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Education as a Human Right

ACTIVITY INTRODUCTION: Running to Safety Part 1

The modern child refugee crisis is a humanitarian emergency that demands immediate action Using interactive maps and news articles, this activity will introduce students to the various refugee crises taking place right now, all over the world


Familiarize yourself with the content of the Running to Safety summary. Explore the resources available in this interactive map by the UNHCR and familiarize yourself with the IRC’s Top 10 Crises the World Can't Ignore list



1. Begin a discussion about the refugee crisis. What are your students' first thoughts when they hear the word refugee? How would they define it? What about the refugee crisis? Do they think it is something taking place far away or close to home?

2 Define the following and discuss the similarities and differences as a class


3 There are 11 8 million child refugees globally What reaction do your students have to that fact? How often do they hear about refugee children and/or asylum-seeking children? Why do they think some refugee crises are reported on in mainstream media and some go undetected by the larger public?

4 Tell your students that, for the time being, they are the news reporters Have them use reputable online resources such as this interactive map by the UNHCR and the IRC’s Top 10 Crises the World Can't Ignore list to research one active refugee situation taking place around the world

5 Assign students Worksheet 7 1 which guides them in researching the refugee situation they are learning about. Give them ample class time (and independent time, if necessary) to research their situation with your guidance

6. Once students have had sufficient time to research and understand their situation, have them frame their research as if they were a journalist reporting on the situation They can either write a short article as if

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