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A journey to better health
If you've noticed changes to how you think and feel that concern you, talk to your GP about them.
In the first instance, they may recommend changes to what you eat and drink. Other lifestyle changes may be encouraged, these include: weight loss and stopping smoking. You may also be directed to other information sources e.g. the CONfidence app.
Your GP may refer you to a specialised team for further tests and treatment options. Continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Treatment options include:
There are other options available and you may be able to discuss these with your hospital.
• For Faecal incontinence: anal irrigation (washout), a colostomy
• For stress incontinence: slings made out of a surgical mesh that restore the normal anatomy of the bladder
• For overactive bladder symptoms: Botox injections every few months
If the conservative efforts above do not work for you, then you must return to your doctor to find an alternative treatment. This might include incontinence medicine.
• Supervised pelvic floor muscle-training / physiotherapy
• PTNS: Stimulation of a nerve in the lower leg
• Alternative incontinence medicine
• Sacral neuromodulation: pacemaker for bladder/bowel