2019 NGAT Winter Newsletter

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Founded 1959 | Volume 59 | Number 4 | Winter 2019



60th Annual NGAT Conference Focus on the Future





NGAT Annual Conference

New Adjutant General of Texas

NGAT Annual Report

2018-19 Board of Directors President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint Forces HQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st Troop Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72nd IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Sustainment Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176th Engr Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st EMIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th MEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149th FW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147th RW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TX State Guard Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region I . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region II . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region III . . . . . . . . . . . Family Readiness Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kenn White Priscilla Leger Albert Cardenas Bruce Robison Michael Wolff Rodney Kelley Mike Crummedyo Mireya Cruz Dave Moulton James Crady Vacant Samantha Lewis Norman Lloyd Toby Mendoza Charlie Weissenborn George Hurd Bruce Robison Albert Cardenas Kyle Ames Michael Wolff Robert Finley Jeanne Arnold Donna Balderston Quentin Kimble Shandra Sponsler Marvin Harris




Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Billeck-Zuniga Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MediaNation.net Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aus-Tex Printing & Mailing NGAT News 3706 Crawford Ave Austin, TX 78731 512-454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428) NGAT Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.ngat.org



Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308 MEMBERS MAY EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES TO: membership@ngat.org

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NGAT Email Deputy Executive Director/Membership Director Theresa Billeck-Zuniga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbz@ngat.org Meeting and Corporate Programs Director Rob Casias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rcasias@ngat.org Insurance Director – Kathy Gallatin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . insurance@ngat.org NGAT News Magazine (Article & Photos) . . . . . . . . . . . . ngatnews@ngat.org NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308.

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President’s Report 60 Years of NGAT 60th Annual NGAT Conference Norris Appointed Adjutant General of Texas Ferrell becomes Two-Star General Key Leadership Changes 36th ID/TXSG TXSG Toy Drive Around the World with the Guard Best Warrior Golf Tournament

NGAT ANNUAL REPORT Legal Update/Reunions Around Texas with the Guard NGAUS Scholarships/NGAUS Update EANGUS Mid-Winter/Scholarships Save the Date for the EANGUS Conference Taps/Corporate Sponsors NGAT Planning Calendar

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ON THE COVER: MG Tracy Norris, Texas Adjutant General, hold the colors of the Texas Military Department after receiving them from Texas Secretary of State, David Whitley during the Adjutant General Change of Command ceremony at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas on January 12, 2019. Norris became the first female Texas Adjutant General, taking charge of the nation’s largest National Guard. (Photo by CPL Alexander Logan) W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


PRESIDENT’S REPORT NGAT MEMBERS, IT IS WITH A TREMENDOUS SENSE OF PRIDE, THAT I PROVIDE MY FINAL REPORT AS YOUR PRESIDENT. As I reflect on the past 3 years, I am extremely proud of what this organization has been able to accomplish through the amazing work of the NGAT Board of Directors. Four years ago, the NGAT delegates voted to entrust me in the role of President-Elect. This was the first time in the history of the organization that this type of vote had come before the NGAT general assembly. Thank you to those who reached out to provide guidance and offer assistance. I can’t say enough about those who personally supported me in various ways during this journey. I want to personally recognize BG (Ret) Darren Owens for his continued support and mentorship. Our many talks over the years, left me feeling encouraged and supported. Thank you for continuing to care about this organization! I also want to thank the NGAT board of directors over the past several years for their commitment to our organization, its Soldiers and Airmen, and our journey to create value for our members. During my tenure over the past three years as President, the board has shaped the way forward from this organization that has experienced stagnation over the past 11 years to one of relevance. The board created programs and activities that were meaningful to our members and families. Your board cares about the decision it makes on behalf of its Airmen and Soldiers and it shows.

NGAT PRESIDENT, LTC KENN WHITE presents Maj Gen John F. Nichols with a NGAT 60th Anniversary logo jacket with his call sign on it during his recognition dinner held on January 12, 2019 at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas.

We now have engaging committees who take on the role of making a difference in many different areas within NGAT. I have been on the board for almost 6 years, and it is nice to see our committees take on a continuous process to move the Association forward. Our committees now meet regularly and cover a lot of ground for the Association. Special recognition goes to our new Executive Director, LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris for implementing a committee process that will ensure continuity for the future! I am excited to see how this will develop in the years to come as well. The conference committee ensures that our annual conference has breakout sessions where external partners extend their expertise in training that is relevant to our members, families and provides value for our donors and sponsors.

We listened to our corporate sponsors who wanted a stronger presence each March by adding a Defense Symposium. The feedback from last year’s symposium was amazing and we are glad to put our sponsors in front of the senior leadership of Texas. For our third year in a row, we will have guest speakers at our conference to align it closer to what we believe adds more value to our attendees. We will also continue to provide family friendly venues that make our conferences appealing to everyone. I am very proud of these changes. Our facility committee is meeting regularly and is now readdressing a long-term strategy for our facility. I am most proud of the work that NGAT has done over the years in helping our own. This is a team effort between the board, the NGAT staff and our many supporters. Three years ago, I had a strategic vision to create a foundation that would step in where other sister-organizations cannot, to help our members. I am proud to say that because of the establishment of the Texas National Guard Foundation we were able to assist Soldiers and Airmen during Hurricane Harvey. We are now poised to help in other areas in the future, as well by providing scholarship and other support.

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We have also worked very hard to refocus our legislative efforts to align them with the needs of the Texas Military Department (TMD) as well as other initiatives. This relationship has weakened over the past eleven years and is now stronger than ever before. The board appreciates the support we have received from Maj Gen John F. Nichols and now MG Tracy Norris. Their trust and confidence in our ability to support the legislative need of the TMD has been immeasurable and has improved our relationship overall with the TMD. NGAT also created programs that are fun, family-oriented events to better support our members. We held our 2nd Annual Bat Cruise for our members with positive feedback. We also just purchased an Association Management System (AMS) that will take our membership services in a new direction by streamlining on-line event sign ups, create forums for units to interact with each other and provide many other innovative features that will provide a benefit to our members. Our biggest deciding factor in selected an AMS system was what benefits it can create for our members. I know this will be a game changer for NGAT and you as a member. Finally, I would like to give a special thank you to the NGAT staff for all you have done for the organization, some of you have spent more time as an NGAT employee than I have as a military officer (29 years). Thank you for what you do. A special shout out to MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga and her husband COL (Ret) Frank Zuniga. Thank you for your support over the past few years, stepping into the role as Interim executive director was no easy task. You had to endure late night text messages, last minute calls, request for support of my crazy ideas and my constant need for information. Many will never appreciate the role you played in the two years as we searched for a new executive director. I can’t thank you enough for stepping up and working together with me to carry the Association forward. There is absolutely no way we would have made it without your help. Thanks for putting up with my craziness during that time.

DURING MY TENURE AS NGAT PRESIDENT I felt it important that at least once a year we hold a NGAT Board of Director meeting at a location where we could partner with another organization who could help our members. This photo is from August 2018 when the board of director meeting was held in Georgetown, Texas at the Ride On Center for Kids (ROCK). This organization provides equine-assisted activities and therapies to children, adults, and veterans with physical, cognitive, and emotional disabilities. For more information about their veteran’s program visit www.rockride.org.

THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ANNUAL BAT CRUISE has been an added benefit for both our members and their families.

This March, I will pass the gavel during a period that has special meaning for me. It marks an historic point in the Association’s history as we celebrate 60 years of NGAT. For me personally I prepare to retire from the military with 30 years of total service in October. Having the honor to serve on the NGAT Board of Directors as well as serve as its President for three years has been a very challenging experience but also rewarding. I would not have changed a thing! Thank you all very much for allowing me to serve in this role. I encourage you all to make a difference where you can, each and every day.

Kenn White, LTC NGAT President LOTS OF IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMING TO YOUR ASSOCIATION with the implementation of our new Association Management System. W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |




THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS was founded in 1959 by a group of Warrant Officers on the principle that it is important to have an organization that can speak out for the Texas National Guard and its members. The first meeting of NGAT members was held on Camp Mabry in building 6 in April of 1959. In the early years, the Association was run out of the offices of the Adjutant General. It then moved to the garage in CW4 (Ret) Len Tallas’ house who managed the Association as the Executive Director. The Association grew and was moved to a separate room off the back of the Tallas’s home. CW4 (Ret) Len and Jean Tallas gave unselfishly to the Association, and eventually the offices were moved to its current location on Crawford Ave in Austin, TX. Here we are 60 years later and NGAT is as strong as ever. We now own our office building as well as the bridal shop next door, giving the Association a generous footprint with option to build something for the future of NGAT. Looking at the notes from the first meeting, times have not changed as much as we may think. They were discussing membership, distribution of delegates for voting, formulating committee and submission of resolutions concerning legislative issues. It sounds a lot like our issues of today’s board. No matter how you look at it over the years one thing remains and that is our primary goal has always been to support the Soldiers and Airmen of the Texas Military Department.



So why be a member? NGAT is full of members just like you who have served in the National Guard. Our members understand your struggles and challenges. Our members have been there and done that, or are in the trenches today. Membership brings us together so that we can assist one another, provide guidance, mentorship, stay connected after we serve and have someone to speak out to ensure we retain the many benefits we worked so hard to achieve. NGAT is about to explode with opportunities for our members with our new Association Management System that will finally connect us to each other. Day after day, we at NGAT are hard at work, to provide the best services and benefits to promote, safeguard, and advance the interests of our members, communities, and partnerships. H

2000 NOMINATIONS FOR NGAT PRESIDENTELECT NOW BEING ACCEPTED Individuals interested in running for the position of NGAT PresidentElect must meet the following qualifications:

• Be a NGAT Annual or Life Member in good standing. • Must have served at least one year as a member of the NGAT Board of Directors. • Must complete a nominations application available on the NGAT website on the Board of Director page. • Must be able to serve the next four years on the NGAT Board of Directors (Two years as President-Elect and two years as President). Should you need additional information contact the NGAT Executive Director, Marvin Harris at mharris@ngat.org. Nominations will be accepted through February 28, 2019. CURRENT AND FORMER MEMBERS OF THE NGAT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY!

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The 60th Annual NGAT Conference March 28-31, 2019

Omni Corpus Christi Hotel and the American Bank Center Corpus Christi, Texas Registration

(ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN) All attendees must pay the registration fee. Registration fee is $15.00 per NGAT member/guest and $30 for a nonNGAT member/guest.

Meal Packages

• NGAT Life Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $140. • NGAT Annual Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $150. • Non-NGAT Member/Guest Meal Package & Registration fee is $175. (The deadline for meal packages is March 18, 2019) A $20 late fee will be added to all registrations received after March 11, 2019. All cancellation requests must be received prior to February 12, 2019.


• Omni Corpus Christi Hotel, 900 N. Shoreline Boulevard, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. Make your reservations directly with the hotel at: 1-800-843-6664. Make sure to identify yourself as a member of the National Guard Association of Texas. Attendee Hotel rate: $115 single/double plus tax per night. Hotel reservations can also be made online at the NGAT website. (NGAT cannot guarantee rooms after March 8, 2019)


NGAT Business Session: Business Casual NGAT Banquet — Army: Class A/Service Dress/Mess Dress Air: Mess Dress/Service Dress Civilians: Business Suit/ Evening Formal Wear Spouses: After-Five Attire

Conference Optional Events

Golf Tournament at NorthShore Country Club — Shotgun, Florida scramble with low net/low gross competition. The golf tournament is open to both registered and non-registered attendees of the conference. Registration includes green fee, cart, continental breakfast tacos, lunch, two complimentary beverage tickets, award plaques and your chance to win a new truck in the hole-in-one competition. Tournament benefits the NGAT Educational Foundation. The annual 5K Fun Run/Walk — Come enjoy a leisure run/walk along the seawall on Friday morning. The registration fee includes wicking t-shirt, award medals and refreshments.

16th Annual Silent Auction — Bid on over 200 auction items and take advantage of some great bargains on gift baskets, jewelry, weekend getaways, and tickets to music, sports and other entertainment venues. Donations for the auction are always accepted at the NGAT office. Wine Tasting — Sip, savor, relax and enjoy some exquisite wines at our wine tasting. Boat Tour — Enjoy an hour long relaxing cruise on the “Japonica” — a 50 ft open air touring boat that will allow you to see the highlights of downtown Corpus Christi and experience a breathtaking view that cannot be seen from the coastline. After the Wine Tasting come try Wine Glass Painting. Your registration fee includes wine glasses, painting supplies, aprons, and paints. The event will also include games and prizes. The wine glass painting will be conducted by the great artists from www.crazypicasso.com, so come and show us your artistic side and take home your very own hand-painted wine glasses. Welcome Party on the USS Lexington — The Welcome Party reception menu includes a surf-and-turf buffet of 6-oz sirloin steak with a burgundy mushroom sauce and garlic jumbo fresh caught gulf shrimp with various vegetable sides, desserts, and ice-cold refreshments. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Melinda Adams Band. Once on board, map your adventure to include guided ship tours, interactive displays, watch larger-than-life heroes become just that on the three-story-tall 3D MEGA Theater or go up to the flight deck and check the aircraft on deck. Come prepared to eat some great food, and have a fun-filled night of networking and socializing with friends. Enjoy a delicious lunch with fun-filled interactive activities and door prizes at the NGAT Spouses Luncheon at the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. Saturday Awards Banquet — This year’s dinner speaker is LtCol (Ret) Robert J. Darling. NGAT will also present the Minuteman award. After dinner, guests will have the opportunity to visit hospitality suites. Hospitality Suites will be located in the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. Units will compete for “Best Themed Hospitality Suite” award. Close out the conference with a delicious breakfast, fellowship and prayer during the NGAT Prayer Breakfast on Sunday morning.

For more information visit the NGAT website at www.NGAT.org W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


COME FOCUS ON THE FUTURE WITH LACY GUNNOE LT COL LACY GUNNOE is operations officer for the Samford detachment of Air Force ROTC where he is responsible for the training of 67 future Air Force officers. An instructor and evaluator command pilot with more than 4,200 hours in the T-37, T-1, KC-135 and T-6 aircraft, he has flown combat missions in operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, Inherent Resolver and Freedom’s Sentinel. Gunnoe is also a proficient speaker on personal growth, having spoken to more than 50,000 youth by way of Alabama Power, Birmingham Education Foundation, GEAR UP federal grants and other nonprofit organizations. He also speaks to national conferences, and has been the keynote for financial, insurance, military, engineering and sports organizations. He has served as the Chapter Captain for Team RWB for the past two years impacting the lives of veterans. Gunnoe comes to us to share a message that can help each and everyone of us. You may say your too busy to even come to this event. Hey, “We’re all busy.” We hide behind that excuse and many times it lacks integrity – we cannot lie when asked if we are “productive.” Distractions are everywhere & advertising dangles it’s shiny objects, the squirrel, and lures us away from our goals of productivity. Come hear Lt Col Gunnoe speak at the NGAT General Session and find out how you can get your “Focus” back. “We don’t change the world by changing others. We change the world by changing ourselves.” H

REMEMBERING THE PAST TO SHAPE THE FUTURE WITH LTCOL (RET) ROBERT DARLING 24 Hours Inside the President’s Bunker: September 11, 2001 The White House LTCOL ROBERT DARLING retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2007 with just over twenty years of active duty service. After an impressive early career piloting attack helicopters in Desert Shield, Desert Storm, and as a presidential pilot with Marine Helicopter Squadron One, he was handpicked in October 2000 to work for the White House Military Office, Airlift Operations Department. It was in this position that, during the attack of September 11, 2001, he supported the President, Vice President and National Security Advisor in the underground President’s Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) and witnessed unprecedented leadership and decision making at the highest levels of our government. LtCol Darling chronicles these developments in his book: 24 Hours Inside the President’s Bunker, 9/11/01: The White House, and shares the principles of crisis leadership and decision making with his audiences with an “edge of your seat” presentation that’ll take you from the moment the attack was realized, to the courageous decisions made to stop it, to the safeguards and policies our country now has in-place in an attempt to prevent it from ever happening again. His presentation is designed to ensure we, as a nation, never forget the events of 9/11/01, and to inspire all leaders to take the necessary steps within their power to protect and safeguard their employees, their organizations and their communities. H 8 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

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Important FAQ’s About License to Carry Certification

MILITARY PERSONNEL WILL SACRIFICE EVERYTHING to protect our Constitution and way of life. And yet, when it comes to protecting their own rights, most service members fail miserably. Doug O’Connell is a lawyer in Austin, Texas who focuses on representing military personnel, first responders and their family members. Come to the NGAT Conference breakout session and hear the most common mistakes made by service members and learn how to protect your rights. Doug was recently selected for the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 List. H

VA CLAIM ASSISTANCE: LEARN HOW TO GET THE VA DISABILITY COMPENSATION YOU DESERVE THE VA CLAIMS INSIDER PROGRAM was specifically designed to help veterans like you get the VA disability compensation you deserve. Come join Brian Reese, Air Force service disabled veteran, and Founder & CEO of VA Claims Insider, the most trusted name in VA disability claims. He will lead a breakout session at the NGAT Conference where attendees will learn: “How to File or Re-File a Winning VA Disability Claim…Even If You’ve Already Got a Rating or Been Denied…” He’ll also cover the #1 mistake made by most National Guard members, and how to avoid this one massive pitfall so you can get the VA disability rating and compensation you deserve. Brian’s frustration with the VA disability claims process led him to create the “VA Claims Insider,” which provides U.S. military veterans with tips, tricks, strategies, resources, and templates for successfully submitting or re-submitting a winning VA disability compensation claim. Did you know 8/10 veterans are underrated by the VA? Come learn how Brian and his team can help you. Brian is a former active duty officer with extensive experience leading hundreds of individuals and multifunctional teams in challenging international environments, including a combat tour to Afghanistan in 2011. He is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State University’s Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). H

Brian Reese Founder & CEO — VA Claims Insider | vaclaimsinsider.com

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The Board of Directors of the National Guard Association of Texas request the honor of your presence at the

Texas National Guard Reunion Luncheon Friday, March 29, 2019 | 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The American Bank Center 1901 North Shoreline Corpus Christi, Texas 78401


Tickets are $25.00 per person We encourage you to also participate in our NGAT 60th Anniversary Conference activities.

JOIN US FOR THE WELCOME PARTY ABOARD THE USS LEXINGTON WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO ATTEND THE NGAT WELCOME PARTY aboard the USS Lexington. Your admission ticket will give you access to visit the ship starting when you pick up your wrist band at registration and it will be good until Monday, April 1, 2019. The USS Lexington is the real deal! It’s where heroes lived, bombs exploded, kamikazes crashed and history was made. In addition to the surf and turf meal that will be served you will have the opportunity to explore all the ship has to offer. When you’re ready for a break, you can come dance the night away to music by the Melinda Adams band. The is going to be a night to remember, so don’t miss it!

SILENT AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED DO YOU OR YOUR BUSINESS WANT TO HELP NGAT BUT CAN’T ATTEND THE CONFERENCE? Then consider donating an item to the Silent Auction. All proceeds from the auction go to the Texas National Guard Foundation. Items can be dropped off at the NGAT office any time before March 25, 2019. Planning to attend the NGAT Conference. That’s great. Bring your item with you and turn it in to the auction manager after you arrive. Purchased items, baked goods, homemade items, gift cards and alcoholic beverage are all welcomed. Anything will help. We truly appreciate your support. 10 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Winter 2019

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NORRIS NAMED FIRST FEMALE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF TEXAS Major General Tracy Norris officially took command of the Texas Military Department on Jan 1 and publicly took command from Maj Gen John F. Nichols during a change of command ceremony at Camp Mabry in Austin on January 12, 2019. MG NORRIS RECEIVED AN ARMY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP and began her military career in 1986 after graduating from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology. She went on to receive her Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning, a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College, and a Master of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Austin. She has attended the Human Resource Management Qualification Course, Homeland Security Executive Course and is Dual Status Commander Certified. She previously served as the Deputy Adjutant General for Army and Commander of the Texas Army National Guard, Assistant Deputy Adjutant General, Commander of the 176th Engineer Brigade, Chief of Facilities and Maintenance, Chief of Staff of 36th Infantry Division, and deployed to Iraq in 2010, in support of Operation New Dawn, where the 36th Infantry Division commanded and controlled the nine southern provinces of Iraq. The Division returned in September 2011 after assisting in the set-up of the U.S. Consulate in Basra for the U.S. Department of State. She has been assigned to leadership positions as platoon leader, company commander, operations officer, executive officer, battalion commander of the Recruiting and Retention Battalion, and battalion commander of the 176th Engineer Battalion. During her tenure at National Guard Bureau, MG Norris worked as a program manager for several programs such as Executive Officer Environmental Division; Range & Training Lands; and, Chief of the Training Facilities Team, Training Support Branch. MG Norris is the first female to hold the Texas National Guard’s highest military position as Adjutant General of Texas (TAG). Being selected as the first female Adjutant General of Texas really isn’t much of an issue for Norris. As in all things military, those nominated to the highest positions are chosen because of their skills and talent — not gender, race or any other factors. Norris now leads 24,000 soldiers and airmen with the Texas Army National Guard, Texas Air National Guard and the Texas State Guard, the three components of the Texas Military Department.

(Photo by CPL Alexander Logan)

Norris said that Nichols created a great base to start with during his seven-year tenure as the TAG: “Take care of people, remain relevant and ready, and work with our communities and partnerships. I’m going to continue that because I think it’s a great philosophy,” she said. “One of the biggest things I have been really focused on, is individual readiness. Being medically ready, being able to pass PT tests so (troops) can get promoted and growing those future leaders. MG Norris is a life member of the National Guard Association of Texas and a member of NGAUS. She is married to Luke Cogburn and has two wonderful hunting dogs Comet, and Zeus. H

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FERRELL BECOMES THE TEXAS AIR NATIONAL GUARD’S FIRST FEMALE TWO-STAR GENERAL WHEN DAWN FERRELL WAS PROMOTED TO BRIGADIER GENERAL in January 2016 she became the first woman to achieve the one-star general rank in the Texas Air National Guard. Fast forward to December 14, 2018, Ferrell who serves as the Deputy Adjutant General–Air, achieved yet another milestone by becoming the first woman to achieve the two-star general rank in the Texas Air National Guard. Ferrell began her military career in August 1983 as an air cargo specialist in the TXANG. She later was commissioned through the Air National Guard’s Academy of Military Science in February 1994 and has held various command and staff positions within the TXANG’s 136th Airlift Wing at Hensley and Carswell Fields, both in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Brigadier General Dawn Marie Ferrell, the Deputy Adjutant General–Air, for the Texas Military Department is joined by her parents, Edward and Vivian during her promotion to the rank of major general in a ceremony held at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas on December 14, 2018.

Leadership Changes

BG Greg Chaney Deputy Adjutant General – Army Commander Texas Army National Guard

COL William Weaver Commander Texas Medical Command

BG Ronald W. Burkett II Deputy Commander – Maneuver 36th Infantry Division

Col Matthew Jensen Commander 149th Operations Group

In her most recent assignment, she commanded the 136th Mission Support Group at the 136th Airlift Wing, leading the Civil Engineer Squadron, Security Forces Squadron, Logistics Readiness Squadron, Force Support Squadron, Communications Flight and a contracting element. She deployed as the aerial port commander for Hurricanes Katrina and Rita relief efforts at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Belle Chase in New Orleans and Ellington Field in Houston, where her team set up a fully functioning aerial port to handle the influx of aircraft delivering troops and supplies to the hurricane devastated areas. Ferrell later deployed to the International Security Assistance Force Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan, in a joint NATO assignment as the director of plans and logistics operations, where she was responsible for strategic-level oversight for logistics planning, sustainment, and redeployment of U.S. and NATO forces. On Nov. 13, 2015, Ferrell was appointed by the governor as the Deputy Adjutant General–Air. A native Texan, Ferrell graduated with a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls and earned her doctorate of philosophy from the University of North Texas in Denton. H

LTC Timothy J. Redhair Commander HHB, 36th ID

CW5 Jeff Felton Command Chief Warrant Officer Texas Army National Guard

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HAMILTON TAKES COMMAND OF THE 36TH INFANTRY DIVISION MG PATRICK M. HAMILTON assumed command of the 36th Infantry Division from MG S. Lee Henry in a ceremony on the Camp Mabry parade field on November 17, 2018. After graduating from Texas A&M and the Army War College, Hamilton went on to become an armored cavalry officer, holding various positions of leadership throughout the years. He deployed to Bosnia and Afghanistan, where he commanded many soldiers and served as chief of operations for the U.S. sector in Bosnia and red team leader for the 101st Airborne Division in Afghanistan. More recently, he was assigned the role of commanding general for the Texas National Guard’s Hurricane Harvey Response mission. MG Hamilton who previously served as the assistant division commander — maneuver said he plans to push the Soldiers of the 36th Infantry Division to increase their ability to respond effectively when called upon, both during combat operations overseas and disaster responses here in Texas. The ceremony included a traditional inspection of the troops, a performance by the 36th Infantry Division band and the passing of the division’s symbolic flag or “colors.” MG S. Lee Henry, the outgoing commanding general, passed the flag to Maj Gen John F. Nichols, the Adjutant General of Texas, who in turned passed it to Hamilton, symbolizing the transfer of command of the division’s estimated 16,000 members. As Henry brought his career as a military leader to a close, his message to Soldiers was simple “Take care of each other. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Stay fit and make sure you balance the things that are important in your life, like your family and your employer,” Henry said. The 36th Infantry Division of the Texas Army National Guard is a combat division made up of three infantry teams, a combat aviation brigade, a maneuver enhancement brigade, an engineering brigade and a sustainment brigade. H (Photo by SSG Mark Scovell)

30-YEAR VETERAN ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE TEXAS STATE GUARD MG ROBERT BODISCH, Commander, Texas State Guard, received the colors of the Texas State Guard from MG Tracy Norris, The Adjutant General of Texas, in an assumption of command ceremony at Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas, January 26, 2019. Bodisch was appointed to the position by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on October 25, 2018. Bodisch served as the interim commander for nearly a year and previously served as the Deputy Commanding General of the Texas State Guard. This appointment follows the retirement of MG Gerald ‘Jake’ Betty. In all, Bodisch has served in the guard for over 30 years since taking his oath in August 1988. Prior to being appointed to his current role, Bodisch was the Deputy Director of Homeland Security and Services at the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin, Texas. The mission of the Texas State Guard (TXSG) is to provide mission-ready military forces to assist state and local authorities in times of state emergencies; to conduct homeland security and community service activities under the umbrella of Defense Support to Civil Authorities; and to augment the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard as required. Headquartered at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas, the TXSG functions as an organized state militia under the authority of Title 32 of the U.S. Code and Chapter 437 of the Texas Government Code. H (Photo by CPL Shawn Dromgoole) 14 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

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TEXAS STATE GUARD TOY DRIVE BRINGS JOY IN ITS 10TH YEAR, the Texas State Guard “Young Heroes of the Guard” Toy Drive 2018 brought joy and happiness to thousands of children across Texas by collecting and delivering 82,176 toys to pediatric hospitals, children’s homes, women’s shelters, schools, and Ronald McDonald Houses. Since the Texas State Guard launched the toy drive in 2009, guardsmen have delivered a total of 244,911 toys. The toy drive has grown from the first collection that delivered 2,400 toys to children in hospitals in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex to delivering 82,176 toys to children across the state in 2018, which exceeded this year’s goal of 75,000. For the first time toys were delivered to children in the Rio Grande Valley. The toy drive starts every November when guardsmen start placing toy drive collection boxes at stores, churches, and businesses. When the toy drive collection ends in early December, Texas State Guard units, at their local armories across the state, begin sorting toys by age groups and then start delivering toys throughout December and into early January. Five Below and Walmart stores offered collection sites where store patrons could donate toys that they have just purchased. Another corporate partner is Hess Corporation who has donated over 7,000 Hess toy trucks. H

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A RA OR UO UN ND D T THHEE WW O R L NGAT INSURANCE DIRECTOR, KATHY GALLATIN, is congratulated by NGEDA President, Augie Grace after being sworn in as a member of the Payroll Deduction Coordinating Board (PDCB). The PDCB purpose is to represent and assist those states which have signed a memorandum of agreement for the National Guard payroll deduction systems.

MEMBERS OF 3-133RD FA RGMT, stood next to 184 of their active duty Air Assault brothers and sisters in a graduation ceremony that followed their final 12-mile ruck march on Dec 17, 2018 at Fort Bliss, Texas. Congratulations to the following graduates pictured left to right: SGT Ethan Roden, SGT Christopher Gregory, SPC Fernandez Torres, SPC Edwardo Maldonado, SPC Carlos Molina, SGT Jose Ibarra and 2LT Ernest Rodriguez. (Photo by SFC Suzanne Ringle) COL RAUL ROSARIO, commander of the 149th Fighter Wing, Air National Guard, participates in an international press panel which included representatives from seven other countries for #CRUZEX2018 at Natal Air Force Base, Nov 19, 2018 in Brazil. (Photo by TSgt Mindy Bloem)

SMSGT MICHAEL WOLFF, NGAT Treasurer (left), and MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga, NGAT Membership Director, prepare to leave Springfield, MO where they represented NGAT at the EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter Conference.

U.S SECRETARY OF ENERGY and former Texas Governor, Rick Perry, signs documents to officially donate a gift to the Texas Military Forces Museum at a ceremony held in Austin, Texas, January 12, 2019. The World War I helmet was part of his late father’s collection. (Photo by SFC Malcolm Mc Clendon)

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DD WWI IT TH H T HT EH EG UGAURAD R D OVER 500 STUDENTS AND CIVILIANS got up close and personal with a Chinook from Co B, 2-149 GSAB out of Grand Prairie, TX. The aircraft landed on the Lindsay ISD practice football field as part of the Lindsay ISD Veterans Day program.

SFC CRAIG WOOD, HHC, 19th Regiment, Texas State Guard, Army Component is one of several volunteers that picked up wreaths, from December’s “Wreaths Across America,” that were laid on grave sites of fallen soldiers at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery, January 19, 2019. Over 30,000 plus wreaths were laid on the graves.

MAJ HOWARD TURNER, an F-16 pilot assigned to the 149th Fighter Wing, Air National Guard, prepares for takeoff at Natal Air Force Base in Brazil during #CRUZEX2018. (Photo by TSgt Mindy Bloem) U.S. NAVY SAILORS guide a Texas Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, assigned to “Shiner” of 1st Battalion, 108th Aviation Regiment, to the flight deck of the guided-missile destroyer USS Jason Dunham (DDG 109). The USS Jason Dunham is deployed to the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. 5th Fleet in support of naval operations to ensure maritime stability and security. (Photo by Specialist 3rd Class Jonathan Clay)

CCMSGT (RET) PRISCILLA LEGER, NGAT President-Elect and LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris, NGAT Executive Director attend a CEO Symposium in Miami, FL to learn ways to improve NGAT in the future.

SOLDIERS OF THE TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD perform a 19-gun salute at the Texas Capitol during the Inauguration of Governor Greg Abbott on January 15, 2019 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Kyle Burns)

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AFBA and 5Star Life are proud to support NGAT and its members

The SSLI program provides a member death benefit with no combat or terrorism exclusions. Contact the National Guard Association of Texas at www.NGAT.org or (800) 252-NGAT to learn more. Photo by Maj. Randall Stillinger / 36th Infantry Division (TXARNG)

Member death benefits provided by AFBA are underwritten by 5Star Life Insurance Company (a Lincoln, NE company) with an administrative office at 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, TX 78731 This member benefit is offered only to its National Guard Association members in the state of Texas. Policy series GNG-060103 NGATX ADR0218


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NGAT ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18 The National Guard Association of Texas is proud to submit this Annual Report to our members concerning the Association’s activities and financials. After reflecting on our performance this past year, we are proud of what NGAT has accomplished. Our state-sponsored Life Insurance program continues to be our primary source of income for the Association. It makes us proud to know that when it comes to our insurance policies we go the extra mile to help our Soldiers and Airmen or their family members in a great time of need should a death occur. We have been able to pay claims in as quickly as three hours. Now that is outstanding!

OUR MISSION The National Guard Association of Texas seeks to provide the best services and benefits to promote, safeguard, and advance the interests of our members, communities, and partnerships.

VISION To be a premier professional association that serves and advances the interests of its membership and supports the Texas Military Department.

LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY Our Government Affairs Committee has been working with the Texas Military Department Government Affairs Office to support the TAG’s legislative priorities in the 86th Texas legislative session that just recently began. Some of the priorities for the upcoming session are: • Increase Texas State Guard membership • Revitalization (STAR) Program to ensure that life, health, and safety deficiencies in Texas armories are addressed • Provide funding for Military Funeral and Honors • Increase service members participation in the tuition assistance program • Increase manning for the Joint Operations Center • Increase funding for National Guard Individual Readiness On December 5, 2018, NGAT hosted a Congressional reception in Washington, D.C. that was well attended. This program allows NGAT to reach out to our Texas Congressional delegation and staff with the Texas Military Department leadership and Government Affair office in attendance to discuss issues important to Texas. For a complete list of initiative see the legislative page on the NGAT website www. ngat.org.

NGAT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION The NGAT Educational Foundation exists exclusively and solely for furthering the educational opportunities of young people including the granting of educational scholarships to members of NGAT and/or their spouses and children. This past year the foundation gave out eight scholarships totaling $14,000. Since, the Foundations inception it has awarded $482,000 in scholarships.

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THE BATTALION COMMANDER, LTC JAVIER ROSALES JR., AND 1SG MARCUS DOMINGUEZ met with the Honorable Ricardo A. Samaniego, the newly appointed El Paso County Judge on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, at the El Paso County Courthouse. Home based in El Paso, the 3rd Battalion of the 133 Field Artillery Regiment command staff continues to build and strengthen community relations with El Paso County and the City of El Paso leadership and community members. (Photo by SPC Christina Clardy)

NGAT ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18 TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD FOUNDATION The Texas National Guard Foundation raises funds from the private and public sector to complement and support funding of events, professional education and to assist service members in a time of need during a natural disaster or other significant events. This past year the foundation raised $14,257.

NGAT ANNUAL CONFERENCE This year NGAT will host it’s 60th Annual Conference from March 28-31 at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. The conference allows Texas Military Forces service members and their spouses to come together for a time of learning, networking and fun. This past year we had 571 attendees at the Annual Conference held at the La Torretta Lake Resort and Spa in Montgomery, Texas. The conference also included 60 vendors at our trade show. Our guest speaker for the conference was General Joseph L. Lengyel, Chief of the National Guard Bureau and former member of the Texas Air National Guard.

PROGRAMS & EVENTS EANGUS Mid-Winter Conference Professional Development Forum NGAT Representation 2 attendees NGAT Annual Conference Professional Development Forum 571 attendees EANGUS Annual Conference Professional Development Forum NGAT Representation 9 attendees – 4 Professional Development NGAUS Annual Conference Professional Development Forum NGAT Representation 35 attendees – 5 Professional Development

2nd Annual Bat Cruise Free for Life Members 48 attendees Camp Mabry Education Fair Membership event NGAT Open House Holiday Event 80 attendees Camp Mabry Open House (Update member records) SRP/FMR Insurance Briefs

FUNDRAISING AND SUPPORTING EVENTS NGAT Educational Foundation Golf Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,286 Silent Auction for the Texas National Guard Foundation . . . . . . . $7,775 Best Warrior Golf Tournament — 96 Golfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,556

COMMITTEE NGAT committees are finally in place and operational. Our finance committee did an excellent job working with the Executive Director and the staff to come up with a budget that is on it’s way to finally being balance in the next year or so. We also now have a line by line explanation chart of all expenditures that is easy for our board of directors to understand. Our facilities committee is hard at work doing the research to determine what are the best options for the future of our NGAT building and the bridal shop that we own. There are so many factors to consider and I truly believe they are on the way to reaching some decision that will take NGAT into the future.

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NGAT ANNUAL REPORT 2017-18 MEMBERSHIP Why join a membership organization? First and foremost, NGAT is a professional membership association. To be a member with voting privileges you must have served in the National Guard or be a member of the Texas State Guard. Members belong to organizations because they want to be affiliated with like-minded people. In our case NGAT offers you the opportunity to get involved with both active and retired members of the Texas National Guard. You may have served your time in the Guard or have just joined. Either way the military offers you an array of benefits for your military service, however many times due to budget cut we have seen some of our benefits we once had and worked hard for taken away. NGAT is your advocate on Capitol Hill and here at the Texas State Capitol. With our collective membership it makes our voice much louder as we go to speak on issues that are important to you as a service member or veteran. NGAT Membership is about to take a huge leap into a new dimension with the implementation of our new Association Management Software. Members will now be able to connect with one another through chat groups on our site. We will have a job board and the ability to connect our members who have special skills with each other. Maybe you live in Austin and need a plumber? Chances are someone in the Guard may very well be a plumber who lives in Austin. Our new system will be able to help you connect with fellow Guardsmen that may be able to help you. There are so many possibilities with our new system that are coming to you very soon. I can’t wait to share it with you. NGAT Membership has been down the past two years but has begun to pick back up. The following are our current membership numbers. The more members we have the more our legislative leaders listen to our concerns and issues. Member Status Current Total ARNG L - Life Members 30430 24857 B - Associate Life Members 690 18 A - Annual, Not in the Guard 49 36 Y - Annual, Currently in the Guard 30 13 S - Annual, State Guard 47 15 M - Annual, New Membership 62 22 E - Free 1yr Membership 54 49 N - Free 1yr with Insurance 83 73 TOTAL NGAT MEMBERS 31445 25083

ANG TXSG Other 4617 587 369 6 5 661 3 10 17 30 2 28 7 5 2 3 10 0 4713 602 1047

The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is for enlisted personnel. If you are an annual member of NGAT your membership includes membership in EANGUS. If you are a NGAT Life Member your annual EANGUS dues would be $11.00 per year or you could purchase a EANGUS life membership for $110. Total Current EANGUS Membership Life Annual Total 262 127 389 The National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) is for officer personnel. With your membership, NGAUS is able to make the case in Congress for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained National Guard in more than 3000 communities. See the NGAT website for details on membership pricing for NGAUS. Total Current NGAUS Membership Active Life Active Annual Retired Life Total 191 43 197 431

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HOW NGAT SERVES YOU STATE SPONSORED LIFE INSURANCE (SSLI) This past year, NGAT successfully completed the transfer from American Equity to Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA/5STAR) as the provider of our life insurance program. For 52 years, NGAT has been serving Texas Air and Army servicemembers by providing both Group Term and Whole Life Insurance at a low-cost. There are many benefits to the Group Term policies which are often overlooked, and they are: • Purchase as little as $10,000 for $3.66 a month or as much as $50,000 for $17.00 per month. • Prompt payment of claims within 24 hours. • Payable by an allotment from member’s guard check, from retired pay, or by direct bill. • May insure the entire family. • Coverage is 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No war clauses or aviation exclusions. • In the event of death, monies can be assigned to pay for funeral expenses. • May be retained after leaving the Guard. Under SSLI, NGAT offers a free one-year $10,000 policy for new enlistees to the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard and they can continue coverage after the one-year free trial with a low-cost allotment of $3.66 per month. Did you know that currently serving members of the Texas Army and Air National Guard are automatically covered with a FREE $1,000 NGAT Life Insurance policy? That’s right, we have you covered for free while you serve. (Due to the insurance company policy, we are unable to offer group life insurance to members of the Texas State Guard.)

Where our revenue comes from: Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71% Annual Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14% Rental Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% Advertising/Misc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%

Where our money goes:

INSURANCE PROGRAM # New applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 # Lost policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702 (Cancellations are due to turning 65, bad addresses, durect bill non-pay, out of the Guard and never made a payment, declined by the insurance company, per the individuals request.) Total State Sponsored Life Insurance Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,272 # Active Guard policies Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,873 # Active Guard policies Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 # Free $10,000 programs for new recruits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 # Direct billed policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,597 Amount of total claims paid since 1 April 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . $383,017.67 # of claims paid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 # Group Term SSLI Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 #Group Term SSLI & Active Guard Free $1,000 policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 # Active Guard Free $1,000 Policy Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Human Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52% Annual Conference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18% Association Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 8% Property Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% Office Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Military Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Facilities and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Legislative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% Insurance Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2% Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1%

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Texas Guard Plays a Part in the Farewell to Bush 41

JTF 136 Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) supported JTF-NCR Forward and Task Force Texas during execution of funeral service for President George H. W. Bush (Bush41). JTF 136 MEB established Mission Command Support and provided VIP Transportation Cell, Law Enforcement Coordination, and Base Support capabilities to JTF-NCR Forward before during and after the funeral services. H

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Ten Things to Ask When Hiring a Lawyer BY COLONEL (RET) DOUG O’CONNELL IF YOU THINK YOU NEED A LAWYER, chances are something serious is going on in your life. Here are some questions you should ask to determine if a particular attorney is a good fit for you. How long have you been licensed to practice law? You want to gauge if the attorney has the experience needed for your legal matter. A brand-new lawyer may not be well-suited for your case. On the other hand, you may not need to hire the legal big gun for a relatively minor matter. What areas of law do you focus on? Who is your typical client? General practice attorneys are becoming rare. Most lawyers try to specialize in a few areas to maximize their competency. If you encounter a lawyer who claims to handle any type of legal matter, you should proceed with caution. After all, you wouldn’t hire a pediatrician to perform heart surgery. What sets you apart from other attorneys? Every lawyer has a law degree. Does the attorney possess additional degrees or certifications, or have past employment or unique expertise relevant to your legal matter? What is your track record with this type of case? Don’t be shy about asking this question. Be wary of vague answers. Ask about taking cases to trial versus settlement. Do I really need a lawyer? Are there other alternatives to solve my problem? A true professional will tell you if you are potentially wasting money by hiring them. Ask if your legal problem can be handled through an out-of-court arrangement or mediation. What are the possible outcomes of my case? It’s a major “red flag” if your attorney guarantees a specific outcome. Seasoned lawyers will have an idea of the range of possible outcomes. What will this cost? Various fee arrangements exist depending on the type of issue you’re facing. Contingency fee (normally personal injury cases), hourly rate, and flat fee agreements are all common when hiring a lawyer. You need to have a clear understanding of how you will be expected to pay the lawyer. Will you provide me with a representation agreement? This is a contract between the attorney and the client that specifies exactly what the attorney will do for you. It should be easily understood and written in plain English. Run from any lawyer that balks at a written representation agreement. How do you communicate with your clients? Poor communication with the attorney is a major source of frustration for clients. Ask how often you will hear from the attorney and in what form – email, phone calls, written letters? If you don’t feel like you can communicate your concerns with the potential attorney, or they don’t seem to understand what you’re saying, this is probably not the right attorney for you How do you define “winning” this case? If you’re up against the government, a corporation or powerful individual, you may need aggressive representation to protect your legal rights. On the other hand, some cases need a delicate, low-key approach, especially when you run the risk of negative media exposure or reputation issues are at stake. Sometimes you just need the issue to “go away” and fast. H Attorney Doug O’Connell is a NGAT Life Member who focuses on representing military service members, veterans, first responders and their family members. Doug@DougOConnell.com.

REUNIONS 1136th Infantry Detachment Reunion Planned All past members and support personnel to the 1136th Infantry Detachment (Pathfinder) are invited to attend a reunion scheduled to be held April 12-14, 2019 in Austin, Texas. Our last reunion held in April of 2017 was a success with three generations of pathfinders attending the reunion ranging from veterans of the Vietnam and Cold War eras to present day pathfinders still fighting terror in the Middle East. For more information about the event, please contact the reunion organizers via phone, text or email. Roberto Chavira, 512-917-6351, chavi467@yahoo.com Mark Erwin, 512-750-6028, markjerwin61@gmail.com H

Ace-in-the-Hole Retiree Association Pictured above are some of the members of the Ace-in-the-Hole Retiree Association during their recent meeting at the Lone Star Flight Museum on Ellington Field, in Houston, Texas. Members in attendance enjoyed a guided tour of the museum and fellowship. The Ace-in-the-Hole Retiree Association is made up of former members of the 147th Fighter Wing which was later reorganized and named the 147th Reconnaissance Wing and is now known as the 147th Attack Wing. For more information about their events visit www.aceintheholeretirees.com. H

Texas Army National Guard Recruiting & Retention Command Reunion Plans are in the works to have a reunion this fall for Soldiers who have served in the Texas Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Command. The location will be in San Antonio, Texas in the September/October time frame. If you are interested in participating, please contact COL (Ret) Dwain James at dwainjames79@gmail.com. H W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |



T E X A S Troubleshooting Equipment

36th Infantry Division Soldier Remembered

TSgt Lester Sump and SSgt Eric Sendejas, ordnance equipment mechanics assigned to the 149th Fighter Wing, Air National Guard, troubleshoot an F-16 coupling ring while assembling a training missile at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Jan. 2, 2019. H

SSG Fred Garcia, a U.S Army telephone and telegraph line chief who fought with the 36th Infantry Division in World War II and was awarded the Bronze Star for his actions during the Battle of Rapido River in Italy, was honored during a building memorialization ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston September 7. Garcia was a San Antonio native and a direct descendent of the Padron family, one of the original 16 families who founded the city. LTG Jeffrey Buchanan (far left), commanding General, U.S. Army North, joins (from right to left) Kenneth Garcia, Wayne Garcia and Diana Garcia-Schulze, all children of the late SSG Fred Garcia, in the unveiling of the commemorative plaque to be mounted at the entrance of the U.S. Army North (5th Army) communications building, the Staff Sergeant Fred L. Garcia building. H (Photo by Joshua Ford)

We All Have a Reason to Serve

Chaplain (1LT) John Latham, 1st Battalion, 19th Regiment, Texas State Guard, Army Component welcomes Chaplain (1LT) Jonathan Kim on his first drill at Red Bird National Guard Armory, Dallas, Texas, January 19, 2019. Kim, being in an academic environment most of his life, said he wanted to get “out of the comfort zone” and do something different. Kim served in the Republic of Korea Air Force in South Korea and has a Master’s and Doctorate’s in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary serving as an Associate Dean, Professor of Christian Education at Mary C. Crowley, Dallas Baptist University in Dallas, Texas. H (Photos by CPT Esperanza Meza) 26 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Winter 2019

Lt Col John Buckler Completes His “Fini Flight”

After 33 years of military service, Lt Col John Buckler completed his “fini-flight” as a C-130 pilot. His wife Kristie Jo Buckler and other crew members were there to help shower Lt Col Buckler with champagne to celebrate his accomplishment. During his tenure, Lt Col Buckler logged 4,428 hours as a C-130 Hercules pilot, and 4,764 hours as a C-130 navigator—totaling 9,192 flight hours combined in a C-130. Out of all the current aviators in the 136th Airlift Wing and 181st Airlift Squadron, he has the most flight hours in a C-130! Join us in congratulating him for this outstanding accomplishment, and his years of service to the Texas Air National Guard! H




A Tale of Two Commanders and a Flag BY LTC THOMAS C. PETERSON

The Peterson family has had a very long history with the American Military dating back before the revolutionary war. My 4th great grandfather was COL John Jameson who rode with General George Washington. At that time his battalion flag was the “Culpeper Minutemen” Flag with “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death” and “Don’t Tread on Me.” All the men in my family have served, and the tradition has continued with me, my sons, and my nephews. This story really starts with me in Bosnia during a Stabilization Force (SFOR) rotation. COL David Elicerio now a retired Major General was my boss and had asked me to shut down Camp Comanche located near Tuzla, Bosnia. I took the flag down from the command post and then asked him what I should do with the flag and COL Elicerio said, “You keep the Flag.” I then took that flag with me in my backpack everywhere I have been deployed and conducted missions. The flag went to Afghanistan twice both in Arghandab and Kandahar and once to Taji and to Bagdad, Iraq. The flag recently returned from Afghanistan with the Train Advise Assist Command (TAAC-S) mission to Kandahar. I also asked the 1SG to fly one of the 36 Infantry Division Flags in combat for me.

COMMANDER AARON C. PETTERSON displays the 36th Infantry Division flag on his way to display it on the mast of the USS Scranton in San Diego, CA.

My flag has not just been with the Army my nephew, Commander Aaron C. Peterson is in the United States Navy and is the commander of the USS Scranton (SSN 756) in San Diego, California. I asked him if it was possible to fly my flags on the mast of his boat “Submarine.” My nephew eagerly took charge and flew the 36th Infantry Division, and my U.S. Flag on the mast of the USS Scranton. He took both flags to depth of 756 feet below the sea. The Styrofoam cup arrived with his letter telling me the story of taking both flags all the way down to the bottom of the ocean and flying them on the mast. I didn’t understand the styrofoam cup with all the signatures and the depth on it. But Aaron explained that the styrofoam cup starts to crush under the pressure of being down that far under the sea and normally the commanding officer signs the cup and writes the depth down as proof of the depth to which the submarine dove to. Now, how cool is that?! After returning home from Afghanistan I was asked to take command of the 536th Brigade Support Battalion. I then took the same American flag and flew it at my change of command ceremony as I took command of the 536th Brigade Support Battalion. Who knows what else is in store for my flags next journey? H

LTC THOMAS PETERSON’S U.S FLAG is proudly flown on the mast of the USS Scranton in San Diego, CA.

Texas Counterdrug Support DPS Tecc Training Texas National Guard Joint Counterdrug Task Force member, SSgt Rene Cervantes instructs a recruit on better methods to apply pressure to a wound during TECC training in Florence, Texas, Oct. 15, 2018. Since 2017, Texas National Guard Counterdrug Task Force members have provided support for the Department of Public Safety’s Tactical Emergency Casualty Care training by implementing their firsthand military experience for roughly 500 recruits and several multi-agency classes across the state. H (Photo by CPT Nadine Wiley De Moura)

PICTURED ABOVE ARE ITEMS SENT TO LTC THOMAS PETERSON from his nephew, CDR Aaron C. Peterson on the occasion of flying his U.S. Flag and taking it to the depths of the ocean. W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


Scholarship Opportunities for NGAUS Members and Their Dependents AFBA NGAUS Active Life Member Scholarship The NGAUS AFBA Active Life Member Scholarship awards two $5,000 scholarships every July to Active Life members of NGAUS or dependents of Active Life members seeking an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate degree. Applicant must be a full-time student. The application period runs from March 1 through May 31.

Grantham Scholarship NGAUS and Grantham University will award two full graduate scholarships. One scholarship is for an active NGAUS member and current Guardsman who is a commissioned or warrant officer ranked 0-5 and below. The second scholarship is for a spouse of an active member. Each scholarship is valued up to $14,200, and covers tuition costs, required textbooks, software and fees. Scholarship value depends on degree selected and credits transferred. The application period closes August 4.

The Van Hipp Heroes Scholarship Fund Established in 2015, Van Hipp donates 100% of the proceeds from his book, The New Terrorism: How to Fight It and Defeat It to The Van Hipp Fallen Heroes Scholarship Fund which will award scholarships to Guardsmen wounded in action in the War on Terror. A scholarship applicant must be a current or former National Guard member wounded in an operational or training mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation New Dawn. This initiative is administered by the National Guard Educational Foundation. The application period runs from January through July 1.

— S AV E T H E DAT E —

NGAUS ANNUAL CONFERENCE Aug 30 - Sep 2, 2019 | Denver, CO

Join us in the Mile-High City for the 141st General Conference & Exhibition. More than 2,000 Army and Air National Guard officers from all 50 states, three territories and the District of Columbia gather to connect, party and get down to business setting the NGAUS upcoming legislative agenda. Whether craft breweries, Western American art or the great outdoors are your passion, Denver has something for everyone. Make plans to attend and bring a friend.

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H Winter 2019

EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter Conference EANGUS and EANGUS Auxiliary Members for Area IV recently gathered in Springfield, MO for our Annual Mid-Winter Conference. During the conference area representative brief on what was going on in each of their state. SMSgt Michael Wolff, NGAT Treasurer presented the report for Texas during the conference. Items of discussion during the conference were as follows: Legislative activities of EANGUS EANGUS Home Office Update Veteran Education Program Operation Vet Care EANGUS Scholarships

EANGUS AREA IV MEMBERS pose for a photo during the EANGUS Area IV Mid-Winter Conference held at the Oasis Hotel & Convention Center in Springfield, MO.

2019 EANGUS Scholarships The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) is now accepting scholarship applications for the multiple colleges and universities they are partnered with. They have created a single application form that is available on their website at www.eangus. org that will guide you through the scholarship application process. Keep in mind some universities may still have their own application form and or process. Below is a list of items you will need to get started to apply.

Requirements to Apply 1. EANGUS Membership Number (To be a EANGUS member you must also be a NGAT member) For enlisted personnel only. Some scholarship are available to the dependents of EANGUS member. 2. Transcripts (HS, College, CLEP, etc.) 3. Essay stating specific reasons for your desire to pursue education to include financial assistance. (300-word maximum) 4. On-line application (with transcripts and letter of recommendation) 5. Deadline to apply is May 1, 2019 (unless listed otherwise)

If at any time you have questions, please contact scholarship@eangus. org and someone will respond to your inquiry or request for assistance. Current Scholarship offered by EANGUS. Type of scholarship varies by organization.

CSM Virgil R. Williams Scholarship Patriot Scholarship American Intercontinental University Scholarship American Public University System Scholarship Colorado Technical University Scholarship First Command Educational Foundation Scholarship Grand Canyon University Scholarship Grantham University Scholarship University of Phoenix Scholarship USAA Scholarship APPLY AT WWW.EANGUS.ORG Make plans to join us at the 48th Annual EANGUS Conference, August 4-7, 2019 in Des Moines, IA. Ranked in the top 10 places to live in the United States by SuccessfulMeetings.com, Des Moines is thriving and growing and welcomes you to explore, network and enjoy this hospitable city.

Watch the NGAT website for registration information at ngat.org/eangus W i n t e r 2 0 1 9 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |




As of 01/28/19

COL Richard P. Adams, Life Member #32517, Retired, Spicewood CW4 James E. Berry, Life Member #2254, Retired, Gatesville *MSG Ricky L. Bozeman, Life Member #16580, Retired, Carthage COL John W. Brite, Life Member #3273, Retired, Pflugerville (In the Fall 2018 NGAT News magazine, we incorrectly reported SFC John Brite, his son. SFC Brite is alive and well!) **SGT Charlton F. Clayton, HHB 1st, 133rd FA BN, College Station LTG James T. Craig, Life Member #12455, Retired, Everman */**SPC Ross A. Culpepper, HHC 136th MP (I/R) BN, Nacogdoches **SPC Jerome E. Delucia III, HSC 449th ASB, San Antonio SFC James E. Dulin, Life Member #23028, Retired, Waco **SPC Marcus D. Edwards, 712th MP GUARD CO, Houston Mr. Willard “Butch” Eisenburg, Retired, Des Moines IA MSG Raymond M. Faircloth, Life Member #6031, Retired, Livingston SPC John Grulich, Retired, Wisconsin SPC Eddie Grulich, Retired, Wisconsin COL John T. Halsey, Life Member #135, Retired, Willis SGT R. C. Hamilton, Life Member #15772, Retired, Houston MSgt Louis C. Heck, Life Member #7413, Retired, San Antonio SPC Johnny R. Kelley, Retired, Shreveport LA SSG Donald D. Lane, Life Member #17888, Retired, Childress Mr. Ralph Martinez Jr., Life Member #5578, Retired, San Antonio SFC Frankie D. Morris, Life Member #17048, Retired, Dawson */**SPC Noel E. Najarro, B CO 3-144TH INF RGMT (FWD), Nacogdoches CMSgt James R. Norman, Life Member #18370, Retired, Weatherford SGT Benjamin “Allen” Oatman, Retired, Fredericksburg SGT Eleuterio V. Orta Jr., Life Member #17227, Retired, Pharr Richard A. Overton, Oldest living World War II Veteran, May 11, 1906-Dec, 27, 2018, U.S. Army Veteran Mr. David M. Partin, Life Member #9708, Retired, Plains Mr. Gaines F. Plaxco Jr., Life Member #4252, Retired, Wichita Falls MSG Patricio H. Rodriguez, Life Member #14441, Retired, San Antonio SSgt Michael M. Schmitt, Life Member #10457, Retired, Jacksonville FL SGT Stephen R. Stone, Life Member #9310, Retired, Gatesville **PV2 Colton D. Stuart, DET 2 CO B (-) 449th ASB, Ennis SSG William “Bill” H. Tate, Life Member #909, Retired, Austin Mr. James K. Waxler, Life Member #190, Retired, Clermont FL SFC Moses Whitten II, Life Member #21053, Retired, Killeen 1SG Edward D. Wittmis, Life Member #9207, Retired, Denton **SGT Lee M. Wolf, CO C 1ST BN 141ST IN RGMT (FWD), Pflugerville Mr. Jesse G. Wortham, Life Member #30392, Retired, Dallas *Had NGAT Life Insurance Policy **Had No-Cost Active Guard Policy of $1,000

Col Thomas M. Shellshear Life Member #184, Retired, Spring NGAT President 1994-1995

George H.W. Bush 41st President of the United States

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H Winter 2019

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National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Avenue Austin, Texas 78731-6308


PLANNING CALENDAR (As of January 31, 2019)

2019 12

Feb NGAUS Legislative Workshop, Washington, D.C.


Feb President’s Day (NGAT Office Closed)


Feb EANGUS State President’s Workshop, Washington, D.C.


Feb EANGUS Legislative Workshop, Washington, D.C.


Mar Texas Military Department Day @ Texas State Capitol, Austin


Mar NGAT Board Meeting, Corpus Christi


Mar 60th Annual NGAT Conference, Corpus Christi


Apr NGAT BOD Meeting, Austin


Apr Good Friday (NGAT Holiday Observed)


May Memorial Day (NGAT Office Closed)


Jul Independence Day (NGAT Office Closed)


Jul U.S. Army Birthday/Flag Day


Jul NGAT Strategic Planning Workshop, Austin


Aug EANGUS Conference, Des Monies, IA

30 Jul-3 Sep NGAUS Conference, Denver, CO 18-19

Aug NGAT BOD Meeting, Austin

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