Quo Vadis. A background to other orders in Freemasonry.

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Brief History It is one of the most colourful Ceremonies in

Qualifications for Membership

Freemasonry and the teachings, symbols

The degree of Knight Templar is a Christian

and ritual are rich in meaning, having many

Order under the umbrella of Freemasonry

layers, and provide the Candidate with

and requires Candidates to be Royal Arch

much that he can incorporate into daily life.

Masons. Its full title is “The United Religious,

Knightly courtesy and commitment to one’s

Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple,

faith are hallmarks of this prestigious Order.

and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta”. It is open to Compan-


ions, who are of the Christian faith and be-

There is the Great Priory of Victoria admin-

lieve in the Holy Trinity.

istering 16 Preceptories located in different locations in Victoria and generally meetings


are bi-monthly with one being for the En-

The Order does not have a direct connection

thronement and Installation of a new Precep-

with Templars of old, but the Ceremony in-

tor by the Great Priory Officers. As with all

cludes elements that go back to the Cru-

Masonic Orders, there is a change of Grand

sades of the Middle Ages and is based on

Master ~ usually every 3 years and the

the Ceremony of Knighthood that was used

Grand Officers ~ annually.

at that time.

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