Calligraphy Cut Magazin - Press Edition

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3 technology 6

What is it all about?


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8 Press Performance 23 press clipping - TV 25 story behind the C alligraphy Cut 28 Shows 30 Fairs 32 Awards


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The C alligr aphy pen


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The Ide a Scissors cut the hair straight and dull. The patented Calligraphy pen cuts the hair at an angle of 21 degrees. In this way it does not get damaged. The surface gets enlarged, with every touch the hair gets an impulse of motion and at once perceptibly more richness.

The outcome Fuller hair that is perceptibly soft and marvellous to the touch, being at once controllable and flexible to style.


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The high precision blade that cuts at a unique angle – 21°, perfectly supporting the hair’s natural flow. This small but significant difference creates durable cuts that are ‘easy care’, with even FINE hair remaining elastic and voluminious.

What is it all about?

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1 Freundin Donna, 8 / 2 0 1 2 ; 2 Chaos Hairconcept, 0 9 /2013; 3 Bild der Frau, 42/2012; 4 Bella, 32/2012; 5 Gala, 7/2012; 6 Freundin Donna, 2/2013; 7 F端r Sie, 18/2012

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Press Performance

Ma ximiliane Renschin, Beaut yRedak teurin

„BEIM ZU- UND ABNEHMEN KOMMT ES AUF EINEN LACTOBACILLUS AN. Und der sitzt im Darm und muss ausreichend vorhanden sein, hat Constanze Frisch, Style-Mitarbeiterin eine L’Oréal-Studie ergeben. Für eine perfekte Bilanz helfen wir doch einfach ab sofort Fitnesspartner nach und frag„Ak tivphase“ von Inten außerdem néov, 30 Stk. ca. 27 die Expertin … in Apotheken

Jennifer Daubitz, Fashion-Redakteurin



„MANCHMAL IST WENIGER MEHR! Zwei Pflegestoffe genügen meiner Haut total: Pflanzliches Hyaluron und Wasser versorgen sie aufs Beste“ (24h Aufbaucreme intensiv, von CD, ca. 6 Euro)





„EIN CALLIGRAPHY-CUT brachte neue Bewegung in meine immer gleichen schulterlangen Haare. Das liegt am Werkzeug: Statt Schere kommt ein spezielles (und patentiertes) Messer zum Einsatz. Ergebnis: Die Frisur fällt weicher und fülliger, ohne dass Stufen geschnitten wurden. Sehr überzeugend.“ (Bei ausgewählten L’Oréal Professionnel-Friseuren, , Kostenpunkt: ab ca. 50 Euro)

Katja Lips, Leitung Style-Ressort

Was ist das Besondere am Lactobacillus? Es gibt Bakterien, die es schaffen, aus unverdaulichen Kohlenhydraten Energie zu ziehen und damit die Fettspeicherung im Körper zu begünstigen. Diese können aber durch den speziellen „Lactobacillus LPR“ verdrängt werden.

„Ideal für

“ e r a a H e n fei




Feuchtigkeitsbooster aus dem Tiegel

„Ich bin experimentierKatharina Müller, freudig mit meinen Mode-Assistentin Haaren – nur soll es sie nicht stressen! Deswegen ist die BCBonacure Hairtherapy genau in meinem Sinn“ (ab 13 Euro, in Schwarzkopf Professional-Salons erhältlich)

BERUHIGT DIE KOPFHAUT „HIER WERDEN DIE NERVEN BESÄNFTIGT! Und zwar die auf meinem Kopf. Wenn durch trockene Heizungsluft, Pollenflug oder Stress die Kopfhaut ausrastet und unangenehm juckt und irritiert ist, entspanne ich sie und mich durch eine Kopfwäsche mit WirkstoffShampoo“ (Sensinol Shampoo, von Ducray, ca. 13 Euro, in Apotheken)


Pia Goward, Style-Mitarbeiterin


r e n ö h c s Noch

Kommt er auch in Lebensmitteln vor? Ja, alle Lebensmittel, die reich an Ballaststoffen sind, haben günstige Effekte auf die Darmflora. Dazu gehören z. B. Vollkornbrot und Vollkorncerealien, aber auch ballaststoffreiche Obst- und Gemüsesorten wie Äpfel,, Birnen, Paprika und Kohlrabi.

werden …

DUFTE! Parfum hält viel länger, wenn man es aufs Haar statt auf die Haut sprüht – und pffft!

Manchmal M anchmal sind es die kleinen Beauty Beauty-Feinheiten, Feinheiten di die für den großen Aha-Effekt sorgen. Die OK!-Redaktion verrät ihre neuesten Entdeckungen für waschechte Promi-Mähnen, die perfekte Bikini-Figur und hollywoodreife Traum-Teints. Weitersagen ausdrücklich erlaubt!




„Altern ohne zu altern – ich bin dafür! Die Kombination aus Myrrhe und der Meerespflanze „Sea Emerald“ pusht das müde werdende Stützgewebe der Gesichtskontur. Wunderbar“ (Stimulskin Plus von Darphin, ab 87 Euro, in Apotheken)




Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

Date : 05/09/2014 Pays : FRANCE Page(s) : 164-165 Rubrique : GRAZIA NEWS Périodicité : Hebdomadaire Surface : 186 %

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

CC_Anzeige Frau im Spiegel_216 x 276 mm_Final.indd 2

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01.10.2014 11:34:35

Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Einleger_Zeitungsartikel_A4_Layout 1 21.01.13 09:08 Seite 9


Freundin, 2/2013

Press Performance

Date : 18/08/2014 Pays : FRANCE Page(s) : 30-32;34 Diffusion : (1078613) Périodicité : Hebdomadaire Surface : 397 %

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Press Performance

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Telec ast RTL

Telec ast wdr

Telec ast FOX Ne ws

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Telec ast Loc al 8 K noxville grou nd zero Telec ast Fr ance 2

Telec ast MCB (Fr ance )

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story behind

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C alligr aphy Cut: A Cut ting Technique Conquer s the Wor ld The success story of Frank Brormann’s Calligraphy Cut seems to be never-ending: By now the unique cut is offered in more than ten countries worldwide and it attracts increasing prominent support - as for example by Olympic rider Helen Langehanenberg, who has just expressed her great enthusiasm. It’s only been four years since Calligraphy Cut entered the world stage at the IC Mondial Performance 2011 in Paris. Four years which could not have been more successful. Frank Brormann, the technique’s inventor, fine hair specialist and L’Oréal-Professionnel expert, is excited and pleased: „Calligraphy Cut is well received by customers and hairdressers worldwide and it is on offer in countries such as France, Italy, the UK, the US, Hungary, China or Switzerland.

And the industry’s jurors are convinced as well: The numerous awards that we’ve won, the SalonStar Award 2014 in the category Innovation being the most recent, clearly indicate that we are on the right track. These days, it is like this: New standards are not being set by trends but rather by technological progress. In the end, the „Calligraphy pen“ is a tool that ultimately illustrates this technological progress, something which the industry needed urgently.“ And it’s true:

story behind

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The high precision blade that cuts the hair at an angle of 21 degrees supports the hair’s natural flow. This is why the cut is that durable and easy to care and even thin hair remains elastic and more voluminous.

story behind

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Win -Win : Customer s and Salons Benefit Eighty per cent of the licensed salons report an increase in sales after they introduced Calligraphy Cut in their business. Thus, the investments for licenses and trainings flow back quickly. The secret of Calligraphy’s success: The highest possible customer satisfaction. Recently, Olympic rider Helen Langehaneberg has expressed her enthusiasm:

About Calligraphy Cut: Behind Calligraphy Cut there is a special tool: the Calligraphy pen. Due to its tilted blade it cuts the hair at an angle, comparable to the cutting of a flower stalk. Owing to this tilted cut, the hair moves in the desired direction while getting more elastic and appearing fuller. Further, the hair does not get damaged and remains flexible and easy to style.

„ It’s simply a great cut which costs me less than five minutes in the morning and gets me through the day reliably and with style.“ Frank Brormann continues to write his success story, announcing that these ten countries are just the beginning.

The patented Calligraphy Cut has been developed by Frank Brormann, a hairdresser from Oelde. For more information please visit www.


shows TOP Hair 2015

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shows Fashion Week Vienna

hairwor ld 2014



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C alligr aphy Cut wins Innovation Awar d At the presentation of the 2014 Salon Star Awards Calligraphy Cut has been awarded the golden trophy in the Innovation category. Frank Brormann’s invention was again able to convince the experts who gathered at the annual Top Hair International Trend & Fashion Days fair in Düsseldorf. The voting for the 2014 Salon Star Awards proceeded over three months and saw an unprecedented participation — 62.000 industry insiders

cast a total of 103.000 votes. 13 categories were to be awarded, including shampoo, styling, colour, scissors, newcomer, stage artist and academy. In the Innovation category Calligraphy Cut was able to win out over TIGI’s Bed Head Wax Stick (2nd place) and Super Million Hair (3rd place). After Calligraphy Cut has already been showcased very successfully at the Haut Coiffeure Française in Paris, this fresh distinction should lead to further momentum.


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Salon of the Ye ar 2012 Frank Brormann’s salon Threesixtyhair is awarded with the highly coveted prize for successful hairdressing entrepreneurs and has won first place in the category more than 10 employees. From now on, Calligraphy’s flagship salon ranks among the top ten teams in Germany. The prestigious Salon of the Year awards are presented annually by the Top Hair International journal in four categories. About 800 salons compete for the sought-after titles, which have been presented already for the 16th time.

Who wants to become Top Salon must first submit a convincing application to a professional jury and exhibit excellent key performance indicators. The top 30 salons are then scrutinized closely by anonymous test customers and when it comes to Threesixtyhair’s service, the test customer as well as the jury were absolutely delighted: ‘It is the concept that counts, the economic success as well as leadership of employees and public image.’


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Diamond Ide as Awar d Within the context of the Intercoiffure economic congress business unplugged in cologne 2011, Frank Brormann has been honoured with the innovation award Diamond Idea Award for the best and most innovative customer acquisition campaigning.

In a ceremonial act the president of Intercoiffure Germany congratulated the winner in the category New Client and presented him with the highly coveted award


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B est Ac adĂŠmie Awar d Intercoiffu r e Mondial Par is

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