2 minute read
(most of the time)
A series by Bad
Billy Laveau
Scientist say thousands of chemical reactions are happening at all times in our bodies. Think of your blood glucose. It should be between 80 and 120 if you haven’t eaten in 4 hours. Just one Twinkie puts shock waves in blood sugar equilibrium. Blood glucose might briefly jump to 250 before starting back toward the fasting range … unless a sip of Coca Cola gets mixed in, and then there is an upward shift again. The pancreas puts out a bit of insulin, and down comes the blood glucose. If you walk during all this, energy is expended and the blood sugar goes down. Spending energy requires calories, so the liver gets into the act and converts some fat into glucose and the blood sugar shift upward. These up and down shifts are continuous. In just this one chemical reaction, there are thousands upon thousands shifts per day.
A computer keeping track of all our zillion chemical reactions would go into meltdown.
So you might think: Does all this happen by accident? Or is it by divine intervention?
Well dear hearts, fear not. I called the radio talk show to give the world The Answer. Or at least my answer. There I was, talking on the air with Lord knows who listening. I told myself I did not care what anyone else thought. It made me nervous just the same.
I said: The answer is simple. Both answers are correct. Evolution is real. Divine intervention is real. Scientific research is simply man’s way trying to understand the mind of God, and how God created man and life as we know it. The Bible tells us what happened. Science tells us how it happened. We will never truly understand all the details, but I am impressed by what we know now. That is education in progress.
Needless to say, the radio host was not thrilled by my answer. He did not want the issue resolved so simply. He needed controversy to sustain the time-consuming dialogue. He had holes to fill between advertisements. That’s how talk radio works.
When you walk across the room or work out in the gym or mow the grass, you are just a huge bundle of chemical reactions seeking equilibrium. Every time you breath, you shift carbon dioxide and oxygen levels. Movement makes blood glucose levels oscillate. Every drop of sweat affects your serum sodium level. Light rays produce chemical reaction in your retina and your brain reacts.
You don’t have to be biochemist to grasp this infinite number of chemicals that make up your body. You don’t have to be a theologian to be amazed by the mind of God.
However, you are responsible for the alterations your daily decisions make in your biochemistry. Do you eat too much? Do you inhale chemical fumes you could avoid? Do you intake chemicals that encourage cancer? Many chemical reactions are beyond your control. Others are determined by your decisions and actions. (Examples: alcohol, nicotine, excessive salt, recreational drugs, and the like.)
Whether you are a “Divine Interventionist” or an “Evolutionist,” don’t tinker with what works when left alone.

My mother told me more than once: Act like you have good sense … whether you do or not. Sears Roebuck doesn’t have new bodies on layaway. I think she may have been right.
Oh, I almost forgot the radio host’s sage opinion. He punted and said, “Everyone should make up their own mind.” Losing or offending listeners doesn’t help ratings or make money