Andrew William. Highway Patrol-Seymour Victoria Police - Shortt, T (40203) v Fensling, Corey. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008)v Mount, Stephen Douglas. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Brown, T (29986) v Hillerbrand, Ashley. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008)v O'brien, Matthew Richard. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Gray, K (33459) v Cook, Decoda. UniCorio Victoria Police - Telfer, J (38560) v Atkinson, Paul Robert. Uni-Broadford Victoria Police - Hunter, S (33941) v Watson, Anthony. Socit-Benalla Victoria Police - Curry, R (40565) v Luff, Lauren Rachael. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Briant, C (39120) v Seath, Felicity. UniWallan Victoria Police - Malane, B (36738) v Winnell, Colin. UniSeymour Victoria Police - Malane, B (36738) v Ritchens, Matthew. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police Fairweather, R (24890) v Thorley, Bill. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Fairweather, R (24890) v Tomlin, Shane. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Ellis, J (40810) v O'brien, Matthew Richard. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Fairweather, R (24890) v Robinson, Jessica Lee. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Fairweather, R (24890) v Jenkins, John. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Williams, G (37972) v Wilson, Bayley. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Newton, S (40484) v Hepburn, Simon. Uni-Echuca Victoria Police - Harvey, J (31671) v Alder, Dale. Crime Scene Services-Mitchell Victoria Police - Harvey, J (31671) vAlder, Alison. Crime Scene Services-Mitchell Victoria Police - Williams, G (37972) v Goodwin, Sam. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Keferevski, Helen. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Garbutt, S (33632) v Leverton, Wayne. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Malane, J (36750) v Martin, Andrew. UniNagambie Victoria Police - Davidge, K (37856) v Van Der Vlugt, Fiona Elizabeth. Uni-Kilmore Victoria Police - Stephens, S (40205) v Newton, Darren. Uni-Seymour Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Weber, Scott Anthony. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Sedman, Matthew Leslie. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Williams, Brian. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Community Corrections Centre - Kelly, C v Momcilovic, Lee. Seymour Community Correction Centre Victoria Police - Bova, L (31851) v Griffiths, Gavan.
Mansfield Magistrates’ Court - Criminal Case Listings Wednesday, September 27 Plaintiff / Informant / Applicant vs Defendant / Accused / Respondent. Information Division. Victoria Police - Hill, C (31446) v Mcmaster, Chloe. Ciu-Benalla Victoria Police - Colville, B (20781) v Fishman, Bryce John. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Blackall, J (39856) v Perrett, Kyle. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049) v Ross, Terry Roy. Uni-Marysville Victoria Police - Frost, J (33532) v Perrett, Kyle David Ciu-Benalla Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049) v Winter, Abbey Rose, Uni-Marysville Victoria Police - Mclachlan, M (29272) v Perry, Jake Austen. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Blackall, J (39856) v Trellu Coker, James. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Young, S (25481) v Pearce, Douglas Norman. Uni-Mansfield DEDJTR - Krumins, L v Iliev, David. Dept Eco Dev, Jobs, Trans & Resources Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Khalid, Hafiz Muhammad. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Pelling, K (35629) v Hennessy, Melissa. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Mclachlan, M (29272) v O'hara, Mark David. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049) v Gleeson, Christopher Michael. Uni-Marysville Victoria Police - Lombardi, J (37645)v Kent, Elisa Anne. Operations Response Team Three Victoria Police - Major, S (32000) v Petersen, Cory. UniEildon Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Letchford, Adam James. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325)v Mcmaster, Chloe. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Gosling, P (28801) v Kelly, Patrick Paul. State Highway Patrol South East Victoria Police - Simmons, D (39325) v Purcell, Mathew. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Letchford, Adam James. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Blackall, J (39856) v Azzopardi, Darren. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Pelling, K (35629) v Briscoe, Allan. UniMansfield Victoria Police - Toll Enforcement - Victoria Police Toll Enforcement v Smith, Daniel. Melbourne Victoria Police - Stephens, S (40205) v Green, Troy. UniSeymour Victoria Police Woodstock, S (39399) v Self, Brooklyn Jayne. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Woodstock, S (39399) v Peach, Shannon. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Crawford, G (37574) v Russell, Matthew. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Perrett, Kyle David. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Victoria Police - Brodley, P (32351) v Burke, Cobin Collin. Highway Patrol-Mansfield Turn To Page 58
Local News Yea Race Club ■ Dennis Smith has been re-elected as President of the Yea Race Club. All other major officers have also been re-elected to their positions. This season’s meetings are on Saturday, November 18 (Spring Celebration); Sunday, December 10 (Yea Cup Day); and Saturday, January 27 (Yea Cup Day). The Yea St Patricks Race Club meeting will be held on Sunday, February 25.
Wollert refusal ■ TAG-Wollert Pty Ltd has failed in its Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal challenge to a decision by Whittlesea City Council. The company appealed a decision made by the Council to refuse a planning permit for 490 Epping Rd, Wollert. The site is located an area that forms part of the urban growth corridor through Wollert. The company wanted to develop the western portion of the site with a service station involving removal of vegetation and creation of new crossovers onto both Bridge Inn Rd (two crossovers) and Epping Rd (two crossovers).
Races on Oct. 28 ■ The first Alexandra Race Club meetingf for the 2017-18 season will be on Saturday, October 28 (Run for the Roses on Cox Plate Day). A ‘Rock and Roll Recycle’ theme will be conducted at the meeting on Saturday, March 3. The Alexandra Cup will be run on Saturday, March 24.
Emergency Ready ■ Learning about being Emergency Ready is now fun through playing the Emergency Ready trivia game. Emergency Ready trivia will be played in Bonnie Doon on Friday, November 10, and at Goughs Bay on Thursday, November 23. Contact Sue Hare Arndt on sue.arndt@ mansfield.vic.gov.au or 5775 8558
Dyslexia help ■ Books aimed at making reading easier for people with dyslexia will soon be hitting the shelves at Seymour Library. Mitchell Shire Council has invested $5000 in books printed with a special font which is designed to make reading easier for people with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a condition where people have difficulty reading and spelling. According to the Australian Dyslexia Association, about 10 per cent of Australians have dyslexia. The books feature large, spaced out text, with capital letters printed in bold in order to keep the attention of the readers’ eye. “Dyslexia affects people of all ages so we've got a broad range of books on hand – everything from children’s picture story books to novels for teens and older readers. We hope to increase this collection in the future,” Mayor Cr Rhonda Sanderson said. The books will be available to borrow from early October at Seymour Library or online at libraries.mitchellshire.vic.gov.au For more information, please contact Mitchell Shire Council’s Customer and Library Service Centres on 5734 6200.
Dob in a dumper ■ Nillumbik Shire Council is taking a hard line on illegal rubbish dumping following the success of its anti-graffiti program. Nillumbik Shire Council Mayor Cr Peter Clarke said Council is going hard on illegal rubbish dumping and enforcing to the full extent of the law. “Council has had 598 reports of illegal rubbish dumping and litter since January and we are encouraging residents to dob in a dumper.” The EPA and Council can issue on-thespot fines up to $1250. Court action can be taken with a maximum fine of $16,000 or one month prison for serious offences.
Page 54 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
In Our Schools Mernda Central
■ Yan Yean MLA Danielle Green had spoken in State Parliament about Mernda Central College. “Last week I had the privilege of being principal for a day at Mernda Central College,” Ms Green said. “I was delighted to join principal Mandy O’Mara and her amazing team of educators and wonderful inaugural students. “It was a particularly special day because the year 7 students held an indigenous peoples exhibition event and a first peoples exhibition in the evening. “Students worked very hard throughout the term organising this special event, which included indigenous ceremonial dances and didgeridoo playing by Ralphy Bamblett’s family. “Ralphy is a popular year 7 student at the college. Mernda Central College has strong bonds with indigenous culture, with eight families from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. “The school is built around a large scarred tree which is the nucleus of the school and a reminder to us all that Wurundjeri people lived in the area for thousands of years before European settlement. “I give a big shout out to Vera Soldini, Liam Ward and Racheal Salter for coordinating the exhibition and to the students for how well they undertook and presented their work. “I was privileged to unveil a plaque to commemorate the completion of the college buildings. “It is such an important community asset that the school community and parents campaigned for, and I was proud that it was one of the first new schools built by theAndrews Government,” Ms Green said.
Mansfield call ■ Wendy Lovell, Liberal Member for Northern Victoria, has called on the Andrews Labor Government to commit funds to complete the upgrade of the Mansfield Secondary College. In a constituency question to the Minister for Education during a Parliament sitting, Ms Lovell challenged the government to provide $4-5 million in the 2018-19 State Budget to fully address the school’s glaring needs. “Thanks to the advocacy of my colleague and Member for Eildon, Cindy McLeish, Mansfield Secondary College received $3.4 million in the 2016 budget for an upgrade that was well and truly overdue. “I join with Cindy in calling on the government to commit further funding to ensure a full upgrade occurs to satisfy the educational needs of Mansfield students now and into the future,” Ms Lovell said. After recently visiting the College, Ms Lovell said the additional money will fully address the school’s glaring needs including completing the upgrade of ailing classrooms, construction of an indoor gymnasium and expanding the technology and art spaces of the school. “Mansfield Secondary College provides a great learning environment for its students and this additional funding will provide the college with the opportunity to produce even better educational outcomes and place itself amongst the very best Victorian secondary schools,” Ms Lovell said.
Term holidays
■ Students started school holidays last Friday (Sept. 22). Term 4 is due to commence on Monday, October 9 , concluding on Friday, December 22.
Yea in dodgeball
■ Yea High School students have participated for the first time in in DodgeBall in tound robin history. Some 120 students travelled to the SeymourTennis Club. Three teams from Yea High School competed, comprising a mix of boys and girls from Year 7 and 8. Yea 1 Team finished second in their pool.
Regional News
‘Firearm law changes not aimed at farmers’
■ State Police Minister Lisa Neville says that changes of firearm legislation is not aimed at farmers. “I am pleased today to talk about the legislation that I will be introducing into Parliament shortly, some of the toughest legislation that we have ever seen to tackle illegal firearms and those criminals who use firearms to cause significant harm,” Ms Neville told the Legislative Assembly last week. “These changes will introduce not only drive-by shooting laws but also firearm prohibition orders, giving police the power to prevent people who may pose a threat to our community from using and carrying firearms. “This legislation has been developed with and for Victoria Police, and it is legislation that Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said today is groundbreaking and per haps the most significant piece of legislation to be introduced
● Lisa Neville, Minister for Police for a number years to improve community safety. “These powers are not targeted at our legitimate legal registered gun owners — our farmers, our sporting shooters — but at our most serious criminals: at outlaw motorcycle gangs, at youth gangs, at organised crime figures and
potential terrorists, those individuals who seek to cause the greatest harm in the community. “These powers work. In New South Wales we have seen a reduction in shooting incidents of 45 per cent over the last five years. “These powers will also target individuals associated with organised crime who may have a clean record, but on whom police hold intelligence that shows they may pose a risk to the community. “We want to stop these serious criminals in their tracks. “That is why we are getting guns out of their hands. “As I said, we have developed these laws for and with Victoria Police. “We have not developed them over secret lunches with organised crime figures, we are not backing in crime figures, and we are not doing it in secret penthouse locations,” Ms Neville said.
Mick Wearne praised in State Parliament ■ Yea man Mick Wearne was last week recognised in Parliament by Yuroke MLA Ros Spence. “The Craigieburn Country Fire Authority hosted their annual presentation night in September,” Ms Spence said. “The Craigieburn CFA is an exemplary brigade, with career staff and volunteers working side by side on the fireground and indeed enjoying the awards night together side by side. “Highlights included senior station officer Michael Wearne being awarded a 50-year service medal and first lieutenant Chris Gray was awarded a 25year medal. “Congratulations to all of the award winners. Your service is invaluable,” Ms Spence said.
● Salvation Army leader Brendan Nottle was joined by Yea’s Mick Wearne on a Yea-Molesworth walk this month ● When Salvation Army officer Brendan Nottle arrived in Yea this month, on his Melbourne-Canberra walk, Yea resident Mick Wearne offered to keep him company on his walk along the Goulburn Valley Highway. Mick’s intention was to walk to Killingworth Rd, but instead went the full distance to Whanregarwen Rd, over several hours. Fellow Yea CFA volunteer Steve Bennett provided an escort for the two men on their 17-km walk.
Whittlesea Tech School works ■ Lily D’Ambrosio, State Minister for Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, has spoken of the turning of the first sod of Whittlesea Tech School. “Last week I was joined by the members for Thomastown and Yan Yean to turn the first sod for the Whittlesea Tech School at Epping. “The tech school is one of 10 tech schools across Victoria supported by the Andrews Labor Government. “This is a $128 million project to grow this fantastic new type of schooling for many, many
students who are going to get fantastic outcomes from it. Whittlesea Tech School in particular is going to boast first-class learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics to enable students to be fit for today’s digital age and tomorrow’s jobs. “I look forward to seeing our best and brightest minds be nourished and developed so that they have the skills and opportunities to join Victoria’s booming workforce. Tech schools are going to be a great way for kids to develop themselves and society for the better.”
State Politics Mill questions
■ Questions about the timber milling industry, following the Victorian State Government takeover of the Heyfield mill, have been asked by Tim Bull, MLA for Gipps-land East. “Labor’s reannouncement on Friday that it has saved the Heyfield mill by buying it raised more questions than it answered,” Mr Bull told the Legislative Assembly. “In March we heard from Labor that the mill would not lose any jobs overall, then in July it was no jobs will be lost in the transition period but with no explanation of what the transition period is. “Then in August there were 20 lost jobs. What the people of Heyfield want to know is, given one shift at the green mill has already gone, will there be any further reductions in employment in the next 12 months and, if so, when? “What percentage of the mill does the government own and how much taxpayers money has it used? “And does the government intend to maintain the ownership longer term? Rather than do more press conferences from the steps of Spring Street, these are some of the questions the community wants answers to, and the government should travel down and address these,” Mr Bull said.
Research event
■ Eltham MLA Vicki Ward last week congratulated a local cricket club. “I want to congratulate the Research Eltham Collegians Cricket Club, which had a fantastic open day on Sunday,” Ms Ward told the Legislative Assembly. “It was a terrific family event, inclusive of the community and just a great indicator of how inclusive and fun this club is. “It has got a great future with its new development coming up,” Ms Ward said.
Men’s Shed salute
■ Eildon MLA Cindy McLeish has praised the members of the Badger Creek Men’s Shed for their role in the restoration of a 1942 Willys jeep. “Led by Peter Broman at the men’s shed and supported by Rotary Healesville, the Badger Creek Country Fire Authority and Fast Freddies Tyre Service, the jeep was transformed from a burnt-out heap into a near new sparkling model, taking pride of place at the front of the Healesville RSL,” Ms McLeish told State Parliament on Wednesday. “I was pleased to have attended the ceremony to dedicate the symbolic jeep ambulance to the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps and former School of Army Health at Healesville. “Everyone involved in the project was tickled pink and should be proud of their efforts and of the outcome,” Ms McLeish said.
Plenty Rd upgrade
■ Mill Park MLA Lily D’Ambrosio has spoken on upgrades on Plenty Road. “I want to quickly touch on the progress being made by VicRoads on our government’s widening of Plenty Road,” Ms D’Ambrosio told the Legislative Assembly. “Many community consultations have been held on the design of the project. “In particular I am grateful to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety for considering my request on behalf of the community to ensure that there is a right-hand turn into Rivergum Estate from the redesigned Plenty Road. “I am hoping that this request bears fruit. “It is an important part of the road project and gives an opportunity for the community to move freely in and out of that housing estate. “More lanes are going to be added to ease traffic congestion, which is going to have a massive impact on our community, with increased access to places of employment, schools and social spaces,” Ms D’Ambrosio said.
Just Briefly Carers Week
■ National Carers Week is being held next month. Parents who have a child with a disability are invited to a function at 12 Noon on Friday, October 20 at Frog’s Cafe, 19 Murchison St, Marysville for a celebration lunch.
Vale Cr Butler
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 55
Local News
Avenue of Honour at Dixons Creek
■ Yan Yean ML A Danielle Green last week paid tribute to City of Whittlesea’s Cr John Butler who died this month. “I wanted to note the sad passing of Cr John Butler from the City of Whittlesea. I did not know John very long; he was a member of the Liberal Party,” Ms Green said. “But despite our political party differences, we actually got along famously and were jointly committed to supporting veterans in the area and establishing the Doreen RSL. He will be sorely missed,” Ms Green told the LegislativeAssembly on Thursday.
Open Studios
■ The Yarra Valley Open Studios event will be held in the Yarra Glen area on the October 14-15 weekend. Steels Creek Community Centre will be one of the studios open. It is hoped to make the Community Centre an exciting and creative space during the weekend to show visitors local art and to demonstrate to a wider public how fortunate locals are to have a space where people can explore and develop their creative capacity.
Event at Y. Glen
■ Dixons Creek Primary’s School Council is looking to hold a social event - the Bizzare Gazzard Stage Show - on Saturday, October 14. The show is a mixture of comedy and hypnotism. There will be auctions, raffles and games. Please start to think about inviting Likely venue is the Yarra Glen Cricket Club.
MHR congratulates
■ Indi MHR Cathy McGowan sent a message of congratulations to The Local Paper on its launch of the new Dindi.com.au website. The good wishes (and online link) were included in last Friday’s edition of Ms McGowan’s electorate newsletter, The Scoop.
Taggerty plan
■ C.J. Forbes-Bailey and S. Karimi have a proposal before the Murrindindi Shire Council meeting tonight (Wed,) to allow a tw0-lot subdivision at 24 Southern Drive, Taggerty.
3 submissions
■ The Municipal Emergency Management Plan proposed by Murrindindi Shire Council received three submissions following the 28-day public consultation period. Approximately 100 officer hours , plus $600 in advertisements, were spent in preparing the plan.
■ Despite the school holiday break, YTea High VCE Year 12 students will be studying for exams. Many students are booked into exam revision courses and the school will conduct exam practice in some subjects over the break. The YHS building program continues with work on a computer area in the library and an upgrade to staffroom facilities will commence over the break.
Penny Concert
■ Alexandra Secondary College held its annual Penny Concert on Friday (Sept. 22). It is one of the great traditions of the College. It provides a showcase for talents of students, raise money for a worthy cause and to celebrate the achievements of Term 3. The Penny Concert, in the College Hall, was organised by the Student Representative Council. The crowd showed their enjoyment of each performance by putting money (originally pennies but now silver coins) in collection buckets. SRC members passed the buckets at the end of each act to collect the ‘pennies’.
Awards at Eltham
■ Eltham MLA Vicki Ward has praised members of the local Country Fire Authority unit: “I thank Eltham Country Fire Authority for a terrific awards ceremony last Saturday night, which included recognition of 20 years service for Graeme Gibson; 15 years of service for Andrew Heath; 10 years for Matt Thomas; and five years for Rhys Trevithick, James Morrison, Jackson Riley, Cameron McCormick and Liz Wade, Matt Quillici; as well as a fantastic appreciation of service by ex-lieutenants Trevor Cavanagh, Rhett Hoyne and David McCormick. “Firefighter of the year went to Rhys Trevithick, the operations award went to James Morrison and the Brigade Management Team award went to Lauren Walder. “It is fantastic to see a young woman contributing so much,” Ms Ward said.
In Our Schools Busy Yea pupils
Smart skill sets
● Cindy McLeish, Eildon MLA, at the Dixons Creek Avenue of Honour ■ The Dixons Creek commu- Francis L. Abram Mills, Norm Leslie Partington, James nity has re-dedicated the Av- Henry William Partington, (Jim) Smedley, James Wilson enue of Honour commemorat- John Harold Partington, and Jessie McHardy White. ing the service of 29 Dixons Creek locals who served in World WarI. The community had come together 100 years ago to plant a row of trees with only four of the original sugar gums surviving along the Melba Hwy. Eildon MLA Cindy McLeish congratulated Dixons Creek Landcare Group, Dixons Creek CFA, Dixons Creek Primary School, Yarra Glen and District Historical Society, and the Yarra Glen RSL ● Locals at the Dixons Creek Avenue of Honour on working together to complete this project. Those killed in action were Reginald Norman Waight, Stanley Richard Ayres, Leslie Edward Ayres, Alexandra Thomas Abassie, James McKinley, Stanley Talbot Claude Clark, John Charlton Bell and Charles Thomas Chandler. Those who returned: Walter Lewis Barret, Sydney John Beach, Thomas Bela Usher Bowling, Donald James Bachanan, Stanley Stewart Smedley, Neil Christensen, Lioner Comei, Frederick Conrad, William Shelton Cunnington, John (Jack) Gordon, Leslie Alexander ● The new honour board at Dixons Creek Kilby, Frederick Henry Lyons,
Acheron plan back at Council ■ Discussion about a change of use for an existing golf club building at Acheron is due to return to Murrindindi Shire Council tonight (Wed.). Weddings, functions and general events are planned for the 3625 Maroondah Hwy address. There is also a proposal for a maximum of five tents, accommodating a maximum of 12 guests (caravan and camping park) and for the erection of advertising signage. Applicant R. Christopher put the proposal before the August meeting, but Councillors decided to defer further consideration until tonight’s 6pm meeting at Yea. Council officers are recommending that
Councillors vote to refuse a permit to be granted. The officers argue that the proposal does not apply with noise abatement requirements “as there is not sufficient separation from the subject site to nearby sensitive uses to ensure that community amenity is not detrimentally impacted”. The officers say that the proposal is not compatible with existing uses (agriculture) on the surrounding land. A noise assessment report prepared by Watson Moss Growcott supports the application. A current permit allows up to 48 people to be accommodated.
■ Local MLA Cindy McLeish and former Yea High School Principal Bruce Kindred have been thanked for their support of the Principal’s Endeavour Awards ceremony. Students are recognised for their work ethic, endeavour and application. Work skills required in 2030 was the theme of the presentation. The report identified enterprise skills (such as, confidence and agency, working with others, enthusiasm for ongoing learning, communication, financial literacy, digital literacy, creativity and innovation) as part of the new work smart skill set.
YPS swimming
■ Yea Primary School students will be involved in swimming in Term 4. The four-week program is scheduled for November 27-December 18 at the Yea Swimming Pool. Payments should be made to the Yea Community House by Thursday, November 23. Adult helpers must be a member of Yea Community House and hold a current Working with Children check.
Mirror of Hope
■ An information talk will be given at Yea High School at 1.40pm-3.20pm on Wednesday, October 11 by Mirror of Hope. The organisation’s mission is to assist the vulnerable in the Kibera slums of Kenya.
Dixons Creek PS
■ De Bortoli Winery has donated $3500 to the funding of the Jessie-McHardy White Scholarship at Dixons Creek Primary School, says Acting Principal Hayley Bawden. Year 6 students have the scholarship directly in their sights as the end of the year comes into sight, Ms Bawden says.
At Yea Wetlands
■ Sacred Heart Primary School students at Yea dressed as detectives when they attended the Yea Wetlands this month to study introduced plants, trees and grasses. Children were in four groups and each group had a topic: phalaris grass, honeysuckle, willow trees and blackberries. Sacred Heart and Yea Primary students shared work on a poem they have jointly created.
Eildon winners
■ Toby Hall came first overall in his age group in the Victorian Schools BMX Championships held in Melbourne. Hudson Hall came third. The boys have been training hard on the school track all year.
Page 56 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Regional Roundup Tribute to Cr John Butler
● Cr John Butler ■ Wendy Lovell, MLC for Northern Victoria, last week paid trubute in State Parliament to Whittlesea Council’s Cr John Butler who died this month. “I wish to pay tribute to the life of a man I was proud to call my friend,” Ms Lovell told the Legislative Council on Tuesday (Sept. 19). “Lieutenant Colonel, retired, Cr John Butler was born in 1956 and is the son of Major General, retired, David Butler, AO. “John, a natural leader, followed his father into the Army and rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. “John was described in a eulogy by Major Paul Bozsa as steadfast and loyal, with a sense of duty, and a person who was calm under pressure. “Following his retirement John and his wife, Debbie, settled in Doreen. Even though he was retired John still had a burning desire to serve, so he joined the local Doreen Country Fire Authority brigade where he became great friends with captain Chris Maries and Peter McWilliam. “Chris spoke at John’s funeral and described John as being someone who had a great passion to be part of a team, who encouraged young people and who was a truly great bloke, a gentleman, a loving father, a husband and a friend. “John was also a valued member of the Liberal Party and chairman of the McEwen federal electorate conference. “John had a desire to enter politics as he knew he could really make a difference, and in October 2016 he was elected as a councillor in the City of Whittlesea. “John was just embarking on his political career when he was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. “The mayor of Whittlesea, Cr Ricky Kirkham, described John as a humble man who wanted the best for those he served, whether it was those he represented or those he commanded. “John passed away after living a life fulfilled. My condolences, love and thoughts are with his wife, Debbie; his children, Christopher, Sarah, David and Claire and their partners; his grandchildren, Annabelle and Paige; and his stepchildren, Stephanie, Daniel and David. Vale, John Butler,” Ms Lovell said.
Heide threatened
■ Heide Museum of Modern Art will be threatened if Option Aof the North-East Link proceeds, Samantha Dunn (MLC, Eastern Metropolitan) has told State Parliament. “The government’s initial technical assessment shows a clear preference for option A, which will affect the Heide Museum of Modern Art and schools in Bulleen and sacrifice the Koonung Creek reserve,” Ms Dunn said. “It will increase traffic and congestion on both sides of the Eastern Freeway, with an associated increase in air pollution and noise. The residents affected by this alignment have rightly organised themselves and started doorknocking and leafleting in their neighbourhood to raise awareness of the project and its potential impacts,” Ms Dunn said.
Rural Reporter
Your taxes at work: Parlt. debate debacle ■ The manner in which discussion about a rural businessman’s problems became lost in Parliamentary silliness was apparent when Euroa MLA Stephanie Ryan asked a question last Thursday (Sept. 21). This report comes directly from Hansard: Ms RYAN (Euroa) — My question is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Colbinabbin’sAlan Meyers owns and operates a stock feed mill, supplying feed to dairy farmers across the Goulburn Valley and Gippsland. Alan’s electricity prices increased by 110 per cent last month, after his existing contract expired. The increase has forced Alan to call in debts, potentially bankrupting several farmers. Minister, with dairy farmers in Victoria already struggling due to milk price cuts, how many more need to face bankruptcy before you acknowledge the energy cost crisis facing Victorian farmers that is happening under your watch? Ms D’AMBROSIO (Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change) — I thank the member for her question. I do reject the notion that somehow this government is standing idly by when it comes to — Honourable members interjecting. The SPEAKER — Order! The member for Euroa has asked a question of the minister. The minister is answering the question. I will not have her shouted down. The minister to continue. Ms D’AMBROSIO — The fact is we are taking decisive action to get our electricity prices down. It is a bit rich, in fact very rich, when those opposite who have the opportunity right now — today, in fact within a few hours — to vote in support of the very tool that will actually get prices down for all consumers, including dairy farmers, including all farmers right across regional Victoria. Honourable members interjecting. The SPEAKER — The member for South-West Coast is warned. Ms D’AMBROSIO— That is, of course, getting the cheapest form of new energy into our system, more supply, which will drive down wholesale prices. It is also really important for us to reflect on the fact that those people here have got the courage to actually talk about this issue when their mates in Canberra are in total disarray, when in fact they themselves have got no energy policy which will actually do the heavy lifting of reducing energy prices. Our state is stepping up. We will do it and we will deliver this. Importantly, let us look at the commentary of their own federal leader.
● Lily D’Ambrosio In fact today, this morning, on Sky News — Ms RYAN — On a point of order, Speaker, on the issue of relevance, this question went to the fact that there are dairy farmers across my area and across northern Victoria who are now facing bankruptcy as a result of rising energy prices. Their minister is yet to address that. She is yet to explain what the government are going to do to address their policy which is directly driving up costs for dairy farmers and people likeAlan Meyers, and I would ask you to bring her back to answering that question. The SPEAKER — Order! The minister began her answer in a responsive manner, but led straight to attacking the opposition. I ask the minister to respond to the question. Ms D’AMBROSIO — Malcolm Turnbull, their leader federally — Honourable members interjecting. Ms D’AMBROSIO — Do you want to learn about energy policy? The fact is this: Malcolm Turnbull himself this morning repeated this statement, that the ingle — Mr SOUTHWICK— On a point of order, Speaker, I would ask you to bring the minister back to answering the question. This was not about deflecting their responsibility to our federal counterparts. This minister is responsible fairly and squarely for policies that happen here in Victoria, and we want to know what this minister is going to do to help Mr Meyers and all the dairy farmers in Victoria that are facing an energy crisis under their watch. What is this minister going to do? Not Malcolm Turnbull in Canberra — what are you going to do, Minister? Honourable members interjecting. The SPEAKER — Order! There is no point of order. Ms D’AMBROSIO — The point is that national policy is absolutely relevant and state policy is absolutely relevant. Malcolm Turnbull himself said that the single most critical issue that is driving up electricity prices is the price of gas. Honourable members interjecting. The SPEAKER — Order! I warn the member for Kew and the Deputy Leader of the Opposition. Ms D’AMBROSIO — Frankly, Rod Sims and
Tony Wood both agree that there is a failure of national leadership — The SPEAKER — The member for Ripon is warned as well. Ms D’AMBROSIO — when it comes to dealing with the gas issue — the gas issue which the Prime Minister has himself said has led to an increase in electricity prices for everyone. He has failed to deliver on the policy that he claims he was going to introduce to actually drive down energy prices through more gas supply into the system. Our state will not be distracted by the nonsense and the abject failure of national leadership. Our government will continue to deliver significant reforms and more energy supply into our system through the Victorian renewable energy target (VRET) bill. Those opposite, if they were genuine about their support for their electorates, would go back to their electorates and explain to them why their position on VRET will simply drive up — Ms RYAN (Euroa) — For the record, Minister, Alan Meyers’s issues relate to electricity, not to gas, but when his contract expires Alan’s lowest cost option will be to go off the grid and install dirty diesel generators if he wants to stay afloat. Minister, can you explain how forcing businesses to install diesel generators will help Victoria meet its renewable energy targets? Ms D’AMBROSIO (Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change) — I thank the member very much for the supplementary question. I would contest the supposition that is in that question because there is an absolute relationship between the price of gas and the price of producing electricity. I would suggest to the member and all those opposite to actually start to understand the way that the energy system works, because when they start to come to terms with that they will understand and make a decision to get on board — Mr Southwick — On a point of order, Speaker, I know the minister is confused between gas and electricity and baseload and renewable energy. The SPEAKER — Order! What is your point of order? Mr Southwick — Speaker, can I ask you to bring the minister to answering the question about how diesel generators are going to help the minister meet her Victorian renewable energy target — those diesel generators that the dairy farmers will need to implement because she has shut down Hazelwood power station? Honourable members interjecting. The SPEAKER — Order! I ask the house to come to order. The minister will come back to answering the question. And so it continued
News Briefs $60,000 for Men’s Shed
● Jenny Mikakos MLC ■ A Men’s Shed at Eltham is to receive a $60,000 boost, State Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos, announced last week. “It was terrific to meet members of the Eltham Men’s Shed, who will receive $60 000 towards their much-needed new shed,” Ms Mikakos told the Legislative Council on Tuesday last week. Ms Mikakos said she had joined with Eltham MLA Vicki Ward to announce $879,000 funding across the state. “I acknowledge Ms Ward’s advocacy on their behalf. The Eltham Men’s Shed currently operates from three small facilities and has almost no workshop space for its growing membership,” Ms Mikakos said. “The Eltham shedders have helped many local groups, including the local Wurundjeri people, Syrian refugees, Nillumbik Shire Council, Eltham Rotary and the local RSL, as well as retirement villages and schools, and I am sure that their new shed will enable them to continue to put back into the local community.” Broadford and Kilmore will get new Men’s Sheds, and refurbishment will take place at Mansfield.
Graffiti fight at Nillumbik Shire
■ Edward O’Donohue, Eastern Metropolitan MLC, has spoken in State Parliament about Nillumbik Shire Council’s fight against graffiti. “I would like to ongratulate Nillumbik Shire Council for their efforts in tackling the scourge of graffiti,” Mr O’Donohue said. “Graffiti is a scourge that has a significant impact on our community, and we see little action from the government. “While the government is doing nothing, Nillumbik Shire Council is acting. “I will read from their press release of September 13: Covert surveillance, quick removal and technology catching people in the act have reduced graffiti by almost 60 per cent within the Nillumbik shire, the lowest on record. “The mayor, Cr Peter Clarke, goes on to say I’m calling on the state government to establish a designated graffiti prosecution task force to ensure councils across the state can achieve results like we have on the graffiti scourge. “Offenders should be brought to justice and made to pay for their mindless tagging. “I echo Cr Clarke’s call for action from the government. “We have an example here of real action delivering real results, and it is time the issue of graffiti is tackled by Daniel Andrews,” Mr O’Donohue said.
Tennis Club AGM
■ Steels Creek Tennis Club will hold its Annual General Meeting at 12 Noon on Sunday, October 8 at the Club, Steels Creek Rd, Steels Creek. It will be followed by a barbecue and a hit of tennis at 1pm. Everyone is welcome to join the meeting or barbecue.
The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Page 57
Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail: editor@LocalPaper.com.au
GRANDFINAL OLINDA-F.C. ........ 1.6, 7.7, 13.12, 18.17 (125) WSOORI YALLOCK ........ 1.3, 1.6, 3.6, 3.7 (25) Olinda-Ferny Creek. Goalkickers: M. Broomhall 6, L. Taylor 3, D. Rohrmann 2, J. Charge 2, M. Bonuda 2, B. Walter, M. Hottes, E. Greenall. Best: N. Broomhall, L. Hill, D. Fitzgerald, M. Hottes, J. Charge, B. Walter. Woori Yallock. Goalkickers. J. Williams 2, A. Marsh. Best: R. Allen, J. Adams, S. Kennedy, C. Smedley, L. Boontjes, J. Coombs.
GRANDFINAL BUNDOORA ............... 2.9, 3.12, 7.14, 10.16 (76) MACLEOD .................. 0.1, 3.8, 6.10, 10.13 (73) Bundoora. Goalkickers: G. Moorcroft 3, I.; Muller 3, D. Younan, T. Hughes, J. Grabowski, N. Grabowski. Best: M. Dennis, D. Mitchell, S. Dowell, J. Palazzolo, L. Byrne, G. Moorcroft. Macleod. Goalkickers: N. Lynch 4, R. Brandt, J. Langford, P. Martin, H. Paynter, C. Corr, M. Clark. Best: L. Hobbs, H. Paynter, N. Lynch, J. Bianchin, A. Doherty, D. O’Brien.
GRANDFINAL WANDIN .......................... 2.0, 5.3, 6.4, 8.6 (54) OLINDA-F.C. ................ 4.2, 4.3, 6.6, 7.10 (52) Wandin. Goalkickers. L. McPhee 3, B. Foley 2, N. Crossland, T. Adamson, M. Shanks. Best: D. Ladner, B. Foley, L. McPhee, J. Iedema, D. Bailey, J. Napoleone. Olinda-Ferny Creek. Goalkickers. G. Stevens 3, R. Davis, S. Hill, M. Harris, B. Telford. Best: B. Telford, S. Hill, B. Currie, R. Davis, R. Cottam-Starkey, G. Stevens.
GRANDFINAL WANDIN .......................... 1.2, 1.5, 5.8, 6.9 (45) EMERALD ......................... 1.1, 3.5, 3.5, 6.8 (44) Wandin. Goalkickers: A. Bakler 4, T. Merlino, R. Smith. Best: T. Merlino, P. Bruzzese, A. Baker,T. Smith, M. Smith, B. Stokes. Emerald. Goalkickers: M. Thomas 2, B. Wood 2, C. Roma, R. Goonan. Best: M. Thomas, C. Roma, K. Jordan-Hill, J. Campsell, A. Stuhldreier, B. Stuhldreier.
AFL YARRA RANGES NETBALL: DIVISION 1 SCORES AT A GLANCE A-GRADE GRANDFINAL OLINDA-FERNY CREEK ......... 17, 34, 52, 69 WOORI YALLOCK .................... 11, 27, 39, 53 Olinda-Ferny Creek. Goals: Peri Stewart 47, Tess Linkins 11, Ashlee Howard 11. Best: Peri Stewart, Krista Tomlinson, Georgia Martin. Woori Yallock. Goals: Sarah Hogan 22, Shannon Bailey 22, Casey Barnes 9. Best: Stacey Fleming, Sarah Hogan, Shannon Bailey.
GRANDFINAL WOORI YALLOCK ..................... 8, 23, 28, 39 MONBULK HAWKS .................... 8, 14, 18, 25 Woori Yalock. Goals: Heidi Summers 21, Madeline Hargave 18. Best: Lauren Van Der Westhuizen, Mia Sudomirski, Heidi Summers. Monbulk Hawks. Goals: Tahlia Northey 16, Megan Coad 6, Olivia Crook 3. Best: Olivia Crok, Megan Coad, Sara Zachariah.
GRANDFINAL WOORI YALLOCK .................... 10, 20, 28, 36 WANDIN ....................................... 3, 11, 21, 28 Woori Yallock. Goals: Jordan Kennedy 20, Abbie Barnes 16. Best: Kimberley Williams, Ellie Van Der Westhuizen. Wandin. Goals: Holly McInerney 21, Brooke Smith 7. Best: Alanna Lennie, Clara Lumsden, Tess Fowkes.
GRANDFINAL OLINDA-FERNY CREEK ............ 9, 19, 23, 31 WANDIN ......................................... 8, 11, 16, 24 Olinda-Ferny Creek. Goals: Nicole Nillwood 23, Michelle Tomlinson 8. Best: Leah Cody, Casey Seymour, Nicole Millwood. Wandin. Goals: Chloe Dickson 13, Alicia Kay 10, Danielle Wolff 1. Best: Emily Corbett, Alicia Kay, Lauren Ball.
GRANDFINAL GREENSBOROUGH ... 1.0, 4.4, 4.4, 6.14 (50) NORTHCOTE PARK .... 3.4, 3.4, 4.10, 5.11 (41) Greensborough. Goalkickers: D. Shaw 3, C. Walker, J. Money, D. Wilson. Best: J. Pickett, M. Bosco, J. Tucker, D. Wilson, C. Walker, R. Boyden. Northcote Park. Goalkickers: J. Waldron, C. Simpson, T. Fallon, M. O’Connell, T. Jackson. Best: M. O’Connell, J. Askew, P. O’Connell, H. Reid, C. Simpson, S. Dezan.
GRANDFINAL ELTHAM ........................ 1.3, 3.7, 5.11, 7.14 (56) GREENSBOROUGH .... 02, 2.4, 6.9, 7.10 (52) Eltham. Goalkickers: R. Hunt 2, D. Jarvis 2, M.McLellan, M. Jones, A. Currie, B. Montanaro. Best: B. Glasgow. J. Dean, B. Montanaro, H. Furlong, T. Ellis, L. Sinclair. Greensborough. Goalkickers: M. Hill 2, B. Psarakos, T. Phelan, B. Laschko, K. Lyne, J. Presser. Best: M. Hill, L. Trudgeon, T. Brindley, B. Psarakos, N. Beames, R. Sanelli.
KYABRAM DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGE SCORES AT A GLANCE SENIORS GRANDFINAL NAGAMBIE .......... 5.2, 10.7, 15.11, 21.16 (142) VIOLET TOWN ...... 5.2, 8.4, 11.9, 13. 11 (89)
GRANDFINAL MERRIGUM ................ 3.0, 8.4, 10.5, 11.9 (75) TALLYGAROOPNA ..... 4.2, 5.2, 8.3, 10.4 (64)
GRANDFINAL TALLYGAROOPNA......... 1.0, 4.4, 6.5, 9.9 (63) MERRIGUM .................. 3.4, 3.5, 7.7, 9.7 (61)
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 7. Avenel v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Tallarook. Kilmore v Nagambie. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 14. Nagambie v Broadford. Tallarook v Avenel. Yea Tigers v Kilmore. ■ Round 3. Saturday, October 21. Avenel v Nagambie. Broadford v Kilmore. Tallarook v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 4. Saturday, October 28. Avenel v Kilmore. Tallarook v Nagambie. Yea Tigers v Broadford. ■ Round 5. Saturday, November 11. Broadford v Avenel. Kilmore v Tallarook. Nagambie v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 6. Saturday, November 18. Nagambie v Kilmore. Tallarook v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Avenel. ■ Round 7. Saturday, November 25. Avenel v Tallarook. Broadford v Nagambie. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 8. Saturday, December 2. Kilmore v Broadford. Nagambie v Avenel. Yea Tigers v
Tallarook. ■ Round 9. Saturday, December 9. Kilmore v Avenel. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Nagambie v Tallarook. ■ Round 10. Saturday, January 6-Saturday, January 13. Avenel v Broadford. Tallarook v Kilmore. Yea Tigers v Nagambie. ■ Round 11. Saturday, January 20-Saturday, January 27. Avenel v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Tallarook. Kilmore v Nagambie. ■ Round 12. Saturday, February 3-Saturday, February 10. Nagambie v Broadford. Tallarook v Avenel. Yea Tigers v Kilmore. ■ Round 13. Saturday, February 17-Saturday, February 24. Avenel v Nagambie. Broadford v Kilmore. Tallarook v Yea Tigers. ■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, March 3-Sunday, March 4. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, March 10-Sunday, March 11. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 17. Saturday, February 17. Kilmore v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Tallarook. Alexandra v Avenel. Puckapunyal v Eastern Hill. Flowerdale v Seymour. Pyalong v Royals. ■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, February 24. TBD v TBD. ■ Preliminary Finals. Saturday, March 3. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, March 10. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 7. Seymour v Kilmore, at Chittick Park. Tallarook v Royals. Yea Tigers v Avenel. Puckapunyal v Alexandra. Pyalong v Eastern Hill. Flowerdale v Broadford. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 14. Avenel v Flowerdale. Broadford v Eastern Hill. Kilmore v Alexandra. Pyalong v Tallarook. Seymour v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 3. Saturday, October 21. Flowerdale v Pyalong. Kilmore v Pyalong. Yea Tigers v Puckapunyal. Alexandra v Broadford. Eastern Hill v Avenel. Royals v Seymour. ■ Round 4. Saturday, October 28. Seymour v Kilmore. Alexandra v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Avenel. Flowerdale v Puckapunyal. Royals v Pyalong. Eastern Hill v Tallarook. ■ Round 5. Saturday, November 11. Avenel v Kilmore. Tallarook v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Alexandra. Flowerdale v Eastern Hill. Puckapunyal v Royals. Seymour v Pyalong. ■ Round 6. Saturday, November 18. Alexandra v Flowerdale. Avenel v Tallarook. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Pyalong v Puckapunyal. Kilmore v Royals. Eastern Hill v Seymour. ■ Round 7. Saturday, November 25. Tallarook v Avenel. Flowerdale v Yea Tigers. Alexandra v Eastern Hill., Royals v Broadford. Pyalong v Kilmore. Seymour v Puckapunyal. ■ Round 8. Saturday, December 2. Eastern Hill v Yea Tigers. Tallarook v Flowerdale. Puckapunyal v Kilmore. Broadford v Pyalong. Avenel v Royals. Seymour v Alexandra. ■ Round 9. Saturday, December 9. Flowerdale v Royals. Tallarook v Seymour. Yea Tigers v Alexandra. Pyalong v Avenel. Puckapunyal v Broadford. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. ■ Round 10. Saturday, December 16. Tallarook v Alexandra. Eastern Hill v Pyalong. Avenel v Broadford. Puckapunyal v Flowerdale. Royals v Kilmore. Yea Tigers v Seymour. ■ Round 11. Saturday, January 6. Alexandra v Tallarook. Puckapunyal v Avenel. Royals v Eastern Hill. Flowerdale v Pyalong. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Seymour. ■ Round 12. Saturday, January 13. Puckapunyal v Yea Tigers. Broad-ford v Flowerdale. Kilmore v Avenel. Pyalong v Eastern Hill.Royals v Alexandra. Seymour v Tallarook. ■ Round 13. Saturday, January 20. Tallarook v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Royals. Alexandra v Pyalong. Eastern Hill v Puckapunyal. Flowerdale v Kilmore. Seymour v Avenel. ■ Round 14. Saturday, January 27. Seymour v Avenel. Flowerdale v Royals. Eastern Hill v Broadford. Alexandra v Puckapunyal. Yea Tigers v Pyalong. Tallarook v Kilmore. ■ Round 15. Saturday, February 3. Royals v Tallarook. Avenel v Puckapunyal. Alexandra v Seymour. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Eastern Hill v Flowerdale. Kilmore v Pyalong. ■ Round 16. Saturday, February 10. Avenel v Eastern Hill. Broadford v Alexandra. Flowerdale v Kilmore. Puckapunyal v Tallarook. Pyalong v Yea Tigers. Seymour v Royals.
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 14. Kilmore v Eastern Hill, at Kilmore Racecourse. Puckapunyal Nomads v Seymour Gold, at Puckapunyal Back Oval. Broadford Red v Broadford Black, at Broadford Secondary College. Royals v Pyalong, at Bennett Oval. Seymour Maroon v Nagambie, at Kings Parkm Back Oval. Alexandra v Puckapunyal Wanderers. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 21. Nagambie v Broadford Black. Pyalong v Kilmore. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Puckapunyal Nomads, at Shell Green. Broadford Red v Royals. Seymour Gold v Seymour Maroon, at Chittick Park. Alexandra v Eastern Hill, at Alexandra Showgrounds. ■ Round 3. Saturday, October 28. Nagambie v Royals. Puckapunyal Nomads v Broadford Red. Broadford Red v Kilmore. Pyalong v Alexandra. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Seymour Maroon. Seymour Gold v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 4. Saturday, November 11. Pyalong v Nagambie. Eastern Hill v Pucakpunyal Wanderers. Royals v Broadford Black. Kilmore v Alexandr. Seymour Maroon v Puckapunyal Nomads. Broadford Red v Seymour Gold. ■ Round 5. Saturday, November 18. Royals v Puckapunyal Wanderers. Puckapunyal Nomads v Kilmore. Broadford Black v Pyalong. Eastern Hill v Seymour Maroon. Seymour Gold v Nagambie. Alexandra v Broadford Red. ■ Round 6. Saturday, November 25. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Seymour Gold. Ngamabie v Alexandra. Eastern Hill v Puckapunyal Wanderers. Kilmore v Royals. Broadford Red v Pyalong. Seymour Maroon v Broadford Black. ■ Round 7. Saturday, December 2. Royals v Eastern Hill. Pyalong v Puckapunyal Nomads. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Nagambie. Broadford Black v Alexandra. Seymour Maroon v Broadford Red. Kilmore v Seymour Gold. ■ Round 8. Saturday, December 9. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Kilmore. Al;exandra v Seymour Maroon. Eastern Hill v Broadford Black. Royals v Puckapunyal Nomads. Broadford Red v Nagambie. Seymour Gold v Pyalong. ■ Round 9. Saturday, December 16. Broadford Black v Puckapunyal Wanderers. Pyalong v Eastern Hill. Kilmore v Broadford Red. Seymour Maroon v Royals. Puckapunyal Nomads v Nagambie.Alexandra v Seymour Gold. ■ Round 10. Saturday, January 13. Broadford Red v Puckapunyal Wanderers. Nagambie v Kilmore. Alexandra v Royals. Seymour Maroon v Pyalong. Puckapunyal Nomads v Broadford Black. Eastern Hill v Seymour Gold. ■ Round 11. Saturday, January 20. Royals v Broadford Red. Kilmore v Seymour Maroon. Nagambie v Eastern Hill. Broadford Black v Seymour Gold. Pyalong v Puckapunyal Wanderers. Puckapunyal Nomads v Alexandra. ■ Round 12. Saturday,January 27. Nagambie v Puckapunyal Nomads. Royals v Seymour Gold. Pyalong v Broadford Black. Seymour Maroon v Alexandra. Broadford Red v Eastern Hill. Kilmore v Puckapunyal Wanderers. ■ Round 13. Saturday, February 3. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Alexandra. Broadford Black v Nagambie. Pyalong v Royals. Seymour Gold v Broadford Red. Puckapunyal Nomads v Seymour Maroon. ■ Round 14. Saturday, February 10. Seymour Gold v Puckapunyal Nomads. Kilmore v Pyalong. Royals v Seymour Maroon. Alexandra v Nagambie. Broadford Red v Broadford Black. Puckapunyal Wanderers v Eastern Hill.
Page 58 - The Local Paper - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Local Paper Scoreboard E-Mail: editor@LocalPaper.com.au
■ Round 15. Saturday, February 15. Royals v Kilmore. Alexandra v Pyalong. Puckapunyal Nomads v Puckapunyal Wanderers.Broadford Black v Eastern Hill.Seymour Maroon v Seymour Gold. Nagambie v Broadford Red. ■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, February 24. TBD v TBD, TBD v TBD. ■ Preliminary Finals. Saturday, March 3. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, March 10. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 12. Saturday, February 3. Eastern Hill v Alexandra. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. Avenel v Broadford. ■ Round 13. Saturday, February 10. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Alexandra v Avenel. ■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, February 17. TBD v TBD. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, February 24. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 6. Saturday, December 16. Bundoora v Epping. Rosanna v Montmorency. Riverside v North Eltham Wanderers. Lower Eltham v Old Paradians. Diamond Creek v Macleod. ■ Round 7. Saturday, January 6. Macleod v Lower Eltham. Old Paradians v Rosanna. North Eltham Wanderers v Bundoora. Epping v Diamond Creek. Montmorency v Riverside. ■ Round 8. Saturday, January 13-Saturday, January 20. Riverside v Macleod. Lower Eltham v Diamond Creek. North Eltham Wanderers v Montmorency. Old Paradians v Epping. Bundoora v Rosanna. ■ Round 9. Saturday, January 27-Saturday, February 3. Diamond Creek v Bundoora. Lower Eltham v North Eltham Wanderers. Old Paradians v Montmorency. Macleod v Rosanna. Riverside v Epping. ■ Round 10. Saturday, February 10-Saturday, February 17. Epping v North Eltham Wanderers. Rosanna v Lower Eltham. Montmorency v Macleod. Bundoora v Old Paradians. Diamond Creek v Riverside. ■ Round 11. Saturday, February 24-Saturday, March 3. Macleod v Lower Eltham. Rosanna v Old Paradianbs. Epping v Diamond Creek. Montmorency v Riverside. North Eltham Wanderers v Bundoora. ■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, March 10-Sunday, March 11. TBD v TBD. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, March 17-Sunday, March 18. TBD v TBD.
■ Semi-Finals. Saturday, March 10-Sunday, March 11. TBD v TBD. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Saturday, March 17-Saturday, March 24. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 1. Sunday, October 15. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Alexandra Bye. ■ Round 2. Sunday, October 22. Broadford Bye. Kilmore v Alexandra. Yea Tigers v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 3. Sunday, October 29. Eastern Hill v Broadford. Kilmore - Bye. Alexandra v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 4. Sunday, November 12. Eastern Hill - Bye. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Alexandra. ■ Round 5. Sunday, November 19. Broadford v Kilmore. Yea Tigers - Bye. Alexandra v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 6. Sunday, November 26. Alexandra - Bye. Kilmore v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Broadford. ■ Round 7. Sunday, December 3. Eastern Hill v Yea Tigers. Broadford - Bye. Alexandra v Kilmore. ■ Round 8. Sunday, December 10. Kilmore Bye. Braodford v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Alexandra. ■ Round 9. Sunday, January 14. Eastern Hill - Bye. Yea Tigers v Kilmore. Alexandrav Broadford. ■ Round 10. Sunday, January 21. Yea Tigers - Bye. Eastern Hill v Alexandra. Kilmore v Broadford. ■ Round 11. Sunday, January 29. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Alexandra Bye. ■ Round 12. Sunday, February 4. Broadford - Bye. Kilmore v Alexandra. Yea Tigers v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 13. Sunday, February 11. Eastern Hill v Broadford. Kilmore - Bye. Alexandra v Yea Tigers. ■ Semi-Finals. Sunday, February 18. TBD v TBD. ■ Final. Sunday, February 25. TBD v TBD.
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 21. Broadford v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Avenel. Alexandra v Kilmore. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 28. Eastern Hill v Alexandra. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. Avenel v Broadford. ■ Round 3. Saturday, November 4. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Broadford v Yea Tigers. Alexandra v Avenel. ■ Round 4. Saturday, November 11. Eastern Hill v Avenel. Kilmore v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Alexandra. ■ Round 5. Saturday, November 18. Avenel v Kilmore. Yea Tigers v Eastern Hill. Alexandra v Broadford. ■ Round 6. Saturday, November 25. Eastern Hill v Broadford. Kilmore v Alexandra. Avenel v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 7. Saturday, December 2. Broadford v Avenel. Yea Tigers v Kilmore. Alexandra v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 8. Saturday, December 9. Kilmore v Eastern Hill. Avenel v Alexandra. Yea Tigers v Broadford. ■ Round 9. Saturday, December 16. Avenel v Eastern Hill. Broadford v Kilmore. Alexandra v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 10. Saturday, January 20. Eastern Hill v Yea Tigers. Kilmore v Avenel. Broadford v Alexandra. ■ Round 11. Saturday, January 27. Broadford v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Avenel. Alexandra v Kilmore.
■ Round 1. Friday, November 3. Kilmore Bye. Seymour v Avenel. Tallarook v Nagambie. Yea Tigers v Eastern Hill. Alexandra v Broadford. ■ Round 2. Friday, November 10. Seymour Bye. Eastern Hill v Alexandra. Nagambie v Kilmore. Avenel v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Tallarook. ■ Round 3. Friday, November 17. Kilmore v Broadford. Nagambie - Bye. Tallarook v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Seymour. Alexandra v Avenel. ■ Round 4. Friday, November 24. Yea Tigers - Bye. Eastern Hill v Kilmore. Nagambie v Broadford. Avenel v Tallarook. Seymour v Alexandra. ■ Round 5. Friday, December 1. Eastern Hill v Nagambie. Kilmore v Avenel. Broadford - Bye. Tallarook v Seymour. Alexandra v Yea Tigers. ■ Round 6. Friday, December 8. Alexandra Bye. Nagambie v Avenel. Broadford v Eastern Hill. Seymour v Kilmore. Yea Tigers v Tallarook. ■ Round 7. Friday, December 15. Eastern Hill - Bye. Kilmore v Yea Tigers. Avenel v Broadford. Seymour v Nagambie. Tallarook v Alexandra. ■ Round 8. Friday, January 26. Tallarook Bye. Eastern Hill v Avenel. Nagambie v Yea Tigers. Broadford v Seymour. Alexandra v Kilmore. ■ Round 9. Friday, February 2. Kilmore v Tallarook. Avenel - Bye. Seymour v Eastern Hill. Yea Tigers v Broadford. Alexandra v Nagambie. ■ Round 10. Friday, February 9. Kilmore Bye. Eastern Hill v Yea Tigers. Nagambie v Tallarook. Avenel v Seymour. Briadford v Alexandra. ■ Round 11. Friday, February 16. Kilmore v Nagambie.Seymour - Bye. Tallarook v Broadford. Yea Tigers v Avenel. Alexandra v Eastern Hill. ■ Round 12. Friday, February 23. Nagambie - Bye. Eastern Hill v Tallarook. Avenel v Alexandra. Broadford v Kilmore. Seymour v Yea Tigers.
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 7-Saturday, October 14. Macleod v Diamond Creek. Epping v Bundoora. Old Paradians v Lower Eltham. Riverside v North Eltham Wanderers. Montmorency v Rosanna. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 21-Saturday, October 28. Epping v Lower Eltham. North Eltham Wanderers v Diamond Creek. Rosanna v Riverside. Bundoora v Montmorency. Old Paradians v Macleod. ■ Round 3. Saturday, November 4-Saturday, November 11. Macleod v Epping. Rosanna v North Eltham Wanderers. Lower Eltham v Montmorency. Bundoora v Riverside. Diamond Creek v Old Paradians. ■ Round 4. Saturday, November 18-Saturday, November 25. North Eltham Wanderers v Macleod. Diamond Creek v Rosanna. Riverside v Old Paradians. Montmorency v Epping. Lower Eltham v Bundoora. ■ Round 5. Saturday, December 2-Saturday, December 9. Riverside v Lower Eltham. Epping v Rosanna. Old Paradians v North Eltham Wanderers. Macleod v Bundoora. Montmorency v Diamond Creek.
■ Round 1. Saturday, October 7-Saturday, October 14. Research Eltham Collegians v Plenty Power. Mernda v Lalor Stars. Lower Plenty v Eltham. Banyule v Bundoora United. Heidelberg v Mill Park. ■ Round 2. Saturday, October 21-Saturday, October 28. Lalor Stars v Research Eltham Collegians. Plenty Power v Lower Plenty. Eltham v Heidelberg. Banyule v Mernda. Bundoora United v Mill Park. ■ Round 3. Saturday, November 4-Saturday, November 11. Research Eltham Collegians v Bundoora. Heidelberg v Lower Plenty. Plenty Power v Lalor Stars.Eltham b Bundoora United. Mernda v Mill Park. ■ Round 4. Saturday, November 18-Saturday, November 25. Lower Plenty v Research Eltham Collegians. Mill Park v Plenty Power. Lalor Stars v Eltham. Banyule v Heidelberg. Bundoora United v Mernda. ■ Round 5. Saturday, December 2-Saturday, December 9. Mernda v Eltham. Lower Plenty v Lalor Stars. Plenty Power v Heidelberg. Research Eltham Collegians v Bundoora United. Mill Park v Banyule. ■ Round 6. Saturday, December 16. Heidelberg v Mill Park. Eltham v Lower Plenty. Plenty Power v Research Eltham Collegians. Bundoora United v Banyule. Mernda v Lalor Stars. ■ Round 7. Saturday, January 6. Research Eltham Collegians v Mernda. Mill Park v Eltham. Lower Plenty v Bundoora United. Banyule v Plenty Power. Lalor Stars v Heidelberg. ■ Round 8. Saturday, January 13-Saturday, January 20. Lalor Stars v Banyule. Lower Plenty v Mill Park. Mernda v Plenty Power. Bundoora United v Heidelberg. Eltham v Research Eltham Collegians. ■ Round 9. Saturday, January 27-Sunday, January 28. Plenty Power v Bundoora United. Saturday, January 27-Sunday, February 3. Eltham v Banyule. Mernda v Lower Plenty. Research Eltham Collegians v Heidelberg. Lalor Stars v Mill Park. ■ Round 10. Saturday, February 10-Saturday, February 17. Bundoora United v Lalor Stars. Plenty Power v Eltham. Mill Park v Research Eltham Collegians. Heidelberg v Mernda. Banyule v Lower Plenty. ■ Round 11. Saturday, February 24-Saturday, March 3. Research Eltham Collegians v Mernda. Lower Plenty v Bundoora United. Heidelberg v Lalor Stars. Banyule v Plenty Power. Mill Park v Eltham.
Round 1. Saturday, October 7. Thomastown v South Morang Panton Hill v Thomastown United. Hurstbridge v Laurimar Greensborough v Whittlesea. Round 2. Saturday, October 14. Thomastown v Panton Hill. Whittlesea v Hurstbridge. Laurimar v Thomastown United. South Morang v Greensborough. Round 3. Saturday, October 21- Saturday, October 28. Whittlesea v Thomastown. South Morang v Thomastown United. Hurstbridge v Greensborough. Panton Hill v Laurimar. Round 4. Saturday, November 4, Saturday November 11. Thomastown United v Whittlesea. Greensborough v Panton Hill. Thomastown v Hurstbridge. Laurimar v South Morang. Round 5. Saturday, November 18-Saturday, November 25. Thomastown v Thomastown United Panton Hill v Hurstbridge. Greensborough v Laurimar. South Morang v Whittlesea. Round 6. Saturday, December 2-Saturday, December 9. South Morang v Thomastown. Thomastown United v Panton Hill. Whittlesea v Greensborough. Hurstbridge v Laurimar. Round 7. Saturday, December 16. Laurimar v Thomastown. Hurstbridge v South Morang. Panton Hill v Whittlesea. Greensborough v Thomastown United. Round 8. Saturday, January 6. South Morang v Panton Hill. Thomastown v Greensborough. Thomastown United v Hurstrbidge. Whittlesea v Laurimar Round 9. Saturday, January 13-Saturday, January 20.South Morang v Greensborough. Laurimar v Thomastown United. Panton Hill v Thomastown. Hurstbridge v Whittlesea. Round 10. Saturday, January 27. Thomastown v Whittlesea Thomastown United v South Morang. Panton Hill v Laurimar. Greensborough v Hurstbridge. Round 11. Saturday, February 3. Whittlesea v South Morang. Laurimar v Greensborough. Hurstbridge v Panton Hill. Thomastown United v Thomastown. Round 12. Saturday, February 10Saturday, February 17. Whittlesea v Panton Hill. South Morang v Hurstbridge. Thomastown United v Greensborough. Thomastown v Laurimar. Round 13. Saturday, February 24-Saturday, March 3. Greensborough v Thomastown. Panton Hill v South Morang. Hurstbridge c Thomastown United. Laurimar v Whittlesea. Semi-Finals Saturday, March 10-Sunday, March 11-Monday, March 12. TBD v TBD. TBD v TBD. Final. Saturday, March 17-Sunday, March 18-Saturday, March 25-Sunday, March 26. TBD v TBD.
■ Due to the Garden Expo being held at the Yea course, golf was played at Strathbogie Golf Club on Saturday. Twelve Club members enjoyed the course and appreciated the warm hospitality shown to us. The scones were terrific. Winner with 40 points was Vicki Clements. Second was Alan Pell with 37 and third was Sue Aurisch with 32 points. Kevin Coghlan won the Club Award on CB from 2 others. - Alan Pell
COURT LISTS ● From Page 53 Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Van Der Hayden, Louis. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Fletcher, Bruce Colin. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Walsh, M (38049)v Wilkinson, John. Uni-Marysville Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Murray, Jake. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Guppy, James Patrick. Uni-Mansfield ictoria Police - Page, J (38565) v Kent, Elisa. Uni-Wallan Victoria Police - Moser, A (32525) v Birchnell, David Leslie. Highway PatrolMansfield Victoria Police - Crawford, G (37574) v Morgan, Peter John. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Stevens, M (34763) v Atkinson, Scott William. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Gipp, I (31043) v Dark, Nicholas. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Major, S (32000) v White, Matthew Edward. Uni-Eildon Victoria Police - Chief Commissioner Of Police (00008) v Mcgann, Cameron Peter. Office Of The Chief Commissioner Victoria Police - Smith, B (29408) v Mcmahon, Brennan Joel. Uni-Alexandra Victoria Police - Mchugh, N (31345) v Beale, Prudence. Uni-Mansfield Victoria Police - Lampkin, B (33527) v Letchford, Adam. Uni-Mansfield
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5797 8349 Myles Road, Murrindindi Vic 3717 Fax: 5797 8499
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Immaculate home with brilliant shed! • The home offers, new wiring, concrete stumps, new gas heater & air-conditioning. • New floor coverings and has been freshly painted throughout. • There are 2 huge bedrooms, separate lounge/ dining area and lovely modern kitchen. • Fully lined bungalow with room for an enusite to be installed. • Colorbond shed has power, concrete floor and room for 2 cars, boat and work shop area. $249,000
Looking for that great escape • Peace and quiet on 10 acres of natural bushland • 3 bedrooms • Open plan design with lots of natural light, cosy wood combustion heater • Spectacular views of Lake Eildon and Mt. Buller from the lovely timber deck • Ample storage fresh rainwater, solar power and lock-up sheds $445,000
www.LocalPaper.com.au p
Lifestyle living with Impressive views • 20 Acres of flat and rising hill country • Home offering 3 double bedrooms • Combustion wood heater & central ducted heating and cooling
• Double lock up garage, established gardens and dam $495,000
Perfect Country Home • 4 Bedroom 2 bathroom home on 15 acres • Master bedroom with BIR and ensuite with spa bath
• In ground Swimming pool and beautifully landscaped gardens • large sheds two fully lockable and Cattle yards. $760,000
AUCTION 7TH OCTOBER 2017 AT 11.00AM on site If not sold prior 5 PETERKIN PLACE ALEXANDRA PRIME INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE Ideal owner/occupier or commercial investment
• Large mezzanine floor, office, lunch room and bathroom • 3 Phase Power with CT Metering, separate fully enclosed insulated room • Zoned Industrial 1, endless opportunities CONTACT: BELINDA HOCKING 57723444 OR 0418 115 574
• Land size 1425m2 • Warehouse area 684m2, Skillion 125m2
Sales Specialists I Belinda Hocking 0418 115 574 Sales and Property Services I Jessica Bates 0437 533 236 Property Management I Sarah Brockhus 0457 537 222
Landmark Harcourts Alexandra 56 Grant Street, Alexandra I 5772 3444
11 Hill Street, Yea This three bedroom cottage offers sublime views over the Yea Village and glorious surrounding countryside. The home features a lovely kitchen, cute sitting and dining room. A new split system was installed just twelve months ago. Outside is a lock up, single garage. Currently rented with good return, this house is a must see for the canny investor or anyone looking for a cottage style residence to either move straight in to, or stamp with your own style. For sale $248,000
Landmark Harcourts Yea 56 High Street, Yea I 5797 2799