1 minute read
It’s springtime
es would easily fit inside a shoebox. Sometimes dealers even use Carfentanyl, and a million doses of it can be put into a golf ball! That packs a hard drive! It is used as an elephant tranquilizer (literally) and if a human eats the meat of an elephant hit by it he’ll die. A single drop on human skin is fatal.

Why bother reading this info? Even though you may not be interested in the drug, I can assure you that if you don’t know a family affected by it today, you will before long. It is a rare day that I talk to someone who hasn’t known someone who died from an overdose with Fentanyl in the equation.
Knowledge is power. Someone who may need to know about this drug might listen to you, a friend, whereas they may think counselors or law enforcement officers are paid confederates who don’t know what they’re talking about.
I don’t want to just talk doom and gloom without telling you about a way out. Of course, the best way out is to never pick up, or get treatment if you already have. If it’s not too late for your family member or friend, please go to any pharmacy and buy some Narcan – it’s around $40 for a one-dose pack. If someone you love is on drugs these days, they may think they’re buying weed or meth and end up buying that drug laced with Fentanyl by a greedy dealer. If the user is lucky enough to be around someone with Narcan in their possession, if they do overdose a quick squirt in each nostril can bring them back to life if done in a timely manner. It works by knocking the opiates off the brain receptors and restoring breathing immediately. Sometimes 2 or 3 doses are necessary. Narcan (brand name for Naloxone) has saved thousands of lives already. Police cars are equipped with it and all ambulances have it. It’s being advertised heavily on TV… perhaps you’ve seen the ads. What it comes down to is this: It’s not about using or not using drugs anymore – it’s about living or dying. This information could save a life – maybe even yours. Now you’re not one of those who are just talking about the F-word. You know about it.