Join us for the 62nd Annual NGAT Conference — “VIRTUALLY” WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE CONFERENCE? We will have our Annual Meeting that includes the NGAT President’s Report on the state of NGAT. Because this is an election year for NGAT we will be voting on our next NGAT President-Elect. We also have some proposed bylaw changes that will be posted on the website soon. We will hear from the Texas Military Department and give out some awards to some very deserving people. WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND? You’re a member right? So why not! This year you don’t have to travel far, the cost is minimal
and it will give you some insight into what NGAT is doing for you on a daily basis. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THE LACK OF A “FACE TO FACE” CONFERENCE TO DETER YOU FROM PARTICIPATING IN OUR NGAT VIRTUAL CONFERENCE. Our committees are vital and establish future NGAT goals and directions. DID SOMEONE SAY PRIZES? That’s right! We will be giving away several gift cards during the conference to a few lucky registered attendees. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get involved and join us at the conference!
CIATION OF TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD ASSO Austin, TX 78731 e, Av rd 3706 Crawfo 512-454-7300 www.n January 31, 2021
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Registration is only $10.00 per person
CONFERENCE CALL rd Association of 62nd Annual National Gua March 27, 2021
Texas Conference
National Guard Association Board of Directors of the COVID-19 pandemic, the and that was scheduled for nt nce me fere iron Con env T t ren NGA ual Due to the cur cancel the in-person Ann to n isio The Board of Directors dec ual. the virt e all mad of Texas (NGAT) has T Conference will now be NGA ual Ann 1 202 The TX. n, tners. March 25-28, 2021 in Alle guests, and corporate par safety of our members, made this decision for the istration for the 2021 from 9am-12pm. Reg will be held on March 27, and the agenda nce ails fere det Con nce ual fere Virt T con king The 2021 Annual NGA website. We are still wor our on n ope now is and virtual conference is $10 lized. will be available once fina Agenda Highlights: • President’s Report sident-Elect • Election of new Pre icers and Directors • Election of new Off endments • Voting on Bylaws Am on tati sen • Awards Pre • Guest Speakers and to download an application r please go to our website posted for your review prio ning for President-Elect, be run will in s ed ent rest ndm inte ame are ws If you byla ed pos pro The 1. 202 ruary 28, T App. submit it no later than Feb et to download the NGA . And please do not forg to voting at the conference t times. nce during these difficul for updates on the confere ty of App safe T and NGA fare and e, wel pag the put ebook pandemic and will always Watch our website, Fac ve forward through this mo to es tinu con tion Your Associa our membership first. FOR THE PRESIDENT:
Individuals interested in running for the position of NGAT President-Elect must meet the following qualifications: • Be an NGAT Annual or Life Member in good standing. • Must have served at least one year as a member of the NGAT Board of Directors. Current and former member of the NGAT Board of Directors are eligible to apply. • Must complete a nomination application available on the NGAT website on the Board of Directors page. • Must be able to serve the next four years on the NGAT Board of Directors. (Two years as PresidentElect and two years as President.)
For additional information contact the NGAT Executive Director, Marvin Harris at mharris@ngat. org. Nomination will be accepted through February 28, 2021.
Marvin E. Harris NGAT Executive Director
6 | N a t i o n a l G u a r d A s s o c i a t i o n o f Te x a s
H Winter 2021