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Founded 1959 | Volume 61 | Number 1 | Spring 2021


NGAT has a NEW Website!

On March 27, 2021, MAJ Christopher McKeag became the new President of the National Guard Association of Texas.






NGAT Conference Overview

Minuteman Winners

Scholarship Winners

Key Leadership Update

2021-2022 Board of Directors President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, Joint Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TXARNG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st Troop Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, 36TH ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56th IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72nd IBCT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th CAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176th Engr Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71st EMIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36th Sustainment Bde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th MEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HQ, TXANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136th AW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147th ATKW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149th FW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TXARNG Rec & Ret Cmd . . . . . . . . . . . . TXANG Rec & Ret Cmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region I . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region II . . . . . . . . . . . . Retired Rep – Region III . . . . . . . . . . . Family Readiness Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army Jr Enlisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air Jr Enlisted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Chris McKeag Mireya Cruz Gerald Lorance Richard Newby Paul Cerniauskas Marvin Harris Samantha Lewis Vacant Paul Cerniauskas Clinton Petty Jason Broyles Vacant Joshua Bain Jolene Hinojosa Ruben Wilson Tielow-Taneesha Henson Vacant Lonnie Dunkin Nate Norton Emily Martinez Bryan Shreve Gerald Lorance Vacant Richard Newby Guy Schultz Vacant Talia McKinnis Marvin Harris Vacant Vacant

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Billeck-Zuniga Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terri Sheets Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas Graphics, Inc. NGAT NEWS 3706 Crawford Ave Austin, TX 78731 512-454-7300 1-800-252-NGAT (6428)






Submit articles and photos for the NGAT News Magazine to:


From the President


NGAT Executive Committee/Outgoing

NGAT Board Members


NGAT Conference Overview


NGAT Minuteman Winners


General K.L. Berry Award Winners


LTC James A. Spring Humanitarianism Award Winners


NGAT Sponsors


Legal Update


Duty | Honor | Texas


NGAT Insurance Director Retires


NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarship Winners


Key Leadership Update


NGAT Home Page: Executive Director: Marvin Harris – Deputy Executive Director/Membership Director: Theresa Billeck-Zuniga – Insurance Administrator/Corporate Programs: Terri Marshall – NGAT News (usps 015-752) published quarterly by the National Guard Association of Texas, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308. Periodicals postage paid at Austin, Texas 78710 and additional offices. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: NGAT News, 3706 Crawford Avenue, Austin, Texas 78731-6308 MEMBERS MAY EMAIL ADDRESS CHANGES TO:


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ON THE COVER: Effective May 1, 2021 NGAT has a new website. Please take a moment and check it out at On March 27, 2021, MAJ Christopher McKeag became the new President of the National Guard Association of Texas.

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From the President NGAT MEMBERS, AS I STEP INTO THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, I would like to take a moment to thank our immediate past president, Priscilla Leger. I appreciate her dedication to the organization and her leadership to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. To say this last year has been historic would be an understatement. Our organization, along with others throughout the state and world, faced new challenges in how to conduct business. We have adjusted our practices, including our first planned virtual conference. We appreciate you attending and making that event the success it was. As we look forward to getting back to conducting business in person, we will not forget the lessons learned throughout this last year. Our strength has, and always will be, our membership. The Board of Directors and the NGAT staff are dedicated to the service of that membership. The question remains, are we meeting your expectations? Regardless of the answer, have you talked to your Board representative? As of May 1, you have a new way to do that. First, with the Board of Directors, and eventually with the Committee Chairs. The new NGAT web page is now live and operational. As part of that redesign, you will see each of the unit representatives on the Board of Directors listed with an email address that goes to the individual serving in that position. Please reach out to them.

Taking it a step further, are you willing to actively participate in the association? The work of 11 people can make a touchdown, but it takes a team of 48 ACTIVE players to win the game. As this next year continues, I ask that each of you look to see what time and talents you are willing to bring to the table. With only three full time staff, and a volunteer Board of Directors, we can only do so much. However, if we had your help, we could do much more. I am excited about the charge in front of me as I take the helm. I am proud of our Association and our members. I believe the Board of Directors and the NGAT staff want to grow not only our membership numbers but also the services and value to that membership. I am hopeful about your participation in our organization, the National Guard Association of Texas. H

Chris McKeag President, NGAT

Thank you for a job well done!

SMSGT BENNIE BELLVIN (LEFT), president of the Texas Senior Enlisted Advisory Council (SEAC) presents CCMSgt Christopher Castle with a retirement gift on behalf of the SEAC and the Outstanding Junior Officer of the Year (OJOY) Council. Chief Castle most recently served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor for the Texas Air National Guard. He retires from the Guard with over 35 years of military service.

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CCMSGT (RET) PRISCILLA LEGER proudly displays the NGAT President’s eagle that was presented to her on behalf of the National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) for her untiring dedication to NGAT. Chief Leger has served on the NGAT Board of Directors since 2014 and has served the past two years as your Association President.

Welcome to the new NGAT Executive Committee

MAJ Chris McKeag President

SFC Mireya Cruz President-Elect

MSG Gerald Lorance Vice President

COL Paul Cerniauskas Treasurer

LTC (Ret) Marvin Harris Executive Director

SMSgt (Ret) Richard Newby Secretary

Thank You to the outgoing NGAT Board of Directors for their Service!

CCMSgt (Ret) Priscilla Leger President 2019-2021

SMSgt Michael Wolff Vice-President

Capt Bruce Robison Secretary

LTC Rodney Kelley 72nd IBCT

MSG Christopher Gojanovich 71st EMIB

CSM Toby Mendoza 176th Engr Bde

Capt Chip Cranon 149th Fighter Wing

2nd Lt Kyle Ames 147th Attack Wing

LTC James Crady 56th IBCT

SGM (Ret) Quentin Kimble Retired Rep – Region III

We will feature our new members to the NGAT Board of Directors in our next issue. S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


NGAT Conducts First Virtual Conference On March 27, 2021, the National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) conducted its first annual conference virtually using the Attendify platform. This platform allowed our members to participate in the conference from their computer or mobile device. Conference attendees were able to message each other and view speaker information, as well as review information of our corporate partners. We had over 138 members in attendance at our virtual conference. Despite some technical difficulties and going over time as planned, the conference was a success. A huge THANK YOU to Senior Master Sergeant Michael Wolff from the 136th Airlift Wing. Because of Sergeant Wolff’s outstanding programming skills, we were able to successfully conduct voting on bylaws amendments and elect a new President-Elect. All proposed bylaw changes were approved by the membership. Our speaker presentations included the Governor of Texas, Governor Greg Abbott; The Adjutant General of Texas, Major General Tracy Norris; Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Command Chief Master Sergeant Michael Cornitius; and our guest speaker was the Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major John F. Sampa. Thank you so much for participating in our first virtual conference. Big thanks also to our other speakers from the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). We also received a video all the way from Kuwait, from the Commanding General of the 36th Infantry Division, Major General Patrick Hamilton. Visit the conference page on the NGAT website to view all these great video presentations. This magazine issue features all our award winners. We also received applications from some very deserving applicants for the NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarship contest. The Educational Foundation awarded a total of $15,750 in scholarships. We encourage you and your family members to apply for these scholarships next year. We are happy with the results of our first ever virtual Annual NGAT Conference. Important Association business was conducted, we heard from some outstanding speakers, and gave out awards to some of our deserving members. We could not ask for more. For all of you that attended the conference, we thank you so much for your patience and participation. Check out the website for details if you missed it. Make plans to attend the 63rd Annual NGAT Conference that will be held March 24-27, 2022 at the Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in Round Rock, TX. Room rates are $139.00 per night plus tax and include up to four tickets to the indoor waterpark, so plan to bring the family. It is going to be a huge event!

! t i s s i m t o n o D


presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from NGAT for their dedication in helping Soldiers and Airmen heal from illness or trauma. The Aloe Foundation hosted several wellness clinics that provided therapy for the specific needs of members of the Texas Military Forces. We greatly appreciate the organizations commitment to helping members of the Texas Military Forces heal their mind, body and spirit. 6 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s

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2021 Conference Survey Results Rating 1-5 Registration Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.81% NGAT Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00% NGAT General Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10% NGAT Awards Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.82% Plan to attend 2022 NGAT Conference . . . . . 95.3% Yes

LIKED THE MOST CSM John F. Sampa as Guest Speaker Delegate voting on issues The fact we had a Conference and conducted business

LIKED THE LEAST Technical difficulties during virtual conference Awards presentations Online conference length

BREAKOUTS Concealed handgun class Leadership development

GENERAL COMMENTS Continue posting conference videos after the conference Good effort for 1st Virtual Conference Consider hybrid option for future NGAT Conferences

SFC Mireya Cruz — 2021 NGAT Minuteman Award SERGEANT FIRST CLASS MIREYA CRUZ was awarded the 2021 National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) Minuteman Award at the Virtual NGAT Conference in recognition of her outstanding service to the National Guard Association of Texas and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). Sergeant First Class Cruz entered the Texas Army National Guard in June 2000 and currently serves as the administrative assistant to the Commander of the 36th Infantry Division. SFC Cruz first became active in NGAT in 2006, when she was sponsored by NGAT to attend the EANGUS National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. She quickly became an enthusiastic and avid supporter of both associations, joining as a member and attending the annual conferences of each association. In 2008, she was elected as Area Director, EANGUS Area IV, serving as the youngest and most junior member to ever serve on the EANGUS Board of Directors. In 2010, she was elected EANGUS Area IV Chair, and served in that position until 2014. From 2014-2019 she volunteered to serve on the EANGUS Financial Committee where she assisted with the redesign of their accounting procedures in order to give their membership better transparency of financial dealings. She also previously served on the EANGUS Junior Enlisted Committee and currently serves on the EANGUS awards committee. Her

involvement in EANGUS has been extremely beneficial to NGAT in opening and maintaining communication between NGAT and the National Association. In 2020 SFC Cruz was selected to serve on the EANGUS Executive Council as the Association’s Secretary. She is currently the only active guard member on the EANGUS Executive Council. Since 2008 SFC Cruz has worked both registration and the NGAT Silent Auction for the NGAT Annual Conference. She volunteered at the 132nd Annual Conference of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) hosted by NGAT and held in Austin, Texas in August 2010. Since 2015 SFC Cruz has served as the Mistress of Ceremonies for the NGAT Annual Conference awards banquet. In 2018 she was selected to serve on the NGAT Board of Directors where she has remained actively involved. She has served as the NGAT Treasurer since 2019 and serves on the NGAT finance and government affairs committee. She continues to be actively involved with NGAT and has been essential in getting our junior enlisted service members more involved in the association both at the state and national level. Her contributions to the NGAT & EANGUS at both the state and national level make her uniquely qualified for the NGAT Minuteman Award. H

SMSgt Michael Wolff — 2020 NGAT Minuteman Award SENIOR MASTER SERGEANT MICHAEL WOLFF was awarded the 2020 National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) Minuteman Award at the Virtual NGAT Conference in recognition of his outstanding service and contributions to the National Guard Association of Texas and the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). Senior Master Sergeant Wolff has been actively involved with NGAT since early in 2000. In 2008 he became a life member of NGAT and began assisting with the Annual Conference. Senior Master Sergeant Wolff has worked conference registration, audio visual and conference logistics over the years. In August of 2010 he volunteered to provide logistical and communication support at the 132nd Annual Conference of the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) hosted by NGAT and held in Austin, Texas. Over the years he has not only been an active supporter, but he has also been an active participant in of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS). Since 2010 Wolff has been actively involved in both NGAT and EANGUS and has attended all the annual conferences. In 2014 Wolff redesigned the NGAT website to improve our members online experience and ease the association’s ability to update the site with current and relevant information for our members. Since 2016 Senior Master Sergeant Wolff has worked diligently to improve NGAT membership in the Air National Guard and has been an advocate for our insurance program.

NGAT Board of Directors he has served as the NGAT Treasurer, NGAT Secretary and NGAT Vice-President. He has served on the NGAT Finance Committee and has served several years on the Audit & Compliance Committee as well as the Communications Committee. Since March of 2019 Senior Master Sergeant Wolff has been working closely with the NGAT staff on improvement of the association’s membership database. He has also been working on the redesign for the new NGAT website that will launch in May of 2021. The new website will be more mobile friendly and will have increased security functions and better interaction with our membership and our connections to social media outlets. Senior Master Sergeant Wolff’s contributions to the association at both the state and national level make him uniquely qualified for the NGAT Minuteman Award. H

In 2017 Wolff was selected to serve on the NGAT Board of Directors for the 136th Airlift Wing. Since his selection to the S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


THE GENERAL K.L. BERRY AWARD The General K.L. Berry Award is a reflection of heroism involving risk of life or personal safety. Major General Berry was a highly decorated veteran of WWII and the first post WWII Adjutant General of Texas. He was a prisoner of war of the Japanese until the end of WWII. The award is given for heroic acts with the risk of life not in the line of duty.

TSgt Jerry Schmidt

2021 General K.L. Berry Award Winner ON THE NIGHT OF SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2021, on the west side of Fort Worth, TX, there was a major three-car vehicle collision on Interstate 820, which resulted in one of the vehicles catching fire with passengers still inside. It was a drill weekend for the 136th Airlift Wing, and Technical Sergeant Jerry Schmidt had completed a day of training and was getting dinner by his hotel. While standing outside, he heard the collision and quickly ran to the accident, being the first person on the scene. Realizing that one of the vehicles was on fire with passengers inside, he ran to the vehicle, cut the dazed driver’s seatbelt, and pulled him to safety. He fought through the smoke and returned to the burning vehicle to rescue an unresponsive passenger, where he had to break the window to pry the passenger door open. He then cut the seatbelt of the unresponsive passenger and pulled her to safety, sustaining cuts to his hands and receiving shards of glass in his arms. Sergeant Schmidt then returned to the other vehicle involved in the collision, which was right next to the flames and in danger of catching on fire, where he had to break another window and cut another seatbelt to pull the unconscious driver to safety. At that time, another responder had arrived on the scene, so he and Sergeant Schmidt began administering Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on the unconscious person, resulting in the injured person regaining consciousness. Sergeant Schmidt stayed on scene, performing first aid to the three injured persons until the police and fire department arrived, just before the tires began exploding on the burning vehicle. He then returned to this hotel, where he cleaned glass out of his hands and arms, scrubbed the blood from his pants, and washed the soot from his face. Sergeant Schmidt’s quick, decisive, and skilled actions ensured those three people were safely and quickly removed from a dangerous scene, averting a disastrous outcome. Technical Sergeant Jerry Schmidt is a member of the 136th Airlift Wing, 136th Civil Engineer Squadron, Texas Air National Guard, located in Fort Worth, Texas. Previously, he served for ten years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force, which included numerous tours supporting Operation Desert Storm and Operation Northern Watch. He deployed in 2017 in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and in 2020 in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. He has maintained a distinguished civilian career as a Trooper with the Texas Department of Public Safety. His selfless and heroic actions, in which he disregarded his personal safety to save the life of another, brings great credit upon himself and the Texas Air National Guard, and warrants the General James K.L. Berry Award. H

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SPC Matthew Oldham

2020 General K.L. Berry Award Winner ON JULY 24, 2019 AT 12:40 A.M., a black SUV was speeding down Ross Avenue, when he reached a dead end at Houston Street at the West End area of Dallas, Texas. Rather than stop, officers said the driver continued straight ahead, striking a brick column and breaking the front window of an architecture firm. The crash caused the vehicle to catch on fire while the driver was still inside. SPC Matthew Oldham was working security at his civilian job with the Dallas Holocaust Museum when he heard the crash and rushed out to see what had happened. When SPC Oldham arrived, the vehicle was on fire and the driver was pinned inside of the vehicle. SPC Oldham said two Dallas police bicycle officers arrived and broke the car window with a baton in order to reach the driver. SPC Oldham then with the assistant of one of the bicycle officers helped pull the driver out of the burning vehicle. The driver was folded up underneath the steering column and was not wearing his seat belt. The fire from the vehicle was intense and it was hard to see thru all the smoke. Once the driver had been pulled back far enough from the scene, SPC Oldham began to access the driver’s injuries. The driver had sustained two broken arms, a gash to his head and was bleeding profusely from a gash on his leg and had a partially amputated right foot. He also had a partially crushed chest, though his airway remained intact. SPC Oldham quickly applied a tourniquet to the man’s leg to stop the heavy bleeding and provided other first aid to help stabilize the man’s condition until paramedics arrived. Without this lifesaving measure the man probably would have bled out without a tourniquet on his leg before emergency medical assistance arrived. Dallas police said the driver was taken to the hospital to be treated for his multiple injuries and would be booked into jail upon his release on a charge of driving while intoxicated. SPC Matthew Oldham is a member of Co C 3-144th Infantry Regiment located in Seagoville, Texas. SPC Oldham deployed from 2017-2018 to the Horn of Africa with his National Guard unit. While in Africa, he participated in airbase defense, patrols and general theater security. But he didn’t encounter anything during the nine-month deployment like he did on July 24, 2019 in Dallas, Texas. His heroic actions and willingness to risk his life to save another brings great credit upon himself and the Texas Army National Guard and warrants the General James K.L. Berry Award. H

LTC JAMES A. SPRING HUMANITARIANISM AWARD The LTC James A. Spring Humanitarianism Award recognizes an act of heroism and/or extreme humanitarianism involving the saving or attempt to save a life. LTC James A. Spring was a distinguished 49th Armored Division Medical Battalion Commander in the mid-1970s.

COL (Ret) Brandon Watkins

2021 Humanitarianism Award Winner SOLDIERS AND AIRMEN ACROSS THE UNITED STATES who retire from the military continue to actively serve our state and nation in our communities. For military retirees, the time you served in the military has provided you with a wealth of knowledge that is always available for your recall. On July 16, 2020 while driving home, COL (Ret) Brandon Watkins witnessed a T-bone accident involving a car and a SUV at A.W. Grimes Blvd and Texas State Highway 45 in Round Rock, Texas. Immediately upon witnessing the accident COL Watkins stopped his vehicle and ran to the heavily damaged car. He noticed that several windows were knocked out of the car and that the airbags had deployed. He checked the driver’s side where the impact had occurred. The female driver was hurt badly but not life threatening, and her door would not open. The driver noticing that COL Watkins was trying to help her and could be heard yelling “find my baby!” COL Watkins then ran to the passenger’s side of the car and opened the door. The young female passenger was face down between the front two seats as if she were reaching for something in the back seat of the car. The young female passenger was alive but knocked out. The driver’s baby that was approximately a year old, was face down in the passenger’s seats underneath the passenger’s lower half. The baby was crying and had a deep cut on her forehead. Her face was covered in blood. By this time others had arrived and were assisting COL Watkins by extracting the driver and the other passenger that did not have life threatening injuries. COL Watkins removed the baby from the car, cleaned her face and began to provide first aid to stop the bleeding. A near-by gas station worker showed up out of the blue with a first aid kit for COL Watkins to use to apply a bandage to the baby’s forehead. Others around COL Watkins provided him water to assist with cleaning the wound. A stranger who had also witnessed the accident moved COL Watkins’ vehicle out of the open lane of traffic and parked it away from the accident scene and brought him his keys as he held the baby waiting for EMS to arrive. The driver said her passenger was taking the baby out of the car seat at the moment of impact. The baby clung tightly to COL Watkins’ neck until he handed her over when EMS arrived.

CSM Gilbert Stamps

2020 - Humanitarianism Award Winner SOLDIERS AND AIRMEN ACROSS THE UNITED STATES serve their state and nation daily by serving in the National Guard and by working in all kinds of career fields and being active members of the communities that they serve in. On October 16, 2018, members of the 386th Engineer Battalion were conducting training on a drill weekend at the Naval Air Station – Corpus Christi. During the training, a Soldier in the unit collapsed and went into cardiac arrest. Immediately upon seeing the Soldier in distress, 1SG Gilbert Stamps began to provide CPR to the Soldier and continued to provide advanced medical aid to the Soldier until emergency services arrived. 1SG Stamps had to defibrillate the Soldier four times before reestablishing his heartbeat. He then established an IV and secured the patient’s airway saving the Soldier’s life. At the time of this incident Gilbert Stamps was the First Sergeant for HHC 386th Engineer Battalion located in Corpus Christi, Texas. In civilian life 1SG Stamps is a Firefighter and a 22-year veteran of the Corpus Christi Fire Department. He currently serves at Fire Station 12 in Corpus Christi, Texas. In the National Guard Gilbert Stamps in now the Command Sergeant Major for the 111th Engineer Battalion in Brownwood, Texas. The quick response and professional skills provided by CSM Gilbert Stamps saved a Soldier’s life and is befitting of recognition with the LTC James A. Spring Humanitarianism Award. H

The quick response provided by COL (Ret) Brandon Watkins saved this baby’s life and is befitting of recognition with the LTC James A. Spring Humanitarianism Award. H

Do you know a NGAT member who has saved someones life? Nominate them for one of the NGAT awards. For more information on criteria and submission requirements visit .

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The National Guard Association of Texas is extremely grateful to our corporate partners who have remained loyal to the Association and its goals despite the unprecedented circumstances we continue to be faced with. NGAT would like to say “THANK YOU” for your continued membership and support. Together we will continue to make great things happen.







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Survivor Benefit Program and Divorce THE MILITARY’S SURVIVOR BENEFIT PROGRAM (SBP) is an annuity program to provide financial support for military spouses following the death of a veteran. While the program may provide some measure of financial security, some financially savvy Veterans opt instead to buy an additional insurance policy or annuity product at a lower cost. If the Veteran is married at retirement and chooses to opt out of SBP coverage, the spouse must sign the declination and have the signature notarized.

DFAS and the former spouse should retain a copy. If the Veteran has more than one former spouse the first request received by DFAS will be honored, assuming the documentation is complete.

The deadline for applying for SBP for active duty personnel is before retirement. For reserve component members the deadline is within 90 days of retirement. Failure to fill out SBP will either stall retirement pay or result in automatic full coverage for the spouse.

A 2016 change to the law (contained in the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act) allows a retiree with SBP coverage for a former spouse to transfer that coverage to his/her new spouse if the former spouse dies. If a surviving spouse is entitled to SBP benefits but remarries before age 55 they are automatically ineligible to receive benefits – no matter how much the deceased Veteran paid in premiums (subtracted from their retirement checks). If the surviving spouse remarries at age 57 or older, they’re still eligible to receive a full payment.

As a government product, the SBP involves some inherent bureaucracy. This is especially evident when a Veteran becomes divorced. Often, SBP benefits are negotiated as part of a divorce settlement. Often a court’s divorce decree addresses SBP benefits, but this is not required.

SBP regulations are complicated and often result in wasted money and frustrated widows. Consulting a financial planner familiar with the SBP and or a Divorce Attorney experienced in the intricacies of military divorces may save you money and heartache for survivors after your gone.

WITHIN 1 YEAR! When a Veteran becomes divorced and wants to continue the SBP for their former spouse, specific actions must occur. First, the Veteran must elect former spouse on DD Form 2656-1 and submit this form to DFAS within one year of divorce. 366 days after a divorce is final is too late and DFAS will reject the claim. Veterans should mail and fax copies to

NGAT Life Member Doug O’Connell is a practicing Attorney offering free consultations and discounted legal fees for NGAT members. Contact Doug at or 512-547-7265.


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RECENTLY, NEARLY 70 MEMBERS OF THE 136TH AIRLIFT WING returned home in a C130H Hercules after completing a deployment to Kuwait. Maj Gen Thomas Suelzer, Deputy Adjutant General – Air, and other 136th Airlift Wing senior leaders met the maintainers and air crew as they returned from supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, a coalition mission to train, advise, and assist Afghan National Defense and Security Forces. (Photo courtesy of the 136th Airlift Wing)



THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD JOINT COUNTERDRUG TASK FORCE GROUND RECONNAISSANCE DETACHMENT trains new personnel on water survival tactics Jan. 6, 2021 in Austin, Texas. The training is part of a three-month process to prepare the service members for maximizing their support to law enforcement investigations throughout the state. (Photo by MSG Michael Leslie)

HOUSTON MEMBERS OF THE 147TH ATTACK WING AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE SQUADRON participated in the 1st Annual Ellington Day at the Lonestar Flight Museum. The Maintainers answered questions and talked to more than 500 attendees about the MQ-9 Reaper and the 147th Attack Wing. (Photo courtesy of the 147th Attack Wing)


MAJ THOMAS WERNER, an instructor pilot at the 149th Fighter Wing, is proof of how Gunfighters excellence rises to the top! Werner will be joining the one and only Air Force Thunderbirds as Thunderbird 7 and serving as the team’s operations officer starting in June 2021. (Photo courtesy of the 149th Fighter Wing)


TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD SOLDIERS gather after delivering cots to a warming center during extreme winter weather conditions in Abilene, Texas. Service members from the Texas Army, Air and State Guards worked in support of the Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Division of Emergency Management transporting personal to safety, assisting stranded motorists, clearing roadways, manning warming centers, transporting critical infrastructure personnel to work, and delivering basic commodities like water, food, blankets, and oxygen to Texans in need, February 12-20, 2021. (Photo by SSG Yvonne Ontiveros) 12 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s


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TSGT DESIREE NG, a 149th Medical Group Medical Technician administers a COVID-19 vaccination, at Joint Base San AntonioLackland, Texas. The 149th Medical Group is ensuring that we keep our Airmen healthy and vaccinated so that they can be ready to meet the mission needs of the Air Force. (Photo by SSgt Derek Davis)

MEMBERS OF THE TEXAS ARMY NATIONAL GUARD recently competed in the “Colombian Death March”, in Egypt which consisted of a 22-mile ruck march with a 55 lb. ruck, weapon, web belt with full kit and magazines. Twelve teams competed from different contingents, Texas finished 4th out of 12 and 1st of the American contingents. Pictured left to right is: SFC Brent Bouillion (NGAT Life Member), 1SG Terry Evans, CPT Steven Hankins, 1LT Salvador Tinajero. All are members of B Battery 1-133rd FA.



KUWAIT EVEN DURING DEPLOYMENT you still find time to celebrate special occasions. Members of the 36th ID, G-4 section recently honored LTC William “Rusty” Weedman on his 48th Birthday with a cake at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. Pictured left to right is: SGM Juan Salinas, LTC William “Rusty” Weedman, SGT Edward Antoine, SGM Mark Busch, and SFC Omar Marqueses.

TEXAS AIR NATIONAL GUARDSMEN TSgt Jorjie Godina and TSgt Joshua Smith, 181st Airlift Squadron loadmasters, chat aboard a C-130H Hercules February 19, 2021, at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas. Texas Army and Air National Guardsmen orchestrated the delivery of more than 20,000 cases of water, while working in tandem with multiple government agencies, first responders, county officials, and volunteers in order to deliver aid to Texans in need after Winter Storm Uri. (Photo by MSgt Lynn Means)

WASHINGTON D.C. CSM JOHN F. SAMPA, the Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard recently received the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and sent a message to all the members of the National Guard to get vaccinated. He SFC HERIBERTO HERNANDEZ (RIGHT) STANDS WITH SSG DOLORES BOCANEGRA (LEFT) next to the T-Patch wall they painted at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait. SFC Hernandez won the design contest for Task Force Spartan earlier in the year and recently got vaccinated for his family, health, and the military members he serves with. (Photo courtesy of the National Guard Bureau) completed the project leaving a mark for the 36th Infantry Division for years to come. (Photo by SSG Daryl Bradford) KUWAIT

S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


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Kathy Gallatin Retires from NGAT After 35 Years KATHY GALLATIN HAS BEEN INVOLVED WITH NGAT since she was a child. Her father, CW4 (Ret) Harold Loftis, managed the Association’s finances for over 40 years and her mother, Billie Loftis, served as the NGAT Insurance Director for over 20 years. In August of 1986, Kathy began working at NGAT part-time as an assistant to the NGAT Director of Insurance who just happened to be her mother. She continued to assist with the insurance program until her mother retired from NGAT in June of 1991. In June of 1991, Kathy Gallatin became the Director of Insurance for NGAT. A position she held for the past 30 years. In total, Kathy has worked for NGAT for the past 35 years in the Insurance Department. She has worked for all five of NGAT’s Executive Directors and has seen many board members, employees and Association members come and go over the years. On January 31, 2021, Kathy officially retired from NGAT. Her job as the NGAT Insurance Director has been to maintain the State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) program offered to members of the Texas Military Forces, their family members, and members of the National Guard Association of Texas. Her ability to establish and maintain a good working relationship with the insurance company, National Guard personnel, funeral homes and benefit specialists over the years has been integral to the continued success of the NGAT insurance program. The NGAT Life Insurance program is NGAT’s primary source

For many years Kathy provided administrative assistance to the National Guard Executive Directors Association (NGEDA). Because of her support in 2017, Kathy was named an Honorary Life Member of NGEDA. Kathy has not missed an NGAT conference in the past 35 years! She has worked many different areas of the conference over the years and took pride in being able to assist service members in anyway possible.

KATHY GALLATIN is pictured with her Spirit of Texas Award (left) that she was awarded this year at the NGAT Virtual Conference and a Minuteman Statue that was gifted to her by the Association for her years of service to NGAT. (Photo by MSG (Ret) Theresa Billeck-Zuniga)

of income and its success over the years has been because of Kathy Gallatin’s professional management of the program. Kathy truly cared about those who took out NGAT life insurance policies and she always went above and beyond to provide the best customer service possible. Whether you were taking out a policy for the first time, were a long-time customer, or an individual filing a claim due to the loss of a loved one, Kathy was passionate about helping service members and their families.

Because of Kathy Gallatin’s unwavering dedication, enthusiasm and commitment to the National Guard Association of Texas and the Texas Military Forces over the past 35 years, Kathy Gallatin was awarded the Spirit of Texas Award at this year’s NGAT Annual Conference. Kathy is very proud of her family’s involvement with NGAT over the years. Both of her sons previously worked part-time at NGAT. Russell Gallatin worked in the Insurance Department and Marshall Gallatin worked in the Membership Department. She is married to MSG (Ret) Leslie Gallatin who served in the Texas Army National Guard and helped at many NGAT Conferences over the years. H

Thank you, Kathy, for your many years of service and enjoy your retirement!

Many VA facilities and clinics are now offering COVID-19 vaccines to these 2 groups:

WORKING FOR NGAT HAS BEEN A FAMILY AFFAIR. Pictured left to right is: MSG (Ret) Leslie Gallatin who has worked many a NGAT Conference over the years. Kathy Gallatin who recently retired from NGAT after 35 years of service to NGAT. Christie Gallatin and husband Marshall Gallatin who worked part-time in the Membership Department. Lea Gallatin and husband Russell Gallatin who worked part-time in the Insurance Department. In the front is Mrs. Billie Jean Loftis who served as the NGAT Insurance Director for over 20 years and is Kathy Gallatin’s mother. Thank you all for your years of support to NGAT. (Photo by Tyler Schmitt)

• All veterans who are enrolled in VA health care or currently receive care at VA • Designated primary and secondary family caregivers who are enrolled in our Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) and come with the Veteran to get a vaccine. These below groups are now also eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine when their local VA health facilities receive supplies of vaccines: • All veterans • Spouses and surviving spouses of veterans • Caregivers of veterans. For COVID-19 vaccine eligibility, we define a caregiver as a family member or friend who provides care to a veteran. Caregivers may help a veteran with personal needs like feeding, bathing, or dressing. They may also help a veteran with tasks like shopping or transportation. • Recipients of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) benefits For detailed information visit:

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16 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Spring 2021

2021 NGAT Educational Foundation Scholarship Winners


LEWIS O. KING MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP – $2,000 NICOLE P. STEPHENS Daughter of COL (Ret) Catherine L. Stephens



USAA SCHOLARSHIP – $1,000 SSG KRISTIN E. DAVIS Member of the Texas State Guard

MG (RET) JAMES K. “RED” BROWN LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP – $1000 SPC HUNTER L. LIGHTSEY Member of the 36th ID Band Son of CW4 Jeffrey L. Lightsey







NGAT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP – $500 DANIEL V. VASQUEZ Son of CW3 Richard D. Vasquez S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |



Key Leadership Update H

BG Carlton G. Smith Commander 71st Troop Command

Brig Gen Matthew A. Barker Chief of Staff Texas Air National Guard

BG Monie R. Ulis Director of the Joint Staff Joint Forces Headquarters

Col Lyndy R. Doyle Director of Staff Texas Air National Guard

Col Andrew “Hector” Camacho Commander 147th Attack Wing

LTC Robert W. Hites, Jr. Commander 2-136th RTI

CCMSgt LaTasha S. Mitchell Senior Enlisted Advisor Texas Air National Guard

18 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Spring 2021

1SG (P) Matthew S. Goss Command Sergeant Major 1-141st Inf Bn

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JOIN US AT THE EANGUS ANNUAL CONFERENCE THE ENLISTED ASSOCIATION OF THE NATIONAL GUARD OF THE UNITED STATES (EANGUS) will celebrate its 50th Anniversary Conference on August 8-11, 2021 at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This year’s conference will include recognition of EANGUS history and other commemorative activities that EANGUS members, National Guard leaders, and guests won’t want to miss. Events that have been added this year include a Golf Tournament on Friday, August 6, 2021 and a Bike Ride on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Conference registration is $175 until July 1, 2021. After July 1, 2021 the rate increases to $200. Registration includes conference bag, supporting materials, limited transportation, area caucus sessions, business sessions, trade show access,

welcome night function, all area hospitality night and the states dinner. To register and book your room go to Texas delegates will stay at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque located at 330 Tijeras NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. Our daily rate is $111 plus taxes. Over the next few month, EANGUS will be closely monitoring and evaluating the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the necessary measures are taken to protect the health and well-being of EANGUS Conference Attendees. Please watch our website and Facebook page for updates on the status of the conference. H

2021 National Guard Education Guide & Almanac The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) recently released their 2021 National Guard Education Guide & Almanac. This year’s publication includes two sections: • An Education Section which includes information about scholarship opportunities and other resources available to National Guard members. • The Almanac Section which highlights key National Guard leaders for each of the 54 States, Territories, and the District of Columbia as well as their State Association contact information and State benefits. To download your copy, visit the EANGUS or NGAT website. GG_NGAW_WNG_Ad_resize_3-5x2_2021

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20 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f T e x a s

H Spring 2021

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Dear NGAUS Members,


There is an old Willie Nelson song that has the recurring main melody of “Here we go again!” It is one of my favorites and seems to apply to the situation that NGAUS finds ourselves in again this year. I want to emphasize how grateful as an organization we are to the North Carolina National Guard and the conference committee that has put in so much work preparing for the NGAUS conference, they have done a tremendous job and have dealt with situations completely out of their control.

AFBA NGAUS Active Life Member Scholarship

After the virtual conference last year and the discussion that the Board participated in at the last Board meeting, I think the overwhelming consensus is that it is critically important that the Guard family can come together and meet in person this year if at all possible. The limitations that are currently in place in North Carolina will prevent us from our normal gathering and activities. The North Carolina leadership is not optimistic about the environment changing dramatically in the next few months, just very difficult to predict. After in depth discussions with the Chairman and the guidance and priorities that were brought up during the Board discussion at the last meeting, we are making the decision to re-direct the conference location to an area that will be more permissive in terms of attendees and all the normal activities associated with the conference. We are currently assessing several different options and hope to have a decision soon. I will be reaching out to some of the leadership in some of the states that would be good options. We think we have some good options but just need to sort out all the details and facilities. This is going to be quite the undertaking to re-direct at this point but not impossible and I just cannot emphasize how important I think it is that we come together in a face-to-face conference that will be a re-union of Guard Nation.

The AFBA NGAUS Active Life Member Scholarship awards two $5,000 scholarships every July to Active Life members of NGAUS or dependents of Active Life members seeking an undergraduate, graduate or post graduate degree. The applicant must be a full-time student. The application period runs March 1 through June 1.

Grantham Scholarship NGAUS and Grantham University will award two full graduate scholarships. One scholarship is for an active NGAUS member and current Guardsman who is a commissioned or warrant officer ranked O-5 and below. The second scholarship is for a spouse of an active member. Each scholarship is valued up to $14,200 and covers tuition costs, required textbooks, software and fees. Scholarship value depends on the degree selected and credit transferred. The application period will open June 3. The deadline to apply is Aug 3.

The Van Hipp Heroes Scholarship Fund Established in 2015, Van Hipp donates 100% of the proceeds from his book, The New Terrorism: How to Fight It and Defeat It to the Van Hipp Fallen Heroes Scholarship Fund which will award scholarships to Guardsmen wounded in action in the War on Terror. This initiative is administered by the National Guard Educational Foundation. The application period is now open. Deadline to apply is July 1, 2021.

Leonardo DRS Guardian Scholarship Fund Since September 11, 2001, nearly 800 Guardsmen have made the ultimate sacrifice in support of the Global War on Terrorism. These heroes left behind more than 1,000 children. Established in 2011 and underwritten by Leonardo DRS, the Leonardo DRS Guardian Scholarship Fund provides college scholarships to the children of National Guardsmen who have been lost in service to our nation since 9/11. Over the past decade, NGEF has awarded 88 scholarships to students through the Leonardo DRS Guardian Scholarship Fund. The application period is now open. Deadline to apply is June 30, 2021. For more information on the NGAUS Scholarships visit the NGAT Educational Foundation page at

It is important to this Association and critically important to the 450,000 members of the National Guard we represent in the Halls of Congress here in Washington. I ask for your patience and understanding as we work through this, it will work out fine and the benefits of a robust and well attended conference will be achieved. More information will flow soon as the situation continues to develop. Sincerely, BG (Ret) J. Roy Robinson President NGAUS

Watch the website for updates: S p r i n g 2 0 2 1 H N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s |


TAPS AS OF 04/30/2021

** LTC Anthony Alvarez, 101st INFO OPS BN, Austin

MSgt Wanda “Bella” Lutz, Life Member #32913, Brookshire

MSG Victor J. Aquino, Life Member #7690, Saint Augustine, FL

MSgt Glenn D. Martisek, Life Member #10127, Retired, Friendswood

CW4 Joe R. Baitz, Life Member #484, Retired, Austin MSG Luis F. Barcenes, Life Member #13755, Retired, San Antonio

Mr. Bobby R. McClure, Life Member #645, Retired, Decatur Mr. Emilo Gonzalez Miranda, Retired, El Paso

SGT Alton H. Biggers, Retired, Pasadena CSM Jimmy L. Broyles, Life Member #29886, Retired, Kerrville TSgt Charles H. Coolidge, Last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from the WWII European Theater and the 36th Infantry Division, Chattanooga, TN

SGT Duane M. Nesmith, HHC 636th MI Bn, San Antonio Maj Gen Jerry W. Ragsdale, Life Member #12584, Retired, Dallas (Former Commander of the Texas Air National Guard) *SGT Gilbert Robles, Life Member #14608, Retired, Burnet

Maj Charles Davidson, Life Member #2134, Retired, Dublin, GA

TSgt Linda Redus, Life Member #27023, Retired, San Antonio

CW4 Gilberto B. Diaz, Life Member #3678, Retired, Austin

COL Sherrill B. Robertson, Life Member #2129, Retired, Keller

WO1 Richard C. “Chris” Dillard, 1st Bde, Texas State Guard, Irving

SFC Uwe Samuel, Retired, Copperas Cove

Mr. Curtis Lee Freeman, Life Member #5656, Retired, Paris

SPC Carroll Shirley, Retired, Temple

SSG Donnie G. Gann, Life Member #12514, Retired, Abilene

CMSgt William C. “Bill” Sivells, Life Member #10196, Retired, San Antonio

** SFC Gilbert Garcia, A Co 5th Bn 19th SFG, Dallas SGT Carlos P. Garza, Life Member #8010, Retired, Brownsville TSgt George J. Geigenmiller, Life Member #8836, Retired, La Vernia SGT Donald E. Gibbs, Life Member #18143, Retired, Hamilton SFC Henry M. Guevara, Life Member #7310, Retired, Ballinger

**CW3 John K. Skold, Life Member #34714, 111th Engr Bde, Weatherford Brig Gen Walter “Buck” Staudt, Life Member #291, Retired, San Antonio (Former Chief of Staff, Texas Air National Guard 1969-1972) SSG Gabriel R. Sustaita, Life Member #15459, Retired, Iowa Park

William R. Guidry, Life Member #8438, Retired, Thibodaux, LA

Brig Gen LeRoy Thompson, Life Member #118, Retired, Abilene (Former Assistant Adjutant General – Air)

COL Timmy L. Hines, Life Member #6950, Retired, Austin

*/**SPC Cristian S. Trejo, HHC 3-141st INF, Pharr

LTC William “Bill” C. Holford, Life Member #10585, Retired, Bastrop

*SFC Glenn E. Woodruff, Jr., Retired, Castroville

CW4 Robert Lee Humphrey, Life Member #2397, Retired, Gary CSM Gary L. Josey, Life Member #877, Retired, Waco (Former State Command Sergeant Major of the Texas National Guard)

**SGT Jacob H. Young, B Co 1-143rd INF, Murphy * Had NGAT Life Insurance Policy ** Had No-Cost Active Guard Policy of $1,000

MAJ Jim W. Key, Jr., Life Member #11418, Retired, Amarillo


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H Spring 2021


National Guard Association of Texas 3706 Crawford Avenue Austin, Texas 78731-6308

PLANNING CALENDAR (As of April 30, 2021)

2021 31


Memorial Day (NGAT Office Closed)



U.S. Army Birthday/Flag Day



Independence Day Observed (NGAT Office Closed)



EANGUS Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico

22-23 Aug

NGAT Board of Directors Meeting, Austin



NGAUS Annual Conference, Location TBD



Labor Day (NGAT Office Closed)



Patriot Day



Columbus Day (NGAT Office Closed)

Watch the NGAT website and Facebook page for updates.

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