BIll Winston Faith Magazine

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a word FROM dr. bill winston a heritage of faith:


FEATURED ARTICLE: FAITH AS a SEED: Plant your faith to harvest every blessing of God! by dr. Bill WInston

growing up in a household of faith BY pastor david s. winston


divine health: spirit, soul and body BY dr. veronica winston

14 2


we’re here for you!


you can make a difference!

Bill Winston Ministries Prayer Call Center

Partnering with Bill Winston Ministries

for such a time as this! stir up your faith to receive god’s protective faith



our inheritance is already available in the kingdom. Your faith is the currency you need to access it!

Dear Partners and Friends, You have an inheritance laid up for you! Not just in eternity, but now, here on the earth. To access this inheritance, you are going to have to battle is the Lord’s. Your part in this battle is to believe. Therefore do not cast away your (Hebrews 10:35) Your faith has great reward! Don’t let believing and speaking God’s Word over every need you have.

Jesus came to introduce a new system. The kingdom of God is set up to meet every need a person would have – independent of what’s happening in this earthly economy. You no longer have to bear the weight of your own provision. You no longer have to be anxious or worried as you enter into this new way of living. Once you are born again, it

is your legal right to access the kingdom:

God will save your whole household. Be fearless! Don’t compromise your faith! Be

• If you’re sick, God wants to heal you! • If you’re broke, God wants to prosper you! • If you’re addicted, God wants to set you free! • If you’ve been hurt, God wants to turn things around!

do what He says He will do.

And, these promises are not for you only. Acts 16:3 assures you that

Dr. William (Bill) Winston


Praise the Lord for the victory – It’s yours! With faith you cannot be defeated! And remember, keep walking by faith!


SEED SEE plant your faith to harvest every blessing of god! by Dr. bill winston You treat your faith like a seed and you plant it by “saying.� Once you speak by faith what you want to come to pass, the soil of your heart grabs it. When you plant a seed in earthly soil, it begins to grow. It gets bigger and bigger until it is bursting forth and ready for harvest.



our “faith” seed planted in the soil of your heart works the same way. Your faith in God’s promises will cause the thing that you are believing for to get bigger and bigger until it is ready for harvesting in your life and circumstances. “A Seed Will Meet Any Need” Jesus reveals the secret for all increase in the life of a believer in Mark 4:14-20: The sower sows the Word. And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts...But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred. (NKJV) This scripture demonstrates a couple of things. First, the seed that was sown is good because it is God’s Word. It is the ground (rocky or thorn-infested soil) or the traps and temptations sent by satan (tribulation, cares of this world) that obstruct the growth of the seed. But when both the seed and the soil are good, a harvest of increase is brought forth!

God. Once you get into the kingdom, everything works by faith. There are no limits to what you can do with faith. Faith planted in your heart will cause you to speak boldly God’s promises! You can speak to storms, you can speak to disease, you can speak to lack and debt, you can speak to fear and worry, you can speak to whatever problem you are facing!

For wisdom and direction: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach...” (James 1:5 NKJV) For health and healing: My son, give attention to my words...Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they (Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV)

Expect your faith to work! Isaiah 55:11 says, So shall My word be...It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (NKJV) rooted in God’s Word, which will produce an abundant harvest of His divine plans and provision and all that you need to walk in your Godgiven destiny. Start planting your seed of faith now in every area of your life: For the salvation of your loved ones: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15 NKJV)

For increase and debt cancellation: And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 NKJV) For victory over fear and worry: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV) When you believe and speak God’s Word, Faith goes to work! It’s your servant! Soon, what you’re believing for will become a reality in your life!

SPECIAL FAITH TEACHING Learn how faith is your servant, and guarantees to deliver all of God’s promises. Build a radical trust in God, and let these teachings open your spiritual eyes like never before! Available on CD for R100 and DVD for R200 Visit for more details.

In the kingdom of God, a seed will meet any need. Jesus reveals in Luke 8:11 that the seed is the word of 5

Growing Growing up in a up household in a household of faith o by Pastor by David PastorS.David Winston S. W

I will sing ofI the will sing Lord’s of great the Lord’s love great forever; love with fore my mouth Imy willmouth make Iyour will make faithfulness your faithfulne known through all through generations. all generations. (Psalm 89:1(Psalm NIV).


models, how to develop and use our faith. Mom and Dad made sure we learned how to study the Word for ourselves. We learned how to put

is – you guessed it: “Are you Bill Winston’s son?”

“Yes, I am,” I reply, grateful that I have been blessed by God to have grown up with a heritage of faith.

to believe God to provide the things we wanted.

I grew up in an environment of love and encouragement. Dad and Mom modeled what a Christian home should look like. My sisters, Melody and Allegra, and I were taught to apply God’s Word to everything we did and to put it into practice in our everyday lives no matter what the other kids might be doing.

I remember Mom was a great prayer warrior (and still is). She confessed God’s Word of protection, healing, blessing – whatever covered the situation at hand – over us. Her uncompromising faith brought us faces. My family didn’t do things the way other families did. We had been

We learned by the example of our parents, and other godly role 6

to go on in my education to become a cardiologist. Dad and Mom wanted me to go to a summer program at Northwestern University. I told Dad, “I don’t feel like it. I just want to enjoy my summer.”

GO HARD FOR CHRIST Reaching the next generation of young believers.

But my dad said, “No, you’re going.”

David Winston is currently the Youth Pastor of Go Hard for Christ Youth Ministry, as well as the Director of Bill Winston Ministries, a worldwide outreach ministry, both based in Forest Park, Illinois.

“converted” to the kingdom, God’s way of doing things. Sometimes, when I was a small boy and signs of some sickness would show up in my body, Dad and Mom would simply pray over me, using their strong faith and speaking the Word of God in power. In hardly any time at all, I would come out of my room totally healed and ready to go to school or out to play.

Together, Pastor David and his wife, Niki, started the Go Hard for Christ Youth Ministry which through services, events and media, reaches thousands of youth with the transformational power of the Word of God. Go Hard seeks to point youth to their purpose by revealing the truth of God’s Word.

I love my dad, I’ve looked up to him for many, many years – not just as my dad, but as my mentor. But sometimes, we don’t always see eye-to-eye. For instance, when I was 17, a senior in high school; I was planning 7

At that time, I had no idea I would become the Director of a world-wide ministry, but God knew – and so did Dad. I don’t have an MBA, but I received an MBA education through that summer program from top professors even before I graduated high school. After years of growing up as a Christian young man in a pastoral household, to being in ministry myself now, God has shown me the vitally important job parents have in raising godly children in these chaotic and dangerous times. Now, it’s my turn. My wife, Niki, and I are carrying on the heritage of faith with our own children: Jacob, Jordan, Joshua and Lily.

JOY! Magazine, a publication in Africa, interviewed Dr. Winston right before his national ministry tour in South Africa this March. Here’s an excerpt.


Brother Bill, how did you come to the Lord?

joined the IBM Corporation in computer sales. I went through the company’s sales training program and was paid primarily on commission. The problem was, I wasn’t making any sales! I didn’t earn enough to pay the bills, and the mounting stress started to give me stomach problems. It was one of the lowest points in my life.

I grew up surrounded by successful entrepreneurs, scholars, doctors, professors, and the famous Tuskegee Airmen. I grew up believing anything was possible. Now I was struggling just to survive, even taking on a second job trying to make, as the expression goes, “ends meet.” I’d been raised in a Christian home, but had never accepted




Jesus as my personal Savior. When everything in my life started to fall apart, I thought about going back to church, but I had no idea where to go. Then a lady at work (she was a Charismatic Catholic) stopped by my desk one day and asked if I would like to attend a meeting with her. I said yes, and got born again at that event. When I did, the


When did you feel the call to ministry?


Interestingly, when I got born again, I remember another woman prophesying, “You’re going to preach!” Well, I didn’t want any part of that, so whenever I saw her I ran in the other direction! But my hunger for the things of God continued to grow. I started listening to other Bible teachers and reading their books. They taught



me about the integrity of God’s Word, the law of faith, seedtime and harvest, the power of my own words, and much more.

move into my “higher calling,” and through meditating God’s Word, I now had the strength to do it. I have never regretted it.


Soon the Word of God was working in on teaching and equipping my life at the job. Sales started coming Christians for business leadership in and I became top salesman in the and kingdom enterprise. Where does this passion come from? into management.


After I left IBM, my wife and I moved to Tulsa where I attended seminary at Oral Roberts University. In 1986, during a time of seeking the Lord for a better understanding of my purpose and calling in life, I heard these words, ”Take the straps off.” The Lord was taking me to a greater Then I began meditating Mark 10:29understanding of His truth, one that 30 and my image about going into would allow me to see a ministry as full-time ministry changed. One day, any enterprise where Jesus is Lord. without warning, while driving down the street, I could “see” my future He revealed to me that there would preaching the gospel. It was time to be men and women of great integrity managing these companies, and they would be His anointed ministers in marketplace. They would operate I worked at IBM for 14 years. During those years I often shared my faith with others and took people to church. I knew God was calling me to full-time ministry, but I had a hard time leaving. I needed to “renew mind” (Romans 12:2). My image of preachers at that time was not a good one.


these businesses using principles of faith along with their basic business skills. From this revelation came the Joseph Business School. Christianity was not meant to be dictated, but demonstrated. Your job becomes your pulpit, your performance becomes your platform, and the marketplace becomes your parish.




Your faith was never meant to be separated from your work or business life. Learn how to build your faith in God and understand His perfect plan for your life. 320 pages of lifetransforming knowledge from Dr. Bill Winston, pastor, business leader and author.

To order visit or call +2731 3032541 9


health: SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY by Dr. Veronica Winston


here is a connection between the human spirit, soul and body. God’s Word makes that clear:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2 NKJV)

In this Scripture, John is echoing the very heart of God, who desires to bless you and increase you in all things, including your health. Walking in divine health every day should not be viewed as an impossible dream, but as a covenant blessing purchased through the blood of Jesus Christ for those who will believe. As you read through the Bible, have you noticed how often Jesus said to the people, who were coming to Him to be healed, “Be it done to you according to your faith.”? Jesus had compassion toward those who were sick, hurting or oppressed. He was quick to respond to any man or woman, who had faith to believe He would heal them. More than just the power to believe, faith whatever you are believing for, to manifest as shown in Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (NKJV) of your life.


God created man in His image, so if God’s Word is powerful, so are our words! Speak words that agree Speaking words of faith will bring good success in whatever you are seeking. Negative words cause negative results! A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Luke 6:45 NKJV) Deposit the Word of God in your heart daily! Read, study, memorize, confess God’s promises until they become deeply rooted in your heart. This will develop strong faith, so that when a sickness or tragedy strikes, words of faith will be what comes out of your mouth. Your consistent faith will overcome any sickness, storm or attack that rises up against you. Speaking my Healing Confession (page 9) will equip you to stand in faith, believing for the manifestation of your healing, when you don’t yet see the answer to your need. Church is a Healing Place The Church has always been a place where you could go to receive God’s healing power. How much more important now – in these end times – when things we’ve previously taken for granted, like healthcare, are faltering in confusion and uncertainty? God honors the authority of the leaders and workers whom He has called into the ministry. You gifting as you exercise your faith.

Healing Confession

Father God, I thank you that above all things I am prospering and I am in health, even as my soul prospers. I am the seed of Abraham, and my body is blessed, and my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. You are Jehovah Rapha, and have taken sickness and disease away from the midst of me. My soul You’ve forgiven all my iniquities and healed all diseases. I am now the body of Christ and my God will destroy every sickness, disease, pain, virus and of the Holy Ghost. The glory of the Lord is risen God’s Word and because I know the truth, the truth has made me free. I am whole, of sound mind and transformed, renewed, restored, strengthened, a power-packed, powerhouse for God. I am forever sprung forth. There is no trace of sickness or virus in my body, and I will never be sick another day in my life, in Jesus’ Name. I serve the Lord, my God, and He blesses my bread and water and all my food and drink. If I eat or drink any deadly or harmful thing, it shall not hurt me. God has taken sickness away from the midst of me. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. So, every attack upon my health is destroyed. The Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead quickens my mortal body every day. I am dead to sins and alive unto righteousness. You healed me, Oh Lord, and I am healed.



Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. (James 5:14-15 NKJV) Refuse to doubt – Believe only! God has promised We are seeing greater manifestations of God’s power and presence than ever before!


Divine Health A 30-day devotional by Bill and Veronica Winston will teach you to walk in divine health every day of your life!

Health & Nutrition

Dr. Veronica Winston shows how you can manage your body, so you feel vibrant, energized and strengthened.

20172017 INTERNATIO INTERN JesusJesus Is theIsAnswer the Answ fo Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama, the U.K. and counting... Just one of many incredible, international mission trips in 2017 took Dr. Bill Winston to Abuja, Nigeria, where he ministered at COZA Church. Dr. Winston said, “This is a powerful, very progressive church. When I say that, I mean these are people that are doing things by faith. They’re really supplying leadership for the nation and this whole capital city area. We’re here for seven days of glory! It’s time for the Church to be a full expression of what God has called us to be in the earth!” Partners, thank you for your prayers and support! 10 12

ONAL L MISSIONS MISSIONS or World a World in Chaos! in Chaos! You make it possible for Bill Winston Ministries to be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in the earth today. Dr. Winston expresses his heart-felt gratitude, “Thank you so much for your prayers. You’re my partners. Thank you for your faithful giving. It is through your contributions that we are able to travel to the world. The world’s economies are going down, but we can lift up the standard of living for people across the globe.” And as part of our commitment to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all of the nations, this year we are happy to announce the formation of Bill Winston Ministries Canada. Stay tuned, more to come. 13





here is no security in this earth outside the Word of God. which Jesus described this way:

Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:10-11 NKJV)

Turning on the evening newscast will verify that these things are happening even now. But, we as believers, are not subject to this world’s system. We walk by faith according to the kingdom of God. The supernatural ways of the kingdom far surpass any polit-

Do you have children on drugs, a son in prison, or a daughter running wild? Did you receive a bad report from the doctor or lose your job? Don’t panic; trust in God! You do not need to fear gun shots, gangs, or your house being broken into. Proverbs 29:25 says, But, the fear of man brings a snare, whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. (NKJV) Fear opens the door to the

FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Stir Up Your Faith to Receive God’s Divine Protection


devil. Faith opens the door to Above all, lift up the [protective] shield of faith with which you can extinguish one. (Ephesians 6:16 AMP)

Your faith must overcome your fear! tudes, He said to His disciples, “Let’s go across to the other arose. The wind raged; heavy rain pelted down upon the slowly-sinking boat. Despite the impending disaster, Jesus lay peacefully asleep in the said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are drowning!” Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind stopped, and it became completely calm. Jesus said to his followers, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:39-40 NCV) Jesus taught His disciples that faith was the key to their deliverance, the key to their protecto receive God’s divine protecises. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. That’s the kingdom way!


BWM Prayer Call Center Dear Partners and Friends, There is nothing that pleases Father God more than to hear from His beloved children. He desires to fulfill your requests – spiritual, emotional, physical, financial, social – whatever need might be heavy on your heart today!

There is no greater force on earth than prayer! When you call the BWM Prayer Call Center and we join our faith with yours, it is powerful! God promises to answer the prayer of agreement.

We are so excited about what God has done in the Prayer Call Center this year For the first nine months of 2017 alone, we have received: • Over 50,000 prayer request calls • Over 1,000 testimonies from callers • Over 2,000 callers have become partners

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20 NKJV)

• Hundreds of salvations and Holy Spirit baptisms viverra, hendrerit ornare augue. Vestibulum varius nunc tortor, vitae scelerisque eros tincidunt facilisis. Morbi dolor sem, scelerisque viverra tempus in, consequat quis enim. Duis at nunc a nunc finibus finibus. Duis aliquet sodales ligula scelerisque neque ut. ultrices. Nunc eget urna et tortor egestas elementum sed nec nisi. In ante erat malesuada

Here are just a sampling of the testimonies we’ve received: TOTALLY HEALED

After 14 Years of being bald. I asked you to pray for me to receive healing from alopecia universalis. I commanded my hair to grow! I was healed and am now walking around with a full head of hair! ~ Allyson


I was Diagnosed with aggreesive colon cancer I asked you to pray for me to receive healing from cancer. My next test showed no cancer! No need for the chemo injections! I am totally healed and cancer-free!

~ Rika



I called in for prayer for my son to be admitted into primary school. He was declined. I appealed! Later that year they called and said he was excepted and to come in to finalise acceptance process. ~ Lubabalo




PARTNERING WITH BILL WINSTON MINISTRIES Faith, Kingdom, Destiny . . . that’s what it’s all about at Bill Winston Ministries!

We are committed to reaching every nation and every person, through life-changing television broadcasts and dynamic, faithempowering publications and media resources. Viewed in 200 different countries and by more than 800 million households, thousands have received salvation as they watched the BWM Believer’s Walk of Faith television broadcasts!

BECOME A FAITH PARTNER TODAY Help BWM reach millions worldwide with the gospel - and receive the same anointing, divine favor and blessing that God has poured out on this ministry!

It’s easy, and there’s no set financial commitment. Just call our toll-free line at 080 021 2642 or visit


Checkout our new


A New Live Streaming Experience for Online Viewers. THOSE THAT ARE PLANTED IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD SHALL FLOURISH PSALM 92:13

Always available, always on! We have a cyber-place for you! We believe that everyone needs to belong to a local church, but if you are between churches or don’t have a church home, we would love to have you join us online! We are creating a community of believers who desire to make the mission of Living Word Christian Center a reality - online. Some of the things you can do online include: • Live stream the Sunday and Wednesday evening services of Living Word Christian Center in Forest Park, Illinois. If you miss a live service, you can access all archived broadcasts to watch at your convenience – any time day or night! Teaching outlines are also available to you. • Submit your prayer requests and testimonies. Anointed prayer ministers will agree with you in prayer for God’s kingdom best to revolutionize every area of your life! • Lay a foundation for success in your life by taking our Foundations online course. Access daily devotions that will get you going in the right direction for success every day! Join the Conversation! #LWCCOnline

Visit to create your free account and join today! 18


ENTREPRENEUR I by Deloris Thomas

n 1986, Dr. Winston received a vision from God that changed his paradigm from a pulpit-centric church leadership model to the revelation that God anoints both the pulpit and the pew for service in ministry. The government of the kingdom of God consists of two types of ministry leaders, the priest and the king. The duties of the priests include the spiritual development of the believer and the upkeep of the sanctuary. The king’s role consists of creating wealth


The Bible states in Mark 3:25 NASB, “If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” Dr. Winston realized that an effective pulpit ministry entailed equipping the members to succeed in the marketplace to advance the kingdom of God. Dr. Winston inquired of God for a blueprint for church leadership under the paradigm of equipping both kings and priests. The launch steps in executing the blueprint for building a comprehensive ministry model designed to unleash the power of an unbeatable partnership of kings and priests. In 1998, Dr. Winston started the Joseph Business School (JBS) to teach entrepreneurs how to do business God’s way. JBS uses Isaiah 48:17 NASB as the scriptural foundation, “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, ‘I


in the way you should go.’” The vision for JBS includes eradicating





CAPTION FOR IMAGES ABOVE: 1. Dr. William S. Winston: Visionary, Founder & President of JBS 2. Kingdom Perspective: Your Success is Our Success 3. Training Leaders to Do Business God’s Way 4. Connecting Businesses to Real Opportunities 5. A Rigorous 9-Month Accredited Campus & Online Program 6. We Equip Leaders to Transform their Communities

God uses the entrepreneur to eradicate poverty and to stand in the gap against economic injustice. The World Bank reported in 2016 that over a billion people live on less than $1.25 per day. God desires for the Church to rescue the oppressed and the poor. Ezekiel 22:30 reads, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” The world awaits the innovation and heart of a Christian entrepreneur. Nanlai Cao reported in an article titled, “Boss Christians: The Business of Religion in the ‘Wenzhou Model’ of Christian Revival,” describing the “Boss Christians” in Wenzhou City in China. Wenzhou City, now referred to as “China’s Jerusalem” where individuals once in poverty, applied biblical principles to become among China’s wealthy social class. Nanlai Cao wrote: They often promise a great amount of money well before the idea also has real estate in several parts of the country) 6

FEATURED ARTICLE announced in a church meeting that if his church decided to purchase a local badminton stadium as a new church site (which would cost about 7 million yuan), he would contribute 1.5 million yuan immediately. Local believers earnestly view such a public display of piety and wealth as a reflection of both “God’s grace”

The Church must prepare Christians to dominate in the marketplace to eradicate poverty and establish the kingdom of God.

C. K. Prahalad published a book titled, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty challenging business leaders to develop innovative solutions to eradicate systemic poverty and empower the world’s most vulnerable to become pyramid] markets represent 80 percent of humanity…it is reasonable to expect that 4 billion people in search of an improved quality of life will create one of the most vibrant growth markets we have ever seen.” The Bible gion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” Creating wealth as a means to provide food, shelter, education, and healthcare for the most vulnerable in society represent the true purpose of religion.

Global Impact: JBS Partnership locations on five continents

What JBS offers? JBS offers a nine-month entrepreneurial JBS has been recognized for the qualifications and expertise of its faculty

training program to equip leaders on how to


start and manage a business God’s way. The Joseph Center® provides myriad services from business consulting, technology training,


position businesses for success.

ecide today to accept the call to become an anointed minister in the marketplace, become an

entrepreneur. Visit the JBS website to learn more at

The Joseph Business School is approved by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET), a national accrediting agency, BUSINESS MAGAZINE 23 the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), and the Veterans Administration. 19








You deveop a complete mental reversal - A kingdom mindset - that leads to success in life and business.

The Holy Spirit teach-

You have access to divine wisdom and knowledge that those outside the kingdom can’t access.

You have access to a new economy — the economy of the kingdom of heaven. You are no longer limited to your nation’s earthly economy.

You have a covenant of prosperity with the King of the kingdom. God’s covenant with Abraham— THE BLESSING (a material blessing) — is also with Abraham’s seed (all those who accept Jesus as Lord and Savior).




You have access to divine justice and recompense. The kingdom has its own justice system and law enforcement. God

You have access to spiritual power/ empowerment. God has given you dominion over time, circumstances, and the natural realm. You have the power to decree a thing, in Jesus’ Name. God watches over your words that are in agreement with His Word to perform it.

You can operate in peace, with no need for toil or trial and error. This can reduce your costs for R&D and shorten your time to bring new products to the marketplace before the competition.

SIX You have divine protection. As a kingdom citizen, angels watch over you, your family, your business and employees. Angels are the army of the kingdom of God — the Heavenly Host— and are assigned to protect its citizens from all hurt, harm or danger.

leads you to success— the right business opportunities, partners, land, buildings, vendors and so on. (Isaiah 48:17)

This includes your protection from sickness and disease through divine healing.

rights our wrongs.

TEN You have a superior value system and code of ethics that will keep you from falling and will maintain your character and integrity. The kingdom has its own values and code of conduct. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, you have an internal moral compass that will warn you when you are about to take actions that displease the King and violate kingdom laws and principles.

In Dr. Winston’s newest book Faith & The Marketplace, he describes the characteristics of the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness.


Christ in You Vol 1

Back to the Garden

Christ in You Vol 2

Faith for Healing

Living on top of the World

Lighting the Fire of Faith

The Kingdom of God in You

The Law of Confession

Seeding for the Billion Flow

Transform Your Thinking, Transform Your Life

Divine Favor

Faith & The Marketplace


challenge, no matter how


it may seem,

can be overcome by your


bill winston

corners of the world. If you would like to be a part of this Christ-centered movement, please prayerfully consider becoming a ministry partner. You can learn about our partnership program


Bill Winston and Believer’s Walk of Faith can be seen on a cable or satellite television network in your area! Visit our website at

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