Substance Abusers Don’t Want to Work. Right? Wrong! The man has been using drugs for approximately 10 years. About five years ago he started using ice (methamphetamine) and ended up homeless and poor, and alone after his girlfriend left him and his family connections were cut. His main quest each day was making the kinds of friends who would supply him with more ice. This scenario is the image most people have of drug addicts. Addiction is like a beast that clings to the person and will not let go, destroying everything dear in their life. Getting a job was out of the question for the man in the example because he could not pass a drug test, and the drug’s effects on his body and mind were becoming severe. It is people like him who influence the image other people have of substance abusers, making them come to the conclusion that anyone regularly using drugs has no interest in working because all they want is more of the drug of choice. Wanting a Life Back It may come as a surprise that over 60 percent of Australian drug users are employed. They are not street-roaming addicts with bodies full of sores. They come to work most days, hiding their drug use. The same is true for alcoholics. In fact there is a term called high-functioning substance abuser, referring to people in high-level or responsible positions like executives, lawyers, health professionals, and so on. No one knows they drink heavily at home or are using drugs on and off the job. The workplace drug and alcohol testing programs have discovered people like nurses and airline pilots are using drugs or alcohol, which always surprises the public when the story breaks. There are many myths about substance abusers. One of them is that they are mostly unemployed. A less discussed myth is that people using drugs and alcohol do not want to work. The man in the scenario turned to his mum for help when he hit rock bottom, and she took in him because she believed he was sincere about wanting to get off and stay off drugs. He is now trying to stay clean because he wants his life back, which includes friends who do not do drugs, trusting family relationships, and a job. The Lessons of Myths