The best path for growth

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The Best Path for Growth

Growth in business must be planned. The way a business system or business plan is set up is rather regimental and does not allow for any growth in the future, or very little, if it does. Growth must absolutely be planned for, otherwise it cannot take place. And, if growth cannot take place in your business, the orders will roll in but you will not have enough manpower or systems in place to deal with them, or your business will be ready to grow, but you will have prevented it from bringing in any more money than it did last year, which is not a good thing if inflation and the economy make growth pretty much necessary. By placing your trust in the inevitability of change, by expecting it but not forcing it, you will always be prepared for change in the future. It is easy for us all to get in the habit of not having change in our lives, but the truth is that that is how few people actually grow and learn. Change may come slowly, or it may come in overlapping steps, but if it comes, it really helps the people who embrace it. That includes businesses. The best path for growth is to expect, but not force, change. That way, when things begin to shift, you can make preparations in plenty of time for staff changes, company re-organization, redistribution of company funds, and so on. Knowledge is power, in this case, and awareness brings that power to you. Make sure that your employees are ready for any change which occurs in your business. This may include layoffs, re-organization, new strategies, new systems, etc. They cannot do their best for you if they are under the influence of illicit substances while at work. Mediscreen brings pre-employment screening and regular drug and alcohol testing to your place of business. Mediscreen has NATA accreditation to AS 4308, and our onsite drug testing services are unparalleled in Australia. No matter where your business is located, we are here for you. This article has been taken from :

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