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New business toolbox means a more sustainable supply chain
A free online toolbox makes it easy for businesses to assess the sustainability of their organisation and their supply chain.
Docket has been created by a public-private partnership, led by the Sustainable Business Network (SBN). It helps businesses check and improve their performance in six key areas of sustainability. About 70% of a business’s sustainability impact comes from its supply chain, says Holly Norton, Regenerative Design Lead at SBN.
“Whether you are a small-scale supplier or a corporate buying from others, Docket can help you cut carbon emissions, reduce waste, regenerate nature, keep workers healthy and safe, uphold workers’ rights and eliminate modern slavery,” she says.
“There are about 546,000 small businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Together they can make a massive difference in reducing their impact on the environment.
“At the same time, being more sustainable can reduce costs, attract and retain customers and staff and help you get ahead of the competition.”
Docket starts with a quick self-assessment to see how well a business is looking out for the environment and its team.
Where businesses are doing well, Docket provides examples of how they can share those sustainability achievements with customers and networks. In areas where improvement is needed it provides links to tools and resources.
Businesses are encouraged to share Docket to make their supply chains more sustainable.
Tania Donaldson, Manager Employment System Guidance and Engagement, Ministry for Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) says: “MBIE recognises that major societal issues such as climate change and poor treatment of workers, will have long term impacts on business. The Docket toolkit will highlight where businesses are doing well, as well as provide advice and support on areas for improvement in environmental and social sustainability best practice.”
Docket is a collaboration led by the Sustainable Business Network with MAS; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; Ministry for the Environment; Wellington City Council; Westpac NZ Government Innovation Fund and WorkSafe.