San Angelo Spotlight

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NOTES FROM THE EDITOR Happy New Year from San Angelo Spotlight. We are excited to announce that our website is up and running! We have put a lot into it and hope that you will be pleased. There are several sign ups this month, so be sure to look out for those. San Angelo Spotlight 325-340-7268


Website is up and ready for use. If you don’t see your event in this issue go to and add it for free!



January 13, 2010

San Angelo Spotlight

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Thursday, January 13th 11:30AM San Angelo Symphony- For the Love of the Game! Mah Jongg or Bridge with a fine lunch in the Cactus Hotel Ballroom. Contact the Symphony Office for details and to make reservations $30 - 658-5877 or visit 2:00PM-6:00PM Art Thursdays at the SAMFA Free Admission 5:30PM Collectors Society-Lecture ―Meghan Turner” At the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts; Exploring the Art in Public Places concept within communities 6:30PM Chicken Farm Art Center- Live Music in the Courtyard The 2nd Thursday of every month the Chicken Farm hosts a free yard concert. Bring a lawn chair and a cooler, find a nice shady spot and listen to some fantastic music. The Silo House will be offering burgers for purchase if you're hungry. The Chicken Farm is located at 2505 Martin Luther King. FMI call 325-653-4936

Friday, January 14th Tattoo Convention 2nd Annual West Texas Tattoo Convention at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive FMI: 325655-6500 or 325-658-6464 6:00PM-10:00PM Kids Night Out At the YMCA, age limit is 3-12yrs old. Cost is $20 for the 1st child & $10 for each additional child. Kid’s Night Out lets parents enjoy a kid-free night, knowing their child is safe and having fun at the Y. Dinner and activities will be provided. FMI: Contact Erica @ 325-655-9106

Saturday, January 15th Tattoo Convention 2nd Annual West Texas Tattoo Convention at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive FMI: 325655-6500 or 325-658-6464 9:00AM – 5:00PM Silver Spur Gun and Blade Show – San Angelo Coliseum Buy, Sell, Trade or just browse. 10:00AM-4:00PM San Angelo Art Club- Artist of the year show Kendall Gallery - 119 W. 1st Street Free Admission

1:00PM-4:00PM San Angelo Art Club- Artist of the year show Kendall Gallery - 119 W. 1st Street Free Admission 2:00PM Chamber Music Concert- Brandie Phillips & Michael Schneider Violin and piano duo from Dallas and Austin At the San Angelo museum of Fine Arts $12 general public, $10 members, $7 students/seniors/military

Monday, January 17th “Martin Luther King Day”

Tuesday, January 18th

11:00AM Junior League of San Angelo Style Show The Junior League of San Angelo Presents...Common Threads Style Show Benefiting Junior League of San Angelo Community Programs! Location: CJ Davidson Center ASU FMI: JLSA Office 655-9866 for ticket information

3:00PM & 6:30PM Barney Live in Concert- Birthday Bash Celebrate with Barney™ at his birthday party! Ticket prices: $15, $20, $25 (Gold Circle), & $50 (Dino Seats). Get the ultimate fan experience with Dino Seats! The Dino Seats Package includes a VIP Seat and a pre-show Meet & Greet photo opportunity with Barney!

11:00AM Story Time at Hastings Located inside the Hardback Café, 4238 Sunset Drive, San Angelo 76904 Kids will be entertained with a read aloud and related activity

Wednesday, January 19th

12:00PM-5:00PM The nature Center Focus of the month- Prowling with BOBCATS! FMI: 325-942-0121

Sunday, January 16th 10:00AM – 4:00PM Silver Spur Gun and Blade Show – San Angelo Coliseum Buy, Sell, Trade or just browse. 12:00PM- 4:00PM Rockin Out To End Cancer At the Deadhorse

9:30AM Concho Valley Quilters Guild all quilters welcome. 12 N. Chadbourne St. 10AM & 10:30AM Story Time (Stories & Songs) Tom Green County Downstairs Library 113 W. Beauregard Ave

To submit your events go to

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San Angelo Spotlight

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Thursday, January 20th 2:00PM – 6:00PM Art Thursdays at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Located in the education studio. Art activities for children and their families $1.00 per person FMI: 325-653-3333 5:00-9:00PM 3rd Thursday Downtown San Angelo Art Walk Ride on the free trolley or walk the art walk route to visit with local artists and merchants located in downtown San Angelo. Be sure to visit The Cactus Hotel, our featured art venue on the evening of the 20th and register for a great giveaway prize to be given away at the end of the evening. FMI call 655-2345 or go to

Friday, January 21st 5:30PM-8:00PM Exhibition Opening Reception- Bob Stuth-Wade: Painting Texas; Exploring the Edges of Texas: Walt Davis and The Art of the Book At the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Free admission, refreshments & music

Saturday, January 22nd 9:00AM-12:00PM San Angelo Broadway Academy is having auditions for Les Miserables Inside the Sunset Mall Community Room Ages: 12-18yrs old; callbacks at 2PM FMI: 325-763-4807 12:00PM Collectors Society- Lecture “Walt and Isabel Davis, authors, Exploring the Edges of Texas” At the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts 12:00PM-5:00PM The nature Center Focus of the month- Prowling with BOBCATS! FMI: 325-942-0121 6:00PM-10:00PM 9th Annual Gospel Bluegrass Show Location: Grape Creek Baptist Church- 9781 Grape Creek Rd FREE ADMISSION. Jamming starts at noon. Meal will be served approximately 4:40-5:00 p.m. Donations for the meal will help G.A.'s go to camp. Showtime:6:00 10:00 PM FMI call 325-653-8761 or 325-650-8934

Sunday, January 23rd 12:00PM-6:00PM West Texas Bridal & Quinceanera 2011 Showcase San Angelo Coliseum; tickets are $15 VIP, $12 general admission & $5 12 and under at the door FMI: 325-792-7100

Tuesday, January 25th 10:00AM Story Time for Preschoolers Angelo West Branch Library 3013 Vista Del Arroyo

Wednesday, January 26th 9:30AM Concho Valley Quilters Guild all quilters welcome. 12 N. Chadbourne St. 10AM & 10:30AM Story Time (Stories & Songs) Tom Green County Downstairs Library 113 W. Beauregard Ave

Thursday, January 27th 2:00PM – 6:00PM Art Thursdays at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Located in the education studio. Art activities for children and their families $1.00 per person FMI: 325-653-3333 Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman In the 1st Community Federal Credit Union Spur Arena. The ten-day event consists of the Circle Y Derby and the Worlds Greatest Horseman competitions which is the epitome of all horse events. All events are free of charge until the finals weekend, Feb 5-7. Tickets for these dates will be available at

January 13, 2010

San Angelo Spotlight

the door for $5.00 per day, or you many purchase a three day pass for $12.00 in advance by contacting the Stock Show & Rodeo office at 325 -653-7785.

Friday, January 28th Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman In the 1st Community Federal Credit Union Spur Arena. The ten-day event consists of the Circle Y Derby and the Worlds Greatest Horseman competitions which is the epitome of all horse events. All events are free of charge until the finals weekend, Feb 5-7. Tickets for these dates will be available at the door for $5.00 per day, or you many purchase a three day pass for $12.00 in advance by contacting the Stock Show & Rodeo office at 325-653-7785. 6:30PM San Angelo Concert Series- Jack Williams Location: Emmanuel Recital Hall - corner of Harris & Randolph For additional information on the artist visit: 7:30PM Electrify your Strings Lee Middle School Orchestra performs with electric violist Mark Wood, an original member of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Tickets $5 and $10 at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive. FMI: 325-658-6464

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LOCAL SIGN-UPS KID SIGN-UPS Now Enrolling for San Angelo Broadway Academy: DanceTheater Arts-Vocal performance-Art Design Ages 3- 18 for 2011 Spring Semester FMI: 325-763-4807 or visit Youth fitness Program: This exercise program is for 11-13 year olds. It is a structured class designed to teach proper form and technique for various exercise. Schedule: Tues.-Thurs. 7:30pm-9:00pm, Fridays 5:00 pm-8:00pm & Sat. & Sun. All Day Cost: Group Session $40 / Child FMI: Contact the YMCA @ 325-325-655-9106 San Angelo Soccer Association Open Registration begins: January 3rd- January 26th S.A.S.A. requires a copy of the player's official birth certificate for first time players. Your child must turn 5 before August 1, 2011 to play soccer in the spring. FMI: Contact S.A.S.A @ 325.942.5425 or Or go by 1501 Glenna Dr. Soccer Complex, office hours are from 9am- 2pm M-F San Angelo Girls fast-Pitched Association: Open registration begins January 30th, 10am – 1pm at Academy Sports & Outdoors Ages: 4yrs- 18yrs of age FMI: Sherri Carney, 325-659-4327 or Sign Up for Scouting: *Can Sign Up year Round* - Girl Scouts of Central Texas & Boy Scouts of America FMIt: Boy Scouts 325-6557107 or Girl Scouts 325-655-8961

ADULT SIGN-UPS China Painters All china painters, want-to-learn china painting or anyone new to the community and want to see what we do are encouraged to join us. 618 S. Chadbourne St. Tuesday s from 8:30am - 4:00pm FMI: 325-223-0647 Adult Softball Session 1: Registration begins January 1st, FMI: 325 -657-4450 Slow Pitch Umpires needed for 2011 Season FMI: Call 325-6574450 Horseback Riding Lessons Little Oaks Farm in San Angelo, TX FMI: Donna Aycock 325-212-4107 or We are proud to offer private english riding lessons at beautiful Little Oaks Farm. Specializing in dressage and hunt seat, our primary objective is teaching safe, efffective horsemanship. Let us help you reach your riding goals. We offer indoor and outdoor arenas, a hunt field, and well trained school horses. San Angelo Flying Lessons Are you ready for the ultimate thrill of flight lessons? To learn more about our mind-blowing Flight Lessons, airplane tours Call 1-800-226-1116 Zumba Classes sponsored by ASU Multicultural Center Free 8:00-9:00pm University Center 110/111 Contact: Adriana Balcorta (325) 942-2729 Ballroom Dancing Classes 6:30pm – 8:30pm Santa Fe Crossing 702 S. Chadbourne Taught by Scott Gilmore Cost is $32 per person a month. Register in advance. 481-2798 Square Dancing All ages 18 and up are invited, all levels of dancing. You do not need to bring a partner, singles and couples are invited to come out for fun and exercise! New dancers practice on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm SALSA LESSONS Oasis the Club Monday Nights- 7pm Concho Kennel Club 507 West 47th Street Informal Conformation Handling Class 1st & 3rd Wednesday Evening’s 7:00 pm FMI call (325) 655-0344

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 13, 2010

BASKETBALL ASU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL January 15th Belles vs. Tarleton State


January 19th Belles vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville


January 22nd Belles vs. West Texas A&M University


January 26th Belles vs. Eastern New Mexico University


ASU MEN’S BASKETBALL January 15th Rams vs. Tarleton State


January 19th Rams vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville


January 22nd Rams vs. West Texas A&M


January 26th Rams vs. Eastern New Mexico


January 29th Rams vs. Incarnate Word



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San Angelo Spotlight

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January 14th Bobcats vs. Odessa High


January 18th Lady Cats vs. Abilene High


January 18th Bobcats vs. Abilene High


January 21st Lady Cats vs. Midland High


January 14th Lady Hawks vs. Grape Creek


January 21st Bobcats vs. Midland High


January 14th Hawks vs. Grape Creek


January 28th Lady Cats vs. Abilene Cooper


January 18th Lady Hawks vs. Ballinger


January 28th Bobcats vs. Abilene Cooper


January 18th Hawks vs. Ballinger


January 14st Lady Hawks vs. Ozona


January 21st Hawks vs. Ozona


January 25th Lady Hawks vs. Brady


January 25th Hawks vs. Brady


January 28th Lady Hawks vs. Sonora


January 28th Hawks vs. Sonora


LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL January 14th LV Maidens vs. Stephenville


January 14th LV Chiefs vs. Stephenville


January 18th LV Maidens vs. Waco Midway


January 18th LV Chiefs vs. Waco Midway


January 21st LV Maidens vs. Waco High


January 21st LV Chiefs vs. Waco High


January 25th LV Maidens vs. Killeen


January 25th LV Chiefs vs. Waco Killeen


January 28th LV Maidens vs. Waco University


January 28th LV Chiefs vs. Waco University



GRAPE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL January 14th Lady Eagles vs. Wall


January 14th Eagles vs. Wall


January 18th Lady Eagles vs. Sonora


January 18th Eagles vs. Sonora


January 21st Lady Eagles vs. Ballinger


January 21st Eagles vs. Ballinger


January 25th Lady Eagles vs. Ozona


January 25th Eagles vs. Ozona


January 28th Lady Eagles vs. Brady


January 28th Eagles vs. Brady


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San Angelo Spotlight

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San Angelo Spotlight

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I find it difficult to overstate the merits of a finely cooked steak. Yes, I’ve heard the mantra ―meat is murder,‖ but something inside me knows that my conscience will simply survive meal after exquisite meal of steak and roast and ribs without much psychological toll. Chalk it up to my upbringing. Presumably most of us raised in West Texas dispensed with our own vegetarianism as soon as we got teeth. However, being a lover of dietary variety, I must acknowledge that as a result of our local carnivorous culture San Angelo has relatively few restaurant choices for an absolutely knock-yoursocks-off vegetarian experience. So I feel it my civic duty to sing Chef Jason’s praises for his vegetarian wrap. The Peasant Village Restaurant has taken on its latest incarnation as a New York style lunch deli without the slabs of hanging prosciutto encumbering the view. Chef Jason’s deli and pastries is a quaint, clean, classy, little Santa Rita restaurant with dynamite sandwiches, salads, and wraps. The vegetarian wrap in particular is heads above any other in town. Those of you preparing for your Lenten fasts take note. The veggie wrap comes complete with red onion, black olives, fresh spinach and romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, cucumbers, carrots, bell and banana peppers, and is topped with a homemade pesto and honey mustard sauce, on a sun-dried tomato wrap. Believe me, this baby will not leave you wanting later in the day. In short, clear your conscience, diversify your palate, give your colon a breather, and dive into this rare vegetarian delight by Chef Jason. You can get in and out for under $10, which is, in my estimation a steal for the almost pound of vegetables that come with the wrap. Try it; you will not be disappointed. Chef Jason’s deli and pastries is located at 23 South Park Street. Their hours: Monday through Friday from 11:00am—1:30pm or until close. At 6pm Tuesday through Saturday, Peasant Village restaurant reemerges for a few hours of casual dining. Grant Ingram

San Angelo ISD Elementary Breakfast and Lunch Menu MONDAY, JAN 17





Breakfast - Sausage Roll Apple Juice, Milk

Breakfast - Breakfast Sandwich Breakfast - Pancake on a Stick Grape Juice, Milk Apple Juice, Milk

Lunch - Grilled Cheese or Cold Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Beef Vegetable Soup, Pears, Chocolate Cake, Milk

Lunch - Beef Nachos or Quesadillas, Ranch Style Beans, Tossed Salad, Fruit Salad, Milk



FRIDAY, JAN 21 Breakfast - Sunrise Bites, Grape Juice, Milk

Lunch - Pizza or Lasagna, Cali- Lunch - Cheeseburger or Hamfornia Vegetables, Garlic Roll, burger, Oven Fries, Hamburger Fresh Orange, Milk Salad, Oatmeal Cookie, Milk



Breakfast - Cheese Toast, Grape Juice, Milk

Breakfast - Sausage Roll Apple Juice, Milk

Breakfast - Breakfast Pizza Grape Juice, Milk

Breakfast - Pancake on a Stick Apple Juice, Milk

Breakfast - Cinnamon Bun, Grape Juice, Milk

Lunch - Corn Dog or Fish Sticks, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Peaches, Milk

Lunch - Steak Fingers or Oven Fried Chicken, Green Peas, Mashed Potatoes, Cream Gravy, Spice Cake, Milk

Lunch - Beef Nachos or Taco Burger, Pinto Beans, Mixed Fruit, Milk

Lunch - Chicken Nuggets or Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes w/ Brown Gravy, Broccoli, Hot Roll, Apple Wedges, Milk

Lunch - Chili Dog/Hot Dog or Turkey Deli Sandwich, Ranch Style Beans, Tator Tots, Peanut Butter Cookie, Milk

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San Angelo Spotlight

Monty Branham By Bob Simpson

January 13, 2010

The long and winding tradition of American roots music has its own milestone within the Concho Valley. 43- year old Monty Branham has been making music since his twenties and presenting his craft most notably at the Toe Nail Trail Days festival in Christoval, TX almost every year. His EP, which was released in 2009 entitled ―Don’t Be Mad Cause I’m Late‖, features Branham in what may now be his rarest form. The 6 song EP features truthful tales, rough-hearted blues, and comical experiences along with a cover version of songs from his influences Joe Ely, Butch Hancock, and Steve Earle. The Monty Branham sound is of a classic Dave Dudley-esq 1960’s trucker country style with a hard drive behind it. A real vintage rock n roll sound with a modern American feel in the vein of Dale Watson. Branham presents a lyrical style very similar to Robert Earl Keen that’s as comical and catchy as the songs can be. Songs such as ―Lorie No. 9‖, a tune about his older brothers long history of women with the same name, a dream of smoking pot with the red headed stranger himself, Willie Nelson in ―Burn Down With Willie‖, and the title track ―Don’t Be Mad Cause I’m Late‖; a Take-This-Job-and-Shove-It anthem for the boss man of the 40 hour working week, hard edges. I sat down with the hometown hero of Christoval to talk about his music and being the rough-around-the-edges working class poet.

Spotlight: When did you start playing guitar? Branham: I got my first guitar when I was 13. Me and my brother would sit around and try and copy AC/DC songs and stuff like that. I played with a few (rock) bands when I was in my early twenties but I never sang or nothing like that. I nearly cut my hand off. I was working at a sheet metal shop and a 16 gauge got away from me but when they got it all back together, they put my hand in this brace and my hand was stuck and it took me a long time to where I could move it around. But riding my motorcycle, pulling my clutch in was my therapy. Then a buddy of mine, Tommy Huffman, he played at the first Toe Nail Trail Days in Christoval (in 1993) and after he played that night, he said ―I got a guitar in the car; let’s jam‖. And said, ―I can’t play anymore; my hand’s screwed up‖. He said, ―Go get the damn guitar!‖, so we sat out there and played all night. So that’s when I made a promise to myself that I would practice and by the next year I would be playing on that stage for the festival. And the next day I went and got me an acoustic guitar and learned how to play again. Spotlight: Your influences are Buddy Holly, Sam Cooke and then a few Texas troubadours. Is there anyone else? Branham: Yeah, really it’s guys like Butch Hancock, Joe Ely, Steve Earle; really it’s somebody who can sit with an acoustic guitar and entertain a crowd. Playing with a band is cool but I like to be able to stand up there by myself sometimes too. You’re pretty much Johnny on the spot for doing it but it’s good for keeping your chops up too. Spotlight: You got a phone call from Willie Nelson about your song ―Burn down with Willie‖? Branham: Yeah, after I wrote ―Burn down with Willie‖, I recorded a demo with me on guitar and Lane (Thompson) on spoons, me and Amanda (Branham’s wife) went to see him in Abilene. So after the show, we went around back to where his bus was parked and I got a guitar that I’ve had everybody sign and I had a spot saved just for Willie Nelson. And I caught him coming out to sign my guitar and I handed him a copy of my demo. And about two weeks later, on New Year’s Eve as a matter of fact, I was at work, 20 feet in the air hanging duct work at Bed Bath and Beyond and it’s like 15 degrees that day and my phone rang and I answered but I couldn’t hear anything so I hung up. So a few minutes later it rang again and it was my wife saying, ―Well?‖. And I said, ―Well what?‖. And she says, ―did you get a phone call?‖ and I said, ―Yeah but I couldn’t hear anybody so I hung up‖. And she said, ―That was Willie Nelson!!‖. He had called the house looking for me and she gave him my cell phone number so I hit redial and called him back. He just told me that he liked the song and he thought it was funny and wished me well. So dreams can come true (laughs). Spotlight: So the local band The Flinchers happened to be your backing band on your cd? Branham: On most of it they were. There are some Austin musicians on it to and John Tally from San Angelo plays Hammond organ on it. Geno Stroia from the Gene Pool out of Austin plays bass on it. Spotlight: Where did you record your sessions at? Branham: We did it in a home studio we put together in a vacant house over on Oxford Street. James Rannifeld engineered it and produced it. Jerry Tubb (of Austin’s Terra Nova Studios) did the mastering of it and that was a great experience. Spotlight: Would you consider yourself a poet? Branham: Oh, I don’t know. I mean I’m just a regular guy. I guess you could say I’m a working class poet. I basically just watch what goes on around me and just make songs out of it which pisses some of my friends off. Spotlight: It seems as if anyone who hears your songs can relate to them… Branham: You know, I got this email from a guy in Vermont who got out of trouble at work for showing up late reeking of stale beer and his boss was pissed. But the guy had his iPod and played him ―Don’t Be Mad Cause I’m Late‖ and his boss thought it was funny. Spotlight: Do you have any radio play? Branham: I’ve got some decent airplay but just not in this town. Kickin’ Country (103.1 FM) plays it when I go up there or if somebody calls and requests it. Dallas and up north I do pretty well on the radio but just not here. And I’ve sold quite a few cd’s overseas from playing SXSW in Austin last year. Continued on Page 14

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San Angelo Spotlight



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San Angelo Spotlight

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MUSIC LINE-UP Thursday, January 13th Josh Abbott Band and Turnpike Troubadours - Midnight Rodeo Live Music in the Courtyard - Chicken Farm Art Center Texas Chuck’s Open Mic Night - Spam’s Bar & Lounge

Friday, January 14th Ross Cooper - Blaine’s Pub Dan Calhoun - Kimbo’s Saloon The Flametrick Subs - Deadhorse Just Go - House of FiFi Dubois Josh Lewis - Float 404 Whistlestix - Little River Club Jennifer B and the Groove Kings - Sealy Flats


Saturday, January 15th

Saturday, January 22nd

Jon Wolfe - Blaine’s Pub Ricky Stein & The .44 - Float 404 Music series- Beto y Los Fairlanes - Cactus Hotel T Gozney Thornton and The Old Band - The Trading Post (Petes) The Heroine - The Deadhorse Barefoot Mark & The Lizards - Sealy Flats Eric Tessemer - Steel Penny Pub

Meagan Tubb & Shady People - The Diner at Sealy Flats Battle of the Bands - The Deadhorse Falsidle - Steel Penny Pub Emory Quinn - Blaine’s Pub 9th Annual Gospel Bluegrass Show - Grape Creek Baptist Church

Sunday, January 23rd

Sunday, January 16th

Manny Campos and Jonathan Matthews - Sealy Flats Dine Brunch Jeska Sheppard and Friends - Sealy Flats Diner Sunday Brunch Ricky Stein & The .44 - Steel Penny Pub San Angelo Chamber Music Series

Tuesday, January 18th

Tuesday, January 25th

Oscar Ornelas Blues Band - Sealy Flats

Oscar Ornelas Blues Band - Sealy Flats Manic Drive - Paulann Baptist Church

Wednesday, January 26th

Wednesday, January 19th

Flinchers - Sealy Flats Roger Creager - Graham Central Station

Darren Morrison - Sealy Flats

Thursday, January 20th Slim Jim Rose - Sealy Flats Texas Chuck’s Open Mic Night - Spam’s Bar & Lounge

Friday, January 21st River City Blues Band - Sealy Flats Kyle Park & No Justice - Midnight Rodeo Just!Go - House of FiFi Dubois Automatic Cycle & Mothers Anthem - The Deadhorse Saloon Whistlestix - Spam’s Bar & Lounge

Thursday, January 27th Blugota singing the blues - Sealy Flats Texas Chuck’s Open Mic Night - Spam’s Bar & Lounge

Friday, January 28th Johnny Cooper - Midnight Rodeo Blind Nello - Party Ranch Stacy Grim - The Deadhorse Jack Ingram - Graham Central Station Whistlestix - Stage Coach Saloon Bryce & The Bad Decisions - Float 404

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 13, 2010

Monty Branham Continued Spotlight: Do you have a big goal set for what you want to do with your music from here on out? Branham: I just love playing. Really, I don’ care about being rich. I mean, if I could do it for a living I would. I’d be happy. But it’s something I’d been wanting to do for a long time. I’ve got a new band now with a whole different sound and I want to get us back in the studio and record some new stuff and even go back and rerecord the old stuff. There’s 3 or 4 different versions of ―Burn down with Willie‖ that I played with in the studio. So I’d like to do that one again. I’d really like to put out a live cd. The studio’s alright but all my favorite albums are live albums. And there’s nothing like a live performance and the energy of the crowd. It can be so sterile in a studio. A great heartbreak musically came to Branham when he had to part ways with his good friends and former band mates The Flinchers. It was when the deal of a lifetime broke; the chance to share the stage with the legendary southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. ―It all fell apart that night. I was approached at Sealy Flats about opening for Lynyrd Skynyrd and when the deal fell through, I knew I had to move on from there and start something new‖. Branham recruited drummer Tony Blair and his wife, bassist Maggie Blair, longtime friend and lead guitar player Ronnie Wallace and keeping his old pal of 25 years Lane Thompson on spoons. Thompson aides Branham in his style and sound being his right hand man and percussionist. A sheet metal fabricator, family man, and avid biker, the music of Monty Branham speaks for itself. No other artist in the area has such a distinctive style nor do they put on a heart-worn performance as his. A real surge of energy he possesses on stage through his music, it’s easy to see (and hear) why Monte Branham bears the authenticity he does in American roots music.


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San Angelo Spotlight




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