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HR: The HR Suite’s Caroline Reidy advises managers on the best way to conduct conversations with employees who may be experiencing mental health challenges or other sensitive issues

The Irish Gin Strategy 2022-2026 from Drinks Ireland|Spirits sets ambitious goals to grow exports in key markets and develop a vibrant domestic market

New all-island strategy sets out plans to continue gin category growth by 2026

A new strategy has set out plans by Irish gin producers and brand owners to maintain market share and grow sales by 2026.

The plan sets out a range of goals and actions to drive exports in key markets, develop a vibrant domestic market, support the viability of Irish gin distilleries and ensure the quality and standards of Irish gin are protected.

There are now at least 37 distilleries on the island of Ireland producing Irish gin, with over 70 brands. The Irish Gin Strategy 2022-2026 from Drinks Ireland|Spirits, the allisland trade body, details how Irish gin has experienced several years of rapid growth. Between 2014 and 2020, the category grew by 184%.

While the ‘boom’ has been slowing in recent years, 2020 was the fi rst year where Irish gin sales declined, as a direct result of the pandemic. As the on-trade reopens, and global travel retail recovers, it’s anticipated that the category will return to pre-pandemic levels over time, and the new strategy details plans to drive strong and sustainable growth in the years ahead.

Currently, Ireland is the dominant market for Irish gin, but the strategy puts a heavy focus on driving export growth, earmarking the U.K., USA, Germany, Canada and global travel retail as the key targets in the coming years. Asia – and China specifi cally – has likewise been identifi ed as a target market.

The strategy also outlines how the sector plans to further grow the category domestically, by highlighting the local nature of Irish gin products and their important role in local economies.

New campaign kicks off with launch of TV commercial inspired by Bulmers Light’s ‘fl oaty little devil’ apples and includes out of home, digital, PR, radio, social and in-trade activity

Bulmers Light marketing hits new heights with creative campaign

Bulmers Light is encouraging consumers to look to the lighter side of life with its new ‘Floaty Little Devils’ campaign, which will run for six weeks across TV, out-of-home, digital, PR, radio, social and in-trade activity. The campaign aims to highlight the brand’s low calorie and taste credentials whilst bringing Bulmers Light’s unique sense of humour to life.

Kicking off the campaign is a new TV commercial, led by creative agency Goosebump in collaboration with Pull the Trigger Productions, which premiered during coverage of Ireland’s Six Nations clash against France. The commercial, which sees the Bulmers Light team harvesting the special fl oating apples, personifi es the brand’s unique tone of voice, connecting with Irish consumers who are looking for a lower calorie option without compromising on taste or personality.

The 360° campaign will also see the brand create a custom-made interactive game as part of a media partnership. The game will task users with catching Bulmers Light’s fl oaty little apples to be in with a chance of winning a variety of prizes including an exciting zero gravity experience.

NI Health Minister Robin Swann announced a consultation on MUP on 22 February

Retailers welcome prospect of MUP in Northern Ireland

Independent retailers on both sides of the Irish border have reacted positively to the opening of consultation on the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol in Northern Ireland. MUP came into effect in the Republic on 1 January, sparking fears of a surge in cross-border shoppers seeking cheaper alcohol from off-licences in the province. Independent retailers believe MUP in Northern Ireland will create a “level playing fi eld” and bring alcohol prices in line with the Republic, Scotland and Wales, where it is already in place. The Fed (NFRN) Republic of Ireland president Martin Mulligan is also in favour of MUP being introduced in Northern Ireland, noting that it would be “particularly good for those retailers whose stores are on or close to the border”. Joe Archibald, the Fed’s district president for Northern Ireland, said big multiples and supermarkets “will no longer be able to undercut independents by selling cheaper alcohol as loss leaders. This should level things up and give everyone a fair crack of the whip.” NI Health Minister Robin Swann announced the consultation on 22 February. The consultation document is available online at health-ni.gov.uk with a closing date of 17 May.

Mark Ashbridge, founder of Established Coffee at the fi rst Black Bush Stories event of 2022

Bushmills hosts masterclass with Established Coffee

To honour International Irish Whiskey Day on 3 March 2022, Bushmills Irish Whiskey hosted a whiskey and coffee masterclass for enthusiasts from across the island of Ireland. The fi rst Black Bush Stories event of the year, in collaboration with Belfast coffee trailblazers Established Coffee, attendees enjoyed a 90 minute in-depth virtual tasting and cocktail workshop. To keep up to date with #BlackBushStories and join in the conversation, follow @BushmillsIRL on social media. ■

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