Forcing Your Ideas Forward
Workplace drug testing is a tool of evaluation, and it helps you to put your ideas from brain waves into cold stark reality. In fact, many people do not get very far past the “idea” stage of development. They think that certain things would be cool to do. They may even get some tools and materials out and play around with them, but there is no commitment, no long term devotion, to the project that they have put forward. It is really important for everyone to understand how important ideas are, and also how powerful follow through action is on those ideas. In order to make your vision a reality, you must first have a vision, and then you must secondly be willing to turn it into a reality. When you are forcing your ideas forward, both sides of this concept must be present. Many entrepreneurs begin to build a company, and then somewhere in the process, they meet a hitch or an obstacle that is simply too much for them to handle, and they put everything back and start on a new idea. Nothing reaches development or maturity with this mindset, and there are no true long term plans. They give up and move on to something else before they make an real money or investment in the first idea. Drug screening helps you to evaluate your employees when you have started up a blossoming business. First of all, this is practical, since people are the one statistic you can never be sure of. Secondly, this is a good idea because it helps both you and your employees to take your ideas and your company’s mission seriously. There will always be people who don’t really care about what they do or how their jobs affect the company as a whole. However, you can increase your chances of hiring high quality employees by making onsite drug testing a requirement. Mediscreen is NATA accredited for health screening, and our role in your business is to protect both your monetary assets and your human resources. This article has been taken from: