Thecampus aug 31issue

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August 31, 2016 – Volume 110 Issue 28

Food service app allows students to plan meals ahead of time Emily Wiley SENIOR STAFF WRITER

C o l l e g e s t u d e n t s a re all about planning, and a new app from Sodexo, the campus food service provider, allows them to plan their meals without having to step inside the caf at all. The app, Bite by Sodexo, allows students to vie w nutritional information, menus, promotions, wellness tracking, and loyalty rewards all in one place. “Before, we would post the menu on the dining services website and students would have to log on there and click a whole bunch of buttons to get to it,” said Nirali Mickow, director of food service operations. “But now they can download the app and click or tap one button to find the menu.” If students find an item they would like to know more about, they can tap on the item to view the ingredients and nutritional

information about it, Mickow she said. “If there is something said. in the caf that I really like, then T h e a p p l a u n c h e d i n I know and can make plans to Spring 2016 and was adopted go, but if there is something I this semester by other uni- don’t like, then I know I need versities with Sodexo as their to find something else and food service don’t waste provider. my time These going. It locations could really include Unisave some versity of people a Tulsa, Oral trip to the Roberts caf.” University Students in Tulsa, and can view the Arkansas caf menu for State Unithe week, versity in but wont be Bite by Sodexo is available on iTunes and Jonesboro. able to view Google Play. To view the caf menu and Bi t e b y nutritional facts, download it and use Alvin’s Cafe's S o d e x o the code 386R2. menu. allows users “The caf to mark items as favorites and menu changes everyday and is link to other wellness apps on a five week rotation so that such as a FitBit to track nutri- there is always something new tion, in addition to viewing and different,” Mickow said. menus and information. “Since Alvin’s menu does not Sarah Cason, psychology change, students will not be senior, said the app makes the able to view it on the app but caf more convenient for her. can still see it on the dining “I think it’s a great idea,” website.”

Bite by Sodexo is available on iTunes and Google Play. Once downloaded, students must enter the OCU menu number to be able to view it. The number is 386R2. Downloading instructions also can be found at Mickow said also the app benefits every student on campus, especially those with special dietary needs. “I encourage every student to download and use the app,” she said. “Especially those with allergies and dietary restrictions because they know what to avoid when they see the ingredients. It is a great tool to use.” The Bite by Sodexo app currently has a two-star rating on iTunes and Google Play, and reviews are mixed. Tell us your opinion on Bite by Sodexo by voting in our Twitter poll on @MediaOCU.

Bite by Sodexo lets students know what's on the menu at all Sodexo restaurants. It also provides full nutritional information about what is on the menu and allows students to rate meals and save them as favorites. Students also can link wellness apps like FitBit to help keep track of nutrition. The app shows the menu in the caf for a week. It does not allow students to see the menu for Alvin's Cafe, since it doesn't change much. To use the app, download it from iTunes or Google Play and type in 386R2.

Free dinner, voter registration picnic set for next week Taylor Rey STAFF WRITER

Oklahoma students who have not yet registered to vote in the upcoming election will have the opportunity to do so at the annual Voter Registration Drive picnic. The picnic will help students register to be able to vote during the upcoming presidential election in November. “This is something we do every year, but I feel like it’s especially important this year since it is an election year,” said Levi Harrel, assistant director of student development. The picnic will be from 5-7 p.m. Sept. 6 on the quad. The caf will be closed and a free dinner will be served on the lawn during the picnic. Voter registration forms will be available to fill out for Oklahoma residents and information on how to register for out of state residents will also be available. Students from out of state need to complete an absentee ballot to cast their votes. Register to vote by Oct. 14 to meet the deadline to vote in the

This is something we do every year, but I feel like it's especially important this year since it is an election year. Levi Harrel assistant director student development

presidential election. Only 17 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds cast a ballot in the 2014 election and nearly two million didn't know how or where to register, according to The top candidates for this election are Donald Trump for the Republican Party, Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party, Gary Johnson for the Libertarian Party, and Jill Stein for the

Green Party. Students can fill out forms at the event for mailing or take them home and bring them back to Harrel no later than Oct. 7. Nathan Moelling, history senior, said this is a convenient way to get registered. “I am actually not yet registered to vote and I will probably take the opportunity to do it here because it’s so convenient,” he said. Emails and fliers with more information about the drive will be sent out to students before the event. “This is something that is not only topically engaging, but also socially engaging,” Harrel said. “It is still summer and it’s beautiful outside. The sense of community developed during the picnic is really awesome.”

Police asking for help after student's cell phone stolen Miguel Rios EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Ali Wonderly Student Publications

Practice makes perfect Karlye Whitt and Kay Frazier, vocal performance seniors, discuss their music before callbacks for La Rondine on Aug. 28 in Wanda L. Bass Music Center. The opera will run Nov. 18 – 20 in Kirkpatrick Auditorium in Kirkpatrick Fine Arts Center. The opera, by Giacomo Puccini, typically is set in three acts.


Police are asking students for help and encouraging vigilance after a student was approached on campus and robbed of his cell phone. A student was approached at about 9:30 p.m. Aug. 26 near Smith Hall, according to an email from campus police. A man asked the student if he could use his cell phone to make a call. " He a s k e d t o u s e m y phone, said it didn't work and gave it back to gain my trust so that he would ask a second time and then run," the student said. The man ran away and got into a black sedan, which was parked on Kentucky Avenue. The student tried to chase him to get his phone back, but was unable to reach the car in time. “The obvious lesson here is to use the buddy system at

all times, especially at night,” the student said. “The second and arguably more important lesson is to stay put and do not chase after criminals if you are not a police officer.” The suspect is described as a black male with thin facial hair from ear to ear and short hair in the style of an Afro. He is about 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighs about 160 pounds with a thin build. The car was driven by another black man for whom the police do not have a description. The robber y is similar to one reported in February where another student's phone was stolen by a suspect with a similar description near the Cokesbury Court Apartments' mailboxes. The suspect in that case was described as a black male, between 20-30 years old, weighing about 180 pounds, and about 5 foot 6 inches tall, according to Student Publications' archives.

Police Chief Bradd Brown said police are reviewing the February case to see if the two robberies are related. Brown also warned the campus community not give their cell phone to anybody. “Also if you see anyone matching this particular description, especially if this type of situation occurs, we want them to immediately call our emergency line,” he said. If you have information about the robber y, call the non-emergency line for campus police at 405-208-5001. In the case of an emergency, call 405-208-5911. Contributing: Lifestyles Editor Sage Tokach

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