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How to get started with drawing anime eyes
a. Female Eyes- pg 7 b. Male Eyes - pg 9
Dreamcatching wallworks
Adding color
Deku's Double
My Hero Academia: 5 Legitimate Criticisms About Hero Society (& 5 That Don't Add Up) HERE ARE 21 COSPLAY IDEAS THAT ARE POPULAR IN 2021! EXPERIENCE JAPAN THE FUN WAY
How to get started with drawing anime eyes
Female eyes
Male eyes
Female Eyes
2 3 4
Draw the upper and lower lash lines. First, draw a downward curving line for the upper lash line. Add a curved tail at one end (draw it on the end that's going to be the outer corner of the eye), going down and back toward the other end of the line, so the upper lash line is C-shaped. Make the line about 1/3rd the length of the first curved line you drew. Then, make the upper lash line thick and bold with your pencil. The lower lash line, draw a short, upward curving line centered under the first lash line you drew.
Female anime eyes are usually bigger and rounder than male anime eyes. Make the eyes about 1/6th the height of the head and 1/4th the width of the head, if you’re drawing one. That way, they’ll look big and exaggerated.
Sketch an oval between the lash lines. Make the top and bottom of the oval overlap with the lash lines so the top and bottom are hidden. Make the width at the widest part of the oval the same as the length of the lower lash line. This will be the iris of the eye.
Draw a small circle near the top of the oval. Place the circle off to one side. Later on, you’ll leave this circle white, and it will look like light reflecting off of the eye.
Make the circle about 1/10th the size of the oval. It doesn't matter which side you place the circle on, but it should be on the same side on both eyes if you're drawing 2.
Add a smaller circle near the bottom of the oval on the opposite side. If you drew the first circle near the top-left side of the oval, draw the smaller circle near the bottom-right side, and vice versa. Make this circle about half the size of the first one you drew.
When you’re done with your drawing, this circle will look like light reflecting off of the eye too.
Make a smaller oval inside the first one and fill it in for the pupil. Draw the oval about 1/4th the size of the iris, and center it inside of the first oval you drew. Then, use your pencil to fill it in all the way. Variation: You can draw a bigger pupil if you want the eye to look bigger and wider. Just make the oval about 1/2 the size of the iris (instead of 1/4th) and overlap it with both of the small circles you drew before. The circles should be in front of the oval.
Add the eyelashes. To draw the eyelashes, start at the outer corner of the eye, and draw a few upward-curving lines coming off of the upper lash line. The eyelashes should span about 1/4th of the upper lash line. Make each line about 1/15th the length of the upper lash line itself. Then, thicken the lines with your pencil so they’re bold like the rest of the upper lash line.[6]Adding thick, distinct eyelashes will make the eye look more feminine.
Add a few eyelashes to the lower lash line if you’d like. If you do, they should curve down, not up.
Shade in your drawing. To shade in the eye, first draw a horizontal downward curving line from the left side of the iris to the right side. Make sure the line doesn’t overlap with either of the white circles. Then, shade in the white space above the line so it’s filled in but still lighter than the pupil. Shade in below the line so it’s lighter than the shading above the line.
Experiment using colored pencil if you’d like! Find a dark and light shade of the same color, then shade above the line with the darker shade and below the line with the lighter shade. Remember not to shade in the white circles.
Sketch the upper and lower lash lines. First, draw a horizontal line with a slight curve. Then, draw a line with a slight upward curve coming down off one end of the first line (the end that will be the outer corner of the eye) at a 45degree angle. Make this line about 1/3 the length of the first line you drew. At this point, the upper lash line will have a Cshape, and you’ll be able to see the outer corner of the eye. To draw the lower lash line, draw a short, horizontal line with a slight curve centered under the upper lash line.
Male anime eyes are usually smaller and narrower than female anime eyes. The curves on the upper and lower lash lines should be slight so the eye doesn’t look too round. Draw the eyes about 1/8th the height of the head and 1/4th the width of the head, if you’re drawing one.
Draw an oval between the lash lines. Center the oval and make the top and bottom overlap with the lash lines so only part of the oval is visible. Make the width of the widest part of the oval about the same as the length of the lower lash line. This will be the iris.
Add a small circle near the top of the oval. Draw the circle on the left or right side of the oval, near the top. It doesn’t matter which side, but place the circle on the same side in the second eye if you're drawing one. Make the circle about 1/10th the size of the iris.
You’ll leave this circle white later on so it looks like light is reflecting off of the eye.
6 10
Make a smaller circle near the bottom of the oval on the opposite side. For example, if you drew the first circle on the top-right side of the oval, draw the smaller circle on the bottom-left side. Draw the circle so it’s about 1/2 the size of the first circle. This circle will also look like reflected light when you shade in your drawing
Draw a smaller oval inside the first one and fill it in to make the pupil. Center the oval inside the first one you drew, and make it about 1/4th the size. Shade it in with your pencil so it’s dark and completely filled in.
If the oval overlaps with the small circles you drew, make sure the circles are in front of the oval. Whether or not the oval overlaps will depend on how big you made the circles.
Shade in the eye to finish your drawing. To shade in the eye, start by drawing a horizontal line from the left side of the oval to the right side. Then, shade everything above the line in so it’s the same color as the pupil. Shade everything below the line in a few shades lighter.
Leave the small circles you drew white.
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Give it that pop and life in those eyes There are different ways to add color to the eyes and give off a certain emotion. Not everything can be pretty and colorful, of course unless its a portrait or like a slice of life anime, but here are some examples on how you can give off different expressions to the plot of your story, or anime show, and even on your art portfolio. Here are the top examples on the right side that you can try. 1. For this on color base it can give very lifeless/ traumatized look for when something horrible happens in the story. Even thought its just a one color base, it can really send the message to the view that the character is at its all time low and the viewer can feel that deep emotion of sadness. 3. Adding a second color can give you a sadistic/mysterious look. For this eye color one can use this to give the character to give that look of control or to intimidate another character. 4. Now a 3rd step with the same color white shade, under the side of the eyes to give that normal look. Usually this look would be the casual and with this step you can make a basic but effective eye color with normal emotion look. this can also be a portfolio character if you cant or have time to add the extra step to make them, extra or extremally detailed. 5. This is just one extra step to having a dreamy eye look with just one dot added to the middle. 6. The extreme I am looking at you moment!
Double Deku's! by Zac Bertschy,
You probably don't need to be introduced to the phenomenon known as My Hero Academia – the blockbuster superhero manga is not only one of the most popular anime to come along in years, the manga itself is actually – repeatedly - the top-selling superhero comic book in America right now. There's a new film – Two Heroes, featuring an original character – out in Japan now, and it's due to hit theaters in North America before the end of the year. In celebration of the film's premiere at Anime Expo this year, both the English and Japanese voices of main character Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, Justin Briner and Daiki Yamashita were in attendance, and we had the opportunity to sit down with these two energetic and charming performers for a chat about the ride they're having as the main character of what feels like one of the most popular anime in the world.
ANN: First, thank you both for your time, I really appreciate it. When you auditioned for this, did you know what you were auditioning for, and did you know what a big deal it was?
DAIKI YAMASHITA: Yes, I was reading the manga before and I knew that this was going to be popular if it was made into an anime. JUSTIN BRINER: Yeah, we got our hands on it a little later through the production schedule, but I remember when we were auditioning for it, we had the first episode of the anime to see, basically. So I was able to watch all that through. We sort of had an idea at the studio that this was going to be a big deal. You can tell, spending a little bit of time with the source material, that it's something special. Yeah, definitely. And after I checked out that first episode I got hooked, so I figured a lot of other people did too. Did you have an audition for it? BRINER: Yes, I auditioned for pretty much everyone in Class A. I saw Deku and that felt like something that was sort of my strength as an actor, so I wanted to try for that, but I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything.
Did you immediately see yourself as him? BRINER: No, not necessarily. I definitely—that's the part that I identified with most of all, but I didn't want to get my hopes up for anything for this.
YAMASHITA: You auditioned for pretty much all the male characters? BRINER: Yeah, Deku, Kacchan, Todoroki, Minari, Tokoyami. I wouldn't have been good as many of them. <laughter>
YAMASHITA: You tried out for so many characters.
Daiki Yamashita & Justin Briner
BRINER: Yes, uh uh. I just really wanted to be a part of it, it seemed like something special to me.
Now that you're in season 3 and you did the movie, how has your relationship with Deku changed since the beginning? Do you feel like you play him differently now as his character has changed? YAMASHITA: I think the mental part of it has helped me. At the beginning of the show, Deku seemed to be very weak. Very soft. You feel like “oh, is he okay? Is he gonna make it?” as a viewer, you see that. But once he inherits the power from All Might, the mental part of his character, he's become so strong. As I play him more and more as the seasons went on, I try to gain that strength as well for myself. So when I play against the strong villains, in my acting I try not to back down – I try to convey that mental strength in my acting as well. BRINER: It's essentially the same answer here. Yeah, you watch Deku grow up, basically, from a very innocent time in his life and an innocent age, and then he learns and gradually is able to incorporate more heroics into his own personality. Yeah, exactly. He started out very weak and insecure. Though he hasn't totally progressed out of that phase, you can tell that he's gaining confidence. He's gaining a steady footing. He's got his feet firmly planted on the ground now, whereas before he wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do. So yeah. Just being able to incorporate a little more confidence, a little more heroism every time, that's part of Deku's growing up.
Justin Briner
Do you read ahead in the manga? And if so, does it help you prepare emotionally for what's coming? YAMASHITA: Yes I do, I do. I read ahead and then I regret reading ahead. I was like “All Might—ohhhh, no.” So when I read that All Might and All For One battle in the manga, I was like “oh my gosh, I saw it, I didn't want to see it… I regret it.” It was shocking to me, before I even received the script. BRINER: Same. I do read the manga, and I feel like I'm pleasantly surprised by every new development. It's so smartly written that I can't find myself not reading it every week.
Do you use it to inform your acting? Are you emotionally preparing for the turns the character takes? BRINER: Yeah, I approach it from a little bit of a different standpoint, because I'm not the first person who gets to touch the material. So I don't want to fall in love with certain line reads or certain translations that aren't necessarily official, that won't match the video when we get to it. But I do read ahead, and it has been influential, because I do get to experience these emotional beats before anyone else gets to them. Through that, I'm able to see “all right, this is probably a moment that, when the audience gets there, they're going to be really invested in this emotional best. How can I make sure I'm playing as honestly to that as possible?” Other than that, it's just sort of like—every amazing moment I've seen in the manga, when they've got to the anime, it was even better. So it's more excitement now, because I'm like “this is so cool! I can't wait to see it animated because I know it's going to be above and beyond what I can envision in my head. Do you have a personal favorite scene, or a scene that meant the most to you personally from this show? Or the film? YAMASHITA: There's so many. It's very hard to choose one scene, but in particular the second episode, where All Might tells him “you can be a hero.” That scene, along with the most recent scene when All Might points to Deku on TV and says “you're the next.” Those two scenes are very, very memorable. For me, myself, as well as for Deku as a character, those two scenes are very pivotal moments for the character, and very important to both myself and Deku as a character. And I think that those two lines and those two scenes are going to stay with Deku forever, and that's going to become a core of his becoming a hero in the future.
BRINER: I love that. For the sake of variety, I guess, there's a moment in the sports festival when Deku and Todoroki are fighting against each other, and in the middle of the fighting he says something to the effect, to Todoroki, of “it's yours, it's your quirk, not his.” That's such a wonderful moment of—because Deku isn't the most confident person of all time. His quirk isn't even necessarily his own, but he's learning to live with it and make it his own in his own way. So to be able to instill what little confidence that he's gained to a friend in need is really beautiful to me, I think.
Deku gets into some guttural screaming, just world-class screaming. How do you prepare for that? Do you have to recover from it? How often do you have to do that, would you say?
YAMASHITA: I eat a lot to prepare. I don't do anything particularly to protect my voice, but I feel like if I don't do anything then my throat is gonna get stronger. Like, if you do more—so essentially for me, it's eat whatever I want when I want and sleep when I want.
It's a good way to prepare. BRINER: Same. <Laughter> I always make sure that if I'm going to record that I warm up beforehand. I have a big background in singing. A lot my experience was with choirs and musical theater growing up, so I at least have that. So when I'm screaming it's more like singing… badly? And loudly? I'm able to support it from the same, so I don't go and shred up my voice every time. So you're playing the main character in a giant, hit show that could potentially run years and years and years and years and years. Do you feel like you're prepared for that, and do you see yourself still relishing the role, if, say, a decade from now you're still playing Deku? YAMASHITA: Yes. In a narration, where Deku says “this is the story of me becoming the best hero.” So I would like to see him become the best hero. I would like to see that, and I would like to continue playing him as he becomes a hero. So I'll try not to die in the middle, in the process. I might be a grandpa by the end, but I would like to perform this character until he becomes the best hero that he can be. BRINER: I mean yes, I love Deku, I love the source material so much and so dearly that I'd love to be a part of it for as long as I can. It really means a lot to me that way.
As a brief follow-up, when you were starting your career, did you ever have the aspiration to be like “well, I basically want to be Goku in a series that's as big as Dragon Ball.” You're the Goku of this show. Did you ever see yourself in this position? And was that ever your aspiration? YAMASHITA: Yes. When I started out, yes that was my hope that I would be able to encounter roles like this. I think that it honestly takes a miracle for this type of encounter to happen, to get a role that can be in a longrunning show, and something like My Hero Academia is very, very rare. So I'm very grateful for the opportunity, and I feel like, as I said before, I'd like to stay with it until Deku becomes the best hero that he can be. When he becomes that hero, maybe that's the time that my life ends. That's how I feel, almost. So I would like to continue playing and breathe life into this character until he does, so… Okay! All right. Follow that! BRINER: All I've ever known that I wanted to do was act or perform in some capacity. I never knew exactly what avenue that would be. But the world of anime has always been something that's been very important to me growing up. I watched Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon before I knew what anime was. It was just another cartoon that I would rush home after school to watch. To be part of something so pivotal and so prescient, especially nowadays, is really special in that way. I don't know that I ever saw it happening. I don't know that I ever wished—I dared to wish that it would. But to be a part of it now is really incredible. Because it feels like I'm working my hardest to be a part of something that's much bigger than me. And I get a lot of satisfaction out of doing my part in that. All right, I've got two short ones left. One, if you were playing any character in the show that was not Deku, who would you want to play? YAMASHITA: I can't think of anybody else but Deku to play. Fair enough. BRINER: True, I love Deku too. If you make me answer, Froppy.
BRINER: Kero! YAMASHITA: Maybe like a villain. One of the villains.
Last question. In your heart, who do you think Deku should wind up with in the show? As a romantic partner.
YAMASHITA: <laughter> As far as I can tell for now, just by reading the manga and doing three seasons, it looks like Uraraka is very high on his list. But in the movie… I feel (original character from the My Hero Academia film) Melissa Shield has gained… she climbed up the ladder towards the top, the top of the list. So when you think about the future development of the story, there might be a chance that Melissa-chan comes back. In that case, there might be a battle between Uraraka Ochako and Melissa! BRINER: That's pretty comprehensive. I feel like Uraraka is… they're just meant to be, somehow. Let me just introduce Tsuyu into the mix, Froppy. I don't know, I don't know. It's a good pick. It's a good pick. YAMASHITA: Isn't it that you like that character? Do you just like her— BRINER: Uhhhh, maybe? YAMASHITA: I think it's your taste!
My Hero Academia: 5 Legitimate Criticisms About Hero Society (& 5 That Don't Add Up) Villains have frequently criticized hero society when justifying their misdeeds, often serving as a catalyst for the conflict in My Hero Academia. The My Hero Academia universe is predicated around young men and women training ardently so that they might one day be capable of protecting Japan. Being a pro is a coveted position, one which many have aspired to since they were children. However, villains have frequently criticized hero society when justifying their misdeeds, often serving as a catalyst for the conflict seen in the series.
By weighing the legitimate criticisms of the practice against those that fall apart under scrutiny, we can determine whether or not the advent of quirks and how they were handled are in the world's best interest.
10/10. Legitimate Criticism – Turning Away Those Trying To Help With a limited number of people capable of occupying a "hero" position at any given time, it entails that there is considerable competition
in order to become one. As a result, society is actively eliminating potential candidates and is judicious against those who make mistakes.
Gentle Criminal's life was ruined over a single incident where he had accidentally hindered a situation more having saved one.
9/10 Debunked – The Heroes Are Greedy
While some heroes may have ulterior motives to their work (such as Uraraka's financial compensation or Mineta's infatuation with women), this does not make their quest to protect others any less valid. This is both because being a villain would bear
similar (if not superior) results, as well as for the fact that military and police are also paid for their work. Therefore, it's unreasonable to expect a hero to save others without any regard to their own livelihoods or self interest.
7/10 Debunked – The Heroes Are Oppressive
Some claim that the heroes are oppressive, especially since the power at their disposal grants them an innate advantage over others. This was a sentiment most frequently orated by Shigaraki and perhaps one of his most incoherent.
Though it is true that the likes of Endeavor and All Might eclipse virtually everyone, they are bound by a rigid code of principles that prevent them from flaunting their quirks and exploiting the public. Moreover, heroes have seldom used their station in order to coerce others.
8/10 Legitimate Criticism Quirk Exclusionary
Legitimate Criticism – It Restricts Freedom
A significant problem with hero society is that its citizens judge others based on the nature of their quirks. If they aren't specifically "heroic" enough (such as Himiko Toga's ability to transform her body based on the blood she imbibes), it is difficult for the aspiring character in question to reach the echelons of their peers.
While the heroes themselves may not be oppressive, the systems they safeguard are more difficult to protect. Citizens are expected to refrain from using their quirk to the best of their ability, an onerous law that Re-Destro had attempted to correct in his populist movement.
This was a problem that Shinso struggled with since his quirk was able to control the minds of others. Not only did it fail to be "flashy," many had presumed it villainous – a fact that he is forced to live as he aspires to save the same people judging him.
It is especially egregious when considering that some cannot effectively deactivate their quirks (such as Tokoyami or Toru). This entails that the law is particularly unjust and prevents most people from living at the same standard their guardians do.
5/10 Debunked – Overreliance On The Symbol Of Peace
Perhaps Shigaraki's favorite criticism of hero society was that after All Might fell, the entire system would collapse along with him. While it may be true that the Symbol of Peace was a beacon of stability for Japan, it had proven to survive even after he had lost the power of One For All. Endeavor served as a worthy successor, one with
equal courage to Toshinori (albeit with palpably less charisma). Therefore, Tomura's statement is completely invalid, as it has been demonstrated to be observably incorrect. Ironically, the League of Villains would show this themselves through HighEnd's failed attack.
4/10 Legitimate Criticism – It's Discriminatory And Unfair
In the My Hero Academia universe, roughly only 80% of people are given quirks. Even fewer have powers that might actually be viable in hero work, with less still being capable of outcompeting their peers and earning the exclusive privilege of becoming a pro.
Those with ill suited quirks are turned away, expected to join the considerably less glamorous police force instead. Understandably, this could instill resentment in many individuals with high aspirations and possibly even coax them toward the side of villainy (especially since All For One can give them power directly).
3/10 Debunked – U.A Is Unfit To Train Heroes
With U.A High serving as the premiere school for the heroes of the future, they have become a natural target for the villains to exploit. This resulted in a number of attacks which compromised the trust the public had in its teachers and the institution they purported to uphold.
However, the school has reliably saved its students, with All Might uncovering the League of Villains' hideout almost immediately after Kacchan had been abducted. Given this would culminate with the public humiliation of All For One and leave Tomura's group on the verge of dissolution, it cast a positive light on hero society.
2/10 Legitimate Criticism – Hypocrisy
While it is completely understandable that certain heroes may have ulterior motives in serving the common good, they are seldom straightforward about their intentions. Frequently, they will posit statements such as "doing right is its own reward" – sentiment that they have proven is nothing short.
Considering that some heroes are actively manipulating the faith of the public to line their own pockets and boost their image, it makes vigilante antagonists such as Stain difficult to repudiate.
Debunked – The World Was Better Without Quirks
Overhaul had claimed that the world was better without quirks, a condemning statement toward the students which had opposed him and hero society in general. In some regard, there may have been merit behind this, as its existence creates an unnatural imbalance of power seemingly at random.
However, since most individuals are either heroes or bystanders, only a select few actually use their gifts in the service of unabated evil. The swelling ranks of heroes evince that their vocation is more desirable than its maligned counterpart.
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can cosplay
Posted by Roger Senpai | Cosplay Ideas, Female Cosplay, Male Cosplay
HERE ARE 21 COSPLAY IDEAS THAT ARE POPULAR IN 2021! It’s that time again; popular cosplay ideas for this year! Man, what a year 2020 was. Almost every con was cancelled because of the pandemic…and who knows when they will be back. But in any case, whether we get conventions back this year though, we’ll still be cosplaying at home no matter what! And with that said, I’m sure you’d like to know what’s going to be popular and trendy in terms of
cosplay for 2021. It’s always fun finding the same characters to cosplay as others and not only does it help you socialize with people who are into the same series, it’s also more budgetfriendly for your wallet as well. In this post, I will discuss popular cosplay ideas for 2021. Here’s how we’ll do this:
The definite picks cosplay picks for 2021 that will for sure be popular this year (you guys who follow my IG wanted me to start with the definite ones first, so I’m giving what you want!) My bold predictions that I have a good feeling will become viral and popular Characters or series that MIGHT be popular, but also the chance that they may not And for one character from each series (with a few exceptions), I will list all the materials and accessories you’ll need to make that particular cosplay!
Of course, it’s always difficult to predict with absolute certainty what people will be cosplaying as; memes always pop up out of the blue (e.g. Bowsette, Among Us) and various series can end up being popular all of a sudden (e.g. Demon Slayer, She-Ra). With that out of the way, let’s get started! 29
1. GENSHIN IMPACT Let’s start with the newest addition to this list that’s fairly obvious at this point. Genshin Impact has taken over the gaming world by storm; this gacha game has generated nearly $400 million in revenue already. For a game that can be played for free, Genshin Impact has it all; beautiful world landscape (similar to Breath of the Wild), lots of Waifus and Husbandos, addicting gameplay and quite the immersive story and quests. With so many unique characters to cosplay in this game, you can bet that Genshin Impact will be HUGE for popular cosplay ideas in 2021. It helps that the character designs are so awesome that we’re already seeing a bunch of Genshin Impact cosplays pop up. Give it a few more months and we’ll get to see some amazing cosplays from this game. If/when we are ever able to have conventions or social gatherings again, Genshin Impact will make for the perfect photoshoot for groups. What you’ll need to cosplay Amber from Genshin Impact: Red coat, headband, details – you can thrift a cotton or polyester hoodie and alter to fit your body. Cut the shape to be similar to Amber’s M-shaped bangs to get the best effect. Brown wig – One of my favourite wig stores is Wig Supplier and you can find an Amber wig or just a generic brown wig. Belt and gloves – Dollar store gardening section all the way. Shirt – get a brown shirt and a white hurt and hack them together to make a brown and white shirt! Fabric paint the details. Gold embroidery – You can get puffy paint from your local craft store to achieve a raised effect and use craft foam for the base. Brown shorts – Thrift store is your best bet to find some class brown shorts. Look in the pants section too and you might be able to find a steal. Thigh-high boots – You need a cheap heel and some thigh-high socks. Cut a hole in the heel of a white thigh high sock and slip the heel though and you’ve got some DIY thigh-high boots. Goggles – Amazon has some dank aviator goggles!
COSPLAY IDEAS FOR GENSHIN IMPACT Paimon is either the best travel companion…or emegency food. Cosplayer: mingmihoo. Where do I even begin? There are so many characters to cosplay in this game that look fabulous and totally fun to cosplay! If you’ve played this game, I’d say you should cosplay your favourite character if you can handle the difficulty. Pretty much every character has lots of specific detailing and embroidery with their clothing. So if you can pull it off yourself, you’re gonna look AMAZING. But with that said, you can always do a casual version. For example, you can cosplay Kaeya and Diluc casually by wearing a blue or red wig and a dress shirt. Most Genshin players would recognize you, as both of those characters are really popular! Other favourites are Amber, Lisa, Sucrose, Fischl, Venti, Mona and Bennett. Definitely the most recognizable would be Paimon, your fairysized travel companion/emergency food! If you’re looking to get started on a Genshin Impact cosplay and jump on the hype, check out these costumes on RoleCosplay! This Paimon one is awesome. Use the code: GEN15 to receive a 15% discount on Genshin Impact cosplays on RoleCosplay! Left: Keqing Costume. Right: Barbara Costume.
2. MY HERO ACADEMIA Be on the lookout for newer characters from My Hero Academia such as Camie! Cosplayer: luirae. Photo taken by wendy.snaps. Plus Ultra! What’s there to be said about My Hero Academia (MHA) that hasn’t been said already? This top Shonen Anime has been superhot for the past few years and 2021 will be no exception. MHA characters have wonderful designs and the Anime is highly acclaimed. All these things will ensure that MHA characters will remain a popular series to cosplay for a long time. What you’ll need to cosplay Camie from MHA:
My Hero Academia Boku No Hero Academia Camie Utsushimi Cosplay Costume $136.99 Black bodysuit – A full bodysuit can be purchased online on eBay or at any Halloween/theatre store. Black hat – These kinds of police hats are super easy to find during Halloween season, so go early and stock up! Use a red ribbon (or rope) to add the detail and craft-foam for the emblem. Wig – When you’re saving on the costume, it’s very important to be careful of the details. That’s why I will always recommend Arda Wigs for all my wig needs. Arda’s fibre blends look so realistic and they even have lace fronts!
Deku is the poster child for MHA! Cosplayer: Emma Patricia Roberts. Photo taken by Connor Heinzmann. CC BY 2.0.
The nice thing about MHA is that despite having a ton of characters to cosplay, they’re all unique in their own way with their “quirks.” And in terms of cosplay, every character is so coollooking! The main characters like Deku, Bakugo, All Might, Ochaco and Todoroki will always be a great choice. During season 4 last year, new characters like Camie were highly popular cosplay choices. Season 5 is coming out in 2021, so be on the lookout for new characters. (NOTE: you can always read the manga to skip ahead, but all I will say is…be ready for a shock). Since MHA is probably the biggest Shonen Anime right now, online cosplay stores are mass-producing costumes from the series. So it’ll be relatively cheap to buy one off those sites.
You can pick up the basic UA School Uniform for only $40 here! BNHA Tsuyu Asui Cosplay Costumes Students Uniforms $39.99
3. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (OR K/DA on the right TO BE EXACT) Ever since the first K/DA music video Pop Stars was released, the League of Legends world was never the same. Now you see cosplays Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’Sa all the time! And that’s definitely not going to change in 2021, especially with the newest KD/A videos More and Baddest. In addition to K/DA, Riot Games continues to release new music videos and skins for other League characters. So not only will this game be relevant into the 2020s, so will the cosplays. What you’ll need to cosplay Evelynn K/DA from League of Legends:
Black Trench Coat – If you’re looking for a closet cosplay, Evelynn might be something you and a few friends could put together by combining your wardrobes. The black trench coat is a closet staple, and if you don’t have one, I guarantee your local Goodwill or Value Village will. Necklace – This necklace charm is super easy to make. All you need to do is loop a length of ribbon into an old earring. You can also find lots of similar charms at the craft store, corner store, or Ardene’s. Earring – Evelynn’s earrings here are just small hoops, which you can find online for about $2 on eBay. These are also in the bargain section at Claire’s or Ardene’s. Belt – A common black belt can be purchased at any corner store. Wig – Evelynn’s cat ear hair is what gives her the iconic look in this K/DA version. I would recommend buying some strong hair spray and set aside an hour or so to twirl the hair in the same way. Glasses – Glasses are a challenge to craft. The best hack for glasses is to find some similar frames and tint the lenses with see-through acrylic sheets such as soft binders, or photography gels. Claws – Honestly, paper is the tried-and-true method for the most comfortable claws. You can also do foam for a longer effect. Paint with silver acrylic or Rub n Buff.
K/DA is obviously the first option. The Pop Stars outfit has been so popular for a while now, so you can definitely snag an outfit for very cheap now, like this Kai’Sa outfit. If you’re looking for their newer outfits from Baddest or More, you still don’t have to break the bank either. RoleCosplay has an amazing deal for Ahri; only $10 for her Baddest outfit! By far the K/DA crew is the hottest League cosplays at the moment, but you don’t have to go the mainstream route; there are several champions to choose from. League has tons of cool-looking characters to cosplay such as Jinx, Ashe and Ezreal. And there are a variety of looks to choose from; either you can cosplay the looks that the characters sported when the game first came out, or you can go for the more recent looks like the Spirit Blossom.
LOL Spirit Blossom Ahri Cosplay Costume $69.99
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