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There is no new wave,
ONLY THE SEA In Malta, the maritime industry dates back several centuries and is now evolving rapidly, creating a multitude of opportunities both offshore and at sea. These opportunities give a boost to economic improvements both at a local and international level.
utting the magnifying glass over the term maritime industry, one can see that there are specific industries which, although they all fall under the same umbrella, are very different. To name a few of these industries: the Merchant Navy industry (at times referred to as the shipping industry), the oil and gas and renewables industry, the cruise lining industry, and the yachting industry. Malta, being a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean, poses myriad prospects. When looking at the island’s main resources, the sea features high on the list, it being the only unlimited resource. Other resources are limited and pose various challenges to the overall economy in Malta.
SO INSTEAD OF RUNNING AFTER THE WAVES, WHY DON’T WE LET THE SEA COME TO US? The sea offers endless employment opportunities, and the minute we hear of jobs at sea, many people think of the Captain. However, there is only one captain on a vessel, and beneath that rank there is a plethora of other ranks and jobs that are important for the vessel to make its trajectory. Not to mention the vast number of opportunities of shorebased jobs that are required to sustain the thriving maritime sector. The three main departments onboard any vessel are the deck, the engineering and the hospitality departments. All have different responsibilities, but all report to the Captain.
Pauline Micallef, CEO of MaritimeMT – the leading maritime school in Malta
This department is primarily responsible for safely operating and navigating the vessel under command both at sea and in port. This department is highly regulated, and each rank needs to be qualified to be allowed to operate. Some positions within this department include the Chief Officer (the next in command after the Captain), the Second Officer, the Third Office and the Bosun. The basic entry level would be the Able Seafarer or as they are known in the Yachting Sector, the Efficient Deckhand. At all these levels, there are different requirements set in terms of education and experience at sea.
The engineering department handles all technical operations in terms of the engine room. Headed by the Chief Engineer, this department can go from being relaxed to stressed in minutes. In the middle of the ocean, where there is no access to specific equipment, the engineering department is responsible for solving any faults that the engine might encounter during a passage. This department includes highly qualified crew that can understand the technicalities and mechanics of the equipment onboard, especially the engine/s. Under the command of the Chief Engineer, one finds the Second Engineer, and other engineers depending on the size of the vessel. Certain large vessels also include the electrical technical engineer sub-department.