The Phoenix. April 1, 2009

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The Phoenix



Free Community Newspaper for the People of the Bushfire Affected Areas Incorporating the tradition of ‘The Evelyn Observer’ (Est. 1873), Kinglake Advertiser, Whittlesea Advertiser, Diamond Valley Advertiser, Yarra Ranges Advertiser and Yea Advertiser 20 PAGES


● Paul Vallis, President of Matraville (NSW) RSL (pictured left) and Jim Stephen of Watsonia RSL were in Yea to present a $32,165.05 cheque to Margaret Mahon of Yea Red Cross. The money, raised by members of both clubs,will go towards food preparation facilities at the Yea Recreation Reserve which houses the Red Cross HQ plus sports club catering. More on P10

PHONE: 1-800 231 311. FA X: 1-800 231 312.




EVERY local business throughout the bushfire affected region will qualify for $2000 worth of free advertising in The Phoenix newspaper. The offer is available for the coming 12 months to all business owners in the municipalities of Murrindindi, Mitchell, Nillumbik, Yarra Ranges and Whittlesea. The arrangement provides for a free 40-word listing, worth $40 each week until March 31, 2010. There is no cost whatsoever. Each participating business will be promoted in each issue of The Phoenix, and at its website.

Dozens of local businesses have already taken up the offer, and their listings are featured in a business directory, which starts on Page 15 of this edition. A coupon is also published in this week’s edition for any local business that wishes to participate. The free advertising packages are being privately funded by the owners of The Phoenix, and its major supporters throughout metropolitan Melbourne,country Victoria, and interstate. The Phoenix is published by Local Media Pty Ltd of Eltham, which also publishes the Melbourne Observer and The Victorian newspapers.

Kinglake’s big footy day on Saturday PHOTO: 7 NEWS

● Kinglake Football Club player Daryl Robinson was featured on Seven News, and President Cameron Caine received national publicity for the local team when he appeared on The Footy Show, ahead of this Saturday’s match against Emerald. Cameron wore the commemorative jumper that has been made for the first match of the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League Division 2 season. It will be Kinglake’s big day of coming together. More details on Page 17

Editor Ash Long says: “At least 173 people were killed in the Black Saturday fires that hit this region. “About 2000 homes were destroyed, and an equal number of buildings were damaged. “Many businesses have been hit so hard as the local economy came to a halt over six weeks with communities such as Marysville, Kinglake and Strathewen closed for extended periods. “These totally-free advertising packages are designed to assist local businesses continue in very difficult times, to underscore local employment, and to promote people buying locally from locals.”

Mr Long invited all local businesses to take advantage of the free packages in The Phoenix. “There is no cost at all. There are no ‘catches’. We hope hundreds of local businesses join in.” If 250 businesses take part, the community service initiative will be worth $½-million, plus the significant add-on effect. “Not a dollar of tax- or public money will be used to fund this unprecedented promotion of local businesses.” Businesses can arrange their free package by mailing in the form in this edition, by phone, by fax, or by e-mail. A coupon is on Page 15.

ROYAL COMMISSION HEARINGS CONTINUE Consultation sessions for the Royal Commission being overseen by the Hon. Bernard Teague have been held at Flowerdale, Kinglake, Kinglake West, St Andrews and Yarra Glen. Two days of community consultations will continue next week at Marysville, with morning and afternoon sessions on both Monday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 7. Two sessions will be held at Strathewen on Wednesday, April 8. Strathewen and Marysville suffered the worst number of ‘Black Saturday’ fatalities with 45 and 42 confirmed deaths respectively. Some 38 people were reported as killed at Kinglake, and 22 perished at St Andrews. Final figures are yet to be released by State Coroner, Judge Jennifer Coate. People were also killed at Kinglake West, Flowerdale, Humevale, Narbethong, Whittlesea, Toolangi, Strath Creek, Heathcote Junction, Mittons Bridge, Reedy Creek, Upper Plenty and Cambarville. People wishing to make submissions to the Royal Commission should contact 1-800 842 463. Submissions close on May 18. A website provides information at: www.royalcommission.vic. Mr Teague chairs the Commission. He is being assisted by Ron McLeod and Susan Pascoe. The Commission will deliver an interim report by August 17, and


● The Hon. Bernard Teague

a final report by July 31 next year. The purpose of the community consultation sessions is to hear from affected people about their experience of the bushfires and identify key issues for further research and investigation by the Royal Commission. The sessions are not formal hearings and information from them will not be used as evidence. Formal hearings, which will be open to the public, will commence next month (May). People wishing to appear before the Royal Commission need to make application by 4pm, Thursday next week (April 9): Leave to Appear, GPO Box 4358, Melbourne, Vic. 3001

Page 2 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

News TV link

● Denise Drysdale ■ Media personality Denise Drysdale’s first action when she was able to return to her ‘Daffodil Hill’ property near Neerim South was to package up her collection of 350 plush bears, to take them to victims at the Labertouche fires near Traralgon. The bears provided much comfort to children left homeless after the Black Saturday fires that hit South Gippslabd.

Concert ■ A Recovery Concert was held on Friday (Mar. 27) night at the Alexandra Community Centre, with proceeds going to the Berry Street Bushfire Fund Appeal. Entertainers included Kim Croxford, Duncan Rees, Break The Silence, Sanity Leak and The Fallens infliction.

Building ■ A Building Commission meeting was held at the Council offices, Kinglake, on Friday night (Mar. 27). Assistance is being provided for people seeking to re-build in the fire areas.

Healing ■ Described as the biggest Buddhist temple in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kinglake temple welcomed visitors at the weekend for a Day of Healing. For many locals it was their first glimpse at the extraordinary building and its icons.

The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 3

MARYSVILLE CALLS FOR HELP ■ A focal point in the Marysville community, the Marysville Community Golf and Bowls Club, is putting out a nationwide call for sponsorship, as locals were allowed to return to the district over the past week. Spokesman Travers Stow said: “To help rebuild our town, we need at least one viable tourism related business up and running as soon as possible. “The golf club is our only viable option. Our hope is that a partly functioning golf club will give golfers and visitors from around the country a purpose to visit this lovely town again.” The town’s rebuild will need substantial funding. Members of the public are invited to become a ‘Friend of Marysville Community Golf and Bowls Club”. A form can be downloaded at www. marysvillegolfand Corporatesponsorships include golf holes at $15,000 each, plus a range of other options.

Phoenix Fanfare

■ Rick Wall has been appointed as full-time Manager of the Kinglake Football Netball Club for a nine-month period. His position is being financed by the AFL. ■ More on Page 17

Judging ■ “This must never happen again,” were the words used about the fires by CommissionerBernard Teague at informal hearings with the Flowerdale community last month.

Weekly ● Congratulations to the volunteers of the Mountain Monthly newsletter at Kinglake who produced 8000 copies of a special ‘Black Saturday’ commemorative edition, complete with a colour photo album of the fateful day, and a collection of stories by survivors.

Memorial for pets ● Craig Lovick and Sharon McCulloch, licensees of the National Park Hotel at Kinglake, are welcoming people back to the region, now that roadblocks have been lifted after six weeks since the ‘Black Saturday’ fires. The pair tell their story on Pages 6-7 of this edition of The Phoenix

RADIO STATION OPENS AT KINGLAKE ■ A new temporary radio service has started at Kinglake. ABC Kinglake Ranges is broadcasting on the 971. FM frequency. Louise Fitzroy isl presenting the breakfast program from the Melbourne studio between 6.15am- 7.45 am, each weekday morning. This is followed by Simon Rogers with a morning program from the Kinglake studio between 8.30am- 11am. The local studio is established at the Kinglake Ranges Neighbourhood House. “The plan is for the ABC to provide training and resources to set up a permanent local community radio station, and after three to six months step back and hand the running of the station over the community.” Local information updates are included in the day’s broadcasts from ABC 774.

People Footy

■ A memorial service for pets and wildlife lost in the Black Saturday fire was held at St Thomas Church, Buxton on March 28. Fr Norman and Wendy Davis presented the service to honour and farewell animal companions now gone.

■ The Phoenix Newspaper will be published on a weekly basis from April 20, after the Easter break. Response to the free $2000 advertising package offers to local businesses has been overwhelming. See Page 15 for a coupon to arrange free line listings for your business. FOUND

PONY. Small, black, male. Found in Wildwood Rd, Whittlesea, by the RSPCA, after the fires. Contact: Liz, 9826 3311. J-M★ ___________________________________________


● Simon Rogers The station presents a program called ‘The Local’ at 1pm weekdays. This includes repeats of highlights for the breakfast and morning programs. Kinglake Ranges headlines are included in the 2pm-3pm hour. Another edition of ‘The Local.’ is aired from 5pm-6pm. Simon Brown, Online Editor of the ABC, is maintaining a website with a local flavour.

ABC Kinglake Ranges can also be heard ‘live’ on the internet: kinglake-3763 Simon Rogers played a vital role in bringing fire threat updates during the evening and overnight broadcasts on the ABC during the crisis. The broadcast area includes Kinglake, Kinglake West, Toolangi, Dixons Creek, Flowerdale and Strathewen.

‘Open Mic.’ Jam Session Returns First Sunday of the Month - Starting Sun., April 5 $100 Prize for ‘Best of The Day’ A Day For All Musicians of All Ages After Lunch - 2.30pm-5.30pm

FLOWERDALE HOTEL 3325 Whittlesea-Yea Road, Flowerdale Phone: 5780 1230 Advertising space donated by ‘The Phoenix’

Page 4 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free Newspaper For The People of The Bushfire Affected Areas Incorporating the tradition of the ‘Evelyn Obser ver’ (Est. 1873), ‘Kinglake Advertiser’, ‘Whittlesea Advertiser’, ‘Diamond Valley Advertiser’, ‘ Yarra Ranges Advertiser’ and ‘ Yea Advertiser’

Dedicated to the memory of the victims and survivors of the ‘Black Saturday’ fires: February 7, 2009

CONTACT US Phone: 1-800 231 311 Fax: 1-800 231 312 Head Office: 30 Glen Gully R oad, Eltham, Vic 3095 Post: PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095 Web: E-Mail:

OUR PEOPLE Editor: Ash Long Media Director: Fleur Long Research Director: Kristi Br yant Senior Associate Editor: L ee Jones Associate Editor: Joanna Sgubopulos

ABOUT THE PHOENIX There is no better symbol for the spirit of the people of this region that the Phoenix. The phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage (or purple and blue). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes. From those ashes, a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity

OUR REGION Online Edition Available across the globe on the World Wide Web at Print Edition Covering the communities of Acheron, Arthurs Creek, Bend Of Islands, Beveridge, Black Spur, Break-o'-Day, Broadford, Buxton, Bylands, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Christmas Hills, Chum Creek, Clonbinane, Coldstream, Cottles Bridge, Darrweit Guim, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Donnybrook, Eden Park, Eildon, Eltham, Eltham North, Fawcett, Glenburn, Glenvale, Gobur, Gruyere, Healesville, Heathcote Junction, Hidden Valley, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Kalkallo, Kangaroo Ground, Kerrisdale, Kilmore, Killingworth, Kilmore East, Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Lilydale, Limestone, Marysville, Mittons Bridge, Molesworth, Moranding, Mount Disappointment, Murrindindi, Myers Creek, Narbethong, Nutfield, Panton Hill, Pheasant Creek, Plenty, Reedy Creek, Research, Ruffy, Smiths Gully, St Andrews, St Helena, Steels Creek, Strath Creek, Strathewen, Sunday Creek, Taggerty, Tallarook, Terip Terip, Thornton, Toolangi, Trawool, Tyaak, Upper Plenty, Wallan, Wallan East, Wandong, Warburton, Waterford Park, W atsons Creek, Wattle Glen, Whittlesea, Whanregarwen, Willowmavin, Yan Yean, Yarck, Yarra Glen, Yarrambat, Yea.

YOUR NEWS, YOUR ADS The Phoenix Newspaper is committed to bringing the latest news to the people of the bushfire-affected areas. We aim to be a positive assistance. The support being offered is in no way in competition with any existing newspaper, government, council or support agency efforts. Your News: Contribute your news by phone, fax, mail or e-mail. We want your stories of how you, family and friends are going about the recovery from the fires. Your Photos: Contribute your photos by e-mail. We prefer clear 300 dpi photos, in jpg format. E-mail to: Absent Friends: You can remember ‘Absent Friends’ with a tribute which will be published online and in the print edition. Go to our website for our guidelines. Free Ads: We provide free advertisement listings for all businesses in the bushfire affected area. (P aid display ads are also available). See

IMPRINT ‘The Phoenix Newspaper’ is printed by Streamline Press, 155 Johnston St, Fitzroy, for the publisher, Ash Long, for Local Media Pty Ltd, ABN 67 096 680 063, at the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Road, Eltham, Vic 3095. Distributed in conjunction with the ‘Melbourne Observer’, by Local Media Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election and referendum comment is accepted by the Editor, Ash Long. Copyright © 2009, Local Media Pty Ltd. (ACN 096 680 063)


■ My heart swelled with pride as I watched my friend Margaret Mahon receive a $32,000 cheque for facilities to be used by the Yea Red Cross, presented by other friends at the Watsonia RSL (and Matraville RSL, NSW). “I’ve never seen the likes of the generosity,” said Margaret as she told of receiving a phone call at 3.45pm on Black Saturday to prepare to feed “about 100 people” from Kinglake and Flowerdale. Mrs Mahon described the survivors as “very traumatised”, many with sore eyes, asthma-like symptoms, some with severe breathing problems. “Many of them knew that their homes had gone.”

‘So proud’

The Editor’s Desk

Phoenix Flashbacks

■ The Black Saturday death toll has been revised to 173, down from 210. The words “only 173” - used this week by some media outlets is offensive.


● February 14, 1993: Cr Peter Beales and Yea Shire President Cr Bruce Kindred at the opening of the ‘Shire of Yea SES Kinglake’

with Ash Long “For the cause that lacks assistance, ‘Gainst the wrongs that need resistance For the future in the distance, And the good that we can do”

The Yea Red Cross volunteers were ★ thrilled when two chefs arrived unannounced to help the Black Saturday surviAnother chef closed his Sydney rest★ aurant, came to Yea for two weeksto cook for survivors, and camped in his swag

● Cr Beales, then a Victoria Police inspector, with Cr Lyn Gunter, then Controller of the Kinglake SES, at a Flowerdale combined exercise, 1990s

at the Yea Recreation Reserve.

Matraville RSL President Paul Vallis, ★ who flew to Victoria to present the $32,000 cheque ($22,000 came from

■ If you require materials to construct a dog run or kennel, these can be provided by a community group from Balwyn. Contact Elizabeth on 0401 186 917. EMail: bethandrob7

Open Mic

Matraville) said he was humbled to see the efforts of local people helping their neighbours. Watsonia RSL boss Jim Stephen ech★ oed: “What a fantastic job you’ve done. Australia is proud of you.”

■ The Environment Protection Authority has been carrying out air monitoiring for asbestos at Kinglake, Flowerdale, Buxton, Kinglake West and Narbethong. The DHS Enviromental Health Unit may be contacted in 1-300 761 874. EPA Victoria may be contacted on 9695 2722.

Your dog

Long Shots vors. They were sent to Flowerdale.

● Margaret Mahon ■ The Yea Red Cross volunteers quickly gathered to help the survivors ... who brought with them dogs, cats, a goat, a cockatoo and a horse. The Red Cross girls are familiar with feeding firemen, but it was different for a while with the survivors. “They didn’t want to eat anything.” As people who they knew arrived: “They hugged each other and cried. This went on all night.” There were children to look after, an 11-month-old baby was sent to the Yea and District Memorial Hospital, and people with eye problems were treated at the nearby Ambulance Station. Local Red Cross and other community volunteers served those who made it to Yea: “I am just so proud of all of them.” A Safeway semitrailer soon arrived, full of donated food.

Briefs Revision

● Today, the Kinglake SES unit HQ is a crumbled wreck. Two vehicles were also destroyed on Black Saturday.

Fires claim local businesses

■ Flowerdale Hotel owners Steve and Viv Phelan are re-introducing their monthly ‘Open Mic’ jam sessions from this Sunday (April 5). A prize of $100 goes to the best act of the day. The event runs from approx. 2.30pm-5.30pm. ■ See advertisement on Page 3.

Umpires ■ The Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League is recuiting field, boundary and goal umpires. Training nights are held at the Knox athletic track on Wednesdays. Contact Steve Walter on 5961 5611 or 0408 997 005.

Rivals ● It was 25 years ago this week that your Editor was first acquainted with the Kinglake Hardware outlet in Main Road, Kinglake, when it was run by Jim Hackett and his family. In 1984 we delivered quantities of our newly-acquired weekly local newspaper to Jim’s store, then every week for 10 years - and a quarter of century later, here we are back again. Jim went on to be a Councillor of the then-Yea Shire Council. The hardware outlet, under different owners, was one of the many properties destroyed in the February 7 fire. Together, we will rebuild.

The next print edition of The Phoenix will be out on April 20. Watch our website - - for latest news, and ongoing publication dates.

■ Kinglake won against football rivals Panton Hill last Saturday (Mar. 28) for the ‘King of the Mountain’ title. On the previous Saturday, the Cardinals VAFA team visited. It comprises players including leading barristers, accountants and other professionals.

The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 5

Local News Formula One in K’lake


■ A trio of Whittlesea district women are leading a project to replace family photographs lost in the Black Saturday fires. Angela Ruseell, Jenny Schulz and Kellie Schultz have started the Photo Replacement Program, and say that all members of the public can help. Photo albums are at the heart of a family’s possessions, and the women believe they can assist in co-ordinating an inventory of a range of photos. Details of lass photographs from a number of schools are being catalogued. One real estate agent has contacted the girls to confirm they have kept a file of exterior and interior shots from properties over a number of years. Even photographs of honeymoon locations around Victoria, Australia and overseas are an important component of re-building albums. Ange, Jenny and Kellie say their first work is to put together lists of the photographs sought and those available.

Briefs Medicare ■ Residents who have lost property or belongings can obtain a temporary Medicare card number from any Medicare office, phone 13 20 11, or www.medicareaustralia. .

Rates ■ Nillumbik Shire is offering rate reductions. Full payment of rates was due on February 15. The third instalment of rates was daue on February 28. Both dates have been extended to June 30 – this applies to all properties in Nillumbik. For properties damaged by fire, the rates will be reduced according to the change in property valuation. The review of valuations will commence when safe access is available. Phone 9433 3285.

Market ■ The first Hurstbridge Farmers’ Market will be held on Sunday (Apr. 5) from 8.30 am to 1 pm in Fergusons Paddock, Arthurs Creek Road, Hurstbridge. Gate fees from the market will go directly to local CFA brigades. The Hurstbridge Farmers’ Market will be held on the first Sunday of the month, excepting January.

Good folk ■ Tim Huggins, Editor of Kinglake’s Mountain Monthly, (pictured below, courtesy ABC-1) entertained local radio listeners on Friday with a Hebrew folk song.

● Tim Huggins

● Grand Prix action in Kinglake ■ The 200 metres leading from the National Park Hotel, past the remaining Main Rd shops to Kinglake’s roundabout, was converted to a grand prix circuit on Tuesday last week when Formula One cars gave a demonstration to local people who stood behind barricades. Kobi Davis, 10, and Aidan Buchanan, 13, were aboard a twin-seat Minardi with driver Zsolt Baumgartner. Aidan lost a brother and a sister on Black Saturday. A BMW Sauber was driven by Christian Klien in front of the Kinglake crowd.

Nillumbik Numbers ■ Handy phone numbers in Nillumbik are: ■ Lifeline, 13 11 14 or ■ Parentline, 13 22 89 or www.parentline. ■ Kids Helpline, 1-800 551 800 or ■ Department of Human Ser vices, ■ Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service, 1-800 011 046 or ■ St Johns Anglican Church. 9438 1264 ■ Diamond Valley Baptist Church, 9435 9377

Old albums They have established a website - www. “To assist us in this task we ask that people who are in any way connected to those in the fire zone - former neighbours from years ago, old boyfriends and girlfriends, past workmates etc., to look through your old photo albums and find any pictures that feature, or would be of special significance to, the fire affected families: holiday snaps, photos of their childhood home, 21st birthday parties etc. “Then register with us to participate in this worthwhile venture. We will collect, collate and compile a disk for each ‘fire survivor’ who registers with us. “We will give them two copies of their disk - one to leave with a relative or friend as insurance. We hope that this will ease some of the heartache experienced by these families.” Donations to date have included albums, scans, photographic services and the offer of scrapbooking nights.

Local businesses join with ‘The Phoenix’

■ The Victorian Government has centralised its information and services on the Victorian bushfires to:

Would You Like Every Issue of The Phoenix Delivered To Your Home?

■ Kinglake pharmacist Shanshan Lu-Shirzad has been busy helping families on the mountain since Black Saturday. She is one of more than 70 local businesses who have now agreed to participate in the free advertising packages being offered by The Phoenix Newspaper. A coupon appears on Page 15.

Thousands of free copies of The Phoenix are distributed every week through a network of outlets through most of the bushfire affected areas. The Phoenix can also be read free online at


■ The first Flowerdale residents have moved into the portable chalets at the local Recreation Reserve, following the fires seven weeks ago. The homes are wired, plumbed and have steps in accordance with all the safety regulations. Electricity was due for connection as The Phoenix went to press. "The next lot of semi permanent units are in construction and our first two are furnished and occupied," says volunteer Peter Williams. “The people of

Centralised website

If you would like a copy of each issue of The Phoenix mailed to you, we can arrange a mail subscription to you. The price for a pre-paid subscription for 50 copies, to anywhere in Australia, is $107.50. You can arrange a mail subscription by phoning 1-800 231 311, and pay by Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX). Or lodge the form below with your cheque or Money Order for $107.50. Post To: Mail Subscriptions, The Phoenix PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095

● Temporary homes at Flowerdale Flowerdale are an in- power. The new genspiration to the world erator is in place to with their spirit and provide the extra power needed on site. can do attitude.” “A mains power We are getting a communal kitchen, system is in train and road and lighting put will be done next in; the chalets now week.” have heating and ■ helpflowerdale cooling, hot water and

Yes, please organise a mail subscription of 50 issues of The Phoenix Newspaper.I enclose our Cheque/Money Order for $107.50. Name: Address: Phone: Local Media Pty Ltd Head Office: 30 Glen Gully Road, Eltham, Vic 3095 Mail subscriptions are subject to our Terms and Conditions (see website)

Page 6 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free Newspaper For The People of The Bushfire Affected Areas Incorporating the tradition of the ‘Evelyn Obser ver’ (Est. 1873), ‘Kinglake Advertiser’, ‘Whittlesea Advertiser’, ‘Diamond Valley Advertiser’, ‘ Yarra Ranges Advertiser’ and ‘ Yea Advertiser’

Dedicated to the memory of the victims and survivors of the ‘Black Saturday’ fires: February 7, 2009

CONTACT US Phone: 1-800 231 311 Fax: 1-800 231 312 Head Office: 30 Glen Gully R oad, Eltham, Vic 3095 Post: PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095 Web: E-Mail:

OUR PEOPLE Editor: Ash Long Media Director: Fleur Long Research Director: Kristi Br yant Senior Associate Editor: L ee Jones Associate Editor: Joanna Sgubopulos

ABOUT THE PHOENIX There is no better symbol for the spirit of the people of this region that the Phoenix. The phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird with a tail of beautiful gold and red plumage (or purple and blue). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes. From those ashes, a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — it is also said that it can heal a person with a tear from its eyes and make them temporarily immune to death. The phoenix is a symbol of fire and divinity

OUR REGION Online Edition Available across the globe on the World Wide Web at Print Edition Covering the communities of Acheron, Arthurs Creek, Bend Of Islands, Beveridge, Black Spur, Break-o'-Day, Broadford, Buxton, Bylands, Castella, Cathkin, Caveat, Christmas Hills, Chum Creek, Clonbinane, Coldstream, Cottles Bridge, Darrweit Guim, Diamond Creek, Dixons Creek, Donnybrook, Eden Park, Eildon, Eltham, Eltham North, Fawcett, Glenburn, Glenvale, Gobur, Gruyere, Healesville, Heathcote Junction, Hidden Valley, Highlands, Homewood, Humevale, Hurstbridge, Kalkallo, Kangaroo Ground, Kerrisdale, Kilmore, Killingworth, Kilmore East, Kinglake, Kinglake Central, Kinglake West, Lilydale, Limestone, Marysville, Mittons Bridge, Molesworth, Moranding, Mount Disappointment, Murrindindi, Myers Creek, Narbethong, Nutfield, Panton Hill, Pheasant Creek, Plenty, Reedy Creek, Research, Ruffy, Smiths Gully, St Andrews, St Helena, Steels Creek, Strath Creek, Strathewen, Sunday Creek, Taggerty, Tallarook, Terip Terip, Thornton, Toolangi, Trawool, Tyaak, Upper Plenty, Wallan, Wallan East, Wandong, Warburton, Waterford Park, W atsons Creek, Wattle Glen, Whittlesea, Whanregarwen, Willowmavin, Yan Yean, Yarck, Yarra Glen, Yarrambat, Yea.

YOUR NEWS, YOUR ADS The Phoenix Newspaper is committed to bringing the latest news to the people of the bushfire-affected areas. We aim to be a positive assistance. The support being offered is in no way in competition with any existing newspaper, government, council or support agency efforts. Your News: Contribute your news by phone, fax, mail or e-mail. We want your stories of how you, family and friends are going about the recovery from the fires. Your Photos: Contribute your photos by e-mail. We prefer clear 300 dpi photos, in jpg format. E-mail to: Absent Friends: You can remember ‘Absent Friends’ with a tribute which will be published online and in the print edition. Go to our website for our guidelines. Free Ads: We provide free advertisement listings for all businesses in the bushfire affected area. (P aid display ads are also available). See

Black Saturday: Kinglake hoteliers ■ Craig Lovick and Sharon McCulloch have

owned and operated the freehold of the National Park Hotel-Motel, Kinglake for nearly 2½ years. Everybody who lives “on the Mountain” has a story to tell about the bushfires of Saturday, February 7, 2009. This is their story, theirexperience of that day at their Hotel, and of the days after.

Saturday, February 7 dawned as many of the preceding days had for nearly two weeks prior: very hot. Kinglake had in the previous weeks beaten all locally recorded high temperatures. Usually a wet, moist climate with lots of rain, Kinglake was abnormally tinder dry. Saturday, February 7 also dawned as a day predicted to have fire conditions as bad as Ash Wednesday, hot with a horrendous northerly wind. A fire close to home on this day did not enter our minds as our usual day got started with cleaning to be done, tills to be counted, fridges to be stocked, staff to juggle and a busy night ahead with many people booked in for dinner. Lunch was unusually quiet, people stayed away. It was too hot to eat, cooler to stay at home with the air-con on, or getting fire pumps ready, just in case anything sprang up close to home. Some time after lunch we became aware that a fire near Kilmore East had broken out and that Wandong was going to be evacuated. We sympathised with the owners of Wandong Pub, and remarked how quickly their day had turned from opening up on an average Saturday to being under threat of a bushfire. Little did we know we would soon be in the same dire predicament. About 3pm we decided to take our young son to a friend’s dam for a swim and some relief from the heat. We were only going to be about an hour and Sharon’s Mum was to give us a break from behind the jump. Mobiles were on in case she needed to reach us. Sitting in the dam we were watching a massive plume of smoke from the Kilmore fire get ever larger. The smoke was very dark but high and we presumed it was still miles away near Kilmore. While at the dam, we a watched a second fire start up somewhere behind the Murrindindi Mill, which we believe eventually burned through Marysville. At about 4.15pm Sharon’s Mum called Craig and relayed the message from a local fellow who had come into the Pub and advised that Coombs Road was on fire. This was now quite close to home, but even from Coombs Road, the threat seemed still too distant to become a real problem. We made our way back to the Hotel after dropping our son off at a friend’s house for a play date. Showers were had. Craig was back in behind the bar at 4.45pm when another local fellow came in and advised that he had been travelling down the Heidelberg-St Andrews Road but had to turn back as there was now a massive fire coming up the hill from St Andrews. This was now very close to home and was

● The Kinglake community is grateful for the assistance after Black Saturday now very close to home and was our first real indication that things were potentially turning very bad. At about 4.55pm the power flicked off then came back on. While filling the ensuite sink in our residency, Sharon rang Craig in the Bar and told him to start filling some buckets as the power supply was not looking secure. Seconds later the power failed all together and the Hotel, together with all of Kinglake, was without power and in many cases telephones. At 5pm we closed and locked the Hotel, advising the few patrons that were here to have a think about evacuating as smoke was starting to come heavily into town. Craig rushed to a friend’s house to borrow a generator so we could run our water pump and have some water to fight the fire. Sharon’s Mum collected our son from our friend’s house and they followed her back to the Hotel. Sharon packed important documents and photos and at 5.35pm told her to take our son out of Kinglake. She drove down to the Melba Highway and onto Yea, with the fire not far behind. She was very lucky to get them out, but that is another story. Craig was at this time setting up the generator and helping a CFA volunteer, Phil set up a fire fighting pump off our water tank. As they were setting up the fire fighting pump Craig heard an almighty roar heading towards the Hotel and the sky filled with flames and thick smoke. At about 5.45pm we noticed things starting to burn close to the Hotel and embers started to fall in earnest. Everything then started to happen almost at once. Sharon and Craig ran to the left side of the Hotel property alongside of Lawson’s Function Room where the fire front was approaching. Craig instructed Sharon to take up the fire fighting hose begin hosing down the side of Lawson’s function room and that whole side of the Hotel.

Our back paddock was the first thing on our property to ignite, threatening the rear of the CFA shed next door. Craig ran to tell Kinglake’s CFA Captain, Paul Hendrie that the back paddock was potentially a threat to the CFA Shed. A private tanker of water was bought into the rear of the hotel and water was let go to try and dampen the grass close to the CFA Shed. CFA Volunteer Phil started working his fire fighting pump also onto an area of the back paddock. Sharon looked over towards the Motel units and saw that the Motel paling fence and garden was on fire. The gum tress behind the Motel began to explode into flame and this was at least 15 minutes before any major fire front was near. Embers were now hailing down and being blown with such force onto the Hotel roof that she did not think there was not a chance of something in or around the Hotel catching fire. The next time Sharon looked over towards the Motel units she yelled to Craig that she believed they were lost as now the flames had engulfed the whole nearby paling fence on that side and flames were on the rear of the units. Craig and Phil then used his fire fighting pump on the rear of the Motel units and managed to put most of the fire out in that area. Sharon was still running up and down the left side of the Hotel with the fire fighting hose, wetting down Lawson’s roof and walls, and through the beer garden to also wet down the side of the Bistro Lounge. Sharon had a few CFA volunteers with her helping to stamp out spot fires starting to spring up. CFA Phil had also joined her alongside that side of the Hotel and stood at the ready with his fire fighting hose. Things were starting to get very smoky, hot and dark. Sharon ran into the residency and dipped her shirt in the water basin to get some relief. She also grapped a painters mask to try and protect against the smoke. Craig ran to the CFA Shed and borrowed some CFA helmets

IMPRINT ‘The Phoenix Newspaper’ is printed by Streamline Press, 155 Johnston St, Fitzroy, for the publisher, Ash Long, for Local Media Pty Ltd, ABN 67 096 680 063, at the registered office, 30 Glen Gully Road, Eltham, Vic 3095. Distributed in conjunction with the ‘Melbourne Observer’, by Local Media Pty Ltd. Responsibility for election and referendum comment is accepted by the Editor, Ash Long. Copyright © 2009, Local Media Pty Ltd. (ACN 096 680 063)

● Kinglake’s ‘National Park Hotel’, and the local shops, are open for business

The Victorian - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 7

‘T he Brolg ‘The Brolgaa Project’

recall that fateful day: ‘Our Story’ to protect his and Sharon’s heads and faces from the falling embers and smoke. Sharon was back on the hose at the left side of the Hotel that was facing the fire front coming up the hill from St Andrews. The house across the road from the Hotel started to catch fire. At one point around this time the bulk gas cylinder at the Hardware shop at the other end of the street blew up. The noise of this and the noise of the impending fire front caused Sharon and Craig to have some temporary deafness for a couple of hours after. Sharon could hear the smoke alarms inside the Hotel going off and not long after heard the front door of the Hotel being smashed in. About 10-15 people broke into the Hotel in panic, thinking that it was a safe place to shelter. The Hotel is not a designated fire refuge due to the nature of the building. It is a large, 80year-old cedar building that was very difficult to defend against fire of this magnitude. Sharon raced in and told them to go to the CFA Shed next door as this was a mush safer as it was being defended with water pumps. Sharon raced outside again to take up the hose. Sharon again heard some smashing glass and found a fellow smashing the glass of the front doors of Lawson’s Function Room. He was looking for a fire extinguisher to fight the bushfire! Unfortunately he only succeeded in opening up another part of the Hotel to the relentless ember attack. The 10ft palm tree in the garden bed out the front of Lawson’s was now on fire. Sharon would continually douse it out, only to have it spring up again a couple of minutes later. The leaves on the ground in the beer garden were also flaring up and Sharon was dousing them out as she ran up and down the beer garden stairs. It is very hard to explain to anyone how loud, hot, smoky and dark things became. One could only liken it to standing as close as possible to a jet engine – that would have the same noise, heat and wind force. The first fire front from St Andrews was now well and truly upon us, but it seemed the main noise was coming from the bigger fire front heading from the other direction. The fire was now well and truly in the town and houses across the open area diagonally across from the Hotel were on fire. A car and trailer with motorbikes on it parked out the front of the police station caught on fire. It was now so dark that the only light was from fires burning. When looking down the street we thought the Police Station and the Shire Council Offices were on fire and it seemed as though fire was also at the rear of the main street shops. The shop next to the house across the road from the Hotel had now started to catch fire, again sending an enormous amount of embers and heat directly onto the left side of the Hotel. Our trees and fence along our left side started to smoke and scorch. At this point we were facing the full fire front. People helping us outside had left us to take shelter in the CFA shed. Sharon was starting to feel the air thin out and doused herself in water. The hose had become tangled in the darkness and ran out of water. Craig appeared through the darkness and together they resigned themselves to the fact that the Hotel was potentially lost to the fire now. The only option left was to take shelter themselves until the fire front passed. They ran in the back door of the Hotel with a plan to take shelter in the concrete and steel cellar underneath the Hotel as a last resort. They tried to encourage the 15 or so people in the Hotel to come with them as they did not believe the Hotel at this point was at all safe. People inside the Hotel were panicked and many could not be reasoned with. Thank goodness right at this point Paul Hendrie, Kinglake CFA Captain came in the back door of the Hotel and instructed people to leave the Hotel immediately and evacuate to the CFA Shed as the Hotel was not safe. Paul and Sharon evacuated the people who had taken shelter in the cool room and the Ho-

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Phone: 0418 585 260 ● Publican Craig Lovick welcomes tourist back to the mountain ranges tel was then clear of people who potentially were at threat should the Hotel have caught fire. Craig and Sharon secured the Hotel again and blocked up the smashed front Hotel door against ember attack as best they could. They then made their way outside to the cellar, but once outside realised that the major fire front had passed. The work now began in earnest to mop up and put out any spot fires. Several local people continued to help us. Two or three fellows were up on the roof to guard against any potential roof spot fires and we passed buckets of water up to them from the water tanker now parked adjacent to the Hotel in the side street near the CFA shed. There were at least eight kind locals helping look out for spot fires at the front and side of the Hotel. The second shop across the road now started to smoulder badly and we all joined in to bucket water across the road to try to put it out. If this shop had gone up also, the Hotel and people in cars in the car park would have again faced another threat. The water tanker finally got through all the cars parked around the Hotel and we were able to get a hose onto the side of that building and put it out. Craig and Sharon patrolled the Hotel grounds up until 3am the next morning to ensure that no embers took hold to burn down the Hotel they had fought to save. Once the threat of the fire had passed, Craig and Sharon set to work in assisting the CFA feed the community now gathered at the CFA Shed. The Hotel donated all of its soft drink, tea, coffee, sugar, milk, chocolate bars and potato chips, and gave away all of its meat and bread and other perishables for cooking up at the CFA Shed. We continued to boil water on our gas stove for umpteen tea and coffees. This assistance to the CFA continued for a few days until the remainder of our fresh food perished (from lack of power) and until supplies arrived from the “outside”. The Hotel became a temporary camp ground for SES workers and first aid volunteers. Public toilets were set up on the back lawn as was the Army’s temporary plumbing supplies. Lawson’s function room became at first a debrief centre for local CFA members, and then a communications hub for over two weeks as Telstra set people up with mobile phones, phone chargers, internet access and phone diversions. The Hotel was instructed by the Police to remain closed for at least two weeks. They were concerned at the level of emotion mixed with alcohol in a public place. The Police’s main priority was to locate missing people and account for those who had perished. Craig and Sharon were as emotionally drained as any other person who went through the fire on that day and did not believe it was respectful to open the Hotel, even if the Police had allowed them to. The Hotel was shut for a third week by their insurance company while it repaired all damage due to public liability concerns.

The whole Hotel and Motel was badly affected by smoke damage and parts by ember and fire attack. The Hotel suffered over $160,000 worth of damage in total, with the kitchen and Motel units bearing most of the damage. The Motel units had to be structurally checked to make sure they could be inhabited. All of the plumbing and hot water services burnt at the rear of the Motels were replaced, together with guttering, facia, and skylights. The main part of the Hotel that was broken into suffered damage to the front doors, had smashed smoke alarms, ransacked fridges and animal excrement through the Public Bar. Most of our fencing was burnt and our bore supplying our water was burned and not functioning for over three weeks. We had no power until the following Thursday (an absolutely remarkable feat by the power company to restore so quickly). There really was no rhyme or reason why some buildings burnt and others didn’t. The wind played a big factor, as did a lot of luck. Some people stayed to fight the fire and lost, some people evacuated and their houses remain standing. We were very lucky as fire was literally blown around up the left side of the Hotel. If the fire front had hit us directly side on or at the rear of the Hotel, we think the story would be quite different. There were many people who were heroes on that day and in the weeks after. The Hotel would like to thank the people who assisted in saving the Hotel, especially our local CFA volunteers, Phil who helped saved our Motel units and Captain Paul Hendrie who assisted in evacuating the Hotel when it was under serious fire threat. Some of our stand-out community leaders, especially Anne Leadbeater, have led us through an extremely difficult first month. We are unsure if we made the right decisions on that day but the decision we made was to close our Hotel and try to defend our property and our home. The Hotel should never be considered as a safe shelter, particularly when we were so ill-equipped to fight the massive fire storm that arrived so quickly on that day. We did our best on that day and in the days after. We are extremely proud of our tenacity, courage and emotional strength to have our Hotel open and operating fully three weeks after that World’s biggest bushfire disaster. Locally we need to try to look forward to rebuilding our community, our buildings and lives, and to look forward to better times and days of prosperity and community harmony. Firstly however, we need to grieve and mourn those we have lost and what we have lost in Kinglake, a process that many will find confronting. Memories and scars of that day will take some time to heal. Everybody who lives “on the Mountain” has a story to tell about the bushfires of Saturday, February 7, 2009 – this is the Hotel’s story.

Contact: Stephen North. Web: E-Mail:

IPM Technologies PO Box 560, Hurstbridge, Vic 3099. Ph: 0419 891 575, (03) 9710 1554 Fax: (03) 9710 1354. Contact: Dr Paul Horne. Web: www.ip[ E-Mail:

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Page 8 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Recovery News Kindergarten subsidy ■ The Victorian Government has announced a $715 kindergarten subsidy to bushfire-affected families, which will give families around 10 hours’ free kindergarten a week. This should provide 13 weeks’ free childcare. Call the Bushfire Case Management Hotline on 1800 050 400 for further information and to apply.

Help with funeral costs ■ Families who have lost a member of their family to the bushfires are entitled to $10,000 to assist them with funeral expenses. Please contact the Transport Accident Commission on 1800 332 556 or for further details.

Assistance with stock PIC COURTESY: PHOTOBUCKET


Community Service Hubs

■ Kinglake Animal Relief Centre. 5786 1772.

■ Alexandra. 58 Grant St. Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 9am-5pm. Tue., Thu., 9am-7pm. Sat., 9am1pm. Sun., Closed.

Burning Off

■ Murrindindi Shire Council. Phone: 5772 0333. www,

Bushfire Building Advice Line

■ Department of Human Services. Phone: 1-300 650 172.

Bushfire Information ■ Victorian Bushfire Information. Phone: 1-800 240 667. ■ Country Fire au ■ Department of Sustainability and Environment.

Case Management ■ Victorian Bushfire Case Management Service: 1-800 050 400. ■ Landholders with stock who erect stock containment areas are entitled up to $5300 in funding from the Department of Primary Industries. Please contact Dr Greg Turner, Program Integration Manager, DPI, on 5172 2190 or .

Small business hardship ■ Small businesses in bushfire-affected areas that were not burnt out but are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the fires may be eligible for grants of up to $5000. For more information call the Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 8662 5333.

Local Heroes Grant ■ Small businesses and individuals who provided exceptional support to communities in the aftermath of the bushfires will be acknowledged with a Local Heroes Grant from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund. Grants of up to $8,000 will be available. For more information go to or call 1800 180 213.

Stamp Duty lifted

Human Services

Property Clean-Ups ■ For the free Federal and State Government funded bushfire affected property clean-up and demolition operate, please contact 1-800 136 762 or visit ■ Licensed contractors who are interested in taking part in the government-funded clean-up and demolition program can contact fireclean ■ All property clean-up should be arranged via the above. There will be no reimbursement for private contractors doing clean-up after February 27. ■ A Frequency Asked Questions sheet about the clean-up program is available at www. ing/frequently-asked-questions.html

LOAN CARS AT NO COST ■ GM Holden Ltd (GMH) and Nissan Australia have generously donated loan cars at no cost for limited periods to people directly affected by the bushfires. ■ 300 GMH demonstrator vehicles will be loaned for between three-12 months ■ 100 Nissan vehicles will be loaned for up to six months. Loan cars will be matched with applicants with temporary needs, such as, no insurance for car destroyed in fire, awaiting car replacements by insurance, no access to public transport, car required to get to work and transport children. ■ Eligible people need to complete the Application for a Temporary Loan Car form. ■ Applicants should give their form to their


■ The State Revenue Office is offering the first $1050 in stamp duty to be lifted on noncommercial vehicles lost to the bushfire; and the first $21,970 in stamp duty to be lifted on new homes, for those who lost their principle place of residence in the fires. Visit or phone 13 21 61 for more details on these payments.

● A wrecked car parked outside Kinglake’s old SES headquartters


■ There is no burning off until May 1, 2009. Fire restrictions are still in place, unless revoked earlier by the Country Fire Authority. Bo burning off can take place in the open, even in the fire affected areas. ■ Bushfire Building Advice Line: 1-300 360 320. Supported by the Building Commission. 8am-8pm, Monday-Friday. For advice on who to call, what to do and how tro make sure you have a safe return to your property: www.

● Local Freemasons have been quick to lend a hand to bushfire survivors. A sign at the Whittlesea Masonic temple says $400,000 has been committed.

How money is allocated

● Demonstrator cars are available case manager, or Department Human Services representative. ■ Further information may be obtained from the Relief Centres and/or case managers. Recipients of loaned cars from GMH and Nissan will be telephoned by GMH and Nissan to arrange pick up.

Govt rewards helping heroes ■ The State Government has announced that small businesses and individuals who provided exceptional support to communities in the aftermath of the bushfires will be acknowledged with a grant from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund. Grants of up to $8000 for those who supported others during and after the bushfires will be available. The grant is intended to provide financial support to small businesses and individuals facing immediate hardship, distress or misfortune as a result of their contribution to the bushfire effort. . The grant is not intended to compensate for lost income or outgoings, nor as payment to the many people who provided voluntary services, but as an acknowledgement of exceptional involvement. Recipients of the grant must apply or be nominated to receive the payment. Referees from the community or not-forprofit organisations are required to support nominations. For more information on the various payments available people can call the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund on 1800 180 213 or visit bushfireappeal.

■ The millions of dollars generously donated through the Red Cross to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund has been allocated in the following ways: ■ A $50,000 Rebuilding and Recovery Grant for home owners whose principal place of residence was destroyed by the bushfires. This consists of $35,000 for rebuilding and $15,000 to replace contents. ■ Tenants whose principal place of residence was destroyed by the bushfires will receive a $15,000 payment to cover contents lost or damaged. ■ People whose principal place of residence was significantly damaged by the bushfires and who will have to relocate during rebuilding will receive a payment of $15,000 for repairs and rebuilding. ■ Further needs-based payment will also be made to homeowners whose principal place of residence was destroyed by the fires. ■ People can register to receive more information regarding this payment by contacting the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund on 1800 180 213. Other payments available through the Appeal Fund: ■ Compassion and Bereavement Payment: A $10,000 Compassion and Bereavement Payment is available for the next-of-kin of any Victorian claimed by the bushfires. ■ Initial Home Dislocation Payment: People who have lost their home or whose house is not habitable may be able to receive an initial, Emergency Home Dislocation Payment which amounts to $5000 being available per adult, with an additional $2,000 for each additional adult and $1,500 for each child who lived in the home. ■ Severe Injury Payment: People who have been severely injured and hospitalised as a result of the bushfires, may receive a payment of $7,500. ■ Emergency Tools of Trade Payment: People who work for a business, and have lost equipment and tools vital to their trade, may receive a payment of up to $5,000. Business activities and trades that may be eligible include roofers and fencers, hairdressers, hospitality and catering workers, waste and rubbish removalists, and labourers. ■ Household Repairs Payment: A $3,000 payment is available for people whose primary place of residence has been damaged but not destroyed as a result of the 2009 Victorian bushfires. It aims to cover costs of repairing fire, water or smoke damage, or other repairs to the property. The independent Advisory Panel overseeing the allocation of the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund is currently considering further payments which will be made available shortly. The following financial assistance is offered by Centrelink. Phone 180 22 11 or visit www. to access any of these offers of assistance. • $1000 per adult and $400 per child is being offered to those affected by the bushfire disaster. • If you are entitled to Centrelink payments and were forced to leave your home following the bushfires, you are entitled to a one-off week payment. • If you lost a spouse due to the bushfires and require financial assistance, up to $5000 may be available to you.

The Victorian - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 9

Friends Of The Phoenix PINE FRAMING 90x35 machine graded 12 $2.45p/m 90x45 machine graded 10 $3.35p/m NOW AVAILABLE 70x35 machine graded 10 $2.00p/m ● Discount for bulk orders ● Termite protected pine also available



Page 10 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Local People Cheque presentation to Yea Red Cross by Matraville RSL and Watsonia RSL at Yea Recreation Reserve

● Eddie Frassard, Secretary with Geoff Burrows, Treasurer of Watsonia RSL

● A cheque for more than $32,000 was presented at Yea last week

● Brian and Carol Ward, volunteers with the Yea Red Cross unit

● Wendy Stewart with Lindy Luckman

● Karen McGregor with Judy Crozier

● John Stack, Watsonia RSL CEO, with Jack Mahon of Yea

● Paul Vallis of Matraville RSL, Margaret Mahon and Jim Stephen of Watsonia RSL

● Adele Andrews with Geoff Burrows of Watsonia RSL


The Victorian - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 11

The Phoenix: Magazine

Page 12 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Free advertising listings are available in The Phoenix Newspaper for all small businesses in the municipalities of Murrindindi, Mitchell, Nillumbik, Yarra Ranges and Whittlesea. Turn to Page 15 and lodge the form with The Phoenix.


■ A community meeting for Narbethong, Taggerty, Buxton and Marysville residents was scheduled for yesterday (Tues., Mar. 31) at the Buxton Hotel. The afternoon meeting had originally been timed for Narbethong and Buxton on Monday. Ms Nixon explains that a key goal of the Authority is to ensure that local people have a chance to be actively involved in the process of recovery and rebuilding in their communities. "This forum is the first step toward building a close working relationship with communities," a VBRRA spokesman said. The community meeting aimed to provide information about the Authority, its role and how it will work with local communities. The meeting's agenda also included provision of some information from the Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund advisory panel. Ms Nixon and her team will be visiting around 20 bushfire-affected communities soon to hold similar discussions.

Community BBQ on Sun. ■ A Lions community barbecue will be held at Marysville Golf Course this Sunday (April 5) at 4pm.

Nillumbik’s centre

■ The Nillumbik Shire Council Recovery Coordination Centre has been established to coordinate the bushfire recovery effort. and will be the first point of contact for all bushfire recovery related queries. Phone 9433 3111 or

Concert at Buxton

■ A concert was organised at Buxton Hotel on March 21 as a fund-raiser for the Bushfire Appeal. Artists organised to appear included James Reyne and Capeweed,

● Christine Nixon, Chair of the Victorian Bushfire Recovery and Reconstruction Authority

Triangle News presses on

The Phoenix

■ The volunteers at The Triangle News at Marysville have not missed a beat since the Black Saturday fires. They have produced editions of the free community newsletter on February 21 and 27, and March 13. Copies are available at the Black Spur Inn at Narbethong, the Marysville Golf Club, Buxton Store, the Igloo at Buxton, Alexandra Newsagency and Rescom Healesville. Federal Parliamentarian Fran Vailey has been mailing copies to local residents who require copies. Mailing addresses can be registered with Di Roennfeldt on 5774 7575. The newsletter can also be viewed at the Murrindindi Shire website.


Weekly contract work: Newspaper Delivery to approx. 100 retail outlets We are seeking a motivated person or small business to handle the delivery of bundles of The Phoenix Newspaper, hot-off-the-press to approx. 100 retail outlets, most weeks (excepting January) on a contract basis. The contract involves pick-up of bundles of newspapers from our presses in Fitzroy, late on Sunday nights, and delivery to the door-steps of selected retail outlets through the early hours of Monday mornings. The delivery run follows a regular route from Greensborough/Diamond Creek, then including Eltham, Research, Kangaroo Ground, Wattle Glen, Hurstbridge, Panton Hill, Smiths Gully,StAndrews, Kinglake, Pheasant Creek, Kinglake West, Glenburn, Toolangi, Healesville, Narbethong, Buxton, Taggerty, Thornton, Alexandra, Yarck, Molesworth, Yea, Flowerdale, Strath Creek, Broadford, Kilmore, Wandong, Wallan, Kalkallo, Donnybrook, Whittlesea, Laurimar, Doreen, Yarrambat, South Morang and Plenty. The load would generally be under one tonne. The succesful applicant would require their own well-maintained vehicle, mobile phone, ABN, and an eagerness to help with a unqiue community newspaper project. Payment will be on a weekly basis.

Interested? Expressions of interest should be made to the Editor, Mr Ash Long, at ‘The Phoenix’ Newspaper Phone: 1-800 231 311 E-Mail: (First weekly delivery commences Monday, April 20, 2009)

● James Reyne

See Nicole at Flowerdale Meeting

● Nicole Kidman ■ A free community event is planned for Flowerdale at 4pm this friday (April 3). Attractions include an outdoor cinema, family fun activities, a DJ, food and drinks, a jumping castle, face painting, art classes and sports. The Yea FReeZA Youth Committee has masterminded the community event for the whole family. "Bring your bean bags, chairs or blankets to enjoy the feature movie and finish the night with DJ music for all ages," said a group spokesman. The movie at dusk is The Golden Compass, starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig and Dakota Blue Richards. Free bus transport is available from Yea. Contact Murrindindi Shire Council's Youth Coordinator on 1-800 633 792 This event, at the Flowerdale Primary School Oval, is supported by the Victorian Government and Beyond Blue: the national depression initiative.

■ A community meeting was due to be held at the St Andrews fire station on Monday (Mar. 30) where there was to be a call for expressions of interest in forming a recovery committee made up of 8-10 members. Those not on the committee are invited to have input through their fields of expertise. The incoming committee is be required to set up terms of reference for the recovery committee. Details are available from Helen Kenney on 9710 1519.

Send it ■ Editorial contributions are always welcome at The Phoenix. Fax to 1-800 231 312. Or e-mail to editor@the

The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 13

The Phoenix newspaper

Kinglake, Victoria

Free Community Newspaper for the People of the Bushfire Affe cted Areas

April 2008

AN OPEN LETTER TO COMMU NITY-MINDED PEOPLE ELSEWHERE AROUND AUST RALIA Will you please join us in offeri ng practical help to every bush fire-area business here, and add security to the jobs they provide for local families? ‘The Phoenix Newspaper’ is an innovative new concept, designe d package of free local advertising to each business, in this large reg expressly to give a $2000 ion, over the next 12 months. We expect at least 250 local bu sinesses to take advantage of thi s free weekly advertising, in a bold move to keep as much bu siness ‘local’. More than 70 ha ve already asked for this help. More local trade means stronger recovery for local firms, and mo re security for local jobs.

HOW YOU CAN HELP The 250 free advertising packag es, each at $2000, means a comm minimum of $500,000 suppor itment by us to providing a t over the coming year. We do it sustainable if we get strong su happily. We reckon that is pport from Australian business es outside our wide- circulation area. We can do our bit - if you can do just a little to share the load. We can’t do it alone. We are not asking for donatio ns. But we do want you to take a small $20 ad with us in each issue over the next 12 months. Your business card size ad will promote your company ... but, just as importantly, it will prov ide visible encouragement eve ry week to fellow Australian businesses here, re-finding the ir way. We are not asking for lump su ms in advance. We can bill you at the rate of $20 per weekly edition, on a monthly basis. We are no way in competition with any existing newspaper, government, council or suppor t agency efforts. But we can on ly achieve all this if we have a strong commercial base; no bu siness can afford to run at a los s. That’s where you come in.

PLEASE CALL US TODAY This is a project that offers pr actical help to communities wh ere at least 173 people died, more than 2000 homes were de stroyed, and countless business es are still on the edge. Will you please put aside just $20-a-week in your annual ad vertising budget? That $20 will multiply in doing good. We will work hard to make Please phone us today on 1-800 that ad work for you too. 231 311 to confirm your supp ort. Ash Long Head Office: 30 Glen Gully Road, Eltham, Vic 3095 Phone: 1-800 231 311. Fax: 1-8 00 231 312 Web: E-Mail: .au ‘The Phoenix Newspaper’ - Reg istered Business Name B21643 17L with Consumer Affairs Victo A community ser vice project by ria Local Media Pty Ltd. ABN 67 096 680 063

Page 14 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pages From The Past From Our Files 25 Years Ago - April 1984

Glenburn Brigade’s fire concerns

■ Glenburn Rural Fire Brigade is concerned about the state of Break-o'-Day Road. It says that it is not now considered acceptable for times of emergency during fires. It says the road is too narrow for fire trucks to pass, and the road is in poor condition. Many potholes have developed as a result of use by logging trucks, the Brigade claims. "Many culverts have begun to break away into the road surface, making the road dangerous to fire trucks and general public alike," Councillors will hear at Thursday's meeting, when consideration is expected to be given to the matter.

Pheasant Creek: goats attacked

REMEMBERED: THE WAY WE WERE Phoenix Flashbacks Many family and community photographs were lost in the ‘Black Saturday fires. Groups such as the ‘Photo Replascement Program’ (see P5) are working to help localpeople re-build their albums. The Phoenix plans to publish ‘The Way We Were’ photographs in each edition. Readers are invited to send COPIES of photographs (we do not return originals) to PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095. Scanned photos may be sent at 300dpi to

● An early 1990s primary school fund-raiser at Kinglake including the Beales, Fleming and Nye families

■ Goats were attacked and killed in Pheasant Creek on March 15, the Kinglake Ranger has reported. The ranger said two sheep were also attacked and killed in Kinglake two days later. A search in both cases proved fruitless.

Flowerdale cards news ■ Crazy Whist cards were held in the Flowerdale Hall last week (Tuesday, March 27) in aid of the Yea Nursing Home Appeal. W inners were (Cards, 1st) Mrs Doll Borderick, (Consolation) Mrs Airlie Collins, (Competition) Mrs Coby Praag and (Door) Mrs Nell Roycroft. Net proceeds were $10. The usual friendly afternoon was enjoyed by those present.

Fire hits Yea home ■ Fire badly damaged a home in Craigie St, Yea, late last week. The fire, it seems, started around 2.50am, and was attended by the local fire fighters. It is believed that the fire may have started from an inbuilt wood heater in the home. The house was of weatherboard construction with brick cladding. Little damage could be sighted from the front of the house..

100 at ADP picnic ■ A.D.P. (Aide Dominique Pire) held its annual picnic for overseas university and technical post-graduate students on Saturday (March 31). Some 100 people including students from Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Papua New Guinea were present at 'Willawong'. This was the site for a barbecue lunch, hosted by Mr and Mrs Eric Jowett. It was followed by an afternoon tea at the home of Mr and Mrs Colin Egan.

● Colin Egan

1984 rainfall figures ■ Rainfall at Yea for March was 59.2 millimetres, making a total of 187.2 for the first quarter of 1984. Last year (1983) it was only 72.9mm, of which 30.6mm fell in March.

● Cr Ray Hutchison at a plane crash at Kinglake, circa 1990, as a Kinglake SES Unit volunteer

● Cr Ken Olcorn and Peter Cleeland MHR at the official opening of the Kinglake Child Care Centre on May 21, 1989


■ Yea Chronicle Publisher Tom Dignam stepped down this week after a significant and distinguished career serving the Yea community. The modest but proud Yea man last week produced his final Chronicle as part of his move into a well-earned retirement. Tom Dignam has been well known to the people of Yea and district as a person who has worked for the progress of his town, its people and their interests. Tom started as a printer's devil at The Chronicle soon after leaving school. As the second of four, and now the only surviving, child of a local Yea family, he worked hard for the printing business that later was to become his own. At first he worked for the Purcell family when they owned the paper. After several brief periods of ownership by others, he acquired the business in 1936, taking in his younger brother Edward. The brothers worked industriously in serving Yea people with their own paper, first setting type by hand and then later introducing linotype machinery. Brother Edward served 4½ years in the Army and it was from this time that the period of hard work started from which it would be fair to say that Tom has not been relieved to this time. "Since then the paper has been carried on under a certain amount of difficulty," Tom reflected this week. "The Chronicle has always been noted as being impartial," he reflects, taking care to make sure his remarks are not taken as being immodest. He agrees The Chronicle over the years has probably been in touch with just about every community organisation, within the district. "Having reached 70 years of age, I have been determined to get out give The Chronicle to someone with more technical facility." "I regret having to get out. But when you are 70, it is time to enjoy leisure a bit more than I have."

Phoenix Flashback ‘Tom Dignam Steps Down: Popular Yea Publisher Calls It A Day After A Life Of Service To His Town’ -April 4, 1984

● Tom Dignam at the Yea football

Ever modest however, Tom pays tribute to his family and "a number of very faithful employees". He mentions more than once his family, of whom no doubt he is most proud. Tom hopes that his his forthcoming retirement that he will, with his wife Dorothy, spend more time with their children "who are scattered over Victoria:" Terry (Terese) of Frankston; Maureen Lennie of Box Hill; Anita Coonan of Yea; Dorothy Weekes of Mooroolbark; Genevieve, Carmel and Mary, all of Brunswick; and sons Vincent and Brendan. Tom has had a significant amount of recognition for his community work as both Chronicle publisher and a faithful Yea man over the years. He is a life governor of the Yea and Royal Children's Hospitals. Tom holds life memberships of the Yea District Cricket Association where he has been former Secretary, Boundary Creek Cricket Club (where he played for 34 years), Yea Football Club and the A.P. & H. Society. He also proudly holds a Certificate of Appreciation from the Apex Club of Yea. In addition, Tom served for 17 years as Secretary of St Patrick's Gymkhana. Tom's efforts are summed up by Bill Purcell: "he has been an inspirational man. Anything he can do for the town, he does. And he has reported favourably and independently." Shire Secretary Jim Elvey says: "This is clearly the end of a longstanding and fruitful relationship for Yea Shire and township. "Tom has given willing and generous service over the years, which has been greatly appreciated by the Council. "We join together to wish him a happy retirement, albeit a delayed one." The new publishers of The Chronicle join with all Yea folk in extending to Tom thanks for all favours and courtesies. With them go all sincere best wishes to Tom and 'Dorrie' for a most happy retirement. - April 4, 1984

The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 15

The Phoenix




ION. Phone: 5480 9771. Contact: Cathy Larmer. EMail: 9★ ___________________________________________

DR ANGLEA PALMER. Porviding professional acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage service, counselling and post-fire trauma relief. Unit 2, 1 Victoria Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1889. Fax: 5786 1889. Web: www.kinglakechinese E-Mail:★

ACCOUNTING TAX EQUITY ACCOUNTING. For all your income tax requirements. 83 Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 1311. Fax: 9716 1488. Contact: Ross Nicastri. 9★ ___________________________________________

AUTOMOTIVE KINGL AKE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES. 29 Jorgenens Pde, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 0427 300 865, 5786 5744. Contact: Tony and Samantha Whibley. 9★ ___________________________________________ KINGL AKE MOUNT AIN AUTOMOTIVE. 4 Plover Way, Kinglake W est. Phone: 0409 414 034. Contact: Des Deas. E-Mail: kma558 9★ ___________________________________________ LARMERS A UTOMOTIVE. Factory 2, 5 Laurel St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 2010. Fax: 9716 2094. Contact: Cathy Larmer. EMail: Larmersauto@ 9★ ___________________________________________


FLYING TARTS BAKERY & CAFE. 888 WhittleseaKinglake Rd, Kinglake West. Phone: 5786 5800. Fax: 5786 5807. Contact: L ynette McErlain. 9★


KINGL AKE BAKEHOUSE AND COFFEE SHOP. Specialising in pies, pasties, sausage rolls, sandwiches and pastries. Hot and cold drinks. Shop 1, 1 Main Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1709. Contact: Carol Harvey. 9★ ___________________________________________


NATURALLY YOU BEAUTY THERAPY. 20 years experience. 42 Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 1800, 0418 176 094. Contact: Tracey Molloy. 9★ ___________________________________________

BED AND BREAKFAST CURSON HOMESTEAD B&B. Beautiful relaxing getaway on 8 acres. 1165 Kinglake Rd, Kinglake West. Phone: 5786 5665. Contact: Joan Little. Web: www.cursonhomestead E-Mail: info@cursonhomestead 9★




CIVIL CELEBRANTS A Civil Celebrant for Weddings & other occasions AFCC membersince 1995 Nesta V Russell (Mrs) 9716 1046 9★ ___________________________________________ LOUISE BLEJWAS. Weddings, name givings and celebartions. Kinglake. Phone: 0415 758 850, 9710 1598. Contact: Laurine Blejwas. E-Mail: laurineb@ 9★ ___________________________________________

CLOTHING RANGES COUNTRY CLOTHING. Phone: 0417 144 607. Contact: Denise Tyrell. Web: www.rangescountry. E-Mail: ranges 9★ ___________________________________________

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS LJ’S ALTERATIONS. 2 5 Years Experience. Clothing Alterations. 210 Glenburn Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 2081. Contact: Linda Hamer. 9★


CONVENIENCE STORES PHEASANT CREEK NEWSAGENCY AND CONVENIENCE STORE. 884 Main Rd, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 5786 5300. Fax: 5786 5319. Contact: Cham Chao. E-Mail: kamco@ 9★ ___________________________________________


EARTHWORKS JR’S EARTHWORKS. Bob Cat Excavating, General Earth Moving. Phone: 5786 1220. 0458 506 130, John. 0418 506 130, Damien. 9★


ENGINEERING R & D BURNS ENGINEERING. If you need something made out of metal, give Bob a ring. Extons Rd, Kinglake Central. Phone: 0428 300 357. Fax: 5786 1901. Contact: Robert Burns. 9★ ___________________________________________

EQUINE VETS BR AY EQUINE VETS. Complete equine care. Home vaccination, examination for domestic pets. Phone: 5786 1809. Contact: Dr Simon Bray. 9★


FARRIERS MERRIANG FARRIER AND FORGE. Master Farrier. 60 Braemore Pl, Merriang. Phone: 0406 268. 774. Contact: Ryan Orford. EMail: 9★ ___________________________________________

FLOORS BR ANTWOOD FLOORS. Timber floor installation. Sand and polish. Non-toxic finishes. PO Box 89, Kinglake. Phone: 0417 599 931. Contact: Anthony Perkins. E-Mail: brantwood. 9★ ___________________________________________

HAIRDRESSING MOUNTAIN HAIROLOGY. Shop 1-2 Glenburn Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1707. Contact: Kristy Hurst. 9★ ___________________________________________

HARDWARE KINGL AKE WEST MITRE 10. Save money, time and petrol. Great service and expert advice close to home. 892 WhittleseaKinglake Rd, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 5786 5451. Fax: 5786 5751. Contact: Helen Guzowski. E-Mail: kwmitre10@bigpond.com9★


D B DANCE DYNAMIC S. Children’s classes in jazz, tap, cheer leading, hip hop and classical ballet. Brances at Whittlesea, W allan and Epping. 20 Beach St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 3112. F ax: 9716 3845. Contact: Debra Balmforth. Web: www .dbdance E-Mail: ★ ___________________________________________

DOG GROOMING HOWLING DOG GROOMING SALON. Phone: 0428 786 535. Contact: Alicia Mann. E-Mail: tiarker@ 9★ ___________________________________________

HOLMES HA UL AGE EAR TH WORKS. Bob cat hire. 4 W indana Ct, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 0408 552 694. Contact: David Holmes. 9★ ___________________________________________

KIM’S DOGMATIX. Professional Clipping for all dogs. Phone: 0408 944 662, 5786 1718. Contact: Kim White. 9★ ___________________________________________



WHIT TLESEA BOWLS CL UB. 101 Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 1929. Fax: 9716 1906. Contact: Fin Carroll. E-Mail: whittleseabowls@bigpond. com 9★ ___________________________________________

MELBEN CONSTRUCTIONS AND L ANDSCAPING. Earth moving and concreting. 13 Bald Spur Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 0407 052 252. Contact: Ben Duhig. E-Mail: 9 ★ ___________________________________________

INTERNET SERVICES KABAR TY WEB DESIGN & INTERNET SERVICES. For all your website and ecommerce design, web hosting and domain names. PO Box 90, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 5786 5024. Fax: 8677 1159. Contact: Rose Brown. Web: www.kabarty. 9★ ___________________________________________ MEL@ROSE PROMOTIONS. Promoting internet and communication solutions to rural and country areas. Satellite broadband. You may be eligible for a government grant. Call for furtehr information. No address - lost in fire. Phone/ fax: 0488 224 118. Contact: Melanie Powell. EMail: melanie_rose@ 9★ ___________________________________________ TECH INFO PTY L TD. Internet provider. PC sales and repairs. 61 F ernside Ave, Briar Hill. Phone: 0419 182 858. Fax: 9432 8397. Contact: Andrew Clarke. Web: E-Mail: sales@techinfo. 9★ ___________________________________________

LEGAL SERVICES I. GLENISTER & ASSOC. SOLICITORS. Specialising in conveyancing, wills, probate and all other legal matters. 83 Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 1030. Fax: 9716 1488. 9★


MARTIAL ARTS TAEK WONDO. Mertial arts, olympic sports, fitness and self defence. 31 Shelley Harris Ct, Kinglake. Phone: 0414 888 992. Contact: Tim Huggins. Web: www. 9★ ___________________________________________

OSTEOPATHY DR JUSTINE BOSCAGLIA. 33 Jorgensen Pde, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 0424 956 481. Web: www. au 9★ ___________________________________________

PEST CONTROL PEST BUSTERS. Bees and wasps eradication, sprays for ants and spiders. 13 Royal Cres, Kinglake. Phone: 0438 299 744. F ax: 5786 2170. Contact: Chris Campbell. 9★ ___________________________________________

PHARMACY HURSTBRIDGE PHARMACY. 912 Main Rd, Hurstrbidge. Phone: 9718 2628. Contact: Alan Gear. E-Mail: 9★ ___________________________________________ KINGL AKE COMMUNITY PHARMACY. Prescription dispensing, Blackmore vitamins and all your health needs. Shop 3, 1 Victoria Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1109. F ax: 5786 1049. Contact: Shanshan Lu-Shirzad. E-Mail: kinglake.pharm 9★ ___________________________________________

PLANT HIRE DARREN BRERETON PLANT HIRE. Plant hire and general contractor. PO Box 86, Kinglake West. Phone: 0418 379 729. F ax: 5786 5571. Contact: Darren Brereton. E-Mail: darren★ ___________________________________________

PLUMBERS BROWNES PL UMBING. Treatment plants, septic and general plumbing. Water tanks, domestic, commer cial and industrial. 20 Ninth Ave, Eden P ark. Phone: 9715 1516. F ax: 9715 1516. Contact: Geoff Browne. 9★ ___________________________________________

$2000 FREE ADVERTISING FOR EACH LOCAL BUSINESS * Every local business throughout the bushfire affected region qualifies for $2000 worth of free advertising in The Phoenix newspaper. The offer is available for 12 months until March 31, 2010, to all business owners in the municipalities of Murrindindi, Mitchell, Nillumbik, Whittlesea and Yarra Ranges. The packages are totally free of cost. There is no obligation. The free advertising packages provide a free 40-word line listing, worth $40 each week until March 31, 2010. Each advertisement is listed in The Phoenix Newspaper and also online at To apply for a free advertising package, send the coupon (below) to The Phoenix, PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095. All advertising packages are subject to the approval of the Editor of The Phoenix. The free advertising packages are being privately funded by the owners of The Phoenix and its major supporters throughout metropolitan Melbourne, country Victoria, and interstate. Not a cent of tax- or public-money is being used to fund this unprecedented promotion of local business. ■ The Phoenix is operated by Local Media Pty Ltd of Eltham, publishers of the Melbourne Observer, The Victorian, Travel Monthly and other publications. The Editor is Mr Ash Long.


PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES 0 6 9 TOTAL VALUE OF LOCAL ADS DONATED BY THE PHOENIX $ 1 3 8 0 0 0 LODGE THIS COUPON FOR YOUR FREE 40-WORD ADVT. Your business can have a free 40-word listing in each edition of this free newspaper, and also at our website - The free service is worth $40 a week, and is available totally without charge to businesses in the Murrindindi, Nillumbik, Mitchell, Whittlesea, Yarra Ranges regions. It is important to promote local businesses as this region rebuilds. (All ad listings are at the sole discretion of the Editor of The Phoenix). Post this coupon to: The Phoenix, PO Box 1278, Research, Vic 3095 If not enough space on this form, attach wording on a plain sheet of paper. Listing Information:

MIKIC PLUMBING. 345 Yea Rd, Whittlesea. Phone: 0412 290 367. Contact: Michael Mikic. 9★ ___________________________________________ REDGUM PL UMBING & MAINTENANCE. 214 Glenburn Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 0418 368 618. Contact: Richard Clark. 9★

Business Name Address


PRINTERS RODA GRAPHIC S. General printers. Business stationery, brochures, marketing. Shop 4, 1 Victoria Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 2178, 0411 231 302. Contact: Brad Quillian. W eb: E-Mail: rodagraphics@ 9★


Phone Fax Contact Name Website E-Mail

Page 16 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009


PRODUCE WHITTLESEA PRODUCE. 31 Forest St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 2459. Fax: 9716 1978. Contact: John Downey. W eb: www. E-Mail: john@whittlesea 9★


The Phoenix Newspaper is a free community newspaper available in the bushfire affected areas, through a network of outlets. We have taken the liberty of delivering bulk quantities to the following outlets throughout the Shires of Murrindindi, Nillumbik, Mitchell and Yarra Ranges. We thank these businesses for their assistance in bringing The Phoenix to you. ALEXANDR A, 3717 * Alexandra Foodworks 102 Grant St. 5772 1615 + Alexandra Library. 49 Grant St. 5772 0349. * Alexandra Newsagency. 82-84 Grant St. 5772 1025. + Commercial Hotel. 65 Grant St. 5772 1004. + Mount Pleasant Hotel. 90 Grant St. 5772 1083. + Shamrock Hotel. 80 Grant St. 5772 1015. + Shire of Murrindindi Office. 28 P erkins St. 5772 0333. BONNIE DOON, 3720 + Bonnie Doon Supermarket. Maroondah Hwy. 5778 7236 BROADFORD, 3658 * Broadford Newsagency. 67 High St. 5784 1487. + Grasso's Supermarket. 65 High St. 5784 1405 + Shire of Mitchell Offices. 113 High St. 5734 6200 BUX TON, 3711 * Buxton General Store. 2187 Maroondah Hwy. 5774 7301 DIAMOND CREEK, 3089 + Caltex Service Station. 103-109 Main Hurstbridge Rd. 9438 5740. * Diamond Creek Newsagency. 62A Main Hurstbridge Rd. 9438 1470 + Nillumbik Cellars. 11 Chute St. 9438 1249 * Ritchies Supermarket. 64 Main Rd. 9438 2455 DONNYBROOK, 3064 + Donnybrook Hotel. 825 Donnybrook Rd. 9745 2380 + Donnybrook Store. 810 Donnybrook Rd. 9745 2219 DOREEN, 3754 * Doreen General Store. 920 Yan Yean Rd. 9717 3509 EILDON, 3713 + Eildon Bakery Cafe. 10 Main St. 5774 2362 * Eildon Newsagency. Main St. 5774 2372 ELTHAM, 3095 * Eltham Newsagency. 958 Main Rd. 9439 9612. ELTHAM NORTH, 3095 + Sharkys Seafood Cafe. 33 Wattletree Rd. 9439 9360 FLOWERDALE, 3717 * Flowerdale Hotel. 3325 Whittlesea-Yea Rd. 5780 1230 * Hazeldene General Store. Broome Rd. 5780 1202. GLENBURN, 3717 * Glenburn (United) Roadhouse. 3883 Melba Hwy. 5797 8312 GREENSBOROUGH, 3088 + Shire of Nillumbik Office. Civic Dr. 9433 3111 HEALESVILLE, 3777 * Healesville Newsagency. 195 Maroondah Hwy. 5962 4161 HURSTBRIDGE, 3099 * Hurstbridge Newsagency. Main Rd. 9718 2045 KALKALLO, 3064 + Kalkallo Hotel. Hume Fwy, 9745 2206 KANGAROO GROUND, 3097 * Kangaroo Ground Supply Store. Eltham-Yarra Glen Rd. 9712 0200. * Kangaroo Ground Post Office. c/- Kings Winery. 15 Graham Rd. 9712 0666. KILMORE, 3764 + BP Roadhouse. 102 Sydney St. * Finch's IGA Supermarket. 22 Sydney St. 5782 1018. * Foodworks Supermarket. 84 Sydney St. 5782 1007 + Kemps Bakery. 65 Sydney St. 5781 0178 + Kilmore Library. 12 Sydney St. 5782 1322 * Kilmore Newsagency. 41 Sydney St. 5782 1465 + Putker's Bakery. 54 Sydney St. 5782 1129 + Red Lion Hotel. 45 Sydney St. 5782 1411 + Royal Oak Hotel. 29-31 Sydney St. 5782 1291 KINGL AKE, 3763 * Kinglake Food Works. 12 Main Rd. 5786 1555 * National P ark Hotel. 28 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. 5786 1230 + Kinglake Bakehouse. 1/1 Main Rd. 5786 1709 + Kinglake Library. 19 Kinglake-Whittlesea Rd. 5786 1522 KINGL AKE WEST, 3757 * Flying Tarts Bakery & Cafe. 888 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd. 5786 5800. L AURIMAR, 3754 + Laurimar Cafe. 25 Hazel Glen Dr. 9717 4151 LILYDALE, 3140 + Shire of Yarra Ranges Offices. 15 Anderson St. 1-300 368 333 MANSFIELD, 3722 + Mansfield Newsagency. 57-59 High St. 5775 2649

MARYSVILLE, 3779 ^ To Be Advised MERTON, 3715 + BP Merton Roadhouse. Maroondah Hwy. 5778 9507 MOLESWOR TH, 3718 + Molesworth Hotel. Goulburn V alley Hwy. 5797 6266 NARBETHONG, 3778 * Black Spur Inn Hotel. 436 Maroondah Hwy. 5963 7121 PANTON HILL, 3759 * Panton Hill General Store & Post Office. 9719 7771 PHEASANT CREEK, 3757 + Pheasant Creek General Store. 884 Main Rd. 5786 5309 PLENTY, 3090 + Plenty Store.119 Yan Yean Rd. 9434 4472 RESEARCH, 3095 + Research Licensed Post Office 1546 Main Rd. 9437 0544 * Research Supermarket. 1540 Main Rd. 9437 2374 SEYMOUR , 3660 * Seymour newsXpress. 66 Station St. 5792 1129 SMITHS GULLY, 3760 * Smiths Gully General Store. 9710 1295. SOUTH MORANG, 3752 + City of Whittlesea Offices. F erres Blvd. 9217 2170. * South Morang Newsagency. 17-19 Gorge Rd. 9404 1502 ST ANDREWS, 3761 * St Andrews General Store. Main Rd. 9710 1200 STRATH CREEK, 3658 * Strath Creek General Store. Glover St. 5784 9220. TAGGER TY, 3714 * Taggerty General Store. 26 Thornton Rd. 5774 7201. TALL AROOK, 3659 + Tallarook General Store. 36 Main St. 5792 2228 + Tallarook Hotel. 7 Main St. 5792 1743 THORNTON, 3712 * Thornton General Store. 1365 Taggerty Rd, Thornton. 5773 2265. TOOL ANGI, 3777 * Toolangi General Store. 5962 9297 + Toolangi Tavern. 1390 Myers Creek Rd. 5962 9398 WALLAN, 3756 + Hogan's Hotel. 92 High St. 5783 1251 + United Service Station. 11 High St. 5783 3200 + W allan Library. Shop 12. Wellington Square. 5783 3555 + W allan Milk Bar. Shop 2, 41 High St. 5783 1809 * W allan Newsagency. 59 High St. 5783 1215 WALLAN EAST, 3756 + Rattlers Hotel. 21 Station St. 5783 1324 WANDONG, 3758 * IGA Supermarket. Shop 8, 3272 Epping-Kilmore Rd. 5787 1911 + K emps Bakery. Shop 4, 3272 Epping-Kilmore Rd. 5787 2155 + Magpie and Stump Hotel. Epping-Kilmore Rd. 5787 1999 * Wandong General Store. 3307 Epping-Kilmore Rd. 5787 1201 WATTLE GLEN, 3096 * P eppers Paddock General Store. 13 Kangaroo Ground Rd, Wattle Glen. 9438 4030. WHIT TLESEA, 3757 * Foodworks Whittlesea. 65 Church St. 9716 2257 + IGA Supermarket. 1-22 Church St. 9716 2005 + Royal Mail Hotel. 29 Beech St. 9716 1400. + Whittlesea Hotel. 2424 Plenty Rd. 9716 2002 * Whittlesea newsXpress. 57 Church St. 9716 2060 YARCK, 3719 * Yarck General Store. 6595 Maroondah Hwy, Yarck. 5773 4204. YARRA GLEN, 3775 * Yarra Glen Newsagent. 32 Bell St. 9730 1392. YARRAMBA T, 3091 * Yarrambat General Store. 466 Ironbark Rd. 9436 1434 YEA, 3717 + Amble Inn Cafe. 24 High St. 5797 2680 + Country Club Hotel. 18 High St. 5797 2514 + Elmers. Shops 3-4, 10 High St. 5797 2080 + Mobil Service Station. 31 High St. 5792 2008 + Royal Mail Hotel. 88 High St. 5792 2515 * Yea Foodworks. 10-24 High St. 5797 2611 + Yea Library. The Semi-Circle. 5797 2209 * Yea Newsagency. 74 High St. 5797 2196 + Yea Take-Away. 68 High St. 5792 2664

JACK HOR T MEMORIAL POOL. Open to the public. Swimming lessons available. Camerons Rd, Healesville. Phone: 5962 2709. Contact: Ross Ilsley. E-Mail: healesvillepool@yahoo. 9★ ___________________________________________

REAL ESTATE MASON WHITE McDOUGALL REAL ESTATE. For all your real estate needs, contact us. Shop 1 Glenburn Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1199. Fax: 5786 1149. Contact: Moray Sharp. W eb: www.mwm E-Mail: moray@mwmrealestate. 9★ ___________________________________________

SEPTIC TANK CLEANING YARR A VALLEY SEPTIC S. PO Box 326, Healesville. Phone: 5962 4841, 0419 131 958. Contact: Ben Wallace. E-Mail: yarravalley 9★


SEWING MACHINE SERVICE SEWING MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIRS. Specialising in heavy-duty walking foot sewing machines to suit canvas upholstery and leather. All work gauranteed with fast, friendly service. 830 Kinglake-Whittlesea Rd, Pheasant Creek. Phone: 0425 833 775. Contact: Oliver Milanovic. E-Mail: olly 9★ ___________________________________________

SHEEPSKIN PRODUCTS GET FLEECED. Australian sheepskin products, ugg boots, mocassins and much more. Shop 1, 43 Victoria Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 0415 758 850. Contact: Laurine Blejwas. E-Mail: Laurineb@ 9★


SOLAR POWER KINGL AKE SOLAR. Slash hot water bills. 14 George St, Kinglake. Phone: 0418 356 676. Fax: 5786 1449. Contact: Ken Heal: E-Mail: 9 ★ ___________________________________________

SOUND IMAGING SOUND IMAGING. Medical ultra sound. 45 Station St, Yea. Phone: 5736 0400. Fax: 9012 4299. Contact: Andrea Whitaker. E-Mail: soundimaging@bigpond. com 9★ ___________________________________________

STOCK FEED ST ANDREWS STOCK & FEED. Elgas distributors. 66 Main Rd, St Andrews. Phone: 9710 1673. Fax: 9710 1652. Contact: Allen and Jamie Frankenburg. EMail: st_andrews_stockfeed 9★


SUPERMARKETS KINGLAKE FOODWORKS. What can we do for you today? Come and see us for great everyday specials. 12 Main Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1555. Fax: 5786 1481. Contact: David Niceski. E-Mail: kinglake ★ ___________________________________________


This is an interim list only, and is subject to changes, road openings and access. If you would like to have free copies of The Phoenix available at your business for free distribution to the public, please phone on 1-800 231 311 and leave a message. Or e-mail:


SWAP SHOP. Antiques and Collectables. Building materials, new and used furniture. c/- Margaret St & Kinglake-Whittlesea Rd, Kinglake West. Phone: 0418 581 326. Contact: Jo Miraglia. 9★

TAEKNOWDO MELBOURNE TAEK WONDO. Classes for all groups and belts. Equal number of males/females. Catering for families. At Kinglake, and Studio 5, Church St, Whittlesea. Phone: 0416 728 912. Contact: Paul Lucas. Web: au E-Mail: kinglake@ 9★ ___________________________________________

TAKE-AWAY FOOD KINGLAKE DINER . Best burgers on the mountain. Fish and chips, souvlakis, coffee, sandwiches. 31 Whittlesea-Kinglake Rd, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 1544. Fax: 5786 1544. Contact: Simon Drews. EMail: au 9★ ___________________________________________

TANK CLEANING ACCENT ON TANK CLEANING. 83 Killara Rd, Coldstream. Phone: 0407 684 910. Fax: 5964 9391. Contact: Howard Ward. 9★


TOWING BANYULE TOWING. Can carry up to 4 tonne. Earth moving equipment, fork lift, light trucks and cars. Also old car removal. 964 Main Rd, Kinglake West. Phone: 0414 566 233. Contact: Lance Crick. 9★




BAZZ TOW. Tilt Slide Tray. 4-wheel drives, trade tows, custom cars. 94 The Ridge, Kinglake. Phone: 0400 987 428. Contact: Barry Beaston. 9★ ___________________________________________

UNLIMITED TREE SERVICES. Tree and stump removal. Kinglake West. Phone: 0407 804 472, 0419 506 739. Contact: Aaron Thomas, Nei Roberts. 9★ ___________________________________________

TRAINING PERSONAL TRAINING. Fully equipped PT studio. One on one personal training. Small group adult and kids circuit classes. Small group martial arts classes. (Muay Thai, boxing, submission wrestling & MMA). 5 Aitken Cres, Kinglake. Phone: 5786 2142. Web: martialartsand EMail: au 9★ ___________________________________________ TEX ’S ONE ON ONE TRAINING. 5049 Whittlesea-Yea Rd, Yea. Phone: 0438 075 025.Contact: Brett Walker. 9★ ___________________________________________


SPEEDY TV SERVICES. TV antenna, installations and repairs, satellite install ations, digital TV services 19 Banksia Ct, Castella 0417 772 830 Contact Damion Baker. E-mail 9★ __________________________________________


LUX VACUUM CLEANER SERVICE. (Formerly called Electrolux). Lux sales service and repairs. Phone 0410 636 974. Contact Daya Silva. E-Mail rdimporters1@optusnet 9★ __________________________________________

WATER TREE SERVICES ST AR TREE SERVICES. T ree removals and assessments. Any reports required by Councils. 1635 Main Rd, Research. Phone: 9437 1745. Contact: Rhonda Leslie. Web: www. E-Mail:★


TREE LINE CLEARING PTY LTD. Remove trees and stumps. Pruning and mulching. 525 Maroondah Hwy, Lilydale. Phone: 9739 1295. Contact: terry and Jan Simmonds. Web: www. EMail: treelineclearing@ 9★ ___________________________________________ TREE FELLING. General and farm fencing. Anthony McMahon. 37 Thomson Lane, Kinglake. Phone: 0409 143 237. Fax: 5786 1427. Contact: Anthony McMahon. E-Mail: maccas 9★ ___________________________________________

HILLTOP WATER . Natura spring water. Local Kinglake business. Kinglake Central Phone: 0408 126 042 Contact: Merelyn and David Carter. 9★ __________________________________________

HIGH MOUNTAIN SPRING WATER. Prompt delivery to all fire affected areas Kinglake. Phone: 0438 083 570. Contact: Dean Williams. Web: www.high E-Mail 9★ __________________________________________


BRUCE’S CLAS SIC WEDDING CAR HIRE. 1939 and 1947 burgundy Buicks. Northern suburbs and surrounding districts. 35 Beech St, Whittlesea. Phone: 9716 3112. Contact: Bruce Balmforth. Web: www.bruceswedding E-Mail: 9★ ___________________________________________

The Victorian - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 17


■ A commemorative guernsey remembering ‘February 7, 2009’ will be worn by Kinglake Football Club players in the first game of the season this Saturday (April 4) at the Kinglake ground, Extons Rd. Club President Cameron Caine showed off the jumper on The Footy Show, with TV promotion being given by Billy Brownless, Sam Newman, and cohosts Garry Lyon and James Brayshaw. This Saturday’s match is against Emerald, and will be the club’s biggest fixture since its won the Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League grand final in 1994. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is club patron this year. Federal Minister Peter Garrett is expected to sing the National Anthem at Saturday’s match. The chair of the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority, Christine Nixon, is expected to attend the game. It is hoped that she may even work on the gate for a hour or so.


Phoenix Flashback Latest From The Locker Rooms

YVMDFL matches

● Unfurling of the 1994 YVMDFL flag at Kinglake in 1995

Juniors job decision

● Kinglake Football Club President Cameron Caine displays the commemorative guernsey on The Footy Show Much work has been done by the Club Committee led by President Cameron Caine, VicePresident Danny Heal, Secretary Lyn Normington and Treasurers Laura Caine and Rohan McLellan. Other Committee members include

David Stoneman, Lauren Stoneman, Mick and Ange, Gary Styles, Catherine Muir, James Kelly, Michelle Dunscombe, Brooke Coleman, Tony Gibbs, Dionne Smith, Glenn and Janine McAllister, Sian Caine, Ashley Geelan (website), Aaron Westworth (new jumpers/yearbook) The Cluib has organised memberships for people wishing to support the district: Members receive a "We Can't Be BeatenKinglake Football/ Netball Club" bumper sticker and an "I'm a Kinglaker Too" membership. Non-playing adult membership is $50; the Croc Club fee is $100; and there is a 200 Club. Mebership application forms are available at the club website which can be accessed through Kinglake Football Netball Club has appointed a full-time club manager, Rick Wall, for 2009, in a move that has been ● Billy Brownless funded by the AFL. ■ A gala night in aid of the Kinglake commuThe appointment nity was held on Saturday (March 28) at the of former Triple M, Crown Entertainment Centre. Vega and Sport 927 ‘Containment Lines’ featured media per- journalist Rick Wall sonalities Billy Brownless and Ange Pippos to the position of Genas hots, with entertainment by Daryl eral Manager is for a Braithwaite and Belle Roscoe. nine-month period. Current day players attended from the CarlCEO of the ton, Hawthorn, Richmond and Geelong foot- YVMDFL, Stephen ball clubs. Tickets to the Crown Palladium event were $150 per person. All proceeds are being directed to the Kinglake community.

Billy hosts Lakers night

Walter, says that Rick is ideally suited to the role and will add considerable value in what is a challenging task. Rick is well known in local sport; he is a life member at the Olinda Ferny Creek Football Club, Olinda Cricket Club and the Ranges Basketball Club “Rick’s primary role will be to get Kinglake up and running and competing in 2009. “Rick will also play a key part in shielding the Kinglake committee and members from the significant workload associated with managing the affairs of the football and netball club so that they can dedicate their scarce time to re-build their homes, families and businesses. Rick’s position is financed by the AFL which has been a supporter for the role. Rick says the challenge of repairing fire damage to the ground while attempting to set the Club up for years to come is daunting but exciting. So far the response from locals has been “inspiring”. Kinglake President Cameron Caine says he looks forward to working with Rick in the coming weeks and months.

■ The Yarra Valley Mountain District Football League and Dandenong Ranges Junior Football League are pleased to announce the appointment of David Bullen as ‘Junior Umpire Director’ for 2009. YVMDFL CEO Stephen Walter says “David is a dedicated umpire with many years of service to the YVMDFL and DRJFL. “He has a passion for junior development and is ideally suited to both develop our junior umpires and to facilitate the important role of umpire appointments within the DRJFL”. President of the DRJFL Doug Evans says “David is an excellent candidate for the job at hand and I look forward to working with him during the 2009 season”.

Footy day raises $62,358

● Anthony Koutoufides ■ The Northern Football League organised a Bushfire Appeal Day to help raise funds. The event was originally scheduled to be held at the Whittlesea Showgrounds, but due to the on going relief effort, it was moved to Barling Reserve, Reservoir on February 22. An estimated crowd of 10,000 poured through the gates over the course of the day, to help raise a total of $62,358 for the Bushfire Appeal. Feature of the day was an East versus West exhibition football match played between representatives from all NFL clubs. Along with many of the league’s stars, guest appearances from former AFL players, such as Anthony Koutoufides, Ang Christou, David Teague and Angelo Lekkas, added to the excitement of the game. Radio station SEN broadcasted live from the day, and an enormous auction sold off memorabilia items. “We’re pretty proud of the contribution that has been made,” said NFL Football Operations Manager, Jarrad Carey. “The response from everyone was just fantastic.”

Division 2, Round 1 Saturday, April 4 Belgrave vs Yea Kinglake vs Emerald Olinda Ferny Creek vs Seville Powelltown vs Yarra Junction Thornton Eildon vs Yarra Glen Division 2. Round 2 Saturday, April 18 Emerald vs Thornton Eildon Seville vs Powelltown Yarra Glen vs Olinda Ferny Creek Yarra Junction vs Belgrave Yea vs Kinglake Division 1. Round 1 Saturday, April 18 Alexandra vs Monbulk Silvan vs Mount Evelyn Upwey Tecoma vs Woori Yallock Wandin vs Healesville Warburton Millgrove vs Gembrook Cockatoo

NFL practice matches Saturday, April 4 Bundoora FC: Bundoora v West Coburg (EDFL), @ Bundoora (Yulong Reserve, Bundoora) Diamond Creek FC: Tullamarine (EDFL) v Diamond Creek, @ Tullamarine (Spring Street, Tullamarine) Eltham FC: Eltham v Macleod, @ Eltham (Panther Place, Eltham) Epping: Epping v Old Carey (VAFA), @ Epping (High St, Epping) Heidelberg FC: Heidelberg v Noble Park (EFL), @ Heidelberg (Warringal Park, Heidelberg) Lalor FC: Lalor v Northcote Park, Venue TBA Lower Plenty FC :Lower Plenty v Old Geelong, @ Lower Plenty (Para Rd, Montmorency) Macleod FC: Eltham v Macleod, @ Eltham (Panther Place, Eltham) Montmorency FC: Balwyn (EFL) v Montmorency, @ Balwyn (Balwyn Park, Balwyn) Northcote Park: Lalor v Northcote Park, @ Lalor (Sydney Cres, Lalor) North Heidelberg FC: April 5 - North Heidelberg v Wantirna South (EFL), @ Heidelberg West (Beverly Road, Heidelberg). This game could be transferred to Shelley Park on Saturday April 4 depending on the state of Shelley Park. Parkside FC: Romsey (RDFL) v Parkside, @ Romsey (Barrack Street, Romsey) Thomastown FC: Thomastown v Whittlesea, @ Thomastown (Main St, Thomastown) West Preston Lakeside: Norwood (EFL) v West Preston, @ Norwood(Mullum Rd, Ringwood)

AFL matches ROUND 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Adelaide v St Kilda AS (N) SATURDAY, APRIL 4 Geelong v Richmond SS Collingwood v Melbourne MCG Carlton v Brisbane Lions TD (N) Sydney v Hawthorn ANZ (N) SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Essendon v Fremantle TD Western Bulldogs v North Melbourne MCG West Coast v Port Adelaide S (T)

Page 18 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Phoenix


LOCAL FOOTBALL: 2009 FIXTURES YVMDFL Div. 1 Round 1. Saturday, April 18 Alexandra v Monbulk Silvan v Mount Evelyn Upwey Tecoma v Woori Yallock Wandin v Healesville Warburton Millgrove v Gembrook Cockatoo Round 2. Saturday, April 25 Healesville v Warburton Millgrove Monbulk v Upwey Tecoma Gembrook Cockatoo v Silvan Mount Evelyn v Alexandra Woori Yallock v Wandin Round 3. Saturday, May 2 Alexandra v Gembrook Cockatoo Mount Evelyn v Monbulk Silvan v Healesville Wandin v Upwey Tecoma Warburton Millgrove v Woori Yallock Round 4. Saturday, May 9 Gembrook Cockatoo v Mount Evelyn Healesville v Alexandra Monbulk v Wandin Upwey Tecoma v Warburton Millgrove Woori Yallock v Silvan Round 5. Saturday, May 16 Alexandra v Woori Yallock Monbulk v Gembrook Cockatoo Mount Evelyn v Healesville Silvan v Upwey Tecoma Warburton Millgrove v Wandin Round 6. Saturday, May 23 Healesville v Gembrook Cockatoo Upwey Tecoma v Alexandra Wandin v Silvan Warburton Millgrove v Monbulk Woori Yallock v Mount Evelyn Round 7. Saturday, June 6 Alexandra v Wandin Gembrook Cockatoo v Woori Yallock Monbulk v Healesville Mount Evelyn v Upwey Tecoma Silvan v Warburton Millgrove Round 8. Saturday, June 13 Silvan v Monbulk Upwey Tecoma v Gembrook Cockatoo Warburton Millgrove v Alexandra Woori Yallock v Healesville Wandin v Mount Evelyn Round 9. Saturday, June 20 Alexandra v Silvan Gembrook v Cockatoo v Wandin Healesville v Upwey Tecoma Monbulk v Woori Yallock Mount Evelyn v Warburton Millgrove Round 10. Saturday, June 27 Gembrook Cockatoo v Warburton Millgrove Healesville v Wandin Monbulk v Alexandra Mount Evelyn v Silvan Woori Yallock v Upwey Tecoma

Round 12. Saturday, July 11 Gembrook Cockatoo v Alexandra Healesville v Silvan Monbulk v Mount Evelyn Upwey Tecoma v Wandin Woori Yallock v Warburton Millgrove

Round 6. Saturday, May 16 Olinda Ferny Creek v Thornton Eildon Powelltown v Kinglake Belgrave v Yarra Glen Seville v Emerald Yarra Junction v Yea

Round 13. Saturday, July 18 Alexandra v Healesville Mount Evelyn v Gembrook Cockatoo Silvan v Woori Yallock Wandin v Monbulk Warburton Millgrove v Upwey Tecoma

Round 7. Saturday, May 30 Thornton Eildon v Powelltown Kinglake v Belgrave Emerald v Olinda Ferny Creek Yea v Seville Yarra Glen v Yarra Junction

Round 14. Saturday, July 25 Gembrook Cockatoo v Monbulk Healesville v Mount Evelyn Upwey Tecoma v Silvan Wandin v Warburton Millgrove Woori Yalloock v Alexandra Round 15. Sat., August 1 Alexandra v Upwey Tecoma Gembrook Cockatoo v Healesville Monbulk v Warburton Millgrove Mount Evelyn v Woori Yallock Silvan v Wandin Round 16. Sat., August 8 Healesville v Monbulk Upwey Tecoma v Mount Evelyn Wandin v Alexandra Warburton Millgrove v Silvan Woori Yallock v Gem.-Cockatoo

Round 8. Saturday, June 6 Belgravev Thornton Eildon Kinglake v Yarra Glen Powelltown V Emerald Olinda Ferny Creek v Yea Seville v Yarra Junction Round 9. Saturday, June 13 Thornton Eildon v Kinglake Emerald v Belgrave Yea v Powelltown Yarra Junction v Olinda Ferny Ck Yarra Glen v Seville Round 10. Saturday, June 20 Yarra Glen v Thornton Eildon Emerald v Kinglake Yea v Belgrave Yarra Junction v Powelltown Seville v Olinda Ferny Creek

Round 11. Saturday, June 27 Thornton Eildon v Emerald Kinglake v Yea Round 17. Sat., August 15 Alexandra v Warburton Millgrove Belgrave v Yarra Junction Powelltown v Seville Gem. Cockatoo v Upwey Tecoma Olinda Ferny Creek v Yarra Glen Healesville v Woori Yallock Monbulk v Silvan Round 12. Saturday, July 4 Mount Evelyn v Wandin Yea v Thornton Eildon Round 18. Saturday, August Yarra Junction v Kinglake Seville v Belgrave 22 Olinda Ferny Creek v Powelltown Silvan v Alexandra Yarra Glen v Emerald Upwey Tecoma v Healesville Wandin v Gembrook Cockatooi Warburton Millgrove v Mount Round 13. Saturday, July 11 Thornton Eildon v Yarra Junction Evelyn Kinglake v Seville Woori Yallock v Monbulk Belgrave v Olinda Ferny Creek Powelltown v Yarra Glen Emerald v Yea Round 1. Saturday, April 4 Round 14. Saturday, July 18 Thornton v Eildon v Yarra Glen Sevillev Thornton Eildon Kinglake v Emerald Olinda ferny Creek v Kinglake Belgrave v Yea Powelltown v Belgrave Powelltown v Yarra Junction Yarra Junction v Emerald Olinda Ferny Creek v Seville Yea v Yarra Glen Round 2. Saturday, April 18 Round 15. Saturday, July 25 Emerald v Thornton Eildon Thornton Eildon v Olinda Ferny Ck Yea v Kinglake Kinglake v Powelltown Yarra Junction v Belgrave Yarra Glen v Belgrave Seville v Powelltown Emerald v Seville Yarra Glen v Olinda ferny Creek Yea v Yarra Junction Round 3. Sunday, April 26 Round 16. Sat. August 1 Thornton Eildon v Yea Powelltown v Thornton Eildon Kinglake v Yarra Junction Belgrave v Kinglake Belgrave v Seville Olinda Ferny Creek v Emerald Powelltown v Olinda Ferny Creek Seville v Yea Emerald v Yarra Glen Yarra Junction v Yarra Glen


Round 4. Saturday, May 2 Yarra Junction v Thornton Eildon Seville v Kinglake Olinda Ferny Creek v Belgrave Yarra Glen v Powelltown Yea v Emerald

Round 11. Saturday, July 4 Alexandra v Mount Evelyn Round 5. Saturday, May 9 Silvan v Gembrook Cockatoo Thornton Eildon v Seville Upwey Tecoma v Monbulk Kinglake v Olinda Ferny Creek Wandin v Woori Yallock Belgrave v Powelltown Warburton Millgrove v Emerald v Yarra Junction Healesville Yarra Glen V Yea

Round 17. Sat., August 8 Thornton Eildon v Belgrave Yarra Glen V Kinglake Emerald v Powelltown Yea v Olinda Ferny Creek Yarra Junction v Seville Round 18. Sat., August 15 Kinglake v Thornton Eildon Belgrave v Emerald Powelltown v Yea Olinda Ferny Creek v Yarra Junc. Seville v Yarra Glen

NFL Div. 1 Round 1. Saturday, April 18 Heidelberg v Eltham Lalor v Montmorency North Heidelberg v Bundoora Thomastown v Greensborough W Preston Lakeside v Northcote Park Round 2. Saturday, April 25 Bundoora v Thomastown Eltham v Greensborough Lalor v Northcote Park W Preston Lakeside v North Heidelberg Montmorency v Heidelberg Round 3. Saturday, May 2 Eltham v Northcote Park Greensborough v Bundoora Heidelberg v W Preston Lakeside Montmorency v Thomastown North Heidelberg v Lalor

Round 12. Saturday, July 11 Bundoora v Montmorency Greensborough v Northcote Park Heidelberg v Thomastown Lalor v W Preston Lakeside North Heidelberg v Eltham Round 13. Saturday, July 18 Eltham v Bundoora Greensborough v W Preston Lakeside Heidelberg v Lalor Montmorency v North Heidelberg Thomastown v Northcote Park Round 14. Saturday, July 25 Eltham v Thomastown Greensborough v Heidelberg Lalor v Bundoora Northcote Park v North Heidelberg W Preston Lakeside v Montmorency

Round 4. Saturday, May 9 Greensborough v North Heidelberg Heidelberg v Bundoora Lalor v Eltham Northcote Park v Montmorency Thomastown v W Preston Lakeside

Round 15. Saturday, August 1 Bundoora v Heidelberg Eltham v Lalor North Heidelberg v Greensborough W Preston Lakeside v Thomastown Montmorency v Northcote Park

Round 5. Saturday, May 16 Eltham v North Heidelberg Northcote Park v Greensborough Thomastown v Heidelberg W Preston Lakeside v Lalor Montmorency v Bundoora

Round 16. Saturday, August 8 Grensborough v Eltham Heidelberg v Montmorency Northcote Park v Lalor North Heidelberg v W Preston Lakeside Thomastown v Bundoora

Round 6. Saturday, May 23 Bundoora v Eltham Lalor v Heidelberg Northcote Park v Thomastown North Heidelberg v Montmorency W Preston Lakeside v Greensborough

Round 17. Saturday, August 15 Bundoora v Northcote Park Heidelberg v North Heidelberg Thomastown v Lalor W Preston Lakeside v Eltham Montmorency v Greensborough

Round 7. Saturday, May 30 Bundoora v W Preston Lakeside Greensborough v Lakeside Heidelberg v Northcote Park Montmorency v Eltham Thomastown v North Heidelberg

Round 18. Saturday, August 22 Eltham v Montmorency Lalor v Greensborough Northcote Park v Heidelberg North Heidelberg v Thomastown W Preston Lakeside v Bundoora

Round 8. Saturday, June 6 North Heidelberg v Heidelberg Greensborough v Montmorency Lalor v Thomastown Round 1. Saturday, April 18 Eltham v W Preston Lakeside Epping V Whittlesea Northcote Park v Bundoora Hurstbridge v Macleod Lower Plenty v Diamond Creek Round 9. Saturday, June 20 Mernda v Watsonia Bundoora v Lalor South Morang V Panton Hill Heidelberg v Greensborough Montmorency v W Preston Parkside v Heidelberg West Reservoir v Fitzroy Stars Lakeside North Heidelberg v Northcote Pk Round 2. Saturday, April 25 Thomastown v Eltham Epping v Mernda West v Hurstbridge Round 10. Saturday, June 27 Heidelberg Macleod v South Morang Bundoora v North Heidelberg Panton Hill v Diamond Creek Eltham v Heidelberg Fitzroy Stars v Parkside Greensborough v Thomastown Watsonia v Reservoir Montmorency v Lalor Whittlesea v Lower Plenty Northcote Park v W Preston Lakeside Round 3, Saturday, May 2 Hurstbridge v Diamond Creek Round 11. Saturday, July 4 Macleod v Lower Plenty Bundoora v Greensborough Mernda v Fitzroy Stars Lalor v North Heidelberg South Morang v Heidelberg Northcote Park v Eltham West Thomastown v Montmorency Panton Hill v Parkside W Preston Lakeside v Heidel- Reservoir v Whittlesea berg Watsonia v Epping

NFL Div. 2

Round 4. Saturday, May 9 Diamond Creek v Epping Lower Plenty v Heidelberg West Macleod v Mernda Panton Hill v Hurstbridge Parkside v Reservoir Fitzroy Stars v South Morang Whittlesea v Watsonia Round 5. Saturday, May 16 Epping v Panton Hill Heidelberg West v Reservoir Hurstbridge v South Morang Diamond Creek v Parkside Fitzroy Stars v Macleod Watsonia v Lower Plenty Mernda v Whittlesea

Round 6. Saturday, May 23 Heidelberg West v Whittlesea Lower Plenty v Parkside Macleod v Reservoir Mernda v Hurstbridge South Morang v Diamond Creek Panton Hill v Watsonia Fitzroy Stars v Epping Round 7. Saturday, May 30 Epping v South Morang Hurstbridge v Lower Plenty Diamond Creek v Fitzroy Stars Parkside v Mernda Reservoir v Panton Hill Watsonia v Heidelberg West Whittlesea v Macleod Round 8. Saturday, June 6 Lower Plenty v Fitzroy Stars Whittlesea v South Morang Reservoir v Epping Parkside v Hurstbridge Heidelberg West v Panton Hill Diamond Creek v Mernda Watsonia v Macleod Round 9. Saturday, June 20 Epping v Lower Plenty Hurstbridge v Reservoir Diamond Creek v Whittlesea Mernda v Heidelberg West South Morang v Wattsonia Panton Hill v Fitzroy Stars Parkside v Macleod Round 10. Saturday, June 27 Heidelberg West v Epping Macleod v Diamond Creek South Morang v Mernda Panton Hill v Whittlesea Reservoir v Lower Plenty Fitzroy Stars v Hurstbridge Watsonia v Parkside Round 11, Saturday, July 4 Epping v Parkside Heidelberg West v Macleod Hurstbridge v Whittlesea Lower Plenty v South Morang Mernda v Panton Hill Reservoir v Diamond Creek Fitzroy Stars v Watsonia

Round 12. Saturday, July 11 Hurstbridge v Epping Diamond Creek v Watsonia Lower Plenty v Mernda Macleod v Panton Hill South Morang v Reservoir Fitzroy Stars v Heidelberg West Whittlesea v Parkside

Round 13. Saturday, July 18 Epping v Macleod Diamond Creek v Heidelberg West Mernda v Reservoir Panton Hill v Lower Plenty Parkside v South Morang Watsonia v Hurstbridge Whittlesea v Fitzroy Stars

The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009 - Page 19


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Page 20 - The Phoenix - Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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