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Migration aspects and issues in Lithuania
teenagers. They do not meet the requirements of high school and often fall between the chairs in the future. The OECD has pointed out that Sweden has a worryingly high unemployment rate among young newcomers.
Last year brought even more challenges to educators as almost all educational program became online with distance and remote classes due to still ongoing corona pandemic. Distance education requires new skills from both, educators and students.
What kind of information and support they are getting for self-employment/creating enterprise
One of the directions of Arbetsförmedlingen Etableringsprogrammet is to give a support to start own business for those migrant who shows readiness and ability. Statistics from the Swedish Public Employment Service show that the number of people within the Etableringsprogrammet who received support for starting a business has increased by more than 60 percent. But it is from extremely low levels. In total, it is only 0.2 percent of everyone in this mission who has received the support19. It is therefore clear that the conditions for new arrivals to start companies must be improved
https://www.svensktnaringsliv.se/bilder_och_dokument/2uuq14_nyforetagandepdf_1007429. html/Nyforetagande.pdf
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Short statistic (demographic) and issues which facing migrants
In the beginning of 2019, there were 2.79 million inhabitants in Lithuania, 86.8 per cent among them Lithuanian nationals, 5.6 per cent – Polish, 4.5 per cent – Russian. In Lithuania20, there are almost 60,000 foreigners (with residence permits). The clear majority is from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, as well as arrivals from other EU countries. More and more foreigners from India, the United States, Turkey and other countries are coming to Lithuania. For many years21, the vast majority of immigrants were returning Lithuanian citizens (about 57 percent on average). The rest was EU citizens (3 percent) and non-EU citizens (15 percent). The majority of foreign immigrants were citizens from Ukraine and Belarus (about 31 percent of all immigrants). The majority of EU citizens are coming from Latvia, Italy or Germany. In 2019, more22 than 72,7 percent of emigrants were aged between 15-44. In 2019, the number of migrant workers in Lithuania had increased significantly.
What are possibilities for migrants to be more integrated in labour market?
To integrate23 or foster the social inclusion of these populations with non-EU background focuses on: joint language and vocational training courses, creating networks between migrant communities and the receiving society; improving access to the labour market, education, health care. One 24of the major obstacles that the new arrivals encounter is not being able to speak the language. It is quite difficult to learn the Lithuanian language; however, it is worth learning it if one wants to stay in Lithuania for a longer time. Several institutions organize courses in the Lithuanian language.
What kind of information and support they are getting for self-employment/creating enterprise?
20 https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/en/foreigner-societies-in-lithuania/ 21 https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/en/emigration-immigration-statistics/ 22 https://123.emn.lt/en/ 23 https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/governance/lithuania 24 https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/en/lithuanian-language-classes/
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content whic h reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the inform ation contained therein.
All information about possibilities to integrate and create own business in Lithuania placed online25 in several websites in Lithuanian and English.
Does exist motivation and supportive system to support migrant’s entrepreneurship skills?
Setting up a new company26 is one of the first steps of a new business that requires special knowledge and skills. People who consider starting a business in Lithuania often ask themselves, whether it is better to set up a company, buy an already set-up company or invest in an already established and functioning business. All of the options are favourable when starting a business in Lithuania and all have their benefits and drawbacks.
How to launch startup27 in Lithuania you can find all needed information in this website https://startupvisalithuania.com/migration/. The company28 that is active in Lithuania should have a bank account in one of the Lithuanian banks. It makes the process of financial settlements with employees, suppliers, partners, and other persons easier, as well as the procedure of paying taxes to public authorities. Opening a bank account in one of the Lithuanian banks is not a simple process if the company owner is a foreigner or foreigners. Lithuanian banks have tightened the policy of opening bank accounts and the reliability verification of foreign subjects and their authorised capital. Upon opening a bank account, the customers are required to provide a thorough information about company activities, activities scheme, company suppliers, partners, customers, property, capital, investments, etc. Decision making of the bank with respect to the account opening takes 1-5 days or even a week. There are common cases when the bank refuses to open a bank account to a foreigner or foreigner's company. Such decisions are most often made by biggest Lithuanian banks.
Adult education working with immigrants
Non-formal education possibilities (municipalities, refugee centers, NGO’s and etc. experience and programs)
25 https://www.renkuosilietuva.lt/en/ 26 https://www.migration.lt/setting-up-new-companie 27 https://startupvisalithuania.com/migration/ 28 https://www.migration.lt/opening-a-bank-account
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the content whic h reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the inform ation contained therein.