JULY | AUG 2009
Top Honors mark eberle of Henry & Horne honored with 2009 BVa Chair’s award PluS ScottSdale PointS of Pride MeMber SPotlight Arizona American Water Profile of SucceSS Rachel Sacco, Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau
ScottSdale Points of Pride sPeCiaL eDiTiOn
MakE yOuRsElf aT
aNd THE saME gOEs fOR yOuR
Welcome to your new hometown Executive Conference Center, a member of the prestigious International Association of Conference Centers. Inside this dynamic downtown environment, you’ll find a dedicated 21,000-square-foot venue as part of the Phoenix Convention Center, including a board room, lecture hall and cutting-edge technology. There, you can take full advantage of simple conference planning and the renowned IACC reputation for excellence with our convenient day meeting package for groups of 3 to 350. So contact us today to learn more – and enjoy an all-encompassing meeting experience right here in Phoenix.
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official publication of the scottsdale area chamber of commerce
community Points of Pride
With local and national economic issues dominating the news, it’s easy to forget that those of us who live and work in Scottsdale are most fortunate. Ours is indeed a special community, one in which we can all take great pride.
Rick kiddeR, PRESiDEnT & CEO rkidder@scottsdalechamber.com debRA kUffneR ChiEf OPERATing OffiCER dkuffner@scottsdalechamber.com cindi ebeRhARdT ViCE PRESiDEnT ceberhardt@scottsdalechamber.com 4725 n. SCOTTSDALE ROAD, SuiTE 210 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 Ph 480.355.2700 fAx 480.355.2710 www.scottsdalechamber.com
boARd of diRecToRS execUTiVe coMMiTTee boARd chAiR KAREn WiTTMER-JEKEL
PUbLic PoLicY AdViSoRY coUnciL MiKE MAnSOn
Vice chAiR KuRT ZiTZER, Partner Meagher & geer, PLLP iMMediATe eP PAST chAiR TOM SADVARy, President/COO Scottsdale healthcare TReASUReR MARK EbERLE, Managing Director henry & horne, PLLP econoMic deVeLoPMenT AdViSoRY coUnciL ERiC LARSOn, Vice President Business Development A.R. Mays Construction
ScoTTSdALe eP PARTneRShiP MELinDA guLiCK, VP Community Life DMb Associates AT LARGe MeMbeRS KuRT bRuECKnER, Partner Titus, brueckner & berry AnGeLA cReedon Community Development Manager Arizona Public Service STeVe heLM Senior Manager / Property Manager Scottsdale fashion Square
eMeRGinG iSSUeS MiChAEL RyA Ry n, General Manager Scottsdale Republic/ The Arizona Republic
Rick kiddeR, President/CEO Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce fOR A COMPLETE LiST Of MEMbERS Of ThE SCOTTSDALE AREA ChAMbER Of COMMERCE bOARD Of DiRECTORS, PLEASE ViSiT: www.scottsdalechamber.com
MeMbeRShiP AdViSoRY coUnciL DALE fingERSh, President The Right Direction
PubliShed by
6360 E. ThOMAS RD. SuiTE #210 SCOTTSDALE, AZ 85251 PhOnE (480) 588-9505 fAx (480) 584-3751 info@mpgcompany.com www.mediapublishersgroup.com © COPyRighT 2009. ALL RighTS RESERVED.
Only a handful of cities in the world can boast the kind of brand identification that Scottsdale enjoys. Such things are not accidents. Scottsdale has earned its world-class reputation and remains the envy of the Valley as one of those very special places in the nation and the world. While there are magnificent resort towns and well-known business cities, one rarely finds both in one great small city. Add to the mix an AAA bond rating and you are truly in rarefied air! Everywhere one turns in this great small city one finds a point of pride. Whether one looks at Scottsdale geographically or categorically, one finds unsurpassed character and quality. Preservation: Scottsdale’s citizens have voted twice to tax themselves to preserve a third of its land as pristine desert, recognizing its remarkable need for stewardship. Our low scale downtown core has successfully fought the pressures to be the same as everywhere else and preserved its character. Our neighborhoods, both older and new, are the finest in the Valley. Elegance: Resorts, restaurants and retail—the three Rs of Scottsdale elegance—are brand builders for this community and a major factor in its economic success. And special events like the fbR Open, barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction and the Scottsdale Arabian Show polish that brand and showcase Scottsdale to the world. Economic strength and diversity: Whether one looks at the nation’s most successful airpark, family-owned businesses in downtown, the incredible power of the arts or the established business core of midtown, Scottsdale has diversified its economy with clean businesses that range from traditional to cutting edge. People: Scottsdale boasts a population that rightfully loves the city. We don’t always agree, but no one can deny the sincerity of the care and concern every citizen feels about this special place. There is no place like home.
Rick Kidder, President/CEO
You can help us prevent waste by passing this publication on to a friend or business colleague and recycling it when you’re through. Please email dkuffner@scottsdalechamber.com to change the contact name or remove yourself from the mailing list. Thank you. 2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
Scottsdale at Work Magazine is published bi-monthly by Media Publishers Group, LLC. The publication is distributed to membership and made available to prospective members throughout the Greater Scottsdale area. We appreciate your editorial submissions and news for review by our editorial department by emailing editor@scottsdalechamber.com. To subscribe to Scottsdale at Work, please send check or money order for $16.00 to Media Publishers Group, P.O. Box 32055, Phoenix, AZ 85064 or call (480) 588-9505
Taliesin West
JuLy LLy - AuguST | 2009 | iSSuE 14
COnTEnTS Features 6 Points of Pride A look at Scottsdale’s most iconic landmarks
17 Top Honors Mark Eberle named 2009 bVA Chairman’s Award recipient
©Copyright 2009, Media Publishers Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Media Publishers Group and the Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce reserve the right to refuse certain advertising and are not liable for advertiser’s claims and/or errors. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Publisher or the Chamber.
Member Communiqué Mc - 1 Member Spotlight
Arizona American Water
Mc - 2 Mc - 3 Mc - 4 Mc - 6 Mc - 8
Events Calendar Chamber@Work New Members Chamber News In Focus
Departments 5 Member News City news, updates and announcements
20 Profiles: Women in Business Women-owned businesses Photo by Jeff Noble
22 Profile in Success Rachel Sacco, Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau
Mc-1 connecT: Scottsdale@Work is for you, and about you. What stories do you want to read? What business tips or resources would help you. Email your story ideas to Debra Kuffner at dkuffner@scottsdalechamber.com.
Save the date
f fabulous ‘50s Tradeshow! thurs., Sept. 10 chaparral Suites Resort, 3 to 7 p.m. if you enjoyed our recent Spring airpark t tradeshow, you won’t want to miss our Fall Scottsdale business Showcase tradeshow. t this highly anticipated event attracts close to 1,000 attendees for networking, lead generation and relationship building, not to mention food and refreshments, booth decorating contests, interactive activities and more. Want to be part of this exciting event? contact cari Woods at 480-355-2720 or cwoods@scottsdalechamber.com.
On The COver: 2009 business Volunteer award 2009 bVa V chairman’s award recipient Mark Va eberle, Managing Partner of henry & horne. Photography by Sergio dabdoub. 4
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
membernews Local Entrepreneur Named Business Advocate of the Year Finalist Susan Ratliff, president of Phoenix-based Exhibit Experts, has been named one of five national finalists for the 2009 Lewis Shattuck Small Business Advocate of the Year Award. The award, presented by the National Small Business Association, recognizes the best and brightest small business owners from around the country who go above and beyond in advocating on behalf of America’s small businesses. The criteria used in determining award finalists was a commitment to small business advocacy, a proven history of volunteer activism on behalf of the small business community, and success and growth as a small business owner. Susan is the only woman among the five finalists to be honored in Washington, D.C., in July at a prestigious luncheon where the winner will be announced. Congratulations, Susan! For information on Exhibit Experts, visit www.exhibitexpertsaz.com.
V’s Barbershop Prepares for Expansion
Southwest Job Network Founder Recognized with Emeritus Certificate
V’s Barbershop, an authentic and upscale barbershop concept that caters to men and boys, aims for national expansion with a new franchise development program. Industry veteran Greg George has joined the company to coordinate the franchise program and introduce the award-winning V’s Barbershop concept to the millions of men who miss the culture of a real barbershop. Expansion plans include up to 42 targeted states. For information, visit www.vbarbershop.com.
Patrick Hanley, General Manager of Field Operations at DataPreserveÂŽ, will be recognized with the Emeritus Certificate from the Southwest Job Network (SJN, formerly known as the Scottsdale Job Network). The award is based on his efforts as co-founder and board member of the nonprofit organization that supports mid-career professionals during periods of career transition. Congratulations, Patrick! For information on Southwest Job Network, visit www.scottsdalejobnet.com.
Healthcare Hero Nominated Frances Ducar, founder of Healthcare Solutions Centers, has been nominated for the 2009 Phoenix Business Journal’s Healthcare Heroes Award for her outstanding accomplishments in the field of on-site healthcare. HCS was implemented in 2002 to assist Arizona employers decrease their rising healthcare costs and improve employee health, moral and retention. Congratulations, Frances! For information on Healthcare Solutions Centers, visit www.hcsonsite.com.
Cheers to the
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Scottsdale CVB Rewards Local Business If you, or someone you know, is planning a corporate or association meeting, educational seminar, incentive program, family event (such as a wedding or family reunion) or other group gathering for 10 or more people, the Scottsdale CVB will not only help you find the ideal venue for the program at the best possible price, they will also offer rewards for bringing business to Scottsdale’s hospitality community. Here’s how it works:
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The Lead – Drawing for a $250 Westcor gift card The Search – Premium Scottsdale gifts The Booking – Complimentary resort stay Every program booked in a Scottsdale resort or hotel helps preserve jobs for hospitality industry employees and increases the bed tax and sales tax revenues that support city infrastructures like the police and fire departments, libraries and social services. For more information, visit www.meetlocalinscottsdale.com.
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Points ofpride S
elle b
Scottsdale landmarks tell city’s history and create a sense of place
Photos courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau
Scottsdale Fashion Square With 1,840,182 square feet of retail shopping space, Scottsdale Fashion Square is considered Arizona’s premier shopping centers. Elite brands such as Burberry, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany & Co. can be found at this upscale fashion mecca, which will soon be home to Arizona’s first Barney’s of New York. 6
the city even more interesting is its significant historical and cultural influence that can be seen and experienced in its many iconic landmarks. Considered Scottsdale’s “points of pride,” these destinations are what make the city one of the most enviable places in the country.
Photo by Rusty Spur Saloon
With its upscale retailers, gourmet dining and worldclass resorts, Scottsdale is modern, dynamic and sophisticated. But what makes
Rusty Spur Saloon Scottsdale’s “last real cowboy saloon,” the Rusty Spur is housed in the former Farmers Bank of Scottsdale, which operated from 1921 to 1931 and closed during the Depression. A registered historic landmark, the saloon—where the old bank vault now holds liquor—has hosted such famous patrons as John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and Jennifer Aniston.
Taliesin West
ScottSdale Points of Pride sPeCiaL eDiTiOn
Photo by Jeff Noble
frank Lloyd Wright’s personal home and architectural studio was built by Wright and his apprentices in the 1930s, and expanded and modified until his death in 1959. Taliesin West was literally constructed from the desert, made from desert rocks and sand, and keeping in balance with the surrounding environment. Today, the site is available for a variety of tours that showcase its integration between indoor and outdoor space.
Mcdowell Sonoran Preserve
Photos courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau
Established in 1995, the McDowell Sonoran Preserve is a 20,000-acre scenic desert area that attracts nature lovers and adventure seekers from all over the world. This year, the McDowell Sonoran Preserve gateway opened, offering visitors a few creature comforts before venturing out in the desert, as well as the planned Desert Discovery Center, an interactive learning area filled with exhibits and theaters.
frank Lloyd Wright Spire Rising 125 feet into the air, the bright blue spire at the Promenade, a retail development at Scottsdale Road and frank Lloyd Wright blvd., is made of teal and blue translucent panels and cost $1 million to build. The structure is inspired by a design by architect frank Lloyd Wright in the 1950s, which was proposed for the Arizona State Capitol complex but was never built. >>
2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
Photo by Ben Arnold
Scottsdale Civic Center Mall At more than 21 acres, Scottsdale Civic Center Mall is a lush, open public space that is the site of some of the city’s most well-known venues. In addition to a number of retail shops and restaurants, the mall is home to the Scottsdale Center for Performing Arts, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, City Hall and the Civic Center library.
Considered one of Scottsdale’s most recognized landmarks, the Sugar Bowl has been serving up classic American fare and ice cream treats since 1958. The authentic 1950s soda fountain has earned the restaurant a spot on Scottsdale’s Historic Preservation Register and has been a favorite subject of illustrator Bil Keane’s “Family Circus” cartoons.
McCormickStillman Railroad Park
Photo by Paul Markau
Sugar Bowl
Opened in 1975, the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park became a reality thanks to generous donations by Fowler McCormick, developer of McCormick Ranch, and Guy Stillman, Arizona hero and train enthusiast who founded the Scottsdale Railroad & Mechanical Society. Today, the park features trains, an antique carousel, shops, playgrounds and picnic areas.
WestWorld of Scottsdale WestWorld is a premier equestrian center and special events facility that is most recognized for its designation as home to the Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction, a signature Scottsdale event that attracts more than 200,000 people each year. The facility also hosts corporate events, concerts, festivals, sports and equestrian events such as the world famous Scottsdale Arabian Horse show.
Scottsdale Stadium
Cavalliere’s Blacksmith Shop
Located in the heart of downtown, Scottsdale Stadium is home to the San Francisco Giants spring training and the Arizona Fall League. It was originally built in 1956 and served as the Cactus League home of the Baltimore Orioles, Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs and Oakland A’s. In 1991, construction began on the new stadium, which opened in time for spring training on March 12, 1992.
George Cavalliere, who came to the Salt River Valley to work on a project with the Arizona Canal, opened a blacksmith shop in 1910 in what is now Old Town. Ten years later, he replaced the original tin building with an adobe shop, which still stands and operates today. The building is on the Scottsdale Historic Register and is considered one of the city’s most historic buildings. Photos courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau
JulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009
By Michelle Jacoby
Photo: Sergio Dabdoub
Arizona American Water
in the desert, there is one resource that we just can’t live without: water. fortunately, American Water, a water and wastewater services company that serves approximately 15 million people in the united States and Canada, is dedicated to sustaining and preserving this invaluable resource. in Arizona, the company has more than 300,000 customers in thirteen districts, including Scottsdale, where the company has been providing service for over 40 years. “Scottsdale was the first community we began working with in Arizona,” says Paul Townsley, president of Arizona American Water. “We have a long and successful history working with this community.” A subsidiary of American Water, the largest investor-owned water and wastewater services provider in the u.S., the company is regulated by the Arizona Corporation Commission, unlike other
municipally owned water systems. According to Townsley—who oversees the operating efficiency, reliability and compliance of the company—this regulatory entity provides a valuable benefit to their customers. “A complete review of all our services and expenses is conducted in an open and transparent process,” he says. “The economic oversight of the Arizona Corporation Commission, along with stringent water quality standards overseen by both the united States Environmental Protection Agency and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality make our industry one of the most highly regulated.” Townsley credits the company’s upstanding reputation in Arizona to the team of engineers, operators, water quality specialists and staff who bring their extensive experience to the Arizona American Water team, many of whom worked for ADEQ. “One director used to manage ADEQ’s drinking water department, while another manager wrote the Arizona’s Safe Drinking Water rules in the early ’90s,” Townsley says. “i have other employees who used to work at Arizona Department of Water Resources and the City of Scottsdale. in fact, the Director of Engineering used to manage the water resources capital program in Scottsdale for a number of years. This is the type of experience and expertise our team brings to the job everyday. They don’t just understand the utility industry, but really care about what they are doing in their jobs and whom they are doing it for. i am proud of that.” COnneCT: Arizona American Water 1-800-383-0834 www.amwater.com
entrepreneurial Assets Scottsdale @ Work spoke with Paul Townsley, president of Arizona American Water, about water and its importance to the community: With being “green” on the forefront, what is the company doing to promote and support water conservation and sustainability? We pride ourselves in building sustainable systems that will save as much water as possible. in fact, one system in the northwest Valley received national recognition for using a filter in a new way that is now saving more than 10 million gallons of water a year. We aren’t just asking our customers to save water; we are practicing what we preach. Also, because of advanced treatment and distribution systems, we are able to reuse water that goes down the drain to irrigate golf courses, community parks and greenbelts. in the desert, water is just too precious to just let it go to waste. This way, we’re able to use reuse the same water over and over again!
How is Arizona American Water involved in the community? Providing a reliable source of water is vital to a community for health, economic development and security. This is a responsibility we take seriously and we are proud of the work we do. We understand that even if we do our day job well, we must also be mindful of our community needs locally.
What is the biggest challenge we face when it comes to water in the desert? Knowing its value. Water is often taken for granted and just expected to be there 24/7. Often, we don’t even think about what it takes to get that water to our tap. The vast majority of our facilities are buried so customers may not be aware of how much investment is required to maintain reliable water service. We often forget that the treatment and delivery of clean reliable drinking water is no small job.
MeMber spOTlIghT | CalenDar | ChaMber@WOrk | neW MeMbers | ChaMber neWs | In FOCus
MeMber communique´
JOIn nOW! call us at 480-355-2700 or visit us on the Web at www.scottsdalechamber.com. www.scottsdalechamber.com
2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
In FOCus | ChaMber neWs | neW MeMbers | ChaMber@WOrk | CalenDar | MeMber spOTlIghT
REGISTER: www.events.scottsdalechamber.com INFO: 480.355.2700 buSineSS after hourS
Signature eventS nOT yO yOur Typ T ICal evenT! from the dynamic energy of the Scottsdale business tradeshows to the excitement of the Sterling Awards, attendees are sure to have a great time at these signature Chamber events.
Scottsdale Business Showcase Tradeshow
Sterling Awards - November
Thurs., Sept. 10, 3-7 p.m. Chaparral Suites Resort Rock around the clock with the Scottsdale Area Chamber because it’s time for our fabulous ‘50s Tradeshow! To reserve your booth, call Monica at 480-949-2172.
Celebrating business Excellence, innovation and Stewardship With a rigorous application, judging and selection process, the prestigious Sterling Award is one of the most coveted business awards in the Valley. Call Cari at 480-355-2720 to apply.
netWorKing - chaMPionS breaKfaSt WOrD OF MOuTh MarkeTIng begIns here! held on the first and third Thursday of the month. free for members, guests $20. Purchase a 4-minute commercial or tabletop display for extra exposure. Sponsored by LunaDisc Entertainment, catered by Café Carumba. Advanced registration requested. Thurs., July 2 and Aug. 6
Thurs., July 16
Thurs., Aug. 20
30-Second Claim to Fame
No Rules Networking
Business Card Bingo
give your best 30-second commercial in front of 100+ businesses. Scottsdale fashion Square Mall, food Court (Scottsdale & Camelback roads) 7:15-9 a.m.
Westar Kitchen and Bath 15500 n. greenway-hayden Loop 7:15-9 a.m.
EuroDream Kitchens 8670 E. Shea blvd. #101 7:15-9 a.m.
inSPire luncheonS - connecting WoMen for SucceSS geT COnneCTeD! Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your network and meet leading Arizona women who share their experiences that have shaped their success.
The beST SociAL neTWoRkinG in ScoTTSdALe! At our business After hours monthly mixers, you can network with 250+ business professionals in a relaxed social setting at unique and exciting venues throughout Scottsdale. Members free; guests, $20. Sponsored by LunaDisc Entertainment and Scottsdale. com. Advance registration strongly encouraged.
bowling owling for business! usiness! Joint Mixer with ASbA AS Thurs., July 23 5-7 p.m. AMF Scottsdale Lanes 7300 E. Thomas Road
Wed. Aug. 19
Wed. July 15
Debbie Bohnett
Diane J. Jumetewa
Senior VP, Mastro’s Restaurants Mastro’s City Hall Steakhouse 6991 E. Camelback Road 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
u.S. Attorney general for the District of Arizona Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center 7700 E. McCormick Pkwy. 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m.
netWorKing - chaMber buSineSS builderS Thinking of a fresh new way to build sales? Our exclusive referral group is structured so members can promote their business and help each other to actively and easily generate viable referrals in a non-competitive environment. It’s like having your own sales force! Meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Interested in becoming a Chamber Business Builder? E-mail jmphearson@scottsdalechamber.com or call 480-355-2714.
reach for the sky reach ky Mixer! Joint Mixer with Arizona Technology Council Thurs., Aug. 27 5-7 p.m. Skysong 1475 n. Scottsdale Road
airParK FIrsT T FrIDay ID aIrpark breakFas F T. Fas T Presented by our Airpark Committee on the first friday of each month, this event promises airpark businesses access to opportunities, connections and insights to help you make informed decisions and get involved in the community. Topics range from development to transit to the impact of special events and legislation. Members $15 ($20 day of event), guests $25 ($30 day of event). Advance registration required. Presented in partnership with the Scottsdale Airpark News.
All events subject to change. Please check Web site for up-to-date information regarding Chamber events.
Aug. 7
Scottsdale Airport Strategic Plan Join us for an informative session on the future of the Scottsdale Airport. Learn about the options currently being discussed by the Airport Commission and the City Council, and hear from representatives regarding the future growth and redevelopment surrounding the airport. Scottsdale Airport Terminal Building. 15000 n. Airport Drive, 7:30-9 a.m.
FOR INFO ON THESE EVENTS VISIT: events.scottsdalechamber.com or call: 480.355.2700
education knOWleDge Is pOWer! Successful business people share a common thread — a commitment to learning. Our educational programs are designed to give you a hands-on experience with real-life examples for tools, training and success. free for members (unless noted); advance registration required. Wed., July 3 and Aug. 5
July 16
Member Orientations
GET Young Professionals
Learn everything you need to know about growing your business with the Chamber. held the 1st Wednesday of each month. get Acquainted. get informed. get Motivated! 4725 n. Scottsdale Road #210. 7:30–9 a.m.
networking for Career Success Hotel Valley Ho 5:30-8:15 p.m. $15 in advance, $20 at door
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
by Jody McPhearson Relationship Manager Scottsdale Area Chamber of Commerce
Save the date: business after hours cool places to network this Summer At our business After hours (bAh) monthly mixers, you can network with 250-plus business professionals in a relaxed social setting. Each month, we visit an exciting venue and offer free refreshments and food, door prizes and more! Remember, it’s all about who you know!
bowling for business! Joint Mixer with Arizona Small business Association 5 to 7 p.m. Thurs., July 23 AMF Scottsdale Lanes 7300 E. Thomas Road
We all have sales goals. Some are weekly, some are quarterly and others are annually. in order to reach those goals, we need to focus on where we are attempting to go. The unfortunate part, however, is that we spend far too much time chasing leads to really have focus. Leads will send us in different directions. Someone gives us a lead with the best intentions and off we go down all sorts of paths. Just as that lead has brought us to a dead end, along comes another one and now we’re off in that direction. As this pattern continues, we’ve ended up chasing so many leads that we’ve completely lost track of our goals. What’s the point of it all? The good news is that we can stop the madness by requesting quality referrals and personal introductions. here are some tips to keep in mind:
Reach for the Sky Mixer! Joint Mixer with Arizona Technology Council 5 to 7 p.m. Thurs., Aug. 27 Skysong 1475 n. Scottsdale Road
Membership Tips n
Tip #1: lead – i give you a business card that i picked up somewhere.
This is cold and sends you chasing. n
Tip #2: referral – i give you the business card of a person i spoke with about you
This is warm and may or may not turn into something. n
Tip #3: Introduction – i brought this person to an event to meet you.
Visit the Member information center at www.scottsdalechamber.com/member to learn about all the tools and resources available to help you survive and thrive in today’s economy.
This is hot and is the preferred method.
2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
MeMber spOTlIghT | CalenDar | ChaMber@WOrk | neW MeMbers | ChaMber neWs | In FOCus
stop Chasing l leads
In FOCus | ChaMber neWs | neW MeMbers | ChaMber@WOrk | CalenDar | MeMber spOTlIghT
neWMeMbe bers rs
Partner council BANkS k kS Northern Trust Thomas Gryp 7600 E. Doubletree Ranch Road #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85258-2134 480-348-8785 www.northerntrust.com Serving Arizona residents since 1974. Services include personal and commercial deposit and loan services; asset management; trust administration; estate settlement.
advantage REAl ESTATE – BROkERAGE PEM Premier Properties LLC Brooke Anderson 13835 N. Northsight Blvd. #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3756 480-422-6933 www.pempremier.com PEM Premier Properties is changing the real estate industry with its unique business model of “Exceptional Service with Appropriate Fees” and on-staff professional agents.
claSSic APARTMENTS & CONDOMINIuMS Toscana of Desert Ridge Karen Creel 5350 E. Deer Valley Drive #1402 Phoenix, AZ 85054-4153 480-767-5665 www.toscanaofdesertridge.com Luxury condos, fully equipped luxury suites, executive rentals. Right across the street from City North. Shopping and dining are at your doorstep! BuSINESS CONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS Achieve Results Consulting LLC Gordon J. Parkman 5220 E. Hearn Road Scottsdale, AZ 85254-2921 602-953-1868 We partner with companies to improve results and sustain long term competitiveness. Our efforts are customized and tailored to align with the client’s needs. COMPuTER TER SERVICES & CONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS CMIT Solutions Bruce Newman 10645 N. Tatum Blvd. #C200 PMB 218 Phoenix, AZ 85028-3053 480-419-3931 www.cmitsolutions.com/phxnevalley Focuses on small- and medium-sized business needing reliable technology, including PCs, servers, networks, backup, disaster recovery and managed services. Technology services at competitive prices.
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
CREDIT CARD ARD PPROCESS ROCESS EquIP/Ck IP/Ck GuARANTEE IP Maxx Merchants John Lockett 14350 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. #A9 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-8843 480-614-3361 www.maxxmerchants.com We provide payment solutions to help reduce your operating costs, including credit card processing, Internet gateway, ACH, check processing, gift cards and much more. FINANCIA INANCIAl PlANNING ANNING/SERVICES ERVICES Valley National Asset Management LLC Joel J. Stempil 8180 N. Hayden Road #D203 Scottsdale, AZ 85258-4342 480-922-3005 www.valleynational.net A full-service independent brokerage and wealth management firm. We assist our clients with financial planning and investment choices.
Please welcome the following new Chamber members who joined us in April and May 2009.
INSuRANCE RANCE – INS INSu uRANCE COMPANY Western Heritage Insurance Co. Wayne Cesario P.O. Box 5100 Scottsdale, AZ 85261-5100 480-595-7814 INTERIOR NTERIOR DESIGN/S /SPACE PACE PlANNING Elements of Design Lina Quintero 16049 N. Greenway Hayden Loop #1 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1682 480-443-9646 www.elementsofdesign.com INTERNET ADVERTISING DVERTISING & SERVICES ERVICES Search Engine Rankings Nathan Hall 8687 E. Via de Ventura #111 Scottsdale, AZ 85258-3353 480-443-3500 www.searchenginerankings.net OFFICE SuPPlIES & SERVICE ERVICE
HEA EAlTH l FFOOD PRODuCTS & VITAMINS lTH VITAMINS Vemma Nutrition Co. Bridget Bond 8322 E. Hartford Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85255-5466 www.vemma.com 480-927-8999 A direct selling company that distributes Vemma Nutrition Program, Verve Energy Drink and Verve Energy Shot, all of which make it easy for people to form a solid nutritional foundation. HEAlTH l SSERVICES lTH ERVICES & HOME HEAlllTH TH Affinity Home Health Inc. Kyle Silk 4250 N. Drinkwater Blvd. #160 Scottsdale, AZ 85251-3985 480-444-7800 www.affinityhh.com Affinity offers both medical and non-medical services, including in-home private duty care throughout Maricopa County. We are Medicare certified and JCAHO accredited. HEAlTH l SERVICES lTH ERVICES & HOME H HEAlTH l lTH Comforcare Senior Services – Scottsdale Ed Antonowiez 14809 N. 73rd St. #104 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3104 480-998-0668 scottsdaleaz.comforcare.com/Services_ Franchise_Home.aspx A non-medical home care agency that can provide up to 24-hour care in your home by trained insured and bonded caregivers. HOME BuIlDERS Eagle Cliff Development Gary Muise P.O. Box 20183 Sedona, AZ 86341-0183 928-284-3161 www.eaglecliffdevelopment.com
Efficient Office Supply Amanda J. Brenneman 7652 E. Greenway Road #102 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1777 480-951-9300 Always detecting the most efficient and costeffective way to order. Fast, free delivery, low prices guaranteed and outstanding personal service! Support your local economy! www.efficientofficesupply.com REAl ESTATE DPR Commercial Gabriel Peter Dluzansky P.O. Box 5963 Carefree, AZ 85377-5963 480-929-0587 www.gabrield.com REAl ESTATE The Williams Real Estate Co. Thuy Pham 10605 N. Hayden Road #G-120 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-5594 480-686-9899 www.thewilliamsre.com RESTA ESTAu uRANTS – ITA ITAlIAN Spinato’s Pizza Anthony Spinato 1219 E. Glendale Ave. #7 Phoenix, AZ 85020-5430 602-287-0462 www.spinatospizza.com A third generation owned and operated pizzeria since 1974 serving award-winning, Chicago-style pizza. SHOPPING HOPPING CENTERS & DISTRICTS Borgata of Scottsdale – Westcor Stephanie Whitlow 11411 N. Tatum Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85028-2305 602-953-6538 www.westcor.com
baSic Avalon LLC Tabatha Hancock 7707 E. McDowell Road Scottsdale, AZ 85257-3743 480-656-0010 www.avalon-scottsdale.com A ATTORNEYS -ATAT lAW ATThe Vakula Law Firm PC Nicholas Vakula 11240 N. Tatum Blvd. #120 Phoenix, AZ 85028-1656 480-905-9114 Certified specialist in personal injury and wrongful death cases through the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization. Vakula has been practicing law in Arizona for more than 25 years. CHIROPRACTORS HIROPRACTORS Kai-Zen Wellness Center Steve Hruby 5410 N. Scottsdale Road #D-100 Paradise Valley, AZ 85253-5937 480-941-2147 www.kai-zen.net State-of-the-art diagnostic testing for spinal interference, massage therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic care with education for lifestyle choices. Open since 2001. COACHING Active Mentoring Paul Simpson 623-242-2533 COMPuTER TER SERVICES & CONSulTANTS ulTANTS ulTANTS iNetWerx Joe Hulett 7745 E. Redfield Road #400 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3456 480-588-7720 www.inetwerx.com Innovation solutions to everyday computer and network issues. Whether you have a virus, need a new computer or need a professionally built custom Web site, we have you covered. COMP OMPu uTER SERVICES & CONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS The Tech 2 Know! Gloria D’Amico 480-353-8655 www.thetech2know.com CONTRACTORS – GENERAl Arlington Custom Builders Inc. Alan Anderson P.O. Box 1489 Scottsdale, AZ 85252-1489 480-998-9696 www.arlingtonaz.com Full-service general contractor offering custom remodeling, room additions, kitchens, baths, renovations, kitchen and bath remodel, and custom homes. Kitchen and bath designer on staff.
INS NSuRANCE – lIFE/HEAlTH l / lTH DISABI ISABIlITY Aflac David Espenschied 8765 W. Kelton Lane #210 Peoria, AZ 85382-5008 623-875-4606 Policies provide cash to individuals when they need it most due to illness or injury. Policies may be purchased individually or through a company benefit plan. INS NSuRANCE RANCE CONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS Irwin Insurance & Investments LLC Roy Irwin 15560 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. #B4 PMB 281 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2020 623-521-1066 Health insurance, benefit plans. Educate individuals and small business on strategies to optimize wealth building. Performance, protection and tax-deferred accumulation with tax-free distributions in retirement. INSuRANCE RANCE CONS ONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS Lisa Crumby State Farm Agency Lisa Crumby 5900 N. Granite Reef Road #102 Scottsdale, AZ 85250-6280 480-948-6083 www.lisacrumby.com An insurance agency whose priority is to help protect and prepare individuals for their financial future by providing top quality products and financial services. INTERIOR NTERIOR DESIGN ESIGN/SPACE PACE PlANNING Interiors by Decorating Den Jennifer Fearer 7365 E. Red Hawk St. Mesa, AZ 85207-1819 480-325-6791 www.decdens.com/jenniferfearer An international interior design company with more than 500 locally-owned franchises. We provide complete interior design services with over 120 direct-source home furnishing supplier partners. JEWE EWElRY RY & ACCESSORIES – RETAIl R Ben Bridge Jeweler Greg Gray 480-970-8209 www.benbridge.com Jewelry by Gauthier Mike Guernsey 4211 N. Marshall Way Scottsdale, AZ 85251-3203 480-941-1707 www.jewelrybygauthier.com Radiant handcrafted jewelry designed from fine-karat gold and exotic gemstones. Awardwinning designer and owner Scott Gauthier will create something especially for you. Appraisals and repairs.
JOIN TODAY! Call us at: 480.355.2700 or visit us on the web at: www.scottsdalechamber.com
The UPS Store #4160 Sukhbir Brah 15029 N. Thompson Peak Pkwy. #B-111 Scottsdale, AZ 85260-2223 480-767-6050 www.theupsstorelocal.com/4160/ Whether you need to send a package, print documents, open a mailbox, make copies, move your home or office or ship something big, we’ve got you covered. Through our Web site you can download coupons, submit a document for printing and view our many products.
The Voice Mail Co. Dan Pierson 4340 E. Indian School Road #21 PMB #167 Phoenix, AZ 85018-5360 480-444-4100 www.thevoicemailcompany.com Provides a hosted telephone system that allows small business owners to provide a private mailbox to each employee.
RESTAuRANTS RANTS – SPORTS S BBARS ARS & TTAVERNS AVERNS Dukes Sports Bar & Grill Al McCarthy 7607 E. McDowell Road #110 Scottsdale, AZ 85257-3604 480-675-9724 www.dukessprotsbar.com
non-Profit BuSINESS CONSulTANTS ul ulTANTS MCbiz(Maricopa Cty Small Business Ent) Andres Chagolla 320 W. Lincoln Phoenix, AZ 85003-2438 602-506-8707 www.maricopa.gov/mcbiz Facilitates opportunities in Maricopa County’s procurement activities and promotes growth for small business enterprises with <100 employees or < $4 million in annual revenues.
Answer Now! Michelle Weiss 5665 W. Beverly Lane Glendale, AZ 85306-1879 602-331-1222
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James Porte
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Dynamic vision for past creates a prom the city’ s future ising
Thank You to our Members who Renewed in April and May 2009! 50+ YEARS Los Olivos Mexican Patio 25+ YEARS Farmers – Lee Jones Insurance Agency Fry Investment Co. Hawbaker Hawbaker & Associates Inc. Jekel, Howard & Thomson LLP Kent P. Saba D.D.S. Paradise Memorial Gardens Powell Volvo Prestige Cleaners/Corporate Salt River Project Scottsdale Medical Imaging Ltd. The Antigua Group The Paper Place Ltd. Travel Destinations Inc. 10+ YEARS Alphagraphics Scottsdale Airpark American Telephone Arabian Horse Association of Arizona Arizona Golf Association Arizona State Credit Union Boy Scouts of America/ Grand Canyon Braun Siler Kruzel PC Clinton R. Wasser, CPA, PC Desert Botanical Garden Desert Knights Sedans & Limousines Devereux Arizona Treatment Network Don Matheson – RE/MAX Fine Properties FASTSIGNS Fieldwork Phoenix Inc. Glass Financial Group Inc.
Hello Arizona! Inc. Hunter Hagan & Company Ltd. Lady Bug Pest Control Specialists LevRose Real Estate & Investments Management Masters Inc. Microsemi Corp. – Scottsdale Nordstrom Oliver Smith Jeweler Par Exsalonce Salon and Day Spa LLC Phoenix Flower Shops Ronald Goldman Roofing Consultants of Arizona Inc. Scottsdale Emergency Associates Ltd. Scottsdale Healthcare Scottsdale Luxury Suites Shortridge Instruments Inc. Sierra Pointe Retirement Community SonoranSites Inc. Southwest Community Resources Inc. The Driver Provider The Pederson Group Inc. The Right Direction Titus Brueckner & Berry PC Vincent J. Russo MD Ltd. Wayne W. Botkin Jr. DDS Westminster Village XONA Resort Suites 5+ YEARS AccuPay, LLC America’s Mortgage Store Anne Cornelius, CPA, PC Arizona Business Magazine Arizona Technology Council Bergdoll Insurance & Financial Svcs. Inc. BNC National Bank Camelback Desert Schools/Paradise Valley Coldwell Banker Relo/Arizona Insights
Fester & Chapman Focus IT Inc. Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort and Spa Johnson Bank N.A. Mark Matsock & Associates Inc. Monterra at Westworld My Guy Handyman & Remodeling Notre Dame Preparatory High School Orange Tree Golf Resort Palladium Scottsdale Apartment Homes Russ Lyon Sotheby’s Int’l Realty Scottsdale Sleep Center Tesseract School The Destination Manager LC The Phoenician Transworld Systems Two Men and a Truck/Scottsdale ValPak East Valley Inc. 1-4 YEARS Account For It LLC Antiquarian Shop AZ Dept. of Transportation AZ on the Rocks – Indoor Climbing Inc. Bartlett Lake Marina Biltmore Fashion Park Brain State Technologies Colonial Life Comerica Bank CruiseOne Dave & Buster’s DocuSafe Farmers Insurance District Office Five Star Ford Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale Gatesix Inc. Holiday Inn Express
Jewish Tuition Organization Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Legends Cadillac Hummer Saab March of Dimes Foundation Medifast Weight Control Centers Metro Business & Professional Women Nelson Financial Group Nexus Partners Insurance LLC Paradise Bakery & Cafe POSitive Technology R & R Partners Advertising & PR Richard E Feldhake, DMD Scottsdale Sunrise Rotary Club Sunrise Senior Living Sunstate Marketing Solutions Taylor Insurance & Investments The Kercsmar Law Firm PC The King David School UMB Bank Arizona N.A. Unlimited Resolutions Mediation Inc. Willard Wetterland Architects PLLC
Business and Tax Strategies Designed To Work Complete Accounting & Income Tax Service Located in the heart of Scottsdale, we serve our clients in a professional manner with a personable approach. Please contact us and we’ll extend to you a FREE consultation on any of your business or tax matters.
Brent L. Ainsworth & Associates, LLC 480.756.0006 www.ainsworthllc.com 8205 E. Via de Ventura, Suite 140, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
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MeMber spOTlIghT | CalenDar | ChaMber@WOrk | neW MeMbers | ChaMber neWs | In FOCus
Call today for
in focus | chamber news | new members | chamber@work | calendar | member spotlight
Community leaders and Chamber volunteers were recognized with a cross town trolley tour on May 15 as the Chamber presented its annual Business Volunteer Awards. Scottsdale’s “Ollie the Trolley” carried Chamber volunteers, judges, event sponsors and staff to each recipient’s place of business to receive their awards and recognize their contributions to the Chamber and the community. The recipients were surrounding by friends and co-workers as they received their awards and congratulations from Chamber CEO Rick Kidder, Chamber board chair, Karen Wittmer-Jekel and Angela Creedon from APS. The Business Volunteer Award honorees were: The Legacy Award - Tom Sadvary, Scottsdale Healthcare; The Segner Award - Steve Helm, Westcor/Scottsdale Fashion Square; The Rising Star Award - Holly Schor, Jobing.com/Outplacing.com, Ambassador of the Year Award - Mary Christmas, Serenity Alliance. 1
1. Mark Eberle is surprised to see his face on the cover of Scottsdale@Work at a Chamber board meeting. 2. Celebrating Steve Helm’s Segner Award at Scottsdale Fashion Square. 3. Chamber staff and volunteers ride the trolley to deliver the awards 4. Holly Schor receives the Rising Star Award. 5. Ring ring goes the trolley bell. 6. The crowd gathers at Jobing.com to honor Holly Schor as our Rising Star. 7. Celebrating our Ambassador of the Year Mary Christmas. 8. Tom Sadvary receives the Legacy Award from Angela Creedon of APS. 9. Celebrating Tom’s award with the team at Scottsdale Healthcare. 10. Getting ready to present the Segner Award to Steve Helm. 11. Chamber CEO Rick Kidder presents the Chairman’s award to Mark Eberle. 12. Chamber Board Chair Karen Wittmer, CEO Rick Kidder and Angela Creedon from APS present the award to Steve Helm. 13. Volunteers and staff receive instructions from event manager, Cari Woods. 14. Bill Whiteside, Steve Helm and Rick Kidder.
ChaMberfEATuRE Scottsdale @ Work sat down with Mark Eberle to find out his philosophy on the importance of giving back: Q. Why is it important for businesses to be involved in the community? A. you cannot have a healthy community without a healthy business component. businesses that give their time, treasure and talents to help a community are extremely invaluable. Although there are many ways a business can give back, it’s not always something you outwardly see. One significant way a business can give back is by joining such organizations like the Chamber, which, in itself is like a free leadership-training course. i’ve been in business for 37 years and it’s become almost obsessive with me trying to get young people to get out there and put their big toe in the water. i tell the young people who work here that they’re not doing it for the firm; they are doing it for themselves. They will meet amazing people and make important contacts. it’s a critical business move in any young person’s career. Q. how is henry & horne involved? What types of programs and organizations does the firm volunteer with?
Top Honors inTERV TERViiEW | Michelle Jacoby
PhOTOgRAPhy | Sergio Dabdoub
ach year, the Scottsdale Chamber recognizes business leaders who take their knowledge, expertise and experience beyond the boardroom to the community. At this year’s business Volunteer Awards, the coveted Chairman’s Award was given to Mark Eberle, Managing Partner of henry & horne. This latest award joins a long list of recognitions for Eberle. he was named the Accountant Advocate of the y year by the
Small business Administration in 1992, and has received the Segner and the Legacy business Volunteer awards by the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce. he is also a member of the Scottsdale Rotary Club and Executive Committee of the Scottsdale Area Chamber, and serves on the Advisory board of the K foundation, whose goal is to provide opportunities and resources to at-risk youth throughout Maricopa County.
A. We do quite a few things during the year. Our employees select different fundraising projects like collecting toys and nonperishable foods for local organizations. i’m constantly amazed by how our people get involved in the community. At henry & horne, we make it a priority to allow people to take time out to volunteer. it’s fun. it helps us have a balanced life. it keeps work from feeling like work. We’ve done a lot with the boys & girls Clubs of Scottsdale, united Way, Valley of the Sun Jewish Community Center and the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce. Each partner has his or her cause. We have a philosophy that if a partner is engaged or involved, the firm becomes involved. Q. What causes are important to you? how do you give back? A. i admire the Chamber and have been involved with them for 20 years. it’s a wonderful place, where the passion and energy of other people and professionals is contagious. i’m always humbled by what other people do. in my career, i’ve come to learn that a company has no authority to make something happen. you have to do it by explaining the need and the cause. The Chamber is a useful tool in discovering that need and cause, and understanding how diplomacy can be so effective. This thinking isn’t just limited to the business community. it can be translated to family, friends and other aspects of your personal life.
2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
busIness 101: iSSuES & AnSWERS business usiness issues are answered by Scottsdale Chamber members and area professionals in each edition of Scottsdale@Work. To submit your issue to our participants, please contact them directly. if you are interested in becoming an issues & Answers advisor, please contact us at info@mpgcompany.com or call 480-588-9505.
business Consultants
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iSSUe: i’m feeling overwhelmed by the bad economic news and challenges we’re facing in our business. how can i get back in control?
iSSUe: it’s taking longer to get customers to pay. i need cash flow for payroll and other bills and bank loans seem non-existent. What can i do to make sure i can cover all the expenses?
iSSUe: i need to cut expenses. how does performing an employee background check save my company money?
AnSWeR: Stop listening to the news and start listening to your customers! t turn off the tV, pick up the phone and speak with your best ones. how are they being impacted? how can you help? y you might uncover opportunities to help them solve their new problems. also, pull your team together and agree on achievable goals in the current environment. decide what needs to be done to achieve those goals and do it! hold people accountable for their commitments to executing the plan they’ve agreed on. Most importantly, hold yourself accountable for being a good leader that facilitates positive action.
relationship building Kristi Hall Director of Programs & Partnerships 480-949-6288
AnSWeR: one option could be factoring. if a business is trying to close the cash gap (e.g., expenses have to be paid before cash is collected) factoring can provide cash by advancing against accounts receivables. Factoring differs from a bank loan in that factoring is based on your customer’s credit-worthiness, not your company’s financial history. Plus, a factor can make a decision in days not weeks.
AnSWeR: Studies have proven that it costs thousands of dollars to train an entry-level employee and that it can easily cost more than $10,000 to train a salaried employee. a background check typically costs less than the amount that employee will earn in just one day. Why spend thousands of dollars paying someone you never should have hired due to their criminal or other negative history (e.g., hiring a driver with a revoked license)? Performing a background check is also your best protection against negligent hiring and retention lawsuits. If you could have known, you should have known.®
legal advice
douglas Amenda, CLU, President (480) 284-6400
donna Y. ong, Shareholder (480) 383-1800
khall@scottsdalechamber.com www.scottsdalechamber.com
dyong@buchalter.com www.buchalter.com.
iSSUe: how can sponsorships help my business?
iSSUe: do we have insurance coverage if we are sued by someone for our failure to protect their nonpublic personal information (NPi)?
iSSUe: if a tenant doesn’t pay his or her rent, can the landlord lock the tenant out of the leased premises without a court order?
AnSWeR: the Personal injury part of General liability insurance may provide coverage for the inadvertent release of a customer’s NPi provided there are actual allegations of damage. employment Practices liability insurance may provide protection when employees allege similar damages. both of these coverages should be included in your insurance program. Failure to protect NPi can lead to substantial fines, damage your company’s reputation and cause a loss of revenue. consider establishing a formal program for handling this important information for the benefit of your customers, your employees and your company.
AnSWeR: it depends. under arizona law, a landlord of commercial property may be able to re-enter and take possession of leased premises if a tenant doesn’t pay rent when due, without filing an action for forcible entry or detainer. the landlord may also have a lien on the personal property of a tenant—and sometimes on the personal property of a subtenant or assignee of the lease—and may seize the property and sell it after a certain period of time.
AnSWeR: t today, the most effective marketing ties closely to business development, and is highly targeted and personal. the beauty of sponsorships is that they usually incorporate a number of benefits that work together to create brand awareness and facilitate relationships with your ideal potential clients. a typical event sponsorship includes: 1) advertising and media exposure; 2) speaking opportunities, which position your company as a business and community leader; 3) product and/or service sampling; 4) opportunities to personally connect with attendees; and 5) participant contact information so you can develop newly established connections.
QuOTable: “Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. it’s important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. it’s the way in which we ourselves grow and develop.” - Dorothy Height 18
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
Is your business faced with challenges due to these tough economic times?
Career Transition Programs
We Assist You With the Hard Business Decisions Often the survival of a business depends on making smart choices and hard decisions which may include downsizing and elimination of parts of your workforce. Maricopa Workforce Connections has a proven history of providing quality career transition programs to hundreds of local businesses and thousands of employees. Our employers not only enjoy the luxury of customized services but thousands of dollars in business savings by utilizing MWCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cutting edge transition programs. Our professionals deliver customized solutions so that the message of job loss is accomplished with dignity and respect resulting in a smoother transition. These programs and services are designed to be effective and efficient for all levels of staff including supervisors, managers and senior executives. With years of successful experience in a variety of business environments, we will assist you in obtaining the best possible results by informing, educating, preparing, and motivating your workforce. Through our innovative practices and expertise, we are able to effectively prepare your employees for the challenges ahead and direct a positive new career search. In addition, we can assist your management team in developing specific plans to ensure remaining staff retain confidence about their positions and the direction of your organization resulting in sustained productivity.
Services include, but are not limited to: Career Search
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Maricopa Workforce Connections provides all these programs and services at no charge to the employer or their employees. Provide your workforce with a quality transition program and give them access to the tools and resources that will help insure their success in finding new career opportunities.
More than 20 years of helping area businesses succeed. Equal Opportunity Employment/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Call (602) 506-WORK (9675) to schedule a meeting with a local workforce professional or visit our Website: www.maricopaworkforceconnection.com
prOFIles: WoMen in bUSineSS Stephanie Schaffroth
frances J. ducar f
Farmers insurance and Financial services District Manager
Healthcare solutions Center, LLC FNP-C, MSN After working for over 25 years in various medical settings, frances developed a mission to bring healthcare to the employee at their workplace while dramatically decreasing the employer’s costs. frances’ enthusiastic love for medicine is what inspired the inception of healthcare Solutions Centers. frances has an entrepreneurial spirit that has lead her to develop a team of talented and dedicated practitioners who are committed to providing on-site personalized patient care. “Through our on-site healthcare clinics, we are able to provide customized on-site quality healthcare that will focus on wellness, prevention, urgent care needs and disease management”. “Our on-site clinics assist employees to become healthy while the employers save millions in claim reduction” “healthy employees are productive employees.”
Healthcare Solutions Centers, LLC
An Arizona native, Stephanie earned a degree in Communications/ Communications/business Administration from Arizona State university, where she was the President of the College of Public Programs. Stephanie joined farmers insurance and financial inancial Services in 2004 as a Reserve District Manager in Scottsdale, where she experienced tremendous success leading new agents through the farmers Career System. in 2006, Stephanie took over the Scottsdale District and now enjoys working with both the established agents in her District as well as new agents beginning the farmers Agency Ownership program. An active member in the community, Stephanie is involved with the Valley of the Sun 20/30, florence Crittenton, Cystic fibrosis, and Special Olympics.
Stephanie Schaffroth District Manager Farmers insurance and Financial Services Phone: 480-443-8822 Fax: 480-588-9341 stephanie@farmersazonline.com
francis J. ducar, FNP-C, MSN healthcare Solutions center, llc 602-424-2101 www.hcsonsite.com
kandi Lee k
Melissa Graziosi
OneOne-eleven Companies CEO and Founder
The Hair gallery salon and spa Owner Owned by Melissa graziosi, the recently remodeled hair gallery is a trend setting “n new y york loft” style salon. Melissa’s dream of owning her own salon was finally realized in early 2009, and her first priority was to assemble a talented and creative staff. With her amazing team, along with top of the line products, she offers her clients the best cutting-edge, full-service salon and spa experience. Melissa also offers innovative and bold promotions, including free haircuts and facials to first time clients and a 100% money back guarantee on all services.
Kandi Lee was a single mom and a corporate sales trainer rocketing to the top of her profession when she had a vision to start her own company. When she looked at her bank account, the balance was $1.11. She took the $1.11 moved to Scottsdale and founded One-Eleven Companies. One-Eleven Companies is a coaching, consulting and training firm that combines personal and professional development, accountability and business strategies to coach clients to extraordinary results. One-Eleven Companies is a community based organization cultivating a culture of contribution, excellence and integrity. Most recently Kandi Lee and One-Eleven Companies were awarded the Sterling Award for the Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce in the Micro business Category.
Melissa Graziosi Owner the hair Gallery Salon and Spa 480-946-9183 www.hairgalleryscottsdale.com
kandi Lee CEO and Founder 480-248-6805 www.one-elevencompanies.com
profiles feature scottsdale Chamber members in each edition of scottsdale@Work. if you are interested in placing an ad profile in our next issue, please contact us at info@mpgcompany.com or call 480-588-9505.
Join us for Lunch! The inSPiRE Luncheon Series is an opportunity for you to expand your network and meet leading Arizona women, in an intimate setting where high-profile speakers share the values and experiences that have shaped their success.
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
Scottsdale Resort and Conference Center 7700 E. McCormick Pkwy. 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. www.scottsdalechamber.com/inspire A Signature Program of the
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The Power of Many! In challenging times, successful businesses know how to leverage the opportunities before them. When you join the Scottsdale Area Chamber, you gain immediate access to the networks, people, tools and resources you need to survive and thrive in today’s business climate!
Call Jody McPhearson today to learn more! 480.355.2714 www.scottsdalechamber.com/join
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2009 | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | JulY ulY / aug ul
Rachel Sacco President and CEO Scottsdale Convention & Visitors Bureau As the head of the Scottsdale CVb, some may say Rachel Sacco has the easiest job in the world. One of the most enviable cities in the country, Scottsdale practically sells itself. Sacco says she’d agree with that observation … to a certain degree. “i smile whenever i hear people say that she says. “frankly, when the job looks easy, it means we’re successful. but with any successful branding—be it for a product or a destination—it takes months, sometimes years, of hard work, strategic thinking and pure focus. When these things come together, you have an ‘overnight success!’ ” Making Scottsdale that “overnight” success has been a goal of Sacco’s since she joined the Scottsdale CVb in 1986. for nearly 25 years, she has promoted the city, helping turn it from a sleepy Western town to an internationally acclaimed cultural destination that has been boosted by the pride locals take in their own community. “Community pride is a huge asset. Tourists like to go where locals go and are always on the lookout for where the ‘buzz’ is,” she says. in spite of its high marketability, Sacco admits selling Scottsdale—and tourism as a whole—is one of the most competitive industries in the world. “Our target customer can travel anywhere in the world. They demand authenticity, great service and an experience that exceeds expectations. There isn’t room for second chances,” she says. That very thinking has played a significant factor into Sacco’s success, which includes inductions in the Arizona State university College of Public Programs’ Alumni Chapter hall of fame, Arizona Culinary hall of fame and the Arizona governor’s Tourism hall of fame. The best part of her job, however, may be Scottsdale itself. “i like hiking in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and enjoy checking out the galleries at Scottsdale ArtWalk. Plus, i can never get enough of the Sugar bowl’s coffee ice cream shake in the marshmallow-lined glass,” she says. “And, of course, i haven’t met a resort i didn’t love!”
childhood ambition: To make it out of Arkansas!
Guilty pleasure: When the third latte of the day becomes a mocha.
best trait: The passion and ability to create enthusiasm and excitement!
Worst trait: Photo: Sergio Dabdoub
Acute multitask-itis.
first job: Working in my dad’s lumber and salvage yard sorting nails and stacking boards. it was very humbling.
QuOTable: above all else, we want to improve the quality of life in the community. this is a good thing.” - Tom Jackson 22
JulY ulY / aug | SCOTTSDALE@WORK | 2009 ul
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