The New Free Press. August 3, 2016

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Concern at low numbers at Shire

■ CR NOEL CLIFF has called on Yarra Ranges Council to do more to provide indigenous people with opportunities for permanent employment. Cr Cliff told last week’s Council meeting that there were concerns about the low number of indigenous employees at Yarra Ranges Council.

● Healesville Amateur Racing Club President David Purcell (right) met with cousin Ian Scott at the Waranga-North Eastern Football Association reunion held at Yea on Saturday. The Yea side now competes in the AFL Yarra Ranges competition which saw the weekend winners’ list comprising Division One teams Olinda Ferny Creek, Woori Yallock, Monbulk, Healesville and Wandin; and Division Two teams Powelltown, Kinglake, Yarra Junction and Alexandra. Yarra Glen had the bye.

The current total population of the Yarra Ranges has just topped 150,000 people. It is estimated that the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in the municipality is approximately 1000 people. The indigenous population in the 2011 Census was 974, up from 847 in the 2006 count. The Yarra Ranges indigenous population is calculated to be approximately 0.7 per cent of the total population. The original inhabitants of the Yarra Ranges area were the Wurundjeri Aboriginal people.

● Cr Noel Cliff represents the Streeton Ward which includes Ferny Creek, Montrose, Mt Dandenong, Olinda, Sassafras, Tremont, Upper Ferntree Gully and Upwey One section of the Yarra Ranges Shire, Healesville, is recognised as part of the land belonging to the traditional Wurrundjeri tribe, and it is still home to many Aboriginal descendants. Across Australia, it is estimated there are 517,000 Aboriginal people, representing 2.5 per cent of the total national population.

Ash Wed. Centre opens at Cockatoo


● Sunday’s opening of the Ash Wednesday Centre at Cockatoo won statewide TV publicity on 7 News

Fears over 12m buildings at UFTG ■ Buildings could be allowed to go as high as 12 metres in the Upper Ferntree Gully foothills, local residents fear. Knox City Council's proposed C141 planning scheme amendment could mean developments with 12-metre frontages, says the Upper FT Gully Foothills Society. Members are angered by Knox City Council’s vote last week which they say will be assessed by an independent planning panel. They claim there local councillor, Karen Orpin, was denied the opportunity to voice the concerns of Upper Ferntree Gully residents. They argue that Rose St will become “some darkened canyon with buildings rising to 12m on both sides of the road”.

● Mount Victoria at Warburton Photo: L. Walker

● Buildings, 12 metres high, could be allowed in Upper Ferntree Gully

■ Warburton residents are workingt towards funding being made available for an ‘ABC Translating Station on Mount Victoria. The Warburton Emergency Planning Group wants to see funding provided to assist in emergency situation in the Upper Yarra area, Cr Jim Child told Yarra Ranges Council last week.


Page 2 - The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Page 3

Robbery arrest

■ A 30-year-old man was arrested following a Police investigation into a robbery in Boronia. He was due to face Ringwood Court on Monday (Aug. 1). It is alleged that the man jumped the counter of a money lending store on Boronia Rd. Once behind the counter, while staff and customers were still present, it is alleged he made his way to a rear office and removed an amount of cash from the safe.

● Upwey High School students prepare for Bye Bye Birdie

Rehearsals underway at Upwey HS

Up Hill and Down Dale

■ Two casts are set to perform Bye Bye Birdiethis month atUpwey High School. The shows are performed over two weeks with performances on Thursday, Friday and Saturday all starting at 7:30pm. The dates are Aug. 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27. Cast Pink starsWren Gillett, Amber Mohan, Rachel Kirby, Ethan Pratley, Oscar Cousins, Tayla Moore and many more. Cast Yellow starring Meggie Le Cudennec, Jack Brew, Alex Ingham, Pat McMahon, Lauren Allen, Jemma Gravenell and many more on August 19, 25 and 27.

Local radio fun

Latest News

ALDI store for Seville Local Briefs Charges

■ Major Collision Investigation Unit detectives late last week charged a Healesville man following a serious crash in Coldstream. Investigators allege a Nissan wagon was travelling east along the Maroondah Hwy around 11.30am on Thursday. The car crossed onto the wrong side of the road and collided with a westbound motorcycle. The rider of the motorcycle, a 45year-old Ringwood man, suffered lifethreatening injuries and was taken to hospital. The driver of the Nissan, a 36-yearold Healesvilleman, was arrested at the scene and later interviewed by police. He was charged with negligently cause serious injury and dangerous driving causing serious injury and was due to face Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Friday.

Closed ■ A southbound traffic lane on Monbulk Rd, near Emerald-Monbulk Rd, Monbulk, was closed late last week by Vic Roads due to works.

■ Supermarket chain ALDI is now confirming that it has a shopfit underway at Seville. The New Free Press requested comment from the chain, and received a statement from a Sydney public relations company: “ALDIAustralia is eager to bring our unique shopping experience to more Australians, offering highquality products at permanently low prices, as well as rewarding career opportunities,” the company spokesman said. “We have an interest in Seville and recognise its potential as part of our longterm expansion plans in Victoria. “We will continue to update the community as our plans progress. “When establishing a new store, ALDI considers the longterm potential of the

Toolangi photos

■ We had several phone calls at The New Free Press office regarding our Toolangi photo spread in last week’s issue. More early Toolangi photos can be accessed through the State Library of Victoria website.

Life activities

New store whisper ● Flashback: Entwistle’s supermarket at Seville area including popula“We can confirm 18 countries. tion numbers. that fit out works for Based in Ger“We work closely the new ALDI store at many, the chain was with local councils, Seville is due to com- founded by brothers other businesses and mence shortly. We will Karl and Theo Alcommunity groups to continue to update the brecht in 1946 when help ensure new stores community as our they took over their plans mother's store in Essen positively impact the opening local area,” the progress. which had been in opALDI is a leading eration since 1913; it spokesman said. On Monday, ALDI global discount super- is one of the world's updated its statement market chain with al- largest privately toThe NewFree Press. most 10,000 stores in owned companies.

■ International retailer Aldi is being touted to take over the Entwistle’s IGA supermarket site at Seville, which closed last month. Aldi is currently advertising for an Area Manager, to be paid between $98,000 and $150,000 per annum, plus car, to run 3-5 stores in the ‘Yarra Valley and High Country’. The ad was placed on July 14.

Belgrave, 105 years ago ■ Readers tell us they are enjoying the nostalgia photographs being featured in The New Free Press. At right is the 1911 premiership team. Back row: G. Taylor, Les Wemuss, A. Miller, Alf Leamon, C. Taylor, W. Kidd, F. Carrington and E. Kehoe. Centre: J.T. Mahony, E. Cross, J. Simmonds, J. Lloyd, G. Rutherford, M. Hayes, R. Murray, T. Gooch. Front: Visitor, visitor, G. Hayes (captain), -, W right, W. Hamilton, D. Sleight. The mascot is the son of the Bekgrave captain.

● Kevin Morrish ■ As The New Free Press team delivers newspapers on Tuesday nights, one of our favourite pieces of radio listening is Kevin Morrish’s Moonlight Serendade, 8pm11pm, on Radio Eastern 98.1 FM. Kevin Morrish is a retired Physics and Chemistry teacher who grew up in the small Victorian town of Elphinstone. He has a deep love of music, especially of classical and jazz music. Kevin also hosts Friday and Sunday programs from the Croydon studios.

● Belgrave’s 1911 premiership team

■ New Free Press reader Gloria Parker advises of the Life Activities Club at Croydon. The club has much to offer, from social dancing,cards, cycling, dining out, golf and a walking group. “Life is better together, come and join us,” Gloria says. For more information, .contact Edith Martin on 9725 1578.

Reader feedback

■ Thanks to reader Margaret, of Belgrave South, who picks up her copy of The New Free Press at Upwey Newsagency. Margaret says the publication is just like an oldfashioned local newspaper, packed with news about local people. ■ Thanks to Stephen Cross, of Mount Dandenong, who picks up his copy at the Montrose IGA. Stephen has become an advertiser. See his ad on Page 2. ■ Thanks to Ferny Creek General Store which has tripled its weekly order for copies for The New Free Press to meet the demands of readers.

On target at Grants

● Grants On Sherbrooke ■ One of the fringe benefits of being your New Free Press Editor is clocking up the kilometres through the Dandenongs and Yarra Ranges. A favourite spot is Grants On Sherbrooke on Monbulk Rd at Kallista. This will show how old the Editor is ... who remembers the coin-in-the-slot amusement machine at Grants in 1960s, where patrons would ‘shoot’ at targets? I am talking about pre-decimal currency days, so the price-per play was probably threepence or sixpence. - Ash Long

Page 4 - The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Local Weather ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

LOCAL FORECAST - BELGRAVE Wed, Aug. 3. Scattered showers. 3°-11° Thu., Aug. 4. Partly cloudy. 3°-13° Fri., Aug. 5. Mostly sunny. 2°-13° Sat., Aug. 6. Partly cloudy. 4°-13° LOCAL FORECAST - LILYDALE Wed, Aug. 3. Scattered showers. 4°-12° Thu., Aug. 4. Partly cloudy. 2°-14° Fri., Aug. 5. Mostly sunny. 2°-14° Sat., Aug. 6. Partly cloudy. 4°-14° LOCAL FORECAST - WARBURTON Wed, Aug. 3. Showers. 4°-10° Thu., Aug. 4. Partly cloudy. 2°-12° Fri., Aug. 5. Mostly sunny. 2°-13° Sat., Aug. 6. Partly cloudy. 3°-12°

The New Free Press

Incorporating Mountain District Free Press, Yarr a R anges Free Press and arra Ranges Yarr a R anges A dv ertiser arra Ranges Adv Vol. 7 1. No 71. No.. 5 Wednesda y, A ugus t 3, 20 16 ednesday Augus 2016 Your Independent L ocal Ne wspaper Local Published W ednesda ys ednesday

Contact Us Phone: 1800 231 311 Fax: 1800 231 312 Web: w w w.Ne wFr eePr e sss. s. c .NewFr wFreePr eePre s.c E-Mail: Head Office: 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095

Our Team Director: Fleur Long Production Editor: Ash Long Features Editor: Peter Mac As socia dit ors: Jennie C oult e rr,, Lisa Associa sociatte E Edit oulte Hodgson Credit Manager: Michael Conway OAM, F as ction Debt R ov ery astt A Action Ree cco ery,, 040 04022 142 866

Distribution Readership throughout: A vonsleigh, Badger Cr eek, Ba y s wa te rr,, Creek, Bay Belgrave, Belgrave Heights, Belgrave South, Boronia, Clematis, Cockatoo, Coldstream, Croydon, Emerald, Ferntree Gully ern y Cr eek, Gembr ook, Gruy e rre e, Gully,, F Fern erny Creek, Gembrook, Gruye Healesville, Hillcrest, Hoddles Creek, Kallista, Kalorama, Kilsyth, Launching Place, Lilydale, Menzies Creek, Millgrove, Monbulk, Montrose, Mount Dandenong, Mount Evelyn, Mountain Gate, Nangana, Olinda, Ringw ood Eas t, Sas safr as, Selb y, Ringwood East, Sassafr safras, Selby Sherbr ook e , Silv an, T ec oma, T he Basin, Sherbrook ooke Silvan, Tec ecoma, The T he P at ch, T erntr ee Pa Trremont, Upper F Ferntr erntree Gully we y, W andin North, W arburt on, Gully,, Up Upw Wandin Warburt arburton, Wesburn, W oori Y allock, Y arr a Glen, Y arr a Woori Yallock, Yarr arra Yarr Junction, Y ellingbo Yellingbo ellingbo..

Ash OnWednesday

Don’t you know it’s magic? Long Shots

● Kerry Kulkens ■ There are few names as synonymous with Belgrave as Kerry Kulkens. The ‘magic shop’ that carries her name is now at 1693 Burwood Hwy. Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop was established in 1969 under the name Kulkens Rocks & Gems as a family business and was the first shop in Australia to open selling crystals and gemstones. The Belgrave Fire Brigade needed urgent injection of funds for a new fire truck and building repairs, so Kerry starts doing readings of tarot cards, palms and numerology over the shop counter where people would place donations into a bowl, which was taken to the Fire Station at the end of the day.

Family tradition

Deadlines Trades Advertising Advertising:: 5pm Fridays General News and Display Advertising Advertising:: 12 Noon Saturdays News News:: 10am Mondays Sports News News:: 10am Mondays Paid Classified Ads Ads:: 5pm Mondays E-Mail E-Mail::

Online The New Free Press Online www.NewFreePres s.c You can rread ead our paper fr ee on the free internet. Details for our advertisers - and how to contact them - are also available at our website. Facebook: The New Free Press

Independently Owned and Operated The New Free Press is printed under contract by Streamline PressPty Ltd, 155 Johns t, Fitzr o y, f or the publisher Johnstton S St, Fitzro publisher,, Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063, of the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Rd, Eltham, Vic 3095. Responsibilityfor election and referendum comment is accepted by Ash Long. Copyright © 2016, Local Media Pty Ltd. ACN 096 680 063.

● Sarah Kulkens ■ Kerry’s daughter, Sarah, takes up the story. “Tourist buses started stopping at the shop for readings and Kerry then started to write the regular stars column for the local paper the Free Press which was then taken up by over 30 different papers,” Sarah said. Long Shots was

It’d make you cry

■ Congratulations to the PTFA team at Mountain Gate Primary School which raised a $1270 profit from a fundraising barbecue. Volunteer Martina King cut 25kg of onions for the special effort.

Meeting apology edit or@Ne wF s. editor@Ne or@New Frre e P rree sss. om. om.aa u

with Ash Long, Editor “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”

■ Cr Mike Clarke was unable to attend last week’s meeting (Tues., July 26) of the Yarra Ranges Council meeting held at the Council Chamber in Lilydale.

● Sirivanh Mangala ■ “A Pakenham woman has failed to front court on drug-related offences. Police have issued urgent calls to the public to help locate 32-year-old Sirivanh Mangala. “The woman is known to frequent the Pakenham area and has failed to appear in court in relation to the offences. She is facing a number of outstanding warrants.” - Pakenham Gazette

Road deathtrap

■ “Authorities were warned as far back as 2009 about safety concerns at a Wantirna pedestrian crossing where a woman hit by a car and killed. “Lights were never installed on the zebra crossing at the intersection of Boronia Rd and Mountain Highway, where the Ringwood woman was hit about 1.30pm on July 18. “Police were told a car stopped to let the 60-year-old cross but a small truck then rearended the car, causing it to hit her. “The woman was taken by ambulance to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a critical condition but died about midnight," wrote journalist Kimberley Seedy. - Knox Leader

Stop to suicide

● Tom and Cynthia Schouten do breed them tough at Metro Cinemas Boronia. Their son Kristian was photographed on Sunday, wearing shorts in the snow at Kilimanjaro Alpine Apartments, Falls Creek. (PS: The cinemas are climate controlled.) Manager of the Free Press at the time (late 1970s). “Kerry started to appear regularly on 3AW radio station, the Mary Hardy show, the Don Lane Show, the Midday Show, spanning three hosts, Mike Walsh, Ray Martin and Derryn Hinch. “Celebrities start ringing to see Kerry after hours or in private so the media didn't know they were coming. “Our first millionaire went public telling the papers about the numbers Kerry

gave them to win the lottery. This would be one of hundreds to win large amounts of money by their lucky numbers. “Kerry started to write a weekly column for the Truth newspaper, which incorporated Love, Sex and the Stars as well as Predictions, Witch's Tips and Celebrity Profiles.”

Return ■ Long Shots is pleased to announce that the Kulkens horoscopes column re-

turns to The New Free Press from this week (see Page 6). Sarah started doing readings as several other shops in Box Hill Central, Sassafras, Ferntree Gully and Cairns (Qld). Kerry passed away in 2005, but Sarah continues the landmark store in Belgrave. She rmains in great demand for phone and personal readings from people all over the world. Belgrave continues to benefit from tourism visits to the store.

Upwey in the good old days

Local Phone Numbers FIRE BRIGADES (fire only) ............ 000 Local Brigades ............................... 000 POLICE (emergencies only) ............ 000 AMBULANCE .................................... 000 Y SER VICE ......... 000 S TATE EMERGENC SERVICE EMERGENCY ■ Lifeline ........................................ 13 11 14 Nursing Mothers Helpline .... 9885 0653 Poisons Info. (24 Hours) .......... 13 11 26 RACV Roadside Assistance ........ 13 1111 RSPCA ................................... 9224 2222

What The Papers Say Woman’s no show

● Photo Flashback: Upwey in the 1950s. Source: Rose Stereograph Series

■ “The call is out for the Yarra Ranges to become home to a new cutting-edge suicide prevention service. “In the lead-up to the July 2 election, the Federal Government committed to establishing eight regional trial sites for suicide prevention. “Casey federal MP Tony Smith, Yarra Ranges Mayor Jason Callanan and family members affected by suicide are advocating for one to be based in the Yarra Ranges area," said reporter Sam Bidey. - Lilydale Leader

Sleeping rough

■ “Homelessness in the Yarra Ranges will be at the forefront during a week-long series of events put on by charities, culminating in a public sleep-out in Lilydale. Until Sunday August 7, Holy Fools will run the Yarra Ranges Homeless Winter Sleepout in Lilydale’s Melba Park. “The event is an extension of the annual sleepout that former mayor Tim Heenan takes part in every year, to highlight homelessness in the Yarra Ranges," wrote journalist Jesse Graham. - Mount Evelyn Mail

Boots on ground

■ “Greater Dandenong will welcome 38 new frontline police,” reports journalist Casey Neill. “Victoria Police Dandenong Divisional Commander Superintendent Paul Hollowood made the announcement at a Dob in a Dealer campaign launch at Dandenong Police Station on Wednesday (July 27). “He said a frontline tactical unit would start in August. “’That’s a unit of uniformed police – that’s 38 additional police – that we’re going to be putting on the street to actually deal with street violence, street crime, and the type of public order offending that we’re seeing out there as well,” he said. A Divisional Response Unit is also being formed, Police said. - Dandenong Journal

In Our Schools It’s Spectacular

■ Choir rehearsals for the State School Spectacularwill be held on Wednesday next week (Aug. 10). The concerts will be held on Saturday, September 10.

$2170 BBQ profit

■ The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association at Mountain Gate Primary School raised $1270 from their Federal Election barbecue event. The team included Adrian Penney, Andrea Weinbergs, Bethany Weinbergs, Debbie James, Dee Wasserfall, Joan Toimkins, Karen Hunt, Louise Tilley, Martina King, Cosette and Michael Murphy, Sandra King, Simon Fischer, Gary Rodwell, Tresse Heselwood, Trish Martin and Zoe Angel. ■ Jo Atkins and Kristen Chamberlain organised a fund-raising exhibition of Finding Dory for the school at Metro Cinemas Boronia.

Olympics start

■ The start of the Olympic Games will be celebrated at Upwey South Primary School this Friday (Aug. 5).Another Games celebration has been scheduled at the School for Friday, August 19.

Passing of Principal

● Peta Evans ■ Peta Evans, ex-Principal of Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School, died on July 12. Her death has been felt strongly by all in the Dandenong Ranges Network of schools.

Gembrook farewell ■ Gembrook Primary School has held a farewell assembly for its visiting Chinese friends. The 12 visiting students and their teacher Amy were thanked for their week together. Amy with a beautiful handmade plaque outlining an Acknowledgement of Country and Wominjeka’(Welcome). The plaque will be displayed in Kunshan Peiben School in China as a symbol of peace, love and ‘welcome’. Amy presented the Gembrook school with a tea set. Local host families presented every visiting student with an ‘Aussie’ essential item; a shiny new Sherrin footy.

Rio games

■ Emerald Secondary College SRC will conduct an Olympics Competition from this Friday (Aug. 5) until August 21. the SRC will be The lunchtime Olympics competition will have events including basketball, running races, trivia, indoor hockey and volleyball.

Olden days

■ Young Menzies Creek Primary School pupils, in their Inquiry of Olden Days, stepped back in time to see what schooling was like. They dressed up, sat in rows, learned flowery writing (their words), used chalk and blackboards and all had the same reader.

Schools news

■ All local schools are invited to contribute towards this column in The New Free Press.

The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Page 5

Local News

Property sales

Council gets its way on Emerald bus shelter

● Cr Leticia Wilmot ■ Emerald’s bus shelter will be replaced with a heritagestyle structure, Cardinia Shire Council has announced. Members of the committee of Emerald Community House met with Council officers and Cr Leticia Wilmot late last month. “Agreement has been reached for the existing bus shelter in Belgrave–Gembrook Rd, Emerald, to be replaced with a heritage style bus shelter,” a Council news release states. “The seating in the new shelter will meet disability compliance standards for all-ability access and will be located closer to the bus stop for improved accessibility and visibility. “At the request of Emerald Community House, the replacement bus shelter will be painted a heritage cream colour to match the colour scheme of the church hall, located behind the stop. “Both parties agreed to the mosaic artwork being removed from the existing shelter. “Further discussion will be held with Emerald Community House to determine the future location of the artwork,” the statement says. “It was agreed that Council will own and maintain the new shelter and Emerald Community House will maintain the artwork.” The new bus shelter would not be used as a community noticeboard. “Council and ECH will work together to install additional bench seating and a community noticeboard, at the site of the previous bus shelter. “The new shelter will be installed as soon as scheduling of works can be finalised.”

● Masouda Keshtiar embraces the ‘Together We Can’ message against family violence. Photo: Facebook

Initiative against family violence

■ Cardinia municipality says it has one of the highest levels of family violence in Victoria. Last week saw the launch of ‘Together We Can’, an initiative to “stop, reduce and end” the level of violence in the municipality. A ‘Year of Action’ and pledge at an event were launched at the Cardinia Cultural Centre last week (July 26). The event outlined the actions that came out of the community convention in April and all attendees were invited to sign the pledge. Together We Can is a joint initiative between Cardinia Shire Council, Family Life, the University of Melbourne and the Australian Government’s Department of Social Services. Through the partnership, these organisations will work together to help the community address the growing family violence issue in Cardinia Shire. Guest speaker, Kristy McKellar, is renowned in the family violence sector as a professional and family violence survivor, and has been involved in the Royal Commission into Family Violence. She spoke of her pride to be an ambassador for Together We Can and working with Council, Family Life and other support services to listen to victims of family violence and inform community leaders to take action. Mayor Cr Jodie Owen said the pledge was a public declaration that family violence was not ac-

ceptable in Cardinia Shire and the community was committed to making change. “It was with both pleasure and sadness that I signed the pledge at the launch,” Cr Owen said. “Pleasure, because I see the commitment and successes of our community to come together and align our activities. “And sadness, because of the current high rates of violence against women and children in our shire,” she said. “People who use violence and abuse others must be held to account. By coming together, we can tackle the terrible problem of family violence in our community. “Ending family violence is not going to be easy; it will take a great deal of effort. “But we can do it if we all work together. I thank everyone who attended this event and signed the pledge.” Cr Owen thanked the community for coming together to stop family violence. “Thank you for coming together on Tuesday and the community convention in April to show your solidarity in ending family violence in the shire,” she said. “We have only just started on this journey. It will take a united and continued effort to successfully achieve our goal to keep everyone in our community safe and free from family violence.” or join the Together We Can Facebook group

■ Auctions had a 69 per cent clearance rate at the weekend from 717 scheduled events, according to, and 76 per cent from 675 events according to www.domain. Results in The New Free Press readership area included: AVONSLEIGH Price WithhelD. 3BR house. Sold by private treaty. Barry Plant. BORONIA 71 Darwin Rd. 3BR house.. Sold at auction. Ray White Ferntree Gully. 11 Coppice Ct. $660,000. 4BR house. Sold at auction. Itrak Real Estate (Aust.) Bayswater. 43 Manuka Dr. $590,000. 3BR house. Private exchange. Barry Plant Boronia. 3/8 Rankin Rd. $590,000. 3BR house. Ray White Bayswater. COCKATOO 47 Belgrave-Gembrook Rd. $460,000. 3BR house. Bell Real Estate Emerald. COLDSTREAM 3 Witham Dr. $505,000. 3BR house. Private exchange. Noble Knight Real Estate. CROYDON 15 French St. $750,000. 5BR house. Sold at action. McGrath Estate Agents. 29 Valentine Dr. $725,000. 3BR house. Sold at auction. Hoskins Croydon. 17 Hyton Ct. $795,000. 5BR house. Sold at auction. Hocking Stuart Ringwood. CROYDONSOUTH 25 King St. $600,000. 3BR house. Sold at auction. 7 Apollo Ct. 4BR. Sold prior to auction. Noel Jones Real Estate. DONVALLEY 1895 Don Rd. $650,000.4BR house. Private exchange. Methven Professionals Mt Evelyn. EASTWARBURTON 11 Callop St. $390,000. 3BR house. Private exchange. Bell Real Estate - Yarra Junction/Woori Yallock. EMERALD 40 Pinnocks Rd. Price withheld. 4BR.Sold by private treaty. Barry Plant. 37 Westlands Rd. $570,000. 3BR house. Private exchange. Barry Plant Emerald. FERNTREE GULLY 6 Dewar Ct. $764,000. 4BR house. Ray White Real Estate Wantirna. 16 Conn St. 4BR house. Sold at auction. Ray White Bayswater. 8 Carmeelo Ct. $649,000. 3BR house. Sold at auction. Ray White Real Estate Wantirna. 5/109 Westley St. $495,000 maximum bid, passed in. Unit. Biggin and Scott, Elsternwick. 1/682 Burwood Hwy. $500,000. 4BR unit. Private exchange. Professionals Wantirna. 1/421 Scoresby Rd. $450,000. 2BR unit. Private exchange. Barry Plant Rowville. HEALESVILLE 28 Mt Riddell Rd. Price withheld. 4Nr house. Professionals. 5/89 Maroondah Hwy. 2BR. Sold by private treaty. Mark Gunther First National. KALORAMA 1162-1164 Mount Dandenong Tourist Rd. $880,000. 4BR house. Private exchange. Max Brown Montrose. KILSYTH 40 Lomond Ave. $715,000. 3BR house. Private exchange. Methven Professionals Mooroolbark. 15 Mimose Ave. $470,000. 2BR house. Private exchange. Ray White Croydon. 1/456 Mt Dandenong Rd. $496,000. 3BR unit. Private exchange. Methven Professionals Mooroolbark. LILYDALE 10 Brightwell Rd. $531,000. 3BR house. Sold at auction. Itrak Real Estate (Aust.) Bayswater. 12 Blair St. $542,500. 3BR house. Private exchange. Barry Plant Lilydale. 2 Blair St. $542,500. 3BR house. Private exchange. Barry Plant Lilydale. 17 Rimfire Ct. $527,500. 3BR house. Private exchange. Barry Plant Lilydale. MONBULK 32 Menin Rd. Price withheld. 3BR house. MRE. MOOROOLBARK 79 Bellara Dr. $710,000. 4BR house. Sold at auction. Fletchers Eltham. Turn To Page 7

Page 6 - The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Your Stars ARIES: (March 21-April 20) Lucky Colour: Green Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There could be some surprising news from a distance and your relationships with close ones could change somewhat. If you need an understanding person look to the most obvious ones first.

Local People

Vale Bill Bennett

TAURUS: (April 21- May 20) Lucky Colour: Red Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: More interest in your health and fitness should give you a lot more to do during this next twelve months. There should be some luck in games of chance and a surprise from your loved ones. GEMINI: (May 21- June 21) Lucky Colour: White Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You might need to make up your mind about someone during this period and career matters could keep you very busy indeed. But there are some chances for having fun to so all on all a very good time ahead. CANCER: (June 22- July 22) Lucky Colour: Orange Lucky Day:Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Things should be working out well in your career matters and some changes for the better could be expected. Relationships are not moving too well at the moment but improvements are expected. LEO: (July 23-August 22) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day: Tuesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: The very busy social life could be still continuing and you could be wondering when you can get some rest. Domestic situations could be a little tense as someone is feeling neglected. VIRGO: (August 23- September 23) Lucky Colour: Cream Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You might have to start all over again with some people or some jobs, so you do not feel discouraged at the moment. Financial matters are better left to the hands of the experts. LIBRA: (September 24- October 23) Lucky Colour: Peach Lucky Day: Monday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: You should be reaping some of the rewards of your hard work now. But only the hard worker benefits form this trend. New ideas are very possible in relationship matters. SCORPIO: (October 24- November 22) Lucky Colour: Violet Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: There is a trend to be more aggressive than usual but keep your mind on the task at hand and do not jeopardise the chances you get. Your social life could ruin your sleep. SAGITTARIUS: (November23- December 20) Lucky Colour: Yellow Lucky Day: Friday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: This should be the start of a very interesting time relationship wise. But do not neglect close ones, as your availability is very important to them. Some new contacts in business should be successful. CAPRICORN: (December 21- January 19) Lucky Colour: Blue Lucky Day:Wednesday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: Travel plans should work out well and if any changes are happening they should be thoroughly enjoyable. More depth and understanding in your personal relationships now. AQUARIUS: (January 20- February 19) Lucky Colour: Pink Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: A wish to get away from it all could get you into trouble with loved ones. Do not forget to inform people of your plans. The new idea forming in your mind could turn out to be a winner. PISCES: (February 20- March 20) Lucky Colour: Lilac Lucky Day: Thursday Racing Numbers: Lotto Numbers: It would be a mistake to promise too much during this period tries to keep to the straight and narrow in spending also. Something new is starting to formulate in your career matters.

Visit Kerry Kulkens Magic Shop at 1693 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave Phone/Fax 9754 4587 Like us on Facebook

● Former Kilsyth resident Bill Bennett in a Ferrari advertisement for CBA Bill’s radio acting career broadened to in■ Tributes have flowed for former Kilsyth and clude TV and film acting, and he has featured Lilydale resident Bill Bennett. Family and friends celebrated Bill Bennett’s in numerous TV dramas and feature films, as well-lived life after his passing on July 8, just a well as dozens of TV commercials. In 1988 his employer discovered that Bill, couple of years or so before his long awaited although fitter than many half his age, was past greeting from ‘Her Maj’. Born William Frank Bennett in North retirement age and therefore obliged to relinFitzroy on February 21, 1919, Bill’s love of per- quish his livelihood as a court official in the jusforming came firstly from his grandfather, Wil- tice system. This premature ejection, though unwelcome, liam, who had his own brass band, and used to rehearse in the sitting room while the children allowed Bill more time for professional acting, bushwalking, square dance calling and commuwere being put to sleep. radio on 88.3 Southern FM, where he anBill’s father, also William, played in brass nity chored two radio programs, God Speak, and bands, and later in an RSL brass band. Stage Whispers and Noises Off. He attended Alfred Crescent Primary Bill and a group of fellow performers, known School, then Fitzroy Central School, before as The Frankston Entertainers, visited resistarting work at a leather football factory, said dents in nursing homes around Melbourne. to be the nearest Bill ever got to the sporting life. At 91 Bill decided to ‘retire’ - a word that Later he worked in the Myer warehouse in until then, had never passed his lips. Collingwood, where life changed dramatically Later, in need of family care he moved in when the private secretary to a Myer boss would with son Doug and wife Faye in Lilydale for two phone the warehouse regularly to request an years or so, then to Kirkbrae Low Care Nursorder. ing Home in Kilsyth, where Bill loved enjoying Her name was Daphne. Bill finally bit the the brain stimulation and entertainment. bullet, asked her out on a date, the relationship Bill’s performing highlights include co-starblossomed and they married in 1941. In May ring with Evie Hayes in Mata Hari, a five-month 1943, twin sons Doug and Bill were born. theatre restaurant spoof on the celebrated feOne day Bill heard Morris West in a radio male spy, many productions with the National play, Talking Dolls, and suddenly knew where Theatre, four cameo roles in Melbourne Thehe was going in life. atre Company’s production of Amadeus, and Morris, then an unknown writer of radio productions with many non-professional theatre soapies, had started a radio acting school, with companies around Melbourne. Agnes Dobson and contemporary radio stars as He also appeared in all the major TV series, tutors. movies including On the Beach (1959), Nirvana Bill joined them, and went on to play many Street Murder, Mad Dog Morgan and others, radio roles with the ABC Drama Department, and commercials including Home Pride Bread schools broadcasts and commercial recording (Fred), Deep Heat, the ‘old’ man in the Ferrari studios. A writing talent also emerged, with two for the CBA, and many more. Described by colleague Kevin Trask as a short stories appearing in New Idea. By 1953, Bill was running his own amateur “great character, actor and friend”, Bill’s contheatre company, The Glenhuntly Little The- tribution to Melbourne’s entertainment industry atre, while also supporting a family and study- will remain legendary. Take a bow, Bill Bennett! ing part time for a theology degree. He later - Cheryl Threadgold launched the Mermaid Theatre.

Fire levy question put to Yarra Ranges ■ Gruyere landowner Mr Bigham put a question to last week’s Yarra Ranges Council meeting about the Fire Services Levy: ““Has Council liaised with other Councils, throughout Victoria, re the impact on the Fire Services Levy if the current EBA between the CFA and the UFU is signed?” Troy Edwards, the Council’s Director Corporate Services, replied: “The Fire Services Property Levy is a State Government charge. “All Victorian councils are required to collect on the Fire Services Levy on behalf of the State Government. “All funds collected are passed on to the State Government to fund the operations of Victoria’s fire services. “:Council does not retain any of the funds raised by the levy. “The level of the charge for each category of property is set by the State Government on an annual basis without any reference to local government. “As such, the collection of the Fire Services Levy has no impact on Council budgeting or longer term financial performance.

“Council simply passes on the fire services levy that is set annually by State Government. “Any queries or concerns that residents have in relation to the Fire Services Levy and the enterprise agreement for the United Firefighters Union and Country Fire Authority should be directed to the State Government and their local member of the Victorian Parliament.”

● From Page 6

Local property sales UPWEY 37 Ternes Rd. Price withheld. 5BR. Sold by private treaty. Ranges First National. WARBURTON 28 Pheasant Pde. $85,500. Land: 1700m2. Professionals. WOORIYALLOCK 70 Lusatia Park Rd. $645,000. 4BR house. Private exchange. Bell Real Estate - Yarra Junction/Woori Yallock. YARRAJUNCTION 26 Riversdale Rd. $380,000. 3BR house. Sold by private treaty. Ray White.

Local People Lysterfield alert

■ A vehicle with stolen registration plates was observed by Knox Police at Lysterfield early on Sunday morning. Sgt Col Clausen explains: “Shortly after midnight Rowville Police were conducting a routine patrol in the Lysterfield area when they observed a vehicle 'on the move' bearing stolen plates. “The vehicle fled upon seeing Police. Various local police units converged on the area and established a cordon. “The vehicle was located abandoned a short time later. Police Canine Units attended the scene. A Police dog then successfully tracked and located the offender who had been hiding in bushes in the front yard of a residential premises. “The offender was found to have been wanted on outstanding warrants to imprison since March this year. A quantity of drugs, cash and a dangerous article were located in the offenders possesion. Excellent teamwork by our crews produced a great result.”

Working bee

■ Mountain Gate Primary School parents are conducting a working bee on Saturday, August 20. If the weather is bad, the event will be moved to Saturday, August 27. ■ Those assisting in the School’s fundraising Trivia Night included Kirsten Chamberlain, Acashia Fitzgerald, Costette Murphy, Debbie Fowkes, Jenny Block, Joanne Atkins, Kellie McDonald, Kelly Martini, Meaghan Bandfield and Sandra King.

Local theatre

■ The Basin Theatre: Dangerous Corner (by J. B. Priestly) August 12 - September 3 at The Basin Theatre, Doongalla Rd., The Basin. Director: Graham Fly. Tickets: $25. Bookings: 1300 764 668. ■ Sherbrooke Theatre Company: The Importance of Being Earnest (by Oscar Wilde) August 13 - 26 at the Doncaster Playhouse, 679 Doncaster Rd., Doncaster. Director: Emma Barber. Bookings: www.trybooking AUDITIONS ■ Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre: Yes, Prime Minister August 22, 25 at 7.30pm at 41 Castella St., Lilydale. Director: Alan Burrows. Audition bookings: ■ Warrandyte Theatre Company: Speaking in Tongues (by Andrew Bovell) August 21 at 7pm and August 24 at 8pm at the Warrandyte Theatre Mechanics Hall, Yarra St., Warrandyte. Director: Susan Rundle. Contact or phone 0416 2981 36. - Cheryl Threadgold

Long Tan event

■ The State Government will provide free public transport to help veterans mark the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Minister for Veterans John Eren announced that veterans and war widows will travel for free on regional public transport between August 17-19, and on metropolitan services on August 18. The free travel arrangements will help members of the veteran community, particularly those from regional areas, attend the Vietnam Veterans Day March and Service at the Shrine of Remembrance. On Vietnam Veterans Day, free travel will be extended to members of the Australian Defence Force, as well as school students between 9.30am and 2.30pm. The State Government is also helping Victorian schools send students to the special commemorations activities by offering subsidies to help with the costs of travel. Schools in metropolitan areas can apply for subsidies of up to $500, while regional schools can apply for subsidies of up to $1000. To be eligible for free travel, veterans and war widows must carry their Department of Veteran’sAffairs Gold or White Card, or Category V Victorian Public Transport Concession Card. Veterans and war widows can also wear their uniform – including any service medals or ex-service association or returned from active service or war widows badge – to demonstrate their eligibility for free travel.

The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Page 7

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The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Page 9


Places To Go

‘Eighty One’ for fine food and wine Photos supplied by Gary Achari

Presents Brand New Cocktail Menu New Entertainment Weekly New Restaurant, Tapas & Function Menu UPCOMING EVENTS Jazz and Shiraz - August Palatable Pairings Wine Dinner - Soon Date My Mate - Speed Dining Event - September New Improved High Tea - Coming Soon Ready for Christmas Functions Come on in and meet Gary and the team 81 High St, Berwick. Phone: 9768 9555

Page 10 - The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Real Estate

FOR SALE 40 A CRE HORSE C OMPLEX. 10 MIN. T O TYNONG ACRE COMPLEX. TO Suitable as a horse agistment/hobby farm, this p rroperty operty sits on 16ha (40 acr e ss)) appr ox. and is only acre appro 10 minut es tto o the ne w rracing acing tr ack a ynong and minutes new track att T Tynong only a minute from Bayles. The established property is in one of the mos tions y et mostt idyllic loca locations yet handy to most amenities. The homestead is a therboar d home with high c eilings, dec or a tiv e we a atherboar therboard ceilings, decor ora tive cornices and picture rails, three bedroom plus study or four bedrooms, sun room, spacious kitchen with timber cabinets and a cozy living area with rre everse c ycle split ssy yst em and w ood hea cy wood heatt e rr.. The property boasts a lot of shedding including a 40 x 29 shed, 4 bay machinery shed, 3 bay carport, 7 stables and round yard and loads of fruit trees. The property is well set up with a lot of double fencing, 16 horse paddocks and 2, 8 acre paddocks a t the rrear ear ell set up ffor or w at er with an 18, 000 ear.. W Well wa 18,000 litr e and 2, 17 e w at er tanks plus bor e w a te rr.. litre 17,, 000 litr litre wa bore wa Heavy carrying capacity with the soil being good pea ery good rregener egener a tion of gr a sss s peatt soil with v very egenera gra making the paddocks lush and in its hay day carrying 40 horses plus 25 c ow s and calv es. co calves.

A mus operty ffor or an yone w anting a peac eful mustt see pr property any wanting peaceful rural lifestyle with easy access to amenities. Agent available 7 days a week. ADDRES S: 125 SCANL ONS DRAIN RO AD YLES ADDRESS: SCANLONS ROA D,, BA BAYLES PRICE: $999 ers $999,, 000 plus buy buyers INSPECT t., A ugus 11.30am on sit e or INSPECT:: S a at., Augus ugustt 6 a att 11am11am-11.30am site by appointment

LYNN PENDERGA ST 0458 7 80 0 23 PENDERGAS 780 023

Pages From The Past

● Kinglake Showday. 1930.

The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - Page 11

Kinglake Ranges From our extensive photo files

● Picnic at Kinglake. Circa 1900-1910.

● Kinglake Post Office.

● (Howgate?) group Kinglake

● Masons Falls, Kinglake. 1931.

● On the road to Kinglake. Circa 1890-1938.

● Travelling van, with Mr. Charles and Mrs Gwen Weetman inspecting the goods

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FOR SALE COFFEE TABLE with embossed copper top. 120cm x 80cm. EC. Murrindindi. 5797 8320.


EXHAUST operated car jack. $25. Yea. 0419 372 432


FIREWOOD. Red gum and yellow box. $130 cubic metre, delivered Yea . Elsewhere negotiable. Brendan, 0484 752 950.


FLYMO electric mower. $30. Yea. 0419 372 432. EFGH

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REDY-COTE. Plush panel doors. 820 x 2040. New. $15 ea. Wattle Glen. 9438 1062.



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QUEEN SIZE Brass Bedhead and end. Black enamel and brass fittings with black ceramic nobs on bedhead. VGC. $140. Murrindindi. 5797 8320.


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RUNABOUT . 4 metres ‘Pondgrass’ fibre glass boat in GC,including fish finder bimini, life jackets, Sat Nav in GC. 50 horse Yamaha oil injected outboard motor in GC, starts and runs well . Both boat and trailer registered $3500 ONO. Yea. 0418 364 020




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Page 16 - The New Free Press - Wednesday, August 3, 2016

MAJESTIC VALLEY & WATER VIEWS! Diamond Park is an absolutely stunning horse property set on 61.62 picturesque acres (24.94 hectares), one hour's drive from Melbourne, and 4.5km from the M1 freeway. Located on Longwarry-Drouin Road and only a 6 minute drive to Drouin's major supermarkets and town centre. This beautiful property has been built to exceptional standards designed to be both practical and versatile. Boasting excellent horse shelters, stables, a 60x20 mĂŠnage, a 22m round arena and horse-safe Electrobraid fencing to beautifully pastured paddocks. Upon entering the automated electric gates, the welcoming tree lined driveway leads you to the stunning homestead of 46 squares superbly positioned to maximize the majestic views from each room. The home features 4 large living areas both upstairs and downstairs beginning with the formal dining/ living area with breathtaking views and lakeside frontage, 5 extremely generous sized bedrooms all with BIR's and the master bedroom boasts a huge WIR and full ensuite. Of the two additional bathrooms, one has a separate powder room and the downstairs bathroom doubles as a guest bathroom. The well-appointed kitchen offers plenty of bench space and ample storage and walk in pantry. The kitchen is fitted with quality stainless steel electric appliances and Bosch dishwasher. The kitchen adjoins an open dining area and family room overlooking the beautifully maintained gardens and lake. Double doors lead you into the oversize games/billiard room fitted with built in bar compete with bar fridge all enjoying more garden views, another lake and an equipped outdoor BBQ area. You are spoilt for choice with 4 heating options- a heat charm wood heater in the family room that heats the whole home, an Archer gas log fireplace in the formal dining/living area, gas ducted heating plus reverse cycle systems. Externally the home offers - Triple car remote garage. - An undercover BBQ/entertaining area equipped with a BBQ, gas wok and a built in fireplace. Again, surrounded by the best possible views. - Enclosed 5 bay colorbond shed, fully powered with concrete flooring, a vet facility room with outdoor undercover horse grooming/preparation area including wash bays, separate posts and rail yards being adjacent to the 22m round yard. - Fully fenced 60x20m arena. - 2 fully lined stables with attached front post and rail yards, with an additional 4 posts and rail yards nearby, ideal for stock handling. - 14 walk-in huge shelters/boxes some with front gates - Close to public transport with School buses passing right at your door. The property consists of 16 paddocks, making it mostly suitable for horses or other livestock with a 95 bore, 5 dams (2 of which are spring fed) providing consistent water security. The property boasts the best pasture ever seen grown on a horse property using a combination of 5 blended rye grasses including low endophyte ryegrass plus trefoil and clovers grown in excellent soil types, both grey and red loam with regular fertilization and soil testing. An exciting future awaits you and your family at this character filled lifestyle property offering privacy, security and wonderful space. This home truly is a haven of privacy and tranquility. A home of its kind will not last- call now to inspect!

7 9 Princ es W ouin Princes Waa y, Dr Drouin Telephone: 5625 6000 acsimile: 5625 600 6000.. F Facsimile: 60011 Diamond Park Stud have for sale many superb quality Warmblood and Thoroughbred Palominos and Buckskins of all ages purposely bred for higher level equestrian pursuits such as dressage/showing etc. Diamond Park Stud have bred champion after champion but it’s time to hang up the boots now and allow someone else the opportunity of owning and breeding with all their stud stock. Stallions, broodmares, all are for sale to approved homes only.

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