San Angelo Spotlight

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January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight

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Thursday, January 27th Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman In the 1st Community Federal Credit Union Spur Arena. The ten-day event consists of the Circle Y Derby and the Worlds Greatest Horseman competitions which is the epitome of all horse events. All events are free of charge until the finals weekend, Feb 5-7. Tickets for these dates will be available at the door for $5.00 per day, or you many purchase a three day pass for $12.00 in advance by contacting the Stock Show & Rodeo office at 325-653-7785. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, Carr-Education Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325-942-2085 9am – 6pm International Coin Collectors Association Top Experts in the country will be in town to examine your rare coins, silver coins, collections, gold bullion, investment gold, silver rounds, proof sets, etc. FREE- Days Inn FMI 217-726-7590 10am – 6pm Gold and Coin Buying Event – Refreshments provided, Cano’s Diamonds 2pm – 6pm Art Thursday at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Located in the education studio. Art activities for children and their families. Free – FMI 325-653-3333 7PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188

Friday, January 28th True Blue ASU – A campaign to have San Angelo community members wear ASU blue on Fridays – and also during ASU events. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, Carr-Education Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325-942-2085 9am City Council Meeting McNease Convention Center 9am – 6pm International Coin Collectors Association Top Experts in the country will be in town to examine your rare coins, silver coins, collections, gold bullion, investment gold, silver rounds, proof sets, etc. FREE- Days Inn FMI 217-726-7590 Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 6:30pm San Angelo Concert Series- Jack Williams Location: Emmanuel Recital Hall - corner of Harris & Randolph FMI: 7:30pm Electrify your Strings Lee Middle School Orchestra performs with electric violist Mark Wood, an original member of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive. FMI: 325-6586464 8PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188

Saturday, January 29th Bowl for kid’s Sake It’s time to lace up the funky shoes and register your team for Bowl for kid’s sake! At Stadium lanes Bowling Center. Registration begins at noon. FMI: 325486-2200 9am – 4pm International Coin Collectors Association Top Experts in the country will be in town to examine your rare coins, silver coins, collections, gold bullion, investment gold, silver rounds, proof sets, etc. FREE- Days Inn

FMI 217-726-7590 Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 11am Story time at Hastings Kids will be entertained with a read aloud and related activity in the Hastings Café 4238 Sunset Dr. 3PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188 6:30pm 3rd Annual Feast of Santa Angela Take a step back in time to the Renaissance and join the celebration to commemorate our city's namesake, Santa Angela, in the Fort Concho Stables. Includes a full-course Renaissance dinner, play, music and dance. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased after January 3 in person at Fort Concho or San Angelo Broadway Academy. FMI: 325-315-6295 1pm-3pm Kendall Art gallery- Children’s Acrylic Class by artist, Crystal Goodman $40 Open to the public FMI 325-340-2822

Sunday, January 30th Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details.

Monday, January 31st Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, CarrEducation Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

5:30pm – 6:30pm Spanish Coffee & Conversation University Center/ room 110/111, behind Starbucks 7pm San Angelo Genealogical & Historical Society Suzanne Campbell, Head of West Collection of the Porter Henderson Library at ASU, will present the February program about George B. Jackson in honor of Black History Month. Trinity Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 3536 YMCA Drive. FMI: 325942-5741 or

Wednesday, February 2nd Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, Carr-Education Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325 -942-2085 10am – 10:30am Stories and Songs for Preschoolers Tom Green County Main Library 113 W. Beauregard

Thursday February 3rd Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, Carr-Education Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325 -942-2085 2pm – 6pm Art Thursday at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Located in the education studio. Art activities for children and their families. Free – FMI 325-653-3333 7PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188 7pm – 8:30pm Mellow Moments with the Maestro A series of intimate evenings with Maestro Hector Guzman. Guests enjoy a wine and cheese tasting as well as Maestro Guzman’s impromptu discussions and live piano demonstrations of the music to be performed at upcoming Symphony concerts. FMI: Rhonda Layman 325-658-5877

Friday February 4th True Blue ASU – A campaign to have San Angelo community members wear ASU blue on Fridays – and also during ASU events.

prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325-942-2085 6pm America’s Cover Miss & Cover Boy USA Pageant Registration begins at 6pm Contest open to females, birth to 25 years old and males birth to six years old. The mandatory entry fee is $40. Additional optional events are $10. FMI: or call (972) 552-9954

Tuesday, February 1


Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, CarrEducation Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325-942-2085 2pm – 2:30pm German Coffee & Conversation University Center/ room 110/111, behind Starbucks 5:30pm – 6:30pm Russian Coffee & Conversation ASU Academic Building room 121

9am – 5pm Art Exhibit – Made in China At the ASU Art Gallery, room 193, Carr-Education Fine Arts Building, 2602 Dena Drive. Features drawings, paintings, fine art prints, mixed media pieces and artist books/journals inspired by the students month long study of Chinese visual art and culture. FREE-FMI 325 -942-2085 Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 10am – 11am Kin As Parents Program Presents – The Warning Signs: Child Bullying 2801 W. Loop 306 Ste A 8PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188

Saturday February 5th Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details. 1st Saturday at the Old Chicken Farm Art Center The First Saturday of each month is a special treat at the Art Center. We feature work of special invited artists plus all of the art center artist studios are open to visitors. Located at 2505 Martin Luther King Blvd. FMI 325-653-4936

January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight

10am Bison Tour Park naturalist will introduce you to the park’s bison herd and then inform you on the history and other facts of this majestic animal that is part of our Texas heritage. Meet at the South Shore Gatehouse FMI 325-9494757 11am Story time at Hastings Kids will be entertained with a read aloud and related activity in the Hastings Café 4238 Sunset Dr 11am – 7pm Sports Maniac Card Show – Sports Card and Memorabilia Show Sunset Mall 3PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188 8pm Music that Moves You Witness the concerto winning performance of the 2010 Sorantin Competition Winner, at the Sarah Bernhardt Theater at Central High School

Sunday, February 6th

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LOCAL SIGN-UPS KID SIGN-UPS San Angelo ISD Group Swim Team Swimming/Aquatics ages 715yrs old, with some breathing skills– May sign up at any time through May 27th. $35 per month, FMI 325-659-3434 ext. 133 Now Enrolling for San Angelo Broadway Academy: DanceTheater Arts-Vocal performance-Art Design Ages 3- 18 for 2011 Spring Semester FMI: 325-763-4807 or visit Youth fitness Program: This exercise program is for 11-13 year olds. It is a structured class designed to teach proper form and technique for various exercise. Schedule: Tues.-Thurs. 7:30pm-9:00pm, Fridays 5:00 pm-8:00pm & Sat. & Sun. All Day Cost: Group Session $40 / Child FMI: Contact the YMCA @ 325-325-655-9106

Celebration of Champions and Worlds Greatest Horseman See this listing under Jan 27th for more details.

Competitive Basketball Tournament: YMCA 4th-6th Grade Boys and Girls, Deadline for Registration is February 5. FMI Cavan Smithson 325-655-9106, 353 S. Randolph St. $125 per team

Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day Join the Fort Concho Buffalo Soldier Living History Unit as they celebrate the history and heritage of the African American Soldiers who served Fort Concho and other forts across the United States. The event includes education programs and living history demonstrations. FMI: Paul Cook 325-657-4440

San Angelo Girls fast-Pitched Association: Open registration begins January 30th, 10am – 1pm at Academy Sports & Outdoors Ages: 4yrs- 18yrs of age FMI: Sherri Carney, 325-659-4327 or

Monday, February 7th 5pm – 6pm French Coffee & Conversation University Center/ room 110/111, behind Starbucks 6pm – 9pm Daddy/Daughter Date Night Popular event at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive. Tickets $10 each FMI 325-658-6464

Tuesday, February 8th

Sign Up for Scouting: *Can Sign Up year Round* - Girl Scouts of Central Texas & Boy Scouts of America FMI:: Boy Scouts 325-6557107 or Girl Scouts 325-655-8961 Youth Volleyball League: YMCA Registration Jan 3rd– February 21st, 3rd through 8th grade, member $50, non-member $65, FMI Terrell Lee 325-655-9106 or Youth Volleyball Clinic: Feb 21st-Feb 24th, YMCA Registration Jan 3rd– February 21st, 3rd through 8th grade, member $50, nonmember $65, FMI Terrell Lee 325-655-9106 or

10am Story Time for Preschoolerst Tom Green County Library (Angelo West Branch) 3013 Vista Del Arroyo 2pm – 2:30pm German Coffee & Conversation University Center/ room 110/111, behind Starbucks 5:30pm – 6:30pm Russian Coffee & Conversation ASU Academic Building room 121 5:30pm – 6:30pm Spanish Coffee & Conversation University Center/ room 110/111, behind Starbucks 6pm – 9pm Mother/Son Date Night Popular event at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive. Tickets $10 each FMI 325-658-6464

Wednesday, February 9th 10am – 10:30am Stories and Songs for Preschoolerst Tom Green County Main Library 113 W. Beauregard

Thursday, February 10th 2pm – 6pm Art Thursday at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Located in the education studio. Art activities for children and their families. Free – FMI 325-653-3333 7PM ASU Planetarium – Stars of the Pharaohs Viewers will learn about the connection the ancient Egyptians felt with the stars and various astronomical phenomena. FMI 325-942-2188 6:30pm Chicken Farm Art Center- Live Music in the Courtyard 2nd Thursday of the month the Chicken Farm hosts a free concert. Bring a lawn chair and a cooler, find a nice shady spot and listen to some fantastic music. This Silo House will offer burgers for purchase. 2505 Martin Luther King FMI: 325-6534936

ADULT SIGN-UPS China Painters All china painters, want-to-learn china painting or anyone new to the community and want to see what we do are encouraged to join us. 618 S. Chadbourne St. Tuesday s from 8:30am - 4:00pm FMI: 325-223-0647 Slow Pitch Umpires needed for 2011 Season FMI: Call 325-6574450 San Angelo Flying Lessons Are you ready for the ultimate thrill of flight lessons? To learn more about our mind-blowing Flight Lessons, airplane tours Call 1-800-226-1116 Zumba Classes sponsored by ASU Multicultural Center Free 8:00-9:00pm University Center 110/111 Contact: Adriana Balcorta (325) 942-2729 Ballroom Dancing Classes 6:30pm – 8:30pm Santa Fe Crossing 702 S. Chadbourne Taught by Scott Gilmore Cost is $32 per person a month. Register in advance. 481-2798 Square Dancing All ages 18 and up are invited, all levels of dancing. You do not need to bring a partner, singles and couples are invited to come out for fun and exercise! New dancers practice on Tuesday nights from 7-9pm SALSA LESSONS Oasis the Club Monday Nights- 7pm Concho Kennel Club 507 West 47th Street Informal Conformation Handling Class 1st & 3rd Wednesday Evening’s 7:00 pm FMI call (325) 655-0344

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

BASKETBALL ASU WOMEN’S BASKETBALL January 29th Belles vs. University of Incarnate Word


February 2nd Belles vs. Abilene Christian University


February 5th Belles vs. Abilene Christian University


February 9th Belles vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville


ASU MEN’S BASKETBALL January 29th Rams vs. Incarnate Word


February 2nd Rams vs. Abilene Christian


February 5th Rams vs. Abilene Christian


February 9th Rams vs. Texas A&M - Kingsville


February 12th Rams vs. West Texas A&M



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San Angelo Spotlight

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HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL January 28th Lady Cats vs. Abilene Cooper


January 28th Bobcats vs. Abilene Cooper


February 1st Lady Cats vs. Permian


February 1st Bobcats vs. Permian


February 4th Lady Cats vs. Midland Lee


January 28th Lady Hawks vs. Sonora


February 4th Bobcats vs. Midland Lee


January 28th Hawks vs. Sonora


February 8th Lady Cats vs. Odessa High


February 1st Lady Hawks vs. Grape Creek


February 8th Bobcats vs. Odessa High


February 1st Hawks vs. Grape Creek


February 11th Bobcats vs. Abilene High


February 4th Lady Hawks vs. Ballinger


February 15th Bobcats vs. Midland High


February 4th Hawks vs. Ballinger


February 8th Lady Hawks vs. Ozona


February 8th Hawks vs. Ozona


February 11th Hawks vs. Brady


February 15th Hawks vs. Sonora


LAKE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL January 28th LV Maidens vs. Waco University


January 28th LV Chiefs vs. Waco University


February 1st LV Maidens vs. Stephenville


February 1st LV Chiefs vs. Stephenville


February 4th LV Maidens vs. Waco Midway


February 4th LV Chiefs vs. Waco Midway


February 8th LV Maidens vs. Waco High


February 8th LV Chiefs vs. Waco High


February 11th



GRAPE CREEK HIGH SCHOOL January 28th Lady Eagles vs. Brady


January 28th Eagles vs. Brady


February 1st Lady Eagles vs. Wall


February 1st Eagles vs. Wall


February 4th Lady Eagles vs. Sonora


February 4th Eagles vs. Sonora


February 8th Lady Eagles vs. Ballinger


February 8th Eagles vs. Ballinger


February 11th Eagles vs. Ozona


February 15th Eagles vs. Brady


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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

The cork and pig tavern, affectionately called the CPT by the regulars, boasts some of the finest food in San Angelo. With an industrial chic feel, friendly wait staff, and diverse menu, I’d have to conclude that the Cork and Pig is quickly becoming one of my favorite eateries…anywhere. As a San Angelo native, I’m fascinated and often impressed by the genius and talent that this little community produces and sends out into the world. It is quite rare, however to have the privilege to welcome to our quaint West Texas refuge exquisite entrepreneurial talent from other cities. It appears that is exactly what we got with Chef Virginia and the Cork and Pig Tavern. Owner operator Chef Virginia is a true culinary artist. In case you have any questions about what “culinary artist” really means, consider that she was a finalist on the popular TV show “Hells Kitchen” where some of the country’s finest cooks don’t make it past the second round. Each dish she creates brings subtle differences to familiar foods. From steak to pizza, from deviled eggs to mac and cheese, Chef Virginia adds clean enhancements to her flavors that fosters a very specific line of inquiry; “why is this so good?” Everything on the menu is under $20, with the wood fired pizzas ranging from $9 to $12. If you’re in the mood for a down home country style dinner, try the braised beef short ribs with a side of roasted peanut cole slaw. The meat literally falls off the bone. Or if you’ve had a hankering for pizza, the Cork and Pig Tavern has the undisputable best pizza in town. The most popular wood fired pizza, “the Pig” holds the trinity of pizza toppings with pancetta, pepperoni, and sopressata. However, the unique flavor of the Mushroom Extravaganza pizza hold its place as my favorite with it’s perfectly seasoned mushrooms and cream sauce. With six different vegetarian entrée options and a whole host of appetizers, the Cork and Pig Tavern will accommodate your taste buds no matter their fancy. CPT has a full service bar inside with a fantastic wine and beer selection, and live music events on their spacious patio. For all you night owls, pizza service continues until 10pm Monday through Thursday and11pm on Friday and Saturday. The Cork and Pig Tavern is located at 2201 Knickerbocker Road at the Johnson Street intersection. Stop in and give a San Angelo style welcome to Chef Virginia and experience what good cuisine should be. Review by Grant Ingram

Monday, Jan 31

Tuesday, Feb 1

Wednesday, Feb 2

Thursday, Feb 3

Friday, Feb 4

Breakfast: Breakfast Burrito, Grape Breakfast: Sausage Roll, Apple Juice, Milk Juice, Milk

Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich, Grape Juice, Milk

Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Apple Juice, Milk

Breakfast: Sunrise Bites, Grape Juice, Milk

Lunch: Spaghetti w/ Meat Sauce, English Peas, Garlic Roll, Fresh Orange, Milk

Lunch: Corndog or Sloppy Joe on Bun, Baby Carrots w/ Dip, Applesauce, Sugar Cookie, Milk

Lunch: Frito Pie or Cheese Enchi- Lunch: Chicken Fried Steak or ladas, Refried Beans, Cornbread, Chicken Pot Pie, Mashed PotaFruited Gelatin, Milk toes, Green Beans, Hot Roll, Pears, Milk

Lunch: Cheeseburger or Hamburger, Oven Fries, Hamburger Salad, Cinnamon Apples, Milk

Monday, Feb 7

Tuesday, Feb 8

Wednesday, Feb 9

Friday, Feb 11

Breakfast: Cheese Toast, Grape Juice, Milk

Breakfast: Sausage Roll, Apple Juice, Milk

Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza, Grape Breakfast: Pancake on a Stick, Juice, Milk Apple Juice, Milk

Lunch: Chicken Nuggets or Beef & Cheese Macaroni, Mashed Potatoes w/ Gravy, Broccoli, Hot Roll, Pineapple, Milk

Lunch: Hot Ham & Cheese or Lunch: Beef Nachos or Chicken Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Fajitas, Pinto Beans, Tossed Celery Sticks w/ Dip, Chicken Salad, Cornbread, Milk Noodle Soup, Apple Wedges, Milk

Thursday, Feb 10

Lunch: Chicken Patty or Chicken tetrazzini, English Peas, Hot Roll, Pears, Milk

Breakfast: Cinnamon Bun, Grape Juice, Milk Lunch: Chili Dog/Hot Dog or Turkey Deli Sandwich, Tator Tots, Sliced Peaches, Milk

January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight

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"There may be easier places to grow grapes, There may be more famous places to grow grapes, There may be a lot of places other people grow grapes, But they ain't TEXAS!"


This is the slogan of Seifert Cellars, the creators of San Angelo’s first locally grown wine. To me, the terms "wine country" and "West Texas" are not a combination you would normally hear in the same sentence. The first brings to mind images of lush California hillside or even more exotic locations such as Argentina or France, while the latter conveys a flat, dry landscape, typically overrun by mesquite. As I was driving out to the Seifert Cellars Vineyard, I couldn’t help but wonder how someone could possibly grow grapes in this part of Texas. The winter season in this region shifts dramatically from snow and ice to hot and sunny in the span of just a few days. It is early January, and although the temperature drops to below freezing at night, the days promise to bring plenty of sunshine. Not only is the weather unpredictable, the soil is hard and the rain is scarce. Ensuring a full and healthy harvest requires investing constant care and attention to the grapes. Driving down the dirt road to the main barn, I was greeted immediately by rows and rows of dormant grapevines set up along a backdrop of the gorgeous, sparkling, Lake Ivie. I was given a tour by Darla West and her daughter, Brandy Owens. Their establishment is modest and efficient; they take on hours of demanding labor, not to mention all of the traveling they do, hand selling and delivering their wine. The business itself is very new, and as any independently owned business owner knows, this means plenty of hard work and long hours. For me, supporting our local economy is not only satisfying but necessary. I am always able to appreciate things more, whether it's clothes, a meal, or a bottle of wine, when I know how much care and attention went into it. Although I have always embraced this ideology, I certainly have a greater appreciation for Seifert Cellars. Owners Steve Seifert and Darla West, along with Brandy Owens, are working hard to spread the word that West Texans can, in fact, make delicious, quality wine. Based on the idea that, in Texas, hot weather is the norm, Seifert Cellars is making wine to fit Texan tastes. True to this idea, they have created an impressive collection of six different sweet wines, but not to worry, if you don't have a sweet tooth, they also carry a wonderful Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. Darla and Brandy travel all over Texas in an effort to introduce and sell their wine. They are currently in 29 locations and counting including, Milagro Wine & Spirits, Joe's Icehouse, and The Concho Valley Farmers Market right here in San Angelo. When I tell people about this local wine, their reactions are either that of skepticism or recognition. People who don't usually drink wine, are loving Seifert Cellars, and for good reason. Their large variety of sweet, easy drinking wines are perfect, chilled on a hot Texas day. I love the fact that San Angelo’s local community is not only growing, but thriving. More and more I am introduced to wonderful, hard working people who are producing quality products and services. Seifert Cellars is a perfect example of this and I will certainly continue singing their praises! I am looking forward to watching the growth of this business and discovering what else San Angelo has to offer!

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight

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MUSIC LINE-UP Thursday, January 27th Bugota – Sealy Flats Tone Pirates – Stagecoach Saloon Drew Kennedy – Blaine’s Pub Texas Chuck’s Open Mic – Spam’s Bar

Friday, January 28th Johnny Cooper - Midnight Rodeo Blind Nello - Party Ranch Staci Grim - The Deadhorse Jack Ingram - Graham Central Station Whistlestix - Stagecoach Saloon Bryce & The Bad Decisions - Float 404 Dale Watson – Blaine’s Pub Tony Barker – Paula Sue’s Café Section 8 – Sealy Flats Electrify Your Strings w/ Lee Middle School – McNeese San Angelo Concert Series, Jack Williams – Emmanuel Recital Hall Bugota – Oasis Groovelux – FiFi DuBois

Saturday, January 29th

Thursday, February 3rd Josh Grider – Blaine’s Pub Mellow Moments with the Maestro – San Angelo Symphony

Friday, February 4th The Jaron Bell Band – Party Ranch The Wrecking – Paul Ann Baptist Church Born to Lose – The Deadhorse Austin Allsup – Blaine’s Pub

Saturday, February 5th

Manzy Lowry Band – Float 404 Hard Tymes – Coachman Club Battle of the Bands – The Deadhorse Matt Kimbro – Blaine’s Pub Killa Maul with Martyr Head – Steel Penny Pub Talley Services Memphis Sendoff – Sealy Flats Mark Cullimore & the Lizzards – FiFi DuBois

1st Saturday at the Chicken Farm Mark Allan Atwood – Party Ranch The Wrecking – Paul Ann Baptist Church Battle of the Bands – The Deadhorse Hudson Moore – Blaine’s Pub Whistlestix – Northside Sport’s Bar

Sunday, January 30th

Sunday, February 6th

Jeska Sheppard and Friends – Sealy Flats/ Lunch

The Wrecking – Paul Ann Baptist Church

Wednesday, February 2nd

Wednesday, February 9th

Open Mic Night – Oasis Whistlestix – Sealy Flats

Open Mic Night – Oasis

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San Angelo Spotlight

January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

San Angelo Spotlight




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