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choice is great, we can do much more to make the experience positive and productive. Some pioneers in the seeker-centric movement are deeply connected to the unhappiness that lies just beneath the surface of many internet interactions. StitchFix is a shopping service for people who are tired of how hard it is to shop. Uncommon Goods lets users match personality traits with unique gifts. Flyhomes helps prospective homeowners buy a house. What do these offerings have in common? They treat the customer as a seeker. This focuses them not just on the sale, but on the experience.
Across all these industries, we are seeing the move from customercentric to seeker-centric experiences. I saw the beginnings of this in the early days of founding Bloomreach. We started Bloomreach to enable the billions of people worldwide who were increasingly living their lives digitally to have the kind of magical experiences that get to the heart of what they are looking for. We fashioned our work as the flip side of the Google experience. When Google would give seven million responses to a query, our question was, “What’s the point of returning a ton of blue links if, when a user clicks through, they don’t find exactly what they are seeking?” More than 20 years after the founding of Google, search engines have trained us well. When we type in a query that doesn’t get us what we are looking for, we assume that we typed in the wrong thing and start modifying our queries. Google is culprit No. 1 in inundating us with choice rather than giving us what we seek. Search companies see that clearly and are evolving search from results to answers, the boxes of information where they aim to give seekers what they are looking for without needing to click to a website.
I see Bloomreach brands reimagining their digital experiences away from just serving the customer better to meeting the seekers where they are. They are rethinking with digital at the center by changing the fundamental questions of business. Instead of, “What do you want?” they are asking, “Why are you here?” They are shifting from a customer-centric thinking that pushed them primarily to improve the customer experience. Instead, they are digging for an underlying problem. At Bloomreach, we’ve extended our business to meet the demand for seeker-centric experiences. Search is still at the core of Bloomreach. But we have extended the capabilities of the platform to go beyond what we would have traditionally described as “search” to deeply understand who the user is and give them an experience that’s uniquely suited for them.
Becoming seeker-centric is not a simple transformation. When a business addresses a seeker, it may find what is sought goes far beyond what that business offers. Businesses may find they must look beyond a traditional roster of products and services and ask, “What could we possibly assemble, what could we possibly provide, that gets as close as possible to what the seeker is seeking so they have to do as little work as possible to achieve that goal?” It’s no small consideration.
That said, the advent of seeker centricity has opened a huge opportunity — one that startups and legacy companies alike can exploit. When we talk about who’s at the forefront now, it’s the new companies that have no baggage and no legacy. But in fact, the companies with existing assets are in a stronger position to pull this off. There may, indeed, be a bunch of companies in Silicon Valley building new insurance companies and new banks and even new grocery stores, but who better to pull off new banks, new insurance companies and new grocery stores than existing ones? Existing companies already have the customer, the supply chain and the brand credibility. In order to win, they need to stop asking, “What?” and start asking, “Why?”
This opportunity is not just for the new startups. It’s a chance for every business to reframe its outlook and serve the seeker. It’s a chance to make a painful, slogging, internet experience enjoyable again.
The Creative Brief Blueprint
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