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™ÂÏ›‰· 1

worldwide provider

2008 – 2009

27-03-08 17:15

Izdelec Katalog | Product Catalogue

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:09

™ÂÏ›‰· 2

Od svoje ustanovitve 1982 do danes si je Demka zaradi svojega inovativnega pristopa k izdelavi in oblikovanju ^ podvodnih pusk na gumo, ustvarila velik mednarodni ugled.

Pridobitev Quality Assurance Sistema po EN ISO 9001: 2000 in ustanovitev lastnega raziskovalno & kontrolnega laboratorija opremljenega z vrhunskimi instru^ menti s katerimi upravljajo znanstveniki specialisti, je se en dokaz superiornosti Demke, katere cilj je vedno zagotavljanje kvalitetnih informacij vsem ljubiteljem podvodnega ribolova. .

Demka Spearguns, from its establishment in 1982 until today, constitutes a point of reference in the manufacture of arballetes at an international level, due to its innovative product design. The establishment of a Quality Management System according to EN ISO 9001: 2000 and the setting up of a Research & Control Laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and operated by specialist scientific personnel, is another proof of superiority of Demka Spearguns, which aims at providing those who enjoy underwater fishing with valid information that will ensure their satisfaction.

16-03-08 17:09

™ÂÏ›‰· 3

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2008 – 2009

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

DEMKA S p e a r g u n s worldwide provider


Dragi prijatelji, ^ atalog v vasih rokah je rezultat prizadevanj Demka ^ Spearguns da bi ustvarili tehnicne specifikacije za opremo namenjeno podvodnemu

ribolovu. Vsak izdelek v tem katalogu spremljajo informacije ^o izdelavi in karakteristikah, kar vam ^ omogoca lazjo izbiro opreme in prilagoditev ^ vasim osebnim potrebam. ^ Na koncu tega kataloga boste^ nasli dodatek, ki ^ vam^ bo obrazlozil vse tehnicne specifikacije in nacin na katerega so bile pridobljene ^ v Raziskovalno - Razvojnem Laboratoriju nasega podjetja.

Dear friends, T he catalogue in your hands is the result of an effort initiated by Demka Spearguns to establish technical specifications for the equipment of underwater fishing Each product in this catalogue is accompanied by information on its manufacture and performance, en·bling you to select the one that meets your particular needs. For your convenience, an appendix has been included at the end of the catalogue, explaining the significance of each technical specification and the way it is tested in the Research and Development Laboratory of our company.

Nickos Catapotis CEO Nickos Catapotis Chief Executive Officer


™ÂÏ›‰· 4





27-03-08 17:17



DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-


rguns worldw

With the reservation of all rights of the producing company ●

The form of the present catalogue expresses the responsibility and the commitment of Demka Speargund towards the users of spearguns and constitutes at the same time compliance with the requirements of EN ISO 9001.

Any copying, adaptation, reproduction and publication of the whole or part of the present catalogue by any interested party is permitted, without payment of any rights of exploitation and without any special license by Demka Spearguns, on the condition that in any such copying, adaptation, reproduction or publication, Demka Spearguns should be mentioned as the exclusive beneficiary of any intellectual or property rights, related to it and that no fees should be charged directly or indirectly to any third party against intellectual rights for such copying, adaptation, reproduction or publication, in whole or in part, of the present.

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6 – 22




10 – 13


14 – 17


18 – 21


22 – 24


25 – 27

^ ^

ZATIKI Wishbones




GUME Rubber-Slings

29 – 31

OBRAZLOZITEV TEHNICNIH SPECIFIKACIJ Explanation of technical specifications

32 – 42


PUSKE Spearguns

2008 – 2009

STRAN Page Number

| Veebina | Contents |

VSEBINA Contents

^ ^


27-03-08 17:18


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:11

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DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

pr id

e rguns worldw


● ● ● ●




Puska brez puscice ima pozitivno plovnost


Plasticni rocaj s sprozilnim mehanizmom. Sprozilec z nastavljivim hodom Elasticna prevleka rocaja Elasticni naslon za napenjanje Mehanizem za avtomaticno sprostitev vrvice Revolucionarna glava, ki se spremeni iz zaprte v odprto NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm gume NGW VECTOR pregibni zatik Aluminijasta cev ∅28 x 1 mm Tahiti puscica VECTOR ∅6.25mm z enim krilcem in zarezami, nerjavece jeklo AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 ^




^ ^ ^ ^








16-03-08 17:11

™ÂÏ›‰· 7

New generation of advanced spearguns


Najboljsa izbira za podvodni ribolov. Rezultat 25 let raziskovanj in vrhunske organizacije in tehnologije.

Sizes NG VECTORì 170 NG VECTORì 185 NG VECTORì 105

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Plastic handle with cassette Adjustable trigger Elastic handle-grip Elastic handle-butt Automatic cord-release mechanism Revolutionary muzzle which switches from closed to open-type NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm rubber-slings NGW VECTOR articulated wishbone Aluminium barrel ∅28 x 1 mm with open rail Single-barb VECTOR Plus -Tahitian spear ∅6.25mm with slots, made of stainless steel AISI 301 -1800N/mm2

The speargun, without the spear, has positive buoyancy


Best suggestion for spear-fishing. The product of 25 years of research and state-of-the-art organizational & technological infrastructure

NG VECTORì Speargun

| Puske | Spears |

Nova generacija vrhunskih pusk na gumo

2008 – 2009

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DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:12

™ÂÏ›‰· 8

NG VECTORì 105 - CODE 900-01-16105

NG VECTORì 85 - CODE 900-01-16085

NG VECTORì 70 - CODE 900-01-16070

NG VECTORì/ Standard Equipment Gume Rubber-Slings


Cev Barrel

Puscica* Spear

Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma Endurance limit of trigger ^


Dolzina Size


Aluminium ∅28mm x 70cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 20cm

VECTOR+ ∅6.25mm x 100cm

1200 N


Aluminium ∅28mm x 85cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 25cm

VECTOR+ ∅6.25mm x 115cm

1200 N


Aluminium ∅28mm x 105cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 31cm

VECTOR+ ∅6.25mm x 135cm

1200 N



* Kompatibilna visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice | Compatible heigh of interlaced end of spear. | 5.0 ± 0.1mm.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:12

™ÂÏ›‰· 9


Spear energy (J)

Spear displacement (m)

EÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (J)

Domet - Range

Elapsed time since trigger pulling (ms)

Spear displacement (m)






Trigger load (N)

¢‡Ó·ÌË ÛηӉ¿Ï˘ (N)

Obcutljivost sprozilca - Trigger sensitivity

4m Total force of rubber-slings (N)


Razprsitev 5 strelov - Dispersion of 5 shots


MÂÙ·ÙfiÈÛË ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (m)

Hitrost puscice - Spear velocity

| Puske | Spears |

NG VECTORì Performance

2008 – 2009

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16-03-08 17:13

™ÂÏ›‰· 10


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

pr id

e rguns worldw

ALS Ultimaì

● ●





Puska brez puscice ima pozitivno plovnost



Plasticni rocaj s sprozilnim mehanizmom. Sprozilec z nastavljivim hodom Elasticna prevleka rocaja Elasticni naslon za napenjanje Mehanizem za avtomaticno sprostitev vrvice Inovativna odprta glava za dve cirkularni NGL ALS VECTOR ∅17.5mm gumi opremljeni s posebnim sistemom, ki preprecuje zdrs v stran med napenjanjem. NGW VECTOR pregibni zatik Hidrodinamicna karbonska cev Tahiti puscica ALS DIRECT-Tahitian ∅7.00mm z dvema krilcema in repki, nerjavece jeklo AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm gume ^



ALS Ultimaì c 110

^ ^ ^ ^








16-03-08 17:14

™ÂÏ›‰· 11

Life in the sea world is fascinating


Puska na gumo z vrhunskimi karakteristikami Top performance speargun


ALS Ultimaì Spearguns ●

Sizes ALS Ultimaì c 110

| Puske | Spears |


Zvljenje v morskem svetu je cudovito

2008 – 2009

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DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Plastic handle with cassette Adjustable trigger Elastic handle-grip Elastic handle-butt Automatic cord-release mechanism Innovative open-type muzzle for two circulated ALS VECTOR ∅17.5mm rubber-slings, equipped with a special holding system that prevents them from sliding during stretching. NGW VECTOR articulated wishbone Hydrodynamic-design carbon barrel with open rail Two-barb ALS DIRECT-Tahitian ∅7.00mm made of stainless steel AISI 301 -1800N/mm2, with shark-fins Vertical-type Demka reel, capacity of 50m of ∅2mm line, with lever for automatic line-release and winding lever that folds in when not used. The speargun, without the spear, has positive buoyancy.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:15

™ÂÏ›‰· 12

ALS Ultimaì c 110 - CODE 900-01-15110

ALS Ultimaì / Standard Equipment ^

Gume Rubber-Slings

ALS Ultimaì c110

Carbon, hydrodynamic-design x110cm

2x ALS VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 66cm


Cev Barrel

Puscica* Spear ALS DIRECT Tahitian ∅7.00mm x 150cm

Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma Endurance limit of trigger ^

Dolzina Size

1200 N



* Kompatibilna visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice | Compatible heigh of interlaced end of spear. | 5.0 ± 0.1mm.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:15

™ÂÏ›‰· 13


Spear energy (J)

EÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (J)

Spear displacement (m)

Domet - Range

Elapsed time since trigger pulling (ms)

Spear displacement (m)




Trigger load (N)

¢‡Ó·ÌË ÛηӉ¿Ï˘ (N)

Obcutljivost sprozilca - Trigger sensitivity

4m Total force of rubber-slings (N)


Razprsitev 5 strelov - Dispersion of 5 shots


MÂÙ·ÙfiÈÛË ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (m)

Hitrost puscice - Spear velocity

| Puske | Spears |

ALS Ultimaì Performance

2008 – 2009

13 / 44

16-03-08 17:16

™ÂÏ›‰· 14


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

pr id

e rguns worldw


● ● ● ● ●




Plasticni rocaj s sprozilnim mehanizmom. Sprozilec z nastavljivim hodom Elasticna prevleka rocaja Elasticni naslon za napenjanje Mehanizem za avtomaticno sprostitev vrvice Revolucionarna glava, ki se spremeni iz zaprte v odprto NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm gume NGW VECTOR pregibni zatik Aluminijasta cev ∅28 x 1 mm Tahiti puscica Standard ∅6.25mm z enim krilcem in zarezami, nerjavece jeklo AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 ^



Puska brez puscice ima pozitivno plovnost ^




Demkina gibljiva glava drzi puscico ves cas tesno v vodilu, ne glede na polozaj puske (postrani ali navzdol). Gibljivi del se med strelom dvigne in tako sprosti puscico, istocasno pa ustvari toliko prostora, da prakticno ni mogoce zapletanje vrvice. Glavo je mogoce prilagoditi uporabi puscic ∅6 do ∅7mm. Luknja za vrvico je ojacana z medeninastim vlozkom, kar preprecuje obrabo vrvice pri intenzivni obremenitvi. ^











Velosì 160 Velosì 175 Velosì 190 Velosì 100

^ ^ ^ ^








16-03-08 17:16

™ÂÏ›‰· 15

15 / 44

ì ^

Nic ni tako, kot zgleda na povrsini Nothing is as it seems from the surface

Pomemben korak v evoluciji pusk na gumo ^

Point of reference in the evolution of spearguns

VELOSì Speargun Velosì 160 Velosì 175 Velosì 190 Velosì 100

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Plastic handle with cassette Adjustable trigger Elastic handle-grip Elastic handle-butt Automatic cord-release mechanism Articulated closed-type muzzle with socket for an additional circulated rubber-sling NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm rubber-slings NGW VECTOR articulated wishbone Aluminum barrel ∅28 x 1 mm Single-barb Standard Tahitian spear ∅6.25mm with slots made of stainless steel AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 The speargun, without the spear, has positive buoyancy.

Demka’s articulated muzzle holds the spear firmly in place regardless of the position of the speargun (sideways or upside-down). The moving part is lifted during the launch, releasing the spear and creating enough space for the line of the spear to pass with virtually no danger of entanglement. It has an adjustable socket for spears from ∅6 to ∅7mm. The hole for the reel line is reinforced with a bronze tube to avoid wear during intense movements.



| Puske | Spears |

2008 – 2009


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 17:17

™ÂÏ›‰· 16

Velosì 100 - CODE 900-01-12100

Velosì 90 - CODE 900-01-12090

Velosì 75 - CODE 900-01-12075

Velosì 60 - CODE 900-01-12060

VELOSì / Standard Equipment Gume Rubber-Slings


Cev Barrel

Puscica* Spear

Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma Endurance limit of trigger ^


Dolzina Size



Aluminium ∅28mm x 60cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 17cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 90cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 75cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 21cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 115cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 90cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 26cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 130cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 100cm NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm x 29cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 140cm / SB

1200 N



* Kompatibilna visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice | Compatible heigh of interlaced end of spear. | 5.0 ± 0.1mm.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 20:30

™ÂÏ›‰· 17


Spear energy (J)

EÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (J)

Spear displacement (m)

Domet - Range

Elapsed time since trigger pulling (ms)

Spear displacement (m)







Trigger load (N)

¢‡Ó·ÌË ÛηӉ¿Ï˘ (N)

Obcutljivost sprozilca - Trigger sensitivity

3m Total force of rubber-slings (N)


Razprsitev 5 strelov - Dispersion of 5 shots


MÂÙ·ÙfiÈÛË ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (m)

Hitrost puscice - Spear velocity

| Puske | Spears |

VELOSì Performance

2008 – 2009

17 / 44

16-03-08 20:31

™ÂÏ›‰· 18


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

pr id

e rguns worldw


● ● ● ●




Puska brez puscice ima pozitivno plovnost


Plasticni rocaj s sprozilnim mehanizmom. Sprozilec z nastavljivim hodom Elasticna prevleka rocaja Elasticni naslon za napenjanje Mehanizem za avtomaticno sprostitev vrvice Zaprta glava z moznostjo namestitve dodatne cirkularne gume NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm gume NGW VECTOR pregibni zatik Aluminijasta cev ∅28 x 1 mm Tahiti puscica Standard ∅6.25mm z enim krilcem in zarezami, nerjavece jeklo AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 ^


IIì 145N IIì 160N IIì 175N IIì 190N IIì 100N




^ ^ ^ ^








16-03-08 20:31

™ÂÏ›‰· 19

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Zanesljiv spremljevalec vsakega podvodnega lovca A reliable companion, a strong presence

Zanesljiv spremljevalec vsakega podvodnega lovca The reliable companion of every spear hunter.

2008 – 2009



| Puske | Spears |

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

AMi IIì Spearguns ●

Sizes AMi AMi AMi AMi AMi

IIì 145N IIì 160N IIì 175N IIì 190N IIì 100N

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Plastic handle with cassette Adjustable trigger Elastic handle-grip Elastic handle-butt Automatic cord-release mechanism Closed-type muzzle with socket for an additional circulated rubber-sling NGL VECTOR ∅17.5mm rubber-slings NGW VECTOR articulated wishbone Aluminium barrel ∅28 x 1mm Single-barb Standard Tahitian spear ∅6.25mm with slots, made of stainless steel AISI 301 -1800N/mm2 The speargun, without the spear, has positive buoyancy.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 20:32

™ÂÏ›‰· 20

AMI IIì 100 - CODE 900-01-13100

AMI IIì 90 - CODE 900-01-13090

AMI IIì 75 - CODE 900-01-13075

AMI IIì 60 - CODE 900-01-13060

AMI IIì 45 - CODE 900-01-13045

AMi IIì / Standard Equipment Gume Rubber-Slings


Cev Barrel

Puscica* Spear

Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma Endurance limit of trigger ^


Dolzina Size



Aluminium ∅28mm x 45cm NLG VECTOR ∅17.5mm x12cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 70cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 60cm NLG VECTOR ∅17.5mm x16cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 90cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 75cm NLG VECTOR ∅17.5mm x21cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x115cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 90cm NLG VECTOR ∅17.5mm x26cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mm x130cm / SB

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x100cm NLG VECTOR ∅17.5mm x29cm

Tahitian ∅6.25mmx 140cm / SB

1200 N



* Kompatibilna visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice | Compatible heigh of interlaced end of spear. | 5.0 ± 0.1mm.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 20:32

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Spear energy (J)

EÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (j)

Spear displacement (m)

Elapsed time since trigger pulling (ms)

Spear displacement (m)





Trigger load (N)

¢‡Ó·ÌË ÛηӉ¿Ï˘ (N)


3m Total force of rubber-slings (N)


Obcutljivost sprozilca - Trigger sensitivity

Razprsitev 5 strelov - Dispersion of 5 shots



MÂÙ·ÙfiÈÛË ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (m)

Domet - Range

| Puske | Spears |


Hitrost puscice - Spear velocity

2008 – 2009

AMi IIì Performance

16-03-08 20:33

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DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

pr id

e rguns worldw


● ● ● ●

Rocaj iz plastike ojacane s steklenimi vlakni Zaprta glava z moznostjo namestitve dodatne cirkularne gume. Standard ∅16.0mm gume Pregibni zatik Aluminijasta cev ∅28 x 1 mm Puscica z navojem ∅7.00mm z zarezami, nerjavece jeklo AISI 630, ^



AMiì 45N AMiì 60N AMiì 75N AMiì 90N






^ ^




Puska brez puscice ima pozitivno plovnost

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2008 – 2009

Tukaj se vse zacenja This is where it all begins



Ze 20 let idealna podvodna puska na gumo za zacetnike ^

AMÈì Speargun ●

Sizes AMiì 45N AMiì 60N AMiì 75N AMiì 90N

● ● ● ● ●

One-piece handle made of plastic reinforced with glass-fibers Closed-type muzzle with socket for an additional circulated rubber-sling Standard ∅16.0mm rubber-slings Articulated wishbone Aluminium barrel ∅28 x 1 mm Threaded spear ∅7.00mm with slots, made of stainless steel AISI 630 The speargun, without the spear, has positive buoyancy.


For 20 years the ideal speargun for those who start underwater fishing

| Puske | Spears |

16-03-08 20:34


DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 20:34

™ÂÏ›‰· 24

AMIì 90 - CODE 900-01-11090

AMIì 75 - CODE 900-01-11075

AMIì 60 - CODE 900-01-11060

AMIì 45 - CODE 900-01-11045

AMiì/ Standard Equipment ^^

Cev Barrel

Gume Rubber-Slings

Puscica* Spear

Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma Endurance limit of trigger ^


Dolzina Size



Aluminium ∅28mm x 45cm

STANDARD ∅16.0mm x12cm

∅7.00mm x 65cm / S

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 60cm

STANDARD ∅16.0mm x16cm

∅7.00mm x 80cm / S

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 75cm

STANDARD ∅16.0mm x20cm

∅7.00mm x 95cm / S

1200 N



Aluminium ∅28mm x 90cm

STANDARD ∅16.0mm x26cm

∅7.00mm x110cm / S

1200 N



* Kompatibilna visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice | Compatible heigh of interlaced end of spear. | 5.0 ± 0.1mm.

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

16-03-08 20:35

™ÂÏ›‰· 25

25 / 44

Demka Spearguns was first to manufacture, in 1987, Tahitian spears using stainless steel by SANDVIK with a tensile strength of more than1800¡/mm2.

Demka je v letu 1987 prva pricela izdelovati tahiti puscice iz nerjavecega jekla SANDVIK s trdnostjo vec kot 1800¡/mm2.

All spears by Demka Spearguns have been processed in the area of the cord-hole using the sandblastinc tecchnique, resulting in a dramatic decrease of cord wear.

Vse Demka Tahiti puscice imajo luknje za vrvico obdelane s peskanjem, kar izredno zmanjsuje obrabo in poskodbe vrvice

DIRECTì Tahitian TB

ALS DIRECTì Tahitian










new spears

new spears

Z navojem Threadead Spear





ALSì Tahitian

Z navojem / MT Threadead Spear / MT


| Puscice | Spears |

Puscice 2008 – 2009



Z navojem / S Threadead Spear / S

DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

27-03-08 17:24

™ÂÏ›‰· 26


| PUSCICE | Spears | Technical Specifications | ^^

Puscice Spears

Standard Tahitian SB ∅6.25mm

Material | Material INOX AISI 301 ^

Dolzine | Lengths

DIRECT Tahitian TB ∅7.00mm

ALS DIRECT ALS DIRECT Tahitian Tahitian ∅6.50mm ∅7.00mm

Vector Plus Tahitian ∅6.25mm

Vector Plus Z navojem S Z navojem MT Tahitian Threaded S Threaded MT ∅6.50mm ∅7.00mm ∅7.00mm









115 140 170

90 135 160

90 120 150



115 140

130 150



130 150

135 160



DIRECT Tahitian TB ∅6.50mm

70 115 140 105 130

Vrh | Nose

Standard Tahitian SB ∅6.50mm


135 160



INOX AISI 301 130


115 140



130 150





90 130 150


100 135 160





100 135

115 140





115 140

130 150





C onical

C onical





C onical

C onical

Krilca | Barbs

1 x 60mm

1 x 75mm

2 x 67mm

2 x 67mm

2 x 67mm

2 x 67mm

1 x 57/67mm

1 x 57/67mm


2 zarezi

2 zarezi

2 zarezi

2 zarezi

3 repki

3 repki

2 zarezi

2 zarezi

2 zarezi

2 zarezi

Slots / Shark-Fins

2 slots

2 slots

2 slots

2 slots

3 shark-fins

3 shark-fins

2 slots

2 slots

2 slots

2 slots

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

≤∅ 2mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

2.3 + 0.1mm

Height of interlaced end

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

5.0 ± 0.1 mm

Trdota | Hardness

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

51 ± 1.5 HRC

Telo puscice | Main body

26 ± 1 Nm

30 ± 1 Nm

30 ± 1 Nm

42 ± 1 Nm

30 ± 1 Nm

42 ± 1 Nm

26 ± 1 Nm

30 ± 1 Nm

45 ± 1 Nm

45 ± 1 Nm

Zareza/Repek |Slot/shark-fin

18 ± 1 Nm

22 ± 1 Nm

22 ± 1 Nm

30 ± 1 Nm

28 ± 1 Nm

35 ± 1 Nm

18 ± 1 Nm

22 ± 1 Nm

25 ± 1 Nm

25 ± 1 Nm


Zica zatika Wishbone wire Premer luknje za vrvico Cord-hole diameter ^

Visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela


Max elasticni upogibni moment Max elastic bending moment ^^

Max. Obremenitev Krilca Barb Strength 12.3 ± 0.1 Nm

16.3 ± 0.1 Nm

16.3 ± 0.1 Nm

16.3 ± 0.1 Nm

16.3 ± 0.1 Nm

11.6 ± 0.1 Nm

17.2 ± 0.1 Nm

17.2 ± 0.1 Nm

17.2 ± 0.1 Nm

17.2 ± 0.1 Nm

18.0 ± 0.1 Nm

18.0 ± 0.1 Nm

22 ± 3 J

20 ± 3 J

21 ± 3 J

20 ± 3 J

21 ± 3 J

18 ± 3 J

19 ± 3 J

Standardna energija preboja Standard punching energy

18 ± 3 J

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Puscice Tehnicne Specifikacije

∅ 6.25mm

*CODE 900-02-04xxx


∅ 6.50mm

*CODE 900-02-06xxx

DIRECTì Tahitian TB

∅ 6.50mm

*CODE 900-02-08xxx

DIRECTì Tahitian TB

∅ 7.00mm

*CODE 900-02-07xxx

ALS DIRECTì Tahitian

∅ 6.50mm

*CODE 900-02-09xxx

ALS DIRECTì Tahitian

∅ 7.00mm

VECTOR Plusì Tahitian

∅ 6.25mm

*CODE 900-02-05xxx

VECTOR Plusì Tahitian

∅ 6.50mm

∅ 7.00mm S

*CODE 900-02-11xxx

Z navojem Threaded Spear

*CODE 900-02-02xxx

*CODE 900-02-10xxx

Z navojem Threaded Spear

*¯¯¯: Dolzine = cm / Length of spear in cm

∅ 7.00mm MT

| Puscice | Spears |



*CODE 900-02-01xxx

2008 – 2009

Spears -Technical Specifications


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Zatiki Standard




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new gen

NGW VECTORì Nova Generacija Zatika New generation Wishbone

Wishbones Standard Wishbone

CODE 900-05-00001

Spring Wishbone

CODE 900-05-00002

Articulated Wishbone

CODE 900-05-00004 /CODE 900-05-00005



Demka kolesce, vertikalno kapaciteta 50m ∅2mm vrvice; rocica za avtomaticno sprostitev vrvice in zlozljiva rocica za navijanje vrvice.

Demka reel, vertical-type; capacity of 50m of ∅2mm line; lever for automatic line-release and winding lever that folds in when not used. Available for spearguns with ∅28mm or ∅30mm barrel. Kø¢π∫√™/CODE ∅28mm 900-04-00001 ∅30mm 900-04-00002





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Gume Rubber-slings Standarded Rubber-Slings by Demka Spearguns. The beginning of standardization of underwater fishing equipment.

2008 – 2009

Demka Spearguns je standardizirala gume, kar pomeni zacetek standardizacije opreme za podvodni ribolov.



Standard Latex gume.

Standard Rubber Slings The choice of thousands of spear hunters for more than a decade.

NGL VectorìLatex gume ^

Z istocasno uporabo z novim NGW Vectorì pregibnim zatikom, zaradi svoje hidrodinamicne oblike, ki zmanjsuje upor in turbulence med strelom, ponujajo neprekosljive karakteristike. ^

NGL Vectorì Latex Slings Another proof of the technological superiority of Demka Spearguns Combined with the NGW Vectorì wishbone, they offer unsurpassed performance due to their hydrodynamic design which reduces drag and turbulence during the shot. ALS VECTORì

| Gume | Rubber–slings |

To je ze vec kot desetletje izbira tisocev podvodnih lovcev



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| GUME | Rubber-slings | Technical Specifications |

20 22 24 26 28

30 32 34 36

38 40 42 44 46

12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 22 24

22 24 26 28 30 26 28 30 32 34

32 34 36

46 54 60 66

∅ 17.5mm

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36

∅ 19.0mm

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36

∅ 17.5mm

Conventional Rings with thread ª14x1 Konvencionalni obroci z navojem ª14X1 Conical Plastic with thread ª14x1


Konvencionalni obroci z navojem ª14X1 Conical Plastic with thread ª14x1 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54

56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72

74 76 78 80

Hidrodinamicni obroci Z navojem ª14X1 Hydrodynamic Rings with thread ª14x1

Hidrodinamicni obroci Z navojem ª14X1 Hydrodynamic Rings with thread ª14x1

36 38 44 48 54

60 66 74 80


∅ 19.0mm

Konvencionalni obroci z navojem ª14X1




















∅ 17.5mm

58 60 62 64 66


∅ 16.0mm

48 50 52 54 56

STANDARDNA ODDAJA ENER. Standard Energy Output (30cm)



10 12 14 16 18



Assembling System

NATEZNA SILA Stretching Force (200%)



Z navojem – Threaded Cirkularne – Circulated








DOLZINE Lengths (cm)



PREMER Diameter


TIP Type

Hidrodinamicni obroci Z navojem ª14X1 Hydrodynamic Rings with thread ª14x1

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Gume Tehnicne Specifikacije Circulated STANDARD ∅ 16.0mm

*CODE 900-03-010xx

STANDARD ∅ 17.5mm

*CODE 900-03-020xx

STANDARD ∅ 19.0mm

*CODE 900-03-030xx

NGL VECTOR ∅ 17.5mm

*CODE 900-03-050xx

NGL VECTOR ∅ 19.0mm

*CODE 900-03-060xx

ALS VECTOR ∅ 17.5mm

*CODE 900-03-110xx

*¯¯: Gume Dolzine = cm Length of rubber-sling in cm

| Gume | Rubber–slings |


2008 – 2009

Rubber-Slings Technical Specifications

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3. TIP IN DIMENZIJE PUSCICE 3. Spear type and dimensions ^


Navedeno je ce ima puska odprto glavo, zaprto glavo ali zamenljivo glavo (odprto ali zaprto).

Tip, premer (v mm) in dolzina (v cm) puscice so navedeni

It is stated whether the muzzle of the speargun is open-type, closed-type or variable-type (i.e. with option for open- or closed-type).

The type, diameter (in mm) and length (in cm) of the spear of the speargun are stated..



Puscice | Spear

Standard Tahitian ∅6.25mm x 130cm Odprta glava (zgoraj); zaprta glava (spodaj) Open-type muzzle (top); closed-type muzzle (bottom)

Primer Specification Example

2. TIP IN DIMENZIJE CEVI 2. Barrel type and dimensions

4. TIP GUM, STEVILO GUM IN DIMENZIJE 4. Rubber-band type, number and dimensions



Material (npr. aluminij, karbon ali les), prerez (npr. okrogel ali oblikovan) in dimenzije (premer v mm, dolzina v cm) cevi puske so tudi navedeni

Tip, premer (v mm) in dolzina (v cm) gum podvodne puske so navedeni.

The material (e.g. aluminum, carbon or wood), cross-section (e.g. circular or shaped) and dimensions (diameter in mm, length in cm) of the barrel of the speargun are stated.

The type, diameter (in mm) and length (in cm) of the rubber-sling(s) of the speargun are stated.



Cev | Barrel

Gume | Rubber-slings

Aluminium ∅28mm x 45cm

NGL Vector ∅17.5 x 29cm

Primer Specification Example

Primer Specification Example


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Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 99%).

Trigger sensitivity is defined as the level of difficulty with which the trigger of a speargun can be pulled. Pulling a sensitive trigger requires a small force thus contributing to the accuracy of the shot.






Trigger sensitivity is given in the form of a diagram showing the force necessary to pull the trigger in relation to the total force applied by the rubber-slings on the spear. In the example of the adjacent diagram it can be seen that when rubber-slings of a total force of 800N are used, trigger 1 needs 14N in order to be pulled while trigger 2 needs only 9N. Therefore, trigger 2 is more sensitive than trigger 1.

The range of values (.¯. ±10%) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 99%).





The compatibility of a spear with the trigger mechanism of the handle of a speargun depends on the height and tolerances of its interlaced end. Caution is needed because an incompatible spear can be launched suddenly without pressing the trigger thus putting human lives in danger.

The appropriate height and tolerances (in mm) of the interlaced end of a spear, in order for it to be compatible with the trigger mechanism of the speargun, are stated.


±10% ^^


¢‡Ó·ÌË ÛηӉ¿Ï˘ (N) Trigger load (N)

Visina zadnjega dela puscice Height of interlaced end of spear ^

6. PLOVNOST PUSKE 6. Speargun buoyancy ^^


Navedeno je, ce ima puska brez puscice negativno ali pozitivno plovnost.

It is stated whether the speargun, without the spear, has positive or negative buoyancy. ^


7. OBCUTLJIVOST SPROZILCA 7. Trigger sensitivity ^










¢‡Ó·ÌË §¿ÛÙȯˆÓ (N) Total force of rubber-slings (N) ^


Obcutljivost sprozilca je definirana s silo, s katero je potrebno stisniti sprozilec. Za obcutljivejsi sprozilec je potrebna manjsa sila, kar se odraza pri preciznosti strela. Obcutljivost sprozilca je podana v obliki diagrama, ki prikazuje silo potrebno za pritisk na sprozilec v odvisnosti od sile napetih gum na puscici.



Diagram obcutljivosti sprozilca Trigger sensitivity diagram

2008 – 2009


| X·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο | Specs |



Prava visina in tolerance (v mm) oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice za uporabo s sprozilnim mehanizmom sta navedena.



Kompatibilnost puscice s sprozilnim mehanizmom je odvisna od visine in tolerance oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice. Potrebna je velika previdnost, saj se lahko nekompatibilna puscica nenadoma sprozi brez pritiska na sprozilec, kar je lahko smrtno nevarno.







Iz primera v diagramu je razvidno, da pri uporabi gum z 800N sile, sprozilec 1 potrebuje 14N za sprozenje, medtem ko potrebuje sprozilec 2 samo 9N. To pomeni, da je sprozilec 2 obcutljivejsi od sprozilca 1.

5. KOMPATIBILNA VISINA OBLIKOVANEGA ZADNJEGA DELA PUSCICE 5. Compatible height of interlaced end of spear

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8. MAKSIMALNA OBREMENITEV SPROZILNEGA MEHANIZMA 8. Endurance limit of trigger mechanism

9. PRECIZNOST STRELA 9. Shot precision

V skladu z Demkinimi Standardi je preciznost strela podvodne puske opisana z razprsitvijo petih (5) strelov v tarco namesceno na doloceni razdalji od vrha puscice.

The precision of a speargun reflects its ability to send the spear at the same spot in repeated shots.

According to Demka Standards, the precision of a speargun is described by the dispersion of five (5) shots at a target positioned at a given distance from the tip of the spear













The endurance limit of the trigger mechanism is given in Newton (N) units.






The endurance limit of a trigger mechanism determines the maximum rubber-sling force that can be safely used on the speargun. If this limit is exceeded then there is danger of failure of the trigger mechanism or the handle with unpredictable consequences.






Z ozirom na pomembnost tega podatka za varnost uporabnika, je potrebno upostevati varnostni faktor. Zato je maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma definirana kot 50% od najnizje izmerjene vrednosti sile, ki je povzrocila poskodbo sprozilnega mehanizma med testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev.

Preciznost strela podvodne puske se odraza v zmoznosti puske da s ponovljenimi streli poslje puscico v isto tocko ^



Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma je podana v Newton ih. (N)



Maksimalna obremenitev sprozilnega mehanizma doloca maksimalno silo, ki jo lahko povzrocajo napete gume na sprozilni mehanizem, da je uporaba puske se varna. Ce je ta obremenitev presezena, obstaja nevarnost okvare sprozilnega mehanizma ali rocaja z nepredvidljivimi posledicami.



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2m ^


Razprsitev 5 strelov podvodne puske Dispersion of 5 shots of a speargun

10. HITROST STRELA 10. Shot-velocity ^^




















Test DS-01-02: dolocitev maksimalne obremenitve sprozilnega mehanizma Test DS-01-02: determination of endurance limit of trigger mechanism


Cas (od trenutka ko je pritisnjen sprozilec) potreben da puscica prepotuje razne razdalje, definira hitrost strela podvodne puske. Vecja je hitrost strela, vecja je moznost, da puscica doseze ribo, preden se le ta premakne Hitrost strela podvodne puske je razvidna iz diagrama pot – cas. Visja kot je krivulja, vecja je hitrost strela. Iz primera v diagramu je razvidno, da prepotuje puscica puske 1 3 metre v 120 millisekundah. V istem casu prepotuje puscica puske 2 manj kot 2.5 metra. To pomeni, da ima puska 1 vecjo hitrost strela na tej razdalji. ^

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Spear displacement (m)

The range of a speargun is depicted on the energy-displacement diagram, which shows the kinetic energy of the spear (in Joule) at each point on its course. The greater the kinetic energy of a spear is at a given distance, the greater the chances to penetrate a fish located there. In the example of the adjacent diagram, the energy of the spear of speargun 1 is 40 J at approximately 3 meters. The spear of speargun 2 has the same energy at less than 2 meters. Therefore, speargun 1 can penetrate the same fish at a greater distance than speargun 2. In other words, it has a greater range.

The range of values (.¯. ±10%) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 95%).

Spear energy (J)

EÓ¤ÚÁÂÈ· ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (J)

MÂÙ·ÙfiÈÛË ‚¤ÚÁ·˜ (m)


The ability of the spear to penetrate targets located at various distances from it, defines the range of the speargun.



Diagram pot - cas Displacement-time diagram of a speargun


The range of values (.¯. ±10%) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 95%).

Elapsed time since trigger pulling (ms)


Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 95%).


150 100

2 1

50 0

11. DOMET 11. Range

0 ^




Sposobnost puscice za preboj tarce namescene na razlicnih oddaljenostih definira domet podvodne puske.

Domet podvodne puske je razviden iz diagrama energija-pot, ki prikazuje kineticno energijo puscice (v Joulih) na vsaki tocki njene poti. Vecja je kineticna energija puscice na doloceni razdalji, vecja je


2 Spear displacement (m)




Diagram Energija - pot Energy-displacement diagram of speargun


2008 – 2009


| X·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο | Specs |



The shot-velocity of a speargun is depicted on the displacement-time diagram. The "higher" the curve is, the faster the shot of the speargun. In the example of the adjacent diagram, the spear of speargun 1 covers 3 meters in120 millisecond. In the same period of time, the spear of speargun 2 covers less than 2.5 meters. Therefore, speargun 1 gives faster shots at this distance.



The time (from the moment the trigger is pulled) necessary for the spear to cover various distances defines a speargun’s shot-velocity. The greater the shot-velocity of a speargun is, the more chances the spear has to reach the fish before it moves out from its course.


moznost da bo puscica prebila ribo, ki se nahaja na tej razdalji. Iz diagrama je razvidno, da ima puscica puske 2 na razdalji priblizno 3 metrih energijo 40 J. Puscica puske 1 ima enako energijo na manj kot 2 metrih. To pomeni, da lahko puska 2 prebije isto ribo na vecji razdalji kot puska 1. Z drugimi besedami to pomeni, da ima vecji domet. ^^

Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 95%).








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PUSCICE | Spears 1. MATERIAL 1. Material ^^

Material iz katerega je narejena puscica, je naveden po AISI standardih.

The material, from which the spear is made, is stated following the AISI standards.

Material | Material

Inox AISI 301


Dolzina krilca Barb length

Primer Specification Example

Dolzina vrha (v mm, merjena od konice do kovice krilca) in oblika vrha (npr. konicna, piramidasta) sta navedeni. Ta specifikacija velja samo za Tahiti puscice.

The length (in mm, measured from the tip of the spear to the pin of the barb) and shape (e.g. conical, pyramidal or sphenoid) of the nose are stated. This specification is for Tahitian spears only.




Dimenzije | Dimensions


The diameter (in mm) and the length (in cm) of the spear are stated.

4. DOLZINA IN OBLIKA VRHA 4. Nose length and shape ^


2. DIMENZIJE 2. Dimensions Navedena sta premer (v mm) in dolzina (v cm) puscice.

∅6.25mm x 140cm Primer Specification Example ^




The number of barbs and their length (in mm) are stated. This specification is for Tahitian spears only.



3. STEVILO IN DOLZINA KRILC 3. Barb number and length Navedena sta stevilo krilc in njihova dolzina (v mm). Ta specifikacija velja samo za Tahiti puscice Dolzina vrha Nose length

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5. STEVILO ZAREZ/REPKOV 5. Number of slots/ shark-fins

Primerna visina in tolerance (v mm) oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice, ki odgovarja sprozilnemu mehanizmu puske, so navedene.

The compatibility of a spear with the trigger mechanism of the handle of a speargun depends on the height and tolerances of its interlaced end. Caution is needed because an incompatible spear can be launched suddenly without pressing the trigger thus putting human lives in danger.

The appropriate height and tolerances (in mm) of the interlaced end of a spear, in order for it to be compatible with the trigger mechanism of the speargun, are stated.













6. MAKSIMALNI PREMER ZICE ZATIKA 6. Maximum diameter of wishbone wire Maksimalni premer zice zatika (v mm) ki ga je dovoljeno varno uporabljati s puscico je naveden. Pri puscicah z repki te omejitve ni





Puscica z repki (zgoraj); puscica z zarezami (spodaj) Spear with shark-fins (top); spear with slots (bottom)

The maximum diameter of wishbone wire (in mm) that can be safely used with the spear is stated. In the case of a spear with shark-fins, there is essentially no such limitation. ^

Visina oblikovanega zadnjega dela Height of interlaced end

7. PREMER LUKNJE ZA VRVICO 7. Cord-hole diameter




Maksimalni elasticni upogibni moment puscice je maksimalni upogibni moment, katerega puscica prenese brez trajne deformacije. Z drugimi besedami je to merjenje sposobnosti puscice da ostane ravna po veckratnem upogibanju.

Za vsako puscico sta podani dve vrednosti maksimalnega elasticnega upogibnega momenta (v Nm: Newton x meter). Prva vrednost odgovarja delu puscice, ki ni bil strojno obdelan (telo). Druga vrednost odgovarja delu kjer so zareze ali repki.

Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 99%).





Premer luknje za vrvico Cord-hole diameter




The diameter of the cord-hole of the spear (in mm) which determins the maximum thicknes of the cord that can be led, is stoped.


9. MAKSIMALNI ELASTICNI UPOGIBNI MOMENT 9. Maximum elastic bending moment ^^

Premer luknje za vrvico v puscici (v mm), ki doloca maksimalno debelino vrvice, ki jo lahko uporabljamo s to puscico je naveden.



2008 – 2009

Kompatibilnost puscice s sprozilnim mehanizmom puske je odvisna od visine in toleranc oblikovanega zadnjega dela puscice. Potrebna je velika previdnost, ker se lahko nekompatibilna puscica nekontrolirano sprozi brez pritiska na sprozilec, kar je lahko zivljensko nevarno.

| X·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο | Specs |



The number of slots or shark-fins is stated.



Stevilo zarez ali repkov je navedeno


8. VISINA OBLIKOVANEGA ZADNJEGA DELA 8. Height of interlaced end

The maximum elastic bending moment of a spear is the maximum moment to which it can be subjected without suffering significant permanent deformation. In other words, it is a measure of the spear’s ability to maintain its straightness after being subjected to repeated stresses that tend to bend it. Two values of maximum elastic bending moment (in Nm: Newton x meter) must be given for each spear. The first value should correspond to a part of the spear that has not been subjected to machining. The second value should correspond to the area of the slot or the shark-fin. The range of values (.¯. ± 1 Nm) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 99%).

Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 99%).

The hardness of a spear is a measure of its ability to remain sharp after repeatedly hitting hard surfaces. We may predict, in other words, that the tip of a high-hardness spear will last longer than the identical tip of a low-hardness spear. This specification refers to Tahitian spears only.

The hardness of a spear is given in the Rockwell C scale.

The range of values (.¯. ± 1 HRC) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 99%).


Test DS-02-01A: meritev maksimalnega elasticnega upogibnega momenta Test DS-02-01A: measurement of maximum elastic bending moment

Merjenje trdote Hardness testing

10. TRDOTA 10. Hardness



Trdota puscice je merjenje njene sposobnosti da ostane ostra po veckratnih udarcih v trdo povrsino. Tako lahko predvidevamo, da bo vrh trse puscice oster dalj casa kot enak vrh mehkejse puscice. Ta specifikacija velja samo za Tahiti puscice.

Trdota puscice je podana v Rockwell C skali.

Maksimalna obremenitev krilca je definirana kot upogibni moment potreben za zlom krilca. To je v bistvu merjenje sposobnosti krilca prenasati upogibne sile, podobne tistim, ki jih povzrocajo divji gibi zadete ribe, brez zloma. Ta specifikacija velja samo za Tahiti puscice.

Maksimalna obremenitev krilca je podana v Nm (Newton x meter).


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Statisticno maksimalna obremenitev krilca odgovarja maksimalnemu upogibnemu momentu, katerega delovanje ni povzrocilo zloma krilca 99% testiranih vzorcev.

Barb strength is defined as the bending moment necessary for its destruction. It is, in other words, a measure of the barb’s ability to withstand bending forces, like those developed during the abrupt movements of the speared fish, without collapsing. This specification refers to Tahitian spears only.

Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 99%).

Barb strength is given in Nm (Newton x meter).

Statistically, the strength of a barb corresponds to the maximum bending moment, the application of which does not cause failure to 99% of the tested samples.

The ability of a spear to penetrate a fish depends primarily on its kinetic energy. However, the shape of the nose and the barb, as well as the diameter of the shaft, can make the penetration easier or harder. Standard punching energy is a measure of the influence of these morphological features to

Odgovarja energiji potrebni da prvih 20cm puscice (vkljucno z vrhom in krilcem) prebije standardiziran vzorec. Vecja je standardna energija preboja puscice, tezje bo le ta prebila ribo.

12. STANDARDNA ENERGIJA PREBOJA 12. Standard punching energy

the penetrating ability of a spear. This specification refers to Tahitian spears only.



Sposobnost puscice za preboj ribe je predvsem odvisna od njene kineticne energije. A tudi oblika vrha in krilca, pa tudi premer puscice, lahko preboj olajsa ali otezi. Standardna energija preboja je meritev vpliva vseh teh morfoloskih lastnosti na sposobnost preboja puscice. Ta specifikacija velja samo za Tahiti puscice.

Standardna energija preboja je podana v Joulih (J).

Standard punching energy is given in Joule (J). It corresponds to the energy consumed for the penetration of the first 20cm of the spear (including essentially the nose and the barb) to penetrate a standardized specimen. The greater the standard punching energy of a spear is, the harder it is for it to penetrate a fish.

The range of values (.¯. ± 1 J) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 99%).

| X·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο | Specs |



Test DS-02-03: meritev standardne energije preboja Test DS-02-03: measurement of standard punching energy

2008 – 2009



Test DS-02-02: meritev obremenitve krilca Test DS-02-02: measurement of barb strength







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GUME | Rubber-Slings 1. MATERIAL 1. Rubber-Sling Material ^

Material iz katerega je narejena guma podvodne puske je naveden.

The material, from which the rubber-sling is made, is stated.

MATERIAL | Material

Natural amber latex Primer Specification Example ^


Guma z vrvico (levo); guma s plasticnim obrocem (desno) Rubber-sling with cord (left); rubber-sling with plastic rings (right)

2. DIMENZIJE 2. Rubber-Sling Dimensions ^

4. OPTIMALNI RAZTEZEK 4. Rubber-sling optimum elongation Za vsak tip gume obstaja raztezek, katerega prekoracitev povzroci ostro povecanje sile napenjanja, ob minimalni pridobitvi (ali celo izgubi) hitrosti strela, istocasno pa se zmanjsa zivljenjska doba gume. Zaradi tega mora biti raztezek, s katerim ima po proizvajalcevih podatkih guma optimalne lastnosti, vedno naveden za vsako gumo.

O p t i m a l n i r a z t e z e k je podan kot procent zacetne dolzine (npr. 180-200%). To odgovarja maksimalnemu raztezku, pri katerem, ce je raztegnjena 30 minut, guma obdrzi 95% energije, ki se sprosti ob pocasnem povratku gume na prvotno dolzino.

For each type of rubber-sling there is an elongation which, if exceeded, will lead to a sharp increase of the stretching force with minimal gain (or even loss) in the shot-velocity, as well as to a reduction of the rubber’s life-time. Therefore, the elongation at which, according to the manufacturer, the rubber-sling has optimum behavior must be stated.

Optimum elongation is given as a percentage of the initial length (e.g. 180-200%). It corresponds to the maximum elongation at which, if the rubber-sling remains stretched for 30 minutes, it will maintain 95% of the energy released during its slow release.

DIMENZIJE | Dimensions







Navedeno je, ce ima guma na koncu plasticni obroc, sistem z vrvico, itd.

It is stated whether the rubber-slings bears on its ends plastic rings, a cord-based assemblingsystem, etc.


3. SISTEM SESTAVLJANJA 3. Rubber-slings assembling system


Primer Specification Example


∅17.5mm x 20cm



The diameter (in mm) and the net length (in cm) of the rubber-sling are stated.



Premer (v mm) in dolzina (v cm) gume sta navedena

^ ^

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100 x

3L0 - L0 L0


2008 – 2009

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LT == 3L0 200% Raztezek gume

Test DS-03-02: meritev sile napenjanja Test DS-03-02: measurement of streching force

200% Elongation of rubber-sling

6. STANDARDNA ODDAJA ENERGIJE (30cm) 6. Rubber-sling standard energy output (30cm)






^ ^

Stretching force is the force necessary to stretch the rubber-sling to its optimum elongation suggested by the manufacturer. Stretching force is given in Newton (N) and refers to a pair of rubber-slings or a single circulated rubber-sling The elongation (e.g. 200%) to which the stretching force refers to, should also be mentioned. The range of values (.¯. ± 1 N) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 95%).





Sila napenjanja je podana v Newtonih (N) in velja za par gum ali pa za eno cirkularno gumo. Raztezek (npr. 200%) na katerega se nanasa sila napenjanja mora biti naveden. Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 95%).

Hitrost puscice med strelom je odvisna od njene teze in energije prenesene nanjo s strani gum med strelom. Primerjalno merjenje teh karakteristik razlicnih tipov gum je v bistvu merjenje energije, ki jo gume sprostijo pod standardnimi pogoji testiranja. S t a n d a r d n a o d d a j a e n e r g i j e gume je podana v Joulih (J) pri 200% raztezku. Odgovarja energiji, ki jo sprosti par gum dolzine 30cm (ali 60cm dolga cirkularna guma) z ustreznim zatikom, na ∅7mm puscico brez krilca, teze 350g, med strelom iz puske dolzine 100cm z vodilom. Puska je trdno pritrjena v posebnem stojalu 0.5m pod vodno povrsino. ^


Sila napenjanja je sila potrebna za doseganje optimalnega raztezka gume predlaganega s strani proizvajalca.



5. SILA NAPENJANJA 5. Rubber-slings stretching force

Razpon vrednosti (.¯. ±10%) pridobljenih s testiranjem primernega stevila vzorcev je tudi naveden (nivo zanesljivosti: 95%).

The velocity of the spear of a speargun during a shot depends on its weight and the energy transferred to it from the rubber-sling during the launch. A comparative measure of this characteristic of different types of rubber-slings is the energy they release in standard conditions of testing.

| X·Ú·ÎÙËÚÈÛÙÈο | Specs |


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The standard energy output of a rubber-sling is given in Joule (J) and refers to 200% elongation. It corresponds to the energy transferred by a pair of 30cm-long rubber-bands (or 60cm-long a circulated rubber band) with the appropriate wishbone, to a ∅7mm spear with no bard, weighing 350g, during the shot of a 100cm long speargun with open-rail, firmly held on a special stand 0.5m below the water surface.

The range of values (.¯. ± 1 J) deriving from tests on a sufficient number of samples is also reported (level of confidence: 95%).

Test DS-02-03: Meritev standardne oddaje energije Test DS-02-03: measurement of standard energy output

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2008 – 2009

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| Spearguns |

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DEMKA kataSlovenika-03-08-

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