2021 Fall NGAT News

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ATION OF TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCI Austin, TX 78731 , Ave rd wfo Cra 6 370 www.ngat.org 300 512-454-7 October 15, 2021 CONFERENCE CALL

ference rd Association of Texas Con 63rd Annual National Guach 24-27, 2022 Mar meet next year at the 63rd erson conference when we your Association had an in-p from March 24-27, 2022. TX k, Roc nd Rou in It will be two years since nce ion of Texas (NGAT) Confere ciat Asso on the property of Kalahari rd held Gua l be iona will Nat nts l eve Annual t sessions, and most optiona kou brea hari Resorts and is also s, Kala ting four mee only nce of All confere perty in Round Rock is one pro hari Kala This s. tion Resorts & Conven waterpark. America’s largest indoor l gat.org. Check out the mea ember 1, 2021, at www.n istration will open on Nov now to take Reg ber – tion mem T istra NGA a Reg nce ome Confere es. So, bec ch 11, 2022, membership has its privileg fee will be added after Mar packages and you’ll see that es immediately. A $20 late ileg priv hip bers mem se advantage of tho be made onsite. r March 18, 2022 can only and registrations made afte ntown Austin, known as ted 30 minutes from dow Resorts & Convention is loca ets to the water park hari tick Kala – four s s tion ude erva incl Res and 9 Room The room rate is just $13 rld.” e after February 22, Wo the mad of ions ital rvat Cap ic rese for rate the “Live Mus not guarantee this room can advantage of the We . take ved to wai ns fee ope rt k room bloc and with the reso ions as soon as the hotel rvat rese m roo r you e 2022. So please mak discounted rate. Agenda Highlights:

nly event with Texas ium/Reception – An invite-o 0-1930) Defense Sympos Thursday, March 24 (170 . ners ership and Corporate Part open the Exhibit Hall with Military Department lead Ceremony – Join us as we Exhibit Hall Ribbon Cutting 0) (130 25 ch Mar ay, • Frid . ic at the Event our great Corporate Partners y some good food and mus lcome Party – Come enjo We 00) 0-21 (183 25 ch • Friday, Mar all conference attendees. conference attendees Barn to help us welcome and General Session – All 30) NGAT Annual Meeting 0-11 (080 ion. • Saturday, March 26 sess ual meeting and general bers for are invited to the NGAT ann us as we recognize our mem 00) Awards Banquet – Join 5-21 (191 26 ch Mar y, • Saturda outstanding achievement. t to nce next year and can’t wai excited about the confere nces held virtually, we are March 2022 regarding the in be will t men iron env With the last two confere the follow all COVIDough we do not know how Resorts & Conventions will see everyone in person. Alth the Association and Kalahari C) and the State that (CD you on enti ures ens Prev T and NGA trol Con pandemic, s of the Centers for Disease cern as we sure con mea ost ty upm safe our and of es be 19 risk guidelin bers and all attendees will mem our for updates of ty App T safe NGA The . and e, of Texas and local area our website, Facebook pag ning process. Please watch move forward in the plan on the conference.

We will see you in Round


NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? Apply for an NGATEF Scholarship THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (NGATEF) announces its annual scholarship competition. Educational grants for attendance at colleges or universities will be awarded to active and life members of the National Guard Association of Texas and/or their spouses, sons, or daughters. The foundation will award multiple educational grants of various amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000. High school seniors, college undergraduates and graduate students will be considered for these educational grants. Two scholarships have very specific requirements, so if you meet these requirements, we encourage you to apply for a NGATEF scholarships. Scholarship available for a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard or a spouse/child of a NGAT member currently serving in the Texas State Guard. Scholarships available to a NGAT Member currently serving in the Texas Army or Air National Guard. Special thanks to USAA for their continued support with our scholarship program. All applicants must be an Annual or Life Member of NGAT or the spouse, son, or daughter of an Annual or Life Member of NGAT. Deadline for submission of scholarship applications is February 11, 2022. Go to www.ngat.org/education.htm to download the scholarship application. H


Marvin E. Harris Executive Director

NGAT Holiday Open House Canceled

MG Patrick M. Hamilton Leadership Scholarship

SANTA’S ELVES AT NGAT have been going over the list of precautions required to host our Annual Holiday Open House and it has been determined that sadly we will need to cancel our 2021 NGAT Holiday Open House normally held in December at the NGAT office. To ensure the safety of our staff and members we feel it is best that we, again, cancel the event this year. The NGAT Board of Directors and staff wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas. H

THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is proud to announce that a new scholarship has been established in recognition of MG (Ret) Patrick M. Hamilton, former Commander of the 36th Infantry Division. The scholarship recognizes his leadership and long distinguished service to the State of Texas, the United States Army, and the United States of America. The scholarship will reward current and former members of the Texas Army National Guard or their family member. Those wishing to donate to this scholarship may do so at the following site: www.ngat.org/education.htm. H

6 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

H Fall 2021

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