Apprenticeships Q3 2019

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Q3 / 2019 AN INDEPENDENT SUPPLEMENT FROM MEDIAPLANET WHO TAKE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ITS CONTENTS KEITH SMITH How increasing apprenticeship standards benefit employees and employers alike. » p2

JACQUELINE DE ROJAS “We need to inspire and support people into digital roles, and apprenticeships are at the heart of that.” » p4

ROB WALL “Degree apprenticeships are transforming how people perceive apprenticeships.” » p6 © SAPANNPIX


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An apprenticeship is a real job with training Apprenticeships help individuals of all ages to build their confidence and fire up their career.


pprenticeships benefit people of all ages and backgrounds – from those with children returning to part-time work and looking to re-train; young people who are strong academically, but don’t just want to do an academic course and those for whom an apprenticeship has opened a new world of work and learning. Reforms to apprenticeships have ensured that apprenticeships last longer, better meet the needs of employers, have more off-the job training and a proper assessment at the end. These changes ensure the quality of apprenticeships have improved, for everyone – for the apprentice, the employer and the training provider. We are continually learning from the best international systems to make the apprenticeships in England a world-class offer. We are helping employers to create the high-quality apprenticeships that they need for their business. These new apprenticeship standards, available at all levels, are being designed and driven by industry; creating higher quality training that will lead to a more skilled and productive workforce.

KEITH SMITH Director of Apprenticeships, Education and Skills Funding Agency

Helping employers drive the quality of apprenticeships The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education is putting employers at the heart of decision-making processes and supports the quality of apprenticeship standards. It exceeded its target of 400 standards available for delivery by April 2019, and is maintaining the momentum with over 480 now available, in everything from forensic practitioners and data analysts to land based engineers and metrology technicians. This financial year (2019-20), funding available for investment in apprenticeships is over £2.5 billion. That’s double what was spent in 2010 in cash terms. The apprenticeship levy is an important part of the apprenticeship programme; creating a long-term, sustainable investment in training. Training can boost earning potential Training makes people more productive and they earn more. On average, a Level 2 apprenticeship boosts earnings by 11%, while a Level 3 apprenticeship boosts earnings by 16%.

Research tells us that the lifetime benefits associated with the completion of apprenticeships at Level 2 and Level 3 are significant, standing at between £48,000 and £74,000 for Level 2 and between £77,000 and £117,000 for Level 3 apprenticeships. Higher apprentices could earn £150,000 more on average over their lifetime compared to those with Level 3 vocational qualifications. We recently launched the second phase of the Fire It Up apprenticeships campaign, highlighting through real stories the return on investment apprentice employers achieve. This campaign is reinforcing the real benefits of apprenticeships to individuals, employers and the economy. We are pleased with the changes we’ve seen to the balance of the programme. We encourage all employers to fire up their business with apprenticeships today.


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Learning career skills and life lessons through an apprenticeship in the RAF An RAF apprenticeship offers much more than ‘basic training’. In fact, its mix of theory and hands-on, practical learning is a springboard to new opportunity, say two engineering apprentices.



i r c r a f t m a n A l a m i n Hu s s a i n, 2 5, a nd Aircraftman Liam Perry, 18, joined the RAF last year on a Vehicle and Mechanical Equipment Technician Apprenticeship course, carrying out repairs and adjustments on a range of land-based vehicles and mechanical equipment. Why did you choose an RAF apprenticeship? Alamin: I have a degree in engineering but couldn't get a job as a civilian mechanical engineer because I didn't have any practical experience to back it up. I knew I'd get that in the RAF. Liam: Previously I was at sixth form studying courses I wasn't really interested in. I applied to the RAF because I've always wanted to learn a trade — a hands-on job, not an office job. Describe your apprenticeship journey Alamin: I went to the RAF careers office, found out more about the apprenticeship and applied from there. I had two or three interviews and completed a short test to make sure I'd be the right fit for the role.

LIAM PERRY Aircraftman

I joined the RAF in August 2018, completed basic training and started the course in November. There's a lot of theory in the first few months. Then we go to the workshop where there's more practical work. Why does this type of learning suit you? Liam: I'm a hands-on learner. I prefer getting my sleeves rolled up rather than watching PowerPoint presentations. I didn't concentrate that much at school, but here it's different. As soon as I started doing mechanical work, things just clicked. The most valuable thing I've learnt is how to repair vehicles, which is a good life skill to have, as well as a career skill. There's also been a lot of theory, which will help me if I decide to go onto further education after my apprenticeship, such as a degree, for example. What's the biggest myth about apprenticeships? Alamin: That an apprenticeship only teaches you the basics. I've been surprised by the high level of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) theory we've been taught and the range of topics we cover.

In fact, it's been similar to the topics I covered in the first year or so of my degree. Liam: I thought an apprenticeship was entirely hands-on and that there would be no theory and no exams. Actually, it's a good mix of both. What will you do with your apprenticeship? Alamin: I'm hoping that, with my degree, it will be a springboard to becoming a commissioned officer. Liam: I just want to become better at my job, hopefully get a degree and, after I've left the RAF in years to come, maybe open my own business. WRITTEN BY: TONY GREENWAY

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11/09/2019 16:36


Think laterally about your route into employment REBECCA BALE Apprenticeships Expert, UCAS

With more choice than ever before, where do you start? You might already be researching a degree, but did you know more and more universities are working with employers to offer degree-level apprenticeships?


ver the past five years, we’ve seen a real change in the way apprenticeships are viewed by students and teachers. One in eight of the university applicants we asked also applied for an apprenticeship. This means there’s high competition for the number apprenticeships available. Careerfinder is UCAS’ apprenticeship search site where you can check out apprenticeship vacancies available across the country. Right now, there are more than 1,500 opportunities covering everything from marketing to journalism, and IT to building surveying. But remember, opportunities come and go as companies fill their vacancies – so you need to keep checking, and get in quick when you see something that you’re interested in. My biggest tip – think laterally. Research both your university and apprenticeship options at the same time, and consider applying for both routes. Make sure you do your research so you can make an informed choice – and just like you would for the universities you shortlist, research the company, the opportunity, and the career path you’ll be entering. Once you’ve found an apprenticeship you like, check to see what skills the employer is looking for and read the job description because, while it may not immediately seem like your dream job, the detail could change your mind. It could open up other options and help you to build a stronger CV and career path. Read more at



A booming UK tech sector is creating huge opportunity for the next generation JACQUELINE DE ROJAS CBE President, TechUK

Fantastic career opportunities in tech are now available to young people, but how often do you hear about them?


he pathway into a tech career is different for everyone, but the belief that a degree – in computer science or similar, is necessary, has persisted. It can be difficult, and sometimes overwhelming, to work out where to start. Often there is a lack of awareness of the career opportunities that exist and how to get to them, which is why I believe that the tech industry needs to do more. Support people into digital roles The UK’s tech sector is growing at three times the rate of the rest of the economy, creating exciting jobs that require a range of skills and talent - but the UK is still facing a major digital skills shortage. There are 600,000 digital vacancies at any one time in the UK and by 2020 there will be one million unfilled jobs in the British IT sector. In order to effectively prepare our workforce in an ever changing digital economy, we need to inspire and support people into digital roles, and apprenticeships are at the heart of that. IT and tech sectors need creative, critical thinkers A university education is not a ‘must have’. There are a number of pathways that can provide people with the skills to flourish in the industry. The sector needs more than developers and programmers. It needs people with skills from across the board, for instance, creativity and critical thinking – meaning that there is something for everyone. We need to communicate the breadth of opportunities on offer and continue to develop the value of those opportunities, redefining what it means to be an apprentice. Pathways to a tech career I want to promote tech careers and make the case for an inclusive and open sector, regardless of age, background or education. This is why techUK has launched its online pathways guide, highlighting the variety of routes into a tech career. The tool is designed to open up the

There are 600,000 digital vacancies at any one time in the UK and by 2020 there will be one million unfilled jobs in the British IT sector.” possibilities of a tech career for all. There are still misconceptions about the industry that can put young people off certain roles, including how creative these roles can be; these barriers to entry need to be addressed head on. By signposting different ways to enter the sector, techUK hopes to raise awareness of the opportunities available and the diversity of routes in. Careers advice Given the pace and scale of technological change, it is unrealistic to expect teachers or even careers advisers to keep up with the most up-to-date roles. Companies and individuals within the tech sector must do more to directly engage with students and, where possible, their parents, to offer them advice and information. Our recent survey found that over 80% of parents felt that teachers were not being given enough time to think about preparing children for the future world of work, so we really must be supporting them better. Giving them the tools will have a significant impact on how best they can advise students on their choice of pathway into a tech career. It’s possible for anyone to get into tech There has never been a better time to get into tech. This sector continues to transform our lives as our dependency on ‘all things connected’ grows. Our responsibility is to signpost the apprenticeships and retraining opportunities to as diverse a talent pool as possible. This way we can not only build the skills pipeline but also build a digital future that works for everyone. Read more at MEDIAPLANET


TRANSFORMING APPRENTICESHIPS Let’s navigate change together

As the only Chartered body dedicated to creating better led and managed organisations, we have been at the forefront of the new apprenticeships standards. CMI offers a full suite of leadership and management apprenticeships so, by working with us, you can offer your management apprentices a recognised professional development pathway. CMI also provides an independent end point assessment service for the following standards: • Team Leader / Supervisor • Operations / Departmental Manager • Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship • Senior Leader Masters Degree Apprenticeship • Junior Management Consultant Apprenticeship To find out more about working in partnership with CMI, contact us on: 01536 207465

#BetterManagers MEDIAPLANET

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Quality students are applying for both uni degrees and apprenticeships

REBECCA HOPWOOD Apprenticeships Lead, UCAS Media

The key to successful apprentice recruitment is to think a little bit differently. Anyone looking for talent has their go-to sources, their local feeder schools that deliver the goods - but whether you’re looking for your next business whizz, an up and coming legal eagle, or some budding engineers, it’s always worth taking a different view.


or thousands of students, research for uni and apprenticeships now goes hand in hand. We know that understanding among influencing teachers and parents is low, but we’re seeing more and more quality students research and then apply for both routes at the same time. In fact, one in eight of the uni applicants we asked had also applied for an apprenticeship. They’re up front about it and, because of that, it makes sense to ensure that your opportunity is up front and centre with them. Make your company known to potential apprentices That behaviour is self-driven. While we know that influencers play a major part in the decision-making process, in those early research days, students don’t know what they don’t know. So, you need to make sure they know about you. To get it right, talent managers and those within HR should focus their recruitment. Yes, brand presence is important, but to minimise the wastage in any recruitment campaign is even more important. Think about where it makes sense to appear – so that you are only seen by those who are genuinely in the market for the opportunity you have on offer. It’s not news that good marketing should be driven by data, but with good recruitment it should be top of your list. With the clock ticking, early engagement campaigns (so a student sees an apprenticeship as an option), and then activity to bring in higher quality, more relevant applications, can make all the difference. Read more at


Degree apprenticeships are changing perceptions ROB WALL Head of Policy, Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

Degree apprenticeships, like The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA), are boosting diversity, social mobility and transforming perceptions of vocational and technical education, according to new CMI research.


egree apprenticeships are an innovation that allows learners to gain a full bachelor’s or master’s degree alongside their apprenticeship. They have been developed by employers, universities and professional bodies working together, and provide high-quality alternatives to the traditional, three-year university route. Degree apprenticeships provide learners with an integrated experience of university education, practical learning at work and the chance to attain professional status. The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) The CMDA is the UK’s most popular degree apprenticeship, with over 2,000 starts in 2017/18. CMI worked with employers and education partners to develop the CMDA, which was launched in September 2015. The CMDA equips students with the skills and practices that are in demand by employers: the CMI 21st Century Leaders report showed that seven in ten employers want management, enterprise and leadership modules integrated into all degree subjects to boost employability and a third of employers want students with professional qualifications. Boosting diversity and social mobility with degree apprenticeships Degree apprenticeships such as the CMDA are playing a key role in widening participation, boosting social mobility and improving diversity. At CMI, we’re really proud that the CMDA is helping to build a pipeline of talented and diverse future managers and leaders. Since the standards were introduced, over half of all CMDA apprentice starts have been female, around

one in ten are from a Black, Asian or minority ethnic background and over two in five CMI CMDA apprentices come from the more economically deprived parts of the UK. Changing perceptions of apprenticeships Degree apprenticeships are transforming how people perceive apprenticeships. Since 2016, CMI has run an annual survey with parents on vocational and technical education. The latest survey shows that awareness of degree apprenticeships has increased year on year. Over the last four years there has been a huge surge in the number of parents who have heard of degree apprenticeships: from 13% in 2016 to 43% in 2019. Four in five parents now say that degree apprenticeships are a good option for young people who are considering studying for a degree, and around three quarters think they provide a better chance of getting a good job than a traditional university degree and are better value for money. Young people agree. When we surveyed business and management students on their views of degree apprenticeships over the more traditional route, almost two-thirds (62%) think they are better “value for money” than a university degree, while 64% thought that they provide a better chance of getting a job. Had they the choice, almost half believed they would have chosen an apprenticeship over a degree.

Read more at MEDIAPLANET



Supercharging the Digital Economy 2019 will champion the transformative, cutting edge and emerging digital technologies that are key to accelerating the digital transformation of key sectors and industries in the North.

For full details about this event visit MEDIAPLANET techUK_apprenticeships_campaign_185x228mm.indd 1

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Aged 14-24? Get FREE Young Professional skills training. Boost your skills to impress employers and get more out of life, wherever you live in the UK. Your online training will cover the 5 top life and work skills: - Communication - Self management - Problem solving - Teamwork - Self belief PLUS: Get career tips, help with life choices and more. We all need help to be our best! MEDIAPLANET


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