3 minute read
Diet for fertility and pregnancy
Is the Mediterranean Diet good for fertility and pregnancy?
By Dr Joo Teoh, Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Fertility Specialist, Perth
There is strong evidence that the Mediterranean Diet (MD), which consists of plant-heavy, unprocessed fish and poultry, has many health benefits. Early research has found that the diet has a protective effect for cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. A healthy diet enhances the fertility potential by improving the quality of the gametes and optimising the intrauterine environment for nurturing the embryos. It improves the overall health of individuals and perhaps helps fight against adverse impacts from the environment
Recent evidence suggests this diet improves fertility potential for both men and women. The beneficial effect is seen not only in groups with metabolic syndrome, but also in the general population. For instance, using a MD scoring system, females who have the highest adherence to the diet have been found to have a 66% lower chance of having ovulation problems and a lower risk, by 27%, of having other factors affecting their fertility.
Women with a higher MD score have a better chance of conceiving in IVF (29.1% vs 50%) and
Key messages
The Mediterranean diet has benefits in reproduction A good diet can help prevent complications in pregnancy Good nutrition provides the optimal nourishment for fetal development.
successfully giving birth (26.6% vs 48.8%). Likewise, men with a high MD score have the best semen quality in all measured parameters. ‘Western’ diet and fast food high in carbohydrates, processed and red meats, and sweetened drinks are associated with longer time periods to conception, and lower semen quality.
Laboratory studies have shown that MD improves the immune response in certain systems in the body, e.g. the gut cells. In the current environment of a viral pandemic, a healthy diet may have a protective effect against the infection.
In the 1918 influenza pandemic, the birth rates were reported to be significantly reduced. A study in Taiwan stated that the birth reduction was due to reduced conceptions and embryonic loss during the first month of pregnancy, rather than through late-first-trimester loss. We are yet to learn the full picture of COVID-19. Reassuringly so far, there are no adverse outcomes being reported in early and mid-trimester pregnancies.
In pregnancies, adequate carotenoids intake has been shown to prevent pre-eclampsia and preterm delivery. A better diet quality, highly similar to MD, is associated with less likelihood of restricted growth. It is also beneficial for the development of intelligence of the babies. MD decreases the chance of gestational diabetes, macrosomia and emergency caesarean section. In Singapore, a study has shown that vegetable and fruit-focused diet reduced likelihood of preterm-births. Like other environmental exposures, diet in pregnancy has also been shown to affect the epigenetic imprinting of the offspring, potentially affect their phenotypes for future generations.
Author competing interests – the author has written a book on this subject
WA Health COVID-19 response
By Dr Jelena Maticevic, Public Health Registrar, HDWA
The novel coronavirus, officially called SARS-CoV-2, causes the disease COVID-19. Since emerging in December 2019, it has captured the world’s attention. Western Australia’s health response is guided by the national approach developed through the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), which receives advice from Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA). Preparedness and response to COVID-19 is underpinned by the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), an adaptation of the Australian Health Management of Planning for Pandemic Influenza (AHMPPI).
The Chief Health Officer oversees the health response, of which there are three main ‘arms’: the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC); the strategic Pandemic Clinical Service and Operational Response (PCSOR) ; and the operational State Health Incident Control Centre (SHICC) . Travel restrictions, border measures and quarantine advice implemented by government early in the response have provided time for the WA health system to prepare. This includes engaginging with health and non-health sector stakeholders to identify key actions required before and during the response.