3 minute read
Recurrent UTI
By Dr Trenton Barrett, Urologist, Nedlands
Recurrent urinary tract infection (rUTI) is defined as two or more UTIs over six months, or three or more UTIs over 12 months. The recurrence can be reinfection (clear sample after treatment, recurrence often with a different organism) or persistence (no clear sample, same organism). Non-antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered to reduce the risk of antibioticrelated complications or resistance.
While any UTI in a male is a red flag event and may indicate abnormal structure or function of the urinary tract, UTIs in women are very common. In young women there is often no clear predisposing factor. Even with rUTI, a large portion of patients may be young, immunecompetent women with structurally normal urinary tracts. In one study, 27% of young university-age women with their first UTI experienced at least one recurrence within the following six months. Recurrence is more common as women age. In women over 55 some 53% report UTI recurrence.
First line therapy for a symptomatic UTI is a single course of appropriately targeted antibiotics. If the infection recurs, there may be a role for
Key messages Recurrent UTIs are more common in women, increasing with age Long-term antibiotic prophylaxis can cause resistance Consider non-antibiotic prophylaxis.
prophylaxis after the active infection is treated.
Long-term antibiotic prophylaxis with rotating low-dose antibiotics over six months is effective but can damage the intestinal flora and promote the development of bacterial resistance. Non-Antibiotic prophylaxis A simple option is urinary sterilisers such as methanamine (Hiprex). This is a urinary steriliser that is converted to formaldehyde in the urine. It does not lead to bacterial resistance and has a low side effect profile. There is some evidence that it is effective as a short-term non antibiotic prophylaxis where the urinary tract anatomy is normal. It works best in acidic urine so is often taken in combination with vitamin C while avoiding urinary alkalinisers. Another option are drugs that replenish the bladders glycosominoglycan (GAG) layer such as hyaluronic acid plus chondroitin (e.g. iAluril). This is an intravesical therapy that replenishes the GAG layer in the bladder, which is a natural defence against UTI. Meta-analysis has shown a reduction in 2.6 UTI episodes per patient per year with these agents. These results are likely conservative because in all but one study the comparator was prophylactic antibiotics not placebo.
Vaginal estrogen replacement can be beneficial in postmenopausal women without specific contraindications. Emerging vaccines and immunotherapies show promise. Uromune is a vaccine for recurrent UTIs administered sublingually as a spray, with two pumps every 24 hours over threemonths. It contains a suspension of inactive whole bacteria (E coli, K pneumoniae, P vulgaris and E faecalis). This isn’t available in Australia, but multiple studies show up to 90% of patients who had previously suffered rUTI reported a reduction to 0-1 UTIs over the 12 months after starting treatment.
Author competing interests - nil
In WA, planning for and responding to the impact of COVID-19 on hospital services is informed by clinical working groups. Planning considers a variety of scenarios to enable services to manage business continuity, as well as the demand from COVID-19.
This includes strategies for patient triaging, the establishment of COVID clinics, stewardship of resources and cohorting of patients. Surge capacity is a key element of planning, particularly if the COVID-19 burden on the health care system coincides with the influx of annual influenza cases.
Laboratory capability for COVID-19 testing in WA has been prioritised. Specimen collection initially occurred at identified specimen collection centres. As the situation evolved and shortages of key laboratory reagents loomed, community testing moved to COVID clinics, supported by domiciliary collection services in the Perth metropolitan area.
Testing suspect cases occurs within the limits of the current case definition. A surveillance system has been implemented to assist the detection of cases and close contacts, protect vulnerable groups through early case detection and detect any community transmission.
Primary care services are key to managing the response. Engagement includes ongoing liaison with clinicians and peak bodies about implementing infection prevention control measures including phone triage of patients, recommendations for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), developing guidelines, and providing public health advice and education. Guidelines, protocols and factsheets to guide health professionals will continue to be developed throughout the response.
Key non-health sector stakeholders play a crucial role in a response of this nature, ranging from care for people in self-isolation or home quarantine through to supporting recommendations to ‘flatten the curve’ by physical distancing. It is essential the community is engaged and empowered throughout the health system’s response and health professionals continue to provide compassionate care, promote factual information and dispel fear.