Innovations in Oncology IE - Q2 2024

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Innovations in Oncology


Bernie Carter, Assistant Director of Nursing Services, Marie Keating Foundation Page 04


Dr Claire Kilty, Head of Research, Irish Cancer Society Page 06

Global cancer research conference highlights novel therapeutic strategies and patient voice

The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in collaboration with the Irish Association for Cancer Research (IACR) delivered a stellar instalment of their Basic and Translational Research Conference series with a joint conference in Dublin, Ireland held 27–29 February 2024.

International cancer research collaboration

Gathering top experts in the fields of immunology, drug development, tumour microenvironment, genomics and epigenetics, this joint conference had a strong translational element focused on the delivery of the latest discoveries from basic science to the clinic. The conference attracted over 500 national and international delegates with the celebratory IACR 60th Anniversary Special Symposium.

A specific focus of the meeting was to enhance the all-Ireland collaboration in cancer research led by Prof Mark Lawlor (QUB) and Prof Liam Gallagher (UCD), with support from key organisations in the United States including the National Cancer Institute. This session provided a showcase of collaborative Irish research. Speakers at this celebratory session included contributions from GE Healthcare, the United States Government as well as principal investigators who have led international consortia.

Cutting-edge concepts and poster presentations

Subsequent sessions highlighted the latest cuttingedge advances in the understanding of the genomics, epigenetics and molecular pathways involved in the development of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions and/or in cancer response to therapy. The scientific programme provided a blend of basic and translational research from preclinical models to patients. In particular, these talks delivered by experts included novel concepts, such as digital twins, demonstrating the side effects of immunotherapy as well as an insight into immune regulation of cancer progression.

In addition to the plenary and selected abstract-based talks, the conference showcased a wide array of poster presentations from national and international researchers spanning various career stages. These poster sessions provided an important networking opportunity for early career researchers in particular.

Highlighting the patient voice

A key aspect of this conference involved a very strong representation of the patient voice, which was led out by the local IACR organising committee and their Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) council members. The PPI and patient voice are integral elements, and the focus on ‘no research about me without me’ is central to all research endeavours. PPI council members were a visible presence throughout the conference with a lively stand in the exhibitor hall.

Taken together, this international meeting represented the strong translational research being carried out both within Ireland and internationally, to improve outcomes for cancer patients.

An international conference emphasises translational research, collaboration and cutting-edge advancements across various cancer fields. It included plenary talks and patient involvement, aiming to improve cancer patient outcomes. Project Manager: Martha Clarke

Dr Marie McIlroy Senior Lecturer, Department of Surgery, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences +
Sudipto Das Lecturer and Deputy Head of School of Post-graduate studies, RCSI

Breaking new ground: pioneering efforts in lung cancer screening

— applications of which are improving the landscape of oncology care.

Artificial intelligence driving screening efficiency

One of the company’s biggest research centres in Cambridge is collaborating with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Massachusetts General Hospital where we are assisting in driving study and implementation of AI technology which can see nodules on a CT scan representative of increased lung cancer risk. “These nodules would otherwise not be noticeable to the human eye,” explains Kim.

Collaboration is key to eliminating cancer

Outsmarting cancer requires a collective and collaborative approach. This is why working with local and global healthcare organisations is critical, insists Wilkes.

The Lung Ambition Alliance represents an innovative approach to driving outcomes for lung cancer globally through partnership and collaboration, with involvement from clinicians, patient advocacy groups and professional societies across over 40 countries.

Research is ongoing to discover, develop and deliver innovative screening solutions to patients with lung cancer.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in Ireland. As one of the most common forms of cancer, it poses a substantial health challenge which needs continued awareness, early detection and advanced treatment strategies to improve outcomes for those affected by it.1

In Ireland, as in many parts of the world, lung cancer is often accompanied by a significant stigma due to the associated risk factor of smoking. However, up to 20% of cases occur in people who have never smoked.2

Commitment to patients

Alex Wilkes, Country President, AstraZeneca Ireland (Commercial Operations), explains that the company has a bold ambition to eliminate cancer as a cause of death. “As one of Ireland’s leading healthcare companies, we cultivate an unwavering commitment to patients. Together with our colleagues in Alexion, AstraZeneca Rare Disease, we employ more than 1,200 people across two sites in

Blanchardstown and Athlone. We are a science-driven, global company, with medicines used by millions of people across the world and thousands of patients in Ireland.”

He continues: “Our priority is on treating the most common types of cancer, at every stage of the disease. But we do focus on some of the most hostile and hard-to-treat cancers finding innovative solutions to types of cancer that typically have the worst outcomes. Lung cancer is a priority for us,” he adds.

Screening for early lung cancer detection

Driving early detection is one of the biggest priorities for the pharmaceutical company. Lung cancer is often diagnosed in its advanced stages,3 by which point treatment options are extremely limited.

According to Caius Kim, Global Director of the Lung Ambition Alliance: “Screening affords the opportunity to find early-stage lung cancer where therapeutics are most beneficial.” Through advancements in technology and cutting-edge AI software, screening programmes are seeing a remarkable improvement in diagnosis and patient outcomes

AstraZeneca supports the leading cancer patient groups in Ireland, such as the Irish Cancer Society and the Marie Keating Foundation. It also works alongside the broader healthcare systems to identify opportunities and projects that will improve patient pathways and care.

“We employ some of the highest levels of science within the organisation; we have physicians and scientists leading the space in oncology. We want to use this expertise for good,” says Wilkes. “We realise that for us to generate sustainable solutions, it has to be done through partnership. We can’t do it on our own.”

Global impact through cancer innovation

With a large global footprint, the company is well-positioned to break through barriers and discover innovations in cancer care.

“Our broad pipeline of nextgeneration medicines is aimed at expanding treatment options and improving outcomes for patients. The goal is to not only improve survival from lung cancer but to potentially eliminate lung cancer as a cause of death,” says Wilkes.

References 1. AnnualStatisticalReport_2023.pdf


3. lung-cancer

Caius Kim Global Director, Lung Ambition Alliance
Alex Wilkes Country President, AstraZeneca Ireland (Commercial Operations)
Sponsored by AstraZeneca
WRITTEN BY Bethany Cooper

Why bowel cancer is not only a disease of older age

Approximately 1 in 5 bowel cancers are diagnosed in someone under 60. The incidence of bowel cancer in people under 50 has almost doubled in 25 years.

As part of their #NoRegrets bowel cancer awareness campaign, the Marie Keating Foundation called on the Government to reduce the age of bowel cancer screening from 59 to 50.

Why reducing bowel cancer screening age is important

• Around 1 in 5 bowel cancers are diagnosed in under-60s while 1 in 10 are under 50.

• According to the National Cancer Registry in Ireland, the incidence of bowel cancer in people under 50 has almost doubled in 25 years.

• Approximately 22% of bowel cancers diagnosed during 2014–2018 were in people under 60.

• Most countries begin screening for bowel cancer at the age of 50 as recommended by the European Code Against Cancer.

• The European Commission recommends the expansion of bowel cancer screening for adults between 50 and 74.

The US and Australia have lowered the screening age to 45 years given the increase in early-onset bowel cancer. England has a four-year plan to extend bowel screening from 54–74 to 50–74. Scotland screens from 50–74; Wales (51–74). As part of the national cancer strategy, Ireland plans to extend bowel screening to ages 55–74 over five years.

Bowel cancer causes and risk factors

The exact reason for increased bowel cancer in younger

Tailored treatment options for uterine cancer may improve patient outcomes

people is unknown. Last January, Yale Medicine doctors stated that sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity, smoking, heavy alcohol use, low-fibre diet, high saturated fat diets or diets high in processed meats and other environmental factors have all been associated with the disease.

Signs and symptoms of bowel cancer

Be aware of the symptoms of bowel cancer. Listen to your body, and see a GP if you notice anything new. Those under the screening age of 59 must be vigilant; don’t wait until you reach screening age to get checked. People must still avail of current bowel screening, which is for ages 59–69.

• Changes in bowel habits (diarrhoea, constipation, narrowing of stool for no obvious reason for six weeks or more)

• Blood in the stool (rectal bleeding)

• Abdominal cramps, pain or bloating that won’t go away

• Sudden, unexplained weight loss

• A lump in your back passage or tummy

• A feeling of straining (needing to go to the toilet even after opening your bowels)

• Tiredness and breathlessness

These can also be symptoms of other conditions, so it’s important to see your GP.

Emerging molecular tests can identify mutations in the POLE gene.

by GSK

Uterine cancer awareness month brings about the perfect time to report on advancements in medical knowledge, including those in molecular testing, immunohistochemistry and immunotherapy. WRITTEN BY

Approximately 3.1% of women will be diagnosed with uterine cancer at some point during their lifetime. In the past decade, uterine cancer diagnosis and treatment have evolved significantly. Advances in diagnostic testing, as well as new applications of immunotherapy, are leading to more tailored and precise treatment options for women with uterine cancer.

Immunotherapy for uterine cancer



Gynaecological Oncology

Multidisciplinary Team

Immunotherapy is an emerging area of research in uterine cancer treatment. Immunotherapy takes advantage of a person’s immune system to help kill cancer cells. It provides hope for people with inoperable tumours.

According to Dr Dearbhaile Collins, Clinical Director of Cancer Services and Consultant Medical Oncologist: “Uterine cancer can be broken down into types depending on the molecular characteristics of the cancer itself. When we look at advanced or metastatic uterine

cancer, we now know that some are more susceptible to immunotherapy.

“Immune checkpoint inhibitors help to modulate the immune response to cancer. Cancer cells can produce signals that make the immune system ignore them. Immune checkpoint inhibitors reverse this ability to hide, which increases the immune response to cancer.”

Molecular testing and immunohistochemistry

Dr Ciarán Ó Riain, Consultant Histopathologist, discusses exciting advancements due to molecular testing and immunohistochemistry.

“About 10 years ago, when we received a biopsy with uterine cancer, we looked at one slide on a microscope to make treatment decisions. Now, we have seven extra immunohistochemistry slides, giving more information on the molecular sub-group, which helps to determine individual prognosis and treatment.”

“This particular group of uterine cancers may look aggressive under the microscope, but the presence of a POLE mutation is actually associated with excellent prognosis, and women may be spared unnecessary extra treatment. When clinical trial data is announced, this molecular test will need a quick implementation into clinical practice,” he adds. Uterine cancer rates are rising, but innovations are improving patient outcomes.

Specialists advancing gynaecological cancer care

The Irish Society for Gynaecological Oncology (ISGO) encompasses a multidisciplinary team including, oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, nurses, radiologists, psychotherapists, geneticists, researchers and patient advocates. Dr Collins and Dr Ó Riain, both ISGO members, highlight the breadth of specialist involvement to improve clinical outcomes for women with — and at risk of — gynaecological cancers.

ISGO promotes education, training, research and development in all areas of cancer care from prevention to diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and palliation. Now, they are championing new treatment options to become the standard of care for women impacted by gynaecological cancer. provides an online personalised resource for anyone who has been impacted by gynaecological cancer. June is uterine cancer awareness month, organised by the International Gynecologic Cancer Society (IGCS) and their advocacy arm IGCAN and supported by ISGO and the Irish Network of Gynaecological Oncology. IGCS will hold their global meeting and an advocacy summit in Ireland in October. Visit

Bernie Carter Assistant Director of Nursing Services, Marie Keating Foundation
Dr Dearbhaile Collins Clinical Director of Cancer Services and Consultant Medical Oncologist
Dr Ciarán Ó Riain Consultant
Bethany Cooper

Why are we experiencing shortages of essential medicines in Ireland?

The World Health Organization recognises medicine shortages as a global problem, which has increasingly affected Ireland and other smaller European countries in recent years.

Amedicines shortage can be defined as a situation whereby the supply of a medicine does not meet public health or patient needs. Medicines shortages can occur for a variety of reasons, such as regulatory issues, manufacturing delays, an unexpected increase in demand, product quality issues and lack of commercial viability.

Global and local medicine shortages impact

Recent global events, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and financial pressures, including inflation, have added to the challenges affecting the pharmaceutical industry both in Ireland and internationally. Shortages of medicines can impact patient health outcomes and impose burdens on wholesalers and pharmacies tasked with finding alternative sources.

risk to Ireland’s international pharmaceutical companies’ viability to supply due to drug acquisition costs.

Ireland has experienced the withdrawal of many of the branded ‘originator’ products that have lost patent exclusivity, due to a lack of commercial viability. This leaves the market supported by generic companies that compete on small margins and typically do not carry large amounts of stock.

Unsustainably low pricing for many off-patent medications is one of the main factors creating vulnerability in the supply of medicines.3 Failure to act increases the likelihood of more manufacturers leaving the market.

How to tackle the medicines shortage

*This article was sponsored by Fresenius Kabi. Fresenius Kabi has also provided input on the scope and content and has approved the final article.

Job code: IE-NP-2400044, Date of prep: June 2024.

In Ireland, nearly 40% of people in the last two years have been affected by medicine shortages.1 Medicines in short supply have included treatments for pain, blood pressure, respiratory illnesses, digestive conditions and arthritis.

Low prices can jeopardise medicines supply Medicines for Ireland, which includes a number of generics manufacturers, supplies approximately 60% of the medicines in Ireland.2 Companies supplying generic medicines in Ireland have delivered significant savings to the state in the last two decades. While cost savings have benefited the drugs budget, very low prices pose a

The right nutrition at the right time: supporting oncology patient outcomes

A global healthcare company specialising in clinical nutrition aims to educate on the importance of nutrition for oncology patient outcomes.

Asubstantial proportion of oncology treatments are calculated based on weight. Undernourishment in patients with cancer impairs the quality of life and response to treatment, further leading to poor prognosis.1 When nutritional status is not optimised, our body may get weaker in its reaction to challenges.2

Optimising nutrition for oncology patients

**This content is aimed at healthcare professionals only and is organised and funded by Fresenius Kabi Ireland.

Find out more

Optimising the nutritional status of oncology patients is vital to supporting improved patient outcomes and response to treatment.3 However, in the context of cancer care, this is not without its challenges, as common side effects of the disease and its treatment include nausea, vomiting, cachexia (a wasting syndrome) and diarrhoea, which all have an impact on an

Ireland has a medicine shortage framework, which is operated by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) on behalf of the Department of Health. Since its introduction, the number of medicine shortages has fallen.

While individual brands or strengths of a medication may be temporarily unavailable, for many medicines, there are appropriate substitutions. These include different strengths, brands, or similar classes of medicines.4

This effort may not be enough. Another way of tackling medicine shortages is for manufacturers and stakeholders to better communicate and coordinate their efforts for the benefit of patients in Ireland.*

individual’s nutritional status. The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) published guidelines for healthcare professionals involved in the management of cancer patients to offer optimum nutritional care in 2021. The guidelines highlight the crucial role of nutrition in patients not only at diagnosis but throughout their cancer journey.4

Nutritional support factors and delivery Nutritional support is offered based on a set of precise guidelines, which include inability to eat, BMI (body mass index) and percentage of patient weight loss. It can come in many forms, from oral nutrition supplements to enteral nutrition (through a tube into the stomach or small intestine) and parenteral nutrition (through a tube inserted into a vein).

The link between poor nutrition and health outcomes is well established. Research from large-scale trials suggests that good nutritional management in general not only helps to improve patients’ nutritional status and prevent malnutrition-related poor clinical outcomes but can also improve patients’ quality of life.5 In the palliative setting, the benefits and risks associated with nutritional support must be weighed appropriately.

Tools for improving nutritional status of oncology patients

Fresenius Kabi champions the importance of effective nutrition and provides a range of clinical nutrition products, medical technologies and IV generic drugs, used for the therapy and care of oncology patients.

With its corporate mission of being ‘committed to life,’ Fresenius Kabi aims to put the right products in the hands of those who need them most. They aim to overcome some of the nutritional challenges faced by patients living with cancer, working with healthcare professionals to find the best enteral and parenteral nutrition solutions for their patients. With the development of their case study webinar series last year, they are also helping to educate. They offer live on-demand clinical nutrition content, which aims to improve clinical nutrition knowledge and care outcomes.**


1. O’Regan E. (2024). ‘Nearly 40pc of people have been affected by medicine shortage, survey shows’. (Accessed: June 2024).

2. MFI (2022). Medicines for Ireland manifesto. (Accessed: June 2024).

3. Biedermann, F. (2023) Seeking solutions to global drugs shortages. Available at: https:// www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/ S0140673623004373 (Accessed: 20 June 2024).

4. HPRA, Medicines shortages. (Accessed: June 2024).


References 1. Kim DH [2019]. Intest Res.

2. Chen M, et al. [2023]. Mol Carcinog.

3. Muscaritoli M, et al. [2023]. Cancers (Basel).

4. Muscaritoli, M. et al. [2021]. Clin Nutr. 5. Reber E, et al. [2019]. J Clin Med.

Conor Sadlier National Sales Manager Pharma Ireland, Fresenius Kabi
Niamh Buckley Marketing Manager Pharma & Nutrition Ireland
Page sponsored by Fresenius Kabi

People living with and beyond cancer struggle to find evidence-based nutrition care

Nutrition care can improve clinical outcomes and quality of life,1 help rebuild strength and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence for people living with and beyond cancer. 2-3

For People Living With and Beyond Cancer (PLWABC), optimal nutrition can be the difference between surviving and thriving, offering a powerful tool to support people through cancer treatment, recovery and survivorship.

Impact of nutrition on life after cancer PLWABC experience debilitating symptoms that affect their dietary intake which, combined with fatigue, can lead to weight and muscle changes.4-5 Muscle loss is common across all cancers, at all weights and ages and leads to poorer outcomes, like survival, quality of life and treatment complications.6-10

The dietitian’s impact on cancer care

The main goal of nutrition in cancer is to improve or maintain nutritional status, with a particular focus on preserving muscle mass, 11 to help reduce treatment-associated side effects, support recovery and improve the overall wellbeing of PLWABC.3

A CORU Registered Dietitian (RD) is a regulated healthcare professional who is qualified to support PLWABC in managing these challenges, providing tailored individualised nutritional support to manage symptoms, maintain muscle health and optimise nutritional status.12

Nutrition awareness and access

Research from University College Cork showed that while most PLWABC believe nutrition is important, only 39% have seen a registered dietitian. Over half find it challenging to sort through the nutrition messaging online and in the media, exposing them to misinformation and scaremongering.13

With just one RD for every 4,500 cancer patients,13 it is unsurprising that PLWABC feel confused about nutrition. In the absence of

widespread access to evidence-based dietetic care, PLWABC are often convinced by unregulated ‘nutrition experts’ to adopt potentially harmful alternative practices, such as restrictive diets, herbal remedies and supplements.

Dietitians provide evidence-based, individualised care

Unfortunately, other healthcare professionals do not get much nutrition training, so it is important to speak to a RD if you have any nutrition concerns after a cancer diagnosis. Most hospitals will have an RD, but you might need to ask to see them, as referral is not routine. If you are wondering whether you need to change your diet or are thinking about taking any supplements, an RD is the best person to advise you on how this might affect your other treatments. Red flags that suggest you should see an RD include weight changes (even if you have previously been recommended to lose weight), difficulty eating normally, concerns about gut symptoms or feeling like you are losing strength.

The Vienna Declaration says that nutrition care is a human right, so don’t be afraid to ask for a dietitian.

Community effort drives cancer trials for accessible treatment and expertise

We must support clinical trial research to ensure that Irish cancer patients have access to innovative and novel cancer treatments and approaches.

Akey priority for the Irish Cancer Society is investing in world-class cancer research that will have an impact on people affected by cancer in Ireland.

Improving cancer care in Ireland

The Irish Cancer Society is the largest voluntary funder of cancer research in Ireland. Every year, we invest €3.7 million, on average, in over 100 researchers working all across the country to improve cancer outcomes.

We provide over €1 million of funding every year to Cancer Trials Ireland, the leading cancer research trials organisation in Ireland. Through this investment, the Cancer Trials Ireland team work hard to drive and attract a broad trial portfolio to Ireland across a range of cancer types.

life. For example, trials focusing on diet and exercise interventions have shown success for some individuals living with and beyond cancer.

Research talent and expertise

For example, trials focusing on diet and exercise interventions have shown success for some individuals living with and beyond cancer.

Trials improve patient outcomes today

Each year in Ireland, thousands of people affected by cancer are participating in hundreds of clinical trials across the island. For some cancer patients, trials may be the best treatment option for them, especially those who may have exhausted previous treatment options.

In addition to trials focused on improving patient outcomes through new treatment modalities, we are also passionate about ensuring Irish patients have access to cutting-edge studies centred on improvements in their cancer care and quality of

Alongside a direct focus on cancer trials, it is also vital to foster and cultivate research talent and create an environment where pioneering clinical trials research can be developed. To do this, the Irish Cancer Society provide dedicated research buy-out time for oncologybased clinicians to allow them the time to develop new research ideas. Ultimately, we want people affected by cancer nationwide to have access to the best clinical research expertise. Trials are the driving force behind improvements in cancer care and the hero of happy endings. We know that cancer research both in Ireland and globally lost valuable time during Covid — time that we can’t afford and need to catch up on as soon as possible.

To do this, we, as a community, all need to work together to do everything we can to ensure that people affected by cancer in Ireland have access to world-class clinical trials and expertise.

Dr Claire Kilty Head of Research, Irish Cancer Society
Dr Erin Stella Sullivan RD, Lecturer in Nutritional Sciences & Cancer Research
Dietitian, King’s College London
Dr Samantha Cushen RD Lecturer in Human Nutrition and Dietetics & Cancer Research
Dietitian, University College Cork)
There is still time to support the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day by making a donation:
Contribution on behalf of the INDI and IrSPEN. Full references can be found in the online version of this article.

Patient-led research highlights needs of women with metastatic breast cancer

Enhancing support and services for metastatic breast cancer patients begins with a simple, yet crucial, step: listening to their self-expressed needs.

According to the National Cancer Registry Ireland, in 2017–2019, approximately 3,507 women were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer annually in Ireland. Around 7% of these patients present with metastatic disease. Thanks to treatment advances, patients are living longer, but their needs are poorly understood. I experienced this firsthand when I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer in 2020.

Patient-led metastatic breast cancer research

As a former research scientist, I used my experience as a patient to lead the Metastatic Breast Cancer survey — Ireland’s first-ever patientled research to undergo rigorous ethics and scientific approval — with support from Cancer Trials Ireland. I developed the study with a group of patients with the same disease alongside an interdisciplinary steering committee including medical and radiation oncologists, psychologists, palliative care professionals and trainee doctors.

Addressing a knowledge gap

Traditionally, resources for patients with breast cancer have focused on those newly diagnosed and, therefore, have potentially curable instances of the disease. In comparison, metastatic breast cancer is a challenging condition that is currently incurable. The needs of people with metastatic breast cancer have not been adequately explored, creating a knowledge gap in services and supports. Additionally, in my

experience, there are many aspects of care where broad assumptions of our needs are made, and many assumptions are simply untrue.

Giving patients a voice

Central to my research is a desire to understand what women with metastatic breast cancer want from the medical system and to hear, in their words, what unmet needs they experience. The survey explores many aspects of patients’ journeys — including discussions with medical teams, fertility issues, financial stresses, mental health, conversations with family and engaging with palliative care.

Improved support and services

My ambition is for the study findings to help oncologists, treatment teams and policymakers better understand the impact metastatic breast cancer has on patients’ lives in Ireland, leading to evidence-based changes in services, in line with our selfexpressed needs. I would like to see the results utilised to guide the implementation of new health and social care resources to enhance care, with emphasis on psychosocial and palliative care needs.

International interest

Based on the findings, my co-investigator Professor Seamus O’Reilly and I, alongside other steering group members, submitted four abstracts to prestigious international cancer conferences. Two will be presented at ESMO and two at ASCO. This inclusion in two major conferences indicates a growing interest in the needs of metastatic breast cancer patients.

Global trends analysis on emerging oncology therapy R&D and innovation

Global oncology R&D and innovation continue to expand, introducing therapies for advanced cancers and leading pharmaceutical science development.

According to research by IQVIA, in 2023, 25 oncology novel active substances (NASs) were launched globally, contributing to a total of 192 since 2014. Emerging biopharma companies were responsible for 60% of the oncology trials in 2023, up from 33% a decade ago.1

Advances in oncology therapies

More than 2,000 new oncology clinical trials started in 2023 with novel modalities and significant promise for cancer treatment, including cell and gene therapies, antibody-drug conjugates, multispecific antibodies and radioligand therapies.1 Over 250 trials testing CAR T-cell therapies in oncology started in 2023, with a growing number across solid tumors.1

Driven by the success of Covid-19 vaccines, development of mRNA vaccines for cancer has more than doubled since 2017, with focus on solid tumors.2 Globally, the number of cancer treatments have increased 9% annually since 20191 However, the distribution of novel cancer therapies is uneven across countries, influenced by variations in biomarker testing rates, adoption of new therapies and infrastructure capacity.

Digital health accelerating oncology care

Telemedicine, mobile apps, wearable devices, AI-powered diagnostic tools and voiceinterface systems have become more prevalent in patient care and

clinical research. Moreover, demand for high-quality, real-world data (RWD) in oncology is increasing due to the precise characterisation of disease types, which has led to more targeted treatments but also challenges in clinical trial recruitment for niche populations. While randomised controlled trials remain the gold standard, RWD is increasingly used to support evidence generation and regulatory decisions.

Expanding healthcare data and access

The big data landscape in healthcare is rapidly expanding, with electronic health record (EHR) systems contributing to a forecasted 36% compound annual growth rate of health-related data volume through 2025.3 The European Health Data Space (EHDS), agreed upon by the European Parliament and Council in March 2024, will facilitate the reuse of health data for secondary purposes, such as oncology research and innovation, empowering cancer patients with greater access and control over their data.

Gwynne Morley Chair, HealthTech Ireland Association
Siobhan Gaynor Patient Consultants Committee, Cancer Trials Ireland

Five essential clinical trial reforms for improved patient care and research efficiency

Patients in Ireland deserve a strong clinical research infrastructure to provide access to treatments. However, reforms are needed for efficient trials to benefit patients with breakthrough medicines.

Healthcare providers in Irish hospitals and academic institutions have shown their ability and commitment to driving worldclass research. However, according to the IPHA Clinical Trials Activity Comparison Report 2024, which captures data across a 10-year period from 2014 to 2023, Ireland attracted fewer industry-sponsored interventional clinical trials than Finland and Denmark in that period despite their similar population size and economic wealth.

Interventional clinical trials in Ireland

The Report shows that IPHA member companies sponsored or collaborated in 292 out of 460 listed allindustry sponsored interventional clinical trials that were occurring in Ireland. Most (68%) of these interventional clinical trials in Ireland were in Phase III.

Cancer accounted for just over half of all IPHA membersponsored interventional clinical trials, with other therapy areas — such as gastroenterology, immunology and endocrinology — accounting for 21%.

How to reform Ireland clinical trials process

While Ireland currently lags behind other EU countries in terms of the number of clinical trials being conducted here, reforms are needed in the clinical trials process in Ireland. If we get them right, more patients will benefit

Less invasive, highly sensitive: colorectal cancer diagnostic techniques under review

A life sciences research company is driving innovation in colorectal cancer, highlighting the need for new applications of existing mutation profiling technologies.


he worldwide burden of cancer affects upwards of 244.6 million people, making innovations in oncology diagnosis, treatment and management essential to improving patient outcomes, enhancing quality of life and reducing oncology mortality rates. With the global burden of cancer growing, research institutions are prioritising advanced diagnostics, effective treatments and comprehensive management strategies.

Innovative colorectal cancer therapies

ZEAB Therapeutic is a life sciences research company focused on developing innovative cancer therapies, their main therapeutic focus being colorectal cancer. Bene Ekine-Afolabi, Founder and CEO of ZEAB Therapeutic, discusses the importance of early detection and treatment to improve patient

from breakthrough innovation in medicines. Collaboration by all stakeholders including the Government, hospitals, academic institutions and industry is required to reform the clinical trial process and help accelerate new medicines’ development. This will raise standards of care for patients in Ireland.

• IPHA continues to urge for this reform through the following five steps:

• Provide standardised clinical trial startup requirements (including Data Protection Impact Assessments) and timelines for hospitals;

• Designate specific clinical trial signatories in each hospital and a standard, timely sign-off process;

• Appoint one permanent clinical research nurse post for each teaching hospital;

• Ring-fence clinical trial funding and working time for multidisciplinary research; Protect dedicated clinical research time.

Ireland can play a leading role in the provision of clinical trials in Europe, but this can only be achieved through a predictable, transparent and efficient clinical research system, which is necessary to attract more clinical trials.


“We are a life science research company looking at drug development for colorectal cancer. Our mission is to undertake life science research for the development of cancer therapy,” she says. “We are investigating new diagnostics and are continually advocating for less invasive, highly sensitive diagnostic techniques for a lesser cost.”

Working in collaboration with Cresset Discovery Services, UK and Human Metabolomics Technology, USA, the life sciences company is leveraging cutting-edge technologies to tackle colorectal cancer.

Technology enhances personalised cancer treatment

The integration of technologies like the MassARRAY system from AgenaBioscience, in genetic analysis, offers precise mutation profiling, which can

guide the development of much more personalised treatment plans, improving the success of many cancer therapies. A mass spectrometry-based system, the technology can test for a multitude of genetic markers and has become a powerful tool for genetic analysis and tumour mutation detection.

“With the multiplex MassARRAY system, you can detect clinically relevant biomarkers in one to two days. It is a rapid, highly sensitive (allowing for detection of low mutation load approaching 1% VAF), and it is also economical in terms of both labour and costs involved,” explains Ekine-Afolabi.

“It has previously been used in the context of lung cancer research and diagnosis, and we are looking into how this technology can be applied to other oncology therapy areas.”

Promoting early cancer detection Board committee member and occasional chair for the SEI Symposium for Cancer, Ekine-Afolabi is driving innovations in oncology diagnostics on a large scale. “One of the biggest challenges with cancer today is the resistance to treatment and the recurrence. The conference provides an opportunity to promote less invasive cancer therapy and diagnostic techniques, such as the MassARRAY System, advocating for early detection of cancer to mitigate its negative effects on patients,” she concludes.

Dr. Rebecca Cramp Director of Code and Regulatory Affairs, IPHA
Bene Ekine-Afolabi Founder and CEO, ZEAB Therapeutic Ltd
Sponsored by ZEAB Therapeutic Ltd
Bethany Cooper

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