Nov. 7

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THE CAMPUS November 7, 2018 – Volume 112 Issue 10

Martha Burger inaugurated as 18th president Emily Wollenberg


President Martha Burger was inaugurated as OCU’s 18th president Thursday in Kirkpatrick Auditorium in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. Martha Burger was selected from three candidates to assume the role of university president when former President Robert Henry retired June 30. Burger took office July 1 as OCU’s first female president in university history. The inauguration ceremony opened with the Presentation of the Colors by the Kiowa Women Warriors Color Guard and a statement from Russ Tallchief, director of student diversity and inclusion, acknowledging that OCU’s campus originally was inhabited by the Apache, Quapaw, and Wichita and Affiliated Tribes. Tallchief said the statement of acknowledgment is important to indigenous people. “The land acknowledgment is a new voice around the world where people will acknowledge the land that they are on and who the original inhabitants were,” he said. “I think it’s really great that President Burger and OCU are embracing that. We really appreciate it as native people.” International and Native American students entered next, carrying the flags of their home countries or tribes. Kayce Kernall, nursing sophomore, carried a flag of one of the indigenous tribes of Oklahoma. “I think it was good that we carried the flags. It is important because this is Oklahoma, and we have all these tribes here,” she said. “This is indigenous land, so it’s very important to show representation.” Jane Jayroe Gamble, alumna and trustee, welcomed the audience and spoke about the successes of OCU students. “Welcome to this family of stars who understand that service is a part of who we are,” she said at the ceremony. Other prominent Oklahomans also attended the event. Many addressed Burger and encouraged her to lead the university with a sense of encouragement and community. “The success of our higher education system requires a collaborative effort,” Gov. Mary Fallin said. “We are proud to have you here in Oklahoma City.” David Holt, Oklahoma City mayor and OCU alumnus, said he was there to represent the 650,000 people of Oklahoma City and spoke about the bond between the university and the city. Students were impressed by the turnout. “I was excited to see a lot of donors, and then to see the leaders, Mary Fallin and David Holt,” said Trae Trousdale, mass communications sophomore. Other faculty and staff addressed Burger at the event. Jordan Tarter, Student Government Association president, spoke about the family aspect of OCU. “On behalf of all students, I welcome you with providing leadership that paves the way for university students,” Tarter said. Ron Norick, chairman of the board of trustees and former

Elina Moon Student Publications President Martha Burger gives her inaugural address Thursday in Kirkpatrick Auditorium in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. Burger is the 18th university president and first female president in OCU history. Burger spoke about why she took on the presidency instead of retiring.

Oklahoma City mayor, presented the Presidential Medallion and Mace to Burger and declared her the 18th university president. Burger then gave the inaugural address, speaking about her goal to keep OCU relevant. She said she wants to bring more online classes to the university, build more partnerships with businesses, and initiate stronger fundraising to provide better wages for faculty and staff. Burger spoke about why she loves OCU and its students, and about organizations and programs that inspire her. She mentioned OCU athletics’ 67th national championship, an OCU alumnus who started the pizza restaurant Empire Slice House, and Devaunjue Williams, religion junior, who became guardian last year to his 10-year-old nephews. “I am honored to serve this incredible institution,” she said. Burger said she loved the musical aspect of the inauguration. “I’m all about OCU music. For me, the music was so wonderful and everybody’s support, and it was just everything I could hope for a great start,” she said. Trousdale said he was excited to hear Burger talk about diversity and include it in the ceremony. “With her efforts from the administration side, and then our efforts from the student side, I think that we can really get a more colorful and diverse student body,” he said. Fallin said she hopes Burger will continue to raise money for the university and inspire students. “To have a woman that’s been a great leader in the business com-

munity and the civic community, and certainly just one that is very knowledgable, there’s so many things in the area of business and public relations that will be a tremendous asset to Oklahoma City University,” Fallin said. Brianna Miles, nursing freshman, and Erin McBriarty, cellular molecular biology freshman, are part of OKCULeads, the president’s leadership class, and attended the ceremony. “It was the most beautiful thing,” Miles said. “We are really excited for her to be here and that we get to represent her.” They said they appreciated the female representation and diversity of the ceremony. “The school pride was at an all-time high,” McBriarty said. After the ceremony ended, an inauguration party took place on the quad. The event included barbecue, a root beer float bar, a raffle drawing, and a performance from student band LFNC. Katie Adams, music education junior, attended the event. “I think it’s cool she got a student band and is treating them like professionals,” she said. Andie Sheppard-McDermott, psychology freshman, said she likes Burger’s community outreach. “She does an incredible job of making OCU feel like a community and bringing the students and faculty together,” she said. Contributing: Web Editor Jessica Vanek

Non-student found roaming in Walker Hall basement Emily Wollenberg


A student and a housekeeper recently found a man roaming the basement of Walker Hall dormitory. Jake Harrell, religion freshman, was doing his laundry Oct. 19 in the basement of the dorm when he saw a man walk out of a storage room, walk to the bathroom and then walk back to the storage room. “At first I thought maybe he was a facilities worker because he was wearing boots,” Harrell said. “I was unconcerned.” Leonor Murillo, housekeeper in Walker Hall, said the man didn’t look like a student and was wearing jeans, a burgundy hoodie, no shoes, and carried a black backpack. She described him as about 5-foot-7-inch and caucasian with reddish-brown hair and a beard. “He looked suspicious, like he was just turning back and forth, like he was panicked,” Murillo said. Harrell said the man’s multiple backpacks and ragged clothes led him to think he was homeless. Murillo asked Harrell if he knew if the man was a student. Harrell could not identify the man, so Murillo called facilities. Mark Clouse, director of facilities, came to the dorm to handle the situation. Clouse was unavailable for comment last week. “A maintenance guy comes into Walker less than 10 minutes later, and what should have happened is he should have come with a police officer, but he didn’t. He was by himself,” Harrell said. Clouse unlocked the door to the storage room, asked the man for his ID and reached for his phone to call campus police, Harrell said. “That’s when the man said, ‘I’ll show you my ID,’ and he bucked up to him, and then he bolted toward the stairs, through the door and out the building,” Harrell said. “It was like, the scariest thing I have ever been through. I thought the maintenance guy was going to tackle him, but he didn’t. The man got out, and he got away. The thoughts that ran through my head were, ‘What if he had a bomb? What if he had a gun? How long has he been here? What if he had bad intentions?’ It was very scary. My mom was very upset.”


The thoughts that ran through my head were, 'What if he had a bomb? What if he had a gun? How long has he been here? What if he had bad intentions?'

Jake Harrell religion freshman

Officials should take action to prevent incidents like this from happening again, Harrell said. “I wish the doors in Walker Hall were more like the doors in Banning or the doors in the gym where you swipe, it unlocks them, and you can open them on your own and close it behind you,” he said. “Because that’s how I assume he got in.” Harrell said he always makes sure to wear his ID in case of misidentification. “You can’t know for certain if someone is a student unless they have their ID. That’s why I wear mine on my neck just in case the police are involved ever,” he said. “I want someone to know I’m a student. I think that’s how employees should be treated, too.” Lane Chapman, elementary education freshman, swiped his student ID at Walker Hall and entered the building with a friend when he saw a man enter behind him. “He immediately knew where he was going, which was why I didn’t think anything of it,” Chapman said. “He walked into Walker, walked past the elevators to the back staircase, and then my friend and I just kind of went about our day.” It wasn’t until later, Chapman said, that he talked to Harrell and realized the man he described matched the man Chapman had seen. “He just waltzed in,” Chapman said. “That makes me think that wasn’t the first time, and it also makes me think, ‘Why does this door stay open so long that anyone can just walk in?’” Casey Kreger, director of housing, said the reason the doors in Walker Hall stay open for a certain period of time is to comply with regulations from the American Disabilities Act. “Due to ADA and people mobility, etcetera, the doors need to

stay open for a certain time,” he said. “The point of having automatic doors would be for the ADA compliance by federal law.” Kreger said housing officials would consider adjusting how long the door stays open to keep unidentified people from entering the building. “As long as the window was long enough to let somebody in with a wheelchair without having it collapse on them, the window of the door actuator could be adjusted to a certain period. It could definitely be an option,” he said. Neither Chapman nor Harrell have heard anything from housing or facilities about the intrusion. “At the time, when I heard Jake talk about it, I was like, ‘that’s pretty weird,’ and we kind of laughed about it, but at the same time, this is pretty sketchy. The fact that this happened, and no one knew about it, and if Jake wasn’t down there at the time, how long would he have been there?” Chapman said. Kreger said he thinks the man was only there that day. “The maintenance workers were actually in the room the day before due to a bunch of renovation and planning stuff,” he said. Police Chief Jennifer Rodgers said campus police should be called first in these situations. “We prefer that students and staff call us instead of taking things into their own hands,” Rodgers said. “We could’ve tried to identify the man.” OCUPD can give intruders on campus a “notice to vacate,” which is an agreement that both the trespasser and campus police sign. It states that the person is not allowed to come back on campus or they’ll be arrested, Rodgers said. “We usually do this, or they’ll keep coming back,” she said. Harrell said his mother suggested the police officers who regularly patrol Walker Hall should check closets in the dorms. “I don’t think this will happen again, but there are things that could have happened to prevent it,” he said. “Nothing bad came out of it. Nobody was hurt, but it is a safety concern.”

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