Feb 7

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THE CAMPUS February 7, 2018 – Volume 111 Issue 16

Students, staff to celebrate black history Miguel Rios


Members of the Black Student Association and university officials planned events to celebrate Black History Month and to honor black leaders. February has been designated as Black History Month by every president since 1976. Each president endorses a theme for the month. This year’s theme is “African Americans in Times of War,” marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, according to history.com. Housing officials are facilitating one of the first events. It is a Black History Museum, which will be a walking tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday in Walker Hall dormitory. Russ Tallchief, director of student engagement, inclusion and multicultural programs, said he’s happy to see involvement from different parts of the campus community. “To participate in Black History Month is really the type of thing that we try to encourage, for one thing, but are just really happy to see from people who are committed to celebrating diversity and the cultural heritage of our students on campus,” Tallchief said. BSA Secretary Destini Carrington, psychology sophomore, said Black History Month is when she feels the most comfortable in her skin. “It’s a time where I can

personally be unapologetically black,” Carrington said. “A time when I don’t have to hold back or censor myself for anyone else’s opinions of how they think I should act or present myself.” BSA’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will feature a “Black History Spotlight” each day to commemorate black people throughout history that don’t typically get much recognition. “The purpose is to inform people that black people weren’t just slaves, got free, then MLK came and fought for us to have equal rights like most people learn in school,” said BSA Historian Lexi Metoyer, exercise science junior. “Black people invented important things that we use every day.” Black History Spotlights have already featured people like Alexander Miles, who patented automatic elevator doors, and Dr. Daniel H. Williams, who performed the first successful open heart surgery. “To me, Black History Month is about black pride,” Metoyer said. “You learn about Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks, but no one ever really talks about Angela Davis or Huey Newton. “Black History Month is a month focused around black excellence, and I love it.” Newton and Davis were Civil Rights activists and members of the Black Panthers, a political organization founded to challenge police brutality against

the African American community, according to history.com. Newton co-founded the Black Panthers in 1966. “Throughout this month, we reflect on all the steps African Americans have made to shape their legacy for the future generations to continue, hoping that one day true equality will be implemented and freedom would be a right to all people,” Carrington said. “This month is filled with letting everyone in the world know that this nation was built on the backs of people of color and should be reason enough for our lives to matter.” BSA President Leondre Lattimore, art sophomore, said the events are beneficial for students. “Black History Month is a great opportunity for students on campus to learn about our culture and history,” Lattimore said. “It’s also a great way to honor the black leaders before us that paved the way to get us to where we are now.” Lattimore said he’s most excited for the Black History Celebration at 7 p.m. Friday in the Burg Theatre in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. The event is free and open to the public. There will be various artistic performances. “It’s just a night of us coming together to celebrate the month while enjoying the talent of different people within the community,” Carrington said.

Elina Moon Student Publications Taylor Blackman, acting senior, and Reoni Newsome, acting freshman, share a laugh during TheatreOCU’s The Bluest Eye. The office of Student Engagement, Inclusion and Multicultural Programs promoted the play as part of Black History Month. The Bluest Eye is based on a book by Toni Morrison about a foster child who’s told she’s ugly by her community, which associates beauty with whiteness. She wishes to have blue eyes to be beautiful. Performances were Feb. 1-4 in Burg Theatre in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center.


Friday Black History Celebration 7 p.m. | Burg Theatre in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center

Today through Friday Feb. 19 Black History Museum 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Walker Hall Film screening: 13th dormitory 7 p.m. | Oklahoma United Methodist Hall theater Thursday African movement and music Feb. 20 presentation with Ayinde Hurrey Game Night 2:30-3:45 p.m. | Burg Theatre in 7 p.m. | Cokesbury Court ApartKirkpatrick Fine Arts Center ments Clubhouse

Feb. 21 BSA Panel Discussion noon | Watson Lounge in Bishop W. Angie Smith Chapel Feb. 22 BSA Banquet 6 p.m. | Great Hall in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center Feb. 23 Karaoke Night 7 p.m. | Cokesbury Court Apartments Clubhouse

Event to help prepare seniors for graduation Emily Wollenberg


Seniors will get help this month to prepare for graduation. Gateway to Graduation will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 14-15 in the campus bookstore in Tom and Brenda McDaniel University Center. Representatives from various campus departments will be in the store to help seniors with graduation preparations including: - Registrar officials will verify graduation applications, - student account officials will assist with financial aid, - career services officials will help students with postgraduation plans, - graduate admissions officials will help students look for graduate school options, and - Jostens representatives will have order forms for announcements and class rings.

Jostens is a memorabilia manufacturer, specializing in yearbooks and class rings for various high schools and universities. Bookstore Manager Christina Chapman said this is the first year officials are not doing pre-orders for cap and gowns. Seniors will leave with their cap and gown when they attend. “Students will just come in, and we will check your height and everything here, and then we’ll pull your gown and you will leave with them,” Chapman said. Students will receive discounted prices for bookstore items during the event. Seniors who donate $18 to the alumni association for the senior gift will receive an 18 percent off coupon for merchandise in the bookstore. The store will have 18 percent discounts on diploma frames and other alumni apparel. Jostens also will have special

discounted prices for rings and announcements. Chapman said Starsky might attend the event and give hugs for Valentine’s Day. She also said seniors who cannot attend the event can go to the store anytime to pick up their caps and gowns. “Jostens won’t be here then, but you can look online to order any of the stuff that you want,” she said. “They have rings and announcements, all that online. If you’re not for sure what size you need in a ring, you can come by, and we do have ring sizers for them.” Morgan Haney, music theater senior, said Gateway to Graduation will help students ensure they are prepared. “It definitely feels like a onestop-shop kind of thing where you can walk in and make sure you have all your boxes checked for graduation,” Haney said. “I think the event itself is very helpful to students.”

Haney said her OCU education made her feel confident for the “real” world. “I think that OCU offers you a lot of varied opportunities to make you feel like you’re prepared,” she said. “For me, that I’m prepared as an actor, but also that I am prepared to live as a person in the real world, which is a comforting thing.” Haney said Gateway to Graduation should be advertised more to seniors. “I had definitely heard of it, and I knew it was happening, but I had no idea when it was or what it was. I thought it was a career fair, but then I looked it up,” she said. More information about Gateway to Graduation can be found at okcu.edu/ students/commencement/ gateway-to-graduation.

Official works to develop physical therapy graduate program for 2020 Callie Dewees


A new physical therapy program may be coming to campus. Dr. Maria Jones, clinical professor and director of physical therapy, is developing a graduate physical therapy program. The graduate program is planned to provide a doctor of physical therapy degree that will begin classes in June 2020. The degree would be eight semesters long and combine didactic and clinical educa-


tion. The requirements to apply would be: - completion of a bachelor’s degree, - both a science and cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, - a certain score on the Graduate Record Examination received in the last five years, and - three recommendations from various professional sources. Jones began developing the program a year ago by submitting a plan to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). It

is listed as a developing program, according to CAPTEonline.org. “The exercise science degree track sets you up for PT school, but we don’t have a PT program here, and so I think they’re looking at streamlining that,” said Paige Caldwell, exercise science senior. “I think if we do get a PT program here, there would be a lot more people coming to the school for that pre-PT program to go into it.” Students who graduate from OCU with all of the necessary prerequisites would be guaran-

teed an interview for the doctorate program, Jones said. These prerequisites include the 3.0 GPA as well as 10 classes ranging from a behavioral science course to two chemistry courses. A graduate cannot sit for their licensing exam unless they have graduated from an accredited program, meaning any students who participate in the first year would not be able to take their licensing exam until the program is accredited. In case the program is not awarded accreditation, part of the application process to

CAPTE includes a contingency plan with schools that have agreed to take in students who apply to rejected programs. “It’s one of the challenges of a developing program,” Jones said. “It’s a huge time and money commitment for OCU to start this process, so making sure we have all our ducks in a row, we follow all those rules, and we’re upfront about where we are in the process really serves us good in the long run.” The program is scheduled to open applications in Spring 2019.

More informational sessions are scheduled to take place as the program gets closer to opening. A website also will be launched with information on the program and the application process. Students can email Jones at mjones1@okcu.edu or Michael Harrington, director of graduate admissions, at maharrington@okcu.edu for more information.

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