2017 NGAT Fall News

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Founded 1959 | Volume 58 | Number 3 | Fall 2017


Hurrican Harvey 17,000 Guardsmen on the Ground p8-9





NGAT Member Spotlights

59th NGAT Conference Information

Salute to Retirees

2017-18 Board of Directors President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint Forces HQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st Troop Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72nd IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Sustainment Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176th Engr Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st EMIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th MEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149th FW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147th RW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX State Guard Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region I . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region II . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region III . . . . . . . . . . . Family Readiness Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kenn White Priscilla Leger Bob Roark Albert Cardenas Randy Ransom Christopher McKeag Mikeal Crummedyo Mike Liesmann Richard Sublett Patrick Fugere Marrell Skinner Toni Savely Norman Lloyd Jimmy Leonard Charlie Weissenborn George Hurd Bruce Robison Albert Cardenas Leonor Milton Michael Wolff Richard Chamberlain Jeanne Arnold Donna Balderston Randy Ransom Shandra Sponsler Marvin Harris

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Theresa Billeck-Zuniga Bailey Buckingham MediaNation.net Aus-Tex Printing & Mailing

NGAT NEWS 3706 Crawford Ave Austin, TX 78731 512-454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428)


President’s Report


NGAT Conference/Holiday Open House


Member Spotlights


Leadership Changes



Hurricane Harvey — Texas Strong



Inaugural NGAT Bat Cruise/

NGAT Aids in Hurricane Harvey Relief


Around the World with the Guard


59th Annual NGAT Conference Form


59th Annual NGAT Conference Information



NGAT Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.ngat.org NGAT EMAIL Executive Director — Marvin Harris . . . . . . . . . . . mharris@ngat.org Insurance Director — Kathy Gallatin . . . . . . . . . insurance@ngat.org Meeting and Marketing Director — Rob Casias . . rcasias@ngat.org Membership Director — Theresa Billeck-Zuniga . . . . . tbz@ngat.org Submit news and articles to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ngatnews@ngat.org NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308.


Conference Guest Speaker Highlight/ Conference Breakout Sessions


Salute to Retirees




NGAUS Update


Statement of Ownership


TAPS/Corporate Sponsors


NGAT Planning Calendar


Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308 MEMBERS MAY EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES TO: membership@ngat.org

On the Cover: 551st Multi Role Bridge Company, Texas Army National Guard, conducted rescue reconnaissance in Port Arthur, Texas on September 4th, 2017. Soldiers launched Zodiac boats into floodwaters and searched neighborhoods for residents in need. (Photo by SSG Melisa Washington)

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PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP AND FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP visit with troops Sep, 2, 2017 at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston, Texas. The President and First Lady visited Houston to see the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey. Pictured left to right: Maj Freddie Reyes, COL Ronald Burkett, MAJ Randall Wright and CSM Richard Sublett. (Photo by MSgt Sean Cowher)

NGAT PRESIDENT LTC KENN WHITE (right), presents 2LT Joshua R. Farrar with a NGAT Life Membership and a clock for his selection as the OCS Distinguished Honor Graduate during a graduation ceremony recently held at the Texas State Capitol.

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I am excited to share some great updates since last quarter’s publication as we continue to make a difference to our members. As you are all aware, Texas took a devastating hit from Hurricane Harvey. Not only were thousands of civilians effected, but TMD Soldiers and Airmen took on damage or loss to their property. NGAT is currently working to assist many TMD members who have applied for assistance through our Texas National Guard Foundation. Through the amazing generosity from private donations as well as fundraising support from EANGUS and NGAUS, we have raised over $20,000 in funds to help all Texas National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who are still trying to recover from Harvey. One hundred percent of the funds raised will go to supporting Texas Guardsmen who are approved for assistance through the Texas National Guard Foundation. No request is too small, please contact the NGAT office and fill out an application for assistance if you need help due to the hurricane. The Texas National Guard Foundation is a big new step for NGAT that will enable us to provide support and assistance to our members and their families. The Foundation enables us to do some things that were not possible in the past with NGAT. I am excited about the possibilities for the future. NGAT has made changes in other areas as well, creating new programs and adding value for our members. The board feels that if you are a life member, you should be treated as such. So, in the future you will see programs that offer distinct advantages in the form of free or discounted events. In October, NGAT hosted a Bat Cruise on Lady Bird Lake — Free for life members. Other perks will be rolled out over time as well. During the annual conference, life members will get new life membership cards and access to a life member only lounge. Look for other

H Fall 2017

great advantages of being a life member of NGAT in the future. If you haven’t noticed, we are creating innovative programs/events as well. As I mentioned earlier we hosted a bat cruise with over 60 participants and we had a Halloween party scheduled for the end of October. Unfortunately, due to Hurricane OPTEMPO concerns, the Halloween party was canceled. We will replace it with a similar event soon. NGAT will soon be hosting quarterly “Lunch and Learn” sessions on Camp Mabry and other possible locations covering a variety of topics. These are some of the great innovative ways that NGAT continues to make a difference for our members. However, both our annual and life memberships are seeing a decline. Please know that as part of the August budget process, the NGAT board has allocated that the use of life membership dues to be specifically used for our NGAT life member products and services. This is a significant shift in the way this was managed in the past…and a much better use of NGAT resources. As a result, NGAT has purchased its own membership card machine for its life members and made a very important investment in a comprehensive Association Management System (AMS). This system will be rolled out in November and will really expand our member experience with this type of a platform. The board is committed to investing in our members and believe firmly in the NGAT values. NGAT’s future is stable, bright and we are positioned to do great things for our members.

Kenn White, LTC NGAT President

ion of Texas National Guard Associat Austin, Texas 78731 e 3706 Crawford Avenu 252-NGAT (512) 454-7300 (TX) 1-800gat.org w.n ww 03 -68 467 FAX: (512) 31 October 2017 Dear NGAT Members, 8 at the be held on March 22-24, 201 rd Association of Texas will a Lake Gua rett l Tor iona La Nat the the at of held nce be The 59 Annual Confere All conference events will as. site. Tex y, web mer AT ntgo NG Mo the in Spa 101 or can be booked from La Torretta Lake Resort & made by calling 936-681-1 rates after be m roo now ee can rant ions gua rvat not rese can Resort. Hotel odations. NGAT tax for single/double accomm The hotel rate is $125 plus Feb 26, 2018. r registration form. ntion when completing you this year so please pay atte t as a closed eren d diff e note is littl it a ss is unle tion nce Conference registra all sessions of the confere nd atte to d age our enc are All conference attendees th


members Saturday, Mar 24, 2018 for akfast this year will be on Bre ate in p icip rshi part mbe and Me & I join to sion The NGAT General Ses ber we highly encourage you conference and not a mem the g ndin atte are you If only. this event. are administrative instructions ions, appropriate attire and sess t kou brea , nda age . e org tentativ w.ngat. Information pertaining to on the NGAT website at ww NGAT News Magazine and available on page 15 of the added to or a $20.00 late fee will be ister before Mar 1, 2018 ful time Reg n. der ope won a now be is ld n atio wou bership status so now NGAT conference registr mem r you on and ed ces bas For y are itar ation fees ciation of the Texas Mil each registration. Registr are the professional asso We . ney mo e som e sav to join NGAT and emely important to us. your participation is extr tion form and list of applications. The applica is now accepting Scholarship ce by close of tion offi nda AT Fou NG l the ona to cati The NGAT Edu site. All applications are due web AT NG the on d liste required documents are business on Feb 16, 2018. n III who is a have LTG (Ret) Guy Swa rself.” We are honored to are. Other You in you e who liev to “Be is true e g them bein This year’s conference er about the importance of dinn rday don’t you Satu the and s at us ject to talk t sessions on a variety of sub dynamic speaker and will elopment classes, breakou dev l iona fess pro are led events schedu e show and silent auction. want to miss our super trad , with a heated pool/water park discounted price complete a at g rt alon reso t area grea the y this y enjo and enjo canoe and Come early with the family g your fishing gear, boat or spa and so much more. Brin golf, miniature golf, tennis, friends. with your family and NGAT l room and e sure to reserve your hote NGAT Conference, so mak ual Ann 59th the at you We hope to see register early. Come “Be Yourself” with

us at the NGAT Conference


NGAT HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE The National Guard Association of Texas invites all NGAT Members and members of the Texas Military Department to attend our annual

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, December 5, 2017 1030-1300 Come enjoy our famous tamales and vote for your favorite chili in our chili cook-off. For more information please call 512-454-7300 or email membership@ngat.org. Visit our website for additional details. H

Marvin Harris, LTC (Ret) Executive Director

SUPPORT THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD FOUNDATION WHILE YOU SHOP Are you one of the millions of people who shop on Amazon? If so you can help the Texas National Guard Foundation while you shop by taking a few simple steps. When first visiting SMILE.AMAZON.COM, customers are prompted to login in as they would on their main Amazon account. You will then be asked to select a charitable organization from almost one million eligible organizations. We ask that you select the Texas National Guard Foundation. Then you just start shopping. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to the Texas National Guard Foundation. The key to your donation is to always start your shopping experience by logging into smile.amazon.com so the Texas National Guard Foundation will receive a credit for your purchase. https://smile.amazon.com/ch/81-3514934 H

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IN MID-AUGUST THE TEXAS MILITARY DEPARTMENT (TMD) INDUCTED MG (RET) JERRY D. ICENHOWER AND CCMSGT (RET) HORACE E. HOBBS INTO THE TMD HALL OF HONOR. The Hall of Honor program was established in 1980 to recognize outstanding Texas Air, Army and State Guard members. Since its inception, more than 113 members of the TMD have been inducted.


Lt Gen Daniel James III was born in Tuskegee, Alabama, on Sept. 7, 1945. He earned his commission as a distinguished graduate of the University of Arizona’s Air Force ROTC program in 1968. Daniel James III is the first African-American to hold the post of Director of the Air National Guard. He assumed that command in 2002 following a flying career that included more than 300 combat missions in Southeast Asia and 4,000 flying hours. James, who retired in 2006, also served as Texas Adjutant General during his distinguished 38-year military career. He is the son of Daniel “Chappie” James Jr., who was the Air Force’s first AfricanAmerican four-star general. James was commissioned in 1968 and served as a forward air controller during the Southeast Asia War. In 1969-1970 he logged more than 500 combat hours flying O-1E Bird Dog aircraft based at Cam Ranh Bay, Republic of Vietnam. Returning to Southeast Asia in 1974-75, he served as a squadron assistant flight commander at Udorn Royal Thai AFB, Thailand, flying as a fighter pilot in F-4 Phantom aircraft. His postwar U.S. assignments were in the West and Southwest, where he served with units in California, Arizona and Texas. In 1978 he joined the Texas National Guard and served in various positions of responsibility and in December 1994 he became operations group commander of the Texas Air Guard’s 149th Fighter Wing. James served as the Adjutant General of Texas from 1995 to 2002. Promoted to lieutenant general in 2002, James became the 11th director of the Air National Guard that year following his nomination by President George W. Bush and U.S. Senate confirmation. As ANG director, James was responsible for more than 104,000 Airmen in 88 flying units in the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. Among his numerous awards are the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, two Distinguished Flying Crosses and seven Air Medals. Lt Gen James passed away on August 1, 2017. Our deepest condolence goes out to his family and many friends. H

LT GEN DANIEL JAMES III pictured center was always proud of his service in Texas. Pictured here with the Texas delegation at the 2009 NGAUS Conference in Nashville, Texas. 6 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

H Fall 2017


Texas Army National Guard and Texas State Guard retired MG Jerry D. lcenhower, of Seabrook, served more than 40 years in the military from February 1963 through 2009, spanning nearly two-thirds of his life in service to his country and state. He enlisted into the Texas Army National Guard in 1963 as a member of the 49th Armored Division, earning the 11B military occupational specialty of infantryman. His service has been marked by a dedication to duty and proven leadership. Icenhower was selected to attend Officer Candidate School and commissioned as a second lieutenant on June 19, 1965. In April 1993, he was appointed to serve as Commandant of the Texas Military Academy where he solidified the standing of the state Officer Candidate School program prior to his retirement from the Texas Army National Guard in 1995. Icenhower continued his service to the state and joined the Texas State Guard where he served in many key positions, to include, deputy commanding general responsible for three Army brigades and an air wing. He also served as a Task Force Commander in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. He retired from the Texas State Guard in April 2006. Following his retirement, he continued to serve the Texas Military community through his involvement with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve National Guard Association, where he served as an advocate for guardsmen benefits.


Texas Air National Guard retired CCMSgt Horace E. Hobbs, of San Antonio, served 40 years in the Texas Military, joining the Texas Air National Guard in 1971. He ascended to the office of Command Chief Master Sergeant and was entrusted with the responsibility of advising commanders on matters impacting more than 1,100 Airmen in the 149th Fighter Wing and its geographically separated units. In 1983, Hobbs was named Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year for the 149th Fighter Group, a prestigious honor for enlisted Airmen. In 1985, he went on to cross train to the Computerized Automatic Test Station career field and was named honor graduate for a second time. He served as lead 149th Fighter Wing subject matter expert for all F-16 Gold Flag/Air Force Repair Enhancement Program initiatives between 1990 and 2000. Additionally, Hobbs collaborated with Texas State Command Chiefs to develop important enlisted promotion guidelines that impact thousands of enlisted personal. Moreover, he co-authored the Texas Air National Guard’s instruction for E-8 and E-9 promotions and established time requirements for E-7s to complete formal leadership training-directives still in use today. Hobbs’ superior leadership and strategic vision were the cornerstone for four consecutive “Excellent” ratings for the 149th Fighter Wing during major inspections in 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010. Following his retirement, he continued to serve the Texas Military community through his work as a historian and Yellow Ribbon manager for the 149th Fighter Wing, ensuring deployed members and their families were aware of the benefits and cared for throughout the deployment process. H


MG William A. Hall

Special Assistant to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau

BG Michael N. Adame

36th Infantry Division Assistant Division Commander – Support

CW5 Paul Jenschke

36th Infantry Division Command Chief Warrant Officer

NGAT congratulates the following individuals from the Texas Army National Guard who recently graduated from the U.S. Army War College. COL Theresa K. Cogswell LTC Michael J. Hunt

LTC John C. Crawson COL John D. Laing LTC Tyra J. Swanson

LTC Anthony P. Flood LTC Oliver F. Mintz

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HURRICANE HARVEY made landfall with 130 mile per hour winds early August 25, 2017 as a Category 4 Hurricane near Rockport, Texas, and became an extremely destructive hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12-year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four-day period, many areas received more than 40 inches of rain as the system meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding, with peak accumulations of 64.58 inches, Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. Hurricane Harvey left unbelievable destruction in its path and the recovery process for Texans will take many years. However, the Texas Military Department’s response to Hurricane Harvey, alongside our local, state and federal first responders and National Guard units from across the United States, saved lives and helped many Texans take the first step toward rebuilding. Within three days of Harvey’s landfall, 12,000 Texas Guardsmen were working


around the clock to support Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. It was the first time since World War I that the entire force was mobilized at once. At the peak of operations, more than 17,000 Guardsmen were on the ground in Texas. Thousands of families and individuals were stranded and without clean drinking water for days after Hurricane Harvey passed over their cities. The Texas Military Department managed 30 points of distribution to provide Texas families in need of basic necessities. Members of the Texas Military Department rescued or evacuated more than 35,000 people from harm’s way and saved thousands of beloved pets. They provided shelter for 26,000 people without homes. They helped to maintain the nation’s food supply and preserve the state’s agricultural industry. Texas Guardsmen conducted hundreds of air and ground missions, performing more than 16,000 rescues and evacuating more than 18,000 people and 1,200 animals. The Texas Guard fed livestock from the back of Chinook helicopters from Texas and Ohio National Guard units. The operation

targeted an estimated 10,000 animals across an area of over 50,000 acres where the cattle industry is a $25 million dollar a year industry. The Texas State Guard, an all-volunteer force, supported Harvey relief efforts with 17 boat teams for search and rescue operations and eight Electronic Tracking Network teams to help evacuees locate loved ones checked into shelters. In addition, the 41 Texas State Guard shelter teams sheltered more than 26,000 evacuees and more than 700 animals in 15 shelters across the state. Texas is no stranger to natural disasters, but Hurricane Harvey was a truly exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime event. During an interview on September 3, 2017 General Joseph L. Lengeyl, National Guard Bureau chief, praised the Texas National Guard for being well-practiced and having a well-oiled response network, leading to their success. His remarks remind us why training is so important, and in the case of Hurricane Harvey, how it truly saved lives. H

PICTURED ARE MEMBERS OF THE TEXAS STATE GUARD MARITIME REGIMENT that were tasked with Search and Rescue missions in high flood waters in the aftermath of Hurricane

Harvey. They started at sun up and continued throughout the day until it got too dangerous to continue at night. (Photo provided by the Texas State Guard) 8 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

H Fall 2017

SOLDIERS AND AIRMEN from the Texas Military Department load hay bales into a

Chinook helicopters joined by civilians in Hamshire, Texas, September 5, 2017. Texas Military Forces are using air assets to support local cattle ranchers by protect their herds from starving, by air dropping hay bales to flooded areas. (Photo by SGT Steve Johnson)


floodwaters from Hurricane Harvey continue to rise, Monday, August 28, 2017. (Photo by 1LT Zachary West)


use a boat to get to the roof of their flooded house on August 31, 2017, after the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey. (Photo by SGT Anna Pongo)

EQUIPMENT USED FOR RESCUE AND SUPPORT OPERATIONS 859 – Humvees 30 – UH-60 Blackhawks 573 – High ProfileVehicles 14 – UH-72 Lakotas 109 – Boats 19 – CH-47 Chinooks 5 – Communication Packages 39 – C-130 Hercules

TEXAS MILITARY DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO HURRICANE HARVEY BY THE NUMBERS 18,137 – People Evacuated 349 – Air Hoist Rescues 16,012 – Ground Rescues 26,040 – People Sheltered 1,214 – Animals Evacuated 764,000 – Pounds of Cargo


National Guard, lift the pet of a flood victim in Orange, Texas, September 4, 2017. The U.S. Military and relief agencies continue to assist in aiding those affected by Hurricane Harvey. (Photo by SSG Carl Greenwell)

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Inaugural NGAT Bat Cruise

NGAT Aids in Hurricane Harvey Recovery

ON FRIDAY, OCT 13, 2017, NGAT held its first Bat Cruise in Austin, Texas. This was the first of many events specifically organized to thank our NGAT Life Members for their service. There was a total of 61 members and guests that spent two hours cruising Lady Bird Lake, enjoying tasty food, beverages and conversation. At the end of the cruise, all observed the famous Austin bats exiting from under the Congress Avenue bridge. During the cruise NGAT held a bag raffle for an Amazon Fire Tablet, Bluetooth speaker, Amazon Echo Dot and other great prizes, raising over $370 for the Texas National Guard Foundation Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief Fund that will assist soldiers and airmen in the Texas Military Forces affected by flooding due to Hurricane Harvey. We also had the privilege of having BG Michael Adame, Assistant 36th Infantry Division Commander — Support and his family on the cruise. The highlight of the cruise was everyone wanting their photo taken with our NGAT Executive Director, LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris who could not be in attendance due to other commitments. If you missed this event, don’t worry we are making plans to host another cruise in early spring. Seats are limited so don’t wait to register. If you have an idea for a NGAT Life Member event in your area email us at ngatnews@ngat.org. H (Photos by Robert Casias)

THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS (NGAT) assisted in the Hurricane Harvey Recovery efforts in several ways. They set up a donation center at the NGAT office to accept items that could be used by those affected by the flooding in and around the Houston area. NGAT worked with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) We Care for America Foundation at their Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada to help raise funds to assist members of the Texas National Guard affected by the flooding. EANGUS raised more than $14,000 that was presented to the Texas National Guard Foundation. Special thanks to EANGUS President, CMSgt (Ret) John Harris for leading this effort. The National Guard Association of Kentucky and the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) raised $3,308 in a silent auction held during the Annual NGAUS Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. All funds were donated to the Texas National Guard Foundation to provide assistance to Soldiers and Airmen currently serving in the Texas National Guard. Additionally, NGAT reached out to our corporate sponsors and sister associations and received needed items such as pallets of water, popup tents, mobile tents and everyday products needed to begin the cleanup process. In addition to coordinating multiple shipments of supplies to Houston, NGAT also drove a truck full of donated items to a Houston Armory to be distributed to Soldiers and Airmen affected by the flooding. If you are currently serving in the Texas Military Forces and need assistance to recover from flooding please visit the NGAT website for information on how to apply for assistance. Thank you to everyone who donated money or items for this relief effort. H

NGAT would like to thank for following organization for providing greatly needed items for the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. BRENHAM POLICE


COL (RET) WILLIAM ALLEN (LEFT) PICTURED WITH CYNDI CREGAN was presented a NGAT coin on the bat cruise for being the longest NGAT Life Member on the cruise. COL Allen joined NGAT as a life member in 1972.

NGAT LIFE MEMBER CPT BAU PHAN hangs out with NGAT Executive Director, LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris on the NGAT Bat Cruise. 10 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Fall 2017


MEMBERS OF THE NGAT STAFF stand by a rental truck full of donated items prior to departing to Houston. Pictured left to right: MSgt (Ret) Scott Wade, Membership Assistant; Rob Casias, Meeting & Marketing Director; Heather Weatherby, Insurance Assistant; and Kathy Gallatin, Insurance Director. (Photo by MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga)

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PICTURED HERE ARE TWIN BROTHERS, Lt Col Geoffrey Jenson, an F-15 Fighter Pilot with the Oregon Air National Guard, and Lt Col Matt Jensen, an F-16 Fighter Pilot. Both fighter pilots with the 149th Fighter Wing in Texas reunite during Sentry Eagle, a multi-force, air-to-air exercise, hosted by the 173rd Fighter Wing, Kingsley Field, in Klamath Falls, Oregon. (Photo by TSgt Mindy Bloem)

SRA J.D. LINDSEY, a loadmaster with the Texas Air National Guard marshals a truck onto a C-130H Hercules at Hurlburt Field, Florida, Sept 11, 2017. Supplies, equipment and personnel were transported to the Florida Keys to help with the recovery efforts following Hurricane Irma. (Photo by TSgt Nathan Lipscomb)

SOLDIERS FROM 3-133RD FIELD ARTILLERY REGIMENT based out of El Paso, Texas, forge through floodwaters to get to Texans in need after Hurricane Harvey on Sept 1, 2017. The battalion convoyed West to East the entire 860-mile Texas stretch of Interstate Highway 10 to conduct rescue and relief operations in Orange County, Texas. (Photo by SPC

CURRENT AND FORMER MEMBERS OF THE 136TH AW write farewell messages on the walls of aircraft 1362 a C-130H that departed to the boneyard located at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona on Oct 11, 2017. This aircraft proudly served the 136th AW from 1986-2017.

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Erien Haddock)

H Fall 2017






TEXAS SENATOR TED CRUZ and Soldiers from the Texas Army National Guard pose for a picture at the Orange County Expo Center, which was converted into an Emergency Operation Center following Hurricane Harvey in Orange, Texas, Sept 3, 2017. (Photo by

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, The Honorable Kenneth P. Rapuano, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Global Security, BG Patrick Hamilton, Commander of the Domestic Operations Task Force, CSM Elizabeth Shockley, Senior Enlisted Advisor Domestic Operations Task Force, and The Honorable Mr. Robert G. Salesses, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense Integration and DSCA take a group photo during an award ceremony in the Pentagon Hall of Heroes, Washington, D.C., Sept 24, 2017. The Domestic Operations Taskforce was one of four organizations to receive national recognition for their efforts in preparing to respond to natural or man-made disasters.

SSG Jessica Nassirian)

AIRMEN FROM THE 136TH AIRLIFT WING, and members of other state agencies assist a Hurricane Harvey evacuees off of a C-130 Hercules aircraft after arriving at Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Aug 31, 2017. The flight relocated more than 60 evacuees to Dallas from Beaumont, Texas. (Photo by Senior

MEMBERS OF THE 147TH ATTACK WING MAINTENANCE SQUADRON attach the tail of the Wing’s first MQ-9 Reaper on, Aug 1, 2017 at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base. The Wing is converting from the MQ-1B Predator to the MQ-9. (Photo by MSgt Sean Cowher)

Airman De’Jon Williams)

MEMBERS OF CO A 3-141 INF RGMT, 2nd Platoon, 1st Squad proudly display the Texas flag in the Horn of Africa. SFC BRAD BURLESON, HHBN 36th Infantry Division, assists in the clearing of roads in the vicinity of Cayey, Puerto Rico. The Texas Army National Guard are assisting in the recovery of the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria. (Photo by MAJ Randy Stillinger) F a l l 2 0 1 7 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


59th NGAT Conference Please Check:

o Army o Spouse

23-25 March 2018 La Torreta Lake Resort & Spa, Montgomery, TX

Conference Registration Form

o Retired Army o Guest

o Air

o Retired Air

o State Guard

o NGAT Life Member o NGAT Annual Member

_____ # Conferences Attended including this one

Rank:_______________________ Name:________________________________________________________________________ Unit:_______________________________________ Civilian Email Address:____________________________________ _____________________________ Home Address:_____________________________________________ Daytime Phone:(____)______________________________

Membershi p Dues

City/State:_____________________________ Zip:________________ Cell:(____)________________________________________ Badge Name:_________________________________ Spouse/Guest Name:___________________________Rank: _____________ The unit you wish to sit with at the Dinner:_________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate any special needs (i.e. disability, dietary, etc.) ________________________________________________________ Renew Your NGAT Membership Dues o Renew my NGAT Membership - NGAT Dues Renewal also available online E1-E6: $15 E7-O/CW3: $20 O/CW4-O/CW5: $25 O6-O8: $30 Associate/Retired: $20 o NGAT Life Membership Special - Become a life member today for $100.00 - Offer expires 31 Mar 2018

$100 ea

Choose Your Meal Package

NGAT Life Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Life Member Lounge, Welcome Party, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Prayer Breakfast) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors, RL - Retiree Lunch, SL - Spouses Lunch & Sunday Prayer Breakfast

SUBTOTAL $____________ $____________

$115 ea x ____


$140 ea x ____


$165 ea x ____


$55 ea x ____ $45 ea x ____


$73 ea x ____ $350 ea


o NGAT LM (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie (circle Prayer Breakfast) Yes No o NGAT LM Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie (circle Prayer Breakfast) Yes No

Conference Registration

NGAT Annual Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome

Party, Sat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors, RL - Retiree Lunch, SL - Spouses Lunch

o NGAT Annual Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie o NGAT Annual Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie

Non-NGAT Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome

Party, Sat Lunch and Dinner) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch

o Non-NGAT Annual Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie o Non-NGAT Annual Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie

Friday Welcome Party (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome Party) o Attendee o Spouse/Guest Saturday Lunch Only Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Saturday Lunch)

Please select Lunch: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch o Attendee (circle one) LE RL SL o Spouse/Guest (circle one) LE RL SL

Saturday Dinner Only Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Saturday Dinner) o Attendee (circle one) Chicken Beef Veggie o Spouse/Guest (circle one) Chicken Beef Veggie Jr Enlisted Package (E1-E6 only)

(Two full Conference Registrations that includes, Registration Fee, General Sessions,



Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome Party, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and two night stay at the Conference Hotel) (NGAT will book the hotel room)

Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch o Jr Enl Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie Hotel Room o King o Double o Jr Enl Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Chicken Beef Veggie

x ____ $15 ea $30 ea

$____________ $____________

o Attendee Handicap ____ o Spouse/Guest Handicap ____

$95 ea


o Spouse/Guest

$20 ea


$20 ea

$____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________

(Basic Registrations includes: Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits and Breakouts)

Member/Guest Registration Fee o Basic NGAT Non-Member/Guest Registration Fee You must pay basic registration to attend Optional Events

Optional Events

o Basic NGAT

NGAT Educational Foundation Golf Tournament (Fri) Names of Golf Team: _________________________ (Tournament Includes: Green Fees, Cart, Breakfast, Lunch and Awards)

Fun Run (Fri)

o Attendee Please select T-Shirt Size:



St Francis Wolf Sanctuary

(Fri) 0900 - 1200

o Attendee

o Spouse/Guest

Minature Golf Tournament Wine Tasting Spirits Tasting Sunday Prayer Breakfast

(Fri) 1100 - 1330 (Fri) 1100 - 1200 (Fri) 1230 - 1330 (Sun) 0800 - 0900

o Attendee o Attendee o Attendee o Attendee

o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest

$10 ea $25 ea $30 ea $30 ea I would like to donate to: (Circle One)

NGAT Educational Foundation Texas National Guard Foundation o Check Enclosed (Please make check payable to NGAT) Charge my: o MasterCard o Visa Expiration Date: ____________ SubTotal: Card #: ____________________________________ Late Fee after 28 Feb 18 (Add $20): CC Security Code: _______ CC Billing Address Zip Code: _______ Total (Check): Name of Cardholder:___________________________________________ Credit Card Handling Fee (Add 5%): Signature of Cardholder: _______________________________________ Total (Credit Card): ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE AT WWW.NGAT.ORG For Assistance Call 512-454-7300


Mail to: NGAT, 3706 Crawford Ave, Austin, TX 78731

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H Fall 2017

Fax: (512) 467-6803

Email: membership@ngat.org

$____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________

“Believe in Yourself”” at the 59th Annual NGAT conference held 23-25 March 2018 at La Torretta Lake Resort & Spa in Montgomery, Texas. Registration (ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW OPEN) Basic Registration fee is $15.00 per NGAT member/Guest, $30.00 per Non-NGAT member/Guest

Meal Packages (All meal packages include the basic registration fee)

NGAT Life Member/Guest Meal Package . . . . . . . . . Registration fee is $115 NGAT Annual Member/Guest Meal Package . . . . . Registration fee is $140 Non-NGAT Member/Guest Meal Package . . . . . . . Registration fee is $165 (The deadline for meal packages is March 16, 2018. After this date, meals must be purchased individually as available.) • A $20 late fee will be added to all registrations received after February 28, 2018. • All cancellation requests must be received in the NGAT office prior to February 28, 2018 in order to receive a refund.


• La Torretta Lake Resort & Spa, 600 La Torretta Boulevard, Montgomery, Texas 77356. • Make your reservations directly with the hotel at: 936-681-1101. Make sure to identify yourself as a member of the National Guard Association of Texas. • Attendee Hotel rate: $125 single/ double plus tax per night. • Exhibitor Hotel rate: $145 single/ double plus tax per night. • Hotel reservations can also be made online at the NGAT website. (NGAT cannot guarantee room rates after February 26, 2018)


NGAT Business Session: Business Casual NGAT Dinner: Army — Class A/Service Dress/Mess Dress Air — Mess Dress/Service Dress Civilians — Business Suit/ Evening Formal Wear Spouses — After-Five Attire/Cocktail Attire

Conference Optional Events

Golf Tournament at La Torretta Lake Resort & Spa — Shotgun, Florida scramble with low net/low gross competition. The golf tournament is open to both registered and non-registered attendees of the conference. Registration includes green fee, cart, continental breakfast, lunch, and award plaques. The annual 5K Fun Run/Walk at La Torretta Lake Resort & Spa — Come enjoy a leisure run/walk on Friday morning. The registration fee includes dry-fit t-shirt and refreshments. 15th Annual Silent Auction — Bid on over 200 auction items and take advantage of some great bargains on gift baskets, jewelry, weekend getaways, and tickets to music, sports and other entertainment venues. Donations for the auction are always accepted at the NGAT office or on site.

Wine Tasting — Sip, savor, relax and enjoy some exquisite Texas wines at our wine tasting. Spirits Tasting — Savor the flavor of some Texas tequilas. Come learn a little about the history and production of Texas tequila and learn about the ways to enjoy this smooth and flavorful spirit. St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary Tour — Visit this sanctuary dedicated to rescuing and caring for non-releasable wolves and wolfdogs while providing them with a stable loving home. During the one hour guided walking tour of the sanctuary you will learn all about wolves and wolfdogs, observe the animals, and learn their stories. Miniature Golf Tournament — Enjoy an 18-hole miniature golf course filled with obstacles and water hazards and unusual putting challenges. Trophies will be awarded to top golfers. NGAT Welcome Block Party — The Welcome Party will feature musical entertainment and games for a fun-filled event of networking and socializing with friends. The event menu includes Kielbasa hot dogs with your choice of toppings, pulled smoke chili beer brisket tacos with all the trimmings, pasta bowls with your choice of sauce and marinated grilled meats, oversized Italian meatball sliders and ice-cold refreshments. Enjoy a leisurely lunch at the Spouses Luncheon — Saturday. Registration fee includes lunch, entertainment and prizes. Saturday Dinner — This year’s dinner speaker is LTG (Ret) Guy C. Swan III who will speak on “Believing in Yourself.” NGAT will also present the Minuteman and Scholarship awards. After dinner, guests will have the opportunity to visit the hospitality cottages. Hospitality Cottages — Located along the lake across from the hotel’s main tower. Units will compete for “Best Hospitality Cottage” award. The Life Member Hospitality Lounge — This year NGAT is proud to offer all association life members attending the conference with an opportunity to meet and socialize in your very own NGAT Life Member Hospitality Lounge. Come and enjoy daily snacks and beverages with your fellow life members. Hours of operation will be listed on the program agenda. NGAT Prayer Breakfast — Enjoy a delicious breakfast, fellowship and prayer during the NGAT Prayer Breakfast on Sunday morning. For more information visit the NGAT website at www.NGAT.org. NGAT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM — Applications for the 2018 NGAT Scholarships are now being accepted at the NGAT office. Download your application on the NGAT website. Deadline for submission is February 16, 2018.

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LTG (Ret) Guy Swan III to Speak at the NGAT Conference

OUR GUEST SPEAKER AT THE NGAT CONFERENCE will be Lieutenant General Guy Swan, US Army, Retired. He is the Vice President for Education at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). At AUSA, General Swan is responsible for the overall outreach, messaging strategy, and operations of the Association’s education mission as a professional association. He directs the Association’s educational arm, the Institute of Land Warfare, and oversees AUSA’s congressional affairs program, military family advocacy programs, publications, AUSA-sponsored Army-Industry Symposia. He will speak on “Believing in Yourself.” General Swan is a 1976 West Point graduate and holds a Masters Degree from Georgetown University in national security affairs and a Masters Degree from the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) in strategic operations. He was also a National Security Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. During his 35 year military career, General Swan commanded units at every level including three commands as a general officer and is a veteran of the 1991 Gulf War and the Iraq War (200809). General Swan has extensive experience

on Capitol Hill where he served an extended three-year assignment as the US Army’s Chief of Congressional Liaison. He was the Army’s point man for formulating the Army’s interaction with the Congress which resulted in the Army surpassing a $100 billion annual budget for the first time while at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. General Swan is a frequent public speaker on support to military servicemembers and their families, other defense and security issues, interagency cooperation and collaboration, strategic leadership, and the value of public-private partnerships. Throughout his military career and subsequent civilian career General Swan has been recognized as an expert in the areas of congressional and government affairs, policy planning, and advocacy. General Swan holds numerous military awards including three Distinguished Service Medals, three Defense Superior Service Medals, two Legions of Merit, and the Bronze Star Medal. He has been awarded the Ranger Tab, Parachutist Badge, Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge, Army Staff Identification Badge, and is a holder of the prestigious U.S. Army Armor Association’s Order of St. George. H



WHEN YOU ARRIVE TO THE NGAT CONFERENCE there will be a special Life Membership lounge for Life Members to relax and mingle in and all Life Members will receive a new Life Membership card. This year the NGAT Life Member meal package include the Friday Welcome Party, Saturday Membership Breakfast, Saturday Lunch, Saturday Dinner and Sunday Prayer Breakfast. Now that’s one heck of a deal.

AS YOU REGISTER FOR THE NGAT CONFERENCE you will notice several changes in the registration form. The biggest change is that there are now three categories of registration. They are NGAT life members, NGAT annual members and non-NGAT members. Because your membership is important to us the board felt it was time to start granting different privileges to the different membership levels. This year all meal packages now include the registration fee, so there is no need to add it to your registration form. H

BREAKOUT SESSIONS WE ARE EXCITED TO BRING YOU A VARIETY OF NEW BREAKOUT SESSIONS with a wide range of topics and speakers, so you can choose the sessions that you find most inspiring or a best fit for your career goals.

Changes are also coming to our website. Within the next two months NGAT will have a new online membership program that will feature a member only login and community sites as well as a redesigned website. Additional activities for members are also in the works so stay in touch with us by liking our Facebook page, visiting our website or downloading our app. If you’re not a member what are you waiting for! Join us now at www.ngat.org. H

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H Fall 2017

• VA & National Guard Benefits •C oncealed Carry Training (Must complete range qualification prior to course) • Resume writing • J unior Enlisted Town Hall Meeting •C ompany Grade Professional Development • L egal Guidance for the Military Member • Financial Planning • Resilience Training

• Family Readiness support roles •C ybersecurity and You — Securing yourself and your family •C ybersecurity 101: Securing your Business •C ybersecurity in the workforce: How to hire and manage cybersecurity talent • Legislative Update • EANGUS Update • NGAUS Update • OSHA Training

COL DEMENT RECOGNIZED FOR HIS SERVICE COL Darrell Dement receives the Texas Superior Service Medal from BG Tracy Norris, Commander of the Texas Army National Guard, during his recent retirement ceremony held at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas. COL Dement is retiring from the Texas Army National Guard after 31 years of military service. H



Join us on Dec 2, 2017, at 10:00 am on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol in Austin Texas on the corner of 12th Street and San Jacinto to honor our brave Texans fighting the Global War on Terror and to celebrate the spirit of their families. The unveiling and dedication ceremony of “The Price of Liberty� monument on the State Capitol grounds will honor service members and their families from all military branches who have fought or still currently fight the Global War on Terror. For more information about the dedication ceremony or to donate visit their website at texaswarmemorial.com. H

COL Richard P. Adams (left), CW4 William J. Brown (center) and COL Michael E. Dye (right) proudly display their certificates after being commissioned Admirals in the Texas Navy at their recent retirement ceremony. COL Adams a former 36th Combat Aviation Brigade Commander completed 32 years of military service along with CW4 Brown while COL Dye finishes his military career with 37 years of military service. H

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EANGUS RALLYS TO SUPPORT HURRICANE HARVEY HURRICANE HARVEY HIT TEXAS just as NGAT was arriving in Reno, Nevada for the Annual EANGUS Conference. Over 75% of those scheduled to attend the conference from Texas had to cancel due to hurricane related issues. With the conference underway more National Guard units began to be activated to support Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts and it soon seemed very deja vu of the 2016 EANGUS Conference when Louisiana experience torrential flooding across the state. EANGUS quickly responded by sending out a call to members and sponsors alike to help Texas raise funds for the Texas National Guard Foundation Disaster Relief Fund that provides financial assistance to members of the Texas National Guard that experienced catastrophic flooding due to Hurricane Harvey. When it was all said and done the EANGUS — We Care for America Foundation presented the Texas National Guard Foundation with a check for $14,578.00 for the Soldiers and Airmen severely affected by Hurricane Harvey. During the conference, the NGAT News Magazine received an award for placing 1st in the Combined Association Publication contest and another award for placing 1st in the Commercial Website category for the NGAT website. EANGUS successfully passed a complete Bylaw’s revision during the conference that better details roles and responsibilities within the

organization. Visit the EANGUS website for a complete review of the new bylaws. At the awards dinner EANGUS presented the Al Schneider Memorial Award to Webb County Sheriff Laredo, Martin Cuellar for the exceptional support he has offered to veterans and National Guard members working in his office. The Al Schneider award is annually presented to an employer who has demonstrated outstanding support to the enlisted men and women of the National Guard and Reserves. Texas membership in EANGUS continues to be one of the lowest in the United States and we know we can do better. EANGUS represents our vested interest at the national level and your membership counts and helps ensure our collective voice remains strong. If you are enlisted and are not a member of EANGUS we highly encourage you to join and help build our collective voice at the national level. Mark your calendar to attend the 47th Annual EANGUS Conference, Aug 11-16, 2018 in Charleston, West Virginia. H THANK YOU EANGUS FOR YOUR HURRICANE HARVEY SUPPORT! Join EANGUS at www.ngat.org TEXAS EANGUS ATTENDEES pose for a photo with Webb County Sheriff Laredo, Martin Cuellar (center with badge) and his staff following the awards ceremony where he was awarded the Al Schneider Memorial Award. EANGUS PRESIDENT, CMSGT (RET) JOHN HARRIS (LEFT) PRESENTS NGAT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, LTC (RET) MARVIN HARRIS with a check for $14,578.00 from the EANGUS — We Care for America Foundation to provide financial assistance to members of the Texas National Guard affected by flooding from Hurricane Harvey.

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THE GUARD IS THE INDISPENSABLE FORCE THE NGAUS CONFERENCE WAS HELD IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY just as Texas was beginning to recover from Hurricane Harvey. While attendees gathered for the 139th NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition, more than 30,000 National Guardsmen from across the nation responded first to Hurricane Harvey in Texas and then Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean and Florida. And another 20,000 were deployed to manmade trouble spots around the world ringing clear the theme of the conference “The Guard is the Indispensable Force.” Despite our active Guardsmen cancelling their attendance at the NGAUS Conference, NGAT was well represented by COL (Ret) Paul Tressa, COL (Ret) Frank Zuniga, LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris, and LTC Marocco Roberts from NGB. NGAT Executive Director, LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris proudly announced that Texas was in attendance during the always entertaining Roll Call of States. No one was in the room to announce the presence of delegations from Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands where the National Guard was in full disaster mode. Instead, the delegates recognized them with warm and sustained applause. Col (Ret) Mike Hadley, the association’s legislative director, described a successful year on Capitol Hill for NGAUS since last year’s conference in Baltimore. For one, the federal definition of “veteran” was changed so that reserve-component members who serve honorably for 20 years are included. “NGAUS had lobbied on this issue for six years,” he said. Keynote speakers included General Joseph L. Lengyel, National Guard Bureau Chief, General James C. McConville, Army Vice chief of staff and Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson to name a few. The conference included the usual array of social events, including a reception at Churchill Downs, the iconic home of the Kentucky Derby. During the reception, awards were presented, songs were sung, and two special horse races were run for attendees.



140th General Conference & Exhibition

August 24-27, 2018 Earnest N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans, Louisiana 20 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Fall 2017

During the NGAUS Conference the National Guard Association of Kentucky raised over $3400 in a Silent Auction for the Texas National Guard Foundation. The foundation set up a fund to provide financial assistance to members of the Texas National Guard affected by Hurricane Harvey. And when the conference ended after three full days, Hurricane Maria was gathering strength in the Atlantic, just days away from wreaking havoc in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, prompting thousands of Guardsmen to respond. H

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H TAPS H As of 10/10/17

LTC Chester “Moody” Anderson, Life Member #913, Retired, Austin

**SFC Phillip E. Leeman, HHC 111TH ENG BN, Abilene

Mr. Jose Ansiso, Life Member #4508, Retired, Weslaco

Mr. Michael D. Maroney, Retired, San Antonio

SGT Douglas E. Baucum, Life Member #3794, Retired, Ozark AL

**SPC Stefanie Massey, DET 1 CO A REC & RET CMD, Kennedale

MSgt Joseph E. Benavides, Life Member #6119, Retired, San Antonio SSgt Ralph V. Eckert, Life Member #11927, Retired, Manor */**SPC Franko S. Franco, E CO (-) 2-149 AV (REAR), Fort Worth **SPC Scout B. Goodwin, SIG CO HHB 36ID (NON-EPLRS), Omaha

*/**SSG Susan K. Martin, DET 1 CO A REC & RET CMD, Kennedale CMSgt Gonda E. Moncada, Life Member #19524, Retired, Palacios Lt Col Herbert A. Mueller, Life Member #20603, Retired, San Antonio **SGT Allyson M. Niksich, DET 2 CO B REC & RET CMD, Dallas MG Elmer L. Stephens, Former Commander 49th Armored Division,

**MSG Christopher R. Goss, 136 MEB (REAR), Benton AR

Mr. David B. Hartman, Life Member #967, Retired, Hampton VA

SMSgt Marion “Bud” Wade, Life Member #3834, Retired, Bedford

CMSgt George A. Kalinoski, Life Member #2950, Retired,

SFC Archie W. Watley, Life Member #16320, Retired, McGregor

* Had NGAT Life Insurance Policy ** Had No Cost Active Guard Policy of $1000

Saint Hedwig

Life Member #11539, Retired, Dallas


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National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Avenue Austin, Texas 78731-6308


PLANNING CALENDAR (As of October 31, 2017)

2017 10


Veteran’s Day Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



Close Assault: 1944, Camp Mabry, Austin



Thanksgiving Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



NGAT Holiday Open House, Austin



National Guard’s Birthday



Christmas Holiday Observed (NGAT Office Closed)

2018 1


News Years Day (NGAT Office Closed)



EANGUS Mid-Winter, Bismarck, AR



Martin Luther King Day (NGAT Office Closed)



NGAT Board Meeting, Austin



President’s Day (NGAT Office Closed)



NGAT Board Meeting, Montgomery



59th Annual NGAT Conference, Montgomery

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