2020 Spring NGAT News

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Founded 1959 | Volume 61 | Number 1 | Spring 2020


Joint Task Force 176 assembles in response to COVID-19 pandemic






Message from the Adjutant General

NGAT Scholarships

Key Leadership Update

EANGUS Conference Update

2019-2020 Board of Directors President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joint Forces HQs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st Troop Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72nd IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Sustainment Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176th Engr Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st EMIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th MEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149th FW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147th ATKW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region I . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region II . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region III . . . . . . . . . . . Family Readiness Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Priscilla Leger Christopher McKeag Bruce Robison Michael Wolff Mireya Cruz Vacant Vacant Mireya Cruz Rodney Kelley James Crady Clinton Petty Samantha Lewis Vacant Toby Mendoza Vacant George Hurd Bruce Robison Chip Cranon Kyle Ames Michael Wolff Jeanne Arnold Donna Balderston Quentin Kimble Shandra Sponsler Marvin Harris




Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Billeck-Zuniga Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terri Sheets Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aus-Tex Printing & Mailing NGAT NEWS: 3706 Crawford Ave Austin, TX 78731 512-454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428)



NGAT News Magazine (Articles & Photos): ngatnews@ngat.org NGAT Home Page: www.ngat.org EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Marvin Harris – mharris@ngat.org DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Theresa Billeck-Zuniga – tbz@ngat.org INSURANCE DIRECTOR: Kathy Gallatin – insurance@ngat.org NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308.


Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308 MEMBERS MAY EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES TO: membership@ngat.org

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4 President’s Report 5 NGAT Conference Message from the Adjutant General 6 7 Counterdrug 8-9 NGAT Corporate Partners 10 NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarships 12-13 Duty | Honor | Texas 15 Legal Update 16-17 Texas Guard COVID-19 Response 18 Donate with Amazon Smiles 19 Key Leader Update 20 NGAUS Update 21 EANGUS Update 22 TAPS / COVID-19 Grant 24 NGAT Planning Calendar ON THE COVER: Members of the Texas Military Department’s Joint Task Force 176, who work out of the tactical operations center at Camp Mabry, stand for a group photo while wearing face masks intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Austin, Texas. Joint Task Force 176 assembled in response to the COVID-19 pandemic with missions that include enhancing civilian medical capacities and supporting medical supply distribution and engineering for medical infrastructure. The task force includes Texas Army National Guard’s 176th Engineer Brigade, the 36th Combat Aviation Brigade, the 1st Battalion of the 141st Infantry Regiment and the 249th Transportation Company, as well as members of the Texas State Guard. (Photo by SSG Michael Giles) SPC Juan Hernandez carries bags of canned goods at the Endowment Community Resource Center in Edinburg, Texas, April 15, 2020. Texas Guardsmen live, work and train in communities across Texas. (Photo by SSgt De’Jon Williams)

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PRESIDENT’S REPORT NGAT MEMBERS, Well, it has started off to be a really different kind of year that’s for sure. I guess we never know what’s ahead of us until it hits us head on. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the whole world has been turned upside down. Our annual NGAT conference this year was cancelled and recently NGAUS cancelled their conference. I would like to thank the staff for their hard work in closing out the cancelled conference and reimbursing everyone in a timely manner. This was not an easy task, but they have successfully completed this effort. The Board of Directors are planning on having some type of membership meeting or open house nearer to the fall and or end of summer sometime. This is in the planning stages with the Executive Committee and we will keep you posted as our plans develop. Please stay in touch with us on Facebook and our website for further information. Congratulations to our 2020 NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarship winners. We had a record breaking 42 applications. I would like to thank the Scholarship Committee for their hard work and long hours going through all the applications to determine the winners. THANK YOU to everyone who submitted an application and we look forward to seeing you all apply again next year. You can see the list of winners in this issue of our magazine.

Our Membership Drive Contest went very well. The winners are as follows: First Place—$500: 176th Engineer Brigade (21) Second Place—$300: Texas State Guard (18) Third Place—$200: 136th Airlift Wing (14) Fourth Place—$100: 71st Troop Command (12)

MG WILLIAM A. “BILL” HALL, commander of Task Force Northeast, deployed from Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, dons medical personal protective equipment before touring the Javits New York Medical Station patient care area, April 9, 2020. In support of the Defense Department’s COVID-19 response, U.S. Northern Command, through U.S. Army North, is providing military support to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help communities in need. MG Hall is a former member of the Texas Army National Guard and a NGAT Life Member. 4 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

H Spring 2020

The NGAT staff is working from home indefinitely and go into the office intermittently to complete necessary operational tasks. Although the NGAT office is closed, the Association continues to operate remotely through a virtual private network (VPN) and RemotePC. All NGAT staff continue to work their normal work hours and the phone system has been programmed directly to staff personal phone numbers. This will ensure your emails and phone calls to the office will be answered like normal business. NGAT Executive Director, Marvin Harris conducts weekly virtual staff meetings to ensure NGAT continues to support our membership and the Texas Military Department. The Executive Committee conducts bi-weekly conference calls to discuss how the Association will move forward. Information on this will be disseminated soon and posted to our website and Facebook page. So stay tuned. Stay safe and keep everyone in your prayers. H

Priscilla Leger, CCM, Retired NGAT President

DOWNLOAD THE NGAT APP Please delete previous app. Search for “NGAT” in the Google or Apple Store

Where Do We Go from Here? In the 61 years history of the National Guard Association of Texas we have never canceled a NGAT Conference. However, after closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation regarding COVID-19, we made the difficult decision to cancel the conference. Our priority will always be the health and safety of our employees, volunteers, members, service members and corporate partners. We can’t thank our great sponsors, speakers, board members, volunteers, and employees who have spent hundreds of hours working to put on this yearly event. We apologize for the inconvenience this cancellation may have caused. There is no plan to reschedule the conference however there are some items of issues that will need to be presented to the membership for voting. Watch the NGAT website, Facebook and the NGAT App for information on a virtual membership meeting in the future. We also have the NGAT Minuteman Award and several other awards to be presented that the Board of Directors will determine how those presentations will be made soon.

Congratulations again to the winners of our NGAT Membership Contest: 1st Place: 176th Engineer Brigade 2nd Place: Texas State Guard 3rd Place: 136th Airlift Wing 4th Place: 71st Troop Command Despite the current environment we are in now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NGAT remains financially stable. NGAT employees remain working normal duty hours and we continue to operate business as usual, remotely. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Our appeal to our members and insurance policy holders is to please call us and update your information. We have so many members who we don’t have a phone number on or email address for and in times like these it is so important we are able to contact you to share important information that may be of assistance to you. Please call 512-454-7300 and leave us a message. If you don’t get an answer our staff will call you back. Watch our Facebook page for daily posts on the great job that our National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are doing for the Great State of Texas. Stay safe, wear a mask, keep your distance and we will all get through this together. Thank you for your continued support of NGAT. H

Message from the NGAT Staff

As part of the National Guard Association of Texas’ (NGAT) continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NGAT will continue to be closed to walk-in customers until further notice. NGAT will continue to offer the same services through online, phone, email and video conferencing options. We are committed to providing uninterrupted services, while prioritizing the health and safety of our staff. If you call the NGAT office and do not get an answer, please leave a message and a staff member will return your phone call. These precautions are in the best interest of our visitors, employees and the service members we support and their safety. Please use the phone numbers below to contact specific individuals in our office. NGAT Office Main Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512-454-7300 Executive Director (Association Emergencies) Marvin Harris . . . . . . . . . 512-697-7021 . . . . . . mharris@ngat.org Deputy Executive Dir/Membership Dir Theresa Billeck-Zuniga 512-697-7022 NGAT News Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbz@ngat.org Insurance Director Kathy Gallatin . . . . . . . . 512-697-7024 Death Notification . . . . insurance@ngat.org Insurance Admin Asst/NGAT Corporate Programs Terri Marshall . . . . . . . . . 512-697-7026 . . . . . tmarshall@ngat.org Membership Assistant/Office Manager Scott Wade . . . . . . . . . . 512-697-7027 . . . . . swade@ngat.org Accountant Anna Hariharan . . . . . . . 512-697-7025 . . . . . bookkeeper@ngat.org Thank you — from the NGAT Board of Directors and Staff — for the sacrifices you make, every day — and especially during this pandemic. The National Guard’s dedication, commitment and courage deserve our deepest gratitude and admiration. Your service is making a difference in countless lives. Please continue to watch the NGAT website (www.ngat.org), Facebook page and NGAT app for updates on NGAT’s operational hours and upcoming events. H S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


Message from the Adjutant General of Texas

I pray this finds you and your families doing well and free from COVID-19. The Texas Guard received Presidential approval to transition into

Title 32, 502(f) status. This enables Texas Guardsmen to serve in federal status, under the command and control of the Governor, and preserves our state funding for future state emergency missions. Just to highlight a few of the outstanding work the Texas Guard is conducting, we are providing temporary manpower in a civilian plant to allow 24-hour operations in the production of N95 respiratory masks for healthcare workers. Our Engineers have conducted over 30 site assessments on non-medical buildings for conversion to alternate healthcare facilities, if necessary. We are assisting in point of distribution operations with food, water, and personal protective equipment resources. Lastly, we are assisting at numerous test site locations and assisting local partners. As always, I am dedicated to protecting the health care of our service members, civilians, employees, and families through stringent force protection measures in order to mitigate the risks of spread. The Texas Guard received COVID-19 test kits for our Soldiers, Airmen, and State Guardsmen who are mobilized in response to COVID-19. The test kits provide results in as few as 15 minutes. This will help ensure the health and safety of our service members and those they are assisting. I hope that the sight of our men and women in uniform will bring comfort to your communities. We are here to help and have as much vested in this as everyone else — after all, we’re Texans too. I need your help because with fear comes rumors, and this pandemic is no exception. I think that it is imperative that we keep each other informed of what is true to keep our citizens safe, refute incorrect assumptions. Please stay safe and continue to assist me in spreading the word that we are Texans serving Texas. We are Texas Strong and Texas Tough and together we will fight and defeat COVID-19. Thank you for your continued service to this great state and nation.

PFC ZACKERY GLOVER, a member of C Trp 1-124th CAV Rgmt assist factory employees at the Prestige Ameritech mask factory in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 7, 2020. The Texas Military Department has partnered with Prestige Ameritech to bolster the factory’s manpower in order to allow for 24-hour production of N95 respirator masks which are critical for healthcare workers treating patients with COVID-19. (Photo by A1C Charissa Menken)

MG TRACY R. NORRIS, the Adjutant General of Texas, receives a rapid COVID-19 screening test as a preventative measure in order to maintain force readiness. (Photo by Charles E. Spirtos)

MG Tracy R. Norris, Adjutant General Texas Military Department

TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIERS pack bags of food at the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley in Pharr, Texas, April 16, 2020. Texas Military Department service members have been active in providing support to local communities through partnerships with food banks across Texas to meet unprecedented levels of need due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by SSgt De’Jon Williams) 6 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

H Spring 2020

SSGT ERIK STANTON, 149th Civil Engineer Squadron structures journeyman, writes down measurements given to him by SSgt Nickolas Hernandez at the Pharr Event Center in Pharr, Texas, April 9, 2020. Engineers from the Texas Air National Guard, Texas Army National Guard and Texas State Guard have been conducting site assessments on non-medical buildings for conversion to alternate healthcare facilities, if necessary. (Photo by SSgt De’Jon Williams)

Still Ready, Still Active: Texas Counterdrug Continues Fighting Drugs Amid COVID-19 Story & Photo by MSG Michael Leslie

The Texas National Guard Joint Counterdrug Task Force supports law enforcement agencies across the state to detect, interdict and deter the manufacturing and distribution of narcotics to keep communities safe. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this rings true more than ever. “They are not free to distribute narcotics in Texas just because there is a pandemic going on,” said SSG Walter Oduk, an analysis support task force member at the Dallas Police Department (DPD). Since Gov. Greg Abbott issued a statewide stay-at-home executive order, the task force has continued to support law enforcement, including several investigations leading to large seizures. “For this case at DPD throughout March, investigation and enforcement activities resulted in more than $8 million is U.S. currency and more than $3 million in illicit narcotics, vehicles and weapons seized,” said Oduk. A lot of the work was already in place prior to the social distancing requirements giving our law enforcement partners advantages they required. “Law enforcement agencies are monitoring support systems already in place,” said MAJ Robert Cowart, the Counterdrug Ground Reconnaissance Detachment officer-in-charge. “The ground reconnaissance detachment is available for additional support, even from Austin.” This was clear during the last few weeks as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) captured several traffickers leading to the arrest of major cartel members, seized more than 1,200 pounds of marijuana, and disrupted a large trafficking chain. The unique military techniques learned from years of combined experience of the National Guard task force members allowed CBP to defeat extensive cartel counter surveillance. Texas Counterdrug analysis support members at law

enforcement agencies throughout the state have continued to work on cases and complete counter narcotics training even with social distancing or telework standards in place. “While supporting operations remotely, I research the authenticity of the information received by officers,” said Oduk. “I also analyze information from the location using DPD, Dallas County, open source information and other law enforcement databases using my agency’s equipment and access.” Oduk’s agency gave him a laptop, cell phone and virtual private network access to log in remotely and access the same databases he normally has access to in the office once the order came to adjust work schedules. “DPD issued masks to everyone and staggered work schedules to avoid having many people in the office at once,” said Oduk. “They are also ensuring everyone is wearing their proper personal protective equipment,” The Texas National Guard Joint Counterdrug Task Force has been supporting law enforcement agencies for more than 30 years bringing new capabilities and assets to help protect Texas children, parents, grandparents and friends. “Our slogan is “Protect Texas! Stop Drugs!” Now is not the time to let our guard down or lessen our support,” said LTC Erika Besser, the Texas Counterdrug Coordinator. “If our law enforcement partners are out there on mission, we will continue to support them to our fullest extent through this or any other challenge.” H

THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD JOINT COUNTERDRUG TASK FORCE MEMBERS continue support law enforcement to fight against illicit drugs and activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Service members working remotely assist with case work and systems for law enforcement to seize drugs, vehicles and cash associate with illicit activities.









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TO OUR CORPORATE PARTNERS & MEMBERS Words cannot fully express our thanks to the Corporate Partners, Members and Non-Profit Organizations who did not give up on NGAT despite our conference being canceled just weeks before it was to begin. We cannot thank you enough for your continued support considering the current situation. The following organizations truly care about the Soldiers and Airmen who we proudly provide support to and we could not be prouder this year to have them as Partners! If you have the opportunity please thank these companies and organizations.



AM General Big Ass Fans DOCS General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Lockheed Martin O’Connell & Associates, PLLC. Parsons Zumro


BAE Systems Deployed Resources, LLC. Gerber Gear Lincoln College of Technology MulePAC Oakley Parraid, LLC. Robertson Fuel Systems Strongwatch


AAR Mobility Systems American Military University Berry Law — PTSD Lawyers Bose Corporation Envelop Protective Covers Experience Bryan College Station Laser Shot Leatherman Tool Group L3Harris Pelican Products Pond Princeton Tec Revision Shakespeare Military Antennas Shore Solutions

NON-PROFIT AAFES ESGR Humana TRICARE East IBVI MOAA Southern New Hampshire University

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H Spring 2020

corporate partners

Here are some of the GOOD WORKS that our sponsors are doing to help during this pandemic: LiteFighter: LiteFighter

has ramped up production of their unique lightweight, multi-season, individual shelter system that can be used both on the ground as an individual waterproof tent and on a standard issue US military cot and as a bug-proof bed net. They have also begun producing protective masks to help ease the shortage.

USAA: San Antonio-based banking and insurance company USAA and its foundation

gave $2.3 million to eight military or medically-focused nonprofits. The eight organizations include the COVID-19 Military Support Initiative of the Association of Defense Communities and Blue Star Families Inc.; Fisher House Foundation Inc.; Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors; United Service Organizations, also known as USO; the Enlisted Association of the National Guard “We Care for America” Foundation; the American Red Cross and the Texas BioMedical Research Institute. The organizations are helping provide meals and financial assistance for military families, care packages for troops deployed overseas, help with the blood supply shortage, as well as develop best practices, policy recommendations, and provide research capabilities to respond to and recover from COVID-19. USAA auto-insurance customers will also receive a 20% credit on two months of premiums in the coming weeks, the company said. That amounts to a $520 million benefit to members who had an auto-insurance policy as of March 31.

Samsung: Since January,

Samsung has donated USD $29 million worth of funds and goods to governments and communities who have been most affected by COVID-19 to help with their relief efforts, including the purchase of medical supplies and hygiene kits, such as face masks. They are donating smartphones to patients in quarantine to help them keep in touch with their families and friends, as well as air purifiers and other appliances to hospitals and quarantine centers.

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2020 NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarship Winners




MADISON E. REUTER Daughter of MSgt (Ret) Craig Reuter

KALYN N. LESLIE Daughter of Col (Ret) Kurt Leslie

JOSEPHINE C. NUNN Daughter of COL Aneel Nunn




LINDSEE M. MILLER Daughter of LTC Richard Male (Texas State Guard)

BLAKE W. PROCTOR Son of LTC Bryan Proctor

LAUREN R. LESLIE Daughter of Col (Ret) Kurt Leslie


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H Spring 2020

MG JAMES K. “RED” BROWN LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP $500 SPC JEFFREY L. DUHON Texas State Guard (Scholarship presented by MG (Ret) James K. “Red” Brown)

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TYLER SOLDIERS from the 1-124th Cavalry Regiment stuffed food boxes at the East Texas Food Bank in Tyler, Texas, to support the food bank’s increased demand during the COVID-19 pandemic.

GERMANY HOHENFELS, GERMANY SPC MIGUEL RUIZ (right) chats with a Slovenian Soldier during training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany.


SAN ANTONIO WASHINGTON D.C. WASHINGTON, D.C. BG GREG CHANEY, DEPUTY ADJUTANT GENERAL — ARMY (front left), and COL Mike Wallace (front right), Chief of the Joint Staff, brief Congressional Staffer in Washington D.C. on differences between Guard duty statuses and how it impacts the three components of the Texas Military Department. (Photo by MAJ Chris McKeag)

SAN ANTONIO SSGT PAUL RENKER, 149th Maintenance Squadron hydraulics technician, wears a mask he made on his personal 3D printer for people in his unit who might need one after initial guidance came out about the use and wear of mask for Air Force personnel. (Photo by Mindy Bloem)

BASTROP BASTROP TEXAS GUARDSMEN ALONG WITH CHILEAN AND CZECH SOLDIERS hold their flags proudly March 7, 2020, in honor of their partnerships during the Texas Military Department (TMD) 2020 Best Warrior Competition at Bastrop, Texas. The TMD 2020 Best Warrior Competition was a demanding four-day contest that brought together service members from the Texas National Guard as well as foreign partners to compete for the title of Texas Military Department’s Best Warrior. (Photo by SGT Daryl Bradford) 12 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Spring 2020

MEMBERS OF OUR 149TH FIGHTER WING’S MEDICAL GROUP are part of a Mobile Testing Site Team located in Fredericksburg, Texas that is providing testing for local firefighters, police officers and civilians who may have been exposed to COVID-19. These MTSTs have formed at the request of the Texas governor and are working in coordination with the Texas Division of Emergency Management and Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council.

HOUSTON LT COL SHAUNTE COOPER gets her new rank of Colonel pinned on her uniform by her husband Ramsey and daughter Sydnie at her promotion ceremony in January at Ellington Field Joint Reserve base in Houston, Texas. In the 102-year history, no African American had been promoted to the rank of colonel in the 147th Attack Wing in the Air Force.


BASTROP ENLISTED LEADER FOR THE TEXAS MILITARY DEPARTMENT pose with the competition winners of the Texas Military Department 2020 Joint Best Warrior Competition on March 7, 2020, during the closing ceremony at Camp Swift near Bastrop, Texas. The TMD 2020 Joint Best Warrior Competition was a demanding four-day contest that brought together service members from the Texas Guard as well as foreign partners to compete for the title of Texas Military Department’s Best Warrior. Pictured left to right: CSM Kristopher Dyer, Senior Enlisted Advisor, Texas Army National Guard, SPC Jacob Arndt, overall Junior Enlisted Winner and member of 840th EN MAC, SGT Hayden Roach, overall Non-commissioned Officer Winner and member of C Co 3-144th Inf Rgmt, CCMSgt Michael Cornitius, State Command Senior Enlisted leaders and CCMSgt Christopher Castle, Senior Enlisted Advisor , Texas Air National Guard. (Photo by SGT Matthew Wright)

GERMANY CPT NADINE DEMOURA from the TXARNG’s 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment conducts a interview during training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. The MPAD Soldiers participated in pre-mobilization training at the JMRC where they conducted mock exercises and training scenarios ahead of their deployment to Kosovo. (Photo by SPC Miguel Ruiz)

RIO GRANDE CITY SPC THOMAS LEROUX writes in his logbook in Rio Grande City, Texas. Mobile Video Surveillance System teams keep a SAN ANTONIO log of their findings while on duty. MVSS truck team leaders DUE TO EVERYTHING GOING ON RIGHT NOW, the 149th Fighter Wing was not able to hold its usual formal graduation ceremony, but here is keep a log of their activities throughout their shift. a photo of the graduating F16 pilots from earlier in the year. Congratulations Gunslingers! (Photo by SSgt De’Jon Williams) S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


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The Truth About 3M Ear Plug Lawsuits Myth 3 —

Veterans everywhere have been inundated with advertisements from law firms about the 3M Combat Earplug Cases. It’s time to clear up some myths about these cases.

Current military personnel cannot participate in the lawsuit. False. Veterans and current active duty or reserve component personnel can participate in the lawsuit against 3M. If you served in the military from 2003 to 2015, were issued any version of the 3M combat earplugs and have hearing loss or tinnitus you’re eligible for the lawsuit and may be entitled to compensation.

Myth 1 — This is a “Class Action” designed to only benefit the lawyers. False. A class action lawsuit is one case brought on behalf of many plaintiffs (the class). The 3M earplug lawsuits are “multi-district litigation,” consolidated in federal court in Florida. This means each claim is a separate lawsuit, but one federal district court is hearing cases from around the country for efficiency. Each case will be decided on it’s own merits, but all the cases will be heard in the same court.

Myth 2 — The 3M Company has already pled guilty and agreed to pay damages. Partially True. In a separate lawsuit, the United States Government sued 3M for contract fraud based on failing to deliver earplugs to the military that worked as 3M claimed. 3M settled that lawsuit and admitted they falsely claimed the earplugs protected service member’s hearing. The current litigation is related to hearing loss of individual service members based on using the faulty earplugs.

Myth 4 — These cases are worth a lot of money in damages. It Depends. The “damages” or money paid to a plaintiff depends in part on the extent of the hearing loss or tinnitus and how closely the hearing issues can be tied to 3M’s earplugs. Due to the prior lawsuit with the government, 3M can’t claim that their earplugs worked, so in some ways the cases are simplified. Many attorneys believe that 3M will settle the lawsuits based on the amount of hearing damage and it’s impact on individual service members. NGAT Life Member Doug O’Connell is an Attorney representing Guardsmen in 3M Cases. If you have questions please contact Doug at Doug@ DougOConnell.com or (512) 547-7265. H

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Texas Army National Guard Continues to Train and Stay Ready Article by SPC Jason Archer

IN 1636 THE FIRST MEMBERS OF THE ORIGINAL THIRTEEN COLONIES’ MILITARY gathered on an empty field and improvised new methods to conduct training crucial to their defense. In the more than 276 years since that first muster there have been many homes to National Guard units. Some met in empty schools, on private lands and in the late 1800’s more frequently in armories spread throughout communities. One thing has not changed over all of this time — the need for Guardsmen to train for national defense. The COVID-19 pandemic has again changed the way citizenSoldiers assemble, as this month units across Texas experienced their first digital muster. As the pandemic continues across Texas Soldiers will be relying on the use of telework and virtual training to allow both full-time and traditional Texas Guardsmen to stay at home and maintain their health but not lose access to vital information. LTC Rita Holton, 36th Special Troops Battalion Commander, said the Texas Military Department is continuing business as usual. “The current health crisis has not changed the mission, just the focus,” Holton said. “The National Guard as a whole, is a trained, ready force and prepared for all types of contingencies, however difficult.” The Texas Army National Guard has more than 23,000 members who

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have been standing by waiting to serve the state. These service members are ready to faithfully carry out the mission to serve Texans in their time of need. 1SG Crystal Barton, with the 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 71st Troop Command, said there were adjustments to the way work was being done, but the same objectives were being met. “The MPAD did some classes and

“The National Guard as a whole, is a trained, ready force and prepared for all types of contingencies, however difficult.” formations online over Zoom,” Barton said. “I’ve heard of other units using WhatsApp, not to send sensitive information, but to keep everyone abreast of any safety concerns.” Everyone was ready to get on calls and complete online administrative tasks,” Barton added. “Even our commanders that work one weekend a month are used to having meetings online.” Holton also said the service had systems in place for operational security whenever conducting telework. “Telework is authorized for non-essential Soldiers, Airmen and civilian employees during the current

H Spring 2020

crisis,” said Holton. “Having telework policies in place is an important element which preserves steady state operations, while taking care of our service members. This keeps them healthy by supporting their families’ needs.” Texas Army National Guard leaders and Soldiers continue to meet routinely through virtual means in order to remain a relevant fighting force, ready to take-on COVID-19 and any other mission wherever else they are needed. “COVID-19 has impacted how we are conducting our steady state operations,” Holton said. “However, the number one concern is to keep our Soldiers, Airmen and employees safe and healthy. We have several action plans in place to ensure that daily operations are not interrupted while simultaneously supporting the response effort.” The effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has been witnessed at all levels of the Texas Military Department, in the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas Air Guard, and at all levels of command. “This response is a true team effort,” said MG Tracy R. Norris, The Adjutant General of Texas. “Community by community, state by state, our nation is coming together, showing tenacity and grit of the human spirit as we work together to beat back COVID-19.” H

SSG Juan Salas moves tortillas and bread at the Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley in Pharr, Texas, April 14, 2020. Citizen Soldiers are deeply invested in keeping fellow Texans safe. Most recently, Texas Military Department service members have been active in providing support to local communities through partnerships with food banks across Texas in order to meet unprecedented levels of need due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by SSgt De’Jon Williams) Soldiers assigned to the Texas Army National Guard’s 111th Engineer Battalion, Joint Task Force 176, participate in the construction of medical isolation support facilities at Camp Swift in Bastrop, Texas. The TMD has established this isolation facility for Soldiers, Airmen and State Guardsmen suspected of having COVID-19 so that they may recover in a safe environment and prevent further spread of the virus. (Courtesy Photo: 176th Engineer Brigade)

Soldiers from the 1st Brigade, Texas State Guard (TXSG) along with troopers from Texas DPS in the Garland Emergency Operations Center COVID-19 screening center. All personnel entering and exiting the center are screened using the Texas Emergency Tracking Network (ETN). The TXSG is one of the three elements of the Texas Military Dept, and is always ready to support our local emergency agencies. (Photos by CPL McBrayer)

SPC Jason Archer, attached to the 100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment, 71st Troop Command, logs on to a video conference at his home in Leander, Texas, April 6, 2020. Archer’s unit continued training remotely during the state ordered shelter-in-place in order to be ready to serve the people of Texas. (Photo by SPC Jason Archer)

Texas National Guard Specialist Justin Garcia (left), SPC Taylor Frasier (center) and SPC Dietrich Schilberg (right), of the 1-143rd Infantry Regiment out of Huntsville, Texas, assemble kid meals at the North Texas Food Bank in Plano, Texas, Tuesday, April 7, 2020. (AP Photo by Tony Gutierrez) S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


WE HAVE RECEIVED MANY INQUIRIES FROM MEMBERS ASKING HOW THEY CAN HELP NGAT. There are several ways you can help NGAT. If you are a member or insurance policy holder contact us and ensure your contact information is correct. If you are not a member, we can’t stress enough how much your membership helps this organization and our ability to push for benefits for the National Guard. We invite you to join NGAT at www.ngat.org. Numbers count when you are talking to congressional leaders. With

more and more guardsmen being activated we are doing everything we can to ensure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. NGAT also offers low cost life insurance that you can continue coverage with after you leave the Guard. More information is available on our website. Finally, we invite you to donate to the NGAT Educational Foundation or the Texas National Guard Foundation that provides funds for Educational and Training Scholarship. H

Always ready. Always there.

Š 2020 Lockheed Martin Corporation

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H Spring 2020

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2/10/20 11:21 AM

H Key Leadership Update H ON FEBRUARY 27, 2020 GOVERNOR GREG ABBOTT REAPPOINTED MAJOR GENERAL TRACY NORRIS as the Adjutant General of Texas. The adjutant general is commander of the Soldiers and Airmen of the Texas Military Department and reports directly to the Governor in matters pertaining to the Texas Army National Guard, Texas Air National Guard and Texas State Guard. General Norris is the first female to be appointed Adjutant General of Texas.

BG Charles Schoening Commander 71st Troop Command

BG Charles Aris 36th ID (Rear) Commander

Col Keith Williams Commander 136th Airlift Wing

Col David Compton Vice Wing Commander 136th Airlift Wing

COL Robert S. Crockem Jr. (left) Commander 176th Engineer Brigade COL Paul A. Cerniauskas (right) Commander 136th Regional Training Institute

LTC Patrick Nolan Commander 136th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade

CSM Kristopher Dyer Command Senior Enlisted Leader for Joint Task Force North Fort Bliss, Texas

CSM Jason D. Featherston Texas Army National Guard Senior Enlisted Advisor

S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


Why Join NGAUS WHEN YOU JOIN NGAUS, you add your voice to thousands of others who understand the role of the National Guard in the nation’s security and want to enhance it capabilities to perform that vital mission at home and overseas. With your membership, NGAUS is better able to make the case in Congress for a strong, well-equipped and well-trained National Guard in more than 3,000 communities around the country. Joining NGAUS means ensuring America’s defense. Annual and Life memberships are available to all active, separated and retired commissioned and warrant officers of the National Guard. Join NGAUS at www.ngat.org/join_ngaus.htm

DUES O1/O2/O3/WO1/CW2/CW3: $40 O4/O5/O6/CW4/CW5: $80 O7/O8/O9/O10: $130

AFBA/NGAUS Scholarship NGAUS IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE ARMED FORCES BENEFIT ASSOCIATION (AFBA)/NGAUS SCHOLARSHIP. NGAUS active life members and their dependents are eligible to apply. The scholarship will award two applicants, each with a $5,000 scholarship. Applications will be accepted online at https://bit.ly/2Vj6Jc6 through June 1, 2020. Visit the website for details on required documentation with application submission.

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H Spring 2020

NGAUS Life Membership available to currently serving National Guard Officers: • $1,000 one-time payment or four payments of $250 over a two-year period NGAUS Life Membership available to retired National Guard Officers: • One-time payment of $125

49th Annual EANGUS Conference 2020 Update August 9-12, 2020 | Little Rock, AR

DEAR EANG US MEMBERS The EANG US Board o f Directors have annou nced at this time the 49th Annual EAN GUS Confe rence has N been cancell OT ed. Based on reports from the Arkansa s Departmen t of Health, Arkansas is projected to h it their peak in the pandem ic by mid-M ay. The EANGUS B oard of Direc tor anticipate deciding on the future o f th e conference by mid-June. At which tim e they will decide whet her to move fo rw ard with the August C onference d a te s o r whether there’s a pote ntial to push the date back a little furth er in the yea r. T hey continu to monitor th e e situation v ery closely a will announ n d ce when a d ecision is ma Watch the N de. GAT website (www.ngat. org/eangus.h tm) or EAN GUS website (eangusconfe rence.org) fo r updates.

EANGUS Boa rd of Directo rs

EANGUS Conference Registration EANGUS CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS $150 FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR SPOUSE/GUESTS UNTIL JULY 1, 2020. AFTER JULY 1 THE RATE GOES UP TO $200. Full registration includes conference bag and supporting materials, limited transportation, area caucus sessions, business sessions, trade show access, exhibit hall ribbon cutting, welcome night function, all area hospitality night and the states dinner. To register or for additional information about the conference visit www.ngat.org/eangus.htm. Texas delegates will be staying at the Little Rock Marriott located at 3 Statehouse Plaza, Little Rock, AR 72201. Our daily rate is $96.00 plus taxes. Visit the website above to book your room. Please watch the website and facebook for updates about the status of the conference.

Scholarship THE EANGUS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM IS NOT ONLY FOR YOU — OUR MEMBERS — BUT MANY SCHOLARSHIPS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE TO YOUR SPOUSE AND DEPENDENTS. The University of Phoenix is pleased to collaborate with the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States We Care for America Foundation (EANGUS WCFA Foundation) to offer a scholarship program. Through this scholarship program, three (3) full-tuition scholarships will be offered. Each scholarship will allow a prospective student the opportunity to complete an undergraduate or master’s degree program at the University of Phoenix. Recipients may choose to attend class at the University of Phoenix campus or take classes online. To apply visit https://eangus.org/we-care-for-america/ scholarship-information. Deadline to apply is May 22, 2020. S p r i n g 2 0 2 0 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


TAPS As of 04-24-20

*CSM Richard B. Allbee Jr., Life Member #31782, Retired, El Paso

SFC Gene “Chawa” Payne, Life Member #13467, Retired, Austin

SGT Roberto Ayala, Life Member #12128, Retired, El Paso

CMSgt William “Bill” E. Roberts, Retired, Euless

Mr. James W. Carroll III, Life Member #3537, Retired, Austin

COL David A. Smith, Life Member #2348, Retired, Pecos

Mr. Daniel G. Garcia, Retired, Alice

SMSgt John F. Sockwell, Life Member #2486, Retired, Arlington

PFC Kenneth W. Gorman, Life Member #7304, Retired, Ennis

Lt Col Richard D. “Poncho” Via, Life Member #960, Retired, Houston

SPC Delbert B “Bruce” Hamilton, Life Member #12034, Retired, Mineral Wells SPC Lawrence C. Johnson, Life Member #17348, Retired, Corpus Christi

*Had NGAT Life Insurance Policy **Had No-Cost Active Guard Policy of $1,000

1SG Truman N. Lee, Life Member #720, Retired, Breckenridge MSG John W Murray, Retired, Houston */**CPL Derek R. Nelson, HHB 1/133rd FA BN, Cypress


CSM Alvin T. Pawlik, Life Member #4599, Retired, Harker Heights

Watch the NGAT website for our annual video honoring those we have lost this past year. May they rest in peace.

COVID-19 Grant Available to Current and Former National Guard Members THE ENLISTED ASSOCIATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (EANGUS) WE CARE FOR AMERICA FOUNDATION (WCFA) COVID EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND can provide financial assistance to current and former National Guard members who are experiencing a financial hardship due to having lost their primary income, or who have an increased financial burden as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant funds should be utilized for basic household needs such as food, housing, utilities, medical services, childcare and other essential family support items which have become difficult to afford as a result of the national pandemic. Applicants are asked to complete the online application. Applications must be accompanied by specific document(s) to prove a COVID-related hardship exist: - Letter from employer, doctor, etc. - OR a letter from the State Family Program Office with details supporting that the emergency is related to the coronavirus. NOTE: Membership in EANGUS is not required to apply for the WCFA COVID Emergency Relief Fund. National Guard members who are interested in EANGUS should visit www.eangus.org for more information. We encourage interested personnel to JOIN EANGUS at www.ngat.org. The We Care for America Foundation received a donation from USAA in the amount of $250,000. For that reason, the Fund can only support one emergency financial request per household, and the maximum amount of funds provided is limited to $500 per approved application.

The application will open soon at https://eangus-wcfa.org/covid-19-application/ Send questions or concerns to wcfa@eangus.org.

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H Spring 2020



No Department of Defense or government agency endorsement. Member eligibility and product restrictions apply and are subject to change. USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. © 2019 USAA. 266289-1019


For nearly 100 years, we’ve served military members. We not only understand your needs — we share your values. You’ll see it in our products and services tailored for military life.


National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Avenue Austin, Texas 78731-6308


PLANNING CALENDAR (As of April 24, 2020)

2020 25


Memorial Day (NGAT Office Closed)



U.S. Army Birthday/Flag day



Independence Day Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



U.S. Army Birthday/Flag Day



EANGUS Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR

23-24 Aug

NGAT Board of Directors Meeting, Austin



Labor Day (NGAT Office Closed)



Patriot Day



Columbus Day (NGAT Office Closed)

Due to COVID-19 we are unable to schedule dates for the NGAT Board of Directors Meetings and future events. Watch the NGAT website, Facebook and the NGAT App for updates.

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