In Business Magazine's August 2016 Partner Section: NAWBO

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Celebrating 30 years of serving the women business owners of Phoenix

Summer 2016 •

Message from the President

When I first visited NAWBO Phoenix back in 2004, I knew I had found my tribe. It was my district manager who had handed me a newspaper clipping a few weeks earlier and thought I might be interested in the group. I didn’t hesitate to become involved and started volunteering on a committee, and, finally, the board! I am so grateful to have the women of NAWBO in my life — they are my friends, my mentors and women who just get me. I found at NAWBO, you’re surrounded by women and men who understand the joys and struggles of being a business owner — they’re some of the most supportive people I could have met on this journey. Last year I saw that district manager at a function and have felt such gratitude for my experience in this organization, I just had to ask him, “Do you even know what a gift it was that you gave me five years ago? Thank you. Just thank you.” The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) has a mission that propels women entrepreneurs into economic, social and political spheres of power worldwide by working to: STRENGTHEN the wealth-creating capacity of our members and promote economic development; CREATE innovative and effective changes in the business culture; BUILD strategic alliances, coalitions, and affiliations; and TRANSFORM public policy and influence opinion makers.


Last year we based our entire focus on the mission above, as we will continue to do this year but with the addition of our 2016/17 theme: “#NAWBOFirst.” This theme has several meanings, but mostly it’s that we put our membership first. This is a member-led organization; we are here to serve them. NAWBO is so much more than just a place for networking; it’s THE place for women business owners to reach their highest potential through fostering individual and professional growth and providing the education that is not available anywhere else, public policy awareness, and business growth opportunities in an environment that is truly uplifting and supportive. Another #NAWBOFirst is when we started back in 1975 in Washington DC. Twelve brave women set out to challenge the business landscape and fight for gender equality in business ownership. We were one of the first women’s business groups to formally organize, and today we’re the unified voice for the 10 million women business owners across the nation, with more than 5,000 members and 60 chapters. Our national organization is stronger than it’s been since our strongest advocacy days at the beginning of this great movement and we are fortunate to have the power and strength of our large organization with us on this journey. Lastly, we are #NAWBOFirst because we should be supporting each other as women in business, and supporting the male-owned businesses that support us. We have a member presence to pull from throughout Arizona and also access to the national website — think #NAWBOFirst whenever you need a service or product in your personal or business lives! I am honored to serve as the president of NAWBO Phoenix this year, and I ask that you join me on this journey making #NAWBOFirst a priority this year for Arizona Women Business Owners. If you are interested in membership or becoming a corporate partner, please reach out to me or any one of our directors.

Phaedra Earhart 2016-2017 President NAWBO Phoenix Chapter Farmers Insurance 1425 S. Higley Road, Suite 107 Gilbert, AZ 85296 480-289-5768 Years in Business: 6 Joined NAWBO: 2011


—Phaedra Earhart, 2016 – 2017 President NAWBO Phoenix

NAWBO® prides itself on being a global beacon for influence, ingenuity and action and is uniquely positioned to provide incisive commentary on issues of importance to women business owners. NAWBO Phoenix propels women entrepreneurs into economic, social and political spheres of power.

We host networking and education events throughout the valley each month, open to both members and guests. Check out our calendar at and join us! Take advantage of this great networking opportunity by bringing business cards and making connections.

For more information, please visit

Phoenix Metropolitan Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners 7949 E Acoma Dr., #207, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 480-289-5768 •



NAWBO PHOENIX Presidential Corporate Partners SRP Western International University Executive Corporate Partners Border States Electric Cox Business GoDaddy Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie Wells Fargo

Announcing the New NAWBO 2016/2017 Board of Directors The Phoenix Chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) recently installed its new board of directors for 2016-17. This board will be responsible for fulfilling the mission of the 5,000-strong women in NAWBO to: strengthen the wealth-creating capacity of its members and promote economic development; create innovative and effective changes in the business culture; build strategic alliances, coalitions, and affiliations; and transform public policy and influence opinion makers. Serving on the Board’s Executive Committee: President: Phaedra Earhart, Farmers Insurance President Elect: Julie Cook, Idea Three Creative Immediate Past President: Nancy Sanders, Maricopa SBDC Treasurer: Ronit Urman, Urman Enterprises LLC Secretary: Wendy McClellan, Structure for Success Executive Director – NAWBO Phoenix Office: Suzanne Lanctot, SOS-Association Management Solutions

The New Conversation of NAWBO First

Other members serving on the NAWBO Board: Director of Corporate Partners: Julie Grubbs, Jule’s Jewels Director of Membership: Clarisse Ringwald, Clarisse Color Creations, LLC Director of Marketing: Kristi Church, Infinite Reach Agency Director of Programs: Melanie Dunlap, Peaceful Spirit Enrichment Center Director of Mentoring Program: Cindy Gordon, Culture Shock Coaching Director of Public Policy: Mike Bull, Women’s Business Institute Director of Community Alliance: Colleen Dellolio, UPS Director of Strategy and Development: Lynda Bishop, Relationship Insurance

The Phoenix Chapter recently developed a new marketing initiative of #NAWBOFirst in hopes of creating an awareness of support among the chapter members, corporate partners and board of directors — to bring value and make NAWBOPHX the premier place for women business owners of Arizona to learn, share and support one another inside the chapter first, before looking elsewhere. So please join us and share #NAWBOFirst!



Business Corporate Partners Arizona Bank & Trust Arizona Fire & Water Restoration Bank of America Benjamin Franklin Plumbing IKEA Business Kolbe Corp Microsoft Store Orchard Medical Consulting Phoenix Country Club Schmeiser, Olsen & Watts LLP UPS Strategic Media Partners Hollister Design Group Independent Talk 1100 KFNX MoneyRadio 1510 Phoenix Business Journal Splash Printing & Marketing Executive Media Partners Beaver Pond Enterprises, LLC CITY Sun Times InBusiness Magazine Infinite Reach Agency Community Alliance Partners Arizona Small Business Association Arizona Small Business Development Center Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce Visit Phoenix Women’s Enterprise Foundation

What to Do when Disaster Strikes by Tracy Michelle Klein, Agency Consultant, Arizona Fire & Water Restoration, Inc.

Have you ever heard the phrase “better safe than sorry”? Having a disaster plan is one step in making you safe. As a business owner, the last thing you want to think about is a disaster striking. Today’s disasters are not the same as those of previous generations. We not only have natural disasters which everyone seems to think about, but, with our world being run and controlled by computers, we have IT disasters, data breaches, white hat hacking, black hat hacking and more. I have to impress upon you that, as a business owner, the first thing you need to think about is what to do when a disaster strikes. You put together a business plan to make yourself successful; you should also put together a disaster plan to ensure you will be safe and not sorry.

The Importance of Being Prepared – Create A Plan

One important fact to keep in mind is, according to the Red Cross, 40 percent of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. So let’s get prepared and make sure your business does not become another statistic. I am going to give you a few things to keep in mind when putting together your plan. 1. Consult with Your Insurance Agent The first step in being prepared for a disaster is a worst-case scenario conversation with your insurance agent. Your insurance agent should be considered a partner in your business. Don’t ever purchase insurance on price, especially for your business. Make sure you have an agent whom you know, you trust and you can sit down with before disaster happens, and go over everything. Make sure you have proper liability coverage for neighboring businesses, contents coverage, loss-of-business coverage, cyber coverage and so on. Also ask your agent straightforwardly, “Are you going to be there for me if something happens? 2. Who Is Ultimately Responsible for What? The second item you need to consider is, do I own or rent my building? If you rent, what does my lease cover? And who is responsible for what if something happens? Make sure you know these details ahead of time. If something happens to the structure, who is responsible, and whom do you need to call? Who is your landlord’s contact? Maintenance? How do you shut off the electric? How do you shut off the water? Who are the companies you need to contact? Make sure you have all of those numbers handy somewhere other than your office. If you own the building, make sure you have all the information gathered into one place and make sure that your employees have it. I would suggest a Google doc that is shared, so if there is an emergency and you are out of town, your employees know who to contact. 3. Have a Photo Archive of … EVERYTHING The third thing to complete is photos of everything you own. Take time out and photograph all your equipment, furniture, wall hangings, signs, etc. — especially any high-dollar items such as collectibles or memorabilia — along with serial numbers and invoices to have as a permanent record. Store those photos in a cloud labeled “office equipment,” and then, when you see your adjuster at the time of loss, there is no question as to contents and what you have lost.

4. Don’t Underestimate the Power of Backing Up The fourth thing you need to consider: Your computers are the most vital portion of every business. If you are not backing up every day, start doing so. If you are backing up on a flash drive, make sure that flash drive does not stay inside the building at night. It will not do you any good if a fire happens in the middle of the night and the backup for all of your company’s information was burned up as well. 5. How Will You Handle Your Staff? The fifth item you need to consider is having a plan with your employees. If a fire breaks out, if a monsoon hits, if they need to get out of the building in a hurry, how are they going to do it? Also make sure that you designate a meeting spot for your office. 6. Will You Need an Alternate Location? The sixth item you want to make sure to have in your plan is where you will be running the business as an alternate if needed. Would you be able to convert a room in your home? Would you be able to reach out to someone who has extra space? You want to make sure you know ahead of time where you are going to plug in and go while your office is being put back into action. 7. Communication Is Key You also want to make sure you have a communication-with-staff plan put into place. Make sure you have a virtual meeting space ready to go if needed so employees can have a meeting together after the fact. This will not only keep your employees in the loop but also keep peace of mind moving forward. Remember, your employees are your team, and they need to know what is going on in order to function appropriately. Remember, your employees are your team and there is no better way to see what a team is made of than when faced with unfortunate circumstances. Lastly, if you find yourself in the middle of water damage, smoke damage or fire, always call a reputable restoration company that can come out immediately and help you put your business back together. A restoration company is well versed in insurance and what is covered and what is not covered. It can assist in property documentation at the scene. It can assist in trying to save equipment and furniture and, most of all, it is there to assist you in getting back to pre-loss condition as quickly as possible, because, as I said, time is money. Arizona Fire & Water Restoration, Inc.



What Fortune 100 Firms Know about Teambuilding that Women Business Owners Need to Know! by Laurie D Battaglia, CEO & Workplace Strategist, Aligned at Work™

Remember when you started your business a few years ago? You may have had visions of scaling up, living large, having a large team of people, or a company with more than a thousand employees. Or you may have decided to pursue your passion and see where it leads you. You could be a team of one or two. Either way, sooner or later, you can’t do it all alone. You’ll need to hire people to help you. They could be sitting in the same location with you, or in a totally different country and time zone. They may be full-time employees or hourly contractors. Let’s assume that you’ve hired people and now you are charged with bringing them all together into a smoothly functioning, cohesive team. How do you do that?

Extraordinary Teams Have These Things in Place

Here are the common themes that Extraordinary Teams share: • People know why they are part of the team. What are they expected to bring to the role: personality, intellect, experience, skills, education? • Team members, including the leader, need to build and maintain trust. Without strong trust, a team will never accomplish as much as it could. The job may get done, but it is accelerated with a strong foundation of trust. • Team members need to understand the goals, mission, vision, the “why” of the team. What is the common mission that they are there to support? Does each of them buy into that mission? People want to champion a cause or goal that they endorse.



• There is organizational commitment to the goal/mission/vision. Companies provide finances and resources to support the mission. There is sponsorship and a decision-making process from leaders. • People understand their individual and team roles. They know who is supposed to do what, when, where and how. They have the tools they need to do their work. • There is incentive to stay with the team. Each person knows what’s in it for them.

How Do You, the Leader, Make this Happen?

Let’s use an example from gardening. If you wanted to grow specific vegetables in your garden, you could take an easy approach and throw old vegetables out into your yard. You could even buy a pack of seeds and do the same thing. With any luck, something would take root. But birds, animals, sun and rain would take a toll, and you may or may not have the garden you want. A better approach would be to set aside a spot in your yard with the right amount of sun and shade for what you want to grow. Do a little research — what will grow well in your area? What’s the right time of year to plant? What kind of seeds or seedlings should you buy? Do you have animals or predators that will eat your plants before they provide a crop? Netting and poles may need to be purchased. And when it all goes right, you get a lovely crop of vegetables and get to eat healthy and clean. What Does that Have to Do with You and Your New Team? Your new team is just like that vegetable garden. You get a better result when you

provide the time and opportunity for each team member, plus all of them together, to create a trusting environment where people know the value they bring to the team. When you bring that team together, in person or virtually through faceto-face technology, you can create your mission and vision together. People naturally support what they had a hand in creating. You can talk about roles and assignments together so each one knows what the others are doing. You, the leader, can provide that time and space, plus the facilitation needed to get people aligned and working together.

How Can You Create Your Extraordinary Team?

Rest assured, you can do this alone. Here are some points to consider when you decide to DIY. • Do you have the expertise to facilitate a team-building session with your own team? I’ve done it, but it’s not easy. You can’t really “play along” on equal footing with your team. • Do you know how to build trust quickly within the group? No matter how much we think others trust us, the leader is still “the boss” to many and it’s tough to step in and out of that role during a team session. • Do you have a process in place already to walk the team through what they need to do, know and understand? A professional facilitator knows the process to take people through to get where you need to go. • Can you afford the time and resources to potentially do it wrong, and then regroup? Leaders often call in an expert to help them by facilitating a team-building session or retreat. Great results come from these sessions, and leaders get

to participate as equals with their teams. Their goals get met. And a strong foundation is set in place for future work by the team.

What Can You Expect to Gain through Teambuilding?

Here are some of the results we’ve achieved working with leaders: • Ten percent increase in leadership engagement; 31 percent increase in team member engagement. • New startup team builds new functions and processes while changing norms and culture. • Leaders now make decisions together and report back to their senior leader, rather than waiting for him to solve the problems.

Your results should always be based on your own definition of success. What do you need to do to build a stronger team? Laurie D Battaglia, MS-OD and associate certified coach, is CEO and Workplace Strategist with Aligned at Work™ ( in Scottsdale, Ariz. A NAWBO Phoenix Chapter member, she partners with her husband and their team to provide consulting, facilitation, training and coaching to leaders and their teams. As a Certified Leadership Ambassador for Take the Lead Women ( she specializes in working with women in the workplace, especially around the issue of power. Contact her at (602) 888-0975 or @alignedatwork • •



The Technology Paradox: Are You Hooked into Technology or Is Technology Hooked into You? by Sara Regester, Directions 4 Wellness

I was recently traveling in the Colorado Rockies “off the grid” with no cellular service and no Internet access — unless I took a hike up the hill to the pasture and stood under the big pine tree, where I was able to access three bars on my smartphone. I wonder if this is how the indigenous felt when they sent out their smoke signals. … It’s amazing how much technology rules our life and distracts our focus, yet, as business owners, how dependent we have become to staying plugged in and connected to our phones and our devices 24/7. Being a problem responder and not a problem reactor is at the core of stress resilience techniques and strategies that I offer through my stress management programs. The downside of our technology dependency is that it often pulls us out of presence and distracts our attention from those around us.

Technology as a Source of Stress

As important as technology is to our workflow, it can also be the source of our stress. The paradox is that we rely on our technology tools to track the many things on our to-do list and to communicate with others, but, just when we are in a productive rhythm, an email comes in that we need to respond to or our phone alert goes off with a text or social media alert. The distraction from our devices as we stay connected to our business demands a constant split attention that can be energy draining and derail our efficiency. Ultimately, the resulting competing priorities will lead to overwhelm and lack of productivity, which will create burnout and suppress our creativity. This is the downside of how technology efficiency tools can contribute to our stress.


So where is the balance of staying connected to your business and focused on the task at hand? This is a real issue among many in our society. Technology has completely taken over the time together, and disconnection on the human level takes place. And, as we communicate more and more to each other over our devices, how often do we miscommunicate the tone through text messages and email? Clear communication requires listening with presence and focus so we can support the needs of our customer or client.

Removing the Paradox

We can invest in our SELF-Care by setting personal boundaries around our technology tools. Many of us have a subconscious habit, like an addiction, to mindlessly check our smartphones for alerts and calls frequently during the day. What if you apply some mindfulness practices around your smartphone and try to remove the paradox? Below are six tips to help establish Technology Self-Care practices to free yourself from distraction and step outside the technology paradox. No need to add to your stress by tackling these all at once! Choose a few



to try out, and see how establishing some healthy boundaries around your devices can relieve stress and free your mind from distraction, allowing you to have more energy to spend that focus on other things — like those you enjoy spending time with!

6 Tips to Free Yourself from Technology Distraction

1. Take your lunch break away from your desk. Eat lunch without your phone or computer to distract you. Taking a technology break in your day can help you to gain an energy boost and to reset your mind from all the noise. 2. Turn off your phone when you go to bed at night and leave it in another room. Don’t bring your business calls into your sanctuary. 3. When exercising, leave your phone in the locker so you can stay focused. 4. Turn your phone to silent while at the table. You can be more mindful with your food and more present with your table companions. 5. Set a timer for 20- to 30-minute segments of focused project time to not allow any distractions such as email or text messages for that window of time. Sara Regester, stress mastery expert, is the founder of Directions 4 Wellness, and creator of the “Turn Your Stress into Success” programs that promote Stress Resiliency to support success-driven individuals in how to be successful without wiping themselves out from stress. Her highly transformative programs are available to individuals and businesses. Visit to download her free e-book, The True Cost of Stress.

Rights of Publicity: A Potentially Catastrophic Pitfall for the Unwary Marketer by Cindy Villanueva, Associate of Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie

Business owners and marketing departments need to have at least a basic understanding, if not a proficient grasp, of the legal vetting necessary before using an image in an ad or marketing piece. A marketer needs to know not to use trademarks owned by other companies, when to obtain a copyright license before using a photo, and how to avoid using trademarks in her own company’s advertisements that are confusingly similar to a competitor’s mark. Importantly, a marketer needs to also understand a concept known as “the right of publicity,” which may be lurking in a properly licensed image. When marketing forgets to consider the rights of publicity, businesses are exposed to potentially dramatic legal liability. As explained below, Michael Jordan won $8.9 million against Dominick’s (now Safeway) because Dominick’s ran a print ad in Sports Illustrated without following the rules.

So What Is the Right of Publicity?

The right of publicity is the right of every person to control the commercial use of his or her identity.1 Identity goes beyond how a person looks. It also includes an individual’s “persona,” which includes such indicia of identity as name, voice (including sound-alikes), signature, distinctive phrases and biographical information. For example, Dominick’s got slammed when it used an ad (shown below), even though it did not include a photo of Michael Jordan — it featured only his name and jersey number 23. As innocent as this may seem, Dominick’s didn’t have permission to use the name or the jersey number in its ad.

How Did the Jury Arrive at an $8.9 Million Damage Award?

The right of publicity is protected by statutes and/or case law, and the law can vary from state to state. Generally, a plaintiff is required to show that a defendant used the plaintiff’s identity for “commercial purposes.” And it is safe to assume that the use of an individual (or her persona) in an advertisement will be considered commercial use. Michael Jordan’s case is an interesting one. By all accounts, the $2-off voucher on Dominick’s ad featured above was a total flop. The voucher was redeemed by only two customers! However, damages in a right of publicity case are not based on the success of the ad. Instead, the award is based on the value of the plaintiff’s identity, which is evaluated under formulas recognized by the courts. Jordan presented evidence that he highly values his image and does not sign endorsement deals for less than $10 million. Although a staggering number, the jury seemingly used this rate to find that the value of Jordan’s right of publicity equated to $8.9 million.

That award is not altogether isolated. Dustin Hoffman was awarded $1.5 million in compensatory damages as fair market value for use of his name and likeness (although the case was later overturned on appeal for other reasons). Tom Waite was awarded $375,000 after Frito-Lay used of soundalike of his voice without his permission. As the verdicts in these cases demonstrate, infringing a person’s right of publicity can be a costly mistake.

Bottom Line: How Do You Protect Yourself?

To avoid a potentially costly right of publicity claim, begin legal vetting of an image with obtaining a photo license. But don’t stop there. Also consider the content of the photo. If the photo includes an identifiable individual, a name, or some other indicia of identity, consider whether a right of publicity release is necessary. A license for use of the photo will not protect you should an individual pictured bring a right of publicity claim. Finally, you should be careful to obtain permission from all the proper parties. Rights of publicity, especially for deceased individuals, may have been inherited by a few descendants. Thus, make sure that all parties with rights have signed a proper release.

Ms. Villanueva is an associate in Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie’s Intellectual Property Practice Group. Her IP practice primarily focuses on trademarks, copyrights, and rights of publicity. She helps clients with cases involving trademark infringement and dilution, copyright infringement, trade secret misappropriation, unfair competition and cybersquatting. To learn more, please visit her website at



Protection from Hackers; Network Security for Your Business Jenny DeLapp, CEO and Owner of DeMille Global As more home and office products become Wi-Fi enabled, having a robust network becomes a must. With all the hacking reports in the news, many of our clients have become very aware of network security concerns. There are several best practices that can help secure your home and office networks. The first step is having the right network installed.

Different Types of Networks

Mid-tier network gear has difficulty with security, performance and handoff. Once you reach more than 6,000 square feet of office or home space, the network has difficulty covering the space and managing handoff. Clients using a device walking through the space will have calls drop, or they will lose connection to important devices. Higher tier networks can have more people connected to the network and still perform. Even smaller businesses do not want to install a network only to find that a device or service they use requires more bandwidth than they have. Most offices and homes need three layers to the network: a guest network for Internet use only, interoffice networks for standard office communication, and an executive network for confidential information. These networks are created in the firewall. It’s important to change the default login to the management port. Anyone with the manufacture’s default port information could easily log into your system if you keep it at the default.

Protecting Important Data

Every office seems to have that one person who isn’t tech savvy. One office we worked with had a salesperson who completely deleted several Dropbox folders. While this data can sometimes be recovered, it takes time and resources away from business. NAS (Network Attached Storage)

drives became popular as some cloud-based services became hacked or too expensive to hold large amounts of data. NAS is also recommended for most offices as it allows full control of your internal data. The drives can do a redundant backup of the other drives automatically. We would educate the admin to create groups and guests. The users would then be assigned as read only or with limited access to certain drives.

Here are a few of our hacking prevention best practices:

• Change all the default passwords, making them 8 to 32 characters with a mix of capitals, special characters and spaces. Hackers and hacking practices will see the space and think that is the end of the password. Having multiple spaces in a password keeps them confused. • Change default ports on firewalls, switches, printers and any network device. • Create user rights in the NAS drive. • For firewall rules, only allow VPN connections and schedule VPN times. Have certain staff to have access during their typical working hours or allow CXO level to have access at all times. • Control access to exported files. For example, Google Drive has excellent tools for file sharing. Look for a tool that allows you to delete a shared file from another computer. • Keep security patches and software up to date.

Jenny DeLapp is the CEO and owner of DeMille Global, a world-wide home and business automation company based in Scottsdale, Arizona. Please visit our website at to see all the latest technology and contact us for more information on how we can help you create the perfect home or business network.

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