Medley Magazine

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medley 2007

Editor in Chief Jennifer Carmona Managing Editor Lauren Knisely Art Director Aleta Burchyski Senior Editors Erin Curran Shannon Sweeney Jamie Wilson Copy Editors Aleta Burchyski Katie Laurentiev Cassandra Mocyk Sarah Speidel Fact Checkers Andrea Alemany Danielle Alvarez Ashley Christiano Bernette Pearson Photographers Mackenzie Reiss Martha Swann Designers Lisa Kenney Natalie Levy Agatha Lutoborski Susie J'vfcElligott Christine Nappa Mackenzie Reiss Writers Andrea Alemany Laura Almozara Jessica Assimon Pearl Brooks Katie Garton Lisa Kenney Pauline Mang Cassandra }./focyk Kaitlyn Pirie Mackenzie Reiss Hallie Stiller Martha Swann Amy Turner Jolyn Wu Advisor Elane Granger, Ph.D. Associate Director for Student Services Lillian and Emanuel Slutzker Center for International Services

letter from the editor

For one of my first events as Medley Editor in Chief, I attended a mixer at the Lillian and Emanuel Slutzker Center for International Services. My task was simple: present the publication, recruit members, and take story ideas, but I left with much more. When I walked into the brick house on the corner of Walnut Place my eyes were opened to the way international students perceive our campus and their American peers. Each student wanted to share their unique story of what life has been like for them at SU and how they've adjusted. International students have so much to say but nobody seems to listen. I wanted this issue to inspire our readers to leave their inhibitions behind: talk to someone they wouldn't normally approach, get involved with a cultural organization on campus, and help those who are new to the area make a place for themselves on campus or in the community. The Multicultural Living-Learning Community encourages cross-cultural dialogue in their campaign Talk2Me2KnowMe (page 12). SU's new belly dancing club brings Middle Eastern rhythms to Archbold Gymnasium (page 8). International Young Scholars offers students the opportunity to work with refugee children on campus (page 10), and SU student Pedro Urbina, works with west side youth through the Spanish Action League's soccer program (page 7). Whether it's the movie review, recipe and playlist in the foreign imports section (page 18) or our feature on international dining (page 16) that draw you in, we hope this issue of Medley can open your eyes to the world around you. Best,

Jennifer Carmona Editor in Chief medley.

Medley is dedicated to providing a forum for students to explore international and cultural differences and its manifestations on campus, in the city of Syracuse, and abroad. Medley Magazine is published once a semester with funding from SU Abroad, Phi Beta Delta, the Lillian and Emanuel Sllltzker Center for International Services, and your student fee. All contents ofthe publication are copyright 2007 by their respective creators.


a hIe of contents




Lost in Translation International students share stories of awkward moments in America


Bouncing Back Overcoming reverse culture shock after studying abroad


jGoal! How one SU student joined the Spanish Action League to make a difference through soccer


Beauty and the Beat Experience an international workout with the belly dancing club


After School Special Get to know the youngest class on campus


talk2me2knowme How yellow t-shirts give the opportunity to meet someone new


At First Glance Portraits of SU students show looks can be deceiving


Global Grub a guide to international cuisine in the Syracuse area


Foreign Imports a must-see foreign film, a rock in' playlist, and a quick and easy recipe for quesadillas


Tidbits Fun facts from around the world

written and photographed by Mackenzie Reiss

tra 5 atlon

International students share their stories of cultural misunderstandings


rinking a Guinness while eating a side order . of orange chicken may seem like a cross足 cultural experience to some Americans, but for international students, traversing over oceans and continents tests more than their taste buds. These SU students divulge which aspects of American culture surprised them most when they arrived on campus.

particular, the behavior of anxious Americans startled Cheng, a freshman dually enrolled in the College ofArts and Sciences and the S.1. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Cheng considers the stress-induced leg shaking of some students to be a bad habit. "In China, we think that when you do that, not only is it unseemly and rude, it shakes the good fortune off of you, like the leaves falling off a tree," she says.

Tarun Saxena,

Jenny Cheng, a native of Hong Kong, found American conduct perplexing when she first arrived. In

Pauline Mang, a freshman from Hong Kong, shares her advice on how to adjust to American Life Know your roommate. Even if he/she seems weird, it doesn't hurt to get to know them. A good roommate relationship builds your confidence in making friends later. Keep a little notebook with you for recording interesting facts and new experiences. Doing so will help you assimilate to your new life and you never know when you may need that information again. Spend time with people to get to know them better: form study groups, go to the parties. chat after class or simply chill on weekends. This will allow you to know What American life is really like. Share stories of your experiences with American students. Your life at home must be different and unique

a graduate student in

bioengineering, hails

from the Indian city of

Hyderabad. Once enrolled

in classes, Americans'

casual approach to

schooling startled him:

eating in class, reading the

newspaper, wearingpajama

bottoms, and women

wearing pants would be

paired with punishment in

urban India. For Saxena,

from life in the United States. Many American students will be interested in this diversity and appreciate you sharing your culture with them. Get Involved. Once you've settled in your new home, attend a multicultural event or join an organization. You may be able to meet someone from your hometown or simply share your international experiences. If you feel uncomfortable going by yourself, invite your roommate or some friends to go with you. Your second home at SUo The Lillian and Emanuel Slutzker Center for International Services offers a variety of ways to find help. Arrange an appointment with an advisor and he/she will help solve your individual problems. Most of the advisors have international experience and speak several languages. Attend the center's "Mix It Up" events to meet other international students and American students who have studied abroad.

Learning the Language

For student$ seeking to improve their communications skllls, the English Language Institute is a great outlet. Founded In 1979. the institute works with stUdents. beginner through advanced. on a one-on-one basis. Stude.nts spend about 20 hours per week working to meet their English speaking goals outside of their SU classes. They can enroll in a series of 15-week courses, or one of two six-week sessions during the summer. Short and long-term courses can be

designed for individuals or groups with specific needs and disciplines. A typical day for a student at the institute includes the following: 8:45-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-12:00 12:00-1:30 1:30-2:45 3:30-5:00

Oral Communication Breat< Textual Communication LunchlConversation Groups Grammar/Accuracy Computer Lab

the way students act in class reflects their respect for professors and peers. "In India, you don't wear shorts or casual dress to school, it's just not done," he says. Removed from the socioeconomic stratification of his home country, Saxena notes that the level of tolerance at SU impresses him. "Americans are very open-minded. I am not judged here; I am independent."

Kalyan Keo, a graduate student in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, discovered the American "free spirit," inside the women's locker room. "I'm from a country where girls are quite reserved," Keo says. "In the locker rooms here, girls got naked right in front of me." The Cambodia native changed in the privacy of a bathroom stall instead. "For them, how I changed was weird," she says. "But what they did seemed weird to me." Carlos Burset, a freshman in the S.1. Newhouse School of Public Communications, misses the sunshine and warm weather of Puerto Rico. The harsh winter of Syracuse contrasts the seasons he used to live in. "I know it's still considered nice weather now," Burset says of the fall season. "But it's colder than it wilt ever be in Puerto Rico. Over there, when it's below 80 [degrees], people are like, 'Oh my god, ice age!'"

Camille Samoza, a freshman enrolled


the S.1.

Carlota Ceseda of Venezuela -says she benefited from the program. "Ttle EU staff gave me all the support I needed to integrate into American culture," says Ceseda. "The.y were always there for me... and it made a big difference." Students who want to help the institute can get involved by giving campus tours or being conversation group leaders. To find out more about how to volunteer, visit -Amy Turner

Newhouse School of Public Communications, is a native of Puerto Rico. She recalls several embarrassing moments upon arriving at SUo When a cross-walk machine cued pedestrians to cross the street using a repetitive beep, Camille remained on the sidewalk to find the "bird" that made the sound. "I was looking all over for it," she says. Even the smallest differences have huge repercussions, she adds, while remembering a conversation with international scholars from Colombia. "We speak the same language [Spanish], but there is one slang word, pichear, that for us means to ignore, but for Colombians means to have sex with." The linguistic mix-up was clarified following several moments of awkward discussion.

Alvaro Fernandez, a student in the Martin J. Whitman School of Management, builds his friendships differently in America than in Venezuela. "I really miss the kiss on the cheek," says Fernandez, in reference to the common greeting practiced by both males and females in his home country. "Here in the United States, personal space is definitely greater than in Venezuela. ll •

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Bouncing Back

By Jessie Assimon

How students find their footing after a semester abroad


umbling with U.S. currency, adjusting to the American diet, and forgetting what side of the road to drive on may seem like strange actions but for some Syracuse University students who have studied abroad these are common symptoms of reverse culture shock. Sometimes, simply returning home can cause reverse culture shock. Most of SU Abroad's programs are offered in large cities like London and Madrid, where students have endless opportunities for a good time. Just exploring this new territory offers a constant source of entertainment. Kathryn Reilly, a senior political science and policy studies major, found her home tOwn to be less exciting. "I was bored one night and thought, 'This would never happen in London,'" Reilly says. "I was in Utica, NY. hanging out, as opposed to going to clubs and museums." Jennifer Feden, a senior television, radio, and film and policy studies major, also studied in London in spring 2007 and agrees ,vith Reilly. "We traveled on the weekends wben abroad. It's normal to pick up and go. I was sitting here thinking, 'What do we do here?' We go to Marshall Street and bouse parties." She also adds that with free time abroad, one might go to the museum or the park. In Syracuse, free time is consumed with meetings or just hanging out. "The experience [of reverse culture shock] may vary, in part, due to the level of cultural immersion the student experienced while abroad," says Amy Sloane-Garris, Director of Marketing and Recruitment for SU Abroad. It also might not be apparent at first. "[Students] may not fully realize the changes that have occurred within themselves and the significance of such changes do not become apparent until the student is back in the 'home' environment," she says. Reunitingwith old friends can fall short of expectations because they may not relate to or lack interest in the abroad experience. Reilly describes her experience with


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friends when she returned as "initially weird." She felt slightly distant from them after her spring 2007 semester in London. "They didn't experience what I experienced," Reilly says. "Our stories didn't compare." Class assignments can also cause reverse culture shock. The work load abroad is pretty relaxed because professors understand that stuuents want to travel and explore during free time. Jess Juliano, a senior information management and technology major, didn't take any major-related courses and had a more laid back scbedu~e wbile studying in Osaka, Japan during spring 2007. When she returned to campus, her classes star.ted handing out assignments. "At first I hated it/' she says of her now more serious schedule and work load. The reverse culture shock quickly wore off though and Juliano readjusted to the. demands of SU's curriculum. Reverse culture shock influences each student differently. For senior computer engineering major Max Eckstein it had little impact on his life. Eckstein spent his entire junior year abroad studying at City University in London and felt so "America sick" that he barely noticed the changes when he returned home. He does admit, however, that he had difficulty driving at first. "I didn't remember which side of the road to drive on," he says. SU offers re-entry meetings for students experiencing reverse culture shock. These meetings, held each semester, offer a venue to discuss and compare feelings and experiences. Counseling services are also offered to students that need support. Upon experiencing reverse culture shock, students should seek out others who have studied abroad. A sympathetic listener may be the best cure for those missing their study abroad experience.•


n.a Saturday afternoon in early October, thousands of people flocked to Syracuse UnIVersIty's campus to watch the football game against West Virginia University. At the same time, there was a smaller game being played at Skiddy Park, just west of downtown Syracuse. Much of the world calls it football. Americans call it soccer. This game was the final activity of the day for the Spanish Action League's youth soccer program, which started this fall. The league, an advocate for Syracuse's Hispanic community, organized the Saturday program where volunteers teach soccer to children ages 4 to 12 in the neighborhood. Volunteer Pedro Urbina joined the group this fall as the only SU student involved in the program. Urbina, a senior exchange student from Spain studying computer science, plays soccer for Complutense University in Madrid. He has tried out for lower division professional teams in his country, but in the U.S. he has had to settle for being captain of an SU intramural soccer team. Still, Urbina says he's not disappointed with the "foot,ball" he's found in Syracuse. ''I'm impressed with the quality of the soccer teams here," Urbina says. On Saturdays, Urbina works alongside Olman Alvarado of Fayetteville, NY. (originally from Costa Rica) and Sergio Palucci of Syracuse. Alvarado works for the Spanish Action League and Palucci helps coach CNY United FC, a youth soccer team. Palucci, originally from Brazil, has more than 25 years of coaching experience and says the program was designed to be very informal by not requiring registration or payment. Loca~ children are free to come and play if they want. And come they have. When Alvarado pulls the equipment out of his car and begins to set up the fold-out goals and unpack the soccer balls, children start pouring out of the surrounding houses and apartment buildings. Approximately 20 come each week, but according to Urbina, the number of participants ranges weekly. The coaches separate them into teams for a scrimmage and handed out red and yellow mesh jerseys. The jerseys are the only equipment most of the children have; some play barefoot and one girl played in socks.

Urbina enjoys the lack of formality in the program. "We try to divide them by age and skill," he says, but adds that they try not to limit the kids. "It's like, 'I'm not telling yOll what to do. You just go out there and play,' " he says. According to the maps produced by the Syracuse University Community Geographer (using data from the 2000 U.S. Census), 40 to 52 percent of the residents of this area live below the federal poverty level. A good reason for the Spanish Action League to provide their services free of charge. Some of the houses surrounding the park are boarded up, but Urbina is not fazed by seeing any of this. "It's not that bad," he says, "there are Gypsy neighborhoods all around Madrid; they are much worse than this." According to Urbina, the league wants to set up an indoor soccer field so they can continue playing in the winter. Unfortunately, the new program faces two main challenges. The fi st is the lack of funds and space to set up an indoor field. The second, according to Alvarado and Palucci, is a lack of parental involvement. "The kids come on their own.," Alvarado says. "To be honest, the parents want their kids to come, but they also want you to pick them up and drive them here. Right now, we really need more money." In add ition, Alvarado says some segments of the community arc less likely to participate in soccer because they have historically been involved in another sport."A lot of the kids, especiaUy the Dominicans and Puerto Ricans, like baseball more," he says. While Urbina enjoys working with the children and the other coaches, he also says the program makes his Saturdays very different from the average college student's. "It's hard sometimes to wake up at 11 and be chasing kids by one," he says while buying a cup of coffee on his \vay to the park. The league publicized the soccer program by handing out flyers in local schools, Palluci says, and they are hoping more families will find out about it. "We're trying to get as many [kids] as we can," he says. "It's just a place where they can learn and have fun." •

medley magazine


A new belly dancing club brings Middle Eastern rhythms to campus A stuffy fencing room in the basement of Archbold Gymnasium doesn't appear to be the ideal place for belly dancing, but for Lindsay Speicher, it's the place where anyone can learn this Middle Eastern dance. Speicher, a sophomore, volunteers to teach belly dancing classes here every Saturday. Belly dancing dates back to 4000 B.C. in the Middle East. Based on centralized core movements, the dance was originally


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performed in family and community celebrations as a way to express extreme emotion. "In the Middle East, love isn't in the heart," Speicher says. "It's in the stomach." Speicher says there are three different styles of belly dancing: Turkish, Egyptian Cabaret, and Tribal Fusion. According to Speicher, Turkish belly dancers wear high

heels and incorporate zils, or finger cymbals. "Turkish dancers really like to shimmy," Speicher says. "As far as moves, anything goes." Egyptian Cabaret shows off a glitzy and dramatic style with lots of beads, sequins, and sometimes high heels. Speicher says Egyptian Cabaret is her favorite style and the one she chooses to teach during her class. The third style, called Tribal or Tribal Fusion, began in California and evolved into an American phenomenon. Speicher, a sociology major from Rochester, became interested in belly dancing after seeing performers at Epcot Center at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. She joined a troop in her hometown called Sahara Shimmer and performed in many different places, including a man's 80th birthday party. Speicher began teaching the class last spring, but the club reached official status in the fall of 2007. Although she enjoys teaching, Speicher acknowledges the dance's difficulty. "It's like learning a new language," she says. As much as she teaches her students, she has learned a lot from this experience as well. "I've really learned about myself as a dancer, and my own strengths and weaknesses," she says. "I've learned about patience, pacing, and the way people learn." Speicher carefully explains each move to her students, "elbow, wrist, fingers, bring your arm up like you're stroking the wall with the back of your hand," she says for one arm movement. Sometimes she gets so involved with the music, it seems she has forgotten she's teaching a class. "Sorry, this song is distracting me," she says, with a laugh. Speicher says music makes up a huge part of the culture. "A belly dancer is supposed to be a physical representation of the music," she says. If her students struggle with learning the moves, Speicher assures them that the moves come with time, and it may not feel right no\\', but it will. "Belly dancing is really good exercise," she says. "You realize, 'Oh I can move I iJ.\e this, I can stretch something I

didn't even know I had.' The singer Shakira brought the "trend" of belly dancing into mainstream popularity through her chest-popping moves

on MTV, but Speicher has mixed feelings about the trend.

''I'm a part of it,

I joined when ,it was starting, but sometimes it's irritating," she says. "Shakira, she can move her body like a belly dancer, but she's not teally belly dancing." Speicher believes that with belly dancing there needs to be an acknowledgement of what came before and how it changes over time. "I want there to be a respect," she says. "1 don't understand everything, there are cultural things I won't ever understand. I have a huge respect for what it is now and where it came from." Speicher's students say they also share her passion for the dance. "I really like the ,vhole dance-it's beautiful," says Alexandra \'\!aterbury, a freshman business major. "I like the music and the moves-it's fluid and smooth." There's a marriage between the dance and the music, says Speicher. The music has a formula that tells you what to do. "I think it's a very expressive dance," says Ekaterina Mozhaeva, a junior international relations major. Speicher says she loves the complex dance and how it makes her feel. "Belly dancing is a lot more than knowing how to shake your boobs," she says. "You have to be able to dance, feel the music, look natural, and footwork is a huge part. It's a constant learning process." The class, which meets Wednesdays at 9 p.m. and Saturdays at 12 p.m., is open to anyone, and Speicher believes it's a worthwhile time investment. "It challenges you to look at yourself in a completely different way," she says, "to let go of a lOt of unnecessary inhibitions, and to be healthy in a way that feels natural and looks so beautiful." •

((In the Middle East,

love isn't in the heart,

s tn t he stomac h."

It ,¡

(/\ belly dancer is supposed to be a physical representation of the music."

medley magazine


te School Special r a y Jolyo Wu I Photo ''Om SU Photo & Imagiog Ceote,


Each Thursday Syracuse refugee children gather at Hendricks Chapel to become the youngest class on campus

10 medley magazine

ounds of children playing echo through the basement of Syracuse University's Hendricks Chapel on a Thursdav afternoon as thev, wait for instructions from their beloved teacher "j'vliss Rachael." Boys roughhouse, girls talk and some of the older children look after their younger peers, making the atmosphere in the chapel's Noble Room feel fun, comfortable and homey. The 42 children gathered are members of the International Young Scholars Project, an after-school program far from traditional. Together, the children create an eclectic mix of backgrounds and experience, some coming from countries such as Haiti, South Africa, Cuba, and Sudan. The project started from the efforts of a group of SLJ law



year, says the children look up to their older tutors. "They are hungry for knowledge," she says. "So it is good to tell them to stay in school and do welL" In some cases, the children inspire their tutors' educational pursuits: "Many of the kids speak four languages," says Gazdick. "The undergraduate students recognize that perhaps they should examine their own language abilities too and think about expanding their own knowledge." While keeping up with the children's endless energy proves difficult for the average university student, many of them continue to volunteer. "They Ithe tutors] stay with the program and grow up with them Ithe children]," says Rutz. "It is a support group."

"The university is their academic playground. One

of the challenges of education is getting the adults

out of the way. Kids are always ready to learn."


students, Mrs. Francis Parks, and the Refugee Resettlement Program, at the center for New Americans in Syracuse, in response to an influx of Haitian refugees. The program has since opened up to children from refugee families in the Syracuse area that come from many different countries. Today, the project includes SLJ undergraduates who volunteer as tutors and help supervise activities. The program aims to provide the children a safe, happy and nurturing environment that promotes academic achievement and good behavior through group activities such as craft projects and games involving teamwork. "The university is their academic playground," says professor Rachael Gazdick, directorof community engagement and integrative learning at Hendricks Chapel. "One of the challenges of education is getting the adults out at tl\1e way. Kids are always ready to learn." The young scholars enjoy having SLJ students help oUt. "[The tutors] help with homework, tutoring kids how to behave, tell them the truth," says Luzi, a 13-year-old student at Levy j\!liddle School. Lugendo and Hassan have been involved with the program for three years. Together they often complete each others' sentences and agree that, "[the program is] good. We learn, play games and do new stuff." Tutor Clare Rutz, , who has been with the program for a

Although the program focuses on helping the young scholars, the tutors benefit just as much. "It exposes you to a level of community that you would not otherwise be exposed to," says Diana Schneider, a sophomore English Textual Studies and math major, who started tutoring in the fall. To build that community the students and their tutors explore socioeconomic and cultural differences through field trips. In the past, they visited a computer cluster on campus, attended an African dance performance, and watched the SU Brazilian Drumming Ensemble. For Gazdick these cross-cultural experiences help prepare the students to become community members not just in Syracuse, but to one day be global citizens. "It is critical that our folks ar¡e in relationships with people from Sudan and Somalia," says Gazdick. "So they can build relationships and be humanists and think about each other's humanity." •

The International Young Scholars Program meets in the Noble Room every Thursday from 4 - 6 p.m. For more information on how to get involved, contact Professor Rachael Gazdick at or visit the website at

medley magazine 11

talk2 ....2know

Multicultural Living-Learning Community dialogues with campus through T-shirts


tudents might have noticed afew different things around

campus during the week of November 5. In addition

to the decorations for Parent's Weekend, mustard

yellow T-shirts bearing the phrase "talk2me2knowme" in black appeared throughout campus, causing some students to treat each other a little differently. By Laura Almozara The Multicultural Living-Learning Community (MLLC) and the Office of Multicultural Affairs co-sponsored the talk2me2knowme campaign in hopes of increasing a dialogue between students of all backgrounds. Tremayne Robertson, the graduate assistant for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, oversees the MLLC and describes the event as "a campus-wide diversity dialogue that is comprehensive." Through the campaign and other events, Robertson hopes to encourage interaction between groups of students that typically fail to interact with each other on a normal basis, as well as discuss some issues that exist between different people. Events throughout the week included opportunities for students to pick up a free T-shirt or take a quiz on the history of Native Americans at a table in the Schine Student Center, attend an LAS 300 class, watch the Academy Award-winning movie "Crash" on South Campus, participate in discussions, or socialize with students from the MLLC. During the week, students can discuss virtually anything related to cultural issues, but the campaign focuses specifically on perceived and actual differences, says Paul Buckley, the associate director for the Office of Multicultural Affairs. Because the learning community concerns itself with race and ethnic issues, some of the events planned focus directly on these. However, Buckley encourages students to discuss anything of interest to them, including issues surrounding gender, sexuality, and ableism. The MLLC, a learning community comprised of about 40

students on the 11th floor of Haven Hall, consists mostly of freshmen. Students living on the floor take LAS 300, "Living in a Diverse Society," and participate in a number of events together, such as the talk2me2knowme campaign. Five to six student ambassadors, primarily upperclassmen who have lived on the MLLC in the past, act as peer leaders for the members of the MLLC. In recent years, increased numbers forced the Office of Multicultural Affairs to turn some students away from this position. The roots of this campaign go back about seven years, stemming from a national initiative established by former president Bill Clinton. Dr. James Duah足 Agyeman, the current director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, coined the phrase "talk2me2knmvme." The program only lasted for two years, but with the help of Buckley, the Office of Multicultural Affairs revived the campaign in 2005 and 2006 experienced increased success. "We sort of revived it in an effort to encourage more intercultural dialogue on campus," says Buckley. "Our campus is increasingly diverse in a number of ways-race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, etc.-and one of the things we have heard from students is that diversity draws them to this campus, but they are somewhat disappointed about the relationship that they have with diverse members of their community." The campaign continues to grow while those in charge experiment with new ways to get people involved. The table in Schine was one way to let anyone on campus participate.

"One of the things we have heard froml students is that diversity draws them to this earn pus, but they are somewhat disappointed about the relationship that they have with diverse members of their community"

12 medley magazine

Promoters asked students to wear the shirts during the week and interact with at least five strangers. Jennifer Zhao, an ambassador of the j\n~LC and former residnet, thought the table helped catch the attention of students. "There are many [people who won't interact], so you have to figure out a way to pull people in. Something like, 'Would you l1ke a free T-shirt?' automatically has people coming," says Zhao, a junior studying mechanical engineering and policy studies. Last year the Office of Multicultural Affairs gave away almost 1000 shirts and many students wear the T-shirts after the campaign ends. Zhao says students who wear the T-shirts all year shows continued campus support for the ideas behind the shirts, which is "something that speaks for itself." Zhao saw the effects of this campaign first-hand. Last year she offered someone a T-shirt and suddenly found herself

discussing sex and gender. The person then came to the MLLC Open House and later stopped by her dorm room, where the two spoke about culture for over two hours. "Someone actually came, and traveled up to the eleventh Roor of Haven Hall to talk to me," she says. "Then they actually stayed to talk about these iss Des." The Office of Multicultural Affairs wants to find a way to assess the lasting effects of the campaign. Senior Joshua Powell, another former resident and ambassador, has noticed the permanent change within himself. After participating in the campaign for two years, he finds himself more open-minded and willing to interact with people different from himself. "[Participating] made me more aware of not judging people," Powell says. "A lot of people judge people based 00 stereotypes and the way they look and things like that. This kind of forced you to go past that and to really dig deeper into people." •

"There are many

people who won't

interact, so you

have to figure out a

way to pull people

in. Something like,

'would you like

a free t-shirt?'

automatically has

people coming"

Photo by Mackenzie Reiss "That night after the movie, some of us began painting the mural for our floor and finished it within that week. The picture, created by Annu, is a tree with leaves on it, as well as falling down, with many different ÂŁags painted on it. So, essentially, each leaf is a flag. It turned out to look so beautiful and it was wonderful how most of the floor took part in this project- a perfect example of people of different backgrounds working together." -Maria Penal freshman MLLC resident medley magazine



The Little Thai House is decorated with authentic bamboo, gongs, and Buddhist relics.

The Little Thai House on Erie Boulevard is one of Syracuse's authentic spots for Thai food. With its low-key, traditional ambiance, The Little Thai House serves well-presented dishes, curries of many sorts, and vegetarian options. "The Little Thai House is more affordable and accessible to S.u. students, while Lemongrass is more of a dressy and fine dining kind of place with great service," says Ngoc Pham, a junior, hospitality management major. Lemon Grass, a restaurant located in Armory Square, prepares some of the best Thai cuisine in Syracuse, with a contemporary twist. The restaurant strays from the more traditional full-course Thai by serving Western desserts. Camila Valenzuela, a junior, sociology major, frequents Lemon Grass and says the artistic dessert presentation is one of the best aspects of the restaurant. "One dessert was a chocolate shoe made with chocolate mousse and a variety of other colors and textures that made it just so appealing," Valenzuela says. -Pearl Brooks

MIDDLE EASTERN Munjed's Middle Eastern Cafe, a little treasure at 530 Westcott Street, sits next to the popular Mexican restaurant, Alto Cinco. The restaurant is full of Middle Eastern decmations such as pictures, swords, plates, and lanterns, and they all adorn the walls with a camel wallpaper border. The small restaurant offers only two seating areas each consisting of 13 tables. The employees are extremely nice and food arrives in 15 to 20 minutes. MunJed's sells take-out, but the atmosphere makes dining in worth it. The menu offers many choices, such as the special family falafel recipe that goes back six generations. They also serve babaganouj, kabobs, hummus, gyros, and great desserts. Munjed's is only about a three-minute drive from main campus or about a 20-minute walle The large portions leave the customer feeling full and satisfied from the quality of the meal. The prices range from 50 cents a piece for a falafel patty to $12.99 for a dinner, even a college student can afford to eat here. Munjed's stays true to their slogan: good food, good people, always. -Katie Garton

A sumptous Strawberry Napoleon prepared at Lemongrass.


Grub in Syracuse

Hummus, gyros, and falafel at Munjed's.

Photos by Mackenzie Reiss



It's impossible to talk about a good and affordable Italian restaurant without mentioning a pizzeria. Mario and Salvo's Pizza, just a ten-minute drive from campus on E. Genesee in Dewitt, serves pizza and a variety of Italian dishes for around $S. Mario and Salvo's is the perfect place to watch the latest sporting event on one of the establishment's TVs. The restaurant could be a great place for a casual dinner with a date before a movie, 'but don't be surprised if the staff takes up some of the conversation-they are really friendly. It is almost impossible not to treat yourself to one of the pizzeria's home-style meatball dinners. Maria Barbarino, the wife of Salvo, says the meatball recipe is an original from Mario's mother, a native of Sicily. The restaurant conveniently provides free delivery to Syracuse University. Although it might not be as cheap as a nearby chain pizza restaurant, a meal from Mario and Salvo's will taste much better.

Scenes from Venice, Italy line the walls inside of Angotti's Family Restaurant.

Angotti's Family Restaurant provides a traditional Italian meal cheap enough to have you coming back for more. As an added bonus, the restaurant is located just five minutes from campus by car. The 21-year-old restaurant, a big house located at 72S Burnet Ave., offers views of Italy from inside. The walls of the dining room display murals of different sites in Italy: Venice, Rome, Pisa, and others. The house might not be first-date material, since it has not been remodeled in over lS years, but it is a great place to experience a tasty marinara dinner. With a friendly ambiance, this family-owned Italian-American restaurant is perfect for a nice lunch or dinner with friends. The wait staff is incredibly attentive and friendly. They smile constantly and seem to love answering questions about the food, often staying to chat with the regulars. Roberto Angotti, one of the owners, says the baked ziti and the chicken parmigiana are two customer favorites. Each filling dish costs less that $12, and most other great dishes are around $7. The Angottis would love to fill your cravings for home-cooked Italian food, and that may make you want to join the family. -AndreaAlema1!J

French colors welcome guests at L:Adour.





he powerful drama Princesas (2005) portrays the hardships of immigration and prostitution in modern-day Madrid. The plot describes the lives of Caye (Candela Pena) and Zulema (Micaela Nevarez), two prostitutes from different backgrounds and social classes who, in spite of their differences, become friends. Caye, a middle-class woman, sees prostitution as a temporary job; Micaela, an illegal immigrant from the Dominican Republic with few job choices, resorts to prostitution in order to send money to her son back home. By


pretending they live as princesas (princesses) in order to escape the cruel and harsh reality of working the streets, the two create a beautiful bond - and find a glimpse of hope. Writer and director Fernando Leon de Aranoa depicts the support and understanding these women receive from each other. The characters' desire for a better life becomes universal as they learn from one another and transmit that knowledge to the viewer. Princesas, which won 10 awards, including Best Lead Actress and BestNew Actress of Spain's Goya Awards, stays with you long after the movie finishes. By Andrea Alemaiiy

Recipe: A Mouthwatering




his mix lets y u ample the

ounds of other continent without lea ing the comforts of the 'Cuse. it back, relax. and take a worldwide journey through your headphones. By Lisa Kenney

(Col mbia) (France) (Germany) ( ustralia) (Cape Verde) ( K) Uapan) (Russia) (Greece) (China) (Argentina) (I eoya) (Israel)

1. Juane - Me Entmlora 2. Ora Mate - Ktmlate 3. Marquess - V~amos COflpal1eros 4. Delta Goodrem - In This Lift 5. Mayra Andrade - avegq 6. SugaBabes - AboHI YOH ow 7. Ayumi Hamasaki - Talkin' 2 My.relf 8. MakSim - Vmom tal 9. Michalis Chatzigiannis - Pio Poli 10. Hin Cheung - Artk1t!/y LAve 11. Andres Calamaro - 5 MinH/OS Mas

12 Maroon Commandos -. 'hika Konlba 13. Ran Danker featuring EIa.l Bomer - L/~ Law

Mexican Treat hen everything in the dining hall looks wil.ted and unfit for human consumption, and spending another 10 bucks on Marshall Street seems like a was te, make a black bean and corn quesadilla-you'll satisfy your taste buds and save some cash. By Kaitlyn Pirie


Ingredients: 1 (7-inch) flour tortilla 1 tablespoon canned black beans, drained 1 tablespoon whole-kernel corn 1 tablespoon mild salsa 2 tablespoons light, shredded, 4-cheese Mexican blend

Instructions: 1. Rummage underneath your bed for the never-been-used dishes you got at graduation. 2. Place the tortilla on a microwave-safe plate. 3. Distribute the beans, corn, salsa, and cheese over ha~f of the tortilla. 4. Carefully fold the other half of the tortilla over the fillings. 5. Microwave on High for 60-90 seconds or until the cheese is melted. 6. For best results, let the quesadilla sit in the mIcrowave for an extra minute. 7. Enjoy!

Papua ew Guinea. the country with the most language in the world, has over 700 in all. The roo t commonly spoken languages in Papua ewGuinea are Motu and Pidgin English.

Reykjavik, Iceland is the wurld' northeromo t capital city.

Outside of the US, football is called ''American football", a translation of the name, or, in Australia and New Zealand, "gridiron football."

The longest official city name in the world is: Krungthep Mahanakhon Amoro



Yudthaya Mahadilok Pohp Noparat Rajathanee Bureerom Udomrajoiwes Mahasataro



Avaltarosatit Sakatattiya Visanukram Prasit. It is the official name of Bangkok, Thailand.

There is a country located between France and Spain: the Principality of Andorra.

In Chester, England, you can only legally shoot a Welsh person with a bow and arrow inside the city walls and after midnight.

The national bird of India is the peacock.

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