2018 NGAT Fall Newsletter

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Founded 1959 | Volume 59 | Number 3 | Fall 2018


Focus on the Future at the NGAT Conference





Save the Date: National Guard Reunion

Legislative Update

The Stars are Bright in Texas


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H Fall 2018

2018-19 Board of Directors President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint Forces HQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st Troop Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72nd IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Sustainment Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176th Engr Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st EMIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th MEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149th FW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147th RW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX State Guard Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region I . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region II . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region III . . . . . . . . . . . Family Readiness Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kenn White Priscilla Leger Albert Cardenas Bruce Robison Michael Wolff Vacant Mike Crummedyo Mireya Cruz Dave Moulton James Crady Merrill Skinner Toni Savely Norman Lloyd Jimmy Leonard Charlie Weissenborn George Hurd Bruce Robison Albert Cardenas Kyle Ames Michael Wolff Robert Finley Jeanne Arnold Donna Balderston Quentin Kimble Shandra Sponsler Marvin Harris




Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Billeck-Zuniga Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MediaNation.net Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aus-Tex Printing & Mailing NGAT News 3706 Crawford Ave Austin, TX 78731 512-454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428)



NGAT Open House

NGATEF Scholarships

6-9 10

11 12-13 14 15 16 17

NGAT Email

NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308.


Conference Letter

NGAT Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.ngat.org

Meetings & Corporate Programs Director – Rob Casias . . . rcasias@ngat.org Insurance Director – Kathy Gallatin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . insurance@ngat.org Membership Director – Theresa Billeck-Zuniga . . membership@ngat.org NGAT News Magazine (Article & Photos) . . . . . . . . . . . . ngatnews@ngat.org

President’s Report

60th Annual NGAT Conference National Guard Reunion/ Order NGAT Conference Shirts TMD Hall of Honor Around the World with the Guard Legal Update Around Texas with the Guard Legislative Update 2nd Annual Bat Cruise Futures Command

18 The Stars are Bright in Texas 20 EANGUS 21 NGAUS 22 TAPS/Corporate Sponsors 24 NGAT Planning Calendar

Follow us on

Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308 MEMBERS MAY EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES TO: membership@ngat.org

On the Cover: Emergency first responders and Texas National Guardsmen Work together to lift a water-rescue boat onto a National Guard support vehicle in Huntsville, Texas, Oct 18, 2018. Texas Guardsmen worked alongside emergency first responders to help Texans in need during severe flooding. (Photo by SPC Miguel Ruiz)

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT With the holiday season quickly approaching, I ask you to take a few moments to reflect on all the many things we have to give thanks for.

CONGRATULATIONS TO BG PATRICK HAMILTON SIGNING HIS ASSUMPTION OF COMMAND MEMORANDUM taking leadership of the 36th Infantry Division effective September 4, 2018. The Texas Military Department Deputy Adjutant General — Army, and Commander of the Texas Army National Guard, BG Tracy Norris witnessed Hamilton take command of the nearly 15,000 Arrowhead Soldiers in Texas and the active duty associated unit brigade at Fort Polk, LA. The official 36th Infantry Division Change of Command Ceremony will be held on Nov 17, 2018, at 9:30 am on the Camp Mabry parade field in Austin, Texas.

As the Chairman of the National Guard Association of Texas, I am thankful for the continued opportunity to lead this Association and serve its members. Recently the Board of Directors approved its FY’19 budget NGAT and audit. I am happy to share with you that we are doing very well. You can obtain a copy of the audit by contacting the Executive Director. Recently, I attended the Senior Leaders Symposium in Austin. I was encouraged by the discussion regarding NGAT membership levels for our Junior Non-commissioned officers. Increasing our membership is our top strategic goal within the Association. Bringing more junior enlisted members into the Association was a topic of discussion during the symposium and an area of great importance to the board. We have created a task force that will look at different approaches that create value for our younger soldiers. If you have new program ideas, please email me. This year, we hosted our 2nd annual bat cruise. This fun event was free to all life members and a great opportunity to visit old friends. We had over 50 people attend the bat cruise. I was personally able to connect with someone I served in Iraq with, but haven’t seen in over 14 years! Events like this are a great way to spend time with your family and connect with your military friends. The feedback I received on the bat cruise was very positive. I am glad NGAT is able to provide this type of activity to our members. I would like to close this letter by thanking those of you who expressed your support for the new direction that NGAT is undertaking. I continue to personally hear from several members and vendors who like the direction the Association is going. As we move into the holiday season, I wish you and your families a safe and memorable holidays season. H

VALERIE RYAN (LEFT) AND MAJ GEN JOHN F. NICHOLS (RIGHT), the Adjutant General of Texas pin Sean Ryan with his brevet rank of Major General during his recent retirement ceremony at Camp Mabry.

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Kenn White, LTC NGAT President

H Fall 2018

CIATION OF TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ASSO , TX 78731 e, 3706 Crawford Av Austin gat.org w.n ww 300 4-7 512-45 October 30, 2018


s Conference ard Association of Texa 60th Annual National Gu March 28-31, 2019

ference of brate the 60th Annual Con Texas Gulf Coast as we cele ference th con Sou All in n 9. 201 dow us 31, 28join We hope you come pus Christi from March Cor in e a few AT) (NG Com . as ter Tex Cen of ation in the American Bank the National Guard Associ ional events will be held strolling m opt st Fro r. mo offe and to s, has sion ” ses Sea meetings, breakout “The Sparkling City by the you days late and enjoy what g yourself to a Bay Cruise, days early or stay a few pus Christi Bay to treatin Cor off eze bre the h wit wn nto dow ll along the seawa nderful time. are destined to have a wo meal w.ngat.org. Check out the for the conference at ww W NO e r tak iste to reg now ase er Ple mb – NGAT me Conference Registration privileges. So, become a rch 11, 2019 that membership has its fee will be added after Ma late $20 packages and you’ll see A ly. ate edi imm es ileg priv hip ers advantage of those memb only be made onsite. after March 18, 2019 can and registrations made ’ll have two overflow pus Christi Hotel and we hotel will be the Omni Cor t hos guarantee this room rate The not – can ns We atio ht. erv Room Res of le/double plus tax per nig sing 0 5.0 $11 of now to take advantage ns rate el atio hotels, all with a hot make your room reserv ase ple So 9. 201 8, rch r Ma for reservations made afte the discounted rate. h open the Exhibit Hall wit Agenda Highlights: Ceremony – Join us as we ting Cut bon Rib l Hal ibit 00) Exh • Friday, March 29 (13 tners. h anniversary of NGAT by our great Corporate Par Help us celebrate the 60t – ty Par me lco We in the world now 0) 30-210 remaining aircraft carrier • Friday, March 29 (18 USS Lexington, the oldest the on ty Par e lcom We enjoying the ference attendees General Session – All con turned into a museum. AT Annual Meeting and NG aker is USAF 0) spe e 120 00not (08 key 30 sion rch l ses • Saturday, Ma general session. Genera and g etin ss casual. me ine ual bus is ann Pilot Speaker. Attire are invited to the NGAT y Gunnoe, known as the Lac e speaker is Col not Lt t, key r Pilo Ou r . ato ner alu din Instructor/Ev t – Banquet is a formal que Ban s ard , 9/11/01: Aw ker 0) Bun 210 (1915rs Inside the President’s • Saturday, March 30 with his story of “24 Hou civilian ling or y Dar itar ert mil in Rob ss ol dre LtC to retired Marine guests are asked y personnel, spouses, and The White House.” Militar formal attire. gress the Association to are working hard to pro We n. atio oci Ass R YOU Guardsmen of ed support as Military Department I appreciate your continu sional organization all Tex fes pro the ! is isti this Chr ure pus in Cor make it better and to ens stions and we’ll see you ase call if you have any que want to be a part of. Ple FOR THE PRESIDENT:

Marvin E. Harris NGAT Executive Director


NGAT Annual Holiday Open House at the NGAT Office | 3706 Crawford Ave, Austin, XT 78731 Tuesday, December 11, 2018 | 1030-1300

Come enjoy our famous tamales and vote for your favorite chili in our 2nd Annual Chili Cookoff. For more details call 512-454-7300, email membership@ngat.org or visit our website www.ngat.org. H

NGATEF SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (NGATEF) announces its annual scholarship competition. Educational grants for attendance at college or university will be awarded to active and life members of the National Guard Association of Texas and/or their spouses, sons or daughters. The foundation will award multiple educational grants of various amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000. High school seniors, college undergraduates and graduate students will be considered for these educational grants. Two scholarships have very specific requirements, so if you meet these requirements we encourage you to apply for a NGATEF scholarships. • Scholarship available for a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard or a spouse/child of a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard. • Scholarships available to a NGAT Member currently serving in the Texas Army or Air National Guard Deadline for submission of scholarship applications is February 15, 2019. Go to www.ngat.org/ education.htm to download the scholarship application.

Good Luck!

F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


Lacy Gunnoe

The Pilot Speaker

Celebrating the Past Focusing on the Future COME CELEBRATE 60 YEARS OF THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS, MARCH 28-31, 2019 IN CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS. THERE WILL BE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE AND THEN A LITTLE MORE. We have some exceptional speakers lined up for our anniversary conference along with some top-notch activities. Starting with Lt Col Lacy Gunnoe, “The Pilot Speaker” who will speak at the first general session, and concluding with LtCol (Ret) Robert Darling, author of “24 Hours Inside the President’s Bunker — 9-11-01 The White House.” Both are sure to inspire you. Come early or stay late and enjoy everything that Corpus Christi has to offer. Welcome Party tickets include extended visits to the USS Lexington before and after the conference. If you’re a golfer brush up on your game. One lucky golfer could win a new vehicle provided they get a hole in one on the designated hole at the NGAT Educational Foundation Golf Tournament. Most of all come share 60 years of success with NGAT members and help us plan for the future of this great organization. H

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H Fall 2018


Lt Col Lacy Gunnoe – The Pilot Speaker

Lt Col LACY GUNNOE is a passionate Professor & Keynote Speaker on Leadership. He has trained professionals in small business, business executives, including sports organizations, and collegiate sports teams. Serves as a guest artist for Paul Mitchell Excel Academy, facilitator for off-site goal workshops for chief military officials, and presents key principals for high performance in critical customer service environment. Provides career workshops for High School to University Level students. Led events for over 20,000 students including Samford University, University of Alabama Birmingham, Mississippi State University, Concord University, and West Virginia University. Gives back to at-risk young adults in southeast via Remove Before Flight non-profit organization. A USAF Instructor/Evaluator Pilot of 17 years. Skilled Officer leading crew of $59M Major Weapon System in combat environment. Responsible for evaluating pilots & ensuring current qualifications for 80+ personnel. Coaches clients on faith, family/friendship, fitness, finances, & fulfillment. Fueling their fire to balance life, reach intentional personal goals, & maximize full-potential. Team RWB Chapter Captain for Birmingham Community. Enriches the lives of Veterans through social & physical activities in the Birmingham Area. Connects organizations, businesses, & civic officials with Veterans to enhance Veteran opportunities & quality of life. ESPN Analyst, Trent Dilfer named him “fire-breather” after listening to one of his prolific deliveries. You don’t want to miss this as Lacy will explain “We don’t change the world by changing others, we change the world by changing ourselves. H


LtCol (Ret) Robert J. Darling

LIEUTENANT COLONEL DARLING retired from the United States Marine Corps with just over twenty years of active duty service in October 2007. He flew Cobra attack helicopters in Desert Shield and Desert Storm during the first Gulf War and in Somalia, Africa in support of Operation Restore Hope. In June 1998, he was selected to fly as a presidential pilot with Marine Helicopter Squadron One and in October 2000, he was selected to work for The White House Military Office, Airlift Operations Department. It was in that capacity that, then Major Darling supported the President, Vice President and National Security Advisor in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) on September 11, 2001. Bob graduated from Iona College, New Rochelle, NY with a BA in Economics in 1987. Upon graduation he was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant aboard the USS Intrepid. In 2002 Bob attended the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA where he earned his MBA in Financial Management. At the urging of family, friends, and colleagues to share his witness to American history, Bob wrote his memoir, “24 Hours Inside the President’s Bunker, 9/11/01: The White House. MAJ Darling explains how he organizes President Bush’s trip to Florida on Sept. 10, 2001, he believes the next couple of days will be quiet. He had no idea that a war was about to begin. On September 11th, after terrorist’s crash airliners into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, MAJ Darling rushes to the president’s underground chamber at the White House. There, he takes on the task of liaison between the Vice President, National Security Advisor and The White House Situation Room. He plays an instrumental role when Vice President Cheney orders two fighter jets airborne in order to shoot down United Flight 93. Throughout the attacks, MAJ Darling witnesses the unprecedented actions that our nation’s leaders are taking to defend America. You are not going to want to miss his riveting account of the action by our nations leadership. He is the President of Quantitative Analytics, LLC, an aviation operations and logistics consulting company located in Stafford, Virginia. H

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The 60th Annual NGAT Conference March 28-31, 2019

Omni Corpus Christi Hotel and the American Bank Center Corpus Christi, Texas Registration

16th Annual Silent Auction — Bid on over 200 auction items and take advantage of some great bargains on gift baskets, jewelry, weekend getaways, and tickets to music, sports and other entertainment venues. Donations for the auction are always accepted at the NGAT office.

(ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN) All attendees must pay the registration fee. Registration fee is $15.00 per NGAT member/guest and $30 for a nonNGAT member/guest.

Meal Packages

• NGAT Life Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $140. • NGAT Annual Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $150. • Non-NGAT Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $175. (The deadline for meal packages is March 18, 2019) A $20 late fee will be added to all registrations received after March 11, 2019. All cancellation requests must be received prior to February 12, 2019.


• Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, 900 N. Shoreline Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Make your reservations directly with the hotel at: 1-800-843-6664. Make sure to identify yourself as a member of the National Guard Association of Texas. Attendee Hotel rate: $115 single/double plus tax per night. Hotel reservations can also be made online at the NGAT website. (NGAT cannot guarantee rooms after March 8, 2019)


NGAT Business Session: Business Casual NGAT Banquet — Army: Class A/Service Dress/Mess Dress Air: Mess Dress/Service Dress Civilians: Business Suit/ Evening Formal Wear Spouses: After-Five Attire

Conference Optional Events

Golf Tournament at NorthShore Country Club — Shotgun, Florida scramble with low net/low gross competition. The golf tournament is open to both registered and non-registered attendees of the conference. Registration includes green fee, cart, continental breakfast tacos, lunch, two complimentary beverage tickets, award plaques and your chance to win a new truck in the hole-in-one competition. Tournament benefits the NGAT Educational Foundation. The annual 5K Fun Run/Walk — Come enjoy a leisure run/walk along the Sea Wall on Friday morning. The registration fee includes wicking t-shirt, award medals and refreshments.

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H Fall 2018

Wine Tasting — Sip, savor, relax and enjoy some exquisite wines at our wine tasting. Boat Tour — Enjoy an hour long relaxing cruise on the “Japonica” — a 50 ft open air touring boat that will allow you to see the highlights of downtown Corpus Christi and experience a breathtaking view that cannot be seen from the coastline. After the Wine Tasting come try Wine Glass Painting. Your registration fee includes wine glasses, painting supplies, aprons, and paints. The event will also include games and prizes. The wine glass painting will be conducted by the great artists from www.crazypicasso.com, so come and show us your artistic side and take home your very own hand-painted wine glasses. Welcome Party on the USS Lexington — The Welcome Party reception menu includes a surf-and-turf buffet of 6-oz sirloin steak with a burgundy mushroom sauce and garlic jumbo fresh caught gulf shrimp with various vegetable sides, desserts, and ice-cold refreshments. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Melinda Adams Band. Once on board, map your adventure to include guided ship tours, interactive displays, watch larger-than-life heroes become just that on the three-story-tall 3D MEGA Theater or go up to the flight deck and check the aircraft on deck. Come prepared to eat some great food, and have a fun-filled night of networking and socializing with friends. Enjoy a leisurely lunch and fashion show at the Spouses Luncheon with Perfectly Created LuLaRoe with Jenilyn Jensen on Saturday. The fashion show will feature styling tips with LuLaRoe Clothing. The LuLaRoe Clothing line carries elegant and casual, women, men and children’s comfortable clothing. Saturday Awards Banquet — This year’s dinner speaker is LtCol (Ret) Robert J. Darling, United States Marine Corps. NGAT will also present the Minuteman award. After dinner, guests will have the opportunity to visit hospitality suites. Hospitality Suites will be located in the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. Units will compete for “Best Themed Hospitality Suite” award. Close out the conference with a delicious breakfast, fellowship and prayer during the NGAT Prayer Breakfast on Sunday morning.

For more information visit the NGAT website at www.NGAT.org

60th NGAT Conference • March 28-31, 2019 • AmericanBank Center, Corpus Christi, Texas Please Check:

o Army o Spouse

o Retired Army o Guest

Conference Registration Form

o Air

o Retired Air

o State Guard

o NGAT Life Member o NGAT Annual Member

_____ # Conferences Attended including this one

Rank:_______________________ Name:________________________________________________________________________ Unit:_______________________________________ Civilian Email Address:____________________________________ _____________________________ Home Address:_____________________________________________ Daytime Phone:(____)______________________________ City/State:_____________________________ Zip:________________ Cell:(____)________________________________________ Badge Name:_________________________________ Spouse/Guest Name:___________________________Rank: _____________

Membershi p Dues

The unit you wish to sit with at the Dinner:_________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate any special needs (i.e. disability, dietary, etc.) ________________________________________________________ Renew Your NGAT Membership Dues o Renew my NGAT Membership - NGAT Dues Renewal also available online E1-E6: $15 E7-O/CW3: $20 O/CW4-O/CW5: $25 O6-O8: $30 o NGAT Life Membership - Become a life member today for $100.00

Associate/Retired: $20

$100 ea

Choose Your Meal Package

NGAT Life Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Life Member Lounge, Welcome Party, Saturday Breakfast (Member only), Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Prayer Breakfast) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors, RL - Retiree Lunch, SL - Spouses Lunch & Sunday Prayer Breakfast

SUBTOTAL $____________ $____________

$140 ea x ____


$150 x ____


$175 ea x ____


$60 ea x ____ $40 ea x ____


$75 ea x ____ $500 ea


o NGAT LM (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie (circle Prayer Breakfast) Yes No o NGAT LM Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie (circle Prayer Breakfast) Yes No

Conference Registration

NGAT Annual Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome

Party, Sat Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors, RL - Retiree Lunch, SL - Spouses Lunch

o NGAT Annual Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie o NGAT Annual Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie

Non-NGAT Member/Guest Meal Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome

Party, Sat Lunch and Dinner) Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch

o Non-NGAT Annual Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie o Non-NGAT Annual Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie

Friday Welcome Party (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome Party) o Attendee o Spouse/Guest Saturday Lunch Only Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Saturday Lunch)

Please select Lunch: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch


Attendee (circle one) LE RL SL


Spouse/Guest (circle one) LE RL SL

Saturday Dinner Only Package (Includes Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits, Breakouts, Saturday Dinner) o Attendee (circle one) Beef, Chicken, Veggie o Spouse/Guest (circle one) Beef, Chicken, Veggie Jr Enlisted Package (E1-E6 only)


(Two full Conference Registrations that includes, Registration Fee, General Sessions,


Exhibits, Breakouts, Welcome Party, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and two night stay at the Conference Hotel) (NGAT will book the hotel room)

Please select Lunch & Dinner: LE - Lunch w/Exhibitors RL - Retiree Lunch SL - Spouses Lunch o Jr Enl Member (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie Hotel Room o King o Double o Jr Enl Member Spouse/Guest (circle lunch) LE RL SL (circle dinner) Beef, Chicken, Veggie

x ____ $15 ea $30 ea

$____________ $____________

o Attendee Handicap ____ o Spouse/Guest Handicap ____

$95 ea


o Spouse/Guest

$20 ea


(Basic Registrations includes: Registration Fee, General Sessions, Exhibits and Breakouts)

Member/Guest Registration Fee o Basic NGAT Non-Member/Guest Registration Fee You must pay basic registration to attend Optional Events

Optional Events

o Basic NGAT

NGAT Educational Foundation Golf Tournament (Fri) Names of Golf Team: _________________________ (Tournament Includes: Green Fees, Cart, Breakfast, Lunch and Awards)

Fun Run/Walk

(Fri) 0730 - 0900 o Attendee Please select T-Shirt Size:

License to Carry Certification Wine Tasting TXNG Reunion Luncheon CC Bay Japonica Boat Tour Wine Glass Painting Sunday Prayer Breakfast



o Attendee o Attendee o Attendee

o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest

Free $30 ea $25 ea

$____________ $____________ $____________

o Attendee (Fri) 1300 - 1500 o Attendee (Sun) 0800 - 0900 o Attendee

o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest o Spouse/Guest

$14 ea $20 ea $35 ea

$____________ $____________ $____________

(Fri) 0800 - 1200 (Fri) 1130 - 1230 (Fri) 1130 - 1300 (Fri) 1015 - 1115

I would like to donate to: (Circle One) o Check Enclosed (Please make check payable to NGAT) Charge my: o MasterCard o Visa Expiration Date: ____________ Card #: ____________________________________ CC Security Code: _______ CC Billing Address Zip Code: _______ Name of Cardholder:___________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder: _______________________________________ ONLINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE AT WWW.NGAT.ORG

NGAT Educational Foundation

Texas National Guard Foundation

SubTotal: Add $20.00 late fee after Mar 11

Total (Check):

Credit Card Handling Fee (Add 5%):

Total (Credit Card): For Assistance Call 512-454-7300

$____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________ $____________


Mail to: NGAT, 3706 Crawford Ave, Austin, TX 78731

Fax: (512) 467-6803

Email: membership@ngat.org

F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |



The National Guard Association of Texas

requests the honor of your presence at the

Texas National Guard Reunion Luncheon The American Bank Center 1901 North Shoreline Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

Adult Unisex Polo Shirt •N GAT 60th Anniversary Logo on left breast pocket • 5 0% preshrunk cotton, 50% polyester •D ryBlend® fabric wicks moisture away from the body •T hree-button placket Available in: Forest Green, Navy or Purple Sizes: Med, Large, X-Large

Friday, March 29, 2019 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $25.00 per person

NGAT Life Members: $15.00 each NGAT Annual Member: $20.00 each


We encourage you to also participate in our NGAT 60th Anniversary Conference activities Registration is now open.

Golf Hole Sponsors Wanted Support the NGAT Educational Foundation by being a Golf Hole Sponsor or Co-Sponsor.


Fleece Full-Zip Jacket •N GAT 60th Anniversary Logo on left breast pocket • 1 00% spun soft polyester fleece with non-pill finish on surface •B ottom hem with drawcord and toggles Available in: True Blue Sizes: Med, Large, X-Large NGAT Life Members: $30.00 each

$500 for Golf Hole Sponsorship or $250 for Co-Sponsorship

NGAT Annual Member: $35.00 each

Contact Rob Casias at rcasias@ngat.org or sign up online at www.ngat.org/conference.htm

The words “Life Member” will be under the NGAT logo on all Life Member Shirts or Jackets. Order online with your NGAT Conference Registration or download an order form at www.ngat.org.

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H Fall 2018

TEXAS MILITARY DEPARTMENT 2018 HALL OF HONOR INDUCTION CEREMONY The Hall of Honor was created as a permanent tribute to recognize members of the Texas Military Forces who have made lasting contributions of an outstanding nature to the Texas National Guard. Induction into the Hall of Honor is the highest form of recognition the Texas National Guard can bestow on an individual and is widely recognized as the crowning achievement of a distinguished career. During the last 38 years, 119 Soldiers, Airmen, state guardsmen and civilians have been inducted into the Hall of Honor. The 2018 Hall of Honor inductees are BG (Ret) Hugh J. Hall, Texas Army National Guard and CCMSgt (Ret) William C. Sivells, Texas Air National Guard.

BG (Ret) Hugh J. Hall

CCMSGT (Ret) William C. Sivells

BRIGADIER GENERAL HUGH HALL served over 40 years in the United States Army and Texas Military Department from 1961 to 2002. He served his community, the Great State of Texas and the United States of America with distinction and honor. His care for military families was felt throughout the state during times of uncertainty. His calm demeanor helped maintain focus during the dark hours after September 11, 2001. His outstanding leadership which has shaped the force into what it is today.

CHIEF MASTER SERGEANT WILLIAM C. SIVELLS JR. honorably served over 40 years in the United States Air Force and Texas Military Department from 3 March 1965 thru 23 June 2005. Chief Sivells continuously demonstrated the highest qualities of enlisted leadership as he ascended to the office of Command Chief Master Sergeant responsible for advising commanders on all matters impacting more than 1100 Airmen in the 149th Fighter Wing and its geographically separated units.

General Hall began his military service as a Tank Mechanic (63H10) and served with the famed Second Armored Division (aka 2nd AD) at Fort Hood, Texas. He later reenlisted as a UH1 Huey Crew Chief (67N10) and in 1966 deployed to the Republic of South Vietnam with the 155th Assault Helicopter Company. 52nd Aviation Battalion serving as a Crew Chief and Door Gunner, earning the Air Medal and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal (with “60” Device). Returning from Vietnam, he was assigned to the Transportation School at Fort Eustis, Virginia and served as UH1 Maintenance Instructor. He enlisted into the Florida Army National Guard in August 1968 and later transferred to the Texas Army National Guard. General Hall was granted a direct commission through his combat leadership experience gained in Vietnam and appointed to Second Lieutenant on 3 August 1972. His first Platoon Leader assignment was as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer with 111th Aviation Group (Combat), TXARNG. During his career he served in all leadership positions from company to brigade level, culminating as the Deputy Commander for Support, 49th Armored Division. His civilian employment ran parallel as the Superintendent of Mobilization and Training Equipment Site, better known as MATES. This gave him a deeper perspective on combat readiness and was demonstrated by the quality of maintenance operations, the same level of quality maintenance operations that is still carried on by the men and women of MATES today. As Deputy Commander for Support of the 49th Armored Division, he improved all areas of combat readiness, specifically maintenance and logistics, which at the time, was capstoned to U.S. Army III Corps and stood as the only fully functional, reserve component, armored division in the United States Army. General Hall’s demonstrated leadership and commitment was recognized with the presentation of the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe (Master Gunner of Ordnance); the Order of Saint George (Honorable Service to Armor and Cavalry) and the Order of Saint Barbara (Artillery). General Hall is actively involved in his community and is active in many charitable endeavors. After retirement he served as a consultant to several defense contractors. General Hall’s exceptional outstanding service and myriad of contribution, a strong love for State and country, and the Soldiers who protect it, will have a lasting positive impact on the Texas Army National Guard and the United States Army. H

From the beginning of his career, Chief Sivells excelled in leadership and epitomized excellence. In 1965, he was the Red Rope student leader and graduate of the 3398th Technical Training Squadron during the Airborne Communication Technical Training Course, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. In 1982, he served as the Air National Guard liaison for the C-130 rotations at Howard AFB, Panama. Chief Sivells established policies and procedures to ensure maintenance support was available to meet mission needs for deploying aircraft. In 1985, his direct involvement in the F-16 Conversion proved key in the acceptance of jets from Active Duty units as well as accelerated technical training schedules. In 1998, Chief Sivells was critical in the Wing’s mission conversion to a Fighter Training Unit. He was selected by the Wing Commander to determine manpower requirements to meet student production, while maintaining the health of the fleet. His efforts were adopted as the standard for all FTU’s that immediately alleviated the backlog of basic qualified pilots awaiting fighter aircraft training and established methods to efficiently produce highly trained fighter pilots for the Air Force. In 2000, Chief Sivells was selected as the Wing Command Chief and immediately began initiatives that would impact all enlisted personnel. He joined other CCM’s for the formulation of the Texas Airman Leadership Seminar where Senior Airmen were introduced to not only their first level of Professional Military Education, but also to senior leaders within the state for guidance and mentorship. Chief Sivells developed a process for E8 and E9 selections and promotion boards as well as encouraged subordinate Groups and Squadrons to adopt at lower grades. Chief Sivells was responsible for the transformation management of First Sergeants within the Wing by rotating to ensure no partiality or favoritism. This practice was revolutionary and later adopted by other Wings in the state. Still, this is an option for many CCM’s to adopt for growth and the promotion of a more strategic vision for these future leaders. During his tenure in 2002 through 2005, Chief Sivells had many accomplishments. However, none were more important than providing a conduit for the most junior Airmen to elevate a concern to Senior Leadership through a trusted and respected fellow Airman. He truly set the example for many to emulate in their own careers. H F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


A RA OR UO UN ND D T THHEE WW O R L TSGT BRIAN BROUSSARD, 272nd Engineering and Installation Squadron Installer, completes a fusion splice on a fiber optic cable by applying heat shrink to protect where two cables were spliced together September 20, 2018, at Vandenberg AFB, California. Once spliced, a laser from an Optical time-domain reflectometer was used to confirm that there were no breaks in the cable. (Photo by SSgt Kara Additon)

SSGT WILLIAM GATES, a 147th Security Forces Squadron combat arms training and maintenance instructor, briefs members of the 147th Civil Engineering Squadron on September 24, 2018, at Ramstein Air Base, Germany during combat arms training. (Photo by SSgt Daniel J. Martinez)

BG GREG CHANEY, Director of the Joint Staff (center right) along with members of the Texas Military Department congratulate COL David Counts (center left) for his investiture as United States District Judge for the Western District of Texas. COL Counts is a member of the Joint Forces Headquarters.

PFC BRANDON MCVEAN, 2nd Battalion, 19th Regiment, Army Component, Texas State Guard (TXSG), won the Gonzales Cup Individual Award as the top competitor during the Gonzales Cup competition in Stephenville, Texas, October 12-14, 2018. McVean earned 343 of a possible 415 points. BG Robert Hastings, Commander, TXSG Army Component, presented McVean with the award. The Gonzales Cup tests the skills of individuals and teams to determine the “best of the best” in the Army Component. (Photo by CW3 Janet Schmelzer)

SOME MEMBERS OF THE TEXAS STATE GUARDS ARMY COMPONENT 1ST REGIMENT gather around the Gonzales Cup and BG Robert Hasting, Commander, TXSG Army Component after being named the winner of the 4th Annual Gonzales Cup competition. (Photos by CW3 Janet Schmelzer) 12 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Fall 2018

DD WWI IT TH H T HT EH EG UGAURAD R D 1ST LT DANIEL GROTTE, the maintenance operations flight commander of the 111th Attack Squadron, poses in front of a MQ-9 Reaper August 7, 2018 at Ellington Field, TX. Grotte was selected as the recipient of the National Guard Bureau’s Company Grade Officer General Lew Allen Jr annual award for his exceptional base-level performance. (Photo by SSgt Daniel J. Martinez)

THE 149TH LOGISTICS READINESS SQUADRON poses for a group photo after receiving the National Guard Bureau Daedalian Logistics Effectiveness Award Sep. 6, 2018, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. (Photo by Mindy Bloem) ENSIGN JAY KELLY is pulling a non-responsive diver, Seaman Kenneth Brian to shore after diving down, searching and locating the lost diver that is found to be non-responsive. Both are members of the Texas State Guard Maritime Components, Mobile Diving and Training Unit Class 18-10-SC which performed DRAM (Dive Rescue & Accident Management) training recently on Lake Raven, Huntsville, Texas. (Photo courtesy of the Texas State Guard) WITHIN THE GUARD IT IS NEVER HARD TO FIND HIDDEN TALENTS. LTC Javier Rosales (far left), Commander of 3-133rd FA Bn along with SGM Marcus Dominguez (far right) recently coined SPC Jessica Sanchez (center left) and SPC Pedro Segovia (center right) for the outstanding paint job they did on painting the “Gunslingers” mural in their El Paso Armory.

SGT WESLEY CARTER, a member of Co D 1-141st INF Rgmt, currently deployed to the Horn of Africa with Task Force Alamo and his wife, Taylor, are welcoming their first child. They wanted to be creative in announcing if they’re having a boy or girl so SGT Carter set up a special reveal. On Oct 22 it was reveals they are having a baby girl when SGT Carter shot the black balloon and it popped open with pink smoke. Congratulations.

MEMBER OF THE 1-108TH AVIATION REGIMENT participate in the Camp Taji 10 Miler at Camp Taji, Afghanistan. F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |




Divorce & National Guard Retirement By Doug O’Connell, Attorney at Law

DIVORCE IN THE MILITARY is a common occurrence. Multiple deployments and the stream of never-ending conflicts which national guardsmen and their families have to endure have taken a toll on the military family. When divorce is imminent, the parties must divide up the property in the estate and often, the military retirement is one of the most valuable assets in the community estate. Recognizing the value of the military retirement to the family unit, Congress provided the states authority to divide the military retired pay in divorce according to state law in 1982 by enacting the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA). The USFSPA permits state courts to partition military retired pay in a divorce for pay periods after June 24, 1981. The portion of retired pay subject to division by the courts is called “disposable retired pay”. The USFSPA defines disposable retired pay as the total monthly retired pay less amounts waived to receive disability compensation and Survivor Benefit Plan premiums. Disposable retired pay may also include other less common deductions, but for the most part, the survivor benefit plan and disability compensation are the main “reducers” when calculating disposable retired pay.

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H Fall 2018

Generally, a retired national guardsman becomes eligible to apply for a retired pay after he or she reaches the age of 60, and after the completion of 20 years of qualifying service under the point system. A “good year” for retirement purposes includes any year in which the servicemember accumulated at least 50 points. Military retirements are often viewed as a windfall or leverage point in a divorce proceeding. In the case where a reserve component servicemember is seeking dissolution of marriage, he or she should be carefully informed about the potential division retired pay. Unfortunately, some attorneys mistakenly apply an automatic division of 50% of retirement benefits. If it is determined that a former spouse is to receive a portion of retired pay, the formula should consider the points accumulated only during the time the couple were married, as well as the rank of the military spouse at the time of divorce. Without these two considerations, servicemembers risk giving up retirement payments the former spouse may not otherwise be entitled to by law. H

Doug O’Connell is a retired TXARNG Colonel who focuses on representing military service members, veterans, first responders and their family members. Doug@DougOConnell.com.


NGAT Recognizes OCS Graduates SSG Mireya Cruz (left), a member of the NGAT Board of Directors presents OCS Class 61’s Distinguished Honor Graduate, 2LT Crystal A. Sherman with a NGAT Life Membership for her accomplishments. She was also presented with an eagle status. NGAT also recognized Honor Graduate 2LT Kenneth l. Harmon with a clock during graduation ceremonies at the Texas State Capitol. H

National Guard Aviator Provides Aide at Crash Site

Guard Unit Receives Private View of World Series Trophy

On July 27, 2018 as CW3 Christopher Nance was driving home outside Ellington Field in southeast Houston he came upon a crash that had just occurred where two pickup trucks had collided. CW3 Nance is a pilot with the Co B 1-149th Aviation Regiment and he said when he came upon the crash his Army skills just kicked in. “So I heard the crash and I looked over and saw two people laying on the ground. It was then my EMT and safety training kicked in and I began directing people, because no one seemed to know what to do. I checked the victims’ vital signs and provided assistance until the victims were transported by ambulance to an area hospital,” Nance said. Both victims are expected to survive. H

COL Scott MacLeod (left) and MAJ George Hurd (right) and members of Task Force Harvey (136th MEB) were provided a private viewing of the 2017 World Series Championship Trophy at the Round Rock Armory on September 8, 2018. Over 100 service members got a up close look at the trophy and were able to take selfies with it. This was one way for the Houston Astro to thank one of the Guard units that assisted Houston residents during Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. The gold and silver trophy weighs 30 pounds and is custom made by Tiffany & Co and has previously been on display at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY and the White House. H




O’CONNELL & ASSOCIATES 404 WEST 6TH STREET AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 DOUG@DOUGOCONNELL.COM F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |




Our Government Affairs Committee is in the planning phase with the Texas Military Department Government Affairs Office to support the TAG’s legislative priorities in the upcoming 86th Texas legislative session that begins on January 8, 2019 and ends on May 27, 2019. Current TMD Legislative Budget Priorities: • Texas State Guard Expansion ($12,758,734): To meet the Governor’s direction to increase Texas State Guard membership from 2,300 to 5,000 service members. Hurricane Harvey revealed the need to develop more Texas State Guardsmen as a rapidly deployable disaster response force. Increases number of full-time State Guard employees from nine to 45, allowing better recruitment, training and disaster response. • Facility Management & Operations ($152,055,252 total; $55,814,800 requested in state revenue which brings $96,240,542 in federal matching funds): With over 100 TMD facilities in the state, 31 of TMD’s 65 armories were constructed more than 55 years ago and need substantial repair. State of Texas Armory Revitalization (STAR) Program ensures that life, health, and safety deficiencies in Texas’ armories are addressed. For every $1 of GR, the state will receive $2 of federal funds. • Emergency & Disaster Preparedness ($5,804,910): Restore $804,908 in funding cut from 2018-2019 base budget. Increases manning for the Joint Operations Center, a vital element of disaster response efforts such as Hurricane Harvey and the Bastrop fires. Funding would support full time employees (FTEs) that are essential to ensuring TMD is ready when called upon for emergencies or disasters, while remaining capable of meeting the demands of ongoing support. • Mental Health & Service Member Care ($1,710,000): Provide resources to support those providing counseling services to TMD members, families, employees, and veterans. Increases service member participation in tuition assistance programs as recommended in the recent Sunset Commission Review. Appropriate funds to continue the sexual assault response program and provide services to survivors. Military Funeral and Honors needs monies to provide the services that are due to the brave men and women who serve this country and state. Appropriate funds to ensure there is no delay in presentations of state military awards and decorations to the men and women who serve Texas.

Federal Legislative Priorities:

• Fulltime Manning: There is a need of an additional 9% minimum of AGR Soldiers and Airmen to ensure states can maintain readiness with respect to fulltime manning. • Army Control Grade Authorizations: The disparities of control grades for the ranks of E-8/9 and O-4/5/6 between the states, along with a limit to the number of control grades available by Congressional authorization, limit upward mobility, retention, and recruitment within the fulltime Air and Army Guard. • South Texas Training Center: Pursue the acquisition of land in south Texas for a training center site that would support Texas Military Forces and locate, state and federal law enforcement in South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley. The site would include a range and would also serve as a much needed staging area in South Texas for DSCA events such as hurricanes, fires and floods. • Soldier/Airmen Readiness: Increase funding for National Guard individual readiness. • National Guard and Reserve Equipment Appropriation (NGREA): Advocate for continued funding to the NGREA account to maintain readiness, help close equipment interoperability gaps for aircraft, major weapons systems, equipment support items, and modifications/upgrades to existing systems. 16 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Fall 2018

MAJ JOSHUA LANG, commander of the 147th Attack Wing’s Air Support Operations Squadron, briefs about Tactical Air Control Party capabilities during a Texas Air Legislative Day at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, October 18, 2018.

• Joint Counterdrug Task Force: Increase visibility of National Guard Counterdrug Operations and continue to promote the unique capabilities of our Title 32 mission. • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA): Strengthen benefits to employers due to the Guard 4.0 implementation. • ID Card Machine at Ellington Field: Add an additional ID card machine at welcome center and funding for a FTEs to better serve the Houston Metropolitan military population of 1.4 million persons and over 80,000 retirees. • Ellington Field Firing Range: For the procurement of a modular firing range for 147th Attack Wing. • Quarter Mile Running Track at Ellington Field: Construct running track range for 147th ATKW. • Establish an Active Associate MQ-9 Detachment at the 147th ATKW: It would allow the 111th Attack Squadron to take advantage of scheduling efficiencies associated with flying two (2) Combat Orbits vs the Program of Record of one (1) orbit. • Special Salary Rate: To implement an 18% Special Salary Rate in the 149th FW due to anticipated aviation industry growth and successive competition for highly trained maintenance personnel. • C-130Js for 136th AW: 136th AW was not selected for the C-130H propulsion modernization upgrade. With the 136th AW under consideration to receive an Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, paring the larger, more modern C-130J with Aeromedical will give Texas and the Air National Guard a significant life-saving capability in the Gulf Coast region. On December 5, NGAT will host a Congressional reception in Washington, D.C. to reach out to our Texas Congressional delegation and staff. TMD leadership and Government Affairs Office will be in attendance.

To keep abreast of legislative activities, please follow the NGAT website, Facebook, and twitter. Keep your email current with the membership department (membership@ngat.org) to ensure you receive legislative updates and alerts.

2nd Annual Bat Cruise a Success

Texas Guard Welcomes Army Futures Command ON AUGUST 24, 2018 IN AN EMPTY OFFICE SPACE ON THE 19TH FLOOR OF A UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM BUILDING, the Army unveiled the location for the headquarters of its new Army Futures Command (AFC), which has the monumental task of modernizing the service’s future force.

ON AUG 17, 2018 FORTY-EIGHT MEMBERS AND GUESTS of the National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) gathered on Lady Bird Lake in Austin, Texas to take the 2nd Annual NGAT Bat Cruise. Attendees enjoyed great food, music, fellowship and the sites of Austin, Texas. During the cruise NGAT raised over $150 for the Texas National Guard Foundation. The evening ended with the sighting of thousands of bats coming out from under the Congress Avenue Bridge. Watch the NGAT website and Facebook page for the next NGAT Bat Cruise.

NGAT President, LTC Kenn White (left) presents SMSgt (Ret) Jim Buchta with a NGAT Coin for being the individual who has been a NGAT member the longest on the NGAT Bat Cruise. Jim joined NGAT on May 23, 1974.

For the first time, the Army will place a major command within an urban setting instead of on a military base. The goal is to bring itself closer to technology innovators and researchers in one of the nation’s top growing technology cities. The selection of Austin by the U.S. Army enables the Texas National Guard to play an important role by leveraging their experience in how they train in peace, fight in war and respond to domestic operations as a multi-dimensional, citizen-service member force. In addition to traditional types of military support, the Texas Military Department has offered to leverage their established relationships in business, academia and government to conduct engagements and help build relationships with local centers of influence. Texas Military Department leadership recognizes that personal and military relationships act as catalysts for the advancement of innovation and they are committed to supporting the AFC as it turns these strategies and ideas into action. Teaming with the AFC allows the Texas Guard to play an important role in supporting the Army as it concentrates on the singular focus of it modernization strategy, to make Soldier and units more lethal. For now, the Army Futures Command will lead eight cross-functional teams that are responsible for furthering the Army’s pursuit of six modernization priorities, including long-range precision fires, a next-generation combat vehicle, future vertical lift platforms, a mobile and expeditionary Army network, air and missile defense capabilities, and Soldier lethality. Army leadership said it will take about a year before Army Futures Command reaches full operational capability. The new command is expected to eventually include about 100 military positions and 400 civilian roles. H F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |




Col Raul Rosario Commander 149th Fighter Wing

Col Matthew Barker Commander 147th Attack Wing

Col Ralph Walsh Jr. Commander 136th Medical Group

COL Jose D. Rivera Chief, Global Force Management Division NORAD/NORTHCOM

COL Michael J. Hunt Commander 136th Regional Training Institute

COL J. Mike Wallace Commander 56th Infantry Brigade Combat Team

COL Paul A. Cerniauskas Commander 176th Engineer Brigade

LTC Michael J. Liesmann Commander 71st Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade

LTC Malcolm Warbrick Commander 4-133rd Field Artillery Regiment

CSM Elizabeth Shockley Command Sergeant Major 71st Troop Command

CSM Robert Nieto Command Sergeant Major 72nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team

LTC Thomas C. Peterson Commander 536th Brigade Support Battalion

CSM Toby Mendoza Command Sergeant Major 176th Engineer Brigade

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H Fall 2018

CSM Clinton W. Petty Command Sergeant Major 56th Infantry Brigade Combat Team

The Stars are Bright in Texas T WO S TA R S

Maj Gen John F. Nichols, the Adjutant General of Texas, delivers the oath of office to MG Tracy Norris, Deputy Adjutant General — Army and Commander of the Texas Army National Guard, during her promotion ceremony at the Texas State Senate Chambers on September 9, 2018 while her husband MAJ (Ret) Luke Cogburn, hold a bible and her mother Ms. Linda Norris prepares to pin new shoulder boards on her daughter. H


Maj Gen John F. Nichols, the Adjutant General of Texas, delivers the oath of office to MG Patrick Hamilton, Commander of the 36th Infantry Division, following his promotion to Major General on September 9, 2018 at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas. H

IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR MILITARY RETIREES The current TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) will end December 31, 2018.

BG Carlton G. Smith Assistant Deputy Adjutant General Army

COL (P) Ronald W. Burkett II Deputy Commander – Maneuver 36th Infantry Division

Rear Adm Joe Cave Commander Texas State Guard Maritime Component

During the 2018 Open Season, you can enroll in the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) for dental benefits in 2019. Also, for the first time, military retirees and their family members who are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan will have the option to enroll in vision benefits through FEDVIP. 2019 FEDVIP Dental Plans 2019 FEDVIP Vision Plans Aetna Dental GEHA Aetna Vision Delta Dental Humana FEP BlueVision Dominion Dental MetLife UnitedHealthcare Vision EmblemHealth Triple-S Salud Vision Service Plan (VSP) FEP BlueDental United Concordia Dental To prevent a gap in dental coverage when your TRDP plan ends, you must select and enroll in a FEDVIP dental plan during the next Federal Benefits Open Season. The FEDVIP open season is from November 12, 2018 through December 10, 2018.

For a full description of FEDVIP plans, rate and coverage options, visit www.tricare.benefeds.com

F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


EANGUS CONFERENCE RETURNED TO WEST VIRGINIA THE 47TH ANNUAL EANGUS CONFERENCE returned to Charleston, West Virginia, August 12-15, 2018. NGAT had a delegation of nine in attendance with four on professional development orders. The conference featured keynote speakers from the Army and Air National Guard along with a trade show of National Guard equipment and services. The EANGUS Conference gives all members in attendance an opportunity to participate in the associations by attending and taking part in various committee meeting during the conference. Welcome night was held at the University of Charleston Stadium at Laildey Field. The event opened with the U.S. Army Special Forces Command Parachute Demonstration Team parachuting into the center of the football field. Other activities included Knockerball a Cornhole and Field Goal Kicking Tournament and music by Cody Wickline, Season 8 finalist from “The Voice.” The All-Area Night was held at Haddad Riverfront Park and featured specialty foods from all the different regions and includes a car show with musical entertainment from Audio Outlaws. On the last day Texas was proudly represented during the board of director’s elections by SSG Mireya Cruz who ran for EANGUS Secretary. Although she did not win it was a close race and we are very proud of everything she has accomplished as an active committee chair in EANGUS. Also during elections CSM (Ret) Karen Craig from Arizona was named the new EANGUS President. During the Awards Banquet a Texan was recognized with EANGUS’s highest award the “Minuteman Award. This year’s winner was COL (Ret) Doug O’Connell. Over the years Doug has provided legal services and counsel, free of charge to countless enlisted Soldiers who found themselves entangles in the G-RAP scandal. His actions and commitment to providing legal assistance to the enlisted Soldiers and Airmen is befitting of this award. Also during the dinner, SrA Blake Dunaway, a member of the 136th Airlift Wing was name the winner of the American Public University Scholarship. H

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H Summer 2018

Make plans to join us next year for the

2019 EANGUS Conference

Des Moines, Iowa Aug 3-8, 2019

THE BIG EASY DELIVERS A MEMORABLE NGAUS CONFERENCE Original story by Ron Jensen NATIONAL GUARDSMEN FROM ACROSS THE UNITED STATES recently returned to the “Big Easy” for the 140th NGAUS General Conference. For many guardsmen this was their first trip back to the city since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. National Guardsmen from almost every state in the United States came to the aid of Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina. The exceptional performance of citizen Soldiers following Hurricane Katrina prompted one of the National Guards finest moments in recent history. One of the victims of the hurricane was the 2006 NGAUS Conference which was scheduled to be held in New Orleans. The city was in no shape to host the conference back then, but that is water under the bridge now. The city of New Orleans and the Louisiana National Guard put on a conference that was spectacular. Opening ceremonies started with a Mardi Gras parade and music by Rockin Dopsie Jr & The Zydeco Twisters. But before attendees got comfortable MG James Hoyer, then the NGAUS chairmen, presented the first speaker Defense Secretary James N. Mattis, the first defense secretary to address the conference in a decade. Mattis told the officers in attendance, “You must make our Guardsmen fit in body, mind and spirit by modeling it yourself, treating every month as if it was the last month of peace, the last week of benign behavior from Mother Nature.” The Governors reception was held at Mardi Gras World a 300,000 square foot warehouse where floats are made for Mardi Gras parade. The event included Mardi Gras festivities, tours of the facility, great Cajun food, lot of music and plenty of fun. The evening ended with a private firework show. Speakers at the conference included General Mark A. Milley, Army Chief of Staff and General Joseph L. Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau to name a few as well as a huge trade show of equipment and services available to National Guard members. Despite our reported 9% total membership in NGAUS, NGAT had a team of 45 delegates and guest in attendance that included five company grade officers on professional development. On the last day of the conference the Wisconsin Adjutant General, Maj Gen Donald P. Dunbar was named the new NGAUS chairmen of the board. The highlight of hospitality night was Texans having to show people how to eat Texas Tamales. Believe it not or not, everyone does not know how to eat a tamale. The conference concluded with everyone in their best Mardi Gras attire at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for a huge Mardi Gras party. H


Interested attendees can venture to Grays Peak or Torreys Peak for a four-mile hike. The elevation gain is roughly 3,000 feet from start to finish. A motorcycle ride through a portion of the Rockies is also planned. F a l l 2 0 1 8 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


TAPS As of 10/09/18

Mr. Archie G. Anderson, Life Member #15613, Retired, Lindale

MSG Ronald E. Smith, Life Member #11036, Retired, Nederland

SFC John W. Brite, Life Member #3273, Retired, Pflugerville

**SGT Alexis Tobias, 143rd FSC (IN), San Antonio

LTC Donald H. Bunnell, Associate Life Member #17, Retired, Georgetown

*SSG Harry B. Tull, Life Member #24203, Retired, Galveston

MSG Raymond A. Cervantes, Life Member #14678, Retired, San Antonio

*SFC James Wehrs, Life Member #18878, Retired, Deer Park

**SFC Domingo R. Contreras Jr., 111 MEB, San Marcos

CW5 Elwood D. Whitt, Life Member #1821, Retired, Pflugerville

MSG Jose Guajardo, Life Member #3970, Retired, San Antonio

SMSgt Kenneth S. Young, Life Member #8002, Retired, Red Oak

SMSgt James W. Gooden, Life Member #2562, Retired, Boerne

**SGT Zachary W. Youngblood, 149th PERS HR CO, Wichita Falls

BG Robert L. Herring Jr., Life Member #1447, Retired, San Antonio

*Mr. Rogelio Zamora, Life Member #22867, Retired, Robstown

SGM Elwood “E.H.” Imken, Life Member #20268, Retired, Austin Mr. Marshall H. Kent, Life Member #8880, Retired, Paris

*Had NGAT Life Insurance Policy **Had No-Cost Active Guard Policy $1000

Mr. Ronald J. Martin, Retired, Killeen MSG Roman A. Mendoza, Life Member #18857, Retired, San Antonio **SrA Jenise Morales, 149th Fighter Wing, San Antonio Mr. Anton L. Rakowitz Jr., Life Member #3109, Retired, Rochelle



22 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Spring 2018

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National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Avenue Austin, Texas 78731-6308


PLANNING CALENDAR (As of October 31, 2018)

2018 10-11


Close Assault: 1944, Camp Mabry, Austin



Veteran’s Day Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



Thanksgiving Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



NGAT Holiday Open House, Austin



National Guard’s Birthday

Jingle Bell Run, Camp Mabry, Austin


Christmas Holiday Observed (NGAT Office Closed)


2019 1


News Years Day (NGAT Office Closed)



EANGUS Mid-Winter, Springfield, MO



Martin Luther King Day (NGAT Office Closed)



President’s Day (NGAT Office Closed)



NGAT Board Meeting, Corpus Christi



60th Annual NGAT Conference, Corpus Christi

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